Part 1 Preliminary
1.1 Name of Plan
This Plan is Ku-ring-gai Local Environmental Plan 2015.
1.1AA Commencement
This Plan commences 28 days after it is published on the NSW legislation website.
1.2 Aims of Plan
(1) This Plan aims to make local environmental planning provisions for land in Ku-ring-gai in accordance with the relevant standard environmental planning instrument under section 3.20 of the Act.(2) The particular aims of this Plan are as follows—(aa) to protect and promote the use and development of land for arts and cultural activity, including music and other performance arts,(a) to guide the future development of land and the management of environmental, social, economic, heritage and cultural resources within Ku-ring-gai,(b) to protect, enhance and sustainably manage the biodiversity, natural ecosystems, scenic values, water resources and ecological processes within the catchments of Ku-ring-gai for the benefit of current and future generations,(c) to maintain and improve water quality within the catchments of Ku-ring-gai,(d) to facilitate adaptation to climate change,(e) to manage risks to the community and the environment in areas subject to natural hazards and risks,(f) to recognize, protect and conserve Ku-ring-gai’s indigenous and non-indigenous cultural heritage,(g) to ensure that development does not conflict with the hierarchy of commercial centres in Ku-ring-gai,(h) to encourage a diversity of employment within Ku-ring-gai,(i) to encourage a variety of housing types within Ku-ring-gai,(j) to achieve land use relationships that promote the efficient use of infrastructure,(k) to facilitate good management of public assets and promote opportunities for social, cultural and community activities,(l) to facilitate development that complements and enhances amenity for residential uses and public spaces,(m) to establish a hierarchy of commercial centres for Ku-ring-gai,(n) to facilitate development of the commercial centres to enhance Ku-ring-gai’s economic role and cater to the retail and commercial needs of the local community,(o) to protect the character of low density residential areas and the special aesthetic values of land in the Ku-ring-gai 1.2: Am 2021 (297), Sch 1[1].
1.3 Land to which Plan applies
(1) This Plan applies to the land identified on the Land Application Map.(1A) (Repealed)cl 1.3: Am 2021 (297), Sch 1[2].
1.4 Definitions
The Dictionary at the end of this Plan defines words and expressions for the purposes of this Plan.
1.5 Notes
Notes in this Plan are provided for guidance and do not form part of this Plan.
1.6 Consent authority
The consent authority for the purposes of this Plan is (subject to the Act) the Council.
1.7 Maps
(1) A reference in this Plan to a named map adopted by this Plan is a reference to a map by that name—(a) approved by the local plan-making authority when the map is adopted, and(b) as amended or replaced from time to time by maps declared by environmental planning instruments to amend or replace that map, and approved by the local plan-making authority when the instruments are made.(1AA) (Repealed)(2) Any 2 or more named maps may be combined into a single map. In that case, a reference in this Plan to any such named map is a reference to the relevant part or aspect of the single map.(3) Any such maps are to be kept and made available for public access in accordance with arrangements approved by the Minister.(4) For the purposes of this Plan, a map may be in, and may be kept and made available in, electronic or paper form, or both.Note—The maps adopted by this Plan are to be made available on the NSW Planning Portal. Requirements relating to the maps are set out in the documents entitled Standard technical requirements for LEP maps and Standard requirements for LEP GIS data which are available on the website of the Department of Planning and Environment.
1.8 Repeal of planning instruments applying to land
(1) All local environmental plans and deemed environmental planning instruments applying only to the land to which this Plan applies are repealed.Note—The following local environmental plans are repealed under this provision—Ku-ring-gai Planning Scheme Ordinance(2) All local environmental plans and deemed environmental planning instruments applying to the land to which this Plan applies and to other land cease to apply to the land to which this Plan 1.8: Am 2021 (297), Sch 1[3] [4].
1.8A Savings provision relating to development applications
If a development application has been made before the commencement of this Plan in relation to land to which this Plan applies and the application has not been finally determined before that commencement, the application must be determined as if this Plan had not commenced.Note—However, under Division 3.5 of the Act, a development application may be made for consent to carry out development that may only be carried out if the environmental planning instrument applying to the relevant development is appropriately amended or if a new instrument, including an appropriate principal environmental planning instrument, is made, and the consent authority may consider the application. The Division requires public notice of the development application and the draft environmental planning instrument allowing the development at the same time, or as closely together as is 1.8A: Am 2019 (621), Sch 5[1].
1.9 Application of SEPPs
(1) This Plan is subject to the provisions of any State environmental planning policy that prevails over this Plan as provided by section 3.28 of the Act.(2) The following State environmental planning policies (or provisions) do not apply to the land to which this Plan applies—
1.9A Suspension of covenants, agreements and instruments
(1) For the purpose of enabling development on land in any zone to be carried out in accordance with this Plan or with a consent granted under the Act, any agreement, covenant or other similar instrument that restricts the carrying out of that development does not apply to the extent necessary to serve that purpose.(2) This clause does not apply—(a) to a covenant imposed by the Council or that the Council requires to be imposed, or(b) to any relevant instrument within the meaning of section 13.4 of the Crown Land Management Act 2016, or(c) to any conservation agreement within the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, or(d) to any Trust agreement within the meaning of the Nature Conservation Trust Act 2001, or(e) to any property vegetation plan within the meaning of the Native Vegetation Act 2003, or(f) to any biobanking agreement within the meaning of Part 7A of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, or(g) to any planning agreement within the meaning of Subdivision 2 of Division 7.1 of the Act.(3) This clause does not affect the rights or interests of any public authority under any registered instrument.(4) Under section 3.16 of the Act, the Governor, before the making of this clause, approved of subclauses (1)–(3).cl 1.9A: Am 2019 (621), Sch 5[2]–[4].
Part 2 Permitted or prohibited development
2.1 Land use zones
The land use zones under this Plan are as follows—Residential ZonesR1 General ResidentialR2 Low Density ResidentialR3 Medium Density ResidentialR4 High Density ResidentialR5 Large Lot ResidentialBusiness ZonesB1 Neighbourhood CentreB2 Local CentreB4 Mixed UseB5 Business DevelopmentB7 Business ParkSpecial Purpose ZonesSP1 Special ActivitiesSP2 InfrastructureRecreation ZonesRE1 Public RecreationRE2 Private RecreationEnvironment Protection ZonesE1 National Parks and Nature ReservesE2 Environmental ConservationE3 Environmental ManagementE4 Environmental LivingWaterway ZonesW1 Natural Waterwayscl 2.1: Am 2021 (297), Sch 1[5].
2.2 Zoning of land to which Plan applies
For the purposes of this Plan, land is within the zones shown on the Land Zoning Map.
2.3 Zone objectives and Land Use Table
(1) The Land Use Table at the end of this Part specifies for each zone—(a) the objectives for development, and(b) development that may be carried out without development consent, and(c) development that may be carried out only with development consent, and(d) development that is prohibited.(2) The consent authority must have regard to the objectives for development in a zone when determining a development application in respect of land within the zone.(3) In the Land Use Table at the end of this Part—(a) a reference to a type of building or other thing is a reference to development for the purposes of that type of building or other thing, and(b) a reference to a type of building or other thing does not include (despite any definition in this Plan) a reference to a type of building or other thing referred to separately in the Land Use Table in relation to the same zone.(4) This clause is subject to the other provisions of this Plan.Notes—1Schedule 1 sets out additional permitted uses for particular land.2Schedule 2 sets out exempt development (which is generally exempt from both Parts 4 and 5 of the Act). Development in the land use table that may be carried out without consent is nevertheless subject to the environmental assessment and approval requirements of Part 5 of the Act.3Schedule 3 sets out complying development (for which a complying development certificate may be issued as an alternative to obtaining development consent).4Clause 2.6 requires consent for subdivision of land.5Part 5 contains other provisions which require consent for particular development.
2.4 Unzoned land
(1) Development may be carried out on unzoned land only with development consent.(2) In deciding whether to grant development consent, the consent authority—(a) must consider whether the development will impact on adjoining zoned land and, if so, consider the objectives for development in the zones of the adjoining land, and(b) must be satisfied that the development is appropriate and is compatible with permissible land uses in any such adjoining land.
2.5 Additional permitted uses for particular land
(1) Development on particular land that is described or referred to in Schedule 1 may be carried out—(a) with development consent, orin accordance with the conditions (if any) specified in that Schedule in relation to that development.(b) if the Schedule so provides—without development consent,(2) This clause has effect despite anything to the contrary in the Land Use Table or other provision of this Plan.
2.6 Subdivision—consent requirements
(1) Land to which this Plan applies may be subdivided, but only with development consent.Notes—1If a subdivision is specified as exempt development in an applicable environmental planning instrument, such as this Plan or State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, the Act enables it to be carried out without development consent.2Part 6 of State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 provides that the strata subdivision of a building in certain circumstances is complying development.(2) Development consent must not be granted for the subdivision of land on which a secondary dwelling is situated if the subdivision would result in the principal dwelling and the secondary dwelling being situated on separate lots, unless the resulting lots are not less than the minimum size shown on the Lot Size Map in relation to that land.Note—The definition of secondary dwelling in the Dictionary requires the dwelling to be on the same lot of land as the principal dwelling.
2.7 Demolition requires development consent
The demolition of a building or work may be carried out only with development consent.Note—If the demolition of a building or work is identified in an applicable environmental planning instrument, such as this Plan or State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, as exempt development, the Act enables it to be carried out without development consent.
2.8 Temporary use of land
(1) The objective of this clause is to provide for the temporary use of land if the use does not compromise future development of the land, or have detrimental economic, social, amenity or environmental effects on the land.(2) Despite any other provision of this Plan, development consent may be granted for development on land in any zone for a temporary use for a maximum period of 52 days (whether or not consecutive days) in any period of 12 months.(3) Development consent must not be granted unless the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) the temporary use will not prejudice the subsequent carrying out of development on the land in accordance with this Plan and any other applicable environmental planning instrument, and(b) the temporary use will not adversely impact on any adjoining land or the amenity of the neighbourhood, and(c) the temporary use and location of any structures related to the use will not adversely impact on environmental attributes or features of the land, or increase the risk of natural hazards that may affect the land, and(d) at the end of the temporary use period the land will, as far as is practicable, be restored to the condition in which it was before the commencement of the use.(4) Despite subclause (2), the temporary use of a dwelling as a sales office for a new release area or a new housing estate may exceed the maximum number of days specified in that subclause.(5) Subclause (3)(d) does not apply to the temporary use of a dwelling as a sales office mentioned in subclause (4).
Land Use Table
A type of development referred to in the Land Use Table is a reference to that type of development only to the extent it is not regulated by an applicable State environmental planning policy. The following State environmental planning policies in particular may be relevant to development on land to which this Plan applies—
State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007—relating to infrastructure facilities such as those that comprise, or are for, air transport, correction, education, electricity generating works and solar energy systems, health services, ports, railways, roads, waste management and water supply systems
Land Use tbl: Am 2015 (650), Sch 1 [1] [2]; 2017 (493), Sch 1.1 [1] [2]; 2018 (488), Sch 1.1 [1]; 2019 No 1, Sch 2.17; 2019 (621), Sch 3; 2021 (297), Sch 1[6]–[10].
