Food Regulation 2004 No 59

Effective date Publication date Amendments included Notes
07 August 2009 07 August 2009 2009 (SI 388)
26 June 2009 26 June 2009 2009 (SI 271)
31 October 2008 31 October 2008 2008 (SI 474)
18 August 2008 18 August 2008 2008 (SI 342)
01 March 2008 01 March 2008 2008 (SI 47)
24 November 2005 24 November 2005 2005 No 98
02 September 2005 02 September 2005 2005 (SI 525)
01 April 2005 01 April 2005 2005 (SI 122)
03 December 2004 03 December 2004 2004 (SI 795)
05 April 2004 05 April 2004 2004 (SI 150)
20 February 2004 20 February 2004

Food Regulation 2004 (SI 59)

notfd gaz 20.02.2004 Gazette No 42 p 712

Food Amendment (Food Safety Auditors) Regulation 2009 (SI 388)

notfd 07.08.2009.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Food Amendment (Food Authority Maximum Amount and Application Fee) Regulation 2009 (SI 271)

notfd 26.06.2009.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Food Amendment (Dairy and Meat Food Safety Schemes) Regulation 2008 (SI 474)

notfd gaz 31.10.2008 GG No 138 p 10510

Date of commencement, on gazettal.

Food Amendment (Vulnerable Persons Food Safety Scheme) Regulation 2008 (SI 342)

notfd gaz 15.08.2008 GG No 97 p 7586

Date of commencement, 18.8.2008, cl 2.

Food Amendment Regulation 2008 (SI 47)

notfd gaz 29.02.2008 GG No 26 p 1255

Date of commencement, 1.3.2008, cl 2.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2005 No 98

Assented to 24.11.2005.

Date of commencement of Sch 2.25, assent, sec 2 (2).

Food Amendment (Food Safety Schemes) Regulation 2005 (SI 525)

notfd gaz 01.09.2005 GG No 110 p 6628

Date of commencement, 2.9.2005, cl 2.

Food Amendment (Analysts) Regulation 2005 (SI 122)

notfd gaz 01.04.2005 GG No 38 p 956

Date of commencement, on gazettal.

Food Amendment (Penalty Notices) Regulation 2004 (SI)

notfd gaz 03.12.2004 GG No 195 p 8904

Food Amendment Regulation 2004 (SI)

notfd gaz 02.04.2004 GG No 69 p 1805

This is a consolidated list of all history notes for this title. View the history notes inline to see the point-in-time history of provisions for a particular historical version by clicking the Turn history notes on button.

Cl 3

Am 2.4.2004; 2005 (525), Sch 1 [1]; 2005 No 98, Sch 2.25.

Cl 4

Am 2008 (342), Sch 1 [1].

Part 3

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 3, Div 1

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 6

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (342), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 7

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 3, Div 2 (cll 8–17)

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 3, Div 3

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 18

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (342), Sch 1 [3] [4].

Cl 19

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (342), Sch 1 [5].

Part 3, Div 4

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 20

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (47), Sch 1 [1].

Cll 20A–20D

Ins 2009 (388), Sch 1 [1].

Part 3, Div 5

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 21

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (342), Sch 1 [6].

Part 3, Div 6

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 22

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (342), Sch 1 [7].

Part 4

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 4, Div 1 (cll 23–25)

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 4, Div 2

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 26

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (474), Sch 1 [1] [2].

Cll 27–29)

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 4, Div 3

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cll 30–35

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 36

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Rep 2009 (388), Sch 1 [2].

Part 4, Div 4

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 37

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 38

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (47), Sch 1 [2] [3].

Cl 39

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 40

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Rep 2009 (388), Sch 1 [2].

Cll 41–45

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 46

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (474), Sch 1 [1].

Cll 47–55

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 4, Div 5

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 56

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 57

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Rep 2009 (388), Sch 1 [2].

