An Act to amend a number of Acts to permanently implement regulatory reforms relating to particular measures previously implemented temporarily as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; to amend the Constitution Act 1902 and the Constitution (COVID-19 Emergency Measures) Regulation 2020 to extend particular provisions; and to amend the Interpretation Act 1987 to clarify the requirements for tabling documents in a House of Parliament.
1 Name of Act
This Act is the COVID-19 and Other Legislation Amendment (Regulatory Reforms) Act 2022.
2 Commencement
(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), this Act commences on the date of assent to this Act.(2) Schedules 1.6 and 1.8 commence on 1 April 2022.(3) Schedules 1.3[3]–[10], 1.11[5], 1.12[1], [2] and [4] and 1.17[3]–[10] commence on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.
3 Report on effectiveness of amendments under COVID-19 and Other Legislation Amendment (Regulatory Reforms) Act 2022
(1) The Treasurer must, within 18 months after the commencement of this Act, conduct a review of the amendments made by this Act, other than the amendments made by Schedule 1.4, 1.5, 1.10 and 1.15 of this Act.(2) The purpose of the review is to determine whether the amendments continue to—(a) operate effectively and efficiently, and(b) achieve the intended policy objectives underlying the amendments.(3) The Treasurer must, by 31 December 2023, give a report about the review to the Presiding Officer of each House of Parliament.(4) A copy of a report given to the Presiding Officer of a House of Parliament under subsection (3) must be laid before the House within 5 sitting days of the House after it is received by the Presiding Officer.(5) This section is repealed on 31 January 2024.
Schedule 1 Amendments
1.1, 1.2
(Repealed)[1], [2] (Repealed)
[3] Section 234 Persons who may keep seals of associations
Insert after section 234(2)—(2A) The seal of the association may be kept in electronic form.
[4] Section 234(3)
Insert “, or to keep an electronic copy of the seal,” after “association”.
[5] Section 234(5)
Insert after section 234(4)—(5) The regulations may make provision about keeping and storing the seal of an association in electronic form.
[6] Section 235 Affixing of seal of association
Insert after section 235(3)—(3A) The seal of the association may be affixed physically or electronically.(3B) If the seal is affixed electronically—(a) subsections (1)–(3) do not apply in relation to affixing the seal, and(b) the seal must be affixed in accordance with any requirements prescribed by the regulations under subsection (7).(3C) An instrument or document to which the seal has been electronically affixed has effect as if the seal had been physically affixed to the instrument or document.
[7] Section 235(7) and (8)
Insert after section 235(6)—(7) The regulations may make provision about the following—(a) any requirements for affixing the seal electronically,(b) alternatives to affixing the seal of the association, including—(i) requirements for witnessing or attesting to the alternatives, and(i) records relating to the alternatives,(c) records required to be kept relating to the electronic seal or any prescribed alternative to affixing the seal.(8) A reference in subsections (4)–(6) to affixing the seal of an association to an instrument or document is taken to include a reference to an alternative to affixing the seal in accordance with any regulations made under subclause (7).
[8] Section 238 Regulation-making power for COVID-19 pandemic
Omit the section.
[9] Schedule 1 Meeting procedures of associations
Omit clause 27. Insert instead—27 Way of voting(1) A vote at a meeting by a person entitled to vote or by a proxy must be cast—(a) in person, or(b) if another way is specified in the notice given for the meeting—in the other way.(2) If a way of voting has been specified in the notice under subclause (1)(b), the secretary of the association or, if a managing agent is exercising the functions of the secretary, the managing agent must take reasonable steps to ensure each person entitled to vote at the meeting can participate in and vote at the meeting.(3) The regulations may provide for the following—(a) the ways of voting that may be specified under subclause (1)(b),(b) the circumstances in which a particular way of voting may be specified under subclause (1)(b),(c) without limiting paragraph (a), procedures for voting in a way specified under subclause (1)(b),(d) restricting, prohibiting or requiring the use of specified ways of voting,(e) what may or may not constitute reasonable steps taken by the secretary of the association for the purposes of subclause (2).
