Companies and Securities (Interpretation and Miscellaneous Provisions) (Application of Laws) Regulations 1989

2   Commencement
These Regulations take effect on the commencement of section 77 of the Co-operative Scheme Legislation Amendment Act 1989 of the Commonwealth.
Editorial note—
Day appointed for the purposes of this clause: 1.11.1989—see Commonwealth Gazette No S 345 1989.
4   Amendment of Schedule 1 to the Act (clause 13A)
Schedule 1 to the Act is amended by inserting after clause 13 the following clause:
In section 38C of the Commonwealth Act:
(a)  for sub-section (2) there were substituted the following sub-section:
(2)  The person has qualified privilege in proceedings for defamation in respect of that act, matter or thing.
(b)  in sub-section (3) for the words “an action” there were substituted the word “proceedings”.