Zone R1 General Residential
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for the housing needs of the community.• To provide for a variety of housing types and densities.• To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents.• To provide for development that is compatible with the environmental and heritage qualities of the locality.• To promote a high standard of urban and architectural design of development,• To promote the establishment of a sustainable community.2 Permitted without consentHome occupations; Roads3 Permitted with consentAttached dwellings; Boarding houses; Building identification signs; Centre-based child care facilities; Community facilities; Dwelling houses; Exhibition homes; Group homes; Home-based child care; Hostels; Multi dwelling housing; Neighbourhood shops; Oyster aquaculture; Places of public worship; Pond-based aquaculture; Recreation facilities (indoor); Residential flat buildings; Respite day care centres; Semi-detached dwellings; Seniors housing; Shop top housing; Tank-based aquaculture4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone R2 Low Density Residential
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for the housing needs of the community within a low density residential environment.• To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents.• To provide for housing that is compatible with the existing environmental and built character of Ku-ring-gai.2 Permitted without consentHome occupations3 Permitted with consentBed and breakfast accommodation; Building identification signs, Business identification signs; Centre-based child care facilities; Community facilities; Dwelling houses; Environmental protection works; Exhibition homes; Flood mitigation works; Group homes; Health consulting rooms; Home-based child care; Home businesses; Home industries; Hospitals; Neighbourhood shops; Oyster aquaculture; Places of public worship; Pond-based aquaculture; Recreation areas; Respite day care centres; Roads; Secondary dwellings; Tank-based aquaculture4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone R3 Medium Density Residential
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for the housing needs of the community within a medium density residential environment.• To provide a variety of housing types within a medium density residential environment.• To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents.• To provide a transition between low density residential housing and higher density forms of development.2 Permitted without consentHome occupations3 Permitted with consentAttached dwellings; Bed and breakfast accommodation; Boarding houses; Building identification signs; Business identification signs; Centre-based child care facilities; Community facilities; Dwelling houses; Environmental protection works; Exhibition homes; Flood mitigation works; Group homes; Home-based child care; Home businesses; Home industries; Hostels; Multi dwelling housing; Neighbourhood shops; Oyster aquaculture; Places of public worship; Recreation areas; Respite day care centres; Roads; Seniors housing; Shop top housing; Tank-based aquaculture4 ProhibitedPond-based aquaculture; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone R4 High Density Residential
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for the housing needs of the community within a high density residential environment.• To provide a variety of housing types within a high density residential environment.• To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents.• To provide for high density residential housing close to public transport, services and employment opportunities.2 Permitted without consentHome occupations3 Permitted with consentAttached dwellings; Bed and breakfast accommodation; Boarding houses; Building identification signs, Business identification signs; Centre-based child care facilities; Community facilities; Dwelling houses; Environmental protection works; Exhibition homes; Flood mitigation works; Home-based child care; Home businesses; Home industries; Hostels; Multi dwelling housing; Neighbourhood shops; Oyster aquaculture; Places of public worship; Recreation areas; Residential flat buildings; Respite day care centres; Roads; Shop top housing4 ProhibitedPond-based aquaculture; Tank-based aquaculture; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone R5 Large Lot Residential
1 Objectives of zone• To provide residential housing in a rural setting while preserving, and minimising impacts on, environmentally sensitive locations and scenic quality.• To ensure that large residential lots do not hinder the proper and orderly development of urban areas in the future.• To ensure that development in the area does not unreasonably increase the demand for public services or public facilities.• To minimise conflict between land uses within this zone and land uses within adjoining zones.• To minimise direct and indirect risks to life, property and the environment from bushfire events.2 Permitted without consentHome occupations3 Permitted with consentBed and breakfast accommodation; Bee keeping; Building identification signs; Business identification signs; Community facilities; Dwelling houses; Emergency services facilities; Environmental facilities; Environmental protection works; Flood mitigation works; Home-based child care; Home businesses; Home industries; Horticulture; Information and education facilities; Neighbourhood shops; Oyster aquaculture; Places of public worship; Plant nurseries; Pond-based aquaculture; Recreation areas; Roads; Roadside stalls; Tank-based aquaculture; Water recycling facilities; Water supply systems4 ProhibitedWater treatment facilities; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre
1 Objectives of zone• To provide a range of small-scale retail, business and community uses that serve the needs of people who live or work in the surrounding neighbourhood.2 Permitted without consentHome occupations3 Permitted with consentBed and breakfast accommodation; Boarding houses; Business premises; Centre-based child care facilities; Community facilities; Health consulting rooms; Home-based child care; Light industries; Medical centres; Neighbourhood shops; Neighbourhood supermarkets; Oyster aquaculture; Respite day care centres; Roads; Shop top housing; Tank-based aquaculture; Water reticulation systems; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 44 ProhibitedAgriculture; Air transport facilities; Airstrips; Animal boarding or training establishments; Biosolids treatment facilities; Boat building and repair facilities; Boat launching ramps; Boat sheds; Camping grounds; Caravan parks; Cellar door premises; Cemeteries; Charter and tourism boating facilities; Correctional centres; Crematoria; Depots; Eco-tourist facilities; Electricity generating works; Exhibition homes; Exhibition villages; Extractive industries; Farm buildings; Freight transport facilities; Function centres; Health services facilities; Heavy industrial storage establishments; Helipads; Highway service centres; Home occupations (sex services); Industrial retail outlets; Industrial training facilities; Industries; Jetties; Landscaping material supplies; Marinas; Mooring pens; Moorings; Mortuaries; Open cut mining; Passenger transport facilities; Plant nurseries; Pond-based aquaculture Recreation facilities (major); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Research stations; Residential accommodation; Resource recovery facilities; Restricted premises; Rural industries; Rural supplies; Sewage treatment plants; Sex services premises; Specialised retail premises; Storage premises; Timber yards; Tourist and visitor accommodation; Transport depots; Truck depots; Vehicle body repair workshops; Vehicle sales or hire premises; Warehouse or distribution centres; Waste disposal facilities; Water recreation structures; Water recycling facilities; Water supply systems; Wharf or boating facilities; Wholesale supplies
Zone B2 Local Centre
1 Objectives of zone• To provide a range of retail, business, entertainment and community uses that serve the needs of people who live in, work in and visit the local area.• To encourage employment opportunities in accessible locations.• To maximise public transport patronage and encourage walking and cycling.• To provide for residential housing close to public transport, services and employment opportunities.• To encourage mixed use buildings that effectively integrate suitable commercial, permitted residential development and other development.2 Permitted without consentHome occupations3 Permitted with consentBoarding houses; Centre-based child care facilities; Commercial premises; Community facilities; Educational establishments; Entertainment facilities; Function centres; Group homes (permanent); Hostels; Home-based child care; Information and education facilities; Light industries; Medical centres; Oyster aquaculture; Passenger transport facilities; Recreation facilities (indoor); Registered clubs; Respite day care centres; Restricted premises; Roads; Seniors housing; Service stations; Shop top housing; Tank-based aquaculture; Tourist and visitor accommodation; Water reticulation systems; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 44 ProhibitedAgriculture; Air transport facilities; Airstrips; Animal boarding or training establishments; Biosolids treatment facilities; Boat building and repair facilities; Boat launching ramps; Boat sheds; Camping grounds; Caravan parks; Cemeteries; Charter and tourism boating facilities; Correctional centres; Crematoria; Depots; Eco-tourist facilities; Exhibition homes; Exhibition villages; Extractive industries; Forestry; Farm buildings; Freight transport facilities; Helipads; Heavy industrial storage establishments; Highway service centres; Industrial retail outlets; Industrial training facilities; Industries; Jetties; Landscaping material supplies; Marinas; Mooring pens; Moorings; Mortuaries; Open cut mining; Plant nurseries; Pond-based aquaculture Recreation facilities (major); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Research stations; Residential accommodation; Resource recovery facilities; Rural industries; Sewage treatment plants; Storage premises; Timber yards; Transport depots; Truck depots; Vehicle body repair workshops; Warehouse or distribution centres; Waste disposal facilities; Water recreation structures; Water recycling facilities; Water supply systems; Wharf or boating facilities; Wholesale supplies
Zone B4 Mixed Use
1 Objectives of zone• To provide a mixture of compatible land uses.• To integrate suitable business, office, residential, retail and other development in accessible locations so as to maximise public transport patronage and encourage walking and cycling.• To support the integrity and viability of adjoining local centres by providing for a range of “out of centre” retail uses such as specialised retail premises and compatible business activities.2 Permitted without consentHome occupations3 Permitted with consentBoarding houses; Centre-based child care facilities; Commercial premises; Community facilities; Educational establishments; Entertainment facilities; Function centres; Group homes (permanent); Hostels; Hotel or motel accommodation; Information and education facilities; Light industries; Medical centres; Oyster aquaculture; Passenger transport facilities; Recreation facilities (indoor); Registered clubs; Residential flat buildings; Respite day care centres; Restricted premises; Roads; Seniors housing; Shop top housing; Tank-based aquaculture; Water reticulation systems; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 44 ProhibitedAgriculture; Air transport facilities; Airstrips; Animal boarding or training establishments; Biosolids treatment facilities; Boat building and repair facilities; Boat launching ramps; Boat sheds; Camping grounds; Caravan parks; Cemeteries; Charter and tourism boating facilities; Correctional centres; Crematoria; Depots; Eco-tourist facilities; Exhibition homes; Exhibition villages; Extractive industries; Farm buildings; Forestry; Freight transport facilities; Heavy industrial storage establishments; Highway service centres; Industrial retail outlets; Industrial training facilities; Industries; Jetties; Marinas; Mooring pens; Moorings; Mortuaries; Open cut mining; Pond-based aquaculture; Recreation facilities (major); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Research stations; Residential accommodation; Rural industries; Sewage treatment plants; Storage premises; Transport depots; Truck depots; Vehicle body repair workshops; Warehouse or distribution centres; Waste or resource management facilities; Water recreation structures; Water recycling facilities; Water supply systems; Wharf or boating facilities; Wholesale supplies
Zone B5 Business Development
1 Objectives of zone• To enable a mix of business and warehouse uses, and specialised retail premises that require a large floor area, in locations that are close to, and that support the viability of, centres.• To provide for specialty retailing and other compatible non-residential uses in locations with poor residential amenity.2 Permitted without consentNil3 Permitted with consentCentre-based child care facilities; Commercial premises; Garden centres; Hardware and building supplies; Hotel or motel accommodation; Landscaping material supplies; Light industries; Oyster aquaculture; Passenger transport facilities; Respite day care centres; Roads; Specialised retail premises; Tank-based aquaculture; Warehouse or distribution centres; Water reticulation systems; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 44 ProhibitedAgriculture; Air transport facilities; Airstrips; Animal boarding or training establishments; Biosolids treatment facilities; Boat building and repair facilities; Boat launching ramps; Boat sheds; Camping grounds; Caravan parks; Cemeteries; Charter and tourism boating facilities; Correctional centres; Crematoria; Eco-tourist facilities; Exhibition homes; Exhibition villages; Extractive industries; Farm buildings; Forestry; Freight transport facilities; Heavy industrial storage establishments; Helipads; Highway service centres; Home-based child care; Home businesses; Home industries; Home occupations; Home occupations (sex services); Industrial training facilities; Industries; Jetties; Marinas; Mooring pens; Moorings; Mortuaries; Open cut mining; Pond-based aquaculture; Recreation facilities (major); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Research stations; Residential accommodation; Rural industries; Sewage treatment plants; Storage premises; Timber yards; Tourist and visitor accommodation; Transport depots; Truck depots; Waste or resource management facilities; Water recreation structures; Water recycling facilities; Water supply systems; Wharf or boating facilities; Wholesale supplies
Zone B7 Business Park
1 Objectives of zone• To provide a range of office and light industrial uses.• To encourage employment opportunities.• To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of workers in the area.2 Permitted without consentNil3 Permitted with consentBusiness premises; Centre-based child care facilities; Food and drink premises; Garden centres; General industries; Hardware and building supplies; Hotel or motel accommodation; Light industries; Neighbourhood shops; Office premises; Oyster aquaculture; Passenger transport facilities; Respite day care centres; Roads; Tank-based aquaculture; Warehouse or distribution centres; Water reticulation systems; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 44 ProhibitedAgriculture; Air transport facilities; Airstrips; Amusement centres; Animal boarding or training establishments; Biosolids treatment facilities; Boat building and repair facilities; Boat launching ramps; Boat sheds; Camping grounds; Caravan parks; Cemeteries; Charter and tourism boating facilities; Correctional centres; Crematoria; Eco-tourist facilities; Exhibition homes; Exhibition villages; Extractive industries; Farm buildings; Forestry; Heavy industrial storage establishments; Helipads; Highway service centres; Home-based child care; Home businesses; Home occupations; Home occupations (sex services); Industries; Jetties; Marinas; Mooring pens; Moorings; Mortuaries; Open cut mining; Pond-based aquaculture Recreation facilities (major); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Research stations; Residential accommodation; Resource recovery facilities; Restricted premises; Retail premises; Rural industries; Sewage treatment plants; Tourist and visitor accommodation; Waste disposal facilities; Water recreation structures; Water recycling facilities; Water supply systems; Wharf or boating facilities; Wholesale supplies
Zone SP1 Special Activities
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for special land uses that are not provided for in other zones.• To provide for sites with special natural characteristics that are not provided for in other zones.• To facilitate development that is in keeping with the special characteristics of the site or its existing or intended special use, and that minimises any adverse impacts on surrounding land.2 Permitted without consentNil3 Permitted with consentAquaculture; The purpose shown on the Land Zoning Map, including any development that is ordinarily incidental or ancillary to development for that purpose4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone SP2 Infrastructure
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for infrastructure and related uses.• To prevent development that is not compatible with or that may detract from the provision of infrastructure.2 Permitted without consentNil3 Permitted with consentAquaculture; The purpose shown on the Land Zoning Map, including any development that is ordinarily incidental or ancillary to development for that purpose; Environmental protection works; Flood mitigation works; Recreation areas; Roads4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone RE1 Public Recreation
1 Objectives of zone• To enable land to be used for public open space or recreational purposes.• To provide a range of recreational settings and activities and compatible land uses.• To protect and enhance the natural environment for recreational purposes.• To protect, manage and restore areas of high ecological, scientific, cultural or aesthetic values.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental facilities; Environmental protection works; Roads3 Permitted with consentAnimal boarding or training establishments; Aquaculture; Bee keeping; Camping grounds; Car parks; Caravan parks; Centre-based child care facilities; Community facilities; Emergency services facilities; Flood mitigation works; Food and drink premises; Forestry; Information and education facilities; Kiosks; Markets; Plant nurseries; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (indoor); Recreation facilities (major); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Registered clubs; Respite day care centres; Roadside stalls; Signage; Water recycling facilities; Water supply systems4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone RE2 Private Recreation
1 Objectives of zone• To enable land to be used for private open space or recreational purposes.• To provide a range of recreational settings and activities and compatible land uses.• To protect and enhance the natural environment for recreational purposes.2 Permitted without consentNil3 Permitted with consentAquaculture; Bee keeping; Camping grounds; Car parks; Caravan parks; Centre-based child care facilities; Community facilities; Electricity generating works; Emergency services facilities; Environmental facilities; Environmental protection works; Flood mitigation works; Forestry; Information and education facilities; Kiosks; Markets; Recreation areas; Recreation facilities (indoor); Recreation facilities (major); Recreation facilities (outdoor); Registered clubs; Respite day care centres; Roads; Signage; Water recycling facilities; Water supply systems4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone E1 National Parks and Nature Reserves
1 Objectives of zone• To enable the management and appropriate use of land that is reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 or that is acquired under Part 11 of that Act.• To enable uses authorised under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.• To identify land that is to be reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and to protect the environmental significance of that land.2 Permitted without consentUses authorised under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 19743 Permitted with consentNil4 ProhibitedAny development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone E2 Environmental Conservation
1 Objectives of zone• To protect, manage and restore areas of high ecological, scientific, cultural or aesthetic values.• To prevent development that could destroy, damage or otherwise have an adverse effect on those values.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works3 Permitted with consentEnvironmental facilities; Flood mitigation works; Oyster aquaculture Roads; Water storage facilities4 ProhibitedBusiness premises; Hotel or motel accommodation; Industries; Multi dwelling housing; Pond-based aquaculture; Recreation facilities (major); Residential flat buildings; Restricted premises; Retail premises; Seniors housing; Service stations; Tank-based aquaculture; Warehouse or distribution centres; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone E3 Environmental Management
Note—State Environmental Planning Policy (Mining, Petroleum Production and Extractive Industries) 2007 may apply to land within this zone.1 Objectives of zone• To protect, manage and restore areas with special ecological, scientific, cultural or aesthetic values.• To provide for a limited range of development that does not have an adverse effect on those values.2 Permitted without consentEnvironmental protection works; Home occupations3 Permitted with consentBed and breakfast accommodation; Community facilities; Dwelling houses; Environmental facilities; Flood mitigation works; Home-based child care; Home businesses; Home industries; Oyster aquaculture; Pond-based aquaculture; Recreation areas; Roads; Tank-based aquaculture4 ProhibitedIndustries; Multi dwelling housing; Residential flat buildings; Retail premises; Seniors housing; Service stations; Warehouse or distribution centres; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone E4 Environmental Living
1 Objectives of zone• To provide for low-impact residential development in areas with special ecological, scientific or aesthetic values.• To ensure that residential development does not have an adverse effect on those values.• To ensure development does not result in further fragmentation of ecological communities, biodiversity corridors or other significant vegetation or habitat.• To minimise direct and indirect risks to life, property and the environment from bushfire events.• To ensure that development in this zone on land that adjoins land in Zone E1 National Parks and Nature Reserves or Zone E2 Environmental Conservation is compatible with the objectives of those zones.• To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents.2 Permitted without consentHome occupations3 Permitted with consentBed and breakfast accommodation; Community facilities; Dwelling houses; Environmental facilities; Environmental protection works; Flood mitigation works; Home-based child care; Home businesses; Home industries; Oyster aquaculture; Pond-based aquaculture; Recreation areas; Roads; Secondary dwellings; Tank-based aquaculture4 ProhibitedIndustries; Service stations; Warehouse or distribution centres; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Zone W1 Natural Waterways
1 Objectives of zone• To protect the ecological and scenic values of natural waterways.• To prevent development that would have an adverse effect on the natural values of waterways in this zone.• To provide for sustainable fishing industries and recreational fishing.• To prevent development that would have an adverse effect on the recreational enjoyment of the natural environment.• To ensure that development maintains and enhances the health of waterways.2 Permitted without consentNil3 Permitted with consentAquaculture; Environmental facilities; Environmental protection works4 ProhibitedBusiness premises; Hotel or motel accommodation; Industries; Multi dwelling housing; Recreation facilities (major); Residential flat buildings; Restricted premises; Retail premises; Seniors housing; Service stations; Warehouse or distribution centres; Any other development not specified in item 2 or 3
Part 3 Exempt and complying development
3.1 Exempt development
(1) The objective of this clause is to identify development of minimal environmental impact as exempt development.(2) Development specified in Schedule 2 that meets the standards for the development contained in that Schedule and that complies with the requirements of this Part is exempt development.(3) To be exempt development, the development—(a) must meet the relevant deemed-to-satisfy provisions of the Building Code of Australia or, if there are no such relevant provisions, must be structurally adequate, and(b) must not, if it relates to an existing building, cause the building to contravene the Building Code of Australia, and(c) must not be designated development, and(d) must not be carried out on land that comprises, or on which there is, an item that is listed on the State Heritage Register under the Heritage Act 1977 or that is subject to an interim heritage order under the Heritage Act 1977.(4) Development that relates to an existing building that is classified under the Building Code of Australia as class 1b or class 2–9 is exempt development only if—(a) the building has a current fire safety certificate or fire safety statement, or(b) no fire safety measures are currently implemented, required or proposed for the building.(5) To be exempt development, the development must—(a) be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications, if applicable, and(b) not involve the removal, pruning or other clearing of vegetation that requires a permit, development consent or other approval unless it is undertaken in accordance with a permit, development consent or other approval.Note—See State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation in Non-Rural Areas) 2017 and Part 5A of the Local Land Services Act 2013.(6) A heading to an item in Schedule 2 is part of that Schedule.
