Part 1 Preliminary
1.1 Name of Plan
This Plan is North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013.
1.1AA Commencement
This Plan commences 42 days after the day on which it is published on the NSW legislation website.
1.2 Aims of Plan
(1) This Plan aims to make local environmental planning provisions for land in North Sydney in accordance with the relevant standard environmental planning instrument under section 3.20 of the Act.(2) The particular aims of this Plan are as follows—(aa) to protect and promote the use and development of land for arts and cultural activity, including music and other performance arts,(a) to promote development that is appropriate to its context and enhances the amenity of the North Sydney community and environment,(b) in relation to the character of North Sydney’s neighbourhoods—(i) to ensure that new development is compatible with the desired future character of an area in terms of bulk, scale and appearance, and(ii) to maintain a diversity of activities while protecting residential accommodation and local amenity, and(iii) to ensure that new development on foreshore land does not adversely affect the visual qualities of that foreshore land when viewed from Sydney Harbour and its tributaries,(c) in relation to residential development—(i) to ensure that new development does not adversely affect residential amenity in terms of visual and acoustic privacy, solar access and view sharing, and(ii) to maintain and provide for an increase in dwelling stock, where appropriate,(d) in relation to non-residential development—(i) to maintain a diversity of employment, services, cultural and recreational activities, and(ii) to ensure that non-residential development does not adversely affect the amenity of residential properties and public places, in terms of visual and acoustic privacy, solar access and view sharing, and(iii) to maintain waterfront activities and ensure that those activities do not adversely affect local amenity and environmental quality,(e) in relation to environmental quality—(i) to maintain and protect natural landscapes, topographic features and existing ground levels, and(ii) to minimise stormwater run-off and its adverse effects and improve the quality of local waterways,(f) to identify and protect the natural, archaeological and built heritage of North Sydney and ensure that development does not adversely affect its significance,(g) to provide for the growth of a permanent resident population and encourage the provision of a full range of housing, including affordable housing.
1.3 Land to which Plan applies
This Plan applies to the land identified on the Land Application Map.
1.4 Definitions
The Dictionary at the end of this Plan defines words and expressions for the purposes of this Plan.
1.5 Notes
Notes in this Plan are provided for guidance and do not form part of this Plan.
1.6 Consent authority
The consent authority for the purposes of this Plan is (subject to the Act) the Council.
1.7 Maps
(1) A reference in this Plan to a named map adopted by this Plan is a reference to a map by that name—(a) approved by the local plan-making authority when the map is adopted, and(b) as amended or replaced from time to time by maps declared by environmental planning instruments to amend or replace that map, and approved by the local plan-making authority when the instruments are made.(1AA) (Repealed)(2) Any 2 or more named maps may be combined into a single map. In that case, a reference in this Plan to any such named map is a reference to the relevant part or aspect of the single map.(3) Any such maps are to be kept and made available for public access in accordance with arrangements approved by the Minister.(4) For the purposes of this Plan, a map may be in, and may be kept and made available in, electronic or paper form, or both.Note—The maps adopted by this Plan are to be made available on the NSW Planning Portal. Requirements relating to the maps are set out in the documents entitled Standard technical requirements for LEP maps and Standard requirements for LEP GIS data which are available on the website of the Department of Planning and Environment.
1.8 Repeal of planning instruments applying to land
(1) All local environmental plans and deemed environmental planning instruments applying only to the land to which this Plan applies are repealed.Note—The following local environmental plans are repealed under this provision—(2) All local environmental plans and deemed environmental planning instruments applying to the land to which this Plan applies and to other land cease to apply to the land to which this Plan applies.
1.8A Savings provisions relating to development applications
(1) If a development application has been made before the commencement of this Plan in relation to land to which this Plan applies and the application has not been finally determined before that commencement, the application must be determined as if this Plan had not commenced.(2) If a development application has been made, but not finally determined, before the commencement of North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 (Amendment No 35), the application must be determined as if that plan had not commenced.Note—However, under Division 3.5 of the Act, a development application may be made for consent to carry out development that may only be carried out if the environmental planning instrument applying to the relevant development is appropriately amended or if a new instrument, including an appropriate principal environmental planning instrument, is made, and the consent authority may consider the application. The Division requires public notice of the development application and the draft environmental planning instrument allowing the development at the same time, or as closely together as is practicable.
1.9 Application of SEPPs
(1) This Plan is subject to the provisions of any State environmental planning policy that prevails over this Plan as provided by section 3.28 of the Act.(2) The following State environmental planning policies (or provisions) do not apply to the land to which this Plan applies—
1.9A Suspension of covenants, agreements and instruments
(1) For the purpose of enabling development on land in any zone to be carried out in accordance with this Plan or with a consent granted under the Act, any agreement, covenant or other similar instrument that restricts the carrying out of that development does not apply to the extent necessary to serve that purpose.(2) This clause does not apply—(a) to a covenant imposed by the Council or that the Council requires to be imposed, or(b) to any relevant instrument within the meaning of section 13.4 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016, or(c) to any conservation agreement within the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, or(d) to any Trust agreement within the meaning of the Nature Conservation Trust Act 2001, or(e) to any property vegetation plan within the meaning of the Native Vegetation Act 2003, or(f) to any biobanking agreement within the meaning of Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, or(g) to any planning agreement within the meaning of Subdivision 2 of Division 7.1 of the Act.(3) This clause does not affect the rights or interests of any public authority under any registered instrument.(4) Under section 3.16 of the Act, the Governor, before the making of this clause, approved of subclauses (1)–(3).
Part 2 Permitted or prohibited development
2.1 Land use zones
The land use zones under this Plan are as follows—Residential ZonesR2 Low Density ResidentialR3 Medium Density ResidentialR4 High Density ResidentialEmployment ZonesE1 Local CentreE2 Commercial CentreE3 Productivity SupportMixed Use ZonesMU1 Mixed UseSpecial Purpose ZonesSP1 Special ActivitiesSP2 InfrastructureRecreation ZonesRE1 Public RecreationRE2 Private RecreationConservation ZonesC2 Environmental ConservationC4 Environmental LivingWaterway ZonesW4 Working Waterfront
2.2 Zoning of land to which Plan applies
For the purposes of this Plan, land is within the zones shown on the Land Zoning Map.
2.3 Zone objectives and Land Use Table
(1) The Land Use Table at the end of this Part specifies for each zone—(a) the objectives for development, and(b) development that may be carried out without development consent, and(c) development that may be carried out only with development consent, and(d) development that is prohibited.(2) The consent authority must have regard to the objectives for development in a zone when determining a development application in respect of land within the zone.(3) In the Land Use Table at the end of this Part—(a) a reference to a type of building or other thing is a reference to development for the purposes of that type of building or other thing, and(b) a reference to a type of building or other thing does not include (despite any definition in this Plan) a reference to a type of building or other thing referred to separately in the Land Use Table in relation to the same zone.(4) This clause is subject to the other provisions of this Plan.Notes—1Schedule 1 sets out additional permitted uses for particular land.2Schedule 2 sets out exempt development (which is generally exempt from both Parts 4 and 5 of the Act). Development in the land use table that may be carried out without consent is nevertheless subject to the environmental assessment and approval requirements of Part 5 of the Act.3Schedule 3 sets out complying development (for which a complying development certificate may be issued as an alternative to obtaining development consent).4Clause 2.6 requires consent for subdivision of land.5Part 5 contains other provisions which require consent for particular development.
2.4 Unzoned land
(1) Development may be carried out on unzoned land only with development consent.(2) In deciding whether to grant development consent, the consent authority—(a) must consider whether the development will impact on adjoining zoned land and, if so, consider the objectives for development in the zones of the adjoining land, and(b) must be satisfied that the development is appropriate and is compatible with permissible land uses in any such adjoining land.
2.5 Additional permitted uses for particular land
(1) Development on particular land that is described or referred to in Schedule 1 may be carried out—(a) with development consent, orin accordance with the conditions (if any) specified in that Schedule in relation to that development.(b) if the Schedule so provides—without development consent,(2) This clause has effect despite anything to the contrary in the Land Use Table or other provision of this Plan.
2.6 Subdivision—consent requirements
(1) Land to which this Plan applies may be subdivided, but only with development consent.Notes—1If a subdivision is specified as exempt development in an applicable environmental planning instrument, such as this Plan or State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, the Act enables it to be carried out without development consent.2Part 6 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 provides that the strata subdivision of a building in certain circumstances is complying development.(2) Development consent must not be granted for the subdivision of land on which a secondary dwelling is situated if the subdivision would result in the principal dwelling and the secondary dwelling being situated on separate lots, unless the resulting lots are not less than the minimum size shown on the Lot Size Map in relation to that land.Note—The definition of secondary dwelling in the Dictionary requires the dwelling to be on the same lot of land as the principal dwelling.
2.7 Demolition requires development consent
The demolition of a building or work may be carried out only with development consent.Note—If the demolition of a building or work is identified in an applicable environmental planning instrument, such as this Plan or State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, as exempt development, the Act enables it to be carried out without development consent.
2.8 Temporary use of land
(1) The objective of this clause is to provide for the temporary use of land if the use does not compromise future development of the land, or have detrimental economic, social, amenity or environmental effects on the land.(2) Despite any other provision of this Plan, development consent may be granted for development on land in any zone for a temporary use for a maximum period of 52 days (whether or not consecutive days) in any period of 12 months.(3) Development consent must not be granted unless the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) the temporary use will not prejudice the subsequent carrying out of development on the land in accordance with this Plan and any other applicable environmental planning instrument, and(b) the temporary use will not adversely impact on any adjoining land or the amenity of the neighbourhood, and(c) the temporary use and location of any structures related to the use will not adversely impact on environmental attributes or features of the land, or increase the risk of natural hazards that may affect the land, and(d) at the end of the temporary use period the land will, as far as is practicable, be restored to the condition in which it was before the commencement of the use.(4) Despite subclause (2), the temporary use of a dwelling as a sales office for a new release area or a new housing estate may exceed the maximum number of days specified in that subclause.(5) Subclause (3)(d) does not apply to the temporary use of a dwelling as a sales office mentioned in subclause (4).
2.9 Canal estate development prohibited
(1) Canal estate development is prohibited on land to which this Plan applies.(2) In this Plan, canal estate development means development that involves—(a) a constructed canal, or other waterway or waterbody, that—(i) is inundated by surface water or groundwater movement, or(ii) drains to a waterway or waterbody by surface water or groundwater movement, and(b) the erection of a dwelling, and(c) one or both of the following—(i) the use of fill material to raise the level of all or part of the land on which the dwelling will be erected to comply with requirements for residential development in the flood planning area,(ii) excavation to create a waterway.(3) Canal estate development does not include development for the purposes of drainage or the supply or treatment of water if the development is—(a) carried out by or with the authority of a person or body responsible for the drainage, supply or treatment, and(b) limited to the minimum reasonable size and capacity.(4) In this clause—flood planning area has the same meaning as in clause 5.21.
Land Use Table
State environmental planning policies, including the following, may be relevant to development on land to which this Plan applies—
State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021, Chapter 2—relating to infrastructure facilities, including air transport, correction, education, electricity generating works and solar energy systems, health services, ports, railways, roads, waste management and water supply systems
Zone R2 Low Density Residential
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for the housing needs of the community within a low density residential environment.• To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents.• To encourage development of sites for low density housing, including dual occupancies, if such development does not compromise the amenity of the surrounding area or the natural or cultural heritage of the area.• To ensure that a high level of residential amenity is achieved and maintained.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works; Home occupations3 Permitted with consentCentre-based child care facilities; Dual occupancies (attached); Dwelling houses; Group homes; Health consulting rooms; Home-based child care; Information and education facilities; Medical centres; Oyster aquaculture; Places of public worship; Pond-based aquaculture; Recreation areas; Respite day care centres; Roads; Semi-detached dwellings; Tank-based aquaculture4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone R3 Medium Density Residential
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for the housing needs of the community within a medium density residential environment.• To provide a variety of housing types within a medium density residential environment.• To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents.• To encourage the development of sites for medium density housing if such development does not compromise the amenity of the surrounding area or the natural or cultural heritage of the area.• To provide for a suitable visual transition between high density residential areas and lower density residential areas.• To ensure that a high level of residential amenity is achieved and maintained.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works3 Permitted with consentAttached dwellings; Boarding houses; Centre-based child care facilities; Community facilities; Dual occupancies (attached); Dwelling houses; Group homes; Home-based child care; Hostels; Information and education facilities; Multi dwelling housing; Neighbourhood shops; Oyster aquaculture; Places of public worship; Recreation areas; Respite day care centres; Roads; Semi-detached dwellings; Seniors housing; Tank-based aquaculture4 ProhibitedAny other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone R4 High Density Residential
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for the housing needs of the community within a high density residential environment.• To provide a variety of housing types within a high density residential environment.• To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents.• To encourage the development of sites for high density housing if such development does not compromise the amenity of the surrounding area or the natural or cultural heritage of the area.• To ensure that a reasonably high level of residential amenity is achieved and maintained.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works3 Permitted with consentAttached dwellings; Boarding houses; Centre-based child care facilities; Community facilities; Dual occupancies (attached); Dwelling houses; Entertainment facilities; Home-based child care; Hostels; Information and education facilities; Multi dwelling housing; Neighbourhood shops; Oyster aquaculture; Places of public worship; Recreation areas; Residential flat buildings; Respite day care centres; Roads; Semi-detached dwellings; Shop top housing4 ProhibitedAny other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone E1 Local Centre
1 Objectives of zone• To provide a range of retail, business and community uses that serve the needs of people who live in, work in or visit the area.• To encourage investment in local commercial development that generates employment opportunities and economic growth.• To enable residential development that contributes to a vibrant and active local centre and is consistent with the Council’s strategic planning for residential development in the area.• To encourage business, retail, community and other non-residential land uses on the ground floor of buildings.• To encourage active street life while maintaining high levels of residential amenity.• To minimise adverse effects on adjoining residentially zoned land.• To ensure the scale and intensity of non-residential development caters to local needs.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works3 Permitted with consentAmusement centres; Boarding houses; Centre-based child care facilities; Commercial premises; Community facilities; Entertainment facilities; Function centres; Home businesses; Home industries; Home occupations; Hotel or motel accommodation; Information and education facilities; Local distribution premises; Medical centres; Oyster aquaculture; Places of public worship; Public administration buildings; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (indoor); Respite day care centres; Roads; Service stations; Shop top housing; Signage; Tank-based aquaculture; Veterinary hospitals4 ProhibitedAny other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone E2 Commercial Centre
1 Objectives of zone• To strengthen the role of the commercial centre as the centre of business, retail, community and cultural activity.• To encourage investment in commercial development that generates employment opportunities and economic growth.• To encourage development that has a high level of accessibility and amenity, particularly for pedestrians.• To enable residential development only if it is consistent with the Council’s strategic planning for residential development in the area.• To ensure that new development provides diverse and active street frontages to attract pedestrian traffic and to contribute to vibrant, diverse and functional streets and public spaces.• To minimise the adverse effects of development on residents and occupiers of existing and new development.2 Permitted without consentNil3 Permitted with consentAmusement centres; Artisan food and drink industries; Backpackers’ accommodation; Centre-based child care facilities; Commercial premises; Community facilities; Entertainment facilities; Function centres; Home businesses; Home industries; Home occupations; Hotel or motel accommodation; Information and education facilities; Local distribution premises; Medical centres; Mortuaries; Oyster aquaculture; Passenger transport facilities; Places of public worship; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (indoor); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Registered clubs; Respite day care centres; Restricted premises; Roads; Sex services premises; Signage; Tank-based aquaculture; Vehicle repair stations; Veterinary hospitals4 ProhibitedAny other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone E3 Productivity Support
1 Objectives of zone• To provide a range of facilities and services, light industries, warehouses and offices.• To provide for land uses that are compatible with, but do not compete with, land uses in surrounding local and commercial centres.• To maintain the economic viability of local and commercial centres by limiting certain retail and commercial activity.• To provide for land uses that meet the needs of the community, businesses and industries but that are not suited to locations in other employment zones.• To provide opportunities for new and emerging light industries.• To enable other land uses that provide facilities and services to meet the day to day needs of workers, to sell goods of a large size, weight or quantity or to sell goods manufactured on-site.• To encourage a mix of lower-scale housing types.• To permit development that is compatible with the scale, intensity and character of the surrounding residential area.2 Permitted without consentNil3 Permitted with consentAnimal boarding or training establishments; Attached dwellings; Boarding houses; Boat building and repair facilities; Business premises; Centre-based child care facilities; Community facilities; Depots; Dual occupancies (attached); Dwelling houses; Entertainment facilities; Function centres; Garden centres; Hardware and building supplies; Hotel or motel accommodation; Industrial retail outlets; Industrial training facilities; Information and education facilities; Landscaping material supplies; Light industries; Local distribution premises; Markets; Mortuaries; Multi dwelling housing; Neighbourhood shops; Office premises; Oyster aquaculture; Passenger transport facilities; Places of public worship; Plant nurseries; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (indoor); Recreation facilities (major); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Research stations; Respite day care centres; Roads; Rural supplies; Secondary dwellings; Semi-detached dwellings; Service stations; Signage; Specialised retail premises; Storage premises; Take away food and drink premises; Tank-based aquaculture; Timber yards; Vehicle body repair workshops; Vehicle repair stations; Vehicle sales or hire premises; Veterinary hospitals; Warehouse or distribution centres; Wholesale supplies4 ProhibitedAny other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone MU1 Mixed Use
1 Objectives of zone• To encourage a diversity of business, retail, office and light industrial land uses that generate employment opportunities.• To ensure that new development provides diverse and active street frontages to attract pedestrian traffic and to contribute to vibrant, diverse and functional streets and public spaces.• To minimise conflict between land uses within this zone and land uses within adjoining zones.• To encourage business, retail, community and other non-residential land uses on the ground floor of buildings.• To create interesting and vibrant mixed use centres with safe, high quality urban environments with residential amenity.• To maintain existing commercial space and allow for residential development in mixed use buildings, with non-residential uses concentrated on the lower levels and residential uses predominantly on the higher levels.2 Permitted without consentNil3 Permitted with consentAmusement centres; Boarding houses; Car parks; Centre-based child care facilities; Commercial premises; Community facilities; Entertainment facilities; Function centres; Hostels; Information and education facilities; Light industries; Local distribution premises; Medical centres; Oyster aquaculture; Passenger transport facilities; Places of public worship; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (indoor); Registered clubs; Residential flat buildings; Respite day care centres; Restricted premises; Roads; Sex services premises; Shop top housing; Signage; Tank-based aquaculture; Tourist and visitor accommodation; Vehicle repair stations; Veterinary hospitals4 ProhibitedAny other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone SP1 Special Activities
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for special land uses that are not provided for in other zones.• To provide for sites with special natural characteristics that are not provided for in other zones.• To facilitate development that is in keeping with the special characteristics of the site or its existing or intended special use, and that minimises any adverse impacts on surrounding land.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works3 Permitted with consentAquaculture; Roads; The purpose shown on the Land Zoning Map, including any development that is ordinarily incidental or ancillary to development for that purpose4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone SP2 Infrastructure
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for infrastructure and related uses.• To prevent development that is not compatible with or that may detract from the provision of infrastructure.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works3 Permitted with consentAquaculture; Roads; The purpose shown on the Land Zoning Map, including any development that is ordinarily incidental or ancillary to development for that purpose4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone RE1 Public Recreation
1 Objectives of zone• To enable land to be used for public open space or recreational purposes.• To provide a range of recreational settings and activities and compatible land uses.• To protect and enhance the natural environment for recreational purposes.• To ensure sufficient public recreation areas are available for the benefit and use of residents of, and visitors to, North Sydney.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works3 Permitted with consentAquaculture; Building identification signs; Business identification signs; Community facilities; Environmental facilities; Information and education facilities; Kiosks; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (outdoor); Restaurants or cafes; Roads; Water recreation structures4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone RE2 Private Recreation
1 Objectives of zone• To enable land to be used for private open space or recreational purposes.• To provide a range of recreational settings and activities and compatible land uses.• To protect and enhance the natural environment for recreational purposes.• To minimise the adverse effects of development on surrounding residential development.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works3 Permitted with consentAquaculture; Building identification signs; Business identification signs; Community facilities; Environmental facilities; Kiosks; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (indoor); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Registered clubs; Roads4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone C2 Environmental Conservation
1 Objectives of zone• To protect, manage and restore areas of high ecological, scientific, cultural or aesthetic values.• To prevent development that could destroy, damage or otherwise have an adverse effect on those values.• To protect and preserve bushland to provide representation of the natural state and to enable existing animal and plant communities to survive in the long term.• To allow, where appropriate, for low-impact recreational opportunities, which will protect the value of bushland.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works3 Permitted with consentEnvironmental facilities; Oyster aquaculture Roads4 ProhibitedBusiness premises; Hotel or motel accommodation; Industries; Local distribution premises; Multi dwelling housing; Pond-based aquaculture; Recreation facilities (major); Residential flat buildings; Restricted premises; Retail premises; Seniors housing; Service stations; Tank-based aquaculture; Warehouse or distribution centres; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone C4 Environmental Living
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for low-impact residential development in areas with special ecological, scientific or aesthetic values.• To ensure that residential development does not have an adverse effect on those values.• To ensure that a high level of residential amenity is achieved and maintained.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works; Home occupations3 Permitted with consentCentre-based child care facilities; Dwelling houses; Health consulting rooms; Oyster aquaculture; Places of public worship; Pond-based aquaculture; Recreation areas; Respite day care centres; Roads; Seniors housing; Tank-based aquaculture4 ProhibitedIndustries; Local distribution premises; Service stations; Warehouse or distribution centres; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone W4 Working Waterfront
1 Objectives of zone• To retain and encourage industrial and maritime activities on foreshores.• To identify sites for maritime purposes and for activities requiring direct foreshore access.• To ensure that development does not have an adverse impact on the environment and visual qualities of the foreshore.• To encourage employment opportunities.• To minimise any adverse effect of development on land uses in other zones.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works3 Permitted with consentAquaculture; Boat building and repair facilities; Boat launching ramps; Charter and tourism boating facilities; Jetties; Kiosks; Light industries; Marinas; Roads; Signage4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Part 3 Exempt and complying development
3.1 Exempt development
(1) The objective of this clause is to identify development of minimal environmental impact as exempt development.(2) Development specified in Schedule 2 that meets the standards for the development contained in that Schedule and that complies with the requirements of this Part is exempt development.(3) To be exempt development, the development—(a) must meet the relevant deemed-to-satisfy provisions of the Building Code of Australia or, if there are no such relevant provisions, must be structurally adequate, and(b) must not, if it relates to an existing building, cause the building to contravene the Building Code of Australia, and(c) must not be designated development, and(d) must not be carried out on land that comprises, or on which there is, an item that is listed on the State Heritage Register under the Heritage Act 1977 or that is subject to an interim heritage order under the Heritage Act 1977.(4) Development that relates to an existing building that is classified under the Building Code of Australia as class 1b or class 2–9 is exempt development only if—(a) the building has a current fire safety certificate or fire safety statement, or(b) no fire safety measures are currently implemented, required or proposed for the building.(5) To be exempt development, the development must—(a) be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications, if applicable, and(b) not involve the removal, pruning or other clearing of vegetation that requires a permit, development consent or other approval unless it is undertaken in accordance with a permit, development consent or other approval.Note—See State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021, Chapter 2 and the Local Land Services Act 2013, Part 5A.(6) A heading to an item in Schedule 2 is part of that Schedule.
3.2 Complying development
(1) The objective of this clause is to identify development as complying development.(2) Development specified in Part 1 of Schedule 3 that is carried out in compliance with—(a) the development standards specified in relation to that development, andis complying development.(b) the requirements of this Part,Note—See also clause 5.8(3) which provides that the conversion of fire alarms is complying development in certain circumstances.(3) To be complying development, the development must—(a) be permissible, with development consent, in the zone in which it is carried out, and(b) meet the relevant deemed-to-satisfy provisions of the Building Code of Australia, and(c) have an approval, if required by the Local Government Act 1993, from the Council for an on-site effluent disposal system if the development is undertaken on unsewered land.(4) A complying development certificate for development specified in Part 1 of Schedule 3 is subject to the conditions (if any) set out or referred to in Part 2 of that Schedule.(5) A heading to an item in Schedule 3 is part of that Schedule.
3.3 Environmentally sensitive areas excluded
(1) Exempt or complying development must not be carried out on any environmentally sensitive area for exempt or complying development.(2) For the purposes of this clause—environmentally sensitive area for exempt or complying development means any of the following—(a) the coastal waters of the State,(b) a coastal lake,(c) land within the coastal wetlands and littoral rainforests area (within the meaning of the Coastal Management Act 2016),(d) land reserved as an aquatic reserve under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 or as a marine park under the Marine Parks Act 1997,(e) land within a wetland of international significance declared under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands or within a World heritage area declared under the World Heritage Convention,(f) land within 100 metres of land to which paragraph (c), (d) or (e) applies,(g) land identified in this or any other environmental planning instrument as being of high Aboriginal cultural significance or high biodiversity significance,(h) land reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 or land acquired under Part 11 of that Act,(i) land reserved or dedicated under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 for the preservation of flora, fauna, geological formations or for other environmental protection purposes,(j) land that is a declared area of outstanding biodiversity value under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 or declared critical habitat under Part 7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994.
Part 4 Principal development standards
4.1 Minimum subdivision lot size
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to ensure that subdivision and associated development promotes the desired future character of the neighbourhood through consistent lot size, shape, orientation and housing density,(b) to maintain a mix of dwelling sizes and affordable accommodation,(c) to prevent fragmentation of land, which would prevent the achievement of the extent of development and nature of uses envisioned for particular locations,(d) to minimise any likely impact of subdivision and development on the amenity of neighbouring properties,(e) to ensure that lot sizes allow buildings to be sited to protect natural or cultural features, including heritage items, and retain special features, such as trees and views.(2) This clause applies to a subdivision of any land shown on the Lot Size Map that requires development consent and that is carried out after the commencement of this Plan.(3) The size of any lot resulting from a subdivision of land to which this clause applies is not to be less than the minimum size shown on the Lot Size Map in relation to that land.(4) This clause does not apply in relation to the subdivision of any land—(a) by the registration of a strata plan or strata plan of subdivision under the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015, or(b) by any kind of subdivision under the Community Land Development Act 2021.(4A) For the purpose of calculating the size of a lot, the area of any access handle, access way or right of carriageway is excluded.
4.1AA Minimum subdivision lot size for community title schemes
[Not adopted]
4.2 Rural subdivision
[Not applicable]
4.3 Height of buildings
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to promote development that conforms to and reflects natural landforms, by stepping development on sloping land to follow the natural gradient,(b) to promote the retention and, if appropriate, sharing of existing views,(c) to maintain solar access to existing dwellings, public reserves and streets, and to promote solar access for future development,(d) to maintain privacy for residents of existing dwellings and to promote privacy for residents of new buildings,(e) to ensure compatibility between development, particularly at zone boundaries,(f) to encourage an appropriate scale and density of development that is in accordance with, and promotes the character of, an area,(g) to maintain a built form of mainly 1 or 2 storeys in Zone R2 Low Density Residential, Zone R3 Medium Density Residential and Zone C4 Environmental Living.(2) The height of a building on any land is not to exceed the maximum height shown for the land on the Height of Buildings Map.(2A)–(2C) (Repealed)
4.3A Exceptions to height of buildings
(1) Despite clause 4.3, the height of a building on land identified as “Area 1” on the Height of Buildings Map may exceed the maximum height shown for the land on that Map if—(a) the height of the building does not exceed the maximum height by more than 5 metres, and(b) that part of the building that exceeds the maximum height comprises either—(i) roof-top plant or equipment, lift overruns and associated structures, or(ii) an architectural roof feature that complies with subclause (2).(2) An architectural roof feature complies with this subclause if it—(a) comprises a decorative element on the uppermost portion of a building, and(b) is not an advertising structure, and(c) does not include floor space area and is not reasonably capable of modification to include floor space area, and(d) will cause minimal overshadowing, and(e) has fully integrated into its design any building identification signage or equipment for servicing the building (such as plant, lift motor rooms, fire stairs and the like) that is contained in or supported by the roof feature.(2A) Despite clause 4.3, the height of a building on land identified as “Area 2” on the Height of Buildings Map may exceed the maximum height shown for the land on that Map if—(a) the height of the building does not exceed the maximum height by more than 3 metres, and(b) the part of the building that exceeds the maximum height comprises the following—(i) lift overruns and associated structures necessary to provide lift access to communal rooftop space,(ii) balustrades or other safety barriers necessary to ensure the safe use of the space,(iii) roof-top plant or equipment.(2B) Despite clause 4.3, the height of a building on land identified as “Area 3” on the Height of Buildings Map may exceed the maximum height shown for the land on that Map if—(a) the height of the building does not exceed 58.1 metres, and(b) the part of the building that exceeds the maximum height comprises lift overruns and associated structures necessary to provide lift access to communal rooftop space.(3) Clause 5.6 does not apply to a building on land to which this clause applies.
4.4 Floor space ratio
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to ensure the intensity of development is compatible with the desired future character and zone objectives for the land,(b) to limit the bulk and scale of development.(2) The maximum floor space ratio for a building on any land is not to exceed the floor space ratio shown for the land on the Floor Space Ratio Map.
4.4A Non-residential floor space ratios
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to provide for development with continuous and active street frontages on certain land in Zone E1 Local Centre, Zone MU1 Mixed Use and Zone SP2 Infrastructure,(b) to encourage an appropriate mix of residential and non-residential uses,(c) to provide a level of flexibility in the mix of land uses to cater for market demands,(d) to ensure that a suitable level of non-residential floor space is provided to promote employment and reflect the hierarchy of commercial centres.(2) The non-residential floor space ratio for all buildings within a site on any land must not be less than the ratio shown for the land on the Non-Residential Floor Space Ratio Map.(3), (4) (Repealed)(5) Development consent must not be granted to the erection of a building on land in Zone E1 Local Centre or Zone MU1 Mixed Use unless the consent authority is satisfied that the building will have an active street frontage after its erection.(5A) Despite subclause (5), an active street frontage is not required for the part of the ground floor of a building at 45 McLaren Street, North Sydney that faces Walker Street, North Sydney.(6) Despite subclause (5), an active street frontage is not required for any part of a building that is used for any of the following—(a) entrances and lobbies (including as part of a mixed use development),(b) access for fire services,(c) vehicular access.(7) In this clause, a building has an active street frontage if no part of the ground floor of the building facing a street is used for residential accommodation.(8) In this clause, non-residential floor space ratio means the ratio of the gross floor area of that part of a building used or proposed to be used for any purpose in all buildings within a site to the site area, other than for any of the following purposes—(a) residential accommodation,(b) serviced apartments, if less than 50 serviced apartments are or will be contained within the site,(c) a car park,(d) a telecommunications facility.
4.5 Calculation of floor space ratio and site area
(1) Objectives The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to define floor space ratio,(b) to set out rules for the calculation of the site area of development for the purpose of applying permitted floor space ratios, including rules to—(i) prevent the inclusion in the site area of an area that has no significant development being carried out on it, and(ii) prevent the inclusion in the site area of an area that has already been included as part of a site area to maximise floor space area in another building, and(iii) require community land and public places to be dealt with separately.(2) Definition of “floor space ratio” The floor space ratio of buildings on a site is the ratio of the gross floor area of all buildings within the site to the site area.(3) Site area In determining the site area of proposed development for the purpose of applying a floor space ratio, the site area is taken to be—(a) if the proposed development is to be carried out on only one lot, the area of that lot, or(b) if the proposed development is to be carried out on 2 or more lots, the area of any lot on which the development is proposed to be carried out that has at least one common boundary with another lot on which the development is being carried out.In addition, subclauses (4)–(7) apply to the calculation of site area for the purposes of applying a floor space ratio to proposed development.(4) Exclusions from site area The following land must be excluded from the site area—(a) land on which the proposed development is prohibited, whether under this Plan or any other law,(b) community land or a public place (except as provided by subclause (7)).(5) Strata subdivisions The area of a lot that is wholly or partly on top of another or others in a strata subdivision is to be included in the calculation of the site area only to the extent that it does not overlap with another lot already included in the site area calculation.(6) Only significant development to be included The site area for proposed development must not include a lot additional to a lot or lots on which the development is being carried out unless the proposed development includes significant development on that additional lot.(7) Certain public land to be separately considered For the purpose of applying a floor space ratio to any proposed development on, above or below community land or a public place, the site area must only include an area that is on, above or below that community land or public place, and is occupied or physically affected by the proposed development, and may not include any other area on which the proposed development is to be carried out.(8) Existing buildings The gross floor area of any existing or proposed buildings within the vertical projection (above or below ground) of the boundaries of a site is to be included in the calculation of the total floor space for the purposes of applying a floor space ratio, whether or not the proposed development relates to all of the buildings.(9) Covenants to prevent “double dipping” When development consent is granted to development on a site comprised of 2 or more lots, a condition of the consent may require a covenant to be registered that prevents the creation of floor area on a lot (the restricted lot) if the consent authority is satisfied that an equivalent quantity of floor area will be created on another lot only because the site included the restricted lot.(10) Covenants affect consolidated sites If—(a) a covenant of the kind referred to in subclause (9) applies to any land (affected land), andthe maximum amount of floor area allowed on the other land by the floor space ratio fixed for the site by this Plan is reduced by the quantity of floor space area the covenant prevents being created on the affected land.(b) proposed development relates to the affected land and other land that together comprise the site of the proposed development,(11) Definition In this clause, public place has the same meaning as it has in the Local Government Act 1993.
4.6 Exceptions to development standards
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to provide an appropriate degree of flexibility in applying certain development standards to particular development,(b) to achieve better outcomes for and from development by allowing flexibility in particular circumstances.(2) Development consent may, subject to this clause, be granted for development even though the development would contravene a development standard imposed by this or any other environmental planning instrument. However, this clause does not apply to a development standard that is expressly excluded from the operation of this clause.(3) Development consent must not be granted for development that contravenes a development standard unless the consent authority has considered a written request from the applicant that seeks to justify the contravention of the development standard by demonstrating—(a) that compliance with the development standard is unreasonable or unnecessary in the circumstances of the case, and(b) that there are sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify contravening the development standard.(4) Development consent must not be granted for development that contravenes a development standard unless—(a) the consent authority is satisfied that—(i) the applicant’s written request has adequately addressed the matters required to be demonstrated by subclause (3), and(ii) the proposed development will be in the public interest because it is consistent with the objectives of the particular standard and the objectives for development within the zone in which the development is proposed to be carried out, and(b) the concurrence of the Planning Secretary has been obtained.(5) In deciding whether to grant concurrence, the Planning Secretary must consider—(a) whether contravention of the development standard raises any matter of significance for State or regional environmental planning, and(b) the public benefit of maintaining the development standard, and(c) any other matters required to be taken into consideration by the Planning Secretary before granting concurrence.(6) Development consent must not be granted under this clause for a subdivision of land in Zone RU1 Primary Production, Zone RU2 Rural Landscape, Zone RU3 Forestry, Zone RU4 Primary Production Small Lots, Zone RU6 Transition, Zone R5 Large Lot Residential, Zone C2 Environmental Conservation, Zone C3 Environmental Management or Zone C4 Environmental Living if—(a) the subdivision will result in 2 or more lots of less than the minimum area specified for such lots by a development standard, or(b) the subdivision will result in at least one lot that is less than 90% of the minimum area specified for such a lot by a development standard.Note—When this Plan was made it did not include all of these zones.(7) After determining a development application made pursuant to this clause, the consent authority must keep a record of its assessment of the factors required to be addressed in the applicant’s written request referred to in subclause (3).(8) This clause does not allow development consent to be granted for development that would contravene any of the following—(a) a development standard for complying development,(b) a development standard that arises, under the regulations under the Act, in connection with a commitment set out in a BASIX certificate for a building to which State Environmental Planning Policy (Building Sustainability Index: BASIX) 2004 applies or for the land on which such a building is situated,(c) clause 5.4,(caa) clause 5.5,(ca) clause 4.3 in relation to land identified as “Area 1” on the Special Provisions Area Map, other than subject land within the meaning of clause 6.19C,(cab) clause 4.4, 5.6 or 6.19C in relation to land identified as “Area 1” on the Special Provisions Area Map,(cb) clause 6.3(2)(a) and (b),(cba) clause 6.19A,(cc) clause 6.20.(8A) (Repealed)
Part 5 Miscellaneous provisions
5.1 Relevant acquisition authority
(1) The objective of this clause is to identify, for the purposes of section 3.15 of the Act, the authority of the State that will be the relevant authority to acquire land reserved for certain public purposes if the land is required to be acquired under Division 3 of Part 2 of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (the owner-initiated acquisition provisions).Note—If the landholder will suffer hardship if there is any delay in the land being acquired by the relevant authority, section 23 of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 requires the authority to acquire the land.(2) The authority of the State that will be the relevant authority to acquire land, if the land is required to be acquired under the owner-initiated acquisition provisions, is the authority of the State specified below in relation to the land shown on the Land Reservation Acquisition Map (or, if an authority of the State is not specified in relation to land required to be so acquired, the authority designated or determined under those provisions).
Type of land shown on Map Authority of the State Zone RE1 Public Recreation and marked “Local open space” Council Zone RE1 Public Recreation and marked “Regional open space” The corporation constituted under section 2.5 of the Act Zone SP2 Infrastructure and marked “Classified road” Transport for NSW Zone C1 National Parks and Nature Reserves and marked “National Park” Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 Zone C2 Environmental Conservation and marked “Local open space” Council Zone C2 Environmental Conservation and marked “Regional open space” The corporation constituted under section 8 of the ActNote—When this Plan was made it did not include all of these zones.(3) Development on land acquired by an authority of the State under the owner-initiated acquisition provisions may, before it is used for the purpose for which it is reserved, be carried out, with development consent, for any purpose.
5.1A Development on land intended to be acquired for public purposes
(1) The objective of this clause is to limit development on certain land intended to be acquired for a public purpose.(2) This clause applies to land shown on the Land Reservation Acquisition Map and specified in Column 1 of the Table to this clause and that has not been acquired by the relevant authority of the State specified for the land in clause 5.1.(3) Development consent must not be granted to any development on land to which this clause applies other than development for a purpose specified opposite that land in Column 2 of that Table.
