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Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981 No 62

An Act relating to the application of laws to regulate the acquisition of shares in companies incorporated in New South Wales and matters connected therewith, to amend the Companies Act 1961, and for other purposes.
1   Name of Act
This Act may be cited as the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981.
2   Commencement
(1)  This section and section 1 shall commence on the date of assent to this Act.
(2)  Except as provided in subsection (1), this Act shall commence on such day as may be appointed by the Governor in respect thereof and as may be notified by proclamation published in the Gazette.
3   Definitions
(1)  In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears:
Agreement means the agreement made on 22 December 1978 between the Commonwealth and the States in relation to a proposed scheme for the co-operative regulation of companies and the securities industry or, if that agreement is or has been amended or affected by another agreement, that agreement as so amended or affected.
Commission or National Commission means the National Companies and Securities Commission established by the National Companies and Securities Commission Act 1979 of the Commonwealth.
Ministerial Council means the Ministerial Council for Companies and Securities established by the Agreement.
State Commission means the Corporate Affairs Commission continued in existence by the Companies (Administration) Act 1981.
the applied provisions means the provisions applying by reason of sections 4 and 6.
the Commonwealth Act means the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) Act 1980 of the Commonwealth.
(2)  In this Act, a reference to a Commonwealth Act shall be construed as including a reference to that Act as amended and in force for the time being and to an Act passed in substitution for that Act.
(3)  The provisions of the Interstate Corporate Affairs Agreement do not apply to or with respect to the applied provisions or the administration of the applied provisions.
(4)  In this Act, a reference to the commencement of this Act is a reference to the commencement of this Act except sections 1 and 2.
s 3: Am 1989 No 226, Sch 2.
4   Application of law relating to acquisition of shares
Subject to this Act, the provisions of the Commonwealth Act (other than sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) apply:
(a)  as if amended as set out in Schedule 1, and
as laws of New South Wales.
5   Operation of Companies Act 1961
(1)  The provisions applying by reason of section 4, except as provided by section 17, operate to the exclusion of Part 6B of, and the Tenth Schedule to, the Companies Act 1961.
(2)  The provisions of subsection (1) do not, unless the contrary intention appears:
(a)  revive anything not in force or existing at the time at which the exclusion of the provisions of Part 6B of, and the Tenth Schedule to, the Companies Act 1961, takes effect,
(b)  affect the previous operation of that Part or Schedule or anything duly done or suffered under that Part or Schedule,
(c)  affect any right, privilege, obligation or liability acquired or incurred under that Part or Schedule,
(d)  affect any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence committed against that Part or Schedule, or
(e)  affect any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment,
and any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or enforced and any such penalty, forfeiture or punishment may be imposed as if subsection (1) had not been enacted.
s 5: Am 1981 No 123, Sch 4 (1).
6   Application of regulations relating to acquisition of shares
Subject to this Act, the provisions of regulations in force for the time being under the Commonwealth Act (other than provisions providing for the citation or commencement of the regulations) apply:
(a)  as if amended as set out in Schedule 2, and
as regulations made under the provisions applying by reason of section 4.
7   Incorporation in Companies (New South Wales) Code
(1)  The provisions applying by reason of section 4 are incorporated with, and shall be read as one with, the Companies (New South Wales) Code.
(2)  The provisions applying by reason of section 6 are incorporated with, and shall be read as one with, regulations applying under the Companies (New South Wales) Code.
s 7: Subst 1981 No 123, Sch 4 (2).
For the purposes of the operation of the Companies (New South Wales) Code and regulations applying under that Code and the performance of functions and the exercise of powers under that Code or those regulations, with respect to the provisions of, or matters relating to or arising under, the applied provisions:
(a)  references in that Code or those regulations to documents submitted to, or lodged with, the Commission shall be construed as references to documents submitted to, or lodged with, the Commission under the applied provisions, and
(b)  references in those regulations to the Companies (New South Wales) Code shall, in accordance with section 7 (1), be construed as references to that Code with the incorporation of, and as read as one with, the provisions applying by reason of section 4.
s 8: Subst 1981 No 123, Sch 4 (2).
