An Act to amend the Regional Relocation Grants Act 2011 to confirm the closure of the regional relocation home buyers grant and ensure a period of continued operation of the skilled regional relocation incentive; and for other purposes.
1 Name of Act
This Act is the Regional Relocation Grants Amendment Act 2014.
2 Commencement
(1) This Act is taken to have commenced on 30 September 2014, except as provided by subsection (2).(2) Schedule 1 [1] and [9] and Schedule 2 commence on the date of assent to this Act.
Schedule 1 Amendment of Regional Relocation Grants Act 2011 No 26
[1] Section 1 Name of Act
Insert “(Skills Incentive)” after “Grants”.
[2] Section 3 Definitions
Omit the definition of scheme closure date in section 3 (1).Insert in alphabetical order:incentive scheme closure date—see section 57.
[3] Section 10 Date purchase is commenced
Omit “1 July 2015” from section 10 (1). Insert instead “30 September 2014”.
[4] Section 10 (4)
Omit the subsection.
[5] Section 22 Date regional job commenced
Omit “1 July 2015” from section 22 (1). Insert instead “the incentive scheme closure date”.
[6] Section 22 (3)
Omit the subsection.
[7] Section 22F Date applicant commences self-employment in regional small business
Omit “1 July 2015” from section 22F (1).Insert instead “the incentive scheme closure date”.
[8] Section 22F (3)
Omit the subsection.
[9] Section 22H Applicant must participate in approved program
Omit “complete”. Insert instead “participate in”.
[10] Section 23 Making of applications
Omit section 23 (5) and (6). Insert instead:(5) An application for a regional relocation grant cannot be made after:(a) in the case of an application for a regional relocation home buyers grant—31 March 2015, or(b) in the case of an application for a skilled regional relocation incentive—the date that is 6 months after the incentive scheme closure date.(6) The Chief Commissioner must refuse an application made after the relevant date specified in subsection (5).
[11] Section 57
Omit sections 57 and 58. Insert instead:57 Incentive scheme closure date(1) Subject to subsection (2), the incentive scheme closure date is 31 March 2015.(2) The Minister may, by order published on the NSW legislation website, appoint an alternative date as the incentive scheme closure date.(3) An order appointing an alternative incentive scheme closure date must be published on the NSW legislation website no less than 30 days before the alternative closure date specified in the order.(4) However, the appointment of an alternative incentive scheme closure date does not affect the operation of this Act in respect of employment in a regional job or self-employment in a regional small business that is commenced on or before the alternative incentive scheme closure date.Note—The incentive scheme closure date applies only to a skilled regional relocation incentive. The regional relocation home buyers grant applies only to a purchase commenced before 30 September 2014—see section 10.
Schedule 2 Amendment of other legislation
Clause 3 Definition
Insert “(Skills Incentive)” after “Grants” in the definition of the Act.
Section 82 Permitted disclosures—to particular persons
Insert “(Skills Incentive)” after “Grants” in section 82 (b) (vi).