Column 1 Column 2 Land Development Zone RE1 Public Recreation and marked “Local open space” Environmental facilities; Recreation areas Zone RE1 Public Recreation and marked “Regional open space” Environmental facilities; Recreation areas Zone SP2 Infrastructure and marked “Classified road” Alterations and additions to semi-detached dwellings Zone C2 Environmental Conservation and marked “Local open space” Environmental facilities Zone C2 Environmental Conservation and marked “Regional open space” Environmental facilities
5.2 Classification and reclassification of public land
(1) The objective of this clause is to enable the Council to classify or reclassify public land as “operational land” or “community land” in accordance with Part 2 of Chapter 6 of the Local Government Act 1993.Note—Under the Local Government Act 1993, “public land” is generally land vested in or under the control of a council (other than roads and certain Crown land). The classification or reclassification of public land may also be made by a resolution of the Council under section 31, 32 or 33 of the Local Government Act 1993. Section 30 of that Act enables this Plan to discharge trusts on which public reserves are held if the land is reclassified under this Plan as operational land.(2) The public land described in Part 1 or Part 2 of Schedule 4 is classified, or reclassified, as operational land for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1993.(3) The public land described in Part 3 of Schedule 4 is classified, or reclassified, as community land for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1993.(4) The public land described in Part 1 of Schedule 4—(a) does not cease to be a public reserve to the extent (if any) that it is a public reserve, and(b) continues to be affected by any trusts, estates, interests, dedications, conditions, restrictions or covenants that affected the land before its classification, or reclassification, as operational land.(5) The public land described in Part 2 of Schedule 4, to the extent (if any) that it is a public reserve, ceases to be a public reserve when the description of the land is inserted into that Part and is discharged from all trusts, estates, interests, dedications, conditions, restrictions and covenants affecting the land or any part of the land, except—(a) those (if any) specified for the land in Column 3 of Part 2 of Schedule 4, and(b) any reservations that except land out of the Crown grant relating to the land, and(c) reservations of minerals (within the meaning of the Crown Land Management Act 2016).Note—In accordance with section 30(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, the approval of the Governor to subclause (5) applying to the public land concerned is required before the description of the land is inserted in Part 2 of Schedule 4.
5.3 Development near zone boundaries
(1) The objective of this clause is to provide flexibility where the investigation of a site and its surroundings reveals that a use allowed on the other side of a zone boundary would enable a more logical and appropriate development of the site and be compatible with the planning objectives and land uses for the adjoining zone.(2) This clause applies to so much of any land that is within the relevant distance of a boundary between any 2 zones. The relevant distance is 25 metres.(3) This clause does not apply to—(a) land in Zone RE1 Public Recreation, Zone C1 National Parks and Nature Reserves, Zone C2 Environmental Conservation, Zone C3 Environmental Management or Zone W1 Natural Waterways, or(aa) land in Zone R2 Low Density Residential, Zone R3 Medium Density Residential, Zone R4 High Density Residential, Zone E1 Local Centre, Zone E2 Commercial Centre, Zone E3 Productivity Support, Zone MU1 Mixed Use, Zone RE2 Private Recreation, Zone C4 Environmental Living or Zone W4 Working Waterfront, or(b) land within the coastal zone, or(c) land proposed to be developed for the purpose of sex services or restricted premises.Note—When this Plan was made it did not include all of these zones.(4) Despite the provisions of this Plan relating to the purposes for which development may be carried out, development consent may be granted to development of land to which this clause applies for any purpose that may be carried out in the adjoining zone, but only if the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) the development is not inconsistent with the objectives for development in both zones, and(b) the carrying out of the development is desirable due to compatible land use planning, infrastructure capacity and other planning principles relating to the efficient and timely development of land.(5) This clause does not prescribe a development standard that may be varied under this Plan.
5.4 Controls relating to miscellaneous permissible uses
(1) Bed and breakfast accommodation If development for the purposes of bed and breakfast accommodation is permitted under this Plan, the accommodation that is provided to guests must consist of no more than 3 bedrooms.Note—Any such development that provides for a certain number of guests or rooms may involve a change in the class of building under the Building Code of Australia.(2) Home businesses If development for the purposes of a home business is permitted under this Plan, the carrying on of the business must not involve the use of more than 30 square metres of floor area.(3) Home industries If development for the purposes of a home industry is permitted under this Plan, the carrying on of the home industry must not involve the use of more than 30 square metres of floor area.(4) Industrial retail outlets If development for the purposes of an industrial retail outlet is permitted under this Plan, the retail floor area must not exceed—(a) 40% of the gross floor area of the industry or rural industry located on the same land as the retail outlet, orwhichever is the lesser.(b) 400 square metres,Note—When this Plan was made it did not permit industrial retail outlets.(5) Farm stay accommodation If development for the purposes of farm stay accommodation is permitted under this Plan, the accommodation that is provided to guests must consist of no more than 3 bedrooms in buildings.Note—When this Plan was made it did not permit farm stay accommodation.(6) Kiosks If development for the purposes of a kiosk is permitted under this Plan, the gross floor area must not exceed 40 square metres.(7) Neighbourhood shops If development for the purposes of a neighbourhood shop is permitted under this Plan, the retail floor area must not exceed 80 square metres.(7AA) Neighbourhood supermarkets If development for the purposes of a neighbourhood supermarket is permitted under this Plan, the gross floor area must not exceed 1,000 square metres.(8) Roadside stalls If development for the purposes of a roadside stall is permitted under this Plan, the gross floor area must not exceed 9 square metres.Note—When this Plan was made it did not permit roadside stalls.(9) Secondary dwellings on land other than land in a rural zone If development for the purposes of a secondary dwelling is permitted under this Plan on land other than land in a rural zone, the total floor area of the dwelling, excluding any area used for parking, must not exceed whichever of the following is the greater—(a) 60 square metres,(b) 30% of the total floor area of the principal dwelling.(10) Artisan food and drink industry exclusion If development for the purposes of an artisan food and drink industry is permitted under this Plan in Zone E3 Productivity Support, Zone E4 General Industrial, Zone E5 Heavy Industrial, Zone W4 Working Waterfront or a rural zone, the floor area used for retail sales (not including any cafe or restaurant area) must not exceed—(a) 40% of the gross floor area of the industry, orwhichever is the lesser.(b) 400 square metres,
5.5 Controls relating to secondary dwellings on land in a rural zone
[Not adopted]
5.6 Architectural roof features
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to permit variations to maximum building height standards for roof features of visual interest,(b) to ensure that roof features are decorative elements and that the majority of the roof is contained within the maximum building height standard,(c) to maintain solar access to new and existing buildings, public reserves and streets,(d) to promote the retention and, if appropriate, sharing of existing views.(2) Development that includes an architectural roof feature that exceeds, or causes a building to exceed, the height limits set by clause 4.3 may be carried out, but only with development consent.(3) Development consent must not be granted to any such development unless the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) the architectural roof feature—(i) comprises a decorative element on the uppermost portion of a building, and(ii) is not an advertising structure, and(iii) does not include floor space area and is not reasonably capable of modification to include floor space area, and(iv) will cause minimal overshadowing, and(b) any building identification signage or equipment for servicing the building (such as plant, lift motor rooms, fire stairs and the like) contained in or supported by the roof feature is fully integrated into the design of the roof feature.
5.7 Development below mean high water mark
(1) The objective of this clause is to ensure appropriate environmental assessment for development carried out on land covered by tidal waters.(2) Development consent is required to carry out development on any land below the mean high water mark of any body of water subject to tidal influence (including the bed of any such water).
5.8 Conversion of fire alarms
(1) This clause applies to a fire alarm system that can be monitored by Fire and Rescue NSW or by a private service provider.(2) The following development may be carried out, but only with development consent—(a) converting a fire alarm system from connection with the alarm monitoring system of Fire and Rescue NSW to connection with the alarm monitoring system of a private service provider,(b) converting a fire alarm system from connection with the alarm monitoring system of a private service provider to connection with the alarm monitoring system of another private service provider,(c) converting a fire alarm system from connection with the alarm monitoring system of a private service provider to connection with a different alarm monitoring system of the same private service provider.(3) Development to which subclause (2) applies is complying development if it consists only of—(a) internal alterations to a building, or(b) internal alterations to a building together with the mounting of an antenna, and any support structure, on an external wall or roof of a building so as to occupy a space of not more than 450mm × 100mm × 100mm.(4) A complying development certificate for any such complying development is subject to a condition that any building work may only be carried out between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm on Monday to Friday and between 7.00 am and 5.00 pm on Saturday, and must not be carried out on a Sunday or a public holiday.(5) In this clause—private service provider means a person or body that has entered into an agreement that is in force with Fire and Rescue NSW to monitor fire alarm systems.
5.9 Dwelling house or secondary dwelling affected by natural disaster
[Not adopted]
5.9AA (Repealed)
5.10 Heritage conservation
Note—Heritage items (if any) are listed and described in Schedule 5. Heritage conservation areas (if any) are shown on the Heritage Map as well as being described in Schedule 5.(1) Objectives The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to conserve the environmental heritage of North Sydney,(b) to conserve the heritage significance of heritage items and heritage conservation areas, including associated fabric, settings and views,(c) to conserve archaeological sites,(d) to conserve Aboriginal objects and Aboriginal places of heritage significance.(2) Requirement for consent Development consent is required for any of the following—(a) demolishing or moving any of the following or altering the exterior of any of the following (including, in the case of a building, making changes to its detail, fabric, finish or appearance)—(i) a heritage item,(ii) an Aboriginal object,(iii) a building, work, relic or tree within a heritage conservation area,(b) altering a heritage item that is a building by making structural changes to its interior or by making changes to anything inside the item that is specified in Schedule 5 in relation to the item,(c) disturbing or excavating an archaeological site while knowing, or having reasonable cause to suspect, that the disturbance or excavation will or is likely to result in a relic being discovered, exposed, moved, damaged or destroyed,(d) disturbing or excavating an Aboriginal place of heritage significance,(e) erecting a building on land—(i) on which a heritage item is located or that is within a heritage conservation area, or(ii) on which an Aboriginal object is located or that is within an Aboriginal place of heritage significance,(f) subdividing land—(i) on which a heritage item is located or that is within a heritage conservation area, or(ii) on which an Aboriginal object is located or that is within an Aboriginal place of heritage significance.(3) When consent not required However, development consent under this clause is not required if—(a) the applicant has notified the consent authority of the proposed development and the consent authority has advised the applicant in writing before any work is carried out that it is satisfied that the proposed development—(i) is of a minor nature or is for the maintenance of the heritage item, Aboriginal object, Aboriginal place of heritage significance or archaeological site or a building, work, relic, tree or place within the heritage conservation area, and(ii) would not adversely affect the heritage significance of the heritage item, Aboriginal object, Aboriginal place, archaeological site or heritage conservation area, or(b) the development is in a cemetery or burial ground and the proposed development—(i) is the creation of a new grave or monument, or excavation or disturbance of land for the purpose of conserving or repairing monuments or grave markers, and(ii) would not cause disturbance to human remains, relics, Aboriginal objects in the form of grave goods, or to an Aboriginal place of heritage significance, or(c) the development is limited to the removal of a tree or other vegetation that the Council is satisfied is a risk to human life or property, or(d) the development is exempt development.(4) Effect of proposed development on heritage significance The consent authority must, before granting consent under this clause in respect of a heritage item or heritage conservation area, consider the effect of the proposed development on the heritage significance of the item or area concerned. This subclause applies regardless of whether a heritage management document is prepared under subclause (5) or a heritage conservation management plan is submitted under subclause (6).(5) Heritage assessment The consent authority may, before granting consent to any development—(a) on land on which a heritage item is located, or(b) on land that is within a heritage conservation area, orrequire a heritage management document to be prepared that assesses the extent to which the carrying out of the proposed development would affect the heritage significance of the heritage item or heritage conservation area concerned.(c) on land that is within the vicinity of land referred to in paragraph (a) or (b),(6) Heritage conservation management plans The consent authority may require, after considering the heritage significance of a heritage item and the extent of change proposed to it, the submission of a heritage conservation management plan before granting consent under this clause.(7) Archaeological sites The consent authority must, before granting consent under this clause to the carrying out of development on an archaeological site (other than land listed on the State Heritage Register or to which an interim heritage order under the Heritage Act 1977 applies)—(a) notify the Heritage Council of its intention to grant consent, and(b) take into consideration any response received from the Heritage Council within 28 days after the notice is sent.(8) Aboriginal places of heritage significance The consent authority must, before granting consent under this clause to the carrying out of development in an Aboriginal place of heritage significance—(a) consider the effect of the proposed development on the heritage significance of the place and any Aboriginal object known or reasonably likely to be located at the place by means of an adequate investigation and assessment (which may involve consideration of a heritage impact statement), and(b) notify the local Aboriginal communities, in writing or in such other manner as may be appropriate, about the application and take into consideration any response received within 28 days after the notice is sent.(9) Demolition of nominated State heritage items The consent authority must, before granting consent under this clause for the demolition of a nominated State heritage item—(a) notify the Heritage Council about the application, and(b) take into consideration any response received from the Heritage Council within 28 days after the notice is sent.(10) Conservation incentives The consent authority may grant consent to development for any purpose of a building that is a heritage item or of the land on which such a building is erected, or for any purpose on an Aboriginal place of heritage significance, even though development for that purpose would otherwise not be allowed by this Plan, if the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) the conservation of the heritage item or Aboriginal place of heritage significance is facilitated by the granting of consent, and(b) the proposed development is in accordance with a heritage management document that has been approved by the consent authority, and(c) the consent to the proposed development would require that all necessary conservation work identified in the heritage management document is carried out, and(d) the proposed development would not adversely affect the heritage significance of the heritage item, including its setting, or the heritage significance of the Aboriginal place of heritage significance, and(e) the proposed development would not have any significant adverse effect on the amenity of the surrounding area.
5.11 Bush fire hazard reduction
Bush fire hazard reduction work authorised by the Rural Fires Act 1997 may be carried out on any land without development consent.Note—The Rural Fires Act 1997 also makes provision relating to the carrying out of development on bush fire prone land.
5.12 Infrastructure development and use of existing buildings of the Crown
(1) This Plan does not restrict or prohibit, or enable the restriction or prohibition of, the carrying out of any development, by or on behalf of a public authority, that is permitted to be carried out with or without development consent, or that is exempt development, under State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021, Chapter 2.(2) This Plan does not restrict or prohibit, or enable the restriction or prohibition of, the use of existing buildings of the Crown by the Crown.
5.13 Eco-tourist facilities
[Not applicable]
5.14 Siding Spring Observatory—maintaining dark sky
[Not adopted]
5.15 Defence communications facility
[Not adopted]
5.16 Subdivision of, or dwellings on, land in certain rural, residential or conservation zones
[Not applicable]
5.17 Artificial waterbodies in environmentally sensitive areas in areas of operation of irrigation corporations
[Not applicable]
5.18 Intensive livestock agriculture
[Not applicable]
5.19 Pond-based, tank-based and oyster aquaculture
(1) Objectives The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to encourage sustainable oyster, pond-based and tank-based aquaculture in the State, namely, aquaculture development that uses, conserves and enhances the community’s resources so that the total quality of life now and in the future can be preserved and enhanced,(b) to set out the minimum site location and operational requirements for permissible pond-based and tank-based aquaculture development.(2) Pond-based or tank-based aquaculture—matters of which consent authority must be satisfied before granting consent The consent authority must not grant development consent to carry out development for the purpose of pond-based aquaculture or tank-based aquaculture unless the consent authority is satisfied of the following—(a) that the development complies with the site location and operational requirements set out in Part 1 of Schedule 6 for the development,(b) in the case of—(i) pond-based aquaculture in Zone RU5 Village, Zone RU6 Transition, Zone R1 General Residential, Zone R2 Low Density Residential, Zone R3 Medium Density Residential, Zone R4 High Density Residential, Zone R5 Large Lot Residential, Zone E1 Local Centre, Zone E2 Commercial Centre, Zone E3 Productivity Support, Zone E4 General Industrial, Zone E5 Heavy Industrial or Zone MU1 Mixed Use—that the development is for the purpose of small scale aquarium fish production, and(ii) pond-based aquaculture in Zone C3 Environmental Management or Zone C4 Environmental Living—that the development is for the purpose of extensive aquaculture, and(iii) tank-based aquaculture in Zone R1 General Residential, Zone R2 Low Density Residential, Zone R3 Medium Density Residential, Zone R4 High Density Residential, Zone R5 Large Lot Residential, Zone C3 Environmental Management or Zone C4 Environmental Living—that the development is for the purpose of small scale aquarium fish production, and(iv) pond-based aquaculture or tank-based aquaculture in Zone W1 Natural Waterways, Zone W2 Recreational Waterways or Zone W3 Working Waterways—that the development will use waterways to source water.(3) The requirements set out in Part 1 of Schedule 6 are minimum requirements and do not limit the matters a consent authority is required to take into consideration under the Act or the conditions that it may impose on any development consent.(4) Extensive pond-based aquaculture permitted without consent in certain zones Development for the purpose of pond-based aquaculture, that is also extensive aquaculture, may be carried out without development consent if—(a) the development is carried out in Zone RU1 Primary Production, Zone RU2 Rural Landscape, Zone RU3 Forestry, Zone RU4 Primary Production Small Lots or Zone RU6 Transition, and(b) the development complies with the site location requirements and operational requirements set out in Part 2 of Schedule 6.(5) Oyster aquaculture—additional matters that consent authority must consider in determining a development application In determining a development application for development for the purpose of oyster aquaculture, the consent authority must consider—(a) any provisions of any aquaculture industry development plan that are relevant to the subject of the development application, and(b) the NSW Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy.(6) Oyster aquaculture permitted without consent in priority oyster aquaculture areas Development for the purpose of oyster aquaculture may be carried out without development consent—(a) on land that is wholly within a priority oyster aquaculture area, or(b) on land that is partly within and partly outside a priority oyster aquaculture area, but only if the land outside the area is no more than 0.1 hectare in area.(7) Definitions In this clause—aquaculture industry development plan means an aquaculture industry development plan published under Part 6 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994.extensive aquaculture has the same meaning as in the Fisheries Management (Aquaculture) Regulation 2017.NSW Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy means the third edition of the publication of that title, as published in 2016 by the Department of Primary Industries (within the Department of Industry).priority oyster aquaculture area means an area identified as a priority oyster aquaculture area on a map referred to in Chapter 5.3 of the NSW Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy, being a map a copy of which is held in the head office of the Department of Primary Industries (within the Department of Industry) and published on that Department’s website.
5.20 Standards that cannot be used to refuse consent—playing and performing music
(1) The consent authority must not refuse consent to development in relation to licensed premises on the following grounds—(a) the playing or performance of music, including the following—(i) the genre of music played or performed, or(ii) whether the music played or performed is live or amplified, or(iii) whether the music played or performed is original music, or(iv) the number of musicians or live entertainment acts playing or performing, or(v) the type of instruments played,(b) whether dancing occurs,(c) the presence or use of a dance floor or another area ordinarily used for dancing,(d) the direction in which a stage for players or performers faces,(e) the decorations to be used, including, for example, mirror balls, or lighting used by players or performers.(2) The consent authority must not refuse consent to development in relation to licensed premises on the grounds of noise caused by the playing or performance of music, if the consent authority is satisfied the noise may be managed and minimised to an acceptable level.(3) In this clause—licensed premises has the same meaning as in the Liquor Act 2007.
5.21 Flood planning
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to minimise the flood risk to life and property associated with the use of land,(b) to allow development on land that is compatible with the flood function and behaviour on the land, taking into account projected changes as a result of climate change,(c) to avoid adverse or cumulative impacts on flood behaviour and the environment,(d) to enable the safe occupation and efficient evacuation of people in the event of a flood.(2) Development consent must not be granted to development on land the consent authority considers to be within the flood planning area unless the consent authority is satisfied the development—(a) is compatible with the flood function and behaviour on the land, and(b) will not adversely affect flood behaviour in a way that results in detrimental increases in the potential flood affectation of other development or properties, and(c) will not adversely affect the safe occupation and efficient evacuation of people or exceed the capacity of existing evacuation routes for the surrounding area in the event of a flood, and(d) incorporates appropriate measures to manage risk to life in the event of a flood, and(e) will not adversely affect the environment or cause avoidable erosion, siltation, destruction of riparian vegetation or a reduction in the stability of river banks or watercourses.(3) In deciding whether to grant development consent on land to which this clause applies, the consent authority must consider the following matters—(a) the impact of the development on projected changes to flood behaviour as a result of climate change,(b) the intended design and scale of buildings resulting from the development,(c) whether the development incorporates measures to minimise the risk to life and ensure the safe evacuation of people in the event of a flood,(d) the potential to modify, relocate or remove buildings resulting from development if the surrounding area is impacted by flooding or coastal erosion.(4) A word or expression used in this clause has the same meaning as it has in the Considering Flooding in Land Use Planning Guideline unless it is otherwise defined in this clause.(5) In this clause—Considering Flooding in Land Use Planning Guideline means the Considering Flooding in Land Use Planning Guideline published on the Department’s website on 14 July 2021.flood planning area has the same meaning as it has in the Floodplain Development Manual.Floodplain Development Manual means the Floodplain Development Manual(ISBN 0 7347 5476 0) published by the NSW Government in April 2005.
5.22 Special flood considerations
[Not adopted]
5.23 Public bushland
(1) The objective of this clause is to protect and ensure the ecological viability of bushland, including rehabilitated areas in urban areas, by—(a) preserving biodiversity, habitat corridors and links between public bushland and other nearby bushland, and(b) preserving bushland as a natural stabiliser of the soil surface, and(c) preserving existing hydrological landforms, processes and functions, including natural drainage lines, watercourses, wetlands and foreshores, and(d) preserving the recreational, educational, scientific, aesthetic, environmental, ecological and cultural values and potential of bushland, and(e) mitigating disturbance caused by development.(2) Development that will disturb, or is reasonably likely to disturb, public bushland is permitted with development consent.(3) Development consent must not be granted to development that will disturb, or is reasonably likely to disturb, public bushland unless the consent authority is satisfied of the following—(a) the disturbance of the bushland is essential for a purpose in the public interest,(b) there is no reasonable alternative to the disturbance,(c) the development minimises the amount of bushland to be disturbed,(d) the development includes measures to remediate the disturbed bushland.(4) Despite subclause (2), development that will disturb, or is reasonably likely to disturb, public bushland is permitted without development consent if the development is for the following purposes—(a) the construction, operation or maintenance of pipelines to carry water, sewerage or gas or pipelines licensed under the Pipelines Act 1967,(b) the construction, operation or maintenance of electricity or telecommunication lines,(c) bush fire hazard reduction,(d) the construction or maintenance of classified roads,(e) facilitating the recreational use of the public bushland.(5) Development specified in subclause (4)(e) is permitted without development consent only if it is carried out in accordance with a plan of management for the public bushland, adopted by the Council in the same way a plan of management is required to be adopted for community land under the Local Government Act 1993, Chapter 6, Part 2, Division 2, that includes measures for the following—(a) the recreational use of the land,(b) bush fire hazard reduction,(c) the prevention of degradation, including the alteration of drainage patterns, rubbish dumping, vehicle intrusion and infestation with weeds or non-native plants,(d) the remediation of degraded public bushland.(6) This clause does not require development consent for clearing of native vegetation if the clearing is of a kind that is authorised under the Local Land Services Act 2013, section 60O.(7) In deciding whether to grant development consent to development on land adjoining public bushland, the consent authority must consider the following—(a) the need to retain public bushland adjoining the site of the development,(b) the likely effect of the development on public bushland, including the following—(i) the erosion of soil,(ii) the siltation of streams and waterways,(iii) the spread of weeds and non-native plants within public bushland,(c) other matters the consent authority considers relevant to the protection and preservation of public bushland.(8) This clause does not apply to the following land that is public bushland—(a) land in Zone RU1, RU2, RU3, RU4 or RU5,(b) land reserved, dedicated or acquired under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974,(c) land within a State forest, flora reserve or timber reserve within the meaning of the Forestry Act 2012,(d) land to which State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts—Western Parkland City) 2021, Chapter 7 applies.(9) In this clause—disturb public bushland means—(a) remove vegetation from public bushland, or(b) cause a change in the natural ecology of public bushland that results in the destruction or degradation of the public bushland.non-native plant means a plant that is not native vegetation.public bushland means land—(a) on which there is vegetation that is—(i) a remainder of the natural vegetation of the land, or(ii) representative of the structure and floristics of the natural vegetation of the land, and(b) that is owned, managed or reserved for open space or environmental conservation by the Council or a public authority.
5.24 Farm stay accommodation
[Not adopted]
5.25 Farm gate premises
[Not adopted]
Part 6 Additional local provisions
Division 1 North Sydney Centre
6.1 Objectives of Division
The objectives of this Division are as follows—(a) to maintain the status of the North Sydney Centre as a major commercial centre,(b) to maximise commercial floor space capacity and employment growth within the constraints of the environmental context of the North Sydney Centre,(c), (d) (Repealed)(e) to encourage the provision of high-grade commercial space with a floor plate, where appropriate, of at least 1,000 square metres,(f) (Repealed)(g) to prevent any net increase in overshadowing during winter months of any land in Zone RE1 Public Recreation (other than Brett Whiteley Plaza) or any land identified as “Special Area” on the North Sydney Centre Map,(h) to ensure that any land within a residential zone is afforded a reasonable amount of solar access,(i) to maintain areas of open space on private land and promote the preservation of existing setbacks and landscaped areas, and to protect the amenity of those areas.
6.2 Land to which this Division applies
(1) This Division applies to the North Sydney Centre.(2) A provision in this Division prevails over any other provision of this Plan to the extent of any inconsistency.
6.3 Building heights and massing
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) (Repealed)(b) to promote a height and massing that has no adverse impact on land in Zone RE1 Public Recreation in the North Sydney Centre or land identified as “Special Area” on the North Sydney Centre Map or on the land known as the Don Bank Museum at 6 Napier Street, North Sydney,(c) to minimise overshadowing of, and loss of solar access to, land in Zone R2 Low Density Residential, Zone R3 Medium Density Residential, Zone R4 High Density Residential, Zone RE1 Public Recreation or land that is located outside the North Sydney Centre,(d) to promote scale and massing that provides for pedestrian comfort in relation to protection from the weather, solar access, human scale and visual dominance,(e) to encourage the consolidation of sites for the provision of high grade commercial space.(2) Development consent must not be granted for the erection of a building on land to which this Division applies if—(a) the development would result in a net increase in overshadowing between 12 pm and 2 pm from the March equinox to the September equinox (inclusive) on land to which this Division applies that is within Zone RE1 Public Recreation or that is identified as “Special Area” on the North Sydney Centre Map, or(b) the development would result in a net increase in overshadowing between 10 am and 2 pm from the March equinox to the September equinox (inclusive) of the Don Bank Museum, or(c) the site area of the development is less than 1,000 square metres and any building resulting from the development would have a building height greater than 45 metres.(3) The consent authority may grant development consent to development on land in the North Sydney Centre that would exceed the maximum height of buildings shown for the land on the Height of Buildings Map if the consent authority is satisfied that any increase in overshadowing between 9 am and 3 pm from the March equinox to the September equinox (inclusive) will not result in any private open space, or window to a habitable room, located outside the North Sydney Centre receiving—(a) if it received 2 hours or more of direct sunlight immediately before the commencement of North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 (Amendment No 23)—less than 2 hours of direct sunlight, or(b) if it received less than 2 hours of direct sunlight immediately before the commencement of North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 (Amendment No 23)—less direct sunlight than it did immediately before that commencement.(4) Brett Whiteley Plaza Development consent may be granted to development on land at 105–153 Miller Street, North Sydney, known as the MLC Building, that would result in a net increase in overshadowing of the land known as Brett Whiteley Plaza that is within Zone RE1 Public Recreation from the March equinox to the September equinox (inclusive).(5) In determining whether to grant development consent for development on land to which this Division applies, the consent authority must consider the following—(a) the likely impact of the proposed development on the scale, form and massing of the locality, the natural environment and neighbouring development and, in particular, the lower scale development adjoining the North Sydney Centre,(b) whether the proposed development preserves significant view lines and vistas,(c) whether the proposed development enhances the streetscape in relation to scale, materials and external treatments.
6.4 Miller Street setback
(1) The objective of this clause is to maintain the established setback and landscaped setting on the eastern side of Miller Street between McLaren Street and Mount Street.(2) Development consent must not be granted for the erection of a building on land identified as “Miller Street Setback” on the North Sydney Centre Map unless—(a) the building height will be less than 1.5 metres, and(b) the part of the building that will be on that land is used only for access to the building or landscaping purposes.
6.5 (Repealed)
Division 2 General provisions
6.6 Dual occupancies
(1) Development consent must not be granted for the erection of a dual occupancy unless—(a) the form of the building will appear as a dwelling house, and(b) the dwellings in the dual occupancy will be attached by at least 80% of the common wall or 80% of the common floor or ceiling, and(c) the area of the lot on which the dual occupancy is to be situated is at least 450 square metres.(2) A dual occupancy must not be erected on land that is located within a heritage conservation area or on which a heritage item is located unless—(a) there is no existing building erected on the land, or(b) the dual occupancy—(i) will be situated substantially within the fabric of an existing building, and(ii) will conserve the appearance of the existing building, as visible from a public place, and(iii) will conserve the majority of the significant fabric of the existing building.
6.7 Development in Zone RE1 or Zone RE2
(1) This clause applies to land in the following zones—(a) Zone RE1 Public Recreation,(b) Zone RE2 Private Recreation.(2) Development consent must not be granted for development on land to which this clause applies unless the consent authority has considered the following—(a) the need for the proposed development on the land,(b) whether the proposed development is likely to have a detrimental impact on the existing or likely future use of the land,(c) whether the height and bulk of any proposed building or structure has regard to the existing vegetation and topography,(d) whether the proposed development will adversely impact on bushland and remnant bushland,(e) whether the proposed development will adversely impact on stormwater flow,(f) in the case of land in Zone RE1 Public Recreation, whether the proposed development will significantly diminish public access to, and use of, that public recreation area.(3) Development consent must not be granted for development on land to which this clause applies unless the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) the proposed development is consistent with the objectives of the zone of any adjacent land, and(b) the proposed development is not likely to result in any adverse impacts on development that is permissible on any adjacent land, and(c) the proposed development is consistent with the most restrictive development standards applying to any adjacent land in the following zones in relation to the height of buildings, floor space ratios and setbacks—(i) Zone R2 Low Density Residential,(ii) Zone R3 Medium Density Residential,(iii) Zone R4 High Density Residential,(iv) Zone E1 Local Centre,(v) Zone E2 Commercial Centre,(vi) Zone E3 Productivity Support,(vii) Zone MU1 Mixed Use,(viii) Zone C4 Environmental Living,(ix) Zone W4 Working Waterfront.
6.8 Development on land in Zone W4
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to ensure development on land in Zone W4 Working Waterfront is in proportion with the site and its surroundings,(b) to acknowledge the unique environmental quality of the foreshores of the harbour.(2) Development consent must not be granted for development on land in Zone W4 Working Waterfront if the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) the proposed development is inconsistent with—(i) the size of the site and the part of the waterway where the development is to be situated, particularly in relation to the number, size and draft of any boats to be moored, or(ii) the proximity, scale and height of surrounding development, or(iii) the scenic, environmental and cultural qualities of the site and its surrounding area, or(b) the proposed development is likely to have a significantly adverse effect on—(i) public views and views from surrounding properties, or(ii) natural features on or adjoining the site, such as cliff lines, bushland and significant trees.(3) Development consent may be granted for an outdoor seating area associated with a kiosk on land to which this clause applies if the area used for that purpose does not exceed 40 square metres.(4) In this clause, draft, in relation to boats, means—(a) the vertical distance between the boat’s waterline and its lowest point in the water, or(b) the minimum water depth within which the boat will float.Note—The lowest point of the boat may be the hull or an attachment to the hull such as a keel, rudder or propeller.
6.9 Limited development on foreshore area
(1) The objective of this clause is to ensure that development in the foreshore area will not impact on natural foreshore processes or affect the significance and amenity of the area.(2) Development consent must not be granted for development on land in the foreshore area except for the following purposes—(a) the extension, alteration or rebuilding of an existing building wholly or partly in the foreshore area,(b) the erection of a building in the foreshore area, if the levels, depth or other exceptional features of the site make it appropriate to do so,(c) boat sheds, sea retaining walls, wharves, slipways, jetties, waterway access stairs, swimming pools, fences, cycleways, walking trails, picnic facilities or other recreation facilities (outdoors).(3) Development consent must not be granted under subclause (2) unless the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) the development will contribute to achieving the objectives for the zone in which the land is located, and(b) the appearance of any proposed structure, from both the waterway and adjacent foreshore areas, will be compatible with the surrounding area, and(c) the development will not cause environmental harm such as—(i) pollution or siltation of the waterway, or(ii) an adverse effect on surrounding uses, marine habitat, wetland areas, fauna and flora habitats, or(iii) an adverse effect on drainage patterns, and(d) the development will not cause congestion or generate conflict between people using open space areas or the waterway, and(e) opportunities to provide continuous public access along the foreshore and to the waterway will not be compromised, and(f) any historic, scientific, cultural, social, archaeological, architectural, natural or aesthetic significance of the land on which the development is to be carried out and of surrounding land will be maintained, and(g) in the case of development for the alteration or rebuilding of an existing building wholly or partly in the foreshore area, the alteration or rebuilding will not have an adverse impact on the amenity or aesthetic appearance of the foreshore, and(h) sea level rise or change of flooding patterns as a result of climate change has been considered.(4) In this clause—foreshore area means the land between the foreshore building line and the mean high water mark of the nearest natural waterbody shown on the Foreshore Building Line Map.foreshore building line means—(a) the line that is landward of, and at the distance specified on the Foreshore Building Line Map from, the mean high water mark of the nearest natural waterbody shown on that map, or(b) if no distance is specified, the line shown as the foreshore building line on that map.
6.10 Earthworks
(1) The objective of this clause is to ensure that earthworks for which development consent is required will not have a detrimental impact on environmental functions and processes, neighbouring uses, cultural or heritage items or features of the surrounding land.(2) Development consent is required for earthworks unless—(a) the earthworks are exempt development under this Plan or another applicable environmental planning instrument, or(b) the earthworks are ancillary to development that is permitted without consent under this Plan or to development for which development consent has been given.(3) Before granting development consent for earthworks (or for development involving ancillary earthworks), the consent authority must consider the following matters—(a) the likely disruption of, or any detrimental effect on—(i) drainage patterns and soil stability in the locality of the development, and(ii) natural features of, and vegetation on, the site and adjoining land,(b) the effect of the development on the likely future use or redevelopment of the land,(c) the quality of the fill or the soil to be excavated, or both,(d) the effect of the development on the existing and likely amenity of adjoining properties,(e) the source of any fill material and the destination of any excavated material,(f) the likelihood of disturbing Aboriginal objects or relics,(g) the proximity to, and potential for adverse impacts on, any waterway, drinking water catchment or environmentally sensitive area,(h) any appropriate measures proposed to avoid, minimise or mitigate the impacts of the development.Note—The National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, particularly section 86, deals with harming Aboriginal objects.
6.11 Converting serviced apartments to residential flat buildings
(1) The objective of this clause is to prevent substandard residential accommodation occurring through the conversion of serviced apartments to residential flat buildings.(2) Development consent must not be granted for the subdivision, under a strata scheme, of a building or part of a building that is being, or has been, used for serviced apartments into a residential flat building unless the consent authority has considered the following in relation to the residential flat building—(a) the design quality principles set out in Schedule 1 to State Environmental Planning Policy No 65—Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development,(b) the design principles of the Apartment Design Guide (within the meaning of that Policy).
6.12 Residential flat buildings
(1) The objective of this clause is to ensure that dwelling houses, dual occupancies or semi-detached dwellings will not be left isolated on sites that are not reasonably capable of development for residential flat buildings.(2) This clause applies to land in Zone R4 High Density Residential.(3) Development consent must not be granted for development for the purposes of a residential flat building if the development will result in a single dwelling house, dual occupancy or semi-detached dwelling being located on adjoining land in Zone R4 High Density Residential unless—(a) the adjoining land is at least 900 square metres, or(b) the consent authority is satisfied that the adjoining land is land on which development may be carried out for the purposes of a residential flat building.
6.12A Residential flat buildings in Zone MU1 Mixed Use
(1) The objective of this clause is to ensure that development for residential flat buildings on land in Zone MU1 Mixed Use forms part of mixed use developments and does not impact on the activation of street frontages.(2) This clause applies to land in Zone MU1 Mixed Use.(3) Development consent must not be granted for development for the purpose of a residential flat building on land to which this clause applies unless the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) the residential flat building is part of a mixed use development, and(b) no part of the ground floor of the building that is facing a street is used for residential accommodation.(4) Subclause (3)(b) does not apply to the part of the ground floor of a building at 45 McLaren Street, North Sydney that faces Walker Street, North Sydney.
6.13 Vehicular access
Despite any other provision of this Plan, development for the purposes of a driveway and vehicular crossing within a road reserve associated with a permissible use in an adjoining zone may be carried out with development consent.
6.14 Office premises in Zone E1 Local Centre
(1) The objective of this clause is to permit additional compatible uses within Zone E1 Local Centre but only if that use does not impact on the activation of street frontages.(2) Development consent must not be granted for development for the purposes of office premises on land in Zone E1 Local Centre unless the consent authority is satisfied that the office premises will be located above ground floor level or away from the primary street frontage at ground level of the building in which the office premises are located.
