Catchment Management Authorities Act 2003 No 104

Effective date Publication date Amendments included Notes
19 October 2012 19 October 2012 2012 (SI 530)
06 July 2012 06 July 2012 2012 No 42
17 July 2009 17 July 2009 2009 No 56
06 July 2009 06 July 2009 2007 No 94
13 May 2009 13 May 2009 2009 No 17
17 March 2006 17 March 2006 2006 No 2
01 July 2005 01 July 2005 2005 No 64
10 December 2004 10 December 2004 2004 No 91
12 November 2004 12 November 2004 2004 (SI 739)
01 July 2004 01 July 2004 2004 No 39
2004 No 40
11 December 2003 11 December 2003

This Act has also been amended pursuant to an order under sec 11.

Catchment Management Authorities Act 2003 No 104

Assented to 11.12.2003.

Second reading speech made: Legislative Assembly, 12.11.2003; Legislative Council, 4.12.2003.

Date of commencement, 23.1.2004, sec 2 and GG No 16 of 23.1.2004, p 257.

Catchment Management Authorities Amendment Order 2012 (SI 530)

notfd 19.10.2012.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2012 No 42

Assented to 21.06.2012.

Date of commencement of Sch 2.5, 6.7.2012, sec 2 (1).

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 No 56

Assented to 01.07.2009.

Date of commencement of Sch 4, 17.7.2009, sec 2 (1).

Real Property and Conveyancing Legislation Amendment Act 2009 No 17

Assented to 13.05.2009.

Date of commencement of Sch 3, assent, sec 2 (1).

Miscellaneous Acts (Local Court) Amendment Act 2007 No 94

Assented to 13.12.2007.

Date of commencement of Sch 2, 6.7.2009, sec 2 and 2009 (314) LW 3.7.2009.

Public Sector Employment Legislation Amendment Act 2006 No 2

Assented to 13.03.2006.

Date of commencement, 17.3.2006, sec 2 and GG No 35 of 17.3.2006, p 1378.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2005 No 64

Assented to 01.07.2005.

Date of commencement of Sch 3, assent, sec 2 (1).

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2004 No 91

Assented to 10.12.2004.

Date of commencement of Sch 1.4, assent, sec 2 (2).

State Water Corporation Act 2004 No 40

Assented to 30.06.2004.

Date of commencement of Sch 3.1, 1.7.2004, sec 2 and GG No 110 of 1.7.2004, p 4983.

Water Management Amendment Act 2004 No 39

Assented to 24.06.2004.

Date of commencement, 1.7.2004, sec 2 and GG No 110 of 1.7.2004, p 5003.

This is a consolidated list of all history notes for this title. View the history notes inline to see the point-in-time history of provisions for a particular historical version by clicking the Turn history notes on button.

Sec 4

Am 2006 No 2, Sch 4.8 [1].

Sec 6

Am 2006 No 2, Sch 4.8 [2].

Sec 10

Rep 2006 No 2, Sch 4.8 [3].

Sec 11

Am 2009 No 56, Sch 4.8.

Sec 14

Am 2004 No 39, Sch 7.1 [1].

Sec 20

Am 2004 No 39, Sch 7.1 [2].

Sec 30

Am 2004 No 39, Sch 7.1 [3].

Sec 30A

Ins 2004 No 39, Sch 7.1 [4]. Am 2012 No 42, Sch 2.5.

Sec 39

Am 2007 No 94, Sch 2.

Sec 41

Rep 2005 No 64, Sch 3.

Sch 1

Am 2012 (530), Sch 1 [1].

Sch 2

Am GG No 179 of 12.11.2004, p 8440. Subst 2012 (530), Sch 1 [2].

Sch 4

Am 2004 No 40, Sch 3.1; 2009 No 17, Sch 3.1.

Sch 5

Rep 2005 No 64, Sch 3.

Sch 6

Am 2004 No 91, Sch 1.4.

Catchment Management Authorities Bill 2003

More information on the passage of this Bill through Parliament, including links to the second reading speech and Legislation Review Committee report, is available via the Bills tab on the Parliament website.

Government Bill
Introduced LA: 12 November 2003 PDF icon Bill (and Explanatory note)

Passed LA: 19 November 2003
Introduced LC for concurrence: 19 November 2003
Amended in LC and referred to LA: 05 December 2003 pm
LA agrees to LC amendment: 05 December 2003 pm
Passed by both Houses: 05 December 2003 pm PDF icon PBBH

Assent date: 11 December 2003 PDF icon 2003 No 104

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