Part 4, Div 6 (cll 58, 59)

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 5

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 5, Divs 1–4 (cll 60–71)

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 5, Div 5

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cll 72, 73

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 74

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (474), Sch 1 [3].

Cl 75

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 5, Div 6 (cll 76–80)

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 5, Div 7

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cll 81–83

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cll 84, 85

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (474), Sch 1 [3].

Part 5, Divs 8–13 (cll 86–109)

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 5, Div 14

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cll 110, 111

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 112

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (474), Sch 1 [4].

Cll 113, 114

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 5, Divs 15–18 (cll 115–128)

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 5, Div 19

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cll 129, 130

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 131

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Am 2008 (342), Sch 1 [8]. Rep 2009 (388), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 132

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 6

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 6, Divs 1–3 (cll 133–140)

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 6, Div 4

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 141

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 142

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Rep 2009 (388), Sch 1 [2].

Part 7

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 7, Divs 1–8 (cll 143–166)

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Part 7, Div 9

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cll 167, 168

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 169

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [2]. Rep 2009 (388), Sch 1 [2].

Part 8

Ins 2008 (342), Sch 1 [9].

Part 8, Divs 1, 2 (cll 170–174)

Ins 2008 (342), Sch 1 [9].

Part 8, Div 3

Ins 2008 (342), Sch 1 [9].

Cl 175

Ins 2008 (342), Sch 1 [9].

Cl 176

Ins 2008 (342), Sch 1 [9]. Rep 2009 (388), Sch 1 [2].

Part 9 (previously Part 8; previously Part 3)

Renumbered 2005 (525), Sch 1 [3]; 2008 (342), Sch 1 [10].

Cl 177 (previously cl 170; previously cl 6)

Am 2.4.2004. Renumbered 2005 (525), Sch 1 [3]. Am 2008 (47), Sch 1 [4]. Renumbered 2008 (342), Sch 1 [10].

Cl 178 (previously cl 171; previously cl 7)

Am 2.4.2004. Renumbered 2005 (525), Sch 1 [3]; 2008 (342), Sch 1 [10].

Part 10 (previously Part 9; previously Part 4)

Renumbered 2005 (525), Sch 1 [3]; 2008 (342), Sch 1 [10].

Cl 179 (previously cl 172; previously cl 8)

Renumbered 2005 (525), Sch 1 [3]; 2008 (342), Sch 1 [10].

Cl 180 (previously cl 173; previously cl 8A)

Ins 2005 (122), Sch 1. Renumbered 2005 (525), Sch 1 [3]; 2008 (342), Sch 1 [10].

Cll 181–183 (previously cll 173A–173C)

Ins 2008 (47), Sch 1 [5]. Renumbered 2008 (342), Sch 1 [10].

Cll 183A, 183B

Ins 2009 (271), Sch 1.

Cl 184 (previously cl 174)

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [4]. Renumbered 2008 (342), Sch 1 [10]. Am 2008 (342), Sch 1 [11].

Cl 185 (previously cl 175; previously cl 9)

Rep 2.4.2004. Ins 3.12.2004. Renumbered 2005 (525), Sch 1 [3]; 2008 (342), Sch 1 [10].

Cl 186 (previously cl 176; previously cl 10)

Am 2.4.2004. Renumbered 2005 (525), Sch 1 [3]. Am 2005 (525), Sch 1 [5]. Renumbered 2008 (342), Sch 1 [10].

Sch 1A

Ins 2009 (388), Sch 1 [3].

Sch 1

Ins 3.12.2004. Am 2005 (525), Sch 1 [6]–[8]; 2008 (47), Sch 1 [6]; 2008 (342), Sch 1 [12] [13].

Schs 2–14

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [9].

Sch 15

Ins 2005 (525), Sch 1 [9]. Am 2008 (342), Sch 1 [14]–[16].

Food Regulation 2004

Publication: 20 February 2004 PDF icon 2004 (SI 59)

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