His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has made the following By-law under the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Act 1978.
JOHN WATKINS, M.P.,Minister for Sport and Recreation
Part 1 Preliminary
1 Name of By-law
This By-law is the Sydney Cricket Ground and Sydney Football Stadium By-law 1999.
2 Commencement
This By-law commences on 1 September 1999.
3 Definitions
(1) In this By-law:means a person authorised by the Trust to exercise the function in relation to which the expression is used.club card means a regular member’s club card or a gold member’s club card.Ground means such parts of the scheduled lands as are vested or dedicated from time to time under Part 3 of the Act, and includes the land commonly known as the Sydney Cricket Ground and the Sydney Football Stadium.guest card means a regular member’s guest card or a gold member’s guest card.liquor means liquor within the meaning of the Liquor Act 1982.member means a member of the Sydney Cricket Ground, and includes a member of both the Sydney Cricket Ground and the Sydney Football Stadium.Members’ Pavilion means that part of the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground known as the Members’ Pavilion.membership card means a membership card duly issued by the Trust.scheduled lands means the land described in Schedule 2 to the Act.the Act means the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Act 1978.ticket of admission means a ticket of admission or a guest or club card duly issued by the Trust.Trust means the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust.(2) The explanatory note and table of contents do not form part of this By-law.
Part 2 General
4 Entry to Ground
(1) A person must not, except with the approval of the Trust, enter any part of the Ground (including any grandstands or buildings on the Ground) unless the person:(a) pays the admission fee (determined by the Trust) for entrance to that part of the Ground, or(b) is in lawful possession of a current membership card authorising entry to that part of the Ground and produces it for inspection on demand made by a member of the Trust or an authorised person, or(c) is in lawful possession of a ticket of admission authorising entry to that part of the Ground and produces it for inspection on demand made by a member of the Trust or an authorised person.(2) The Trust may set aside any part of any grandstand for reserved seats and charge an extra admission fee for those seats.(3) A person who enters any part of the Ground (whether or not on payment of an admission fee), enters that part of the Ground subject to any conditions of entry determined by the Trust that are exhibited on signs at or near the entrance to that part of the Ground.(4) A person may be refused entry to any part of the Ground by the Trust, an authorised person or a police officer.(5) Despite subclause (1), a person who is banned under this Part from entering the Ground must not enter or be admitted to any part of the Ground during the period of the ban.
5 Entry to Members’ Reserve
A person must not enter the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground or of the Sydney Football Stadium unless the person is in lawful possession of a current membership card or ticket of admission authorising entry to the Reserve and produces it for inspection on demand made by a member of the Trust or an authorised person.
6 Unauthorised possession of membership card or ticket of admission
A person who is in possession of any membership card or ticket of admission to which the person is not entitled must, on demand made by the Trust or an authorised person, surrender the card or ticket to the Trust or authorised person.Maximum penalty: 10 penalty units.
7 Use of membership card by non-member
(1) If proof is given to the satisfaction of the Trust that any member has allowed his or her membership card to be used by another person for the purpose of obtaining admission to the Ground, then:(a) the person to whom the membership card was issued forfeits all claims and rights to the card and ceases to be a member, and(b) the person’s name is to be removed from the roll of members, and(c) if the membership card is in the possession of the Trust—the Trust may retain it.(2) The Trust may re-issue the membership card and reinstate the former member on such terms and conditions as the Trust determines.(3) This clause does not apply to corporate members.
8 Membership cards and tickets to be produced for inspection
(1) A person who is within any part of the Ground must, on demand made by a member of the Trust or an authorised person, produce for inspection a current membership card or ticket of admission entitling the person to be within that part of the Ground.(2) If the person does not produce the membership card or ticket of admission, or satisfy the member of the Trust or authorised person that it has been lost, the person may be ordered to leave the Ground or the part of the Ground concerned.(3) A person who fails to comply with an order under subclause (2) may be removed from the Ground or part of the Ground concerned by a member of the Trust or an authorised person.(4) Every member must comply with any reasonable requirement made by the Trust or an authorised person for the purpose of establishing the identity of the holder of a membership card.
