What are inline history notes?

History notes record the history of legislative change to provisions in a title. In the HTML (web pages) versions of In force and Repealed titles on this website, history notes can now be viewed ‘inline’ under the provision to which they relate. Inline history notes are coloured blue so they are distinct from the text of the legislation. (In the future, they will be hyperlinked to the amending provision.)



Viewing history notes

  • To display history notes inline under a particular provision, navigate to the provision then click the Turn history notes on button (pale blue task bar) and see details of the history of legislative changes to that provision.

    • When inline history notes are turned on, the button name changes to Turn history notes off—you can toggle back and forth using the same button to turn the history notes on or off depending on how you want to view the legislation.

    • To see inline history notes displayed for the whole title, click the View whole button as well as the Turn history notes on button. 

  • History notes relating to the whole title can be found after the status information for the title and before the first provision. 


Printing history notes

  • If you want to print history notes for particular provisions, print directly from displayed web pages with the history notes turned on.

  • To print a full copy of all history notes for a title, go to the Legislative history and print the history notes from there.


Please note that history notes do not appear in PDFs generated from the website using the PDF buttons on the pale blue task bar.


Last updated 23 January 2023 at 10:37