An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the establishment, preservation and management of national parks, historic sites and certain other areas and the protection of certain Aboriginal objects; to repeal the Wild Flowers and Native Plants Protection Act 1927, the Fauna Protection Act 1948, the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1967 and certain other enactments; to amend the Local Government Act 1919 and certain other Acts in certain respects; and for purposes connected therewith.
Part 1 Preliminary
1 Name of Act
This Act may be cited as the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
2 Commencement
(1) This section and section 1 shall commence on the date of assent to this Act.(2) Except as provided in subsection (1), this Act shall commence on such day as may be appointed by the Governor in respect thereof and as may be notified by proclamation published in the Gazette.
2A Objects of Act
(1) The objects of this Act are as follows—(a) the conservation of nature, including, but not limited to, the conservation of—(i) habitat, ecosystems and ecosystem processes, and(ii) biological diversity at the community, species and genetic levels, and(iii) landforms of significance, including geological features and processes, and(iv) landscapes and natural features of significance including wilderness and wild rivers,(b) the conservation of objects, places or features (including biological diversity) of cultural value within the landscape, including, but not limited to—(i) places, objects and features of significance to Aboriginal people, and(ii) places of social value to the people of New South Wales, and(iii) places of historic, architectural or scientific significance,(c) fostering public appreciation, understanding and enjoyment of nature and cultural heritage and their conservation,(d) providing for the management of land reserved under this Act in accordance with the management principles applicable for each type of reservation.(2) The objects of this Act are to be achieved by applying the principles of ecologically sustainable development.(3) In carrying out functions under this Act, the Minister, the Secretary and the Service are to give effect to the following—(a) the objects of this Act,(b) the public interest in the protection of the values for which land is reserved under this Act and the appropriate management of those lands.
3 Act binds Crown
This Act binds the Crown, not only in right of New South Wales but also, so far as the legislative power of Parliament permits, the Crown in all its other capacities.
4 Repeals, amendments, savings, transitional and other provisions
(1), (2) (Repealed)(3) Schedule 3 has effect.
5 Definitions
(1) In this Act, except in so far as the context or subject-matter otherwise indicates or requires—Aboriginal area means lands dedicated as an Aboriginal area under this Act.Aboriginal heritage impact permit means a permit issued under Division 2 of Part 6.Aboriginal object means any deposit, object or material evidence (not being a handicraft made for sale) relating to the Aboriginal habitation of the area that comprises New South Wales, being habitation before or concurrent with (or both) the occupation of that area by persons of non-Aboriginal extraction, and includes Aboriginal remains.Aboriginal owner board members, in relation to lands reserved or dedicated under Part 4A, means the Aboriginal owners who are members of the board of management for the lands.Aboriginal owners has the same meaning as in the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.Note—The term Aboriginal owners of land is defined in the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 to mean the Aboriginal persons named as having a cultural association with the land in the Register of Aboriginal Owners kept under Division 3 of Part 9 of that Act.Aboriginal person has the same meaning as in the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 and Aboriginal people has a corresponding meaning.Aboriginal place means any place declared to be an Aboriginal place under section 84.Aboriginal remains means the body or the remains of the body of a deceased Aboriginal person, but does not include—(a) a body or the remains of a body buried in a cemetery in which non-Aboriginal persons are also buried, or(b) a body or the remains of a body dealt with or to be dealt with in accordance with a law of the State relating to medical treatment or the examination, for forensic or other purposes, of the bodies of deceased persons.Act of 1967 means the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1967.adaptive reuse of a building or structure on land means the modification of the building or structure and its curtilage to suit an existing or proposed use, and that use of the building or structure, but only if—(a) the modification and use is carried out in a sustainable manner, and(b) the modification and use are not inconsistent with the conservation of the natural and cultural values of the land, and(c) in the case of a building or structure of cultural significance, the modification is compatible with the retention of the cultural significance of the building or structure.advisory committee means an advisory committee constituted under this Act.amphibian means any frog or other member of the class amphibia that is native to Australia and includes the eggs and the young thereof and the skin or any other part thereof.animal means any animal, whether vertebrate or invertebrate, and at whatever stage of development, but does not include fish within the meaning of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 other than amphibians or aquatic or amphibious mammals or aquatic or amphibious reptiles.approval includes a consent, licence or permission and any form of authorisation.means the Secretary or a person appointed as an authorised officer for the time being under section 156B.bird means any bird that is native to, or is of a species that periodically or occasionally migrates to, Australia, and includes the eggs and the young thereof and the skin, feathers or any other part thereof.board of management means a board of management established under Division 6 of Part 4A.carbon sequestration right—see section 82A(2).commencement day means the day appointed and notified under section 2 (2).community service includes the supply, provision or maintenance of access roads, parking areas or mooring areas, an electricity, gas or water service and a sewerage or garbage disposal service.conservation agreement means an agreement entered into under Division 12 of Part 4.conservation area means land subject to a conservation agreement.Council means the National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council constituted under this Act.Crown lands means—(a) Crown land within the meaning of the Crown Land Management Act 2016, and(b) those parts of the seabed and of the waters beneath which it is submerged that are within the territorial jurisdiction of New South Wales and not within the Eastern Division described in the Second Schedule to the Crown Lands Consolidation Act 1913 (as in force immediately before its repeal).damage in relation to habitat (including critical habitat) includes damage by the removal or relocation of the habitat or a part of the, in carbon sequestration rights, includes acquire, hold, sell or trade in the rights.Department means the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.ecological community has the same meaning as in the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.egg includes any part of an egg or eggshell.endangered ecological community means an endangered or critically endangered ecological community within the meaning of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.endangered population means an endangered population within the meaning of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.endangered species means an endangered or critically endangered species within the meaning of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.exercise a function includes perform a duty.ex-officio ranger means a person who, by the operation of section 16, is a ranger by virtue of the person’s office.explosive means an explosive within the meaning of the Explosives Act 2003.fauna means any mammal, bird, reptile or amphibian.flora reserve means a flora reserve within the meaning of the Forestry Act 2012.function includes a power, authority or duty.Fund means the National Parks and Wildlife Fund referred to in section 137.habitat includes habitat periodically or occasionally occupied by a species, population or ecological community.harm an animal (including an animal of a threatened species, population or ecological community) includes hunt, shoot, poison, net, snare, spear, pursue, capture, trap, injure or kill, but does not include harm by changing the habitat of an animal.harm an object or place includes any act or omission that—(a) destroys, defaces or damages the object or place, or(b) in relation to an object—moves the object from the land on which it had been situated, or(c) is specified by the regulations, orbut does not include any act or omission that—(d) causes or permits the object or place to be harmed in a manner referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c),(e) desecrates the object or place, or(f) is trivial or negligible, or(g) is excluded from this definition by the regulations.historic site means lands reserved as a historic site under this Act.honorary ranger means a person appointed as an honorary ranger under this Act.interim protection order means an order made under Part 6A.intertidal zone means the area between mean high water mark and mean low water mark.karst conservation reserve means lands dedicated as a karst conservation reserve under this Act.karst environment means an area of land, including subterranean land, that has developed in soluble rock through the processes of solution, abrasion or collapse, together with its associated bedrock, soil, water, gases and biodiversity.lands of the Crown means lands vested in a Minister of the Crown or in a public authority.local council means the council of a local government area.mammal means any mammal, whether native, introduced or imported, and includes an aquatic or amphibious mammal, the eggs and the young of a mammal, and the skin or any other part of a mammal, but does not include any introduced or imported domestic mammal or any rat or mouse not native to principles, in relation to land reserved under this Act, means the management principles set out in Division 2 of Part 4 for the land.minerals includes coal, shale and petroleum.modified natural area means an area of land where the native vegetation cover has been substantially modified or removed by human activity (other than activity relating to bush fire management or wild fire) and that is identified in a plan of management as not being appropriate for or capable of restoration.motor vehicle means a motor car, motor carriage, motor cycle or other apparatus propelled on land, snow or ice wholly or partly by volatile spirit, steam, gas, oil or electricity.national park means lands reserved as a national park under this Act.National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust means the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust established under section 93.National Parks and Wildlife Reserve Trust means the National Parks and Wildlife Reserve Trust as reconstituted by section 9 of the National Park Estate (Land Transfers) Act 1998.national parks legislation means each of the following Acts and the regulations under those Acts—(a) this Act,(b) (Repealed)(c) Wilderness Act 1987,native plant means any tree, shrub, fern, creeper, vine, palm or plant that is native to Australia, and includes the flower and any other part thereof.nature reserve means lands dedicated as a nature reserve under this Act.officer of the Service means a person referred to in section 6.owner, in relation to lands, includes every person who jointly or severally, whether at law or in equity—(a) is entitled to the lands for any estate of freehold in possession,(b) is a person to whom the Crown has lawfully contracted to sell the lands under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 or any other Act relating to the alienation of lands of the Crown, or(c) is entitled to receive, or is in receipt of, or if the lands were let to a tenant would be entitled to receive, the rents and profits thereof, whether as beneficial owner, trustee, mortgagee in possession or otherwise.pick a plant (including a native plant, a protected native plant and a plant that is of, or is part of, a threatened species, population or ecological community) includes gather, pluck, cut, pull up, destroy, poison, take, dig up, crush, trample, remove or injure the plant or any part of the plant.plan of management means a plan of management under Part 5.plant includes fungi and lichen.population has the same meaning as in the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.premises includes building, store, shop, tent, hut or other structure, or place, whether built upon or not, or any part thereof.prescribed means prescribed by this Act or the regulations.principles of ecologically sustainable development means the principles of ecologically sustainable development described in section 6 (2) of the Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991.prohibited weapon means—(a) a gun, rifle, weapon or other article—(i) from which a bullet, shot or other hurtful thing or material may be discharged, whether by an explosive or by any other means whatever, orand any telescopic sight, silencer or other accessory attached to the gun, rifle, weapon or article,(ii) that is designed to be used to discharge, whether by an explosive or by any other means whatever, a dart or other thing or material containing, coated or impregnated with a drug or other substance, for the purpose of tranquillising or immobilising an animal by means of the administration to the animal of the drug or other substance,(b) any other weapon prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph, and(c) an article or device that, but for the absence of, or a defect in, some part thereof, or some obstruction therein, would be a gun, rifle, weapon or article referred to in paragraph (a) or a weapon prescribed for the purposes of paragraph (b).prospect means search for any mineral by any means and carry out such works and remove such samples as may be necessary to test the mineral bearing qualities of land.protected fauna means a protected animal within the meaning of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.protected native plant means a native plant of a species named or referred to in Schedule 13.means a public or local authority constituted by or under an Act, a Public Service agency or a statutory body representing the Crown.public register means the public register kept under section 188F.regional advisory committee means an advisory committee constituted under section 24 (2).regional park means land reserved as a regional park under this Act.regional park trust means a regional park trust established under section 47S.registered native title claimant has the same meaning as it has in the Native Title Act 1993 of the Commonwealth.regulations means regulations under this Act.reptile means a snake, lizard, crocodile, tortoise, turtle or other member of the class reptilia (whether native, introduced or imported), and includes the eggs and the young thereof and the skin or any other part thereof.Secretary means the Secretary of the Department.sell includes—(a) auction, barter, exchange or supply,(b) offer, expose, supply or receive for sale,(c) send, forward or deliver for sale or on sale,(d) dispose of under a hire-purchase agreement,(e) cause, permit or suffer the doing of an act referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d),(f) offer or attempt to do an act so referred to,(g) cause, permit or suffer to be sold,(h) attempt to sell or offer to sell, or(i) have in possession for sale.Service means the National Parks and Wildlife Service as referred to in section, in relation to fauna, means the whole or part of the integument of any fauna, whether dressed or tanned or otherwise processed, but does not include any manufactured article.species has the same meaning as in the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.specified, in relation to a licence or other instrument under this Act, means specified in the licence or other instrument.state conservation area means land reserved as a state conservation area under this Act.state conservation area trust means a state conservation area trust established under section 47GA in respect of Cape Byron State Conservation Area.State forest means a State forest within the meaning of the Forestry Act 2012.sustainable, in relation to visitor or tourist use and enjoyment of land, means sustainable within the meaning of the principles of ecologically sustainable development.threatened species has the same meaning as in the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.threatened species, populations and ecological communities and threatened species, population or ecological community have the same meanings as in the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.threatening process has the same meaning as in the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.timber reserve means a timber reserve within the meaning of the Forestry Act board means a trust board established under—(a) section 47GB in respect of a state conservation area trust, or(b) section 47T in respect of a regional park trust.Valuer-General means the valuer-general appointed under the Valuation of Land Act 1916.vehicle includes—(a) a boat or other object that, while floating on water or submerged, whether wholly or partly, under water, is wholly or partly used for the conveyance of persons or things,(b) an apparatus that, while propelled, or directed or controlled, in the air by human or mechanical power or by the wind, is wholly or partly used for the conveyance of persons or things,(c) a motor vehicle,(d) an apparatus propelled, or directed or controlled, upon land, snow or ice by human or animal power or by the wind, and(e) a trailer or caravan, whether or not it is in the course of being towed.wild, in relation to any species of fauna, means not domesticated.wild river means a river declared to be a wild river under this Act.wilderness area means land (including subterranean land) that is reserved under this Act and is declared to be a wilderness area under the Wilderness Act 1987.wilderness protection agreement has the same meaning as it has in the Wilderness Act 1987.wildlife means fauna and native plants.wildlife refuge means lands declared to be a wildlife refuge under this heritage property means property of outstanding universal value that is inscribed on the World Heritage List under Article 11 of the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage done at Paris on 23 November 1972, as in force in heritage values means natural, heritage and cultural values contained in a world heritage property that are of outstanding universal value as described by the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage done at Paris on 23 November 1972, as in force in Australia.Note—The Interpretation Act 1987 contains definitions and other provisions that affect the interpretation and application of this Act.(2) In this Act, a reference to the Minister administering the Crown Land Management Act 2016 is—(a) in relation to lands that are not within an area that was an irrigation area within the meaning of the Crown Lands Act 1989 immediately before its repeal—a reference to the Minister administering the Crown Land Management Act 2016, or(b) in relation to lands that are within such an irrigation area—a reference to the Minister administering the Water Management Act 2000.(2A) In this Act, a reference to a person convicted of an offence includes a reference to a person in respect of whom an order under section 10 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 is made after the commencement of this subsection.(3), (4) (Repealed)(5) In this Act, a reference to sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment includes a reference to appropriate public recreation.(6) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as operating to affect the law from time to time in force with respect to the navigation of the waters referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition of Crown lands in subsection (1).(7) Before a regulation is made under paragraph (c) or (g) of the definition of harm in subsection (1), the Minister is required to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that—(a) a notice is to be published in a daily newspaper circulating throughout New South Wales—(i) stating the objects of the proposed regulation, and(ii) advising where a copy of the regulation may be obtained or inspected, and(iii) inviting comments and submissions within a specified time, but not less than 28 days from publication of the notice, and(b) consultation is to take place with the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee, and(c) all the comments and submissions received are to be appropriately considered.
5A Notes in text
Notes in the text of this Act do not form part of this Act.
Part 2 Administration
Division 1 National Parks and Wildlife Service
6 The Service
The National Parks and Wildlife Service consists of the following—(a) the Secretary,(b) that part of the Department that is principally involved in the administration of the national parks legislation,(c) the persons in respect of whom any arrangements under section 11 are for the time being in force.
7 Functions of Secretary relating to reservation of land
(1) The Secretary is to consider, and may investigate, proposals for the addition of areas to any land reserved under Part 4 or for the reservation of any new areas under Part 4.(2) When considering or investigating any such proposal, the Secretary is to have regard to the following—(a) the desirability of protecting the full range of natural heritage and the maintenance of natural processes,(b) whether the proposal is consistent with the establishment of a comprehensive, adequate and representative reserve system,(c) the desirability of protecting cultural heritage,(d) providing opportunities for appropriate public appreciation and understanding, and sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment, of land reserved under this Act,(e) the opportunities for promoting the integration of the management of natural and cultural values,(f) the desirability of protecting wilderness values,(g) the objects of this Act,(h) the desirability of protecting world heritage properties and world heritage values.
8 Miscellaneous functions of Secretary
(1)–(2A) (Repealed)(3) The Secretary shall in the case of every national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve and Aboriginal area—(a) promote such educational activities as the Secretary considers necessary in respect thereof,(b) arrange for the carrying out of such works as the Secretary considers necessary for or in connection with the management and maintenance thereof, and(c) undertake such scientific research as the Secretary considers necessary for or in connection with the preservation, protection, management and use thereof.(4) The Secretary may promote such educational activities, and undertake such scientific research, in respect of Aboriginal objects and Aboriginal places as the Secretary thinks fit, either separately or in conjunction with other persons or bodies.(4A) The Secretary is to promote opportunities for partnerships and agreements between Aboriginal people and land owners and managers in relation to places, objects and features of significance to Aboriginal people (whether on land reserved or acquired under this Act or not).(5) As soon as practicable after an Aboriginal object is discovered on any land reserved under this Act, the Secretary, after such consultation with the Australian Museum Trust as appears necessary or expedient, is required to assess the scientific importance of the Aboriginal object.(6) The Secretary may consider and investigate proposals in relation to existing or proposed Aboriginal places, wilderness areas, wild rivers, wildlife refuges and interim protection orders.(6A) The Secretary may—(a) consider and investigate proposals in relation to existing or proposed conservation areas,(b) enter into negotiations on behalf of the Minister in relation to existing or proposed conservation areas, and(c) in the case of every conservation area, but subject to the terms of the conservation agreement concerned—(i) promote such educational activities as the Secretary considers necessary in respect of the area,(ii) arrange for the carrying out of such works as the Secretary considers necessary for or in connection with the management and maintenance of the area,(iii) undertake such scientific research as the Secretary considers necessary for or in connection with the preservation, protection, management and use of the area, and(iv) take such other action as the Secretary considers necessary for or in connection with the carrying out of directions by the Minister relating to existing or proposed conservation agreements.(7) The Secretary—(a) may promote such educational activities as the Secretary considers necessary to awaken and maintain an appreciation of the value of and the need to conserve animal and plant life, including to conserve threatened species, populations and ecological communities, and their habitats,(b) may enter into arrangements for the carrying out of such works as the Secretary considers necessary for or in connection with the protection and care of fauna and the protection of native plants,(c) may undertake such scientific research as the Secretary considers necessary for or in connection with the preservation, protection and care of fauna and the protection of native plants and other flora, either separately or in conjunction with other persons or bodies, and(d) shall co-operate with the Crown land managers of any dedicated or reserved Crown land under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 in connection with—(i) the preservation of, the protection and care of, and the promotion of the study of, fauna, andand generally shall co-operate with any other persons or bodies in the establishment, care and development of areas of lands set apart for the conservation and preservation of wildlife.(ii) the protection of, and the promotion of the study of, native plants and other flora,(8) The Secretary may promote such educational activities as the Secretary considers necessary for the instruction and training of ex-officio rangers, honorary rangers and prospective honorary rangers.(9) Without affecting the generality of any other provision of this Act conferring powers on the Secretary, the Secretary may make and enter into contracts with any person for the carrying out of works or the performance of services or the supply of goods or materials in connection with the exercise or performance by the Secretary or the Service of the Secretary’s or its responsibilities, powers, authorities, duties or functions conferred or imposed by or under this or any other Act.(10) The Secretary shall, in the exercise and discharge of the powers, authorities, duties and functions conferred or imposed on the Secretary by or under this or any other Act, be subject to the control and direction of the Minister.(11), (12) (Repealed)
9 Audit and compliance
(1) The Minister is to establish an Audit and Compliance Committee to oversee the compliance of the Secretary with his or her obligations under this or any other Act.(2) The Minister may also request the Audit and Compliance Committee to oversee the investigation of any matter relating to the Secretary’s obligations under this or any other Act.(2A) The Audit and Compliance Committee has such other functions as may be conferred or imposed on it by this or any other Act.(3) The Audit and Compliance Committee may request the Secretary to provide any document or information in the Secretary’s possession to assist the Committee in the exercise of its functions. The Secretary must, unless the Minister directs otherwise, provide such documents or information to the Committee.(4) The members of the Committee are to comprise the Secretary (or the Secretary’s delegate) and the following members appointed by the Minister—(a) 1 member of the Council,(b) (Repealed)(c) 1 member with expertise in the protection of natural or cultural heritage who is not a person employed in the Public Service,(d) 1 member with scientific qualifications and expertise in nature conservation, not being an officer of the Service,(e) 1 member with legal or financial experience and expertise, not being a person employed in the Public Service,(f) 2 officers of the Service.(5) The members of the Committee referred to in subsection (4) (a), (c), (d) and (e) are entitled to be paid such remuneration (including travelling and subsistence allowances) as the Minister may from time to time determine in respect of the member.(6) An appointed member of the Committee holds office for such period, and on such terms, as are specified in the member’s instrument of appointment, but is eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-appointment.(7) The Audit and Compliance Committee is to report to the Minister at least every 2 years from the commencement of this section.
10 (Repealed)
11 Use of services of personnel of public authorities
(1) (Repealed)(2) The Minister or the Secretary may, with the approval of the statutory corporation or council concerned, on such terms as may be arranged, make use of the services of any of the officers, employees or servants of a statutory corporation or of a council, county council or joint organisation under the Local Government Act 1993.(3) (Repealed)(4) The Minister or the Secretary may, with the approval of the trustees of any state conservation area, on such terms as may be arranged, make use of the services of any of the officers, employees or servants of those trustees.(5) The services of any person may only be used under this section for the purposes of the national parks legislation.
12 Powers and functions of Service
The Service is to carry out such works and activities as the Minister may direct, either generally or in a particular case, in relation to the following—(a) the conservation and protection of land reserved under this Act or acquired for reservation under this Act and of land for which the National Parks and Wildlife Reserve Trust is the Crown land manager,(b) the conservation and protection of wildlife (including threatened species, populations and ecological communities, and their habitats),(c) the conservation and protection of wilderness areas and wild rivers,(d) the identification, conservation and protection of, and prevention of damage to, Aboriginal objects and Aboriginal places,(e) conservation agreements and conservation areas,(f) the provision of facilities and opportunities for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment on land reserved under this Act,(g) the identification and protection of buildings, places and objects of non-Aboriginal cultural values on land reserved under this Act,(h) the conduct of research into and the monitoring of any of the matters referred to in paragraphs (a)–(e),(i) the undertaking of public education in relation to any of the matters referred to in paragraphs (a)–(e).
Division 2
13–15 (Repealed)
Division 3 Ex-officio and honorary rangers
16 Ex-officio rangers
(1) Unless removed from office under this Division, each police officer, each authorised officer within the meaning of the Forestry Act 2012 and each fisheries officer within the meaning of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 shall, by virtue of his or her office, be a ranger.(2) (Repealed)
17 Honorary rangers
(1) The Secretary may, by instrument in writing, appoint honorary rangers.(2) Where the term for which an honorary ranger is to hold office is specified in the instrument of the honorary ranger’s appointment, the honorary ranger shall, unless he or she is sooner removed from office under this Division, cease to hold office upon the expiration of that term.(3) An honorary ranger shall, unless the honorary ranger is sooner removed from office under this Division, cease to hold office if the honorary ranger resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the Secretary.
18 Removal or suspension of ex-officio and honorary rangers
(1) The Secretary may, by instrument in writing, remove or suspend from office any ex-officio ranger or honorary ranger.(2) An ex-officio ranger or honorary ranger who is suspended from office under this section shall not exercise any of the powers, authorities, duties and functions of an ex-officio ranger or honorary ranger, as the case may be, during the period of his or her suspension.(3) The Secretary may, by instrument in writing, reinstate any ex-officio ranger or honorary ranger suspended from office under this section.
19 Powers and functions of ex-officio rangers
(1) In addition to any other powers, authorities, duties and functions conferred or imposed upon an ex-officio ranger by or under this or any other Act, an ex-officio ranger shall have and may exercise and perform such of the powers, authorities, duties and functions as are conferred or imposed by or under this Act, the Wilderness Act 1987 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 on officers of the Service and as are specified or described in the regulations for the purposes of this subsection, but subject to such limitations and restrictions (if any) as are specified or described therein.(2) Without affecting the generality of section 156 (2), a regulation made in relation to any matter referred to in subsection (1) may apply generally or to any ex-officio ranger or class of ex-officio rangers specified or described therein.
20 Powers and functions of honorary rangers
In addition to any other powers, authorities, duties and functions conferred or imposed upon an honorary ranger by or under this or any other Act, an honorary ranger shall have and may exercise and perform such of the powers, authorities, duties and functions as are conferred or imposed by or under this Act, the Wilderness Act 1987 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 on officers of the Service and as are specified or described in the instrument of his or her appointment, but subject to such limitations and restrictions (if any) as are specified or described therein.
Division 4 Delegation
21 Delegation
(1) The Minister may delegate the exercise of any function of the Minister under this Act (other than this power of delegation) to—(a) the Secretary, or(b) a person employed in the Department, or(c) a board of management, or(c1) a state conservation area trust or a regional park trust, or(c2) the CEO of the Environment Protection Authority, or(c3) a member of staff of the Environment Protection Authority, or(d) any person, or any class of persons, authorised for the purposes of this subsection by the regulations.(2) The Secretary may delegate the exercise of any function of the Secretary under this Act (other than this power of delegation) to—(a) a person employed in the Department, or(b) a board of management, or(b1) the CEO of the Environment Protection Authority, or(b2) a member of staff of the Environment Protection Authority, or(c) any person, or any class of persons, authorised for the purposes of this subsection by the regulations.(3) The power to delegate under subsection (1) or (2) extends to the following functions of the Minister or the Secretary, as the case may be—(a) functions conferred or imposed by Acts that substantially provide for the reservation of land under this Act, or the vesting of land in the Minister for the purposes of Part 11 (for example, the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005, the National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2002 and the National Park Estate (Southern Region Reservations) Act 2000),(b) functions conferred or imposed by Acts, that are exercisable—(i) by the Minister as owner or occupier of land, being land acquired, or the subject of other dealings, by the Minister (whether on behalf of Her Majesty or on the Minister’s own behalf) under Part 11, or(ii) by the Secretary as an occupier of land, being land of which the Secretary has care, control and management under this Act,(c) functions conferred or imposed—(i) on the Minister by section 5.57 (3) of the Crown Land Management Act 2016, or(ii) on the Secretary by section 14 (1A) of the Dividing Fences Act 1991, or(iii) on the Secretary, as an authority, under the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021, or(iv) on the Secretary by section 36A (3) (d) (ii), 36B (4) (d) (ii) or 36D (3) (d) (ii) of the Local Government Act 1993, or(v) on the Secretary by section 15 (4) or (5) of the Plantations and Reafforestation Act 1999, or(vi) on the Secretary under the Public Health Act 2010 in relation to burials on land reserved or acquired under this Act, or(vii) on the Secretary by 100K (1) (b) of the Rural Fires Act 1997, or(viii) on the Secretary by the State Records Act 1998, section 25(2), or(ix) on the Secretary (as an enforcement agency) by or under the Food Act 2003.
Part 3 Council and committees
Division 1 National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council
22 The Council
(1) There shall be a National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council.(2) Schedule 7 has effect.
23 Functions and duties of Council
(1) The Council has the following functions—(a) to provide advice to the Minister and the Secretary on—(i) strategies for attaining the objects of this Act, and(ii) the development, implementation and review of the policies and plans of the Service directed towards achieving those objects, and(iii) strategies for promoting, consistent with this Act, the conservation of natural and cultural heritage outside the reserve system, and(iv) the care, control and management of areas reserved under this Act, including, if requested by the Minister, the content of specific plans of management, and(v) (Repealed)(vi) conservation agreements and conservation areas, and(vii) wilderness areas and wild rivers, and(viii) any matter referred to the Council for advice under this Act or by the Minister or the Secretary or that the Council considers necessary for the administration of this Act.(b) to consult with the Secretary on the Service’s operations and on the administration of this Act,(c) such other functions as are conferred on it by or under this or any other Act.(2) Subject to section 8 (10), the Secretary shall furnish to the Council full information in relation to any matters arising out of the administration of this Act which the Council may require.(3) (Repealed)
Division 2 Advisory committees
24 Constitution of advisory committees
(1) The Secretary is to divide the State into administrative regions and may at any time alter or abolish those administrative regions.(2) A regional advisory committee is to be constituted for each administrative region.(3) Additional advisory committees may be constituted by the Minister for particular purposes determined by the Minister.(4) Schedule 8 contains provisions with respect to each regional advisory committee constituted under subsection (2).(5) The Minister may determine the constitution and procedure of an additional advisory committee constituted under subsection (3).
25 Functions of advisory committees
(1) A regional advisory committee has the following functions—(a) to provide advice to the Secretary and the Council on policies and plans for the administrative region for which it was constituted,(b) to provide advice to the Secretary and the Council on activities carried out or proposed to be carried out within the administrative region for which it was constituted,(c) to provide advice to the Minister on draft plans of management relating to the administrative region for which the committee was constituted,(d) to provide advice to the Secretary on the implementation of plans of management relating to the administrative region for which it was constituted.(2) An advisory committee referred to in section 24 (3) has such advisory functions as are conferred or imposed on it by the Minister.(3) A regional advisory committee has no function in relation to the Community Conservation Area under the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005.Note—The members of a Community Conservation Advisory Committee established under that Act are to include a member of the relevant regional advisory committee.
26 Dissolution of advisory committees
(1) If an administrative region for which a regional advisory committee is constituted is abolished, the advisory committee is dissolved.(2) A person who was a member of the advisory committee immediately before its dissolution is eligible for appointment to another advisory committee constituted for an administrative region that encompasses all or any part of the former administrative region for which the dissolved committee was constituted.
Division 3 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee
27 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee
(1) There is to be an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee.(2) Schedule 9 has effect.
28 Functions of Committee
The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee is to advise the Minister and the Secretary on any matter relating to the identification, assessment and management of Aboriginal cultural heritage, including providing strategic advice on the plan of management and the heritage impact permit process, whether or not the matter has been referred to the Committee by the Minister or the Secretary.
Division 4 Karst Management Advisory Committee
29 Constitution of Karst Management Advisory Committee
(1) There is constituted by this Act the Karst Management Advisory Committee.(2) The Committee is to consist of—(a) the Chairperson of the Committee who is to be the Secretary or a person employed in the Department nominated for the time being by the Secretary, and(b) 9 other persons appointed by the Minister.(3) Of the members appointed by the Minister under subsection (2) (b)—(a) one is to be a person who is a member of a regional advisory committee for a region that, in the opinion of the Minister, contains significant areas of karst, and(b) one is to be a person who has qualifications in karst or earth sciences or in a related discipline, and(c) one is to be a person with qualifications in geomorphology, hydrology, water management or a related discipline, and(d) one is to be a person with qualifications and experience in eco-tourism or recreational planning, and(e) one is to be a person nominated by the Australian Speleological Federation Inc, and(f) one is to be a person nominated by the NSW Heritage Office, and(g) one is to be a person nominated by the National Parks Association of NSW Inc, and(h) one is to be a person nominated by the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, and(i) one is to be a person nominated by the Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales.(4) The Chairperson of the Committee is entitled to attend and chair meetings of the Committee but is not entitled to vote at any such meeting.(5) Schedule 4 has effect with respect to the members and procedure of the Committee.
30 Function of Karst Management Advisory Committee
(1) The function of the Karst Management Advisory Committee is to advise the Council on the following matters—(a) the conservation and management of karst environments on lands reserved, or acquired for reservation, under this Act (including matters relating to planning and policy),(b) (Repealed)(c) such other matters as are referred to the Committee by the Council, being matters relating to the administration of this Act with respect to karst environments,(d) the development, implementation and review of policies directed towards achieving the objects of this Act in relation to karst environments,(e) priorities for research relating to the management and conservation of karst environments across the State,(f) opportunities for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment of karst conservation reserves compatible with the reserves’ natural and cultural values,(g) opportunities for sustainable use (including adaptive reuse) of any buildings or structures on, or modified natural areas of, karst conservation reserves having regard to the conservation of the reserves’ natural and cultural values,(h) opportunities to secure funding in relation to the management and conservation of karst environments,(i) the protection of karst environments across the State,(j) assisting, supporting and promoting Government initiatives in relation to karst conservation.(2) The function of the Karst Management Advisory Committee is also to advise a regional advisory committee on a plan of management for land reserved under this Act that contains significant karst environment, being a plan the responsible authority has referred to the Committee for consideration and advice.
Part 4 Reservation of land
Division 1 Reservation of land
30A Governor may reserve certain land
(1) The Governor may, by notice published in the Gazette, reserve land as any of the following or as part of any of the following—(a) a national park,(b) a historic site,(c) a state conservation area,(d) a regional park,(e) a karst conservation reserve,(f) a nature reserve,(g) an Aboriginal area.(2) The Governor may in a notice reserving land under this Division, or another notice published in the Gazette, assign a name to the reserved land or alter its name.
30B Land that may be reserved under this Division
Land may only be reserved under this Division if it is—(a) Crown lands, or(b) lands of the Crown, or(c) land acquired under section 145, 146 or 148, or(d) land in respect of which the National Parks and Wildlife Reserve Trust is appointed the Crown land manager under section 9 of the National Park Estate (Land Transfers) Act 1998 or under section 8 of the National Park Estate (Southern Region Reservations) Act 2000, or(e) crown lands reserved under the Crown Land Acts (within the meaning of the Crown Land Management Act 2016).
30C Limitations on reservation of land as national park, historic site regional park, karst conservation reserve, nature reserve or Aboriginal area
Despite section 30B, land must not be reserved as a national park, historic site, regional park, karst conservation reserve, nature reserve or Aboriginal area—(a) in the case of lands of the Crown, without the concurrence in writing of the Minister or public authority in whom or which they are vested, and(b) in the case of Crown lands referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition of Crown lands, without the concurrence in writing of the Minister administering the Fisheries Management Act 1994, and(c) in the case of Crown-timber lands within the meaning of the Forestry Act 2012, without the concurrence in writing of the Minister administering that Act.
30D Limitation on reservation of land as state conservation area
Despite section 30B, land must not be reserved as a state conservation area—(a) in the case of lands of the Crown, without the concurrence in writing of the Minister or public authority in whom they are vested, and(b) in the case of Crown lands referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition of Crown lands, without the concurrence in writing of the Minister administering the Fisheries Management Act 1994, and(c) in the case of Crown-timber lands within the meaning of the Forestry Act 2012, without the concurrence in writing of the Minister administering that Act, and(d) without the concurrence in writing of the Minister administering the Mining Act 1992 or the Minister administering the Offshore Minerals Act 1999, as the case requires.
Division 2 Management principles
30E National parks
(1) The purpose of reserving land as a national park is to identify, protect and conserve areas containing outstanding or representative ecosystems, natural or cultural features or landscapes or phenomena that provide opportunities for public appreciation and inspiration and sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment so as to enable those areas to be managed in accordance with subsection (2).(2) A national park is to be managed in accordance with the following principles—(a) the conservation of biodiversity, the maintenance of ecosystem function, the protection of geological and geomorphological features and natural phenomena and the maintenance of natural landscapes,(b) the conservation of places, objects, features and landscapes of cultural value,(c) the protection of the ecological integrity of one or more ecosystems for present and future generations,(d) the promotion of public appreciation and understanding of the national park’s natural and cultural values,(e) provision for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment that is compatible with the conservation of the national park’s natural and cultural values,(f) provision for the sustainable use (including adaptive reuse) of any buildings or structures or modified natural areas having regard to the conservation of the national park’s natural and cultural values,(fa) provision for the carrying out of development in any part of a special area (within the meaning of the Hunter Water Act 1991) in the national park that is permitted under section 185A having regard to the conservation of the national park’s natural and cultural values,(g) provision for appropriate research and monitoring.
30F Historic sites
(1) The purpose of reserving land as a historic site is to identify, protect and conserve areas associated with a person, event or historical theme, or containing a building, place, feature or landscape of cultural significance so as to enable those areas to be managed in accordance with subsection (2).(2) A historic site is to be managed in accordance with the following principles—(a) the conservation of places, objects, features and landscapes of cultural value,(b) the conservation of natural values,(c) provision for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment that is compatible with the conservation of the historic site’s natural and cultural values,(d) provision for the sustainable use (including adaptive reuse) of any buildings or structures or modified natural areas having regard to the conservation of the historic site’s natural and cultural values,(da) provision for the carrying out of development in any part of a special area (within the meaning of the Hunter Water Act 1991) in the historic site that is permitted under section 185A having regard to the conservation of the historic site’s natural and cultural values,(e) the promotion of public appreciation and understanding of the historic site’s natural and cultural values,(f) provision for appropriate research and monitoring.
30G State conservation areas
(1) The purpose of reserving land as a state conservation area is to identify, protect and conserve areas—(a) that contain significant or representative ecosystems, landforms or natural phenomena or places of cultural significance, and(b) that are capable of providing opportunities for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment, the sustainable use of buildings and structures or research, andso as to enable those areas to be managed in accordance with subsection (2).(c) that are capable of providing opportunities for uses permitted under other provisions of this Act in such areas, including uses permitted under section 47J,(2) A state conservation area is to be managed in accordance with the following principles—(a) the conservation of biodiversity, the maintenance of ecosystem function, the protection of natural phenomena and the maintenance of natural landscapes,(b) the conservation of places, objects and features of cultural value,(c) provision for the undertaking of uses permitted under other provisions of this Act in such areas (including uses permitted under section 47J) having regard to the conservation of the natural and cultural values of the state conservation area,(ca) provision for the carrying out of development in any part of a special area (within the meaning of the Hunter Water Act 1991) in the state conservation area that is permitted under section 185A having regard to the conservation of the natural and cultural values of the state conservation area,(d) provision for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment that is compatible with the conservation of the state conservation area’s natural and cultural values and with uses permitted under other provisions of this Act in such areas,(e) provision for the sustainable use (including adaptive reuse) of any buildings or structures or modified natural areas having regard to the conservation of the state conservation area’s natural and cultural values and with uses permitted under other provisions of this Act in such areas,(f) provision for appropriate research and monitoring.
30H Regional parks
(1) The purpose of reserving land as a regional park is to identify, protect and conserve areas in a natural or modified landscape that are suitable for public recreation and enjoyment so as to enable those areas to be managed in accordance with subsection (2).(2) A regional park is to be managed in accordance with the following principles—(a) the provision of opportunities, in an outdoor setting, for recreation and enjoyment in natural or modified landscapes,(b) the identification, interpretation, management and conservation of the park so as to maintain and enhance significant landscape values,(c) the conservation of natural and cultural values,(d) the promotion of public appreciation and understanding of the regional park’s natural and cultural values,(e) provision for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment that is compatible with the conservation of the regional park’s natural and cultural values,(f) provision for the sustainable use (including adaptive reuse) of any buildings or structures or modified natural areas having regard to the conservation of the regional park’s natural and cultural values,(g) provision for the carrying out of development in any part of a special area (within the meaning of the Hunter Water Act 1991) in the regional park that is permitted under section 185A having regard to the conservation of the regional park’s natural and cultural values.
30I Karst conservation reserves
(1) The purpose of reserving land as a karst conservation reserve is to identify, protect and conserve areas, including subterranean land, containing outstanding or representative examples of karst landforms and natural phenomena so as to enable those areas to be managed in accordance with subsection (2).(2) A karst conservation reserve is to be managed in accordance with the following principles—(a) the conservation of the karst environment, including the protection of catchment values, such as hydrological processes and water quality,(b) the conservation of cultural values,(c) the protection of natural water movement and air movement regimes and processes within the karst environment,(d) the conservation of biodiversity, the maintenance of ecosystem function, the protection of the geological and geomorphological features and natural phenomena and the maintenance of natural landscapes, cave formations and fossil deposits,(e) provision for research and monitoring,(f) the promotion of public appreciation and understanding of the karst conservation reserve’s natural and cultural values,(g) provision for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment that is compatible with the karst conservation reserve’s natural and cultural values,(h) provision for sustainable use (including adaptive reuse) of any buildings or structures or modified natural areas having regard to the conservation of the karst conservation reserve’s natural and cultural values,(i) provision for the carrying out of development in any part of a special area (within the meaning of the Hunter Water Act 1991) in the karst conservation reserve that is permitted under section 185A having regard to the conservation of the karst conservation reserve’s natural and cultural values.
30J Nature reserves
(1) The purpose of reserving land as a nature reserve is to identify, protect and conserve areas containing outstanding, unique or representative ecosystems, species, communities or natural phenomena so as to enable those areas to be managed in accordance with subsection (2).(2) A nature reserve is to be managed in accordance with the following principles—(a) the conservation of biodiversity, the maintenance of ecosystem function, the protection of geological and geomorphological features and natural phenomena,(b) the conservation of places, objects, features and landscapes of cultural value,(c) the promotion of public appreciation, enjoyment and understanding of the nature reserve’s natural and cultural values,(d) provision for appropriate research and monitoring,(e) provision for the carrying out of development in any part of a special area (within the meaning of the Hunter Water Act 1991) in the nature reserve that is permitted under section 185A having regard to the conservation of the nature reserve’s natural and cultural values.
30K Aboriginal areas
(1) The purpose of reserving land as an Aboriginal area is to identify, protect and conserve areas associated with a person, event or historical theme, or containing a building, place, object, feature or landscape—(a) of natural or cultural significance to Aboriginal people, orso as to enable those areas to be managed in accordance with subsection (2).(b) of importance in improving public understanding of Aboriginal culture and its development and transitions,(2) An Aboriginal area is to be managed in accordance with the following principles—(a) the conservation of natural values, buildings, places, objects, features and landscapes of cultural value to Aboriginal people in accordance with the cultural values of the Aboriginal people to whose heritage the buildings, places, objects, features or landscapes belong,(b) the conservation of natural or other cultural values,(c) allowing the use of the Aboriginal area by Aboriginal people for cultural purposes,(d) the promotion of public understanding and appreciation of the Aboriginal area’s natural and cultural values and significance where appropriate,(e) provision for appropriate research and monitoring, in accordance with the cultural values of the Aboriginal people,(f) provision for the carrying out of development in any part of a special area (within the meaning of the Hunter Water Act 1991) in the Aboriginal area that is permitted under section 185A having regard to the conservation of the Aboriginal area’s natural and cultural values,(g) provision for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment that is compatible with the Aboriginal area’s natural and cultural values and the cultural values of the Aboriginal people,(h) provision for sustainable use (including adaptive reuse) of any buildings or structures or modified natural areas having regard to the Aboriginal area’s natural and cultural values and the cultural values of the Aboriginal people.
Division 3 National parks and historic sites
31 Care, control and management of parks and sites
(1) The Secretary has the care, control and management of all national parks and historic sites except as provided by subsection (2).(2) On the establishment of a board of management for a national park or historic site reserved under Part 4A, the care, control and management of the park or site is vested in the board of management.
32 (Repealed)
33 Reservation of parks and sites
(1)–(3) (Repealed)(4) On the publication in the Gazette of a notice under Division 1 reserving land as a national park or historic site—(a) the lands described in the notice become Crown lands to the extent to which they were not Crown lands immediately before that publication,(b) where a trustee of all or any part of the lands so described was holding office under any other Act immediately before that publication, the trustee shall cease to hold that office in respect of those lands or that part, as the case may be, and(c) the care, control and management of the lands so described shall vest in the Secretary.(5) On the publication of a notice under Division 1 effecting the reservation, as a particular national park or historic site, of any lands described in the notice (which lands are in this subsection referred to as the described lands)—(a) any by-laws or rules and regulations that, immediately before that publication, applied to all of the described lands and not to any other lands—(i) shall continue to apply to the described lands, and(ii) shall be deemed to be regulations made under this Act and may be amended or repealed accordingly, and(b) any by-laws or rules and regulations that, immediately before that publication, applied to—(i) part only of the described lands, orshall cease to apply to the described lands.(ii) all of the described lands and also to any other lands,(6) On the publication of a notice under Division 1 effecting the reservation as part of a particular national park or historic site, of any lands described in the notice (which lands are in this subsection referred to as the described lands)—(a) any by-laws or rules and regulations that, immediately before that publication, applied to that national park or historic site shall apply to the described lands, and(b) any by-laws or rules and regulations that, immediately before that publication, applied to all or any part of the described lands shall cease to apply to the described lands.(7) (Repealed)(8) To the extent to which a dedication, reservation (other than a reservation under this Division), Crown grant or vesting affects lands described in a notice under Division 1, the publication revokes the dedication, reservation, grant or vesting, and the instruments of title (if any) shall be surrendered for cancellation or notation, as the case may require.(9) A notice under Division 1 may relate to—(a) one or more national parks or one or more historic sites, or(b) one or more national parks and one or more historic sites.(10) (Repealed)
34 (Repealed)
35 Tabling of notice of reservation, and disallowance
(1) In this section, prescribed time, in relation to a House of Parliament, means 14 sitting days of that House, whether or not they occur during the same session.(2) A copy of a notice published under Division 1 reserving land as a national park or historic site shall be laid before each House of Parliament within the prescribed time after publication thereof.(3) Where a House of Parliament passes a resolution of which notice has been given within 15 sitting days of that House after a copy of a notice has been laid before it under subsection (2) (whether or not those sitting days occur during the same session) and the resolution disallows the reservation effected by the notice of any lands as, or as part of, a particular national park or historic site—(a) the reservation thereupon ceases to have effect, and(b) those lands cease to be, or to be part of, a national park or historic site.(4) Where any lands cease to be, or to be part of, a national park or historic site by virtue of the disallowance of a reservation under this Division—(a) the Secretary shall cease to have the care, control and management of those lands,(b) any by-laws applicable thereto immediately before the disallowance shall cease to apply to those lands, and(c) those lands may be dealt with as if they had been acquired under Part 11.(5) (Repealed)
36 (Repealed)
37 Revocation or compulsory acquisition of park or site
(1) Notwithstanding anything in any Act—(a) the reservation of lands as, or as part of, a national park or historic site shall not be revoked, orexcept by an Act of Parliament.(b) lands within a national park or historic site shall not be compulsorily acquired,(1A) Nothing in subsection (1) prevents the compulsory acquisition under this Act of lands within a national park or historic site if the reservation of the lands as, or as part of, the national park or historic site is not affected by the compulsory acquisition.(2) Nothing in subsection (1) prevents the withdrawal of land from or the termination of any lease, licence or occupancy in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof.
38 Limitation on use of name “national park”
The word “national” shall not be used either alone or in conjunction with other words as the name of a park within New South Wales unless the park is a national park under this Act.
39 Existing interests
(1) In this section, existing interest means any authority, authorisation, permit, lease, licence or occupancy.(2) Except as provided in this Act, the reservation of lands as, or as part of, a national park or historic site does not affect—(a) the terms and conditions of any existing interest in respect of those lands from the Crown or the trustees, current and in force at the time of the reservation, or(b) the use permitted of those lands under the interest.(3) Subject to subsection (4), no such interest shall be renewed nor shall the term of any such interest be extended except with the approval of the Minister and subject to such conditions as the Minister determines.(4) The provisions of subsection (3) do not apply to any authority, lease or licence under the Mining Act 1992, the Offshore Minerals Act 1999, the Fisheries Management Act 1994 or the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991, or any permit or licence under the Petroleum (Offshore) Act 1982.(5) Upon the termination, surrender, forfeiture or determination of any existing interest (otherwise than for the purpose of renewing it or extending its term) referred to in subsection (2), the lands the subject of the interest are, to the extent to which they would not, but for this subsection, be lands reserved as part of the national park or historic site within which they are situated, hereby so reserved.
40 Restrictions on disposal of or dealing with lands within parks or sites
(1) Notwithstanding anything in the Crown Land Management Act 2016 or any other Act, no lands within a national park or historic site shall be sold, leased or otherwise dealt with except as provided in this Act or in the Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997.(2) No permit to graze over any part of a travelling stock reserve or camping reserve under the care, control and management of Local Land Services, which reserve is situated within the external boundaries of a national park or historic site, shall be granted except with the concurrence in writing of the Minister.(3) A permit referred to in subsection (2) may be granted subject to such conditions as the Minister determines.
41 Mining
(1) It is unlawful to prospect or mine for minerals in a national park or historic site, except as expressly authorised by an Act of Parliament.(2) The Mining Act 1992, the Offshore Minerals Act 1999, the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 and the Petroleum (Offshore) Act 1982 do not apply to or in respect of lands within a national park or historic site.(3) This section does not apply to or in respect of existing interests, or the renewal or extension of the term of any such interest, as referred to in section 39.(4) The Minister may, subject to such terms and conditions as the Minister may determine from time to time, approve of prospecting for minerals being carried out on behalf of the Government in a national park or historic site by a person nominated by the Minister for Minerals and Energy.(5) Such an approval has no force unless, before the approval is granted, notice of intention to grant the approval is laid before both Houses of Parliament and—(a) no notice of motion that the approval not be granted is given in either House of Parliament within 15 sitting days of that House after the notice of intention was laid before it, or(b) if notice of such a motion is given, the motion is withdrawn, is defeated or lapses.(6) A certificate by the Minister to the effect that the requirements of this section have been complied with in respect of an approval specified in the certificate is conclusive evidence of compliance with those requirements.(7) Except as provided by this section, nothing in this section affects the right, title or interest of any person in respect of minerals in any lands within a national park or historic site.
42 Application of Forestry Act 2012
(1) The Forestry Act 2012 does not apply to or in respect of lands within a national park or historic site.(2) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1), all licences and permits under the Forestry Act 2012 affecting lands within a national park or historic site shall, unless sooner cancelled under that Act, continue in force until the expiration of the respective terms for which they were granted, and that Act shall continue to apply to and in respect of those licences and permits until they respectively expire or are cancelled.
43 Application of Soil Conservation Act 1938
The Soil Conservation Act 1938 applies to and in respect of lands within a national park or historic site, but any experimental or research work conducted pursuant to section 6 of that Act upon those lands shall be undertaken only with the concurrence of the Secretary and subject to such conditions and restrictions as the Secretary may impose.
44 Application of Fisheries Management Act 1994
(1) Subject to subsection (2), nothing in this Act affects the operation of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 in relation to lands within a national park or historic site.(2) A lease under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 shall not, without the concurrence in writing of the Minister, be granted in respect of lands within a national park or historic site or in respect of any waters beneath which those lands are submerged.
45 Provisions respecting animals in parks and sites
(1) A person shall not—(a) harm any animal that is within a national park or historic site, or(b) discharge a prohibited weapon in a national park or historic site.(2) A person who commits an offence arising under subsection (1) is liable to the penalty prescribed by section 175 for an offence against this Act or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or both.(3) A person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) if the person proves that the act constituting the offence was done—(a) under and in accordance with or by virtue of the authority conferred by an authorisation under section 171, or(b) in pursuance of a duty imposed on the person by or under any Act.(4) A person, being a lessee or occupier of any lands within a national park or historic site, or a person authorised by such a lessee or occupier in that behalf, shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) in respect of the harming of any animal (other than fauna or an animal of a threatened species) that is within those lands, other than fauna.(5) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to exempting, subject to the prescribed conditions and restrictions (if any), any person or class or description of persons from the provisions of subsection (1).(6) This section does not prevent—(a) an Aboriginal owner on whose behalf the lands of a national park or historic site are held by one or more Aboriginal Land Councils in accordance with Part 4A, orfrom harming an animal within the park or site for domestic purposes or for ceremonial or cultural purposes (other than an animal of a threatened species or an animal protected by the plan of management for the park or site).(b) any other Aboriginal person who has the consent of the Aboriginal owner board members,
46 Transfer of rights, liabilities and property
(1) Where upon the taking effect of a notice under Division 1 any persons cease to hold office as trustees of lands reserved as, or as part of, a national park or historic site and the care, control and management of the park or site are vested in the Secretary, the following provisions have effect—(a) all property and all right and interest therein (in this section referred to as the trust property) and all management and control of anything which immediately before that notice took effect was vested in or belonged to the trustees and was held or used by them for or in connection with the park or site shall vest in and belong to the Secretary,(b) all money and liquidated and unliquidated claims that, immediately before that notice took effect, were payable to or recoverable by the trustees or their predecessors in relation to the park or site or the trust property or any part thereof shall be money and liquidated and unliquidated claims payable to or recoverable by the Secretary,(c) all proceedings pending immediately before that notice took effect at the suit of the trustees in relation to the park or site or the trust property or any part thereof shall be deemed to be proceedings pending at the suit of the Secretary and all proceedings so pending at the suit of any person against the trustees shall be deemed to be proceedings pending at the suit of that person against the Secretary,(d) all contracts, agreements, arrangements and undertakings entered into with, and all securities lawfully given to or by, the trustees or their predecessors in relation to the park or site or the trust property or any part thereof, and in force immediately before that notice took effect, shall be deemed to be contracts, agreements, arrangements and undertakings entered into with, and securities given to or by, the Secretary,(e) the Secretary may, in addition to pursuing any other remedies or exercising any other powers that may be available to the Secretary, pursue the same remedies for the recovery of money and claims referred to in this subsection and for the prosecution of proceedings so referred to as the trustees or their predecessors might have done had they continued to be trustees of the park or site after that notice took effect,(f) the Secretary may enforce and realise any security or charge existing immediately before that notice took effect in favour of the trustees in connection with the care, control and management of the park or site, and may exercise any powers thereby conferred on the trustees as if the security or charge were a security or charge in favour of the Secretary,(g) all debts, money and claims, liquidated and unliquidated, that, immediately before that notice took effect, were due or payable by, or recoverable against, the trustees or their predecessors in connection with the care, control and management of the park or site or the trust property or any part thereof shall be debts due and money payable by, and claims recoverable against, the Secretary, and(h) all liquidated and unliquidated claims in connection with the care, control and management of the park or site for which the trustees would, but for the notice, have been liable shall be liquidated and unliquidated claims for which the Secretary shall be liable.(2) Where part only of the lands vested in trustees is, by a notice under Division 1, reserved as, or as part of, a national park or historic site and the care, control and management of the park or site are vested in the Secretary, the Secretary and the trustees shall, as soon as practicable after publication of that notice, arrange and agree upon a division of the assets, debts and liabilities of the trustees, so that the assets, debts and liabilities appropriate to the park or site and to the lands retained by the trustees may be determined, and if any difference arises between the Secretary and the trustees, the difference shall be determined in such manner as the Minister may direct.(3) (Repealed)
47 (Repealed)
Division 4 State conservation areas
47A Definition
In this Division—prescribed time, in relation to a House of Parliament, means 14 sitting days of that House, whether or not they occur during the same session.
47B Reservation of state conservation areas
(1) (Repealed)(2) On the publication of a notice under Division 1 reserving land as a state conservation area—(a) the land described in the notice becomes Crown land to the extent to which it was not Crown land immediately before that publication, and(b) if trustees of all or any of the land so described were holding office under any other Act in respect of the land immediately before that publication, those trustees cease to hold office in respect of that land, and(c) the care, control and management of the land so described vests—(i) in the Secretary, or(ii) if a state conservation area trust is established in respect of the land—in the state conservation area trust.(3) To the extent to which a dedication, reservation (other than a reservation under Division 1 of land as a state conservation area) or vesting affects land described in a notice published under Division 1 reserving land as a state conservation area, the publication revokes the dedication, reservation or vesting, and the instruments of title (if any) are to be surrendered for cancellation or notation.(4) A notice under Division 1 may be made in relation to one or more state conservation areas.(5) Schedule 9A (Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities) has effect.
47BA (Repealed)
47C Care, control and management of state conservation areas reserved under Part 4A
(1) Despite section 47B, on the publication of a notice under Part 4A reserving land as a state conservation area, the Secretary has the care, control and management of the state conservation area until such time as a board of management is established for the state conservation area.(2) On the establishment of a board of management for the state conservation area, the board of management has the care, control and management of the state conservation area.
47D Tabling of notification of reservation, and disallowance
(1) A copy of a notice published under Division 1 reserving land as a state conservation area shall be laid before each House of Parliament within the prescribed time after publication thereof.(2) Where a House of Parliament passes a resolution of which notice has been given within 15 sitting days of that House after a copy of a notice has been laid before it under subsection (1) (whether or not those sitting days occur during the same session) and the resolution disallows the reservation effected by the notice of any lands as, or as part of, a particular state conservation area—(a) the reservation thereupon ceases to have effect, and(b) those lands cease to be, or to be part of, a state conservation area.(3) If any land ceases to be, or to be part of, a state conservation area by virtue of a disallowance of a reservation under this Division—(a) the Secretary, or any state conservation area trust appointed as trustee of the land, ceases to have the care, control and management of the land, and(b) the land may be dealt with as if it had been acquired by the Minister under Part 11.(4) (Repealed)
47E, 47F (Repealed)
47G Limitation on use of expression “state conservation area”
The expression “state conservation area” shall not be used either alone or in conjunction with other words as the name of any lands used for the purpose of public recreation and enjoyment unless the lands are within a state conservation area reserved under this Division.
47GA State conservation area trusts for certain state conservation areas
(1) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, establish and name a state conservation area trust and appoint it as trustee of any one or more of the following state conservation areas (or as trustee of any one or more parts of one or more of the following state conservation areas)—(a) Arakoon state conservation area,(b) Bents Basin state conservation area,(c) Cape Byron state conservation area.(2) A state conservation area trust established under this section is constituted by this Act as a corporation having as its corporate name the name assigned to the trust in the notice of its establishment. The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, change the corporate name of a state conservation area trust.(3) A state conservation area trust—(a) has the care, control and management of any state conservation area (or part of a state conservation area) of which it is appointed trustee, and(b) has the powers and functions conferred or imposed on it by or under this or any other Act.(4) If the Secretary had the care, control and management of the state conservation area immediately before the establishment of the state conservation area trust, any thing done or entered into by the Secretary in connection with the state conservation area is taken to have been done or entered into by the state conservation area trust.(5) If a state conservation area trust is appointed as trustee of more than one state conservation area (or more than one part of a state conservation area), a reference in this Act to the state conservation area (or part of the area) in relation to the state conservation area trust includes a reference to any one or more of the state conservation areas (or any one or more of the parts of the state conservation area) of which the state conservation area trust has been appointed as trustee.
47GB State conservation area trust boards
(1) There is to be a trust board established in respect of each state conservation area trust.(2) A trust board is to consist of—(a) at least 3, but no more than 7, members appointed by the Minister, and(b) the holder of any office, or the holders of any offices, that the Minister considers appropriate.(3) The affairs of a state conservation area trust are to be managed by the trust board.(4) A trust board is subject to the control and direction of the Secretary.(5) Schedule 10 has effect with respect to the members and procedure of a trust board.
47GC (Repealed)
47GD Reports by state conservation area trusts
(1) A state conservation area trust must—(a) provide reports to the Secretary at such times, concerning such matters, and specifying such information, as may be required by the Secretary, and(b) keep such records as may be required by the Secretary.(2) A state conservation area trust must, at the request of the Secretary—(a) give the Secretary such information as the Secretary requires in relation to the operations of the trust, and(b) send to the Secretary such records kept by the state conservation area trust as the Secretary requires (including accounting records).
47GE Inspection of state conservation area trust
(1) The Secretary may appoint a person to inquire into, or carry out an audit of, any of the affairs of a state conservation area trust.(2) The appointed person may, for the purposes of the inquiry or audit—(a) inspect and take copies of or extracts from any records (including accounting records) of the trust, and(b) require any person concerned in the management of the state conservation area trust to give information and answer questions relating to the affairs of the state conservation area trust.(3) The power of the appointed person to inspect the records of a state conservation area trust includes the power to inspect the records of a lessee or licensee which the trust has power to inspect under the lease or licence.(4) A person must not—(a) without lawful excuse, refuse or fail to allow the appointed person access to records to which the appointed person is entitled, or(b) without lawful excuse, refuse or fail to give information or answer questions, as required by the appointed person, or(c) wilfully obstruct or delay the appointed person in the exercise of a power under this section.Maximum penalty—5 penalty units.
