An Act to amend the Governor General’s Residence (Grant) Act 1945 to enable the residence to be used for certain charitable, educational and other public purposes.
1 Name of Act
This Act is the Governor General’s Residence (Grant) Amendment Act 2006.
2 Commencement
This Act commences on a day to be appointed by proclamation.
3 Amendment of Governor General’s Residence (Grant) Act 1945 No 32
The Governor General’s Residence (Grant) Act 1945 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.
Schedule 1 Amendments
(Section 3)
[1] Section 1A
Insert after section 1:1A DefinitionsIn this Act:Admiralty House Crown Grant means the Crown Grant registered Volume 5913, Folio 167 that was authorised to be granted by section 3, as in force before the commencement of the Governor General’s Residence (Grant) Amendment Act 2006.exclusive residence condition means the condition inserted in the Admiralty House Crown Grant in pursuance of section 3 (2) (a) requiring the land comprised in the grant to be used “exclusively as and for the official residence in Sydney of Our Governor General of Our Commonwealth of Australia and for no other purpose whatsoever”.
[2] Section 5A
Insert after section 5:5A Variation of Admiralty House Crown GrantThe State and the Commonwealth may agree to vary the terms of the Admiralty House Crown Grant so as to omit the exclusive residence condition and replace it with the following conditions:The land comprised in the Admiralty House Crown Grant is to be used primarily for the purpose of the Governor General’s official residence in Sydney.So long as the land is primarily so used, it is permitted, at the discretion of the Governor General, to be used from time to time for any charitable, educational or other public purpose, including (without limitation) the making of programs or material for dissemination to the public (such as the production of television or radio programs).
[3] Section 6 Power of Registrar General to alter register book
Insert at the end of the section:(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Registrar General is authorised to make any such entry, cancellation or correction as may be advisable for the purpose of giving effect to an agreement under section 5A to permit the land comprised in the Admiralty House Crown Grant to be used for the agreed additional purposes instead of being used exclusively for the purpose set out in the exclusive residence condition.