9 Admission of vehicles
The Trust may authorise the admission to the Ground of any vehicle and the driver or controller of the vehicle, on any terms and conditions (including payment of a fee) determined by the Trust.
10 Directions relating to booths, bars, stalls and stands
A person who rents or has a booth, bar, stall or stand on the Ground must comply with any reasonable direction of the Trust, or an authorised person, with respect to that booth, bar, stall or stand.
11 Liquor must not be brought onto Ground
(1) A person must not bring or attempt to bring liquor onto any part of the Ground without the approval of the Trust.Maximum penalty: 10 penalty units.(2) As an alternative to being refused entry to the Ground, or being removed from the Ground, for a contravention of this clause, a person may be required to dispose of the liquor concerned in a manner approved by the Trust or to surrender the liquor to the Trust for disposal.(3) This clause does not apply to a person who holds an entitlement to sell liquor on a part of the Ground set aside for that purpose.
12 Sale or supply of liquor to minors
A person must not sell or supply liquor within the Ground to any person under the age of 18 years.
13 Prohibited behaviour within Ground
(1) A person must not do any of the following within the Ground, except with the approval of the Trust or an authorised person:(a) enter any area or building not open to the public,(b) make an address or conduct or hold a meeting, match or musical performance or an amusement,(c) sell, offer for sale or distribute any service, article or thing,(d) have or operate television, cinematographic or photographic equipment for commercial purposes,(e) camp or permanently reside,(f) deliberately damage any lawn, playing field or green (except in the course of, and as a normal incident of, a sporting event or training for such an event),(g) damage, pick or remove any tree, shrub, plant, vine, flower or other vegetation,(h) remove or disturb any rock, soil, sand, stone or similar substance,(i) light any fire (except for the purpose of smoking),(j) affix any bill or poster on any tree or on any building, fence, seat, table, enclosure or other structure,(k) distribute any bill or poster,(l) climb in any tree or on any building, or climb or jump over any fence, seat, table, enclosure or other structure,(m) have any animal in the person’s custody or under the person’s control unless the animal is to be or is being exhibited in a show or display,(n) erect any house, booth, bar, shed, stall or other structure,(o) contravene any condition to which the person’s entry was subject.Maximum penalty: 10 penalty units.(2) A person must not do any of the following within the Ground:(a) leave any rubbish or litter, except in receptacles provided for that purpose,(b) break, damage, deface, obliterate or cover any structure, machinery, equipment, sign, descriptive plate or label,(c) obstruct any employee of or contractor to the Trust in the performance of the employee’s or contractor’s work,(d) throw or project any stone or other missile (except at a side show or ring display authorised by the Trust or in the course of, and as a normal incident of, a sporting event or training for such a sporting event),(e) do or say anything intending to hinder or interfere with the proper progress or conduct of any cricket or other match, game, sport or event,(f) remain on any part of the Ground after having been requested to leave it by a member of the Trust, a police officer or an authorised person,(g) enter the Ground while banned under clause 17 or 18,(h) drive, ride or act contrary to any sign erected by the Trust that regulates the parking, traffic flow and movement of vehicles or animals.Maximum penalty: 10 penalty units.
14 Personal conduct within Ground
A person must not do any of the following within the Ground:(a) use indecent, obscene, insulting or threatening language,(b) behave in an offensive or indecent manner,(c) by disorderly conduct cause serious alarm or affront to a person,(d) obstruct a person in the performance of that person’s work or duties,(e) fail to comply with a reasonable request or direction made or given by a member of the Trust, a police officer or an authorised person for the purpose of securing good order and management and enjoyment of the Ground.Maximum penalty: 10 penalty units.
15 Requirement to give name and address
(1) A person who commits an offence under this Part must, if requested to do so by a member of the Trust, a police officer or an authorised person, provide the member, officer or person with his or her name and address.(2) A person must not, in complying with subclause (1), give a name or address that is false.(3) A person is not guilty of an offence under this clause unless it is established that the person was warned that the contravention concerned is an offence.Maximum penalty (subclauses (1) and (2)): 10 penalty units.