47GF Removal of trust board members and appointment of administrator
(1) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette—(a) remove any or all of the members of a state conservation area trust board from office, or(b) remove all the members of a state conservation area trust board from office and appoint a person as the administrator of the state conservation area trust concerned.(2) If an administrator is appointed—(a) the affairs of the state conservation area trust are to be managed by the administrator, and(b) the administrator has and may exercise all the functions of the state conservation area trust.(3) Subject to this Act, an administrator holds office for such period as may be specified in the administrator’s instrument of appointment.(4) The Minister may remove an administrator from office at any time.(5) An administrator is entitled to be paid such remuneration as the Minister may direct. The office of administrator is not, for the purposes of any Act, an office or place of profit under the Crown.
47GG Dissolution of state conservation area trusts
(1) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, dissolve a state conservation area trust. A notice takes effect on the date of publication or such later date as is specified in the notice.(2) Schedule 9A (Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities) has effect.
47H Existing interests
(1) In this section, existing interest means any authority, authorisation, permit, lease, licence or occupancy.(2) Except as provided by this Act, the reservation of lands as, or as part of, a state conservation area does not affect—(a) the terms and conditions of any existing interest in respect of those lands from the Crown or the trustees, current and in force at the time of the reservation, or(b) the use permitted of those lands under the interest.(3) Subject to subsection (4), no such interest shall be renewed nor shall the term of any such interest be extended except with the approval of the Minister and subject to such conditions as the Minister determines.(4) The provisions of subsection (3) do not apply to any authority, lease or licence under the Mining Act 1992, the Offshore Minerals Act 1999, the Fisheries Management Act 1994 or the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991, or to any permit or licence under the Petroleum (Offshore) Act 1982.(5) Upon the termination, surrender, forfeiture or determination of any existing interest (otherwise than for the purpose of renewing it or extending its term) referred to in subsection (2), the lands the subject of the interest are, to the extent to which they would not, but for this subsection, be lands reserved as part of the state conservation area within which they are situated, hereby so reserved.
47I Restrictions on dealing with land in state conservation areas
(1) Despite anything in this or any other Act, land within a state conservation area is not to be dealt with except as provided under this Act.(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), land within a state conservation area is not to be dedicated, reserved or otherwise dealt with under Parts 2 and 3 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016.
47J Provisions relating to mining
(1) In this section, mining interest means—(a) any mining lease under the Mining Act 1992, or(b) any mining licence under the Offshore Minerals Act 1999, or(c) any lease under the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991.(2) Subject to this section, the Mining Act 1992, the Offshore Minerals Act 1999, the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 and the Petroleum (Offshore) Act 1982 apply, at any time, to lands within a state conservation area to the extent to which those Acts are in force at that time.(3) A mining interest shall not be granted in respect of lands within a state conservation area without the concurrence in writing of the Minister.(4) A renewal of, or extension of the term of, a mining interest in respect of lands within a state conservation area (other than an existing interest referred to in section 47H) shall not be granted under the Mining Act 1992, the Offshore Minerals Act 1999 or the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 without the concurrence in writing of the Minister.(5) Except as provided in this section, nothing in this Division affects the right, title or interest of any person (other than a person who is or was trustee of the lands comprised in a state conservation area) in respect of minerals in any such lands.(6) A mineral claim must not be granted under the Mining Act 1992 over any lands within a state conservation area.(7) Where a provision of the Mining Act 1992 or the Offshore Minerals Act 1999 prevents, or has the effect of preventing, a person from exercising in lands within a state conservation area any of the rights conferred by either of those Acts or by an instrument under either of those Acts, except with the consent or an authorisation of the Minister for the time being administering the Mining Act 1992 or the Offshore Minerals Act 1999, as the case requires, that Minister shall not, in the case of any such lands, give consent or an authorisation under that provision without the approval of—(a) where the lands are not within an area that was an irrigation area as defined in the Crown Lands Act 1989 immediately before its repeal—the Minister, or(b) where the lands are within such an irrigation area—the Minister administering the Water Management Act 2000.(c) (Repealed)
47K Application of certain other provisions
The provisions of sections 42, 43 and 44 apply to and in respect of a state conservation area in the same way as they apply to and in respect of a national park or historic site.
47L Revocation or compulsory acquisition of state conservation areas
(1) Despite anything in this or any other Act—(a) the reservation of land as, or as part of, a state conservation area is not to be revoked, or(b) land within a state conservation area is not to be appropriated or resumed, except by an Act of Parliament.(2) Nothing in subsection (1) prevents—(a) the compulsory acquisition under this Act of land within a state conservation area if the reservation of the land as, or as part of, the state conservation area is not affected by the compulsory acquisition, or(b) the withdrawal of land from, or the termination of, any lease, licence or occupancy in accordance with its terms and conditions, or(c) the revocation of the reservation of land as a state conservation area in accordance with section 47MA.
47M Review of classification as state conservation area
(1) The Minister is to review, every 5 years after the commencement of this section, the status of land within state conservation areas.(2) The review is to give reasons as to why each area of land within a state conservation area should or should not be reserved as a national park or nature reserve under section 47MA.(3) The results of the review are to be made available for public inspection free of charge, during ordinary office hours, at the head office of the Service and are to be published on the Internet by means of the website of the Service.(4) The review is to be undertaken in consultation with the Minister administering the Mining Act 1992.
47MA Reservation of land in state conservation area as national park or nature reserve
(1) The Governor may, by notice published in the Gazette, revoke the reservation of any land as a state conservation area or part of a state conservation area and reserve the land as a national park or nature reserve or as part of a national park or nature reserve.(2) The Governor may take action under subsection (1) only with the concurrence in writing of the Minister administering the Mining Act 1992.(3) Land that is the subject of an authority, lease, licence or permit under the Mining Act 1992, the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991, the Offshore Minerals Act 1999 or the Petroleum (Offshore) Act 1982 must not be reserved under this section as a national park or nature reserve, or as a part of a national park or nature reserve, during the term of that authority, lease, licence or permit (including any renewal).(4) A plan of management that applied to land immediately before its reservation as a national park or nature reserve (or as part of a national park or nature reserve) under subsection (1) continues to apply, to the extent to which it applied previously, to the land before that reservation, as a plan of management for the purposes of this Act.(5) A plan of management to which subsection (4) applies may be amended, altered, cancelled or substituted in accordance with Part 5.
47N Special provisions relating to certain state recreation areas
(1) This section applies to the following state recreation areas—Copeton,Lake Keepit,Burrendong,Lake Glenbawn,Wyangala,Grabine,Killalea,Burrinjuck (but only in respect of such part of the Burrinjuck state recreation area as is specified by the Secretary by notice published in the Gazette on or before the commencement of this section).(2) On the commencement of this section—(a) the reservation under this Act of land as a state recreation area to which this section applies is, by this section, revoked, and(b)–(d) (Repealed)(2A) Any land that was taken to be dedicated for the purposes of public recreation under Part 5 of the Crown Lands Act 1989 immediately before the day on which that Act was repealed by the Crown Land Management Act 2016 continues, on and from that day, to be Crown land dedicated for the same purposes under the Crown Land Management Act 2016.Note—Clause 11 of Schedule 7 to the Crown Land Management Act 2016 operated on the day the Crown Lands Act 1989 was repealed—(a) to abolish the reserve trust for the land, and(b) to replace it with a statutory land manager under that Act, and(c) to appoint the members of the trust board of the reserve trust as members of the board of the statutory land manager, and(d) to appoint the statutory land manager as the Crown land manager of the land.(3) This section has effect despite section 47L.(4) Schedule 9A (Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities) has effect.
Division 5 Regional parks
47O Reservation of regional parks
(1), (2) (Repealed)(3) On the publication of a notice under Division 1 reserving land as a regional park—(a) the land described in the notice becomes Crown land to the extent to which it was not Crown land immediately before that publication, and(b) if trustees of all or any of the land so described were holding office under any other Act in respect of the land immediately before that publication, those trustees cease to hold office in respect of that land, and(c) the care, control and management of the land so described vests—(i) in the Secretary, or(ii) if a regional park trust is established in respect of the land—in the regional park trust, or(iii) if a local council has, with the concurrence of the council, been nominated by the Minister in the notice—in the council.(4) To the extent to which a dedication, reservation (other than a reservation under Division 1 reserving land as a regional park) or vesting affects land described in a notice published under Division 1 reserving land as a regional park, the publication revokes the dedication, reservation or vesting, and the instruments of title (if any) are to be surrendered for cancellation or notation.(5) A notice under Division 1 reserving land as a regional park may be made in relation to one or more regional parks.(6) Schedule 9A (Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities) has effect.(7) A local council may not be nominated by the Minister under subsection (3) (c) (iii) in respect of a regional park if the regional park is wholly or partly within the area of another local council, except with the consent of the other council.(8) A local council nominated under subsection (3) (c) (iii) by the Minister—(a) has, subject to this Act, the care, control and management of the regional park concerned, and(b) has the powers and functions conferred or imposed on it by or under this Act, and(c) is, in the exercise of such powers and functions, subject to the control and direction of the Minister.
47OA Care, control and management of regional parks reserved under Part 4A
(1) Despite section 47O, on the publication of a notice under Part 4A reserving lands as a regional park, the Secretary has the care, control and management of the regional park until such time as a board of management is established for the regional park.(2) On the establishment of a board of management for the regional park, the board of management has the care, control and management of the regional park.
47P Name of regional park and limitation on use of term “regional park”
(1) (Repealed)(2) The term regional park is not to be used either alone or in conjunction with other words as the name of any land used for the purpose of public recreation and enjoyment unless the land is within a regional park reserved under this Division.
47Q (Repealed)
47R Tabling of notice of reservation, and disallowance
(1) A copy of a notice published under Division 1 reserving land as a regional park must be laid before each House of Parliament within 14 sitting days (whether or not they occur in the same session) after publication of the notice.(2) If either House of Parliament passes a resolution of which notice has been given within 15 sitting days after such a copy has been laid before it (whether or not those sitting days occur in the same session) and the resolution disallows the reservation effected by the notice of any land as a particular regional park—(a) the reservation ceases to have effect, and(b) the land ceases to be, or ceases to be part of, a regional park.(3) If any land ceases to be, or to be part of, a regional park by virtue of the disallowance of a reservation under Division 1—(a) the Secretary, or any regional park trust appointed as trustee of the land, or any local council nominated by the Minister under section 47O, ceases to have the care, control and management of the land, and(b) the land may be dealt with as if it had been acquired under Part 11.
47S Regional park trusts
(1) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, establish and name a regional park trust and appoint it as trustee of any one or more specified regional parks or any one or more parts of a regional park.(2) A regional park trust established under this section is constituted by this Act as a corporation having as its corporate name the name assigned to the trust in the notice of its establishment. The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, change the corporate name of a regional park trust.(3) A regional park trust—(a) has the care, control and management of any regional park (or part of a regional park) of which it is appointed trustee, and(b) has the powers and functions conferred or imposed on it by or under this or any other Act.(4) If the Secretary had the care, control and management of the regional park immediately before the establishment of the regional park trust, any thing done or entered into by the Secretary in connection with the regional park is taken to have been done or entered into by the regional park trust.(5) If a regional park trust is appointed as trustee of more than one regional park (or more than one part of a regional park), a reference in this Act to the regional park (or part of the park) in relation to the regional park trust includes a reference to any one or more of the regional parks (or any one or more of the parts of the regional park) of which the trust has been appointed as trustee.
47T Regional park trust boards
(1) There is to be a trust board established in respect of each regional park trust.(2) A regional park trust board is to consist of—(a) at least 3, but no more than 7, members appointed by the Minister, and(b) the holder of any office, or the holders of any offices, that the Minister considers appropriate.(3) The affairs of a regional park trust are to be managed by the trust board.(4) A trust board is subject to the control and direction of the Secretary.(5) Schedule 10 has effect with respect to the members and procedure of a trust board.
47U (Repealed)
47V Reports
(1) A regional park trust must—(a) provide reports to the Secretary at such times, concerning such matters, and specifying such information, as may be required by the Secretary, and(b) keep such records as may be required by the Secretary.(2) A regional park trust must, at the request of the Secretary—(a) give the Secretary such information as the Secretary requires in relation to the operations of the trust, and(b) send to the Secretary such records kept by the regional park trust as the Secretary requires (including accounting records).(3) If a local council has the care, control and management of a regional park, the council must—(a) provide reports to the Minister at such times, concerning such matters, and specifying such information, as may be required by the Minister, and(b) keep such records as may be required by the Minister, and(c) at the Minister’s request, give the Minister such information as the Minister requires in relation to the care, control and management of the park by the council, and(d) at the Minister’s request, send to the Minister such records kept by the council in relation to the care, control and management of the park as the Minister requires.
47W Inspection and audit
(1) The Secretary may appoint a person to inquire into, or carry out an audit of, any of the affairs of a regional park trust.(2) If a local council has the care, control and management of a regional park, the Minister may appoint a person to inquire into, or carry out an audit of, any of the affairs of the council in relation to the park.(3) The appointed person may, for the purposes of the inquiry or audit—(a) inspect and take copies of or extracts from any records (including accounting records) of the trust or the local council in respect of the regional park, and(b) require any person concerned in the management of the regional park trust or the local council to give information and answer questions relating to the affairs of the regional park trust or the local council in respect of the regional park.(4) The power of the appointed person to inspect the records of a regional park trust or local council includes the power to inspect the records of a lessee or licensee which the trust or council has power to inspect under the lease or licence.(5) A person must not—(a) without lawful excuse, refuse or fail to allow the appointed person access to records to which the appointed person is entitled, or(b) without lawful excuse, refuse or fail to give information or answer questions, as required by the appointed person, or(c) wilfully obstruct or delay the appointed person in the exercise of a power under this section.Maximum penalty—5 penalty units.
47X Removal of trust board members or local council and appointment of administrator
(1) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette—(a) remove any or all of the members of a regional park trust board from office, or(b) remove all the members of a regional park trust board from office and appoint a person as the administrator of the regional park trust concerned.(2) If an administrator is appointed—(a) the affairs of the regional park trust are to be managed by the administrator, and(b) the administrator has and may exercise all the functions of the regional park trust.(3) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, appoint an administrator—(a) to have the care, control and management of a regional park instead of a local council as nominated by the Minister under section 47O (3) (c) (iii), and(b) to exercise any of the functions of the local council in respect of the regional park.(4) Subject to this Act, an administrator holds office for such period as may be specified in the administrator’s instrument of appointment.(5) The Minister may remove an administrator from office at any time.(6) An administrator is entitled to be paid such remuneration as the Minister may direct. The office of an administrator is not, for the purposes of any Act, an office or place of profit under the Crown.
47Y Dissolution of regional park trusts and revocation of nomination of local councils
(1) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, dissolve a regional park trust. A notice takes effect on the date of publication or such later date as is specified in the notice.(2) On such a notice taking effect, Schedule 9A (Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities) has effect.(3) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, revoke the nomination of a local council under section 47O (3) (c) (iii) and transfer the care, control and management of the regional park concerned to the Secretary. Any such notice takes effect on the date of publication or such later date as is specified in the notice.(4) On the date that a notice under subsection (3) takes effect, the care, control and management of the regional park concerned is vested in the Secretary and the following provisions have effect—(a) any act, matter or thing done or omitted to be done before that date by, to or in respect of the local council in relation to the park is (to the extent that that act, matter or thing has any force or effect) taken to have been done or omitted by, to or in respect of the Secretary, and(b) a reference in any instrument of any kind to the local council (in so far as it relates to the care, control and management of the park) is to be read as a reference to the Secretary.
47Z Restrictions on dealing with land within regional parks
(1) Despite anything in this or any other Act, land within a regional park is not to be dealt with except as provided under this Act.(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), land within a regional park is not to be dedicated, reserved or otherwise dealt with under Parts 2 and 3 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016.
47ZA Application of certain provisions to regional parks
The provisions of sections 39, 41, 42, 43 and 44 apply to and in respect of a regional park in the same way as they apply to and in respect of a national park or historic site.
47ZB Revocation of regional park
(1) Despite anything in this or any other Act—(a) the reservation of land as (or as part of) a regional park is not to be revoked, andexcept by an Act of Parliament.(b) land within a regional park is not to be appropriated or resumed,(2) Nothing in subsection (1) prevents—(a) the compulsory acquisition under this Act of land within a regional park if the reservation of the land as, or as part of, the regional park is not affected by the compulsory acquisition, or(b) the withdrawal of land from, or the termination of, any lease, licence or occupancy in accordance with its terms and conditions.
Division 6 Nature reserves
48 Care, control and management of nature reserves
(1) The Secretary has the care, control and management of all nature reserves except as provided by subsection (2).(2) On the establishment of a board of management for a nature reserve reserved under Part 4A, the care, control and management of the reserve is vested in the board of management.
49 Reservation of nature reserves
(1)–(3) (Repealed)(4) On the publication of a notice under Division 1 reserving land as a nature reserve—(a) the lands described in the notice become Crown lands to the extent to which they were not Crown lands immediately before that publication,(b) where a trustee of all or any part of the lands so described was holding office under any other Act immediately before that publication, the trustee shall cease to hold that office in respect of those lands or that part, as the case may be, and(c) the care, control and management of the lands so described shall vest in the Secretary for the purposes of this Act.(5) To the extent to which a dedication, reservation (other than a reservation of land as a nature reserve under Division 1), Crown grant or vesting affects lands described in a notice published under Division 1 reserving land as a nature reserve, the publication revokes the dedication, reservation, grant or vesting, and the instruments of title (if any) shall be surrendered for cancellation or notation, as the case may require.(6) A notice under Division 1 may be made in relation to one or more nature reserves.
50, 51 (Repealed)
52 Revocation or compulsory acquisition of nature reserve
(1) Notwithstanding anything in any Act—(a) the dedication of lands as, or as part of, a nature reserve shall not be revoked, orexcept by an Act of Parliament.(b) lands within a nature reserve shall not be compulsorily acquired,(1A) Nothing in subsection (1) prevents the compulsory acquisition under this Act of lands within a nature reserve if the dedication of the lands as, or as part of, the nature reserve is not affected by the compulsory acquisition.(2) Nothing in subsection (1) prevents the withdrawal of land from or the termination of any lease, licence or occupancy in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof.
53 Restrictions on disposal of or dealing with lands within nature reserves
(1) Notwithstanding anything in the Crown Land Management Act 2016 or any other Act, no lands within a nature reserve shall be sold, leased or otherwise dealt with except as provided in this Act or in the Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997.(2) No permit to graze over any part of a travelling stock reserve or camping reserve under the control of Local Land Services, which reserve is situated within the external boundaries of a nature reserve, shall be granted except with the concurrence in writing of the Secretary.(3) A permit referred to in subsection (2) may be granted subject to such conditions as the Secretary determines.
54 Mining
The provisions of section 41 apply to and in respect of a nature reserve in the same way as they apply to and in respect of a national park or historic site.
55 Application of Forestry Act 2012
(1) The Forestry Act 2012 does not apply to or in respect of lands within a nature reserve.(2) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1), all licences and permits under the Forestry Act 2012 affecting lands within a nature reserve shall, unless sooner cancelled under that Act, continue in force until the expiration of the respective terms for which they were granted, and that Act shall continue to apply to and in respect of those licences and permits until they respectively expire or are cancelled.
56 Provisions respecting animals in nature reserves
(1) A person shall not—(a) harm any animal that is within a nature reserve,(b) use any animal, firearm, explosive, net, trap, hunting device or instrument or means whatever for the purpose of harming any animal that is within a nature reserve,(c) carry, discharge or have in the person’s possession any prohibited weapon in a nature reserve,(d) carry or have in the person’s possession any explosive, net, trap or hunting device in a nature reserve, or(e) be accompanied by a dog in a nature reserve.(2) A person who commits an offence arising under subsection (1) is liable to the penalty prescribed by section 175 for an offence against this Act or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or both.(3) A person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) if the person proves that the act constituting the offence was done, or that the state of affairs constituting the offence existed—(a) under and in accordance with or by virtue of the authority conferred by an authorisation under section 171, or(b) in pursuance of a duty imposed on the person by or under any Act.(4) A person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) in respect of the carrying or having in the person’s possession of a net if the person proves that the net was carried or in the person’s possession for the purpose only of taking, or attempting to take, fish from any waters.(5) A person, being a lessee or occupier of any lands within a nature reserve, or a person authorised by such a lessee or occupier in that behalf, shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) in respect of the harming of an animal that is within those lands (other than fauna or an animal of a threatened species).(6) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to exempting, subject to the prescribed conditions and restrictions (if any), any person or class or description of persons from the provisions of subsection (1).(7) Without limiting subsection (6), this section does not prevent—(a) an Aboriginal owner on whose behalf the lands of a nature reserve are held by one or more Aboriginal Land Councils in accordance with Part 4A, orfrom harming an animal within the reserve for domestic purposes or for ceremonial or cultural purposes (other than an animal of a threatened species or an animal protected by the plan of management for the reserve).(b) any other Aboriginal person who has the consent of the Aboriginal owner board members,
57 Restrictions as to timber, vegetation, plants etc in nature reserves
(1) Subject to section 55 (2), a person shall not fell, cut, destroy, injure, pick, remove or set fire to any tree, timber, plant, flower or vegetation in a nature reserve.(2) A person shall not have in the person’s possession any native plant within a nature reserve.(3) A person who commits an offence arising under subsection (1) or (2) is liable to the penalty prescribed by section 175 for an offence against this Act or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or both.(4) A person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) or (2) if the person proves that the act constituting the offence was done, or the state of affairs constituting the offence existed—(a) under and in accordance with or by virtue of the authority conferred by an authorisation under section 171, or(b) in pursuance of a duty imposed on the person by or under any Act.(5) A person, being a lessee or occupier of any lands within a nature reserve, or a person authorised by such a lessee or occupier in that behalf, shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) or (2) in respect of the felling, cutting, destroying, injuring, picking, removing of, or setting fire to any tree, timber, plant, flower or vegetation, or the possession of a native plant (not being a plant of a threatened species), that is or was growing within those lands.(6) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to exempting, subject to the prescribed conditions and restrictions (if any), any person or class or description of persons from the provisions of subsection (1) or (2) or both.(7) Without limiting subsection (6), this section does not prevent—(a) an Aboriginal owner on whose behalf the lands of a nature reserve are held by one or more Aboriginal Land Councils in accordance with Part 4A, orfrom picking within the reserve any tree, timber, plant (including a native plant), flower or vegetation for food for domestic purposes or for ceremonial or cultural purposes (including a protected native plant but not including a plant of a threatened species or a plant protected by the plan of management for the reserve).(b) any other Aboriginal person who has the consent of the Aboriginal owner board members,
58 Application of certain provisions to nature reserves
The provisions of sections 33 (5) and (6), 35, 39, 43, 44 and 46 apply to and in respect of a nature reserve in the same way as they apply to and in respect of a national park or historic site and so apply as if a reference in those provisions to—(a) a notice under Division 1 reserving land as a national park or historic site were a reference to a notice under Division 1 reserving land as a nature reserve, and(b) a reservation of land under Division 1 as a national park or historic site were a reference to a reservation of land under that Division as a nature reserve.
58A–58J (Repealed)
Division 7 Karst conservation reserves
58K Reservation of karst conservation reserves
(1)–(3) (Repealed)(4) On the publication of a notice under Division 1 reserving land as a karst conservation reserve—(a) the lands described in the notice become Crown lands to the extent to which they were not Crown lands immediately before that publication, and(b) if a trustee of all or any part of the lands so described was holding office under any other Act immediately before that publication, the trustee ceases to hold that office in respect of those lands or that part, as the case may be, and(c) the care, control and management of the lands so described vests in the Secretary for the purposes of this Act except as provided by subsection (4A).(4A) On the establishment of a board of management for a karst conservation reserve reserved under Part 4A, the care, control and management of the reserve is vested in the board of management.(5) A notice under Division 1 reserving land as a karst conservation reserve may, but need not be, restricted to lands that are wholly or predominantly subterranean lands.(6) To the extent to which a reservation (other than a reservation of land under Division 1 as a karst conservation reserve) or vesting affects land described in a notice published under Division 1 reserving land as a karst conservation area, the publication (unless the notice otherwise provides) revokes the reservation or vesting and the instruments of title (if any) must be surrendered for cancellation or notation, as the case requires.
58L (Repealed)
58M Revocation or compulsory acquisition of karst conservation reserve
(1) Notwithstanding anything in any Act—(a) the reservation of lands as, or as part of, a karst conservation reserve shall not be revoked, orexcept by an Act of Parliament.(b) lands within a karst conservation reserve shall not be compulsorily acquired,(1A) Nothing in subsection (1) prevents the compulsory acquisition under this Act of lands within a karst conservation reserve if the reservation of the lands as, or as part of, the karst conservation reserve is not affected by the compulsory acquisition.(2) Nothing in subsection (1) prevents the withdrawal of land from or the termination of any lease, licence or occupancy in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof.
58N Restriction on disposal of or dealing with lands within karst conservation reserves
Notwithstanding anything in the Crown Land Management Act 2016 or any other Act, no lands within a karst conservation reserve shall be sold, leased or otherwise dealt with except as provided in this Act or in the Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997.
58O Mining
The provisions of section 41 apply to and in respect of a karst conservation reserve in the same way as they apply to and in respect of a national park or historic site.
58P Application of Forestry Act 2012
(1) The Forestry Act 2012 does not apply to or in respect of lands within a karst conservation reserve.(2) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (1), all licences and permits under the Forestry Act 2012 affecting lands within a karst conservation reserve shall, unless sooner cancelled under that Act, continue in force until the expiration of the respective terms for which they were granted, and that Act shall continue to apply to and in respect of those licences and permits until they respectively expire or are cancelled.
58Q Provisions respecting animals in karst conservation reserves
(1) A person shall not—(a) harm any animal that is within a karst conservation reserve, or(b) use any animal, firearm, explosive, net, trap, hunting device or instrument or means whatever for the purpose of harming any animal that is within a karst conservation reserve, or(c) carry, discharge or be in possession of any prohibited weapon in a karst conservation reserve, or(d) carry or be in possession of any explosive, net, trap or hunting device in a karst conservation reserve, or(e) be accompanied by a dog in a karst conservation reserve.(2) A person who commits an offence arising under subsection (1) is liable to the penalty prescribed by section 175 for an offence against this Act or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, or both.(3) A person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) if the person proves that the act constituting the offence was done, or that the state of affairs constituting the offence existed—(a) under and in accordance with or by virtue of the authority conferred by an authorisation under section 171, or(b) in pursuance of a duty imposed by or under any Act.(4) A person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) in respect of the carrying or being in possession of a net if the person proves that the net was carried or was in the person’s possession for the purpose only of taking, or attempting to take, fish from any waters.(5) A person, being a lessee or occupier of any lands within a karst conservation reserve, or a person authorised by such a lessee or occupier in that behalf, shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) in respect of the harming of an animal that is within those lands (other than fauna or an animal of a threatened species).(6) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to exempting, subject to the prescribed conditions and restrictions (if any), any person or class or description of persons from the provisions of subsection (1).(7) Without limiting subsection (6), this section does not prevent—(a) an Aboriginal owner on whose behalf the lands of a karst conservation reserve are held by one or more Aboriginal Land Councils in accordance with Part 4A, orfrom harming within the reserve an animal for domestic purposes or for ceremonial or cultural purposes (other than an animal of a threatened species or an animal protected by the plan of management for the reserve).(b) any other Aboriginal person who has the consent of the Aboriginal owner board members,
58R Restrictions as to timber, vegetation, plants etc in karst conservation reserves
(1) Subject to section 58P (2), a person shall not fell, cut, destroy, injure, pick, remove or set fire to any tree, timber, plant, flower or vegetation in a karst conservation reserve.(2) A person shall not be in possession of any native plant within a karst conservation reserve.(3) A person who commits an offence arising under subsection (1) or (2) is liable to the penalty prescribed by section 175 for an offence against this Act or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months, or both.(4) A person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) or (2) if the person proves that the act constituting the offence was done, or that the state of affairs constituting the offence existed—(a) under and in accordance with or by virtue of the authority conferred by an authorisation under section 171, or(b) in pursuance of a duty imposed by or under any Act.(5) A person, being a lessee or occupier of any lands within a karst conservation reserve, or a person authorised by such a lessee or occupier in that behalf, shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) or (2) in respect of the felling, cutting, destroying, injuring, picking or removing of or setting fire to any tree, timber, plant, flower or vegetation, or the possession of a native plant (not being a plant of a threatened species), that is or was growing within those lands.(6) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to exempting, subject to the prescribed conditions and restrictions (if any), any person or class or description of persons from the provisions of subsection (1) or (2), or both.(7) Without limiting subsection (6), this section does not prevent—(a) an Aboriginal owner on whose behalf the lands of a karst conservation reserve are held by one or more Aboriginal Land Councils in accordance with Part 4A, orfrom picking within the reserve any tree, timber, plant (including a native plant), flower or vegetation for food for domestic purposes or for ceremonial or cultural purposes (including a protected native plant but not including a plant of a threatened species or a plant protected by the plan of management for the reserve).(b) any other Aboriginal person who has the consent of the Aboriginal owner board members,
58S Application of certain provisions to karst conservation reserves
(1) The provisions of—(a) section 33 (5) and (6),(b) section 35,(c) section 39,(d) sections 43 and 44, andapply to and in respect of a karst conservation reserve in the same way as they apply to and in respect of a national park or historic site, and so apply as if a reference in those provisions to—(e) section 46,(f) a notice under Division 1 reserving land as a national park or historic site were a reference to a notice under that Division reserving land as a karst conservation reserve, and(g) a reservation under Division 1 of land as a national park or historic site were a reference to a reservation of land under that Division as a karst conservation reserve.(2) (Repealed)
Division 8
58T–58ZE (Repealed)
Division 9 Wild rivers
59, 60 (Repealed)
61 Declaration of wild rivers
(1) Subject to section 61A, the Secretary may, by notification published in the Gazette, declare any river or part of a river (when within lands reserved under this Act) to be a wild river.(2) The Secretary may, by further notification published in the Gazette, vary or revoke any such declaration.(3) The Secretary may make a declaration under subsection (1)—(a) only with the concurrence of the Minister administering the Water Management Act 2000, if the declaration will have an impact on functions carried out under that Act, and(b) in respect of a river or part of a river in a state conservation area, only with the concurrence of the Minister administering the Mining Act 1992, if the declaration will have an impact on functions carried out under that Act.(4) The purpose of declaring a river or part of a river as a wild river is to identify, protect and conserve any water course or water course network, or any connected network of water bodies, or any part of those, of natural origin, exhibiting substantially natural flow (whether perennial, intermittent or episodic) and containing remaining examples, in a condition substantially undisturbed since European occupation of New South Wales, of—(a) the biological, hydrological and geomorphological processes associated with river flow, andso as to enable that river or part to be managed in accordance with subsection (5).(b) the biological, hydrological and geomorphological processes in those parts of the catchment with which the river is intrinsically linked,(5) A wild river is to be managed in accordance with the following principles—(a) the restoration (wherever possible) and maintenance of the natural biological, hydrological and geomorphological processes associated with wild rivers and their catchments, including natural flow variability,(b) the identification, conservation and appropriate management of Aboriginal objects and Aboriginal places.
61A Effect of declaration of wild river
(1) Where a plan of management is in force with respect to any river or part of a river within lands reserved under this Act, a declaration shall not be made under section 61 with respect to that river or part of that river except in accordance with the plan.(2) A statutory authority shall not carry out development in relation to a wild river unless it has consulted with, and considered any advice given by, the Minister in relation to the development.(3) In this section, and development have the same meanings as they have in Division 12.
Division 10 Aboriginal areas
62 Reservation of Aboriginal areas
(1)–(3) (Repealed)(4) Lands within an Aboriginal area shall be deemed to be reserved for the purpose of preserving, protecting and preventing damage to Aboriginal objects or Aboriginal places therein.
63 Care, control and management of Aboriginal areas
(1) The Secretary has the care, control and management of all Aboriginal areas except as provided by subsection (2).(2) On the establishment of a board of management for an Aboriginal area dedicated under Part 4A, the care, control and management of the area is vested in the board of management.
64 Mining
The provisions of sections 41 and 42 apply to and in respect of an Aboriginal area in the same way as they apply to and in respect of a national park or historic site.
65, 66 (Repealed)
Division 11 Wildlife refuges
67 (Repealed)
68 Wildlife refuges
(1) Subject to this section, the Governor may, by proclamation published in the Gazette, declare any lands described in the proclamation to be a wildlife refuge.(2) Lands within a wildlife refuge shall be deemed to be dedicated for the purposes of—(a) preserving, conserving, propagating and studying wildlife,(b) conserving and studying natural environments, and(c) creating simulated natural environments.(3) A proclamation under subsection (1)—(a) shall not be made—(i) where the lands are unoccupied Crown lands—without the consent of the Minister administering the Crown Land Management Act 2016,(ii) where the lands are occupied Crown lands—without the consent of that Minister, the holder and the occupier,(iii) where the lands are not Crown lands and are not within a State forest—without the consent of the owner and the occupier, or(iv) where the lands are within a State forest—without the consent of the Forestry Corporation, and(b) may be revoked at any time, and may be varied or amended with the consent of, and shall be revoked at the request of, any person whose consent would, if the lands were, for the time being, not a wildlife refuge, be required for their declaration as such a refuge.(4) A person who is a holder or occupier of Crown lands shall be deemed, for the purposes of this section, to have given his or her consent, referred to in subsection (3), if, within thirty days of being given notice that his or her consent is sought, the person does not inform the Minister or Secretary that the person gives or withholds his or her consent.(5) A proclamation under this section may be made so as—(a) to relate to one or more wildlife refuges specified therein, and(b) to apply differently according to such factors as may be specified therein.(6) A revocation, variation or amendment referred to in subsection (3) (b) shall be effected by proclamation of the Governor published in the Gazette.(7) Where the consent of the Forestry Corporation is required under this section, the consent shall not be given without the approval of the Minister administering the Forestry Act 2012.(8) The Secretary shall forward a copy of a proclamation under this section to the Valuer-General as soon as practicable after the proclamation is published in the Gazette.
69 (Repealed)
Division 12 Conservation agreements
69A Definitions
(1) In this Division—development, in relation to a conservation area, means—(a) the erection of a building in that area,(b) the carrying out of a work in, on, over or under that area,(c) the use of that area or of a building or work in that area,(d) the subdivision of that area, and(e) the clearing of vegetation in that area.owner, in relation to land, includes a person who leases land under the Crown Land Management Act 2016.means any of the following—(a) a Public Service agency,(b) (Repealed)(c) a council, a county council or a joint organisation within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993,(d) any other body constituted by or under an Act,(e) an authorised network operator under the Electricity Network Assets (Authorised Transactions) Act 2015.(2) A reference in this Division to the carrying out of development includes a reference to the erection of a building, the carrying out of a work, the use of land or of a building or work, the subdivision of land or the clearing of vegetation.(3) A reference in this section—(a) to the erection of a building includes a reference to the rebuilding of, the making of structural alterations to, or the enlargement or extension of a building or the placing or relocating of a building on land,(b) to the carrying out of a work includes a reference to the rebuilding of, the making of alterations to, or the enlargement or extension of, a work, and(c) to the subdivision of land is a reference to the subdivision of land as defined by section 4B of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.(4) If a conservation agreement is entered into under section 69B (1C) by a public authority that is not the owner of the conservation area concerned—(a) the agreement is taken to have been entered into on behalf of the owner of the conservation area, and(b) a reference in this Act to the owner of the conservation area (however expressed) includes, while a public authority has the control and management of the conservation area, a reference to the public authority that has that control and management.
69B Conservation agreements
(1) The Minister may enter into a conservation agreement relating to land with the owner of the land.(1A), (1B) (Repealed)(1C) The Minister may enter into a conservation agreement relating to land that is Crown lands or lands of the Crown with—(a) a public authority (not being a Public Service agency) that owns or has the control and management of the land, or(b) if the land is under the control and management of a Public Service agency—the Minister to whom the agency is responsible, or(c) if the land is under the control and management of the Forestry Corporation—the Forestry Corporation, or(d) if the land is under the management of a land manager (other than the Forestry Corporation) within the meaning of the Forestry Act 2012—the relevant land manager.(1D) The Minister must not enter into a conservation agreement relating to Crown-timber lands within the meaning of the Forestry Act 2012 except with the consent of the Minister administering that Act.(2) The Minister must not enter a conservation agreement for land leased under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 except with the consent of the Minister administering that Act.(3) The Minister shall not enter into a conservation agreement relating to land unless—(a) all the owners of the land are parties to the agreement or have consented in writing to the agreement,(b) where the land (not being land referred to in subsection (2)) is subject to a residential tenancy agreement or other lease, the tenant or the lessee has consented in writing to the conservation agreement, and(c) where the land is subject to a mortgage, charge or positive covenant, the mortgagee, chargee or person entitled to the benefit of the covenant has consented in writing to the agreement.(4) The Minister must not enter into a conservation agreement for land owned by a Local Aboriginal Land Council except with the consent of the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council.
69C Purpose and content of agreements
(1) A conservation agreement may be entered into—(a) in relation to areas containing scenery, natural environments or natural phenomena worthy of preservation,(b) in relation to areas of special scientific interest,(c) in relation to areas that are the sites of buildings, objects, monuments or events of national significance,(d) in relation to areas in which Aboriginal objects, or Aboriginal places, of special significance are situated,(e) for the purpose of the study, preservation, protection, care or propagation of fauna or native plants or other flora,(e1) for the purpose of the study, preservation, protection or care of karst environments,(e2) for the purpose of the conservation of critical habitat or the conservation of threatened species, populations or ecological communities, or their habitats, or(e3) for the purpose of the protection, conservation or management of waters in or in connection with an area or purpose referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (e1) or (e2), or(f) for any purpose connected with an area or purpose elsewhere referred to in this subsection.(2) A conservation agreement may contain terms, binding on the owner from time to time of the conservation area—(a) restricting the use of the area,(b) requiring the owner to refrain from or not to permit specified activities in the area,(c) requiring the owner to carry out specified activities or do specified things,(d) requiring the owner to permit access to the area by specified persons,(e) requiring the owner to contribute towards costs incurred which relate to the area or the agreement,(f) specifying the manner in which any money provided to the owner under the agreement shall be applied by the owner,(g) requiring the owner to repay money paid to the owner under the agreement if a specified breach of the agreement occurs, or(h) providing for any other matter relating to the conservation or enhancement of the area, including the implementation of any plan of management for the area.(3) A conservation agreement may contain terms, binding on the Minister—(a) requiring the Minister to provide financial assistance,(b) requiring the Minister to provide technical advice,(c) requiring the Minister to provide other assistance,(d) requiring the Minister to carry out specified activities or do specified things, or(e) providing for any other matter relating to the conservation or enhancement of the conservation area, including the implementation of any plan of management for the area.
69D Duration and variation of agreements
(1) A conservation agreement shall have effect from a day, or on the happening of an event, specified in the agreement.(2) An agreement may be varied by a subsequent agreement between all parties to the agreement.(3) An agreement shall have effect until it is terminated by consent of all parties to the agreement or in any such other manner or in such circumstances as may be set out in the agreement.(4) An agreement may be varied or terminated by the Minister, by order published in the Gazette, without the consent of the owner of the conservation area, if the Minister is of the opinion that the area is no longer needed for, or is no longer capable of being used to achieve, any purpose for which the agreement was entered into.(5) A copy of the order shall be laid before each House of Parliament within the prescribed time after publication of the order.(5A) The Minister is not to vary or terminate an agreement under subsection (4) unless—(a) written notice of the Minister’s intention to vary or terminate the agreement has been given to the owner of the conservation area stating that the owner may make submissions to the Minister within the period specified in the notice (being a period of not less than 28 days), and(b) the Minister has considered any submissions made by the owner of the conservation area, being submissions made within that specified period.(6) If an agreement is varied by the Minister under subsection (4), the owner of the conservation area may, by written notice given to the Minister, terminate the agreement.(7) The owner of a conservation area is not entitled to any compensation as a result of any variation or termination of an agreement by the Minister under subsection (4).
69E Agreements to run with land
(1) A conservation agreement which has been registered by the Registrar-General and which is in force is binding on, and enforceable by and against, the successors in title to the owner who entered into the agreement and those successors in title shall be deemed to have notice of the agreement.(2) In this section—successors in title includes a mortgagee, chargee, covenant chargee or other person, in possession of a conservation area pursuant to a mortgage, charge, positive covenant or other encumbrance entered into before the registration of the conservation agreement.
69F Registration of agreements
(1) On being notified by the Minister that a conservation agreement has been entered into, or that any such agreement has been varied or terminated, the Registrar-General must—(a) in the case of a conservation agreement relating to land under the Real Property Act 1900—make an entry concerning the agreement, variation or termination in any folio of the Register kept under that Act that relates to that land, or(b) in the case of a conservation agreement relating to land not under the Real Property Act 1900—(i) register the agreement, variation or termination in the General Register of Deeds kept under Division 1 of Part 23 of the Conveyancing Act 1919, and(ii) if appropriate, make an entry concerning the agreement, variation or termination in any official record relating to Crown land that relates to that land.(2) A conservation agreement relating to land under the Real Property Act 1900 about which an entry is made in a folio and which is in force is an interest recorded in the folio for the purposes of section 42 of that Act.
69G Enforcement of agreements
(1) Proceedings relating to the enforcement of conservation agreements shall be taken in the Land and Environment Court.(2) Damages shall not be awarded against the owner of a conservation area for breach of a conservation agreement unless the breach arose from an intentional or reckless act or omission by the owner or a previous owner of the land (being an act or omission of which the owner had notice).(3) In assessing damages for breach of a conservation agreement by an owner, the Court may have regard to—(a) any detriment to the public interest arising from the breach,(b) any financial or other benefit that the owner sought to gain by committing the breach, and(c) any other matter that it considers relevant.(4) Except as provided by subsection (2), nothing in this section limits the remedies of a party under a conservation agreement.
69H Register of agreements
(1) The Secretary shall keep a register containing copies of conservation agreements as in force from time to time.(2) The register shall be open for public inspection during ordinary business hours, and copies of or extracts from the register shall be available, on payment of the fee fixed by the Secretary.
69I Proposals by statutory authorities affecting conservation areas
(1) A statutory authority shall not carry out development in a conservation area unless—(a) it has given written notice of the proposed development to the Minister and the owner of the area, and(b) it has received written notice from the Minister consenting to the development.(2) The Minister may consent to the development only if the Minister is of the opinion that the proposed development will not adversely affect the area or the Minister is satisfied that—(a) there is no practicable alternative to the carrying out of the proposed development, or(b) the area is required for an essential public purpose or for a purpose of special significance to the State.(3) For the purpose of enabling a statutory authority to carry out development in a conservation area, the Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, vary or terminate a conservation agreement without the consent of the owner of the conservation area.(4) A copy of the order shall be laid before each House of Parliament within the prescribed time after publication of the order.(4A) The Minister is not to vary or terminate an agreement under subsection (3) unless—(a) written notice of the Minister’s intention to vary or terminate the agreement has been given to the owner of the conservation area stating that the owner may make submissions to the Minister within the period specified in the notice (being a period of not less than 28 days), and(b) the Minister has considered any submissions made by the owner of the conservation area, being submissions made within that specified period.(5) If an agreement is varied under this section, the owner of the conservation area may, by written notice given to the Minister, terminate the agreement.(6) The owner of a conservation area is not entitled to any compensation as a result of any variation or termination of an agreement by the Minister under this section.(7) In this section, does not include the Soil Conservation Service.(8) This section does not apply to any part of a conservation area that is a wilderness area within the meaning of the Wilderness Act 1987.
69J Resolution of certain disputes
(1) If—(a) a statutory authority proposes to carry out development in a conservation area, anda party to the dispute may submit that dispute to the Premier for settlement.(b) in relation to the proposal, a dispute arises between the Minister and the Minister responsible for the authority or the Minister administering the Act by or under which the authority is constituted,(2) On the submission of a dispute to the Premier, the Premier may—(a) appoint a Commissioner of Inquiry to hold an inquiry and make a report to the Premier, or(b) hold an inquiry into the dispute.(3) After the completion of the inquiry, and after considering any report, the Premier may make such order with respect to the dispute, having regard to the public interest and to the circumstances of the case, as the Premier thinks fit.(4) An order made by the Premier may direct the payment of any costs or expenses of or incidental to the holding of the inquiry.(5) A Minister or statutory authority shall comply with an order given under this section and shall, despite the provisions of any Act, be empowered to comply with any such order.
69K Exhibition of proposed agreements
(1) When a draft conservation agreement between the Minister and a statutory authority or another Minister, or which applies to Crown lands or lands of the Crown, has been prepared, the Minister must, before entering into the agreement—(a) give public notice, in a form and manner determined by the Secretary, of the places at which, the dates on which, and the times during which, the draft agreement may be inspected by the public, and(b) publicly exhibit the draft agreement at the places, on the dates and during the times set out in the notice, and(c) specify, in the notice, the period during which submissions concerning the draft agreement may be made to the Minister.(2) The Minister must cause a copy of the draft conservation agreement to be forwarded to the Council.(3) Any person may, during the period referred to in subsection (1) (c), make written submissions to the Minister about the draft agreement.(4) The Minister must, before entering into the agreement, consider any submissions made under subsection (3) or by the Council.(5) This section does not apply to land leased by a person (other than a statutory authority or a Minister) under the Crown Land Management Act 2016.(6) This section applies to a draft amendment to a conservation agreement in the same way as it applies to a draft conservation agreement.
69KA Application of Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
(1) For the purposes of section 28 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979—(a) a conservation agreement is taken to be a regulatory instrument, and(b) the Minister is responsible for the administration of such a regulatory instrument.Note—Section 28 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 allows an environmental planning instrument to suspend the operation of a regulatory instrument for the purpose of enabling development to be carried out. Such a suspension cannot be given effect to without the concurrence in writing of the Minister responsible for the administration of the regulatory instrument.(2) In relation to any particular conservation agreement, a provision of an environmental planning instrument made under section 28 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and in force—(a) immediately before the commencement of this section, ordoes not affect the operation of the conservation agreement unless the provision is subsequently amended to expressly affect the operation of the conservation agreement.(b) immediately before the conservation agreement takes effect,
Division 13 Offences relating to wildlife refuges and conservation areas
70 Fauna in wildlife refuges and other areas
(1) A person shall not—(a) harm any fauna, orbeing fauna within a wildlife refuge, conservation area, wilderness area or area subject to a wilderness protection agreement.(b) use any animal, firearm, explosive, net, trap, hunting device or instrument or means whatever for the purpose of harming any fauna,(2) A person shall not—(a) carry, discharge or have in the person’s possession any prohibited weapon,(b) carry or have in the person’s possession any explosive, net, trap or hunting device, orin a wildlife refuge, conservation area, wilderness area or area subject to a wilderness protection agreement.(c) be accompanied by a dog,(3) A person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) or (2) if the person proves that the act constituting the offence was done, or that the state of affairs constituting the offence existed—(a) under and in accordance with or by virtue of the authority conferred by an authorisation under section 171 or a licence under Part 6 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, or(b) in pursuance of a duty imposed on the person by or under any Act.(4) A person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (2) in respect of the carrying or having in the person’s possession of a net in a wildlife refuge, conservation area, wilderness area or area subject to a wilderness protection agreement if the person proves that the net was carried or in the person’s possession for the purpose only of taking, or attempting to take, fish from any waters.(5) (Repealed)(6) A person, being an owner, lessee or occupier of any lands within a wildlife refuge, conservation area, wilderness area or area subject to a wilderness protection agreement, or a person authorised by such an owner, lessee or occupier in that behalf, shall not be convicted of—(a) an offence arising under subsection (1) in respect of the harming of any fauna within those lands, being fauna that is not native to Australia and that is either—(i) not protected fauna, or(ii) locally unprotected fauna under section 96, or(b) an offence arising under subsection (2) in relation to those lands.(6AA) Subsections (5) and (6) do not apply to the harming for sporting or recreational purposes of game birds that are locally unprotected fauna.(6A) Subject to subsection (6B), a person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under this section if—(a) the offence occurred with respect to a conservation area or area subject to a wilderness protection agreement, and(b) the act or the state of affairs constituting the offence did not contravene the conservation agreement or wilderness protection agreement relating to the area.(6B) Subsection (6A) does not extend to the damaging of critical habitat or the harming of threatened species, populations or ecological communities.(7) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to exempting, subject to the prescribed conditions and restrictions (if any), any person or class or description of persons from the provisions of subsection (1) or (2) or both.
71 Native plants in wildlife refuges, conservation areas and certain wilderness areas
(1) A person shall not pick or have in the person’s possession any native plant within a wildlife refuge, conservation area, wilderness area or area subject to a wilderness protection agreement.(2) A person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) if the person proves that the act constituting the offence was done, or the state of affairs constituting the offence existed—(a) under and in accordance with or by virtue of the authority conferred by a licence issued under Division 3 of Part 9, a licence under Part 6 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 or a licence issued under the Forestry Act 2012, or(b) in pursuance of a duty imposed on the person by or under any Act.(3) A person, being an owner, lessee or occupier of any lands within a wildlife refuge, conservation area, wilderness area or area subject to a wilderness protection agreement, or a person authorised by such an owner, lessee or occupier in that behalf, shall not be convicted of an offence arising under subsection (1) in respect of the picking or the possession of a native plant (not being a plant of a threatened species) that is or was growing within those lands.(3A) Subject to subsection (3B), a person shall not be convicted of an offence arising under this section if—(a) the offence occurred with respect to a conservation area or area subject to a wilderness protection agreement, and(b) the act or the state of affairs constituting the offence did not contravene the conservation agreement or wilderness protection agreement relating to the area.(3B) Subsection (3A) does not extend to the damaging of critical habitat or the harming of threatened species, populations or ecological communities.(4) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to exempting, subject to the prescribed conditions and restrictions (if any), any person or class or description of persons from the provisions of subsection (1).
Part 4A Aboriginal land
Division 1 Preliminary
71B Definitions
In this Part—Aboriginal Land Council, Local Aboriginal Land Council and New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council have the same meanings as in the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.Aboriginal negotiating panel means a panel appointed in accordance with section 71G or 71H of Division 2.Aboriginal owner board members—see section 5 (1).Aboriginal owners—see section 5 (1).ALR Act lands means lands to which section 36A of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 applies that are granted to one or more Aboriginal Land Councils under that Act.Note—Part 2 of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 makes provision as to land rights and the grant of claims to Crown lands. Section 36A, within that Part, makes provision for the grant of certain land claims, despite the fact that the lands involved are needed, or likely to be needed, for the essential public purpose of nature conservation, if the claimant Aboriginal Land Councils are prepared to lease the lands to the Minister administering this Act and are agreeable to the reservation or dedication of the lands under this Act and in accordance with the requirements of this Part.board of management—see section 5 (1).native title or native title rights and interests has the same meaning as it has in the Native Title Act 1993 of the Commonwealth.Registrar means the Registrar appointed under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.Schedule 14 lands means lands reserved under this Act that are listed in Schedule 14.
71C Purpose of Part
(1) The purpose of this Part is to make provision as to the lease to the Minister, and the reservation, under this Act of Schedule 14 lands and ALR Act lands.(2) So far as Schedule 14 lands are concerned, this Part provides for the recognition of the cultural significance of those lands to Aboriginal persons and the revocation of their reservation under this Act to enable them—(a) to be vested, on behalf of the Aboriginal owners, in one or more Local Aboriginal Land Councils or the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, and(b) to be leased by the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils to the Minister, and(c) to be then reserved under this Act in accordance with this Part.(3) So far as ALR Act lands are concerned, this Part provides for the lease of the lands by the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which they are vested to the Minister and the reservation of the lands under this Act in accordance with this Part.(4) The taking of any action referred to in this section in relation to Schedule 14 lands or ALR Act lands is subject to any native title rights and interests existing in relation to the lands immediately before the taking of the action and does not extinguish or impair such rights and interests.
71D Recognition of cultural significance of certain lands to Aboriginal persons
(1) Parliament recognises that certain lands reserved under this Act are of cultural significance to Aboriginal persons. Land is of cultural significance to Aboriginal persons if the land is significant in terms of the traditions, observances, customs, beliefs or history of Aboriginal persons.(2) The lands listed in Schedule 14 are identified as being of cultural significance to Aboriginal persons.
Division 2 Negotiations for lease
71E Application of Division
This Division applies to and in respect of Schedule 14 lands and ALR Act lands.
71F Purpose of negotiations
(1) Negotiations under this Division are to be conducted for 2 purposes.(2) Firstly, so far as Schedule 14 lands are concerned, negotiations are to be conducted to determine whether one or more Local Aboriginal Land Councils or the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council wishes to have the present reservation of lands revoked so that the lands may be vested, subject to native title, in the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in return for—(a) a lease of the lands from the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils to the Minister, and(b) the reservation of the lands in accordance with this Part.(3) So far as lands that are the subject of a claim referred to in section 36A of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 are concerned, negotiations are to be conducted with the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils that have claimed the lands under that Act to determine whether the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils are agreeable, if the claim is granted, to the lease of the lands to the Minister and the reservation of the lands in accordance with this Part.(4) Secondly, if negotiations under subsection (2) or (3) result in an affirmative response, the negotiations are to continue with a view to settling the provisions of the proposed lease between the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils concerned and the Minister.
71G Selection of representatives for negotiations before Aboriginal owners identified
(1) This section applies if, at the time negotiations under this Division commence, Aboriginal owners of the lands that are the subject of the negotiations have not been identified.(2) The Minister administering the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 may, for the purposes of the conduct of negotiations under this Division in circumstances referred to in subsection (1), appoint a negotiating panel from Aboriginal persons to represent Aboriginal persons who, in the Minister’s opinion, have a cultural association with the lands concerned.(3) The Minister may, for the purposes of making appointments to the panel, consult with any other person or body (including any group formed by Aboriginal persons) that may, in the Minister’s opinion, assist the Minister to ensure that the panel is appropriately constituted.
71H Selection of representatives for negotiations after Aboriginal owners identified
(1) This section applies if, at the time negotiations under this Division commence, the Minister administering the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 is, after consulting the Registrar, satisfied a sufficient number of Aboriginal owners of the lands concerned has been identified to enable that Minister to select a negotiating panel from their number that will adequately represent the wishes of Aboriginal persons who have a cultural association with the lands.(2) The Minister administering the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 may, for the purposes of the conduct of negotiations under this Division in circumstances referred to in subsection (1), and after consulting the Aboriginal owners of the lands concerned or any group representing them concerning nominees to the negotiating panel, appoint a negotiating panel from the Aboriginal owners to represent Aboriginal persons who have a cultural association with the lands concerned.(3) The Minister may, for the purposes of making appointments to the panel, consult with any other person or body (including any group formed by Aboriginal persons) that, in the Minister’s opinion, may assist the Minister to ensure that the panel is appropriately constituted.
71I Role of Aboriginal negotiating panel
The role of an Aboriginal negotiating panel is—(a) to participate in negotiations with the Minister and one or more Aboriginal Land Councils for the purposes of this Division, and(b) to provide the Minister with advice as to the cultural significance to Aboriginal persons of any ALR Act lands that are the subject of negotiations under this Part, and(c) to recommend a name for any lands to be reserved pursuant to this Part as a result of the negotiations.
71J Minister may negotiate with Aboriginal negotiating panel and Aboriginal Land Councils
(1) The Minister may enter into negotiations for the purposes of this Division with an Aboriginal negotiating panel appointed in accordance with this Division and—(a) one or more Local Aboriginal Land Councils whose members have a cultural association with Schedule 14 lands, or(b) the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council on behalf of one or more Local Aboriginal Land Councils referred to in paragraph (a), or(c) the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council on its own behalf, or(d) one or more Aboriginal Land Councils that have made a claim for lands to which section 36A of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 applies.(2) The Minister may enter into negotiations with one Local Aboriginal Land Council whose members have a cultural association with Schedule 14 lands with which members of one or more other Local Aboriginal Land Councils also have a cultural association only if—(a) the members of each of those Councils, andconsent to the Minister negotiating with that Local Aboriginal Land Council.(b) the Aboriginal negotiating panel,
71K Referral of disagreements between Aboriginal negotiating panel and Aboriginal Land Councils to mediation
(1) Any disagreement between an Aboriginal negotiating panel and an Aboriginal Land Council or Councils concerning negotiations under this Division that cannot be resolved otherwise is to be referred to a mediator selected by, and acceptable to, the Aboriginal negotiating panel and the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils for resolution.(2) The Minister may decline to proceed with the negotiations until the disagreement has been resolved.(3) The Aboriginal negotiating panel and the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils concerned are to be jointly responsible for payment of the costs of the mediation.(4) The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the mediation of disagreements under this section including the exoneration of mediators from liability.
71L Preference to vesting in Local Aboriginal Land Council—Schedule 14 lands
If both a Local Aboriginal Land Council or Councils and the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council on its own behalf indicate that they wish Schedule 14 lands to be vested in them, the Minister is to give preference with respect to the vesting—(a) if the Minister is satisfied, after consulting the Registrar, that sufficient Aboriginal owners of the lands have been identified to adequately represent the wishes of Aboriginal persons who have a cultural association with the lands—to the wishes of the Aboriginal owners, or(b) if Aboriginal owners of the lands have not been so identified—to the wishes of the Local Aboriginal Land Council or Councils.
Division 3 Vesting and reservation of Schedule 14 lands
71M Application of Division
This Division applies to and in respect of Schedule 14 lands only unless this Act otherwise expressly provides.Note—See Division 4 as to the application of sections 71R, 71S and 71U to ALR Act lands and Division 8 as to the application of sections 71R and 71S to lands added to national parks or other areas reserved or dedicated under this Part.
71N Tabling of proposal if change of land classification involved
(1) This section applies if, as a result of negotiations concerning Schedule 14 lands, it is proposed that the classification of the lands concerned under this Act, as listed in Schedule 14, be changed to another classification (such as, for example, from a nature reserve to a national park) when the lands are vested in an Aboriginal Land Council or Councils under this Part.(2) The Minister is to cause a notification of such a proposal to be laid before each House of Parliament as soon as practicable after the parties to the negotiations decide that the classification of the lands should be changed.(3) If a House of Parliament passes a resolution of which notice has been given within 15 sitting days of that House after a notification has been laid before it (whether or not those sitting days occur during the same session) and the resolution disallows the notification, no further action is to be taken in the matter.(4) Nothing in this section prevents the Minister, at some later time, causing to be laid before each House of Parliament in accordance with this Division a notification that has previously been tabled, either with or without amendments.
71O Vesting and reservation of Schedule 14 lands
(1) This section applies if—(a) no change in the classification of the Schedule 14 lands to which negotiations relate is proposed, or(b) no resolution disallowing a notification concerning a change in the classification of the Schedule 14 lands is or can be passed.(2) On completion of negotiations concerning the Schedule 14 lands and preparation of a draft lease in respect of those lands that is acceptable to, and has been executed in escrow by, the Minister and the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils concerned, the Governor may, by proclamation published in the Gazette—(a) revoke the existing reservation under this Act of the lands that are the subject of the proposed lease, and(b) vest those lands in the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils that are to lease the lands to the Minister (and, if more than one, as tenants in common), subject to the following—(i) any native title rights and interests that exist in relation to the lands concerned,(ii) any existing interest within the meaning of section 39,(iii) any licence issued under Part 9,(iv) any lease, licence, franchise or easement granted under Part 12,(v) any authority or consent issued under this Act or the regulations, and(c) reserve or dedicate those lands, with the appropriate classification, under this Act, subject to any matter referred to in paragraph (b) (i)–(v).