9   Fees payable
(1)  There shall be paid to the State Commission, for and on behalf of the State, for or in respect of:
(a)  the lodgment of documents with the National Commission under the applied provisions,
(b)  the registration of documents under the applied provisions or the inspection or search of registers kept by, or documents in the custody of, the National Commission under the applied provisions,
(c)  the production by the National Commission, pursuant to a subpoena, of any register kept by, or documents in the custody of, the National Commission under the applied provisions,
(d)  the issuing of documents or copies of documents, the granting of consents or approvals or the doing of other acts or things by the National Commission under the applied provisions,
(e)  the making of inquiries of, or applications to, the National Commission in relation to matters arising under the applied provisions, and
(f)  the submission to the National Commission of documents for examination by the National Commission,
such fees (if any) as are prescribed by regulations in force for the time being under the Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) Act 1980 of the Commonwealth and specified in the Schedule to those regulations as if amended as set out in Schedule 3 and as if, unless the contrary intention appears, expressions used had the same respective meanings as in the applied provisions.
(2)  Where a fee is payable to the State Commission for and on behalf of the State under subsection (1) for or in respect of the lodgment of a document with the National Commission and the document is submitted for lodgment without payment of the fee, the document shall be deemed not to have been lodged until the fee has been paid.
(3)  Where a fee is payable to the State Commission for and on behalf of the State under subsection (1) for or in respect of any matter involving the doing of any act or thing by the National Commission, the National Commission shall not do that act or thing until the fee has been paid.
(4)  This section has effect notwithstanding anything contained in the applied provisions.
(5)  Nothing in this section prevents the State Commission for and on behalf of the State from:
(a)  waiving or reducing, in a particular case or classes of cases, fees that would otherwise be payable pursuant to this section, or
(b)  refunding in whole or in part, in a particular case or classes of cases, fees paid pursuant to this section.
(6)  In this section, unless the contrary intention appears, the expressions used have the same respective meanings as in the applied provisions.
s 9: Am GG No 141 of 25.9.1981, p 5056 (1).
10   Amendment of regulations pursuant to Agreement
(1)  Where, under the Agreement, the Ministerial Council approves a proposed amendment of regulations in force for the time being under the Commonwealth Act or the Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) Act 1980 of the Commonwealth and, upon the expiration of 6 months after the date on which the Ministerial Council so approved, the amendment has not been made or has been made and is subject to disallowance or has ceased to be in force by disallowance or for any other reason, the Governor may make regulations in accordance with the proposed amendment approved by the Ministerial Council amending the provisions of regulations applying by reason of section 6 or the regulations referred to in section 9, as the case may be.
(2)  Regulations made by the Governor under subsection (1) may amend Schedule 2 or 3, as the case may be, and that Schedule as so amended shall be Schedule 2 or 3, as the case may be, to this Act.
(3)  In this Act:
(a)  a reference to provisions of regulations applying by reason of section 6 includes a reference to provisions as so applying as amended in accordance with this section, and
(b)  a reference to fees prescribed by regulations under the Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) Act 1980 of the Commonwealth includes a reference to those regulations as amended in accordance with this section.
11   Publication of Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Code
(1)  The Minister may from time to time authorise the publication by the Government Printer of the provisions of the Commonwealth Act (other than sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5), amended as set out in Schedule 1 and in operation, or to come into operation, in New South Wales.
(2)  A document published under subsection (1):
(a)  shall include the headings and sections set out in Schedule 4,
(b)  shall include a notification of the date, or dates, on which the several provisions set out in the document came, or come, into operation in New South Wales,
(c)  shall include a statement of the date on which the Minister authorised the publication, and
(d)  may be cited as the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Code.
(3)  A document that is or purports to be a copy of the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Code that has been, or purports to have been, published in accordance with this section is prima facie evidence of the provisions of the Commonwealth Act applying by reason of section 4 as in operation, or to come into operation, in New South Wales as notified in the document in accordance with subsection (2) (b).
12   Publication of Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Regulations
(1)  The Minister may from time to time authorise the publication by the Government Printer of the provisions of regulations under the Commonwealth Act (other than provisions providing for the citation or commencement of the regulations) amended as set out in Schedule 2 and in operation, or to come into operation, in New South Wales.
(2)  A document published under subsection (1):
(a)  shall include the headings and provisions set out in Schedule 5,
(b)  shall include a notification of the date, or dates, on which the several provisions set out in the document came, or come, into operation in New South Wales,
(c)  shall include a statement of the date on which the Minister authorised the publication, and
(d)  may be cited as the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Regulations.
(3)  A document that is or purports to be a copy of the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Regulations that has been, or purports to have been, published in accordance with this section is prima facie evidence of the provisions applying by reason of section 6 as in operation, or to come into operation, in New South Wales as notified in the document in accordance with subsection (2) (b).
13   Publication of Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) (New South Wales) Regulations
(1)  The Minister may from time to time authorise the publication by the Government Printer of the Schedule to regulations prescribing fees under the Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) Act 1980 of the Commonwealth amended as set out in Schedule 3 and in operation, or to come into operation, in New South Wales.