3.2 Complying development
(1) The objective of this clause is to identify development as complying development.(2) Development specified in Part 1 of Schedule 3 that is carried out in compliance with—(a) the development standards specified in relation to that development, andis complying development.(b) the requirements of this Part,Note—See also clause 5.8(3) which provides that the conversion of fire alarms is complying development in certain circumstances.(3) To be complying development, the development must—(a) be permissible, with development consent, in the zone in which it is carried out, and(b) meet the relevant deemed-to-satisfy provisions of the Building Code of Australia, and(c) have an approval, if required by the Local Government Act 1993, from the Council for an on-site effluent disposal system if the development is undertaken on unsewered land.(4) A complying development certificate for development specified in Part 1 of Schedule 3 is subject to the conditions (if any) set out or referred to in Part 2 of that Schedule.(5) A heading to an item in Schedule 3 is part of that Schedule.
3.3 Environmentally sensitive areas excluded
(1) Exempt or complying development must not be carried out on any environmentally sensitive area for exempt or complying development.(2) For the purposes of this clause—environmentally sensitive area for exempt or complying development means any of the following—(a) the coastal waters of the State,(b) a coastal lake,(c) land within the coastal wetlands and littoral rainforests area (within the meaning of the Coastal Management Act 2016),(d) land reserved as an aquatic reserve under the Fisheries Management Act 1994 or as a marine park under the Marine Parks Act 1997,(e) land within a wetland of international significance declared under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands or within a World heritage area declared under the World Heritage Convention,(f) land within 100 metres of land to which paragraph (c), (d) or (e) applies,(g) land identified in this or any other environmental planning instrument as being of high Aboriginal cultural significance or high biodiversity significance,(h) land reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 or land acquired under Part 11 of that Act,(i) land reserved or dedicated under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 for the preservation of flora, fauna, geological formations or for other environmental protection purposes,(j) land that is a declared area of outstanding biodiversity value under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 or declared critical habitat under Part 7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994.
Part 4 Principal development standards
4.1 Minimum subdivision lot size
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to ensure that lot sizes and dimensions are able to accommodate development consistent with relevant development controls and minimise risk to life and property from environmental hazards, including bush fires,(b) to ensure that lot sizes and dimensions allow development to be sited to protect natural or cultural features including heritage items, remnant vegetation, habitat and waterways, and provide for generous landscaping to support the amenity of adjoining properties and the desired character of the area,(c) to ensure that subdivision of low density residential sites reflects and reinforces the predominant subdivision pattern of the area.(2) This clause applies to a subdivision of any land shown on the Lot Size Map that requires development consent and that is carried out after the commencement of this Plan.(3) The size of any lot resulting from a subdivision of land to which this clause applies is not to be less than the minimum size shown on the Lot Size Map in relation to that land.(3A) Development consent must not be granted for the subdivision of land in any of the following zones unless the subdivision would result in each lot, other than a battle-axe lot, having a width of a least 18 metres along a line that is 12 metres from the street frontage of the lot—(a) Zone R2 Low Density Residential,(b) Zone E3 Environmental Management,(c) Zone E4 Environmental Living.(3B) Development consent must not be granted for the subdivision of land in any of the following zones unless the subdivision would result in each lot created having a width and depth of at least 24 metres—(a) Zone R3 Medium Density Residential,(b) Zone R4 High Density Residential.(3C) Despite subclauses (3), (3A) and (3B), if the erection of a dual occupancy (detached) is permissible on a lot under Schedule 1, development consent may be granted for the subdivision (after the dual occupancy (detached) has been erected) of that lot if—(a) each resulting lot would have an area of at least 550 square metres, and(b) each resulting lot would contain one of the dwellings.(4) This clause does not apply in relation to the subdivision of any land—(a) by the registration of a strata plan or strata plan of subdivision under the Strata Schemes Development Act 2015, or(b) by any kind of subdivision under the Community Land Development Act 1989.(4A) If a lot is a battle-axe lot, the area of its access handle is not to be included in calculating the size of the lot.(4B) In this clause—battle-axe lot means a lot with an access handle.
4.1AA Minimum subdivision lot size for community title schemes
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to ensure that land to which this clause applies is not fragmented by subdivisions that would create additional dwelling entitlements.(2) This clause applies to a subdivision (being a subdivision that requires development consent) under the Community Land Development Act 1989 of land in any of the following zones—(a) Zone R2 Low Density Residential,(b) Zone E3 Environmental Management,but does not apply to a subdivision by the registration of a strata plan.(c) Zone E4 Environmental Living,(3) The size of any lot resulting from a subdivision of land to which this clause applies (other than any lot comprising association property within the meaning of the Community Land Development Act 1989) is not to be less than the minimum size shown on the Lot Size Map in relation to that land.(4) This clause applies despite clause 4.1.
4.2 Rural subdivision
[Not applicable]
4.3 Height of buildings
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to ensure that the height of buildings is appropriate for the scale of the different centres within the hierarchy of Ku-ring-gai centres,(b) to establish a transition in scale between the centres and the adjoining lower density residential and open space zones to protect local amenity,(c) to enable development with a built form that is compatible with the size of the land to be developed.(2) The height of a building on any land is not to exceed the maximum height shown for the land on the Height of Buildings Map.(2A) Despite subclause (2), the height of a building on land in Zone R4 High Density Residential where the site area is within a range specified in Column 1 of the table to this subclause must not exceed the height specified opposite in Column 2 of the table.
Column 1 Column 2 1,800 square metres or less 11.5 metres More than 1,800 square metres but less than 2,400 square metres 14.5 metres(2B) Despite subclause (2), the height of a building used for the purposes of commercial premises on land identified as “Area 1” on the Height of Buildings Map must not exceed 26.5 4.3: Am 2021 (297), Sch 1[11].
4.4 Floor space ratio
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to enable development with a built form and density that is compatible with the size of the land to be developed, its environmental constraints and its contextual relationship,(b) to provide for floor space ratios compatible with a range of uses,(c) to ensure that development density is appropriate for the scale of the different centres within Ku-ring-gai,(d) to ensure that development density provides a balanced mix of uses in buildings in the business zones.(2) The maximum floor space ratio for a building on any land is not to exceed the floor space ratio shown for the land on the Floor Space Ratio Map.(2A) Despite subclause (2), the floor space ratio for a building on land in Zone R2 Low Density Residential where the site area is within a specified range in Column 1 of the table to this subclause must not exceed the ratio specified opposite in Column 2 of the table.
Column 1 Column 2 More than 1,700 square metres 0.3:1 More than 1,000 square metres but not more than 1,700 square metres ((170 + (0.2 × site area)) / site area):1 More than 800 square metres but not more than 1,000 square metres ((120 + (0.25 × site area)) / site area):1 800 square metres or less 0.4:1(2B) Despite subclause (2A), if a dual occupancy (detached) is permissible on the land, the floor space ratio for the dual occupancy (detached) must not exceed 0.4:1.(2C) Despite subclause (2), the floor space ratio for a building on land in Zone R4 High Density Residential where the site area is within a specified range in Column 1 of the table to this subclause must not exceed the ratio specified opposite in Column 2 of the table.
Column 1 Column 2 More than 1,800 square metres but not more than 2,400 square metres 1.0:1 1,800 square metres or less 0.8:1(2D) Despite subclause (2), the floor space ratio for a building on land in Zone E4 Environmental Living where the site area is within a specified range in Column 1 of the table to this subclause must not exceed the ratio specified opposite in Column 2 of the table.
Column 1 Column 2 More than 1,500 square metres ((250 + (0.15 × site area)) / site area):1 More than 1,000 square metres but not more than 1,500 square metres ((170 + (0.20 × site area)) / site area):1 More than 800 square metres but not more than 1,000 square metres ((120 + (0.25 × site area)) / site area):1 800 square metres or less 0.4:1(2E) Despite subclause (2), the floor space ratio for a building used for the purposes specified in Column 2 of the table to this subclause in an area specified opposite in Column 1 of the table and identified on the Floor Space Ratio Map must not exceed the floor space ratio in relation to the land use specified opposite in Column 3 of the table.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Area Land use Floor space ratio Area 1 Retail premises 1.0:1 Area 2 Retail premises 2.0:1 Area 3 Commercial premises 1.0:1 Area 4 Commercial premises 1.2:1(2F) Despite subclause (2), the floor space ratio of a building used for the purposes of commercial premises on land shown as “Area 5” on the Floor Space Ratio Map must not exceed 4.4: Am 2021 (297), Sch 1[12] [13].
4.5 Calculation of floor space ratio and site area
(1) Objectives The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to define floor space ratio,(b) to set out rules for the calculation of the site area of development for the purpose of applying permitted floor space ratios, including rules to—(i) prevent the inclusion in the site area of an area that has no significant development being carried out on it, and(ii) prevent the inclusion in the site area of an area that has already been included as part of a site area to maximise floor space area in another building, and(iii) require community land and public places to be dealt with separately.(2) Definition of “floor space ratio” The floor space ratio of buildings on a site is the ratio of the gross floor area of all buildings within the site to the site area.(3) Site area In determining the site area of proposed development for the purpose of applying a floor space ratio, the site area is taken to be—(a) if the proposed development is to be carried out on only one lot, the area of that lot, or(b) if the proposed development is to be carried out on 2 or more lots, the area of any lot on which the development is proposed to be carried out that has at least one common boundary with another lot on which the development is being carried out.In addition, subclauses (4)–(7) apply to the calculation of site area for the purposes of applying a floor space ratio to proposed development.(4) Exclusions from site area The following land must be excluded from the site area—(a) land on which the proposed development is prohibited, whether under this Plan or any other law,(b) community land or a public place (except as provided by subclause (7)).(5) Strata subdivisions The area of a lot that is wholly or partly on top of another or others in a strata subdivision is to be included in the calculation of the site area only to the extent that it does not overlap with another lot already included in the site area calculation.(6) Only significant development to be included The site area for proposed development must not include a lot additional to a lot or lots on which the development is being carried out unless the proposed development includes significant development on that additional lot.(7) Certain public land to be separately considered For the purpose of applying a floor space ratio to any proposed development on, above or below community land or a public place, the site area must only include an area that is on, above or below that community land or public place, and is occupied or physically affected by the proposed development, and may not include any other area on which the proposed development is to be carried out.(8) Existing buildings The gross floor area of any existing or proposed buildings within the vertical projection (above or below ground) of the boundaries of a site is to be included in the calculation of the total floor space for the purposes of applying a floor space ratio, whether or not the proposed development relates to all of the buildings.(9) Covenants to prevent “double dipping” When development consent is granted to development on a site comprised of 2 or more lots, a condition of the consent may require a covenant to be registered that prevents the creation of floor area on a lot (the restricted lot) if the consent authority is satisfied that an equivalent quantity of floor area will be created on another lot only because the site included the restricted lot.(10) Covenants affect consolidated sites If—(a) a covenant of the kind referred to in subclause (9) applies to any land (affected land), andthe maximum amount of floor area allowed on the other land by the floor space ratio fixed for the site by this Plan is reduced by the quantity of floor space area the covenant prevents being created on the affected land.(b) proposed development relates to the affected land and other land that together comprise the site of the proposed development,(11) Definition In this clause, public place has the same meaning as it has in the Local Government Act 1993.
4.6 Exceptions to development standards
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to provide an appropriate degree of flexibility in applying certain development standards to particular development,(b) to achieve better outcomes for and from development by allowing flexibility in particular circumstances.(2) Development consent may, subject to this clause, be granted for development even though the development would contravene a development standard imposed by this or any other environmental planning instrument. However, this clause does not apply to a development standard that is expressly excluded from the operation of this clause.(3) Development consent must not be granted for development that contravenes a development standard unless the consent authority has considered a written request from the applicant that seeks to justify the contravention of the development standard by demonstrating—(a) that compliance with the development standard is unreasonable or unnecessary in the circumstances of the case, and(b) that there are sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify contravening the development standard.(4) Development consent must not be granted for development that contravenes a development standard unless—(a) the consent authority is satisfied that—(i) the applicant’s written request has adequately addressed the matters required to be demonstrated by subclause (3), and(ii) the proposed development will be in the public interest because it is consistent with the objectives of the particular standard and the objectives for development within the zone in which the development is proposed to be carried out, and(b) the concurrence of the Planning Secretary has been obtained.(5) In deciding whether to grant concurrence, the Planning Secretary must consider—(a) whether contravention of the development standard raises any matter of significance for State or regional environmental planning, and(b) the public benefit of maintaining the development standard, and(c) any other matters required to be taken into consideration by the Planning Secretary before granting concurrence.(6) Development consent must not be granted under this clause for a subdivision of land in Zone RU1 Primary Production, Zone RU2 Rural Landscape, Zone RU3 Forestry, Zone RU4 Primary Production Small Lots, Zone RU6 Transition, Zone R5 Large Lot Residential, Zone E2 Environmental Conservation, Zone E3 Environmental Management or Zone E4 Environmental Living if—(a) the subdivision will result in 2 or more lots of less than the minimum area specified for such lots by a development standard, or(b) the subdivision will result in at least one lot that is less than 90% of the minimum area specified for such a lot by a development standard.Note—When this Plan was made it did not include all of these zones.(7) After determining a development application made pursuant to this clause, the consent authority must keep a record of its assessment of the factors required to be addressed in the applicant’s written request referred to in subclause (3).(8) This clause does not allow development consent to be granted for development that would contravene any of the following—(a) a development standard for complying development,(b) a development standard that arises, under the regulations under the Act, in connection with a commitment set out in a BASIX certificate for a building to which State Environmental Planning Policy (Building Sustainability Index: BASIX) 2004 applies or for the land on which such a building is situated,(c) clause 5.4,(caa) clause 5.5.
Part 5 Miscellaneous provisions
5.1 Relevant acquisition authority
(1) The objective of this clause is to identify, for the purposes of section 3.15 of the Act, the authority of the State that will be the relevant authority to acquire land reserved for certain public purposes if the land is required to be acquired under Division 3 of Part 2 of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (the owner-initiated acquisition provisions).Note—If the landholder will suffer hardship if there is any delay in the land being acquired by the relevant authority, section 23 of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 requires the authority to acquire the land.(2) The authority of the State that will be the relevant authority to acquire land, if the land is required to be acquired under the owner-initiated acquisition provisions, is the authority of the State specified below in relation to the land shown on the Land Reservation Acquisition Map (or, if an authority of the State is not specified in relation to land required to be so acquired, the authority designated or determined under those provisions).
