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Port Authority—Land Traffic Control Regulations—N.S.W. (1967 SI 1)

Part 1 Preliminary
pt 1, hdgs: Ins 26.8.1983.
1   Name of Regulations
These Regulations may be cited as the Port Authority—Land Traffic Control Regulations—N.S.W..
Reg 1: Subst 26.8.1983.
1A   (Repealed)
Reg 1A: Ins 26.8.1983. Rep 28.7.1995.
2   Application
These Regulations shall apply to and in respect of vehicles and the drivers thereof on any wharf or property vested in an Authority or under its control or management.
Reg 2: Am 28.7.1995.
3   Saving
Nothing in these Regulations shall affect the operation of any Act or Regulation now or hereafter applying to or in respect of any vehicles or class or classes of vehicle or the drivers thereof on a public street or elsewhere.
4   Definitions
In these Regulations:
Authority means the Minister, a Port Corporation (within the meaning of the Ports Corporatisation and Waterways Management Act 1995) or the Waterways Authority (within the meaning of that Act).
Boundary means a physical line of demarcation, being a cliff, embankment, wall, fence, gate or other means of entry, a line of railway tracks, a line fixed by the painting or erection of special means of identification, or any other limit physically visible, including the line of effective access between land and water, and bounded and enclosed have corresponding meanings.
Driver includes any person riding a cycle.
Motor vehicle means any motor car, motor lorry, semi-trailer, motor cycle or other vehicle propelled wholly or partly by any volatile spirit, steam, gas, oil or electricity, or by any means other than human or animal power, and includes a trailer, whether or not attached to a motor vehicle at the relevant time.
Officer means any person appointed by an Authority to give directions relating to vehicles and drivers thereof on any wharf or property vested in the Authority or under its control or management, pursuant to these Regulations, or any member of the police force.
Parking area means an area designated by an Authority, and indicated by a sign or notice displayed therein or adjacent thereto, as an area where vehicles may stand, wait or be parked whether such area is designated as available for vehicles generally, or for a specified class or specified classes of vehicle, or available for use at all times, days or occasions or during or on, or otherwise than during or on, times, days or occasions stated on such sign or notice.
The Act means the Maritime Services Act 1935.
Traffic sign means a sign or notice displayed by order of an Authority prohibiting the entry on to, or the movement, standing, waiting or parking of vehicles on, any wharf or property vested in or under the control or management of an authority, or the movement in a particular direction of vehicles, or of vehicles other than any class or classes of vehicle, or exhibiting instructions as to the direction of movement or maximum speed of vehicles or any class or classes of vehicle, or otherwise relating to the conduct and management of vehicles or any class or classes of vehicle, or to the manner of operation and use for any purpose of any vehicles or class or classes of vehicle on any wharf or property vested in or under the control or management of an Authority.
Reg 4: Am 26.8.1983; 28.7.1995.
Part 2 General provisions relating to traffic control
pt 2: Ins 26.8.1983.
5   Traffic control—powers of an officer
(1)  The driver of any vehicle shall produce to any officer for notation, on demand, any licence which he may be required by law to possess in order to drive such vehicle, and shall give to any officer all information which he may require regarding the movement, standing, waiting or parking of such vehicle.
(2)  The driver of any vehicle shall comply with any direction of an officer:
(a)  that such vehicle shall not proceed into any area or any part of an area, or beyond any point,
(b)  that such vehicle shall be removed from any area or part of an area,
(c)  that such vehicle shall follow a particular course, proceed to a particular position, stand or wait in a particular location or join a particular line of vehicles,
(d)  as to the time of commencement and manner of carrying out of any operation on or in connection with such vehicle, or
(e)  otherwise relating in any way to the movement, standing, waiting or parking of such vehicle.
(3)  An officer may direct the moving of a vehicle from a location where the standing of such vehicle would otherwise be allowed, or for the time being and in the circumstances excused, by or under the provisions of these Regulations.
