Local Government (Areas) Act 1948 No 30

An Act to unite the City of Sydney and certain areas and to constitute the united area as a city; to unite certain other areas or areas and parts of areas and to constitute the united areas as municipalities; to reconstitute the Sydney County Council; to repeal the Sydney Corporation Act 1932, and certain other Acts; to amend the Local Government Act 1919, and certain other Acts in certain respects; and for purposes connected therewith.
Part 1 Preliminary
1   Name of Act and construction
(1)  This Act may be cited as the Local Government (Areas) Act 1948.
(2)  This Act shall be read and construed with the Local Government Act 1919, as amended by subsequent Acts.
2   (Repealed)
s 2: Rep 1999 No 31, Sch 5.65.
pt 2, divs 5–9 (ss 15–23): Rep 1976 No 63, Sch 1.
s 17: Am 1948 No 44, sec 3; 1951 No 41, sec 5 (2).
3   Definitions
In this Act, unless the context or subject matter otherwise indicates or requires:
Appointed day means the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine.
Principal Act means the Local Government Act 1919, as amended by subsequent Acts.
Schedule means Schedule to this Act.
Part 2 Constitution of new areas
Division 1 Interpretation
4   Interpretation
(1)  In this Part of this Act:
Constituent area means any area or part of an area specified or described in the first column of the First Schedule.
United area means any area constituted under this Part of this Act by the union of constituent areas.
(2)  Unless the context otherwise indicates or requires a reference in this Part of this Act to a constituent area shall be construed as including a reference to the City of Sydney as bounded under the law in force at the date upon which the assent of His Majesty to this Act is signified and a reference to the council of a constituent area shall be construed as including a reference to the Municipal Council of Sydney as constituted under the law in force at such date.
Division 2 Union of certain areas
5   Grouping of constituent areas
(1)  The constituent areas specified or described in the first column of the First Schedule shall be grouped together in the manner and under the group number set out in that column.
(2)  Each group shall bear the name set out opposite to the group in the second column of the First Schedule.
6   Union of constituent areas
(1)  The provisions of this section shall apply to and in respect of each of the groups referred to in section five of this Act.
(2)  On the appointed day, the constituent areas included in a group shall be united, and the council of each constituent area shall by virtue of this subsection be dissolved.
7   Status and names of united areas
(a)  The united area constituted by the union of the constituent areas included in the first group in the First Schedule shall be a city within the meaning of the Principal Act, and may be described as the City of Sydney.
Where in any Act other than this Act or in any ordinance, regulation, by-law, proclamation or in any instrument or document, reference either express or implied is made to the “City of Sydney” or to “the Municipal Council of Sydney,” such reference shall, except where otherwise expressly provided by this Act be construed as a reference to the united area referred to in this subsection or to the council of that united area, as the case may be.
(b)  The united area constituted by the union of the constituent areas included in the second group in the First Schedule shall be a city within the meaning of the Principal Act, and may be described as the City of Parramatta.
(2)  Each united area constituted by the union of the constituent areas included in any group in the First Schedule other than the first group and the second group shall be and is hereby constituted a municipality within the meaning of the Principal Act, and may be described by the name which the group bears as set out in the First Schedule.
(3)  The provisions of the Principal Act shall, to the extent to which they are not inconsistent with this Act, apply to and in respect of each united area and to the council thereof.
Division 3 Special provisions relating to unions effected by this Part
8   Unions to be deemed an exercise of power conferred on Governor by section sixteen of Principal Act
(a)  Each union of constituent areas which is to be effected on the appointed day as provided in Division 2 of this Part of this Act, and the constitution of each united area as a city or a municipality (as the case may be) as provided in that Division, shall in each case be deemed to be an exercise of the power conferred on the Governor by paragraph (e) of section sixteen of the Principal Act, and the provisions of that Act (except section twenty) shall, to the extent to which provision is not otherwise made in this Act, apply as if on the day upon which the assent of His Majesty to this Act is signified a proclamation had been issued by the Governor under paragraph (e) of section sixteen of the Principal Act providing that such unions should be effected on the appointed day, and for the constitution of each united area on that day as a city or a municipality as the case may be.