6.15 Airspace operations
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to provide for the effective and ongoing operation of the Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport by ensuring that such operation is not compromised by proposed development that penetrates the Limitation or Operations Surface for that airport,(b) to protect the community from undue risk from that operation.(2) If a development application is received and the consent authority is satisfied that the proposed development will penetrate the Limitation or Operations Surface, the consent authority must not grant development consent unless it has consulted with the relevant Commonwealth body about the application.(3) The consent authority may grant development consent for the development if the relevant Commonwealth body advises that—(a) the development will penetrate the Limitation or Operations Surface but it has no objection to its construction, or(b) the development will not penetrate the Limitation or Operations Surface.(4) The consent authority must not grant development consent for the development if the relevant Commonwealth body advises that the development will penetrate the Limitation or Operations Surface and should not be constructed.(5) In this clause—Limitation or Operations Surface means the Obstacle Limitation Surface or the Procedures for Air Navigation Services Operations Surface as shown on the Obstacle Limitation Surface Map or the Procedures for Air Navigation Services Operations Surface Map for the Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport.Obstacle Limitation Surface Map means the Obstacle Limitation Surface Map for the Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport prepared by the relevant Commonwealth body.relevant Commonwealth body means the body, under Commonwealth legislation, that is responsible for development approvals for development that penetrates the Limitation or Operations Surface for the Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport.
6.16 Development at 14–16 Military Road, Neutral Bay
(1) This clause applies to land at 14–16 Military Road, Neutral Bay, being Lot 1, DP 191827 and Lot F, DP 441071.(2) Despite any other provision of this Plan, development for the purposes of a driveway, car parking, landscaping and an acoustic wall used in relation to a service station is permitted with development consent.
6.17 Development at 200 Miller Street, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land at 200 Miller Street, North Sydney, being Lot 3, DP 1101874.(2) Despite any other provision of this Plan, development for the purposes of a driveway used in relation to a car park, place of public worship and ancillary residential accommodation at 34 McLaren Street, North Sydney, is permitted with development consent.
6.18 Development at Rowlison Parade, Cammeray
(1) This clause applies to land at Rowlison Parade, Cammeray, known as Tunks Park, being Lots 4A and 5A, DP 431013.(2) Despite any other provision of this Plan, development for the purposes of a driveway used in relation to a dual occupancy (attached) erected on land at 6 Rowlison Parade, Cammeray, is permitted with development consent.
6.19 Luna Park site
Development that is a land use authorised under the Luna Park Site Act 1990 may be carried out with development consent on land comprising the Luna Park site, as described in Schedule 1 to that Act.
6.19A Development at Christie Street, St Leonards
(1) This clause applies to land at 100 Christie Street and Christie Street Reserve, St Leonards, being Lots 2 and 3, DP 733528.(2) Despite any other provision of this Plan, development for the purpose of a car park is permitted with development consent on land to which this clause applies if—(a) the car park is associated with the use of land to which this clause applies in Zone E2 Commercial Centre as mixed use development comprising of residential accommodation and commercial premises, and(b) on that part of the land in Zone RE1 Public Recreation, the car park is located at least 1.5 metres below ground level (finished), and(c) the car park does not take up more than 50% of that part of the land that is in Zone RE1 Public Recreation.
6.19B Design excellence in the area adjacent to Crows Nest Metro Station
(1) The objective of this clause is to deliver the highest standard of architectural, urban and landscape design.(2) This clause applies to land identified as “Design Excellence” on the Design Excellence Map.(3) Development consent must not be granted for development on land to which this clause applies unless the consent authority considers that the development exhibits design excellence.(4) In considering whether the development exhibits design excellence, the consent authority must have regard to the following matters—(a) whether a high standard of architectural design, materials and detailing appropriate to the building type and location will be achieved,(b) whether the form and external appearance of the development will improve the quality and amenity of the public domain,(c) whether the development detrimentally impacts on view corridors from public spaces,(d) the consistency of the development with any guidelines issued by the Planning Secretary relating to the design and amenity of the area adjacent to the Crows Nest Metro Station,(e) how the development ensures appropriate solar access to—(i) Willoughby Road between 11.30 am and 2.30 pm in midwinter, and(ii) Ernest Place between 10 am and 3 pm in midwinter,(f) how the development addresses the following matters—(i) the suitability of the land for development,(ii) existing and proposed uses and use mix,(iii) heritage issues and streetscape constraints,(iv) the relationship of the development with other development (existing or proposed) on the same site or on neighbouring sites in terms of separation, setbacks, amenity and urban form,(v) bulk, massing and modulation of buildings,(vi) environmental impacts such as sustainable design, overshadowing, wind and reflectivity,(vii) the achievement of the principles of ecologically sustainable development,(viii) pedestrian, cycle, vehicular and service access, circulation and requirements,(ix) the impact on, and any proposed improvements to, the public domain,(x) achieving appropriate interfaces at ground level between the development and the public domain,(xi) active street frontages,(xii) integration of landscape design.
6.19C Development at Hampden and Walker Streets, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to Area 1 land.(2) Despite clause 4.3, development consent may be granted to development involving the erection of a building on the subject land with a height not greater than RL 148 metres, if the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) all Area 1 land will be consolidated into a single lot, and(b) any building on Area 1 land will not result in a net increase in overshadowing of Doris Fitton Park between 12pm and 2pm from the March equinox to the September equinox, inclusive.(3) In this clause—Area 1 land means the land identified as “Area 1” on the Special Provisions Area Map.Doris Fitton Park means the land known as Doris Fitton Park and identified as a “Special Area” on the North Sydney Centre Map.subject land means the following land within Area 1 land—(a) SP 64615, 179 Walker Street,(b) Lot 1, DP 119732, 11 Hampden Street.
6.19D Development at 270–272 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest
(1) This clause applies to land identified as “Area 1” on the Floor Space Ratio Map.(2) A building on land to which this clause applies may have a floor space ratio of up to 6.02:1 if the consent authority is satisfied that the gross floor area equal to the amount by which the floor space ratio of the building exceeds the maximum floor space ratio shown for the land on the Floor Space Ratio Map—(a) will be located below ground level (finished), and(b) will not be used for the purposes of the following—(i) residential accommodation,(ii) retail premises, other than neighbourhood shops.
Division 3 Intensive urban development areas
6.20 Arrangements for designated State public infrastructure
(1) The objective of this clause is to require satisfactory arrangements to be made for the provision of designated State public infrastructure before the development of land wholly or partly for residential purposes, to satisfy needs that arise from development on the land, but only if the land is developed intensively for urban purposes.(2) Despite all other provisions of this Plan, development consent must not be granted for development for the purposes of residential accommodation (whether as part of a mixed use development or otherwise) in an intensive urban development area that results in an increase in the number of dwellings in that area, unless the Planning Secretary has certified in writing to the consent authority that satisfactory arrangements have been made to contribute to the provision of designated State public infrastructure in relation to the land on which the development is to be carried out.(3) This clause does not apply to a development application to carry out development on land in an intensive urban development area if all or any part of the land to which the application applies is a special contributions area (as defined by section 7.1 of the Act).(4) In this Division—designated State public infrastructure means public facilities or services that are provided or financed by the State (or if provided or financed by the private sector, to the extent of any financial or in-kind contribution by the State) of the following kinds—(a) State and regional roads,(b) bus interchanges and bus lanes,(c) land required for regional open space,(d) social infrastructure and facilities (such as schools, hospitals, emergency services and justice purposes).intensive urban development area means the area of land identified as “Intensive Urban Development Area” on the Intensive Urban Development Area Map.Intensive Urban Development Area Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Intensive Urban Development Area Map.
6.21 Relationship between Division and remainder of Plan
A provision of this Division prevails over any other provision of this Plan to the extent of any inconsistency.
Schedule 1 Additional permitted uses
(Clause 2.5)
1 Use of certain land at 2 Anzac Avenue, Cammeray
(1) This clause applies to land at 2 Anzac Avenue, Cammeray, being Lot 2, DP 1080152.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) a registered club,(b) a recreation facility (indoor),(c) a recreation facility (outdoor).
2 Use of certain land at Cammeray Road, Cammeray
(1) This clause applies to land at Green Park, Cammeray Road, Cammeray, being Lot 7138, DP 93723.(2) Development for the purposes of a centre-based child care facility is permitted with development consent.
3 (Repealed)
4 Use of certain land at Park Avenue, Cammeray
(1) This clause applies to land at Cammeray Park, Park Avenue, Cammeray, being Lot 1103, DP 752067.(2) Development for the purposes of a registered club is permitted with development consent.
5 Use of certain land at 250 West Street, Cammeray
(1) This clause applies to land at St Thomas Rest Park, 250 West Street, Cammeray, being Lot 100, DP 790953.(2) Development for the purposes of a dwelling house is permitted with development consent.
6 Use of certain land at 34–48 Alexander Street, Crows Nest
(1) This clause applies to land at 34–48 Alexander Street, Crows Nest, being Lots 10–12, Section 4, DP 1265, Lot 1, DP 185720 and Lot 1, DP 1081820.(2) Development for the purposes of a car park is permitted with development consent.
7 Use of certain land at 84–90 Atchison Street, Crows Nest
(1) This clause applies to land at 84–90 Atchison Street, Crows Nest, being Lots 8–11, Section 6, DP 2872.(2) Development for the purposes of retail premises is permitted with development consent.
8 Use of certain land at 111–115 Chandos Street, Crows Nest
(1) This clause applies to land at 111–115 Chandos Street, Crows Nest, being Lots 28 and 29, Section 6, DP 2872.(2) Development for the purposes of office premises is permitted with development consent.
9 Use of certain land at 2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest
(1) This clause applies to land at 2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest, being Lot 1, DP 785343.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) business premises,(b) centre-based child care facilities,(c) entertainment facilities,(d) health consulting rooms,(e) retail premises.
10 Use of certain land at 6–10 Falcon Street, Crows Nest
(1) This clause applies to land at 6–10 Falcon Street, Crows Nest, being Lot 1, DP 314750, Lot 1, DP 104029, Lot 1, DP 104030, Lots 1–3, DP 455869 and Lot 13, Section 4, DP 1265.(2) Development for the purposes of a car park is permitted with development consent.
11 Use of certain land at Hume Street Park, Crows Nest
(1) This clause applies to land at Hume Street Park, Crows Nest (being Lot 1, DP 627992, Lot 1151, DP 1001452, Lots 1147–1149, DP 728437, Lots 11 and 32, Section 4, DP 2872, SP 33062, Lot 30, DP 667133 and parts of Hume Street and Hume Lane) that is identified as “Area B” on the Additional Permitted Uses Map.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) centre-based child care facilities,(b) recreation facilities (indoor).(3) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent, but only if the premises concerned will be located below ground level (finished)—(a) business premises,(b) car parks,(c) entertainment facilities,(d) health consulting rooms,(e) retail premises.(4) Despite subclause (3), the following parts of the premises concerned may be located above ground level (finished)—(a) entrances and lobbies,(b) access for fire services,(c) vehicular access.
12 Use of certain land at 1 Bradly Avenue, Kirribilli
(1) This clause applies to land at 1 Bradly Avenue, Kirribilli, being Lot 1, DP 1091583.(2) Development for the purposes of business premises with a maximum floor area of 325m2 is permitted with development consent.
13, 13A (Repealed)
14 Use of certain land at 2–44 Ennis Road, Kirribilli
(1) This clause applies to land at Bays 24–44, 2–44 Ennis Road, Kirribilli, being cubic spaces under the Warringah Expressway.(2) Development for the purposes of any permissible use in Zone E1 or small bars is permitted with development consent.
15 Use of certain land at 40 McDougall Street, Kirribilli
(1) This clause applies to land at 40 McDougall Street, Kirribilli, being Lot 3, DP 740787.(2) Development for the purposes of a car park is permitted with development consent.
16 Use of certain land at 76 McDougall Street, Kirribilli
(1) This clause applies to land at 76 McDougall Street, Kirribilli, being Lot 2, DP 1046761.(2) Development for the purposes of a registered club is permitted with development consent.
17 Use of certain land at 78 McDougall Street, Kirribilli
(1) This clause applies to land at 78 McDougall Street, Kirribilli, being Lot 2, DP 326759.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) a restaurant or cafe,(b) an entertainment facility.
18–21 (Repealed)
22 Use of certain land at 4 Alfred Street South, Milsons Point
(1) This clause applies to land at North Sydney Pool, 4 Alfred Street South, Milsons Point, being Lot 100, DP 875048, Lot 101, DP 880236, Lot 102, DP 854064, Lot 6, DP 127637 and Lot 103, DP 1007291.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) a recreation facility (indoor),(b) a restaurant or cafe,(c) a function centre.(3) (Repealed)
23 Use of certain land at 41 Alfred Street South, Milsons Point
(1) This clause applies to land at Bradfield Park, 41 Alfred Street South, Milsons Point, being Lot 1, DP 873687.(2) Development for the purposes of markets is permitted with development consent.
24 Use of certain land at Montpelier Street, Neutral Bay
(1) This clause applies to land at Forsyth Park, Montpelier Street, Neutral Bay, being Lot 2, DP 1168334.(2) Development for the purposes of a centre-based child care facility is permitted with development consent.
25 Use of certain land at 263 Alfred Street, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land at 263 Alfred Street, North Sydney, being SP 71563.(2) Development for the purposes of residential accommodation is permitted with development consent.
26 Use of certain land at 77–81 Berry Street, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land at 77–81 Berry Street, North Sydney, being SP 74602.(2) Development for the purposes of shop top housing is permitted with development consent.
27 (Repealed)
28 Use of certain land at Blue Street, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land known as the Blue Street Car Park at the eastern end of Blue Street, North Sydney, located on top of the northern railway approach to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and bounded by the North Shore Railway Line and the Pacific Highway.(2) Development for the purposes of a single level car park is permitted with development consent.
29 Use of certain land at 34 McLaren Street, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land at 34 McLaren Street, North Sydney, being Lot 1, DP 1033999, Lots 1–4, DP 1042467 and Lots 1 and 2, DP 62370.(2) Development for the purpose of a car park is permitted with development consent.
30 Use of certain land at Miller Street, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land at North Sydney Oval, Miller Street, North Sydney, being Lot 1108, DP 48839.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) centre-based child care facilities,(b) depots,(c) educational establishments,(d) entertainment facilities,(e) function centres,(f) health consulting rooms,(g) kiosks,(h) public administration buildings,(i) recreation facilities (major),(j) signage.(3) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent if the development is located within the sports grandstands and will not exceed a combined gross floor area of 2,000m2—(a) business premises,(b) office premises,(c) shops.
31 Use of certain land at Miller Street, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land at St Leonards Park, Miller Street, North Sydney, being Crown Lot 7321, DP 1149783.(2) Development for the purposes of an entertainment facility is permitted with development consent.
32 Use of certain land at 7–11 Mount Street, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land at 7–11 Mount Street, North Sydney, being Lot 1, DP 225258.(2) Development for the purpose of residential accommodation is permitted with development consent if it is associated with a place of public worship.
33 Use of certain land at 32–76 Pacific Highway, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to the land at 32–76 Pacific Highway, North Sydney, being the Middlemiss Street Bays 1–10 (cubic spaces under North Sydney Railway Line).(2) Development for the purposes of any permissible use in Zone E1 or vehicle repair stations is permitted with development consent.
34 Use of certain land at 93–95 Pacific Highway, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land at 93–95 Pacific Highway, North Sydney, being SP 73356.(2) Development for the purposes of shop top housing is permitted with development consent.
35 Use of certain land at 37 Ridge Street, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land at 37 Ridge Street, North Sydney, being Lot 3, DP 1101874.(2) Development for the purposes of a recreation facility (outdoor) is permitted with development consent.
36 Use of certain land at 264 Miller Street, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land at 264 Miller Street, North Sydney, being Lots 8–10, DP 1137247.(2) Development for the purposes of a place of public worship is permitted with development consent.
37 Use of certain land at 50 Ridge Street, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land at St Leonards Park, 50 Ridge Street, North Sydney, being Lots 1104–1107, DP 46990.(2) Development for the purposes of a registered club and recreation facilities (indoor) is permitted with development consent.
38 Use of certain land at Balls Head Drive, Waverton
(1) This clause applies to land at Balls Head Drive, Waverton, known as the former Quarantine boat depot, being Lots 104 and 105, DP 1162898.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) a community facility,(b) an information and education facility.
39 Use of certain land at Balls Head Drive, Waverton
(1) This clause applies to land at Balls Head Drive, Waverton, known as the ex-coal loader and Caltex sites, being Lot 99, DP 1048930.(2) Development for the purposes of an emergency services facility is permitted with development consent.
40 Use of certain land at Woolcott Street, Waverton
(1) This clause applies to land at Waverton Park, Woolcott Street, Waverton, known as Waverton Bowling Club, being Crown Lot 1205, DP 752067.(2) Development for the purposes of a registered club is permitted with development consent.
41 Use of certain land at Russell Street, Wollstonecraft
(1) This clause applies to land at Smoothey Park, Russell Street, Wollstonecraft, being Lot 1, DP 134132.(2) Development for the purposes of a community facility is permitted with development consent.
42 Use of certain land at 7–17 Nicholson Street, Wollstonecraft
(1) This clause applies to land at 7–17 Nicholson Street, Wollstonecraft, being Lots 28–30, Section 33, DP 4320, Lot 1, DP 1089027 and Lot 32, DP 961019.(2) Development for the purposes of a car park is permitted with development consent.
43 Use of certain land in Zone SP2
(1) This clause applies to land in Zone SP2 Infrastructure that is identified as “Railway” and “Classified road” on the Land Zoning Map.(2) Development for the purposes of signage is permitted with development consent.
44 Use of certain land at 167 and 169 Blues Point Road, McMahons Point
(1) This clause applies to land at 167 and 169 Blues Point Road, McMahons Point, being Lots C and B, DP 436985.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) business premises,(b) office premises.
45 Use of certain land at 11 Cowdroy Avenue, Cammeray
(1) This clause applies to land at 11 Cowdroy Avenue, Cammeray, being Lot 62, DP 8933.(2) Development for the purposes of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
46 Use of certain land at 80 Arthur Street, North Sydney
(1) This clause applies to land at 80 Arthur Street, North Sydney, being Lot 1, DP 539001.(2) Development for the purposes of serviced apartments is permitted with development consent.
47 Use of certain land at 617–621 Pacific Highway, St Leonards
(1) This clause applies to land at 617–621 Pacific Highway, St Leonards, being Lot 1, DP 1022881, Lot 1, DP 577070 and Lots 1 and 2, DP 455937.(2) Development for the purposes of shop top housing is permitted with development consent.
48 Use of certain land at Christie Street, St Leonards
(1) This clause applies to land at 100 Christie Street and Christie Street Reserve, St Leonards, being Lots 2 and 3, DP 733528.(2) Development for the purpose of shop top housing is permitted with development consent on land to which this clause applies in Zone E2.
49 Use of certain land at Falcon Street, Crows Nest
(1) This clause applies to the following land at Crows Nest—(a) 27 Falcon Street, Lots 32 and 33, Section 3, DP 1720 and Lot X, DP 407774,(b) 43 Falcon Street, Lot Y, DP 407774,(c) 47 Falcon Street, Lot A, DP 377050,(d) 49–51 Falcon Street, Lot 26, Section 3, DP 1720,(e) 55–57 Falcon Street, Lot 25, Section 3, DP 1720.(2) Development for the purposes of retail premises is permitted with development consent.
Schedule 2 Exempt development
(Clause 3.1)
Note 1—
State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 specifies exempt development under that Policy. The Policy has State-wide application. This Schedule contains additional exempt development not specified in that Policy.
Note 2—
Exempt development may be carried out without the need for development consent under the Act. Such development is not exempt from any approval, licence, permit or authority that is required under any other Act and adjoining owners’ property rights and the common law still apply.
Display of goods on footpath
(1) Must be associated with a lawfully established business carried out on land used for the purpose of—(a) business premises, office premises or retail premises and located on land in Zone E1, E2, MU1 or W4, or(b) a neighbourhood shop on land in Zone R3, R4 or E3.(2) Must be on the part of the footpath that is adjacent to that business.(3) Maximum area—5m2.(4) Must be at least 1.8m from the kerb.(5) If located at an intersection of 2 roads, must not be located within 3m of the intersection measured from the property boundary.(6) Must not obstruct access to the associated premises or to adjacent premises.(7) Must not involve the broadcasting of any live or recorded entertainment including music, broadcast programs, flashing lights, or the like.(8) Maximum height of temporary display structures—1.5m above ground level (existing).(9) All materials and equipment must be temporary and removed from the footpath at close of business.(10) Must not involve construction work.(11) Signage Must meet the following requirements—(a) must display name and logo of business only,(b) if located on furniture or equipment—must cover no more than 33% of the height of that furniture or equipment,(c) must not be illuminated.
Lighting (external)
(1) Must not be for the lighting of tennis courts.(2) Must comply with AS 4282—1997, Control of the obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting.
Minor routine maintenance of buildings identified as heritage items or on land within heritage conservation areas
Must comprise one or more of the following works—Note—See clause 5.10(3)(a) for requirements relating to other minor works or maintenance relating to heritage items and heritage conservation areas.(a) replacing screws and bolts to secure fixtures,(b) rehinging doors or gates,(c) replacing plumbing or wiring that does not involve the replacement of fixed floor, wall or ceiling linings,(d) repairing (that does not include replacing), sanding, polishing or oiling timber floorboards,(e) removing or replacing floor coverings (that does not include removal of floorboards attached to joists or concrete slabs),(f) maintaining or upgrading kitchens or bathrooms (that does not include removal of walls, widening of openings, demolition of chimney breasts or fireplaces),(g) removing or replacing built in cupboards,(h) removing or replacing internal light fittings,(i) repainting internal surfaces of a building,(j) replacing broken glass panes within windows (that does not involve a change in the opacity or colour of the glass),(k) replacing broken roof tiles.
Special events (including markets)
(1) Development for the purposes of temporary uses including community events (such as ceremonies, cultural celebrations, exhibitions, fetes, fairs, gatherings, markets or sporting events) and commercial events.(2) Must be on land owned or managed by the Council.(3) Maximum period—40 consecutive days and a total of 100 days in any calendar year.(4) Must take place during the period from 5:00 am to midnight on any day except as follows—(a) may continue from midnight on New Year’s Eve until 2:00 am on New Year’s Day,(b) in the case of a special event with minimal noise impacts, may take place at any time.(5) Must not include permanent physical change to the fabric of the location where the use occurs.(6) Must maintain emergency vehicle access to and around the premises.(7) Must not restrict pedestrian access to shops, public facilities or the foreshore unless alternative access is provided.(8) Must not prevent pedestrian access to existing footpaths unless alternative pedestrian pathways are provided (alternative pedestrian pathways are to have physical barriers erected between the pathway and any adjoining road).Note 1—Events that do not involve the erection of a temporary structure, the erection of an amusement device or disruption to normal traffic and pedestrian flows and are events for which the land has been designed do not require development consent. (For example, family picnics, regular sports training or games, casual exercise and passive enjoyment of a park.)Note 2—The Local Government Act 1993 may also apply, including provisions relating to plans of management and alcohol free zones.
Stair lifts (platform type)
(1) Must be associated with an attached dwelling, dual occupancy, dwelling house, multi dwelling housing, residential flat building or semi-detached dwelling.(2) Must not be visible from the foreshore.(3) Must be attached to existing stairs only.(4) Must be installed according to manufacturer’s specification.(5) Minimum stair width for pedestrian access—900mm.
Schedule 3 Complying development
(Clause 3.2)
State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 specifies complying development and the complying development conditions for that development under that Policy. The Policy has State-wide application. This Schedule contains additional complying development not specified in that Policy.
Part 1 Types of development
Part 2 Complying development certificate conditions
Complying development must comply with the requirements of the Act, the regulations under the Act and this Plan.
General conditions
Any development specified in Part 1 is subject to the same conditions set out in Schedule 6 to State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.
Schedule 4 Classification and reclassification of public land
(Clause 5.2)
Part 1 Land classified, or reclassified, as operational land—no interests changed
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Locality | Description |
Hume Street Park, Crows Nest | Lot 1, DP 627992; Lot 1151, DP 1001452; Lots 1148 and 1149, DP 728437; Lot 32, Section 4, DP 2872; SP 33062; Lot 30, DP 667133 |
Part of Tunks Park, Rowlison Parade, Cammeray | Lots 4A and 5A, DP 431013 |
Part 2 Land classified, or reclassified, as operational land—interests changed
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Locality | Description | Any trusts etc not discharged |
Cammeray—ANZAC Memorial Club, 2 Anzac Avenue | Lot 2, DP 1080152 | Nil |
Cammeray—drainage reserve adjacent to 30 Cowdroy Avenue | Lot 1, DP 1170407 | Nil |
Cremorne—drainage reserve adjacent to 30 and 32 Grasmere Road | Lot 21, DP 1165065 | Nil |
Cremorne—4–6 Langley Street | Lots 1–3, DP 1122786; Lot 2, DP 386185 | Nil |
Cremorne—106 Parraween Street | Lot 1, DP 980455; Lots A and B, DP 318784; Lot 1, DP 980451; Part Lot 12, Section 2, DP 4785; Lot 1, DP 572817 | Nil |
Cremorne—108 Parraween Street | Lot 4, DP 1122786 | Nil |
Crows Nest—34–48 Alexander Street (also known as 11 Burlington Street) | Lots 10–12, Section 4, DP 1265; Lot 1, DP 1081820; Lot 1, DP 185720 | Nil |
Part 3 Land classified, or reclassified, as community land
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Locality | Description |
Nil |
Schedule 5 Environmental heritage
(Clause 5.10)
Part 1 Heritage items
Heritage items marked with an asterisk (*) are also National or Commonwealth heritage items.
Locality | Item name | Address | Property description | Significance | Item no |
North Sydney bus shelters | Various | Various | Local | I0407 | |
Cammeray | “Tarella” | 3 Amherst Street | Lot 101, DP 618220 | State | I0001 |
Cammeray | House | 11 Armstrong Street | Lot 10, Section C, DP 1922 | Local | I0002 |
Cammeray | House | 135 Bellevue Street | Lot 15, Section 5, DP 2407 | Local | I0003 |
Cammeray | Electricity substation | 143 Bellevue Street | Lot B, DP 329809 | State | I0004 |
Cammeray | All Saints Anglican Church | 5–7 Carter Street | Lots 9 and 10, Section A, DP 4895 | Local | I0005 |
Cammeray | “Heatherbrae” and stables | 12 Colin Street | SP 22816; SP 37256 | Local | I0006 |
Cammeray | House | 1 Lytton Street | Lot B, DP 439435 | Local | I0007 |
Cammeray | House | 3 Lytton Street | Lot A, DP 439435 | Local | I0008 |
Cammeray | House | 8 Lytton Street | Lot 41, DP 550577 | Local | I0009 |
Cammeray | House | 10 Lytton Street | Lot 42, DP 550577 | Local | I0010 |
Cammeray | Former hospital | 11 Lytton Street | SP 63541 | Local | I0011 |
Cammeray | House | 22 Lytton Street | Lot 5, DP 4588 | Local | I0012 |
Cammeray | House | 26 Lytton Street | Lot 3, DP 4588 | Local | I0013 |
Cammeray | House | 28 Lytton Street | Lot 2, DP 4588 | Local | I0014 |
Cammeray | House | 30 Lytton Street | Lot 11, DP 609809 | Local | I0015 |
Cammeray | Suspension bridge | Miller Street | Miller Street road reserve | Local | I0018 |
Cammeray | “Franklea” | 336–338 Miller Street | SP 273; SP 10734 | Local | I0017 |
Cammeray | “Wieewa” | 336–338 Miller Street | SP 273; SP 10734 | Local | I0016 |
Cammeray | Cammeray Public School | 68 Palmer Street (corner Bellevue Street) | Lot 1, DP 123406; Lot 1, DP 316706; Lot 1, DP 316130; Lots 4 and 5, Section 35, DP 758790; Lots 1 and 2, DP 174370; Lot 66, DP 1049613 | Local | I0019 |
Cammeray | House | 5 The Boulevarde | Lot D, DP 333692 | Local | I0020 |
Cammeray | House | 49 The Boulevarde | Lot 23, DP 657776; Lot 24, DP 657777 | Local | I0021 |
Cammeray | Tunks Park, sewerage viaduct | Tunks Park | Crown Lot 7349, DP 1166085; Lot 1, DP 1038592 | Local | I0025 |
Cammeray | House | 2 Vale Street | Lot 10, DP 748772 | Local | I0022 |
Cammeray | House | 280 West Street | Lot 6, Section A, DP 1922 | Local | I0023 |
Cammeray | Cammeray Park (including golf course) | Lot 1, DP 166171; Lots 2–6, DP 244543; Closed road; Crown Lots 7302 and 7303, DP 1136001 | Local | I0024 | |
Cremorne | House | 7 Bannerman Street (33 Bogota Avenue) | Lot 7, DP 82855 | Local | I0026 |
