The Synod of Eastern Australia Property Amendment Act 2004 No 6

An Act to amend The Synod of Eastern Australia Property Act 1918 to provide for the indemnification of certain office bearers; and for other purposes.
2   Commencement
This Act commences on the date of assent.
Schedule 1 Amendment
(Section 3)
Section 2A
Insert after section 2:
2A   Trustees to be indemnified out of trust property
(1)  A person who as the Moderator, the clerk or the treasurer of the synod for the time being exercises or performs, in good faith and in accordance with this Act and any regulations made by the synod under section 6, any power, authority, duty or function in relation to property vested in the trustees, and the executor or administrator of any such person, is entitled to be indemnified out of property vested in the trustees against all expenses and liabilities that the person has incurred in connection with the exercise or performance of the power, authority, duty or function.
(2)  This section applies only in respect of the exercise or performance of a power, authority, duty or function after the commencement of this section.