(b)  In the application of any provision of the Principal Act pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection, a reference in such provision to an area or to a municipality shall be construed as including a reference to the City of Sydney as bounded under the law in force at the date upon which the assent of His Majesty to this Act is signified, and a reference in such provision to a council shall be construed as including a reference to the Municipal Council of Sydney as constituted under the law in force at that date.
(2)  For the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this section, section twenty-one of the principal Act shall be deemed to be amended:
(a)  by inserting in paragraph (q1) of subsection one after the word “ordinances” where firstly occurring, the words “proclamations and notifications under this Act, and regulations, by-laws, proclamations and notifications under the Sydney Corporation Act 1932, as amended by subsequent Acts”,
(b)  by inserting in the same paragraph after the word “ordinances” where secondly occurring, the words “regulations, by-laws, proclamations and notifications”.
(3)  For the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this section, any proclamation which the Governor is authorised to make under section twenty-one of the Principal Act may be made at any time either before or after the appointed day.
Division 4 Transfer of rights, liabilities, property, and servants
9   Commencement of Division
The provisions of this Division shall commence on the appointed day.
10   Application of sections eleven and twelve
A reference in sections eleven and twelve of this Act to a constituent area shall be construed as a reference only to a constituent area which comprises the whole of an area specified in the First Schedule, and shall not extend to include a reference to a constituent area which comprises only a part of an area as described in the said Schedule.
11   Transfer of assets etc
(a)  All real and personal property and all right and interest therein and all management and control of any land or thing which, immediately before the appointed day, is vested in or belongs to the council of a constituent area shall vest in and belong to the council of the united area in which such constituent area is included.
No attornment by a lessee of any land vested in a council by this section shall be necessary.
(b)  All rates, moneys, liquidated and unliquidated claims which, immediately before the appointed day, are payable to or recoverable by the council of a constituent area shall respectively be rates, moneys, liquidated and unliquidated claims payable to or recoverable by the council of the united area in which such constituent area is included.
(c)  All suits, actions and proceedings pending immediately before the appointed day at the suit of the council of a constituent area shall respectively be suits, actions, and proceedings pending at the suit of the council of the united area in which such constituent area is included.
(d)  All contracts, agreements, and undertakings entered into with and all securities lawfully given to or by the council of a constituent area and in force immediately before the appointed day shall be deemed to be contracts, agreements, and undertakings entered into with and securities given to or by the council of the united area in which such constituent area is included.
(e)  The council of each united area may pursue the same remedies for the recovery of any such rates, moneys, and claims, and for the prosecution of such suits, actions and proceedings as if the same had originally been payable to and recoverable or instituted at the suit of such council.
(f)  The council of each united area may enforce and realise any security or charge existing immediately before the appointed day in favour of the council of any constituent area included in the united area in respect of any such rates, moneys and claims, as if such security or charge were existing in favour of the council of the united area.
(g)  All debts due and moneys payable by the council of a constituent area and all claims, liquidated and unliquidated, recoverable against any such council shall be debts due and moneys payable by and claims recoverable against the council of the united area in which such constituent area is included.
(h)  All debts of the council of a constituent area being debts existing immediately before the appointed day shall be secured over the revenues of the council of the united area in which such constituent area is included in the same way, and to the same extent in every respect, as such debts were immediately before the appointed day secured over the revenues of such constituent council, and the priority of security in the revenues of the united area shall be as prescribed by the Principal Act or by any law for the time being in force relating thereto.
(i)  Where for the fulfilment of its obligations or undertakings the council of a constituent area is required by law to levy loan rates or local rates, the council of the united area in which such constituent area is included shall be deemed to be subject to the like requirements, and in respect thereof the provisions of the Principal Act relating to such rates shall apply.
(2)  Without prejudice to the generality of subsection one of this section all rights, powers, authorities, duties, obligations and functions which, immediately before the appointed day are vested in or belong to or are imposed upon the council of a constituent area and which are conferred or imposed upon such council by or under the Principal Act or by or under any other Act (whether a Public Act or a Private Act) or otherwise in any manner whatsoever, shall, upon and from the appointed day, vest in and belong to and be exercised and discharged by the council of the united area in which such constituent areas is included.