Type of land shown on Map Authority of the State Zone RE1 Public Recreation and marked “Local open space” Council Zone RE1 Public Recreation and marked “Regional open space” The corporation constituted under section 2.5 of the Act Zone SP2 Infrastructure and marked “Classified road” Transport for NSW Zone SP2 Infrastructure and marked “Local road” Council Zone E1 National Parks and Nature Reserves and marked “National Park” Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 Zone E2 Environmental Conservation and marked “Regional open space” The corporation constituted under section 8 of the Act(3) Development on land acquired by an authority of the State under the owner-initiated acquisition provisions may, before it is used for the purpose for which it is reserved, be carried out, with development consent, for any purpose.
5.2 Classification and reclassification of public land
(1) The objective of this clause is to enable the Council to classify or reclassify public land as “operational land” or “community land” in accordance with Part 2 of Chapter 6 of the Local Government Act 1993.Note—Under the Local Government Act 1993, “public land” is generally land vested in or under the control of a council (other than roads and certain Crown land). The classification or reclassification of public land may also be made by a resolution of the Council under section 31, 32 or 33 of the Local Government Act 1993. Section 30 of that Act enables this Plan to discharge trusts on which public reserves are held if the land is reclassified under this Plan as operational land.(2) The public land described in Part 1 or Part 2 of Schedule 4 is classified, or reclassified, as operational land for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1993.(3) The public land described in Part 3 of Schedule 4 is classified, or reclassified, as community land for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1993.(4) The public land described in Part 1 of Schedule 4—(a) does not cease to be a public reserve to the extent (if any) that it is a public reserve, and(b) continues to be affected by any trusts, estates, interests, dedications, conditions, restrictions or covenants that affected the land before its classification, or reclassification, as operational land.(5) The public land described in Part 2 of Schedule 4, to the extent (if any) that it is a public reserve, ceases to be a public reserve when the description of the land is inserted into that Part and is discharged from all trusts, estates, interests, dedications, conditions, restrictions and covenants affecting the land or any part of the land, except—(a) those (if any) specified for the land in Column 3 of Part 2 of Schedule 4, and(b) any reservations that except land out of the Crown grant relating to the land, and(c) reservations of minerals (within the meaning of the Crown Land Management Act 2016).Note—In accordance with section 30(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, the approval of the Governor to subclause (5) applying to the public land concerned is required before the description of the land is inserted in Part 2 of Schedule 4.
5.3 Development near zone boundaries
(1) The objective of this clause is to provide flexibility where the investigation of a site and its surroundings reveals that a use allowed on the other side of a zone boundary would enable a more logical and appropriate development of the site and be compatible with the planning objectives and land uses for the adjoining zone.(2) This clause applies to so much of any land that is within the relevant distance of a boundary between any 2 zones. The relevant distance is 15 metres.(3) This clause does not apply to—(a) land in Zone RE1 Public Recreation, Zone E1 National Parks and Nature Reserves, Zone E2 Environmental Conservation, Zone E3 Environmental Management or Zone W1 Natural Waterways, or(ab) land in Zone R1 General Residential, Zone R2 Low Density Residential, Zone R3 Medium Density Residential, Zone R4 High Density Residential, Zone R5 Large Lot Residential, Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre, Zone B2 Local Centre, Zone B4 Mixed Use, Zone B5 Business Development, Zone B7 Business Park, Zone RE2 Private Recreation or Zone E4 Environmental Living, or(b) land within the coastal zone, or(c) land proposed to be developed for the purpose of sex services or restricted premises.(4) Despite the provisions of this Plan relating to the purposes for which development may be carried out, development consent may be granted to development of land to which this clause applies for any purpose that may be carried out in the adjoining zone, but only if the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) the development is not inconsistent with the objectives for development in both zones, and(b) the carrying out of the development is desirable due to compatible land use planning, infrastructure capacity and other planning principles relating to the efficient and timely development of land.(5) This clause does not prescribe a development standard that may be varied under this 5.3: Am 2021 (297), Sch 1[14].
5.4 Controls relating to miscellaneous permissible uses
(1) Bed and breakfast accommodation If development for the purposes of bed and breakfast accommodation is permitted under this Plan, the accommodation that is provided to guests must consist of no more than 3 bedrooms.Note—Any such development that provides for a certain number of guests or rooms may involve a change in the class of building under the Building Code of Australia.(2) Home businesses If development for the purposes of a home business is permitted under this Plan, the carrying on of the business must not involve the use of more than 50 square metres of floor area.(3) Home industries If development for the purposes of a home industry is permitted under this Plan, the carrying on of the home industry must not involve the use of more than 70 square metres of floor area.(4) Industrial retail outlets If development for the purposes of an industrial retail outlet is permitted under this Plan, the retail floor area must not exceed—(a) 20% of the gross floor area of the industry or rural industry located on the same land as the retail outlet, orwhichever is the lesser.(b) 400 square metres,(5) Farm stay accommodation If development for the purposes of farm stay accommodation is permitted under this Plan, the accommodation that is provided to guests must consist of no more than 3 bedrooms.(6) Kiosks If development for the purposes of a kiosk is permitted under this Plan, the gross floor area must not exceed 10 square metres.(7) Neighbourhood shops If development for the purposes of a neighbourhood shop is permitted under this Plan, the retail floor area must not exceed 100 square metres.(7AA) Neighbourhood supermarkets If development for the purposes of a neighbourhood supermarket is permitted under this Plan, the gross floor area must not exceed 1,000 square metres.(8) Roadside stalls If development for the purposes of a roadside stall is permitted under this Plan, the gross floor area must not exceed 10 square metres.(9) Secondary dwellings on land other than land in a rural zone If development for the purposes of a secondary dwelling is permitted under this Plan on land other than land in a rural zone, the total floor area of the dwelling, excluding any area used for parking, must not exceed whichever of the following is the greater—(a) 60 square metres,(b) 25% of the total floor area of the principal dwelling.(10) Artisan food and drink industry exclusion If development for the purposes of an artisan food and drink industry is permitted under this Plan in an industrial or rural zone, the floor area used for retail sales (not including any cafe or restaurant area) must not exceed—(a) 20% of the gross floor area of the industry, orwhichever is the lesser.(b) 400 square metres,cl 5.4: Am 2018 (406), Sch 1.75 [1] [2].
5.5 Controls relating to secondary dwellings on land in a rural zone
[Not adopted]
5.6 Architectural roof features
[Not adopted]
5.7 Development below mean high water mark
(1) The objective of this clause is to ensure appropriate environmental assessment for development carried out on land covered by tidal waters.(2) Development consent is required to carry out development on any land below the mean high water mark of any body of water subject to tidal influence (including the bed of any such water).
5.8 Conversion of fire alarms
(1) This clause applies to a fire alarm system that can be monitored by Fire and Rescue NSW or by a private service provider.(2) The following development may be carried out, but only with development consent—(a) converting a fire alarm system from connection with the alarm monitoring system of Fire and Rescue NSW to connection with the alarm monitoring system of a private service provider,(b) converting a fire alarm system from connection with the alarm monitoring system of a private service provider to connection with the alarm monitoring system of another private service provider,(c) converting a fire alarm system from connection with the alarm monitoring system of a private service provider to connection with a different alarm monitoring system of the same private service provider.(3) Development to which subclause (2) applies is complying development if it consists only of—(a) internal alterations to a building, or(b) internal alterations to a building together with the mounting of an antenna, and any support structure, on an external wall or roof of a building so as to occupy a space of not more than 450mm × 100mm × 100mm.(4) A complying development certificate for any such complying development is subject to a condition that any building work may only be carried out between 7.00 am and 6.00 pm on Monday to Friday and between 7.00 am and 5.00 pm on Saturday, and must not be carried out on a Sunday or a public holiday.(5) In this clause—private service provider means a person or body that has entered into an agreement that is in force with Fire and Rescue NSW to monitor fire alarm systems.
5.9, 5.9AA (Repealed)
5.10 Heritage conservation
Note—Heritage items (if any) are listed and described in Schedule 5. Heritage conservation areas (if any) are shown on the Heritage Map as well as being described in Schedule 5.(1) Objectives The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to conserve the environmental heritage of Ku-ring-gai,(b) to conserve the heritage significance of heritage items and heritage conservation areas, including associated fabric, settings and views,(c) to conserve archaeological sites,(d) to conserve Aboriginal objects and Aboriginal places of heritage significance.(2) Requirement for consent Development consent is required for any of the following—(a) demolishing or moving any of the following or altering the exterior of any of the following (including, in the case of a building, making changes to its detail, fabric, finish or appearance)—(i) a heritage item,(ii) an Aboriginal object,(iii) a building, work, relic or tree within a heritage conservation area,(b) altering a heritage item that is a building by making structural changes to its interior or by making changes to anything inside the item that is specified in Schedule 5 in relation to the item,(c) disturbing or excavating an archaeological site while knowing, or having reasonable cause to suspect, that the disturbance or excavation will or is likely to result in a relic being discovered, exposed, moved, damaged or destroyed,(d) disturbing or excavating an Aboriginal place of heritage significance,(e) erecting a building on land—(i) on which a heritage item is located or that is within a heritage conservation area, or(ii) on which an Aboriginal object is located or that is within an Aboriginal place of heritage significance,(f) subdividing land—(i) on which a heritage item is located or that is within a heritage conservation area, or(ii) on which an Aboriginal object is located or that is within an Aboriginal place of heritage significance.(3) When consent not required However, development consent under this clause is not required if—(a) the applicant has notified the consent authority of the proposed development and the consent authority has advised the applicant in writing before any work is carried out that it is satisfied that the proposed development—(i) is of a minor nature or is for the maintenance of the heritage item, Aboriginal object, Aboriginal place of heritage significance or archaeological site or a building, work, relic, tree or place within the heritage conservation area, and(ii) would not adversely affect the heritage significance of the heritage item, Aboriginal object, Aboriginal place, archaeological site or heritage conservation area, or(b) the development is in a cemetery or burial ground and the proposed development—(i) is the creation of a new grave or monument, or excavation or disturbance of land for the purpose of conserving or repairing monuments or grave markers, and(ii) would not cause disturbance to human remains, relics, Aboriginal objects in the form of grave goods, or to an Aboriginal place of heritage significance, or(c) the development is limited to the removal of a tree or other vegetation that the Council is satisfied is a risk to human life or property, or(d) the development is exempt development.(4) Effect of proposed development on heritage significance The consent authority must, before granting consent under this clause in respect of a heritage item or heritage conservation area, consider the effect of the proposed development on the heritage significance of the item or area concerned. This subclause applies regardless of whether a heritage management document is prepared under subclause (5) or a heritage conservation management plan is submitted under subclause (6).(5) Heritage assessment The consent authority may, before granting consent to any development—(a) on land on which a heritage item is located, or(b) on land that is within a heritage conservation area, orrequire a heritage management document to be prepared that assesses the extent to which the carrying out of the proposed development would affect the heritage significance of the heritage item or heritage conservation area concerned.(c) on land that is within the vicinity of land referred to in paragraph (a) or (b),(6) Heritage conservation management plans The consent authority may require, after considering the heritage significance of a heritage item and the extent of change proposed to it, the submission of a heritage conservation management plan before granting consent under this clause.(7) Archaeological sites The consent authority must, before granting consent under this clause to the carrying out of development on an archaeological site (other than land listed on the State Heritage Register or to which an interim heritage order under the Heritage Act 1977 applies)—(a) notify the Heritage Council of its intention to grant consent, and(b) take into consideration any response received from the Heritage Council within 28 days after the notice is sent.(8) Aboriginal places of heritage significance The consent authority must, before granting consent under this clause to the carrying out of development in an Aboriginal place of heritage significance—(a) consider the effect of the proposed development on the heritage significance of the place and any Aboriginal object known or reasonably likely to be located at the place by means of an adequate investigation and assessment (which may involve consideration of a heritage impact statement), and(b) notify the local Aboriginal communities, in writing or in such other manner as may be appropriate, about the application and take into consideration any response received within 28 days after the notice is sent.(9) Demolition of nominated State heritage items The consent authority must, before granting consent under this clause for the demolition of a nominated State heritage item—(a) notify the Heritage Council about the application, and(b) take into consideration any response received from the Heritage Council within 28 days after the notice is sent.(10) Conservation incentives The consent authority may grant consent to development for any purpose of a building that is a heritage item or of the land on which such a building is erected, or for any purpose on an Aboriginal place of heritage significance, even though development for that purpose would otherwise not be allowed by this Plan, if the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) the conservation of the heritage item or Aboriginal place of heritage significance is facilitated by the granting of consent, and(b) the proposed development is in accordance with a heritage management document that has been approved by the consent authority, and(c) the consent to the proposed development would require that all necessary conservation work identified in the heritage management document is carried out, and(d) the proposed development would not adversely affect the heritage significance of the heritage item, including its setting, or the heritage significance of the Aboriginal place of heritage significance, and(e) the proposed development would not have any significant adverse effect on the amenity of the surrounding area.
5.11 Bush fire hazard reduction
Bush fire hazard reduction work authorised by the Rural Fires Act 1997 may be carried out on any land without development consent.Note—The Rural Fires Act 1997 also makes provision relating to the carrying out of development on bush fire prone land.
5.12 Infrastructure development and use of existing buildings of the Crown
(1) This Plan does not restrict or prohibit, or enable the restriction or prohibition of, the carrying out of any development, by or on behalf of a public authority, that is permitted to be carried out with or without development consent, or that is exempt development, under State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007.(2) This Plan does not restrict or prohibit, or enable the restriction or prohibition of, the use of existing buildings of the Crown by the Crown.
5.13 Eco-tourist facilities
[Not applicable]
5.14 Siding Spring Observatory—maintaining dark sky
[Not adopted]
5.15 Defence communications facility
[Not adopted]
5.16 Subdivision of, or dwellings on, land in certain rural, residential or environment protection zones
[Not applicable]
5.17 Artificial waterbodies in environmentally sensitive areas in areas of operation of irrigation corporations
[Not applicable]
5.18 Intensive livestock agriculture
[Not applicable]
5.19 Pond-based, tank-based and oyster aquaculture
(1) Objectives The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to encourage sustainable oyster, pond-based and tank-based aquaculture in the State, namely, aquaculture development that uses, conserves and enhances the community’s resources so that the total quality of life now and in the future can be preserved and enhanced,(b) to set out the minimum site location and operational requirements for permissible pond-based and tank-based aquaculture development.(2) Pond-based or tank-based aquaculture—matters of which consent authority must be satisfied before granting consent The consent authority must not grant development consent to carry out development for the purpose of pond-based aquaculture or tank-based aquaculture unless the consent authority is satisfied of the following—(a) that the development complies with the site location and operational requirements set out in Part 1 of Schedule 6 for the development,(b) in the case of—(i) pond-based aquaculture or tank-based aquaculture in Zone R1 General Residential, Zone R2 Low Density Residential or Zone R5 Large Lot Residential—that the development is for the purpose of small scale aquarium fish production, and(ii) pond-based aquaculture in Zone E3 Environmental Management or Zone E4 Environmental Living—that the development is for the purpose of extensive aquaculture, and(iii) tank-based aquaculture in Zone R3 Medium Density Residential, Zone E3 Environmental Management or Zone E4 Environmental Living—that the development is for the purpose of small scale aquarium fish production, and(iv) pond-based aquaculture or tank-based aquaculture in Zone W1 Natural Waterways, Zone W2 Recreational Waterways or Zone W3 Working Waterways—that the development will use waterways to source water.(3) The requirements set out in Part 1 of Schedule 6 are minimum requirements and do not limit the matters a consent authority is required to take into consideration under the Act or the conditions that it may impose on any development consent.(4) Extensive pond-based aquaculture permitted without consent in certain zones Development for the purpose of pond-based aquaculture, that is also extensive aquaculture, may be carried out without development consent if—(a) the development is carried out in Zone RU1 Primary Production, Zone RU2 Rural Landscape, Zone RU3 Forestry, Zone RU4 Primary Production Small Lots or Zone RU6 Transition, and(b) the development complies with the site location requirements and operational requirements set out in Part 2 of Schedule 6.(5) Oyster aquaculture—additional matters that consent authority must consider in determining a development application In determining a development application for development for the purpose of oyster aquaculture, the consent authority must consider—(a) any provisions of any aquaculture industry development plan that are relevant to the subject of the development application, and(b) the NSW Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy.(6) Oyster aquaculture permitted without consent in priority oyster aquaculture areas Development for the purpose of oyster aquaculture may be carried out without development consent—(a) on land that is wholly within a priority oyster aquaculture area, or(b) on land that is partly within and partly outside a priority oyster aquaculture area, but only if the land outside the area is no more than 0.1 hectare in area.(7) Definitions In this clause—aquaculture industry development plan means an aquaculture industry development plan published under Part 6 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994.extensive aquaculture has the same meaning as in the Fisheries Management (Aquaculture) Regulation 2017.NSW Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy means the third edition of the publication of that title, as published in 2016 by the Department of Primary Industries (within the Department of Industry).priority oyster aquaculture area means an area identified as a priority oyster aquaculture area on a map referred to in Chapter 5.3 of the NSW Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy, being a map a copy of which is held in the head office of the Department of Primary Industries (within the Department of Industry) and published on that Department’s website.