Cremorne | Flat building | 15 Allister Street | SP 19383 | Local | I1146 |
Cremorne | “Dalkeith” | 8 Bannerman Street | Lot 1, DP 603005 | State | I0027 |
Cremorne | House | 9 Bannerman Street | Lot 6, DP 72206 | Local | I0028 |
Cremorne | “Ingleneuk” | 19 Bennett Street | Lot 1, DP 1060193 | Local | I0029 |
Cremorne | House | 33 Bennett Street | Lot 74, DP 3104 | Local | I0030 |
Cremorne | House | 36 Bennett Street | Lot 8, DP 15273 | Local | I0031 |
Cremorne | House | 38 Bennett Street | Lot 7, DP 15273 | Local | I0032 |
Cremorne | House | 40 Bennett Street | Lot 6, DP 15273 | Local | I0033 |
Cremorne | House | 42 Bennett Street | Lot 5, DP 15273 | Local | I0034 |
Cremorne | House | 4 Bertha Road | Lot A, DP 350785 | Local | I0035 |
Cremorne | House | 5 Bertha Road | Lot 84, DP 3104 | Local | I0036 |
Cremorne | House | 15–17 Bertha Road | Lot B, DP 82595 | Local | I0037 |
Cremorne | House | 24 Bertha Road | Lot 10, DP 75945 | Local | I0038 |
Cremorne | House | 7 Burroway Street | Lot 1, DP 395000 | Local | I0039 |
Cremorne | House | 6 Claude Avenue | SP 13316 | Local | I0040 |
Cremorne | House | 8 Claude Avenue | Lot 1, DP 1126679 | Local | I0041 |
Cremorne | House | 10 Claude Avenue | Lot 9, DP 74620 | Local | I0042 |
Cremorne | House | 12 Claude Avenue | Lot 10A, DP 364659 | Local | I0043 |
Cremorne | House | 14 Claude Avenue | Lot 11, DP 659444 | Local | I0044 |
Cremorne | “Belvedere” | 7 Cranbrook Avenue | Lot A, DP 329662 | State | I0045 |
Cremorne | “Egglemont” | 11 Cranbrook Avenue | Lots 27 and 28, DP 8862 | State | I0046 |
Cremorne | House | 24 Cranbrook Avenue | Lot 17, DP 8862 | Local | I1136 |
Cremorne | House | 32 Cranbrook Avenue | Lot 21, DP 8862 | Local | I0048 |
Cremorne | House | 34 Cranbrook Avenue | Lot 22, DP 8862 | Local | I0049 |
Cremorne | “Dunbrody” | 9 Davidson Parade | SP 13144 | Local | I0050 |
Cremorne | House | 7 Ellalong Road | Lot 28, DP 181223 | Local | I0051 |
Cremorne | House | 1 Florence Lane | Lot 2, DP 847742 | Local | I0053 |
Cremorne | House | 7 Florence Street | Lot 1, DP 81852 | Local | I0052 |
Cremorne | House | 22 Gerard Street | Lot 49, Section 3, DP 63129 | Local | I0054 |
Cremorne | House | 24 Gerard Street | Lot 48, DP 951981 | Local | I0055 |
Cremorne | Willoughby Falls remains | Grafton Street, opposite Fall Street (part of Primrose Park) | Lot 7136, DP 1071218 | Local | I0083 |
Cremorne | “Bundabulla” | 10 Guthrie Avenue | Lot 1, DP 795415 | Local | I0056 |
Cremorne | Flat building | 6 Hampden Avenue | SP 13174 | Local | I0057 |
Cremorne | House | 4 Harrison Street | Lot 33, DP 2989; Lot 1, DP 582291 | Local | I0058 |
Cremorne | House | 6 Harrison Street | Lot 32, DP 2989; Lot 1, DP 962811 | Local | I0059 |
Cremorne | House | 8 Harrison Street | Lot 31, DP 2989; Lot 1, DP 114085 | Local | I0060 |
Cremorne | House | 14 Harrison Street | SP 21937 | Local | I0061 |
Cremorne | Warringah Lodge | 6 Lodge Road | Lot 1, DP 324064; Part Lot 101, DP 10291 | Local | I0063 |
Cremorne | Former Cremorne Post Office/telephone exchange | 213 Military Road | Lot 11, DP 877844 | Local | I0064 |
Cremorne | SCEGGS Redlands | 274 Military Road | Lots 1, 3 and 4, DP 783663; Lot 1, DP 343811; Lot 1, DP 80618; Lot 1, DP 713405; Lot 2, DP 222013; Lot 21, DP 88932; Lots 1 and 2, DP 783664; Lots 11 and 12, DP 877879 | Local | I0065 |
Cremorne | Cremorne Orpheum Theatre | 380 Military Road | Lot 8, Section 1, DP 978497; Lot 9, DP 975041; Lot 10, DP 951095; Lots 1 and 2, DP 1106512 | Local | I0066 |
Cremorne | SCEGGS Redlands | 53–57 Murdoch Street | Lot 1, DP 731455 | Local | I0067 |
Cremorne | Former Cremorne Hall | 57 Murdoch Street (2 Allister Street) | Lot 1, DP 731455 | Local | I0068 |
Cremorne | House | 58 Murdoch Street | Lot 3, DP 598028 | Local | I0069 |
Cremorne | House | 59 Murdoch Street | Lot 45, DP 8862 | Local | I0070 |
Cremorne | Willsdene Hall | 82 Murdoch Street | SP 13514 | Local | I0071 |
Cremorne | Neutral Bay House | 19 Rangers Road | Lot 16, DP 2989 | Local | I0078 |
Cremorne | House | 14 Spofforth Street | Lot 1, DP 196242 | Local | I0079 |
Cremorne | St Peter’s Anglican Church | 29 Waters Road (corner Gerard and Winnie Streets) | Lot 1, DP 999570 | Local | I0080 |
Cremorne | Folly Point Sewage Treatment Works | Primrose Park, Young Street | Lot 7136, DP 1071218; Lot 100, DP 727041 | Local | I0081 |
Cremorne | Primrose Park | Young Street | Lot 100, DP 727041; Lot 4, DP 1130646; Lots 10–14, Section 3, DP 979110; Lots 29–31, Section 4, DP 78960; Lot 7136, DP 1071218; Lot D, DP 108873; Lot I, DP 21566; Lots X and W, DP 368807; Lot B, DP 433892; Lot 2, DP 204872; Lot 1, DP 501784; Lot B, DP 407953; Lot 86, DP 19754; Lot 71, DP 19621 | Local | I0082 |
Cremorne Point | Head of Shell Cove | Bogota Avenue | Lot 1, DP 974533; part of Crown Lot 7337, DP 113982 | Local | I0580 |
Cremorne Point | Sydney Ancher House | 15 Bogota Avenue | Lots 2 and 3, DP 387664 | Local | I0577 |
Cremorne Point | “Arden” | 17–19 Bogota Avenue | Lot 1, DP 387664 | Local | I0578 |
Cremorne Point | House | 29 Bogota Avenue | Lot 2, DP 505413 | Local | I0579 |
Cremorne Point | House | 2 Bromley Avenue | SP 16970; SP 33524 | Local | I0084 |
Cremorne Point | “Roslyn” | 4 Bromley Avenue | Lot 2, DP 4756 | Local | I0085 |
Cremorne Point | “Balangowan” | 5 Bromley Avenue | Lot A, DP 398150 | Local | I0086 |
Cremorne Point | House | 6 Bromley Avenue | Lots 3 and 4, DP 4756 | Local | I0087 |
Cremorne Point | House | 9 Cremorne Road | Part Lot 35, Section G, DP 4389 | Local | I0088 |
Cremorne Point | House | 14 Cremorne Road | Lot 40, Section F, DP 4389 | Local | I0089 |
Cremorne Point | House | 15 Cremorne Road | Part Lot 32, Section G, DP 4389 | Local | I0090 |
Cremorne Point | House | 17 Cremorne Road | Lot 31, Section G, DP 4389 | Local | I0091 |
Cremorne Point | Flat building | 18–20 Cremorne Road | SP 13516 | Local | I0092 |
Cremorne Point | House | 26 Cremorne Road | Lot 1, DP 926849 | Local | I0093 |
Cremorne Point | House | 27 Cremorne Road | Lot 27, Section G, DP 4389 | Local | I0094 |
Cremorne Point | House | 56 Cremorne Road | Lot 1, DP 938072; Lot 59, Section F, DP 4150 | Local | I0095 |
Cremorne Point | House | 58 Cremorne Road | Lot 60, Section F, DP 978830 | Local | I0096 |
Cremorne Point | House | 62 Cremorne Road | Lot 1, DP 707975 | Local | I0097 |
Cremorne Point | Flat building | 83 Cremorne Road | SP 16022 | Local | I0098 |
Cremorne Point | Sydney Amateur Sailing Club building | Green Street | Lot 1201, DP 752067 | Local | I0103 |
Cremorne Point | House | 3 Green Street | Lots 3–5, DP 34211 | Local | I0099 |
Cremorne Point | “The Laurels” | 5 Green Street | SP 16098 | Local | I0100 |
Cremorne Point | Site of Cremorne smelter | Cremorne Reserve, east of 5 Green Street | Part of Crown Lot 7339, DP 1139892 | Local | I0102 |
Cremorne Point | House | 6 Green Street | Lot 1, DP 1111641 | Local | I0101 |
Cremorne Point | Site of Cremorne coal bore | Hodgson Avenue | Hodgson Avenue road reserve | Local | I0105 |
Cremorne Point | House | 14 Hodgson Avenue | Lot 21, DP 979719 | Local | I0104 |
Cremorne Point | House | 20 Iredale Avenue | Lot 1, DP 948654 | Local | I0062 |
Cremorne Point | Old Cremorne Wharf | Kareela Road, foreshore of Mosman Bay | Lot 3, DP 852697 | Local | I0110 |
Cremorne Point | “Nenagh” | 28 Kareela Road | Lot 1, DP 974547; Lot 39, Section C, DP 3900 | Local | I0106 |
Cremorne Point | House | 43 Kareela Road | Lot 12, Section D, DP 3900 | Local | I0107 |
Cremorne Point | “Coomera” | 63 Kareela Road | Lot 2, Section D, DP 3900 | Local | I0108 |
Cremorne Point | House | 68 Kareela Road | Lot 1, DP 840768 | Local | I0109 |
Cremorne Point | Former tram terminus shed | Corner Milson and Wharf Roads | Lot 1, DP 881930 | Local | I0131 |
Cremorne Point | Low Level Sewage Pumping Station No 57 | Milson Road (adjacent to Cremorne Wharf) | Part of Crown Lot 7338, DP 1139892 | Local | I0129 |
Cremorne Point | Former tram turning loop and ferry interchange | Milson Road and Wharf Road | Milson Road reserve, south of 4 Milson Road | Local | I0130 |
Cremorne Point | “Wallenundgal” | 1 Milson Road | Lot A, DP 315605 | Local | I0111 |
Cremorne Point | Waldorf Apartments | 3 Milson Road | SP 36367 | Local | I0112 |
Cremorne Point | Warrigal Flats | 13 Milson Road | SP 4433 | Local | I0113 |
Cremorne Point | House | 14 Milson Road | Lot 33, Section E, DP 4389 | Local | I0114 |
Cremorne Point | “Woolooware” | 18 Milson Road | Lot 31, Section E, DP 4389 | Local | I0115 |
Cremorne Point | House | 32 Milson Road | Lot 24, DP 946149 | Local | I0116 |
Cremorne Point | House | 33 Milson Road | SP 48603 | Local | I0117 |
Cremorne Point | “Blackwood” | 59 Milson Road | Lot 9, Section F, DP 4389 | Local | I0118 |
Cremorne Point | “Mobarik” | 61 Milson Road | Lot 8, Section F, DP 4389 | Local | I0119 |
Cremorne Point | “Eventide” | 63 Milson Road | Lot 7, Section F, DP 4389 | Local | I0120 |
Cremorne Point | “Coolooba” | 67 Milson Road | Lot 6, Section F, DP 4389 | Local | I0121 |
Cremorne Point | Riviera Flats | 73 Milson Road | SP 9838 | Local | I0122 |
Cremorne Point | Mayfair Court | 86 Milson Road | SP 43228 | Local | I0123 |
Cremorne Point | Flat building | 90 Milson Road | SP 3768 | Local | I0124 |
Cremorne Point | Flat building | 96 Milson Road | SP 11356; SP 61327 | Local | I0125 |
Cremorne Point | Flat building | 101 Milson Road | SP 10353; SP 20318 | Local | I0126 |
Cremorne Point | House | 136 Milson Road | Lot 1, DP 216126 | Local | I0127 |
Cremorne Point | House | 146 Milson Road | Lot 4, Section A, DP 4389 | Local | I0128 |
Cremorne Point | House | 7 Murdoch Street | Lot 1, DP 74420 | Local | I0132 |
Cremorne Point | House | 2 Prior Avenue | Lot 6, DP 192697 | Local | I0072 |
Cremorne Point | House | 3 Prior Avenue | Lot 7, DP 192697 | Local | I0073 |
Cremorne Point | House | 4 Prior Avenue | Lot 8, DP 192697 | Local | I0074 |
Cremorne Point | House | 5 Prior Avenue | Lot 1, DP 199254 | Local | I0075 |
Cremorne Point | House | 6 Prior Avenue | Lot 10, DP 192697 | Local | I0076 |
Cremorne Point | House | 7A Prior Avenue | Lot 1, DP 134111 | Local | I0077 |
Cremorne Point | Gloucester Flats | 3 Wulworra Avenue | Lot 1, DP 235905 | Local | I0133 |
Cremorne Point | Windsor Flats | 5 Wulworra Avenue | SP 14060 | Local | I0134 |
Cremorne Point | Former 3 storey residence | 8 Wulworra Avenue | SP 15153; SP 17856 | Local | I0135 |
Cremorne Point | Cremorne Reserve (including Robertsons Point) | Lot 1, DP 974533; Crown Lots 7337–7341, DP 1139892; Lot 1, DP 911147; Lot 93, DP 1206495; Lot 1, DP 449844; part of Lot 1, DP 1086010; Lot 2, DP 1086010; Lot 1, DP 911459; McCallum Pool | Local | I0136 | |
Cremorne Point | Robertsons Point Lighthouse | Adjoining southern tip of Robertsons Point | Local | I0137 | |
Crows Nest | Electricity Powerhouse No 187 | 23 Albany Street (corner Oxley Street) | Part Lot 12, Section 7, DP 2872; Lots 13–17, Section 7, DP 2872 | State | I0138 |
Crows Nest | House | 103 Alexander Street | Lot 4, DP 664797 | Local | I0139 |
Crows Nest | Barn, outbuilding at rear | 114 Atchison Street | Lot B, DP 964617 | Local | I0140 |
Crows Nest | St Leonards Centre | 28–34 Clarke Street | Lots 21–24, Section 8, DP 2872 | Local | I0141 |
Crows Nest | House | 18 David Street | Lot 101, DP 867508 | Local | I0142 |
Crows Nest | Former Church of Christ | 69 Falcon Street | Lot 21, Section 3, DP 1720 | Local | I0143 |
Crows Nest | Former hall | 14 Hayberry Street | Lot 8, Section 2, DP 1265 | Local | I0144 |
Crows Nest | House | 104 Hayberry Street | Lot 1, DP 230039 | Local | I0145 |
Crows Nest | Crows Nest Performing Arts Centre | 6 Holtermann Street | Lots 21 and 22, Section 7, DP 1265 | Local | I0146 |
Crows Nest | Uniting Church hall | 8 Holtermann Street | Lot 20, Section 7, DP 1265 | Local | I0147 |
Crows Nest | Uniting Church parsonage | 10 Holtermann Street | Lot B, DP 309979 | Local | I0148 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 86 Holtermann Street | SP 34745 | Local | I0149 |
Crows Nest | Former North Shore Gas Co office | 286–288 Pacific Highway | Lots 1–6, DP 716494 | Local | I0150 |
Crows Nest | Bank | 306 Pacific Highway | Lot 2, DP 109422 | Local | I0151 |
Crows Nest | Former National Australia Bank | 308 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 936314 | Local | I0152 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 312 Pacific Highway | Lot A, DP 436382 | Local | I0153 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 314 Pacific Highway | Lot B, DP 436382 | Local | I0154 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 316 Pacific Highway | Lot C, DP 436382 | Local | I0155 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 318 Pacific Highway | Lot D, DP 436382 | Local | I0156 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 320 Pacific Highway | Lot E, DP 436382 | Local | I0157 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 322 Pacific Highway | Lot F, DP 436382 | Local | I0158 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 326 Pacific Highway | Lot B, DP 333866 | Local | I0159 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 330 Pacific Highway | Lot D, DP 402972 | Local | I0160 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 332 Pacific Highway | Lot C, DP 402972 | Local | I0161 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 334 Pacific Highway | Lot B, DP 402972 | Local | I0162 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 336 Pacific Highway | Lot A, DP 402972 | Local | I0163 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 338 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 101100 | Local | I0164 |
Crows Nest | North Sydney Girls’ High School | 365 Pacific Highway (between David and Myrtle Streets) | Lot 2, DP 503944; Lot 1, DP 57348; Lot 6, DP 1129; Lot 1, DP 121466; Lot 1, DP 441022; Lot 1, DP 112934; Lot 1, DP 231800; Lot 1, DP 181780; Lots C and D, DP 180999; Lot 1, DP 182669; Lots A and B, DP 440323; Lot 1, DP 182051; Lot 1, DP 794607; Lot 1, DP 503944; Lot 2, DP 57348 | Local | I0165 |
Crows Nest | Higgins Buildings | 366 Pacific Highway | Lot 6, DP 222601 | Local | I0166 |
Crows Nest | Higgins Buildings | 368 Pacific Highway | Lot 5, DP 222601 | Local | I0167 |
Crows Nest | Higgins Buildings | 370 Pacific Highway | Lot 4, DP 222601 | Local | I0168 |
Crows Nest | Higgins Buildings | 372 Pacific Highway | Lot 3, DP 222601 | Local | I0169 |
Crows Nest | Higgins Buildings | 374 Pacific Highway | Lot 2, DP 222601 | Local | I0170 |
Crows Nest | Higgins Buildings | 376 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 222601 | Local | I0171 |
Crows Nest | Willoughby House, former OJ Williams store | 429 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 651865 | Local | I0172 |
Crows Nest | Crows Nest Fire Station | 99 Shirley Road | Lots 26–28, Section 2, DP 1649 | Local | I0173 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 87 West Street | Lot 6, DP 1113783 | Local | I0174 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 89 West Street | Lot 7, DP 1113783 | Local | I0175 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 89A West Street | Lot 8, DP 1113783 | Local | I0176 |
Crows Nest | House | 169 West Street | Lot 1, DP 926269 | Local | I0177 |
Crows Nest | House | 179 West Street | Lot 2, Section 1, DP 819 | Local | I0178 |
Crows Nest | Shop | 205 West Street | Lot 1, DP 86395 | Local | I0179 |
Crows Nest | St Thomas Rest Park (including Sexton’s Cottage and cemetery fence) | 250 West Street | Lot 100, DP 790953; Lot 104, DP 790981 | Local | I0180 |
Crows Nest | Crows Nest Hotel | 1–3 Willoughby Road | Lot 1, DP 434184 | Local | I0181 |
Crows Nest | Northside Baptist Church | 63 Willoughby Road | Lots 1 and 2, Section 6, DP 1265 | Local | I0182 |
Kirribilli | Electricity Substation No 217 | Bligh Street | Lot 1, DP 180216 | Local | I0183 |
Kirribilli | Careening Cove slipways and seawall, east end | 1 Bradly Avenue | Lot 1, DP 1091583 | Local | I0184 |
Kirribilli | Greenway Flats | Corner Broughton and McDougall Streets | Lot 4, DP 218808 | Local | I0187 |
Kirribilli | The Fantasia Preschool | 5 Broughton Street | Lots 9 and 10, Section B, DP 1537 | Local | I0186 |
Kirribilli | St John the Baptist Anglican Church | 7–9 Broughton Street | Lots 5–8, Section B, DP 1537 | Local | I0185 |
Kirribilli | St Aloysius College (part of junior school) | 29 Burton Street (14–24 Bligh Street) | Lot 1, DP 830667 | Local | I0188 |
Kirribilli | House | 8 Carabella Street | Lot 1, DP 102581 | Local | I0189 |
Kirribilli | House | 10 Carabella Street | SP 14718 | Local | I0190 |
Kirribilli | Glenferrie Private Hotel | 12A Carabella Street | Lots 1 and 2, DP 772496; Lot 1, DP 100406 | Local | I0211 |
Kirribilli | House | 28 Carabella Street | SP 14703 | Local | I0191 |
Kirribilli | “Keston” | 31 Carabella Street | SP 54187 | Local | I0192 |
Kirribilli | “Sunnyside” | 40 Carabella Street | Lot 101, DP 1154168 | Local | I0193 |
Kirribilli | House | 42 Carabella Street | Lot 100, DP 1154168 | Local | I0194 |
Kirribilli | House | 44 Carabella Street | Lot 1, DP 499641 | Local | I0195 |
Kirribilli | “Burnleigh” | 48 Carabella Street | Lot 1, DP 903698 | Local | I0196 |
Kirribilli | House | 54 Carabella Street | Lot 1, DP 134325 | Local | I0197 |
Kirribilli | House | 56 Carabella Street | Lot 1, DP 114716 | Local | I0198 |
Kirribilli | House | 58 Carabella Street | Lot 1, DP 926330 | Local | I0199 |
Kirribilli | House | 64 Carabella Street | Lots 33 and 34, Section B, DP 1537 | Local | I0200 |
Kirribilli | House | 66 Carabella Street | Lot 32, Section B, DP 4453 | Local | I0201 |
Kirribilli | “Fairhaven” | 69 Carabella Street | Lots 19 and 20, DP 4140 | Local | I0202 |
Kirribilli | Araluen House | 71 Carabella Street | Lots 17 and 18, DP 4140 | Local | I0203 |
Kirribilli | “Elamang” | 73–83 Carabella Street | Lot 200, DP 1166282 | Local | I0204 |
Kirribilli | House | 100 Carabella Street | Lot 2, DP 706914 | Local | I0205 |
Kirribilli | House | 102 Carabella Street | Lot 1, DP 706914 | Local | I0206 |
Kirribilli | House | 104 Carabella Street | Lot E, DP 441339 | Local | I0207 |
Kirribilli | House | 106 Carabella Street | Lot B, DP 396813 | Local | I0208 |
Kirribilli | House | 108 Carabella Street | Lot A, DP 396813 | Local | I0209 |
Kirribilli | House | 119 Carabella Street | Lot 2, DP 668557 | Local | I0210 |
Kirribilli | House | 5 Elamang Avenue | Lot B, DP 307268 | Local | I0212 |
Kirribilli | “Doondi” | 8 Elamang Avenue | Lot 1, DP 102047 | Local | I0213 |
Kirribilli | “Vandaura” | 10 Elamang Avenue | Lot 6, DP 456104; Lot 7, DP 4140 | Local | I0214 |
Kirribilli | House | 17 Elamang Avenue | Lot 29, DP 4313 | Local | I0215 |
Kirribilli | House | 29 Elamang Avenue | Lot 9, Section 2, DP 1276 | Local | I0216 |
Kirribilli | “Illingullin” | 14 Fitzroy Street | Lot 31, DP 748442 | Local | I0217 |
Kirribilli | Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre | 16–18 Fitzroy Street | Lot 1, DP 70567 | Local | I0218 |
Kirribilli | House | 20 Fitzroy Street | Lot A, DP 108846 | Local | I0219 |
Kirribilli | House | 22 Fitzroy Street | Lot B, DP 108846 | Local | I0220 |
Kirribilli | House | 24 Fitzroy Street | Lot C, DP 108846 | Local | I0221 |
Kirribilli | House | 26 Fitzroy Street | Lot D, DP 108846 | Local | I0222 |
Kirribilli | House | 28 Fitzroy Street | Lot 1, DP 584966 | Local | I0223 |
Kirribilli | House | 30 Fitzroy Street | Lot 2, DP 584966 | Local | I0224 |
Kirribilli | House | 32 Fitzroy Street | Lot 3, DP 584966 | Local | I0225 |
Kirribilli | House | 34 Fitzroy Street | Lot B, DP 445711 | Local | I0226 |
Kirribilli | House | 36 Fitzroy Street | Lot 2, Section C, DP 1537 | Local | I0227 |
Kirribilli | “Morookra” | 38 Fitzroy Street | Lot 3, Section C, DP 1537 | Local | I0228 |
Kirribilli | “Oakdene” | 40 Fitzroy Street | Lot 4, Section C, DP 1537 | Local | I0229 |
Kirribilli | House | 42 Fitzroy Street | Lot 5, Section C, DP 1537 | Local | I0230 |
Kirribilli | House | 44 Fitzroy Street | Lot 6, Section C, DP 1537 | Local | I0231 |
Kirribilli | House | 46 Fitzroy Street | Lot 7, Section C, DP 1537 | Local | I0232 |
Kirribilli | House | 48 Fitzroy Street | Lot 8, Section C, DP 1537 | Local | I0233 |
Kirribilli | House | 50 Fitzroy Street | Lot 2, DP 1010858 | Local | I0234 |
Kirribilli | Mount Warwick Apartments | 2 Holbrook Avenue | SP 13638 | Local | I0235 |
Kirribilli | Huntingdon Apartments | 6 Holbrook Avenue | SP 6878 | Local | I0236 |
Kirribilli | “Sunnyside” | 11 Holbrook Avenue | Lot 1, DP 1040689 | Local | I0237 |
Kirribilli | “Brendalan” | 17 Holbrook Avenue | SP 11691 | Local | I0238 |
Kirribilli | Walder Apartments | 19 Holbrook Avenue | SP 13999; SP 57334 | Local | I0239 |
Kirribilli | Mayfair Apartments | 21 Holbrook Avenue | SP 15002 | Local | I0240 |
Kirribilli | “Renown” | 23 Holbrook Avenue | SP 9438; SP 11130 | Local | I0241 |
Kirribilli | Stone retaining wall | Corner Jeffreys and Upper Pitt Streets | Jeffreys Street road reserve | Local | I1134 |
Kirribilli | Copes Lookout | Jeffreys Street (east side of wharf) | Lot 2, DP 851449; Lot 3, DP 567224; Jeffreys Street road reserve (southern portion) | Local | I0256 |
Kirribilli | “Wyalla” | 1–5 Jeffreys Street | Lot 101, DP 1108496 | Local | I0242 |
Kirribilli | House | 26 Jeffreys Street | Part of Lot 20, DP 1215745 | Local | I0243 |
Kirribilli | House | 28 Jeffreys Street | Part of Lot 20, DP 1215745 | Local | I0244 |
Kirribilli | House | 30 Jeffreys Street | Lot 2, DP 230232 | Local | I0245 |
Kirribilli | House | 32 Jeffreys Street | Lot 1, DP 230232 | Local | I0246 |
Kirribilli | House | 34 Jeffreys Street | Lot 5, DP 207833 | Local | I0247 |
Kirribilli | House | 36 Jeffreys Street | Lot 4, DP 207833 | Local | I0248 |
Kirribilli | House | 38 Jeffreys Street | Lot 3, DP 207833 | Local | I0249 |
Kirribilli | House | 40 Jeffreys Street | SP 39011 | Local | I0250 |
Kirribilli | House | 42 Jeffreys Street | Lot 1, DP 207833 | Local | I0251 |
Kirribilli | House | 44 Jeffreys Street | Lot D, DP 377418 | Local | I0252 |
Kirribilli | House | 46 Jeffreys Street | Lot C, DP 377418 | Local | I0253 |
Kirribilli | House | 48 Jeffreys Street | Lot B, DP 377418 | Local | I0254 |
Kirribilli | House | 50 Jeffreys Street | Lot A, DP 377418 | Local | I0255 |
Kirribilli | Foreshore in front of Mary Booth Park and 55 and 59 Kirribilli Avenue, boat slips, sandstone walling, cliff face | Kirribilli Avenue | Lots 5–8, DP 21555; Lot 52, DP 858699; Lot 101, DP 871097; Lot 2, DP 793871; Lot 2, DP 630381 | Local | I0266 |
Kirribilli | Faux stone balustrade | Kirribilli Avenue (corner Broughton Street) | Kirribilli Avenue road reserve | Local | I1133 |
Kirribilli | House | 40 Kirribilli Avenue | Lot 4, DP 228298 | Local | I0257 |
Kirribilli | House | 42 Kirribilli Avenue | Lot 5, DP 228298 | Local | I0258 |
Kirribilli | “Elsiemere” | 55 Kirribilli Avenue | Lot A, DP 385192 | Local | I0259 |
Kirribilli | “Studley Royal” | 59 Kirribilli Avenue | SP 16930; SP 69080 | Local | I0260 |
Kirribilli | “St Julian” | 107 Kirribilli Avenue | Lot 5, DP 13064 | Local | I0261 |
Kirribilli | Kirribilli Point fortifications | 109 Kirribilli Avenue | Lot 867, DP 752067 | Local | I0262 |
Kirribilli | Admiralty House | 109 Kirribilli Avenue | Lots 12, 18 and 19, DP 13064; Lot 867, DP 752067; Lots 1–3, DP 228902 | Local* | I0263 |
Kirribilli | Kirribilli House | 111 Kirribilli Avenue | Lot 109, DP 1151872 | Local* | I0264 |
Kirribilli | “Soma” | 126 Kirribilli Avenue | SP 50081 | Local | I0265 |
Kirribilli | Milson Park | McDougall Street | Lot 706, DP 752067 and closed road | Local | I0301 |
Kirribilli | Low Level Sewage Pumping Station No 33 | 74 McDougall Street | Lot 1, DP 773343 | Local | I0267 |
Kirribilli | Sydney Flying Squadron Ltd building | 76 McDougall Street | Lots 1–2, DP 1046761 | Local | I0268 |
Kirribilli | Ensemble Theatre | 78 McDougall Street | Lot 2, DP 326759 | Local | I0269 |
Kirribilli | House | 8 Parkes Street | Lot 1, DP 739154 | Local | I0270 |
Kirribilli | House | 12 Parkes Street | Lot 1, DP 706725 | Local | I0271 |
Kirribilli | House | 9 Peel Street | Lot 1, DP 930718 | Local | I0272 |
Kirribilli | House | 11 Peel Street | Lot 1, DP 930942 | Local | I0273 |
Kirribilli | House | 13 Peel Street | Lot 1, DP 114159 | Local | I0274 |
Kirribilli | House | 15 Peel Street | Lot F, DP 25693 | Local | I0275 |
Kirribilli | House | 17 Peel Street | Lot E, DP 25693 | Local | I0276 |
Kirribilli | House | 19 Peel Street | Lot D, DP 25693 | Local | I0277 |
Kirribilli | House | 21 Peel Street | Lot C, DP 25693 | Local | I0278 |
Kirribilli | House | 23 Peel Street | Lot B, DP 25693 | Local | I0279 |
Kirribilli | House | 24 Peel Street | Lot 1, DP 115499 | Local | I0280 |
Kirribilli | House | 25 Peel Street | Lot A, DP 25693 | Local | I0281 |
Kirribilli | Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron building | 33 Peel Street | Lot 1, DP 89565; Lot 5, DP 208274 | Local | I0282 |
Kirribilli | “Bratton” | 38 Pitt Street | Lot 1, DP 627119 | Local | I0283 |
Kirribilli | House | 41 Pitt Street | Lot 3, DP 228298 | Local | I0284 |
Kirribilli | House | 43 Pitt Street | Lot 2, DP 228298 | Local | I0285 |
Kirribilli | House | 45 Pitt Street | Lot 1, DP 228298 | Local | I0286 |
Kirribilli | House | 1 Plunkett Street | Lot 1, DP 75725 | Local | I0287 |
Kirribilli | “Craiglea” | 49 Upper Pitt Street (also known as 88 Kirribilli Street) | SP 50441; SP 53759; SP 54600 | Local | I0288 |
Kirribilli | “The Rock-Fort” | 59 Upper Pitt Street | Lot 1, DP 322192 | Local | I0289 |
Kirribilli | House | 61 Upper Pitt Street | Lot A, DP 340557 | Local | I0290 |
Kirribilli | “Greenmount” | 67 Upper Pitt Street | Lot 3, DP 84852 | Local | I0291 |
Kirribilli | “The Grange” | 69 Upper Pitt Street | SP 15581; SP 33713 | Local | I0292 |
Kirribilli | “Redlynn” | 8 Waruda Street | SP 10675 | Local | I0293 |
Kirribilli | Regent Apartments | 29 Waruda Street | Lot 17, DP 13064; Lots 1 and 2, DP 179278 | Local | I0294 |
Kirribilli | House | 29 Willoughby Street | Lot 6, DP 236361 | Local | I0295 |
Kirribilli | House | 31 Willoughby Street | Lot 5, DP 236361 | Local | I0296 |
Kirribilli | House | 45 Willoughby Street | Lot 1, DP 115096; Lot 2, DP 948337 | Local | I0297 |
Kirribilli | House | 60 Willoughby Street | Lot 11, DP 559003 | Local | I0298 |
Kirribilli | Paton’s slipways | 62 Willoughby Street | Lot 1, DP 326760; Lot 1, DP 326759; Lot 1, DP 1095443; Lots 1 and 2, DP 572899 | Local | I0299 |
Kirribilli | Fern Lodge | 6 Winslow Street | Lot 1, DP 901143 | Local | I0300 |
Kurraba Point | Flat building | 2 Baden Road | SP 34666 | Local | I0551 |
Kurraba Point | Flat building | 6 Baden Road | SP 60286 | Local | I0552 |
Kurraba Point | Flat building | 8 Baden Road | Lot 25, DP 17443 | Local | I0553 |
Kurraba Point | House | 1 Honda Road | Lot 11, DP 86145 | Local | I0631 |
Kurraba Point | House | 3 Honda Road | Lot 10, DP 600595 | Local | I0632 |
Kurraba Point | Site and remains of Port Jackson and Manly Steamship Company depot | Kurraba Road, Kurraba Point Reserve (including Hodgson and Spains Lookouts) | Lots 6–11, DP 17577; Lot 1, DP 430427; Lots 1 and 2, DP 616462; Lot 1, DP 127089; Lots 14 and 15, DP 17443; Lot 1, DP 942981; Lot 1060, DP 665716; Lots 1052 and 1067, DP 752067; Lot 1, DP 1031935 | Local | I0669 |
Kurraba Point | House | 75 Kurraba Road | Lot 34, DP 3183 | Local | I0657 |
Kurraba Point | House | 95 Kurraba Road | SP 13995 | Local | I0658 |
Kurraba Point | “Once Upon A Time” | 115A Kurraba Road | SP 13551 | Local | I0660 |
Kurraba Point | House | 130 Kurraba Road | Lot 1, DP 926261 | Local | I0661 |
Kurraba Point | “Mona” | 132 Kurraba Road | SP 14237 | Local | I0662 |
Kurraba Point | House | 142 Kurraba Road | Lot 1, DP 537932 | Local | I0663 |
Kurraba Point | House | 144 Kurraba Road | Lot 1, DP 771000 | Local | I0664 |
Kurraba Point | “Hollowforth” | 146 Kurraba Road | SP 22278 | State | I0665 |
Kurraba Point | “Casa Madrona” | 168 Kurraba Road | Lot 1, DP 1087623 | Local | I0666 |
Kurraba Point | House | 174B Kurraba Road | Lot B, DP 412459 | Local | I0667 |
Kurraba Point | “Gingie” | 176 Kurraba Road | Lot 2, DP 28012 | Local | I0668 |
Kurraba Point | House | 23A Lower Wycombe Road | Lot 33, DP 3183; Lot 31, DP 68342 | Local | I0740 |
Kurraba Point | “Englemere” | 11 Shellcove Road | SP 52378 | Local | I0686 |
Kurraba Point | House | 13 Shellcove Road | Lot 1, DP 938160 | Local | I0687 |
Kurraba Point | “Keynsham” | 29 Shellcove Road | Lot 1, DP 1196925 | Local | I0688 |
Kurraba Point | “Brent Knowle” | 31 Shellcove Road | Lot B, DP 416193 | Local | I0689 |
Kurraba Point | “Ailsa” | 33 Shellcove Road | Lot 5, DP 15766 | Local | I0690 |
Kurraba Point | “St Anne’s” | 37 Shellcove Road | Lot 1, DP 8928 | Local | I0691 |
Kurraba Point | “Gundamaine” | 39 Shellcove Road | SP 18527 | Local | I0692 |
Kurraba Point | House | 42 Shellcove Road | Lot B, DP 315560 | Local | I0693 |
Kurraba Point | “The Cobbles” | 49 Shellcove Road | Lot 2, DP 959594 | Local | I0694 |
Kurraba Point | House | 52 Shellcove Road | Lot 9, DP 192717 | Local | I0695 |
Kurraba Point | House | 54 Shellcove Road | Lot 8, DP 192717 | Local | I0696 |
Kurraba Point | “Honda” | 55 Shellcove Road | Lot 1, DP 835534 | Local | I0697 |
Kurraba Point | House | 61 Shellcove Road | Lot 2, DP 153047 | Local | I0699 |
Kurraba Point | Wallaringa Mansions | 1 Wallaringa Avenue (17 Lower Wycombe Road and 3 Warringah Avenue) | SP 73259; SP 75886; SP 84353; Lots 2 and 3, DP 876732 | Local | I0736 |
Kurraba Point | “Nutcote” | 5 Wallaringa Avenue | Lot 1, DP 562377 | State | I0730 |
Kurraba Point | House | 7 Wallaringa Avenue | Lot 1, DP 199237 | Local | I0731 |
Kurraba Point | House | 9 Wallaringa Avenue | Lot 1, DP 743095 | Local | I0732 |
Kurraba Point | “St Julian’s” | 23 Wycombe Road | SP 11386 | Local | I0739 |
Kurraba Point | “Tenalba” | 31 Wycombe Road | Lot 100, DP 533090 | Local | I0742 |
Lavender Bay | Neptune Engineering site | Lots 2–4, DP 807276; Lot 1, DP 868707 | Local | I0386 | |
Lavender Bay | Railway marshalling yards | Lot 100, DP 1103512 | Local | I0396 | |
Lavender Bay | Railway viaduct | Lot 100, DP 1103512 | Local | I0397 | |
Lavender Bay | Rubble seawall | Adjacent to Lot 1187, DP 48335 (seaward side) | Local | I0394 | |
Lavender Bay | Electricity Substation No 219 | Corner Arthur Street and Arthur Lane | Lot 1, DP 181730 | Local | I0313 |
Lavender Bay | House | 23 Arthur Street | Lot 1, DP 795593 | Local | I0302 |
Lavender Bay | House | 24 Arthur Street | Lot 32, DP 107589 | Local | I0303 |
Lavender Bay | House | 26 Arthur Street | Lot 11, DP 587928 | Local | I0304 |
Lavender Bay | House | 27 Arthur Street | Lot B, DP 107237 | Local | I0305 |
Lavender Bay | House | 28 Arthur Street | Lot 12, DP 587928 | Local | I0306 |
Lavender Bay | House | 29 Arthur Street | Lot A, DP 107237 | Local | I0307 |
Lavender Bay | House | 30 Arthur Street | Lot 3, DP 587510 | Local | I0308 |
Lavender Bay | House | 31 Arthur Street | Lot 52B, DP 346292 | Local | I0309 |
Lavender Bay | House | 32 Arthur Street | Lot 2, DP 587510 | Local | I0310 |
Lavender Bay | House | 33 Arthur Street | Lot 100, DP 815808 | Local | I0311 |
Lavender Bay | House | 34 Arthur Street | Lot 1, DP 587510 | Local | I0312 |
Lavender Bay | Stone retaining wall | 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 12A, 12B, 16, 18 and 38 Bay View Street and 21 King George Street | Lots 101 and 102, DP 1248227; Lot 2, DP 312181; Lot 10, DP 1196777; SP 10075; Lot 5, DP 11282; SP 75267; Lot 1, DP 810493; Lot 1, DP 316373; Bay View Street road reserve; Lot 7, DP 520996 | Local | I0322 |
Lavender Bay | Seawall | 3, 5, 7, 9, 23A and 23B Bay View Street | Lots 1 and 2, DP 167089; SP 54824; Lot 2, DP 166929; Lot 4, DP 24707; Lots 51 and 52, DP 788973 | Local | I0314 |
Lavender Bay | “Ildemere” | 11 Bay View Street | Lots 1–5, DP 1097479 | State | I0315 |
Lavender Bay | Ildemere boathouse | 11A Bay View Street | Lots 3 and 5, DP 1097479 | State | I0316 |
Lavender Bay | House | 25 Bay View Street | Lot 1, DP 206872 | Local | I0317 |
Lavender Bay | House | 27 Bay View Street | Lot 2, DP 206872 | Local | I0318 |
Lavender Bay | House | 29 Bay View Street | Lot 3, DP 206872 | Local | I0319 |
Lavender Bay | House | 31 Bay View Street | Lot 41, DP 630293 | Local | I0320 |
Lavender Bay | House | 33 Bay View Street | Lot 42, DP 630293 | Local | I0321 |
Lavender Bay | “Lurline” | 43 East Crescent Street | Lot 1, DP 980306 | Local | I0323 |
Lavender Bay | House | 47 East Crescent Street | Lot A, DP 383325 | Local | I0324 |
Lavender Bay | House | 49 East Crescent Street | Lot 1, DP 432999 | Local | I0325 |
Lavender Bay | Low level sewage pumping station | King George Street | King George Street road reserve | Local | I0330 |
Lavender Bay | House | 11 King George Street | Lot 1, DP 80950 | Local | I0326 |
Lavender Bay | House | 15 King George Street | Lot 1, DP 514929 | Local | I0327 |
Lavender Bay | House | 17 King George Street | Lot 2, DP 514929 | Local | I0328 |
Lavender Bay | Lavender Bay boat sheds | 23A King George Street | Lot 1025, DP 662065 | Local | I0329 |
Lavender Bay | Lavender Crescent stone wall | Lavender Crescent | Lavender Street and Lavender Crescent road reserve; Lavender Street and Walker Street road reserve | Local | I0347 |
Lavender Bay | Watt Park | Lavender Crescent | Lots 1 and 2, DP 108816; Lot 30, DP 12668; pathway | Local | I0348 |
Lavender Bay | “Quibree” | 23 Lavender Crescent | Lot 1, DP 134152 | Local | I0340 |
Lavender Bay | House | 10 Lavender Street | Lot 1, DP 202808 | Local | I0331 |
Lavender Bay | House | 12 Lavender Street | Lot 2, DP 202808 | Local | I0332 |
Lavender Bay | House | 14 Lavender Street | Lot 3, DP 202808 | Local | I0333 |
Lavender Bay | House | 16 Lavender Street | Lot 4, DP 202808 | Local | I0334 |
Lavender Bay | House | 18 Lavender Street | Lot 5, DP 202808 | Local | I0335 |
Lavender Bay | House | 19 Lavender Street | SP 66449 | Local | I0336 |