71P Effect of publication of proclamation
(1) On publication of the proclamation, the existing reservation under this Act of the lands described in the proclamation is revoked. This subsection has effect despite anything else in this Act.(2) On publication of the proclamation, the lands described in the proclamation vest, by virtue of the proclamation and the operation of this section, in the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils (and, if more than one, as tenants in common) named as lessor or lessors in the lease for an estate in fee simple without the necessity for any further assurance, but subject to the following—(a) any native title rights and interests that exist in relation to the lands concerned,(b) any existing interest within the meaning of section 39,(c) any licence issued under Part 9,(d) any lease, licence, franchise or easement granted under Part 12,(e) any authority or consent issued under this Act or the regulations.(3) On publication of the proclamation, the lease takes effect and is taken to have been executed on, and its term commences to run from, the date of publication of the proclamation.(4) On publication of the proclamation, the lands described in the proclamation are, despite the fact that the lands are vested in the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils, reserved, with the appropriate classification, under this Act in accordance with this Part, subject to any matter referred to in subsection (2) (a)–(e).
71Q Certain other consequences of publication of proclamation
On publication of the proclamation—(a) the Secretary continues, until the establishment of a board of management for the lands, to have the care, control and management of the lands and may exercise on and with respect to those lands any power, authority, duty or function conferred or imposed on the Secretary by or under this or any other Act, and(b) officers of the Service may (subject to any plan of management in force with respect to the lands and to any directions given and supervision and oversight exercised by the board of management for the lands) exercise on and with respect to those lands any power, authority, duty or function conferred or imposed on any one or more of them by or under this or any other Act, and(c) any regulations that, immediately before that publication, applied to the lands continue to apply to the lands and may be amended and repealed accordingly, and(d) any plan of management that, immediately before that publication, applied to the lands continues, subject to this Act, to apply to the lands and may be amended, altered or cancelled accordingly, and(e) any existing interest (within the meaning of section 39), any licence issued under Part 9, any lease, licence, franchise or easement granted under Part 12 and any authority or consent issued under this Act or the regulations that affect the lands, or any part of the lands, and that are current at the date of the proclamation continue to have effect and may be terminated or otherwise dealt with in accordance with this Act or the instrument under which they were granted, and(f) any fee, rent or other sum that is payable under or with respect to any matter referred to in paragraph (e) is, despite any other requirement to the contrary, to be paid as required by section 138, and(g) any declaration made under Division 3 of Part 4 or under the Wilderness Act 1987 with respect to the lands, or any part of the lands, continues in force and may be varied or revoked accordingly.
71R Certain provisions not to apply to lands reserved under this Division
(1) The provisions of Division 2 of Part 3, Division 1 of Part 4 and sections 33, 35, 46, 47B–47D, 49, 58, 58K (4)–(6), 58S and 62 do not apply to or in respect of lands reserved under this Division.(2) Sections 47GA–47GG, 47O and 47R–47Y do not apply to or in respect of a state conservation area or a regional park reserved under this Part.(3) Subsection (1) does not limit section 71Q.
71S Application of certain provisions to lands reserved under this Division
The following provisions apply to and in respect of lands reserved under this Division in the same way as they apply to and in respect of lands reserved under Part 4—Sections 37–44, 47G, 47H, 47I, 47J, 47K, 47L, 47P (2), 47Z, 47ZA, 47ZB, 52–55, 58M, 58N, 58O, 58P and 64.
71T (Repealed)
71U Name of Schedule 14 lands
(1) The proclamation laid before Parliament under this Division must assign a name to the Schedule 14 lands (or the part or parts of Schedule 14 lands) proposed to be reserved under this Division.(2) The name so assigned must be the name recommended by the Aboriginal negotiating panel involved in the negotiations for the vesting and leasing of the lands, and may be the same name as, or a different name from, that listed in Schedule 14.(3) The Governor may, on the recommendation of the Aboriginal owner board members for lands reserved under this Division, by proclamation published on the NSW legislation website—(a) alter the name of the lands, and(b) amend Schedule 14 by omitting the former name, and by inserting instead the new name, of the lands.(4) If a part or parts only of Schedule 14 lands are reserved under this Division, the Governor may, by proclamation published on the NSW legislation website, assign a new name for the part or parts of the Schedule 14 lands that are not reserved under this Division.(5) Section 12 (1) of the Geographical Names Act 1966 does not apply to a name assigned under this Division (or that name as altered or amended). The name so assigned, or the name as so altered or amended, is, for the purposes of the Geographical Names Act 1966, the geographical name of the place to which it relates.(6) If, before the reservation under this Division of Schedule 14 lands, the name of the lands is altered pursuant to the publication of a proclamation under Part 4 of this Act, that proclamation or another proclamation published on the NSW legislation website may amend Schedule 14 by omitting the former name, and by inserting instead the new name, of the lands.
71V No consideration payable by Aboriginal Land Council on vesting of lands
(1) No consideration is payable to the Crown by an Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in relation to the vesting in the Council or Councils of lands pursuant to the publication of a proclamation under this Division.(2) No stamp duty under the Stamp Duties Act 1920 is payable by an Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in relation to any such vesting.
71W Reservation of part only of Schedule 14 lands
(1) Nothing in this Part prevents the negotiation of a lease and the reservation under this Part of a part or parts only of Schedule 14 lands.(2) In that event—(a) on the establishment of a board of management for the part or parts of the Schedule 14 lands that are the subject of the lease, the care, control and management of that part or those parts only of the Schedule 14 lands vest in the board of management, and(b) the provisions of this Act relating to the harming of animals and the picking of timber, vegetation, plants and similar things by Aboriginal persons apply to and in respect of the part or parts only of the Schedule 14 lands that are the subject of the lease, and(c) the provisions of this Part relating to Schedule 14 lands that are leased and reserved under this Part apply to and in respect of the part or parts only of the Schedule 14 lands that are the subject of the lease.Note—See sections 31, 47BA, 47OA, 48, 58 (4A), 58K (4A) and 63 as to the vesting of reserved lands on the establishment of a board of management under this Part and sections 45 (6), 56 (7), 57 (7), 58H (7), 58I (7), 58Q (7) and 58R (7) as to the harming of animals and the picking of timber, vegetation, plants and similar things by Aboriginal persons.
Division 4 Reservation or dedication of ALR Act lands
71X Application of Division
(1) This Division applies to and in respect of lands to which section 36A of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 applies and to ALR Act lands only.(2) This Division applies to lands only if—(a) the Minister is satisfied that the lands proposed to be reserved under this Act are of sufficient natural conservation value to justify such reservation, and(b) negotiations under Division 2 concerning the preparation of a draft lease in respect of the lands have been concluded and a lease, prepared as the result of the negotiations, has been executed in escrow by the Minister and the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils concerned.Note—Section 36A of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 applies to certain Crown lands having nature conservation value that are the subject of a claim under that Act.
71Y Reservation of ALR Act lands
The Governor may, on the grant under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 of ALR Act lands that are referred to in section 71X (2), by notice published in the Gazette, reserve the lands under this Act and in accordance with this Part as a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area.
71Z Effect of publication of notice
(1) On publication of the notice, the lease of the lands takes effect and is taken to have been executed on, and its term commences to run from, the date of publication of the notice.(2) On publication of the notice, the lands described in the notice are, despite the fact that the lands are vested in the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils, reserved under this Act according to the tenor of the notice.(3) The leasing and vesting of ALR Act lands under this section is subject to the following—(a) any native title rights and interests that exist in relation to the lands concerned,(b) any existing interest within the meaning of section 39.
71AA Certain other consequences of publication of proclamation
On publication of a proclamation under this Division—(a) the Secretary has, until the establishment of a board of management for the lands, the care, control and management of the lands and may exercise on and with respect to those lands any power, authority, duty or function conferred or imposed on the Secretary by or under this or any other Act, and(b) officers of the Service may (subject to any plan of management in force with respect to the lands and to any directions given and supervision and oversight exercised by the board of management for the lands) exercise on and with respect to those lands any power, authority, duty or function conferred or imposed on any one or more of them by or under this or any other Act.
71AB Applications of certain provisions to ALR Act lands
(1) Sections 71R and 71S apply to and in respect of ALR Act lands in the same way that they apply to and in respect of Schedule 14 lands.(2) Section 71U (1)–(4) applies to and in respect of ALR Act lands in the same way that it applies to and in respect of Schedule 14 lands except that—(a) references in those subsections to a proclamation under Division 3 are to be read as references to a proclamation under this Division, and(b) references in those subsections to Schedule 14 lands are to be read as references to ALR Act lands.
Division 5 Provisions as to leases
71AC Application of Division
This Division applies to and in respect of Schedule 14 lands and ALR Act lands.
71AD Matters to be covered in lease between Aboriginal Land Council and Minister
(1) A lease of lands under this Part must make provision for the following—(a) the leasing of the whole of the lands vested in the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils to the Minister, subject to native title,(b) a term of at least 30 years,(c) the renewal of the lease for a further term of at least 30 years, with no limitation on the number of times the lease may be so renewed, provided that each party consents to the renewal,(d) the manner in which the lease is to be renewed,(e) the replacement of the lease, in accordance with this Part, with a new lease,(f) an acknowledgement that the care, control and management of the lands is to be vested in a board of management established under this Part,(g) an acknowledgement that the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which the lands are vested hold the lands on behalf of the Aboriginal owners of the lands,(h) an acknowledgement that officers of the Service are (subject to any plan of management in force with respect to the lands and to any directions given and supervision and oversight exercised by the board of management for the lands) entitled to exercise on and with respect to the lands any power, authority, duty or function conferred or imposed on any one or more of them by or under this or any other Act,(i) an acknowledgement that the Aboriginal owners of the lands, and any other Aboriginal persons who have the consent of the Aboriginal owner board members, are entitled (subject to this and any other Act applying to the lands and any plan of management in force with respect to the lands) to enter and use the lands for hunting or fishing for, or the gathering of, traditional foods for domestic purposes and for ceremonial and cultural purposes to the extent that that entry or use is in accordance with the tradition of the Aboriginal owners,(j) an acknowledgement that the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which the lands are vested and their employees, contractors and agents must comply with the provisions of this and any other Act applying to the lands, the regulations and any plan of management in force with respect to the lands, including provisions concerning the protection of animals, trees, timber, plants, flowers and vegetation,(k) an acknowledgement that the lease is subject to any existing interest within the meaning of section 39, any licence issued under Part 9, any lease, licence, franchise or easement granted under Part 12 and any authority or consent issued under this Act or the regulations affecting the lands, or any part of the lands, that is current on the date on which the lands are vested in the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils,(l) the grant, extension or extinguishment of any interest, licence, lease, franchise, easement, authority or consent of a kind referred to in paragraph (k) subject to the requirements of this Act and, in the case of an extension or extinguishment, to any instrument under which the interest, licence, lease, franchise, easement, authority or consent was granted,(m) an acknowledgement that the public generally has (subject to any plan of management in force with respect to the lands) a right of access to the lands in accordance with this Act and the regulations,(n) a term acknowledging that the lands, or any part of the lands, may not be the subject of any sale, exchange, disposal or mortgage and providing that, to the extent to which the lands may otherwise be dealt with, any such dealing must be only with the prior written consent of the Minister.(2) A lease under this Part must also make provision for the following—(a) a requirement that the Minister consult with the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which the lands are vested before the making, amending or repealing of any regulations in respect of the lands,(b) a requirement that consultations concerning the operation of the lease are to involve the Secretary and the board of management for the lands,(c) the compliance by the parties to the lease with any requirements that arise because the lands are, or a part of the lands is, situated in an area listed as an item of cultural heritage or natural heritage of outstanding universal value in accordance with—(i) the World Heritage Properties Conservation Act 1983 of the Commonwealth, and(ii) the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, being the convention a copy of the English text of which is set out in the Schedule to the Commonwealth Act referred to in subparagraph (i).(3) As a condition of a lease under this Part, the Minister must undertake to use the Minister’s best endeavours to implement the Aboriginal Employment and Training Plan 1991–1996 published by the National Parks and Wildlife Service in October 1991 or any plan replacing that Plan and, in particular, any timetable set out in such a plan. The Minister must report to Parliament from time to time on progress achieved in implementing any such plan.(4) The lease may make provision for such other matters, not inconsistent with this Act or the regulations, as the Minister and the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils consider appropriate.
71AE Rent payable under lease
(1) The Minister is to pay rent under any lease entered into with an Aboriginal Land Council or Councils under this Part.(2) All rent payable by virtue of this section is payable out of the Consolidated Fund, which, to the necessary extent, is appropriated accordingly.(3) The rent is to be an amount, negotiated by the parties or otherwise fixed in accordance with this section, that compensates the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils for the fact that it or they do not have the full use and enjoyment of the lands the subject of the lease.(4) In negotiating the rent, the parties are to have regard to the following matters—(a) the nature, size and location of the lands concerned and the nature of the infrastructure and improvements, if any, on the lands,(b) the nature of the ownership rights in the lands that the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils possess,(c) the provisions of this Act and the lease relating to the lands,(d) the extent to which the cultural significance of the lands to Aboriginal persons restricts the use that may be made of the lands under the lease,(e) the arrangements contained in this Act and the lease for the care, control, management and development of the lands,(f) the amount of rent payable under leases of lands adjoining or in the vicinity of the lands the subject of the lease,(g) the amounts realised on recent sales of freehold or leasehold land adjoining or in the vicinity of the lands the subject of the lease.(5) If the parties are unable to agree on the rent to be paid, the matter is to be referred to a mediator, experienced in valuation matters, selected by, and acceptable to, the Minister and the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils.(6) The regulations may make provision for and with respect to the mediation of a matter under this section including the remuneration of mediators and the exoneration of mediators from liability.(7) If the mediator is unable to resolve the matter within a reasonable period, the Minister may request the Valuer-General to fix the rent to be paid.(8) The Valuer-General, in fixing the rent, is to have regard to the matters referred to in subsection (4) and any other matters that the Valuer-General notifies to the parties and considers to be relevant. The decision of the Valuer-General as to the rent is final.(9) The rent is payable by the Minister, on annual rests, to the credit of the separate account in the Fund referred to in section 138 (1B) for payment out in accordance with section 139 (5).
71AF Dating of lease
On publication of a proclamation under Division 3 or 4, the Minister must cause the date of publication of the proclamation to be inserted in the lease as—(a) the date of execution of the lease, and(b) the date of the commencement of the term of the lease.
71AG Registrar-General to enter particulars of vesting and lease in register
(1) On publication of a proclamation under Division 3 or 4, the lease, completed with the date of execution and commencement of the term, must be lodged at the Land Titles Office.(2) On lodgment of the lease, the Registrar-General must enter in the appropriate register particulars of—(a) in the case of Schedule 14 land—the vesting of the lands in the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils concerned, and(b) in the case of Schedule 14 lands and ALR Act lands—of the lease of those lands to the Minister.(3) (Repealed)
71AH Regular review of lease required
(1) At least once every 5 years during the term of a lease under this Part—(a) the Secretary, on behalf of the Minister, and(b) the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which the lands are vested, andmust consider whether or not any one or more of the provisions of the lease (including provisions relating to rent and the term of the lease) require amendment.(c) the Aboriginal owner board members for the lands concerned,(2) The review must include a consideration of the adequacy of the then existing arrangements for management of the lands concerned and whether a recommendation should be made for amendments to this Act to meet specific requirements relating to the management of those lands.(3) If a party to the lease or the Aboriginal owner board members fail to agree to an amendment proposed by another party, the disagreement is to be arbitrated in accordance with this Part.(4) A lease may be amended by agreement of the parties and the Aboriginal owner board members as a result of the consultations despite any other provision of this or any other Act or law or of the lease.
71AI Re-negotiation of lease before expiry of lease term
(1) At least 5 years before the expiry of each term of a lease under this Part—(a) the Secretary, on behalf of the Minister, and(b) the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which the lands are vested, andmust consider whether or not any one or more of the provisions of the lease should be amended to enable the lease to operate more effectively.(c) the Aboriginal owner board members for the lands concerned,(2) If it is agreed that a provision does require amendment, the Secretary, the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils and the Aboriginal owner board members must negotiate on and prepare the required amendment at least 2 years before the expiry of the then current term of the lease.(3) Any amendment prepared in accordance with subsection (2) and agreed to by the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils must be presented to the Minister for approval at least 18 months before the expiry of the then current term of the lease.(4) If an amendment is approved by the Minister, a new lease must be prepared incorporating the amended provision.(5) At least 6 months before the expiry of the then current term of the lease, the new lease should, if at all possible, be executed in escrow by the Minister and the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which the lands are vested.(6) A lease executed under subsection (5) takes effect, in substitution for the previous lease between the Minister and the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils, on the expiration of the term of the previous lease.(7) If the Secretary and the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils agree that no provisions of the lease require amendment, the lease between the parties operates for a further term of 30 years, commencing on the expiration of the current term of the lease, in accordance with its provisions and the requirements of this Part.(8) The times specified by this section for the consideration of the provisions of the lease, the negotiation and preparation of amendments, the presentation of the amendments to the Minister and the execution of the lease may be varied by the agreement of the parties.
71AJ Dating and registration of re-negotiated lease
(1) The Minister must cause the date on which a re-negotiated lease takes effect under this Division to be inserted in the lease as—(a) the date of execution of the lease, and(b) the date of the commencement of the term of the lease.(2), (3) (Repealed)
71AK Variation of lease
A lease under this Part may be varied only by the agreement of the parties and the Aboriginal owner board members for the land concerned, not inconsistent with this Act, or by an Act of Parliament.
71AL Holding over under lease
(1) A lease under this Part does not expire by effluxion of time except as otherwise provided by this Part.(2) On the expiry of the then current term of a lease under this Part, the Minister holds over under the lease until such time as the lease is renewed or replaced.(3) The term of a lease that renews or replaces a lease whose term has expired runs from the date of execution of the new lease by the Minister.(4) For the avoidance of doubt, the expiry of a term of a lease under this Part does not affect—(a) the reservation under this Act of the land that is the subject of the lease as a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, or(b) the establishment of any board of management under this Act for the land that is the subject of the lease and the appointment of any member of any such board.
Division 6 Boards of management
71AM Application of Division
This Division applies to and in respect of Schedule 14 lands and ALR Act lands.
71AN Boards of management
(1) There is to be a board of management for each area of Schedule 14 lands and ALR Act lands leased and reserved under this Part. A board of management is to be established as soon as practicable after the lands are leased and reserved.(2) A board of management is to consist of at least 11, but no more than 13, members appointed by the Minister with the concurrence of the Minister administering the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.(3) Of the members—(a) the majority are to be Aboriginal owners of the lands concerned nominated by themselves or by another Aboriginal owner of the lands with the consent of the nominee, and(b) one is to be a person appointed from nominees of a Local Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in whose area or areas the whole or part of the lands are located, and(c) one is to be a person appointed to represent the local council or councils (if any) whose area or areas comprise, or adjoin, the lands, and(d) one is to be an officer of the Service for the time being nominated by the Secretary, and(e) one is to be a person appointed from a panel of persons nominated by a group concerned in the conservation of the region in which the lands are located to represent conservation interests, and(f) one is to be a person appointed on the nomination of owners, lessees and occupiers of land adjoining or in the vicinity of the lands to represent those owners, lessees and occupiers.(4) The Minister, in appointing Aboriginal owners under subsection (3) (a), is to have regard to such matters as the gender of the nominees and their cultural affiliations and family groupings in an endeavour to ensure that a representative group of members is appointed.(5) A matter or thing done or omitted to be done by a board of management, a member of a board of management or a person acting under the direction of a board of management does not, if the matter or thing was done or omitted to be done in good faith for the purpose of executing this Act (or any regulation under this Act), subject the member or the person so acting personally to any action, liability, claim or demand.(6) However, any such liability attaches instead to the Crown.(6A) Schedule 14A contains provisions with respect to the constitution and procedure of boards of management.(7) Subject to this Act (including Schedule 14A), the regulations may make provision with respect to the constitution and procedure of a board of management including the declaration of pecuniary interests by members.
71AO Functions of boards of management
(1) A board of management for lands to which this Division applies has the following functions—(a) the care, control and management of the lands,(b) the preparation of plans of management for the lands,(c) the supervision of payments from the Fund with respect to the lands.(2) Without limiting subsection (1), a board of management has the function of considering proposals for the carrying out, by Aboriginal owners or other Aboriginal persons, of cultural activities (such as hunting and gathering) within the lands and of approving, or refusing to approve, the carrying out of those activities.(3) A board of management must exercise its functions in accordance with any plan of management in force with respect to the lands for which it is established.(4) In the exercise of its functions, a board of management is subject to the control and direction of the Minister.(5) Despite subsection (4), the Minister may not give directions to a board of management in relation to—(a) the contents of any report, advice, information or recommendation that is to be or may be made or given by the board, or(b) any decision of the board, that is not inconsistent with this Act and the plan of management for the lands for which it was established, relating to the care, control and management of Aboriginal heritage and culture within the lands.(6) In the exercise of its functions with respect to the care, control and management of lands for which no plan of management is in force, a board of management is to consult with and have regard to the advice of the Secretary.(7) A board of management may delegate the exercise of any function of the board of management under this Act (other than this power of delegation) to—(a) a member of the board, or(b) a person employed in the Department, or(c) any person, or any class of persons, authorised for the purposes of this subsection by the regulations.
71AP Term of office of board members
Subject to Schedule 14A and the regulations, a member of a board of management holds office for such period (being not less than 4 years and not more than 6 years) as may be specified in the instrument of appointment of the member, but is eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-appointment.
71AQ Board of management’s accounts, budgets, quarterly and annual reports
(1) A board of management must cause proper accounts and records to be kept in relation to all of its operations.(2) A board of management must, before the commencement of each financial year, prepare and submit to the Minister a detailed budget relating to its proposed operations during that financial year.(3) The board of management must furnish to the Minister such information relating to the budget as the Minister requests.(4) A board of management must monitor its financial activities to determine whether it is operating in accordance with its budget.(5) A board of management must in each year, as soon as practicable after 30 June, but on or before 1 October, forward to the Minister an annual report of its operations for the 12 months ending on 30 June in that year.(6) The regulations may prescribe the form and content of budgets and reports under this section.
Division 7 Addition of lands to Schedule 14
71AR Application of Division
This Division applies to and in respect of lands proposed for addition to Schedule 14 only.
71AS Proposals for additions to Schedule 14
(1) Any person or body (including a statutory authority) may submit to the Secretary a written proposal that lands reserved under this Act be identified as having cultural significance to Aboriginal persons and listed in Schedule 14.(2) A copy of the proposal is to be given to the Registrar who must notify the following persons and bodies of the proposal—(a) the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, and(b) the Local Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in whose area or areas the lands the subject of the proposal are located, and(c) the Aboriginal owners of the lands concerned (if they have been identified), and(d) any body representing Aboriginal persons that the Registrar considers to be relevant.(3) The Registrar is to provide the Secretary with the names of the persons and bodies that the Registrar has notified of the proposal.Note—Land in Zone 1, 2 or 3 of the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area (established under the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005) is not eligible to be proposed under this section for listing in Schedule 14 to this Act.
71AT Assessment of proposals
(1) The Secretary must, after receiving a proposal, make an assessment of the cultural significance to Aboriginal persons of the lands referred to in the proposal and make a report to the Minister in relation to the proposal.(2) The Secretary is to consult with—(a) the person or body that submitted the proposal, and(b) the persons and bodies notified of the proposal by the Registrar, andin relation to the making of the assessment and report.(c) any other person or body that the Secretary considers should be consulted,
71AU Report to Minister
(1) In preparing a report for the Minister, the Secretary is to consider the following—(a) whether the lands concerned contain places of spiritual or mythological importance in accordance with Aboriginal custom or lore,(b) whether the lands contain places used for the conduct of ceremonial activities by Aboriginal persons, including areas recognised for gender specific cultural activities,(c) whether the lands contain areas that are significant for their association with Aboriginal life after occupation of the area in which the lands are situated by persons of European extraction.(2) The Secretary’s report is to make comment on the following matters in relation to the lands concerned—(a) whether Aboriginal burials or remains, or both, are present,(b) the rarity of types of Aboriginal sites and objects on the lands in the context of the cultural area in which the lands are located,(c) the diversity of Aboriginal sites and objects on the lands,(d) the antiquity of Aboriginal sites and objects on the lands,on the basis, or partly on the basis, of their cultural significance to Aboriginal persons.(e) whether the lands have been listed—(i) in the Register of the National Estate kept in pursuance of the Australian Heritage Commission Act 1975 of the Commonwealth, or(ii) as an item of cultural heritage of outstanding universal value in accordance with the World Heritage Properties Conservation Act 1983 of the Commonwealth and the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage that is referred to in section 71AD (2) (c) (ii),(3) The Secretary must also indicate in the report whether any disagreement exists among the persons or bodies consulted by the Secretary regarding the proposal as to whether the lands are of cultural significance to Aboriginal persons or should be listed in Schedule 14, or both.(4) The Secretary may include any other matters in the report that the Secretary considers to be relevant.
71AV Consideration of report by Minister
(1) On receiving a report from the Secretary, the Minister is to consider whether the lands concerned are of cultural significance to Aboriginal persons and, if so, whether the Minister should recommend to the Governor that the lands be listed in Schedule 14.(2) The Minister is not to make a recommendation that the lands be listed in Schedule 14 unless the Minister is satisfied that the cultural significance of the lands to Aboriginal persons is at least equivalent to that of the lands already listed in the Schedule.
71AW Listing of additional lands in Schedule 14
(1) Additional lands may be listed in Schedule 14 only by an Act of Parliament.(2) If Parliament approves of the listing of lands in Schedule 14 following the making of a recommendation by the Minister to the Governor that the lands be so listed, the lands may be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this Part that apply to Schedule 14 lands and, in particular, with the provisions of Divisions 2, 3, 5 and 6.
Division 8 Addition of lands to Schedule 14 lands or ALR Act lands leased under Part
71AX Application of Division
This Division applies to and in respect of Schedule 14 lands and ALR Act lands that are leased and reserved under this Part.
71AY Definition of “area”
In this Division, area means lands reserved under this Part as a national park, historic site, state conservation area or regional park or dedicated under this Part as a nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area.
71AZ Additions may be made to reserved lands leased under Part
(1) Nothing in this Act prevents the reservation of lands, in accordance with this Division, as part of an area that has been leased and reserved in accordance with this Part (whether those lands are to be reserved as the same category of reserved lands as the area already leased and reserved or otherwise).(2) Lands may be reserved as part of an area referred to in this section only with the consent of—(a) the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which they are vested, and(b) the board of management for the area.
71BA Addition of lands already reserved under Act
(1) Lands that are reserved under this Act may be added as part of an area that is leased under this Part only if the lands are listed in Schedule 14.(2) The Governor may, by proclamation published in the Gazette, declare that the whole or part of lands listed in Schedule 14, be taken to be reserved as part of an area reserved under this Part.(3) On the publication of the proclamation—(a) the lands are reserved as part of the area, and(b) the lands are vested in the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which the area is vested, and(c) the care, control and management of the lands is to be exercised—(i) by the board of management for the area, or(ii) if a board of management has not been established for the area, by the Secretary until a board of management is established for the area, and(d) the lease over the area negotiated under this Part is taken to extend and apply to the lands in the same way that the lease applies to the area, and(e) the provisions of this Act and any instrument made under this Act (including any plan of management or regulations) apply to the lands in the same way that they apply to the area.(4) Subsections (2) and (3) apply, in relation to the lands added to the area, subject to the following—(a) any native title rights and interests that exist in relation to the lands,(b) any existing interest within the meaning of section 39,(c) any licence issued under Part 9,(d) any lease, licence, franchise or easement granted under Part 12,(e) any authority or consent issued under this Act or the regulations.(5) Despite subsection (3) (e), a plan of management applying to land in an area already leased and reserved under this Part only applies to lands added to the area if the plan of management already applies to lands of the same reservation category.Note—For example, if the plan of management applies only to land reserved as a national park and the added land is to be reserved as a state conservation area, the plan of management will not apply to the newly added state conservation area land.
71BB Tabling of proclamation to add lands if change of land classification involved
(1) A copy of a proclamation published under section 71BA is to be laid before each House of Parliament within 14 sitting days of that House after the publication of the proclamation if the classification of the lands specified in the proclamation is changed from the classification that the lands have in Schedule 14.(2) If a House of Parliament passes a resolution of which notice has been given within 15 sitting days of that House after a copy of a proclamation has been laid before it under this section (whether or not those sitting days occur during the same session) and the resolution disallows the reservation taken to be effected by the proclamation of any lands—(a) the reservation of the lands as part of the area leased under this Part ceases to have effect on the disallowance, and(b) the lands cease to be part of the area concerned and revert to the classification, as lands reserved under this Act and listed in Schedule 14, that they had before the publication of the proclamation, and(c) the vesting of the lands in an Aboriginal Land Council or Councils is of no effect, and(d) the care, control and management of the lands is to be exercised by the person or body that had the care, control and management of the lands before the publication of the proclamation, and(e) the lease of the lands does not operate in respect of the lands, and(f) the provisions of this Act and any instrument made under this Act that applied to the lands by reason only of the publication of the proclamation cease to apply to the lands.
71BC Addition of lands not already reserved under Act
(1) The Governor may, by proclamation published in the Gazette, reserve or dedicate, as part of an area leased under this Part any of the following—(a) Crown lands,(b) lands of the Crown,(c) lands acquired under section 145, 146 or 148,(d) Aboriginal lands.(2) On the publication of the proclamation—(a) the lands described in the proclamation become Crown lands to the extent to which they were not Crown lands immediately before that publication, and(b) if a trustee of all or any part of the lands so described was holding office under any this or any other Act immediately before that publication, the trustee ceases to hold that office in respect of those lands, and(c) any by-laws or regulations that, immediately before that publication, applied to the lands cease to apply so far as they relate to the lands, and(d) the lands are reserved as part of the area, and(e) the lands are vested, or in the case of Aboriginal lands, remain vested, in the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which the area is vested, and(f) the care, control and management of the lands is to be exercised—(i) by the board of management for the area, or(ii) if a board of management has not been established for the area, by the Secretary until a board of management is established for the area, and(g) the lease over the area is taken to extend and apply to the lands in the same way that it applies to the area, and(h) the provisions of this Act and any instrument made under this Act (including any plan of management or regulations) apply to the lands in the same way that they apply to the area.(3) Subsection (2) applies, in relation to the lands added to the area, subject to the following—(a) any native title rights and interests in relation to the lands,(b) any existing interest within the meaning of section 39.(3A) Despite subsection (2) (h), a plan of management applying to land in an area already leased and reserved under this Part only applies to lands added to the area if the plan of management already applies to lands of the same reservation category.Note—For example, if the plan of management applies only to land reserved as a national park and the added land is to be reserved as a state conservation area, the plan of management will not apply to the newly added state conservation area land.(4) To the extent to which a reservation (other than a reservation under Division 4 or this Division), Crown grant or vesting affects lands described in a proclamation published under this section, the publication revokes the reservation, grant or vesting, and the instruments of title (if any) must be surrendered for cancellation or notation.(5) In this section, Aboriginal lands, in relation to an Aboriginal Land Council or Councils that are the lessors of an area leased under this Part, means—(a) lands owned in fee simple by the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils (other than lands referred to in paragraph (b)), orthat the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils have requested, by written notice served on the Minister, be reserved as part of the area vested in the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils.(b) lands granted to the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils under Part 2 of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983, whether or not subject to conditions of the kind referred to in section 36A (2) of that Act,
71BD Application of certain provisions to additional lands
(1) Sections 71R and 71S apply to and in respect of lands added to an area reserved under this Part in the same way that they apply to and in respect of lands reserved under Division 3 or 4 except as provided in this section.(2) Despite subsection (1), sections 34, 47C, 47I (as substituted by the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 1996), 47Q (as inserted by the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 1996), 47Z (as inserted by that Act), 49, 50, 58B and 58N apply to and in respect of lands reserved under this Part.
71BE Review of lease after addition of lands
(1) A party to a lease under this Part may request a review of the provisions of the lease if—(a) lands are added to the lands originally leased, and(b) the next regular review of the lease in accordance with the requirements of Division 5 is not due within the 2 years next following the date of publication of the proclamation by which lands are added to the lands originally leased.(2) Section 71AH applies to and in respect of the review of a lease under this section in the same way that it applies to and in respect of a lease referred to in that section.
Division 9 Miscellaneous
71BF Application of Division
This Division applies to and with respect to Schedule 14 lands and ALR Act lands.
71BFA Aboriginal Land Council may create and deal with carbon sequestration rights
(1) An Aboriginal Land Council may create and deal with carbon sequestration rights in relation to reserved or dedicated lands vested in the Aboriginal Land Council.(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Aboriginal Land Council may undertake activities incidental to or in connection with the creating and dealing with, carbon sequestration rights.(3) Without limiting subsection (2), an activity incidental to or in connection with carbon sequestration rights includes a form of carbon benefit from the following activities—(a) revegetation,(b) vegetation management,(c) improvements in soil carbon,(d) the management of feral animals,(e) fire management,(f) carbon sequestered through land use changes or rehabilitation,(g) human-induced regeneration.(4) A function under this section may be exercised in relation to land only if the Aboriginal Land Council is satisfied that exercising the function is consistent with the objects of this Act.(5) A function under this section may be exercised in relation to land only with the agreement of the board of management for the land.(6) The Secretary may, subject to subsections (4) and (5), exercise functions under this section on behalf of an Aboriginal Land Council, but only at the request of the Aboriginal Land Council.(7) The regulations may prescribe other functions or activities that the Aboriginal Land Council may take in relation to carbon sequestration rights.
71BG Aboriginal Land Councils to act with agreement of Aboriginal owner board members
An Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which reserved or dedicated lands are vested must, when exercising any power, authority, duty or function conferred or imposed on it or them under this Act or under the lease of the lands made under this Part (but subject to the requirements of this Act and any instrument, including the lease, made under this Act), act only with the agreement of the Aboriginal owner board members for the lands.
71BH Regard to be had to interests of Aboriginal owners
The Secretary and the National Parks and Wildlife Service must, when exercising any power, authority, duty or function conferred or imposed on them under this Act in relation to management of the lands to which this Part applies (but subject to the requirements of this Act and any instrument, including the lease, made under this Act), have regard to the interests of the Aboriginal owners of the lands concerned.
71BI Land management activities subject to native title
(1) Despite any other provision of this Act—(a) the exercise of functions by a board of management, andin relation to the management of the lands to which this Part applies is subject to the preservation of native title rights and interests (if any) that exist in relation to the lands.(b) the exercise of powers, authorities, duties and functions by the Secretary and the National Parks and Wildlife Service,(2) If at any time an approved determination of native title is made that native title exists in relation to lands to which this Part applies, the Minister, the Aboriginal Land Council or Councils in which the lands concerned are vested and the board of management for the lands are authorised to enter into arrangements with the common law native title holders or their representatives (or both) to ensure that the native title rights and interests in relation to the lands are preserved.(3) An arrangement of the kind referred to in subsection (2) may be entered into despite any provision of this or any other Act or law and despite the fact that the entry into of the arrangement may involve the breach of another previously concluded arrangement.(4) No compensation is payable in respect of the breach of an arrangement because of the operation of this section.Note—Approved determination of native title is defined in section 253 of the Native Title Act 1993 of the Commonwealth.
71BJ Arbitration of disputes
(1) Any dispute between—(a) the Secretary and a board of management, orconcerning matters arising under this Part (other than matters in respect of which a direction has been given to the Secretary by a board of management in accordance with this Part) is to be arbitrated by a panel of 3 arbitrators.(b) the Minister or Secretary and an Aboriginal Land Council or Councils,(2) One of the 3 arbitrators is to be appointed by the Secretary, one by the board of management for the lands concerned and the third by agreement between the first 2 arbitrators or, failing such agreement, by the Chief Judge of the Land and Environment Court.(3) The procedures to apply to an arbitration are to be determined by the panel of arbitrators.(4) In conducting an arbitration, the arbitrators are to have regard to—(a) the preservation of the rights and interests of native title holders, andin relation to the lands concerned.(b) the views on the subject of the dispute expressed by the Aboriginal owner board members,(5) The regulations may make provision with respect to the arbitration of disputes under this section including as to the fixing and payment of the remuneration and expenses of the arbitrators.
71BK Dissolution of Local Aboriginal Land Council
(1) If lands to which this Part applies are vested—(a) in one Local Aboriginal Land Council and that Council is dissolved, orthe lands are on and from the date of dissolution vested in the Aboriginal owners of the lands recorded in the register of Aboriginal owners until a new Aboriginal Land Council or Councils are constituted for the area or areas that constituted or included the area or areas of the dissolved Aboriginal Land Council or Councils.(b) in more than one Local Aboriginal Land Council and each of the Councils in which the lands are vested is dissolved,(2) On the constitution of the new Aboriginal Land Council or Councils, the lands vest in that Council or those Councils.(3) If lands to which this Part applies are vested in more than one Aboriginal Land Council and one or more but not all of the Councils in which the lands are vested are dissolved, on constitution of a new Aboriginal Land Council or Councils to replace the dissolved Council or Councils, the lands vest in that new Council or those new Councils for the interest held immediately before the dissolution by the dissolved Council or Councils.
71BL Status of leased lands and board of management
(1) A lease of lands to the Minister under this Part is taken, for the purposes of any Act or law, not to be a lease of lands for private purposes.(2) Each board of management is taken, for the purposes of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and any regulation or planning instrument made under that Act, to be a public authority and, for all purposes under that Act and any such regulation or planning instrument, to occupy in respect of the lands of which it has care, control and management under this Part, the same position that the Secretary occupies in respect of lands of which the Secretary has care, control and management under this Act.
71BM Omission of land from Schedule 14
Schedule 14 may be amended by the omission of lands only by Act of Parliament.
71BN Review of Part
(1) The Minister is to review the operation of this Part to determine whether the policy objectives of the Part remain valid and whether the terms of the Part remain appropriate for securing those objectives.(2) The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period of 5 years from the date of assent to the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Aboriginal Ownership) Act 1996.(3) A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period of 5 years.
Part 5 Plans of management
71BO Definitions
In this Part—appropriate regional advisory committee means, in relation to land reserved under this Act, the regional advisory committee constituted for the administrative region in which the reserved land is situated., in relation to a plan of management, means the person or body who or which has responsibility under sections 72, 72A, 73 or 75 for preparing, or causing to be prepared, the plan of management.
72 Preparation of plans of management
(1) The Secretary—(a) shall cause a plan of management to be prepared for each national park and historic site in existence on the commencement day, as soon as practicable after that day, unless a plan of management was adopted with respect thereto under the Act of 1967,(b) shall cause a plan of management to be prepared for each nature reserve in existence on the commencement day, as soon as practicable after that day, unless a scheme of operations was approved with respect thereto under the Fauna Protection Act 1948,(c) shall cause a plan of management to be prepared for each historic site, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or national park reserved after the commencement day, as soon as practicable after the reservation,(d) may from time to time cause a plan of management to be prepared for any Aboriginal area or wildlife refuge, and(e) may from time to time, after consulting with the owner, cause a plan of management to be prepared for a conservation area.(1A) The Secretary is to cause a plan of management to be prepared for each state conservation area, and for each regional park (other than a park that is under the care, control and management of a local council), as soon as practicable after the reservation of the land concerned.(1B) If a local council is nominated by the Minister to have the care, control and management of a regional park, the council is to cause a plan of management to be prepared for the regional park as soon as practicable after the reservation of the land concerned.(1BA) The responsible authority is to seek the advice of the appropriate regional advisory committee in the preparation of a plan of management, other than a plan of management prepared for lands reserved under Part 4A or lands within Zone 1, 2 or 3 of the Community Conservation Area under the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005.Note—The responsible authority is to consult with the relevant Community Conservation Advisory Committee established under the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005 in the preparation of a plan of management for lands within Zone 1, 2 or 3 of the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area.(1C) A plan of management for lands reserved or dedicated under Part 4A is to be prepared by the board of management for the lands concerned in consultation with the Secretary.(1D) If a part or parts only of lands listed in Schedule 14 are reserved or dedicated under Part 4A—(a) the Secretary may prepare a separate plan of management for the part or parts of the lands that are not so reserved or dedicated in accordance with this Part, or(b) the Secretary and the board of management may agree that the plan of management prepared for the lands reserved or dedicated under Part 4A should extend and apply to the lands that are not so reserved or dedicated in which event the provisions of this Part applying to the preparation of plans of management by boards of management apply to the plan.(1E) Subsections (1C) and (1D) do not require a plan of management to be prepared if an existing plan of management is in force when the lands are reserved or dedicated under Part 4A. However, any such existing plan, in so far as it relates to lands reserved or dedicated under Part 4A, must be reviewed by the board of management for the lands concerned within 2 years after the lands are so reserved or dedicated and may be amended, altered or cancelled in accordance with this section.(1F) Without limiting subsection (1) (c), in the case of lands for which a plan of management is not in force when the lands are reserved or dedicated under Part 4A, a plan of management is to be prepared by the board of management for the lands within 5 years after that reservation or dedication.(1G)–(4) (Repealed)(5) This section does not apply to or in respect of a wildlife refuge or conservation area that is comprised wholly or partly of lands within a State forest.
72AA Matters to consider in preparing plans of management
(1) The following matters are to be taken into consideration in the preparation of a plan of management for land reserved under this Act—(a) the relevant management principles,(b) the conservation of biodiversity, including the maintenance of habitat, ecosystems and populations of threatened species,(c) the protection and appreciation of objects, places and structures of cultural significance, and tracts of land,(d) the protection of landscape values and scenic features,(e) the protection of geological and geomorphological features,(f) the protection of wilderness values and the management of wilderness areas,(g) the maintenance of natural processes,(h) the rehabilitation of landscapes and the reinstatement of natural processes,(i) fire management,(j) in the case of a plan of management for a national park, nature reserve or karst conservation reserve, the prohibition of the execution of any works adversely affecting the natural condition or special features of the park or reserve,(k) the potential for the reserved land to be used by Aboriginal people for cultural purposes,(l) the provision of opportunities for public understanding and appreciation of natural and cultural heritage values, including opportunities for sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment of the reserved land,(m) the adaptive reuse of buildings and structures,(n) the appropriate (including culturally appropriate) and ecologically sustainable use of the reserved land, including use by lessees, licensees and occupiers of the land,(o) the preservation of catchment values,(p) the encouragement of appropriate research into natural and cultural features and processes, including threatening processes,(q) the identification and mitigation of threatening processes,(r) the statutory natural resource management, land use management plans and land management practices of land surrounding or within a region of the reserved land,(s) the regional, national and international context of the reserved land, the maintenance of any national and international significance of the reserved land and compliance with relevant national and international agreements, including the protection of world heritage values and the management of world heritage properties,(t) benefits to local communities,(u) the social and economic context of the reserve so as to ensure, for example, that the provision of visitor or tourist facilities is appropriate to the surrounding area or that pest species management programs are co-ordinated across different tenures,(v) the protection and management of wild rivers,(w) the impact of the management and the use of land acquired under Part 11 on the reserved land’s management.(2)–(7) (Repealed)
72AB Content of plans of management
(1) A plan of management for land reserved under this Act must include—(a) the objectives of the plan of management, and(b) the operations proposed to be carried out on the land.(2) The objectives and operations must be consistent with the following—(a) the relevant management principles for the reservation under Part 4, Division 2,(b) the purpose and objects of this Act,(c) if the reserved land is within a State forest—the purpose and objects of the Forestry Act 2012.(3) A plan of management for a karst conservation reserve must, for the purposes of section 151D(1), also include environmental performance standards and indicators that ensure the environmental values of the reserve are conserved or restored.(4) A plan of management for a state conservation area may specify—(a) the activities proposed to be permitted for the area, or a part of the area, and(b) the nature of development proposed to be carried out to enable the use of the area, or the part of the area, for the activities.(5) A plan of management for land reserved under Part 4A may provide for the use of the land for a community development purpose prescribed by the regulations.(6) A plan of management for a national park, historic site, nature reserve or karst conservation reserve may relate to—(a) land acquired or occupied under Part 11, or(b) land proposed to be acquired or occupied under Part 11.
72A Plans of management for combined areas and areas adjoining State borders
(1) A single plan of management may be prepared under this Part for a combination of contiguous or related areas for which separate plans of management may be prepared under this Part or under the Wilderness Act 1987.(2) With the consent or on the request of the Minister, the Secretary may, together with the relevant authority of another State or a Territory, cause a joint plan of management to be prepared for an area comprising an area within that other State or Territory and an area for which a plan of management may be prepared under this Part or under the Wilderness Act 1987.(3) The provisions of this Act or the Wilderness Act 1987 with respect to a plan of management for a particular area apply to—(a) a single plan of management referred to in subsection (1), orin so far as any such plan relates to any such area.(b) a joint plan of management referred to in subsection (2),(4) A plan of management prepared in accordance with this section may include provisions relating to any or all of the following types of land—(a) land reserved under Part 4,(b) land reserved under Part 4A,(c) land acquired or occupied or proposed to be acquired or occupied under Part 11.
73 State forests
(1) The Secretary may, from time to time, with the concurrence in writing of the Forestry Corporation, cause a plan of management to be prepared for any State forest.(2) (Repealed)(3) This section applies to and in respect of a State forest that is comprised wholly or partly of lands within a wildlife refuge or conservation area or that is not comprised of any such lands.
73A Public exhibition and consultation for plans of management
(1) When a plan of management is prepared, the responsible authority must give notice of the preparation of the plan in accordance with the regulations.(2) The notice must include—(a) the address of the place at which copies of the plan of management may be inspected, and(b) the address to which representations may be forwarded, and(c) the period within which representations may be made, being a period of not less than 60 days from the date on which the notice is made public (the representation period).(3) The period between 20 December and 10 January, inclusive, is excluded from the calculation of days in a representation period.Note—See also the Interpretation Act 1987, section 36(2) if the last day of a representation period is a Saturday or Sunday or public holiday.(4) The Council may, by written notice given to the Secretary before the end of the representation period, request that a draft plan of management be referred to the Council if the Council considers the draft plan raises issues of State-wide significance about the management of land under this Act.(5) If the Council makes a request under subsection (4)—(a) the Secretary must refer the plan of management and all representations received during the representation period to the Council, and(b) the Council must consider the draft plan and the representations and provide advice within 28 days after the end of the representation period to—(i) for land reserved or dedicated under Part 4A—the responsible authority, or(ii) otherwise—to the Minister.(6) The responsible authority for a plan of management for a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area or land reserved or dedicated under Part 4A must provide to the appropriate regional advisory committee—(a) the plan of management on the day the responsible authority gives notice of the preparation of the plan under subsection (1), and(b) all representations received during the representation period.(7) The responsible authority for a plan of management must also provide the plan of management to the Karst Management Advisory Committee constituted by this Act if the plan of management relates to land that contains significant karst environments.(8) The Karst Management Advisory Committee must provide advice to the appropriate regional advisory committee within 14 days after the end of the representation period.(9) The appropriate regional advisory committee must—(a) consider the plan of management and representations, and(b) provide advice that the committee considers appropriate, including advice provided by the Karst Management Advisory Committee—(i) for land reserved or dedicated under Part 4A—to the responsible authority within 28 days after the end of the representation period, or(ii) otherwise—to the Minister within 28 days after the end of the representation period, or a longer period that the Minister determines.(10) This section does not apply in relation to a plan of management for land within Zone 1, 2 or 3 of the Community Conservation Area under the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005.
73B Adoption, amendment and cancellation of plans of management
(1) The Minister may do the following after considering representations made under section 73A and advice from the appropriate regional advisory committee and, if provided, advice from the Council—(a) adopt a plan of management without alteration,(b) adopt a plan of management with the alterations the Minister thinks fit,(c) refer the plan of management back to the responsible authority for further consideration.(1A) For subsection (1), advice received from the appropriate regional advisory committee and the Council in relation to land reserved or dedicated under Part 4A must be provided to the Minister by the responsible authority.(1B) Despite subsections (1) and (1A) the Minister may—(a) if the appropriate regional advisory committee or responsible authority do not provide advice—(i) adopt a plan of management, without alteration or with the alterations the Minister thinks fit, or(ii) refer the plan of management back to the responsible authority and the regional advisory committee for further consideration, or(b) if the appropriate regional advisory committee is not properly constituted—adopt a plan of management, without alteration or with the alterations the Minister thinks fit, or(c) consider advice provided by the appropriate regional advisory committee after the expiration of the period for providing advice to the Minister under section 73A(9).(2) The Minister is to refer the plan of management back to the responsible authority for consideration if the Minister has not adopted the plan within 12 months after receiving it for consideration.(3) The Minister may, on the recommendation of the responsible authority—(a) amend or alter a plan of management from time to time, or(b) cancel a plan of management, or(c) cancel a plan of management and substitute a new plan of management.(4) If the Minister proposes to amend or alter a plan of management, or to cancel a plan of management and substitute a new plan of management, the Minister is to instruct the responsible authority to cause the amendment, alteration or new plan of management to be prepared.(5) The responsible authority is to cause the amendment, alteration or new plan of management to be prepared as soon as possible.(6) The Minister may take action under subsection (1), (1B) or (3)—(a) in relation to a plan of management for a wildlife refuge—only with the consent in writing of the owner or holder, and the occupier, of the land to which the plan of management relates, or(b) in relation to a plan of management for a conservation area or proposed conservation area—only with the consent in writing of the owner of the land to which the plan of management relates, or(c) in relation to a plan of management for a State forest—only with the concurrence in writing of the Forestry Corporation.(7) Sections 72AA, 72AB, 73A, 74 and 75 and subsections (1)–(6) apply to and in respect of an amendment, alteration or substitution of a plan of management in the same way as they apply to the preparation of a new plan of management.However, in relation to an amendment or alteration of a plan of management, the reference in section 73A (2) (c) (as applied) to “60 days” is taken to be a reference to “42 days”.(8) Despite the other provisions of this section, the Minister is to cancel a plan of management for a State forest at the request in writing of the Forestry Corporation.Note—Sections 74 and 80 include other provisions relating to the adoption, amendment and cancellation of plans of management for certain land.
74 Catchment areas and special areas—generally
(1) This section applies where—(a) any lands reserved as a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area or that comprise a wilderness area within the meaning of the Wilderness Act 1987 are wholly or partly within a catchment area or special area of a water authority, or(b) the waters from any lands so reserved drain into a catchment area, special area or structure of a water authority.(1A) This section does not apply to land referred to in subsection (1) (a) that is wholly or partly within a special area within the meaning of the Hunter Water Act 1991.(2) The Secretary (or, if a regional park is under the care, control and management of a local council, the council) must, before submitting to the Minister a plan of management for the national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area or wilderness area—(a) refer the plan to the relevant water authority for its information, and(b) (Repealed)(c) also refer the plan to the Regulatory Authority (within the meaning of the Water NSW Act 2014) if the relevant water authority is Water NSW.(3) The Minister must, before adopting the plan of management, consider any representations made by a person to whom or which the plan has been referred under subsection (2).(4) In this section, means the Sydney Water Corporation, Water NSW, the Hunter Water Corporation or a water supply authority within the meaning of the Water Management Act 2000.
75 Special areas under the Hunter Water Act 1991—joint preparation and approval of plans of management
(1) This section applies to land that—(a) is reserved as a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, and(b) is wholly or partly within a special area within the meaning of the Hunter Water Act 1991.(2) The Secretary and the Chief Executive Officer of the Hunter Water Corporation have joint responsibility for—(a) causing any plan of management for land to which this section applies to be prepared under section 72 (1) or (1A), and(b) carrying out and giving effect to any such plan of management under section 81.(3) In the case of a plan of management for land to which this section applies that is a regional park under the care, control and management of a local council, the council and the Chief Executive Officer of the Hunter Water Corporation have joint responsibility for—(a) causing any plan of management for the land to be prepared under section 72 (1B), and(b) carrying out and giving effect to any such plan of management under section 81.(4) The Minister, and the Minister administering Division 8 of Part 5 of the Hunter Water Act 1991, are jointly responsible for the adoption, amendment or alteration, cancellation or substitution of any such plan of management. For this purpose, a reference to the Minister in sections 73B and 81 is taken to be a reference to both of those Ministers.(5) If the whole or any part of land reserved as a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area is declared, after it is so reserved, to be a special area under the Hunter Water Act 1991, a plan of management for the land is to be prepared as soon as practicable after the whole or part of the land is declared to be a special area.
75A–79 (Repealed)
79A Lapsing of plans of management
(1) A plan of management for lands reserved under Part 4A expires on the tenth anniversary of the date on which it was adopted unless it is sooner cancelled under this Part.(2) Not less than 6 months before a plan of management expires, the board of management for the lands concerned must prepare a new plan of management to replace it.(3) The board of management is to have regard to a plan of management that has expired until the new plan of management comes into effect.
80 Plans of management affecting fisheries and marine estates
(1) This section applies to a plan of management for one or more of the following—(a) a national park,(b) a historic site,(c) a state conservation area,(d) a regional park,(e) a nature reserve,(f) a karst conservation reserve,(g) an Aboriginal area.(1A) Before the plan of management is made or adopted by the Minister, the Secretary must refer the plan of management to—(a) the Minister administering the Fisheries Management Act 1994 if the Secretary considers that the plan of management may adversely affect—(i) fishing activities, or access to waterways for fishing activities, or(ii) threatened species, populations or ecological communities within the meaning of the Fisheries Management Act 1994, or their habitats, and(b) the Minister administering the Marine Estate Management Act 2014 if—(i) the plan of management applies to a marine park or aquatic reserve, or(ii) the land to which the plan of management applies adjoins a marine park or aquatic reserve.(1B) A referral to the Minister administering this Act under subsection (1A)(b) is not required if the Minister administers a part of the Marine Estate Management Act 2014.(2) A plan of management referred under subsection (1A)—(a) shall not be adopted, amended, altered or cancelled by the Minister in so far as it relates to Crown lands within the meaning of paragraph (a) of the definition of Crown lands in section 5 (1) (other than Crown lands to which paragraph (b) of this subsection applies), until the Minister has considered any representations made with respect to the plan of management by the Minister administering the Fisheries Management Act 1994 or the Minister administering the Marine Estate Management Act 2014, and(b) shall not be adopted, amended, altered or cancelled by the Minister in so far as it directly relates to the intertidal zone or Crown lands within the meaning of paragraph (b) of the definition of Crown lands in section 5 (1), without the concurrence in writing of the Minister administering the Fisheries Management Act 1994 or the Minister administering the Marine Estate Management Act 2014.(3) In this section—aquatic reserve has the same meaning as in the Marine Estate Management Act activity has the same meaning as in the Fisheries Management Act 1994.marine park has the same meaning as in the Marine Estate Management Act 2014.waterway includes a stream, creek, river, estuary, intertidal area, lake, reservoir and dam.
81 Operations under plan of management
(1) Where the Minister has adopted a plan of management for a national park, historic site, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area or wildlife refuge, it shall, subject to subsections (5) and (6), be carried out and given effect to by the Secretary.(2) Where the Minister has adopted a plan of management for a conservation area, it shall be carried out and given effect to by the Secretary, the owner (within the meaning of Division 7 of Part 4) of the area and any successors in title (within the meaning of section 69E) to the owner.(3) Where the Minister has adopted a plan of management for a State forest, it shall be carried out and given effect to by the Secretary by arrangement with the Forestry Corporation.(3A) If the Minister has adopted a plan of management for a state conservation area or a regional park, it is to be carried out and given effect to—(a) by the Secretary, or(b) by the relevant state conservation area trust or regional park, trust, or(c) by the local council (if any) that has the care, control and management of the regional park.(4) Subject to subsection (4A), despite anything in this or another Act or in an instrument made under this or another Act, if the Minister has adopted a plan of management under this Part, no operations may be undertaken in relation to the lands to which the plan relates unless the operations are in accordance with the plan.(4A) Subsection (4) does not prevail over section 153G(5) or 185A.(5) Where any lands to which a plan of management relates are—(a) lands acquired or proposed to be acquired under Part 11 for any purpose referred to in section 145—operations under the plan shall not be undertaken on or in relation to the lands until they have been reserved as, or as part of, the park, site or reserve, as the case may require, to which the plan relates, or(b) lands proposed to be acquired or occupied under Part 11 for any purpose referred to in section 146—operations under the plan shall not be undertaken on or in relation to the lands until they have been so acquired or occupied.(6) If the Minister has adopted a plan of management for lands reserved under Part 4A, it is to be carried out and given effect to by the board of management for the lands.
81A Leases, licences and easements subject to plan of management
Without limiting the generality of this Part, this Part has effect in respect of any part of a national park, historic site, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, state conservation area, regional park or Aboriginal area that is the subject of a lease, licence or easement granted under Part 12.
82 Concurrence of Forestry Corporation
Where the concurrence of the Forestry Corporation is required under this Part, the concurrence shall not be given without the approval of the Minister administering the Forestry Act 2012.
Part 5A Minister may create and deal with carbon sequestration rights
82A Meanings of “carbon sequestration” and “carbon sequestration right”
(1) In this Act, carbon sequestration means—(a) the absorption from the atmosphere of carbon dioxide by land or anything on land, and(b) the storage of carbon in land or in anything on land.(2) In this Act, a carbon sequestration right, in relation to land—(a) means the exclusive right to obtain the benefit, whether present or future, of carbon sequestration, and(b) includes a carbon sequestration right within the meaning of the Conveyancing Act 1919, section 87A.(3) For the purposes of the definitions of carbon sequestration and carbon sequestration right, land includes terrestrial environments or ecosystems and aquatic environments or ecosystems.Note—See also the definition of land in the Interpretation Act 1987.(4) The regulations may prescribe other types of carbon sequestration and carbon sequestration rights for the purposes of the definitions.
82B Minister may create and deal with carbon sequestration rights
(1) The Minister may create and deal with carbon sequestration rights in relation to land acquired, reserved or dedicated under this Act, other than land reserved or dedicated under Part 4A.(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the Minister may undertake activities incidental to or in connection with creating and dealing with carbon sequestration rights.(3) Without limiting subsection (2), an activity incidental to or in connection with carbon sequestration rights includes a form of carbon benefit from the following activities—(a) revegetation,(b) vegetation management,(c) improvements in soil carbon,(d) the management of feral animals,(e) fire management,(f) carbon sequestered through land use changes or rehabilitation,(g) human-induced regeneration.(4) A function under this section may be exercised in relation to land only if the Minister is satisfied that exercising the function is consistent with the objects of this Act.(5) A function under this section may not be exercised in relation to land of which a state conservation area trust, regional park trust or local council has care, control and management under this Act unless the Minister has consulted with, and considered advice given by, the trust or council.(6) The regulations may prescribe other functions or activities that the Minister may exercise or take in relation to carbon sequestration rights.
82C Review of Part
(1) The Minister must review this Part to determine whether the policy objectives of the Part remain valid and whether the terms of the Part remain appropriate for securing the objectives.(2) The review must be undertaken as soon as possible after the period of 2 years from the commencement of this Part.(3) A report on the outcome of the review must be tabled in each House of Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period of 2 years.
