Local Government and Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Transfer of Functions) Act 2001 No 93

An Act to amend the Local Government Act 1993 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 so as to transfer provisions relating to certain local government functions from the one to the other; to make consequential amendments to other Acts; and for other purposes.
2   Commencement
(1)  This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation, except as provided by subsection (2).
(2)  Schedule 3.3, and section 5 in its application to that item, commence on the date of assent to this Act.
The Local Government Act 1993 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.
5   (Repealed)
s 5: Rep 2008 No 62, Sch 4.
Schedule 1 Amendment of Local Government Act 1993
(Section 3)
[1]–[3]   (Repealed)
[4]   Section 68 What activities, generally, require the approval of the council?
Omit items 2 and 3 from Part A, and item 4 from Part F, of the Table to the section.
[5]–[16]   (Repealed)
sch 1: Am 2008 No 62, Sch 4.
(Section 4)
[1]   (Repealed)
[2]   Section 4 (2) (b) (v)
Omit “and”. Insert instead “or”.
[3]   Section 4 (2) (b) (vi)
Insert after section 4 (2) (b) (v):
(vi)  the installation of a domestic oil or solid fuel heating appliance (other than a portable appliance), and
[4]   (Repealed)
[5]   Section 78A (3)
Omit “paragraph 1–5 or 10 of Part F”.
Insert instead “paragraph 1–3, 5 or 10 of Part F”.
[6]   (Repealed)
[7]–[10A]   (Repealed)
[10B]   Section 157 (1) (d3)
Insert after section 157 (1) (d2) (as inserted by item [10A]):
(d3)  domestic oil or solid fuel heating appliances (other than portable appliances), or
[11]–[15]   (Repealed)
sch 2: Am 2002 No 134, Sch 1.4; 2006 No 123, Sch 3.2 [1]–[7]; 2008 No 62, Sch 4.
Schedule 3 (Repealed)
sch 3: Rep 2008 No 62, Sch 4.