Parramatta Park Trust Amendment (Western Sydney Stadium) Act 2017 No 49

An Act to amend the Parramatta Park Trust Act 2001 to enable land to be swapped between the Parramatta Park Trust and Venues NSW in connection with the development of the Western Sydney Stadium; to enable trust lands to be leased for the purposes of an aquatic leisure centre; and for other related purposes.
2   Commencement
This Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.
Schedule 1 Amendment of Parramatta Park Trust Act 2001 No 17
[1]   Section 9A
Insert after section 9:
9A   Land swap between Trust and Venues NSW
(1)  The Minister may, by order in writing, transfer:
(a)  any of the land edged heavy black on the map in Part 1 of Schedule 1A from Venues NSW to the Trust, and
(b)  any of the trust lands edged heavy red on the map in Part 1 of Schedule 1A from the Trust to Venues NSW.
(2)  An order under this section may be made only:
(a)  if the Minister is satisfied that the amount of land transferred from Venues NSW to the Trust will be at least the same as the amount of land transferred from the Trust to Venues NSW, and
(b)  for purposes associated with the Western Sydney Stadium, and
(c)  with the consent of the Trust and Venues NSW.
(3)  Land transferred by an order under this section is vested in the Trust or Venues NSW as an estate in fee simple:
(a)  freed and discharged from any trusts, estates, interests, dedications, restrictions, easements, contracts, charges and rates, except as provided by the order, existing in respect of the land immediately before the land is vested in the Trust or Venues NSW, and
(b)  without the need for any further conveyance, transfer, assignment or assurance.
(4)  An order under this section may amend Schedule 1 as a consequence of any land identified in that Schedule being transferred by the order.
(5)  An order under this section has effect despite any other provision of this Act or any other law.
[2]   Section 13 Further provision for leases and licences of certain trust lands
Omit section 13 (1) (b). Insert instead:
(b)  such part of the Mays Hill precinct (as identified as the Mays Hill precinct on the map in Part 2 of Schedule 1A) that is leased for the purposes of:
(i)  the operation and maintenance of an aquatic leisure centre, or
(ii)  any purpose associated with the aquatic leisure centre, including gymnasiums, sports courts, public amenities, cafes, spectator seating, barbecue areas, health and well-being facilities, ancillary administrative areas, associated car parking facilities and outdoor recreation and leisure spaces.
[3]   Section 13 (1A)
Insert after section 13 (1):
(1A)  For the purposes of subsection (1) (b) (i), aquatic leisure centre means a building or place used predominantly for aquatic recreational purposes and includes a swimming pool.
[4]   Section 13 (2), (3) and (8)
Omit the subsections.
[5]   Section 13 (4)
Omit “Further, the”. Insert instead “The”.
[6]   Section 13 (5) (a)
Insert “(whether published in print or on a publicly accessible website)” after “newspaper”.
[7]   Schedule 1A
Insert after Schedule 1:
Schedule 1A Maps
(Sections 9A and 13 (1))
Part 1 Land swap between Trust and Venues NSW
Part 2 Mays Hill precinct