Part 6 Aboriginal objects and Aboriginal places
Division 1 General
83 Certain Aboriginal objects to be Crown property
(1) Subject to this section—(a) an Aboriginal object that was, immediately before the commencement day, deemed to be the property of the Crown by virtue of section 33D of the Act of 1967, andshall be, and shall be deemed always to have been, the property of the Crown.(b) an Aboriginal object that is abandoned on or after that day by a person other than the Crown,(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed as restricting the lawful use of land or as authorising the disturbance or excavation of any land.(3) No compensation is payable in respect of the vesting of an Aboriginal object by this section or section 33D of the Act of 1967.
84 Aboriginal places
The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, declare any place specified or described in the order, being a place that, in the opinion of the Minister, is or was of special significance with respect to Aboriginal culture, to be an Aboriginal place for the purposes of this Act.
85 Secretary’s responsibilities as to Aboriginal objects and Aboriginal places
(1) The Secretary shall be the authority for the protection of Aboriginal objects and Aboriginal places in New South Wales.(2) In particular, the Secretary shall be responsible—(a) for the proper care, preservation and protection of any Aboriginal object or Aboriginal place on any land reserved under this Act, and(b) subject to Division 2, for the proper restoration of any such land that has been disturbed or excavated in accordance with an Aboriginal heritage impact permit.
85A Transfer of Aboriginal objects
(1) The Secretary may, despite any other provision of this Act, dispose of Aboriginal objects that are the property of the Crown—(a) by returning the Aboriginal objects to an Aboriginal owner or Aboriginal owners entitled to, and willing to accept possession, custody or control of the Aboriginal objects in accordance with Aboriginal tradition, or(b) by otherwise dealing with the Aboriginal objects in accordance with any reasonable directions of an Aboriginal owner or Aboriginal owners referred to in paragraph (a), or(c) if there is or are no such Aboriginal owner or Aboriginal owners—by transferring the Aboriginal objects to a person, or a person of a class, prescribed by the regulations for safekeeping.(2) Nothing in this section is taken to limit the right of an Aboriginal owner or Aboriginal owners accepting possession, custody or control of any Aboriginal object pursuant to this section to deal with the Aboriginal object in accordance with Aboriginal tradition.(3) The regulations may make provision as to the manner in which any dispute concerning the entitlement of an Aboriginal owner or Aboriginal owners to possession, custody or control of Aboriginal objects for the purposes of this section is to be resolved.
86 Harming or desecrating Aboriginal objects and Aboriginal places
(1) A person must not harm or desecrate an object that the person knows is an Aboriginal object.Maximum penalty—(a) in the case of an individual—2,500 penalty units or imprisonment for 1 year, or both, or (in circumstances of aggravation) 5,000 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years, or both, or(b) in the case of a corporation—10,000 penalty units.(2) A person must not harm an Aboriginal object.Maximum penalty—(a) in the case of an individual—500 penalty units or (in circumstances of aggravation) 1,000 penalty units, or(b) in the case of a corporation—2,000 penalty units.(3) For the purposes of this section, circumstances of aggravation are—(a) that the offence was committed in the course of carrying out a commercial activity, or(b) that the offence was the second or subsequent occasion on which the offender was convicted of an offence under this section.This subsection does not apply unless the circumstances of aggravation were identified in the court attendance notice or summons for the offence.(4) A person must not harm or desecrate an Aboriginal place.Maximum penalty—(a) in the case of an individual—5,000 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years, or both, or(b) in the case of a corporation—10,000 penalty units.(5) The offences under subsections (2) and (4) are offences of strict liability and the defence of honest and reasonable mistake of fact applies.(6) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply with respect to an Aboriginal object that is dealt with in accordance with section 85A.(7) A single prosecution for an offence under subsection (1) or (2) may relate to a single Aboriginal object or a group of Aboriginal objects.(8) If, in proceedings for an offence under subsection (1), the court is satisfied that, at the time the accused harmed the Aboriginal object concerned, the accused did not know that the object was an Aboriginal object, the court may find an offence proved under subsection (2).Note—An offence against subsection (1), (2) or (4) committed by a corporation is an executive liability offence attracting executive liability for a director or other person involved in the management of the corporation—see section 175B.
87 Defences
(1) It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence under section 86 (1), (2) or (4) if the defendant shows that—(a) the harm or desecration concerned was authorised by an Aboriginal heritage impact permit, and(b) the conditions to which that Aboriginal heritage impact permit was subject were not contravened.(2) It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence under section 86 (2) if the defendant shows that the defendant exercised due diligence to determine whether the act or omission constituting the alleged offence would harm an Aboriginal object and reasonably determined that no Aboriginal object would be harmed.(3) The regulations may provide that compliance with requirements specified in the regulations, or in a code of practice adopted or prescribed by the regulations, is taken for the purposes of subsection (2) to constitute due diligence in determining whether the act or omission constituting the alleged offence would harm an Aboriginal object.(4) It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence under section 86 (2) if the defendant shows that the act or omission constituting the alleged offence is prescribed by the regulations as a low impact act or omission.(5) The Minister is not to recommend the making of a regulation under subsection (3), unless—(a) the Secretary has, under subsection (6), set minimum standards for requirements specified in the regulations, or in a code of practice adopted or prescribed by the regulations, and(b) the Minister—(i) is satisfied that the requirements specified in the recommended regulation, or in the code of practice adopted or prescribed by the recommended regulation, meet those minimum standards, and(ii) has consulted with the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee.(6) The Secretary may, for the purposes of subsection (5) set minimum standards for requirements specified in the regulations, or in a code of practice adopted or prescribed by the regulations, under subsection (3). The Secretary is to publish any such minimum standards in the Gazette.(7) The Minister is not to recommend the making of a regulation under subsection (4) unless the Minister has consulted with the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee.
87A Exemptions for certain activities
Section 86 (1)–(4) do not apply in relation to the following—(a) work for the conservation or protection of an Aboriginal object or place that is carried out by an officer of the Service or a person under the direction of such an officer,(b) any emergency fire fighting act or bush fire hazard reduction work within the meaning of the Rural Fires Act 1997 that is authorised or required to be carried out under that Act,(c) any thing authorised by or under the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 in relation to an emergency (within the meaning of that Act) and that was reasonably necessary in order to avoid an actual or imminent threat to life or property,(d) any thing specifically required or permitted under the express terms of a conservation agreement entered into under Division 12 of Part 4 of this Act (being an agreement that was entered into or modified after the commencement of this section).
87B Exemption for traditional Aboriginal cultural activities
(1) The object of this section is to exempt Aboriginal people from the provisions of section 86 that prohibit the harming of an Aboriginal object or place.(2) Aboriginal people are exempt from the provisions of section 86 (1), (2) and (4) to the extent to which those provisions would, but for this section, prohibit Aboriginal people from carrying out traditional cultural activities (except commercial activities).(3) This section applies to and in respect of any dependants (whether Aboriginal or not) of Aboriginal people in the same way as it applies to and in respect of Aboriginal people.
88 Australian Museum Trust to have custody of certain Aboriginal objects
(1) Nothing in Division 2 shall be construed as authorising the Secretary to permit an Aboriginal object to be removed from a national park, historic site, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or regional park to the custody or control of a person other than the Australian Museum Trust, except where—(a) the Aboriginal object remains in the custody or under the control of the Secretary, or(b) the Aboriginal object is being moved from a national park, historic site, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or regional park to any or any other national park, historic site, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or regional park.(2) An Aboriginal object that is the property of the Crown, other than an Aboriginal object—(a) in a national park, historic site, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or regional park,(b) being moved from a national park, historic site, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or regional park to any or any other national park, historic site, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or regional park,(c) in the custody or under the control of the Secretary, orshall be deemed not to be in the possession of the Crown unless it is in the custody or under the control of the Australian Museum Trust.(d) acquired by the Minister or the Secretary pursuant to section 89 or by the Minister pursuant to Part 11,(3) The Secretary may arrange with the Australian Museum Trust for the deposit or exhibition of an Aboriginal object in a building or structure in a national park, historic site, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or regional park and, where an Aboriginal object is so deposited or exhibited, section 86 does not apply to the Australian Museum Trust in relation to that Aboriginal object.(4) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting the powers, authorities, duties or functions conferred or imposed on the Australian Museum Trust by the Australian Museum Trust Act 1975.
89 Preservation or exhibition of certain Aboriginal objects
(1) Subject to this section, the Minister or the Secretary may, by agreement with a person having the ownership or possession of—(a) an Aboriginal object that is not the property of the Crown, oracquire the Aboriginal object or take such other action as the Minister or the Secretary thinks is practicable for the preservation or exhibition of the Aboriginal object or Aboriginal place.(b) an Aboriginal place,(2) An Aboriginal object acquired under this section shall be the property of the Crown.(3) An Aboriginal object that is real property shall not be acquired under this section, but nothing in this section affects anything contained in Part 11.(4) Any Aboriginal object acquired by the Minister or the Secretary prior to the commencement day shall be deemed to have been acquired under this section.
89A Notification of sites of Aboriginal objects
A person who is aware of the location of an Aboriginal object that is the property of the Crown or, not being the property of the Crown, is real property, and does not, in the prescribed manner, notify the Secretary thereof within a reasonable time after the person first becomes aware of that location is guilty of an offence against this Act unless the person believes on reasonable grounds that the Secretary is aware of the location of that Aboriginal object.Maximum penalty—(a) in the case of an individual—100 penalty units and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further penalty of 10 penalty units for each day the offence continues, or(b) in the case of a corporation—200 penalty units and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further penalty of 20 penalty units for each day the offence continues.
Division 2 Aboriginal heritage impact permits
90 Aboriginal heritage impact permits
(1) The Secretary may issue an Aboriginal heritage impact permit.(2) An Aboriginal heritage impact permit may be issued subject to conditions or unconditionally. However, a condition cannot be imposed on a permit if compliance with the condition would result in a breach of a requirement made by or under this Act.(3) An Aboriginal heritage impact permit may be issued in relation to a specified Aboriginal object, Aboriginal place, land, activity or person or specified types or classes of Aboriginal objects, Aboriginal places, land, activities or persons.
90A Application for issue of permit
(1) An application may be made to the Secretary for the issue of an Aboriginal heritage impact permit.(2) An application must—(a) be made in or to the effect of a form approved by the Secretary, and(b) contain or be accompanied by such documents and information as is required by regulations or by the Secretary (as indicated in the form or in material accompanying the form).
90B Application for transfer of permit
(1) An application may be made to the Secretary for the transfer of an Aboriginal heritage impact permit to another person.Note—Section 90E requires the application to be made only with the consent in writing of the holder of the permit.(2) An application for the transfer of a permit must—(a) be made in or to the effect of a form approved by the Secretary, and(b) contain or be accompanied by such documents and information as is required by the Secretary (as indicated in the form or in material accompanying the form).
90C Grant or refusal of application
(1) The Secretary may grant or refuse an application for the issue or transfer of an Aboriginal heritage impact permit.(2) An application is granted by the issue or transfer of the permit concerned.(3) If the Secretary proposes to refuse such an application, the Secretary must before doing so—(a) give notice to the applicant that the Secretary intends to do so, and(b) specify in that notice the reasons for the Secretary’s intention to do so, and(c) give the applicant a reasonable opportunity to make submissions in relation to the matter, and(d) take into consideration any such submissions by the applicant.(4) A permit is issued or transferred by notice in writing given to the applicant.Note—Section 90L enables appeals to be made in connection with permit applications within a specified period after the person is given notice of the decision concerned.
90D Variation of permits
(1) The Secretary may vary an Aboriginal heritage impact permit (including the conditions of such a permit).(2) A variation includes the imposing of a condition on a permit (whether or not any conditions have already been imposed), the substitution of a condition, the omission of a condition or the amendment of a condition.(3) A permit may be varied only on the application of the holder of the permit. However, the Secretary may vary a permit—(a) to correct a typographical error, or(b) to resolve an inconsistency between conditions to which the permit is subject.(4) A permit may be varied at any time during its currency, including (subject to section 90R) on its being transferred to another person.(5) A permit is varied by notice in writing given to the holder of the permit.
90E Restrictions on making applications to transfer permits
An application for the transfer of an Aboriginal heritage impact permit may be made only with the consent in writing of the holder of the permit.
90F Requirement for further information
(1) If an application has been made under this Division, the Secretary may, by notice in writing given to the applicant, require the applicant to supply to the Secretary such further information as the Secretary considers necessary and relevant to the application and specifies in the notice.(2) In this section—information includes plans and specifications.
90G Suspension or revocation of permit
(1) The Secretary may suspend or revoke an Aboriginal heritage impact permit.(2) A suspension or revocation of a permit is effected by notice in writing given to the holder of the permit.(3) A suspension may be for a specified period, or until the fulfilment of specified conditions, or until further order of the Secretary.(4) Without limiting subsection (1), a permit may be revoked while it is suspended.(5) The Secretary must not suspend or revoke a permit unless before doing so the Secretary has—(a) given notice to the holder of the permit that it intends to do so, and(b) specified in that notice the reasons for its intention to do so, and(c) given the holder of the permit a reasonable opportunity to make submissions in relation to the proposed revocation or suspension, and(d) taken into consideration any such submissions by the holder of the permit.(6) The reasons for suspending or revoking a permit may include (but are not limited to) the following—(a) the holder of the permit has obtained the permit improperly,(b) a condition of the permit has been contravened,(c) the activities covered by the permit are completed or no longer being carried on.(7) No fees are refundable on the suspension or revocation of a permit.
90H Surrender of permit
An Aboriginal heritage impact permit may, on the written application of the holder of the permit, be surrendered with the written approval of the Secretary.
90I Conditions of suspension, revocation or surrender
(1) The Secretary may, by notice in writing, impose conditions on the suspension or revocation of, or the approval of the surrender of, an Aboriginal heritage impact permit.(2) Those conditions may include (but are not limited to) any conditions to which the permit was subject immediately before it was suspended, revoked or surrendered.(3) The Secretary may, by notice in writing, impose new conditions on, or vary or revoke any existing conditions of, the suspension, revocation or surrender of the permit.Note—Section 90J makes it an offence to breach conditions under this section.
90J Failure to comply with conditions
(1) Offences If any condition of an Aboriginal heritage impact permit is contravened by any person, the holder of the permit (or, if more than one person holds the permit, each holder of the permit) is guilty of an offence.(2) If any condition to which a suspension or revocation of, or the approval of the surrender of, an Aboriginal heritage impact permit is subject is contravened by any person, the holder of the permit or former permit (or, if more than one person holds or held the permit or former permit, each holder of the permit or former permit) is guilty of an offence.Maximum penalty (subsections (1) and (2))—(a) in the case of an individual—1,000 penalty units or imprisonment for 6 months, or both and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further penalty of 100 penalty units for each day the offence continues, or(b) in the case of a corporation—2,000 penalty units and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further penalty of 200 penalty units for each day the offence continues.(3) Defence The holder of an Aboriginal heritage impact permit or former Aboriginal heritage impact permit is not guilty of an offence against this section if the holder establishes that—(a) the contravention of the condition was caused by another person, and(b) that other person was not associated with the holder at the time the condition was contravened, and(c) the holder took all reasonable steps to prevent the contravention of the condition.A person is associated with the holder for the purposes of paragraph (b) (but without limiting any other circumstances of association) if the person is an employee, agent, licensee, contractor or sub-contractor of the holder.Note—An offence against subsection (1) or (2) committed by a corporation is an executive liability offence attracting executive liability for a director or other person involved in the management of the corporation—see section 175B.
90K Factors to be considered in making determinations regarding permits
(1) In making a decision in relation to an Aboriginal heritage impact permit, the Secretary must consider the following matters—(a) the objects of this Act,(b) actual or likely harm to the Aboriginal objects or Aboriginal place that are the subject of the permit,(c) practical measures that may be taken to protect and conserve the Aboriginal objects or Aboriginal place that are the subject of the permit,(d) practical measures that may be taken to avoid or mitigate any actual or likely harm to the Aboriginal objects or Aboriginal place that are the subject of the permit,(e) the significance of the Aboriginal objects or Aboriginal place that are the subject of the permit,(f) the results of any consultation by the applicant with Aboriginal people regarding the Aboriginal objects or Aboriginal place that are the subject of the permit (including any submissions made by Aboriginal people as part of a consultation required by the regulations),(g) whether any such consultation substantially complied with any requirements for consultation set out in the regulations,(h) the social and economic consequences of making the decision,(i) in connection with a permit application—(i) any documents accompanying the application, and(ii) any public submission that has been made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 in connection with the activity to which the permit application relates and that has been received by the Secretary,(j) any other matter prescribed by the regulations.(2) The Secretary, in making a decision in relation to an Aboriginal heritage impact permit, must not consider any matter other than the matters referred to in subsection (1).
90L Appeals
(1) An applicant for, or holder or former holder of, an Aboriginal heritage impact permit may appeal to the Land and Environment Court against any of the following decisions of the Secretary—(a) a decision to refuse any application in relation to an Aboriginal heritage impact permit or former permit,(b) a decision in relation to any condition to which a permit or former permit (or a surrender of a permit) is subject,(c) a decision to suspend or revoke a permit.(2) The Land and Environment Court—(a) may refuse to grant the appeal, or(b) may grant the appeal wholly or in part, and may give such directions in the matter as the Land and Environment Court thinks appropriate.(3) The decision of the Land and Environment Court on the appeal is final and is binding on the Secretary and the appellant, and is to be carried into effect accordingly.(4) The regulations may (but need not) prescribe the manner in which an appeal is to be made under this section.(5) An appeal under this section must be made within 21 days after the day the person was given notice of the decision being appealed.(6) For the purposes of this section, an application is taken to be refused (unless it is earlier granted or refused), and notice of that refusal is taken to have been given to the applicant, on the expiration of the period of 60 days after the date on which the application was received by the Secretary.(7) For the purposes of subsection (6), any period under section 90F during which an applicant is required to supply to the Secretary such further information is to be disregarded in determining whether the 60 day period referred to in that subsection has expired.
90M Date from which decision operates
A decision of the Secretary in relation to an Aboriginal heritage impact permit operates from—(a) the date of the decision, or(b) if another later date is specified by the Secretary in the decision—that other date.
90N Regulations relating to consultation
The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the following—(a) consultation that must be undertaken in relation to an application or proposed application that relates to an Aboriginal heritage impact permit (including the nature, extent and timing of the consultation),(b) the persons, or classes of persons, who must be so consulted (including but not limited to Aboriginal people with a cultural association with the object or land concerned),(c) the opportunity of persons, or classes of persons, so consulted to make submissions as part of the consultation.
90O Interaction between permits and stop work and interim protection orders
For the avoidance of doubt, the existence of an Aboriginal heritage impact permit does not prevent the making of an order under Division 1 of Part 6A or an interim protection order under Division 2 of Part 6A.
90P Validity of permits
The validity of the Aboriginal heritage impact permit cannot be questioned in any legal proceedings except in proceedings commenced in the Land and Environment Court before the expiration of 3 months from the date on which the issue of the permit was published on the public register.
90Q Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System
(1) The Secretary is to establish and keep a database to be known as the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (the AHIMS).(2) The AHIMS is to contain—(a) information and records regarding Aboriginal objects whose existence and location have been reported to the Secretary, and(b) copies of any reports that have been provided to the Secretary regarding Aboriginal objects and other objects, places and features of significance to Aboriginal people, and(c) any other information required by the regulations.(3) The purposes of the AHIMS are—(a) to maintain a record of Aboriginal objects whose existence and location have been reported to the Secretary, and(b) to maintain a copy of any report that has been provided to the Secretary relating to the assessment of objects, places and features that are or are likely to be of significance to Aboriginal people, and(c) to maintain a record of the details of any other report (of which the Secretary is aware) relating to the assessment of objects, places and features that are or are likely to be of significance to Aboriginal people, andbut the AHIMS is not intended to be conclusive about whether any information or records contained within it is up-to-date, comprehensive or otherwise accurate.(d) to allow access to the AHIMS—(i) by Aboriginal people and organisations and by academic researchers, and(ii) by or on behalf of persons exercising due diligence to determine whether an act or omission would harm an Aboriginal object for the purposes of section 87 (2), and(iii) by public and local authorities in the exercise of their land management, planning and other similar functions,(4) The AHIMS is to be kept and maintained in such form as the Secretary thinks fit. Different parts of the AHIMS may be kept in different forms.(5) The regulations may prescribe any or all of the following—(a) the persons and classes of persons who may be granted access to information and records contained in the AHIMS,(b) the method of accessing the AHIMS,(c) the form in which access to the AHIMS is to be given (for example, whether by access to full records or summaries or through supplied maps or other forms of information),(d) the type of information or records that are available to be accessed from the AHIMS and any conditions or restrictions on the access to, and use of, that information or those records,(e) fees for access to the AHIMS and for copies or extracts of information and records kept on the AHIMS.
90R Certain Aboriginal heritage impact permit conditions to run with the land
If an Aboriginal heritage impact permit relates to a specified parcel of land and an application is made under section 90B to transfer the permit to another person, the Secretary—(a) must not refuse the application, and(b) in granting the application, must not vary any of the conditions of the permit.
(Renumbered as section 89A)
Part 6A Stop work orders, interim protection orders and remediation directions
Division 1 Stop work orders
91AA Secretary may make stop work order
(1) If the Secretary is of the opinion that any action is being, or is about to be, carried out that is likely to significantly affect—(a) protected fauna or native plants or their environment, or(b) an Aboriginal object or Aboriginal place, orthe Secretary may order that the action is to cease and that no action, other than such action as may be specified in the order, is to be carried out with respect to that environment or in the vicinity of those items within a period of 40 days after the date of the order.(c) any other item of cultural heritage situated on land reserved under this Act,(1A) After the commencement of Part 11 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, an order under this section may not be made in relation to protected fauna or native plants or their environment.(2) An order takes effect on and from the date on which—(a) a copy of the order is affixed in a conspicuous place in the environment or place the subject of the order, orwhichever is the sooner.(b) the person performing or about to perform the action is notified that the order has been made,(3) This section does not apply in relation to anything authorised to be done by or under—(a) a licence granted under this Act or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, or(b) the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 that is reasonably necessary in order to avoid a threat to life or property.(3A) This section does not apply in relation to any thing authorised to be done by or under the Rural Fires Act 1997 in relation to any emergency fire fighting act within the meaning of that Act.(4) This section does not apply in relation to anything that is essential for the carrying out of—(a) development in accordance with a development consent within the meaning of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, or(b) an activity by a determining authority within the meaning of Part 5 of that Act if the determining authority has complied with that Part, or(c) an activity in accordance with an approval of a determining authority within the meaning of Part 5 of that Act if the determining authority has complied with that Part, or(d) a project approved under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, or(e) State significant infrastructure approved under Part 5.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.(5) In this Division, a reference to action being, or about to be, carried out includes a reference to action that should be, but is not being, carried out and an order under this Division may be modified accordingly.(6) A person must not—(a) contravene an order under this section, or(b) cause or permit another person to contravene such an order.Maximum penalty (subsection (6))—(a) in the case of a corporation—10,000 penalty units and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further penalty of 1,000 penalty units for each day the offence continues, or(b) in the case of an individual—1,000 penalty units and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further penalty of 100 penalty units for each day the offence continues.Note—An offence against subsection (6) committed by a corporation is an executive liability offence attracting executive liability for a director or other person involved in the management of the corporation—see section 175B.
91BB Prior notification of making of stop work order not required
The Secretary is not required, before making an order under this Division, to notify any person who may be affected by the order.
91CC Appeal to Minister
(1) A person against whom an order is made under this Division may appeal to the Minister against the making of the order.(2) After hearing an appeal, the Minister may—(a) confirm the order, or(b) modify or rescind the order, but only if this is consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development (as described in section 6 (2) of the Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991).
91DD Extension of stop work order
The Secretary may extend an order under this Division for such further period or periods of 40 days as the Secretary thinks fit.
91EE Consultation about modification of proposed detrimental action
(1) After making an order under this Division, the Secretary must immediately consult with the person proposing to perform the action to determine whether any modification of the action may be sufficient to protect the environment of any protected fauna or native plants.(2) If, in the opinion of the Secretary, satisfactory arrangements cannot be made to protect the environment that is the subject of an order under this Division, the Secretary must recommend the making of an interim protection order under Division 2.(3) The Secretary must not recommend the making of an interim protection order in relation to anything that is authorised to be done by or under an authority referred to in section 91AA (3) or that is essential for a purpose referred to in section 91AA (4).
91FF Order prevails over other instruments
(1) If an order under this Division is in force in relation to an environment, an approval, notice or order (whether made or issued before or after the order pursuant to this Division) under any other Act that requires or permits the environment to be significantly affected is inoperative to the extent of the inconsistency with the order.(2) This section has effect whether the approval, notice, order or other instrument concerned was made before or after the making of the order under this Division.
Division 2 Interim protection orders
91A Interim protection of areas having significant values
(1) The Secretary may recommend to the Minister the making of an interim protection order in respect of an area of land—(a) which has, in the Secretary’s opinion, natural, scientific or cultural significance, or(b) on which the Secretary intends to exercise any of the Secretary’s powers, authorities, duties or functions under this Act or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 relating to fauna, native plants, threatened species, populations or ecological communities or critical habitat of endangered species, populations or ecological communities, or(c) that is critical habitat or the habitat of a threatened species, population or ecological community.(2) After the commencement of Part 11 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, a recommendation for the making of an interim protection order may not be made except in relation to areas of cultural significance.
91B Interim protection orders
(1) The Minister may, after considering a recommendation made under section 91A, make an interim protection order in respect of the area of land the subject of the recommendation.(2) An interim protection order shall take effect on the date of its publication in the Gazette or on a later date specified in the order.(3) An interim protection order may contain terms of a kind set out in the regulations, being terms relating to the preservation, protection and maintenance of the area of land, its fauna, plants, threatened species, populations and ecological communities and critical habitat of endangered species, populations and ecological communities and any Aboriginal object or place subject to the order.
91C Notice of intention to make order not required
The Minister is not required, before making an interim protection order, to notify any person who will be affected by the order of the intention to make the order.
91D Duration of interim protection order
(1) An interim protection order has effect for such period, being not longer than 2 years, as is specified in the order.(2) An order ceases to have effect if the area of land subject to the order is reserved or dedicated under this Act or the order is revoked.(3) (Repealed)
91E Revocation of interim protection order
(1) The Minister may revoke an interim protection order by notice of revocation.(2) A notice of revocation shall take effect on the date of its publication in the Gazette or on a later date specified in the notice.
91F Notice of making of interim protection order
The Minister shall cause notice of an interim protection order and its terms or of the revocation of such an order to be given, as soon as practicable after its publication in the Gazette, to—(a) any person who appears to the Minister to be an owner or occupier of the area of land subject to the order,(b) the Council,(c) the council in whose area (within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993) the area of land subject to the order is situated, andand shall consider any advice given by the Council relating to the order.(d) any other person the Minister thinks fit,
91G Failure to comply with interim protection order
A person who is given notice of an interim protection order under section 91F must not—(a) contravene the terms of the order, or(b) cause or permit another person to contravene the terms of the order.Maximum penalty—(a) in the case of a corporation—10,000 penalty units and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further penalty of 1,000 penalty units for each day the offence continues, or(b) in the case of an individual—1,000 penalty units and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further penalty of 100 penalty units for each day the offence continues.Note—An offence against this section committed by a corporation is an executive liability offence attracting executive liability for a director or other person involved in the management of the corporation—see section 175B.
91H Appeal against order
(1) An owner or occupier of the whole or any part of an area of land subject to an interim protection order may appeal to the Land and Environment Court against the imposition of the order or any of its terms.(2) Such an appeal shall be made within the time and in the manner provided by the rules of the Court.(3) In deciding an appeal, the Court may have regard to—(a) any hardship caused to the owner or occupier by the imposition of the order or any of its terms, and(b) the purposes of the order.(4) In deciding such an appeal, the Court has all the functions and discretions of the Minister under this Part and may make such order as it thinks fit.(5) A decision of the Court on an appeal is final and shall be given effect to as if it were the decision of the Minister.
91I Register of orders
(1) The Secretary shall keep a register containing copies of interim protection orders as in force from time to time.(2) The register shall be open for public inspection during ordinary business hours, and copies of or extracts from the register shall be available, on payment of the fee fixed by the Secretary.
Division 3 Remediation directions
91IA Cessation of operation of Division
After the commencement of Part 11 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, a direction under this Division may not be given except in relation to any land reserved under this Act or acquired under Part 11 or any Aboriginal object or Aboriginal place.
91J Definitions
In this Division—damage—(a) in relation to land reserved under this Act or acquired under Part 11, includes—(i) harming an animal, or picking a plant, that is in or on that land, or(ii) damming, diverting or polluting any waters on that land, or(iii) damage to anything in or on the land (such as a building, structure, pipe, sign, gate, fence etc or any object or place of cultural value), or(iv) removal of anything, or part of anything, in or on the land, and(b) in relation to a plant, includes picking the plant, and(c) in relation to an animal, includes harming the animal.landholder means a person who owns land or who, whether by reason of ownership or otherwise, is in lawful occupation or possession, or has lawful management or control, of land.pollute waters has the same meaning as in the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.waters includes a stream, creek, river, estuary, dam, lake or reservoir.
91K Directions for remedial work relating to damage to land, habitat and plants and animals
(1) The Secretary may, by notice in writing, direct a person to carry out specified remediation work in a specified manner and within a specified time, if the Secretary is satisfied that—(a) any land reserved under this Act or acquired under Part 11, or(b) any critical habitat, or habitat of threatened species, an endangered population or an endangered ecological community, orhas been damaged in or as a result of the commission of an offence under this Act (whether or not any person has been proceeded against or convicted for the offence).(c) any plant or animal that is of, or is part of, a threatened species, an endangered population or an endangered ecological community,(2) The specified remediation work to be carried out by a person may include one or more of the following types of work—(a) work to control, abate or mitigate the damage to the land, habitat, plant or animal concerned,(b) work to maintain, remediate or restore the damaged land, habitat, plant or animal concerned (including replacing removed or dead plants or animals).(3) A direction under this section may be varied or revoked by a further notice in writing.
91L Directions for remedial work relating to harm to Aboriginal objects and places
(1) The Secretary may, by notice in writing, direct a person to carry out specified remediation work in a specified manner and within a specified time, if the Secretary is satisfied that—(a) any Aboriginal object, orhas been harmed in or as a result of the commission of an offence under this Act (whether or not any person has been proceeded against or convicted for the offence).(b) any Aboriginal place,(2) The specified remediation work to be carried out by a person may include one or more of the following types of work—(a) work to control, abate or mitigate the harm to the Aboriginal object or Aboriginal place concerned,(b) work to protect, conserve, maintain, remediate or restore the harmed Aboriginal object or Aboriginal place concerned.(3) A direction under this section may be varied or revoked by a further notice in writing.
91M Persons to whom directions may be given
A direction under this Division may be given to any or all of the following persons—(a) the current or former landholder of any land affected by the damage or harm referred to in section 91K or 91L or on which such damage or harm occurred,(b) any other person the Secretary reasonably believes is responsible for that damage or harm or caused or permitted that damage or harm.
91N Other ancillary actions that may be directed to be carried out
The Secretary in a direction under this Division may also direct a person to carry out the following actions—(a) ascertaining the nature and extent of the damage or harm concerned and furnishing the information or records obtained to other persons (including to the Secretary),(b) preparing, furnishing and carrying out a plan of action,(c) furnishing progress reports,(d) monitoring, sampling and analysing anything to ascertain the nature and extent of the harm concerned or the progress in remediating the harm,(e) vacating the land concerned (or part of it), ceasing to carry on, modifying, or not commencing, an activity on, or use of, the land (or part of it),(f) carrying on an activity (or an aspect of it) only during particular times or in a particular manner,(g) in relation to harm to an Aboriginal object or place, preparing a report on an activity’s likely impact on the Aboriginal object or Aboriginal place concerned,(h) construction, installation or removal of anything (including plants and structures such as fencing, walls, bunds or other barriers),(i) erecting or displaying on the land concerned any sign or notice containing directions to persons not to enter the land or not to use the land in a specified manner or for a specified purpose or containing other directions of that kind or any other kind,(j) refraining from disturbance or further disturbance of the land concerned in a specified manner or below a specified depth,(k) informing the Secretary of any change in the ownership or occupancy of the land concerned, to the extent that the person subject to the requirement is aware of the change,(l) in relation to harm to an Aboriginal object or place, consulting with Aboriginal community groups or representatives (for example to develop a strategy or plan in relation to the remediation work),(m) in relation to harm to an Aboriginal object, moving the object.
91O Other person may carry out remediation work if failure to comply with direction
(1) If a person fails to comply with a direction under section 91K or 91L, the Secretary may direct any other person to enter the land concerned and carry out all or part of the specified work.(2) The Secretary may recover the cost of that work from the person given the direction in any court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due by that person to the Crown.
91P Entry to land to carry out direction
(1) A person may enter land to carry out a direction under this Division.(2) Nothing in this Division authorises a person to enter any part of premises used only for residential purposes except with the consent of the occupier of the premises.
91Q Failure to comply with remediation direction
(1) A person must not, without reasonable excuse—(a) contravene a direction under this Division, or(b) cause or permit another person to contravene such a direction.Maximum penalty—(a) in the case of a corporation—2,000 penalty units and 200 penalty units for each day the offence continues, or(b) in any other case—1,000 penalty units and 100 penalty units for each day the offence continues.Note—An offence against subsection (1) committed by a corporation is an executive liability offence attracting executive liability for a director or other person involved in the management of the corporation—see section 175B.(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), an example of a reasonable excuse is that the person was unable to enter land because of the refusal of access to the land by its occupier, but entry to that land was essential for the person to avoid committing the relevant offence.
91R Delay or obstruction of remediation direction
A person must not wilfully delay or obstruct another person—(a) who is carrying out any action in compliance with a direction under this Division, or(b) who is authorised to enter land and carry out work under this Division.Maximum penalty—(a) in the case of a corporation—2,000 penalty units and 200 penalty units for each day the offence continues, or(b) in any other case—1,000 penalty units and 100 penalty units for each day the offence continues.Note—An offence against this section committed by a corporation is an executive liability offence attracting executive liability for a director or other person involved in the management of the corporation—see section 175B.
91S Recovery by person given notice
If the person given a direction under this Division complies with the direction but was not the person who caused the damage or harm concerned, the cost of complying with the direction may be recovered by the person who complied with the direction as a debt in a court of competent jurisdiction from the person who caused the damage or harm.
91T Appeals under this Division
(1) A person given a direction under this Division may appeal against the direction to the Land and Environment Court within 30 days of the service of the notice of the direction.(2) The lodging of an appeal does not, except to the extent that the Land and Environment Court otherwise directs in relation to the appeal, operate to stay action on the direction appealed against.
Part 7 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust
Division 1 Preliminary
92 Definitions
In this Part—ITAA 1997 means the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 of the Commonwealth.Operating Fund means the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Operating Fund established under section 108(1).Public Fund—see section 105(1).Trust means the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust established under section 93.
Division 2 Establishment, functions and operation of Trust
93 Establishment of Trust
There is established by this Act a body corporate with the corporate name of the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust of New South Wales.
94 Status of Trust
(1) The Trust is a statutory body representing the Crown.(2) The Trust is subject to the control and direction of the Minister, except in relation to payments from the Public Fund and the Operating Fund.(3) The Trust must publish directions given to the Trust by the Minister on the Trust’s website.
95 Trust Board
(1) There is to be a Board of the Trust.(2) The Board of the Trust must consist of at least 5, and no more than 11, members appointed by the Minister.(3) The affairs of the Trust are to be managed by the Board.(4) An act, matter or thing done in the name of, or on behalf of, the Trust by the Board is taken to have been done by the Trust.(5) The Minister may do the following, in accordance with the regulations in relation to the Board—(a) appoint members of the Board, including persons with skills and experience in areas the Minister considers relevant,(b) appoint a Chairperson and a Deputy Chairperson of the Board,(c) determine remuneration and entitlements for travelling or other expenses for members of the Board,(d) remove a member of the Board from office,(e) establish committees and procedures for the committees,(f) dissolve the Board.(6) The regulations may make provisions about the following—(a) the composition of the membership of the Board appointed by the Minister,(b) procedures for nominations to the Board,(c) procedures for the administration of membership of the Board, including the term of office for members of the Board,(d) the procedures for—(i) calling of meetings of the Board, and(ii) conducting business at the meetings, including procedures to be determined by the Board,(e) procedures in relation to possible conflicts of interest,(f) the application of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 to members of the Board,(g) fees that may be determined by the Board for services,(h) requirements for the seal of the Trust,(i) the dissolution of the Board.
96 Object of Trust
(1) The object of the Trust is to support and promote the protection and enhancement of the natural environment through the use of gifts of money and property received by the Public Fund, and money held by the Operating Fund, by supporting the following actions, if the actions are in addition to actions that are or would ordinarily be taken—(a) the acquisition of lands under this Act,(b) scientific research and monitoring,(c) threatened species conservation, including restoration,(d) projects that support the involvement of Aboriginal people in park management, including joint management,(e) activities or classes of activities prescribed by the regulations, other than activities that are part of routine land management or routine visitor management.(2) The Trust is not-for-profit.(3) The object of the Trust is also its principal purpose.Note—For donations to the Public Fund to have tax deductible status under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 of the Commonwealth, Subdivision 30-E, the Trust must have as its principal purpose the protection and enhancement of the natural environment or of a significant aspect of the natural environment.
97 Functions of Trust
The Trust has the following functions—(a) to establish and maintain the Public Fund,(a1) to administer the Operating Fund, including to make payments into and out of the Operating Fund in accordance with Division 4,(b) to invite and encourage members of the public and organisations to make gifts of money and property to the Public Fund,(c) to establish and maintain a website for the purposes of facilitating the functions of the Trust,(d) to use the following to support and promote the actions specified in section 96(1)(a)–(e) to the extent the actions promote the protection and enhancement of the natural environment—(i) gifts, devises, bequests or contributions received by the Public Fund,(ii) money held in the Operating Fund,(e) to assess and analyse lands for potential acquisition by payments from the Public Fund and the Operating Fund,(f) to invest money held in the Public Fund and the Operating Fund,(g) to exercise functions delegated to the Trust under this Act,(h) another function conferred or imposed on the Trust by this Act or another law.
98 Powers of Trust
(1) The Trust has power to do all things that are necessary or convenient to be done for or in connection with the exercise of its functions or that are supplemental or incidental to, or consequential on, the exercise of its functions.(2) Without limiting subsection (1), the Trust has power to do the following—(a) to buy, sell, hold, mortgage, lease or otherwise deal with land or other property,(b) to borrow money, either with or without security,(c) to act as trustee of money or other property vested in the Trust,(d) to invest money held in the Public Fund and the Operating Fund—(i) if the Trust is a GSF agency for the purposes of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018, Part 6—in a way that the Trust is permitted to invest money under that Part, or(ii) if the Trust is not a GSF agency for the purposes of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018, Part 6—in the same way as trustees may invest trust funds or in another way approved by the Treasurer,(e) to make and enter into contracts or other arrangements for the carrying out of works, the performance of services or the supply of goods or materials,(f) to appoint agents,(g) to set fees in relation to administrative matters.
99 Staff of Trust
(1) Persons may be employed in the Public Service under the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 to enable the Trust to exercise its functions.Note—The Government Sector Employment Act 2013, section 59 provides that the persons employed, or whose services the Trust makes use of, may be referred to as officers or employees, or members of staff, of the Trust. The Constitution Act 1902, section 47A precludes the Trust from employing staff.(2) The Trust may engage consultants for the purpose of getting expert advice.
100 Delegation by Trust
The Trust may delegate a function of the Trust, other than this power of delegation, to—(a) a member of the Board of the Trust, or(b) an employee of the Trust, or(c) a person, or a person of a class, prescribed by the regulations.
101 Annual reporting information for Trust
The regulations may prescribe additional matters relating to the exercise of the Trust’s functions that the Trust is required to include in the annual reporting information prepared for the Trust under the Government Sector Finance Act 2018.
102 Exemption from certain State taxes
The Duties Act 1997 does not apply to or in relation to—(a) the acquisition of land by the Trust for the purposes of this Act, or(b) the leasing of land, whether as lessor or lessee, by the Trust for the purposes of this Act, or(c) the disposal of land by the Trust under this Act.
Division 3 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Public Fund
103 Definitions
In this Division—Environment Secretary has the same meaning as in the ITAA 1997.
104 Registration of Trust as environmental organisation
(1) The Trust must comply with the requirements set out in the ITAA 1997, Subdivision 30-E in relation to the Trust’s registration as an environmental organisation within the meaning of the ITAA 1997.(2) In particular, the Trust must—(a) establish and maintain a not-for-profit public fund that meets the requirements of the ITAA 1997, section 30-130, in accordance with section 105, and(b) comply with a rule the Commonwealth Minister and the Environment Minister make to ensure that gifts made to the public fund are used only for the principal purpose of the Trust, and(c) not pay any of the Trust’s profits or financial surplus, or give any of the Trust’s property, to its members, and(d) not act as a mere conduit for the donation of money or property to other organisations, bodies or persons, and(e) agree to give the Environment Secretary, within a reasonable period after the end of each income year, statistical information about gifts made to the Public Fund during the income year.(3) In this section—Commonwealth Minister means a Commonwealth Minister responsible for administering the relevant provisions of the ITAA 1997.Environment Minister has the same meaning as in the ITAA 1997.
105 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Public Fund
(1) The public fund referred to in section 104(2)(a) must be called the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Public Fund (the Public Fund).(2) The Trust must—(a) maintain and only use the Public Fund for the principal purpose of the Trust, and(b) hold all accountable gifts in the Public Fund, and(c) not hold other money or property in the Public Fund, and(d) pay all money held in the Public Fund into an account kept, for the purposes of the Public Fund, with an authorised deposit-taking institution, and(e) keep records that record and explain all transactions and other acts the Trust engages in that are relevant to the Trust’s endorsement as a deductible gift recipient for operating the Public Fund, andNote—The Taxation Administration Act 1953 of the Commonwealth, Schedule 1, section 382-15 requires deductible gift recipients to keep certain records.(f) issue receipts in the name of the Public Fund for accountable gifts worth $2 or more, and(g) notify the Australian Taxation Office and the Environment Secretary of any changes made to the provisions of this Act that relate to the Trust or the Public Fund after the Trust is registered as an environmental organisation under the ITAA 1997, Subdivision 30-E.(3) In this section—accountable gifts means gifts, property, contributions or money referred to in the ITAA 1997, section 30-130.ADI has in the ITAA 1997.has the same meaning as
106 Transfer of assets on winding up
(1) At the first occurrence of a winding up event, the Trust must transfer surplus assets of the Public Fund that can be deducted under the ITAA 1997, Division 30 to a tax exempt fund determined by the Minister.(2) The Minister must give preference to tax exempt funds that operate principally in New South Wales.(3) In this section—tax exempt fund means a public fund that is—(a) on the register of environmental organisations kept under the ITAA 1997, Subdivision 30-E, and(b) maintained for a similar purpose to the principal purpose of the Trust.winding up event means—(a) the winding up of the Trust, or(b) the winding up of the Public Fund, or(c) the revocation of the Trust’s endorsement as a deductible gift recipient under the ITAA 1997, Division 30.
107 Regulations
The regulations may make provisions about matters necessary to ensure compliance with a requirement under the ITAA 1997 for the proper functioning of the Trust as a registered environmental organisation under the ITAA 1997, including in relation to—(a) additional administrative arrangements to address a requirement, or(b) additional governance arrangements to address a requirement.
Division 4 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Operating Fund
108 National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Operating Fund
(1) There is to be established in the Special Deposits Account a fund called the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Operating Fund.(2) The Operating Fund must be administered by the Trust.(3) The purpose of the Operating Fund is to hold money for the exercise of the Trust’s functions.Note—The Operating Fund may hold money the Public Fund cannot hold because of the requirements of the ITAA 1997.
109 Payments into Operating Fund
The following must be paid into the Operating Fund—(a) money appropriated by Parliament for the purposes of the Operating Fund,(b) money, including money from grants and contributions, that cannot otherwise be held by the Public Fund,(c) the proceeds of the investment of money in the Operating Fund,(d) money authorised by the Treasurer to be paid into the Operating Fund,(e) money directed or authorised to be paid into the Operating Fund by or under this Act or another Act or law.
110 Payments out of Operating Fund
The following are payable from the Operating Fund—(a) money required to support and promote the actions specified in section 96(1)(a)–(e) to the extent the actions promote the protection and enhancement of the natural environment,(b) money required to meet expenses in relation to the administration of the Operating Fund,(c) money required to meet expenses in relation to the exercise of the Trust’s functions.
Parts 8, 9
111–136 (Repealed)
Part 10 Finance
137 National Parks and Wildlife Fund
The National Parks and Wildlife Fund established under the Act of 1967 shall continue in existence and shall be kept at the Treasury in the Special Deposits Account.
138 Payments into Fund
(1) There shall be paid into the Fund—(a) all money provided by Parliament for the purposes of this Act (including money provided for the expenses incurred or likely to be incurred by boards of management in connection with the preparation of plans of management for, and the care, control and management of, lands reserved or dedicated under Part 4A), the Wilderness Act 1987 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (except any money provided by Parliament for the purposes of the Biodiversity Banking Account or Biobanking Trust Fund under Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995),(a1) all money provided by Parliament for the management of any land for which the National Parks and Wildlife Reserve Trust is the Crown land manager,(b) all money received in respect of—(i) leases, licences, permits or occupancies within a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area or land for which the National Parks and Wildlife Reserve Trust is the Crown land manager,(ia) the creation of and dealing with carbon sequestration rights in land acquired, reserved or dedicated under this Act,(ii) leases and licences granted under section 149 (4),(iii) royalties, fees and charges under this Act or the regulations, the Wilderness Act 1987, the Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Act 2004 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 or the regulations made under those Acts, except those that are required to be paid into the Biodiversity Banking Account or Biobanking Trust Fund under Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995,(iiia) despite the provisions of any other Act, royalties, fees and charges in respect of land for which the National Parks and Wildlife Reserve Trust is the Crown land manager,(iv) franchises granted under section 152,(v) easements or rights of way granted under section 153,(vi) community service contributions,(vii) penalties recovered pursuant to this Act or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 or the regulations made under those Acts, or (despite the provisions of any other Act) under another Act in respect of land for which the National Parks and Wildlife Reserve Trust is the Crown land manager, except penalties recovered pursuant to Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 or the regulations under that Part,(viii) property forfeited pursuant to this Act or the regulations,(ix) costs paid pursuant to an order under section 176 (3),(x) amounts paid pursuant to an order under section 177, and(xi) policies of insurance under which money is paid to the Minister or the Secretary with respect to any national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, or any property in the custody or under the control of the Secretary,(b1) all money received in respect of—(i) rent paid by the Minister in respect of lands leased under Part 4A, and(ii) matters of a kind referred to in paragraph (b) in respect of those lands,(c) any money acquired by the Minister pursuant to section 148, except money required to be paid into the Biodiversity Banking Account under Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995,(d) any money received by the Minister pursuant to section 149, except money required to be paid into the Biodiversity Banking Account under Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995,(e) any other money received in connection with any national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area or any proposed national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area,(e1) any money received from the Sydney Catchment Authority in connection with carrying out and giving effect to a plan of management adopted under the Sydney Water Catchment Management Act 1998,(e2) any money received by the Secretary or a board of management in connection with an order of a court under section 201, 203 or 204 of this Act or section 141J, 141L or 141M of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995,(f) any money received in connection with any wildlife refuge or conservation area, and(g) any other money received in connection with the administration of this Act, the Wilderness Act 1987 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, other than money received in the prescribed circumstances (if any) or money payable into the Biodiversity Banking Account or Biobanking Trust Fund under Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.(1A) Within the Fund there is to be a separate account for each area of lands leased under Part 4A.(1B) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), any money paid into the Fund, including rent paid by the Minister, in respect of an area of lands leased under Part 4A is to be carried into the separate account in the Fund that relates to that area.(1C) Any money referred to in subsection (1B) may, pending its application in accordance with this Act, be invested by the Minister with the Treasurer or in any manner in which trustees are for the time being authorised to invest trust funds.(2) Where any money acquired by the Minister pursuant to section 148 is subject to any condition to which the Minister has agreed, the money shall be carried to a separate account in the Fund and shall be applied in accordance with the condition.(3) Any money referred to in subsection (2) may, pending application in accordance with the condition so referred to, be invested by the Minister with the Treasurer or in any manner in which trustees are for the time being authorised to invest trust funds.(4) A reference in subsection (1) (b) (i) or (e) to a regional park does not include a reference to a regional park that is, or is proposed to be, under the care, control and management of a local council.(5) Money received in connection with the administration of the biodiversity certification scheme (including any fees paid under the scheme or any monetary contributions made for the purposes of the scheme) is not to be paid into the National Parks and Wildlife Fund.(6) In this section—biodiversity certification scheme means—(a) the provisions of Part 7AA of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and any regulations made for the purposes of that Part, and(b) the provisions of Parts 7 and 8 of Schedule 7 to that Act (which relate to biodiversity certification of environmental planning instruments).
139 Payments out of Fund
(1) No money shall be paid out of the Fund except under the authority of this Act or in accordance with section 52 (2) (b) of the Fire and Rescue NSW Act 1989.(2) There may be paid out of the Fund—(a) all charges, costs and expenses incurred by the Minister or the Secretary in exercising and performing the Minister’s or the Secretary’s powers, authorities, duties and functions under this Act, the Wilderness Act 1987 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, except those incurred under the biodiversity certification scheme and the biobanking scheme,(b) all money allocated by the Minister for expenditure by a state conservation area trust in connection with a state conservation area or by a regional park trust in connection with a regional park,(b1) all charges, costs and expenses incurred by the National Parks and Wildlife Reserve Trust in exercising its functions in relation to land for which it is the Crown land manager,(c) the fees and travelling and other expenses payable to the members of the Council or any committee under this Act, the Wilderness Act 1987 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995,(d) the cost of acquiring land for the purposes of this Act, the Wilderness Act 1987 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995,(e) the cost of improvement of any land adjoining or in the vicinity of a national park, historic site, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area or state conservation area, where in the opinion of the Minister this is desirable to provide or improve access to the park, site, reserve or area, or to provide or improve facilities or amenities for persons visiting the park, site, reserve or area,(f) all money which the Minister directs shall be set aside to provide a reserve for insurance,(g) all money allocated by the Minister for expenditure on Aboriginal areas,(g1) the cost of the Minister creating and dealing with carbon sequestration rights in land acquired, reserved or dedicated under this Act,(h) the cost of acquiring Aboriginal objects or land in which Aboriginal objects or Aboriginal places are situated,(i) the cost of erecting and maintaining buildings or structures for the safe custody, storage or exhibition of any Aboriginal object,(j) the cost of entering into, and giving effect to, agreements under sections 145 and 146,(k) the cost of carrying out the purposes for which land is acquired or occupied under section 146,(l) all costs incurred under sections 147 and 149 (except in relation to a dealing in land or other property, or an interest in property, the proceeds of which are payable into the Biodiversity Banking Account under Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995),(m1) charges, costs and expenses incurred in the administration of the Marine Estate Management Act 2014,(m2) the cost of carrying out and giving effect to a plan of management adopted under the Sydney Water Catchment Management Act 1998,(m3) charges, costs and expenses incurred by the Service in connection with cloud seeding operations authorised by the Snowy Mountains Cloud Seeding Act 2004,(m) all money allocated by the Minister for use in connection with a wildlife refuge or conservation area,(n) all money to be paid to Local Land Services under section 141, and(o) any other costs, charges, expenses, money or fees prescribed by the regulations.(3) Any money set aside, as referred to in subsection (2) (f), may be invested by the Minister with the Treasurer or in any manner in which trustees are for the time being authorised to invest trust funds.(4) Where—(a) any lands are acquired under Part 11 out of money wholly or partly provided by Parliament, andthere shall be paid from the Fund to the Treasurer, out of the proceeds of the sale referred to in paragraph (b), such amount as the Treasurer may determine.(b) those lands, or any part thereof, are sold under section 149,(5) Any money in a separate account kept under section 138 (1B) in respect of lands reserved or dedicated under Part 4A must be applied—(a) for the management of the lands (including the preparation of a plan of management for the lands), and(b) in accordance with the provisions of any plan of management for the lands.(6) In this section—biobanking scheme means the provisions of Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and any regulations made for the purposes of that Part.biodiversity certification scheme means—(a) the provisions of Part 7AA of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and any regulations made for the purposes of that Part, and(b) the provisions of Parts 7 and 8 of Schedule 7 to that Act (which relate to biodiversity certification of environmental planning instruments).
140 Community service contribution
(1) The Secretary shall from time to time assess the amount of the contribution to be paid by the holder of a lease of or licence to occupy or use lands within a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve or karst conservation reserve for the cost of providing or maintaining any community service in the park, site, area or reserve.(2) The Secretary may levy the contribution payable by the holder of the lease or licence by serving on the holder a written notice of the contribution payable.(3) The notice referred to in subsection (2) may—(a) relate to one or more types of community service, and(b) specify a date by which the contribution must be paid.(3A) The amount of the contribution is due and payable to, and is recoverable by, the Secretary—(a) if a date is specified in the notice referred to in subsection (2)—on that date, or(b) if no such date is specified—on the expiration of one month from the service of the notice.(3B) Nothing in this section prevents the Secretary from issuing separate notices to the same holder of a lease or licence for different types of community service.(4) The Minister, on the recommendation of the Secretary, may for any reason which to the Minister seems sufficient exempt any such holder from the payment of such a contribution or part thereof.(5) In this section, community service includes the following actions or services when undertaken or provided in connection with public health or building safety—(a) making an inspection,(b) conducting an audit,(c) receiving an application,(d) granting an approval.
141 Payment of rates to Local Land Services in Western Division
(1) (Repealed)(2) An amount is, subject to this section, payable to Local Land Services equal to the amount that would have been payable to Local Land Services under Part 5 (Rates, levies and contributions) of the Local Land Services Act 2013 by way of rates for any period, in respect of land reserved as national parks or historic sites or dedicated as nature reserves or karst conservation reserves, had the land been rateable land under that Act at all relevant times after they were so reserved or dedicated.(3) No amount is payable under subsection (2) except upon an application—(a) made to the Secretary in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time, and(b) containing the prescribed particulars.(4) Any dispute between the Secretary and Local Land Services with respect to the particulars contained in an application or the amount payable under this section shall be determined in accordance with such directions as the Minister, after consultation with the Minister for Agriculture, may give.(5) Nothing in this section requires or authorises the payment of an amount in relation to any period before the commencement day.
142 Royalty
(1) Royalty shall, in accordance with the regulations, be payable to the Crown at the prescribed rates upon such species of fauna and the skins of such species of fauna as may be prescribed.(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), royalty shall not be payable under this section in respect of a skin or carcase to which there has been affixed or attached in compliance with a condition of a licence issued under Division 2 of Part 9 a label, tag, slip or other object for which a charge or fee has been paid pursuant to regulations made under section 154 (e).
143 Charges and fees
(1) Where the Minister, the Secretary or an officer of the Service—(a) supplies any service, product or commodity,(b) grants any licence to carry on a trade, business or occupation,(c) gives, varies or transfers any permission, consent or approval or issues any licence, registration certificate or permit,(d) furnishes any information,(e) processes an application for any permission, consent, approval, licence, registration certificate or permit (including by making an inspection or conducting an audit in connection with the application),(f) provides advice on request (including by way of lecture or seminar), orunder this Act or the regulations, the Wilderness Act 1987 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 or the regulations under those Acts or in connection with any national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, the Secretary or an officer of the Service may make, demand, levy and recover such charges and fees as may be prescribed or where no charge or fee is prescribed such charges and fees as may be fixed by the Secretary, subject to the maximum (if any) prescribed.(g) provides administrative services on request (including photocopying and the like),(2) Nothing in this section prevents the Secretary or an officer of the Service making, demanding, levying or recovering separate charges or fees in respect of the same person for the supply of different things or carrying out of different activities.(3) The services referred to in subsection (1) include, but are not limited to, health or building services provided or maintained by the Secretary in a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area.
144 (Repealed)
144A Overdue community service contributions, charges, fees and other money
(1) Interest on overdue money payable in respect of—(a) leases, licences, permits or occupancies within reserved or dedicated lands, and(b) leases and licences granted under section 149 (4), and(c) royalties, fees and charges under this Act, the Wilderness Act 1987 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, and(d) franchises granted under section 152, and(e) easements or rights of way granted under section 153, andshall be payable in accordance with this section.(f) community service contributions under section 140,(2) If payment of the whole or any part of an amount payable in respect of a matter referred to in subsection (1) has not been made at the date when the amount was due, the balance due from time to time after that date is to attract interest—(a) except as provided by paragraph (b)—calculated at the prescribed rate, or(b) in the case of interest payable under a lease, agreement or other instrument the terms of which fix a rate of interest that is higher than the prescribed rate—calculated at that higher rate.(3) If the Minister, on the recommendation of the Secretary, is satisfied that circumstances warrant it, the Minister may—(a) direct that an amount due shall not attract interest in accordance with this section, or(b) grant an extension of time after the due date during which the amount payable or due for the time being will not attract interest, or(c) remit the payment of the whole or any part of any interest payable under this section.(4) No refund shall be made as a consequence of a remission under subsection (3) (c).(5) This section applies to overdue money payable before, as well as on or after, the commencement of this section, in so far as it is due on and after that commencement, and so applies notwithstanding the terms of any lease, agreement or other instrument under which the money is payable.(6) Interest payable under this section may be recovered in the same way as the money in respect of which it is payable.
144B Annual reporting information for Service
The Service is to include a statement of its operations and expenditure in connection with lands reserved or dedicated under Part 4A in the annual reporting information prepared for it under the Government Sector Finance Act 2018.
Part 11 Acquisition and disposal of property
145 Acquisition of land for reservation or other purposes
The Minister may, for the purpose of obtaining land for reservation under Part 4 or Part 4A, of conserving threatened species, populations or ecological communities, or their habitats or of preserving, protecting and preventing damage to Aboriginal objects or Aboriginal places—(a) on behalf of Her Majesty, enter into and give effect to an agreement for the vesting in, or surrender to, Her Majesty of any land, or(b) acquire land by agreement or by compulsory process in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.
