1 Name of Regulation
This Regulation is the Catchment Management Regulation 1999.
2 Commencement
This Regulation commences on 1 March 2000.
3 Definitions
(1) In this Regulation:Board means a Catchment Management Trust to which this Regulation applies.the Act means the Catchment Management Act 1989.(2) The explanatory note, table of contents and notes in the text of this Regulation do not form part of this Regulation.
4 Application of this Regulation
This Regulation applies to the following Catchment Management Trusts:(a1) Border Rivers Catchment Management Board,(a) Central Coast Catchment Management Board,(b) Central West Catchment Management Board,(c) Gwydir Catchment Management Board,(c1) Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Board,(d) Lachlan Catchment Management Board,(e) Lower Murray Darling Catchment Management Board,(f) Lower North Coast Catchment Management Board,(g) Mid North Coast Catchment Management Board,(h) Murray Catchment Management Board,(i) Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Board,(j) Namoi Catchment Management Board,(k) Northern Rivers Catchment Management Board,(l) South East Catchment Management Board,(m) Southern Sydney Catchment Management Board,(n) Southern Catchment Management Board,(o) Sydney Harbour Catchment Management Board,(p) Upper North Coast Catchment Management Board,(q) Western Catchment Management Board.Note—This Regulation makes provision with respect to the Catchment Management Trusts listed in clause 4. The Hunter Catchment Management Trust Regulation 1997 makes provision in respect of the Hunter Catchment Management Trust.cl 4: Am 19.5.2000; 24.1.2003.cl 4, note: Subst 24.1.2003.
5 Total catchment management purposes of Boards
(1) For the purposes of section 26 of the Act, the total catchment purpose of a Board is to promote a healthy and productive catchment system in the area in respect of which the Board is established, by:(a) encouraging the protection, and where appropriate, the restoration of the catchment, and(b) promoting and facilitating the ecologically sustainable use, development and management of natural resources.(2) The total catchment management purpose of a Board is to be carried out in a manner that is consistent with and promotes the principles of ecologically sustainable development within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993.
6 Board areas
The area in respect of which a Board is established is the area marked with the name of the Board and shown on one of the following registered plans held in the Department of Land and Water Conservation and in the office of the Board:(a) the registered plan called Miscellaneous Sydney Plan Series MS 23016-3000,(b) the registered plan called Hawkesbury-Nepean CMB MS 23018-3000,(c) the registered plan called Sydney Harbour CMB MS 23019-3000.cl 6: Subst 24.1.2003.
7 Functions of each Board
(1) A Board has the following functions in relation to the natural resources and communities in the area in respect of which the Board is established:(a) to identify the critical opportunities, problems and threats associated with the use of natural resources so as to support rural production and to protect the environment, and(b) to identify the critical first order objectives and targets for the management of natural resources, having regard to any legislation or relevant Government policy, and(c) to develop management options, strategies and actions to address the identified objectives and targets, and(d) to assist in developing a greater understanding within the community of the issues identified and action required to support rural production and protect the environment, and(e) to initiate proposals for projects to achieve those functions and assess projects submitted for funding under Commonwealth and State natural resource management grant programs having regard to targets identified by the Board.(2) A Board must, within 12 months after the appointment of the trustees constituting the Board, and at such other times as the Minister may require, report to the Minister on the progress of the Board in the performance of its functions under this clause.