12   Transfer of servants
(1)  All persons who immediately before the appointed day were servants of the council of a constituent area (or, in the case of the City of Sydney as a constituent area, were immediately before the appointed day officers or servants of the Municipal Council of Sydney) shall on such day be transferred to the service of the council of the united area in which such constituent area is included.
The provisions of section 20C of the Principal Act shall, subject to subsection two of this section, apply to and in respect of such persons and the council of each united area.
(a)  This subsection shall apply only to and in respect of persons who, under subsection one of this section, are transferred to the service of the Council of the City of Sydney (being the council of the united area constituted by the union of the constituent areas included in the first group in the First Schedule), and who immediately before the appointed day were officers or servants of the Municipal Council of Sydney.
(b)  Any person so transferred who upon such transfer or at any time thereafter becomes a permanent servant within the meaning of the Local Government (Superannuation) Act 1927, as amended by subsequent Acts, and who within three months after such transfer or after the date upon which he becomes a permanent servant as aforesaid (as the case may require), by notice in writing addressed to the Council of the City of Sydney, so elects, shall be entitled to retain the rights and privileges in relation to payment on retirement or death to which he would have been entitled if he had continued to be an officer or servant of the Municipal Council of Sydney during the period of his service with the Council of the City of Sydney. The provisions of the Local Government (Superannuation) Act 1927, as amended by subsequent Acts, shall not apply to or in respect of any person who makes such election as aforesaid.
(c)  Any person so transferred who becomes entitled to receive a gratuity under subsection five of section 20C of the Principal Act shall not be entitled to receive any compassionate or retiring allowance under any award or industrial agreement referred to in subsection two of the said section:
Provided that the amount payable to any such person as a gratuity under subsection five of the said section shall not in any case be less than the amount which would have been payable to such person as a compassionate or retiring allowance under any such award or industrial agreement, if this paragraph had not been enacted.
(d)  In the application of section 96A of the Principal Act to and in respect of any person so transferred who makes the election referred to in paragraph (b) of this subsection, subsection one of the said section 96A shall be read as if the words “Any servant of a council to whom the Local Government (Superannuation) Act 1927, as amended by the Local Government (Superannuation) Amendment Act 1935, applies shall on his attaining the retiring age as fixed by such Act” were omitted, and the words “Any servant of the Council of the City of Sydney who makes the election referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection two of section twelve of the Local Government (Areas) Act 1948, shall on his attaining the age of sixty-five years” inserted in lieu thereof.
13   Transfer of assets and liabilities of certain areas
Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph (a) of subsection one of section eight of this Act, the provisions of section twenty of the Principal Act shall apply to and in respect of each constituent area which, immediately before its inclusion in a united area, comprised only a part of an area, as described in the First Schedule.
14   Transfer of servants of certain areas
(1)  In the case of an area of which specified parts as described in the First Schedule are on the appointed day to be included in different united areas, and those specified parts of the area taken together, comprise the whole of that area, all persons who immediately before the appointed day were servants of the council of that area shall be transferred to the service of one or other of the councils of those united areas in accordance with this section.
(2)  The councils of the united areas concerned shall confer together and agree upon an arrangement as to such transfer.
In the event of the councils of the united areas concerned failing to agree upon such an arrangement within the period fixed by proclamation under section twenty-one of the Principal Act, or within such further period as the Minister may allow, the Minister may make such an arrangement.
(3)  An arrangement made under this section shall provide for the transfer to the service of one or other of the councils of the united areas concerned of all persons referred to in subsection one of this section.