6   Traffic control—traffic signs
The driver of any vehicle shall comply with the instructions applicable to such vehicle exhibited on any traffic sign unless otherwise expressly directed or authorised by an officer.
Part 3 Parking etc of vehicles
Parts 3, hdgs: Ins 26.8.1983.
7   Standing of vehicles—prohibition by sign
A person shall not cause or permit a vehicle to stand, wait or be parked in any location which is designated as “No Standing” by a traffic sign displayed therein or adjacent thereto.
8   Standing of vehicles outside restricted parking districts—prohibition by sign
(1)  A person shall not cause or permit a vehicle to stand, wait or be parked in any location which is designated “No Parking” by a traffic sign displayed therein or adjacent thereto.
(2)  Clause (1) shall not prohibit the waiting of a vehicle used or to be used for the carriage, loading or unloading of goods in a position and for a time necessary for the efficient operation of a wharf, depot, shed, warehouse or similar installation.
Reg 8: Am 26.8.1983.
9   Standing of vehicles in restricted parking districts—general restriction
(1)  Except as provided by clause (2), a person shall not cause or permit a vehicle to stand, wait or be parked anywhere:
(a)  on any land, or
(b)  on any structure, not being land,
vested in an Authority or under its control or management and situated within any restricted parking district described in Schedule 1.
(2)  Clause (1) shall not prohibit:
(a)  the standing, waiting, or parking in a parking area of, a vehicle in accordance with a sign or notice displayed in such parking area or adjacent thereto, or
(b)  the waiting of a vehicle used or to be used for the carriage, loading or unloading of goods in a position and for a time necessary for the efficient operation of a wharf, depot, shed, warehouse or similar installation in a location to which Regulation 7 does not apply.
(3)  A reference in Schedule 1 to the Board or to the Maritime Services Board is taken to be a reference to the Authority which owns or has the control or management of the land or other property in relation to which the expression is used.
Reg 9: Am 26.8.1983; 28.7.1995.
10   Time, duration or manner of parking
A person shall not cause or permit a motor vehicle to stand, wait or be parked in any parking area at a time, on a day or occasion, for a period or in a manner which is contrary to the instructions exhibited on a sign or notice displayed therein or adjacent thereto by order of an Authority.
Part 4 Miscellaneous
pt 4, hdgs: Ins 26.8.1983.
11   Misrepresentation
(1)  A person shall not represent, or permit it to be represented:
(a)  that he or any other person is an officer, or has any of the powers of an officer, when he or such person is not an officer,
(b)  that any sign or notice is displayed by order of an Authority, when such sign is not displayed by order of an Authority, or
(c)  that any direction or authorisation relating to the movement, standing, waiting or parking of a vehicle has been given by an officer or by an Authority when no such direction or authorisation has been given by an officer or by an Authority.
(2)  An officer may remove from any place, structure or vehicle and retain any sign or notice falsely represented to be displayed by order of an Authority.
(3)  An officer may remove from a vehicle and destroy any false representation that an Authority has indicated that special consideration may be given to such vehicle.
Reg 11: Am 26.8.1983; 28.7.1995.
12   Obstruction
(1)  A person shall not remove, deface, damage or obliterate any sign or notice displayed by order of an Authority under these Regulations.
(2)  A person shall not obstruct, impede or hinder an officer in the exercise of any power conferred by these Regulations.
13   Penalties
Every person who commits a breach of these Regulations shall, except where the offence is dealt with under section 30D of the Act, be liable to a penalty not exceeding $200.
Reg 13: Am 26.8.1983.
14   Application of section 30D of the Act
(1)  In this Regulation the section means section 30D of the Act.
(2)  Any officer who is appointed by an Authority to be a prescribed officer for the purposes of the section is a prescribed officer for the purposes of the section.
(3)  An offence of breaching a Regulation referred to in Schedule 2 shall be a prescribed offence for the purposes of the section.
(4)  The amount of penalty payable under the section for an offence of breaching a Regulation referred to in Schedule 2 shall be the amount specified in that Schedule in relation to that Regulation.