Lavender Bay | House | 20 Lavender Street | Lot 6, DP 202808 | Local | I0337 |
Lavender Bay | House | 21 Lavender Street | Lot 1, DP 932805 | Local | I0338 |
Lavender Bay | House | 22 Lavender Street | Lot 7, DP 202808 | Local | I0339 |
Lavender Bay | House | 24 Lavender Street | Lot 8, DP 202808 | Local | I0341 |
Lavender Bay | Gateposts and fence of former Folkestone House | 26 Lavender Street | SP 1893 | Local | I0342 |
Lavender Bay | Christ Church Rectory | 28 Lavender Street | Lot 1, DP 786970 | Local | I0343 |
Lavender Bay | House | 41 Lavender Street | Lot 1, DP 931274 | Local | I0344 |
Lavender Bay | House | 43 Lavender Street | Lot 1, DP 966284 | Local | I0345 |
Lavender Bay | House | 45 Lavender Street | Lot 1, DP 513417 | Local | I0346 |
Lavender Bay | St Francis Xavier Church | 19 Mackenzie Street | Lot 2, DP 86304 | Local | I0349 |
Lavender Bay | St Francis Xavier School Hall | 19 Mackenzie Street | Lot 2, DP 86304 | Local | I0350 |
Lavender Bay | St Francis Xavier Parish Centre | 20 Mackenzie Street | Lot 2, DP 527890 | Local | I0351 |
Lavender Bay | House | 1 Waiwera Street | Lot 18, Section 5, DP 976193 | Local | I0352 |
Lavender Bay | House | 4 Waiwera Street | Lot 4, DP 874313 | Local | I0353 |
Lavender Bay | Flat building | 15 Waiwera Street | SP 33029 | Local | I0354 |
Lavender Bay | House | 16 Waiwera Street | Lot 1, DP 797978 | Local | I0355 |
Lavender Bay | House | 18 Waiwera Street | Lot 19, DP 1094222 | Local | I0356 |
Lavender Bay | House | 20 Waiwera Street | Lot 1, DP 986038 | Local | I0357 |
Lavender Bay | House | 22 Waiwera Street | Lot 1, DP 112272 | Local | I0358 |
Lavender Bay | Bellarion Court | 23 Waiwera Street | SP 85383 | Local | I0359 |
Lavender Bay | Clark Park | Walker Street | Lot 62, DP 3756; Lots 1–3, DP 931990; Lot 1, DP 917865; Lot 11, DP 1165235; Crown Lots 7325 and 7326, DP 1165248 | Local | I0385 |
Lavender Bay | Lavender Bay Ferry Wharf | Walker Street | Part Lot 1, DP 876572; Lot 1, DP 878922 | Local | I0384 |
Lavender Bay | Brett Whiteley House and visual curtilage | 1 Walker Street | Lot 1, DP 931832; Crown Lots 1–3, DP 931990; Crown Lots 7325 and 7326, DP 1165248; part of Lot 1, DP 917865; part of Lot 62, DP 3756; part of Lot 123, DP 870371; Lot 1, DP 1220077; part of Lot 2, DP 1220077; part of Lot 100, DP 1103512; part of Lot 1187, DP 48335; Lot 1136, DP 752067; Lot 1, DP 175422; part of Lot 1, DP 868707; Lot 31, DP 12668; Crown Lot 11, DP 1165235; Lot 1, DP 599474 | State | I0360 |
Lavender Bay | “Berowra” | 2 Walker Street | Lot 2, DP 874703 | Local | I0361 |
Lavender Bay | House | 3 Walker Street | Lot 1, DP 977470 | Local | I0362 |
Lavender Bay | “Mercedes” | 9 Walker Street | Lot 1, DP 215241 | Local | I0363 |
Lavender Bay | Christ Church Anglican Church | 10 Walker Street | Lot 2, DP 786970 | Local | I0364 |
Lavender Bay | “Brenda” | 11 Walker Street | Lot A, DP 332299 | Local | I0365 |
Lavender Bay | “Glenlewis” | 11A Walker Street | Lot B, DP 332299 | Local | I0366 |
Lavender Bay | “Merryula” | 15 Walker Street | Lot 2, DP 588070 | Local | I0367 |
Lavender Bay | “Kiengal” | 17 Walker Street | Lot 1, DP 588070 | Local | I0368 |
Lavender Bay | House | 19 Walker Street | Lot 2, DP 547 | Local | I0369 |
Lavender Bay | House | 20 Walker Street | Lot 2, DP 182375 | Local | I0370 |
Lavender Bay | House | 21 Walker Street | Lot 3, DP 976597 | Local | I0371 |
Lavender Bay | House | 22 Walker Street | Lot 5, DP 109094 | Local | I0372 |
Lavender Bay | House | 23 Walker Street | Lot 1, DP 986770 | Local | I0373 |
Lavender Bay | House | 24 Walker Street | Lot 4, DP 109094 | Local | I0374 |
Lavender Bay | Royal Art Society of NSW building | 25–27 Walker Street | Lots 6 and 7, DP 436011 | Local | I0375 |
Lavender Bay | House | 26 Walker Street | Lot 3, DP 109094 | Local | I0376 |
Lavender Bay | House | 28 Walker Street | Lot 2, DP 109094 | Local | I0377 |
Lavender Bay | House | 29 Walker Street | Lot 5, DP 436011 | Local | I0378 |
Lavender Bay | House | 30 Walker Street | Lot 1, DP 109094 | Local | I0379 |
Lavender Bay | House | 31 Walker Street | Lot 4, DP 436011 | Local | I0380 |
Lavender Bay | House | 33 Walker Street | Lot 3, DP 436011 | Local | I0381 |
Lavender Bay | House | 35 Walker Street | Lot 2, DP 436011 | Local | I0382 |
Lavender Bay | House | 37 Walker Street | Lot 1, DP 436011 | Local | I0383 |
Lavender Bay, McMahons Point and Waverton | Waverton rail underbridges | Commodore Crescent | Lot 100, DP 1103512 | State | I0405 |
Lavender Bay, McMahons Point and Waverton | Waverton underbridge | Euroka Street | Lot 100, DP 1103512 | Local | I0406 |
Lavender Bay, McMahons Point and Waverton | Former Glen Street tram terminus | Glen Street, north of Dind Street | Local | I0404 | |
Lavender Bay, McMahons Point and Waverton | John Street Railway Bridge | John Street | Lot 100, DP 1103512 | Local | I0388 |
Lavender Bay, McMahons Point and Waverton | Brick retaining wall | South of John Street | Lot 100, DP 1103512 | Local | I0402 |
Lavender Bay, McMahons Point and Waverton | Lavender Bay Railway Tunnel | King George Street and Lavender Crescent | Lot 100, DP 1103512 | Local | I0389 |
Lavender Bay, McMahons Point and Waverton | Lavender Bay Railway Line | Between Luna Park and Waverton Railway Station | Lot 100, DP 1103512; Lot 123, DP 870371; Lot 1187, DP 48335; Lots 1 and 2, DP 1220077 | Local | I0387 |
Lavender Bay, McMahons Point and Waverton | Signal footing | Victoria Street (adjacent to bridge) | Lot 100, DP 1103512 | Local | I0390 |
McMahons Point | World War II Observation Post and stone stair | Blues Point | Crown Land Reserve 944–690 | Local | I0424 |
McMahons Point | Blues Point foreshore shelf | Blues Point foreshore | Lot 7048, DP 1077149; Lot 1, DP 209345; Lots 1007, 1132 and 1133, DP 752067; Crown Land Reserve 944–690 | Local | I0425 |
McMahons Point | Blues Point Waterfront Group | Blues Point Road and Henry Lawson Drive | Lot 7048, DP 1077149; Lot 1, DP 209345; Lots 1007, 1132 and 1133, DP 752067; Crown Land Reserve 944–690; Lot 2, DP 581992; Lot 2, DP 572828; Lots 50–51, DP 861201; part Henry Lawson Avenue road reserve; Lot 11, DP 853338; public pathway/steps to foreshore, East Crescent Street; Blues Point Road road reserve (southern end); Lots 1 and 2, DP 230594; Lot 1, DP 902933; Lot 1, DP 1159898; Lot 1, DP 581992; Lots 1 and 2, DP 1146537; Lot 14 and part of Lot 15, Section D, DP 8; Crown Lots 1007, 1008, 1134 and 1135, DP 752067 | Local | I0423 |
McMahons Point | Stone retaining wall | Blues Point Road | Blues Point Road road reserve (southern end) | Local | I0426 |
McMahons Point | Bollard | Blues Point Road | Crown Land Reserve 944–690 | Local | I0427 |
McMahons Point | Bollard with chain | Blues Point Road | Crown Land Reserve 944–690 | Local | I0428 |
McMahons Point | Excavation | Blues Point Road | Crown Land Reserve 944–690 | Local | I0429 |
McMahons Point | Steps with bollards | Blues Point Road | Crown Land Reserve 944–690 | Local | I0450 |
McMahons Point | Blues Point vehicular ferry dock | Blues Point Road (south end cul de sac) | Lot 7048, DP 1077149; Lot 2, DP 581992 | Local | I0451 |
McMahons Point | Blues Point Tower | 14–28 Blues Point Road | SP 125 | Local | I0408 |
McMahons Point | Fence | 58 Blues Point Road | Lot B, DP 359959 | Local | I0410 |
McMahons Point | House | 101 Blues Point Road | Lot 1, DP 216475 | Local | I0411 |
McMahons Point | House | 136 Blues Point Road | Lot 11, DP 3713 | Local | I0412 |
McMahons Point | House | 138 Blues Point Road | Lot 10, DP 3713 | Local | I0413 |
McMahons Point | House | 140 Blues Point Road | Lots 8 and 9, DP 3713 | Local | I0414 |
McMahons Point | Shop | 143–147 Blues Point Road | Lot 1, DP 110687 | Local | I0415 |
McMahons Point | Shop | 149–151 Blues Point Road | SP 15160 | Local | I0416 |
McMahons Point | House | 163 Blues Point Road | Lot B, DP 362711 | Local | I0417 |
McMahons Point | House | 167 Blues Point Road | Lot C, DP 436985 | Local | I0418 |
McMahons Point | House | 169 Blues Point Road | Lot B, DP 436985 | Local | I0419 |
McMahons Point | Clifton Flats | 176 Blues Point Road | SP 12594 | Local | I0420 |
McMahons Point | Restaurant | 180 Blues Point Road | Lot 17, DP 1007270 | Local | I0421 |
McMahons Point | Commercial building | 182 Blues Point Road | Lot 1, DP 85103; Lot B, DP 388442; Lot 1, DP 63515 | Local | I0422 |
McMahons Point | House | 2 Chuter Street | Lot 101, DP 864440 | Local | I0454 |
McMahons Point | House | 4 Chuter Street | Lot 100, DP 864440 | Local | I0455 |
McMahons Point | House | 6 Chuter Street | Lot 3, DP 251743 | Local | I0456 |
McMahons Point | House | 8 Chuter Street | Lot 2, DP 251743 | Local | I0457 |
McMahons Point | House | 9 Chuter Street | Lot 2, DP 595948 | Local | I0458 |
McMahons Point | House | 10 Chuter Street | Lot 1, DP 251743 | Local | I0459 |
McMahons Point | House | 11 Chuter Street | Lot 1, DP 595948 | Local | I0460 |
McMahons Point | “Monte Cristo” | 3 Commodore Crescent | Lot 5, DP 17113 | Local | I0461 |
McMahons Point | House | 50 Dumbarton Street | Lot 100, DP 1045221 | Local | I0462 |
McMahons Point | Ferry access steps | Between 1 and 3 East Crescent Street | Public pathway, steps to foreshore | Local | I0470 |
McMahons Point | ADEA Court apartment building | 7 East Crescent Street | SP 10832 | Local | I0463 |
McMahons Point | Flat building | 11 East Crescent Street | Lot A, DP 322230 | Local | I0464 |
McMahons Point | Flat building | 12 East Crescent Street | SP 13674 | Local | I0465 |
McMahons Point | Flat building | 15 East Crescent Street | SP 15708 | Local | I0466 |
McMahons Point | Flat building | 19 East Crescent Street | Lot B, DP 325054 | Local | I0467 |
McMahons Point | Seawall | 21 and 33 East Crescent Street | SP 1976; SP 12654; SP 19504; SP 2268; SP 21014; Lot 2, DP 618023 | Local | I0314 |
McMahons Point | Flat building | 23–25 East Crescent Street | Lot 2, DP 983771 | Local | I0468 |
McMahons Point | Flat building | 26 East Crescent Street | SP 1322 | Local | I0469 |
McMahons Point | House | 2 French Street | Lot 1, DP 222085 | Local | I0471 |
McMahons Point | House | 16 French Street | Lots 1 and 2, DP 745924 | Local | I0472 |
McMahons Point | Former tram turning circle and McMahons Point ferry wharf | Henry Lawson Avenue | Lot 2, DP 572828; Lots 50 and 51, DP 861201; part Henry Lawson Avenue road reserve; Lot 11, DP 853338 | Local | I0452 |
McMahons Point | Slipway and site of former Holmes’ residence | 1 Henry Lawson Avenue | Lot 1, DP 915829 | Local | I0453 |
McMahons Point | Seawall | 2A Henry Lawson Avenue (9 East Crescent Street) | SP 10316 | Local | I0314 |
McMahons Point | Stannard Bros Shipyard and associated industrial buildings | 6 John Street and 16–18 Munro Street, Boatbuilders Walk | Lots A and B, DP 420377; Lot 1, DP 127195; Lots 1–4, DP 179730; Lot 1, DP 182585; Lot 1, DP 449731; Lot 1, DP 849188; Lot 2, DP 77853; Lot 987, DP 752067; Lot 102, DP 1005413; SP 63626 | Local | I0484 |
McMahons Point | House | 48 Middle Street | Lot 102, DP 880994 | Local | I0473 |
McMahons Point | House | 5 Mil Mil Street | Lot 1, DP 709759 | Local | I0474 |
McMahons Point | “Farinbourne” | 1 Mitchell Street | Lot 11, DP 1023795 | Local | I0475 |
McMahons Point | “Waterview” | 2 Mitchell Street | Lot 1, DP 608645 | Local | I0476 |
McMahons Point | House | 7 Mitchell Street | Lot 6, DP 151911 | Local | I0477 |
McMahons Point | “Tamas” | 10 Mitchell Street | Lot 1, DP 632894 | Local | I0478 |
McMahons Point | House | 13 Mitchell Street | Lot 26, DP 910868 | Local | I0479 |
McMahons Point | House | 48–50 Mitchell Street | Lot 1, DP 70313 | Local | I0480 |
McMahons Point | Sandstone cliff | Munro and John Streets (behind boat yard, east side of Berry’s Bay) | Lot A, DP 420377; Lot 100, DP 1103512; Lot 2, DP 77853; Lot 1, DP 449731 | Local | I0483 |
McMahons Point | Sawmiller’s Reserve | Munro Street | Lot 1, DP 206431; Lot 1, DP 562177; Lot 2, DP 608752; Lot 13, DP 562184 | Local | I0521 |
McMahons Point | House | 10 Munro Street | Lot 100, DP 620084 | Local | I0481 |
McMahons Point | House | 4 Parker Street | Lot 1, DP 127151 | Local | I0485 |
McMahons Point | House | 26 Thomas Street | Lot 10, DP 1077901 | Local | I0486 |
McMahons Point | House | 28 Thomas Street | Lot 1, DP 560134 | Local | I0487 |
McMahons Point | House | 2–2C Union Street | Lots 1 and 2, DP 725833 | Local | I0488 |
McMahons Point | House | 20A Union Street | Lot A, DP 109328 | Local | I0489 |
McMahons Point | House | 26 Union Street | Lot C, DP 109328 | Local | I0490 |
McMahons Point | House | 28 Union Street | Lot 5, DP 707267 | Local | I0491 |
McMahons Point | House | 30 Union Street | Lot 6, DP 707267 | Local | I0492 |
McMahons Point | House | 32 Union Street | Lot E, DP 109328 | Local | I0493 |
McMahons Point | House | 34 Union Street | Lot F, DP 109328 | Local | I0494 |
McMahons Point | House | 36 Union Street | Part Lot F, DP 109328 | Local | I0495 |
McMahons Point | House | 38 Union Street | Lot 1, DP 927013 | Local | I0496 |
McMahons Point | House | 40 Union Street | Lot 1, DP 927013 | Local | I0497 |
McMahons Point | “Kailoa” | 44 Union Street | Lot 1, DP 910524 | State | I0498 |
McMahons Point | House | 77 Union Street | Lot 1, DP 843923 | Local | I0499 |
McMahons Point | House | 79 Union Street | Lot 2, DP 843923 | Local | I0500 |
McMahons Point | House | 81 Union Street | SP 11928 | Local | I0501 |
McMahons Point | House | 93 Union Street | Lot 10, DP 873855 | Local | I0502 |
McMahons Point | House | 36 Victoria Street | Lots 3 and 4, Section 5, DP 111171 | Local | I0503 |
McMahons Point | House | 37 Victoria Street | Lot 1, DP 869851 | Local | I0504 |
McMahons Point | House | 40 Victoria Street | Lot 1, DP 87984 | Local | I0505 |
McMahons Point | House | 43 Victoria Street | Lot 1, DP 735714 | Local | I0506 |
McMahons Point | House | 45 Victoria Street | Lot 2, DP 735714 | Local | I0507 |
McMahons Point | Kilmorey Terrace | 51 Victoria Street | Lot 1, DP 801648 | Local | I0508 |
McMahons Point | Kilmorey Terrace | 53 Victoria Street | Lot 1, DP 781223 | Local | I0509 |
McMahons Point | Kilmorey Terrace | 55 Victoria Street | Lot 1, DP 111600 | Local | I0510 |
McMahons Point | House | 62 Victoria Street | Lot 4, DP 1214465 | Local | I0511 |
McMahons Point | House | 64 Victoria Street | Lot 3, DP 1214465 | Local | I0512 |
McMahons Point | House | 66 Victoria Street | Lot 2, DP 1214465 | Local | I0513 |
McMahons Point | House | 68 Victoria Street | Lot 1, DP 1214465 | Local | I0514 |
McMahons Point | House | 3 Warung Street | Lot 11, DP 613575 | Local | I0515 |
McMahons Point | House | 5 Warung Street | Lot 2, DP 206643 | Local | I0516 |
McMahons Point | House | 7 Warung Street | Lot A, DP 330192 | Local | I0517 |
McMahons Point | House | 9 Warung Street | Lot B, DP 330192 | Local | I0518 |
McMahons Point | House | 8 Webb Street | Lot 82, DP 830386 | Local | I0519 |
McMahons Point | House | 12 West Crescent Street | Lot 7, Section C, DP 8 | Local | I0520 |
Milsons Point | Alfred Street (entrance to Luna Park) | Alfred Street South | Intersection Alfred Street South, Dind Street and road reserve | Local | I0529 |
Milsons Point | Bradfield Park (including northern section) | Alfred Street South | Local | I0538 | |
Milsons Point | Sydney Harbour Bridge north pylons | Bradfield Park, Alfred Street South | Local | I0541 | |
Milsons Point | North Sydney Olympic Pool | 4 Alfred Street South | Lot 100, DP 875048 | Local | I0537 |
Milsons Point | House | 22 Alfred Street South | SP 83350 | Local | I0522 |
Milsons Point | House | 24 Alfred Street South | SP 83350 | Local | I0523 |
Milsons Point | House | 26A Alfred Street South | Lot A, DP 437985 | Local | I0525 |
Milsons Point | House | 28 Alfred Street | Lot X, DP 403084 | Local | I0526 |
Milsons Point | Camden House | 48 and 56 Alfred Street South | SP 40513; Lot 102, DP 814884 | Local | I0527 |
Milsons Point | Chinese Christian Church | 100 Alfred Street South | Lot 14, DP 54205 | Local | I0528 |
Milsons Point | Sydney Harbour Bridge approach viaducts, arches and bays under Warringah Freeway | Sydney Harbour Bridge and approach viaducts, including 2–44 Ennis Road and 32–76 Middlemiss Street | State | I0530 | |
Milsons Point | Commercial building | 2–2A Glen Street | Lot 1, DP 437535; Lot 3, DP 172924 | Local | I0531 |
Milsons Point | Milsons Point Railway Station Group | State | I0539 | ||
Milsons Point | Seawall and wharf site | Lot 1, DP 849664 | Local | I0540 | |
Milsons Point | House | 15 Northcliff Street | Lot 6, DP 223842 | Local | I0532 |
Milsons Point | House | 17 Northcliff Street | Lot 7, DP 223842 | Local | I0533 |
Milsons Point | House | 19 Northcliff Street | Lot 8, DP 223842 | Local | I0534 |
Milsons Point | House | 21 Northcliff Street | Lot 9, DP 223842 | Local | I0535 |
Milsons Point | Luna Park | 1 Olympic Drive | Lots 2–4, DP 1066900; Lots 1247, 1250 and 1256–1258, DP 48514; Lots 10–12, DP 1113743 | State | I0536 |
Neutral Bay | Anderson Park | Lot 7031, DP 93641; Lot 708, DP 752067 | Local | I0767 | |
Neutral Bay | Flat building | 439 Alfred Street North | SP 6854 | Local | I0542 |
Neutral Bay | “Lansdowne” | 3 Anderson Street | Lot A, DP 396852 | Local | I1135 |
Neutral Bay | House | 10 Aubin Street | Lot 1, DP 105866 | Local | I0543 |
Neutral Bay | House | 12 Aubin Street | Lot 1, DP 515612 | Local | I0544 |
Neutral Bay | House | 14 Aubin Street | Lot 2, DP 515612 | Local | I0545 |
Neutral Bay | House | 36 Aubin Street | Lot 8, DP 8295 | Local | I0546 |
Neutral Bay | Aubin Cottage | 37 Aubin Street | Lot A, DP 82542 | Local | I0547 |
Neutral Bay | “Reigate” | 39 Aubin Street | Lot 10, DP 719178 | Local | I0548 |
Neutral Bay | “Clarence” | 44 Aubin Street | Lot B, DP 326990 | Local | I0549 |
Neutral Bay | “Grafton” | 46 Aubin Street | Lot 1, DP 175650 | Local | I0550 |
Neutral Bay | Customs Marine Centre | Ben Boyd Road | Lot 2, DP 800615 | Local* | I0576 |
Neutral Bay | Plaques commemorating Ben Boyd | Ben Boyd Road | Ben Boyd Road road reserve, adjacent to 6 Ben Boyd Road | Local | I0554 |
Neutral Bay | “Meredith” | 8 Ben Boyd Road | Lot A, DP 311793 | Local | I0555 |
Neutral Bay | “Walton” | 12A Ben Boyd Road | SP 46504 | Local | I0556 |
Neutral Bay | “Bengallala” | 16 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 1, DP 342411 | Local | I0557 |
Neutral Bay | House | 18 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 2, DP 211979 | Local | I0558 |
Neutral Bay | House | 20 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 1, DP 211979 | Local | I0559 |
Neutral Bay | House | 22 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 2, DP 634054 | Local | I0560 |
Neutral Bay | House | 24 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 1, DP 634054 | Local | I0561 |
Neutral Bay | House | 26 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 2, DP 519979 | Local | I0562 |
Neutral Bay | House | 28 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 1, DP 519979 | Local | I0563 |
Neutral Bay | House | 30 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 6, DP 105866 | Local | I0564 |
Neutral Bay | House | 32 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 7, DP 105866 | Local | I0565 |
Neutral Bay | House | 34 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 101, DP 619141 | Local | I0566 |
Neutral Bay | House | 36 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 102, DP 619141 | Local | I0567 |
Neutral Bay | House | 41 Ben Boyd Road | Lot B, DP 33304 | Local | I0568 |
Neutral Bay | House | 43 Ben Boyd Road | Lot A, DP 33304 | Local | I0569 |
Neutral Bay | House | 43A Ben Boyd Road | Lot 4, DP 108214 | Local | I0570 |
Neutral Bay | House | 45 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 32, DP 565595 | Local | I0571 |
Neutral Bay | House | 47 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 31, DP 565595 | Local | I0572 |
Neutral Bay | “Mount Edgecombe” | 56 Ben Boyd Road | Lot D, DP 88125 | Local | I0573 |
Neutral Bay | House | 107 Ben Boyd Road | Lot 23, DP 731681 | Local | I0574 |
Neutral Bay | Neutral Bay Public School | 175 Ben Boyd Road | Lots 1–3, DP 794832 | Local | I0575 |
Neutral Bay | House | 5 Burroway Street | Lot 1, DP 76182 | Local | I0581 |
Neutral Bay | House | 1 Byrnes Avenue | Lot A, DP 441367 | Local | I0582 |
Neutral Bay | House | 2 Byrnes Avenue | Lot 1, DP 502175 | Local | I0583 |
Neutral Bay | House | 3 Byrnes Avenue | Lot B, DP 441367 | Local | I0584 |
Neutral Bay | House | 4 Byrnes Avenue | Lot 2, DP 502175 | Local | I0585 |
Neutral Bay | House | 5 Byrnes Avenue | Lot C, DP 441367 | Local | I0586 |
Neutral Bay | House | 6 Byrnes Avenue | Lot 3, DP 502175 | Local | I0587 |
Neutral Bay | House | 7 Byrnes Avenue | Lot X, DP 441388 | Local | I0588 |
Neutral Bay | House | 8 Byrnes Avenue | Lot 4, DP 219596 | Local | I0589 |
Neutral Bay | House | 9 Byrnes Avenue | Lot 1, DP 534380 | Local | I0590 |
Neutral Bay | House | 10 Byrnes Avenue | Lot 5, DP 219596 | Local | I0591 |
Neutral Bay | House | 12 Byrnes Avenue | Lot 6, DP 219596 | Local | I0592 |
Neutral Bay | House | 14 Byrnes Avenue | Lot A, DP 177626 | Local | I0593 |
Neutral Bay | House | 16 Byrnes Avenue | Lot B, DP 177626 | Local | I0594 |
Neutral Bay | House | 5 Darley Street | Lot 1, DP 711331 | Local | I0595 |
Neutral Bay | House | 6 Darley Street | Lot 6, DP 659565 | Local | I0596 |
Neutral Bay | House | 7 Darley Street | Lot 2, DP 711331 | Local | I0597 |
Neutral Bay | House | 9 Darley Street | Lot 3, DP 711331 | Local | I0598 |
Neutral Bay | House | 10 Darley Street | Lot 1, DP 900382 | Local | I0599 |
Neutral Bay | House | 11 Darley Street | Lot 4, DP 711331 | Local | I0600 |
Neutral Bay | House | 12 Darley Street | Lot 2, DP 900382 | Local | I0601 |
Neutral Bay | House | 13 Darley Street | Lot 5, DP 711331 | Local | I0602 |
Neutral Bay | House | 14 Darley Street | Lot 1, DP 935457 | Local | I0603 |
Neutral Bay | House | 15 Darley Street | Lot 1, DP 966786 | Local | I0604 |
Neutral Bay | House | 16 Darley Street | Lot 9, DP 656457 | Local | I0605 |
Neutral Bay | House | 17 Darley Street | Lot 1, DP 970562 | Local | I0606 |
Neutral Bay | House | 18 Darley Street | Lot 1, DP 934179 | Local | I0607 |
Neutral Bay | House | 19 Darley Street | Lot 19, DP 652498 | Local | I0608 |
Neutral Bay | House | 20 Darley Street | Lot 10, DP 5144 | Local | I0609 |
Neutral Bay | House | 22 Darley Street | Part Lot 11, DP 5144 | Local | I0610 |
Neutral Bay | House | 24 Darley Street | Lot 1, DP 964584 | Local | I0611 |
Neutral Bay | House | 26 Darley Street | Lot 1, DP 934733 | Local | I0612 |
Neutral Bay | House | 28 Darley Street | Lots 12 and 13, DP 456077 | Local | I0613 |
Neutral Bay | House | 30 Darley Street | Lot 1, DP 934732 | Local | I0614 |
Neutral Bay | House | 31 Darley Street | Lot 17, DP 5144 | Local | I0615 |
Neutral Bay | House | 35 Darley Street | Lot 16, DP 5144 | Local | I0616 |
Neutral Bay | House | 37 Darley Street | Lot 1, DP 736637 | Local | I0617 |
Neutral Bay | House | 317 Ernest Street | Lot 1, DP 599215 | Local | I0619 |
Neutral Bay | House | 319 Ernest Street | Lot 2, DP 599215 | Local | I0620 |
Neutral Bay | House | 321 Ernest Street | Lot 3, DP 599215 | Local | I0621 |
Neutral Bay | House | 323 Ernest Street | Lot 11, DP 599216 | Local | I0622 |
Neutral Bay | House | 325 Ernest Street | Lot 12, DP 599216 | Local | I0623 |
Neutral Bay | Flat building | 3–5 Harriette Street | SP 16802 | Local | I0624 |
Neutral Bay | “Ben Nevis” | 18 Harriette Street | Lot 13, Section B, DP 2404 | Local | I0625 |
Neutral Bay | House | 34 Harriette Street | Lot 1, DP 82930 | Local | I0626 |
Neutral Bay | Neutral Bay Wharf | 1–7 Hayes Street | Lots C and D, DP 341833; Lot 1, DP 430461; Lot 6, DP 851248 | Local | I0627 |
Neutral Bay | “The Hastings” | 2 Hayes Street | SP 46768 | State | I0628 |
Neutral Bay | “Kcot-Sedar” | 4 Hayes Street | Lot 1, DP 319171 | Local | I0629 |
Neutral Bay | House | 6 Hayes Street | Lot 5, DP 192932 | Local | I1137 |
Neutral Bay | Former Neutral Bay Post Office | 19 Hayes Street | Lot 1, DP 965067 | Local | I0630 |
Neutral Bay | House | 2 Kurraba Road | Lot 1, DP 434786 | Local | I0633 |
Neutral Bay | House | 4 Kurraba Road | Lot 2, DP 434786 | Local | I0634 |
Neutral Bay | Kurraba Cottage | 31 Kurraba Road | Lot 1, DP 799689 | Local | I0635 |
Neutral Bay | House | 33 Kurraba Road | Lot 1, DP 86175 | Local | I0636 |
Neutral Bay | House | 38 Kurraba Road | Lot A, DP 164450 | Local | I0637 |
Neutral Bay | House | 47 Kurraba Road | SP 31863 | Local | I0638 |
Neutral Bay | House | 51 Kurraba Road | Lot 1, DP 848770 | Local | I0639 |
Neutral Bay | House | 53 Kurraba Road | Lot 2, DP 848770 | Local | I0640 |
Neutral Bay | House | 55 Kurraba Road | Lot 1, DP 787067 | Local | I0641 |
Neutral Bay | House | 57 Kurraba Road | Lot 26, DP 68342 | Local | I0642 |
Neutral Bay | House | 59 Kurraba Road | Lot 27, DP 68342 | Local | I0643 |
Neutral Bay | “Wavertree” | 65 Kurraba Road | Lot 28, DP 68342 | Local | I0644 |
Neutral Bay | Flat building | 68 Kurraba Road | SP 10750 | Local | I0655 |
Neutral Bay | “Lucellen” | 72 Kurraba Road | Lot 2, DP 431003 | Local | I0656 |
Neutral Bay | House | 102 Kurraba Road | Lot 1, DP 998381 | Local | I0659 |
Neutral Bay | Former St Joseph’s Catholic Church (now hall) | 16 Lindsay Street | Part Lot 1, DP 86523 | Local | I0670 |
Neutral Bay | St Joseph’s Catholic Church | 16 Lindsay Street | Part Lot 1, DP 86523 | Local | I0671 |
Neutral Bay | House | 2 Lower Wycombe Road | SP 41344 | Local | I0737 |
Neutral Bay | Flat building | 18 Lower Wycombe Road | SP 13441 | Local | I0738 |
Neutral Bay | Wycombe Private Hotel | 28 Lower Wycombe Road | SP 22240 | Local | I0741 |
Neutral Bay | House | 7 Manns Avenue | Lot 1, DP 356473 | Local | I0672 |
Neutral Bay | House | 9–11 Manns Avenue | Lot 1, DP 509072 | Local | I0673 |
Neutral Bay | Former Neutral Bay tram depot and water tower | 116 Military Road | Lots 23 and 24, DP 1062529; Lots 1, 4, 5 and 7, DP 730924 | Local | I0674 |
Neutral Bay | Shop | 194 Military Road | Lot 2, DP 737344 | Local | I0675 |
Neutral Bay | Shop | 196 Military Road | Lot 15, DP 231564 | Local | I0676 |
Neutral Bay | Former CBC Bank | 228 Military Road | SP 37553 | Local | I0677 |
Neutral Bay | Forsyth Park | Montpelier Street | Lots 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19–21, 23 and 24, DP 103911; Part Lots 68 and 69, DP 11142; Lot 1, DP 182655; Lot 1, DP 184674; Lot 1, DP 348146; Lot A, DP 349711; Lot 12, DP 592908; Lot A, DP 332461; Lots 1–3, DP 183069; Lots 1, 2 and 14, Section 12, DP 758925; Lot 5, DP 4129; Lots 1 and 20, DP 910419; Lots 68 and 69, DP 1110684 | Local | I0680 |
Neutral Bay | Horse trough | Montpelier Street | Montpelier Street road reserve | Local | I0678 |
Neutral Bay | Two former oil tanks and pumping station | Montpelier Street | Lot 1, DP 182655 | Local | I0679 |
Neutral Bay | Henbury Villa | 2 Nook Lane | Lot 10, DP 3529 | Local | I0618 |
Neutral Bay | “Derry” | 12 Phillips Street | Lot F, DP 177899 | Local | I0681 |
Neutral Bay | “Douglas” | 14 Phillips Street | Lot 1, DP 1097060 | Local | I0682 |
Neutral Bay | “Beaumoris” | 14 Raymond Road (20 Harriette Street) | Lot 12, Section B, DP 2404 | Local | I0683 |
Neutral Bay | Sandstone rock wall and cliff face | 2 and 4 Rose Avenue | Lot 1, DP 1022965 | Local | I0685 |
Neutral Bay | “San Michele” | 60A Shellcove Road | Lot 1, DP 986763 | Local | I0698 |
Neutral Bay | “Bovington” | 66 Shellcove Road | Lot 1, DP 791424 | Local | I0700 |
Neutral Bay | “Cossington” | 70 Shellcove Road | Lot 1, DP 89462 | Local | I0701 |
Neutral Bay | “Trequean” | 72 Shellcove Road | Lot 1, DP 1125469 | Local | I0702 |
Neutral Bay | House | 73 Shellcove Road | SP 9481 | Local | I0703 |
Neutral Bay | St Augustine’s Anglican Church | 75 Shellcove Road | Lots 49 and 51, DP 3104 | Local | I0704 |
Neutral Bay | Site of former Spains Wharf | Spains Wharf Road | Spains Wharf Road road reserve; part of Waterways Lease No 7169_1 (associated with Lot 1, DP 743095) | Local | I0705 |
Neutral Bay | House | 15 Spruson Street | Lot C, DP 151193 | Local | I0706 |
Neutral Bay | “The Gables” | 16 Spruson Street | Lot A, DP 403052 | Local | I0707 |
Neutral Bay | House | 17 Spruson Street | Lot E, DP 437476 | Local | I0708 |
Neutral Bay | House | 19 Spruson Street | Lot D, DP 437476 | Local | I0709 |
Neutral Bay | House | 21 Spruson Street | Lot 2, DP 501043 | Local | I0710 |
Neutral Bay | House | 23 Spruson Street | Lot 1, DP 501043 | Local | I0711 |
Neutral Bay | House | 31 Spruson Street | Lot 2, DP 201662 | Local | I0712 |
Neutral Bay | House | 18 Thrupp Street | SP 18563 | Local | I0713 |
Neutral Bay | “Nazareth” | 22 Thrupp Street | SP 64754 | Local | I0714 |
Neutral Bay | House | 4 Undercliff Street | Lot B, DP 108868 | Local | I0715 |
Neutral Bay | House | 6 Undercliff Street | Lot A, DP 108868 | Local | I0716 |
Neutral Bay | House | 8 Undercliff Street | Lot 201, DP 620784 | Local | I0717 |
Neutral Bay | House | 10 Undercliff Street | Lot 1, DP 593090 | Local | I0718 |
Neutral Bay | House | 12 Undercliff Street | Lot C, DP 107472 | Local | I0719 |
Neutral Bay | House | 14 Undercliff Street | Lot B, DP 107472 | Local | I0720 |
Neutral Bay | House | 16 Undercliff Street | Lot A, DP 107472 | Local | I0721 |
Neutral Bay | House | 18 Undercliff Street | Lot 6, DP 108214 | Local | I0722 |
Neutral Bay | House | 20 Undercliff Street | Lot 1, DP 789790 | Local | I0723 |
Neutral Bay | “Hermon” | 22 Undercliff Street | Lot 1, DP 789790 | Local | I0724 |
Neutral Bay | House | 23 Undercliff Street | Lot 1, DP 73335 | Local | I0725 |
Neutral Bay | House | 25 Undercliff Street | Lot 1, DP 88918 | Local | I0726 |
Neutral Bay | House | 27 Undercliff Street | Lots 1 and 2, DP 943519 | Local | I0727 |
Neutral Bay | House | 29 Undercliff Street | Lot 11, DP 867860 | Local | I0728 |
Neutral Bay | House | 29A Undercliff Street | Lot 10, DP 867860 | Local | I0729 |
Neutral Bay | House | 7 Watson Street | Lot A, DP 380665 | Local | I0733 |
Neutral Bay | House | 9 Watson Street | Lot A, DP 380665 | Local | I0734 |
Neutral Bay | House, sandstone rock wall and cliff face | 2 Winter Avenue | Lot 3, DP 1022965 | Local | I0735 |
Neutral Bay | Sandstone rock wall and cliff face | 17 Wyagdon Street | SP 20922; SP 68997 | Local | I0685 |
Neutral Bay | “Rilstone” | 40 Wycombe Road | Lot 9, DP 666648 | Local | I0743 |
Neutral Bay | “Tendring” | 49 Wycombe Road | SP 14689 | Local | I0744 |
Neutral Bay | House | 56 Wycombe Road | Lot 1, DP 608905 | Local | I0745 |
Neutral Bay | “Dartmouth” | 68–70 Wycombe Road | Lots 1 and 2, DP 747311 | Local | I0746 |
Neutral Bay | House | 75 Wycombe Road (80 Shellcove Road) | Lot 11, DP 807022 | Local | I0747 |
Neutral Bay | House | 82 Wycombe Road | Lot 352, DP 663539 | Local | I0748 |
Neutral Bay | St Augustine’s Rectory (Isla) and curate’s lodge | 89 Wycombe Road | Lot 1, DP 805649; Lot 41, DP 3104 | Local | I0749 |
Neutral Bay | “Arlington” | 95 Wycombe Road | SP 62037 | Local | I0750 |
Neutral Bay | “Yarran” | 104 Wycombe Road | Lot 101, DP 630573 | Local | I0751 |
Neutral Bay | House | 120 Wycombe Road | Lot W, DP 409935 | Local | I0752 |
Neutral Bay | House | 122 Wycombe Road | Lot U, DP 420146 | Local | I0753 |
Neutral Bay | House | 124 Wycombe Road | Lot 3, DP 790993 | Local | I0754 |
Neutral Bay | House | 126 Wycombe Road | SP 34197 | Local | I0755 |
Neutral Bay | House | 128 Wycombe Road | Lot F, DP 405288 | Local | I0756 |
Neutral Bay | House | 130 Wycombe Road | Lot D, DP 405290 | Local | I0757 |
Neutral Bay | House | 132 Wycombe Road | Lot B, DP 405284 | Local | I0758 |
Neutral Bay | House | 134 Wycombe Road | Lot O, DP 406484 | Local | I0759 |
Neutral Bay | “Yeronda” | 143 Wycombe Road | Lot 1, DP 361151 | Local | I0760 |
Neutral Bay | House | 144 Wycombe Road | Lot 13, DP 67323 | Local | I0761 |
Neutral Bay | House | 145 Wycombe Road | Part Lot 35, DP 2989 | Local | I0762 |
Neutral Bay | House | 149 Wycombe Road | Part Lot 36, DP 2989 | Local | I0763 |
Neutral Bay | House | 151 Wycombe Road | Lot 37, DP 656459 | Local | I0764 |
Neutral Bay | Neutral Bay Fire Station | 28 Yeo Street | Lot 1, DP 194554 | Local | I0765 |
Neutral Bay | St John’s Uniting Church (including pipe organ) | 49 Yeo Street | Lot 1, DP 836680 | State | I0766 |
North Sydney | House | 3 Adderstone Avenue | Lot 11, DP 14085 | Local | I0768 |
North Sydney | House | 5 Adderstone Avenue | Lot 12, DP 14085 | Local | I0769 |
North Sydney | House | 9 Adderstone Avenue and 9B–9D Kiara Close | SP 57236 | Local | I0770 |
North Sydney | House | 3 Ancrum Street | Lot 2A, DP 358847 | Local | I0771 |
North Sydney | House | 5 Ancrum Street | Lot 1, DP 938623 | Local | I0772 |
North Sydney | House | 61 Ancrum Street | Lot 71, DP 1092441 | Local | I0773 |
North Sydney | House | 18 Bank Street | Lot 2B, DP 358847 | Local | I0774 |
North Sydney | House | 27 Bank Street | Lot 5, Section 3, DP 117 | Local | I0775 |
North Sydney | House | 29 Bank Street | Lot 4, Section 3, DP 418 | Local | I0776 |
North Sydney | House | 50 Bank Street | Lot B, DP 349615 | Local | I0777 |
North Sydney | House | 59 Bank Street | Lot 21, DP 613940 | Local | I0047 |
North Sydney | House | 64 Bank Street | Lot 1, DP 231036 | Local | I0778 |
North Sydney | House | 74 Bank Street | Lot 1, DP 726402; | Local | I0779 |
North Sydney | House | 76 Bank Street | Lot 2, DP 726402 | Local | I0780 |
North Sydney | House | 100 Bank Street | Lot 31, DP 1012570 | Local | I0781 |
North Sydney | St Peter’s Presbyterian School Hall | 181 Blues Point Road (10 Miller Street) | Lot 5, DP 37896 | Local | I0783 |
North Sydney | House | 193 Blues Point Road | Part Lot 1, DP 123336 | Local | I0784 |
North Sydney | House | 195 Blues Point Road | Part Lot 1, DP 123336 | Local | I0785 |
North Sydney | House | 197 Blues Point Road | Part Lot 1, DP 123336 | Local | I0786 |
North Sydney | House | 201 Blues Point Road | Part Lot 1, DP 123336 | Local | I0787 |