5.20 Standards that cannot be used to refuse consent—playing and performing music
(1) The consent authority must not refuse consent to development in relation to licensed premises on the following grounds—(a) the playing or performance of music, including the following—(i) the genre of music played or performed, or(ii) whether the music played or performed is live or amplified, or(iii) whether the music played or performed is original music, or(iv) the number of musicians or live entertainment acts playing or performing, or(v) the type of instruments played,(b) whether dancing occurs,(c) the presence or use of a dance floor or another area ordinarily used for dancing,(d) the direction in which a stage for players or performers faces,(e) the decorations to be used, including, for example, mirror balls, or lighting used by players or performers.(2) The consent authority must not refuse consent to development in relation to licensed premises on the grounds of noise caused by the playing or performance of music, if the consent authority is satisfied the noise may be managed and minimised to an acceptable level.(3) In this clause—licensed premises has the same meaning as in the Liquor Act 2007.
5.21 Flood planning
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to minimise the flood risk to life and property associated with the use of land,(b) to allow development on land that is compatible with the flood function and behaviour on the land, taking into account projected changes as a result of climate change,(c) to avoid adverse or cumulative impacts on flood behaviour and the environment,(d) to enable the safe occupation and efficient evacuation of people in the event of a flood.(2) Development consent must not be granted to development on land the consent authority considers to be within the flood planning area unless the consent authority is satisfied the development—(a) is compatible with the flood function and behaviour on the land, and(b) will not adversely affect flood behaviour in a way that results in detrimental increases in the potential flood affectation of other development or properties, and(c) will not adversely affect the safe occupation and efficient evacuation of people or exceed the capacity of existing evacuation routes for the surrounding area in the event of a flood, and(d) incorporates appropriate measures to manage risk to life in the event of a flood, and(e) will not adversely affect the environment or cause avoidable erosion, siltation, destruction of riparian vegetation or a reduction in the stability of river banks or watercourses.(3) In deciding whether to grant development consent on land to which this clause applies, the consent authority must consider the following matters—(a) the impact of the development on projected changes to flood behaviour as a result of climate change,(b) the intended design and scale of buildings resulting from the development,(c) whether the development incorporates measures to minimise the risk to life and ensure the safe evacuation of people in the event of a flood,(d) the potential to modify, relocate or remove buildings resulting from development if the surrounding area is impacted by flooding or coastal erosion.(4) A word or expression used in this clause has the same meaning as it has in the Considering Flooding in Land Use Planning Guideline unless it is otherwise defined in this clause.(5) In this clause—Considering Flooding in Land Use Planning Guideline means the Considering Flooding in Land Use Planning Guideline published on the Department’s website on 14 July 2021.flood planning area has the same meaning as it has in the Floodplain Development Manual.Floodplain Development Manual means the Floodplain Development Manual(ISBN 0 7347 5476 0) published by the NSW Government in April 2005.
5.22 Special flood considerations
[Not adopted]
Part 6 Additional local provisions
6.1 Acid sulfate soils
(1) The objective of this clause is to ensure that development does not disturb, expose or drain acid sulfate soils and cause environmental damage.(2) Development consent is required for the carrying out of works described in the table to this subclause on land shown on the Acid Sulfate Soils Map as being of the class specified for those works.
Class of land Works 1 Any works. 2 Works below the natural ground surface.
Works by which the watertable is likely to be lowered. 3 Works more than 1 metre below the natural ground surface.
Works by which the watertable is likely to be lowered more than 1 metre below the natural ground surface. 4 Works more than 2 metres below the natural ground surface.
Works by which the watertable is likely to be lowered more than 2 metres below the natural ground surface. 5 Works within 500 metres of adjacent Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 land that is below 5 metres Australian Height Datum and by which the watertable is likely to be lowered below 1 metre Australian Height Datum on adjacent Class 1, 2, 3 or 4 land.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause for the carrying out of works unless an acid sulfate soils management plan has been prepared for the proposed works in accordance with the Acid Sulfate Soils Manual and has been provided to the consent authority.(4) Despite subclause (2), development consent is not required under this clause for the carrying out of works if—(a) a preliminary assessment of the proposed works prepared in accordance with the Acid Sulfate Soils Manual indicates that an acid sulfate soils management plan is not required for the works, and(b) the preliminary assessment has been provided to the consent authority and the consent authority has confirmed the assessment by notice in writing to the person proposing to carry out the works.(5) Despite subclause (2), development consent is not required under this clause for the carrying out of any of the following works by a public authority (including ancillary work such as excavation, construction of access ways or the supply of power)—(a) emergency work, being the repair or replacement of the works of the public authority, required to be carried out urgently because the works have been damaged, have ceased to function or pose a risk to the environment or to public health and safety,(b) routine maintenance work, being the periodic inspection, cleaning, repair or replacement of the works of the public authority (other than work that involves the disturbance of more than 1 tonne of soil),(c) minor work, being work that costs less than $20,000 (other than drainage work).(6) Despite subclause (2), development consent is not required under this clause to carry out any works if—(a) the works involve the disturbance of less than 1 tonne of soil, and(b) the works are not likely to lower the watertable.
6.2 Earthworks
(1) The objective of this clause is to ensure that earthworks for which development consent is required will not have a detrimental impact on environmental functions and processes, neighbouring uses, cultural or heritage items or features of the surrounding land.(2) Development consent is required for earthworks unless—(a) the earthworks are exempt development under this Plan or another applicable environmental planning instrument, or(b) the earthworks are ancillary to development that is permitted without consent under this Plan or to development for which development consent has been given.(3) In deciding whether to grant development consent for earthworks (or for development involving ancillary earthworks), the consent authority must consider the following matters—(a) the likely disruption of, or any detrimental effect on, drainage patterns and soil stability in the locality of the development,(b) the effect of the development on the likely future use or redevelopment of the land,(c) the quality of the fill or the soil to be excavated, or both,(d) the effect of the development on the existing and likely amenity of adjoining properties,(e) the source of any fill material and the destination of any excavated material,(f) the likelihood of disturbing relics,(g) the proximity to, and potential for adverse impacts on, any waterway, drinking water catchment or environmentally sensitive area,(h) any appropriate measures proposed to avoid, minimise or mitigate the impacts of the development.Note—The National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, particularly section 86, deals with harming Aboriginal objects.
6.3 Biodiversity protection
(1) The objective of this clause is to protect, maintain and improve the diversity and condition of native vegetation and habitat, including—(a) protecting biological diversity of native fauna and flora, and(b) protecting the ecological processes necessary for their continued existence, and(c) encouraging the recovery of threatened species, communities, populations and their habitats, and(d) protecting, restoring and enhancing biodiversity corridors.(2) This clause applies to land identified as “Biodiversity” on the Terrestrial Biodiversity Map.(3) Before determining a development application for development on land to which this clause applies, the consent authority must consider—(a) the impact of the proposed development on the following—(i) any native vegetation community,(ii) the habitat of any threatened species, population or ecological community,(iii) any regionally significant species of plant, animal or habitat,(iv) any biodiversity corridor,(v) any wetland,(vi) the biodiversity values within any reserve,(vii) the stability of the land, and(b) any proposed measure to be undertaken to ameliorate any potential adverse environmental impact, and(c) any opportunity to restore or enhance remnant vegetation, habitat and biodiversity corridors.(4) Development consent must not be granted to development on land to which this clause applies unless the consent authority is satisfied that the development—(a) is consistent with the objectives of this clause, and(b) is designed, and will be sited and managed, to avoid any potentially adverse environmental impact or, if a potentially adverse environmental impact cannot be avoided—(i) the development minimises disturbance and adverse impacts on remnant vegetation communities, habitat and threatened species and populations, and(ii) measures have been considered to maintain native vegetation and habitat in parcels of a size, condition and configuration that will facilitate biodiversity protection and native flora and fauna movement through biodiversity corridors, and(iii) the development avoids clearing steep slopes and facilitates the stability of the land, and(iv) measures have been considered to achieve no net loss of significant vegetation or habitat.(5) In this clause—biodiversity corridor means an area that facilitates the connection and maintenance of native fauna and flora habitats and, within the urban landscape, includes areas that may be broken by roads and other urban elements and may include remnant trees and associated native and exotic vegetation.
6.4 Riparian land and adjoining waterways
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to protect or improve—(i) water quality within waterways, and(ii) the stability of the bed and banks of waterways, and(iii) aquatic and riparian species, communities, populations and habitats, and(iv) ecological processes within waterways and riparian lands, and(v) scenic and cultural heritage values of waterways and riparian lands,(b) where practicable, to provide for the rehabilitation of existing piped or channelised waterways to a near natural state.(2) This clause applies to land identified on the Riparian Lands and Watercourses Map as—(a) “Riparian Land Category 1”, or(b) “Riparian Land Category 2”, or(c) “Riparian Land Category 3”, or(d) “Riparian Land Category 3a”.Note—Some development types within 40 metres of this land will still require referral to the NSW Office of Water as integrated development.(3) In deciding whether to grant development consent for development on land to which this clause applies, the consent authority must consider—(a) whether the development is likely to have an adverse impact on the following—(i) the water quality in any waterway,(ii) the natural flow regime, including groundwater flows to any waterway,(iii) aquatic and riparian species, populations, communities, habitats and ecosystems,(iv) the stability of the bed, shore and banks of any waterway,(v) the free passage of native aquatic and terrestrial organisms within or along any waterway and riparian land,(vi) public access to, and use of, any public waterway and its foreshores,(b) any opportunities for rehabilitation or re-creation of any waterway and its riparian areas,(c) any appropriate measures proposed to avoid, minimise or mitigate the impacts of the development.(4) Development consent must not be granted to development on land to which this clause applies unless the consent authority is satisfied that the development—(a) is consistent with the objectives of this clause, and(b) integrates riparian, stormwater and flooding measures, and(c) is designed, sited and will be managed to avoid any potential adverse environmental impacts, and(d) if a potential adverse environmental impact cannot be avoided by adopting feasible alternatives—the development minimises or mitigates any such impact to a satisfactory extent.
6.5 Stormwater and water sensitive urban design
(1) The objective of this clause is to avoid or minimise the adverse impacts of urban stormwater on the land on which development is to be carried out, adjoining properties, native bushland, waterways and groundwater systems.(2) Before granting development consent to development on any land to which this Plan applies, the consent authority must be satisfied that—(a) water sensitive urban design principles are incorporated into the design of the development, and(b) riparian, stormwater and flooding measures are integrated, and(c) the stormwater management system includes all reasonable management actions to avoid any adverse impacts on the land to which the development is to be carried out, adjoining properties, native bushland, waterways and groundwater systems, and(d) if a potential adverse environmental impact cannot be feasibly avoided, the development minimises and mitigates the adverse impacts of stormwater runoff on adjoining properties, native bushland, waterways and groundwater systems.(3) For the purposes of subclause (2)(a), the water sensitive urban design principles are—(a) protection and enhancement of water quality, by improving the quality of stormwater runoff from urban catchments,(b) minimisation of harmful impacts of urban development on water balance and on surface and groundwater flow regimes,(c) integration of stormwater management systems into the landscape in a manner that provides multiple benefits, including water quality protection, stormwater retention and detention, public open space, and recreational and visual amenity,(d) retention, where practical, of on-site stormwater for use as an alternative supply to mains water, groundwater or river water.
6.6 Requirements for multi dwelling housing and residential flat buildings
(1) The objectives of this clause are—(a) to provide site requirements for development for the purposes of multi dwelling housing and residential flat buildings so as to provide for the orderly and economic development of residential land while maintaining the local character, and(b) to ensure that lot sizes and dimensions of medium and high density residential sites allow for generous landscaped areas and setbacks to ensure the amenity of adjoining properties and to support the desired future character of these areas.(2) Despite any other provision of this Plan, development consent must not be granted for the erection of multi dwelling housing or a residential flat building on a lot in a residential zone unless the lot has an area of at least 1,200 square metres and minimum dimensions (width and depth) of at least—(a) if the area of the land is less than 1,800 square metres—24 metres, or(b) if the area of the land is 1,800 square metres or more—30 metres.(3) Despite subclause (2), development consent must not be granted for the erection of multi dwelling housing or a residential flat building on a lot on land identified as “Area 1” on the Lot Size Map unless the lot has an area of at least 5,000 square metres.(4) For the purposes of this clause, if a lot is a battle-axe lot or other lot with an access handle, the area of the access handle is not to be included in calculating the lot 6.6: Am 2021 (297), Sch 1[15].
6.7 Active street frontages in certain business zones
(1) The objective of this clause is to promote uses that attract pedestrian traffic along ground floor street frontages in certain business zones.(2) This clause applies to land in the following business zones—(a) Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre,(b) Zone B2 Local Centre,(c) Zone B4 Mixed Use,(d) Zone B5 Business Development.(3) Development consent must not be granted for the erection of a building, or a change of use of a building, on land to which this clause applies unless the consent authority is satisfied that after its erection or change of use the ground floor of the building—(a) will not be used for the purposes of residential accommodation or a car park or to provide ancillary car parking spaces, and(b) will consist of design elements that encourage interaction and flow between the inside of the building and the external public areas of the building, and(c) will be used for purposes that encourage the movement and flow of people between the internal and the external public areas of the building.(4) Subclause (3)(b) does not apply to any part of the building that—(a) faces a service lane and the consent authority is satisfied does not require active street frontages, or(b) is used for 1 or more of the following purposes—(i) a lobby for a commercial, residential, serviced apartment or hotel component of the building,(ii) access for fire services,(iii) vehicular 6.7: Am 2021 (297), Sch 1[16].
