Legal Profession Amendment (Costs Assessment) Act 1998 No 83

An Act to amend the Legal Profession Act 1987 to make further provision with respect to costs and the assessment of costs; and for other purposes.
2   Commencement
This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.
The Legal Profession Act 1987 is amended as set out in Schedule 1.
Schedule 1 Amendments
(Section 3)
[1]–[3]   (Repealed)
[4]   Section 196 Regulations to provide for related costs
Insert after section 196 (1) (a):
(a1)  fixing fair and reasonable costs for legal services in any motor vehicle accident matter,
[5]–[14]   (Repealed)
[15]   Section 208O Costs fixed by regulations
Insert “(a1),” after “(a),” in section 208O (1).
[16]–[19]   (Repealed)
sch 1: Am 1999 No 41, Sch 4.8 [1] [2]; 2003 No 82, Sch 3.