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Administrative Arrangements (Minns Ministry—Administration of Acts) Order 2023

2   Commencement
This order commences on 5 April 2023.
3   Allocation of the administration of Acts
(1)  The administration of the Acts listed in Schedule 1 are allocated to the Ministers indicated in that Schedule.
(2)  An allocation of an Act listed in Schedule 1 may be qualified by words that limit the allocation to portions of the Act.
(3)  Schedule 1 may contain words that note that an Act or portion of an Act is jointly allocated to more than one Minister.
(4)  The administration of Acts or parts of Acts that directly amend other Acts are allocated to the Ministers administering the Act amended.
See the Interpretation Act 1987, section 15 for the interpretation of references to “the Minister” in an Act.
(5)  Notes included in this order do not form part of this order.
4   Repeals
(1)  The following cease to have effect—
(a)  an order that only allocates the administration of Acts,
(b)  a provision of another order that allocates the administration of Acts.
(2)  To avoid doubt, the allocations made by this order replace any previous allocations relating to the Acts concerned that are inconsistent with the allocations made by this order.
Schedule 1 Allocation of the administration of Acts
Nature of allocation
jointly with the Treasurer
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
Parts 1 and 2
jointly with the Special Minister of State and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
sections 28, 28A, 29 and 30 and Schedule 1
in so far as it relates to the UrbanGrowth NSW Development Corporation, jointly with the Treasurer
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
section 9
jointly with the Treasurer
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
whole Act (except section 37B)
jointly with the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Special Minister of State
Deputy Premier
Deputy Premier
Minister for Western Sydney
Minister for Climate Change
Minister for Climate Change
the Minister for Climate Change has joint administration of all Acts allocated to the Minister for Energy
the Minister for Climate Change has joint administration of all Acts allocated to the Minister for the Environment
Minister for the Environment
Minister for the Environment
in so far as it relates to the on-road and on-rail transport of dangerous goods by road or rail
Parts 5A and 5B, jointly with the Minister for Agriculture
Chapter 6, Part 2A
Part 11 and Part 12, Divisions 2 and 3 jointly with the Minister for Agriculture
whole Act (except Parts 4 and 6)
in so far as it relates to Lord Howe Island and section 252 (in so far as it relates to the functions of the Minister for the Environment under the Act)
Minister for Heritage
Minister for Heritage
Special Minister of State
Special Minister of State
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Premier
Minister for Music and the Night-time Economy
Minister for Music and the Night-time Economy
Minister for Jobs and Tourism
Minister for Jobs and Tourism
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Minister for Energy
whole Act jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Minister for Finance (except Part 2, Divisions 1 and 2 and sections 13, 120 (in so far as it relates to registrars of the courts and the Sheriff) and section 123)
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Minister for Finance
whole Act jointly with the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Gaming and Racing (except Part 4 and Schedule 1)
whole Act (except sections 26 and 27, jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government)
whole Act (except sections 28, 28A, 29 and 30 and Schedule 1)
in so far as it relates to the UrbanGrowth NSW Development Corporation, jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Premier
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Minister for Finance
Part 2 and Schedules 1 and 2, and Parts 1 and 4 and Schedule 4 in so far as they relate to Insurance and Care NSW, jointly with the Minister for Work Health and Safety
section 37B
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Minister for Finance
section 76
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Minister for Finance
whole Act (except sections 7, 16 and Schedule 5)
Part 3
Part 4 and Part 7, Division 1A
Minister for Health
Minister for Health
Part 2A, jointly with the Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism
whole Act (except section 4 in so far as it applies the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW), section 165B as a law of New South Wales, and the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW), section 165B)
(a)  Parts 5 and 7 solely
(b)  Part 9 jointly with the Attorney General
Minister for Regional Health
Minister for Regional Health
The Minister for Regional Health has joint administration of all Acts listed for the Minister for Health
Minister for the Illawarra and the South Coast
Minister for the Illawarra and the South Coast
Minister for Transport
Minister for Transport
the Minister for Transport has joint administration of all Acts listed for the Minister for Roads
Minister for Industrial Relations
Minister for Industrial Relations
whole Act except—
(a)  section 148 and Schedule 2, jointly with the Attorney General
(b)  sections 148, 180, 185(2)(d)–(e), 197, 197B, 207 and 208, Part 3 of Chapter 7, section 407 (in relation to provisions administered by the Attorney General), and Schedule 2 and Schedule 4 (in relation to provisions administered by the Attorney General), the Attorney General solely