[10] Schedule 2 Meeting procedures of association committees
Omit clause 8. Insert instead—8 Ways of voting(1) A vote at a meeting by a person entitled to vote may be cast—(a) in person, or(b) if another way is specified in the notice given for the meeting—in the other way.Note—A person may be present at a meeting even if not actually at the meeting. See the Dictionary, definition of person present.(2) If a way of voting has been specified in the notice under subclause (1)(b), the secretary of the association or, if a managing agent is exercising the functions of the secretary, the managing agent must take reasonable steps to ensure each person entitled to vote at the meeting can participate in and vote at the meeting.(3) The regulations may provide for the following—(a) the ways of voting that may be specified under subclause (1)(b),(b) the circumstances in which a particular way of voting may be specified under subclause (1)(b),(c) without limiting paragraph (a), procedures for voting in a way specified under subclause (1)(b),(d) restricting, prohibiting or requiring the use of specified ways of voting,(e) what may or may not constitute reasonable steps taken by the secretary of the association or managing agent for the purposes of subclause (2).
(Repealed)[1], [2] (Repealed)
[3] Section 271A Regulation-making power for COVID-19 pandemic
Omit section 271A.
[4] Section 272 Persons who may keep seals of owners corporations
Insert after section 272(2)—(2A) The seal of the owners corporation may be kept in electronic form.
[5] Section 272(3)
Insert “, or to keep an electronic copy of the seal,” after “corporation”.
[6] Section 272(5)
Insert after section 272(4)—(5) The regulations may provide for keeping and storing the seal in electronic form.
[7] Section 273 Affixing of seal of owners corporation
Insert after section 273(3)—(3A) The seal of the owners corporation may be affixed physically or electronically.(3B) If the seal is affixed electronically—(a) subsections (1)–(3) do not apply in relation to affixing the seal, and(b) the seal must be affixed in accordance with any requirements prescribed by the regulations under subsection (7).(3C) An instrument or document to which the seal has been electronically affixed has effect as if the seal had been physically affixed to the instrument or document.
[8] Section 273(7) and (8)
Insert after section 273(6)—(7) The regulations may provide for the following—(a) any requirements for affixing the seal electronically,(b) alternatives to affixing the seal of the owners corporation, including any requirements for witnessing or attesting to the alternatives and records relating to the alternatives,(c) records required to be kept relating to the electronic seal or any prescribed alternatives to affixing the seal.(8) A reference in subsections (4)–(6) to affixing the seal of an owners corporation to an instrument or document is taken to include a reference to an alternative to affixing the seal in accordance with the regulations made under subsection (7).
[9] Schedule 1 Meeting procedures of owners corporation
Omit clause 28. Insert instead—28 Ways of voting(1) A vote at a meeting by a person entitled to vote or by a proxy must be cast—(a) in person, or(b) if another way is specified in the notice given for the meeting—in the other way.(2) If a way of voting has been specified in the notice under subclause (1)(b), the secretary of the owners corporation or, if a strata managing agent is exercising the functions of the secretary, the strata managing agent must take reasonable steps to ensure each person entitled to vote at the meeting can participate in and vote at the meeting.(3) The regulations may provide for the following—(a) the ways of voting that may be specified under subclause (1)(b),(b) the circumstances in which a particular way of voting may be specified under subclause (1)(b),(c) without limiting paragraph (a), procedures for voting in a specified way,(d) restricting, prohibiting or requiring the use of specified ways of voting,(e) what may or may not constitute reasonable steps taken by the secretary of the owners corporation or strata managing agent for the purposes of subclause (2).
[10] Schedule 2 Meeting procedures of strata committees
Omit clause 10. Insert instead—10 Way of voting(1) A vote at a meeting by a person entitled to vote may be cast—(a) in person, or(b) if another means has been specified in the notice—by the other means.Note—A person may be present at a meeting even if not actually at the meeting. See section 4(1), definition of person present.(2) If a means of voting has been specified in the notice under subclause (1)(b), the secretary of the owners corporation or, if a strata managing agent is exercising the functions of the secretary, the strata managing agent must take reasonable steps to ensure that each person entitled to vote at the meeting can participate in, and vote at, the meeting by that means.(3) The regulations may make provision about the following—(a) the means of voting that may be specified under subclause (1)(b),(b) the circumstances in which a particular means of voting may be specified under subclause (1)(b),(c) without limiting paragraph (a), procedures for voting by a specified means,(d) restricting, prohibiting or requiring the use of specified means of voting,(e) what may or may not constitute reasonable steps taken by the secretary of the owners corporation or strata managing agent for the purposes of subclause (2).
(Repealed)sch 1: Am 1987 No 15, sec 30C.