North Sydney | House | 203 Blues Point Road | Part Lot 1, DP 123336 | Local | I0788 |
North Sydney | House | 205 Blues Point Road | Part Lot 1, DP 123336 | Local | I0789 |
North Sydney | House | 207 Blues Point Road | Part Lot 1, DP 123336 | Local | I0790 |
North Sydney | Shop | 208–210 Blues Point Road | Lot 4, DP 570827 | Local | I0791 |
North Sydney | St Peter’s Presbyterian Church Manse | 218 Blues Point Road | Lot 4, DP 570827 | Local | I0792 |
North Sydney | St Peter’s Presbyterian Church and grounds | 218 Blues Point Road | Lot 4, DP 570827 | Local | I0793 |
North Sydney | House | 2 Bray Street | Part Lot 1, DP 970812 | Local | I0794 |
North Sydney | House | 1 Doohat Avenue | SP 75835 | Local | I0798 |
North Sydney | House | 7 Doris Street | Lot A, DP 443099 | Local | I0799 |
North Sydney | House | 9 Doris Street | Lot B, DP 443099 | Local | I0800 |
North Sydney | “Dorking” | 12 Doris Street | Lot 1, DP 198222 | Local | I0801 |
North Sydney | House | 21 Doris Street | Lot 6, Section 1, DP 2432 | Local | I0802 |
North Sydney | House | 25 Doris Street | Lot 8, Section 1, DP 2432 | Local | I0803 |
North Sydney | House | 27 Doris Street | Lot C, DP 441818 | Local | I0804 |
North Sydney | House | 29 Doris Street | Lot B, DP 441818 | Local | I0805 |
North Sydney | House | 31 Doris Street | Lot A, DP 441818 | Local | I0806 |
North Sydney | House | 33 Doris Street | Lot 11, Section 1, DP 2432 | Local | I0807 |
North Sydney | House | 35 Doris Street | Lot 12, Section 1, DP 2432 | Local | I0808 |
North Sydney | “Graythwaite”, including outbuildings and grounds | 10 Edward Street | Lot 2, DP 539853 | State | I0809 |
North Sydney | House | 11 Edward Street | Lot 2, DP 216247 | Local | I0810 |
North Sydney | House | 13 Edward Street | Lot 3, DP 216247 | Local | I0811 |
North Sydney | Upton Grange | 22 Edward Street | Lot 2, DP 613812; Lot 1, DP 772212 | Local | I0812 |
North Sydney | House | 28 Edward Street | Lot 6, DP 747779 | Local | I0813 |
North Sydney | House | 32 Edward Street | Lot 7, DP 1108221 | Local | I0814 |
North Sydney | Rockleigh Grange | 40 Edward Street | Lot 1, DP 703255 | Local | I0815 |
North Sydney | House | 45 Edward Street | Lots B and C, DP 314839 | Local | I0816 |
North Sydney | House | 48 Edward Street | Lot 17, Section 1, DP 7544 | Local | I0817 |
North Sydney | House | 51 Edward Street | Lot 1, DP 817407 | Local | I0818 |
North Sydney | House | 53 Edward Street | Lot 3, DP 999946 | Local | I0819 |
North Sydney | House | 55 Edward Street | Lot 1, DP 973946 | Local | I0820 |
North Sydney | House | 57 Edward Street | Lot 5, DP 165897 | Local | I0821 |
North Sydney | House | 59 Edward Street | Lot 2, DP 310941 | Local | I0822 |
North Sydney | House | 61 Edward Street | Lot 1, DP 310941 | Local | I0823 |
North Sydney | House | 63 Edward Street | Lot 8, DP 175453 | Local | I0824 |
North Sydney | House | 65 Edward Street | Lot 1, DP 973368 | Local | I0825 |
North Sydney | “Kenilworth” | 67 Edward Street | Lot 1, DP 966223 | Local | I0826 |
North Sydney | House | 3 Euroka Street | Lot B, DP 109682 | Local | I0827 |
North Sydney | House | 11 Euroka Street | Lot 1, DP 561295 | Local | I0828 |
North Sydney | House | 13 Euroka Street | Lot 2, DP 561295 | Local | I0829 |
North Sydney | Sewer vent | Falcon Street (southwest of Warringah Freeway) | State | I0839 | |
North Sydney | North Sydney Boys’ High School | 127 Falcon Street | Lot 1, DP 1117305 | Local | I0830 |
North Sydney | “Winstone” | 182 Falcon Street | Lot 1, DP 587173 | Local | I0831 |
North Sydney | Flat building | 184 Falcon Street | Lot 2, DP 587173 | Local | I0832 |
North Sydney | Flat building | 186 Falcon Street | Lot 3, DP 587173 | Local | I0833 |
North Sydney | Flat building | 188 Falcon Street | Lot 4, DP 587173 | Local | I0834 |
North Sydney | House | 210 Falcon Street | Lot C, DP 439435 | Local | I0835 |
North Sydney | House | 212 Falcon Street | Lot D, DP 439435 | Local | I0836 |
North Sydney | House | 214 Falcon Street | Lot E, DP 439435 | Local | I0837 |
North Sydney | House | 216 Falcon Street | Lot F, DP 439435 | Local | I0838 |
North Sydney | House | 2 Hampden Street | Lot 1, DP 573264 | Local | I0840 |
North Sydney | House | 4 Hampden Street | Lot 2, DP 573264 | Local | I0841 |
North Sydney | House | 6 Hampden Street | Lot 501, DP 262512 | Local | I0842 |
North Sydney | House | 8 Hampden Street | Lot 502, DP 262512 | Local | I0843 |
North Sydney | House | 10 Hampden Street | Lot 503, DP 262512 | Local | I0844 |
North Sydney | House | 12 Hampden Street | Lot 504, DP 262512 | Local | I0845 |
North Sydney | House | 14 Hampden Street | Lot 505, DP 262512 | Local | I0846 |
North Sydney | Kesterton Park | High Street | Lots 1, 5 and 7–9, DP 12302; Lot A, DP 309671; Lot A, DP 396389 | Local | I0858 |
North Sydney | House | 68 High Street | Lot 1, DP 134119 | Local | I0847 |
North Sydney | House | 110 High Street | Lot 82, DP 789030 | Local | I0848 |
North Sydney | Cliff bank and house | 114 and 114A High Street | Lots 101 and 102, DP 871565 | Local | I0849 |
North Sydney | “Heatherlie” | 116 High Street | Lot 1, DP 743085 | Local | I0850 |
North Sydney | “Rocklea” | 119 High Street | Lot 1, DP 749022 | Local | I0851 |
North Sydney | “Kenilworth” | 123 High Street | Lot 1, DP 872160 | Local | I0852 |
North Sydney | Rockcliff Mansions | 144 High Street | SP 9768; SP 69157; Lot A, DP 309671 | Local | I0853 |
North Sydney | House | 145 High Street | Lot 1, DP 340325 | Local | I0854 |
North Sydney | House | 165 High Street | Lot 19, DP 12302 | Local | I0855 |
North Sydney | “Newton” | 11 Hipwood Street | Lot 1, DP 795137 | Local | I0856 |
North Sydney | “Newton” | 23 Hipwood Street | Lot 10, DP 14085 | Local | I0857 |
North Sydney | Gasworks remains, HMAS Platypus | 1 Kiara Close and 118–138 High Street | SP 36253; Lot 1, DP 945479; Lot A, DP 109583 | Local | I0859 |
North Sydney | House | 32 Lord Street | Lot 1, DP 203244 | Local | I0860 |
North Sydney | House | 34 Lord Street | Lot 21, DP 612916 | Local | I0861 |
North Sydney | House | 36A Lord Street | Lot 3, DP 203244 | Local | I0862 |
North Sydney | House | 38 Lord Street | Lot 4, DP 203244 | Local | I0863 |
North Sydney | House | 40 Lord Street | Lot 100, DP 1233008 | Local | I0864 |
North Sydney | House | 42 Lord Street | Lot 101, DP 1233008 | Local | I0865 |
North Sydney | House | 44 Lord Street | Lot 102, DP 1233008 | Local | I0866 |
North Sydney | House | 46 Lord Street | Lot 103, DP 1233008 | Local | I0867 |
North Sydney | House | 48 Lord Street | Lot 104, DP 1233008 | Local | I0868 |
North Sydney | House | 50 Lord Street | Lot 105, DP 1233008 | Local | I0869 |
North Sydney | House | 52 Lord Street | Lot 106, DP 1233008 | Local | I0870 |
North Sydney | “Carlettie” | 1 Margaret Street | Lot 2, DP 832212 | Local | I0871 |
North Sydney | House | 2A–6 Margaret Street | SP 22585 | Local | I0872 |
North Sydney | House | 3 Margaret Street | Lot 1, DP 832212 | Local | I0873 |
North Sydney | House | 5 Margaret Street | Lot B, DP 440294 | Local | I0874 |
North Sydney | House | 7 Margaret Street | Lot A, DP 440294 | Local | I0875 |
North Sydney | “Torwood” | 3 McLaren Street | Lot 1, DP 780400 | Local | I0876 |
North Sydney | “Grahwey” | 9 McLaren Street | Lot A, DP 339358 | Local | I0877 |
North Sydney | “Kelvin” | 11 McLaren Street | Lot 11, DP 5030; Lot B, DP 339358 | Local | I0878 |
North Sydney | House | 12 McLaren Street | Lots 13–15, DP 192815 | Local | I0879 |
North Sydney | House | 21–23 McLaren Street | SP 14034 | Local | I0880 |
North Sydney | “Tara” | 25 McLaren Street | Lot 9, DP 5030 | Local | I0881 |
North Sydney | “Stormanston” | 27 McLaren Street | Lots 7 and 8, DP 5030 | Local | I0882 |
North Sydney | “Fairhaven” | 29 McLaren Street | Lot 6, DP 5030 | Local | I0883 |
North Sydney | House | 31 McLaren Street | Lot 5, DP 5030 | Local | I0884 |
North Sydney | Memorial Hall of St Thomas | 34 McLaren Street | Lots 1–4, DP 1042467; Lot 1, DP 62370 | Local | I0888 |
North Sydney | St Thomas’ Church | 34 McLaren Street | Lots 1–4, DP 1042467; Lot 1, DP 62370 | Local | I0885 |
North Sydney | St Thomas’ Church Rectory | 34 McLaren Street | Lots 1–4, DP 1042467; Lot 1, DP 62370 | Local | I0886 |
North Sydney | St Thomas’ Kindergarten Hall | 34 McLaren Street | Lots 1–4, DP 1042467; Lot 1, DP 62370 | Local | I0887 |
North Sydney | Simsmetal House | 41 McLaren Street | Lot 1, DP 557103 | Local | I0889 |
North Sydney | North Sydney Oval | Miller Street | Lot 1108, DP 48839 | State | I1125 |
North Sydney | St Leonards Park | Miller Street | Lots 1104–1107, DP 46990; Lot 1108, DP 48839; Lot 1, DP 560566; Lot 7321, DP 11497983 | State | I0916 |
North Sydney | W. Tunks Memorial Fountain | Miller Street | Part of Crown Lot 7321, DP 1149783 | Local | I1124 |
North Sydney | Cottage | 10 Miller Street (181 Blues Point Road) | Lot 6, DP 37896 | Local | I0890 |
North Sydney | St Peter’s Presbyterian School House | 10 Miller Street (181 Blues Point Road) | Lot 6, DP 37896 | Local | I0891 |
North Sydney | Greenwood (former North Sydney Technical High School) | 101–103 Miller Street (36 Blue Street) | Lot 1, DP 814292 | State | I0892 |
North Sydney | MLC Building | 105–153 Miller Street | Lot 2, DP 792740 | State | I0893 |
North Sydney | Monte Sant Angelo Group | 128 Miller Street | Lots 1–8, DP 262534 | Local | I0894 |
North Sydney | “O’Regan” | 192 Miller Street | Lot 1, DP 780403; Lot 4, DP 5030 | Local | I0899 |
North Sydney | Restaurant | 196 Miller Street | Lot 2, DP 734946 | Local | I0900 |
North Sydney | The Rag & Famish Hotel | 199 Miller Street | Lot 1, DP 708306 | Local | I0901 |
North Sydney | North Sydney Council Chambers (including fountain in park adjacent to Council Chambers) | 200 Miller Street | Lot 105, DP 1026333 | Local | I0902 |
North Sydney | North Sydney Council Chambers—Wyllie Wing | 200 Miller Street | Local | I0903 | |
North Sydney | Commercial building | 201 Miller Street | Lot 1, DP 706146 | Local | I0904 |
North Sydney | Shop | 232–232A Miller Street | Lot 101, DP 1018645 | Local | I0905 |
North Sydney | Trewyn Terraces | 240 Miller Street | Lot 8, DP 624861 | Local | I0906 |
North Sydney | Trewyn Terraces | 242 Miller Street | Lot 4, DP 263032 | Local | I0907 |
North Sydney | Shop | 243 Miller Street | Lot 1, DP 561413 | Local | I0908 |
North Sydney | Trewyn Terraces | 244 Miller Street | Lot 3, DP 263032 | Local | I0909 |
North Sydney | Trewyn Terraces | 246 Miller Street | Lot 2, DP 263032 | Local | I0910 |
North Sydney | Trewyn Terraces | 248 Miller Street | Lot 1, DP 263032 | Local | I0911 |
North Sydney | House | 255–257 Miller Street | Lots 12 and 13, DP 979505 | Local | I0912 |
North Sydney | St Mary’s Catholic Church | 264 Miller Street | Lots 8 and 9, DP 1137247 | Local | I0971 |
North Sydney | St Mary’s Catholic Presbytery | 264 Miller Street | Lots 8 and 10, DP 1137247 | Local | I0972 |
North Sydney | The Independent Theatre | 269 Miller Street | Lot 101, DP 835078 | Local | I0914 |
North Sydney | North Sydney Hotel | 292 Miller Street | Lot 1, DP 656298 | Local | I0915 |
North Sydney | House | 2A Mount Street (9 Edward Street) | Lot 1, DP 216247 | Local | I0917 |
North Sydney | St Joseph’s Convent School and Chapel | 7–11 Mount Street | Lot 1, DP 225258 | Local | I0918 |
North Sydney | Former Bank of NSW | 51 Mount Street | Lot 1, DP 224124 | Local | I0919 |
North Sydney | Facade of S. Thompson Building (No 67A) | 67–69 Mount Street | Lot 1, DP 200724 | Local | I0920 |
North Sydney | House | 67–69 Mount Street | Lot 1, DP 200724 | Local | I0921 |
North Sydney | House | 1 Napier Street | Lot 21, DP 564122 | Local | I0923 |
North Sydney | House | 3 Napier Street | Lot 22, DP 564122 | Local | I0924 |
North Sydney | House | 5 Napier Street | Lot 23, DP 564122 | Local | I0925 |
North Sydney | Don Bank Museum | 6 Napier Street | Lot 9, DP 4120 | State | I0926 |
North Sydney | House | 7 Napier Street | Lot 12, DP 605732 | Local | I0927 |
North Sydney | House | 15 Neutral Street | Lot 1, DP 714575 | Local | I0928 |
North Sydney | House | 18 Neutral Street | Lot 1, DP 519937 | Local | I0929 |
North Sydney | House | 19 Neutral Street | Lot 3, DP 200767 | Local | I0930 |
North Sydney | House | 20 Neutral Street | Lot 2, DP 519937 | Local | I0931 |
North Sydney | House | 21 Neutral Street | Lot 2, DP 200767 | Local | I0932 |
North Sydney | House | 23 Neutral Street | Lot 1, DP 200767 | Local | I0933 |
North Sydney | House | 31 Neutral Street | Lot 1, DP 858968 | Local | I0934 |
North Sydney | House | 33 Neutral Street | Lot 2, DP 858968 | Local | I0935 |
North Sydney | House | 35 Neutral Street | Lot 3, DP 858968 | Local | I0936 |
North Sydney | House | 37 Neutral Street | Lot 4, DP 858968 | Local | I0937 |
North Sydney | House | 41 Neutral Street | Lot B, DP 447291 | Local | I0938 |
North Sydney | House | 41A Neutral Street | Lot A, DP 447291 | Local | I0939 |
North Sydney | House | 1 Oak Street | Lot 10, DP 210322 | Local | I0940 |
North Sydney | “Two Oak” | 2 Oak Street | Lot 100, DP 793237 | Local | I0941 |
North Sydney | House | 3 Oak Street | Lots 111 and 112, DP 597246 | Local | I0942 |
North Sydney | House | 4 Oak Street | Lot 7, DP 70448 | Local | I0943 |
North Sydney | House | 5 Oak Street | Lot 12, DP 1061004 | Local | I0944 |
North Sydney | House | 6 Oak Street | Lot 101, DP 793238 | Local | I0945 |
North Sydney | House | 7 Oak Street | Lot 131, DP 597248 | Local | I0946 |
North Sydney | House | 8 Oak Street | Lot 102, DP 793238 | Local | I0947 |
North Sydney | House | 9 Oak Street | Lot 141, DP 597247 | Local | I0948 |
North Sydney | House | 10 Oak Street | Lot 41, DP 807441 | Local | I0949 |
North Sydney | House | 11 Oak Street | Lot 15, DP 878342 | Local | I0950 |
North Sydney | House | 12 Oak Street | Lot 42, DP 807441 | Local | I0951 |
North Sydney | House | 13 Oak Street | Lot 161, DP 595651 | Local | I0952 |
North Sydney | North Sydney Post Office and court house (former police station) | 92–94 Pacific Highway | Lot 1203, DP 752067; Lot 7002, DP 1075452 | State* | I0953 |
North Sydney | House | 168 Pacific Highway | Lot 2, DP 1002607 | Local | I0954 |
North Sydney | House | 170 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 1002607 | Local | I0955 |
North Sydney | “Woodstock” | 172 Pacific Highway | SP 19533 | Local | I0956 |
North Sydney | Gates and fence of former Crows Nest House | 182 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 184559; Lot 1, DP 183591 | Local | I0957 |
North Sydney | Bradfield TAFE College | 192 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 782580 | Local | I0958 |
North Sydney | Shop | 265 Pacific Highway | Lot B, DP 321904 | Local | I0959 |
North Sydney | Union Hotel | 271 Pacific Highway | Lot B, DP 395387 | Local | I0960 |
North Sydney | Former Masonic Temple | 317 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 1244831; SP 96408 | Local | I0961 |
North Sydney | War memorial | Ridge Street | Part of Crown Lot 7321, DP 1149783 | Local | I1123 |
North Sydney | Playfair House | 2 Ridge Street | Lot 100, DP 1034902 | Local | I0962 |
North Sydney | House | 4 Ridge Street | Lot 1, DP 626796 | Local | I0963 |
North Sydney | House | 6 Ridge Street | Lot 101, DP 1034902 | Local | I0964 |
North Sydney | House | 8 Ridge Street | Lot 103, DP 1043814 | Local | I0965 |
North Sydney | House | 10 Ridge Street | Lot 104, DP 1043814 | Local | I0966 |
North Sydney | House | 11 Ridge Street | Lot 1, DP 613236 | Local | I0967 |
North Sydney | House | 12 Ridge Street | Lot A, DP 908867 | Local | I0968 |
North Sydney | House | 14 Ridge Street | Lot B, DP 908867 | Local | I0969 |
North Sydney | St Mary’s Primary School | 40 Ridge Street | Lot 7, DP 1137247; Lot 1, DP 782363 | Local | I0970 |
North Sydney | House | 45 Ridge Street | Part Lot 3, DP 1101874 | Local | I0973 |
North Sydney | House | 47 Ridge Street | Part Lot 3, DP 1101874 | Local | I0974 |
North Sydney | House | 49 Ridge Street | Part Lot 3, DP 1101874 | Local | I0975 |
North Sydney | House | 51 Ridge Street | Part Lot 3, DP 1101874 | Local | I0976 |
North Sydney | House | 63 Ridge Street | Lot 1, DP 408756 | Local | I0977 |
North Sydney | House | 81 Ridge Street | Lot B, DP 354165 | Local | I0978 |
North Sydney | House | 85 Ridge Street | Lot 1, DP 577778 | Local | I0979 |
North Sydney | House | 87 Ridge Street | Lot 2, DP 577778 | Local | I0980 |
North Sydney | “St Helen’s” | 91 Ridge Street | Lot 102, DP 837547 | Local | I0981 |
North Sydney | “St Malo” | 95 Ridge Street | Lot 103, DP 837547 | Local | I0982 |
North Sydney | House | 14 The Avenue | Lot 1, DP 940094 | Local | I0796 |
North Sydney | House | 16 The Avenue | Lot 5, DP 940093 | Local | I0797 |
North Sydney | Stone wall | Walker Street (near Hampden Street) | Walker Street road reserve; Walker Street and Hampden Street road reserve | Local | I0996 |
North Sydney | Former fire station | 86 Walker Street | Lot 1, DP 857756 | Local | I0983 |
North Sydney | House | 144 Walker Street | Lots 6 and 7, DP 2537 | Local | I0984 |
North Sydney | House | 146 Walker Street | Lots 4 and 5, DP 2537 | Local | I0985 |
North Sydney | House | 148 Walker Street | Lot 1, DP 900609 | Local | I0986 |
North Sydney | House | 150 Walker Street | Lot 1, DP 2537; Lot 1, DP 123337 | Local | I0987 |
North Sydney | House | 185 Walker Street | SP 67143 | Local | I0988 |
North Sydney | Wenona Girls’ School Group—Karakatta | 186 Walker Street | Lot 33, DP 2798 | Local | I0993 |
North Sydney | Wenona Girls’ School Group—79 Ridge Street | 186 Walker Street (79 Ridge Street) | Lot A, DP 354165 | Local | I0991 |
North Sydney | Wenona Girls’ School Group—83 Ridge Street | 186 Walker Street (83 Ridge Street) | Lot C, DP 354165 | Local | I0992 |
North Sydney | Wenona Girls’ School Group—Wenona | 186 Walker Street (182 Walker Street) | Part of Lot 101, DP 1172241 | Local | I0989 |
North Sydney | Wenona Girls’ School Group—Ralston House | 186 Walker Street (184 Walker Street) | Lots 34 and 35, DP 2798 | Local | I0990 |
North Sydney | House | 207 Walker Street | Lot 191, DP 614779 | Local | I0994 |
North Sydney | House | 209 Walker Street | Lot 1, DP 63061 | Local | I0995 |
North Sydney | House | 33 West Street | Lot B, DP 72990 | Local | I0997 |
North Sydney | House | 35 West Street | Lot C, DP 72990 | Local | I0998 |
North Sydney | “Courtney Creche” | 36 West Street | Lot 1, DP 63644 | Local | I0999 |
North Sydney | House | 41 West Street | Lot 1, DP 935629 | Local | I1000 |
North Sydney | House | 43 West Street | Lot 2, DP 603668 | Local | I1001 |
North Sydney | Vera Loblay House | 44 West Street | Lot 5, DP 58706 | Local | I1002 |
North Sydney | House | 45 West Street | Lot 1, DP 603668 | Local | I1003 |
North Sydney | House | 58 West Street | Lot 58, DP 1107016 | Local | I1004 |
North Sydney | House | 58A West Street | Lot 1, DP 799980 | Local | I1005 |
North Sydney | Shop | 67 West Street | Lot A, DP 307138 | Local | I1006 |
North Sydney | House | 1 Whaling Road | Lot 1, DP 438117 | Local | I1007 |
North Sydney | House | 3 Whaling Road | Lot 2, DP 438117 | Local | I1008 |
North Sydney | House | 5 Whaling Road | Lot 3, DP 438117 | Local | I1009 |
North Sydney | House | 7 Whaling Road | Lot 4, DP 438117 | Local | I1010 |
North Sydney | House | 9 Whaling Road | Lot A, DP 355835 | Local | I1011 |
North Sydney | House | 11 Whaling Road | Lot B, DP 355835 | Local | I1012 |
North Sydney | House | 15 Whaling Road | Lot 1, DP 84227 | Local | I1013 |
North Sydney | House | 17 Whaling Road | Lot 4, DP 777659 | Local | I1014 |
North Sydney | House | 19 Whaling Road | Lot 3, DP 777659 | Local | I1015 |
North Sydney | House | 21 Whaling Road | Lot 2, DP 777659 | Local | I1016 |
North Sydney | House | 23 Whaling Road | Lot 1, DP 777659 | Local | I1017 |
North Sydney | House | 25 Whaling Road | Lot 102, DP 736819 | Local | I1018 |
North Sydney | House | 27 Whaling Road | Lot 103, DP 736819 | Local | I1019 |
North Sydney | House | 29 Whaling Road | Lot 71, DP 749116 | Local | I1020 |
North Sydney | House | 31 Whaling Road | Lot 72, DP 749116 | Local | I1021 |
North Sydney | House | 41 Whaling Road | Lot 1, DP 797300; Lot 1240, DP 704513 | Local | I1022 |
North Sydney | House | 45 Whaling Road | Lot 1, DP 501312 | Local | I1023 |
North Sydney | House | 47 Whaling Road | Lot 2, DP 501312; Lot 1236, DP 43705 | Local | I1024 |
North Sydney | House | 49 Whaling Road | Lot 11, DP 806075; Lot 1113, DP 704510 | Local | I1025 |
North Sydney | House | 51 Whaling Road | Lot 12, DP 806075; Lot 1114, DP 704510 | Local | I1026 |
North Sydney | House | 53 Whaling Road | Lots 3 and 4, DP 913656; Lot 1115, DP 704510 | Local | I1027 |
North Sydney | House | 55 Whaling Road | Lot 1116, DP 704510 | Local | I1028 |
North Sydney | House | 57 Whaling Road | Lot 5, DP 545858; Lot 1117, DP 704510 | Local | I1029 |
North Sydney | Shore Sydney Church of England Grammar School | William Street | Lots 3 and 4, DP 18725; Lot 1, DP 66955; Lot 3, DP 75717; Lot 6, DP 84347; Lot 1, DP 89521; Lot 1, DP 120268; Lot B, DP 175244; Lot 1, DP 175784; Lot 1, DP 190523; Lot 6, DP 190774; Lot 1, DP 229912; Lot 1, DP 245768; Lots 3 and 4, DP 508557; Lot 1, DP 539853; Lot 1, DP 570826; Lot 1, DP 610432; Lots B–D, DP 975970 | Local | I0782 |
North Sydney | “Waiwera” | 6 William Street | Lot 52, DP 1059651 | Local | I1031 |
North Sydney | “Waiwera” | 8 William Street | Lot 51, DP 1059651 | Local | I1032 |
St Leonards | Commercial building | 1 Chandos Street | Lot 1, DP 564685 | Local | I1033 |
St Leonards | Former Marco Building | 583 Pacific Highway | Lot A, DP 431687; Lot 10, DP 660453; Lot 1, DP 772247 | Local | I1034 |
Waverton | House | 31 Ancrum Street | Lot A, DP 349615 | Local | I1035 |
Waverton | Former Quarantine Boat Depot | Balls Head Drive | Lots 104 and 105, DP 1162896 | Local | I1039 |
Waverton | Balls Head Foreshore Relics Group—ring bolt | Balls Head Drive | Lot 106, DP 1162896 | Local | I1046 |
Waverton | Balls Head Foreshore Relics Group—ring bolt and iron screen | Balls Head Drive | Lot 106, DP 1162896 | Local | I1045 |
Waverton | Balls Head Foreshore Relics Group—steps to former harbour pool | Balls Head Drive | Lot 106, DP 1162896 | Local | I1047 |
Waverton | Balls Head Foreshore Relics Group—remains of windlass spindle | Balls Head Drive | Lot 106, DP 1162896 | Local | I1044 |
Waverton | Balls Head Reserve | Balls Head Drive | Lot 106, DP 1162896 | Local | I1041 |
Waverton | Former coal loader | Balls Head Drive | Lot 99, DP 1048930; Lots 1–3, DP 542933 | Local | I1040 |
Waverton | Woodleys Shipyard | 1 Balls Head Drive | Lots 101 and 102, DP 1162896 | Local | I1038 |
Waverton | Balls Head Foreshore Relics Group—Uncle Tom’s Cabin | Balls Head Reserve | Lot 106, DP 1162896 | Local | I1048 |
Waverton | HMAS Waterhen, cliff face | Balls Head Road | Lot 98, DP 1048930 | Local | I1042 |
Waverton | BP site | 3A Balls Head Road | Lots 2 and 20, DP 1048933 | Local | I1036 |
Waverton | House | 39 Balls Head Road | Lot 24, Section 7, DP 6894 | Local | I1037 |
Waverton | Waverton Railway Station group (including booking office, hut and tunnel) | Bay Road | Part of Lots 80 and 81, DP 1208186 | State | I1051 |
Waverton | Palm trees | Bay Road (opposite Waverton Railway Station) | Bay Road road reserve | Local | I1052 |
Waverton | House | 75 Bay Road | Lot 10, Section 1, DP 1098 | Local | I1049 |
Waverton | “Waverton” | 122 Bay Road | Lot 8, Section 6, DP 5874 | Local | I1050 |
Waverton | House | 22 Carr Street | Lot 6, Section 5, DP 5874 | Local | I1053 |
Waverton | House | 24 Carr Street | Lot 5, Section 5, DP 5874 | Local | I1054 |
Waverton | House | 37 Carr Street | Lot 1, DP 1138299 | Local | I1055 |
Waverton | House | 47 Carr Street | Lot 16, DP 8688 | Local | I1056 |
Waverton | House | 21 Clifton Street | Lot 1, DP 726452 | Local | I1057 |
Waverton | House | 22 Clifton Street | Lot 1, DP 1078499 | Local | I1058 |
Waverton | House | 24 Clifton Street | Lot 1, DP 301646 | Local | I1059 |
Waverton | House | 26 Euroka Street | Lot X, DP 110104 | Local | I1060 |
Waverton | House | 28 Euroka Street | Lot W, DP 110104 | Local | I1061 |
Waverton | House | 30 Euroka Street | Lot V, DP 110104; Lot 14, Section 2, DP 966 | Local | I1062 |
Waverton | House | 34 Euroka Street | Lot 1, DP 937146 | Local | I1063 |
Waverton | House | 36 Euroka Street | Lot 2, DP 534936 | Local | I1064 |
Waverton | House | 38 Euroka Street | Lot 1, DP 534936 | Local | I1065 |
Waverton | “Ferryman” | 40 Euroka Street | Lot 18, Section 2, DP 966 | Local | I1066 |
Waverton | House | 42 Euroka Street | Lot 19, Section 2, DP 966 | Local | I1067 |
Waverton | House | 44 Euroka Street | Lot 20, Section 2, DP 966 | Local | I1068 |
Waverton | House | 50 Euroka Street | Lot 1, DP 958722 | Local | I1069 |
Waverton | Flat building | 25 King Street | SP 33020 | Local | I1070 |
Waverton | Flat building | 27 King Street | SP 33020 | Local | I1071 |
Waverton | “Rinaultrie” | 31 King Street | Lot 1, DP 105627 | Local | I1072 |
Waverton | “St Elmo” | 33 King Street | Lot 18, Section 3, DP 4326 | Local | I1073 |
Waverton | “Miroma” | 37 King Street | Lot 20, Section 3, DP 4326 | Local | I1074 |
Waverton | “Oakhill” | 40 Larkin Street | Lot 9, Section 7, DP 6894 | Local | I1075 |
Waverton | “Cheltenham” | 44 Larkin Street | Lot 7, Section 7, DP 6894 | Local | I1076 |
Waverton | “The Priory” | 5 Priory Road | SP 12919 | Local | I1077 |
Waverton | House | 17 Ross Street | Lot 14, Section 3, DP 1098 | Local | I1078 |
Waverton | House | 21 Ross Street | Lot 2, DP 230030 | Local | I1079 |
Waverton | Flat building | 26 Toongarah Road | SP 7965 | Local | I1080 |
Waverton | House | 2 Tunks Street | Lot 11, DP 181748 | Local | I1081 |
Waverton | “Luton” | 16 Tunks Street | Lot 4, Section 2, DP 1098 | Local | I1082 |
Waverton | Rob’s Cottage | 11 Woolcott Avenue | Lots 1–4, DP 1093469 | Local | I1084 |
Waverton | House | 2 Woolcott Street | Lot 9, Section 6, DP 5874 | Local | I1083 |
Wollstonecraft | Wollstonecraft foreshore reserves | East and west of peninsula | Lots 1 and 2, DP 528489; Lot 2, DP 232859; Lot 1, DP 115700; Lot 1, DP 515367; closed road (within Badangi Reserve) | Local | I1122 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 15 Balfour Street | Lot 23, Section 9, DP 4319 | Local | I1085 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 22 Balfour Street | Lot 22, Section 10, DP 4319 | Local | I1086 |
Wollstonecraft | Mater Hospital—RMOs’ residence | 13 Gillies Street | Lot 54, DP 826360 | Local | I1087 |
Wollstonecraft | Astley Bank | 20 Gillies Street | Lot 1, DP 414496 | Local | I1088 |
Wollstonecraft | Plane trees | Hazelbank Road (north of intersection with Gillies Street) | Hazelbank Road road reserve; Hazelbank Road and Sinclair Street road reserve; Hazelbank Road and Gillies Street road reserve | Local | I1089 |
Wollstonecraft | Brennan Park | Hazelbank Road and King Street | Lots 2–7 and 9–15, Section 7, DP 4038; Lots 81 and 82, DP 779984; Lot 7042, DP 1059448 | Local | I1121 |
Wollstonecraft | Kyneton Apartments | 19 Ivy Street | Lot A, DP 367499 | Local | I1090 |
Wollstonecraft | Former King Street Wharf | King Street | Adjoining King Street road reserve | Local | I1091 |
Wollstonecraft | Gas works (including boiler house, exhauster house, carburettor building, chimney and wharfs) | King and Ross Streets and Gas Works Road | Lots 1 and 5, DP 270176; SP 60590 | Local | I1092 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 9 Milner Crescent | Lot 1, DP 931566 | Local | I1093 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 13 Milner Crescent | Lot A, DP 950140 | Local | I1094 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 17 Milner Crescent | Lot 6, Section 8, DP 4319 | Local | I1095 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 27 Milner Crescent | Lot 101, DP 771446 | Local | I1096 |
Wollstonecraft | “Morville” | 29 Milner Crescent | Lot 102, DP 771446 | Local | I1097 |
Wollstonecraft | “Wyagdon” | 54 Milner Crescent | Lot E, DP 391356 | Local | I1098 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 56 Milner Crescent | SP 2255 | Local | I1099 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 3 Milray Avenue | Lots 9 and 10, Section 15, DP 6622 | Local | I1100 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 18 Morton Street | Lot 6, Section 4, DP 4038 | Local | I1101 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 20 Morton Street | Lot 5, Section 4, DP 2038 | Local | I1102 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 22 Morton Street | Lot 4, Section 4, DP 4038 | Local | I1103 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 24 Morton Street | Lot 3, Section 4, DP 4038 | Local | I1104 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 26 Morton Street | Lot 2, Section 4, DP 4038 | Local | I1105 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 2 Nicholson Street | Lot 1, DP 956027; Lot 1, Section 34, DP 4320 | Local | I1106 |
Wollstonecraft | Berry Island Reserve | Shirley Road | Lot 1, DP 115701 | Local | I1115 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 8 Shirley Road | Lot A, DP 409490 | Local | I1107 |
Wollstonecraft | Carpenter House | 25 Shirley Road | Lot B, DP 964648; Lot 15, DP 6622 | Local | I1108 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 36 Shirley Road | Lot 11, DP 1051114 | Local | I1109 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 42 Shirley Road | Lot C, DP 375109 | Local | I1110 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 46 Shirley Road | SP 881 | Local | I1111 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 62 Shirley Road | Lot 1, DP 929894 | Local | I1112 |
Wollstonecraft | “Illaroo” | 96 Shirley Road | Lot 1, DP 842687 | Local | I1113 |
Wollstonecraft | Uniting Church | 122 Shirley Road | Lot 1, DP 908026; Lot 3, Section 34, DP 4320 | Local | I1114 |
Wollstonecraft | Former Mater Misericordiae Maternity Hospital | 7–17 Sinclair Street | SP 60544 | Local | I1116 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 2 Telopea Street | Lot 1, Section 16, DP 6622 | Local | I1117 |
Wollstonecraft | “The Briars” | 3 Telopea Street | Lot 1, Section 17, DP 6622 | Local | I1118 |
Wollstonecraft | House | 4A Telopea Street | SP 46190 | Local | I1119 |
Wollstonecraft | “Tullamore” | 11 Telopea Street | Lot 1, DP 972483 | Local | I1120 |
Part 2 Heritage conservation areas
Name of heritage conservation area | Identification on Heritage Map | Significance |
Bay Road | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA22” | Local |
Cammeray | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA01” | Local |
Careening Cove | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA10” | Local |
Cremorne | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA03” | Local |
Cremorne Point | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA06” | Local |
Crows Nest Road | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA23” | Local |
Edward Street | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA17” | Local |
Holtermann Estate A | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA07” | Local |
Holtermann Estate B | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA08” | Local |
Holtermann Estate C | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA09” | Local |
Holtermann Estate D | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA18” | Local |
Jeffreys Street | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA26” | Local |
Kirribilli | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA11” | Local |
Kurraba Point | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA16” | Local |
Lavender Bay | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA12” | Local |
McLaren Street | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA19” | Local |
McMahons Point North | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA13” | Local |
McMahons Point South | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA14” | Local |
Montague Road | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA04” | Local |
Oaks Avenue | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA05” | Local |
Plateau | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA02” | Local |
Priory Road | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA24” | Local |
Union, Bank and Thomas Streets | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA15” | Local |
Walker and Ridge Streets | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA20” | Local |
Whaling Road | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA21” | Local |
Wollstonecraft | Shown by red hatching and labelled “CA25” | Local |
Schedule 6 Pond-based and tank-based aquaculture
(Clause 5.19)
Part 1 Pond-based and tank-based aquaculture
Division 1 Site location requirements
1 Conservation exclusion zones
(1) Must not be carried out on the following land, except to the extent necessary to gain access to water—(a) land declared an area of outstanding biodiversity value under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016,(b) vacant Crown land,(c) land within a wetland of international significance declared under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.(2) Must not be carried out on the following land, except for the purposes of minimal infrastructure to support the extraction of water from, and discharge of water to, the land concerned—(a) land declared as an aquatic reserve under the Marine Estate Management Act 2014,(b) land declared as a marine park under the Marine Estate Management Act 2014.Note—Nothing in this clause affects any requirement under an Act relating to land specified in this clause to obtain a licence or other authority under that Act for development of the land.
Division 2 Operational requirements
2 Species selection
Species of fish or marine vegetation cultivated or kept must be consistent with the relevant aquaculture industry development plan (within the meaning of clause 5.19).
