1 Name of Regulation
This Regulation is the Survey Co-ordination Regulation 1998.
2 Commencement
This Regulation commences on 1 September 1998.
3 Definitions
(1) In this Regulation:Form means a form set out in Schedule 1.State Control Survey means a comprehensive set of points marked, under the supervision of the Surveyor-General, by monuments of standard form, being points of known horizontal position or height (or both) throughout the State.the Act means the Survey Co-ordination Act 1949.(2) A reference in this Regulation to the publication Standards and Practices for Control Surveys (SP1) is a reference to the document of that name published by the Inter-Governmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping on 22 November 1996 (ICSM Publication No 1).
4 Notes
The explanatory note and table of contents do not form part of this Regulation.
5 Survey register to be kept by proper officer: section 4 (2)
(1) The proper officer of a public authority must keep a register (called a survey register) in which he or she is to enter:(a) a list of the surveys carried out by the authority of a type specified in a notice given to the proper officer under section 4 (2) of the Act, and(b) such particulars of the plans made, obtained or held by the authority relating to those surveys as are specified in the notice.(2) The proper officer is to add to or amend entries in the survey register from time to time to ensure they are current and accurate.
6 Field notes
(1) The proper officer of a public authority must take all reasonable steps to ensure that field notes (including electronic field data) made for the purpose of a relevant survey are given reference numbers and are indexed and maintained in good order.(2) The Surveyor-General may request the proper officer, by notice in writing, to produce the field notes of any relevant survey.(3) A proper officer who receives a notice under this clause must in accordance with the notice produce for examination and inspection by the Surveyor-General all field notes of any relevant survey specified in the notice.(4) In this clause, relevant survey means a survey carried out by or on behalf of the authority, a plan relating to which is sent to, or is set out on any list of plans sent to, the Surveyor-General or is a recorded plan.
7 Notice of intention to commence survey: section 5
For the purposes of section 5 of the Act, the prescribed form of notice by a public authority of its intention to commence a survey is Form 1.
8 Notice of completion of survey: section 6 (1)
A public authority affected by any requirements of the Surveyor-General under section 6 (1) of the Act in relation to a survey is to notify the Surveyor-General of the completion of the survey in accordance with a form approved for the time being by the Surveyor-General.
9 Standard datum: section 6 (1) (a)
For the purposes of section 6 (1) (a) of the Act, the standard datum as to levels is the Australian Height Datum (AHD), being a system of control points for height based on a network of levelling measurements which covered the whole of Australia and which was fitted to mean sea level, as measured at tide gauges distributed around the Australian coast, over the period 1968–1970.
10 Prescribed permanent marks: section 6 (1) (b)
(1) For the purposes of section 6 (1) (b) of the Act, a permanent mark of the prescribed kind is a permanent mark of a kind described in Schedule 2.(2) A permanent mark is not of the prescribed kind unless it is designed, constructed and placed as described in the Schedule.
11 Sketch plan showing location of permanent marks: section 6 (1) (c) (ii)
(1) For the purposes of section 6 (1) (c) (ii) of the Act, a sketch plan showing the position of a permanent mark placed by a public authority is to be made in a form approved for the time being by the Surveyor-General.(2) The sketch plan is to show the kind of mark placed and its detailed location relative to surrounding physical features (such as approximate distance from cross streets, buildings, kerbing and guttering, hydrants and electric lamp poles).
12 Conventional signs on plans: sections 6 and 8
(1) The conventional signs set out in Schedule 3 are to be used to indicate, on plans required by the Act to be sent to the Surveyor-General, the matters to which the signs relate.(2) The signs used in the current practice of the Surveyor-General’s Department are to be used on such plans to indicate types of boundaries not included in the signs set out in Schedule 3.
13 Standards of measurement and accuracy of surveys: section 6 (3)
(1) For the purposes of section 6 (3) of the Act, the prescribed standards of measurement and accuracy for a survey carried out by or on behalf of a public authority are:(a) the standards set out in the publication Standards and Practices for Control Surveys (SP1) in relation to that kind of survey, or(b) if the Surveyor-General has indicated to the public authority that the survey will be used for the purposes of the State Control Survey, such of those standards as are nominated by the Surveyor-General in respect of the survey (subject to any variations approved by the Surveyor-General in the particular case).(2) A public authority that carries out a survey, or on behalf of which a survey is carried out, must ensure that the person who carries out the survey complies with the regulations under the Surveyors Act 1929 regarding the accuracy of measuring equipment.(3) A survey carried out by or on behalf of a public authority using data obtained from one or more global positioning satellites must be carried out in accordance with a procedure approved by the Surveyor-General.