Reg 14: Am 26.8.1983; 28.7.1995.
15   Dissolution of Maritime Services Board—savings and transitional
Anything done by the Maritime Services Board or by the Secretary of the Board or a person appointed as an officer by the Secretary under these Regulations before the dissolution of the Board that had any force or effect immediately before that dissolution is taken to have been done by an Authority or by an officer, as the case requires.
Reg 15: Ins 28.7.1995.
Schedule 1 Restricted parking districts
(Regulation 9)
sch 1, hdg: Am 26.8.1983.
Glebe Island District
All the land commencing at the south-easternmost corner of Berth No 1 Glebe Island and bounded thence generally north-westerly by the generally south western faces of that Berth thence south-westerly by Mean High Water Mark on the face of a ballast embankment to a point of intersection with a chain wire fence erected along the northern toe of the western embankment of Glebe Island Bridge thence generally north-westerly by that fence to the north-eastern side of Victoria Road thence by that side of that Road north-westerly to the corner of a paling fence situated westerly from a concrete bus shelter near the entrance to Sommerville Road thence generally by that paling fence, chain wire gates and a chain wire fence dividing lands owned by The Maritime Services Board of N.S.W. and the Grain Elevators Board of N.S.W. to an approximate right angle in that fence near the Sommerville Road War Memorial thence north-easterly from that angle by a line passing to the rear of the said Memorial to the south-easternmost corner of a vertical wall retaining the Glebe Island Wheat Terminal Railway Sidings thence north-westerly and south-westerly by the face of that wall and the toe of an excavated rock face to a point about 83 metres south-west of the westernmost I.C.I. Silo thence northerly along an unfenced boundary between land owned by the Board and the N.S.W. Public Transport Commission by a line passing parallel to and 1.7 metres distant from the rear western face of a brick amenities building near Berth No 8 Glebe Island extending through the Coal Stacking Area to a guard rail on the south-eastern side of Robert Street, Balmain thence north-easterly by that guard rail and a chain wire fence along the south-eastern side of Robert Street to the gates of the White Bay Container Terminal Checkpoint thence by the prolongation south-easterly of the line of those gates to the face of Berth No 1 Balmain thence by the seaward face of that berth south-westerly to the inner end of Berth No 8 Glebe Island thence generally north-easterly along seaward faces of Berths Nos 5–8 Glebe Island and thence by Mean High Water Mark on the face of a ballast embankment to the concrete wharf apron at the rear of Berth No 2 Glebe Island thence generally south-easterly and south-westerly along seaward faces of Berths Nos 2 and 1 Glebe Island to the point of commencement.
Pyrmont District
All the land commencing at the easternmost gate post of the entrance to Berth No 25 Pyrmont and bounded thence westerly across the end of Harris Street by chain wire gates and fencing to a point opposite the western-most extremity of the concrete decking at the inshore end of Berth No 25 thence generally north-westerly, north-easterly, south-easterly and south-westerly by the seaward faces of Berths Nos 25, 24, 23 and 22 Pyrmont to the face of a monier sea wall thence south-easterly by that face to the inner end of Berth No 21 Pyrmont thence firstly north-easterly and then generally south-easterly by the seaward faces of all wharves extending from Berth No 21 Pyrmont to the inner end of Berth No 7 Pyrmont thence north-easterly and south-easterly by the seaward edge of concrete decking around a Cold Store building and by Mean High Water Mark on a stone seawall to a point vertically below the northern edge of Pyrmont Bridge thence north-westerly by a line to the south-easternmost end of a dwarf concrete wall on the generally south-western side of an unnamed port roadway thence generally north-westerly by the seaward face of a dwarf wall to the easternmost rail of a set of railway lines leading to Berth No 7 Pyrmont thence south-easterly by that rail to the north-easternmost rail of a set of rail tracks leading to Darling Island thence by that rail north-westerly to the north-eastern side of Murray Street thence south-easterly by the north-eastern side of Murray Street to a yellow paint mark on the roadway adjacent to the Checkpoint thence south-westerly across the