New South Wales Government Crest

Official notification of statutory instruments and other legislative events

Week beginning 14 April 2008

(issued at 13:31, 28 October 2008)

1 NSW statutory instruments officially published online

Note: Under development. The online notification feature is under development and currently only applies to the Road Rules. For details about this new feature, see About.

2 NSW statutory instruments published in the Gazette

Proclamations commencing Acts

Roman Catholic Church Communities’ Lands Act 1942 (2008-101) — published Gazette No 43 of 18 April 2008, page 2716

Regulations and other statutory instruments

Notice of Determination (2008-104) — published Gazette No 43 of 18 April 2008, page 2723
Passenger Transport Amendment (Authorised Officers) Regulation 2008 (2008-102) — published Gazette No 43 of 18 April 2008, page 2717
Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (Temporary Overseas Visitors) Regulation 2008 (2008-103) — published Gazette No 43 of 18 April 2008, page 2719

Environmental Planning Instruments

North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2001 (Amendment No 27) (2008-105) — published Gazette No 43 of 18 April 2008, page 2733
Tweed Local Environmental Plan 2000 (Amendment No 30) (2008-106) — published Gazette No 43 of 18 April 2008, page 2736

For other government instruments and notices see the Gazette.

3 Legislative events relating to NSW

Consultation or Exposure Bills


Bills introduced etc





Bills revised following amendment in Committee


Bills passed by both Houses of Parliament


Acts assented to

Criminal Case Conferencing Trial Act 2008 No 10 — Assented to 16 April 2008
Food Amendment (Public Information on Offences) Act 2008 No 5 — Assented to 14 April 2008
Gaming Machines Amendment (Temporary Freeze) Act 2008 No 6 — Assented to 14 April 2008
Housing Amendment (Tenant Fraud) Act 2008 No 7 — Assented to 14 April 2008
State Emergency and Rescue Management Amendment (Botany Emergency Works) Act 2008 No 8 — Assented to 14 April 2008
Totalizator Amendment Act 2008 No 9 — Assented to 14 April 2008

For the full text of Bills, and details on the passage of Bills, see the Bills tab on the Parliament of NSW website. (

Other events

Paper reprints of Acts and regulations etc

Commercial Agents and Private Inquiry Agents Regulation 2006 (Reprint No 1)
Community Justice Centres Act 1983 No 127 (Reprint No 3)
Drug Court Act 1998 No 150 (Reprint No 2)
Optometrists Act 2002 No 30 (Reprint No 1)
Veterinary Practice Act 2003 No 87 (Reprint No 1)