6.8 Minimum street frontages for lots in Zones B2, B4 and B5
(1) The objectives of this clause are as follows—(a) to ensure that, visually, buildings have an appropriate overall horizontal proportion compared to their vertical proportions,(b) to ensure that vehicular access to lots is reasonably spaced and separated along roads and lanes,(c) to provide appropriate dimensions for the design of car parking levels.(2) Development consent must not be granted for the erection of a building on land in Zone B2 Local Centre, Zone B4 Mixed Use or Zone B5 Business Development if the land will not have a primary street frontage of at least 20 metres.(3) Despite subclause (2), the consent authority may grant consent to the erection of a building on land in Zone B2 Local Centre, Zone B4 Mixed Use or Zone B5 Business Development if the consent authority is satisfied that—(a) because of the physical constraints of the land or adjoining land, it is not possible for the building to be erected on land with a primary street frontage of at least 20 metres, and(b) the development is otherwise consistent with the aims and objectives of this Plan.(4) Nothing in this clause restricts the operation of clause 6.8: Am 2021 (297), Sch 1[17] [18].
6.9 Development in Zone B1
(1) The objective of this clause is to maintain the commercial hierarchy of Ku-ring-gai by encouraging retail development of an appropriate scale within neighbourhood centres.(2) Development consent must not be granted to development for the purposes of commercial premises on land in Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre if the development would result in the premises having a gross floor area of more than 1,000 square metres.(3) In deciding whether to grant development consent referred to in subclause (2) to development for the purposes of commercial premises having a gross floor area of 500 square metres or more, in either one separate tenancy or any number of tenancies, the consent authority must consider the economic impact of the development.(4) Subclauses (2) and (3) do not apply to any development undertaken in a building that existed immediately before the commencement of this Plan.
6.10 Crimson Hill Residential Development, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land identified as “Crimson Hill” on the Key Sites Map.(2) Development consent must not be granted for development for the purposes of retail premises on land to which this clause applies if the development would result in retail premises having a gross floor area of more than 80 square metres.(3) Development consent must not granted for the erection of a dwelling on land to which this clause applies if the number of dwellings on all of that land would exceed 345.
6.11 Wahroonga Estate, Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga
Development consent must not granted for the erection of a dwelling on land identified as “Wahroonga Estate” on the Key Sites Map if the number of dwellings on all of that land would exceed 500.
6.12 Location of sex services premises
(1) The objective of this clause is to minimise land use conflicts and adverse amenity impacts by providing a reasonable level of separation between sex services premises, specified land uses and places regularly frequented by children.(2) In deciding whether to grant development consent to development for the purposes of sex services premises, the consent authority must consider the following—(a) whether the premises will be located on land that adjoins, is directly opposite or is separated only by a local road from land—(i) in Zone R1 General Residential, Zone R2 Low Density Residential, Zone R3 Medium Density Residential or Zone RE1 Public Recreation, or(ii) used for the purposes of a centre-based child care facility, a community facility, a railway station, a school or a place of public worship,(b) the impact of the proposed development and its hours of operation on any place likely to be regularly frequented by children—(i) that adjoins the development, or(ii) that can be viewed from the development, or(iii) from which a person can view the development.(3) If the sex services premises are proposed to be located in a building that contains one or more dwellings, development consent must not be granted to development for the purpose of sex services premises unless the sex services premises can only be accessed by a separate street entrance that does not provide access to the rest of the 6.12: Am 2017 (493), Sch 1.2 [1].
Schedule 1 Additional permitted uses
(Clause 2.5)
1 Use of certain land at 16 Elva Avenue, Gordon
(1) This clause applies to land at 16 Elva Avenue, Gordon, being Lot 8, DP 11885.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
2 Use of certain land at 18 Elva Avenue, Gordon
(1) This clause applies to land at 18 Elva Avenue, Gordon, being Lot 1, DP 166199.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
3 Use of certain land at 8 Highlands Avenue, Gordon
(1) This clause applies to land at 8 Highlands Avenue, Gordon, being Lot A, DP 366349.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
4 Use of certain land at 9 Highlands Avenue, Gordon
(1) This clause applies to land at 9 Highlands Avenue, Gordon, being Lot 12, DP 523433.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
5 Use of certain land at 24 Park Avenue, Gordon
(1) This clause applies to land at 24 Park Avenue, Gordon, being Lot 192, DP 107056.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
6 Use of certain land at 14 Vale Street, Gordon
(1) This clause applies to land at 14 Vale Street, Gordon, being Lot A, DP 313951.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
7, 8 (Repealed)
9 Use of certain land at 21 Buckingham Road, Killara
(1) This clause applies to land at 21 Buckingham Road, Killara, being Lot 1, DP 125640.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
10 Use of certain land at 20–26 Culworth Avenue, 2–4 Lorne Avenue and 17 Marian Street, Killara
(1) This clause applies to land at 20–26 Culworth Avenue, 2–4 Lorne Avenue and 17 Marian Street, Killara, being Lots 1–3, DP 119937, Lot 1, DP 932235, Lots 1–3, DP 119937, Lot 1, DP 169841 and Lots 161–164, DP 1196189.(2) Development for the purpose of car parking is permitted with development consent.
11 Use of certain land at 31 Karranga Avenue, Killara
(1) This clause applies to land at 31 Karranga Avenue, Killara, being Lot 1, DP 233232.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
12 Use of certain land at 38 Karranga Avenue, Killara
(1) This clause applies to land at 38 Karranga Avenue, Killara, being Lot 8, DP 666962.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
13 Use of certain land at 2 Lynwood Avenue, Killara
(1) This clause applies to land at 2 Lynwood Avenue, Killara, being Part Lot 14, DP 7363.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
14 Use of certain land at 20 Stanhope Road, Killara
(1) This clause applies to land at 20 Stanhope Road, Killara, being Lot 1, DP 726066.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
15 Use of certain land at 21 Highfield Road, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 21 Highfield Road, Lindfield, being Lot 2, DP 309598.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
16 Use of certain land at 25 Highfield Road, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 25 Highfield Road, Lindfield, being Lot A, DP 376477.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
17 Use of certain land at 31 Highfield Road, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 31 Highfield Road, Lindfield, being Lot 1, DP 104200.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
18 Use of certain land at 16 Provincial Road, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 16 Provincial Road, Lindfield, being Lot 1, DP 319129.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
19 Use of certain land at 21 Provincial Road, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 21 Provincial Road, Lindfield, being Lot 1, DP 970838.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
20 (Repealed)
21 Use of certain land at 12 Alma Street, Pymble
(1) This clause applies to land at 12 Alma Street, Pymble, being Lot 4, DP 13280.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
22 Use of certain land at 8 Church Street, Pymble
(1) This clause applies to land at 8 Church Street, Pymble, being Lot 1A, DP 401840.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
23 Use of certain land at 33 Grandview Street, Pymble
(1) This clause applies to land at 33 Grandview Street, Pymble, being Lot 2, DP 228015.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
24 Use of certain land at 16 Merrivale Road, Pymble
(1) This clause applies to land at 16 Merrivale Road, Pymble, being Lot 22, DP 7321.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
25 Use of certain land at 2 Royston Close, Pymble
(1) This clause applies to land at 2 Royston Close, Pymble, being Lot 6, DP 238142.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
26 Use of certain land at 17 Ortona Avenue, Roseville
(1) This clause applies to land at 17 Ortona Avenue, Roseville, being Lot 1, DP 974513.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
27 Use of certain land at 15 Brentwood Avenue, Turramurra
(1) This clause applies to land at 15 Brentwood Avenue, Turramurra, being Lot 2, DP 311400.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
28 (Repealed)
29 Use of certain land at 2 Ku-ring-gai Avenue, Turramurra
(1) This clause applies to land at 2 Ku-ring-gai Avenue, Turramurra, being Lot 421, DP 556058.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
30 Use of certain land at 18 Ada Avenue, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 18 Ada Avenue, Wahroonga, being Lot 2, DP 538577.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
31 Use of certain land at 12 Burns Road, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 12 Burns Road, Wahroonga, being Lot B, DP 965438.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
32 Use of certain land at 2 Cleveland Street, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 2 Cleveland Street, Wahroonga, being Lot 3, DP 732161.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
33 Use of certain land at 4 Cleveland Street, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 4 Cleveland Street, Wahroonga, being Lot 1, DP 786729.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
34 Use of certain land at 4a Cleveland Street, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 4a Cleveland Street, Wahroonga, being Lot 21, DP 842525.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
35 Use of certain land at 79 Coonanbarra Road, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 79 Coonanbarra Road, Wahroonga, being Lot 4, DP 4239.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
36 Use of certain land at 12 Eulbertie Avenue, Warrawee
(1) This clause applies to land at 12 Eulbertie Avenue, Warrawee, being Lot 1, DP 362318.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
37 Use of certain land at 17 Eulbertie Avenue, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 17 Eulbertie Avenue, Wahroonga, being Lot 1, DP 174560.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
38 Use of certain land at 28 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 28 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, being Lot A, DP 960501.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
39 Use of certain land at 28 Gilda Avenue, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 28 Gilda Avenue, Wahroonga, being Lot A, DP 355105.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
40 Use of certain land at 10 Munderah Street, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 10 Munderah Street, Wahroonga, being Lot 1, DP 216542.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
41 Use of certain land at 1550 Pacific Highway, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 1550 Pacific Highway, Wahroonga, being Lots 1 and 2, DP 9991.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
42 Use of certain land at 1 Sutherland Avenue, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 1 Sutherland Avenue, Wahroonga, being Lot A, DP 387838.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
43 Use of certain land at 1 Water Street, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 1 Water Street, Wahroonga, being Lot 1, DP 726124.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
44 Use of certain land at Wahroonga Estate, Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land identified as “Wahroonga Estate” on the Key Sites Map, being land at Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent on land to which this clause applies in Zone R2 Low Density Residential—(a) dual occupancy (attached or detached),(b) signage.(3) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent on land to which this clause applies in Zone R3 Medium Density Residential—(a) dual occupancy (attached or detached),(b) secondary dwellings,(c) semi detached dwellings.(4) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent on land to which this clause applies in Zone R4 High Density Residential.(a) group homes,(b) serviced apartments.
45 Use of certain land at 25 Bangalla Street Warrawee
(1) This clause applies to land at 25 Bangalla Street, Warrawee, being Lot 7, DP 18087.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
46 Use of certain land at 40 Bangalla Street, Warrawee
(1) This clause applies to land at 40 Bangalla Street, Warrawee, being Lot B, DP 392481.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
47 Use of certain land at 18 Chilton Parade, Warrawee
(1) This clause applies to land at 18 Chilton Parade, Warrawee, being Lot 4, DP 18087.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
48 Use of certain land at A2 Heydon Avenue, Warrawee
(1) This clause applies to land at A2 Heydon Avenue, Warrawee, being Lot 2, DP 220163.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
49 Use of certain land at 15 Warrawee Avenue, Warrawee
(1) This clause applies to land at 15 Warrawee Avenue, Warrawee, being Lot 1, DP 1190103.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
50 Use of certain land at 1 Yosefa Avenue, Warrawee
(1) This clause applies to land at 1 Yosefa Avenue, Warrawee, being Lot 2, DP 575462.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
51 Use of certain land at 2 Yosefa Avenue, Warrawee
(1) This clause applies to land at 2 Yosefa Avenue, Warrawee, being Lot 1, DP 13062.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
52 Use of certain land at 109 Bobbin Head Road, Turramurra
(1) This clause applies to land at 109 Bobbin Head Road, Turramurra, being Lot 17, DP 19963.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
53 Use of certain land at 28 Clissold Road, Wahroonga
(1) This clause applies to land at 28 Clissold Road, Wahroonga, being Lot 2, DP 210124.(2) Development for the purpose of a dual occupancy (detached) is permitted with development consent.
54 Use of certain land at 20 Kanowar Avenue, East Killara
(1) This clause applies to land at 20 Kanowar Avenue, East Killara, being Lot 100, DP 1176072.(2) Development for the purpose of a dwelling house is permitted with development consent.
55 Use of certain land at 556 Pacific Highway, Killara
(1) This clause applies to land at 556 Pacific Highway, Killara, known as the Killara Golf Club, being part of Lot 2, DP 535219 as shown as “Area 1” on the Additional Permitted Uses Map.(2) Development for the purposes of a golf clubhouse and associated parking is permitted with development consent on land to which this clause applies.
56 Use of certain land at 7 Burgoyne Street, Gordon
(1) This clause applies to land at 7 Burgoyne Street, Gordon, being Lot 1, DP 81938.(2) Development for the purposes of dual occupancies (detached) is permitted with development consent.
57 Use of certain land at 30–34 and 36 Henry Street, Gordon
(1) This clause applies to land at 30–34 and 36 Henry Street, Gordon, being Lot 1, DP 1233618, SP 96164 and Lot 8, DP 15724.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) business premises,(b) office premises.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in—(a) a floor of a building, other than the ground floor, being used for the purposes specified in subclause (2), or(b) a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 0.5:1.
58 Use of certain land at 2 Forsyth Street, Gordon
(1) This clause applies to land at 2 Forsyth Street, Gordon, being Lot B, DP 398529.(2) Development for the purposes of dual occupancies (detached) is permitted with development consent.
59 Use of certain land at 3 and 3A Beaconsfield Parade and 1–7 and part of 14 Bent Street, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 3 and 3A Beaconsfield Parade and 1–7 and part of 14 Bent Street, Lindfield, being Lots 1–3, DP 318518, Lot 10, DP 305356 and Lots 2–4, DP 10120.(2) Development for the purposes of office premises is permitted with development consent.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in—(a) a floor of a building, other than the ground floor, being used for the purposes specified in subclause (2), or(b) a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 0.3:1.
60 Use of certain land at 15 Highfield Road, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 15 Highfield Road, Lindfield, being Lot 5, DP 241714.(2) Development for the purposes of dual occupancies (detached) is permitted with development consent.
61 Use of certain land at 2 Highgate Road, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 2 Highgate Road, Lindfield, being Lot 103, DP 6608.(2) Development for the purposes of dual occupancies (detached) is permitted with development consent.
62 Use of certain land at 55 Lindfield Avenue, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 55 Lindfield Avenue, Lindfield, being Lot 10, DP 1266740 and SP 100806.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) car parks,(b) restaurants or cafes.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in the gross floor area of a restaurant or cafe exceeding 100m2.
63 Use of certain land at 2–6 Milray Street, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 2–6 Milray Street, Lindfield, being Lot 1, DP 1129269.(2) Development for the purposes of office premises is permitted with development consent.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in—(a) a floor of a building, other than the ground floor, being used for the purposes specified in subclause (2), or(b) a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 0.3:1.
64 Use of certain land at 8 Provincial Road, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 8 Provincial Road, Lindfield, being Lot A, DP 325229.(2) Development for the purposes of dual occupancies (detached) is permitted with development consent.
65 Use of certain land at 1 Russell Avenue, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 1 Russell Avenue, Lindfield, being Lot B, DP 412764.(2) Development for the purposes of residential flat buildings is permitted with development consent.
66 Use of certain land at 21 and 51 Treatts Road, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to land at 21 and 51 Treatts Road, Lindfield, being Lot 1, DP 113085 and Lot 151, DP 6608.(2) Development for the purposes of dual occupancies (detached) is permitted with development consent.
67 Use of certain land at 2 King Edward Street, Pymble
(1) This clause applies to land at 2 King Edward Street, Pymble, being Lot 7, DP 3519.(2) Development for the purposes of dual occupancies (detached) is permitted with development consent.