roadway to a yellow paint mark on the south-western side of the road opposite the Checkpoint thence north-westerly by the south-western side of Murray Street to a dwarf concrete wall on the south-western side of the aforesaid unnamed port roadway thence by the north-eastern face of that dwarf wall to its northern end near sets of rail tracks leading to Darling Island thence by a line to the north-easternmost corner of the Darling Island Junction Box thence westerly by the northern face of that Junction Box to its north-westernmost corner thence north-westerly by a line to the intersection on a higher level of the south-eastern side of the Jones Bay Road overbridge and the south-western side of an overbridge connecting Jones Bay Road to Berth No 12 Pyrmont thence south-westerly along the south-eastern side of the Jones Bay Road overbridge to a point in line with the prolongation south-easterly of the south-western side of a set of steps leading to Mill Street thence north-westerly by that line across Jones Bay Road to the north-western side of the overbridge thence north-westerly by that side of the overbridge to a point in line with the south-eastern face of the Jones Bay Road Checkpoint thence south-westerly by the prolongation of that line to the toe of a rock face thence north-westerly generally parallel to Mill Street by that toe of the rock face to the south-eastern face of the Waterside Cold Stores building thence south-westerly and north-westerly by south-eastern and south-western faces of that building to its north-westernmost corner thence firstly south-westerly and then generally southerly by the toe of a rock face to the north-eastern side of Harris Street thence by that north-eastern side of the Street to the point of commencement.
Darling Harbour District
All the land commencing at the inner end of Berth No 38 Darling Harbour at its intersection with north-eastern chain wire boundary fencing of Sydney Heliport thence generally north-westerly by the seaward faces of all Darling Harbour wharves from that inner end of Berth No 38 to the northern end of Berth No 4 thence generally north-westerly by Mean High Water Mark on a ballast embankment to the concrete face of the rear of No 3 Berth Darling Harbour thence northerly and easterly by seaward faces of that berth thence southerly by Mean High Water Mark on a ballast embankment to the north-eastern side of Towns Place thence south-westerly by a line across Dalgety Road to the northern end of a high stone retaining wall at the north-western end of Dalgety Road thence generally southerly by the toe of an excavated rock face which extends from that north-eastern end of Dalgety Road along the rear of Berth No 4 Darling Harbour and across the seaward end of Munn Street to the north-westernmost corner of Dalgety Bond “A” Store thence generally southerly by the south-western faces of that Store, the western face of Dalgety Bond “C” Store and the entrance gates to Berth No 4 Darling Harbour thence generally south-easterly along the south-western side of Hickson Road by the chain wire boundary fencing of Berths Nos 5–8 Darling Harbour to the north-western boundary fence of Sewerage Pumping Station No 13 thence south-westerly, south-easterly and north-easterly by north-western, south-western and south-eastern boundary fencing of that Pumping Station to the toe of a battered earth embankment at the rear of Berth No 9 Darling Harbour thence generally south-westerly by the toe of that embankment and the seaward face of a guard rail at the rear of Berths Nos 9 and 10 Darling Harbour to the southernmost end of that guard rail thence by a due east line to the western side of Day Street thence generally southerly by a chain wire fence on that side of the street and a chain wire fence at the toe of the battered embankment of the road access ramp from Pyrmont Bridge to Day Street to the northern face of the eastern abutment of Pyrmont Bridge thence westerly, southerly and easterly by northern, western and southern faces of that abutment to gates at the entrance to Berth No 28 Darling Harbour thence generally south-westerly by those gates and the chain wire boundary fences at the rear of Berths Nos 33–35 Darling Harbour to the chain wire fencing dividing lands vested in the Board and the N.S.W. Public Transport Commission thence generally north-westerly by that boundary fencing to the chain wire fence on the south-western side of the Sydney Heliport thence north-easterly and north-westerly by that fence to the point of commencement.