16 Removal from scheduled lands
(1) A person who contravenes any provision of this Part or section 24A (Prohibited entry to playing fields) of the Act, or who trespasses or causes annoyance or inconvenience on any part of the scheduled lands, may be removed from the scheduled lands or any relevant part of the scheduled lands by a member of the Trust, a police officer or an authorised person.(2) A member of the Trust or an authorised person acting in accordance with this clause may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances for the purpose of discharging his or her duty under this clause.
17 Banning from Ground
(1) A person who is removed from a playing field within the Ground, or from any other part of the Ground, as a result of contravening section 24A of the Act is banned from entering the Ground for a period of 12 months commencing on the day the person is so removed.(2) A person who is so banned from entering the Ground under subclause (1) and who is found on any part of the Ground during the period of the ban is banned from entering the Ground for life.(3) A person who has been banned from entering the Ground under subclause (1) and who is at any subsequent time removed from the Ground as a result of contravening section 24A of the Act is banned from entering the Ground for life.
18 Trust may ban persons for specified period
(1) The Trust may ban a person from entering the Ground for such period (not exceeding 6 months) as the Trust determines if the person contravenes any provision of this By-law.(2) This clause does not apply to a person who is banned from entering the Ground under clause 17.
Part 3 Membership
19 Admission to membership
(1) The Trust may admit any person or organisation (including any body corporate or partnership) as a member.(2) The Trust may require that a person or organisation be nominated as a member by 2 members (other than honorary members) before being admitted to a particular class of membership.(3) A person or organisation admitted as a member is, on payment of the fees required under this By-law, entitled to be issued with a membership card.
20 Classes of membership
(1) There are to be the following classes of membership:(a) regular membership,(b) gold membership,(c) corporate membership,(d) junior regular membership,(e) junior gold membership,(f) honorary membership.(2) The Trust may determine the maximum number of members who may belong to any class of membership.
21 Regular membership
(1) A regular member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to regular membership under this By-law or as determined by the Trust.(2) A regular member is entitled to be admitted to the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground and to such other parts of the scheduled lands as the Trust determines.(3) A regular member (other than a junior regular member) is entitled, on payment of the fee determined by the Trust, to be issued with 1 regular member’s guest card and 2 regular member’s club cards.(4) A regular member who was admitted to membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground before 1 October 1932 is entitled, on payment of the fee determined by the Trust, to 2 regular member’s guest cards and 2 regular member’s club cards.
22 Gold membership
(1) A gold member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to gold membership under this By-law or as determined by the Trust.(2) A gold member is entitled to be admitted to the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Football Stadium and to such other parts of the scheduled lands as the Trust determines.(3) A gold member (other than a junior gold member) is entitled, on payment of the fee determined by the Trust, to be issued with 1 gold member’s guest card and 2 gold member’s club cards.
23 Corporate membership
(1) A corporate member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to corporate membership under this By-law or as determined by the Trust.(2) A person who, with the authority of the corporate member, holds the corporate member’s membership card, is entitled to be admitted to the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Football Stadium and to such other parts of the scheduled lands as the Trust determines.(3) An organisation may, with the written approval of the Trust, assign its corporate membership to another organisation.
24 Junior regular membership
(1) Any person over the age of 10 years but under the age of 18 years may be admitted as a junior regular member by the Trust.(2) A junior regular member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to junior regular membership under this By-law or as determined by the Trust.(3) A junior regular member is entitled to be admitted to the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground.(4) A junior regular member is not entitled to be issued with guest or club cards.(5) An application for junior regular membership must be accompanied by proof to the satisfaction of the Trust that the applicant is over the age of 10 years and under the age of 18 years.(6) A junior regular member may, on attaining the age of 18 years, apply to be admitted to regular or gold membership. The Trust may grant the application, on payment of:(a) a fee representing the difference between the entrance fee payable by a junior regular member and that payable by a regular or gold member, and(b) the appropriate annual subscription fee payable by a regular or gold member.