(4)  An arrangement made under this section shall be embodied in a proclamation and upon publication thereof any person affected by such arrangement shall:
(a)  be transferred to the service of the council of the united area specified,
(b)  become a servant of the council of such united area,
(c)  be paid salary or wages not less than at the rate at which he was employed immediately before the publication of such proclamation until such salary or wages is or are varied or altered by the council of such united area: Provided that such salary or wages shall not be reduced for a period of at least two years from the date of such transfer except to the extent necessary to give effect to any fluctuation in the needs basic wage as defined in the Industrial Arbitration Act 1940, as amended by subsequent Acts, and
(d)  be deemed to have been appointed and employed by the council of such united area under the provisions of the Principal Act.
The person so transferred shall on and from the publication of such proclamation until otherwise directed by the council of such united area continue to perform the duties which attached to his employment immediately before such publication.
(5)  The provisions of subsections two to eight inclusive of section 20C of the Principal Act shall apply to and in respect of the transfer of any person under subsection four of this section.
Divisions 5–9
15–23   (Repealed)
Part 3 Consequential repeals and amendments
Division 1 Commencement
24   Commencement of Part
This Part of this Act except where otherwise expressly provided shall commence upon the appointed day.
Division 2 Sydney Corporation Act 1932, as amended by subsequent Acts
25   Repeals and savings
(1)  The Acts mentioned in the Fourth Schedule are, to the extent therein expressed, hereby repealed.
(2)  The repeal by this Act of any enactment shall not, as far as relates to any previous or pending transaction or matter, affect property vested, acts and things validated or authorised, rights powers and protection acquired, liabilities incurred, or indemnities given by or under the repealed enactment.
(3)  The repeal by this Act of any enactment shall not affect the status of any road, highway, street, square, lane, court, alley or other public thoroughfare or place which prior to the appointed day was or was deemed to be a public way within the meaning of the Sydney Corporation Act 1932, and every such public way shall be a public road within the meaning of and subject to the provisions of the Principal Act.
(4)  Notwithstanding any repeal effected by this section, all regulations, by-laws, proclamations and notifications made under any enactment so repealed and in force immediately before the appointed day shall continue in force to the extent to which such continuance is necessary for the purpose of carrying out or giving effect to the tenor of any proclamation made by the Governor under paragraph (q1) of subsection one of section twenty-one of the Principal Act; and regulations, by-laws, proclamations and notifications so continued in force shall be deemed to have been made under the Principal Act, and in the case of regulations and by-laws shall be deemed to be ordinances made under that Act.
(5)  Where in any Act, ordinance, regulation, by-law or instrument reference is made to the provisions of any Act repealed by this Act such reference shall be deemed to be a reference to the corresponding provisions (if any) of the Principal Act.
(6)  Every public market for the sale of any article of the food of man or of general merchandise established under any enactment repealed by this section and in use immediately before the appointed day shall be deemed to be a public market provided by the council of the united area constituted by the union of the areas and parts of areas specified and described in the first group in the First Schedule and to be under the control and management of such council and the provisions of Part 20 of the Principal Act shall apply to and in respect of such market:
Provided that with respect to any such market which is a public market for the sale of fish nothing contained in this subsection or in the Principal Act shall affect any of the provisions of the Fisheries and Oyster Farms Act 1935, as amended by subsequent Acts, or the regulations made thereunder or take away powers vested in any person or body by that Act as amended or by such regulations.
(7)  This section shall not limit any saving in this Act or the Interpretation Act of 1897, as amended by subsequent Acts.
Division 3 Amendments of the Principal Act
26   Amendment of Act No 41, 1919
Editorial note—
The amending provisions relating to the Local Government Act 1919 are not included in this update.
s 26: Am 1963 No 59, sec 26 (c) (ii); 1979 No 205, Sch 1.
Division 4 Amendments of Fire Brigades Act 1909-1944
27   Amendment of Act No 9, 1909
Editorial note—
The amending provisions relating to the Fire Brigades Act 1909 are not included in this update.
(2)  Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, each fire district as constituted immediately before the appointed day, shall, until the same is dissolved or the boundaries thereof are altered under or in pursuance of the Fire Brigades Act 1909, as amended by subsequent Acts, continue to be a fire district for the purposes of that Act as so amended.
In this subsection fire district has the meaning ascribed to that expression in the Fire Brigades Act 1909, as amended by subsequent Acts.