68 Use of certain land at 1047 Pacific Highway, Pymble
(1) This clause applies to land at 1047 Pacific Highway, Pymble, being Lot 3, DP 655549.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) business premises,(b) office premises,(c) restaurants or cafes.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 1:1.
69 Use of certain land at 1051 and 1083 Pacific Highway, Pymble
(1) This clause applies to land at 1051 and 1083 Pacific Highway, Pymble, being Lot 12, DP 706021, SP 22387, Lot A, DP 101723, Lot C, DP 101724 and SP 11535.(2) Development for the purposes of commercial premises is permitted with development consent.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 1:1.
70 Use of certain land at 1116 Pacific Highway, Pymble
(1) This clause applies to land at 1116 Pacific Highway, Pymble, being Lot 20, DP 1263818 and SP 102100.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) business premises,(b) office premises.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 1:1.
71 Use of certain land at 1186 Pacific Highway, Pymble
(1) This clause applies to land at 1186 Pacific Highway, Pymble, being Lot 1, DP 86583.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) commercial premises,(b) entertainment facilities,(c) function centres.
72 Use of certain land at 65 Hill Street, Roseville
(1) This clause applies to land at 65 Hill Street, Roseville, being Lot B, DP 333949.(2) Development for the purposes of commercial premises is permitted with development consent.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 1:1.
73 Use of certain land at 124–130 Pacific Highway, Roseville
(1) This clause applies to land at 124–130 Pacific Highway, Roseville, being Lot 2, DP 206204.(2) Development for the purposes of commercial premises is permitted with development consent.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 1:1.
74 Use of certain land at 132 Pacific Highway, Roseville
(1) This clause applies to land at 132 Pacific Highway, Roseville, being Lot 1, DP 206204.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) business premises,(b) office premises.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 1:1.
75 Use of certain land at 149 Mona Vale Road, St Ives
(1) This clause applies to land at 149 Mona Vale Road, St Ives, being Lot 20, DP 576805.(2) Development for the purposes of dual occupancies (detached) is permitted with development consent.
76 Use of certain land at 167 and 169 Mona Vale Road, St Ives
(1) This clause applies to land at 167 and 169 Mona Vale Road, St Ives, being Lot C, DP 401301 and Lots 11–17, SP 95647.(2) Development for the purposes of commercial premises is permitted with development consent.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 0.5:1.
77 Use of certain land at 169 and 185 Mona Vale Road, St Ives
(1) This clause applies to land at 169 and 185 Mona Vale Road, St Ives, being Lots 1–10, SP 95647 and Lot 1, DP 1229835.(2) Development for the purposes of office premises is permitted with development consent.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in—(a) a floor of a building, other than the ground floor, being used for the purposes specified in subclause (2), or(b) a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 0.5:1.
78 Use of certain land at 169 Mona Vale Road, St Ives
(1) This clause applies to land at 169 Mona Vale Road, St Ives, being Lots 1–17, SP 95647.(2) Development for the purposes of recreation facilities (indoor) is permitted with development consent.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in—(a) a floor of a building, other than the ground floor, being used for the purposes specified in subclause (2), or(b) a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 0.5:1.
79 Use of certain land at 208 and 210 Mona Vale Road, St Ives and 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15 and 15A Memorial Avenue, St Ives
(1) This clause applies to land at 208 and 210 Mona Vale Road, St Ives and 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15 and 15A Memorial Avenue, St Ives, being Lots 2, 3, 5–7 and 9–12, DP 29167.(2) Development for the purposes of office premises is permitted with development consent.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in—(a) a floor of a building, other than the ground floor, being used for the purposes specified in subclause (2), or(b) a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 0.3:1.
80 Use of certain land at 20 Brentwood Avenue, Turramurra
(1) This clause applies to land at 20 Brentwood Avenue, Turramurra, being Lot A, DP 341822.(2) Development for the purposes of dual occupancies (detached) is permitted with development consent.
81 Use of certain land at 2 Denman Street, Turramurra
(1) This clause applies to land at 2 Denman Street, Turramurra, being Lot 3, DP 23804.(2) Development for the purposes of dual occupancies (detached) is permitted with development consent.
82 Use of certain land at 34 Eastern Road, Turramurra
(1) This clause applies to land at 34 Eastern Road, Turramurra, being Lot 1, Section C, DP 2511.(2) Development for the purposes of dual occupancies (detached) is permitted with development consent.
83 Use of certain land at 1 and 4 Laurel Avenue, Turramurra
(1) This clause applies to land at 1 and 4 Laurel Avenue, Turramurra, being Lots 2 and 3, DP 303928.(2) Development for the purposes of dual occupancies (detached) is permitted with development consent.
84 Use of certain land at 1334 and 1340 Pacific Highway, Turramurra
(1) This clause applies to land at 1334 and 1340 Pacific Highway, Turramurra, being Lot 7, DP 214733 and Lot 6, DP 26828.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) business premises,(b) office premises,(c) restaurants or cafes.(3) Development consent must not be granted under this clause to development that results in a building used for the purposes specified in subclause (2) exceeding a floor space ratio of 0.3:1.
85 Use of certain land at 1B Beaconsfield Parade, Drovers Way road reserve and 19 Drovers Way, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to the following land at Lindfield—(a) 1B Beaconsfield Parade, being Lots 1 and 2, DP 1226294 and Lot 5, DP 1226294,(b) Drovers Way road reserve, being Lot 6, DP 1226294,(c) 19 Drovers Way, being Lots 1–15, DP 1099330 and Lot 1, DP 1226294.(2) Development for the purposes of residential flat buildings is permitted with development consent.
86 Use of certain land at 259 and 265–271 Pacific Highway, Lindfield
(1) This clause applies to the following land at Lindfield—(a) 259 Pacific Highway, being Lots 2 and 3, DP 212617,(b) 265–271 Pacific Highway, being Lot 1, DP 212617 and Lot 8, DP 660564.(2) Development for the following purposes is permitted with development consent—(a) business premises,(b) office premises.
87 Use of certain land at 62, 64 and 66 Pacific Highway, Roseville
(1) This clause applies to the following land at Roseville—(a) the part of Lot 2, DP 202148, 62 Pacific Highway identified as “Area 2” on the Additional Permitted Uses Map,(b) Lot 1, DP 202148, 64 Pacific Highway,(c) Lot 2, DP 505371, 66 Pacific Highway.(2) Development for the purposes of residential flat buildings is permitted with development consent if the consent authority is satisfied that the ground floor of the building will be used for the purposes of a registered club only.(3) Subclause (2) does not apply to a part of a building that is used for 1 of the following purposes—(a) a lobby for the residential component of the building,(b) access for fire services,(c) vehicular access.
sch 1: Am 2015 (679), cl 4; 2018 (12), Sch 1 [1]; 2019 (376), Sch 1 [1]; 2021 (297), Sch 1[19]–[28]; 2021 (577), Sch 1.
Schedule 2 Exempt development
(Clause 3.1)
Note 1—
State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 specifies exempt development under that Policy. The Policy has State-wide application. This Schedule contains additional exempt development not specified in that Policy.
Note 2—
Exempt development may be carried out without the need for development consent under the Act. Such development is not exempt from any approval, licence, permit or authority that is required under any other Act and adjoining owners’ property rights and the common law still apply.
Graves and monuments that are not heritage items
(1) Must only be—(a) the creation of graves or monuments in an existing approved cemetery or burial ground, or(b) an excavation or disturbance of land for the purpose of carrying out the conservation or repair of a monument or grave marker.(2) Must not disturb human remains, relics in the form of grave goods or a place of Aboriginal heritage significance.
Lighting (external)
(1) Must not be constructed or installed on land that comprises, or on which there is, a heritage item.(2) Must not be for the lighting of a tennis court or a sports field.(3) Must not cause glare to adjoining properties or streets.
Special events (including markets)
(1) If held by or on behalf of the Council or on land owned or managed by the Council, must be in accordance with a permit issued by the Council.(2) If held on private land by the owner or occupier of that land—(a) must be a social, family, corporate or religious event or a community function or a market, and(b) must be held on land that supports one of the following—(i) a place of public worship,(ii) an educational establishment,(iii) a hospital,(iv) a community facility,(v) a residential care facility,(vi) a centre-based child care facility, and(c) must not be held on land that is bushfire prone land, and(d) must take place only during the following periods—(i) 8.00 am to 8.00 pm on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday,(ii) 8.00 am to 10.00 pm on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, and(e) must not contravene any condition of a development consent that applies to the land on which the event is to be held, and(f) must not have a duration of more than 3 days over any 3 month period, and(g) all lighting must be directed away from adjacent residential properties, and(h) must not involve laser shows or bonfires, and(i) if any fireworks are to be used at the event, notice of that use must be given to the Council at least 7 days before the event, and(j) arrangements must be made for the collection and disposal of waste and recyclable materials by an authorised trade waste contractor, and(k) adequate provision of sanitary facilities must be made for all anticipated staff and patrons attending the event, and(l) if held at the Sydney Adventist Hospital, not more than 5,000 people may attend the event at any one time, and(m) if more than 2,500 people are expected to attend the event, a noise management plan must be given to the Council at least 7 days before the event, and(n) if the event will disrupt normal traffic and transport systems—(i) a detailed Local Traffic Management Plan must be submitted to the Council in accordance with Council’s requirements and be approved before the event, and(ii) the local police must be informed at least 7 days before the event and the relevant requirements of NSW Police must be met for the event, and(iii) at least 7 days before the event, written notice of the event must be given to all residential properties within 200m of the land on which the event is to be held to advise the time, date and type of event.Note 1—Events that do not involve the erection of a temporary structure, the erection of an amusement device or disruption to normal traffic and pedestrian flows and are events for which the land has been designed do not require development consent. (For example, family picnics, regular sports training or games, casual exercise and passive enjoyment of a park.)Note 2—The Local Government Act 1993 may also apply, including provisions relating to Plans of Management and Alcohol Free Zones.
sch 2: Am 2017 (493), Sch 1.2 [1]; 2021 (297), Sch 1[29].
Schedule 3 Complying development
(Clause 3.2)
State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 specifies complying development and the complying development conditions for that development under that Policy. The Policy has State-wide application. This Schedule contains additional complying development not specified in that Policy.
Part 1 Types of development
Dwelling houses in Zone E4 Environmental Living
(1) Must be in accordance with the Housing Code under State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008, other than clauses 3.9, 3.13 and 3.20 of that Policy.(2) Must not be located in any part of a site identified by clause 6.3 or 6.4 of this Plan.(3) Must not be located on land that is Class 1–4 land under clause 6.1 of this Plan.(4) Landscaped areas Must meet the following development standards—(a) for every site—the landscaped area of the front setback for the dwelling house must be at least 70% of the front setback area,(b) for a site on the low side of a road that drains to bushland—the landscaped area for the dwelling house and any ancillary development draining to a dispersal trench system, infiltration trench system or rain garden must be at least 65% of the site area,(c) for any other site—the landscaped area for the dwelling house and any ancillary development must be in accordance with the following table—
Site area Minimum landscaped area Less than 850m2 Site area × 0.5 850m2 or greater Site area × [0.5 + (site area – 850)/6,500](5) The plans for the dwelling house must include all built elements (such as pathways) normally associated with a dwelling house.(6) Floor space ratio The floor space ratio of the dwelling house and all ancillary development on the site must not exceed the floor space ratio determined under the table to this subclause.
Site area Maximum floor space ratio 800m2 or less 0.4:1 More than 800m2 but not more than 1,000m2 [120 + (0.25 × site area)]/site area:1 More than 1,000m2 but not more than 1,500m2 [170 + (0.20 × site area)]/site area:1 More than 1,500m2 [250 + (0.15 × site area)]/site area:1(7) Maximum floor area for outbuildings The floor area of an outbuilding on a lot must not be more than the following—(a) if the lot has an area of not more than 300m2—36m2,(b) if the lot has an area of more than 300m2 but not more than 600m2—45m2,(c) if the lot has an area of more than 600m2—60m2.
Part 2 Complying development certificate conditions
Complying development must comply with the requirements of the Act, the regulations under the Act and this Plan.
General conditions
Any development specified in Part 1 is subject to the same conditions set out in Schedule 6 to State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.
sch 3: Am 2015 (650), Sch 1 [3]; 2017 (350), Sch 1.2.
Schedule 4 Classification and reclassification of public land
(Clause 5.2)
Part 1 Land classified, or reclassified, as operational land—no interests changed
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Locality | Description |
Nil |
Part 2 Land classified, or reclassified, as operational land—interests changed
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Locality | Description | Any trusts etc not discharged |
East Lindfield | 19 Hughes Place, being Lot 23, DP 28233 | Nil |
Lindfield | 53 Bradfield Road, being Lot 1, DP 749201 | Nil |
Pymble | 6A Peace Avenue, being Lot 2, DP 202873 | Nil |
Roseville Chase | 97 Babbage Road, being Lot 47, DP 13444 | Nil |
Roseville Chase | 47 Warrane Road, being Lots 33 and 34, DP 3285; Lot 3, DP 26343; Lot B, DP 403780 | Nil |
Part 3 Land classified, or reclassified, as community land
Column 1 | Column 2 |
Locality | Description |
Nil |
sch 4: Am 2016 (733), cl 4; 2016 (734), cl 6.