(2)  A document published under subsection (1):
(a)  shall include the headings and provisions set out in Schedule 6,
(b)  shall include a notification of the date, or dates, on which the several provisions set out in the document came, or come, into operation in New South Wales,
(c)  shall include a statement of the date on which the Minister authorised the publication, and
(d)  may be cited as the Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) (New South Wales) Regulations.
(3)  A document that is or purports to be a copy of the Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) (New South Wales) Regulations that has been, or purports to have been, published in accordance with this section is prima facie evidence of the Schedule to regulations referred to in section 9 as in operation, or to come into operation, in New South Wales as notified in the document in accordance with subsection (2) (b).
14   Publication of provisions of amended Code or regulations
(1)  The Minister may from time to time authorise the publication by the Government Printer of a document setting out:
(a)  provisions that by reason of:
(i)  the enactment of an Act of the Commonwealth amending the Commonwealth Act, and
(ii)  the operation of section 4 (including the operation, if applicable, of Schedule 1),
apply, or will apply, as laws of New South Wales,
(b)  provisions that by reason of:
(i)  regulations under the Commonwealth Act, and
(ii)  the operation of section 6 (including the operation, if applicable, of Schedule 2),
apply, or will apply, as regulations made under the provisions applying by reason of section 4, or
(c)  fees that by reason of:
(i)  regulations under the Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) Act 1980 of the Commonwealth, and
(ii)  the operation of section 9 (including the operation, if applicable, of Schedule 3),
are, or will be, payable under that section.
(2)  A document published under subsection (1) shall include a notification of the date, or dates, on which the provisions or fees set out in the document came, or come, into operation in New South Wales.
(3)  A document that has been or purports to have been published in accordance with this section is prima facie evidence of provisions or fees referred to in subsection (1) set out in the document.
15   Interpretation of references to the applied provisions
(1)  Unless the contrary intention appears, in this or any other Act or in a regulation or other instrument made under this or any other Act or in any other document made by or under the authority of, or for the purposes of, a law of New South Wales:
(a)  a reference to the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Code is a reference to the provisions of the Commonwealth Act applying by reason of section 4,
(b)  a reference to a provision of that Code is a reference to the corresponding provision of the Commonwealth Act as so applying,
(c)  a reference to the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Regulations is a reference to the provisions of regulations in force under the Commonwealth Act applying by reason of section 6,
(d)  a reference to a provision of those regulations is a reference to the corresponding provision of the regulations in force under the Commonwealth Act as so applying,
(e)  a reference to the Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) (New South Wales) Regulations is a reference to the Schedule to regulations prescribing fees under the Companies (Acquisition of Shares-Fees) Act 1980 of the Commonwealth as referred to in section 9, and
(f)  a reference to a provision of that Schedule is a reference to the corresponding provision of the Schedule to regulations in force under that Act as referred to in section 9.
(2)  In subsection (1), provision includes Part, Division, section, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, Schedule, form, regulation, clause, sub-clause or other division.
16   Amendment of certain provisions in accordance with approval of Ministerial Council
Where, under the Agreement, the Ministerial Council:
(a)  approves:
(i)  a proposed amendment of the Commonwealth Act,
(ii)  regulations proposed to be made under the Commonwealth Act (whether or not amending other regulations),
(iii)  a proposed amendment of the Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) Act 1980 of the Commonwealth, or
(iv)  regulations proposed to be made under that Act (whether or not amending other regulations), and
(b)  approves proposed regulations to be made under this Act in connection with the operation of the proposed amendment or regulations referred to in paragraph (a),
the Governor may make regulations amending Schedule 1, 2 or 3 or section 9, as the case may be, in accordance with that approval, and that Schedule or section as so amended shall be Schedule 1, 2 or 3 or section 9, as the case may be, of this Act.
17   Take-overs pending at commencement of Act
(1)  Where a take-over offer in relation to shares in a company was dispatched more than 30 days before the date of commencement of this Act and the period during which the take-over offer remains open, or, in the case of a take-over offer constituted by an invitation, the period for which the invitation is expressed to remain open, had not expired before that date:
(a)  this Act, other than this section, does not apply to or in relation to:
(i)  the acquisition of shares in the company pursuant to the take-over offer, or
(ii)  any other acquisition of shares in the company during the period during which the take-over offer remains open, or, in the case of a take-over offer constituted by an invitation, the period for which the invitation is expressed to remain open, by the offeror or invitor who dispatched the take-over offer, and
(b)  the superseded take-over laws continue to apply to and in relation to any offers or invitations to acquire shares in the company, being offers or invitations referred to in paragraph (a).