25 Junior gold membership
(1) Any person under the age of 18 years may be admitted as a junior gold member by the Trust.(2) A junior gold member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to junior gold membership under this By-law or as determined by the Trust.(3) A junior gold member is entitled to be admitted to the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Football Stadium and to such other parts of the scheduled lands as the Trust determines.(4) A junior gold member is not entitled to be issued with guest or club cards, except with the approval of the Trust and on payment of any fee determined by the Trust.(5) An application for junior gold membership must be accompanied by proof to the satisfaction of the Trust that the applicant is under the age of 18 years.(6) A junior gold member may, on attaining the age of 18 years, apply for gold membership and is entitled (on payment of any fee determined by the Trust) to be admitted to gold membership.
26 Honorary membership
(1) The Trust may admit any person holding an official position, any distinguished person or any other person approved by the Trust, as an honorary member for a period not exceeding 12 months.(2) An honorary member is not required to pay an entrance fee or annual subscription fee.(3) The Trust may renew any honorary membership for a further period not exceeding 12 months.(4) An honorary member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to honorary membership under this By-law or as determined by the Trust.
27 Guest cards
(1) The Trust may issue guest cards to regular members and gold members.(2) A regular member’s guest card entitles the holder, on production of the card, to admission to the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground and to such other parts of the scheduled lands as the Trust determines.(3) A gold member’s guest card entitles the holder, on production of the card, to admission to the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground and of the Sydney Football Stadium and to such other parts of the scheduled lands as the Trust determines.(4) The holder of a guest card is entitled to admission under this clause if the holder has been nominated to the Trust as the signatory for the card by the member to whom the card was issued or transferred under an entitlement under clause 30.(5) The holder of a guest card who has not been so nominated for the card is entitled to admission under this clause but must, unless the Trust otherwise approves, be accompanied on days designated by the Trust as major match days by the member to whom the card was issued or transferred under an entitlement under clause 30.
28 Club cards
(1) The Trust may issue club cards to regular members and gold members.(2) A regular member’s club card entitles the holder, on production of the card, to admission to such parts of the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, and to such other parts of the scheduled lands, as the Trust determines.(3) A gold member’s club card entitles the holder, on production of the card, to admission to such parts of the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground and of the Sydney Football Stadium, and to such other parts of the scheduled lands, as the Trust determines.(4) The holder of a club card is entitled to admission under this clause only on days designated by the Trust as minor match days and must, unless the Trust otherwise approves, be accompanied by the member to whom the card was issued or transferred under an entitlement under clause 30.
29 Transfer of regular membership to spouse on death of member
(1) The spouse of a deceased regular member may apply to the Trust to be admitted as a regular member.(2) The application is to be in writing and must be made within 12 months after the death of the regular member.(3) The Trust may grant the application and may waive the payment of the entrance fee.
30 Entitlement to gold membership on death of certain members
(1) This clause applies if a gold member or junior gold member dies and that member:(a) was admitted to gold membership before 30 August 1991, and(b) was not admitted to that membership under an entitlement under this clause.(2) If the deceased member did not hold qualifying guest and club cards and left a will, the person entitled to be admitted to gold membership is:(a) the person specifically nominated in the will as being entitled to the membership, or(b) if there is a single beneficiary under the will and paragraph (a) does not apply—that beneficiary, or(c) if there are 2 or more beneficiaries under the will and paragraph (a) does not apply—the beneficiary nominated by the deceased member’s legal personal representative.(3) If the deceased member held qualifying guest and club cards and left a will, the following applies:(a) if the will specifically nominates a person as being entitled to the membership and the guest and club cards—that person is entitled to be admitted to gold membership and to a transfer of the cards,(b) if the will specifically nominates one person as being entitled to the membership and another person as being entitled to gold membership (by virtue of the deceased member holding guest and club cards)—both persons are entitled to be admitted to gold membership,(c) if there is a single beneficiary under the will and paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply—that beneficiary is entitled to be admitted to gold membership and to a transfer of the cards,(d) if there are 2 or more beneficiaries under the will and paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply—the legal personal representative of the deceased member may nominate:(i) 1 beneficiary, who is entitled to be admitted to gold membership and to a transfer of the cards, or(ii) 2 beneficiaries, both of whom are entitled to be admitted to gold membership.(4) If the deceased member did not leave a will, the spouse of the deceased member (if any) is entitled to be admitted to gold membership and to a transfer of any qualifying cards.(5) For the purposes of this clause, a qualifying card is a guest or club card issued before 30 August 1991 that has never been transferred under an entitlement under this clause.