3 Pond-based aquaculture that is also intensive aquaculture—pond design
For pond-based aquaculture that is also intensive aquaculture—ponds must be capable of being drained or pumped and then completely dried.
4 Pond-based aquaculture and tank-based aquaculture that is also intensive aquaculture—freshwater discharges
For pond-based aquaculture and tank-based aquaculture that is also intensive aquaculture—no discharge of freshwater used to intensively cultivate or keep fish to natural waterbodies or wetlands is permitted, except freshwater discharge from open flow through systems.
5 Outlets from culture ponds etc
All outlets from culture ponds, tanks and other culture facilities must be screened to avoid the escape of fish.
6 Definition
In this Division—intensive aquaculture has the same meaning as it has in the Fisheries Management (Aquaculture) Regulation 2017.
Part 2 Extensive pond-based aquaculture
Division 1 Site location requirements
7 Conservation exclusion zones
(1) Must not be carried out on the following land, except to the extent necessary to gain access to water—(a) land declared an area of outstanding biodiversity value under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016,(b) vacant Crown land,(c) land within a wetland of international significance declared under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands.Note—Nothing in this clause affects any requirement under an Act relating to land specified in this clause to obtain a licence or other authority under that Act for development of the land.
8 Flood liability
Must be designed or constructed on land so that it will not be inundated by the discharge of a 1:100 ARI (average recurrent interval) flood event.
Division 2 Operational requirements
9 Species selection
Species of fish or marine vegetation cultivated or kept must be consistent with the relevant aquaculture industry development plan (within the meaning of clause 5.19).
10 Pond design
(1) Must not require the construction of new ponds, water storages, dams or buildings.(2) Must not be located on permanent watercourses, creeks, billabongs or isolated outreaches of creeks or rivers.(3) Must be capable of preventing the escape of stock into natural waterbodies or wetlands.
11 Culture water
Must use freshwater.
(Clause 1.4)
The Act and the Interpretation Act 1987 contain definitions and other provisions that affect the interpretation and application of this Plan.
Aboriginal object means any deposit, object or other material evidence (not being a handicraft made for sale) relating to the Aboriginal habitation of an area of New South Wales, being habitation before or concurrent with (or both) the occupation of that area by persons of non-Aboriginal extraction, and includes Aboriginal remains.
Aboriginal place of heritage significance means an area of land, the general location of which is identified in an Aboriginal heritage study adopted by the Council after public exhibition and that may be shown on the Heritage Map, that is—
(a) the site of one or more Aboriginal objects or a place that has the physical remains of pre-European occupation by, or is of contemporary significance to, the Aboriginal people. It may (but need not) include items and remnants of the occupation of the land by Aboriginal people, such as burial places, engraving sites, rock art, midden deposits, scarred and sacred trees and sharpening grooves, or
(b) a natural Aboriginal sacred site or other sacred feature. It includes natural features such as creeks or mountains of long-standing cultural significance, as well as initiation, ceremonial or story places or areas of more contemporary cultural significance.
The term may include (but is not limited to) places that are declared under section 84 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 to be Aboriginal places for the purposes of that Act.
acid sulfate soils means naturally occurring sediments and soils containing iron sulfides (principally pyrite) or their precursors or oxidation products, whose exposure to oxygen leads to the generation of sulfuric acid (for example, by drainage or excavation).
Acid Sulfate Soils Manual means the manual by that name published by the Acid Sulfate Soils Management Advisory Committee and made publicly available.
Additional Permitted Uses Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Additional Permitted Uses Map.
advertisement has the same meaning as in the Act.
The term is defined as a sign, notice, device or representation in the nature of an advertisement visible from any public place or public reserve or from any navigable water.
advertising structure has the same meaning as in the Act.
The term is defined as a structure used or to be used principally for the display of an advertisement.
Advertising structures are a type of signage—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
affordable housing has the same meaning as in the Act.
The term is defined as housing for very low income households, low income households or moderate income households, being such households as are prescribed by the regulations or as are provided for in an environmental planning instrument.
agricultural produce industry means a building or place used for the handling, treating, processing or packing, for commercial purposes, of produce from agriculture (including dairy products, seeds, fruit, vegetables or other plant material), and includes wineries, flour mills, cotton seed oil plants, cotton gins, feed mills, cheese and butter factories, and juicing or canning plants, but does not include a livestock processing industry.
Agricultural produce industries are a type of rural industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
agriculture means any of the following—
(aaa) agritourism,
(a) aquaculture,
(b) extensive agriculture,
(c) intensive livestock agriculture,
(d) intensive plant agriculture.
Part 6 of the Plantations and Reafforestation Act 1999 provides that exempt farm forestry within the meaning of that Act is not subject to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
agritourism means the following—
(a) farm gate premises,
(b) farm experience premises.
Agritourism is a type of agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
air transport facility means an airport or a heliport that is not part of an airport, and includes associated communication and air traffic control facilities or structures.
airport means a place that is used for the landing, taking off, parking, maintenance or repair of aeroplanes, and includes associated buildings, installations, facilities and movement areas and any heliport that is part of the airport.
Airports are a type of air transport facility—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
airstrip means a single runway for the landing, taking off or parking of aeroplanes for private aviation only, but does not include an airport, heliport or helipad.
amusement centre means a building or place (not being part of a pub or registered club) used principally for playing—
(a) billiards, pool or other like games, or
(b) electronic or mechanical amusement devices, such as pinball machines, computer or video games and the like.
animal boarding or training establishment means a building or place used for the breeding, boarding, training, keeping or caring of animals for commercial purposes (other than for the agistment of horses), and includes any associated riding school or ancillary veterinary hospital.
aquaculture has the same meaning as in the Fisheries Management Act 1994. It includes oyster aquaculture, pond-based aquaculture and tank-based aquaculture.
Aquaculture is a type of agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
archaeological site means a place that contains one or more relics.
artisan food and drink industry means a building or place the principal purpose of which is the making or manufacture of boutique, artisan or craft food or drink products only. It must also include at least one of the following—
(a) a retail area for the sale of the products,
(b) the preparation and serving, on a retail basis, of food and drink to people for consumption on the premises, whether or not liquor, take away meals and drinks or entertainment are also provided,
(c) facilities for holding tastings, tours or workshops.
See clause 5.4 for controls in certain zones relating to the retail floor area of an artisan food and drink industry.
Artisan food and drink industries are a type of light industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
attached dwelling means a building containing 3 or more dwellings, where—
(a) each dwelling is attached to another dwelling by a common wall, and
(b) each of the dwellings is on its own lot of land, and
(c) none of the dwellings is located above any part of another dwelling.
Attached dwellings are a type of residential accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
attic means any habitable space, but not a separate dwelling, contained wholly within a roof above the ceiling line of the storey immediately below, except for minor elements such as dormer windows and the like.
backpackers’ accommodation means a building or place that—
(a) provides temporary or short-term accommodation on a commercial basis, and
(b) has shared facilities, such as a communal bathroom, kitchen or laundry, and
(c) provides accommodation on a bed or dormitory-style basis (rather than by room).
Backpackers’ accommodation is a type of tourist and visitor accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
basement means the space of a building where the floor level of that space is predominantly below ground level (existing) and where the floor level of the storey immediately above is less than 1 metre above ground level (existing).
bed and breakfast accommodation means an existing dwelling in which temporary or short-term accommodation is provided on a commercial basis by the permanent residents of the dwelling and where—
(a) meals are provided for guests only, and
(b) cooking facilities for the preparation of meals are not provided within guests’ rooms, and
(c) dormitory-style accommodation is not provided.
See clause 5.4 for controls relating to the number of bedrooms for bed and breakfast accommodation.
Bed and breakfast accommodation is a type of tourist and visitor accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
bee keeping means a building or place used for the keeping and breeding of bees for commercial purposes.
Bee keeping is a type of extensive agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
biodiversity or biological diversity means the variety of living animal and plant life from all sources, and includes diversity within and between species and diversity of ecosystems.
biosolids treatment facility means a building or place used as a facility for the treatment of biosolids from a sewage treatment plant or from a water recycling facility.
Biosolids treatment facilities are a type of sewerage system—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
boarding house means a building or place—but does not include backpackers’ accommodation, co-living housing, a group home, hotel or motel accommodation, seniors housing or a serviced apartment.
(a) that provides residents with a principal place of residence for at least 3 months, and
(b) that contains shared facilities, such as a communal living room, bathroom, kitchen or laundry, and
(c) that contains rooms, some or all of which may have private kitchen and bathroom facilities, and
(d) used to provide affordable housing, and
(e) if not carried out by or on behalf of the Land and Housing Corporation—managed by a registered community housing provider,
boat building and repair facility means any facility (including a building or other structure) used primarily for the construction, maintenance or repair of boats, whether or not including the storage, sale or hire of boats, but does not include a marina or boat shed.
boat launching ramp means a structure designed primarily for the launching of trailer borne recreational vessels, and includes associated car parking facilities.
boat shed means a building or other structure used for the storage and routine maintenance of a boat or boats and that is associated with a private dwelling or non-profit organisation, and includes any skid used in connection with the building or other structure.
brothel has the same meaning as in the Act.
This definition is relevant to the definitions of home occupation (sex services) and sex services premises in this Dictionary.
building has the same meaning as in the Act.
The term is defined to include part of a building and any structure or part of a structure, but not including a manufactured home, a moveable dwelling or associated structure (or part of a manufactured home, moveable dwelling or associated structure).
building height (or height of building) means—including plant and lift overruns, but excluding communication devices, antennae, satellite dishes, masts, flagpoles, chimneys, flues and the like.
(a) in relation to the height of a building in metres—the vertical distance from ground level (existing) to the highest point of the building, or
(b) in relation to the RL of a building—the vertical distance from the Australian Height Datum to the highest point of the building,
building identification sign means a sign that identifies or names a building and that may include the name of a building, the street name and number of a building, and a logo or other symbol but does not include general advertising of products, goods or services.
Building identification signs are a type of signage—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
building line or setback means the horizontal distance between the property boundary or other stated boundary (measured at 90 degrees from the boundary) and—whichever distance is the shortest.
(a) a building wall, or
(b) the outside face of any balcony, deck or the like, or
(c) the supporting posts of a carport or verandah roof,
bush fire hazard reduction work has the same meaning as in the Rural Fires Act 1997.
The term is defined as follows—
bush fire hazard reduction work means—but does not include construction of a track, trail or road.
(a) the establishment or maintenance of fire breaks on land, and
(b) the controlled application of appropriate fire regimes or other means for the reduction or modification of available fuels within a predetermined area to mitigate against the spread of a bush fire,
bush fire prone land has the same meaning as in the Act.
The term is defined, in relation to an area, as land recorded for the time being as bush fire prone land on a map for the area certified as referred to in section 10.3(2) of the Act.
bush fire risk management plan means a plan prepared under Division 4 of Part 3 of the Rural Fires Act 1997 for the purpose referred to in section 54 of that Act.
business identification sign means a sign—but that does not contain any advertising relating to a person who does not carry on business at the premises or place.
(a) that indicates—(i) the name of the person or business, and(ii) the nature of the business carried on by the person at the premises or place at which the sign is displayed, and
(b) that may include the address of the premises or place and a logo or other symbol that identifies the business,
Business identification signs are a type of signage—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
business premises means a building or place at or on which—and includes funeral homes, goods repair and reuse premises and, without limitation, premises such as banks, post offices, hairdressers, dry cleaners, travel agencies, betting agencies and the like, but does not include an entertainment facility, home business, home occupation, home occupation (sex services), medical centre, restricted premises, sex services premises or veterinary hospital.
(a) an occupation, profession or trade (other than an industry) is carried on for the provision of services directly to members of the public on a regular basis, or
(b) a service is provided directly to members of the public on a regular basis,
Business premises are a type of commercial premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
camping ground means an area of land, with access to communal amenities, used for the short term placement of campervans, tents, annexes or other similar portable and lightweight temporary shelters for accommodation and includes a primitive camping ground but does not include—
(a) a caravan park, or
(b) farm stay accommodation.
canal estate development means development that incorporates wholly or in part a constructed canal, or other waterway or waterbody, that is inundated by or drains to a natural waterway or natural waterbody by surface water or groundwater movement (not being works of drainage, or for the supply or treatment of water, that are constructed by or with the authority of a person or body responsible for those functions and that are limited to the minimal reasonable size and capacity to meet a demonstrated need for the works), and that either—
(a) includes the construction of dwellings (which may include tourist and visitor accommodation) of a kind other than, or in addition to—(i) dwellings that are permitted on rural land, and(ii) dwellings that are used for caretaker or staff purposes, or
(b) requires the use of a sufficient depth of fill material to raise the level of all or part of that land on which the dwellings are (or are proposed to be) located in order to comply with requirements relating to residential development on flood prone land.
car park means a building or place primarily used for the purpose of parking motor vehicles, including any manoeuvring space and access thereto, whether operated for gain or not.
caravan park means an area of land, with access to communal amenities, used for the installation or placement of caravans, or caravans and other moveable dwellings, but does not include farm stay accommodation.
catchment action plan has the same meaning as in the Catchment Management Authorities Act 2003.
The term is defined as a catchment action plan of an authority that has been approved by the Minister under Part 4 of the Catchment Management Authorities Act 2003.
cellar door premises means a building or place that is used to sell wine by retail and that is situated on land on which there is a commercial vineyard, and where most of the wine offered for sale is produced in a winery situated on that land or is produced predominantly from grapes grown in the surrounding area.
Cellar door premises are a type of farm gate premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
cemetery means a building or place used primarily for the interment of deceased persons or pets or their ashes, whether or not it contains an associated building for conducting memorial services.
centre-based child care facility means—but does not include—
(a) a building or place used for the education and care of children that provides any one or more of the following—(i) long day care,(ii) occasional child care,(iii) out-of-school-hours care (including vacation care),(iv) preschool care, or
(b) an approved family day care venue (within the meaning of the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW)),Note—An approved family day care venue is a place, other than a residence, where an approved family day care service (within the meaning of the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW)) is provided.
(c) a building or place used for home-based child care or school-based child care, or
(d) an office of a family day care service (within the meanings of the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW)), or
(e) a babysitting, playgroup or child-minding service that is organised informally by the parents of the children concerned, or
(f) a child-minding service that is provided in connection with a recreational or commercial facility (such as a gymnasium) to care for children while the children’s parents are using the facility, or
(g) a service that is concerned primarily with providing lessons or coaching in, or providing for participation in, a cultural, recreational, religious or sporting activity, or providing private tutoring, or
(h) a child-minding service that is provided by or in a health services facility, but only if the service is established, registered or licensed as part of the institution operating in the facility.
Centre-based child care facilities are a type of early education and care facility—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
charter and tourism boating facility means any facility (including a building or other structure) used for charter boating or tourism boating purposes, being a facility that is used only by the operators of the facility and that has a direct structural connection between the foreshore and the waterway, but does not include a marina.
classified road has the same meaning as in the Roads Act 1993.
The term is defined as follows—
classified road means any of the following—
(a) a main road,
(b) a highway,
(c) a freeway,
(d) a controlled access road,
(e) a secondary road,
(f) a tourist road,
(g) a tollway,
(h) a transitway,
(i) a State work.
(See Roads Act 1993 for meanings of these terms.)
clearing native vegetation has the same meaning as in Part 5A of the Local Land Services Act 2013.
clearing vegetation has the same meaning as in State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021, Chapter 2.
coastal hazard has the same meaning as in the Coastal Management Act 2016.
coastal lake means a body of water identified in State Environmental Planning Policy (Resilience and Hazards) 2021, Schedule 1.
coastal protection works has the same meaning as in the Coastal Management Act 2016.
coastal waters of the State—see section 58 of the Interpretation Act 1987.
coastal zone has the same meaning as in the Coastal Management Act 2016.
co-living housing means a building or place that—but does not include backpackers’ accommodation, a boarding house, a group home, hotel or motel accommodation, seniors housing or a serviced apartment.
(a) has at least 6 private rooms, some or all of which may have private kitchen and bathroom facilities, and
(b) provides occupants with a principal place of residence for at least 3 months, and
(c) has shared facilities, such as a communal living room, bathroom, kitchen or laundry, maintained by a managing agent, who provides management services 24 hours a day,
Co-living housing is a type of residential accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
commercial farm means a farm on which agriculture is undertaken that is—
(a) on land categorised as farmland under the Local Government Act 1993, section 515, or
(b) a primary production business within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 of the Commonwealth, or part of a primary production business, including a business that—(i) was a primary production business, and(ii) has temporarily ceased to be a primary production business because of a natural disaster, including a drought, flood or bush fire.
commercial premises means any of the following—
(a) business premises,
(b) office premises,
(c) retail premises.
community facility means a building or place—but does not include an educational establishment, hospital, retail premises, place of public worship or residential accommodation.
(a) owned or controlled by a public authority or non-profit community organisation, and
(b) used for the physical, social, cultural or intellectual development or welfare of the community,
community land has the same meaning as in the Local Government Act 1993.
correctional centre means—but does not include any police station or court cell complex in which a person is held in custody in accordance with any Act.
(a) any premises declared to be a correctional centre by a proclamation in force under section 225 of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999, including any juvenile correctional centre or periodic detention centre, and
(b) any premises declared to be a detention centre by an order in force under section 5(1) of the Children (Detention Centres) Act 1987,
Council means the North Sydney Council.
creative industry means a building or place the principal purpose of which is to produce or demonstrate arts, crafts, design or other creative products, and includes artists’ studios, recording studios, and set design and production facilities.
Creative industries are a type of light industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
crematorium means a building or place in which deceased persons or pets are cremated or processed by alkaline hydrolysis, whether or not the building or place contains an associated building for conducting memorial services.
curtilage, in relation to a heritage item or conservation area, means the area of land (including land covered by water) surrounding a heritage item, a heritage conservation area, or building, work or place within a heritage conservation area, that contributes to its heritage significance.
dairy (pasture-based) means a dairy that is conducted on a commercial basis where the only restriction facilities present are milking sheds and holding yards and where cattle generally feed by grazing on living grasses and other plants on the land and are constrained for no more than 10 hours in any 24 hour period (excluding during any period of drought or similar emergency relief).
Dairies (pasture-based) are a type of extensive agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
dairy (restricted) means a dairy that is conducted on a commercial basis where restriction facilities (in addition to milking sheds and holding yards) are present and where cattle have access to grazing for less than 10 hours in any 24 hour period (excluding during any period of drought or similar emergency relief). It may comprise the whole or part of a restriction facility.
Dairies (restricted) are a type of intensive livestock agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
data centre means a building or place the principal purpose of which is to collect, distribute, process or store electronic data using information technology.
Data centres are a type of high technology industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
demolish, in relation to a heritage item or an Aboriginal object, or a building, work, relic or tree within a heritage conservation area, means wholly or partly destroy, dismantle or deface the heritage item, Aboriginal object or building, work, relic or tree.
depot means a building or place used for the storage (but not sale or hire) of plant, machinery or other goods (that support the operations of an existing undertaking) when not required for use, but does not include a farm building.
Design Excellence Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Design Excellence Map.
drainage means any activity that intentionally alters the hydrological regime of any locality by facilitating the removal of surface or ground water. It may include the construction, deepening, extending, opening, installation or laying of any canal, drain or pipe, either on the land or in such a manner as to encourage drainage of adjoining land.
dual occupancy means a dual occupancy (attached) or a dual occupancy (detached).
Dual occupancies are a type of residential accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
dual occupancy (attached) means 2 dwellings on one lot of land that are attached to each other, but does not include a secondary dwelling.
Dual occupancies (attached) are a type of dual occupancy—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
dual occupancy (detached) means 2 detached dwellings on one lot of land, but does not include a secondary dwelling.
Dual occupancies (detached) are a type of dual occupancy—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
dwelling means a room or suite of rooms occupied or used or so constructed or adapted as to be capable of being occupied or used as a separate domicile.
dwelling house means a building containing only one dwelling.
Dwelling houses are a type of residential accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
early education and care facility means a building or place used for the education and care of children, and includes any of the following—
(a) a centre-based child care facility,
(b) home-based child care,
(c) school-based child care.
earthworks means excavation or filling.
ecologically sustainable development has the same meaning as in the Act.
eco-tourist facility means a building or place that—It may include facilities that are used to provide information or education to visitors and to exhibit or display items.
(a) provides temporary or short-term accommodation to visitors on a commercial basis, and
(b) is located in or adjacent to an area with special ecological or cultural features, and
(c) is sensitively designed and located so as to minimise bulk, scale and overall physical footprint and any ecological or visual impact.
See clause 5.13 for requirements in relation to the granting of development consent for eco-tourist facilities.
Eco-tourist facilities are not a type of tourist and visitor accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
educational establishment means a building or place used for education (including teaching), being—
(a) a school, or
(b) a tertiary institution, including a university or a TAFE establishment, that provides formal education and is constituted by or under an Act.
electricity generating works means a building or place used for the purpose of—
(a) making or generating electricity, or
(b) electricity storage.
emergency services facility means a building or place (including a helipad) used in connection with the provision of emergency services by an emergency services organisation.
emergency services organisation means any of the following—
(a) Ambulance Service of New South Wales,
(b) Fire and Rescue NSW,
(c) NSW Rural Fire Service,
(d) NSW Police Force,
(e) State Emergency Service,
(f) New South Wales Volunteer Rescue Association Incorporated,
(g) New South Wales Mines Rescue Brigade established under the Coal Industry Act 2001,
(h) an accredited rescue unit within the meaning of the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989.
entertainment facility means a theatre, cinema, music hall, concert hall, dance hall and the like, but does not include a pub or registered club.
environmental facility means a building or place that provides for the recreational use or scientific study of natural systems, and includes walking tracks, seating, shelters, board walks, observation decks, bird hides or the like, and associated display structures.
environmental protection works means works associated with the rehabilitation of land towards its natural state or any work to protect land from environmental degradation, and includes bush regeneration works, wetland protection works, erosion protection works, dune restoration works and the like, but does not include coastal protection works.
estuary has the same meaning as in the Water Management Act 2000.
The term is defined as follows—
estuary means—but does not include anything declared by the regulations (under the Water Management Act 2000) not to be an estuary.
(a) any part of a river whose level is periodically or intermittently affected by coastal tides, or
(b) any lake or other partially enclosed body of water that is periodically or intermittently open to the sea, or
(c) anything declared by the regulations (under the Water Management Act 2000) to be an estuary,
excavation means the removal of soil or rock, whether moved to another part of the same site or to another site, but does not include garden landscaping that does not significantly alter the shape, natural form or drainage of the land.
exhibition home means a dwelling built for the purposes of the public exhibition and marketing of new dwellings, whether or not it is intended to be sold as a private dwelling after its use for those purposes is completed, and includes any associated sales or home finance office or place used for displays.
exhibition village means 2 or more exhibition homes and associated buildings and places used for house and land sales, site offices, advisory services, car parking, food and drink sales and other associated purposes.
extensive agriculture means any of the following—
(a) the production of crops or fodder (including irrigated pasture and fodder crops) for commercial purposes,
(b) the grazing of livestock (other than pigs and poultry) for commercial purposes on living grasses and other plants on the land as their primary source of dietary requirements, and any supplementary or emergency feeding, or temporary agistment or housing for weaning, dipping, tagging or similar husbandry purposes, of the livestock,
(c) bee keeping,
(d) a dairy (pasture-based) where the animals generally feed by grazing on living grasses and other plants on the land as their primary source of dietary requirements, and any supplementary or emergency feeding, or temporary agistment or housing for weaning, dipping, tagging or similar husbandry purposes, of the animals.
Extensive agriculture is a type of agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
extractive industry means the winning or removal of extractive materials (otherwise than from a mine) by methods such as excavating, dredging, tunnelling or quarrying, including the storing, stockpiling or processing of extractive materials by methods such as recycling, washing, crushing, sawing or separating, but does not include turf farming.
Extractive industries are not a type of industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
extractive material means sand, soil, gravel, rock or similar substances that are not minerals within the meaning of the Mining Act 1992.
farm building means a structure the use of which is ancillary to an agricultural use of the landholding on which it is situated and includes a hay shed, stock holding yard, machinery shed, shearing shed, silo, storage tank, outbuilding or the like, but does not include a dwelling.
farm experience premises means a building or place—
(a) on a commercial farm, and
(b) ancillary to the farm, and
(c) used to provide visitors to the farm, on a commercial basis, with small-scale and low-impact tourist or recreational activities, including the following, but not including motor sports—(i) horse riding,(ii) farm tours,(iii) functions or conferences,(iv) farm field days.
Farm experience premises are a type of agritourism—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
farm gate premises—
(a) means a building or place—(i) on a commercial farm, and(ii) ancillary to the farm, and(iii) used to provide visitors to the farm, on a commercial basis, with agricultural products predominantly from the farm, supplemented by products from other farms in the region, or with services or activities related to the products, including the following—(A) processing, packaging and sale of the products, but not the processing of animals,(B) the preparation and serving, on a retail basis, of food and drink to people for consumption on the premises, whether or not liquor, take away meals and drinks or entertainment are also provided,(C) tastings or workshops,(D) the provision of information or education related to the products, and
(b) includes cellar door premises.
Farm gate premises are a type of agritourism—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
farm stay accommodation means a building or place—
(a) on a commercial farm, and
(b) ancillary to the farm, and
(c) used to provide temporary accommodation to paying guests of the farm, including in buildings or moveable dwellings.
Farm stay accommodation is a type of tourist and visitor accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
feedlot means a confined or restricted area that is operated on a commercial basis to rear and fatten cattle, sheep or other animals, but does not include a poultry farm, dairy or pig farm.
Feedlots are a type of intensive livestock agriculture. Intensive livestock agriculture does not include extensive agriculture. See the definitions of those terms in this Dictionary.
fill means the depositing of soil, rock or other similar extractive material obtained from the same or another site, but does not include—
(a) the depositing of topsoil or feature rock imported to the site that is intended for use in garden landscaping, turf or garden bed establishment or top dressing of lawns and that does not significantly alter the shape, natural form or drainage of the land, or
(b) the use of land as a waste disposal facility.
filming means recording images (whether on film or video tape or electronically or by other means) for exhibition or broadcast (such as by cinema, television or the internet or by other means), but does not include—
(a) still photography, or
(b) recording images of a wedding ceremony or other private celebration or event principally for the purpose of making a record for the participants in the ceremony, celebration or event, or
(c) recording images as a visitor or tourist for non-commercial purposes, or
(d) recording for the immediate purposes of a television program that provides information by way of current affairs or daily news.
fish has the same meaning as in the Fisheries Management Act 1994.
The term is defined as follows—
Definition of “fish”
(1)Fish means marine, estuarine or freshwater fish or other aquatic animal life at any stage of their life history (whether alive or dead).
(2)Fish includes—(a) oysters and other aquatic molluscs, and(b) crustaceans, and(c) echinoderms, and(d) beachworms and other aquatic polychaetes.
(3)Fish also includes any part of a fish.
(4)However, fish does not include whales, mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians or other things excluded from the definition by the regulations under the Fisheries Management Act 1994.
flood mitigation work means work designed and constructed for the express purpose of mitigating flood impacts. It involves changing the characteristics of flood behaviour to alter the level, location, volume, speed or timing of flood waters to mitigate flood impacts. Types of works may include excavation, construction or enlargement of any fill, wall, or levee that will alter riverine flood behaviour, local overland flooding, or tidal action so as to mitigate flood impacts.
floor space ratio—see clause 4.5.
Floor Space Ratio Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Floor Space Ratio Map.
food and drink premises means premises that are used for the preparation and retail sale of food or drink (or both) for immediate consumption on or off the premises, and includes any of the following—
(a) a restaurant or cafe,
(b) take away food and drink premises,
(c) a pub,
(d) a small bar.
Food and drink premises are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
Foreshore Building Line Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Foreshore Building Line Map.
forestry means forestry operations within the meaning of the Forestry Act 2012 or Part 5B of the Local Land Services Act 2013.
freight transport facility means a facility used principally for the bulk handling of goods for transport by road, rail, air or sea, including any facility for the loading and unloading of vehicles, aircraft, vessels or containers used to transport those goods and for the parking, holding, servicing or repair of those vehicles, aircraft or vessels or for the engines or carriages involved.
function centre means a building or place used for the holding of events, functions, conferences and the like, and includes convention centres, exhibition centres and reception centres, but does not include an entertainment facility.
funeral home means premises that are used to arrange, conduct and cater for funerals and memorial services, whether or not the premises include facilities for the short-term storage, dressing and viewing of bodies of deceased persons.
Funeral homes are a type of business premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
garden centre means a building or place the principal purpose of which is the retail sale of plants and landscaping and gardening supplies and equipment. It may include a restaurant or cafe and the sale of any of the following—
(a) outdoor furniture and furnishings, barbecues, shading and awnings, pools, spas and associated supplies, and items associated with the construction and maintenance of outdoor areas,
(b) pets and pet supplies,
(c) fresh produce.
Garden centres are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
general industry means a building or place (other than a heavy industry or light industry) that is used to carry out an industrial activity.
General industries are a type of industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
goods repair and reuse premises means a building or place the principal purpose of which is to collect, repair or refurbish goods, including furniture and appliances, for the purposes of sale, hire or swap, and includes premises known as op shops.
Goods repair and reuse premises are a type of business premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
gross floor area means the sum of the floor area of each floor of a building measured from the internal face of external walls, or from the internal face of walls separating the building from any other building, measured at a height of 1.4 metres above the floor, and includes—but excludes—
(a) the area of a mezzanine, and
(b) habitable rooms in a basement or an attic, and
(c) any shop, auditorium, cinema, and the like, in a basement or attic,
(d) any area for common vertical circulation, such as lifts and stairs, and
(e) any basement—(i) storage, and(ii) vehicular access, loading areas, garbage and services, and
(f) plant rooms, lift towers and other areas used exclusively for mechanical services or ducting, and
(g) car parking to meet any requirements of the consent authority (including access to that car parking), and
(h) any space used for the loading or unloading of goods (including access to it), and
(i) terraces and balconies with outer walls less than 1.4 metres high, and
(j) voids above a floor at the level of a storey or storey above.
ground level (existing) means the existing level of a site at any point.
ground level (finished) means, for any point on a site, the ground surface after completion of any earthworks (excluding any excavation for a basement, footings or the like) for which consent has been granted or that is exempt development.
ground level (mean) means, for any site on which a building is situated or proposed, one half of the sum of the highest and lowest levels at ground level (finished) of the outer surface of the external walls of the building.
group home means a permanent group home or a transitional group home.
Group homes are a type of residential accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
group home (permanent) or permanent group home means a dwelling—but does not include development to which State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021, Chapter 3, Part 5 applies.
(a) that is occupied by persons as a single household with or without paid supervision or care and whether or not those persons are related or payment for board and lodging is required, and
(b) that is used to provide permanent household accommodation for people with a disability or people who are socially disadvantaged,
Permanent group homes are a type of group home—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
group home (transitional) or transitional group home means a dwelling—but does not include development to which State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021, Chapter 3, Part 5 applies.
(a) that is occupied by persons as a single household with or without paid supervision or care and whether or not those persons are related or payment for board and lodging is required, and
(b) that is used to provide temporary accommodation for the relief or rehabilitation of people with a disability or for drug or alcohol rehabilitation purposes, or that is used to provide half-way accommodation for persons formerly living in institutions or temporary accommodation comprising refuges for men, women or young people,
Transitional group homes are a type of group home—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
hardware and building supplies means a building or place the principal purpose of which is the sale or hire of goods or materials, such as household fixtures, timber, tools, paint, wallpaper, plumbing supplies and the like, that are used in the construction and maintenance of buildings and adjacent outdoor areas.
Hardware and building supplies are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
hazardous industry means a building or place used to carry out an industrial activity that would, when carried out and when all measures proposed to reduce or minimise its impact on the locality have been employed (including, for example, measures to isolate the activity from existing or likely future development on other land in the locality), pose a significant risk in the locality—
(a) to human health, life or property, or
(b) to the biophysical environment.
Hazardous industries are a type of heavy industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
hazardous storage establishment means a building or place that is used for the storage of goods, materials or products and that would, when in operation and when all measures proposed to reduce or minimise its impact on the locality have been employed (including, for example, measures to isolate the building or place from existing or likely future development on other land in the locality), pose a significant risk in the locality—
(a) to human health, life or property, or
(b) to the biophysical environment.
Hazardous storage establishments are a type of heavy industrial storage establishment—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
headland includes a promontory extending from the general line of the coastline into a large body of water, such as a sea, coastal lake or bay.
health care professional means any person registered under an Act for the purpose of providing health care.
health consulting rooms means premises comprising one or more rooms within (or within the curtilage of) a dwelling house used by not more than 3 health care professionals at any one time.
Health consulting rooms are a type of health services facility—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
health services facility means a building or place used to provide medical or other services relating to the maintenance or improvement of the health, or the restoration to health, of persons or the prevention of disease in or treatment of injury to persons, and includes any of the following—
(a) a medical centre,
(b) community health service facilities,
(c) health consulting rooms,
(d) patient transport facilities, including helipads and ambulance facilities,
(e) hospital.
heavy industrial storage establishment means a building or place used for the storage of goods, materials, plant or machinery for commercial purposes and that requires separation from other development because of the nature of the processes involved, or the goods, materials, plant or machinery stored, and includes any of the following—
(a) a hazardous storage establishment,
(b) a liquid fuel depot,
(c) an offensive storage establishment.
heavy industry means a building or place used to carry out an industrial activity that requires separation from other development because of the nature of the processes involved, or the materials used, stored or produced, and includes—It may also involve the use of a hazardous storage establishment or offensive storage establishment.
(a) hazardous industry, or
(b) offensive industry.
Heavy industries are a type of industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
Height of Buildings Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Height of Buildings Map.
helipad means a place not open to the public used for the taking off and landing of helicopters.
heliport means a place open to the public that is used for the taking off and landing of helicopters, whether or not it includes—
(a) a terminal building, or
(b) facilities for the parking, storage or repair of helicopters.
Heliports are a type of air transport facility—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
heritage conservation area means an area of land of heritage significance—and includes any heritage items situated on or within that area.
(a) shown on the Heritage Map as a heritage conservation area, and
(b) the location and nature of which is described in Schedule 5,
heritage conservation management plan means a document prepared in accordance with guidelines prepared by the Public Service agency responsible to the Minister administering the Heritage Act 1977 that documents the heritage significance of an item, place or heritage conservation area and identifies conservation policies and management mechanisms that are appropriate to enable that significance to be retained.
heritage impact statement means a document consisting of—
(a) a statement demonstrating the heritage significance of a heritage item or heritage conservation area, and
(b) an assessment of the impact that proposed development will have on that significance, and
(c) proposals for measures to minimise that impact.
heritage item means a building, work, place, relic, tree, object or archaeological site the location and nature of which is described in Schedule 5.
An inventory of heritage items is also available at the office of the Council.
heritage management document means—
(a) a heritage conservation management plan, or
(b) a heritage impact statement, or
(c) any other document that provides guidelines for the ongoing management and conservation of a heritage item, Aboriginal object, Aboriginal place of heritage significance or heritage conservation area.
Heritage Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Heritage Map.
heritage significance means historical, scientific, cultural, social, archaeological, architectural, natural or aesthetic value.
high technology industry means a building or place predominantly used to carry out an industrial activity that involves any of the following—and includes a data centre, but does not include a building or place used to carry out an industrial activity that presents a hazard or potential hazard to the neighbourhood or that, because of the scale and nature of the processes involved, interferes with the amenity of the neighbourhood.
(a) electronic or micro-electronic systems, goods or components,
(b) information technology (such as computer software or hardware),
(c) instrumentation or instruments of a scientific, industrial, technological, medical or similar nature,
(d) biological, pharmaceutical, medical or paramedical systems, goods or components,
(e) film, television or multi-media technologies, including any post production systems, goods or components,
(f) telecommunications systems, goods or components,
(g) sustainable energy technologies,
(h) any other goods, systems or components intended for use in a science or technology related field,
High technology industries are a type of light industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
highway service centre means a building or place used to provide refreshments and vehicle services to highway users. It may include any one or more of the following—
(a) a restaurant or cafe,
(b) take away food and drink premises,
(c) service stations and facilities for emergency vehicle towing and repairs,
(d) parking for vehicles,
(e) rest areas and public amenities.
home-based child care means a family day care residence (within the meaning of the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW)) at which the education and care service is provided at any one time to no more than 7 children (including any child of the person providing the service) all of whom are under the age of 13 years and no more than 4 of whom are children who do not ordinarily attend school.
Note 1—
A family day care residence is a residence at which a family day care educator educates and cares for children as part of a family day care service—see the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW).
Note 2—
Home-based child care is a type of early education and care facility—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
home business means a business, whether or not involving the sale of items online, carried on in a dwelling, or in a building ancillary to a dwelling, by 1 or more permanent residents of the dwelling and not involving the following—but does not include bed and breakfast accommodation, home occupation (sex services) or sex services premises.
(a) the employment of more than 2 persons other than the residents,
(b) interference with the amenity of the neighbourhood because of the emission of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, waste water, waste products, grit or oil, traffic generation or otherwise,
(c) the exposure to view, from adjacent premises or from a public place, of unsightly matter,
(d) the exhibition of signage, other than a business identification sign,
(e) the retail sale of, or the exposure or offer for retail sale of, items, whether goods or materials, not produced at the dwelling or building, other than by online retailing,
See clause 5.4 for controls relating to the floor area used for a home business.
home industry means an industrial activity, whether or not involving the sale of items online, carried on in a dwelling, or in a building ancillary to a dwelling, by 1 or more permanent residents of the dwelling and not involving the following—but does not include bed and breakfast accommodation or sex services premises.
(a) the employment of more than 2 persons other than the residents,
(b) interference with the amenity of the neighbourhood because of the emission of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, waste water, waste products, grit or oil, traffic generation or otherwise,
(c) the exposure to view, from adjacent premises or from a public place, of unsightly matter,
(d) the exhibition of signage, other than a business identification sign,
(e) the retail sale of, or the exposure or offer for retail sale of, items, whether goods or materials, not produced at the dwelling or building, other than by online retailing,
See clause 5.4 for controls relating to the floor area used for a home industry.
