An Act to amend the Western Lands Act 1901 with respect to the recognition of public and other roads, the assessment of annual rents and the constitution and functions of a Western Lands Advisory Council; and for other purposes.
1 Name of Act
This Act is the Western Lands Amendment Act 2002.
2 Commencement
This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.
3 Amendment of Western Lands Act 1901 No 70
The Western Lands Act 1901 is amended as set out in Schedules 1–5.
Schedule 1 Amendments with respect to public roads and rights of way
(Section 3)
[1] (Repealed)
[2] Schedule 1 (as renumbered by Schedule 5 [21])
Omit “, roads, or tracks,” from paragraph (e).
sch 1: Am 2005 No 64, Sch 3.
sch 2: Rep 2005 No 64, Sch 3.
sch 3: Rep 2005 No 64, Sch 3.
sch 4: Am 2003 No 40, Sch 3. Rep 2005 No 64, Sch 3.
sch 5: Rep 2005 No 64, Sch 3.
Schedules 2–5 (Repealed)