(2)  Where a take-over offer in relation to shares in a company was dispatched during the period of 30 days before the date of commencement of this Act and the period during which the take-over offer remains open, or, in the case of a take-over offer constituted by an invitation, the period for which the invitation is expressed to remain open, had not expired before that date, this Act, other than this section:
(a)  does not apply to or in relation to the acquisition by any person of shares in the company during the period commencing on the date of commencement of this Act and ending at the expiration of 60 days after:
(i)  if the take-over offer was not under a take-over scheme—the date on which the take-over offer was dispatched, or
(ii)  if the take-over offer was under a take-over scheme—the last day before the date of commencement of this Act on which a take-over offer under the take-over scheme was dispatched, and
(b)  does not apply to or in relation to the acquisition by any person of shares in the company after the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph (a) pursuant to offers or invitations made or issued before the end of that period,
and the superseded take-over laws continue to apply to and in relation to offers or invitations to acquire shares in the company made or issued before the end of that period.
(3)  For the purposes of this section:
(a)  the superseded take-over laws means the provisions of the law relating to take-overs in force immediately before the date of commencement of this Act, including the provisions of Part 6B of, and the Tenth Schedule to, the Companies Act 1961,
(b)  a reference to the application of the superseded take-over laws to and in relation to offers or invitations to acquire shares in a company includes, without limiting the generality of those words, a reference to the application of sections 180X and 180Y of the Companies Act 1961, as amended and in force immediately before the date of commencement of this Act in relation to shares in that company consequent upon the making of those offers or the issuing of those invitations, and
(c)  except where the contrary intention appears, expressions used in this section have the same respective meanings as those expressions have in Part 6B of the Companies Act 1961, as amended and in force immediately before the date of commencement of this Act.
18   Consequential amendment of Act No 71, 1961
Editorial note—
The amending provisions relating to the Companies Act 1961 are not reprinted: Reprints Act 1972, section 6.
Schedule 1
(Section 4)
The provisions of the Commonwealth Act apply as if:
Unless inconsistent with another provision of this Schedule:
(a)  for the words “Companies Act 1981” in the Commonwealth Act (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “Companies (New South Wales) Code”,
(b)  for the words “the Territory” in the Commonwealth Act (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “New South Wales”,
(c)  for the words “this Act” in the Commonwealth Act (wherever occurring except where occurring in conjunction with the words “commencement of”) there were substituted the words “this Code”,
(d)  for the words “commencement of this Act” in the Commonwealth Act (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “commencement of the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981” or the words “commencement of the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981,” whichever are applicable,
(e)  for the words “law of a State or of another Territory” and “law of a State or another Territory” in the Commonwealth Act (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “law in force in another State or in a Territory”.
In section 6 of the Commonwealth Act:
(a)  before the definition of company there were inserted the following definition:
Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Code or Code means the provisions applying by reason of section 4 of the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981.
(b)  in the definition of convertible note after the matter “1936” there were inserted the words “of the Commonwealth as amended and in force for the time being”,
(c)  after the definition of recorded there were inserted the following definition:
regulations means the provisions applying as regulations made under this Code by reason of section 6 of the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981.
After section 6 of the Commonwealth Act there were inserted the following section:
In this Code:
(a)  a reference to a previous law, or provision of a previous law, or previous enactment, of New South Wales or of the State corresponding to, or to a provision of, this Code includes a reference to, or to a provision of, the Companies Act 1961, and
(b)  a reference to a previous law, or provision of a previous law, or previous enactment, of a State other than New South Wales or of another State corresponding to, or to a provision of, this Code includes a reference to, or to a provision of, that law of that State corresponding to the Companies Act 1961.
In section 8A (4) of the Commonwealth Act after the matter “Act 1985” there were inserted the words “of the Commonwealth”.
In section 16 of the Commonwealth Act:
(a)  in sub-section (2AE) for the matter “Act 1980” there were substituted the words “(New South Wales) Code”,
(b)  in sub-section (2AG) after the matter “Act 1986” there were inserted the words “of the Commonwealth”.
In section 18 (2C) of the Commonwealth Act after the matter “Act 1985” there were substituted the words “of the Commonwealth”.
In section 25B of the Commonwealth Act:
(a)  in sub-section (3) after the matter “Act 1986” there were inserted the words “of the Commonwealth”,
(b)  in sub-section (4) (a) after the matter “Act 1986” there were inserted the words “of the Commonwealth”.
In section 28 (7) of the Commonwealth Act:
(a)  for the words “stock exchange in a State or in another Territory” there were substituted the words “stock exchange in a State other than New South Wales or in a Territory”,
(b)  for the words “other Territory” there were substituted the word “Territory”.