Walsh Bay District
Firstly: All the land commencing at the north-westernmost corner of the wharf shed at Berth No 1 Walsh Bay and bounded thence generally south-westerly by the shoreward faces of wharf sheds and fences on the north-western side of Hickson Road to the line of Mean High Water Mark on the face of a ballast embankment on the eastern side of Berth No 3 Darling Harbour thence northerly by High Water Mark on that embankment to the seaward face of a cross wharf lying generally parallel to Hickson Road thence generally south-easterly by the seaward face of that wharf to the inner end of Berth No 9 Walsh Bay thence generally north-easterly by the seaward faces of all Walsh Bay wharves between the inner end of Berth No 9 and the inner end of Berth No 2 thence north-easterly by the face of a concrete wall to the inner end of Berth No 1 Walsh Bay thence north-easterly and south-easterly by seaward faces of that Berth and the north-eastern face of the wharf shed to the point of commencement.
Secondly: The overhead bridges which extend across Hickson Road from the north-western side of Pottinger Street to Berths Nos 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6 and 7 Walsh Bay together with that part of Pottinger Street which forms the approach to the overbridge to Berths Nos 2 and 3 which part of the street is bounded on its north-western and generally south-eastern sides by palisade fencing on stone walls and which part of the street extends about 36 metres in a south-westerly direction from the south-western side of the overbridge to Berths Nos 2 and 3.
Thirdly: The overbridge which extends across Hickson Road from Berths Nos 8 and 9 Walsh Bay to the southern side of Hickson Road together with the approach to that bridge which passes through the Maritime Services Board Bond and Free Store between the southern side of Hickson Road and the northern side of Windmill Street.
Rozelle Bay District
All the land commencing at the south-westernmost corner of Berth No 10 Rozelle Bay and bounded thence north-westerly by the south-western face of that wharf to Mean High Water Mark on the toe of a rubble bank thence south-westerly by that Mean High Water Mark on the rubble bank to a chain wire fence on the eastern side of The Crescent thence generally north-easterly by that chain wire fence to an angle in the fence on the southern side of the entrance to the port area thence by a line across railway tracks and the port road to an angle in the chain wire fencing on the northern side of the port road on the south-eastern side of The Crescent thence generally north-easterly by a chain wire fence on the south-eastern side of The Crescent and the generally south-eastern side of Victoria Road to the north-westernmost corner of a set of steps leading from Victoria Road to the port area on a lower level thence southerly and easterly by the western and southern sides of that set of steps and a line on the lower level joining the south-easternmost corner of that set of steps and a line on the lower level joining the south-easternmost corner of that set of steps to the south-westernmost corner of the Victoria Road underpass thence north-easterly by the north-western face of that underpass to a line vertically below the north-eastern side of Victoria Road thence south-easterly by that line to the south-eastern face of the underpass thence south-westerly by that face and by the edge of a battered embankment to the westernmost corner of that embankment thence south-easterly along the toe of the battered embankment of the western abutment of Glebe Island Bridge by the south-western face concrete lattice wall and its prolongation south-easterly to Mean High Water Mark on a battered ballast embankment thence south-easterly and south-westerly by Mean High Water Mark on that embankment and by the seaward face of Berth No 3 Rozelle Bay to the south-easternmost corner of Berth No 4 Rozelle Bay thence north-easterly and south-easterly by firstly the seaward face of No 4 Berth and then the seaward faces of Berths Nos 5–10 Rozelle Bay to the point of commencement.