(3)    (Repealed)
(4)  The Fire Brigades Act 1909, as amended by subsequent Acts and by this section, may be cited as the Fire Brigades Act 1909–1948.
s 27: Am 1976 No 63, Sch 1.
Division 5 Amendments of Electricity Development Act 1945
28   Amendment of Act No 13, 1946
Editorial note—
The amending provision relating to the Electricity Development Act 1945 is not included in this update.
(2)    (Repealed)
(3)  The Electricity Development Act 1945, as amended by this section, may be cited as the Electricity Development Act 1945–1948.
s 28: Am 1976 No 63, Sch 1.
Division 6 Amendments of Metropolitan Water, Sewerage, and Drainage Act 1924–1945
29   (Repealed)
s 29: Am 1976 No 63, Sch 1. Rep 1987 No 143, Sch 1.
Division 7
30   (Repealed)
pt 3, div 7: Rep 1987 No 108, Sch 1.
s 30: Am 1976 No 63, Sch 1. Rep 1987 No 108, Sch 1.
Division 8 Amendments of Valuation of Land Act 1916
31   Amendment of Act No 2, 1916
Editorial note—
The amending provisions relating to the Valuation of Land Act 1916 are not included in this update.
Division 9 Amendments of Library Act 1939
32   Application of Library Act 1939
(a)  Where the council of an area has, before the appointed day, adopted the Library Act 1939 and that are (in this subsection referred to as a constituent area) is included in a united area constituted under Part 2 of this Act, the provisions of Division 2 of Part 3 of the Library Act 1939, shall apply to and in respect of the council of the united area:
Provided that, for the purposes of such application a reference in the said Division 2 to an area shall be construed as a reference to that portion of the united area which is comprised within the boundaries of the constituent area as constituted immediately before the appointed day.
(b)  The power to make regulations conferred on the Governor by section fifteen of the Library Act 1939, shall be construed as including a power to make any regulations which are necessary or convenient for carrying out or giving effect to paragraph (a) of this subsection.
(c)  Where, in pursuance of section eight of the Library Act 1939, the council of a united area referred to in paragraph (a) of this subsection adopts that Act, the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection, and of any regulations made under paragraph (b) of this subsection to the extent to which such provisions apply to or in respect of that council, shall cease to have effect.
Editorial note—
The amending provisions relating to the Library Act 1939 are not included in this update.
(3)  The Library Act 1939, as amended by this section may be cited as the Library Act 1939-1948.
Division 10 Town planning
33, 34   (Repealed)
s 33: Rep 1963 No 59, sec 26 (c) (ii).
s 34: Am 1962 No 7, sec 5 (2); 1979 No 205, Sch 2, Part 1.
Division 11 Amendments of Ambulance Transport Service Act 1919
35   (Repealed)
s 35: Rep 1972 No 15, Sch.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the provisions of the City of Sydney Improvement Act (Act 42 Vic No 25) to the extent to which they are in force immediately before the appointed day and are not inconsistent with any provisions of the Principal Act, or of any ordinances which may be in force from time to time under the Principal Act, shall be applicable to and in respect of that portion of the united area constituted under Part 2 of this Act by the union of the areas specified in the first group in the First Schedule which is comprised within the City of Sydney as bounded immediately before the appointed day, and to and in respect of that portion only.
Division 13 Amendments of Main Roads Act 1924–1945
37, 38   (Repealed)
s 37: Rep 1986 No 85, Sch 1 (am 1989 No 89, Sch 2).
s 38: Rep 1986 No 85, Sch 1 (am 1989 No 89, Sch 2).
Part 4 Miscellaneous provisions
39   Proof of building line
(a)  This section shall commence upon the appointed day.
(b)  This section shall apply to and in respect of that portion of the united area constituted under Part 2 of this Act by the union of the areas specified in the First Group in the First Schedule, which is comprised within the City of Sydney, as bounded immediately before the appointed day, which portion of the said united area is in this section referred to as “the inner city.”
(2)  Whenever any question arises in any proceedings at law or in equity touching any actual building line in the inner city it shall be held conclusively that every curbstone as laid down before the fourth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, and then subsisting, was lawfully laid down.