146 Acquisition or occupation of lands for certain purposes
(1) For the purpose of—(a) improving access to any land reserved or dedicated or acquired under this Act,(b) the management, maintenance or improvement of any such land, orthe Minister may—(c) carrying out works for any of those purposes,(d) on behalf of Her Majesty, enter into, and give effect to, an agreement for the vesting in, surrender to, or leasing to, Her Majesty, or for the occupation under licence, of any land adjoining or in the vicinity of the land so reserved or dedicated, or(e) acquire any land (including an interest in land) adjoining or in the vicinity of the land so reserved or dedicated by agreement or by compulsory process in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.(2) For the purpose of obtaining lands for use in connection with the administration of this Act, the Wilderness Act 1987 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, the Minister may—(a) on behalf of Her Majesty, enter into, and give effect to, an agreement for the vesting in, surrender to, or leasing to, Her Majesty, or for the occupation under licence, of any land, or(b) acquire land (including an interest in land) by agreement or by compulsory process in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.(2A) The Minister may, on behalf of the Crown, acquire land (including an interest in land) for the purpose of a future lease grant or dealing by agreement or by compulsory process in accordance with the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991.(2B) An acquisition for a future lease grant or dealing is an acquisition—(a) to enable the reservation or dedication of land under this Act and the exercise of powers, authorities, duties and functions conferred or imposed by or under this Act in relation to the land, or(b) to enable the exercise of powers, authorities, duties and functions conferred or imposed by or under this Act in relation to land already reserved or dedicated under this Act.(2C) The publication in the Gazette of an acquisition notice under section 19 of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for a purpose that is described as a future lease grant or dealing does not—(a) to the extent to which the land referred to in the acquisition notice was Crown land immediately before the publication of the acquisition notice, affect the status of the land as Crown land, or(b) operate to revoke any reservation as national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve or karst conservation reserve of the land referred to in the acquisition notice.(2D) Nothing in this section is taken to mean that the Minister cannot exercise functions in relation to land under this Act unless the Minister first compulsorily acquires the land concerned.(2E) Subsection (2A) does not limit the purposes for which land may be acquired under section 145 or any other provision of this Act.(3) The Minister or Secretary may, for the purpose of the management, maintenance or improvement of any land reserved or dedicated under this Act, enter into and give effect to an agreement with the owner or lessee of the land, as the case requires, concerning the management or care of any land adjoining or in the vicinity of land so reserved or dedicated.(4) (Repealed)
147 Application of Public Works Act 1912
(1) For the purposes of the Public Works Act 1912, any acquisition of land under section 145 or 146 is taken to be for an authorised work and the Minister is, in relation to that authorised work, taken to be the Constructing Authority.(2) Sections 34, 35, 36 and 37 of the Public Works Act 1912 do not apply in respect of works constructed under this Act.
148 Power of Minister to accept gifts
(1) The Minister may acquire, by gift inter vivos, devise or bequest, any property for the purposes of this Act, the Wilderness Act 1987 or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and may agree to the condition of any such gift, devise or bequest.(2) The rule of law against remoteness of vesting shall not apply to any such condition to which the Minister has agreed.(3) Where the Minister acquires property under subsection (1)—(a) neither an instrument that effects the acquisition nor any agreement pursuant to which the property is acquired is chargeable with duty under the Stamp Duties Act 1920, and(b) the property, or the value of property, shall not be included in the dutiable estate of the donor or testator for the purposes of assessing death duty under that Act.(4) Notwithstanding anything in Part 4 or Part 4A, lands acquired under this section must not be reserved as, or as part of, a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve or karst conservation reserve in contravention of any such condition to which the Minister has agreed.
149 Disposal of property
(1) Subject to any conditions of a gift or an agreement by or under which any such property may have been acquired, the Minister may sell, grant leases of, dispose of or otherwise deal with any lands or other property—(a) acquired by the Minister, otherwise than on behalf of Her Majesty, under this Part or another provision of this Act, oror any interest in any such lands or other property.(b) acquired by the Minister on behalf of Her Majesty for the purposes of this Act or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 by purchase with money from the Fund, by exchange of any property so purchased or by gift,(2) Nothing in this section applies to or in respect of lands while reserved as, or as part of, a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve or karst conservation reserve.(3) Nothing in this section affects the operation of Part 4A.(4) Without limiting subsection (1), the Minister may—(a) for any purpose specified in section 146 (1) (a), (b) or (c) grant a lease of, or a licence with respect to, lands acquired or occupied under section 146 (1), or(b) for use in connection with the administration of this Act grant a lease of, or a licence with respect to, lands referred to in section 146 (2).
150 Minister to be corporation sole for certain purposes
(1) For the purposes of the exercise and performance of the Minister’s authorities, duties and functions under Part 4A and this Part and under any other provisions of this or any other Act that are identified (by those provisions) for the purposes of this section, the Minister is hereby constituted a corporation sole under the name of “Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974”.(2) The corporation sole constituted by this section—(a) has perpetual succession,(b) shall have an official seal,(c) may take proceedings and be proceeded against in the corporate name,(d) may, in accordance with this Act (or with such provisions of any other Act as are identified as referred to in subsection (1)), purchase, exchange, hold, dispose of and otherwise deal with property, and(e) may do and suffer all other things that a body corporate generally may, by law, do and suffer and that are necessary for or incidental to the purposes for which the corporation sole is constituted.(3) The seal of the corporation sole so constituted shall not be affixed to any instrument or document except in the presence of the Minister, and the Minister shall attest by the Minister’s signature the fact and date of the affixing of the seal.(4) All courts and persons acting judicially—(a) shall take judicial notice of the seal of the corporation sole so constituted that has been affixed to any instrument or document, and(b) shall until the contrary is proved presume that seal was properly affixed.
Part 12 Leases, licences, easements etc
Division 1 Preliminary
150A Definitions
In this Part—existing building or structure means—(a) in relation to land reserved under this Act before the commencement of this section, a building or structure in existence on the land at that commencement, or(b) in relation to land that becomes reserved under this Act on or after the commencement of this section, a building or structure in existence on the land at the time of that reservation.reserve means a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area (and includes any such land reserved under Part 4A).
Division 2 Granting of leases and licences
151 Leases and licences of reserved lands
(1) The Minister may grant a lease or licence of land within a reserve (including any buildings or structures on the land).(2) A lease or licence granted under this section may authorise any one or more of the following—(a) the exclusive use of the land, buildings and structures concerned,(b) the erection of a new building or structure on the land concerned,(c) the modification of an existing building or structure on the land concerned.(3) Without limiting section 2A, in determining whether to grant a lease or licence of land under this section, the Minister is to give effect to the objects of this Act.Note—Section 2A (1) (d) provides that it is an object of this Act that the management of reserved land be in accordance with the applicable management principles.Section 81A makes it clear that Part 5 (Plans of management) has effect in any part of a reserve that is the subject of a lease or licence under this Part. Section 151C also provides that it is a condition of every lease or licence of land granted under this section that the lessee or licensee must ensure that the provisions of this Act, the regulations and the relevant plan of management are complied with.
151A Purposes for which a lease or licence may be granted
(1) A lease or licence of land (other than a nature reserve) may only be granted under section 151 for one or more of the following purposes—(a) General purposes(i) the provision of buildings for use in connection with any of the following—(A) the protection or preservation of land from fire,(B) the provision of services relating to the work of rendering first aid to, and the transport of, sick and injured persons,(C) a surf life-saving club,(D) any purpose of a similar nature,(ii) the provision of research facilities or activities for natural heritage (including natural phenomena) and cultural heritage,(iii) to enable activities of a recreational, educational or cultural nature to be carried out and the provision of facilities for that purpose,(iv) to enable sporting activities to be carried out and the provision of temporary facilities for that purpose,(v) to enable activities for natural heritage management, cultural heritage management, park management or fire management to be carried out and the provision of facilities for that purpose,(vi) to enable Aboriginal cultural activities to be carried out and the provision of facilities for that purpose,(vii) subject to section 151I (Restrictions on grant of lease for residential accommodation), the provision of residential accommodation,(viii) any other purpose that is—(A) consistent with the relevant management principles for the land set out in Division 2 of Part 4, and(B) identified in the relevant plan of management as being a permissible purpose for the land concerned,(b) Purposes related to the sustainable visitor or tourist use and enjoyment of reserved land(i) the provision of accommodation for visitors and tourists,(ii) the provision of the following facilities if the facilities are ancillary to accommodation facilities for visitors or tourists—(A) retail outlets,(B) facilities to enable the hosting of conferences or functions,(C) facilities to enable activities of a sporting nature to be carried out,(iii) the provision of facilities and amenities for visitors and tourists, including the following facilities—(A) information centres and booking outlets,(B) restaurants, cafes, kiosks and other food outlets,(iv) the provision of the following facilities if the facilities are ancillary to facilities and amenities for visitors and tourists—(A) retail outlets,(B) facilities to enable the hosting of conferences or functions,(c) Adaptive reuse and use of modified natural areasany purpose that enables the adaptive reuse of an existing building or structure or the use of a modified natural area.Note—See section 5 (1) for the definitions of “adaptive reuse” and “modified natural area”.(2) A lease or licence of land within a nature reserve may only be granted under section 151 for a purpose that is consistent with the relevant management principles for nature reserves set out in section 30J.(3) In addition to the purposes set out in subsection (1), a lease or licence of land (other than a nature reserve) may be granted under section 151 to enable any activity or development in a ski resort area (within the meaning of Part 8A of Schedule 6 to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979) that is permitted by an environmental planning instrument specifically applying to ski resort areas.(4) A licence of land under section 151 for the purpose of a conference, function or event must not be granted if the licence authorises the use of the land for a cumulative period that exceeds 3 months in any 12 month period.(5) The Minister must not grant a lease of land under section 151 for any purpose referred to in subsection (1) (b) that authorises the erection of a new building or structure on the land unless—(a) the purpose for which the lease is to be granted is identified in the relevant plan of management as being a permissible purpose for the land concerned, and(b) the general location for any such new building or structure is identified in that plan of management.
151AA (Repealed)
151B Matters that Minister must consider before granting lease or licence
(1) The Minister must not grant a lease or licence of land (including any buildings or structures on the land) under section 151 unless the Minister is satisfied that—(a) the purpose for which the lease or licence is granted is compatible with the natural and cultural values of—(i) the land to be leased or licensed, and(ii) land reserved under this Act in the vicinity of that land, and(b) the lease or licence provides for the sustainable and efficient use of natural resources, energy and water, and(c) in relation to any lease or licence that authorises the erection of a new building or structure on the land or the modification of an existing building or structure on the land—the authorised development or activity is appropriate in relation to the built form and scale of the building or structure, including its bulk, height, footprint, setbacks and density.(2) In determining whether the Minister is satisfied in relation to any of the matters referred to in subsection (1), the Minister is to have regard to—(a) the assessment criteria adopted by the Secretary under subsection (3), and(b) in relation to a proposal to grant a lease of land—a report prepared by the Secretary that addresses the relevant matters referred to in subsection (1) in light of those assessment criteria.(3) The Secretary—(a) must adopt assessment criteria relating to the matters referred to in subsection (1), and(b) may vary those criteria, but only if—(i) the Secretary has consulted with the Council, and(ii) the Council has advised the Secretary that the proposed variation, on balance, improves or maintains the environmental outcomes provided for under the existing criteria.(4) The assessment criteria are to be published on the Department’s website.(5) This section does not apply to the following—(a) a lease or licence of land within a ski resort area within the meaning of Part 8A of Schedule 6 to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979,(b) a renewal of a lease of land granted in accordance with an option to renew a current lease,(c) a renewal of a lease of land (otherwise than in accordance with an option to renew), but only if—(i) the renewed lease is on substantially the same terms and conditions as the current lease, and(ii) the term of the lease (including any options to renew) does not exceed 10 years, and(iii) there have been no significant breaches of the current lease, this Act or the regulations during the term of the current lease.
151C Leases and licences subject to conditions
(1) A lease or licence under section 149, 151 or 151H may be granted subject to conditions.(2) It is a condition of every lease or licence of land granted under section 151 that the lessee or licensee must ensure that the provisions of this Act, the regulations and the plan of management for the reserve in which the land is situated are complied with in relation to the land.
151D Special provisions relating to leases and licences of karst conservation reserves
(1) The Minister is to include in every lease or licence of land within a karst conservation reserve granted under section 151 a condition requiring—(a) the lessee or licensee (in relation to the lands leased or licensed) to comply with the relevant environmental performance standards set out in the plan of management for the reserve, and(b) the environmental performance of the lessee or licensee (in relation to the lands leased or licensed) to be measured against the relevant environmental performance indicators set out in that plan of management.(2) The Secretary is (in relation to a lease or licence to which subsection (1) applies)—(a) to monitor—(i) the lessee’s or licensee’s compliance with the relevant environmental performance standards set out in the relevant plan of management, and(ii) the lessee’s or licensee’s environmental performance as measured against the relevant environmental performance indicators set out in that plan of management, and(b) to report on the results of that monitoring, annually, by—(i) recording the results in the register kept under section 151J, and(ii) placing the results on the Department’s website.
151E Special provisions relating to leases and licences of Aboriginal land
(1) The Minister may only grant a lease or licence under section 151 of land reserved under Part 4A with the concurrence of the relevant board of management for the land concerned.(2) The Minister must not grant a lease or licence under section 151 of land reserved under Part 4A contrary to the terms of the lease of the land to the Minister under that Part.
Division 3 Miscellaneous
151F Public consultation regarding grant of leases and licences
(1) Before granting a lease or licence under section 151 or 151H, the Minister must cause notice of the proposed lease or licence to be published—(a) in a manner that the Minister is satisfied is likely to bring the notice to the attention of members of the public in the area in which the land is located, and also on the Department’s website, if the proposed lease or licence—(i) is for a purpose for which the land (including any buildings or structures on the land) has previously not been used or occupied, or(ii) authorises the erection of a temporary building or structure on the land concerned, and(b) in a manner that the Minister is satisfied is likely to bring the notice to the attention of members of the public both generally and in the area in which the land is located, and also on the Department’s website, if the proposed lease or licence—(i) authorises the erection of a new permanent building or structure on the land concerned, or(ii) authorises a significant modification of an existing building or structure on the land concerned or any other significant permanent physical change to the land concerned.(2) A notice under subsection (1) must contain the following—(a) sufficient information to identify the land concerned,(b) the purposes for which the land and any building or structure on the land is proposed to be used,(c) the term of the proposed lease or licence (taking into account any option to renew),(d) the name of the person to whom the lease or licence is proposed to be granted,(e) the closing date for making submissions on the proposal, being a date not earlier than—(i) in relation to a notice under subsection (1) (a)—14 days after the date on which the notice was first published, or(ii) in relation to a notice under subsection (1) (b)—28 days after the date on which the notice was first published,(f) the address to which submissions are to be sent,(g) any other information that the Minister considers relevant to the consideration of the proposal.(3) The Minister, on request, is to provide such further information, as the Minister considers reasonably practicable, describing the proposed lease or licence. The information provided must not include any commercial in confidence information.Note—Further information provided under this subsection could include drawings or diagrams describing the proposed lease or licence.(4) The Minister may hold a public hearing into any proposed lease or licence under this Part if the Minister thinks it appropriate to do so.(5) Before determining whether or not to grant a lease or licence under section 151 or 151H, the Minister must take into account—(a) any submissions received before the notified closing date for submissions under subsection (2) (e), and(b) if relevant, any report from, or submissions received at, a public hearing.(6) This section does not apply to a proposal to grant a lease or licence of land if—(a) the proposed lease or licence authorises the land concerned to be used or occupied for a total period that does not exceed 31 days, or(b) the proposed lease or licence relates to land reserved under Part 4A and authorises the land concerned to be used or occupied for any community development purpose prescribed by the regulations under section 72AB(5), or(c) within the 2 years prior to the proposed grant of the lease or licence, a public consultation has occurred in relation to development or an activity that is substantially the same as the use of the land that is to be authorised by the proposed lease or licence.Note—For example, a public consultation may have been undertaken under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for approval or consent to the erection and use of a building for a cafe. In that case, public consultation is not necessary under this section in relation to a proposed lease of the building to operate that cafe.
151G Reference of certain proposed leases and licences for advice
(1) The Minister—(a) must refer a proposal to lease or licence land under section 151 to the Council for advice if the proposed lease or licence—(i) authorises the erection of a new permanent building or structure on the land concerned, or(ii) authorises a significant modification of an existing building or structure on the land concerned or any other significant permanent physical change to the land concerned, or(iii) is for a term that exceeds 10 years (including any option to renew), and(b) must refer a proposal to lease land under section 151H to the Council for advice, and(c) may refer any other proposal to lease or licence land under this Part to the Council for advice if the Minister thinks it appropriate to do so.(2) The Minister may refer a proposal to lease or licence land under this Part to the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee for advice if the Minister thinks it appropriate to do so.(3) The Minister may refer a proposal to lease or licence land within a karst conservation reserve under this Part to the Karst Management Advisory Committee for advice if the Minister thinks it appropriate to do so.(4) Before determining whether or not to grant a lease or licence under this Part, the Minister must, if the Minister referred the proposal to the Council, the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee or the Karst Management Advisory Committee, take into account any advice received from the body concerned within 28 days of the reference.
151H New head leases for certain lands
(1) The Minister may grant leases (in this section referred to as head leases) in respect of the lands the subject of any or all of the leases mentioned in Schedule 15, whether or not those lands are still the subject of the leases so mentioned.(2) On the granting of a head lease, the following provisions have effect with respect to such of the leases mentioned in Schedule 15 as apply to the land the subject of the head lease—(a) the lease is taken to be varied by substituting the name of the head lessee for that of the lessor,(b) the lease is taken to become a sublease (in this section referred to as a statutory sublease) of the head lease,(c) except as otherwise provided by the regulations—the lease continues to have effect according to its tenor,(d) any proceedings under the lease in relation to any matter arising before the head lease was granted are to be commenced or maintained by or against the lessor as if the lease had not been varied as referred to in paragraph (a).(3) If a head lease is granted to a person in respect of land the subject of a lease mentioned in Schedule 15 of which the person is the sole lessee, the lease so mentioned is, by virtue of the granting of the head lease, extinguished.(4) A head lease is taken to include a condition to the effect that the head lessee must not—(a) assign or mortgage the head lessee’s interest in the lease to any other person, or(b) exercise any right of forfeiture or termination in respect of any statutory sublease of the lease, orexcept with the prior consent in writing of the Minister, and that any purported assignment, mortgage, forfeiture, termination or variation of rent that does not have such consent is void.(c) vary any rent payable under any statutory sublease of the lease,(5) A head lease is not affected merely because a lease mentioned in Schedule 15 ceases to have effect (whether by reason of expiry, surrender, termination, forfeiture or otherwise) while the head lease is in force.(6) If a head lease ceases to have effect (whether by reason of expiry, surrender, termination, forfeiture or otherwise) the following provisions have effect with respect to any statutory sublease of the head lease—(a) the sublease is taken to be varied by substituting the title of the Minister for the name of the head lessee,(b) the sublease is taken to cease to be a statutory sublease and to become a lease granted under section 151,(c) the lease continues to have effect according to its tenor,(d) any proceedings under the sublease in relation to any matter arising before the head lease ceased to have effect are to be commenced or maintained against the head lessee as if the lease had not been varied as referred to in paragraph (a).(7) No duty is payable under the Stamp Duties Act 1920 in respect of a variation referred to in subsection (2) (a) or (6) (a).(8) The operation of this section is not to be regarded—(a) as a breach of contract or confidence or otherwise as a civil wrong, or(b) as a breach of a contractual provision prohibiting, restricting or regulating the assignment or transfer of a lease or statutory sublease, or(c) as giving rise to any remedy by a party to an instrument, or as causing or permitting the termination of any instrument, because of a variation referred to in subsection (2) (a) or (6) (a).(9) No attornment to a head lessee by a statutory sublessee is required.(10) The regulations may amend Schedule 15—(a) by omitting the matter relating to any lease mentioned in that Schedule, or(b) by varying the matter relating to any lease mentioned in that Schedule, or(c) by inserting matter relating to any other lease (not being a head lease) in relation to land in, or in the vicinity of, Perisher Valley, Smiggin Holes or Guthega.(11) A head lease granted in respect of land the subject of a lease mentioned in Schedule 15 is not affected merely because the matter relating to the lease so mentioned is omitted from that Schedule, or is varied, while the head lease is in force.
151I Restrictions on grant of lease for residential accommodation
(1) The Minister must not grant a lease under section 151 or 151H for the purpose of permanent residential occupation unless the lease—(a) provides accommodation to an officer of the Service in the vicinity of the officer’s place of employment, or(b) facilitates—(i) the maintenance and security of the reserve, and buildings and facilities on or in the reserve, or facilities passing through the reserve such as a road, transmission lines and pipelines, or(ii) the provision of services to tourists and visitors to the reserve,(iii) the provision of educational and research facilities in the reserve, or(c) is for the occupation of buildings in an historic site or land reserved under Part 4A, or(d) is of a class prescribed for the purposes of this section.(2) A regulation must not be made for the purposes of subsection (1) (d) (not being a principal statutory rule within the meaning of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989) unless the Minister has—(a) caused notice of the draft regulation to be published in a manner that the Minister is satisfied is likely to bring the notice to the attention of members of the public, and(b) invited the public and the Council to comment on the draft regulation with the closing date for the making of submissions being not earlier than 45 days after the date of publication of the notice, and(c) taken into account any submissions from the Council or the public received before the notified closing date for submissions.(3) The validity of a regulation made for the purposes of subsection (1) (d) is not affected by a failure of the Minister to comply with subsection (2) (c).
151J Register of certain interests to be publicly available
(1) Information on leases granted under this Act, licences granted under section 153D and every easement or right of way granted under this Act—(a) is to be recorded in a register that is to be kept in the head office of the Service and made available to the public, free of charge, during ordinary office hours, and(b) is to be placed on the Service’s website.(2) Information to be included on the register and website is to include the following—(a) the name of the person to whom the lease, licence, easement or right of way has been granted,(b) the term of years of the lease, licence, easement or right of way (including any option to renew),(c) the location of the land to which the lease, licence, easement or right of way relates,(d) the purpose for which the lease, licence, easement or right of way has been granted,(e) information as to the terms and conditions of the lease, licence, easement or right of way, except information that the Secretary would be prevented from disclosing under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 or the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.
152 Trade within certain reserved lands
(1) The Secretary may grant licences to carry on trades, businesses or occupations within a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area.(2) Subject to any regulations, the Minister may prohibit the carrying on of any trade, business or occupation within a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area otherwise than by some person licensed by the Secretary.(3) The Minister may grant a franchise to any person, on such terms and conditions as the Minister may determine, for the sale of goods and services, the provision of public transportation or the supply of other facilities and amenities within a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area.(4) Any franchise granted by the trustees of the whole or part of lands reserved after the commencement day as a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, and in force immediately before the lands were so reserved, shall be deemed to be a franchise granted by the Minister under this section and to be as valid and effectual as it would have been if this Act had been in force when the franchise was granted.
153 Easements
(1) The Minister may upon such terms and conditions as the Minister thinks fit grant for joint or several use easements or rights of way through, upon or in a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve or karst conservation reserve for the purpose of providing access to any area included in any lease or licence within the park, site, area or reserve, or for the construction of pipelines, or for the erection of standards, posts, wires and appliances for the conveyance or transmission of electricity, or for any other purpose deemed necessary.(2) The Minister may from time to time revoke or vary any grant under this section.(3) Any easement or right of way over lands in a national park, historic site, state conservation area or regional park reserved under this Act, which was in force immediately before the lands were reserved as, or as part of, the park, site or area, as the case may be, shall continue in force and shall be deemed to have been granted under this section.(4) Any easement or right of way over lands in a nature reserve or karst conservation reserve dedicated under this Act, which was in force immediately before the land was dedicated as, or as part of, the nature reserve or karst conservation reserve shall continue in force and shall be deemed to have been granted under this section.
153A Leases etc relating to wilderness areas
The Minister shall not—(a) grant a lease or licence under section 151, or(b) (Repealed)in respect of land that is within a wilderness area.(c) grant a lease, licence, easement or right of way under section 153D,
153B Granting of interests in respect of reserved or dedicated lands that are also water catchment special areas
(1) This section applies to lands reserved or dedicated under this Act that are also within a special area within the meaning of the Sydney Water Catchment Management Act 1998 or the Hunter Water Act 1991.(2) The Minister may grant leases of, or licences to occupy or use, or easements or rights of way through, on or in, lands to which this section applies for the purpose of enabling the Sydney Catchment Authority, the Sydney Water Corporation or the Hunter Water Corporation to exercise its functions in relation to water or wastewater infrastructure on the lands concerned.(3) Subsection (2) does not authorise the granting of a lease, licence, easement or right of way for the purpose of enabling any of the following functions to be exercised in relation to the land concerned—(a) the impoundment of water on the land,(b) the permanent inundation of the land,(c) the construction of flood mitigation structures on the land.(4) For the purposes of subsection (3) (b), permanent inundation includes any flooding additional to the temporary flooding that already occurs due to natural rainfall.(5) The Minister must not grant a lease, licence, easement or right of way under subsection (2) unless a plan of management for the lands concerned identifies—(a) the person to whom, and(b) the lands in respect of which, andthe lease, licence, easement or right of way is to be granted.(c) the purpose and term for which,(6) Subsection (5) does not limit the operation of Part 5.(7) A lease, licence, easement or right of way under subsection (2) may be granted subject to such terms and conditions as the Minister may determine.(8) The Minister may from time to time revoke or vary any grant under subsection (2) of an easement or right of way.(9) Subsection (2) does not authorise the granting of a lease or licence in relation to land that is within a wilderness area.(10) The Minister must cause a register to be kept of each lease, licence, easement or right of way that is granted under subsection (2).(11) The register must be kept available for inspection by the public free of charge, during ordinary office hours, at the Head Office of the Service.
153C Easements, rights of way and licences for landlocked areas
(1) The Minister may, on such terms and conditions as the Minister thinks fit, grant an easement, right of way or licence through or over land reserved under this Act for the purposes of enabling access to other land if—(a) the other land is completely or partially surrounded by land reserved under this Act, and(b) the Minister—(i) is satisfied that is not practical for the owner (or any occupier) of the other land to obtain an alternative means of access (whether by land or water) because it is not legally or physically available, or(ii) while satisfied that it is practical for the owner (or any occupier) of the other land to obtain an alternative means of access, considers that the proposed means of access will have a lesser environmental impact than that alternative means of access to the land concerned, or(iii) while satisfied that it is practical for the owner (or any occupier) of the other land to obtain an alternative means of access, considers that the proposed means of access will assist in more efficient management of the reserved land and will have no greater environmental impact than that alternative means of access to the land concerned.(2) The Minister must not grant an easement, right of way or licence under subsection (1) unless the Minister is satisfied that—(a) the access proposed to be granted under the easement, right of way or licence will not have a significant impact on the environment of the area adjacent to the proposed access, and(b) the access proposed to be granted under the easement, right of way or licence is consistent with the relevant plan of management.(3) The Minister must not grant an easement, right of way or licence under subsection (1) unless the Minister has considered—(a) the extent of, and legality of, any access that the owner (or any occupier) had to the land before that access became unavailable, and(b) any guidelines (as referred to in subsection (4)) in relation to access to land.(4) The Secretary must prepare and adopt, after consulting with the Council, guidelines relating to the provision of access to land under this section, and may, from time to time, vary those guidelines after further consultation with the Council.
153D Leases, licences and easements for broadcasting or telecommunications facilities
(1) For the purpose of the erection, use or maintenance of broadcasting or telecommunications facilities, the Minister may grant leases of, or licences to occupy or use, or easements or rights of way through, on or in, any land reserved under this Act.(2) A lease, licence, easement or right of way under this section may be granted subject to such terms and conditions as the Minister may determine.(3) The Minister may from time to time revoke or vary any grant under this section of an easement or right of way.(4) The Minister must not grant a lease, licence, easement or right of way under this section unless the Minister is satisfied that—(a) there is no feasible alternative site for the proposed broadcasting or telecommunications facility concerned on land that is not reserved under this Act, and(b) the site of any proposed above ground broadcasting or telecommunications facility covers the minimum area possible, and(c) the proposed broadcasting or telecommunications facility is to be designed and constructed in such a manner as to minimise risk of damage to the facility from bushfires, and(d) the site and construction of the proposed broadcasting or telecommunications facility have been selected, as far as is practicable, to minimise the visual impact of the facility, and(e) if feasible, an existing means of access to the proposed site of the lease, licence, easement or right of way is to be used, and(f) the proposed broadcasting or telecommunications facility is essential for the provision of broadcasting or telecommunications services for land reserved under this Act or for surrounding areas to be served by the facility, and(g) the broadcasting or telecommunications facility is to be removed and the site of the facility is to be restored as soon as possible after the facility becomes redundant (for example, due to advances in technology), and(h) the site of the proposed broadcasting or telecommunications facility has been selected after taking into account the objectives set out in any plan of management relating to the land concerned, and(i) the proposed broadcasting or telecommunications facility is, if feasible, to be co-located with an existing structure or located at a site that is already disturbed by an existing lease, licence, easement or right of way on the land concerned.(5) The Minister must not grant a lease, licence, easement or right of way under this section in respect of land that is within an area designated as a remote natural area in a plan of management or an Aboriginal area.(6) In this section—broadcasting or telecommunications facility means—(a) a facility used for the purpose of providing broadcasting services within the meaning of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 of the Commonwealth, or(b) a facility within the meaning of the Telecommunications Act 1997 of the Commonwealth.
153E Easements to repair and maintain the Border Fence
(1) For the purpose of the repair and maintenance of the Border Fence, the Minister may grant easements or rights of way in favour of the Wild Dog Destruction Board through, on or in any land reserved under this Act.(2) An easement or right of way under this section may be granted subject to such terms and conditions as the Minister may determine.(3) The Minister may from time to time revoke or vary any grant under this section of an easement or right of way.(4) The Minister is required to consult the Minister administering the Crown Land Management Act 2016 before exercising a power conferred by this section.(5) This section does not operate to limit a power under any other section of this Part to grant easements or rights of way through, on or in any land reserved under this Act.(6) In this section—Border Fence means the Queensland Border Fence, or the South Australian Border Fence, within the meaning of the Wild Dog Destruction Act 1921.Wild Dog Destruction Board means the Wild Dog Destruction Board constituted under the Wild Dog Destruction Act 1921.
Part 12A Assets of intergenerational significance
153F Definitions
In this Part—conservation action plan means a plan prepared under the regulations for declared land in relation to assets of intergenerational significance.declared land—see section 153G(1).
153G Assets of intergenerational significance
(1) If the Minister is satisfied that land reserved or acquired for reservation under this Act is an environmental or cultural asset of intergenerational significance, the Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, declare the land to be land to which this section applies (declared land).(2) The declaration must—(a) set out the environmental and cultural values of the land that determined the land to be declared land, and(b) include a map of the land.(3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), or a provision of the regulations, if the Minister is satisfied that the disclosure of information may place at risk the protection of the land to be declared land, or the environmental and cultural values of the land, the following information is not required to be published in the Gazette or otherwise—(a) the map required under subsection (2)(b),(b) information in the declaration that may reveal the location of the declared land,(c) the actions that may be taken for the management of the declared land.(4) The regulations may make provisions about action that may be taken for the management of declared land, including the protection of the land from bush fire risks.(5) Action authorised by regulations under this section—(a) may be taken despite a plan of management that applies to the declared land, and(b) if the declared land is land reserved or dedicated under Part 4A—may only be taken if the action has been approved by the board of management for the land.(6) Regulations under this section do not affect the Rural Fires Act 1997 or the regulations under that Act.
153H Application of Planning Act
(1) The following actions are taken to be exempt development for the purposes of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979—(a) an action in relation to declared land, carried out under a conservation action plan,(b) an action that may be taken for the management of declared land, prescribed by the regulations under section 153G(4).(2) The regulations may exclude an action referred to in subsection (1) from the operation of this section.(3) For the purposes of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, section 1.6(2), a reference to an environmental planning instrument includes a conservation action plan.(4) A conservation action plan is not a regulatory instrument for the purposes of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, section 3.16.
153I Offence for harm to environmental or cultural value of declared land
(1) A person must not interfere with, damage, harm or disturb an environmental or cultural value of land that is declared land.Maximum penalty—(a) for a corporation—10,000 penalty units, or(b) for an individual—5,000 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years, or both.Note—An offence against subsection (1) committed by a corporation is an executive liability offence attracting executive liability for a director or other person involved in the management of the corporation—see section 175B.(2) It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence under subsection (1) if—(a) the person proves that the person did not know, because the declared land or environmental or cultural value of the declared land was not published by operation of section 153G(3), that the person was interfering with, damaging, harming or disturbing an environmental or cultural value of declared land, or(b) action taken by the person was—(i) carried out under a conservation action plan, or(ii) an action that may be taken for the management of the declared land prescribed by the regulations under section 153G(4), or(c) action taken by the person was carried out for, or as part of, an Aboriginal cultural practice, or(d) action taken by the person was necessary for the carrying out of development in accordance with a development consent within the meaning of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, or(e) action taken by the person was in accordance with an activity authorised by an approval granted by a determining authority within the meaning of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Part 5 after compliance with that Part, or(f) action taken by the person is authorised or required to be carried out under the Rural Fires Act 1997.
Part 13 Regulations
154 Regulations
The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for or with respect to any matter that, by this Act, is required or permitted to be prescribed by regulations or that is necessary or convenient to be prescribed by regulations for carrying out or giving effect to this Act and, in particular, for or with respect to—(a) the powers, authorities, duties and functions of the Secretary, the officers of the Service, ex-officio rangers, honorary rangers, the Council, advisory committees or the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee,(b) the procedure for the calling of meetings of the Council, advisory committees or the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee and the conduct of business at those meetings,(c) the creation of and dealing with carbon sequestration rights, and activities incidental to or connected with the exercise of this function,(d)–(j) (Repealed)(k) the records to be kept and returns to be furnished by persons holding Aboriginal heritage impact permits,(l) tendering for leases and licences under Part 11 or 12,(m) the form and design of signs, symbols, emblems, insignia and uniforms for use in connection with the administration of this Act and the regulations, and the regulation, control or prohibition of the making, reproducing or using of those signs, symbols, emblems, insignia and uniforms, and(n) the forms or other documents to be used for the purposes of this Act and the regulations.
155 Regulations relating to parks
(1) In this section, park means national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area.(2) The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for or with respect to any matter that, by this Act, is required or permitted to be prescribed by regulations or that is necessary or convenient to be prescribed by regulations for carrying out or giving effect to this Act and, in particular, for or with respect to the following—(a) the regulation of the use and enjoyment of parks,(b) the securing of decency and order in parks,(c) the removal of trespassers and other persons causing annoyance or inconvenience in parks,(d) the regulation or prevention of the taking of intoxicants into, and the consuming thereof in, parks,(e) the regulation, control or prohibition of the taking of animals on or into parks and public and other roads traversing parks or the permitting or suffering of animals to be on or in parks and any such roads,(f) the regulation, control or prohibition of mooring, parking, camping or residing in parks, the making of charges for mooring, parking, camping or residing in parks and the collecting and receiving of those charges by the Minister or by other persons,(g) the preservation or protection of, or prevention of damage to, trees, shrubs, ferns, creepers, vines, palms, plants, flowers, herbage or other vegetative cover in parks,(h) the conditions under which trees or timber may be cut or removed from parks and the amount of royalties, fees and charges payable in respect thereof,(i) the preservation or protection of any rocks, soil, sand, stone, or other similar substance on or under or comprising part of a park, or the removal of any such substance from a park and the amount of royalties, fees and charges payable in respect thereof,(j) the preservation or protection of any animals in parks,(k) the preservation or protection of, or prevention of damage to, any Aboriginal object or Aboriginal place in a park,(l) the regulation, control or prohibition of the use of any Aboriginal object or Aboriginal place for commercial purposes in a park,(m) the making of charges or entrance fees for persons, clubs or associations or for vehicles using or entering a park, or any specified part of a park, or any public or other road traversing or bounding a park or such a part, and the collecting, receiving and waiving of those charges and fees by the Secretary or by other persons,(n) the reservation of any portion of a park for such separate or exclusive use as the regulations may prescribe,(o) the closing of, or the regulation, control or prohibition of the entry of any person or class of persons into, a park or parts of a park and the conditions to be observed with regard thereto,(p) the regulation, control or prohibition of private trading in a park,(q) the use of roads, tracks, trails and other ways within a park and the circumstances under which roads, tracks, trails and other ways therein shall be open or may be closed to public traffic or use,(r) the powers and duties of any officer of the Service appointed in respect of a park,(s) the regulation of the use of vehicles and the conditions under which they may be used in a park,(t) the regulation of the speed of vehicles in a park,(u) the regulation of the use of chair lifts, surface tows and ski jumps and the conditions under which they may be used in a park,(v) the regulation, control or prohibition of the erection of buildings, marinas, structures, signs or other improvements in a park,(w) the protection of buildings, marinas, structures, signs and other improvements in parks,(x) the regulation, control or prohibition of exotic plants in parks,(y) the collection of scientific specimens, the preservation or protection of marine life (other than fish within the meaning of the Fisheries Management Act 1994), and the pursuit of research in parks,(z) the regulation, control or prohibition of the use of firearms or other weapons and the carrying of firearms or other weapons in parks,(aa) the management and maintenance of pounds within a park,(bb) the procedure for the impounding of cattle, horses, asses, mules, sheep, goats, swine and dogs within a park and for their subsequent disposal, sale or destruction,(cc) the damage fees, driving charges, sustenance charges, deterrent fees and pound fees chargeable in respect of the impounding of cattle, horses, asses, mules, sheep, goats, swine and dogs within a park,(dd) the fees chargeable in respect of the sale or offering for sale and in respect of the destruction of cattle, horses, asses, mules, sheep, goats, swine and dogs impounded within a park,(ee) the development and implementation by the Secretary of a program for the monitoring and reporting of matters relating to the ecological health of parks.(2A) Without affecting the generality of subsection (2), a regulation made in pursuance of subsection (2) (v)—(a) may include provisions for or with respect to site, design, methods of construction and any matters which a council under the Local Government Act 1993 may take into consideration in exercising its functions under that Act.(b) (Repealed)(2AA) Without limiting the generality of subsection (2), a regulation made under subsection (2)(ee) may include provisions about the following—(a) requirements relating to the design of the program for monitoring and reporting, including—(i) the park or other lands to which the program applies, and(ii) the type of ecological health attributes to be measured, and(iii) the frequency with which the attributes will be measured,(b) requirements relating to the implementation of the program, including a requirement that the program be implemented to the greatest extent practicable,(c) requirements relating to reporting on the outcomes of the program, including—(i) the way the outcomes are published, and(ii) the type of information that is not required to be published, or the circumstances in which certain types of information are not required to be published.(2B) Where any lands, not being a park or part of a park, are acquired or occupied by the Minister under Part 11, the Governor may, in relation to any such lands, make regulations not inconsistent with this Act or with any reservation or condition subject to which the lands were acquired or occupied, for or with respect to any matter specified in subsection (2) in relation to a park.(2C) Without limiting the generality of subsection (2), the Governor may, in relation to any state conservation area or regional park, make regulations for or with respect to any matter for or with respect to which regulations may be made for the purposes of section 9.25 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 in relation to dedicated or reserved Crown land.(2D) If an agreement under section 146 relates to land adjoining or in the vicinity of lands reserved or dedicated under this Act, the Governor may make regulations for or with respect to that land, not inconsistent with this Act or with any Act affecting the land—(a) for the purpose of giving effect to the agreement, and(b) for or in respect of a matter (not relating to the imposition of fees, charges or royalties) for which regulations may be made under subsection (2) in relation to a park.(3) Without affecting the generality of section 156 (2) or (3), regulations—(a) made under subsection (2) for or with respect to parks, ormay be made to apply generally to all parks or to all such other lands so acquired or occupied or may be limited to any park or any particular lands so acquired or occupied, or any specified part of any such park or other lands, and unless so limited shall be taken to apply generally to all parks or to all such other lands, as the case may be.(b) made under subsection (2B) for or with respect to other lands acquired or occupied by the Minister,(4) Where any provision of a regulation made to apply to any specified park or any particular lands acquired or occupied by the Minister, or any part thereof, is inconsistent with a provision of any regulation relating to parks or to any such lands generally, the firstmentioned provision shall prevail.
155A Kosciuszko National Park
The regulations may confer or impose on the Secretary, with any necessary modifications, any function relating to the health of the public in Kosciuszko National Park that is, or but for being modified would be, the same as a function conferred or imposed on a council constituted by the Local Government Act 1993 in relation to the health of the public in its area.
156 General provisions
(1) A regulation may—(a) impose a penalty for any breach thereof and also distinct penalties in case of successive breaches thereof but no such penalty shall exceed 50 penalty units, and(b) impose also a daily penalty for any continuing breach thereof not exceeding 2 penalty units per day.(2) A regulation may be made so as to apply differently according to such factors as may be specified therein.(3) A regulation may be made so as to apply to or in respect of—(a) any matter, or all matters, or any class of matters specified or described therein, or(b) all matters, or any class of matters, so specified or described other than—(i) any matter so specified or described that is expressed to be excluded, or(ii) any class of matters so specified or described that is expressed to be excluded.(4) A regulation may authorise any matter or thing to be from time to time determined, applied or regulated by any person or body specified therein.
Part 14 Miscellaneous
156A Offence of damaging reserved land
(1) A person must not, on or in land reserved under this Act or acquired under Part 11—(a) remove any water other than for purposes authorised by or under any Act or for the purposes of personal use on the land, or(b) damage or remove any vegetation, rock, soil, sand, stone or similar substance, or(c) damage any object or place of cultural value, or(d) cause or permit any removal or damage referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c).Maximum penalty—(a) in the case of a corporation—10,000 penalty units, or(b) in the case of an individual—1,000 penalty units or 6 months imprisonment, or both.Note—An offence against subsection (1) committed by a corporation is an executive liability offence attracting executive liability for a director or other person involved in the management of the corporation—see section 175B.(2) It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence under subsection (1) if the accused proves that the removal or damage concerned—(a) was done in accordance with the consent of the Secretary or of a person or body that has the care, control and management of the land concerned under this Act, or(b) was authorised to be done, and was done in accordance with, a licence under this Act or a licence granted under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, or(c) was essential for the carrying out of—(i) development in accordance with a development consent within the meaning of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, or(ii) an activity, whether by a determining authority or pursuant to an approval of a determining authority within the meaning of Part 5 of that Act if the determining authority has complied with that Part, or(iii) a project approved under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, or(iv) State significant infrastructure approved under Part 5.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, or(d) was authorised to be done by or under Part 2 of the Rural Fires Act 1997, the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 or the State Emergency Service Act 1989 and was reasonably necessary in order to avoid a threat to life or property.(3) It is a defence to a prosecution for an offence under subsection (1) if the offence relates to the damage of an object or place of cultural value and the accused proves that he or she did not know, and could not reasonably have known, that the object or place concerned had cultural value.(4), (5) (Repealed)
156B Powers of authorised officers
(1) The Secretary may appoint any person (including a class of persons) to be an authorised officer for the purposes of national parks legislation. Such an appointment is to be made under Chapter 7 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (the POEO Act) as applied under this section.(2) An authorised officer has and may exercise the functions of an authorised officer under Chapter 7 (except Part 7.6) of the POEO Act for the following purposes—(a) for determining whether there has been compliance with or a contravention of national parks legislation,(b) for obtaining information or records for purposes connected with the administration of national parks legislation,(c) generally for administering national parks legislation.(3) The provisions of Chapter 7 of the POEO Act apply to and in respect of national parks legislation as if those provisions were part of this Act, but modified so that—(a) references in those provisions to an authorised officer were references to authorised officers appointed as referred to in this section, and(b) references in those provisions to “this Act” were references to an Act or regulation forming part of the national parks legislation, and(c) references in those provisions to the EPA were references to the Secretary, and(d) the Secretary were the appropriate regulatory authority for matters concerning national parks legislation.(3A) Section 319A of the POEO Act applies in respect of notices given by an authorised officer pursuant to subsection (2) in the same way as it applies to notices given under that Act or the regulations under that Act, except that in so applying that section a reference to a regulatory authority is to be read as a reference to the Secretary.(3B) For the avoidance of doubt, a prosecution of a person for an offence against a provision of Chapter 7 of the POEO Act (as applying under this section) is to be taken as if the offence were an offence under this Act.(4) The functions that an authorised officer has under Chapter 7 of the POEO Act are, for the purposes of any provision of national parks legislation, taken to be functions under national parks legislation.(5) If an authorised officer has functions in respect of a matter under both Chapter 7 of the POEO Act (as applying under this section) and under any other provision of national parks legislation, the fact that there is a restriction on the exercise of a function under national parks legislation does not of itself operate to restrict the exercise by an authorised officer of any similar or the same function under Chapter 7 of the POEO Act.(6) (Repealed)
156C Personal liability of statutory officers and other officials
(1) A protected person is not personally subject to liability for anything done—(a) in good faith, and(b) for the purpose of exercising a function under the national parks legislation.(2) The liability instead attaches to the Crown.(3) The Crown may recover from the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust the costs of a liability that attaches to the Crown in relation to—(a) a member of the Board of the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust, or(b) an employee of the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust.(4) In this section—done includes omitted to be done.liability means civil liability and includes an action, claim and demand.protected person means the following—(a) the Minister,(b) the Secretary,(c) an officer of the Service,(d) an ex-officio ranger,(e) an honorary ranger,(f) a member of the Council,(g) an advisory committee,(h) a member of an advisory committee,(i) a member of the Board of the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust,(j) an employee of the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Trust,(k) a person acting under the direction of a protected person referred to in paragraph (b), (f), (g) or (h),(l) a person acting under the direction of the Council.
157 Requirement to state name and address
(1) The Secretary or any officer of the Service, or any person duly authorised by the Minister in that behalf, may require a person whom he or she suspects on reasonable grounds to be offending against this Act or the regulations to state the person’s full name and residential address.(2) The Secretary, any officer of the Service duly authorised by the Secretary in that behalf or any person duly authorised by the Minister in that behalf may require the driver of a motor vehicle in a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve or Aboriginal area to produce his or her driver licence and to state his or her full name and residential address.(3) A person shall not—(a) fail or refuse to comply with a requirement under subsection (1) or (2), or(b) in purported compliance with such a requirement, state a name that is not the person’s name or an address that is not the person’s residential address.Penalty for an offence against this subsection: 10 penalty units.
158 Requirement for owner of motor vehicle and others to give information
(1) Where the driver of a motor vehicle is alleged to be guilty of an offence against this Act or the regulations, the Secretary or any other officer of the Service, or any person duly authorised by the Minister in that behalf, may—(a) require the owner of the vehicle, or the person in whose name it is registered, or the person having the custody of the vehicle, to give forthwith information (which shall, if so required, be given in the form of a statement in writing, signed by that owner or person) as to the name and residential address of the driver, or(b) require any other person to give any information which it is in that other person’s power to give and which may lead to the identification of the driver.(2) A person shall not—(a) fail or refuse to comply with a requirement under subsection (1), or(b) in purported compliance with such a requirement, give any information that is false or misleading in a material particular.Penalty: 10 penalty units.(3) In a prosecution for an offence in respect of a failure or refusal to comply with a requirement under subsection (1) (a), it is a defence if the defendant proves to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant did not know and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained the name or residential address of the driver concerned or both, as the case may require.(4) Where a statement in writing purporting to be furnished under subsection (1) (a) and to contain particulars of the name and residential address of the driver of a motor vehicle at the time of commission of an alleged offence against this Act or the regulations is produced in any court in proceedings against the person named therein as the driver for the offence, the statement shall, if that person does not appear before the court, be evidence without proof of signature that the person was the driver of the vehicle at that time.
159 Liability of vehicle owner for parking offences
(1) In this section—owner of a vehicle includes the responsible person for the vehicle within the meaning of the Road Transport Act 2013.parking offence means the offence committed by a person who, in contravention of the regulations made under this Act—(a) moors or parks a vehicle, or(b) causes or permits a vehicle to be moored or parked or to stand or wait.(2) Where a parking offence occurs, the person who, at the time of the occurrence of the offence, is the owner of the vehicle to which the offence relates is, by virtue of this section, guilty of an offence under the regulation relating to the parking offence in all respects as if the owner were the actual offender guilty of the parking offence unless—(a) in any case where the parking offence is dealt with under section 192, the owner satisfies the prescribed person referred to in that section that the vehicle was, at the relevant time, a stolen vehicle or a vehicle illegally taken or used, or(b) in any other case, the court is satisfied that the vehicle was, at the relevant time, a stolen vehicle or a vehicle illegally taken or used.(3) Nothing in this section affects the liability of an actual offender in respect of a parking offence but, where a penalty has been imposed on, or recovered from, any person in relation to any parking offence, no further penalty shall be imposed on or recovered from any other person in relation thereto.(4) Notwithstanding anything in subsection (2) or (3), no owner of a vehicle is, by virtue of this section, guilty of an offence if—(a) in any case where the offence is dealt with under section 192, the owner—(i) within 21 days after service on the owner of a notice under that section in respect of the offence, gives a prescribed person referred to in that section an approved nomination notice containing the name and address of the person who was in charge of the vehicle at all relevant times relating to the parking offence concerned, or(ii) satisfies the prescribed person so referred to that the owner does not know, and cannot with reasonable diligence ascertain, that name and address, or(b) in any other case, the owner—(i) within 21 days after service on the owner of a court attendance notice for the offence, gives the informant an approved nomination notice containing the name and address of the person who was in charge of the vehicle at all relevant times relating to the offence, or(ii) satisfies the court that the owner did not know and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained that name and address.(4A) Despite any other provision of this Act, an approved nomination notice may be provided by a person served with a notice under section 192 within 90 days of the notice being served on the person if the approved nomination notice is provided in the circumstances specified in section 23AA or 23AB of the Fines Act 1996.(4B) If the owner of a vehicle supplies an approved nomination notice to a prescribed person or an informant for the purposes of this section, a prescribed person or informant may, by written notice served on the owner, require the owner to supply a statutory declaration for use in court proceedings that verifies the nomination contained in the approved nomination document.(5) An approved nomination notice or a statutory declaration that relates to more than one parking offence is taken not to be an approved nomination notice or a statutory declaration supplying a name and address for the purposes of subsection (4) or (4B).(6) Where a statutory declaration supplying the name and address of a person for the purposes of subsection (4B) is produced in any proceedings against that person in respect of the parking offence to which the statutory declaration relates, the statutory declaration is prima facie evidence that that person was, at all relevant times relating to that parking offence, in charge of the vehicle to which the parking offence relates.(7) The provisions of this section shall be construed as supplementing, and not as derogating from, any other provision of this Act or the regulations or any other Act or regulation, by-law or ordinance under any other Act.(8) In this section—approved nomination notice has the same meaning as in section 38 of the Fines Act 1996.
159A Liability of landholder for certain harming and picking offences
In any criminal proceedings for an offence under section 98 or Part 8A, the landholder of any land on which the offence is alleged to have occurred is taken to have carried out the activity constituting the alleged offence unless it is established that—(a) the activity was carried out by another person, and(b) the landholder did not cause or permit the other person to carry out the activity.This section does not prevent proceedings being taken against the person who actually carried out the activity.
159B Causing or permitting certain harming and picking offences
A person who causes or permits, by act or omission, another person to commit an offence under section 98 or a provision of Part 8A is guilty of an offence under the provision and is liable on conviction to the same penalty applicable to an offence under that provision.
(Renumbered as sec 192)
160A Removal of unauthorised structures and occupiers
(1) In sections 160A–160F—prescribed land means—(a) a national park, historic site, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or regional park, or(b) land acquired or occupied under Part 11.structure includes a part of a structure.(2) The Minister may cause any structure that is on prescribed land without lawful authority and its contents (if any) to be removed from the land or to another place on prescribed land.(3) The Minister may cause any person making use without lawful authority of a structure that is on prescribed land to be removed from the structure or from the immediate vicinity of the structure.(4) For the purpose of removing a person under this section—(a) reasonable force may be used, and(b) the assistance of the police may be requested.(5) This section does not affect any other power to remove structures or persons from prescribed land.(6) It is not necessary for a notice under section 160D, 160E or 160F to have been served, displayed or published before the Minister causes a structure or person to be removed under this section.
160B Forfeiture of unauthorised structures and their contents
(1) Any property removed under section 160A is forfeited to the Crown on its being so removed.(2) The Minister may cause anything so forfeited—(a) to be destroyed, sold or stored, or(b) to be returned to any person considered by the Minister to have been entitled to possess it immediately before it was forfeited.
160C Cost of removing structures and contents
The Minister may recover as a debt due to the Crown any expense incurred under section 160A or 160B—(a) from any person who without lawful authority erected or placed or was, immediately before its removal, maintaining the structure concerned on prescribed land or who caused it to be so erected, placed or maintained, or(b) from any person who has made use of the structure after the expiration of the period specified in a notice prohibiting use of the structure—(i) served on the person under section 160F, or(ii) displayed on or adjacent to the structure under that section (but, in such a case, only if it is proved that the person knew, or ought reasonably to have known, about the notice).
160D Notice to state interest in structure or contents
(1) The Minister may cause to be displayed or published a notice requiring any person—(a) who claims to have been authorised to erect, place or maintain a structure that is on prescribed land, orto deliver to the Minister a written statement signed by the person setting out by what authority the person erected or placed, or is entitled to maintain, the structure or by what authority the person claims any other interest in the structure, or an interest in its contents.(b) who claims any other interest in such a structure or an interest in its contents,(2) Any such notice shall be—(a) displayed on or adjacent to the structure, or(b) published in a manner determined in writing by the Minister having regard to the object of bringing notices of that kind to the attention of persons of the kind referred to in subsection (1).(3) A person who has not delivered such a statement to the Minister within one month after display or publication of the notice has no claim against the Minister or any other person if the structure and its contents (if any) are dealt with under section 160A or 160B.
160E Notice to remove structure
(1) If the Minister believes on reasonable grounds that a person, without lawful authority, has erected or placed, or is maintaining, a structure that is on prescribed land, the Minister may cause a notice—(a) to be served on the person, orrequiring the person to remove the structure and its contents (if any) and to rehabilitate within a specified period the land on which the structure is situated.(b) to be displayed on or adjacent to the structure,(2) A notice relating to a structure may be served or displayed under this section whether or not a notice under section 160D relating to the same structure has been displayed or published.(3) A notice under this section may be served—(a) in any case, personally on the person to whom it is directed, or(b) if that person has delivered a statement under section 160D relating to the structure—(i) by post to any address for contacting the person that is specified in the statement, or(ii) by email to an email address specified by the person for the service of notices of that kind.(4) The person to whom a notice served or displayed under this section is directed shall, unless the structure to which the notice relates was erected or placed, or is being maintained, with lawful authority by the person—(a) remove the structure and its contents (if any), andwithin such period and in such manner (if any) as are specified in the notice.(b) rehabilitate the land on which the structure is situated,Maximum penalty—20 penalty units and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further penalty of 2 penalty units for each day the offence continues.(5) The defendant has the onus of establishing the existence of lawful authority in any proceedings for an offence against this section.
160F Notice prohibiting use of structure
(1) If the Minister believes on reasonable grounds that a structure that is on prescribed land is being used without lawful authority, the Minister may cause a notice—(a) to be served on the person, prohibiting use after a specified period of the structure by the person, or(b) to be displayed on or adjacent to the structure, prohibiting use after a specified period of the structure by any person.(2) Any such notice may be served—(a) in any case, personally on the person to whom it is directed, or(b) if that person has delivered a statement under section 160D relating to the structure—(i) by post to any address for contacting the person that is specified in the statement, or(ii) by email to an email address specified by the person for the service of notices of that kind.(3) A person who is prohibited from using a structure by a notice that has been served or displayed under this section shall not, without lawful authority, use the structure after the expiration of the period specified in the notice.Maximum penalty—20 penalty units and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further penalty of 2 penalty units for each day the offence continues.(4) The defendant has the onus of establishing the existence of lawful authority in any proceedings for an offence against this section.
161 Restriction on release of certain information
(1) The Secretary may, by notice in writing, advise the Minister that the Secretary is of the opinion that specified documents in the possession of the Service relating to—(a) the location of threatened species, populations or ecological communities or Aboriginal objects, orshould be withheld in the public interest.(b) the cultural values of an Aboriginal place or Aboriginal object,(2) The Secretary may declare in the notice that information contained in the documents concerned is information for which there is a conclusive presumption of overriding public interest against disclosure for the purposes of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.(3) The Secretary must not give a notice under this section in relation to documents relating to the location of Aboriginal objects or the cultural values of an Aboriginal place or Aboriginal object unless the Secretary has consulted with the Aboriginal people who the Secretary is aware have an interest in the documents concerned.
161A–162 (Repealed)
163 Application of Companion Animals Act 1998
Part 7 (Procedures for dealing with seized animals) of the Companion Animals Act 1998 does not apply in respect of an animal seized in a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area by an officer of the Service unless the officer causes the animal to be delivered as provided by section 62 (Seized animals to be returned to owner or taken to council pound) of that Act.
163A (Repealed)
163B Application of certain Acts
(1) Division 2A (Orders) of Part 6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Chapter 7 (What are the regulatory functions of councils?) of the Local Government Act 1993 do not apply to lands reserved or dedicated (other than lands dedicated under section 58U) under this Act.(2) This section (except to the extent that it relates to anything authorised by or under the Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997) does not apply to a ski resort area, within the meaning of Part 8A of Schedule 6 to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.(3) An order may not be made under Division 2A of Part 6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, or under Chapter 7 of the Local Government Act 1993, that would prevent or hinder the Secretary from or in carrying out any power, authority, duty, function or responsibility conferred or imposed on the Secretary by or under this Act.
164 Powers of entry and seizure
(1) An authorised officer—(a) may at all times, if he or she suspects on reasonable grounds that an offence against any of the provisions of this Act or the regulations has been or is being committed and that any animal, native plant, Aboriginal object or article in respect of which the suspected offence has been or is being committed or which has been or is being used in connection with the suspected offence is likely to be in or upon any premises or vehicle, on production of the prescribed evidence of his or her authority—(i) stop any such vehicle,(ii) enter and search any such premises or vehicle, and(iii) subject to his or her giving a receipt in the prescribed form seize any such animal, native plant, Aboriginal object (not being real property) or article found therein or thereon together with any books, papers or records relating to the suspected offence and make copies of, or take extracts from, any such papers, books or records,(b) may at all times, on production of the prescribed evidence of his or her authority, enter any premises or vehicle for the purpose of—(i) inspecting any premises registered under section 124, 125 or 128,(ii) inspecting any premises in which fauna are housed or caged under the authority of a licence under section 120 or 125A,(iii) inspecting any lands on which protected native plants are grown under the authority of a licence under section 132, or(iv) searching for and inspecting any articles that are being or could be used in contravention of this Act or the regulations, and(b1) may, at all times, on production of the prescribed evidence of authority, enter any premises for the purposes of—(i) identifying and mapping critical habitat, and(ii) inspecting any lands that are the subject of an application for a licence under Part 6 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, and(iii) inspecting any lands that are the subject of proposed development or an activity (within the meaning of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979) and in respect of the grant of development consent or approval to which the Minister or the Secretary has been consulted or is (or is acting as) a concurrence authority in accordance with that Act, and(iv) inspecting any lands for the purpose of investigating the presence or condition of threatened species, populations or ecological communities, and their habitats, for the purposes of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 or this Act,(c) may, for the enforcement of the provisions of this Act or the regulations, exercise the powers and authority of a constable.(2) Subsection (1) does not—(a) apply in relation to an offence of a class or description prescribed for the purposes of this subsection,(b) authorise the seizure of a vehicle within the meaning of paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (e) of the definition of vehicle in section 5 (1) or any prescribed article, or(c) authorise any person to enter in or upon that portion of a building that is used for residential purposes except with the permission of the occupier or under the authority of a search warrant issued under this section.(3) For the purposes of subsection (1) (a) (iii), the authorised officer may direct the occupier of the premises where, or owner of the vehicle on or in which, the animal, native plant, Aboriginal object or article is seized—(a) for a specified period (not exceeding 28 days)—(i) to retain the animal, native plant, Aboriginal object or article in or on those premises, that vehicle or at another place under the control of the occupier or owner, and(ii) to feed, house or maintain (as appropriate) the animal, native plant, Aboriginal object or article, and(b) on a specified day within that period, deliver to the authorised officer the animal, native plant, Aboriginal object or article.(4) The power of seizure under subsection (1) (a) may be exercised without exercising any of the other powers under subsection (1) (a).(5) An authorised officer or a police officer may apply to an issuing officer for a search warrant if the authorised officer or police officer believes on reasonable grounds—(a) that an offence against a provision of this Act or the regulations has been committed, and(b) that there may be an animal, native plant, Aboriginal object or article in respect of which any such offence has been committed, or which has been used in connection with any such offence, on any premises or vehicle.(6) An issuing officer to whom an application is made under subsection (5) may, if satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for doing so, issue a search warrant authorising the applicant to enter and search the premises or vehicle.(7) A person executing a search warrant issued under this section may exercise the power of seizure under subsection (1) (a).(8) Division 4 of Part 5 of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 applies to a search warrant issued under this section.(9) In this section—issuing officer means an authorised officer within the meaning of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002.