In section 31A of the Commonwealth Act after the matter “Act 1986” (wherever occurring) there were inserted the words “of the Commonwealth”.
In section 38 (4) of the Commonwealth Act:
(a)  in paragraph (a) (ii) for the words “law of the place” there were substituted the words “law in force in the place”,
(b)  in paragraph (c) for the words “law of a place” there were substituted the words “law in force in a place”.
In section 42 of the Commonwealth Act:
(a)  for the words “Unclaimed Moneys Ordinance 1950” (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “Unclaimed Moneys Act 1917” or the words “Unclaimed Moneys Act 1917,” whichever are applicable,
(b)  in sub-section (15) for the words “that Ordinance” there were substituted the words “that Act”,
(c)  in sub-section (18) for the word “Commonwealth” there were substituted the word “State”.
In section 49 (6) of the Commonwealth Act for the words “of that Act” (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “of that Code”.
In section 53 of the Commonwealth Act:
(a)  in sub-section (5) for the matter “section 5 of this Act” there were substituted the matter “section 7 of the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981”,
(b)  in sub-section (5) (b) for the words “that Act” there were substituted the words “that Code”, and
(c)  in sub-section (6) after the matter “Act 1985” there were inserted the words “of the Commonwealth”.
In section 56 (1) and (2) of the Commonwealth Act for the words “, or of a regulation made for the purposes of sub-section 62 (3) or (4),” there were substituted the words “or of the regulations”.
In section 56 (1A) of the Commonwealth Act after the matter “Act 1986” there were inserted the words “of the Commonwealth”.
Sections 62 and 64 of the Commonwealth Act were repealed.
In clause 3 of Part B of the Schedule to the Commonwealth Act for the words “that Act” (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “that Code”.
In clause 3 of Part D of the Schedule to the Commonwealth Act for the words “that Act” (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “that Code”.
sch 1: Am 1981 No 123, Schs 4 (3) (4), 5; GG No 176 of 23.12.1983, p 5829 (2); GG No 81 of 16.5.1986, p 2135 (4); GG No 96 of 19.6.1986, p 2793 (5) (am GG No 169 of 24.10.1986, p 5194); GG No 103 of 4.7.1986, p 3123 (6).
Schedule 2
(Section 6)
The provisions of the regulations in force for the time being under the Commonwealth Act apply as if in those regulations:
For the words “the Act” (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “the Code”.
For the words “Companies (Acquisition of Shares) Act 1980” (where ever occurring) there were substituted the words “Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Code”.
For the words “Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory” (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “Supreme Court of New South Wales”.
For the words “Companies Act 1981” (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “Companies (New South Wales) Code”.
For the words “Companies Regulations” (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “Companies (New South Wales) Regulations”.
sch 2: Am GG No 90 of 30.6.1982, p 2965 (3).
Schedule 3
(Section 9)
The provisions of regulations in force for the time being under the Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) Act 1980 of the Commonwealth apply as if in those regulations:
For the words “the Act” (wherever occurring) there were substituted the words “the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Code”.
Schedule 4
(Section 11)
The following headings and sections shall be included in the publication of the provisions of the Commonwealth Act under section 11:
Part 1 Preliminary
This Code may be cited as the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Code.
This Code comes into operation on the day on which the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981 commences.
This Code shall be read and construed together with the agreement made on 22 December 1978 between the Commonwealth and the States in relation to a proposed scheme for the co-operative regulation of companies and the securities industry or, if that agreement is or has been amended or affected by another agreement, that agreement as so amended or affected.
This Code has effect subject to and in accordance with the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981.
Schedule 5
(Section 12)
The following headings and provisions shall be included in the publication under section 12 of the provisions of regulations in force for the time being under the Commonwealth Act:
(1)  These regulations may be cited as the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (New South Wales) Regulations.
(2)  These regulations shall come into operation on the day on which the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981 commences.
(3)  These regulations have effect subject to and in accordance with—
Schedule 6
(Section 13)
The following headings and provisions shall be included in the publication under section 13 of the Schedule to regulations in force for the time being prescribing fees under the Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) Act 1980 of the Commonwealth:
These regulations may be cited as the Companies (Acquisition of Shares—Fees) (New South Wales) Regulations.
These regulations shall come into operation on the day on which the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981 commences.
The fees payable for the purposes of section 9 of the Companies (Acquisition of Shares) (Application of Laws) Act 1981 are the fees specified in the Schedule in relation to the respective matters so specified.
Schedule Fees