Historical Information
This page has links to a collection of publications containing historical information, including tables, about NSW legislation. The documents are static and for historical reference only—they are not updated.
The following documents are available:
- Legislation in Force 1990–2012
- Monthly Acts tables 1990–2011
- Monthly Statutory Instruments tables 1988–2010
- Table of Acts repealed 1986–2012
PCO backcaptured collection
We are currently working on updating our backcaptured collection to provide access to an expanded collection of searchable, scanned legislation and related legislative information direct to users on the legislation website. This requires skilled technical input that PCO does not currently have available. However, we’re happy to assist our website users by checking our collection to see if we can help with material you want and emailing it to you if we do have it.
Please note that our backcapture projects have been confined to scanning hard copies in the PCO collection and we apologise if there are gaps in the backcaptured material we have available. You may need to contact the State Library or another organisation to locate material unavailable on our website.
The list of our current backcaptured (scanned) holdings appears below. Please contact us at website.help@pco.nsw.gov.au with your enquiry about this material.
Reprints (selected consolidations of legislation)
- Paper Reprints—Acts 1972–2010
- Paper Reprints—Regulations and Environmental Planning Instruments 1972–2010
- NSW Government Gazette—1 May 1900 to 31 January 2001
- gazettes from February 2001 to date are available on the Gazette page
- NSW Government Gazette: FOI—January 1991 to June 2001
Acts as passed annual volumes and related information
- 1824 to 2016 annual volumes
- Acts as passed from 1824 are also available on the As made page (Acts)
- Public Acts of NSW 1824–1937 (Annotated) and indexes
- arranged alphabetically in 11 volumes and 2 index volumes
- Public Acts of NSW 1824–1957 and indexes
- arranged alphabetically in 12 volumes and 3 index volumes
- Acts of NSW—alphabetical and chronological tables 1824–1969
Bills introduced to NSW Parliament
- Public Bills 1895–1909
- 14 annual volumes with indexes
Explanatory Notes for Bills
- Explanatory Notes for Bills passed 1987–2011
Consolidated versions of selected Acts
- Selected incorporated Acts with indexes 1925–1942
- arranged alphabetically in 14 annual volumes
Miscellaneous material
- The Statutes of New South Wales of Practical Utility Prior to 1894 and index (compiled by Cockshott and Lamb)
- New South Wales Statutes of Practical Utility (edited
by Cary)
- published 1861 in 2 alphabetical volumes
- Private Acts of Practical Utility in force in New South
Wales 1832–1885
- published 1886 in 1 alphabetical volume
- Government Notices 1825–1831
- Proclamations, Orders and Notices 1825–1832
Last updated 7 August 2024 at 17:52