165 Persons to deliver up fauna etc when required
(1) Where an authorised officer suspects on reasonable grounds any person to be committing an offence against any of the provisions of this Act or the regulations, he or she may, on production of the prescribed evidence of his or her authority, require that person to deliver up—(a) any animal, native plant, Aboriginal object (not being real property) or article in that person’s possession, or which it is within that person’s power to deliver up, in respect of which the suspected offence is being committed or which is being used in connection with the suspected offence, or(b) any books, papers or records in that person’s possession, or which it is within that person’s power to deliver up, relating to the suspected offence.(2) Any such person after being so required shall not fail to deliver up forthwith any animal, native plant, Aboriginal object (not being real property), article, books, papers or records to the Secretary or person requiring him or her so to do.
166 Definition of “article” for secs 164 and 165
(1) In sections 164 and 165, article means prohibited weapon, firearm, explosive, net, trap, hunting device, substance, mixture, preparation, instrument, implement or any other thing.(2) A reference in this section to a firearm includes a reference to an imitation firearm within the meaning of the Firearms Act 1996.
167 Disposal of fauna and perishable goods when seized or delivered up
(1) Where any property seized under section 164 or delivered up under section 165 is fauna or is perishable, it may forthwith be disposed of, by way of sale or otherwise, by an authorised officer.(2) The proceeds of any sale under subsection (1) shall be paid into the Fund.(3) The payment to a person from the Fund of an amount equal to the proceeds of the sale of any property under subsection (1) operates as a discharge of any obligation to deliver up that property to that person and such a payment in discharge of any such obligation imposed by an order of the court prescribed in relation to the property under section 168 is hereby authorised.(4) Without affecting the generality of subsection (1), fauna may be disposed of under subsection (1) by being destroyed or returned to its natural environment.(5) When any fauna or perishable property is sold or otherwise disposed of under subsection (1)—(a) the buyer obtains the ownership of the fauna or property freed and discharged from any right, interest, trust or obligation to which it was subject immediately before its sale or disposal, and(b) the person who was the owner of the fauna or property immediately before its sale or disposal ceases to have any claim in respect of the fauna or property or any right of action in respect of the sale or disposal except as specifically provided by this Act.(6) A person is not prevented from recovering damages from the Crown in respect of the sale or disposal of any fauna or perishable property under subsection (1) if the person establishes that the authorised officer who effected the sale or disposal did not act in good faith or acted without reasonable care.
168 Disposal of property seized or delivered up
(1) Subject to this section, where—(a) a person is convicted of an offence against this Act or the regulations,(b) property relating to the offence, or in the possession of the offender at the time of the commission of the offence, has been seized under section 164 or delivered up under section 165, andthat court may, whether or not it is the court making the conviction, make such an order.(c) any person applies to the court prescribed in relation to the property for an order that the property be delivered to a specified person,(2) Subject to this section, where—(a) property has been seized under section 164 or delivered up under section 165, andthe court prescribed in relation to the property (whether or not it is the court dismissing the proceedings in the case of property relating to proceedings referred to in paragraph (b) (ii)) may, on the application of any person, order that the property be delivered to a specified person.(b) proceedings for an offence (being an offence on or after a conviction for which an order could be made under subsection (1) in respect of the property)—(i) have not been commenced within 2 years after the seizure or delivering up of the property, or(ii) have been dismissed by a court,(3) An application for an order under subsection (1) may be made at the time of the conviction referred to in that subsection if the court making the conviction is the court prescribed in relation to the property to which the application relates.(4) An application for an order under subsection (1) or (2) may not be made—(a) in the case of an application for an order under subsection (1)—later than 1 month after the conviction referred to in that subsection, or(b) in the case of an application for an order under subsection (2) (b) (i)—later than 3 months after the expiration of the period of 2 years referred to in that subparagraph, or(c) in the case of an application for an order under subsection (2) (b) (ii)—later than 1 month after the date on which the proceedings were dismissed.(5) Where property has been seized under section 164 or delivered up under section 165 and—(a) no application for an order under subsection (1) or (2) has been duly made, orthe property the subject of the application and, where the property has been sold under section 167, the proceeds of the sale, shall be deemed to have been forfeited.(b) such an application has been duly made and such an order has been refused,(6) For the purposes of this section—(a) the value of any property sold under section 167 is an amount equal to the amount of the net proceeds of sale, and(b) the court prescribed in relation to any property is such court as would, if the value of the property were the amount of a debt, be a court of competent jurisdiction for the recovery of that debt.(7) An order shall not be made by a court under this section in relation to fauna seized or delivered up in connection with an offence under section 102 unless the court is satisfied that the fauna will be adequately cared for by the person to whom the fauna is to be delivered under the order.(8) An order shall not be made by a court under this section in relation to fauna that has been destroyed or returned to its natural environment under section 167, but if the order is nevertheless made, it does not have any effect.
169 Offences for impersonating, assaulting or obstructing officers
(1) A person must not impersonate an officer.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units or imprisonment for 3 months, or both.(2) A person must not assault or obstruct an officer in the exercise of the officer’s functions under this Act or another law.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units or imprisonment for 3 months, or both.(3) A person must not incite or encourage another person to assault or obstruct an officer in the exercise of the officer’s functions under this Act or another law.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units or imprisonment for 3 months, or both.(4) Without limiting subsection (2), a person must not—(a) refuse to give information or assistance requested by an officer in the exercise of the officer’s functions under this Act or another law, or(b) knowingly give information that is false or misleading to an officer in the exercise of the officer’s functions under this Act or another law.Maximum penalty—200 penalty units or imprisonment for 3 months, or both.(5) A person must not incite or encourage another person to contravene subsection (4).Maximum penalty—200 penalty units or imprisonment for 3 months, or both.(6) In this section—assault or obstruct, in relation to an officer, includes delay, hinder, resist, threaten, and use abusive language.officer means—(a) the Secretary, or(b) an officer of the Service, or(c) an ex-officio ranger, or(d) an honorary ranger.
170 Corruption
A person shall not, without lawful authority, offer, make or give to an officer of the Service, an ex-officio ranger or honorary ranger any payment, gratuity or present in consideration that the officer or ranger will do or omit to do any act or thing pertaining to his or her powers, authorities, duties or functions as such an officer or ranger.Maximum penalty—10 penalty units or imprisonment for 1 year or both.
171 Authority to harm or pick
(1) The Secretary may authorise any person—(a) to harm—(i) animals within a national park, historic site, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, state conservation area, regional park, Aboriginal area, wildlife refuge or conservation area, or(ii) protected fauna outside a park, site, reserve, area or refuge referred to in subparagraph (i), other than fauna that are not the property of the Crown,(b) to fell, cut, destroy, injure, remove or set fire to any tree, timber or vegetation within a nature reserve or karst conservation reserve, or(c) to pick or have in the person’s possession any native plant within a nature reserve or karst conservation reserve.(1A) The Secretary may, in an authority given under subsection (1) or in another instrument served on the person to whom the authority is given, limit the kinds or numbers of animals, trees, timber, vegetation or native plants with respect to which an authority has effect.(1B) An authority under subsection (1) authorising game birds to be harmed does not extend to the harming of game birds for sporting or recreational purposes. However, an authority can authorise a sporting or recreational shooter to harm game birds for any other specified lawful purpose.(2) A person shall not be convicted of an offence against this Act if the person proves that the act constituting the offence was done, or the state of affairs constituting the offence existed, under the authority of the Secretary under this section.(3) For the purposes of this Act, the Secretary shall be deemed to be authorised under subsection (1) with respect to all animals, and all trees, timber, vegetation and native plants, to which that subsection relates or may relate.(4) Except in so far as the Secretary otherwise directs, the Secretary’s authorisation of a person under subsection (1) also authorises that person to do, in connection with the authorised activity, any act referred to in section 45 (1) or 56 (1).(5) Subsection (1) (a) (i) does not apply with respect to an animal that is not the property of the Crown unless the animal apparently has no owner and is not under control or unless an officer of the Service believes on reasonable grounds that the animal is endangering, or likely to endanger, any other animals or any persons or property within the park, site, reserve, area or refuge referred to in subsection (1) (a) (i).(6) Nothing in this section affects the provisions of section 155 (2) (bb).
172 Police officers
A police officer shall not be convicted of an offence against this Act in respect of an act done in pursuance of or as part of his or her duties as a police officer.
173 (Repealed)
174 Service of notices
Any notice given under or for the purposes of this Act or the regulations may, unless otherwise specially provided, be given in any one of the following ways—(a) personally to the person to whom the notice is addressed, or(b) by letter sent through the post by mail and directed to the last known residential or business address of the person to whom the notice is addressed, or(c) by sending it by facsimile or electronic transmission (including for example the Internet) to the person in accordance with arrangements indicated by the person as appropriate for transmitting documents to the person.
175 General offence and penalties
(1) A person who—(a) does that which by this Act (Parts 2, 3 and 5 excepted) the person is forbidden to do, oris guilty of an offence against this Act.(b) fails or neglects to do that which by this Act (Parts 2, 3 and 5 excepted) the person is required or directed to do,(2) A person guilty of an offence against this Act, whether pursuant to subsection (1) or otherwise, is, where no other penalty is prescribed, liable to a penalty not exceeding 100 penalty units, in the case of an individual, or 200 penalty units in the case of a corporation.
175A Offences by directors or managers of corporations
(1) If a person contravenes any provision of this Act or the regulations—(a) while acting in the capacity of a director, a person concerned in the management, or an employee or an agent, of a corporation, orthe corporation shall be taken to have contravened the same provision.(b) at the direction or with the consent or agreement (whether express or implied) of such a director, person, employee or agent,(2) A corporation may be proceeded against and convicted under a provision pursuant to subsection (1), whether or not the director, person, employee or agent has been proceeded against or convicted under that provision.(3) Nothing in this section affects any liability imposed on a person for an offence committed by the person against this Act or the regulations.
175B Liability of directors etc for offences by corporation—offences attracting executive liability
(1) For the purposes of this section, an executive liability offence is an offence against any of the following provisions of this Act that is committed by a corporation—(a) section 86 (1), (2) or (4),(b) section 90J (1) or (2),(c) section 91AA (6),(d) section 91G,(e) section 91Q (1),(f) section 91R,(g) section 99 (1),(h) section 118A (1) or (2),(i) section 118B (1),(j) section 118C (1),(k) section 118D (1),(l) section 133 (4),(l1) section 153I(1),(m) section 156A (1).(2) A person commits an offence against this section if—(a) a corporation commits an executive liability offence, and(b) the person is—(i) a director of the corporation, or(ii) an individual who is involved in the management of the corporation and who is in a position to influence the conduct of the corporation in relation to the commission of the executive liability offence, and(c) the person—(i) knows or ought reasonably to know that the executive liability offence (or an offence of the same type) would be or is being committed, and(ii) fails to take all reasonable steps to prevent or stop the commission of that offence.Maximum penalty—The maximum penalty for the executive liability offence if committed by an individual.(3) The prosecution bears the legal burden of proving the elements of the offence against this section.(4) The offence against this section can only be prosecuted by a person who can bring a prosecution for the executive liability offence.(5) This section does not affect the liability of the corporation for the executive liability offence, and applies whether or not the corporation is prosecuted for, or convicted of, the executive liability offence.(6) This section does not affect the application of any other law relating to the criminal liability of any persons (whether or not directors or other managers of the corporation) who are accessories to the commission of the executive liability offence or are otherwise concerned in, or party to, the commission of the executive liability offence.(7) In this section—director has the same meaning it has in the Corporations Act 2001 of the Commonwealth.reasonable steps, in relation to the commission of an executive liability offence, includes, but is not limited to, such action (if any) of the following kinds as is reasonable in all the circumstances—(a) action towards—(i) assessing the corporation’s compliance with the provision creating the executive liability offence, and(ii) ensuring that the corporation arranged regular professional assessments of its compliance with the provision,(b) action towards ensuring that the corporation’s employees, agents and contractors are provided with information, training, instruction and supervision appropriate to them to enable them to comply with the provision creating the executive liability offence so far as the provision is relevant to them,(c) action towards ensuring that—(i) the plant, equipment and other resources, andrelevant to compliance with the provision creating the executive liability offence are appropriate in all the circumstances,(ii) the structures, work systems and other processes,(d) action towards creating and maintaining a corporate culture that does not direct, encourage, tolerate or lead to non-compliance with the provision creating the executive liability offence.
175C Evidence as to state of mind of corporation
(1) Without limiting any other law or practice regarding the admissibility of evidence, evidence that an officer, employee or agent of a corporation (while acting in his or her capacity as such) had, at any particular time, a particular state of mind, is evidence that the corporation had that state of mind.(2) In this section, the state of mind of a person includes—(a) the knowledge, intention, opinion, belief or purpose of the person, and(b) the person’s reasons for the intention, opinion, belief or purpose.
(Renumbered as sec 189)
(Renumbered as sec 193)
176B Ancillary offences
(1) A person who—(a) aids, abets, counsels or procures another person to commit, or(b) attempts to commit, oran offence under another provision of this Act or the regulations is guilty of an offence under that other provision and is liable, on conviction, to the same penalty applicable to an offence under that other provision.(c) conspires to commit,(2) A person does not commit an offence because of this section for any act or omission that is an offence under section 176C.
176C Liability of directors etc for offences by corporation—accessory to the commission of the offences
(1) For the purposes of this section, a corporate offence is an offence against this Act or the regulations that is capable of being committed by a corporation, whether or not it is an executive liability offence referred to in section 175B.(2) A person commits an offence against this section if—(a) a corporation commits a corporate offence, and(b) the person is—(i) a director of the corporation, or(ii) an individual who is involved in the management of the corporation and who is in a position to influence the conduct of the corporation in relation to the commission of the corporate offence, and(c) the person—(i) aids, abets, counsels or procures the commission of the corporate offence, or(ii) induces, whether by threats or promises or otherwise, the commission of the corporate offence, or(iii) conspires with others to effect the commission of the corporate offence, or(iv) is in any other way, whether by act or omission, knowingly concerned in, or party to, the commission of the corporate offence.Maximum penalty—The maximum penalty for the corporate offence if committed by an individual.(3) The prosecution bears the legal burden of proving the elements of the offence against this section.(4) The offence against this section can only be prosecuted by a person who can bring a prosecution for the corporate offence.(5) This section does not affect the liability of the corporation for the corporate offence, and applies whether or not the corporation is prosecuted for, or convicted of, the corporate offence.(6) This section does not affect the application of any other law relating to the criminal liability of any persons (whether or not directors or other managers of the corporation) who are concerned in, or party to, the commission of the corporate offence.
177 (Repealed)
178 Recovery of charges
(1) Any charge, fee or money recoverable by the Secretary or an officer of the Service under the provisions of this Act or the regulations may be recovered as a debt or liquidated demand in a court of competent jurisdiction.(2) The amount of any royalty due and payable under this Act or the regulations and unpaid may be recovered as a debt due to the Secretary from the person liable to pay that amount in a court of competent jurisdiction.(3) (Repealed)
(Renumbered as sec 191)
180 Continuance of authority
Any person duly authorised by the Secretary under any section of this Act to do any act or thing or take any proceedings shall continue to be so authorised notwithstanding that the Secretary who authorised that person has ceased to hold office as Secretary, but any such authority may be cancelled at any time by the person for the time being occupying the office of Secretary.
(Renumbered as sec 197)
182 Morton National Park
(1) In this section—Authority means the Sydney Catchment Authority.Park means Morton National Park.(2) The following provisions shall apply to and in respect of the Park—(a) the Authority may continue and complete surveys and investigations for determining the location of a dam for water supply purposes and of a reservoir and ancillary works in connection therewith including pipelines and power lines, situated wholly or partly within the Park,(b) the site of the dam and of the reservoir and ancillary works shall be determined by agreement between the Minister and the Authority,(c) where the site has been so determined, the Governor may, notwithstanding section 37, by notification published in the Gazette—(i) revoke the reservation of the Park as to so much of the lands reserved as are within that site, andand thereupon those lands shall vest in the Authority, and(ii) declare those lands to be vested in the Authority,(d) the Minister may, from time to time, grant to the Authority such easements and licences over lands within the Park for pipelines, power lines and other purposes as may be necessary for or in connection with the use and operation of the dam and reservoir and ancillary works.(3) Anything done under or for the purposes of section 21 (2) of the Act of 1967 shall be deemed to have been done under or for the purposes of this section.
183 Macquarie Pass National Park
(1) In this section—Commission means the Water Resources Commission.Park means Macquarie Pass National Park.(2) The following provisions shall apply to and in respect of the Park—(a) the Commission may continue and complete surveys and investigations for determining the location of a dam for domestic, stock and irrigation purposes and ancillary works in connection therewith including pipelines and power lines, situated wholly or partly within the Park,(b) the site of the dam and ancillary works shall be determined by agreement between the Minister and the Commission, and(c) the Minister may, from time to time, upon such terms as the Minister thinks fit grant to the Commission such easements and licences over lands within the Park for pipelines, power lines and other purposes as may be necessary for or in connection with the use and operation of the dam and ancillary works.(3) Anything done under or for the purposes of section 21 (3) of the Act of 1967 shall be deemed to have been done under or for the purposes of this section.
184 Bouddi National Park
(1) The Governor may, by proclamation published in the Gazette, declare that this section applies to such of the lands comprised in Bouddi National Park as are described in the proclamation.(2) Upon the publication of the proclamation under subsection (1), the lands described in the proclamation shall cease to be part of Bouddi National Park and shall be deemed to have been reserved as a national park.(3) Without affecting the generality of section 36, a reference in that section to a proclamation includes a reference to the proclamation under subsection (1).
184A TfNSW roads within Kosciuszko National Park
(1) In this section—TfNSW means Transport for NSW constituted under the Transport Administration Act 1988.the excised land means land in the lots described in Schedule 16.Note—The plans referred to in Schedule 16 were, when this section commenced, held at the RTA Property and Land Information Branch, Centennial Plaza, Elizabeth Street, Sydney. It is intended that the plans will be registered as deposited plans.(2) On the commencement of this section—(a) the reservation under this Act of the excised land as part of Kosciuszko National Park is revoked, and(b) the excised land vests in the Roads and Traffic Authority for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from any trusts, obligations, estates, interests and rights-of-way or other easements existing immediately before its vesting.Note—The excised land is now vested in TfNSW as the successor to the RTA and RMS.(3) Without affecting the generality of subsection (2), any lease or sublease of, or licence relating to, any land that consisted of or included excised land immediately before the vesting of the excised land by this section does not apply to the excised land after the vesting, but is not otherwise affected by the vesting.(4) Persons authorised in that behalf by TfNSW may enter (and remain for as long as may reasonably be necessary on) land adjoining or adjacent to excised land, with or without vehicles, plant and equipment, after giving reasonable notice to the Secretary and any lessee or sublessee (or, in an emergency, without notice), for the purpose of—(a) inspecting, building, rebuilding, repairing or maintaining roads on the excised land and ancillary infrastructure (such as drainage works) on the excised land or the adjoining or adjacent land, or(b) inspecting, placing, replacing, removing, repairing, maintaining or augmenting devices on the adjoining or adjacent land that measure hydrological features or land movement relating to use of the excised land for the purpose of roads.(5) Despite any lease or licence entered into before or after the commencement of this section, any such ancillary infrastructure or device (whether or not a fixture) placed on the adjoining or adjacent land before or after the commencement of this section by a person authorised by TfNSW—(a) is the property of TfNSW, and(b) without giving rise to an action in nuisance, may remain and be used on that land.(6) No compensation is payable by the Minister, TfNSW or any lessee, sublessee or licensee, or by any person claiming through any lessee, sublessee or licensee, as a consequence of the operation of subsection (2), (3), (4) or (5).(7) For the purposes only of provisions of this Act and the regulations (including provisions relating to the control of traffic) that are necessary for park management purposes and the collection of fees for park use, the excised land is taken to be reserved as part of Kosciuszko National Park.(8) Subsection (7) does not have the effect of—(a) preventing or restricting the carrying out of development for the purpose of roads on the excised land by or on behalf of TfNSW, or(b) restricting the operation of the road transport legislation with respect to roads or road related areas within the meaning of section 4 (1) of the Road Transport Act 2013 or the operation of the Roads Act 1993 with respect to public roads, or(c) authorising the erection of any device if the erection of the device is inconsistent with a function exercisable under the Road Transport Act 2013 with respect to roads or road related areas within the meaning of section 4 (1) of that Act or under the Roads Act 1993 with respect to public roads.(9) This section does not operate to extinguish any native title rights and interests, within the meaning of the Native Title Act 1993 of the Commonwealth, existing in relation to the excised land before its vesting by this section.(10) However, this section does not affect any extinguishment of native title rights and interests by the operation of the Native Title Act 1993 of the Commonwealth or the Native Title (New South Wales) Act 1994.
185 Catchment areas and special areas
(1) In this section, the Acts means the Sydney Water Act 1994, the Sydney Water Catchment Management Act 1998, the Hunter Water Act 1991 and the Water Management Act 2000.(2) Nothing in this Act affects the operation of any of the provisions of any of the Acts in relation to lands within a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, in so far as those provisions relate to catchment areas or special areas.(3) Without affecting the generality of subsection (2), nothing in this Act—(a) affects, or affects the operation of, any order or regulation under any of the Acts relating to a catchment area or special area and in force at the time of the reservation of any lands as, or as part of, a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, being lands to which the order or regulation relates, or(b) affects the power of the Governor to make any order or regulation under any of the Acts in relation to any lands within a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area.(4) Despite any other provision of this Act, a lease, licence, easement or right of way must not be granted under this Act in respect of any land within a special area within the meaning of—(a) the Sydney Water Catchment Management Act 1998, except with the concurrence of the Sydney Catchment Authority, or(b) the Hunter Water Act 1991, except with the concurrence of the Hunter Water Corporation and the Secretary of the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development.(5) Notwithstanding subsection (2) or (3) or any provision of any of the Acts, neither the Sydney Water Corporation nor the Sydney Catchment Authority nor the Hunter Water Corporation shall, except with the concurrence in writing of the Secretary, undertake or arrange for the cutting and marketing of timber of commercial value on lands within a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area that are also lands within a catchment area or special area.
185A Special areas under the Hunter Water Act 1991
(1) This section applies to land that—(a) is reserved as a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, and(b) is wholly or partly within a special area within the meaning of the Hunter Water Act 1991.(2) Except as provided by this section, nothing in any provision of, or made under, this Act prevents or prohibits, or requires authorisation for, development for the purpose of the extraction, treatment, reticulation or replenishment of groundwater if the development is—(a) carried out, by or on behalf of the Hunter Water Corporation, on land to which this section applies, and(b) authorised or permitted under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (whether before, on or after the commencement of this section).(3) Subsection (2) extends to—(a) development for the purpose of any pumping station, or other infrastructure, that is connected with or incidental to the extraction, treatment, reticulation or replenishment of groundwater, or(b) development for the purpose of the installation, replacement or maintenance of sealed sewerage pipes and of pumps, and the use of those pipes and pumps for conveying sewage (but not any other development for the purpose of sewage discharge or treatment).(4) For the avoidance of doubt, a lease, licence to occupy or use, or an easement or right of way through, on or in, land to which this section applies is not required to enable development to be carried out in accordance with this section.(5) Development carried out in accordance with this section may be carried out despite any plan of management applying to the land to which this section applies. However, no operations (including any development) are to be carried out on that land, on or after the adoption of any such plan prepared by the Secretary (or a local council) and the Chief Executive Officer of the Hunter Water Corporation as referred to in section 75, unless the operations are in accordance with the plan.(6) If an environmental planning instrument provides that development referred to in subsection (2) is permitted on the land to which this section applies if it is authorised under this Act, the development is taken to be authorised under this Act if it is otherwise authorised or permitted under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.(7) Without affecting the generality of section 185, nothing in any provision of, or made under, this Act affects a prohibition or restriction imposed by or under the Hunter Water Act 1991 or the Water Management Act 2000 in its application to the land to which this section applies.(8) For the avoidance of doubt, this section prevails over section 47I.(9) In this section—development has the same meaning as it has in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and includes an activity within the meaning of Part 5 of that Act.environmental planning instrument has the same meaning as it has in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
186 Requirement for examination
(1) The Minister shall not grant—(a) an approval under section 39 (3) or 47H (3),(b) a concurrence under section 40 (2), 41 (4), 44 (2) or 47J (3) or (4),(c) a lease of lands or licence under section 151 (1) or 153B (2),(d) a franchise under section 152 (3), orexcept after the fullest examination.(e) an easement or right of way under section 153 (1) or 153B (2),(2) The Secretary shall not grant—(a) a concurrence under section 53 (2) or 185 (5), orexcept after the fullest examination.(b) a licence under section 152 (1),(3) Subsection (1) extends to—(a) an approval under section 39 (3), andas applied by this Act to state conservation areas, regional parks, nature reserves, karst conservation reserves or Aboriginal areas.(b) a concurrence under section 41 (4) or 44 (2),
187 Administration of existing interests in reserved land
(1) In this section, existing interest means a lease, licence, permit, authority, authorisation or occupancy under the Forestry Act 2012 or Crown land Acts—(a) in relation to land reserved under this Act immediately before the commencement of this section—in force on that commencement, or(b) in relation to land reserved under this Act on or after the commencement of this section—in force at the date on which the land was so reserved.(2) The administration of matters relating to existing interests, to the extent that those interests affect any land reserved under this Act, is vested in the Minister.(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), the Minister has—(a) in respect of existing interests under the Forestry Act 2012, the powers of the Minister administering that Act and of the Forestry Corporation, and(b) in respect of existing interests under the Crown land Acts, the powers of the Minister administering the Crown Land Management Act 2016.(c), (d) (Repealed)(4) In this section—Crown land Acts means each of the following—(a) the Crown Land Management Act 2016,(b) the Crown Lands Act 1989,(d) the Western Lands Act 1901.
188 Administration of existing telecommunications interests
(1) In this section—broadcasting or telecommunications facility means a facility used for the purpose of providing broadcasting services within the meaning of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 of the Commonwealth, or a facility within the meaning of the Telecommunications Act 1997 of the Commonwealth—(a) the use of which is authorised under the Forestry Act 2012 or Crown Land Management Act 2016, or(b) that was lawfully constructed under Commonwealth legislation and exempted at the time of construction under that legislation from the requirement for authorisation under State legislation.existing facility means a broadcasting or telecommunications facility situated on land reserved under this Act and in existence on the relevant date.relevant date means, in relation to a broadcasting or telecommunications facility—(a) if the land on which the facility is situated was reserved under this Act immediately before the commencement of this section—the date of that commencement, or(b) if the land on which the facility is situated is reserved under this Act on or after the commencement of this section—the date on which the land was so reserved.(2) At the request of a person who is the owner of an existing facility, the Minister may grant the person a lease or licence under this section for the purposes of enabling the facility to be used and maintained.(3) The Minister may grant a lease or licence under this section in respect of an existing facility to which paragraph (b) of the definition of broadcasting or telecommunications facility in subsection (1) applies only if the facility is no longer exempt from the requirement to be authorised under State legislation at the date of the grant of the lease or licence.(4) On the grant of a lease or licence under this section in respect of an existing facility, any authorisation referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition of broadcasting or telecommunications facility in subsection (1) in respect of the facility is revoked.(5) Any lease or licence granted under this section is subject to such terms and conditions as the Minister may determine.(6) This section does not limit section 187.
188A General exemption for officers enforcing the Act or the regulations
The following persons are not guilty of an offence under this Act or the regulations only because of something done by the person while exercising a function in relation to determining whether there has been compliance with or a contravention of this Act or the regulations—(a) an authorised officer,(b) an officer of the Service.
188B Non-application of section 138 of Roads Act 1993
Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993 does not apply to anything done under a provision of this Act in relation to a road that is, or is on, land reserved under this Act.
188C Adjustment of boundaries of reserved and acquired lands
(1) This section applies to the following land—(a) land reserved under this Act,(b) land acquired under Part 11.(2) The boundary of any land to which this section applies that adjoins a public road may be adjusted from time to time to enable the boundary to follow the formed path of the road or to provide an appropriate set back from the carriageway of the formed path of the road.(3) An adjustment of the boundary of land is to be made by the Secretary by a notice published in the Gazette.(4) A notice under this section may only be published with the approval of—(a) the Minister, and(b) to the extent that the notice applies to any Crown road—the Minister administering the Crown Land Management Act 2016, and(c) to the extent that the notice applies to a classified road—the Minister administering the provisions of the Roads Act 1993 relating to classified roads, and(d) to the extent that the notice applies to land that is reserved under Part 4A—the relevant board of management.(5) The Secretary is required to certify in any notice under this section that the adjustments effected by the notice will not result in any significant reduction in the size or value of land reserved under this Act.(6) The Secretary may, in a notice published under this section, declare that—(a) any such land (described in the notice) is part of the public road concerned and, accordingly, is vested in the roads authority for that public road under the Roads Act 1993, or(b) any such land (described in the notice) ceases to be part of that public road and, accordingly, is divested from the relevant roads authority and becomes part of the land subject to the provisions of this Act that adjoins that land.A declaration under this subsection has effect according to its tenor, despite anything to the contrary in the Roads Act 1993.(7) Nothing in this section permits the adjustment of the boundary of any land acquired under Part 11 if it would contravene any condition of a gift or an agreement by or under which the land had been acquired.(8) In this section—appropriate set back, in relation to a carriageway of a road, includes a set back that allows for drainage, signposts, traffic control devices, lighting and other supporting infrastructure for the adjoining a public road includes land in the vicinity of a public road.
188D Provisions relating to certain existing access roads on National Park Estate lands
(1) Maintenance and improvement works The Secretary may authorise work to be carried out for the maintenance or improvement of an access road.(2) Work authorised under this section may only be carried out to enable the access road to continue to be used for the purposes for which the road was used before land on which the road is situated was vested in the Minister.(3) Such maintenance and improvement work may be carried out even if it involves ancillary work on reserved land that adjoins the land on which the access road is situated.(4) The carrying out of work authorised under this section is not a contravention of this Act or the regulations.(5) Determination of width of existing access roads At the time an exclusion order is made, the Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, determine a width (not being a width greater than 30 metres) for an access road that is to be excluded from reservation under this Act by the exclusion order.Note—Under the various provisions relating to access roads on National Park Estate lands, certain access roads were vested in the Minister as land acquired under Part 11 and not reserved under this Act. These provisions require the Minister to determine within specified times whether those access roads are to be excluded from reservation (and remain as land acquired under Part 11) or included in the reserved lands surrounding them.(6) An order under subsection (5) may—(a) be made only with the concurrence of the Minister administering the Forestry Act 2012, and(b) be made by the same order that constitutes the exclusion order concerned, and(c) only be made if the Minister has determined it is appropriate after considering—(i) the objects of this Act, and(ii) whether a road of the determined width is necessary to provide access to land in the vicinity of the road or to provide an appropriate set back (within the meaning of section 188C) from the carriageway of the road.(7) On the making of an order under subsection (5)—(a) land of the determined width that follows the centreline of the access road (as it existed before the order was made) vests, if it is not already vested, in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from—(i) all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements, and(ii) any dedication, reservation, Crown grant or vesting to which the land is subject, and any such dedication, reservation, grant or vesting is revoked, and(b) the land referred to in paragraph (a) is taken to be an access road and may continue to be used for the purposes for which it was used immediately before the making of the order, and(c) if any land was vested in the Minister by virtue of being an access road, but is not covered by the land referred to in paragraph (a), the land is reserved as part of the reserved land within which it is situated.(8) Subsection (7) (a) (i) does not apply in relation to a right of way granted under section 20A of the Forestry Act 1916 that is taken to have continued in force (as if it were granted under section 149 or 153 of this Act) by clause 8 (11) of Schedule 7 to the National Park Estate (Southern Region Reservations) Act 2000.(9) Definitions In this section—access road means an access road to which any of the following provisions apply—(a) clause 5 of Schedule 9 to the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005,(b) clause 7 of Schedule 7 to the Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998,(b1) the Forestry Revocation and National Park Reservation Act 1996, section 9,(c) clause 5 of Schedule 7 to the National Park Estate (Lower Hunter Region Reservations) Act 2006,(d) clause 7 of Schedule 8 to the National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2002,(e) clause 6 of Schedule 5 to the National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2003,(f) clause 5 of Schedule 6 to the National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2005,(g) clause 8 of Schedule 7 to the National Park Estate (Southern Region Reservations) Act 2000,(h) clause 5 of Schedule 8 to the National Park Estate (South-Western Cypress Reservations) Act 2010,(i) clause 5 of Schedule 9 to the National Park Estate (Riverina Red Gum Reservations) Act 2010.exclusion order means an order under any of the following provisions that excludes an access road from reservation under this Act—(a) clause 5 (5) of Schedule 9 to the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005,(b) clause 7 (5) of Schedule 7 to the Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998,(b1) the Forestry Revocation and National Park Reservation Act 1996, section 9(5),(c) clause 5 (7) of Schedule 7 to the National Park Estate (Lower Hunter Region Reservations) Act 2006,(d) clause 7 (6) of Schedule 8 to the National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2002,(e) clause 6 (7) of Schedule 5 to the National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2003,(f) clause 5 (7) of Schedule 6 to the National Park Estate (Reservations) Act 2005,(g) clause 8 (6) of Schedule 7 to the National Park Estate (Southern Region Reservations) Act 2000,(h) clause 5 (7) of Schedule 8 to the National Park Estate (South-Western Cypress Reservations) Act 2010,(i) clause 5 (7) of Schedule 9 to the National Park Estate (Riverina Red Gum Reservations) Act 2010.
188E Continuing effect of notices, directions and conditions of licences and permits
(1) A notice or direction given, or a condition of a licence or permit imposed, under this Act or the regulations that specifies a time by which, or period within which, the notice, direction or condition must be complied with continues to have effect until the notice, direction or condition is complied with even though the time has passed or the period has expired.(2) A notice or direction, or a condition of a licence or permit, that does not specify a time by which, or period within which, the notice, direction or condition must be complied with continues to have effect until the notice, direction or condition is complied with.(3) This section does not apply to the extent that any requirement under a notice or direction, or a condition of a licence or permit, is revoked.(4) Nothing in this section affects the enforcement of a notice or direction or a condition of a licence or permit.
188F Public register
(1) The Secretary is to establish and keep a public register in accordance with this section.(2) The register is to contain the following—(a) details of each application for an Aboriginal heritage impact permit made to the Secretary,(b) details of each decision of the Secretary made in respect of any such application,(c) details of each Aboriginal heritage impact permit issued by the Secretary,(d) details of each variation of an Aboriginal heritage impact permit (including the conditions of any permit),(e) details of each decision to suspend, revoke or approve the surrender of any such Aboriginal heritage impact permit (including details of any conditions to which it is subject),(f) details of each Aboriginal place declared under section 84,(g) details of each remediation direction under Division 3 of Part 6A given by the Secretary,(h) details of convictions in prosecutions under this Act or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995,(i) the results of civil proceedings before the Land and Environment Court under this Act or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995,(j) details of such other matters as are prescribed by the regulations (relating to matters under or relevant to this Act or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995).(3) The register may be kept in any form determined by the Secretary. Different parts of the register may be kept in different forms.(4) The regulations may authorise the removal from the register of any matter concerning applications that were not granted, or permits or directions that are no longer in force.(5) For the purposes of this section, details of a matter means—(a) particulars of the matter, or(b) a copy of the matter, or(c) any electronic or other reproduction of the matter.
188G Public availability of register
(1) A copy of the public register is to be available for public inspection at the head office of the Department and at such other places as the Secretary thinks fit.(2) An extract of the register may be obtained by members of the public from the Secretary.(3) The regulations may prescribe any or all of the following—(a) the means by which the register can be inspected,(b) the hours when the register can be inspected and when extracts can be obtained,(c) fees for the inspection of the register,(d) fees for extracts of the register.(4) The register can be inspected or extracts can be obtained during ordinary office hours, and on payment of fees determined by the Secretary, in the absence of regulations prescribing these matters.Note—Access to information may be limited by the operation of section 161 of this Act.
188H (Repealed)
Part 15 Criminal and other proceedings
Division 1 Proceedings for offences generally
189 Proceedings for offences
(1) Proceedings for an offence under this Act or the regulations may be dealt with—(a) summarily before the Local Court, or(b) summarily before the Land and Environment Court.(1AA), (1BB) (Repealed)(1A) The maximum pecuniary penalty that the Local Court may impose in respect of an offence against this Act or the regulations is 200 penalty units (including any daily penalty, any additional penalty as provided by section 98, 99, 118 or 118A or any further penalty for a second or subsequent offence) or the maximum penalty provided by this Act or the regulations in respect of the offence, whichever is the lesser.(1B) (Repealed)(2) Where the penalty is a daily penalty it may be recovered either under a separate court attendance notice, summons or application for each day or under a court attendance notice, summons or application for the sum of the daily penalties.(3) Where any person is convicted of an offence against this Act or the regulations and the Judge or Magistrate before whom the person was convicted makes an order under the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 for the payment by the defendant of costs, those costs shall be paid into the Fund.
190 Time within which proceedings may be commenced
(1) Proceedings for an offence under this Act or the regulations may be commenced—(a) within but not later than 2 years after the date on which the offence is alleged to have been committed, or(b) within but not later than 2 years after the date on which evidence of the alleged offence first came to the attention of any authorised officer.(2) If subsection (1) (b) is relied on for the purpose of commencing proceedings for an offence, the court attendance notice, summons or application must contain particulars of the date on which evidence of the offence first came to the attention of any authorised officer and need not contain particulars of the date on which the offence was committed. The date on which evidence first came to the attention of any authorised officer is the date specified in the court attendance notice, summons or application, unless the contrary is established.(3) This section applies despite anything in the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 or any other Act.(4) In this section, evidence of an offence means evidence of any act or omission constituting the offence.
191 Authority to take proceedings
(1) Subject to subsection (1A), any legal proceedings for an offence against, or to recover any charge, fee or money due under, this Act or the regulations or the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 or the regulations under that Act may only be taken by a police officer, the Secretary or by a person duly authorised by the Secretary in that behalf, either generally or in any particular case.(1A) Proceedings for an offence under this Act may be instituted in the Land and Environment Court in its summary jurisdiction only by the following persons—(a) the Secretary,(b) an officer of the Service authorised by the Secretary for the purposes of this section.(2) In any proceedings referred to in this section the production of an authority purporting to be signed by the Secretary shall be evidence of the authority without proof of the Secretary’s signature.
Division 2 General provisions
192 Penalty notice for certain offences
Editorial note—See also Part 3 of the Fines Act 1996.(1) In this section—owner has the same meaning as in section 159.prescribed offence means an offence prescribed for the purposes of this section and includes a parking offence within the meaning of section 159.prescribed person means—(a) a police officer, or(b) an officer of the Service, or(b1) the Chairperson of the Environment Protection Authority, or(b2) a member of staff of the Environment Protection Authority, or(c) a person, or a person belonging to a class of persons, prescribed for the purposes of this section.(1A) In this section, a reference to this Act or the regulations includes a reference to the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 or the regulations made under that Act.(2) Where it appears to a prescribed person that any other person has committed any prescribed offence against this Act or the regulations or is, by virtue of section 159, guilty of such an offence, the prescribed person may serve a notice on that other person to the effect that, if that other person does not desire to have the matter determined by a court, he or she may pay to a person specified in the notice at the place and within the time so specified the amount of the penalty prescribed for the offence if dealt with under this section.(3) A notice under subsection (2) may be served—(a) where the offence is a parking offence within the meaning of section 159 or an offence of which a person is guilty by virtue of that section—(i) in the manner provided by section 174, or(ii) by addressing the notice to the owner of the vehicle to which the offence relates, without naming that owner or stating his or her address, and leaving it on, or attaching it to, the vehicle, or(b) in any other case—in the manner provided by section 174.(4) Where the amount of penalty prescribed for an alleged offence is paid pursuant to this section, no person shall be liable for any further proceedings for the alleged offence.(5) Payment of a penalty pursuant to this section is not an admission of liability for the purpose of any action or proceedings and does not in any way affect or prejudice any civil claim, action or proceedings arising out of the same occurrence.(6) The regulations may—(a) prescribe an offence as a prescribed offence for the purposes of this section by specifying the offence or by reference to the provision creating the offence,(b) prescribe the amount of penalty payable under this section for each prescribed offence, and(c) for the purposes of this section, prescribe different amounts of penalties for different offences or classes of offences, or for offences or classes of offences having regard to the circumstances thereof.(7) No amount of penalty prescribed under this section for any offence shall exceed any maximum amount of penalty which could be imposed for the offence by a court.(8) The provisions of this section are supplemental to, and do not derogate from, any other provisions of this or any other Act in relation to proceedings that may be taken in respect of prescribed offences.(9) A prescribed person belonging to the same class of prescribed person as the person by whom a penalty notice has been served—(a) may withdraw the notice within 28 days after the date on which the notice was served, and(b) must withdraw the notice immediately if directed to do so by the Secretary.(10) The following provisions have effect in relation to an alleged offence if a penalty notice for the alleged offence is withdrawn in accordance with subsection (9)—(a) The amount that was payable under the notice ceases to be payable.(b) Any amount that has been paid under the notice is repayable to the person by whom it was paid.(c) Further penalty notices and proceedings in respect of the alleged offence may be taken against any person (including the person on whom the notice was served) as if the notice had never been served.
193 Restraint etc of breaches of Act or regulations
(1) Any person may bring proceedings in the Land and Environment Court for an order to remedy or restrain a breach of this Act or the regulations, whether or not any right of that person has been or may be infringed by or as a consequence of that breach.(2) Proceedings under this section may be brought by a person on the person’s own behalf or on behalf of the person and other persons (with their consent), or a body corporate or unincorporated (with the consent of its committee or other controlling or governing body), having like or common interests in those proceedings.(3) Any person on whose behalf proceedings are brought is entitled to contribute to or provide for the payment of the legal costs and expenses incurred by the person bringing the proceedings.(4) In this section, breach includes a threatened or apprehended breach.
194 Sentencing—matters to be considered in imposing penalty
(1) In imposing a penalty for an offence under this Act or the regulations, the court is to take into consideration the following (so far as they are relevant)—(a) the extent of the harm caused or likely to be caused by the commission of the offence,(b) the significance of the reserved land, Aboriginal object or place, threatened species or endangered species, population or ecological community (if any) that was harmed, or likely to be harmed, by the commission of the offence,(c) the practical measures that may be taken to prevent, control, abate or mitigate that harm,(d) the extent to which the person who committed the offence could reasonably have foreseen the harm caused or likely to be caused by the commission of the offence,(e) the extent to which the person who committed the offence had control over the causes that gave rise to the offence,(f) in relation to an offence concerning an Aboriginal object or place or an Aboriginal area—the views of Aboriginal persons who have an association with the object, place or area concerned,(g) whether, in committing the offence, the person was complying with an order or direction from an employer or supervising employee,(h) whether the offence was committed for commercial gain.(2) The court may take into consideration other matters that it considers relevant.
195 Continuing offences
(1) A person who is guilty of an offence because the person contravenes a requirement made by or under this Act or the regulations (whether the requirement is imposed by a notice or otherwise) to do or cease to do something (whether or not within a specified period or before a particular time)—(a) continues, until the requirement is complied with and despite the fact that any specified period has expired or time has passed, to be liable to comply with the requirement, and(b) is guilty of a continuing offence for each day the contravention continues.(2) This section does not apply to an offence if the relevant provision of this Act or the regulations does not provide for a penalty for a continuing offence.(3) This section does not apply to the extent that a requirement of a notice is revoked.
196 Onus of proof of reasonable excuse or lawful excuse
In any proceedings under this Act, the onus of proving that a person had a reasonable excuse or lawful excuse (as referred to in any provision of this Act or the regulations) lies with the defendant.
197 Evidentiary provisions etc
(1) An allegation, in a court attendance notice, summons or application in respect of an offence against this Act or the regulations, that any lands in question form part of a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve, Aboriginal area, Aboriginal place or wildlife refuge shall be sufficient without proof of the matter so alleged unless the defendant proves to the contrary.(2) An allegation, in a court attendance notice, summons or application in respect of an offence against this Act or the regulations, that a standard, sign, symbol, notice or device was erected, displayed or marked with the authority of the Secretary, or that a standard, sign, symbol, notice or device was erected, displayed, marked, interfered with, altered or removed without the authority of the Secretary, shall be accepted by the court as evidence of the truth of the allegation, unless the defendant proves to the contrary.(2A) An allegation, in a court attendance notice, summons or application in respect of an offence against this Act or the regulations, that an animal or plant is a member of a species, population or ecological community specified in that court attendance notice, summons or application is sufficient proof of the matter so alleged unless the defendant proves to the contrary.(3) In any proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations, a certificate purporting to be signed by the officer for the time being in charge of the records kept under the law for the time being in force in any part of the Commonwealth relating to the ownership of motor vehicles and naming the owner of a motor vehicle as shown on those records shall be prima facie evidence of the name of the owner of the motor vehicle.(4) In any prosecution under this Act, any allegation in any court attendance notice, summons or application that any person is unlicensed or acting without permission or authority need not be proved, and that person shall be deemed to be unlicensed or acting without permission or authority, as the case may be, until the contrary is proved by the production of a licence, permit or authority or otherwise.(5) In any proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations, a certificate purporting to be signed by the Secretary and certifying—(a) that any person was or was not, on a date or within a period specified therein, the holder of any specified licence, certificate, consent, authority or other thing issued or granted by instrument in writing under this Act, orshall be prima facie evidence of the matter or matters so certified.(b) that, on a date or within a period so specified, any such licence, certificate, consent, authority or other thing—(i) related to any specified premises,(ii) was subject to any specified conditions or restrictions, or(iii) was, to any specified extent, unconditional or unrestricted,(6) In any proceedings for an offence against this Act or the regulations, a certificate purporting to be signed by the Secretary and certifying—(a) that an amount specified therein is the amount of any charge, cost or expense incurred as specified therein by reason of the offence, orshall be prima facie evidence of the matter or matters so certified.(b) that an amount specified therein is the amount of any loss or damage sustained, as specified therein, as a result of the offence,(7) In any proceedings, a certificate purporting to be signed by the Secretary and certifying that at a time, or during a period, specified in the certificate—(a) a conservation agreement relating to land so specified was in force, andshall be prima facie evidence of the matter or matters so certified.(b) the agreement contained the terms specified in the certificate,(8) In any proceedings, a document purporting to be certified by the Secretary or the Registrar-General as a copy of a conservation agreement registered under section 69F shall be prima facie evidence of the agreement.(9) A copy of any declaration or map of critical habitat published in the Gazette, being a copy purporting to be certified by the Secretary, as being a true copy of the declaration or map so published, is admissible in any legal proceedings and is evidence of the matter or matters contained in the declaration or map.(10) (Repealed)(11) In any proceedings, a certificate purporting to be signed by the Secretary stating that at a time, or during a period, specified in the certificate a specified animal was an animal whose impact is listed in Schedule 3 to the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 as a key threatening process is evidence of the matter or matters stated in the certificate.Note—See the Biosecurity Act 2015 for certification of matters under that Act.
197A Approved cameras—offences relating to vehicles entering or using park
(1) In proceedings for a vehicle entry offence—(a) a digital image purporting to be taken by means of the operation of an approved camera installed or set up at the place and on the day specified on the image, and bearing a security indicator, is prima facie evidence that the image—(i) was taken at the place and on the day specified on the image, and(ii) bears the security indicator, and(b) evidence that the image bears a security indicator is prima facie evidence the image has not been altered since the image was taken, and(c) the image is prima facie evidence of the matters shown or recorded on the image.(2) In proceedings for a vehicle entry offence, a certificate purporting to be signed by the Secretary, and certifying the following particulars with the image, is admissible as prima facie evidence that—(a) the person is the Secretary,(b) within 12 months, or another period prescribed by the regulations, including a longer period, before the day recorded on the photograph as the day on which the photograph was taken, an authorised person carried out an inspection on the approved camera specified in the certificate,(c) on the inspection, the approved camera was found to be operating correctly.(3) In this section—approved camera means a digital camera of a type approved by the Minister by order published in the Gazette as being designed—(a) to take a photograph of a motor vehicle as the motor vehicle is being driven in or around a park, and(b) to record on the photograph—(i) the date on which the photograph is taken, and(ii) the time and location at which the photograph is taken, and(iii) the direction in which the vehicle activating the camera is travelling, and(iv) ancillary information in connection with a fee or charge and the photographing of the motor vehicle at that time and location that is prescribed by the regulations.means a person authorised by the Secretary to install and inspect approved camera means a camera recording device that is capable of recording images in a digitised image includes a digitised, electronic or computer generated image in a form approved by the Secretary.park—(a) means a national park, historic site, state conservation area, regional park, nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, or land acquired by the Minister under Part 11, and(b) includes roads and waters in the boundaries of a park, site, area, reserve or land specified in paragraph (a).security indicator means a security indicator of a kind approved by the Minister by order published in the Gazette.vehicle entry offence means the following offences—(a) an offence against this Act or the regulations for entering a park by motor vehicle without payment of a fee or charge,(b) an offence prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this section.
197B Information obtained by approved cameras
(1) A person who obtains information in the exercise of a function relating to the use or operation of an approved camera under section 197A must not directly or indirectly make a record of, make use of, or give, the information to another person, unless the information is given—(a) in the exercise of a function relating to the payment and collection of a fee or charge under this Act, or(b) for the enforcement of a vehicle entry offence, or(c) in the exercise of another function prescribed by the regulations.Maximum penalty—50 penalty units.(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to information given by an authorised officer, or given in accordance with a protocol approved by the Privacy Commissioner, to the following—(a) the Independent Commission Against Corruption,(b) the Australian Crime Commission,(c) the New South Wales Crime Commission,(d) the Ombudsman,(e) the NSW Police Force, or the police force of another State or a Territory,(f) the Australian Federal Police,(g) the Director of Public Prosecutions of New South Wales, or the Director of Public Prosecutions of another State or Territory, or of the Commonwealth,(h) the Department of Communities and Justice,(i) Service NSW,(j) the Office of the Sheriff of NSW,(k) a person prescribed by the regulations for the purpose of this subsection.(3) Subsection (2) applies only in relation to information acquired about a motor vehicle driven in connection with a vehicle entry offence.(4) In this section—vehicle entry offence has the same meaning as in section 197A.
Division 3 Court orders in connection with offences
198 Operation of Division
(1) Application to proved offences This Division applies where a court finds an offence under this Act or the regulations proved.(2) Meaning of proved offences Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), a court finds an offence proved if—(a) the court convicts the offender of the offence, or(b) the court makes an order under section 10 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 against the offender in relation to the offence (in which case any order under this Division is not a punishment for the purposes of that section).(3) Definitions In this Division—the court means the court that finds the offence proved.the offender means the person who is found to have committed the offence.
199 Orders generally
(1) Orders may be made One or more orders may be made under this Division against the offender.(2) Orders are additional Orders may be made under this Division in addition to any penalty that may be imposed or any other action that may be taken in relation to the offence.(3) Other action not required Orders may be made under this Division regardless of whether any penalty is imposed, or other action taken, in relation to the offence.
200 Orders for restoration and prevention
(1) The court may order the offender to take such steps as are specified in the order, within such time as is so specified (or such further time as the court on application may allow)—(a) to prevent, control, abate or mitigate any harm caused by the commission of the offence, or(b) in relation to an offence under Part 8A involving damage to any critical habitat or habitat of a threatened species, an endangered population or an endangered ecological community—to retire, in accordance with Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, biodiversity credits of a number and class (if applicable) specified in the order and, if the offender does not hold sufficient biodiversity credits to comply with the direction, to acquire the necessary biodiversity credits for the purpose of retiring them, or(c) to make good any resulting damage, or(d) to prevent the continuance or recurrence of the offence.(2) The court may order the offender to provide security to the court or to the Secretary for the performance of any obligation imposed under this section.(3) An order under subsection (2) must specify—(a) the amount of the security required to be provided, and(b) the kind of security required to be provided, and(c) the manner and form in which the security is to be provided.(4) In this section—biodiversity credit has the same meaning as it has in Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.harm has its ordinary meaning.
201 Orders for costs, expenses and compensation at time offence proved
(1) The court may, if it appears to the court that—(a) a public authority has incurred costs and expenses in connection with—(i) the prevention, control, abatement or mitigation of any harm caused by the commission of the offence, or(ii) making good any resulting damage, ororder the offender to pay to the public authority or person the costs and expenses so incurred, or compensation for the loss or damage so suffered, as the case may be, in such amount as is fixed by the order.(b) a person (including a public authority) has, by reason of the commission of the offence, suffered loss of or damage to property or has incurred costs and expenses in preventing or mitigating, or in attempting to prevent or mitigate, any such loss or damage,(2) An order made by the Land and Environment Court under subsection (1) is enforceable as if it were an order made by the Court in Class 4 proceedings under the Land and Environment Court Act 1979.(3) The Local Court may not make an order under subsection (1) for the payment of an amount that exceeds the amount for which an order may be made by the court when exercising jurisdiction under the Civil Procedure Act 2005. An order made by the court is enforceable as if it were an order made by the court when exercising jurisdiction under that Act.
202 Recovery of costs, expenses and compensation after offence proved
(1) If, after the court finds the offence proved—(a) a public authority has incurred costs and expenses in connection with—(i) the prevention, control, abatement or mitigation of any harm caused by the commission of the offence, or(ii) making good any resulting damage, orthe person or public authority may recover from the offender the costs and expenses incurred or the amount of the loss or damage in the Land and Environment Court.(b) a person (including a public authority) has, by reason of the commission of the offence, suffered loss of or damage to property or has incurred costs and expenses in preventing or mitigating, or in attempting to prevent or mitigate, any such loss or damage,(2) The amount of any such costs and expenses (but not the amount of any such loss or damage) may be recovered as a debt.
203 Orders regarding costs and expenses of investigation
(1) The court may, if it appears to the court that an officer of the Service has reasonably incurred costs and expenses during the investigation of the offence, order the offender to pay to the Secretary the costs and expenses so incurred in such amount as is fixed by the order.(2) An order made by the Land and Environment Court under subsection (1) is enforceable as if it were an order made by the Court in Class 4 proceedings under the Land and Environment Court Act 1979.(3) An order made by the Local Court under subsection (1) is enforceable as if it were an order made by the court when exercising jurisdiction under the Civil Procedure Act 2005.(4) In this section, costs and expenses, in relation to the investigation of an offence, means the costs and expenses—(a) in taking any sample or conducting any inspection, examination, test, measurement or analysis, orduring the investigation of the offence.(b) of transporting, storing or disposing of evidence,
204 Orders regarding monetary benefits
(1) The court may order the offender to pay, as part of the penalty for committing the offence, an additional penalty of an amount the court is satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, represents the amount of any monetary benefits acquired by the offender, or accrued or accruing to the offender, as a result of the commission of the offence.(2) The amount of an additional penalty for an offence is not subject to any maximum amount of penalty provided elsewhere by or under this Act.(3) In this section—monetary benefits means monetary, financial or economic benefits.the court does not include the Local Court.
205 Additional orders
(1) Orders The court may do any one or more of the following—(a) order the offender to take specified action to publicise the offence (including the circumstances of the offence) and its environmental and other consequences and any other orders made against the person,(b) order the offender to take specified action to notify specified persons or classes of persons of the offence (including the circumstances of the offence) and its consequences and of any orders made against the person (including, for example, the publication in an annual report or any other notice to shareholders of a company or the notification of persons aggrieved or affected by the offender’s conduct),(c) order the offender to carry out a specified project for the restoration or enhancement of the environment in a public place or for the public benefit,(d) order the offender to pay a specified amount to the Environmental Trust established under the Environmental Trust Act 1998, or a specified organisation, for the purposes of a specified project for the restoration or enhancement of the environment or for general environmental purposes,(e) order the offender to attend, or to cause an employee or employees or a contractor or contractors of the offender to attend, a training or other course specified by the court,(f) order the offender to establish, for employees or contractors of the offender, a training course of a kind specified by the court.The Local Court is not authorised to make an order referred to in paragraph (c) or (d).(2) Machinery The court may, in an order under this section, fix a period for compliance and impose any other requirements the court considers necessary or expedient for enforcement of the order.(3) Failure to publicise or notify If the offender fails to comply with an order under subsection (1) (a) or (b), the prosecutor or a person authorised by the prosecutor may take action to carry out the order as far as may be practicable, including action to publicise or notify—(a) the original contravention, its consequences, and any other penalties imposed on the offender, and(b) the failure to comply with the order.(4) Cost of publicising or notifying The reasonable cost of taking action referred to in subsection (3) is recoverable by the prosecutor or person taking the action, in a court of competent jurisdiction, as a debt from the offender.
206 Offence
A person who fails to comply with an order under this Division (except an order under section 201 or 203) is guilty of an offence.Maximum penalty—(a) in the case of a corporation—1,100 penalty units for each day the offence continues, or(b) in the case of an individual—550 penalty units for each day the offence continues.
Schedule 1 Recategorisation of reserved land
Part 1 General provisions
1 Reservation of lands as national parks, nature reserves, state conservation areas, regional parks, historic sites or Aboriginal areas
(1) The lands reserved as, or as parts of, national parks, nature reserves or state conservation areas, a regional park, historic sites or Aboriginal areas by this Schedule are, for the purposes of this Act and the Native Title (New South Wales) Act 1994, taken to have been so reserved by notice published under Division 1 of Part 4.(2) A reference in this Act to the publication of a notice under Division 1 of Part 4 is, in relation to a reservation of land effected by this Schedule, taken to be a reference to the commencement of the operation of the relevant provision of this Schedule that effects the reservation of the land.(3) A name assigned to any national park, nature reserve, state conservation area, regional park, historic site or Aboriginal area by this Schedule is taken to have been assigned to that land by a notice published under Division 1 of Part 4.(4) Section 35 (including section 35 as applied by section 58) and sections 47D and 47R do not apply to a reservation of land as, or as part of, a national park, nature reserve, state conservation area, regional park or historic site that is effected by this Schedule.
2 Current plans of management
(1) This clause applies to a plan of management adopted under Part 5 of this Act, for land the subject of a recategorisation or renaming under this Schedule, before the recategorisation or renaming.(2) A plan of management to which this clause applies continues to apply, to the extent to which it applied previously, to the land so recategorised or renamed, as a plan of management for the purposes of this Act.(3) A plan of management to which this clause applies may be amended, altered, cancelled or substituted in accordance with Part 5 of this Act.
3 Pending plans of management
(1) This clause applies to a plan of management for land the subject of a recategorisation or renaming under this Schedule, being a plan of management for which notice had been given under Part 5 of this Act, before the recategorisation or renaming of the land, but that was not finally adopted at that time of the recategorisation or renaming.(2) A plan of management to which this clause applies may be adopted under Part 5 of this Act for the land so recategorised or renamed as a plan of management for the purposes of this Act.(3) A plan of management to which this clause applies may be amended, altered, cancelled or substituted in accordance with Part 5 of this Act.