Minister for Work Health and Safety
Minister for Work Health and Safety
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
whole Act jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government except—
(a)  sections 7(1), (2), (6) and (7) and 16 and Schedule 2, clause 15, jointly the Minister for Work Health and Safety, the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Attorney General
(b)  sections 7(4), 8–10, 14 and 15, Schedule 1, clause 7 and Schedule 2, clauses 1–14, 16 and 17, the Attorney General solely
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government (except Part 4 and Part 7, Division 1A)
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Attorney General
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance (except Part 2, Divisions 1 and 2 and sections 13, 120 (in so far as it relates to registrars of the courts and the Sheriff) and 123)
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Premier and the Special Minister of State
jointly with the Attorney General
jointly with the Attorney General
sections 26 and 27, jointly with the Treasurer
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance
Parts 6, 6B and 6C jointly with the Minister for Building
except section 9
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Minister for Work Health and Safety
jointly with the Minister for Work Health and Safety
jointly with the Minister for Work Health and Safety
jointly with the Minister for Work Health and Safety
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Minister for Jobs and Tourism
whole Act jointly with the Minister for Work Health and Safety except—
(a)  sections 7(1), (2), (6) and (7) and 16 and Schedule 2, clause 15, jointly the Minister for Work Health and Safety, the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government and the Attorney General
(b)  sections 7(4), 8–10, 14 and 15, Schedule 1, clause 7 and Schedule 2, clauses 1–14, 16 and 17, the Attorney General solely
jointly with the Attorney General
jointly with the Attorney General
jointly with the Minister for Small Business
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance
whole Act (except Part 2 and Schedules 1 and 2, and Parts 1 and 4 and Schedule 4 in so far as they relate to Insurance and Care NSW)
jointly with the Minister for Building
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Finance
jointly with the Minister for Work Health and Safety (except Part 4 and Part 7, Division 1A)
jointly with the Minister for Work Health and Safety
Minister for Emergency Services
Minister for Emergency Services
Part 5 and any other provisions of that Act in so far as they relate to functions under Part 5
jointly with the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces (except Parts 5, 6 and 7)
Minister for Youth Justice
Minister for Youth Justice
Minister for Families and Communities
Attorney General
Attorney General
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism
section 183(2)(a)
whole Act (except Part 2A, jointly the Minister for Health and the Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism)
jointly with the Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism
whole Act (except Parts 1 and 2)
Part 2, Divisions 1 and 2 and sections 13, 120 (in so far as it relates to registrars of the courts and the Sheriff) and 123
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
whole Act (except Part 4, jointly with the Minister for Local Government)
section 4 in so far as it applies the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW), section 165B as a law of New South Wales, and the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW), section 165B
(a)  sections 180, 185(2)(d)–(e), 197, 197B, 207 and 208, Part 3 of Chapter 7, section 407 (in relation to provisions administered by the Attorney General) and Schedule 4 (in relation to provisions administered by the Attorney General)
(b)  section 148 and Schedule 2, jointly with the Minister for Industrial Relations
jointly with the Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism
jointly with the Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism
whole Act except—
(a)  Parts 5 and 7
(b)  Part 9, jointly with the Minister for Health
section 293
whole Act (except in so far as it relates to the functions of the Registrar of the register of limited partnerships and incorporated limited partnerships and to the setting of fees to be charged for maintaining that register, jointly with the Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading)
(a)  sections 7(1), (2), (6) and (7) and 16 and Schedule 2, clause 15, jointly with the Minister for Work Health and Safety, the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
(b)  sections 7(4), 8–10, 14 and 15, Schedule 1, clause 7 and Schedule 2, clauses 1–14, 16 and 17
whole Act (except Schedule 1, Part 2, Division 2 and Schedule 1, clause 24, jointly with the Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading)
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
whole Act (except sections 49, 60 and 61 and Schedule 1)
Minister for Agriculture
Minister for Agriculture
whole Act (except Parts 5A and 5B, jointly with the Minister for the Environment)
whole Act (except Part 11 and Part 12, Divisions 2 and 3, jointly with the Minister for the Environment)
jointly with the Minister for Local Government
Minister for Regional New South Wales
Minister for Regional New South Wales
jointly with the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces (except Part 11 and the Fifth Schedule, the Minister for Finance)
Minister for Western New South Wales
Minister for Western New South Wales