31 Application for admission to gold membership or junior gold membership or transfer of cards on death of member
(1) A person claiming an entitlement to gold membership, or to a transfer of a gold member’s guest and club cards, under clause 30 must lodge a claim in writing to the Trust within 12 months after the death of the member concerned.(2) The Trust must, on receipt of the claim and on production of such evidence of entitlement as the Trust may require, admit the claimant to gold membership or junior gold membership (if the claimant is under 18 years of age) and transfer to the claimant any cards included in the claim.(3) If the claimant is under 18 years of age, the Trust may decline to transfer to the claimant any guest or club cards included in the claim.(4) A person who, after the death of a member, is admitted to gold membership or junior gold membership, or receives a transfer of guest or club cards, under this clause is not required to pay any entrance fee in respect of that membership or those cards or any annual subscription fee for a membership year if the annual subscription fee for that membership year was paid by the deceased member.
32 Transfer between classes of membership
(1) A member may apply in writing to the Trust before 1 October in any year for a transfer from one class of membership to another.(2) The application must be accompanied by the annual subscription fee payable in respect of the membership to which the member seeks to be transferred together with any entrance fee payable in respect of that class of membership.(3) The Trust may credit, against the entrance fee paid in respect of the class of membership to which the member seeks to be transferred, the amount of the entrance fee paid in respect of the class of membership from which the member is seeking a transfer.(4) The Trust may grant or refuse the application.
33 Surrender of gold membership or junior gold membership
(1) A gold member or junior gold member may apply in writing to the Trust for the acceptance by the Trust of a surrender:(a) of the membership and guest and club cards held by the member, or(b) of the guest and club cards held by the member, or(c) if the member has no guest or club cards—of the membership.(2) If the Trust accepts the surrender of a gold membership, a junior gold membership or a gold member’s or junior gold member’s guest and club cards, the Trust may credit to the member the sum that the Trust determines, and the Minister approves, for the time being as the sum payable generally in respect of such a surrender.(3) The sum credited may be substantially different from the entrance fee paid in respect of the membership or the cards, or payable at the time of the surrender in respect of similar memberships or cards.(4) The Trust must pay to the member the sum credited, less any amount owing to the Trust by the member (such as any annual fee due but not paid).(5) A person whose gold membership or junior gold membership lapses under clause 42 and is not restored, cannot surrender that membership and is not entitled to any credit in respect of it.
34 Reciprocal arrangements
(1) The Trust may enter into reciprocal arrangements with clubs, associations, grounds or other bodies, whether within Australia or elsewhere, under which:(a) members may be provided with membership or entry privileges in relation to the relevant club, association, ground or other body, and(b) members of the relevant club, association, ground or other body may be provided with membership or entry privileges in relation to the Ground.(2) A person who resides in New South Wales is not entitled to membership or entry privileges under subclause (1) (b).
35 Lost membership cards
(1) A member who loses a membership card, guest card or club card may apply in writing to the Trust for a replacement card.(2) The application must be accompanied by a statutory declaration explaining how the card was lost.(3) The Trust may, on receipt of the application and on payment of the fee (if any) determined by the Trust to be payable for the replacement of a card, issue a duplicate card to the member.
36 Parts of Ground available to members
(1) A person is not, by virtue of being a member or the holder of a guest or club card, entitled to enter any part of the Ground set aside for the public.(2) The Trust may from time to time vary the boundaries of the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground and of the Sydney Football Stadium.
37 Entry to Members’ Pavilion
A person under the age of 18 years (including a junior gold member or junior regular member) must not, except with the approval of the Trust, enter the Members’ Pavilion.
38 Trust may vary or waive membership requirements
The Trust may vary or waive any membership requirement or fee payable in respect of membership generally or in respect of a particular class of membership for such reasons as appear to the Trust to be appropriate in the circumstances.