White Bay District
Firstly: All the land commencing at the intersection of the southern side of Vincent Street and the western side of Stephen Street and bounded thence southerly by a chain wire fence along the western side of Stephen Street thence generally easterly by chain wire fencing near to and generally parallel to the top of an excavated rock face to the western side of Adolphus Street thence southerly by chain wire fencing on the western side of that street to the south-westernmost end of the street thence generally easterly by chain wire fencing along the southern side of Grafton Street and by a chain wire fence extending generally along the prolongation easterly of the southern side of Grafton Street to Mean High Water Mark on the toe of a ballast embankment thence generally south-easterly and generally south-westerly by Mean High Water Mark on that ballast embankment and by the seaward faces of concrete decking on the wharf apron, dolphin and catwalk at the eastern end of Berth No 6 White Bay to the easternmost end of the wharf face at that Berth thence westerly and south-westerly by seaward faces of White Bay Wharfage to a point in line with the prolongation south-easterly of the entrance gates at the White Bay Checkpoint thence north-westerly by that line and those entrance gates to a chain wire fence thence generally westerly by that chain wire fence to the eastern side of Buchanan Street thence north-westerly by a chain wire fence along the eastern side of that street to the southernmost corner of property owned by Unilever Australia Pty Limited thence generally easterly by chain wire boundary fencing along the generally southern boundary of that property to an angular bend near a maintenance garage near the southern end of Booth Street thence north-westerly by a chain wire fence to that end of Booth Street thence north-easterly by a chain wire fence across the end of that street thence generally north-easterly by chain wire gates and boundary fencing along the generally eastern side of Booth Street and the generally southern sides of Donnelly and Vincent Streets to the point of commencement.
Secondly: All the land commencing at the north-western corner of No 4 Vincent Street, Balmain, and bounded thence southerly by a paling fence, the western side of a weatherboard house and a galvanised iron fence on the western side of that property to a chain wire fence thence westerly by that chain wire fence to a chain wire fence on the eastern side of an unnamed right-of-way thence northerly by that fence along the eastern side of the Right-of-Way to Vincent Street thence by a paling fence on the southern side of Vincent Street to the point of commencement.
Bulk Berth Korragang District
All that land commencing at the northernmost end of the seaward wharf face of the Bulk Berth Kooragang and bounded thence easterly by the northern side of the concrete deck of the wharf to Mean High Water Mark on a rubble bank thence northerly by that Mean High Water Mark on the bank to a chain wire fence thence generally easterly, southerly and westerly by chain wire boundary fencing of the Berth to Mean High Water Mark on a rubble bank thence northerly by that Mean High Water Mark on the bank to the southern side of the concrete deck of the wharf thence westerly by that side of the deck to the southernmost end of the seaward face of the wharf thence northerly by that seaward face of the wharf to the point of commencement.
Port Kembla Coal Loader District
All land and structures within Lots 1 and 6, DP 261720 and Lot 1, DP 620742 together with the whole of the Northern Breakwater of Port Kembla Outer Harbour within Lot 1, DP 617502 and including all structures comprising the berth known as the Inflammable Liquids Berth situated in that Outer Harbour.
Port Botany District
Firstly: All that land owned by the Board commencing near the intersection of the western boundary of Bumborah Point Road and the northern boundary of Military Road, Port Botany, also shown as Point “B” in DP 618219, and bounded thence by unfenced lines bearing south-easterly 50.08 metres painted across the end of Bumborah Point Road, easterly 51.82 metres along the southern boundary of Military Road, south-westerly 40 metres and westerly 46.63 metres to the former mean high water mark as shown in DP 618219; thence generally south-westerly along the former mean high water mark (being an irregular, unfenced line generally varying from 30 to 5 metres south-easterly of the eastern edge of the pavement of Prince of Wales Drive) to its intersection with the present mean high water mark on the armoured revetment wall located about 50 metres south-easterly of Prince of Wales Drive; thence generally south-westerly along the present mean high water mark on that armoured revetment wall to Molineux Point; thence north-westerly, north-easterly and south-easterly along that present mean high water mark