An Act to sanction the construction of a line of railway from Canowindra to Gregra; and for purposes connected therewith.
1 Name of Act
This Act may be cited as the Canowindra to Gregra Railway Act 1924.
2 Work sanctioned
The carrying out of the work described in the Schedule is hereby sanctioned.
3 The plan
The plan of the said work is the plan marked “New South Wales Railways—Schedule Plan, Canowindra to Gregra”, signed by the Railway Commissioners for New South Wales and countersigned by the Chief Engineer for Railway and Tramway Construction, and deposited in the public office of the said Commissioners.
4 Cost
The cost of carrying out the said work is estimated at two hundred and sixteen thousand one hundred and ninety-eight pounds (exclusive of land resumptions), and shall not under any circumstances exceed the estimated cost by more than ten per centum.
5 Work may be constructed on road
The said work may be constructed on or along or by the side of any public road or highway.
THIS railway commences at a point on the branch line from Canowindra to Eugowra about 1 mile north-westerly from Canowindra Station, and proceeds northerly on the eastern side of Toms Water Hole Creek for about 14 miles to the main road to Orange, which it crosses; thence a north-westerly bearing is taken for about 3 miles to a point about 3 miles east of the village of Toogong; thence a north-easterly bearing is taken for 6 miles, and Bowen Creek is crossed near its confluence with Bourimbla Creek, which is ascended to a point about 2½ miles east of the village of Cudal; thence a northerly direction takes the line across Boree and Sandy Creeks near their confluence, and the latter creek is ascended for about 4 miles, and the line ends by a junction with the branch railway from Orange to Condobolin at the eastern end of Gregra Station at 224 miles 65 chains 52 links from Sydney via Orange, being a total distance of 33 miles 70 chains; and is subject to such deviations and modifications as may be considered desirable by the Constructing Authority.