39 Suspension or cancellation of membership for misbehaviour
(1) An allegation may be made by any person to the Trust that a member or a member’s guest:(a) has contravened any provision of this By-law, or(b) has persistently contravened the provisions of this By-law, or(c) has engaged in serious misconduct on the scheduled lands.(2) An allegation of the type referred to in subclause (1) (a) is to be dealt with as follows:(a) the Trust may dismiss any such allegation or it may decide to suspend the person’s membership for a period not exceeding 6 months,(b) if the Trust decides to suspend the person’s membership:(i) the Trust is to notify the person in writing of its decision as soon as is practicable after making its decision, and(ii) on receiving such notification, the person has 7 days within which to notify the Trust in writing that the person wishes to appeal the decision,(c) the Trust is to conduct an appeal within 7 days of receiving a written notification of appeal, and in such manner as the Trust determines.(3) An allegation of the type referred to in subclause (1) (b) or (c) is to be dealt with as follows:(a) the Trust may dismiss any such allegation, or it may decide that the allegation is to be heard and determined by a Disciplinary Committee of the Trust consisting of at least 3, but not more than 5, Trust members,(b) if the Trust decides that the allegation is to be heard and determined by a Disciplinary Committee:(i) the Trust is to give the member against whom the allegation is made written notice of the allegation at least 14 days before the date set for the meeting to hear and determine the matter, and(ii) the member is to be given the opportunity to make submissions at the meeting,(c) the Disciplinary Committee may, if it finds the allegation against the member to be proven:(i) suspend the person’s membership for a period not exceeding 6 months, or(ii) cancel the person’s membership.(4) A decision of the Trust or Disciplinary Committee to suspend or cancel a person’s membership under this clause takes effect immediately or at such later date as may be specified.(5) If a person’s membership is suspended under this clause, the person ceases to be a member for the duration of the suspension. However the requirement to pay the annual subscription fee or other fee that is otherwise payable as a member continues to apply in respect of the suspension period.(6) If a person’s membership is cancelled under this clause:(a) the person’s name is to be removed from the roll of members, and(b) the person is not to be reinstated as a member except by resolution of the Trust and except on such terms and conditions as the Trust determines.(7) If a person’s gold membership is cancelled under this clause, the Trust is to refund to the person such proportion of the entrance fee paid in respect of the gold membership as the Trust determines.(8) This clause applies in respect of a corporate membership if the allegation concerned is made against a person who holds the corporate member’s membership card with the authority of the corporate member.(9) This clause has effect despite any other provision of this By-law.
Part 4 Membership fees
40 Fees determined by the Trust
(1) The Trust may determine the amount of any entrance fee, annual subscription fee or other fee payable in respect of any class of membership.(2) The Trust is to ensure a list of those fees is published from time to time and made available to members.
41 New members to pay fees within certain period
(1) A new member must pay the entrance fee and annual subscription fee within 14 days after admission to membership, or the admission is void.(2) Subclause (1) does not apply if the delay in payment of the fee is justified to the satisfaction of the Trust.
42 Payment of annual subscription fee
(1) A membership year is a year commencing on 1 October.(2) The annual subscription fee for each membership year in respect of each class of membership is payable in advance on or before 1 October.(3) A member is not entitled to exercise any of the privileges of membership during a membership year unless the member has paid the annual subscription fee for the relevant year.(4) Gold membership or junior gold membership lapses if any membership fee has not been paid before 30 November in the year that falls 3 years after the payment became due.(5) Any other membership lapses if any membership fee has not been made before 30 November in the year in which the payment became due.(6) If membership has lapsed through non-payment of the annual subscription fee, the Trust may, if satisfied the delay in payment was justified, restore the person concerned to membership on such conditions as the Trust determines.
43 Absentee list
(1) Any member who is or will be absent from New South Wales for the whole of the year for which an annual subscription fee is payable may, on application in writing to the Trust, be placed on a list called the “Absentee List” for a period not exceeding 3 years.(2) While the member is absent and remains on the Absentee List he or she is exempt from payment of an annual subscription fee.(3) The member must, within one month after returning to New South Wales, pay the annual subscription fee for the current year, otherwise membership lapses.(4) This clause does not apply to corporate members.