Minister for Local Government
Minister for Local Government
whole Act (except Part 4A and Schedule 2, jointly with the Minister for Roads)
Part 4, jointly with the Attorney General
whole Act (except Chapter 6, Part 2A)
jointly with the Minister for Agriculture
Part 3, Division 2 (in so far as it relates to the widening of an unclassified public road for which a council is the roads authority) and sections 175 (in so far as it relates to the power to enter land along or near a public road for which a council is the roads authority), 178(2) and 252 (in so far as it relates to the functions of the Minister for Local Government under the Act)
jointly with the Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism
Vice-President of the Executive Council
Vice-President of the Executive Council
Minister for Finance
Minister for Finance
jointly with the Treasurer
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
whole Act jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government (except Part 2, Divisions 1 and 2 and sections 13, 120 (in so far as it relates to registrars of the courts and the Sheriff) and section 123)
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Gaming and Racing (except Part 4 and Schedule 1)
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
Part 6A
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
Part 11 and the Fifth Schedule
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Treasurer and the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
Minister for Small Business
Minister for Small Business
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
Minister for Multiculturalism
Minister for Multiculturalism
Minister for Sport
Minister for Sport
in so far as it relates to the Crown land known as Parramatta Park, reserve number D500239, the Crown land known as Wollongong Sportsground, reserve number D580096 for public recreation and tourist purposes, in the Parish of Wollongong, County of Camden, the Crown land known as Newcastle International Sports Centre, reserve number D84753 for public recreation, in the Parish of Newcastle, County of Northumberland, and the Crown land known as Newcastle Showground, reserve number D570083 for showground, in the Parish of Newcastle, County of Northumberland
Minister for Housing
Minister for Housing
jointly with the Minister for Families and Communities
jointly with the Minister for Families and Communities
(a)  section 6 solely
(b)  remainder of Act, jointly with the Minister for Families and Communities
Part 7, jointly with the Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading
sections 7 and 16 and Schedule 5
Minister for Homelessness
Minister for Homelessness
Minister for Mental Health
Minister for Mental Health
The Minister for Mental Health has joint administration of all Acts listed for the Minister for Health
Minister for Youth
Minister for Youth
jointly with the Minister for Families and Communities
Minister for the North Coast
Minister for the North Coast
Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading
Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading
whole Act except—
(a)  Parts 1 and 5 and Schedule 2, Part 1, jointly with the Minister for Families and Communities
(b)  Part 4 and Schedule 2, Part 2
jointly with the Minister for Building
jointly with the Minister for Building
whole Act (except in so far as it relates to the on-road and on-rail transport of dangerous goods by road or rail, the Minister for the Environment)
jointly with the Minister for Building
Part 6 and section 10.13(1)(d), jointly with the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces and the Minister for Building
whole Act (except Parts 6, 6A, 6B and 6C)
in so far as it relates to the functions of the Registrar of the register of limited partnerships and incorporated limited partnerships and to the setting of fees to be charged for maintaining that register, jointly with the Attorney General
Schedule 1, Part 2, Division 2 and Schedule 1, clause 24, jointly with the Attorney General
jointly with the Minister for Building
whole Act (except Part 7, jointly with the Minister for Housing)
Minister for Industry and Trade
Minister for Industry and Trade
Minister for Innovation, Science and Technology
Minister for Innovation, Science and Technology
Minister for Building
Minister for Building
jointly with the Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading
jointly with the Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading
jointly with the Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading
Part 6 and section 10.13(1)(d), jointly with the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces and the Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading
whole Act jointly with the Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading except—
(a)  Part 6A, the Minister for Finance solely
(b)  Parts 6, 6B and 6C jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
jointly with the Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading
jointly with the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government
Minister for the Hunter
Minister for the Hunter
Minister for Medical Research
Minister for Medical Research
Minister for the Central Coast
Minister for the Central Coast
Minister for Women
Minister for Seniors
Minister for Seniors
jointly with the Minister for Disability Inclusion
jointly with the Minister for Disability Inclusion
Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads
the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads has joint administration of all Acts listed for the Minister for Roads