(3)  Every notice given in the Gazette under section ninety-nine of the Sydney Corporation Act 1932, or under section ninety-five of the Sydney Corporation Act 1902, or under section eighty-eight of the Sydney Corporation Act of 1879, may be proved as conclusive and binding on all parties by production of the Gazette.
(4)  All plans of public ways in the inner city framed under any Act in force before the date of commencement of the Sydney Corporation Act 1932, or under section ninety-nine of that Act shall also be conclusive evidence of their contents on production thereof by a clerk or officer in the Department of Lands or of the proper servant of the council of the City of Sydney, as the case may be.
(5)  In any proceedings by or on behalf of the Council of the City of Sydney it shall not be necessary to prove the gazettal or alignment of any public road of which the Council of the Municipality of Camperdown had prior to the commencement of the Sydney Corporation (Amendment) Act 1908, the care, control and management.
It shall be sufficient evidence of the fact that any such road is a public road within the meaning of the Principal Act if it is proved that it is a thoroughfare in the nature of a street or road and is so used by the public.
40   (Repealed)
s 40: Rep 1976 No 63, Sch 1.
41   Town Clerk of the City of Sydney
(1)  The person who, immediately before the appointed day, holds the office of town clerk to the Municipal Council of Sydney:
(a)  shall be and is hereby appointed as from the appointed day to be the town clerk to the Council of the City of Sydney as constituted under Part 2 of this Act,
(b)  shall be deemed to have been appointed as town clerk by the Council of that City, and
(c)  shall hold office until he reaches the retiring age fixed by the Principal Act as amended by this Act, unless he sooner dies or resigns his position, or his employment is terminated by that Council.
(2)  The provisions of the Principal Act as amended by this Act, other than subsection two of section eighty-eight, shall apply to and in respect of the appointment made by this section.
(3)  The appointment made by this section shall be deemed to be a transfer within the meaning of section fourteen of this Act to the service of the Council of the City of Sydney.
42   Rights of certain servants for appointment
(1)  A person who immediately before the appointed day holds with the Municipal Council of Sydney any office referred to in Part 1 of the Fifth Schedule shall not, by reason only of the provisions of subsection two of section eighty-eight of the Principal Act, be ineligible for appointment to fill any vacancy which may occur at any time after the appointed day in the office of town clerk to the Council of the City of Sydney.
(2)  A person who immediately before the appointed day holds with the Municipal Council of Sydney any office referred to in Part 2 of the Fifth Schedule shall not, by reason only of the provisions of subsection two of section ninety of the Principal Act, be ineligible to hold the office of engineer to the Council of the City of Sydney.
(3)  A person who immediately before the appointed day is an officer or servant of the Municipal Council of Sydney and whose period of service with that council is not less than twenty-five years or who holds a university degree in arts, economics or law shall not, by reason only of the provisions of subsection two of section eighty-eight of the Principal Act, be ineligible for appointment to fill any vacancy which may occur at any time after the appointed day in the office of town clerk to the Council of the City of Sydney.
43   Keeping accounts-united areas
(a)  This section shall commence upon the appointed day.
(b)  In this section the expressions “united area” and “constituent area” have the meanings ascribed to them respectively in Part 2 of this Act.
(2)  The accounts which a council is required to keep under the Principal Act, may, in respect of the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine, be kept by the council of a united area in accordance with this section.
(3)  The council of a united area may keep separate accounts in respect of each constituent area, included within that united area, or may keep separate accounts in respect of any two or more of such constituent areas taken together.
(4)  Where separate accounts are kept by the council under this section the council may appoint a separate auditor or auditors for the purpose of auditing any one or more of such separate accounts.
(5)  If the Council of the City of Sydney decides to keep a separate account under this section in respect of that part of its area which comprises the City of Sydney as bounded immediately before the appointed day the Auditor-General shall be and is hereby appointed to be the auditor of that separate account; and the provisions of subsections three and four of section 211A of the Principal Act as inserted by this Act shall apply to and in respect of the audit of that separate account in all respects as if the Auditor-General had been appointed by the Council of the City of Sydney under that section.