Part 5 Miscellaneous
44 Penalty notices: section 30A
For the purposes of section 30A of the Act:(a) each offence created by a provision specified in Column 1 of Schedule 1 is prescribed as a penalty notice offence, and(b) the prescribed penalty for such an offence is the amount specified in Column 3 of that Schedule.
45 Short description of offences
(1) For the purposes of section 145B of the Justices Act 1902, the prescribed expression for an offence created by a provision specified in Column 1 of Schedule 1 is:(a) the expression specified in Column 2 of that Schedule, or(b) if a choice of words is indicated in that expression, the words remaining after the omission of the words irrelevant to the offence.(2) For the purposes of any proceedings for an offence created by a provision specified in Column 1 of Schedule 1, the prescribed expression for the offence is taken to relate to the offence created by the provision as the provision was in force when the offence is alleged to have been committed.(3) The amendment or repeal of a prescribed expression does not affect the validity of any information, complaint, summons, warrant, notice, order or other document in which the expression is used, and any such document continues to have effect as if that expression had not been amended or repealed.(4) Subclause (3) applies to any information, complaint, summons, warrant, notice, order or other document (whether issued, given or made before or after the amendment or repeal) that relates to an offence alleged to have been committed before the amendment or repeal.
46 Repeal and savings
(1) The Sydney Cricket Ground and Sydney Football Stadium By-law 1994 is repealed.(2) Any act, matter or thing that, immediately before the repeal of the Sydney Cricket Ground and Sydney Football Stadium By-law 1994, had effect under that By-law is taken to have effect under this By-law.
Schedule 1 Penalty notice offences
(Clauses 44 and 45)
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Clause 6 | unauthorised possession of membership card/ticket of admission | $75 |
Clause 11 (1) | bring/attempt to bring liquor onto Ground | $110 |
Clause 13 (1) (a) | enter area/building not open to public | $75 |
Clause 13 (1) (b) | make address/conduct/hold meeting/match/musical performance/amusement | $100 |
Clause 13 (1) (c) | sell/offer for sale/distribute service/article/thing | $110 |
Clause 13 (1) (d) | commercial use of television/film/photographic equipment | $100 |
Clause 13 (1) (e) | camp/permanently reside | $75 |
Clause 13 (1) (f) | deliberately damage lawn/playing field/green | $75 |
Clause 13 (1) (g) | damage/pick/remove tree/shrub/plant/vine/flower/ vegetation | $75 |
Clause 13 (1) (h) | remove/disturb rock/soil/sand/stone/substance | $75 |
Clause 13 (1) (i) | light fire | $75 |
Clause 13 (1) (j) | affix bill/poster on tree/building/fence/seat/table/ enclosure/structure | $50 |
Clause 13 (1) (k) | distribute bill/poster | $100 |
Clause 13 (1) (l) | climb tree/building/climb/jump fence/seat/table/enclosure/structure | $75 |
Clause 13 (1) (m) | have custody/control of animal | $50 |
Clause 13 (1) (n) | erect house/booth/bar/shed/stall/structure | $75 |
Clause 13 (1) (o) | contravene condition of entry | $75 |
Clause 13 (2) (a) | leave rubbish/litter | $50 |
Clause 13 (2) (b) | break/damage/deface/obliterate/cover structure/machinery/ equipment/sign/descriptive plate/label | $75 |
Clause 13 (2) (c) | obstruct employee/contractor | $100 |
Clause 13 (2) (d) | throw/project stone/missile | $110 |
Clause 13 (2) (e) | do/say anything to hinder/interfere with match/game/sport/event | $110 |
Clause 13 (2) (f) | not comply with request to leave Ground | $110 |
Clause 13 (2) (g) | enter Ground while banned | $110 |
Clause 13 (2) (h) | drive/ride/act contrary to sign | $75 |
Clause 14 (a) | use indecent/obscene/insulting/threatening language | $110 |
Clause 14 (b) | behave in offensive/indecent manner | $110 |
Clause 14 (c) | disorderly conduct causing serious alarm/affront | $110 |
Clause 14 (d) | obstruct person working | $110 |
Clause 14 (e) | not comply with request/direction of Trust member/police officer/authorised person | $110 |
Clause 15 (1) | not give name and address | $110 |
Clause 15 (2) | give false name or address | $110 |