Game and Feral Animal Control Regulation 2002

1   Name of Regulation
This Regulation is the Game and Feral Animal Control Regulation 2002.
2   Commencement
This Regulation commences on 11 October 2002.
3   Prescribed hunting organisations
For the purposes of section 8 (2) (a) of the Act, the following hunting organisations are prescribed:
(a)  Australian Deer Association Incorporated,
(b)  Federation of Hunting Clubs Incorporated,
(c)  Australian Hunters International Incorporated,
(d)  Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (New South Wales) Incorporated,
(e)  Hunters and Fishermen Association of New South Wales Artemis Incorporated,
(f)  Game Management Council of New South Wales (Gamecon NSW) Incorporated,
(g)  Field and Game Australia Incorporated,
(h)  Australian Bowhunters Association Incorporated.
cl 3: Am 8.11.2002.