on the spur revetment wall to the low water mark on a sandy beach; thence northerly along that low water mark on the beach to a rubble seawall; thence north-westerly and northerly by the seaward face of that rubble seawall and a steel sheet pile seawall to the south-easternmost corner of the victualling jetty, Port Botany, also known as the tug berth; thence westerly, south-westerly, north-westerly, north-easterly and easterly by the seaward faces of that berth to the seaward face of a steel sheet pile seawall; thence northerly along the seaward face of that steel sheet pile seawall to the south-easternmost corner of a berth known as the Bulk Liquids Berth, Botany Bay; thence westerly, southerly, westerly, northerly, easterly, southerly and easterly by the seaward faces of that berth to the seaward face of a sheet pile seawall; thence north-westerly along the seaward face of that sheet pile seawall and a concrete seawall to the south-westernmost corner of Brotherson Dock; thence north-easterly, north-westerly and south-westerly by the seaward faces of Brotherson Dock to the north-westernmost corner of that dock; thence north-westerly along the seaward face of a concrete seawall and an armoured stone revetment wall to the low water mark on a sandy beach; thence westerly, northerly and easterly along the low water mark on that beach to a concrete boat ramp off Penrhyn Road; thence easterly along the low water mark on that ramp to the low water mark on a sandy beach; thence generally, easterly, westerly and north-westerly along an irregular low water mark on Foreshore Beach to the low water mark on an inlet to the Mill Stream; thence generally easterly along that low water mark on that inlet to its intersection with the south-western boundary of Foreshore Road; thence north-westerly along that unfenced boundary of Foreshore Road to its intersection with the low water mark on that inlet to the Mill Stream; thence generally south-westerly along the low water mark on sand and rubble filling adjoining the Maritime Services Board Hydraulic Research Building to its intersection with an unfenced boundary line dividing lands owned by the Board and the Commonwealth; thence north-easterly along that unfenced boundary line to a fenced angle in that boundary, thence northerly along a fenced boundary line to the fenced south-eastern boundary of General Holmes Drive; thence north-easterly along the fenced south-eastern boundary of General Holmes Drive to the fenced south-western boundary of Foreshore Road; thence southerly, south-easterly and easterly along that fenced and unfenced western, south-western and southern boundary of Foreshore Road to its intersection with the western boundary of Penrhyn Road; thence easterly by a painted line across the northern end of Penrhyn Road to the north-easternmost corner of Penrhyn Road (being the south-easternmost corner of Lot 302, DP 712992); thence northerly and easterly by the southern boundary of Foreshore Road to the north-easternmost corner of Lot 2, DP 218383; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along a boundary line dividing lands owned by the Board and Australian Oil Refining Pty. Ltd. to the southern boundary of Botany Road; thence south-easterly along the unfenced south-western boundary of Botany Road to its intersection with the western boundary of Bumborah Point Road; thence southerly by the western unfenced and fenced boundary of Bumborah Point Road to its intersection with the north-easternmost corner of Friendship Road; thence southerly across the eastern end of Friendship Road and along the fenced western boundary of Bumborah Point Road to the point of commencement, excluding the land in Lot 1, DP 618219, and Lot 4, DP 263122.
Secondly: All that land owned by the Board comprising a sand stockpile held under licence by the Commonwealth and adjoining the eastern side of the north-south runway extension into Botany Bay commencing at a fenced corner adjacent to Emergency Gate No 15, and bounded thence by lines bearing easterly along the southern side of the bitumen roadway leading to that gate and an unfenced boundary line dividing lands owned by the Board and the Commonwealth to its intersection with the low water mark on a beach; thence generally westerly, southerly and south-westerly by that low water mark on that beach to its intersection with the toe of a rubble seawall adjoining the runway extension; thence generally northerly and north-easterly by the toe of that rubble seawall adjoining the runway and a wire security fence securing the airport runway extension to the point of commencement.
sch 1: Am 9.5.1975; 28.12.1979; 26.8.1983; 13.11.1987; 28.7.1995.
Schedule 2 Prescribed offences and penalties for the purposes of section 30D of the Act
(Regulation 14)
sch 2, hdg: Am 26.8.1983. Subst 26.8.1983.
Regulation 7
Regulation 8
Regulation 9
Regulation 10
sch 2: Subst 1.9.1978; 26.8.1983.