(a)  In addition to the annual statements required to be prepared under section two hundred and nine of the Principal Act, the council of a united area shall cause a statement to be prepared in respect of any separate accounts kept by it in accordance with this section setting out the aggregate of such separate accounts, and shall cause the statement to be forwarded as prescribed in relation to annual statements of accounts.
(b)  The statement shall be prepared in a form approved by the Minister and shall be certified by the clerk in the manner likewise approved.
First Schedule Grouping of areas
Name of Group
First Group
City of Sydney, Municipalities of Alexandria, Darlington, Erskineville, The Glebe, Newtown, Paddington, Redfern and Waterloo.
Second Group
City of Parramatta, Municipalities of Granville, Dundas and Ermington and Rydalmere.
Third Group
Municipalities of Castlereagh, Penrith. St. Mary’s, and “A” Riding of Nepean Shire.
Fourth Group
Municipalities of Fairfield and Cabramatta and Canley Vale.
Fifth Group
Municipalities of Campbelltown and Ingleburn.
Sixth Group
Municipality of Camden and “C” Riding of Nepean Shire.
Seventh Group
Municipalities of Auburn and Lidcombe.
Eighth Group
Municipality of Strathfield and West Ward of Municipality of Enfield.
Ninth Group
Municipality of Burwood and Central Ward and East Ward of Municipality of Enfield.
Tenth Group
Municipalities of Marrickville, St. Peters and Petersham.
Eleventh Group
Municipalities of Bexley and Rockdale.
Twelfth Group
Municipalities of Annandale, Leichhardt and Balmain.
Thirteenth Group
Municipalities of Botany and Mascot.
Fourteenth Group
Municipalities of Windsor and Richmond.
Fifteenth Group
Municipalities of Eastwood and Ryde.
Sixteenth Group
Municipalities of Vaucluse and Woollahra.
Seventeenth Group
Municipality of Liverpool and “B” Riding of Nepean Shire.
Second Schedule (Repealed)
Second Sch: Rep 2001 No 56, Sch 4.
Third Schedule
(Section 22 (2))
Voter’s Declaration
I                                of                           desire to vote in and for the (a)                      ward of the proposed united area of (b)                     
I, do solemnly and sincerely declare that:
(1)  I am the person named in the local government roll for the area of (c)                      as prepared under the Local Government Act 1919, and in force at the date of this my declaration, my name being numbered on that roll as in the margin hereto,                
(2)  My qualification for enrolment as set out in such roll is in respect of land or a place of living which is situated within the said ward.
(3)  I have not already voted in the said ward of the said united area at this election.
Made and subscribed before me                      this       day of                      194  .
Presiding Officer.
(a)  insert name of ward
(b)  insert name of proposed united area
(c)  insert name of area for which claimant is enrolled
Fourth Schedule
(Section 25 (1))
Number of Act
Name of Act
Extent of Repeal
No 58, 1932
The whole.
No 64, 1932
Section twelve.
No 9, 1934
The whole except subsections two and three of section fifteen, section twenty-six and Part 16.
No 42, 1935
Subsections one and two of section fifty-two, section eighty-nine.
No 58, 1935
Section forty-one.
No 10, 1937
Part 3 except section fourteen.
No 41, 1939
Subsection two of section three and subsection two of section four.
No 7, 1940
The whole.
No 32, 1941
Part 2 and Schedule 1.
No 11, 1942
Paragraph (a) of subsection one of section two and Part 3.
No 15, 1943
Paragraph (a) of subsection one of section two.
No 21, 1945
Part 3.
Fifth Schedule Officers of Municipal Council of Sydney
(Section 42)
Part 1
Deputy Town Clerk.
Chief Accountant.
Chief Clerk.
City Auditor.
City Treasurer.
Chief Audit Clerk.
Part 2
City Building Surveyor.
Structural Engineer.
Sixth Schedule Municipalities and shires
(Section 34 (2))
Lane Cove.
North Sydney.
Hunter’s Hill.
Baulkham Hills.