14 Central plan register: section 8 (1)
For the purposes of section 8 (1) of the Act:(a) the prescribed form for the central plan register is Form 2, and(b) the prescribed particulars are the particulars set out in that Form, and(c) the prescribed classifications of plans in the register are classifications that are generally in line with the classes and orders assigned by the publication Standards and Practices for Control Surveys (SP1) to the surveys to which the plans relate (subject to any variations approved by the Surveyor-General in any particular case).
15 Particulars noted on plans by Surveyor-General: section 8 (2)
For the purposes of section 8 (2) of the Act, the prescribed particulars to be marked or stamped on each plan are:(a) the words “Survey Co-ordination Act 1949 New South Wales”, and(b) the plan’s recorded plan number in the central plan register, and(c) the plan’s classification, and(d) the date that the plan was recorded in the register, and(e) the initials of the person by whom the plan was marked or stamped.
16 Notification of alterations to recorded plans: section 8 (5)
For the purposes of section 8 (5) of the Act:(a) the notification of any alterations to a recorded plan is to be made in accordance with the form approved for the time being by the Surveyor-General, and(b) any plan showing those alterations and sent to the Surveyor-General must be drawn to the same scale as the original recorded plan, or to a larger scale if the details of the alterations would otherwise be too small.
17 Connections to permanent marks: section 11 (3)
For the purposes of section 11 (3) of the Act, all connections to permanent marks must conform to the same standard of accuracy as the survey being connected, unless the Surveyor-General otherwise directs.
18 Report of irregularities in position or destruction of permanent marks: section 16
For the purposes of section 16 of the Act, a report by a surveyor, or a notification by the proper officer of a public authority, concerning an irregularity in the position, or the destruction, removal or condition of disrepair, of a permanent mark must include:(a) the number of the mark, and(b) the location of the mark, and(c) if known, the name of the person responsible for the interference with, or destruction of, the mark and the date when the interference or destruction occurred.
19 Removal or alteration of permanent marks for building reconstruction or other work: section 20
(1) In order to avoid the commission of an offence under section 20 (1) of the Act:(a) a person intending to remove or alter a permanent mark must give written notice to the Surveyor-General of the intention not less than 14 days prior to the intended removal or alteration, and(b) the person must take all necessary steps to ensure that any reasonable directions given by the Surveyor-General for the preservation of the position of the permanent mark, its replacement, its re-establishment or the alteration of its number, are complied with.(2) The costs incurred by a person in complying with directions given under this clause are to be met by the Surveyor-General, or the public authority responsible for the maintenance of the permanent mark, under section 14 (4) of the Act.
20 Repeal
(1) The Survey Co-ordination Regulation 1993 is repealed.(2) Any act, matter or thing that, immediately before the repeal of the Survey Co-ordination Regulation 1993, had effect under that Regulation continues to have effect under this Regulation.
Schedule 1 Forms
Form 1
(Clause 7)
(Section 5)
Public authority ............................................................
(include postal address, FAX and telephone nos) |
Proper officer ............................................................
The above authority intends to carry out the survey described below:
Topographical map ref: (or CMA map area) ............................................................
City/town/village/suburb ............................................................
Local government area ............................................................
Location # ............................................................
# (Indicate extent of survey and attach diagram)
Type of survey:
* | [ ] Horizontal control | [ ] Vertical control | [ ] Cadastral |
[ ] Other (please describe type) .................... |
Co-ord. system:
* | [ ] MGA | [ ] Other |
Height datum:
* | [ ] AHD | [ ] Standard | [ ] Other |
* | [ ] Prescribed | [ ] Substantial | [ ] Temporary |
Estimated date of commencement:............................................................
Survey to be carried out by:............................................................
* (Tick appropriate box)
Form 2
(Clause 14)
(Section 8)
Recorded Plan Number | Public Authority | Public Authority Plan or File Number | Type of Survey | Classification of Plan/Survey | Plan Medium | Date of Completion of Survey | Locality | Visual Index Map | Survey Services Reference Number | Date of Registration | Remarks |
Suburb, Town, Village | |||||||||||
sch 1: Am 31.3.2000.
Schedule 2 Permanent marks
(Clause 10)
Permanent Mark Type 3 is no longer prescribed.
Permanent Mark Type 5 is no longer prescribed.
Schedule 3 Conventional signs
(Clause 12)