Home industries are a type of light industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
home occupation means an occupation that is carried on in a dwelling, or in a building ancillary to a dwelling, by one or more permanent residents of the dwelling and that does not involve—but does not include bed and breakfast accommodation, home occupation (sex services) or sex services premises.
(a) the employment of persons other than those residents, or
(b) interference with the amenity of the neighbourhood by reason of the emission of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, waste water, waste products, grit or oil, traffic generation or otherwise, or
(c) the display of goods, whether in a window or otherwise, or
(d) the exhibition of any signage (other than a business identification sign), or
(e) the sale of items (whether goods or materials), or the exposure or offer for sale of items, by retail,
home occupation (sex services) means the provision of sex services in a dwelling that is a brothel, or in a building that is a brothel and is ancillary to such a dwelling, by no more than 2 permanent residents of the dwelling and that does not involve—but does not include a home business or sex services premises.
(a) the employment of persons other than those residents, or
(b) interference with the amenity of the neighbourhood by reason of the emission of noise, traffic generation or otherwise, or
(c) the exhibition of any signage, or
(d) the sale of items (whether goods or materials), or the exposure or offer for sale of items, by retail,
horticulture means the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, nuts, cut flowers and foliage and nursery products for commercial purposes, but does not include a plant nursery, turf farming or viticulture.
Horticulture is a type of intensive plant agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
hospital means a building or place used for the purpose of providing professional health care services (such as preventative or convalescent care, diagnosis, medical or surgical treatment, psychiatric care or care for people with disabilities, or counselling services provided by health care professionals) to people admitted as in-patients (whether or not out-patients are also cared for or treated there), and includes ancillary facilities for (or that consist of) any of the following—
(a) day surgery, day procedures or health consulting rooms,
(b) accommodation for nurses or other health care workers,
(c) accommodation for persons receiving health care or for their visitors,
(d) shops, kiosks, restaurants or cafes or take away food and drink premises,
(e) patient transport facilities, including helipads, ambulance facilities and car parking,
(f) educational purposes or any other health-related use,
(g) research purposes (whether or not carried out by hospital staff or health care workers or for commercial purposes),
(h) chapels,
(i) hospices,
(j) mortuaries.
Hospitals are a type of health services facility—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
hostel means premises that are generally staffed by social workers or support providers and at which—
(a) residential accommodation is provided in dormitories, or on a single or shared basis, or by a combination of them, and
(b) cooking, dining, laundering, cleaning and other facilities are provided on a shared basis.
Hostels are a type of residential accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
hotel or motel accommodation means a building or place (whether or not licensed premises under the Liquor Act 2007) that provides temporary or short-term accommodation on a commercial basis and that—but does not include backpackers’ accommodation, a boarding house, bed and breakfast accommodation or farm stay accommodation.
(a) comprises rooms or self-contained suites, and
(b) may provide meals to guests or the general public and facilities for the parking of guests’ vehicles,
Hotel or motel accommodation is a type of tourist and visitor accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
independent living unit means a dwelling or part of a building, whether or not attached to another dwelling—but does not include a hostel.
(a) used to house seniors or people with a disability, and
(b) containing private facilities for cooking, sleeping and bathing, and
(c) where clothes washing facilities or other facilities for use in connection with the dwelling or part of a building may be provided on a shared basis,
Independent living units are a type of seniors housing—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
industrial activity means the manufacturing, production, assembling, altering, formulating, repairing, renovating, ornamenting, finishing, cleaning, washing, dismantling, transforming, processing, recycling, adapting or servicing of, or the research and development of, any goods, substances, food, products or articles for commercial purposes, and includes any storage or transportation associated with any such activity.
industrial retail outlet means a building or place that—but does not include a warehouse or distribution centre.
(a) is used in conjunction with an industry (other than an artisan food and drink industry) or rural industry, and
(b) is situated on the land on which the industry or rural industry is located, and
(c) is used for the display or sale (whether by retail or wholesale) of only those goods that have been manufactured on the land on which the industry or rural industry is located,
See clause 5.4 for controls relating to the retail floor area of an industrial retail outlet.
industrial training facility means a building or place used in connection with vocational training in an activity (such as forklift or truck driving, welding or carpentry) that is associated with an industry, rural industry, extractive industry or mining, but does not include an educational establishment, business premises or retail premises.
industry means any of the following—but does not include—
(a) general industry,
(b) heavy industry,
(c) light industry,
(d) rural industry, or
(e) extractive industry, or
(f) mining.
information and education facility means a building or place used for providing information or education to visitors, and the exhibition or display of items, and includes an art gallery, museum, library, visitor information centre and the like.
intensive livestock agriculture means the keeping or breeding, for commercial purposes, of cattle, poultry, pigs, goats, horses, sheep or other livestock, and includes any of the following—but does not include extensive agriculture, aquaculture or the operation of facilities for drought or similar emergency relief.
(a) dairies (restricted),
(b) feedlots,
(c) pig farms,
(d) poultry farms,
Intensive livestock agriculture is a type of agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
intensive plant agriculture means any of the following—
(a) the cultivation of irrigated crops for commercial purposes (other than irrigated pasture or fodder crops),
(b) horticulture,
(c) turf farming,
(d) viticulture.
Intensive plant agriculture is a type of agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
jetty means a horizontal decked walkway providing access from the shore to the waterway and is generally constructed on a piered or piled foundation.
kiosk means premises that are used for the purposes of selling food, light refreshments and other small convenience items.
See clause 5.4 for controls relating to the gross floor area of a kiosk.
Kiosks are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
Land Application Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Land Application Map.
Land Reservation Acquisition Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Land Reservation Acquisition Map.
Land Zoning Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Land Zoning Map.
landholding means an area of land—
(a) constituted or worked as a single property, and
(b) if comprising more than 1 lot—the lots are—(i) contiguous, or(ii) separated only by a road or watercourse.
landscaped area means a part of a site used for growing plants, grasses and trees, but does not include any building, structure or hard paved area.
landscaping material supplies means a building or place used for the storage and sale of landscaping supplies such as soil, gravel, potting mix, mulch, sand, railway sleepers, screenings, rock and the like.
Landscaping material supplies are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
light industry means a building or place used to carry out an industrial activity that does not interfere with the amenity of the neighbourhood by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, waste water, waste products, grit or oil, or otherwise, and includes any of the following—
(a) high technology industry,
(b) home industry,
(c) artisan food and drink industry,
(d) creative industry.
Light industries are a type of industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
liquid fuel depot means premises used for the bulk storage of petrol, oil, petroleum or other inflammable liquid for wholesale distribution and at which no retail trade is conducted.
Liquid fuel depots are a type of heavy industrial storage establishment—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
livestock processing industry means a building or place used for the commercial production of products derived from the slaughter of animals (including poultry) or the processing of skins or wool of animals and includes abattoirs, knackeries, tanneries, woolscours and rendering plants.
Livestock processing industries are a type of rural industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
local distribution premises means a building or place used for the storage or handling of items (whether goods or materials) pending their delivery to people and businesses in the local area, but from which no retail sales are made.
Lot Size Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Lot Size Map.
maintenance, in relation to a heritage item, Aboriginal object or Aboriginal place of heritage significance, or a building, work, archaeological site, tree or place within a heritage conservation area, means ongoing protective care, but does not include the removal or disturbance of existing fabric, alterations (such as carrying out extensions or additions) or the introduction of new materials or technology.
manufactured home has the same meaning as in the Local Government Act 1993.
marina means a permanent boat storage facility (whether located wholly on land, wholly on a waterway or partly on land and partly on a waterway), and includes any of the following associated facilities—
(a) any facility for the construction, repair, maintenance, storage, sale or hire of boats,
(b) any facility for providing fuelling, sewage pump-out or other services for boats,
(c) any facility for launching or landing boats, such as slipways or hoists,
(d) any car parking or commercial, tourist or recreational or club facility that is ancillary to the boat storage facility,
(e) any berthing or mooring facilities.
market means an open-air area, or an existing building, that is used for the purpose of selling, exposing or offering goods, merchandise or materials for sale by independent stall holders, and includes temporary structures and existing permanent structures used for that purpose on an intermittent or occasional basis.
Markets are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
mean high water mark means the position where the plane of the mean high water level of all ordinary local high tides intersects the foreshore, being 1.44m above the zero of Fort Denison Tide Gauge and 0.515m Australian Height Datum.
medical centre means premises that are used for the purpose of providing health services (including preventative care, diagnosis, medical or surgical treatment, counselling or alternative therapies) to out-patients only, where such services are principally provided by health care professionals. It may include the ancillary provision of other health services.
Medical centres are a type of health services facility—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
mezzanine means an intermediate floor within a room.
mine means any place (including any excavation) where an operation is carried on for mining of any mineral by any method and any place on which any mining related work is carried out, but does not include a place used only for extractive industry.
mine subsidence district means a mine subsidence district proclaimed under section 15 of the Mine Subsidence Compensation Act 1961.
mining means mining carried out under the Mining Act 1992 or the recovery of minerals under the Offshore Minerals Act 1999, and includes—
(a) the construction, operation and decommissioning of associated works, and
(b) the rehabilitation of land affected by mining.
Mining is not a type of industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
mixed use development means a building or place comprising 2 or more different land uses.
mooring means a detached or freestanding apparatus located on or in a waterway and that is capable of securing a vessel, but does not include a mooring pen.
mooring pen means an arrangement of freestanding piles or other restraining devices designed or used for the purpose of berthing a vessel.
mortuary means premises that are used, or intended to be used, for the receiving, preparation, embalming and storage of bodies of deceased persons pending their interment or cremation.
moveable dwelling has the same meaning as in the Local Government Act 1993.
The term is defined as follows—
moveable dwelling means—
(a) any tent, or any caravan or other van or other portable device (whether on wheels or not), used for human habitation, or
(b) a manufactured home, or
(c) any conveyance, structure or thing of a class or description prescribed by the regulations (under the Local Government Act 1993) for the purposes of this definition.
multi dwelling housing means 3 or more dwellings (whether attached or detached) on one lot of land, each with access at ground level, but does not include a residential flat building.
Multi dwelling housing is a type of residential accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
native fauna means any animal-life that is indigenous to New South Wales or is known to periodically or occasionally migrate to New South Wales, whether vertebrate (including fish) or invertebrate and in any stage of biological development, but does not include humans.
native flora means any plant-life that is indigenous to New South Wales, whether vascular or non-vascular and in any stage of biological development, and includes fungi and lichens, and marine vegetation within the meaning of Part 7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994.
native vegetation has the same meaning as in Part 5A of the Local Land Services Act 2013.
means any waterway that is from time to time capable of navigation and is open to or used by the public for navigation, but does not include flood waters that have temporarily flowed over the established bank of a watercourse.
neighbourhood shop means premises used for the purposes of selling general merchandise such as foodstuffs, personal care products, newspapers and the like to provide for the day-to-day needs of people who live or work in the local area, but does not include neighbourhood supermarkets or restricted premises.
See clause 5.4 for controls relating to the retail floor area of neighbourhood shops.
Neighbourhood shops are a type of shop—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
neighbourhood supermarket means premises the principal purpose of which is the sale of groceries and foodstuffs to provide for the needs of people who live or work in the local area.
See clause 5.4 for controls relating to the gross floor area of neighbourhood supermarkets.
Neighbourhood supermarkets are a type of shop—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
nominated State heritage item means a heritage item that—
(a) has been identified as an item of State significance in a publicly exhibited heritage study adopted by the Council, and
(b) the Council has, by notice in writing to the Heritage Council, nominated as an item of potential State significance.
non-potable water means water that does not meet the standards or values for drinking water recommended from time to time by the National Health and Medical Research Council.
Non-Residential Floor Space Ratio Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Non-Residential Floor Space Ratio Map.
North Sydney Centre means the land identified as “North Sydney Centre” on the North Sydney Centre Map.
North Sydney Centre Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 North Sydney Centre Map.
offensive industry means a building or place used to carry out an industrial activity that would, when carried out and when all measures proposed to reduce or minimise its impact on the locality have been employed (including, for example, measures to isolate the activity from existing or likely future development on other land in the locality), emit a polluting discharge (including, for example, noise) in a manner that would have a significant adverse impact in the locality or on existing or likely future development on other land in the locality.
Offensive industries are a type of heavy industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
offensive storage establishment means a building or place that is used for the storage of goods, materials or products and that would, when all measures proposed to reduce or minimise its impact on the locality have been employed (including, for example, measures to isolate the building or place from existing or likely future development on other land in the locality), emit a polluting discharge (including, for example, noise) in a manner that would have a significant adverse impact in the locality or on existing or likely future development on other land in the locality.
Offensive storage establishments are a type of heavy industrial storage establishment—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
office premises means a building or place used for the purpose of administrative, clerical, technical, professional or similar activities that do not include dealing with members of the public at the building or place on a direct and regular basis, except where such dealing is a minor activity (by appointment) that is ancillary to the main purpose for which the building or place is used.
Office premises are a type of commercial premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
open cut mining means mining carried out on, and by excavating, the earth’s surface, but does not include underground mining.
operational land has the same meaning as in the Local Government Act 1993.
oyster aquaculture means the cultivation of any species of edible oyster for a commercial purpose.
Oyster aquaculture is a type of aquaculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
parking space means a space dedicated for the parking of a motor vehicle, including any manoeuvring space and access to it, but does not include a car park.
passenger transport facility means a building or place used for the assembly or dispersal of passengers by any form of transport, including facilities required for parking, manoeuvring, storage or routine servicing of any vehicle that uses the building or place.
(a) people who are disadvantaged because of their alcohol or drug dependence, extreme poverty, psychological disorder or other similar disadvantage, or
(b) people who require protection because of domestic violence or upheaval.
people with a disability means people of any age who, as a result of having an intellectual, psychiatric, sensory, physical or similar impairment, or a combination of such impairments, either permanently or for an extended period, have substantially limited opportunities to enjoy full and active lives.
pig farm means land that is used to keep or breed pigs for animal production, whether an indoor, outdoor, free-range or other type of operation.
Pig farms are a type of intensive livestock agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
place of public worship means a building or place used for the purpose of religious worship by a congregation or religious group, whether or not the building or place is also used for counselling, social events, instruction or religious training.
plant nursery means a building or place the principal purpose of which is the retail sale of plants that are grown or propagated on site or on an adjacent site. It may include the on-site sale of any such plants by wholesale and, if ancillary to the principal purpose for which the building or place is used, the sale of landscape and gardening supplies and equipment and the storage of these items.
Plant nurseries are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
pond-based aquaculture means aquaculture undertaken predominantly in ponds, raceways or dams (including any part of the aquaculture undertaken in tanks such as during the hatchery or depuration phases), but not including natural water-based aquaculture.
Pond-based aquaculture is a type of aquaculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary. Typical pond-based aquaculture is the pond culture of prawns, yabbies or silver perch.
port facilities means any of the following facilities at or in the vicinity of a designated port within the meaning of section 47 of the Ports and Maritime Administration Act 1995—
(a) facilities for the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers onto or from any vessels, including public ferry wharves,
(b) facilities for the loading or unloading of freight onto or from vessels and associated receival, land transport and storage facilities,
(c) wharves for commercial fishing operations,
(d) refuelling, launching, berthing, mooring, storage or maintenance facilities for any vessel,
(e) sea walls or training walls,
(f) administration buildings, communication, security and power supply facilities, roads, rail lines, pipelines, fencing, lighting or car parks.
potable water means water that meets the standards or values for drinking water recommended from time to time by the National Health and Medical Research Council.
poultry farm means land that is used to keep or breed poultry for animal production, whether for meat or egg production (or both) and whether an indoor, outdoor, free-range or other type of operation.
Poultry farms are a type of intensive livestock agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
primitive camping ground means a camping ground approved under the Local Government Act 1993, Chapter 7, Part 1 as a primitive camping ground.
Primitive camping ground is a type of camping ground—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
private open space means an area external to a building (including an area of land, terrace, balcony or deck) that is used for private outdoor purposes ancillary to the use of the building.
property vegetation plan mean a property vegetation plan approved under Part 4 of the Native Vegetation Act 2003 before the repeal of that Act (as continued in force by the regulations under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016).
pub means licensed premises under the Liquor Act 2007 the principal purpose of which is the retail sale of liquor for consumption on the premises, whether or not the premises include hotel or motel accommodation and whether or not food is sold or entertainment is provided on the premises.
Pubs are a type of food and drink premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
public administration building means a building used as offices or for administrative or other like purposes by the Crown, a statutory body, a council or an organisation established for public purposes, and includes a courthouse or a police station.
has the same meaning as in the Act.
public land has the same meaning as in the Local Government Act 1993.
public reserve has the same meaning as in the Local Government Act 1993.
public utility undertaking means any of the following undertakings carried on or permitted to be carried on by or by authority of any Public Service agency or under the authority of or in pursuance of any Commonwealth or State Act—and a reference to a person carrying on a public utility undertaking includes a reference to a council, electricity supply authority, Public Service agency, corporation, firm or authority carrying on the undertaking.
(a) railway, road transport, water transport, air transport, wharf or river undertakings,
(b) undertakings for the supply of water, hydraulic power, electricity or gas or the provision of sewerage or drainage services,
rainwater tank means a tank designed for the storage of rainwater gathered on the land on which the tank is situated.
recreation area means a place used for outdoor recreation that is normally open to the public, and includes—and any ancillary buildings, but does not include a recreation facility (indoor), recreation facility (major) or recreation facility (outdoor).
(a) a children’s playground, or
(b) an area used for community sporting activities, or
(c) a public park, reserve or garden or the like,
recreation facility (indoor) means a building or place used predominantly for indoor recreation, whether or not operated for the purposes of gain, including a squash court, indoor swimming pool, gymnasium, table tennis centre, health studio, bowling alley, ice rink or any other building or place of a like character used for indoor recreation, but does not include an entertainment facility, a recreation facility (major) or a registered club.
recreation facility (major) means a building or place used for large-scale sporting or recreation activities that are attended by large numbers of people whether regularly or periodically, and includes theme parks, sports stadiums, showgrounds, racecourses and motor racing tracks.
recreation facility (outdoor) means a building or place (other than a recreation area) used predominantly for outdoor recreation, whether or not operated for the purposes of gain, including a golf course, golf driving range, mini-golf centre, tennis court, paint-ball centre, lawn bowling green, outdoor swimming pool, equestrian centre, skate board ramp, go-kart track, rifle range, water-ski centre or any other building or place of a like character used for outdoor recreation (including any ancillary buildings), but does not include an entertainment facility or a recreation facility (major).
Reduced Level (RL) means height above the Australian Height Datum, being the datum surface approximating mean sea level that was adopted by the National Mapping Council of Australia in May 1971.
registered club means a club that holds a club licence under the Liquor Act 2007.
registered community housing provider has the same meaning as in the Community Housing Providers (Adoption of National Law) Act 2012, section 13.
relic has the same meaning as in the Heritage Act 1977.
The term is defined as follows—
relic means any deposit, artefact, object or material evidence that—
(a) relates to the settlement of the area that comprises New South Wales, not being Aboriginal settlement, and
(b) is of State or local heritage significance.
research station means a building or place operated by a public authority for the principal purpose of agricultural, environmental, fisheries, forestry, minerals or soil conservation research, and includes any associated facility for education, training, administration or accommodation.
residential accommodation means a building or place used predominantly as a place of residence, and includes any of the following—but does not include tourist and visitor accommodation or caravan parks.
(a) attached dwellings,
(b) boarding houses,
(baa) co-living housing,
(c) dual occupancies,
(d) dwelling houses,
(e) group homes,
(f) hostels,
(faa) (Repealed)
(g) multi dwelling housing,
(h) residential flat buildings,
(i) rural workers’ dwellings,
(j) secondary dwellings,
(k) semi-detached dwellings,
(l) seniors housing,
(m) shop top housing,
residential care facility means accommodation for seniors or people with a disability that includes—but does not include a dwelling, hostel, hospital or psychiatric facility.
(a) meals and cleaning services, and
(b) personal care or nursing care, or both, and
(c) appropriate staffing, furniture, furnishings and equipment for the provision of that accommodation and care,
Residential care facilities are a type of seniors housing—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
residential flat building means a building containing 3 or more dwellings, but does not include an attached dwelling, co-living housing or multi dwelling housing.
Residential flat buildings are a type of residential accommodation— see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
resource recovery facility means a building or place used for the recovery of resources from waste, including works or activities such as separating and sorting, processing or treating the waste, composting, temporary storage, transfer or sale of recovered resources, energy generation from gases and water treatment, but not including re-manufacture or disposal of the material by landfill or incineration.
Resource recovery facilities are a type of waste or resource management facility—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
respite day care centre means a building or place that is used for the care of seniors or people who have a disability and that does not provide overnight accommodation for people other than those related to the owner or operator of the centre.
restaurant or cafe means a building or place the principal purpose of which is the preparation and serving, on a retail basis, of food and drink to people for consumption on the premises, whether or not liquor, take away meals and drinks or entertainment are also provided, but does not include the preparation and serving of food and drink to people that occurs as part of—
(a) an artisan food and drink industry, or
(b) farm gate premises.
Restaurants or cafes are a type of food and drink premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
restricted premises means premises that, due to their nature, restrict access to patrons or customers over 18 years of age, and includes sex shops and similar premises, but does not include a pub, hotel or motel accommodation, home occupation (sex services) or sex services premises.
restriction facilities means facilities where animals are constrained for management purposes, including milking sheds, pads, feed stalls, holding yards and paddocks where the number of livestock exceeds the ability of vegetation to recover from the effects of grazing in a normal growing season, but does not include facilities for drought or similar emergency relief.
retail premises means a building or place used for the purpose of selling items by retail, or hiring or displaying items for the purpose of selling them or hiring them out, whether the items are goods or materials (or whether also sold by wholesale), and includes any of the following—but does not include farm gate premises, highway service centres, service stations, industrial retail outlets or restricted premises.
(a), (b) (Repealed)
(c) food and drink premises,
(d) garden centres,
(e) hardware and building supplies,
(f) kiosks,
(g) landscaping material supplies,
(h) markets,
(i) plant nurseries,
(j) roadside stalls,
(k) rural supplies,
(l) shops,
(la) specialised retail premises,
(m) timber yards,
(n) vehicle sales or hire premises,
Retail premises are a type of commercial premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
road means a public road or a private road within the meaning of the Roads Act 1993, and includes a classified road.
roadside stall means a place or temporary structure used for the retail sale of agricultural produce or hand crafted goods (or both) produced from the property on which the stall is situated or from an adjacent property.
See clause 5.4 for controls relating to the gross floor area of roadside stalls.
Roadside stalls are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
rural industry means the handling, treating, production, processing, storage or packing of animal or plant agricultural products for commercial purposes, and includes any of the following—
(a) agricultural produce industries,
(b) livestock processing industries,
(c) composting facilities and works (including the production of mushroom substrate),
(d) sawmill or log processing works,
(e) stock and sale yards,
(f) the regular servicing or repairing of plant or equipment used for the purposes of a rural enterprise.
Rural industries are not a type of industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
rural supplies means a building or place used for the display, sale or hire of stockfeeds, grains, seed, fertilizers, veterinary supplies and other goods or materials used in farming and primary industry production.
Rural supplies are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
rural worker’s dwelling means a building or place that is additional to a dwelling house on the same lot and that is used predominantly as a place of residence by persons employed, whether on a long-term or short-term basis, for the purpose of agriculture or a rural industry on that land.
Rural workers’ dwellings are a type of residential accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
sawmill or log processing works means a building or place used for handling, cutting, chipping, pulping or otherwise processing logs, baulks, branches or stumps, principally derived from surrounding districts, into timber or other products derived from wood.
Sawmill or log processing works are a type of rural industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
school means a government school or non-government school within the meaning of the Education Act 1990.
Schools are a type of educational establishment—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
school-based child care means a building or place within a school that is used to provide out-of-school-hours care (including vacation care) for school children only.
Note 1—
Accordingly, a building or place within a school that is used to provide out-of-school-hours care for both school children and pre-school children is not school-based child care.
Note 2—
School-based child care is a type of early education and care facility—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
secondary dwelling means a self-contained dwelling that—
(a) is established in conjunction with another dwelling (the principal dwelling), and
(b) is on the same lot of land as the principal dwelling, and
(c) is located within, or is attached to, or is separate from, the principal dwelling.
See clauses 5.4 and 5.5 for controls relating to the total floor area of secondary dwellings.
Secondary dwellings are a type of residential accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
self-storage units means premises that consist of individual enclosed compartments for storing goods or materials (other than hazardous or offensive goods or materials).
Self-storage units are a type of storage premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
semi-detached dwelling means a dwelling that is on its own lot of land and is attached to only one other dwelling.
Semi-detached dwellings are a type of residential accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
seniors housing means a building or place that is—and that is, or is intended to be, used permanently for—but does not include a hospital.
(a) a residential care facility, or
(b) a hostel within the meaning of State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021, Chapter 3, Part 5, or
(c) a group of independent living units, or
(d) a combination of any of the buildings or places referred to in paragraphs (a)–(c),
(e) seniors or people who have a disability, or
(f) people who live in the same household with seniors or people who have a disability, or
(g) staff employed to assist in the administration of the building or place or in the provision of services to persons living in the building or place,
Seniors housing is a type of residential accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
service station means a building or place used for the sale by retail of fuels and lubricants for motor vehicles, whether or not the building or place is also used for any one or more of the following—
(a) the ancillary sale by retail of spare parts and accessories for motor vehicles,
(b) the cleaning of motor vehicles,
(c) installation of accessories,
(d) inspecting, repairing and servicing of motor vehicles (other than body building, panel beating, spray painting, or chassis restoration),
(e) the ancillary retail selling or hiring of general merchandise or services or both.
serviced apartment means a building (or part of a building) providing self-contained accommodation to tourists or visitors on a commercial basis and that is regularly serviced or cleaned by the owner or manager of the building or part of the building or the owner’s or manager’s agents.
Serviced apartments are a type of tourist and visitor accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
sewage reticulation system means a building or place used for the collection and transfer of sewage to a sewage treatment plant or water recycling facility for treatment, or transfer of the treated waste for use or disposal, including associated—
(a) pipelines and tunnels, and
(b) pumping stations, and
(c) dosing facilities, and
(d) odour control works, and
(e) sewage overflow structures, and
(f) vent stacks.
Sewage reticulation systems are a type of sewerage system—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
sewage treatment plant means a building or place used for the treatment and disposal of sewage, whether or not the facility supplies recycled water for use as an alternative water supply.
Sewage treatment plants are a type of sewerage system—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
sewerage system means any of the following—
(a) biosolids treatment facility,
(b) sewage reticulation system,
(c) sewage treatment plant,
(d) water recycling facility,
(e) a building or place that is a combination of any of the things referred to in paragraphs (a)–(d).
sex services means sexual acts or sexual services in exchange for payment.
sex services premises means a brothel, but does not include home occupation (sex services).
shop means premises that sell merchandise such as groceries, personal care products, clothing, music, homewares, stationery, electrical goods or the like or that hire any such merchandise, and includes a neighbourhood shop and neighbourhood supermarket, but does not include food and drink premises or restricted premises.
Shops are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
shop top housing means one or more dwellings located above the ground floor of a building, where at least the ground floor is used for commercial premises or health services facilities.
Shop top housing is a type of residential accommodation—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
signage means any sign, notice, device, representation or advertisement that advertises or promotes any goods, services or events and any structure or vessel that is principally designed for, or that is used for, the display of signage, and includes any of the following—but does not include a traffic sign or traffic control facilities.
(a) an advertising structure,
(b) a building identification sign,
(c) a business identification sign,
site area means the area of any land on which development is or is to be carried out. The land may include the whole or part of one lot, or more than one lot if they are contiguous to each other, but does not include the area of any land on which development is not permitted to be carried out under this Plan.
The effect of this definition is varied by clause 4.5 for the purpose of the determination of permitted floor space area for proposed development.
site coverage means the proportion of a site area covered by buildings. However, the following are not included for the purpose of calculating site coverage—
(a) any basement,
(b) any part of an awning that is outside the outer walls of a building and that adjoins the street frontage or other site boundary,
(c) any eaves,
(d) unenclosed balconies, decks, pergolas and the like.
small bar means a small bar within the meaning of the Liquor Act 2007.
Small bars are a type of food and drink premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
spa pool has the same meaning as in the Swimming Pools Act 1992.
The term is defined to include any excavation, structure or vessel in the nature of a spa pool, flotation tank, tub or the like.
Special Provisions Area Map means the North Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2013 Special Provisions Area Map.
specialised retail premises means a building or place the principal purpose of which is the sale, hire or display of goods that are of a size, weight or quantity, that requires—but does not include a building or place used for the sale of foodstuffs or clothing unless their sale is ancillary to the sale, hire or display of other goods referred to in this definition.
(a) a large area for handling, display or storage, or
(b) direct vehicular access to the site of the building or place by members of the public for the purpose of loading or unloading such goods into or from their vehicles after purchase or hire,
Examples of goods that may be sold at specialised retail premises include automotive parts and accessories, household appliances and fittings, furniture, homewares, office equipment, outdoor and recreation equipment, pet supplies and party supplies.
Specialised retail premises are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
stock and sale yard means a building or place that is used on a commercial basis for the purpose of offering livestock or poultry for sale and that may be used for the short-term storage and watering of stock.
Stock and sale yards are a type of rural industry—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
storage premises means a building or place used for the storage of goods, materials, plant or machinery for commercial purposes and where the storage is not ancillary to any industry, business premises or retail premises on the same parcel of land, and includes self-storage units, but does not include a heavy industrial storage establishment, local distribution premises or a warehouse or distribution centre.
storey means a space within a building that is situated between one floor level and the floor level next above, or if there is no floor above, the ceiling or roof above, but does not include—
(a) a space that contains only a lift shaft, stairway or meter room, or
(b) a mezzanine, or
(c) an attic.
swimming pool has the same meaning as in the Swimming Pools Act 1992.
The term is defined as follows—
swimming pool means an excavation, structure or vessel—and includes a spa pool, but does not include a spa bath, anything that is situated within a bathroom or anything declared by the regulations made under the Swimming Pools Act 1992 not to be a swimming pool for the purposes of that Act.
(a) that is capable of being filled with water to a depth of 300 millimetres or more, and
(b) that is solely or principally used, or that is designed, manufactured or adapted to be solely or principally used, for the purpose of swimming, wading, paddling or any other human aquatic activity,
take away food and drink premises means premises that are predominantly used for the preparation and retail sale of food or drink (or both) for immediate consumption away from the premises.
Take away food and drink premises are a type of food and drink premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
tank-based aquaculture means aquaculture undertaken exclusively in tanks, but not including natural water-based aquaculture.
Tank-based aquaculture is a type of aquaculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary. Typical tank-based aquaculture is the tank culture of barramundi or abalone.
telecommunications facility means—
(a) any part of the infrastructure of a telecommunications network, or
(b) any line, cable, optical fibre, fibre access node, interconnect point equipment, apparatus, tower, mast, antenna, dish, tunnel, duct, hole, pit, pole or other structure in connection with a telecommunications network, or
(c) any other thing used in or in connection with a telecommunications network.
telecommunications network means a system, or series of systems, that carries, or is capable of carrying, communications by means of guided or unguided electromagnetic energy, or both.
temporary structure has the same meaning as in the Act.
The term is defined as follows—
temporary structure includes a booth, tent or other temporary enclosure (whether or not part of the booth, tent or enclosure is permanent), and also includes a mobile structure.
the Act means the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
timber yard means a building or place the principal purpose of which is the sale of sawn, dressed or treated timber, wood fibre boards or similar timber products. It may include the cutting of such timber, boards or products to order and the sale of hardware, paint, tools and materials used in conjunction with the use and treatment of timber.
Timber yards are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
tourist and visitor accommodation means a building or place that provides temporary or short-term accommodation on a commercial basis, and includes any of the following—but does not include—
(a) backpackers’ accommodation,
(b) bed and breakfast accommodation,
(c) farm stay accommodation,
(d) hotel or motel accommodation,
(e) serviced apartments,
(f) camping grounds, or
(g) caravan parks, or
(h) eco-tourist facilities.
transport depot means a building or place used for the parking or servicing of motor powered or motor drawn vehicles used in connection with a business, industry, shop or passenger or freight transport undertaking.
truck depot means a building or place used for the servicing and parking of trucks, earthmoving machinery and the like.
turf farming means the commercial cultivation of turf for sale and the removal of turf for that purpose.
Turf farming is a type of intensive plant agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
underground mining means—but does not include open cut mining.
(a) mining carried out beneath the earth’s surface, including bord and pillar mining, longwall mining, top-level caving, sub-level caving and auger mining, and
(b) shafts, drill holes, gas and water drainage works, surface rehabilitation works and access pits associated with that mining (whether carried out on or beneath the earth’s surface),
vehicle body repair workshop means a building or place used for the repair of vehicles or agricultural machinery, involving body building, panel building, panel beating, spray painting or chassis restoration.
vehicle repair station means a building or place used for the purpose of carrying out repairs to, or the selling and fitting of accessories to, vehicles or agricultural machinery, but does not include a vehicle body repair workshop or vehicle sales or hire premises.
vehicle sales or hire premises means a building or place used for the display, sale or hire of motor vehicles, caravans, boats, trailers, agricultural machinery and the like, whether or not accessories are sold or displayed there.
Vehicle sales or hire premises are a type of retail premises—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
veterinary hospital means a building or place used for diagnosing or surgically or medically treating animals, whether or not animals are kept on the premises for the purpose of treatment.
viticulture means the cultivation of grapes for use in the commercial production of fresh or dried fruit or wine.
Viticulture is a type of intensive plant agriculture—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
warehouse or distribution centre means a building or place used mainly or exclusively for storing or handling items (whether goods or materials) pending their sale, but from which no retail sales are made, but does not include local distribution premises.
waste disposal facility means a building or place used for the disposal of waste by landfill, incineration or other means, including such works or activities as recycling, resource recovery and other resource management activities, energy generation from gases, leachate management, odour control and the winning of extractive material to generate a void for disposal of waste or to cover waste after its disposal.
Waste disposal facilities are a type of waste or resource management facility—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
waste or resource management facility means any of the following—
(a) a resource recovery facility,
(b) a waste disposal facility,
(c) a waste or resource transfer station,
(d) a building or place that is a combination of any of the things referred to in paragraphs (a)–(c).
waste or resource transfer station means a building or place used for the collection and transfer of waste material or resources, including the receipt, sorting, compacting, temporary storage and distribution of waste or resources and the loading or unloading of waste or resources onto or from road or rail transport.
Waste or resource transfer stations are a type of waste or resource management facility—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
water recreation structure means a structure used primarily for recreational purposes that has a direct structural connection between the shore and the waterway, and may include a pier, wharf, jetty or boat launching ramp.
water recycling facility means a building or place used for the treatment of sewage effluent, stormwater or waste water for use as an alternative supply to mains water, groundwater or river water (including, in particular, sewer mining works), whether the facility stands alone or is associated with other development, and includes associated—
(a) retention structures, and
(b) treatment works, and
(c) irrigation schemes.
Water recycling facilities are a type of sewerage system—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
water reticulation system means a building or place used for the transport of water, including pipes, tunnels, canals, pumping stations, related electricity infrastructure and dosing facilities.
Water reticulation systems are a type of water supply system—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
water storage facility means a dam, weir or reservoir for the collection and storage of water, and includes associated monitoring or gauging equipment.
Water storage facilities are a type of water supply system—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
water supply system means any of the following—
(a) a water reticulation system,
(b) a water storage facility,
(c) a water treatment facility,
(d) a building or place that is a combination of any of the things referred to in paragraphs (a)–(c).
water treatment facility means a building or place used for the treatment of water (such as a desalination plant or a recycled or reclaimed water plant) whether the water produced is potable or not, and includes residuals treatment, storage and disposal facilities, but does not include a water recycling facility.
Water treatment facilities are a type of water supply system—see the definition of that term in this Dictionary.
waterbody means a waterbody (artificial) or waterbody (natural).
waterbody (artificial) or artificial waterbody means an artificial body of water, including any constructed waterway, canal, inlet, bay, channel, dam, pond, lake or artificial wetland, but does not include a dry detention basin or other stormwater management construction that is only intended to hold water intermittently.
waterbody (natural) or natural waterbody means a natural body of water, whether perennial or intermittent, fresh, brackish or saline, the course of which may have been artificially modified or diverted onto a new course, and includes a river, creek, stream, lake, lagoon, natural wetland, estuary, bay, inlet or tidal waters (including the sea).
watercourse means any river, creek, stream or chain of ponds, whether artificially modified or not, in which water usually flows, either continuously or intermittently, in a defined bed or channel, but does not include a waterbody (artificial).
waterway means the whole or any part of a watercourse, wetland, waterbody (artificial) or waterbody (natural).
wetland means—
(a) natural wetland, including marshes, mangroves, backwaters, billabongs, swamps, sedgelands, wet meadows or wet heathlands that form a shallow waterbody (up to 2 metres in depth) when inundated cyclically, intermittently or permanently with fresh, brackish or salt water, and where the inundation determines the type and productivity of the soils and the plant and animal communities, or
(b) artificial wetland, including marshes, swamps, wet meadows, sedgelands or wet heathlands that form a shallow waterbody (up to 2 metres in depth) when inundated cyclically, intermittently or permanently with water, and are constructed and vegetated with wetland plant communities.
wharf or boating facilities means a wharf or any of the following facilities associated with a wharf or boating that are not port facilities—
(a) facilities for the embarkation or disembarkation of passengers onto or from any vessels, including public ferry wharves,
(b) facilities for the loading or unloading of freight onto or from vessels and associated receival, land transport and storage facilities,
(c) wharves for commercial fishing operations,
(d) refuelling, launching, berthing, mooring, storage or maintenance facilities for any vessel,
(e) sea walls or training walls,
(f) administration buildings, communication, security and power supply facilities, roads, rail lines, pipelines, fencing, lighting or car parks.
wholesale supplies means a building or place used for the display, sale or hire of goods or materials by wholesale only to businesses that have an Australian Business Number registered under the A New Tax System (Australian Business Number) Act 1999 of the Commonwealth.