4 Saving in relation to revocations
A revocation effected by a provision of this Schedule does not affect anything done or omitted to be done before the commencement of that provision.
5 Maps and diagrams
In this Schedule, a reference to a map or diagram is a reference to a map or diagram deposited at the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
Part 2 Recategorisation of land by National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Visitors and Tourists) Act 2010
6 Corramy State Conservation Area (part only) recategorisation
(1) The reservation under this Act of that part of Corramy State Conservation Area to which this clause applies as part of a state conservation area is revoked and the land is reserved as a regional park to be known as Corramy Regional Park.(2) This clause applies to an area of about 290 hectares, being that part of Corramy State Conservation Area reserved by the National Park Estate (Southern Region Reservations) Act 2000 (as Corramy State Recreation Area), designated as area 642-01 on the diagram Misc R 00082 (Third Edition), subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.(3) To avoid doubt, section 10 of, and clause 8 of Schedule 7 to, the National Park Estate (Southern Region Reservations) Act 2000 continue to apply to land to which they applied immediately before the commencement of this clause, despite the enactment of this clause.(4) In this clause, a reference to land affected by a provision of an Act referred to in subclause (3) is taken to be a reference to the land as adjusted from time to time under any such provision that applies to the land.
7 Limeburners Creek Nature Reserve recategorisation
(1) The reservation under this Act of Limeburners Creek Nature Reserve as a nature reserve is revoked and the land is reserved as a national park to be known as Limeburners Creek National Park.(2) In this clause—Limeburners Creek Nature Reserve means an area of about 9,223.39 hectares, being the whole of Limeburners Creek Nature Reserve reserved by notices published in the following—(a) Gazette No 34 of 26 March 1971 at page 1000,(b) Gazette No 37 of 7 April 1972 at page 1189,(c) Gazette No 191 of 19 December 1980 at page 6506,(d) Gazette No 19 of 23 January 1981 at page 433,(e) Gazette No 51 of 3 April 1981 at page 1964,(f) Gazette No 82 of 10 June 1983 at page 2572,(g) Gazette No 137 of 30 September 1983 at page 4461,(h) Gazette No 175 of 7 November 1986 at page 5388,(i) Gazette No 104 of 19 June 1987 at page 2992,(j) Gazette No 35 of 9 March 1990 at page 1992,(k) Gazette No 139 of 4 October 1991 at page 8504,(l) Gazette No 115 of 11 October 1996 at page 6940,(m) Gazette No 27 of 5 March 1999 at pages 1834–1836.
8 Sea Acres Nature Reserve recategorisation
(1) The reservation under this Act of Sea Acres Nature Reserve as a nature reserve is revoked and the land is reserved as a national park to be known as Sea Acres National Park.(2) In this clause—Sea Acres Nature Reserve means an area of about 76 hectares, being the whole of Sea Acres Nature Reserve reserved by notices published in the following—(a) Gazette No 54 of 20 March 1987 at pages 1453–1454,(b) Gazette No 52 of 11 March 1988 at page 1527,(c) Gazette No 107 of 3 November 1989 at page 9033.
9 Macquarie Nature Reserve (part only) recategorisation
(1) The reservation under this Act of the land to which this clause applies as a nature reserve is revoked and the land is reserved as a historic site to be known as Roto House Historic Site.(2) This clause applies to an area of about 4 hectares, being that part of the Macquarie Nature Reserve No 45, reserved by notice published in Gazette No 3 of 9 January 1970 at pages 83–84, shown by hatching in diagram Misc R 00106, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on the diagram.
Part 3 Recategorisation of land by National Parks and Wildlife Legislation Amendment (Reservations) Act 2011
10 Wianamatta Regional Park (part only) recategorisation
(1) This clause applies to an area of about 181.1 hectares of Wianamatta Regional Park, being Lot 2, DP 1057347.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land to which this clause applies as part of a regional park is revoked and the land is reserved as a nature reserve to be known as Wianamatta Nature Reserve.
Part 4 Recategorisation of land by National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Adjustment of Areas) Act 2012
11 Berowra Valley Regional Park (part only) recategorisation
(1) This clause applies to an area of about 3,876 hectares of Berowra Valley Regional Park, being the land shown hatched black on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00327 in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land to which this clause applies as part of a regional park is revoked and the land is reserved as a national park to be known as Berowra Valley National Park.
Part 5 Recategorisation of land by National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Adjustment of Areas) Act 2016
12 Ben Halls Gap National Park recategorisation
(1) This clause applies to Ben Halls Gap National Park, which consists of the following land and has a total area of about 3,018 hectares—(a) Lots 38, 39, 49 and 51, DP 753722,(b) Lot 113, DP 750925.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of the land to which this clause applies is revoked and the land is reserved as a nature reserve to be known as Ben Halls Gap Nature Reserve.
13 Khappinghat Nature Reserve (part only) recategorisation
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 2,020 hectares, as shown by hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00335 (dated 5 February 2015).(2) The reservation under this Act as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies is revoked and the land is reserved as a national park to be known as Khappinghat National Park.
Part 6 Recategorisation of land by National Parks and Heritage Legislation Amendment Act 2024
14 Serpentine Nature Reserve recategorisation
(1) This clause applies to an area of about 723ha dedicated by notice published in Government Gazette No 145 of 26 October 1979 at page 5350 as Serpentine Nature Reserve.(2) The dedication under this Act of the land as a nature reserve is revoked and the land is reserved as an Aboriginal area to be known as Serpentine Aboriginal Area.
Schedule 1A Reservation of land
Part 1 General provisions
1 Reservation of lands as national parks, nature reserves, state conservation areas, regional parks, historic sites or Aboriginal areas
(1) The lands reserved as, or as parts of, national parks, nature reserves or state conservation areas, regional parks, historic sites or Aboriginal areas by this Schedule are, for the purposes of this Act and the Native Title (New South Wales) Act 1994, taken to have been so reserved by notice published under Division 1 of Part 4.(2) A reference in this Act to the publication of a notice under Division 1 of Part 4 is, in relation to a reservation of land effected by this Schedule, taken to be a reference to the commencement of the operation of the relevant provision of this Schedule that effects the reservation of the land.(3) A name assigned to any national park, nature reserve, state conservation area, regional park, historic site or Aboriginal area by this Schedule is taken to have been assigned to that land by a notice published under Division 1 of Part 4.(4) Section 35 (including section 35 as applied by section 58) and sections 47D and 47R do not apply to a reservation of land as, or as part of, a national park, nature reserve, state conservation area, regional park or historic site that is effected by this Schedule.
Part 2 Reservation of part of Hunter Wetlands National Park
2 Reservation of land as part of Hunter Wetlands National Park
(1) This clause applies to an area of about 22 hectares, being Lot 22, DP 1150980.(2) On the commencement of this clause, the land to which this clause applies is reserved as part of Hunter Wetlands National Park.(3) The reservation is restricted to a depth of 50 metres below the surface of the land.
Part 3 Land transfers and reservation
3 Relationship to Forestry Act 2012 and Crown Land Management Act 2016
(1) This Part has effect despite—(a) the provisions of the Forestry Act 2012, in particular provisions that provide for a different procedure for revoking the dedication of State forest, a special management zone or a flora reserve, and(b) the provisions of the Crown Land Management Act 2016, in particular provisions that provide for a different procedure for revoking the dedication or reservation of Crown land.(2) Without limiting clause 1, this Part has effect despite provisions of this Act that provide for a different procedure for reserving, or revoking the reservation of, national parks and state conservation areas.
4 Revocation of State forest dedications and reservation as part of Wollemi National Park
(1) The dedication of the land described in subclause (2) as State forest is revoked.(2) An area of about 2,257 hectares, being part of Newnes State Forest No 748, dedicated by proclamation published in the NSW Government Gazette on 21 May 1920, and part Extensions No 4 and No 5, dedicated on 12 March 1976 and 23 April 2004, respectively, in the County of Cook, Parishes of Cook and Rock Hill, and being designated as 51-01 on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00355 Edition 1 held by the Service, subject to any variation or exceptions noted on the diagram.(3) The land described in subclause (2) is reserved as part of the Wollemi National Park.(4) A notice under the Forestry Act 2012, section 16 or 18 that declares an area of State forest, the dedication of which is revoked by this clause, as a flora reserve or special management zone is also revoked to the extent to which it relates to a flora reserve or special management zone, or a part of either, situated within the land described in subclause (2).
5 Revocation of State forest dedications and reservation as Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area
(1) The dedication of the following land as State forest is revoked—(a) an area of about 6,235 hectares, being part of Ben Bullen State Forest No 434, dedicated by proclamation published in the NSW Government Gazette, being part Extension No 1, No 2, No 3, No 4 and No 6, dedicated on 20 May 1938, 17 June 1955, 8 August 1958, 29 May 1970 and 18 March 1983, respectively, in the Counties of Cook and Roxburgh, Parishes of Ben Bullen, Cox, Cullen Bullen and Lidsdale and being designated as 1201-01 on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00355 Edition 1 held by the Service, subject to any variation or exceptions noted on the diagram,(b) an area of 1053.8 hectares, being Wolgan State Forest No 454, dedicated by proclamation published in the NSW Government Gazette on 25 May 1917, in the County of Cook, Parish of Wolgan and being designated as 1201-02 on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00355 Edition 1 held by the Service, subject to any variation or exceptions noted on the diagram,(c) an area of about 21,033 hectares, being part of Newnes State Forest No 748, dedicated by proclamation published in the NSW Government Gazette on 21 May 1920, and Extension No 1, No 2, No 3, part No 4 and No 5, dedicated 24 March 1921, 7 July 1922, 8 April 1932, 12 March 1976 and 23 April 2004, respectively, in the County of Cook, Parishes of Clwydd, Cook, Cox, Lidsdale, Marrangaroo, Rock Hill and Wolgan, and being designated as 1201-03 on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00355 Edition 1 held by the Service, subject to any variation or exceptions noted on the diagram.(2) The land described in subclause (1) is reserved as the Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area.(3) The reservations in this clause are restricted to a depth of 50 metres below the surface of the land.(4) A notice under the Forestry Act 2012, section 16 or 18 that declares an area of State forest, the dedication of which is revoked by subclause (1), as a flora reserve or special management zone is also revoked to the extent to which it relates to a flora reserve or special management zone, or a part of either, situated within the land described in subclause (1).
6 Revocation of reserved or dedicated Crown lands as national park or state conservation area
(1) The following Crown land dedicated or reserved under the Crown Land Management Act 2016, sections 2.3 and 2.8 is revoked—(a) all that piece or parcel of land containing 380 hectares, situated in the County of Cook, Parish of Wolgan being Lot 44, 45 and 47, DP 751666, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, DP 722376, and being designated as 87-01 on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00355 Edition 1 held by National Parks and Wildlife Service, subject to any variation or exceptions noted on the diagram,(b) all that piece or parcel of land containing about 126 hectares, situated in the County of Cook, Parishes of Cox and Wolgan being Lot 7300, DP 1139065 and Lot 7003, DP 1026540, and being designated as “Crown land addition” on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00354 held by the Service, subject to any variation or exceptions noted on the diagram.(2) The land described in subclause (1)(a) is reserved as part of the Gardens of Stone National Park.(3) The land described in subclause (1)(b) is reserved as the Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area.(4) The reservation in subclause (1)(b) is restricted to a depth of 50 metres below the surface of the land.(5) A lease or other interest in the land described in subclause (1) remains in force, as if the land had not been reserved, except as provided under subclause (6).(6) Crown-timber lands or timber reserves on the land described in subclause (1) are revoked by this clause, to the extent that the lands or reserves, or parts of the lands or reserves, are situated within the land described in subclause (1).(7) In this clause—Crown-timber land has the same meaning as in the Forestry Act 2012.timber reserve has the same meaning as in the Forestry Act 2012.
7 Adjustment of description of transferred land
(1) The Secretary may adjust a description of land in clauses 4(2), 5(1)(a)–(c) and 6(1)(a) and (b) from time to time—(a) to alter the boundaries of the land for the purposes of the effective management of national park estate land, State forests land and Crown lands, including adjustments to enable boundaries to follow distinctive land features, to provide access to land or to rationalise the boundaries of similar areas of land, or(b) to adjust the boundary of land adjoining a public road, including adjustments to enable the boundary to follow the formed path of the road or to provide an appropriate setback from the carriageway of the road, or(c) to include, remove or change the description of an easement or restriction to which the land is subject, or(d) to provide a more detailed description of the boundaries of the land.(2) The land description adjustment must be made by notice published in the Gazette.(3) A notice made under this clause may be published in the Gazette only with the approval of—(a) the Minister, and(b) to the extent the notice relates to a State forest—the Minister administering the Forestry Act 2012, and(c) to the extent the notice applies to Crown land or a Crown road—the Minister administering the Crown Land Management Act 2016, and(d) to the extent the notice applies to a classified road—the Minister administering the provisions of the Roads Act 1993 relating to classified roads.(4) The Secretary is required to certify in a notice under this clause that the adjustments effected by the notice will not result in significant reduction in the size or value of national park estate land or State forest land.(5) If a part of the land described in clauses 4(2), 5(1)(a)–(c) and 6(1)(a) and (b) is not included in the adjusted land description, the land is taken to never have been subject to or affected by the provisions of this Part applying to the land.(6) If land included in the adjusted land description includes land not described in clauses 4(2), 5(1)(a)–(c) and 6(1)(a) and (b), the land is taken to have been subject to the provisions of this Part on and from the day on which this Part commences.(7) The Secretary may, in a notice published under this clause to adjust the boundary of land adjoining a public road, declare that the land described in the notice—(a) is part of the public road and, accordingly, is vested in the roads authority for the public road under the Roads Act 1993, or is Crown land, or(b) ceases to be part of the public road and is divested from the relevant roads authority or the Crown and becomes part of the land subject to the provisions of this Act applying to land described in the relevant Schedule in which the land is included.(8) A declaration under subclause (7) has effect despite anything to the contrary in the Roads Act 1993.(9) A land description adjustment may be made at any time until the day that is 5 years after this Part commences.(10) In this clause—appropriate setback, in relation to the carriageway of a road, includes a setback that allows for drainage, signposts, traffic control devices, lighting and other supporting infrastructure for the road.classified road has the same meaning as in the Roads Act adjoining a public road includes land in the vicinity of a public road.national park estate land means the following—(a) land reserved under this Act,(b) land vested in the Minister for the purposes of this Act, Part 11.public road has the same meaning as in the Roads Act 1993.
8 Savings in relation to revocations
A revocation effected by the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2021 does not affect anything done or omitted to be done before the revocation takes effect.
Schedule 2 Revocation of reservation or dedication of certain land
Part 1 Revocations under the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Adjustment of Areas) Act 2010
1 Revocation in Beni State Conservation Area
(1) The reservation under this Act as state conservation area of land within Lot 2, DP 1155597, being part of Beni State Conservation Area, is revoked.(2) On the revocation of the reservation as state conservation area of land described in subclause (1), that land is vested in Dubbo City Council for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
2 Revocation in Gwydir River State Conservation Area
(1) The reservation under this Act as state conservation area of land within Lot 3, DP 1156300, being part of Gwydir River State Conservation Area, is revoked.(2) On the revocation of the reservation as state conservation area of land described in subclause (1), that land is vested in the State Water Corporation for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.(3) The revocation and vesting referred to in this clause do not have effect until a day appointed by the Minister by notice published in the Gazette.(4) The Minister must not publish a notice under subclause (3) unless other land has been transferred into the national park estate as compensation for the excision of the land described in subclause (1) (being other land that is, in the opinion of the Minister, of equal or greater conservation value).(5) For the purposes of subclause (4), the national park estate comprises land reserved under this Act or land acquired by the Minister under Part 11 of this Act for the purposes of its reservation under this Act.
Part 2 Revocations under the National Parks and Wildlife (Further Adjustment of Areas) Act 2005
3 Revocation in Illawarra Escarpment State Conservation Area
(1) The reservation under this Act as state conservation area of land to which this clause applies, being part of Illawarra Escarpment State Conservation Area, is revoked.(2) This clause applies to land within Lot 2, DP 1083121 and those parts of Lot 31, DP 1083116 that were within Illawarra Escarpment State Conservation Area immediately before the commencement of section 3 of the National Parks and Wildlife (Further Adjustment of Areas) Act 2005.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as state conservation area of land to which this clause applies, that land—(a) is vested in the Crown for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests and rights of way or other easements, and(b) is subject to the Crown Lands Act 1989.(4) Despite subclause (3) (b), the land becomes subject to the Crown Land Management Act 2016 on the repeal of the Crown Lands Act 1989.
4 Revocation in Jerrawangala National Park and Morton National Park
(1) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies, being part of Jerrawangala National Park and part of Morton National Park, is revoked.(2) This clause applies to the following land—(a) land within Lots 31–33, DP 1075211,(b) land within Lots 64–68, DP 1075869, Lots 100–111, DP 1078152 and Lots 11–32, DP 1080225.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as national park of land to which this clause applies, that land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.(4) The Minister must not transfer under Part 11 of this Act—(a) the whole or any part of land to which this clause applies, orunless other land is first transferred into the national park estate as compensation for the excision of that land (being other land the Minister is satisfied is of equal or greater conservation value in terms of natural and cultural heritage).(b) any interest in that land,(5) For the purposes of subclause (4), the national park estate comprises land reserved under this Act or land acquired by the Minister under Part 11 of this Act for the purposes of its reservation under this Act.
5 Transferred provisions to which Interpretation Act 1987 applies
Clauses 3 and 4 re-enact (with minor modification) sections 3–5 of the National Parks and Wildlife (Further Adjustment of Areas) Act 2005. Clauses 3 and 4 are transferred provisions to which section 30A of the Interpretation Act 1987 applies.
Part 3 Revocations under the National Parks and Wildlife (Adjustment of Areas) Act 2006
6 Revocation in Bargo State Conservation Area
The reservation under this Act as state conservation area of land within Lot 100, DP 1088254, being part of Bargo State Conservation Area, is revoked.
7 Reservation of certain Crown land as state conservation area or national park
(1) The land shown coloured pink on the map catalogued Misc R 00105 in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is reserved under this Act as Bargo River State Conservation Area.(2) Land within Lots 9 and 10, DP 753788 is reserved under this Act as part of Yengo National Park.
8 Transferred provisions to which Interpretation Act 1987 applies
Clauses 6 and 7 re-enact (with minor modification) sections 3 and 4 of the National Parks and Wildlife (Adjustment of Areas) Act 2006. Clauses 6 and 7 are transferred provisions to which section 30A of the Interpretation Act 1987 applies.
Part 4 Revocations under the National Parks and Wildlife (Leacock Regional Park) Act 2008
9 Revocation in Leacock Regional Park
(1) The reservation under this Act as regional park of land to which this clause applies, being part of Leacock Regional Park, is revoked.(2) This clause applies to an area of about 1,564 square metres, being Lot 2, DP 1123827.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as regional park of land to which this clause applies, that land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.(4) In this clause, Leacock Regional Park means an area of about 34.3 hectares, being the land reserved as Leacock Regional Park by notices published in the following—(a) Gazette No 97 of 5 September 1997 at page 7850,(b) Gazette No 156 of 12 October 2001 at page 8586.
10 Transferred provisions to which Interpretation Act 1987 applies
Clause 9 re-enacts (with minor modification) sections 3 and 4 of the National Parks and Wildlife (Leacock Regional Park) Act 2008. Clause 9 is a transferred provision to which section 30A of the Interpretation Act 1987 applies.
Part 5 Revocations under the National Parks and Wildlife (Broken Head Nature Reserve) Act 2010
11 Revocation in Broken Head Nature Reserve
(1) The reservation under this Act as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies, being part of Broken Head Nature Reserve, is revoked.(2) This clause applies to an area of about 981 square metres of Broken Head Nature Reserve, being Lot 4, DP 1139721.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies, that land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.(4) In this clause, Broken Head Nature Reserve means an area of about 98 hectares, being the land reserved as Broken Head Nature Reserve by notices published in the following—(a) Gazette No 119 of 27 September 1974 at page 3843 (as amended by an erratum published in Gazette No 149 of 13 December 1974 at page 4884),(b) Gazette No 166 of 7 November 1980 at page 5732,(c) Gazette No 38 of 6 March 1981 at page 1301,(d) Gazette No 46 of 26 March 1982 at page 1281,(e) Gazette No 60 of 27 April 1984 at page 2227,(f) Gazette No 145 of 12 October 1984 at page 4989,(g) Gazette No 52 of 11 March 1988 at page 1528,(h) Gazette No 164 of 23 December 2005 at pages 11512–11516.
12 Transferred provisions to which Interpretation Act 1987 applies
Clause 11 re-enacts (with minor modification) sections 3 and 4 of the National Parks and Wildlife (Broken Head Nature Reserve) Act 2010. Clause 11 is a transferred provision to which section 30A of the Interpretation Act 1987 applies.
Part 6 Revocations under the National Parks and Wildlife Legislation Amendment (Reservations) Act 2011
13 Revocation of part of Hunter Wetlands National Park
(1) This clause applies to an area of about 18.5 hectares of Hunter Wetlands National Park, being the land shown hatched black on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00326 (Edition 1) in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, subject to any variations and exceptions noted on that diagram.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies, being part of Hunter Wetlands National Park, is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as national park of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
Part 7 Revocations under the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Adjustment of Areas) Act 2012
14 Revocation of part of Broadwater National Park
(1) This clause applies to an area of about 17.09 hectares of Broadwater National Park, being the land shown by orange shading on the diagram catalogued W2B_APO_165_NPWS_BroadwaterNP held in the office of Roads and Maritime Services at Grafton, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies, being part of Broadwater National Park, is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as national park of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
15 Revocation of part of Kooraban National Park
(1) This clause applies to an area of about 18.28 hectares of Kooraban National Park, being the land shown by orange shading on the diagram catalogued MS Plan No 0001 145 SK 0001 held in the office of Roads and Maritime Services at Wollongong, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies, being part of Kooraban National Park, is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as national park of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
16 Revocation of part of Yaegl Nature Reserve
(1) This clause applies to an area of about 1.58 hectares of Yaegl Nature Reserve, being the land shown by orange shading on the diagram catalogued W2B_APO_165_NPWS_YaeglNR held in the office of Roads and Maritime Services at Grafton, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.(2) The reservation under this Act as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies, being part of Yaegl Nature Reserve, is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
17 Revocation of part of Cooperabung Creek Nature Reserve
(1) This clause applies to an area of about 1.2 hectares of Cooperabung Creek Nature Reserve, being the land shown by orange shading on the diagram catalogued PA_OH2K_PropID_56_V1.dgn held in the office of Roads and Maritime Services at Grafton, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.(2) The reservation under this Act as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies, being part of Cooperabung Creek Nature Reserve, is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
18 Revocation of part of Bogandyera Nature Reserve
(1) This clause applies to the following—(a) an area of about 7.7 hectares of Bogandyera Nature Reserve, being the land shown as Lot 2 on the diagram catalogued TUM001 and held in the office of the Tumbarumba Shire Council,(b) an area of about 16.83 hectares of Bogandyera Nature Reserve, being the land shown by blue shading on the diagram catalogued Misc F 1407, held in the Estates Unit, Forests NSW, West Pennant Hills, subject to any variations and exceptions noted on that diagram.(2) The reservation under this Act as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies, being part of Bogandyera Nature Reserve, is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
19 Compensation
The Minister must not transfer under Part 11 of this Act the whole or any part of the land to which clause 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18 (1) (b) applies unless the Minister is satisfied that appropriate compensation for the land has been provided.
Part 8 Revocations under the National Parks and Wildlife (Adjustment of Areas) Act 2005
20 Definition
In this Part—former Act means this Act, as in force immediately before its repeal.
21 Revocation of reservation of certain land as national park or nature reserve
The reservation under this Act as national park or nature reserve of land described in Schedule 1 or 2 to the former Act is revoked.Note—The land described in Schedule 1 to the National Parks and Wildlife (Adjustment of Areas) Act 2005 was formerly part of Botany Bay National Park. The lands described in Schedule 2 to that Act were formerly part of Kosciuszko National Park, Lake Innes Nature Reserve and South East Forest National Park.
22 Land within Botany Bay National Park to vest in Crown as Crown land
(1) On the revocation under the former Act of the reservation as national park of land described in Schedule 1 to the former Act, that land—(a) is vested in the Crown for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests and rights of way or other easements, and(b) is Crown land within the meaning of the Crown Lands Act 1989.(2) Despite subclause (1) (b), the land continues as Crown land under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 on the repeal of the Crown Lands Act 1989.
23 Land to vest in Minister
(1) On the revocation under the former Act of the reservation as national park or nature reserve of land described in Schedule 2 to the former Act, that land vests in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from—(a) all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements, and(b) any dedication, reservation, Crown grant or vesting to which the land was subject, and any such dedication, reservation, grant or vesting is revoked.(2) The Minister is not to transfer under Part 11 of this Act—(a) the whole or any part of the land described in clauses 1 and 2 of Schedule 2 to the former Act, orunless other land is first transferred into the national park estate as compensation for the excision of that land (being other land the Minister is satisfied is of equal or greater conservation value in terms of natural and cultural heritage).(b) any interest in that land,(3) For the purposes of subclause (2), the national park estate comprises land reserved under this Act or land acquired by the Minister under Part 11 of this Act for the purposes of its reservation under this Act.(4) Any access roads within the land described in clause 3 of Schedule 2 to the former Act may continue to be used for the purposes for which they were used immediately before the commencement of the former Act.(5) Nothing in this clause affects the exercise of any power, authority, duty or function by the Minister or any other person under and in accordance with this Act in relation to any such access road.
24 Transferred provisions to which Interpretation Act 1987 applies
Clauses 21–23 re-enact (with minor modifications) sections 3–5 of the former Act and are transferred provisions to which section 30A of the Interpretation Act 1987 applies.
Part 9 Revocations under the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Adjustment of Areas) Act 2016
25 Revocation of part of Gwydir Wetlands State Conservation Area
(1) This clause applies to Lot 6, DP 750519, which has an area of about 88.42 hectares.(2) The reservation under this Act as state conservation area of land to which this clause applies is revoked.
26 Revocation of part of Jervis Bay National Park
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 0.1 hectare, as shown by hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc R 01056 (dated 11 February 2015) in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.
27 Revocation of part of Kosciuszko National Park
(1) This clause applies to the following land, which has a total area of about 140.94 hectares—(a) Lots 12–22, DP 1171834,(b) Lots 21–22, DP 1171835,(c) Lots 30–48, DP 1171836,(d) Lots 40–45, DP 1171838,(e) Lots 50–53, DP 1171839,(f) Lots 60–73, DP 1171841,(g) Lots 7–15, DP 1171844,(h) Lots 27–50, DP 1171846,(i) Lots 25, 28 and 33, DP 711392.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.
28 Revocation of part of Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
(1) This clause applies to the following land—(a) land having an area of about 1.25 hectares, as shown by blue hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00337 (dated 11 February 2015) in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment,(b) land having an area of about 0.768 hectare, as shown by pink shading on the map marked “DS2015/001182”, held in the office of Roads and Maritime Services at Parramatta.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.
29 Revocation of part of Lane Cove National Park (beneath surface)
(1) This clause applies to Lot 107, DP 1115606, which has an area of about 0.04 hectare.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.
30 Revocation of part of Macquarie Pass State Conservation Area
(1) This clause applies to Lot 100, DP 1188472, which has an area of about 86.31 hectares.(2) To the extent to which land to which this clause applies is reserved under this Act as state conservation area, the reservation is revoked and is taken to have been revoked when the land was transferred to the Illawarra Local Aboriginal Land Council under section 36 of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.
31 Revocation of part of Middle Brother National Park
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 0.34 hectare, as shown by orange shading on the map marked “C2HC_MIDDLE BROTHER_A_V2.dgn”, held in the office of Roads and Maritime Services at Newcastle.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.
32 Revocation of parts of Morton National Park
(1) This clause applies to the following land, which has a total area of about 18.5 hectares—(a) the land shown by hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc R 01055 (dated 5 December 2007) in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment,(b) the land shown by solid black shading on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00336 (dated 17 March 2014) in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.
33 Revocation of Penrith Lakes Regional Park
(1) This clause applies to Penrith Lakes Regional Park (being Lot 1, DP 860391), which has an area of about 6,656 square metres.(2) The reservation under this Act as regional park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.
34 Revocation of parts of Royal National Park
(1) This clause applies to the following land—(a) land having an area of about 8.2 hectares, as shown by blue hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00330 (dated 24 January 2014) in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment,(b) land having an area of about 2.4 hectares, as shown by blue hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00331 (dated 24 January 2014) in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment,(c) land having an area of about 2.7 hectares, as shown by blue hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00332 (dated 31 January 2014) in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment,(d) land having an area of about 0.1 hectare, as shown by blue hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00333 (dated 24 January 2014) in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.
35 Revocation of part of Wollemi National Park
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 1.6 hectares, as shown by hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00334 (dated 28 January 2014) in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.
36 Revocation of part of Yaegl Nature Reserve
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 0.11 hectare, as shown edged red on Sheet 3 of the map marked “W2B_APO_165b_NPWS_YaeglNR”, held in the office of Roads and Maritime Services at Grafton.(2) The reservation under this Act as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies is revoked.
37 Land vested in Minister for purposes of Part 11
(1) This clause does not apply to land to which clause 25 or 30 applies.(2) On the revocation by this Part of the reservation of land, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
38 Compensation
The Minister must not transfer under Part 11 of this Act the whole or any part of the land described in clause 28 (1) or 31 (1) unless the Minister is satisfied that appropriate compensation for the land has been provided.
Part 10 Revocations under the National Parks and Wildlife Legislation Amendment (Reservations) Act 2020
39 Revocation of part of Abercrombie River National Park
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 0.38 hectares, as shown on the diagram marked MISC R 00356 (dated 6 April 2020) held in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, being part of Abercrombie River National Park.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as national park of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.(4) The Minister must not transfer land vested in the Minister under this clause unless the Minister is satisfied that appropriate compensation for the land has been provided.
40 Revocation of part of Davidson Whaling Station Historic Site
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 15.39 hectares, being Lot 2 as shown on the diagram marked MISC R 00359 (dated 21 February 2020) held in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, being part of Davidson Whaling Station Historic Site.(2) The reservation under this Act as a historic site of land to which this clause applies is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as a historic site of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
41 Revocation of part of Kororo Nature Reserve
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 184 square metres, as shown on the diagram marked 0010 110 SP 2431 (dated 16 September 2020) held in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, being part of Kororo Nature Reserve.(2) The reservation under this Act as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in Transport for NSW for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
42 Revocation of part of Macquarie Pass National Park
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 16.61 hectares, being Lots 31–52 and Lots 54–94 as shown on the diagram marked 0025.4011.SS.4002 (dated 20 December 2019) held in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, being part of Macquarie Pass National Park.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as national park of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.(4) The Minister must not transfer land vested in the Minister under this clause unless the Minister is satisfied that appropriate compensation for the land has been provided.
43 Revocation of part of Mount Jerusalem National Park
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 1.91 hectares, as shown on the diagram marked MISC R 00357 (dated 18 March 2020) held in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, being part of Mount Jerusalem National Park.(2) The reservation under this Act as national park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as national park of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.(4) The Minister must not transfer land vested in the Minister under this clause unless the Minister is satisfied that appropriate compensation for the land has been provided.
44 Revocation of part of Munghorn Gap Nature Reserve
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 0.42 hectares, as shown on the diagram marked MISC R 00358 (dated 8 September 2020) held in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, being part of Munghorn Gap Nature Reserve.(2) The reservation under this Act as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.(4) The Minister must not transfer land vested in the Minister under this clause unless the Minister is satisfied that appropriate compensation for the land has been provided.
45 Revocation of part of Queens Lake State Conservation Area
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 6.05 hectares, as shown on the diagram marked 6852-2-05 (dated 10 September 2020) held in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, being part of Queens Lake State Conservation Area.(2) The reservation under this Act as state conservation area of land to which this clause applies is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as state conservation area of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
46 Revocation of part of Roto House Historic Site
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 0.6 hectares, being Lot 21, DP 1172308, being part of Roto House Historic Site.(2) The reservation under this Act as a historic site of land to which this clause applies is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as a historic site of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
47 Revocation of part of Western Sydney Regional Park
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 5.4 hectares, as shown on the diagram marked SR 4933 (dated 9 November 2017) held in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, being part of Western Sydney Regional Park.(2) The reservation under this Act as regional park of land to which this clause applies is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as regional park of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in Transport for NSW for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.(4) Transport for NSW is to provide compensation, that the Minister is satisfied is appropriate, for the land vested in Transport for NSW under this clause.
48 Revocation of part of Winburndale Nature Reserve
(1) This clause applies to land having an area of about 45.2 hectares, as shown on the diagram marked MISC F 1408 (dated 14 April 2020) held in the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, being part of Winburndale Nature Reserve.(2) The reservation under this Act as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies is revoked.(3) On the revocation of the reservation as nature reserve of land to which this clause applies, the land is vested in the Minister administering the Forestry Act 2012 for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.
Part 11 Revocations under the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Reservations) Act 2022
49 Revocation of part of Blue Mountains National Park
(1) This clause applies to the land identified as “land to be revoked” in the document GWHUP-BMNP-RVK-0001, dated 21 April 2022 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 23 hectares in the Blue Mountains National Park.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a national park is revoked.
50 Revocation of part of Conjola National Park
(1) This clause applies to the land identified as “land to be revoked and ultimately acquired for road purposes” in the document Sketch 2218, dated 6 April 2022 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 21.41 hectares in the Conjola National Park.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a national park is revoked.
51 Revocation of part of Corramy Regional Park
(1) This clause applies to the land identified as “land to be revoked and ultimately acquired for road purposes” in the document Sketch 2219, dated 6 April 2022 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 0.3 hectares in the Corramy Regional Park.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a regional park is revoked.
52 Revocation of part of Hartley Historic Site
(1) This clause applies to the land identified as “land to be revoked” in the document GWHUP-HHS-RVK-0001, dated 21 April 2022 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 3.56 hectares in the Hartley Historic Site.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a historic site is revoked.
53 Revocation of part of Limeburners Creek National Park
(1) This clause applies to the land identified as “land to be revoked” in the document 6373_LCNR_E, dated 10 May 2022 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 2.35 hectares in the Limeburners Creek National Park.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a national park is revoked.
54 Revocation of part of Parma Creek Nature Reserve
(1) This clause applies to the land identified as “land to be revoked and ultimately acquired for road purposes” in the document Sketch 2220, dated 6 April 2022 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 3.68 hectares in the Parma Creek Nature Reserve.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a nature reserve is revoked.
55 Land vests in Minister
(1) This clause applies to the land to which clauses 49–54 apply.(2) The land is vested in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of this Act, Part 11 for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements.(3) The Minister must not transfer the land under the Act, Part 11 unless the Minister is satisfied appropriate compensation for the land has been provided.
Part 12 Revocations under National Parks and Heritage Legislation Amendment Act 2024
56 Revocation of part of Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area
(1) This clause applies to land identified as “land to be acquired for Commonwealth defence purposes” in the document MISC R 00361, dated 26 February 2024 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 119.47ha in the Gardens of Stone State Conservation Area.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a state conservation area is revoked.
57 Revocation of part of Lake Macquarie State Conservation Area
(1) This clause applies to the following land in the Lake Macquarie State Conservation Area—(a) land identified as “land to be revoked” in the document MISC R 00360, dated 29 February 2024 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 2.1ha,(b) land identified as “land to be revoked” in the document LMSCA2, dated 8 March 2024 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 13.16ha.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a state conservation area is revoked.
58 Revocation of part of Lake Innes Nature Reserve
(1) This clause applies to the following land in the Lake Innes Nature Reserve—(a) land identified as “land to be revoked” in the document PMHC_NPWS_REVO_002, dated 22 March 2024 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 1.26ha,(b) land identified as “land to be revoked” in the document PMHC_NPWS_REVO_003, dated 7 February 2024 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 0.36ha,(c) land identified as “land to be revoked” in the document PMHC_NPWS_REVO_004, dated 8 February 2024 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 4.59ha.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a nature reserve is revoked.
59 Revocation of part of Jervis Bay National Park
(1) This clause applies to land identified as “land to be revoked” in the document MISC R 00363, dated 16 January 2024 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 0.05ha in the Jervis Bay National Park.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a national park is revoked.
60 Revocation of part of Marramarra National Park
(1) This clause applies to land identified as “land to be revoked” in the document MISC R 00362, dated 16 January 2024 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 0.1ha in the Marramarra National Park.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a national park is revoked.
61 Revocation of part of Royal National Park
(1) This clause applies to land identified as “land to be revoked” in the document SKETCH 2024-1, dated 22 February 2024 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 2.8ha in the Royal National Park.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a national park is revoked.
62 Revocation of part of Sea Acres National Park
(1) This clause applies to land identified as “land to be revoked” in the document PMHC_NPWS_REVO_001, dated 11 April 2024 and held in the Department, being land with an area of about 0.11ha in the Sea Acres National Park.(2) The reservation under this Act of the land as a national park is revoked.
63 Land vested in Minister
(1) This clause applies to the land to which clauses 56–62 apply.(2) The land is acquired by and vested in the Minister under and for the purposes of this Act, Part 11 for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from all trusts, obligations, estates and interests, other than rights of way or easements.
64 Compensation for transfer of certain lands
(1) This clause applies to the land to which clauses 58 and 60–62 apply.(2) The Minister must not transfer the land under Part 11 unless the Minister is satisfied appropriate compensation for the land has been provided.
Schedule 3 Savings, transitional and other provisions
(Section 4 (3))
Part 1 General
1 Regulations
(1) The Governor may make regulations containing provisions of a saving or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of the following Acts—Threatened Species Legislation Amendment Act 2004, to the extent that it amends this ActBrigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005, but only to the extent that it amends this Actany other Act that amends this Act(2) A provision referred to in subsection (1) may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from the date of assent to the Act concerned or at a later date.(3) To the extent to which a provision referred to in subclause (1) takes effect from a date that is earlier than the date of its publication in the Gazette, the provision does not operate so as—(a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person existing before the date of its publication, or(b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the date of its publication.
Part 2 Special provisions
1A Definitions
In this Schedule—repealed enactments means the enactments repealed by this Act.state park means a state park within the meaning of the Act of 1967.
2 The Director
(1) The person holding office as Director of National Parks and Wildlife under the Act of 1967 immediately before the commencement day shall be deemed to have been appointed Director under this Act, and the person shall, subject to this Act, hold office for the remainder of the period specified in the person’s instrument of appointment under the Act of 1967.(2) All acts, matters, and things done or omitted by, or done or suffered in relation to, the Director of National Parks and Wildlife appointed under the Act of 1967 before the commencement day shall, on and from that day, have the same force and effect as if they had been done or omitted by, or done or suffered in relation to, the Director appointed under this Act.(3) Without affecting the generality of Schedule 4, clauses 10 and 11 of that Schedule apply to and in respect of the person holding office as Director immediately before the commencement day as if this Act had been in force at the time when the person was appointed Director under the Act of 1967.
3 Advisory committees
The members of an advisory committee constituted for any lands under the Act of 1967 and holding office immediately before the commencement day shall be deemed to be members of an advisory committee constituted for those lands under this Act as if this Act had been in force at the time of the constitution of the committee.
4 Relics Committee
A person holding office as a member of the Aboriginal Relics Advisory Committee under section 33A of the Act of 1967 immediately before the commencement day shall be deemed to have been appointed a member of the Relics Committee under this Act, and the person shall, subject to this Act, hold office for the remainder of the period specified in the instrument of the person’s appointment under the Act of 1967.
5 (Repealed)
6 Delegations
(1) Any delegation in force under section 7 of the Act of 1967 shall be deemed to be a delegation under section 21.(2) Section 7 of the Act of 1967 continues to apply to and in respect of any act or thing done by a delegate under that section before the commencement day.
7 Reserved, dedicated and declared lands
(1) Lands comprised within a national park or state park under the Act of 1967 immediately before the commencement day shall be deemed to be reserved as a national park under this Act.(2) Lands comprised within a historic site under the Act of 1967 immediately before the commencement day shall be deemed to be reserved as a historic site under this Act.(3) Lands comprised within a nature reserve under the Fauna Protection Act 1948 immediately before the commencement day shall be deemed to be dedicated as a nature reserve under this Act.(4) A proclamation under section 20 of the Act of 1967 in force immediately before the commencement day in relation to a national park, state park or historic site under that Act shall be deemed to be a proclamation under section 33.(5) To the extent that section 20 (5) and (6) of the Act of 1967 would, had this Act not been enacted, apply or continue to apply to or in respect of a proclamation published under section 20 of that Act before the commencement day, section 35 applies to or in respect of that proclamation.(6) An order under section 33B of the Act of 1967 in force immediately before the commencement day in relation to an Aboriginal area under that Act shall be deemed to be a proclamation in force under section 62.(7) An order under section 33I of the Act of 1967 in force immediately before the commencement day in relation to a protected archaeological area under that Act shall be deemed to be an order in force under section 65.(8) A proclamation under section 23A (1) of the Fauna Protection Act 1948, in force immediately before the commencement day in relation to a wildlife refuge under that Act shall be deemed to be a proclamation in force under section 68.(9) A proclamation under section 23A (1) of the Fauna Protection Act 1948, in force immediately before the commencement day in relation to a game reserve under that Act shall be deemed to be a proclamation in force under section 69.(10) A direction under section 33J of the Act of 1967 in force immediately before the commencement day in relation to a protected archaeological area under that Act shall be deemed to be a direction in force under section 66.
8 References to state parks
(1) A reference, in any other Act, or in any regulation, ordinance, by-law or any other instrument or document whatever, of the same or a different kind or nature, to—(a) a state park shall be read as a reference to a national park under this Act, or(b) a particular state park under the Act of 1967 shall be read as a reference to the national park deemed to be reserved under clause 7 (1) and comprising the lands within that state park.(2) (Repealed)
9 Plans of management
(1) A plan of management under the Act of 1967 shall be deemed to be a plan of management under this Act.(2) A working plan under the Fauna Protection Act 1948 shall be deemed to be a plan of management under this Act.(3) A plan of management under any Act for any lands dedicated under this Act as Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust lands, being a plan of management in force immediately before that dedication, is taken to be a plan of management under this Act for the land concerned until a new plan of management for that land is adopted under section 76.
10 Mining
(1) A notice under section 24 (2) (a) of the Act of 1967 shall be deemed to be a notice under section 41, and anything done or commenced to be done under section 24 (2) (a) of the Act of 1967 shall be deemed to have been done or commenced under section 41.(2) A reference in subclause (1) to section 41 includes a reference to that section as applied by any other provision of this Act.
11 Certain existing interests
(1) In this clause, prescribed interest means an authority, authorisation, permit, lease, licence or occupancy to which section 22 of the Act of 1967 applied immediately before the commencement day.(2) Section 39 applies to and in respect of a prescribed interest granted with respect to lands comprised in a national park, state park or historic site under the Act of 1967 as if this Act had been in force when that national park, state park or historic site was reserved under that Act.
12 Licences etc
(1) A licence, registration, certificate, franchise, permit, permission, concurrence, consent, authorisation or authority, issued or given under any of the repealed enactments, shall be deemed to be issued or given under this Act.(2) Notwithstanding subclause (1), a permit granted under section 33 of the Fauna Protection Act 1948 shall be deemed to be a licence issued under section 127.
13 Open seasons
A notice of an open season under section 18 of the Fauna Protection Act 1948 in force immediately before the commencement day shall be deemed to be an order in force under section 95.
14 Property
(1) Any property acquired by the Minister under the Act of 1967 shall be deemed to have been acquired by the Minister under this Act.(2) Lands acquired under section 19A of the Act of 1967 shall be deemed to have been acquired under section 145.(3) Lands acquired under section 19B of the Act of 1967 shall be deemed to have been acquired under section 146 (1).(4) A lease or licence granted under the Act of 1967 and in force immediately before the commencement day shall be deemed to have been granted under this Act.(5) A franchise in force under section 32 of the Act of 1967 immediately before the commencement day shall be deemed to have been granted under section 152.(6) An easement or right of way in force under section 31 of the Act of 1967 immediately before the commencement day shall be deemed to have been granted under section 153.
15 Community service contribution
(1) Any community service contribution under section 37 of the Act of 1967 due and payable immediately before the commencement day shall be deemed to be due and payable under section 140.(2) Section 140 applies to and in respect of any community service provided or maintained under section 37 of the Act of 1967 before the commencement day and in respect of which a notice of the amount of contribution had not been served under that section before that day.
16 Forfeiture and seizure
The provisions of any of the repealed enactments continue to apply to and in respect of any forfeiture or seizure under those provisions before the commencement day, and so apply as if this Act had not been enacted.
17 Regulations and by-laws
Any regulations in force under any of the repealed enactments immediately before the commencement day shall be deemed to be regulations made under this Act, but any such regulations shall, to the extent to which they would be by-laws if made under this Act, be deemed to be by-laws made under this Act.
18 Certain amendments made by Act of 1967
The amendments made by sections 53, 54 and 56 of the Act of 1967 continue to have the same force and effect as if those sections had not been repealed by this Act.
19 (Repealed)
20 Amendments made by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 1986
(1) Any by-law made under this Act, or by-law, rule or regulation deemed to be a by-law made under this Act, and in force immediately before the date of assent to the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 1986 shall on that date be deemed to be a regulation made under this Act.(2) A reference in any other Act or statutory instrument, or in any other document, to a by-law made under this Act shall be read as a reference to a regulation made under this Act.
20A Amendments made by the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1993
On and from the commencement of this clause, a reference in any other Act, or in any instrument made under any Act, or in any other document of any kind, to the Director of National Parks and Wildlife or to the Acting Director of National Parks and Wildlife is to be read as a reference to the Director-General of National Parks and Wildlife or to the Acting Director-General of National Parks and Wildlife respectively.
21 Validation of plans of management and authorities
(1) In this clause, the amending Act means the National Parks and Wildlife (Amendment) Act 1989.(2) Any act, matter or thing done before the commencement of this clause in relation to the preparation of a plan of management for any lands that was not validly done, but that would have been validly done if the amending Act had been in force at the time it was done, is validated.(3) An authority that purported to have been given to a person under section 164 or 165 before the commencement of this clause shall be deemed to have been given under the section concerned as if the amending Act had been in force when the authority was given.
22 Protected amphibians
Section 97 (1) (c) applies in respect of fauna that is an amphibian as if the reference in that section to the commencement day were a reference to—(a) the date of assent to the National Parks and Wildlife (Amendment) Act 1983 in the case of an amphibian that was a protected amphibian immediately before the date of assent to the Endangered Fauna (Interim Protection) Act 1991, or(b) the date of assent to the Endangered Fauna (Interim Protection) Act 1991 in the case of any other amphibian.
22A Transitional provision consequent on enactment of National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Game Birds Protection) Act 1995
(1) In so far as—(a) a licence in force under Division 2 of Part 9 immediately before 30 November 1995, orhas the effect of authorising its holder to take or kill game birds for sporting or recreational purposes, the licence or authority ceases to have that effect on that day. However, the licence or authority does not cease to authorise a sporting or recreational shooter from taking or killing game birds for any other specified lawful purpose.(b) an authority in force under section 171 (1) immediately before that day,(2) This clause is taken to have commenced on 30 November 1995 (the date of assent to the amending Act).(3) Subclause (1) re-enacts (with minor modifications) section 4 (1) of the amending Act. Subclause (1) is a transferred provision to which section 30A of the Interpretation Act 1987 applies.(4) In this clause—amending Act means the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Game Birds Protection) Act 1995.
23 Replacement of former incorporated trustees by SRA trusts
(1) In this clause—amending Act means the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 1996.former incorporated trustees means the persons holding office as trustees, and constituted as a corporation, in respect of a particular state recreation area and holding office immediately before the commencement of Schedule 1 [65] to the amending Act.(2) On the commencement of Schedule 1 [65] to the amending Act, an SRA trust is taken to be constituted and appointed as trustee of the state recreation area in respect of which the former incorporated trustees held office.(3) Any such SRA trust is a continuation of, and the same legal entity as, the former incorporated trustees, and the corporate name of the SRA trust is to be the same as the corporate name of the former incorporated trustees. That corporate name can be changed in accordance with this Act.(4) Each of the persons who constituted the former incorporated trustees is taken to be appointed as a member of the relevant trust board under section 47GB for the unexpired terms of their original appointment as trustees.
24 Savings and transitional regulations
(1) The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 1996.(2) Any such savings or transitional provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect on the date of assent to that Act or a later day.(3) To the extent to which any such savings or transitional provision takes effect on a date that is earlier than the date of its publication in the Gazette, the provision does not operate so as—(a) to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person existing before the date of its publication, or(b) to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the date of its publication.
25 Advisory committees to cease to function on vesting of Schedule 14 lands
An advisory committee that immediately before the publication of a proclamation under Division 3 or 8 of Part 4A in respect of lands listed in Schedule 14 exercised functions in respect of those lands, ceases to exercise those functions on the date of that publication.
26 Dissolution of certain SRA trusts and regional park trusts on vesting of Schedule 14 lands
(1) On the publication of a proclamation under Division 3 or 8 of Part 4A in respect of lands listed in Schedule 14—(a) any SRA trust or regional park trust in existence for the lands immediately before that publication is dissolved, and(b) the members of the SRA trust board or the regional park board are removed from office.(2) However, if the proclamation relates to a part or parts of lands listed in Schedule 14, the SRA trust or regional park trust ceases to hold office under this Act in relation to that part or those parts only of the lands on the date of that publication.
27 Provision consequent on enactment of National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Transfer of Special Areas) Act 2001
Anything done or omitted to be done before the commencement of an amendment made by Schedule 1 [2] or [3] to the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Transfer of Special Areas) Act 2001 is as valid as it would have been had the amendment been in force when the thing was done or omitted.
Part 3 Provisions consequent on enactment of National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2001
28 Definitions
In this Part—amending Act means the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2001.relevant instrument means this Act, any other Act, any instrument made under an Act or any other instrument.
29 References to dedicated, reserved or declared land
(1) On and from the commencement of Schedule 1 [26] to the amending Act, a reference in a relevant instrument (whether the instrument was made before or after that commencement), other than a reference in this Schedule—(a) to land reserved as a national park, historic site or regional park includes a reference to land reserved as a national park, historic site or regional park, respectively, under this Act immediately before that commencement, and(b) to land reserved as a state conservation area includes a reference to land reserved as a state recreation area under this Act immediately before that commencement, and(c) to land reserved as a nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area includes a reference to land dedicated as a nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, respectively, under this Act immediately before that commencement, and(d) to land dedicated under this Act as a nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area includes a reference to land reserved under this Act as a nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, respectively, and(e) to land reserved as a state recreation area under this Act includes a reference to land reserved as a state conservation area under this Act, and(f) to land reserved under Part 4A in a particular classification includes a reference to land reserved as or dedicated to the same classification under that Part immediately before that commencement, and(g) to a wild and scenic river declared under this Act includes a reference to any river or part of a river declared as a wild river under this Act, and(h) to a wild river declared under this Act includes a reference to any river or part of a river declared as a wild and scenic river immediately before that commencement, and(i) to land declared to be a wilderness area under this Act is a reference to land reserved or dedicated under this Act and declared to be a wilderness area under the Wilderness Act 1987.(2) On and from the commencement of Schedule 1 [26], a reference in any relevant instrument (other than this Act), being a reference in existence before that commencement—(a) to land dedicated under this Act is a reference to land within a nature reserve, karst conservation reserve or Aboriginal area, and(b) to land reserved under this Act is a reference to land within a national park, historic site, state recreation area, state conservation area or regional park.
30 Existing reservations and dedications not affected
(1) No amendment made by the amending Act affects any act, done before the commencement of that amendment, that effected a reservation, dedication or declaration under this Act in relation to an area.(2) No amendment made by the amending Act alters the purposes for which any land was reserved or dedicated under this Act immediately before that amendment.
31 Removal of certain reservations, dedications and declarations
(1) On and from the commencement of Schedule 1 [33] to the amending Act, land dedicated as a state game reserve under this Act immediately before that commencement is no longer so dedicated.(2) On and from the commencement of Schedule 1 [42] to the amending Act, land dedicated as a protected archaeological area under this Act immediately before that commencement is no longer so dedicated.(3) On and from the commencement of Schedule 1 [37] to the amending Act, land declared as a wilderness area under this Act immediately before that commencement is no longer so declared.(4) On and from the commencement of Schedule 1 [44] to the amending Act, land declared as a wildlife district under this Act immediately before that commencement is no longer so declared.(5) On and from the commencement of Schedule 1 [45] to the amending Act, land declared as a wildlife management area under this Act immediately before that commencement is no longer so declared.
32 Change of name of state recreation areas
On and from the commencement of Schedule 1 [26] to the amending Act, the name of any land reserved as a state recreation area is changed to omit the word “Recreation” and insert instead the word “Conservation”.
33 References to state game reserves, wildlife districts and wildlife management areas
(1) On and from the commencement of Schedule 1 [33] to the amending Act, a reference to a state game reserve in any provision of this Act (other than this Schedule) and in any provision of any other Act or instrument made under an Act is taken to have been omitted.(2) On and from the commencement of Schedule 1 [42] to the amending Act, a reference to a protected archaeological area in any provision of this Act (other than this Schedule) and in any provision of any other Act or instrument made under an Act is taken to have been omitted.(3) On and from the commencement of Schedule 1 [44] to the amending Act, a reference to a wildlife district in any provision of this Act (other than this Schedule) and in any provision of any other Act or instrument made under an Act is taken to have been omitted.(4) On and from the commencement of Schedule 1 [45] to the amending Act, a reference to a wildlife management area in any provision of this Act (other than this Schedule) and in any provision of any other Act or instrument made under an Act is taken to have been omitted.
34 National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council
Despite clause 1 of Schedule 7, a person who was a member of the Council immediately before the commencement of this clause is taken to be a member of the Council for the remainder of the term which the person was serving at that commencement.
35 Advisory Committees
(1) On the substitution of section 24 by the amending Act, an advisory committee constituted under that section and in existence at that substitution is dissolved.(2) The first regional advisory committee constituted for an administrative region under section 24 after its substitution by the amending Act has as members each person who, immediately before that substitution, held office as a member of an advisory committee constituted under that section in respect of an area that was the same as, or formed part of, that administrative region.(3) A person referred to in subclause (2) holds office only until the end of the term of office which the person was serving immediately before section 24 was substituted.(4) The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (Interim) Advisory Committee is dissolved.(5) Despite clause 1 of Schedule 9, a person who was a member of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (Interim) Advisory Committee immediately before its dissolution by subclause (4) is taken to be a member of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee for the remainder of the term which the person was serving at that dissolution.
36 Plans of management
(1) A plan of management adopted under Part 5, before its amendment by the amending Act, for land the subject of a reservation, dedication or declaration under this Act continues to apply to the land as a plan of management for the purposes of this Act as so amended.(2) A plan of management referred to in subclause (1) may be amended or revoked in accordance with Part 5 as amended by the amending Act.(3) A plan of management prepared under Part 5 before its amendment by the amending Act and notice of which has been given in accordance with that Part for the purpose of enabling public submissions on the plan—(a) may be adopted in accordance with Part 5 as if that Part had not been so amended, and(b) if adopted, is taken to have been adopted under Part 5 as so amended.
37 References to relics
In any other Act or instrument, a reference to a relic within the meaning of this Act is taken to be a reference to an Aboriginal object.
38 Existing leases, licences, easements and rights of way
No amendment made by the amending Act affects the validity of any lease, licence, easement or right of way in existence at the commencement of the amendment.
39 (Repealed)
40 Regulations
The operation of this Part is subject to the regulations.
Part 4 Provisions consequent on enactment of Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002
41 Conservation agreement and joint management agreements
A reference, in an amendment made to Parts 7, 7A, 8 or 8A by the Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002, to a conservation agreement, or a joint management agreement entered into under Part 7 of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, does not extend to any agreement entered into before the commencement of the amendment concerned.
42 Changes consequent on introduction of scientific licences
The amendments made to Divisions 2 and 3 of Part 9 by the Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002 do not apply in respect of any licence issued before the commencement of those amendments.
43 Commencement of National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2001
(1) Sections 132C (2) and 132D, as inserted by the Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002, do not apply in respect of state conservation areas or Aboriginal areas until the commencement of Schedule 1 [26] to the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2001.(2) Until the commencement of Schedule 1 [28] to the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2001, the provisions of sections 132C (2) and 132D (a), as inserted by the Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002, are taken to apply in respect of state recreation areas in the same way as they apply to the other areas mentioned in those provisions.(3) Until the commencement of Schedule 1 [33] to the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2001, the provisions of sections 132C (2) and 132D (a), as inserted by the Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002, are taken to apply in respect of state game reserves in the same way as they apply to the other areas mentioned in those provisions.(4) Until the commencement of Schedule 1 [44] to the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2001, the provisions of sections 132C (2) and 132D (b), as inserted by the Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002, are taken to apply in respect of wildlife districts in the same way as they apply to the other areas mentioned in those provisions.(5) Until the commencement of Schedule 1 [45] to the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2001, the provisions of sections 132C (2) and 132D (b), as inserted by the Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002, are taken to apply in respect of wildlife management areas in the same way as they apply to the other areas mentioned in those provisions.
Part 5 Provisions consequent on enactment of Threatened Species Legislation Amendment Act 2004
44 Authorised officers
(1) A person who is duly authorised for the purposes of section 164 or 165 immediately before the commencement of section 156B is, on that commencement taken to have been appointed as an authorised officer under that section.(2) The functions conferred on an authorised officer by section 156B extend to matters arising before the commencement of that section.
Part 6 Provisions consequent on enactment of National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Jenolan Caves Reserves) Act 2005
45 Definitions and interpretation
(1) In this Part—amending Act means the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Jenolan Caves Reserves) Act 2005.assets means any legal or equitable estate or interest (whether present or future and whether vested or contingent) in real or personal property of any description (including money), and includes securities, choses in action and documents.conveyance includes transfer, assignment and assurance.Department means the Department of Environment and Conservation.Director-General means the Director-General of the Department.instrument means an instrument (other than this Act) that creates, modifies or extinguishes rights or liabilities (or would do so if lodged, filed or registered in accordance with any law), and includes any judgment, order or process of a court.liabilities means all liabilities, debts or obligations (whether present or future and whether vested or contingent).relevant period means the period commencing on the repeal of section 58V by the amending Act and ending on a day to be appointed by proclamation, being a day subsequent to the day on which the Minister first adopts a plan of management for the Jenolan Caves Visitor Use and Services Zone after the period commences.rights means all rights, powers, privileges and immunities (whether present or future and whether vested or contingent).the Jenolan Caves Reserves means the lands reserved under repealed section 58U as the Abercrombie Karst Conservation Reserve, the Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve and the Wombeyan Karst Conservation Reserve, and any other lands reserved as, or as part of, a karst conservation reserve the care, control and management of which was vested in the Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust, immediately before the repeal of section 58V by the amending Act.the Jenolan Caves Visitor Use and Services Zone means the areas in the Jenolan Caves Reserves shown, on the commencement of this definition, edged heavy black on the map marked “Jenolan Caves Visitor Use and Services Zone”, copies of which are deposited in the offices of the Department at Haymarket, Hurstville and Parramatta.Trust means the Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust constituted under repealed section 58V.Trust Board means the Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust Board established under repealed section 58ZA.(2) In this Part, a reference to a repealed section, a repealed clause or a repealed Schedule is a reference to the section, the clause or the Schedule as in force immediately before its repeal by the amending Act.
