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Teaching and Education Legislation Amendment (Employment) Act 2018 No 3

An Act to amend the Teaching Service Act 1980, the Education (School Administrative and Support Staff) Act 1987 and the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004 to make further provision with respect to the employment of persons in the Teaching Service and the employment of school administrative and support staff in the Department of Education; to amend the Education Act 1990; and for other purposes.
2   Commencement
This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.
Schedule 1 Amendment of Teaching Service Act 1980 No 23
[1]   Section 4 Definitions
Omit the definition of Education Gazette from section 4 (1).
[2]   Section 4 (1), definition of “temporary employee”
Omit “or deemed to be a temporary employee under section 48 (3)”.
[3]   Section 47 Appointment to positions generally
Omit section 47 (1). Insert instead:
(1)  The Secretary may, subject to section 47A, appoint to positions in the Teaching Service:
(a)  persons who are accredited under the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004, or
(b)  persons who have, in the opinion of the Secretary, the appropriate qualifications to be employed in the Teaching Service.
[4]   Section 50 Temporary employees
Omit section 50 (1). Insert instead:
(1)  The Secretary may employ on a temporary basis:
(a)  persons who are accredited under the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004 to carry out work in the Teaching Service, or
(b)  persons who have, in the opinion of the Secretary, the appropriate qualifications to carry out work in the Teaching Service.
[5]   Section 50 (5) (a)
Omit the paragraph. Insert instead:
(a)  may be employed for a period or periods of up to 3 years, and
[6]   Section 50 (6) and (7)
Insert after section 50 (5):
(6)  The Secretary may not terminate the employment of a temporary employee for reasons other than for misconduct unless the employee:
(a)  is given at least 4 weeks notice of the proposed termination, or
(b)  is paid, at or before the termination, an amount equal to 4 weeks pay.
(7)  A temporary employee whose employment is terminated is not, despite any other Act or law, entitled to any other compensation or entitlement for the termination of employment other than superannuation entitlements.
[7]   Section 51B
Insert after section 51A:
51B   Dealing with member of Teaching Service whose address is unknown
(a)  the Secretary takes any action under this Act with respect to a person who is an officer or temporary employee (including any disciplinary action under Part 4A or the termination of the person’s employment), and
(b)  the person’s address is unknown to the Secretary,
any instrument for giving effect to that action or for notifying the person of that action may be sent to the address of the person last known to the Secretary.
[8]   Sections 74 and 75
Omit the sections.
[9]   Sections 77 and 77A
Insert after section 76:
77   Termination or suspension of employment if accreditation is revoked or suspended
(1)  The Secretary may terminate a person’s employment as an officer or temporary employee if the person’s accreditation is revoked under the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004.
(2)  An officer or temporary employee who is required to be accredited under the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004 may be suspended from employment by the Secretary during any period in which the person’s accreditation under that Act is suspended. Any such suspension may be without pay.
(3)  An officer or temporary employee who is suspended from employment under subsection (2) for any period is, for the purposes of section 28 (2) of the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004, taken not to be employed as a teacher during that period.
(4)  The Secretary is not required to provide alternative employment to a person whose employment is terminated or suspended under this section.
77A   Miscellaneous grounds for terminating employment
(1)  The Secretary may terminate:
(a)  a person’s employment as an officer or temporary employee if the person has abandoned his or her employment, and
(b)  a person’s employment as an officer if the person refuses or fails to commence duties in a position to which the person has been appointed or transferred under this Act.
(2)  This section does not limit the grounds on which the Secretary may terminate a person’s employment under this Act.
[10]   Section 93Q Officer whose address is unknown
Omit the section.
[11]   Sections 95 and 96
Omit the sections.
[12]   Section 100 Regulations
Omit section 100 (2).
[1]   Section 19 Permanent employee refusing transfer
Omit the section.
[2]   Section 21 Employment of temporary employees
Omit section 21 (2) and (3). Insert instead:
(2)  A person employed under this section may be employed for a period or periods of up to 3 years.
[3]   Section 21 (5) and (6)
Insert after section 21 (4):
(5)  The Secretary may not terminate the employment of a temporary employee for reasons other than for misconduct unless the employee:
(a)  is given at least 4 weeks notice of the proposed termination, or
(b)  is paid, at or before the termination, an amount equal to 4 weeks pay.
(6)  A temporary employee whose employment is terminated is not, despite any other Act or law, entitled to any other compensation or entitlement for the termination of employment other than superannuation entitlements.
[4]   Section 32H Permanent employee whose address is unknown
Omit the section.
[5]   Section 34 Delegation by Secretary
Omit “public servant” from section 34 (1). Insert instead “Public Service employee”.
[6]   Sections 34A and 34B
Insert after section 34:
34A   Miscellaneous grounds for terminating employment
(1)  The Secretary may:
(a)  terminate a person’s employment as a permanent or temporary employee if the person has abandoned his or her employment, and
(b)  terminate a person’s employment as a permanent employee if the person refuses or fails to commence duties in a position to which the person has been appointed or transferred under this Act.
(2)  This section does not limit the grounds on which the Secretary may terminate a person’s employment under this Act.
34B   Dealing with permanent or temporary employee whose address is unknown
(a)  the Secretary takes any action under this Act with respect to a person who is a permanent or temporary employee (including any disciplinary action under Part 6 or the termination of the person’s employment), and
(b)  the person’s address is unknown to the Secretary,
any instrument for giving effect to that action or for notifying the person of that action may be sent to the address of the person last known to the Secretary.
Schedule 3 Amendment of Teacher Accreditation Act 2004 No 65
[1]   Section 29 Provisions relating to employment
Insert after section 29 (4):
(5)  This section does not apply in relation to a person who is employed as a teacher in a government school.
The Secretary may, under section 77 of the Teaching Service Act 1980, suspend or terminate a person’s employment in the Teaching Service if the person’s accreditation is suspended or revoked.
[2]   Section 29, note
Omit the note at the end of the section.
Schedule 4 Amendment of Education Act 1990 No 8
[1]   Section 29 Kinds of government schools
Insert “Any such determination may, without limiting the generality of this subsection, be made in relation to a particular school that is of a kind referred to in this section.” after “Minister.” in section 29 (3).
[2]   Section 31A Overseas students
Insert after section 31A (6):
(7)  This section has effect despite anything to the contrary in the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.