46 General
The provisions of this Part are subject to any regulations made under clause 1.
47 References to Trust or its staff or Trust lands
A reference in any other Act, or in any instrument made under any Act or in any instrument of any kind—(a) to the Trust is to be read as a reference to the Director-General, and(b) to the staff (however expressed) of the Trust is to be read as a reference to the staff of the Department, and(c) to Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust lands is to be read as a reference to the Jenolan Caves Reserves.
48 Transfer of care, control and management of Jenolan Caves Reserves
The care, control and management of the Jenolan Caves Reserves vests in the Director-General for the purposes of this Act.
49 Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities of Trust
(1) The assets, rights and liabilities of the Trust are transferred to the Director-General and the following provisions have effect—(a) those assets vest in the Director-General by virtue of this clause and without the need for any conveyance,(b) those rights and liabilities become the rights and liabilities of the Director-General,(c) all proceedings relating to those assets, rights and liabilities commenced before the transfer by or against the Trust and pending immediately before the transfer are taken to be proceedings pending by or against the Director-General,(d) any act, matter or thing relating to those assets, rights and liabilities done or omitted to be done before the transfer by, to or in respect of the Trust is (to the extent that the act, matter or thing has any force or effect) taken to have been done or omitted by, to or in respect of the Director-General.(2) Duty is not chargeable in respect of the transfer of assets, rights and liabilities under this clause.
50 Transfer of staff to Department
The persons employed, immediately before the repeal of section 58V by the amending Act, under Chapter 1A of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 in a Division of the Government Service to enable the Trust to exercise its functions are transferred to the Department and become members of staff of the Department.
51 Trust Board
(1) A reference in any other Act, or in any instrument made under any Act or in any instrument of any kind to the Trust Board is to be read as a reference to the Director-General.(2) Any act, matter or thing done or omitted to be done by, to or in respect of the Trust Board is (to the extent that the act, matter or thing has any force or effect) to be taken to have been done or omitted to be done by, to or in respect of the Director-General.
52 Members of committees
A person who held office as a member of a committee established under section 58Z immediately before its repeal by the amending Act—(a) ceases to hold office, and(b) is not entitled to any remuneration or compensation because of the loss of that office.
53 Continuation of reserved status of land reserved under section 58U
(1) Land reserved as a karst conservation reserve under repealed section 58U (1) continues to be so reserved as if that subsection (and repealed Schedule 4) had not been repealed.(2) Repealed section 58U (2) and (3) (but not repealed section 58U (4)) continue to apply to the land referred to in subclause (1) as if those provisions had not been repealed.
54 Continuation of reserved status of land referred to in section 58W
No amendment made by the amending Act affects a reservation of land made by a notice referred to in repealed section 58W (4).
55 Funds of Trust
Any account maintained by the Trust under repealed section 58X and operating on the repeal of section 58V by the amending Act is to be closed by the Director-General and any amount standing to its credit is to be paid into the Fund.
56 Operation of Part
The operation of this Part is not to be regarded—(a) as a breach of contract or confidence or otherwise as a civil wrong, or(b) as a breach of any contractual provision prohibiting, restricting or regulating the assignment or transfer of assets, rights or liabilities, or(c) as giving rise to any remedy by a party to an instrument, or as causing or permitting the termination of any instrument, because of a change in the beneficial or legal ownership of any asset, right or liability, or(d) as an event of default under any contract or other agreement.
57 Operation of certain provisions in this Part during relevant period
(1) During the relevant period—(a) clause 47 (a) operates in relation to references to the Trust only to the extent that the Trust is not taken to continue under clause 58, and(b) clause 47 (b) operates in relation to references to staff of the Trust only to the extent that such staff have become members of staff of the Department under clause 50, and(c) clause 48 does not operate in relation to the Jenolan Caves Visitor Use and Services Zone, and(d) clause 49 does not operate in relation to assets, rights and liabilities of the Trust in relation to the Jenolan Caves Visitor Use and Services Zone, and(e) clause 50 operates only in relation to a person who was, immediately before the repeal of section 58V by the amending Act, employed under Chapter 1A of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 in the Jenolan Caves Reserve Trust Division of the Government Service as the Jenolan ranger or as a permanent or temporary member of staff of the Wombeyan Caves, the Abercrombie Caves or the Karst Conservation Unit in that Division, and(f) clause 51 operates only to the extent that the Trust is not taken to continue under clause 58.(2) Clauses 52 and 55 commence on the expiry of the relevant period.(3) This clause, clause 58 and the definitions of the Jenolan Caves Visitor Use and Services Zone and relevant period in clause 45 (1), are repealed on the expiry of the relevant period.
58 Interim management of Jenolan Caves Visitor Use and Services Zone
(1) Despite the repeal of section 58V by the amending Act, the Trust is taken to continue during the relevant period for the purposes of this clause.(2) The Minister is to appoint an administrator to manage the affairs of the Trust in relation to the Jenolan Caves Visitor Use and Services Zone during the relevant period.(3) During the relevant period—(a) the administrator has all the responsibilities, powers, authorities, duties and functions that the Trust had in relation to the Jenolan Caves Visitor Use and Services Zone immediately before the repeal of section 58V by the amending Act, and(b) any provision amended or repealed by Schedule 1 to the amending Act that is relevant to the operation of paragraph (a) (including repealed section 58ZD) continues to apply for the purposes of, and to the extent required by, that paragraph, as if the provision had not been so amended or repealed.(4) During the relevant period—(a) repealed section 58ZE (4)–(6) apply to the administrator as if those provisions were still in force, and(b) repealed clause 15 of Schedule 6 applies to the administrator, and any person acting under the direction of the administrator, as if that clause were still in force.(5) During the relevant period, repealed Schedule 5A continues to apply to the staff of the Trust (other than staff referred to in clause 57 (1) (e)) as if that Schedule were still in force.(6) On and from the commencement of the relevant period until the day on which the Minister first adopts a plan of management for the Jenolan Caves Visitor Use and Services Zone after that commencement, the Minister must not—(a) consent to any lease or licence of land within that Zone under repealed section 58ZB (as continued in force under subclause (3)), orthe term of which (including any option to renew) exceeds 2 years.(b) grant any lease of land within that Zone under section 151 (1) (d) or 151B or any licence in relation to land within that Zone under section 151 (1) (f),(7) The Trust is dissolved on the expiration of the relevant period.
59 Conditions in leases and licences under sections 151 and 151B
An amendment made by Schedule 1 [17] or [18] to the amending Act does not apply to a lease or licence granted before the commencement of the amendment, or to the renewal of a lease or licence after that commencement under an option to renew that was granted before that commencement.
Part 7 Provisions consequent on enactment of Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008
60 Definition
In this Part, amending Act means the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2008.
61 Saving of delegations
Any delegation made under section 21 by the Minister or the Director-General and in force immediately before the substitution of that section by the amending Act continues to have effect as if it were a delegation made by the Minister or the Director-General under section 21 as substituted, but may be revoked at any time by the Minister or the Director-General, as appropriate.
62 Saving of trapper’s licences
Any trapper’s licence in force immediately before the commencement of the amending Act is taken to be a commercial fauna harvester’s licence in force under section 123.
63 Saving of certain licences and certificates issued by authorised officers under Part 9
A licence or certificate issued by an authorised officer under Part 9 of the Act, and a condition or restriction attached to such a licence or certificate, that was in force immediately before that Part was amended by the amending Act is taken to have been issued or attached by the Director-General.
Part 8 Provisions consequent on enactment of National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2010
64 Definition
In this Part, amending Act means the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2010.
65 Aboriginal objects and Aboriginal places: permits under section 87 and consents under section 90
(1) A permit granted under section 87 (1) and in force immediately before the repeal of that subsection by the amending Act is taken to be an Aboriginal heritage impact permit issued under section 90 (as inserted by the amending Act) and is subject to the same terms and conditions on which it was granted.(2) A consent granted under section 90 (2) and in force immediately before the repeal of that subsection by the amending Act is taken to be an Aboriginal heritage impact permit issued under section 90 (as inserted by the amending Act) and is subject to the same terms and conditions on which it was granted.
66 Existing codes of practice may be adopted for purposes of due diligence defence
Section 87 (5) does not apply to the making of a regulation that adopts or prescribes, for the purposes of section 87 (3), the following codes of practice—(a) the PNF code of practice within the meaning of Part 5A of the Native Vegetation Regulation 2005 (as in force at the date of assent to the amending Act),(b) the Plantations and Reafforestation Code set out in the Appendix to the Plantations and Reafforestation (Code) Regulation 2001 (as in force at the date of assent to the amending Act).
67 Remediation directions
A remediation direction under Division 3 of Part 6A may be given in relation to the commission of an offence that occurred before the commencement of that Division.
68 Court orders in relation to offences committed before commencement
A court order under Division 3 of Part 15 may be made in relation to the commission of an offence that occurred before the commencement of that Division, but only where the court concerned finds the offence proved after that commencement.
69 Saving of acts by certain authorised officers
(1) Any certificate purporting to be signed by a prescribed officer of the Service under section 181 (5) and in force immediately before the amendment of that subsection by the amending Act continues to be prima facie evidence of the matter or matters certified in it.(2) Any certificate purporting to be signed by an officer of the Service authorised by the Director-General under section 181 (7) and in force immediately before the amendment of that subsection by the amending Act continues to be prima facie evidence of the matter or matters certified in it.(3) A copy of any declaration or map of critical habitat published in the Gazette, being a copy purporting to be certified by an officer of the Service authorised by the Director-General under section 181 (9) before the amendment of that subsection by the amending Act, as being a true copy of such a declaration or map, continues to be admissible in any legal proceedings and is evidence of the matter or matters contained in the declaration or map.
70 Collation of public register
The public register is to be collated as soon as is practicable after the commencement of section 188F.
71 Determination of width of certain access roads excluded from reservation
(1) This clause applies to an exclusion order made before the commencement of section 188D that determined a width (not being a width greater than 30 metres) for an access road to be excluded from reservation under the Act by the order.(2) On and from the commencement of this clause—(a) land of the determined width that follows the centreline of the access road (as it existed before the exclusion order was made) vests, if it is not already vested, in the Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of this Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from—(i) all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements, and(ii) any dedication, reservation, Crown grant or vesting to which the land is subject, and any such dedication, reservation, grant or vesting is revoked, and(b) the land referred to in paragraph (a) is taken to be an access road and may continue to be used for the purposes for which it was used immediately before the making of the exclusion order, and(c) if any land was vested in the Minister by virtue of being an access road, but is not covered by the land referred to in paragraph (a), the land is reserved as part of the reserved land within which it is situated.(3) Subclause (2) (a) (i) does not apply in relation to a right of way granted under section 20A of the Forestry Act 1916 that is taken to have continued in force (as if it were granted under section 149 or 153 of this Act) by clause 8 (11) of Schedule 7 to the National Park Estate (Southern Region Reservations) Act 2000.(4) In this clause, access road and exclusion order have the same meanings that they have in section 188D.
Part 9 Provision consequent on enactment of National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Visitors and Tourists) Act 2010
72 Licences may be granted in relation to wilderness areas despite certain existing plans of management
(1) Despite section 81, a licence may be granted under section 152 in relation to a wilderness area (and operations under such a licence may be undertaken in the wilderness area) even if a plan of management under Part 5 of this Act that was adopted before the commencement of this clause prohibits commercial activities in that area.(2) Nothing in subclause (1) affects any other prohibition or restriction in such a plan of management.Note—For example, despite subclause (1), a prohibition in an existing plan of management against all mountain biking in a specified wilderness area would still have effect to prohibit commercial mountain biking in that wilderness area.(3) This clause ceases to have effect 5 years after the date on which it commences.
Part 10 Provision consequent on enactment of Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Act 2013
73 Severing of joint tenancies
On the commencement of the amendments made to sections 71O and 71P of this Act by the Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Act 2013—(a) any joint tenancy in relation to land created by the operation of section 71O or 71BK and in existence immediately before that commencement is severed, and(b) the Aboriginal Land Councils that were the joint tenants hold the land as tenants in common.
Part 11 Provisions consequent on enactment of Biosecurity Act 2015
74 Certificate evidence
Section 197 (10), as in force immediately before its repeal by the Biosecurity Act 2015, continues to apply in relation to any time or period occurring before the repeal of Part 10 of the Local Land Services Act 2013 by the Biosecurity Act 2015.
Part 12 Provisions consequent on enactment of National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2021
75 Definition
In this Part—amending Act means the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2021.
76 Plans of management
(1) This clause applies if notice of the preparation of a plan of management has been given under section 73A before the commencement.(2) The period within which representations may be made under section 73A(2)(c), as in force before the commencement, continues to apply in relation to the plan of management.(3) On the commencement, if the responsible authority for the plan of management—(a) has not forwarded the plan of management and representations received to the appropriate regional advisory committee and the Council—the responsible authority must comply with section 73A(6)–(9), as substituted by the amending Act, or(b) has forwarded the plan of management and representations received to the appropriate regional advisory committee and the Council—sections 73A and 73B(1)–(6), as in force before the commencement, continue to apply in relation to the plan of management.(4) Subclause (3) extends to an amendment, alteration or substitution of a plan of management under section 73B(7).(5) In this clause—commencement means the commencement of the amending Act, Schedule 1.2[6].
77 Plans of management—alterations and amendments
(1) This clause applies in relation to an amendment, alteration or substitution of a plan of management under section 73B(7).(2) The period of 45 days within which representations may be made that applied immediately before the commencement under section 73B(7) continues to apply to the amendment, alteration or substitution, if notice has been given under section 73A before the commencement.(3) In this clause—commencement means the commencement of the amending Act, Schedule 1.2[6].
78 Relocation and amendment of section 188H
(1) The relocation of section 188H (the former section) to section 153G, as amended by the amending Act—(a) does not affect a declaration of land under the former section before the commencement of section 153G, and(b) does not affect regulations made under the former section or actions authorised by the regulations.(2) A reference in an Act, instrument or other documents to the former section, made before the commencement of section 153G, is taken to be a reference to section 153G.
Part 13 Provisions consequent on enactment of National Parks and Heritage Legislation Amendment Act 2024
79 Land previously vested for Part 11
(1) This clause applies to land vested in the Minister, or in the Minister on behalf of the Crown, for the purposes of this Act, Part 11 by or under this Act or another Act.(2) The land is taken to be vested in and acquired by the Minister for the purposes of, and under, this Act, Part 11.(3) If the land has been dealt with before the commencement of the National Parks and Heritage Legislation Amendment Act 2024, the land is taken to have been dealt with in accordance with section 149.(4) In this clause—deal, in relation to land, includes sell, lease and dispose of the includes property and an interest in land.
Schedule 4 Karst Management Advisory Committee
(Section 29 (5))
1 Definitions
In this Schedule—appointed member means a member other than the Chairperson.Chairperson means the Chairperson of the Committee.Committee means the Karst Management Advisory Committee constituted by this Act.member means a member of the Committee.
2 Nomination of members
If, for the purposes of section 29 (3) (e), (f), (g), (h) or (i), a nomination is not made within the time or in the manner specified by the Minister in a written notice given to the person or body entitled to make the nomination—(a) the Minister may appoint a person to be a member of the Committee instead of the person required to be appointed under section 29 (3) (e), (f), (g), (h) or (i), and(b) the person so appointed is taken to have been duly nominated.
3 Removal from office
The Minister may remove from office any appointed member at any time.
4 Vacancy in office of member
The office of an appointed member becomes vacant if the member—(a) dies, or(b) completes a term of office and is not re-appointed, or(c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister, or(d) becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or(e) is removed from office by the Minister under clause 3.
5 Vacancies
If the office of an appointed member becomes vacant, a person is, subject to this Act, to be appointed to fill the vacancy.
6 Acting members
(1) The Minister may, from time to time, appoint a person to act in the office of an appointed member during the illness or absence of the appointed member, and the person, while so acting, has and may exercise all the functions of the appointed member and is taken to be an appointed member.(2) The Minister may remove a person from the office to which the person was appointed under this clause.(3) For the purposes of this clause, a vacancy in the office of a member is regarded as an absence from office of the member.
7 Term of office
Subject to this Schedule, an appointed member holds office for such period not exceeding 5 years as may be specified in the instrument of appointment of the member, but is eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-appointment.
8 Quorum
The quorum for a meeting of the Committee is 6 members.
9 Voting
A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the Committee at which a quorum is present is the decision of the Committee.
10 Transaction of business outside meetings or by telephone
(1) The Committee may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business by the circulation of papers among all the members of the Committee for the time being, and a resolution in writing approved in writing by a majority of those members is taken to be a decision of the Committee.(2) The Committee may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business at a meeting at which members (or some members) participate by telephone, closed-circuit television or other means, but only if any member who speaks on a matter before the meeting can be heard by the other members.(3) For the purposes of—(a) the approval of a resolution under subclause (1), orthe Chairperson of the Committee and each member of the Committee have the same voting rights as they have at an ordinary meeting of the Committee.(b) a meeting held in accordance with subclause (2),(4) A resolution approved under subclause (1) is, subject to the regulations, to be recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the Committee.(5) Papers may be circulated among the members for the purposes of subclause (1) by facsimile or other transmission of the information in the papers concerned.
11 Procedure
(1) Subject to this Act and the direction of the Minister, the procedure for calling meetings of the Committee and for the conduct of business at those meetings is to be as determined by the Committee.(2) The Secretary is to call the first meeting of the Committee in such manner as the Secretary thinks fit.
12 Expenses
A member is entitled to receive such travelling and other expenses (if any) as the Minister may determine in respect of the member.
Schedules 5–6 (Repealed)
Schedule 7 The Council
(Section 22 (2))
1 Composition
(1) The Council is to consist of 19 members appointed by the Minister (referred to in this Schedule as members).(2) The members are to comprise the following—(a) 4 members of advisory committees representing the geographic spread of the reserve system,(b) 2 persons with expertise in non-government organisations concerned with the conservation of nature, one of whom is to be selected from a panel of 3 nominees of the National Parks Association of NSW Inc and one of whom is to be selected from a panel of 3 nominees of the Nature Conservation Council of NSW,(c) 1 person with expertise and experience in Aboriginal cultural heritage conservation,(d) 2 persons with scientific qualifications in areas associated with the conservation of nature,(e) 1 person with qualifications in cultural heritage research,(f) 1 person with expertise and experience in ecotourism or the sustainable visitor or tourist use, enjoyment and appreciation of reserves,(g) 1 person representing peak recreational bodies, selected from a panel of 3 nominees of bodies that, in the opinion of the Minister, are peak recreational bodies,(h) 1 person with expertise and experience in environmental education and community involvement in environmental education,(i) 1 person with expertise and experience in rural and regional development and planning issues,(j) 1 person with expertise and experience in agriculture and rural issues, being a person nominated by the New South Wales Farmers’ Association,(k) 1 person with expertise and experience in bush fire management,(l) 2 persons with experience in planning and local government, to be selected from a panel of 4 persons nominated by the Local Government and Shires Association,(m) 2 persons who are members of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee and have been nominated by that Committee.(3) In appointing and re-appointing persons under this Schedule, the Minister is to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that members of the Council are appointed from a range of organisations that have dealings with the Service.(4) The Secretary, or a delegate of the Secretary, is to attend meetings of the Council and may participate in discussions of the Council, but is not entitled to vote at any such meeting.(5) If a nomination for the purposes of subclause (2), or a panel of nominees from which a member is to be chosen for appointment, is not provided within the time and in the manner directed by the Minister, the Minister may appoint a person to be a member instead of the person required to be appointed on that nomination, or to be chosen for appointment from a panel so nominated, as the case may be.(6) A person so appointed is taken to have been duly nominated.
2 Term of office
(1) A member shall, subject to this Schedule, hold office for a period of 4 years or such lesser period as may be specified in the member’s instrument of appointment, and is eligible for reappointment as a member.(2) A person shall not hold office (whether for 2 consecutive terms or otherwise) for more than 8 years as a member.
3, 4 (Repealed)
5 Removal from office
The Governor may for any cause which to the Governor seems sufficient remove from office any member.
6 Vacation of office
A member shall be deemed to have vacated the member’s office if the member—(a) dies,(b) resigns the member’s office by writing under the member’s hand addressed to the Minister,(c) becomes a temporary patient, a continued treatment patient, a protected person or an incapable person within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1958 or a person under detention under Part 7 of that Act,(d) ceases to hold the qualification by virtue of which the member was appointed, or(e) is removed from office by the Governor.
7 Filling casual vacancy
On the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of a member, otherwise than by the expiration of the term for which the member was appointed, the Minister may appoint a person to hold that office for the balance of the predecessor’s term of office, being a person qualified under clause 1 (3) in the same manner as that predecessor.
8 Alternate members
(1) The Minister may at any time appoint, as an alternate member to act during the absence or illness of a member, a person qualified under clause 1 (3) in the same manner as the person for whom he or she is the alternate member.(2) An alternate member shall have and may exercise, while acting as a member of the Council, the powers, authorities, duties and functions, as such a member, of the person for whom he or she is the alternate member.
9 Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson
(1) The Minister is to appoint a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Council.(2) The Chairperson is to be appointed from a panel of 3 members nominated by the Council.(3) The Deputy Chairperson is to be appointed from a panel of 3 members nominated by the Council.(4) The panels referred to in subclauses (2) and (3) may comprise the same members.(5) A meeting of the Council at which a panel is determined for the purposes of subclause (2) or (3) is to be chaired by a member elected by the members present at the meeting.(6) A person appointed as Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson holds office for a period of not more than 2 years specified in the person’s instrument of appointment.(7) A person is not to hold office (whether for 2 consecutive terms or otherwise) for more than 4 years as Chairperson.(8) A person is not to hold office (whether for 2 consecutive terms or otherwise) for more than 4 years as Deputy Chairperson.
10 Presiding member
(1) The Chairperson or, in the absence of the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson or, in the absence of both of them, another member elected to chair the meeting by the members present is to preside at a meeting of the Council.(2) The person presiding at a meeting of the Council has a deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality of votes, has a second or casting vote.
11 (Repealed)
12 Quorum
(1) Eight members shall form a quorum at any meeting of the Council and any duly convened meeting at which a quorum is present shall be competent to transact any business of the Council.(2) Questions arising at a meeting of the Council shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting.
13 Procedure
The procedure for the calling of meetings of the Council and for the conduct of business at those meetings shall, subject to this Schedule and any regulations made in relation thereto, be as determined by the Council.
14 Fees
A member of the Council shall be entitled to receive such fees and travelling or other expenses (if any) as the Minister may determine in respect of the member.
Schedule 8 Regional advisory committees
(Section 24 (2) and (4))
1A Application
This Schedule applies to regional advisory committees constituted under section 24 (2) of this Act.
1 Composition
(1) A regional advisory committee is to consist of at least 12 members, but not more than 17 members, appointed by the Minister.(2) The members are to include at least 2 Aboriginal persons, a person jointly nominated by the Nature Conservation Council of New South Wales and the National Parks Association of New South Wales, and such other persons who, in the opinion of the Minister, have one or more of the following qualifications—(a) expertise and experience in local government,(b) expertise and experience in community involvement in conservation,(c) expertise in Aboriginal Cultural Heritage,(d) scientific qualifications in the area of conservation biology, wildlife management or related disciplines,(e) expertise and experience in rural or regional issues,(f) expertise and experience in agriculture and rural issues, being a person nominated by the New South Wales Farmers’ Association.(g) expertise and experience in ecotourism or ecologically sustainable visitor or tourist use, enjoyment and appreciation of reserves,(h) expertise and experience in environmental education and community involvement in environmental education,(i) expertise in non-Aboriginal cultural heritage conservation.(3) The Minister is to ensure, as far as is possible, that the composition of the advisory committee reflects the expertise and experience referred to in subclause (2).(4) The Secretary is to arrange for a senior officer of the Service to attend meetings of each advisory committee and for secretarial support to be available to each advisory committee.
2 Removal from office
(1) The Minister may for any cause which to the Minister seems sufficient remove from office any member of an advisory committee.(2) Without limiting the generality of subclause (1), the Minister may remove from office a member of an advisory committee who is absent without leave of the advisory committee (or without being excused by the committee) from 3 consecutive meetings held by the advisory committee over any period of 12 months.
3 Vacation of office
A member of an advisory committee shall be deemed to have vacated the member’s office if the member—(a) dies,(b) resigns the member’s office by writing under the member’s hand addressed to the Minister,(c) becomes a temporary patient, a continued treatment patient, a protected person or an incapable person within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1958 or a person under detention under Part 7 of that Act, or(d) is removed from office by the Minister.
4 Vacancies and additional members
The Minister may from time to time appoint additional members of any advisory committee or appoint a member to fill any vacancy.
5 Term of office
The members of an advisory committee shall hold office for such period, not exceeding 4 years, as may be specified in their respective instruments of appointment and are eligible, if otherwise qualified, for further appointment under this Schedule.
6, 7 (Repealed)
8 Quorum
(1) A majority of the members of an advisory committee shall form a quorum at any meeting of the committee and any duly convened meeting of the committee at which a quorum is present shall be competent to transact any business of the committee.(2) Questions arising at a meeting of an advisory committee shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting.
9 Procedure
The procedure for the calling of meetings of an advisory committee and for the conduct of business at those meetings shall, subject to this Schedule and any regulations made in relation thereto, be as determined by the advisory committee.
10 Expenses
A member of an advisory committee shall be entitled to receive such travelling and other expenses (if any) as the Minister may determine in respect of the member.
Schedules 8A, 8B (Repealed)
Schedule 9 The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee
(Section 27 (2))
1 Composition
(1) The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee is to consist of—(a) 13 members appointed by the Minister in accordance with this clause, and(b) an ex-officio member, being the Secretary (or his or her delegate).(1A) The ex-officio member is a non-voting member of the Committee.(2) The appointed members of the Committee are to consist of—(a) one member nominated by the New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council, and(b) one member nominated by the Heritage Council of New South Wales, and(c) one member nominated by the NTSCORP Limited (ACN 098 971 209), and(d) 10 other members appointed from the following—(i) nominees of Aboriginal elders groups,(ii) native title holders within the meaning of the Native Title Act 1993 of the Commonwealth and registered native title claimants,(iii) Aboriginal owners listed on the register under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.(3) The members of the Committee are to be persons who—(a) are involved in cultural heritage matters in their local communities, and(b) have an understanding of cultural heritage management issues.(4) The Minister is to ensure that—(a) as far as is reasonably practicable, there is gender balance in the membership of the Committee, and(b) as far as is reasonably practicable, the members of the Committee come from a range of cultural areas across New South Wales, and(c) all the appointed members of the Committee are Aboriginal persons.(5) The Minister is to cause an advertisement inviting written nominations of persons for appointment to the Committee to be published in a newspaper circulating throughout New South Wales and in a newspaper widely read in Aboriginal communities in New South Wales.(6) The advertisement must specify the following—(a) the number of members to be appointed to the Committee pursuant to nomination,(b) the particular capacity or capacities (being a capacity specified in subclause (2) or (3)) that a member will be required to have,(c) the closing date for nominations (being a date not earlier than 28 days after the date of the advertisement),(d) the address to which nominations are to be sent.(7) The advertisement must also state that a nomination will not be accepted unless the nominee’s written consent to the nomination is forwarded with the nomination.(8) The Minister is not to appoint a person as a member of the Committee unless—(a) the person was duly nominated under this clause, and(b) nominations have closed, and(c) the Minister has considered all nominations duly received.
2 Term of office
A member shall, subject to this Schedule, hold office for a period of 3 years or such lesser period as may be specified in the member’s instrument of appointment, and is eligible for reappointment as a member.
3 Removal from office
The Minister may for any cause which to the Minister seems sufficient remove from office any member of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee.
4 Vacation of office
A member of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee shall be deemed to have vacated the member’s office if the member—(a) dies,(b) resigns the member’s office by writing under the member’s hand addressed to the Minister,(c) becomes a temporary patient, a continued treatment patient, a protected person or an incapable person within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1958 or a person under detention under Part 7 of that Act,(d) ceases to hold the qualification by virtue of which the member was appointed, or(e) is removed from office by the Minister.
5 Filling casual vacancy
On the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of a member of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee, otherwise than by the expiration of the term for which the member was appointed, the Minister may appoint a person to hold that office for the balance of the predecessor’s term of office, being a person qualified under clause 1 in the same manner (if any) of that predecessor.
6 Alternate members
(1) The Minister may at any time appoint, as an alternate member to act during the absence or illness of a member of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee, a person qualified under clause 1 in the same manner (if any) as the person for whom he or she is the alternate member.(2) An alternate member shall have and may exercise, while acting as a member of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee, the powers, authorities, duties and functions, as such a member, of the person for whom he or she is the alternate member.
6A Presiding member
At a meeting of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee, a member elected by the members present at the meeting to chair the meeting is to preside at the meeting.
7 Quorum
(1) Seven members shall form a quorum at any meeting of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee and any duly convened meeting at which a quorum is present shall be competent to transact any business of the Committee.(2) Questions arising at a meeting of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting.
8 Procedure
The procedure for the calling of meetings of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee and for the conduct of business at those meetings shall, subject to the Schedule and any regulations made in relation thereto, be as determined by the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee.
9 Fees
A member of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee shall be entitled to receive such fees and travelling or other expenses (if any) as the Minister may determine in respect of the member.
10 (Repealed)
Schedule 9A Transfer of assets, rights and liabilities
(Sections 47B, 47GG, 47N, 47O, 47Y)
1 Definitions
In this Schedule—assets means any legal or equitable estate or interest (whether present or future and whether vested or contingent) in real or personal property of any description (including money), and includes securities, choses in action and documents.conveyance includes transfer, assignment and assurance.former trustees means the trustees holding office under any other Act as trustees in respect of land immediately before the reservation of the land as a state recreation area or regional park.instrument means an instrument (other than this Act) that creates, modifies or extinguishes rights or liabilities (or would do so if lodged, filed or registered in accordance with any law), and includes any judgment, order or process of a court.liabilities means all liabilities, debts or obligations (whether present or future and whether vested or contingent).
2 Transfer of assets when land is reserved as state conservation area or regional park
(1) Subject to subclause (2), on the publication in the Gazette of a notice under section 30A in relation to a state conservation area or a regional park, the assets, rights and liabilities of the former trustees (if any) of the land concerned are transferred to the Secretary and the following provisions have effect—(a) those assets vest in the Secretary by virtue of this clause and without the need for any conveyance,(b) those rights and liabilities become the rights and liabilities of the Secretary,(c) all proceedings relating to those assets, rights and liabilities commenced before the transfer by or against the trustees and pending immediately before the transfer are taken to be proceedings pending by or against the Secretary,(d) any act, matter or thing relating to those assets, rights and liabilities done or omitted to be done before the transfer by, to or in respect of the trustees is (to the extent that that act, matter or thing has any force or effect) taken to have been done or omitted by, to or in respect of the Secretary,(e) a reference in any instrument of any kind to the trustees in so far as it relates those assets, rights and liabilities is to be read as a reference to the Secretary.(2) If, on the publication in the Gazette of a notice under section 30A in relation to a state conservation area or a regional park, a state conservation area trust or regional park trust is constituted in respect of the reserved land—(a) the assets, rights and liabilities of the former trustees (if any) of the land concerned are transferred to the relevant state conservation area trust or regional park trust, and(b) the provisions of subclause (1) (a)–(e) apply as if references in those provisions to the Secretary were references to the state conservation area trust or regional park trust concerned.
3 Transfer of assets when state conservation area trust or regional park trust is dissolved
(1) On the date on which a notice under section 47GG or 47Y takes effect to dissolve a state conservation area trust or regional park trust, the care, control and management of the relevant state conservation area or regional park vests in the Secretary, the assets, rights and liabilities (if any) of the dissolved trust are transferred to the Secretary and the following provisions have effect—(a) the assets of the dissolved trust vest in the Secretary by virtue of this clause without the need for any conveyance,(b) the rights and liabilities of the dissolved trust become the rights and liabilities of the Secretary,(c) all proceedings commenced before that day by or against the dissolved trust and pending immediately before that day are taken to be proceedings pending by or against the Secretary,(d) any act, matter or thing done or omitted to be done before that day by, to or in respect of the trust is (to the extent that that act, matter or thing has any force or effect) taken to have been done or omitted by, to or in respect of the Secretary,(e) a reference in any instrument of any kind to the dissolved trust is to be read as a reference to the Secretary.(2) No attornment to the Secretary by a lessee from the dissolved trust is required.
4 Transfer of assets relating to trustees of certain state recreation areas that are converted to reserve trusts
On the commencement of section 47N, the assets, rights and liabilities of the trustees (if any) of the state recreation areas to which that section applies are transferred to the respective reserve trust and the following provisions have effect—(a) those assets vest in the reserve trust concerned by virtue of this clause and without the need for any conveyance,(b) those rights and liabilities become the rights and liabilities of the reserve trust,(c) all proceedings relating to those assets, rights and liabilities commenced before the transfer by or against the trustees of the state recreation area and pending immediately before the transfer are taken to be proceedings pending by or against the reserve trust,(d) any act, matter or thing relating to those assets, rights and liabilities done or omitted to be done before the transfer by, to or in respect of the trustees is (to the extent that that act, matter or thing has any force or effect) taken to have been done or omitted by, to or in respect of the reserve trust,(e) a reference in any instrument of any kind to the trustees of the state recreation areas in so far as it relates to those assets, rights and liabilities is to be read as a reference to the reserve trust.
5 Operation of Schedule
(1) The operation of this Schedule is not to be regarded—(a) as a breach of contract or confidence or otherwise as a civil wrong, or(b) as a breach of any contractual provision prohibiting, restricting or regulating the assignment or transfer of assets, rights or liabilities, or(c) as giving rise to any remedy by a party to an instrument, or as causing or permitting the termination of any instrument, because of a change in the beneficial or legal ownership of any asset, right or liability, or(d) as an event of default under any contract or other agreement.(2) Stamp duty is not chargeable in respect of the transfer of assets, rights and liabilities under this Schedule.
Schedule 10 Provisions relating to trust boards
(Sections 47GB, 47T)
1 Definition
In this Schedule—member means a member of a trust board.
2 Acting members
(1) The Minister may, from time to time, appoint a person to act in the office of a member during the illness or absence of the member, and the person, while so acting, has and may exercise all the functions of the member and is taken to be a member.(2) The Minister may remove a person from the office to which the person was appointed under this clause.(3) For the purposes of this clause, a vacancy in the office of a member is regarded as an absence from office of the member.
3 Term of office
Subject to this Schedule, a member holds office for such period not exceeding 5 years as may be specified in the instrument of appointment of the member, but is eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-appointment.
4 Vacancy in office of member
(1) The office of a member becomes vacant if the member—(a) dies, or(b) completes a term of office and is not re-appointed, or(c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister, or(d) becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any law for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with his or her creditors or makes an assignment of his or her remuneration for their benefit, or(e) becomes a mentally incapacitated person, or(f) is convicted in New South Wales of an offence that is punishable by imprisonment for 12 months or more or is convicted elsewhere than in New South Wales of an offence that, if committed in New South Wales, would be an offence so punishable, or(g) is removed by the Minister under this clause.(1A) In addition, the office of a member who is a member by virtue of being the holder of a particular office becomes vacant if the member ceases to hold the office that qualifies the member as a member.(2) The Minister may remove a member from office at any time.
5 Filling of vacancy
If the office of a member becomes vacant, a person may, subject to this Act, be appointed to fill the vacancy.
6 Disclosure of pecuniary interests
(1) If—(a) a member of a trust board has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter that is being considered or is about to be considered at a meeting of the board, andthe member must, as soon as possible after the relevant facts have come to the member’s knowledge, disclose the nature of the interest at a meeting of the trust board.(b) the interest appears to raise a conflict with the proper performance of the member’s duties in relation to the consideration of the matter,(2) A disclosure by a member at a meeting of the trust board that the member—(a) is a member, or is in the employment, of a specified company or other body, or(b) is a partner, or is in the employment, of a specified person, oris a sufficient disclosure of the nature of the interest in any matter or thing relating to that company or other body or to that person which may arise after the date of the disclosure and which is required to be disclosed under subclause (1).(c) has some other specified interest relating to a specified company or other body or a specified person,(3) Particulars of any disclosure made under this clause are to be recorded by the trust board in a book kept for the purpose and that book is to be open at all reasonable hours to inspection by any person.(4) After a member has disclosed the nature of an interest in any matter, the member must not, unless the Minister or the trust board otherwise determines, be present during any deliberation of the trust board, or take part in any decision of the trust board, with respect to the matter.(5) A contravention of this clause does not invalidate any decision of the trust board.
7 Liability of members and other persons
A matter or thing done or omitted to be done by—(a) an SRA trust or regional park trust, or(b) a member, or(c) an administrator while managing the affairs of an SRA trust or regional park trust, or of a local council in relation to the care, control and management of a regional park, ordoes not, if the matter or thing was done in good faith for the purposes of executing this or any other Act, subject any member, administrator or person so acting personally to any action, liability, claim or demand.(d) a person acting under the direction of a trust board, or of an administrator while so managing,
8 General procedure and first meeting of members
(1) The procedure for the calling of meetings of the members of a trust board and for the conduct of business is, subject to any directions by the Secretary, to be as determined by the members.(2) The Secretary is to call the first meeting of the members of a trust board in such manner as the Secretary thinks fit.
9 Quorum
The quorum for a meeting of the members of a trust board is a majority of the members for the time being.
10 Voting
A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the members of a trust board at which a quorum is present is the decision of the trust board.
11 Minutes of meetings
A trust board is required to keep full and accurate minutes of the proceedings of each of its meetings.
Schedules 11–13 (Repealed)
Schedule 14 Lands of cultural significance to Aboriginal persons
(Sections 71D (2), 71U, 71AW and 71BM)
Biamanga National Park
Bulagaranda (Mt Yarrowyck) Aboriginal Area
Gulaga National Park
Jervis Bay National Park
Mungo National Park
Mootwingee Historic Site, Mootwingee National Park and Coturaundee Nature Reserve
Mount Grenfell Historic Site
Schedule 14A Boards of management established under Part 4A
(Section 71AN (6A))
Part 1 General
1 Definitions
In this Schedule—board of management means a board of management established under Part 4A (Aboriginal land) of this Act.Chairperson means the Chairperson of a board of management elected in accordance with clause 5.Deputy Chairperson means the Deputy Chairperson of a board of management elected in accordance with clause 5.member means any member of the board of management.
Part 2 Constitution
2 Deputies
(1) The Minister may, from time to time, appoint a person to be the deputy of a member, and the Minister may revoke any such appointment.(2) The person appointed must be selected from the same category of persons specified in section 71AN (3) of this Act, and in accordance with the terms of any relevant lease, as the member for whom the person is to deputise.(3) In the absence of a member, the member’s deputy may, if available, act in the place of the member.(4) While acting in the place of a member, a person has all the functions of the member and is taken to be a member.(5) For the purposes of this clause, a vacancy in the office of a member is taken to be an absence of the member.(6) This clause does not operate to confer on the deputy of a member who is the Chairperson of a board of management the member’s functions as Chairperson.
3 Vacancy in office of member
(1) The office of a member becomes vacant if the member—(a) dies, or(b) completes a term of office and is not re-appointed, or(c) resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister, or(d) is removed from office by the Minister under this clause, or(e) is absent from 3 consecutive meetings of the member’s board of management (of which reasonable notice has been given to the member personally, by post or by email), unless—(i) before the meetings, the board granted leave to the member to be absent from those meetings, or(ii) after the meetings, the member was excused by the board for having been absent from those meetings, or(f) becomes a mentally incapacitated person.(2) The Minister may remove a member from office at any time.
4 Filling of casual vacancy in office of member
(1) If the office of any member becomes vacant, a person is, subject to this Act, to be appointed to fill the vacancy.(2) In relation to a vacancy in the office of a member appointed under section 71AN (3) (a), the Minister is to appoint the deputy of the member (if any) to serve for the remainder of the member’s term of office.
5 Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson
(1) The members of a board of management are to elect a Chairperson and a Deputy Chairperson of the board from amongst the persons referred to in section 71AN (3) (a) of this Act.(2) The Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson vacates office if he or she—(a) resigns that office by instrument in writing addressed to the Minister, or(b) ceases to be a member of the board of management.
6 Disclosure of pecuniary interests
(1) If—(a) a member has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter being considered or about to be considered at a meeting of the member’s board of management, andthe member must, as soon as possible after the relevant facts have come to the member’s knowledge, disclose the nature of the interest at a meeting of the board of management.(b) the interest appears to raise a conflict with the proper performance of the member’s duties in relation to the consideration of the matter,(2) A disclosure by a member at a meeting of the board of management that the member—(a) is a member, or is in the employment, of a specified company or other body, or(b) is a partner, or is in the employment, of a specified person, oris a sufficient disclosure of the nature of the interest in any matter relating to that company or other body or to that person which may arise after the date of the disclosure and which is required to be disclosed under subclause (1).(c) has some other specified interest relating to a specified company or other body or to a specified person,(3) Particulars of any disclosure made under this clause must be recorded by the board of management in a book kept for the purpose and that book must be open at all reasonable hours to inspection by any person.(4) After a member has disclosed the nature of an interest in any matter, the member must not, unless the Minister or the board of management otherwise determines—(a) be present during any deliberation of the board of management with respect to the matter, or(b) take part in any decision of the board of management with respect to the matter.(5) For the purposes of the making of a determination by the board of management under subclause (4), a member who has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter to which the disclosure relates must not—(a) be present during any deliberation of the board of management for the purpose of making the determination, or(b) take part in the making by the board of management of the determination.(6) A contravention of this clause does not invalidate any decision of the board of management.
7 Effect of certain other Acts
(1) The provisions of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 relating to the employment of Public Service employees do not apply to a member.(2) If by or under any Act provision is made—(a) requiring a person who is the holder of a specified office to devote the whole of his or her time to the duties of that office, orthe provision does not operate to disqualify the person from holding that office and also the office of a member or from accepting and retaining any remuneration payable to the person under this Act as a member.(b) prohibiting the person from engaging in employment outside the duties of that office,
Part 3 Procedure
8 General procedure
The procedure for the calling of meetings of a board of management and for the conduct of business at those meetings is, subject to this Act, to be as determined by the board of management concerned.
9 Presiding member
(1) The Chairperson is to preside at a meeting of the board of management.(2) In the absence of the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson may, if available, act in the place of the Chairperson.(3) If both the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson are absent from a meeting of a board of management, the members present are to elect another person referred to in section 71AN (3) (a) of this Act to chair the meeting.(4) While acting in the place of the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson or person elected under subclause (3) has all the functions of the chairperson and is taken to be the chairperson.(5) The presiding member does not have a casting vote in relation to any motion but may vote in his or her own right if otherwise entitled.
10 Quorum
(1) The quorum for a meeting of a board of management is a majority of its members for the time being (including the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson).(2) A meeting of a board of management has a quorum only if a majority of the members present are persons referred to in section 71AN (3) (a).
11 Voting
(1) At any meeting of a board of management, all members present are to strive for consensus in reaching decisions.(2) However, if no such consensus has been reached, a decision by a board of management has effect if, at a meeting at which a quorum is present—(a) if the Minister has approved in writing a decision making process by a board—it is made in accordance with that process, or(b) in any other case—it is supported by a majority of the votes cast at the meeting.
12 Transaction of business outside meetings or by telephone
(1) A board of management may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business by the circulation of papers among all the members of the board of management for the time being, and a resolution in writing approved in writing in accordance with the requirements set out in clause 11 is taken to be a decision of the board of management.(2) A board of management may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business at a meeting at which members (or some members) participate by telephone, closed-circuit television or other means, but only if any member who speaks on a matter before the meeting can be heard by the other members.(3) For the purposes of—(a) the approval of a resolution under subclause (1), orthe Chairperson and each member have the same voting rights as they have at an ordinary meeting of the board of management.(b) a meeting held in accordance with subclause (2),(4) A resolution approved under subclause (1) is to be recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the board of management.(5) Papers may be circulated among the members for the purposes of subclause (1) by facsimile or other transmission of the information in the papers concerned.
13 First meeting
The Minister may call the first meeting of a board of management in such manner as the Minister thinks fit.
Schedule 15 Leases in respect of which head leases may be granted
(Section 151H)
Lease dated 6.10.1978 between Minister for Lands and The Man at Perisher Hotel Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110028) Lot 205, DP 44467
Lease dated 12.6.1991 between Minister for the Environment and Keenhold Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110027) Lot 1, DP 1186362
Lease dated 9.12.1991 between Minister for the Environment and Sundeck Hotel Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110107) Lot 613, DP 1158018
Lease dated 3.7.2009 between The Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Kosciusko Alpine Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110051) Lot 53, DP 756697
Lease dated 9.3.1984 between Minister for Planning and Environment and Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110150) Lot 239, DP 704186
Lease dated 3.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Mount Pritchard and District Community Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110120) Lot 137, DP 756697
Lease dated 22.9.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and City Tattersalls Club in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110099) Lot 59, DP 756697
Lease dated 9.11.2010 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Chez Jean Apartments Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110100) Lot 133, DP 756697
Lease dated 4.2.2013 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Corroboree Ski Lodge Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110108) Lot 1, DP 1164541
Lease dated 14.1.2014 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Eiger Chalet Nominees Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110025) Lot 193, DP 44456
Lease dated 26.11.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and J. Harvey and S. Harvey in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110124) Lot 138, DP 756697
Lease dated 9.3.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Southern Alps Ski Club Lodge Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110076) Lot 191, DP 257289
Lease dated 17.5.2011 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and H.D Diesels Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110132) Lot 601, DP 1158969
Lease dated 25.3.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Matterhorn Ski Lodge Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110101) Lot 1, DP 1016857
Lease dated 19.2.1996 between Minister for the Environment and Haldell Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110026) Lot 192, DP 257290
Lease dated 19.3.2010 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Salzburg Apartments (Perisher Valley) Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110110) Lot 255, DP 727496
Lease dated 16.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and BJM Investment Holdings Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110133) Lot 125, DP 756697
Lease dated 19.2.1996 between Minister for the Environment and Barina Milpara Lodge Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110102) Lot 152, DP 756697
Lease dated 4.12.2012 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 on behalf of the State of New South Wales and FJ Precision (Holdings) Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110136) Lot 1, DP 1172991
Lease dated 20.3.1984 between Minister for Planning and Environment and Deanes Management Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110118) Lot 603, DP 1158020
Lease dated 31.10.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Alexandra Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110030) Lot 199, DP 44462
Lease dated 3.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Aurora Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110031) Lot 52, DP 56697
Lease dated 5.2.1996 between Minister for the Environment and Australian Golf Club Ski Lodge Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110029) Lot 605, DP 1158020
Lease dated 16.3.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Avalanche Alpine Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110032) Lots 607 and 608, DP 1158022
Lease dated 5.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Beachcombers Alpine Retreat Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110033) Lot 91, DP 756697
Lease dated 25.11.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Canberra Alpine Club Incorporated in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110034) Lot 1, DP 1011214
Lease dated 9.4.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Cooma Ski Club Lodge Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110036) Lots 617 and 618, DP 1158118
Lease dated 20.8.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Cronulla Alpine Lodge Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110038) Lot 85, DP 756697
Lease dated 16.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and CSIRO Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110039) Lot 206, DP 725488
Lease dated 11.3.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Dianella Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110040) Lot 83, DP 756697
Lease dated 8.4.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Dulmison Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110041) Lot 262, DP 727585
Lease dated 22.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Edelweiss Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110042) Lot 86, DP 756697
Lease dated 23.11.2010 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Eremo Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110043) Lot 602, DP1153937
Lease dated 2.6.2010 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Fjellheim Ski Lodge Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110044) Lot 1, DP 1153938
Lease dated 9.12.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Geebung Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110045) Lot 1, DP 1139410
Lease dated 22.5.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Gunyah Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110046) Lot 258, DP 812197
Lease dated 16.2.1996 between Minister for the Environment and Highway Alpine Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110017) Lot 1, DP 1085250
Lease dated 27.11.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Hus-ski Lodge Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110047) Lot 94, DP 756697
Lease dated 1.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and The Port Kembla Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110091) Lot 234, DP 725491
Lease dated 19.2.1996 between Minister for the Environment and Kalymaro Lodge (Coop) Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110018) Lot 1, DP 861060
Lease dated 7.5.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Kandahar Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110048) Lot 84, DP 756697
Lease dated 21.1.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Karralika Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110049) Lot 1, DP 1016856
Lease dated 21.1.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Kosciusko Snow Revellers Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110052) Lot 269, DP 825208
Lease dated 16.8.2010 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Kunapipi Ski Club Coop Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110054) Lot 1, DP 863582
Lease dated 5.2.1996 between Minister for the Environment and Ku-ring-gai Alpine Lodge Co-op in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110053) Lot 600, DP 1158765
Lease dated 8.9.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Lampada Ski Club Coop Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110055) Lot 1, DP 1001324
Lease dated 2.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Langlauf Ski Club Coop Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110056) Lot 90, DP 756697
Lease dated 24.3.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Manly-Warringah Master Builders Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110057) Lot 211, DP 873436
Lease dated 26.10.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and The Thirroul Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110082) Lot 238, DP 721847
Lease dated 5.2.1996 between Minister for the Environment and Merriment Alpine Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110058) Lot 611, DP 1158018
Lease dated 19.4.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Mirrabooka Co-op Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110059) Lots 615 and 616, DP 1158108
Lease dated 16.2.1996 between Minister for the Environment and Munjarra Co-operative Ski Club Limited in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110019) Lot 62, DP 756697
Lease dated 16.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Narraburra Ski Club Coop Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110060) Lots 609 and 610, DP 1158023
Lease dated 3.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Oldina Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110061) Lot 60, DP 756697
Lease dated 27.11.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Orana Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110062) Lot 95, DP 756697
Lease dated 22.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Parrawa Ski Club in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110063) Lot 270, DP 825209
Lease dated 3.6.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Kiandra Pioneer Ski Club (1861) Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110050) Lot 1, DP 1131905
Lease dated 3.2.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and R.A.N. Ski Club in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110066) Lot 263, DP 812199
Lease dated 12.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Redwood Ski Club Lodge Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110070) Lot 131, DP 756697
Lease dated 7.1.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Rock Creek Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110071) Lot 46, DP 756697
Lease dated 8.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Rugby Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110072) Lot 66, DP 1085269
Lease dated 6.10.2010 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Snowgums Alpine Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110074) Lot 1, DP 1085253
Lease dated 16.1.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Sundowner Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110077) Lot 136, DP 756697
Lease dated 3.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Sydney Ski Club in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110078) Lot 97, DP 756697
Lease dated 24.7.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Tambaroora Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110079) Lot 237, DP 704185
Lease dated 16.2.1996 between Minister for the Environment and Tarrawonga Alpine Club Co-op in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110020) Lot 135, DP 756697
Lease dated 15.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Technology Ski Club Inc in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110080) Lot 207, DP 725489
Lease dated 13.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Telemark Ski Club Coop Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110081) Lot 87, DP 756697
Lease dated 12.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Trissana Ski Lodge Inc in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110084) Lot 240, DP 704187
Lease dated 5.2.1996 between Minister for the Environment and University Alpine Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110021) Lot 1, DP 880555
Lease dated 17.4.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Ullr Ski Lodge Co-op Society Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110085) Lot 134, DP 756697
Lease dated 11.5.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Waratah Ski Club Limited in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110086) Lot 76, DP 756697
Lease dated 27.11.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Wirruna Lodge Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110088) Lot 65, DP 756697
Lease dated 25.2.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Warrugang Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110087) Lot 1, DP 1130400
Lease dated 18.1.2012 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Public Service Officers Ski Club Co-op in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110065) Lot 73, DP 756697
Lease dated 2.12.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Yaraandoo Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110089) Lot 96, DP 756697
Lease dated 3.6.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Yeti Alpine Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110090) Lot 241, DP 704188
Lease dated 22.8.2011 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and South Perisher Co-op Alpine Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110103) Lot 187, DP 257287
Lease dated 12.3.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Shortland Alpine Club Co-op Ltd in respect of and situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110073) Lot 271, DP 859661
Lease dated 12.4.2010 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Perisher Heutte Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110064) Lot 157, DP 1130401
Lease dated 25.10.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Cowra Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110037) Lot 265, DP 812716
Lease dated 2.4.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Christina Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110035) Lot 150, DP 756697
Lease dated 29.10.1986 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Health Administration Corporation in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110157) Lot 261, DP 812714
Lease dated 13.11.1989 between Minister for Environment and Board of Fire Commissioners in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110158) Lot 235, DP 727494
Lease dated 25.8.2011 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and NSW Ski Association Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110131) Lot 1, DP 1110236
Lease dated 27.1.1972 between Minister for Lands of the State of New South Wales and Trustees of the All Denominational Alpine Church in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110159) Lot 167, DP 756697
Lease dated 9.9.1966 between Minister for Lands of the State of New South Wales and Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110156) Lot 164, DP 756697
Lease dated 21.6.1985 between Minister for Planning and Environment and R. L., J. C., D. J. and C. R. Pryke in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110106) Lot 1, DP 1175034
Lease dated 21.6.1985 between Minister for Planning and Environment and R. L., J. C., D. J. and C. R. Pryke in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110105) Lot 1, DP 1152693
Lease dated 18.3.2011 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Ski Lodge 21 Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110119) Lot 21, DP 756697
Lease dated 10.5.2013 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Valse Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110098) Lot 1, DP 1153868
Lease dated 29.7.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Jade Holdings Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110135) Lot 213, DP 46317
Lease dated 15.4.2010 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Snowy Gums Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110134) Lot 195, DP 44458
Lease dated 17.8.1979 between Minister for Planning and Environment and Snow Accommodation Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110149) Lot 1, DP 1195135
Lease dated 3.10.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Heidis Chalet Apartments Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110121) Lot 190, DP 870623
Lease dated 28.5.2010 between The Honourable Verity Firth, Minister for the Climate Change and the Environment of the State of New South Wales being Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Snowline Ski Centre (Kosciusko) Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 160018) Lot 220, DP 45175
Lease dated 21.6.1985 between Minister for Planning and Environment and R.L. & J.C. Pryke and D.J. & C.R. Pryke in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110104) Lot 1, DP 1152693
Lease dated 17.10.1979 between Minister for Planning and Environment and Apex Foundation in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110163) Lot 197, DP 44460
Lease dated 3.11.2011 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Caloola Ski Club Coop Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110022) Lot 34, DP 756697
Lease dated 21.4.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Clancy Alpine Club Co-op Society Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110068) Lot 180, DP 756697
Lease dated 7.7.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Fellowship Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110069) Lot 268, DP 645388
Lease dated 17.2.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Gunuma Lodge Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110075) Lot 24, DP 756697
Lease dated 26.11.2008 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Illawarra Alpine Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110083) Lot 1, DP 1085251
Lease dated 19.1.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and IMBAC Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110092) Lot 209, DP 721844
Lease dated 9.6.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Illoura Lodge Ski Club Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110093) Lot 243, DP 704189
Lease dated 2.10.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Muniong Ski Club Coop Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110094) Lot 1, DP 832616
Lease dated 20.7.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Snow Culture Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110130) Lot 219, DP 44471
Lease dated 25.1.2010 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Snow Country Ski Club Co-operative Limited in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110095) Lot 252, DP 812196
Lease dated 19.3.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Anglican Youth Department Diocese of Sydney Ski Lodge Limited in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110067) Lot 1, DP 875254
Lease dated 25.3.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Wild Spitz Ski Club Incorporated in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110096) Lot 1, DP 1085254
Lease dated 8.12.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Windarra Ski Lodge Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Smiggin Holes (NPWS reference: 110097) Lot 23, DP 756697
Lease dated 17.7.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Kaiwarra Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Guthega (NPWS reference: 110122) Lot 1, DP 1085249
Lease dated 19.3.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Tate Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Guthega (NPWS reference: 110115) Lot 169, DP 756697
Lease dated 16.4.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and the Australian Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Guthega (NPWS reference: 110111) Lot 233, DP 704184
Lease dated 10.1.2013 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and ACTP Ski Club Incorporated in respect of land situated at Guthega (NPWS reference: 110117) Lot 4, DP 1152944
Lease dated 3.4.2012 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Guthega Ski Club Incorporated in respect of land situated at Guthega (NPWS reference: 110114) Lot 1, DP 1152944
Lease dated 19.2.1996 between Minister for the Environment and Brindabella Ski Club Inc. in respect of land situated at Guthega (NPWS reference: 110024) Lot 118, DP 756697
Lease dated 8.1.2010 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Brindabella Ski Club Incorporated in respect of land situated at Guthega (NPWS reference: 110113) Lot 147, DP 756697
Lease dated 25.11.2013 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Snowy River Ski Club Co-op Ltd in respect of land situated at Guthega (NPWS reference: 110023) Lot 3, DP 1152944
Lease dated 16.4.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Blue Cow Ski Club Incorporated in respect of land situated at Guthega (NPWS reference: 110112) Lot 2, DP 1085249
Lease dated 9.11.2011 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Turnak Co-op Ski Club Ltd in respect of land situated at Guthega (NPWS reference: 110116) Lot 2, DP 1152944
Lease dated 23.2.1987 between Minister for Planning and Environment and Perisher Blue Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110155) Lots 214 and 217, DP 44472; Lot 218, DP 44473
Lease dated 6.5.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Main Range Huts Pty Ltd in respect of land situated in Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110109) Lot 1, DP 1114132
Lease dated 16.8.2013 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Perisher Creek Lodge Pty Ltd in respect of land situated at Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110123) Lot 1, DP 1175667
Lease dated 1.5.2009 between Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and Perisher Blue Pty Ltd in respect of land situated in Perisher Valley (NPWS reference: 110145) Lot 183, DP 46286; Lot 182, DP 257284; Lot 185, DP 257285; Lot 186, DP 257286; Lot 203, DP 44465; Lot 204, DP 44466; Lot 211, DP 44469; Lot 208, DP 46288; Lot 225, DP 45179; Lots 229 and 230, DP 704173; Lots 188, 245 and 246, DP 721845; Lots 11, 32, 45, 102, 103, 143–145, 151, 157, 173, 177, 179, 181 and 182, DP 756697; Lot 22, DP 756705; Lot 266, DP 812198; Lot 67, DP 828332; Lot 500, DP 1171936; Lot 502, DP 1171939; Lot 498, DP 1171941; Lot 493, DP 1171943; Lot 538, DP 1171946; Lots 504–510, DP 1171964; Lots 511–513, DP 1171969; Lots 514 and 515, DP 1171945; Lots 516–519, DP 1171979; Lot 520, DP 1171947; Lot 521, DP 1171967; Lots 522 and 523, DP 1171960; Lots 524–534, DP 1171975; Lots 535–537, DP 1171976; Lots 539–544, DP 1171971; Lot 619, DP 1171949
Schedule 16 Land vested in Transport for NSW
(Section 184A)
Kosciuszko Road
Lots 101–107 in RTA Plan number 0286.119.SS.0129
Lot 201 in RTA Plan number 0286.119.SS.0130
Lots 301–313 in RTA Plan number 0286.119.SS.0131
Alpine Way
Lots 401–417 in RTA Plan number 0677.435.SS.0006
Lots 501–522 in RTA Plan number 0677.435.SS.0007
Lots 601–605 in RTA Plan number 0677.435.SS.0008
Lot 701 in RTA Plan number 0677.119.SS.0001
Lots 801–809 in RTA Plan number 0677.119.SS.0002
Lot 901 in RTA Plan number 0677.435.SS.0010