Schedule 5 Environmental heritage
(Clause 5.10)
Part 1 Heritage items
Suburb | Item name | Address | Property description | Significance | Item no |
East Killara | “Fountains”, dwelling house | 9–11 Roper Place | Lot 3, DP 219349 | Local | I171 |
East Killara | “Wharncliffe”, dwelling house | 78A Springdale Road | Lot 103, DP 859921 | Local | I1107 |
East Killara | Dwelling house | 145 Springdale Road | Lot 497, DP 752031 | Local | I173 |
East Killara | Seven Little Australians Park (being the western part of former Lindfield Park) | Tryon Road | Lot 2, DP 1134198; Lot 1, DP 611692; Lot 4, DP 449586; Lot 2, DP 399827; Lots 199 and 200, DP 752031; Part Lots 154, 155, 215, 216 and 217, DP 752031; Part Lot 7316, DP 1157421; Lot 7061, DP 93836 | Local | I1100 |
East Killara | Lindfield Soldiers Memorial Park (being the eastern part of former Lindfield Park) | 62A Tryon Road | Lot 3, DP 182465; Lot 156, DP 752031; Part Lots 154,155 and 159, DP 752031; Part Lot 1, DP 1180328 | Local | I1099 |
East Lindfield | “Fred Clements House”, dwelling house | 15 Damour Avenue | Lot 8, Section 41, DP 253074 | Local | I174 |
East Lindfield | Dwelling house | 23 Karoo Avenue | Lot 24, Section 9, DP 758373 | Local | I175 |
East Lindfield | Dwelling house | 20 Melbourne Road | Lot 2, DP 19248; Lot 12, DP 19382 | Local | I176 |
East Lindfield | “Rippon Lea”, dwelling house | 29 Pleasant Avenue | Lot 148, DP 552778 | Local | I177 |
East Lindfield | “Meadow Lea”, dwelling house | 22–22A Sydney Road | Lot A, DP 339432; Lots 1 and 2, DP 1149553 | Local | I179 |
East Lindfield | “Green Leaves”, dwelling house | 28 Sydney Road | Part of Lot 1, DP 19102 | Local | I178 |
East Lindfield | Dwelling house | 96 Wellington Road | Lot 2, Section 10, DP 758373 | Local | I180 |
East Lindfield | Dwelling house | 72 Woodlands Road | Lot 156, DP 9998 | Local | I181 |
Gordon | “Eudesmia”, dwelling house | 9 Burgoyne Street | Lot 1, DP 331718 | Local | I1 |
Gordon | “Birralee”, dwelling house | 25 Bushlands Avenue | Lot 3, DP 578395 | Local | I200 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 48 Bushlands Avenue | Lot 4, DP 18297 | Local | I182 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 8 Cecil Street | Lot 2, DP 315196 | Local | I2 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 12–14 Cecil Street | Part of Lot 100, DP 1229475 | Local | I3 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 12–14 Cecil Street | Part of Lot 100, DP 1229475 | Local | I4 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 37 Cecil Street | Lot 1, DP 545627 | Local | I185 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 38 Cecil Street | Lot 1, DP 220213 | Local | I186 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 42 Cecil Street | Lot 1, DP 310515 | Local | I187 |
Gordon | “Holly Lodge”, dwelling house | 55 Cecil Street | Lot C, DP 371365 | Local | I188 |
Gordon | Lady Gowrie Retirement Village (formerly known as Burnham Thorpe) | 10 Edward Street | Lot 1, DP 624543 | Local | I189 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 15 Edward Street | Lot 1, DP 101657 | Local | I190 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 16 Edward Street | Lot 2, DP 235798 | Local | I191 |
Gordon | Baptist Church and Manse | 1 Garden Square | Lot 1, DP 324029 | Local | I192 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 2 Garden Square | Lot 2, DP 525971 | Local | I193 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 4 Garden Square | Lots 5 and 6, DP 11485 | Local | I194 |
Gordon | “Killarney Castle”, dwelling house | 3 Glenview Street | Lot 2, DP 242900 | Local | I195 |
Gordon | Gordon Station Railway Group | 25 Henry Street (Gordon Railway Station) | Lot 1, DP 1129081 | State | I6 |
Gordon | “Westward-Ho”, residential flat building | 36 Henry Street | Lot 8, DP 15724 | Local | I5 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 22 Highlands Avenue | Lot 1, DP 526883 | Local | I196 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 36 Holford Crescent | Lot 1, DP 974823 | Local | I197 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 16 Khartoum Avenue | Lot A, DP 323809 | Local | I7 |
Gordon | “Matong”, dwelling house | 4 Matong Street | Lot X, DP 387339 | Local | I198 |
Gordon | “Eryldene”, dwelling house | 17 Mcintosh Street | Lot 1, DP 34650 | State | I8 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 11 Minns Road | Lot 6, Section A, DP 5596; Lot 2, DP 322060; Lot A, DP 338042; Lot 1, DP 652843 | Local | I199 |
Gordon | Moree Street Cottage Group | 42 Moree Street | Lot 11, DP 6395 | Local | I201 |
Gordon | Moree Street Cottage Group | 49 Moree Street | Lot A, DP 357966 | Local | I202 |
Gordon | Moree Street Cottage Group | 55 Moree Street | Lot 3, DP 553150 | Local | I203 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 21 Mount William Street | Lot B, DP 413691 | Local | I9 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 1 Nelson Street | Lot 1, DP 104182 | Local | I204 |
Gordon | “Gowanlea”, dwelling house | 22 Nelson Street | Lot B, DP 341407 | Local | I205 |
Gordon | “Aberdour”, dwelling house | 23 Nelson Street | Lot 6, Section 5, DP 3267 | Local | I206 |
Gordon | “Theace”, dwelling house | 24 Nelson Street | Lot 1, DP 632984 | Local | I207 |
Gordon | “Carinya”, dwelling house | 25 Nelson Street | Lot 7, Section 5, DP 3267 | Local | I208 |
Gordon | “Trewayr”, dwelling house | 28 Nelson Street | Lots 14 and 15, DP 3662 | Local | I209 |
Gordon | “Mandalay”, house | 32 Nelson Street | Lot 1, DP 200605 | Local | I210 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 33 Nelson Street | Lot 2, DP 300968 | Local | I211 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 35 Nelson Street | Lot 3, DP 300968 | Local | I212 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 37 Nelson Street | Lot 1, DP 171064 | Local | I213 |
Gordon | “Millthorn”, dwelling house | 38 Nelson Street | Lot 1, DP 584186 | Local | I214 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 41 Nelson Street | Lot 2, DP 13842 | Local | I215 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 43 Nelson Street | Lot 4, DP 13842; Lot 1, DP 181050 | Local | I216 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 41A Nelson Street | Lot 3, DP 13842 | Local | I217 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 67 Onslow Lane | Lot 41, DP 17131 | Local | I218 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 2 Ormiston Avenue | Lot 11, DP 532940 | Local | I219 |
Gordon | “Iolanthe”, dwelling house | 681 Pacific Highway | Lot 100, DP 776508 | State | I10 |
Gordon | “Tulkiyan”, dwelling house | 707 Pacific Highway | Lot 3, DP 3267 | State | I11 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 726 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 130693 | Local | I12 |
Gordon | Seventh Day Adventist Office | 738 Pacific Highway | Lot A, DP 337904 | Local | I13 |
Gordon | Former Gordon Post Office | 741 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 1165238 | Local | I14 |
Gordon | Commonwealth Bank | 747–749 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 668842 | Local | I18 |
Gordon | “Windsor House”, dwelling house | 748 Pacific Highway | Lot A, DP 350224 | Local | I15 |
Gordon | St John’s Church and Cemetery | 750–754 Pacific Highway | Lots 1–3, DP 449441 and Lot 853, DP 752031 | Local | I19 |
Gordon | Old Gordon Primary School | 799 Pacific Highway | Lot 3, DP 825602 | State | I16 |
Gordon | Ku-ring-gai Council Chamber | 818 Pacific Highway | Lot 2, DP 786550 | Local | I17 |
Gordon | Bradfield Memorial Garden | Intersection of Park Avenue and Rosedale Road | Part Road Reserve | Local | I1102 |
Gordon | Gordon Pre-School building | 2A Park Avenue | Lot 12, DP 852087 | Local | I23 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 11 Park Avenue | Lot 2, DP 213017 | Local | I20 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 12–14 Park Avenue | Lot B, DP 347149 | Local | I22 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 16 Park Avenue | Lot 16, DP 975243 | Local | I21 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 23 Park Avenue | Lot 2, DP 524698 | Local | I73 |
Gordon | “Annie Wyatt House”, dwelling house | 26 Park Avenue | Lot 2, DP 525879 | Local | I221 |
Gordon | Baptist Church and Manse | 20–22 Park Avenue | Lot 23, DP 747780 | Local | I222 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 8 Pearson Avenue | Lot A, DP 316799 | Local | I24 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 27 Ridge Street | Lot 12, DP 703094 | Local | I224 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 29 Ridge Street | Lot 11, DP 703094 | Local | I225 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 33 Ridge Street | Lot X, DP 388549 | Local | I226 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 41 Ridge Street | Lot C, DP 395940 | Local | I227 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 43 Ridge Street | Lot A, DP 384888 | Local | I228 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 45 Ridge Street | Lot C, DP 375934 | Local | I229 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 52 Ridge Street | Lot A, DP 32848 | Local | I230 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 57 Ridge Street | Lot 2, DP 961573 | Local | I231 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 64 Ridge Street | Lot 1, DP 166157 | Local | I232 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 65 Ridge Street | Lot 1, DP 881145 | Local | I233 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 72 Ridge Street | Lot B, DP 306541 | Local | I235 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 74 Ridge Street | Lot A, DP 328175 | Local | I236 |
Gordon | Ridge Street Cottage Group | 84 Ridge Street | Lot D, DP 963412 | Local | I237 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 7 Robert Street | Lot B, DP 335704 | Local | I25 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 10 Rosedale Road | Lot 3, DP 167041 | Local | I26 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 18 Rosedale Road | Lot A, DP 390075 | Local | I238 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 35 Rosedale Road | Lot C, DP 310124 | Local | I239 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 56 Rosedale Road | Lot C, DP 373918 | Local | I240 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 66 Rosedale Road | Lot D, DP 390401 | Local | I241 |
Gordon | “Oberon”, dwelling house | 24 St Johns Avenue | Lot A, DP 405365 | Local | I27 |
Gordon | “J. Tuck House”, dwelling house | 22 Waugoola Street | Lot 109, DP 17131 | Local | I243 |
Gordon | Dwelling house | 49 Werona Avenue | Lot 3, DP 3352 | Local | I28 |
Gordon | “Rochester”, dwelling house | 51 Werona Avenue | Lot 2, DP 233872 | Local | I29 |
Gordon | “Nebraska”, dwelling house | 17 Yarabah Avenue | Lot B, DP 333895 | Local | I30 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 3 Arnold Street | Lot 1, DP 219788 | Local | I245 |
Killara | “Nonnora”, duplex | 7 Arnold Street | Lot 1, DP 221090 | Local | I246 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 9 Arnold Street | Lot B, DP 334995 | Local | I247 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 9A Arnold Street | Lot A, DP 334995; Lot B, DP 359137 | Local | I253 |
Killara | St Martins Church | 9B Arnold Street | Lot X, DP 383452; Lot B, DP 442714; Lot B, DP 354697; Lots 1 and 2, DP 307116 | Local | I254 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 11 Arnold Street | Lot A, DP 333636; Lot Y, DP 383452 | Local | I248 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 15 Arnold Street | Lot A, DP 442714 | Local | I249 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 37A Arnold Street | Lot 1, DP 505312 | Local | I252 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 40 Arnold Street | Lot 1, DP 663521 | Local | I250 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 46 Arnold Street | Lot B, DP 330445 | Local | I251 |
Killara | “Fane Edge”, dwelling house | 2B Bruce Avenue | Lot A, DP 397380 | Local | I31 |
Killara | “Southdean”, dwelling house | 10 Buckingham Road | Lot 2, DP 584659 | Local | I255 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 11 Buckingham Road | Lots A and C, DP 317346 | Local | I256 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 22 Buckingham Road | Lot 2, DP 345204 | Local | I257 |
Killara | “Sidmouth”, dwelling house | 26 Buckingham Road | Lot A, DP 330946; Lot B, DP 396895 | Local | I258 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 41 Buckingham Road | Lots 5 and Lot 6, DP 456023 | Local | I259 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 1 Caithness Street | Lot 8, DP 14824 | Local | I260 |
Killara | “Glen Brae”, dwelling house | 28 Cook Road | Lot 3, DP 516966 | Local | I307 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 46 Elva Avenue | Lot A, DP 330968; Lot C, DP 332070 | Local | I264 |
Killara | “Sunny Corner”, dwelling house | 37 Fiddens Wharf Road | Lot 5, DP 10097 | Local | I265 |
Killara | “The Meadows”, dwelling house | 46 Fiddens Wharf Road | Lot 1, DP 502387 | Local | I266 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 1B Fiddens Wharf Road | Lot 2, DP 221433 | Local | I267 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 14 Forsyth Street | Lot 71, DP 539046 | Local | I32 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 3 Garnet Street | Lot A, DP 329085 | Local | I269 |
Killara | “Twelve Trees”, dwelling house | 12 Garnet Street | Lot 5, DP 16166; Lot B, DP 333787 | Local | I270 |
Killara | “Ainslea”, dwelling house | 14 Garnet Street | Lot B, DP 339998 | Local | I271 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 10 Grassmere Road | Lot 1, DP 606654 | Local | I272 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 19 Grassmere Road | Lot 2, DP 100545; Lot A, DP 385233 | Local | I273 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 20 Greengate Road | Lot 11, DP 13657 | Local | I274 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 23 Greengate Road | Lot 37, DP 3974 | Local | I275 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 31 Greengate Road | Lot 1, DP 948381 | Local | I276 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 33 Greengate Road | Lot 2, DP 1016296 | Local | I277 |
Killara | “Misrule”, dwelling house | 36 Greengate Road | Lot 1, DP 663508 | Local | I278 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 42 Greengate Road | Lot B, DP 304805 | Local | I279 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 44 Greengate Road | Lot A, DP 304805 | Local | I280 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 46 Greengate Road | Lot 1, DP 550055 | Local | I281 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 51 Greengate Road | Lot 25, DP 3975; Lot 1, DP 924931 | Local | I282 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 55 Illeroy Avenue | Lot 1, DP 558628 | Local | I283 |
Killara | “Harry and Penelope Seidler House”, dwelling house | 13 Kalang Avenue | Lot 11, DP 580188 | State | I284 |
Killara | Federation dwelling house | 2 Karranga Avenue | Lot 1, DP 563239 | Local | I285 |
Killara | “Tomerup”, dwelling house | 21 Karranga Avenue | Lots 103 and 105, DP 1059710 | Local | I286 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 28 Karranga Avenue | Lot 2, DP 524242 | Local | I287 |
Killara | “Roscombe”, Federation bungalow | 29 Karranga Avenue | Lot 1, DP 129288 | Local | I288 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 32 Karranga Avenue | Lot 1, DP 533364 | Local | I289 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 36 Karranga Avenue | DP 965437 | Local | I290 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 3 Killara Avenue | Lot 18, DP 656378 | Local | I291 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 26 Killara Avenue | Lot A, DP 318590 | Local | I292 |
Killara | “Goondee”, dwelling house | 33 Killara Avenue | Lot 10, DP 666517 | Local | I293 |
Killara | “Deepdene”, dwelling house | 22 Kylie Avenue | Lot 1, DP 818615 | Local | I294 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 25 Kylie Avenue | Lot 2, DP 14922 | Local | I295 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 27 Kylie Avenue | Lot 1, DP 14922 | Local | I296 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 27A Kylie Avenue (corner of 25 Northcote Avenue) | Part of Lot 2, DP 311055 | Local | I297 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 5 Locksley Street | Lot 1, DP 932742; Lot 1, DP 934082; Lot 1, DP 1098790 | Local | I298 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 7 Locksley Street | Lot A, DP 380305 | Local | I299 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 19 Locksley Street | Lot 12, DP 1083606 | Local | I300 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 22 Locksley Street | Lot 1, DP 329641 | Local | I301 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 6 Lorne Avenue | Lot B, DP 335610 | Local | I302 |
Killara | “Windermere”, dwelling house | 8 Lorne Avenue | Lot A, DP 335610 | Local | I303 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 10 Lorne Avenue | Lot 4, DP 733257 | Local | I304 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 14 Lorne Avenue | Lot 2, DP 706898 | Local | I305 |
Killara | Reservoir pump station | 20 Lorne Avenue | Lot 1, DP 781659 | Local | I306 |
Killara | “Lynwood Cottage”, dwelling house | 4 Lynwood Avenue | Lot 2, DP 215021 | Local | I308 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 9 Lynwood Avenue | Lot 1, DP 317822 | Local | I309 |
Killara | “Lynwood”, dwelling house | 10 Lynwood Avenue | Lot 21, DP 595013 | Local | I310 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 11 Lynwood Avenue | Lot 19, DP 7363; Lot 18, DP 656331 | Local | I311 |
Killara | “Brandywine”, dwelling house | 19 Lynwood Avenue | Lot A, DP 326691 | Local | I312 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 21 Lynwood Avenue | Lot B, DP 326691 | Local | I313 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 23 Lynwood Avenue | Lot C, DP 326691 | Local | I314 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 28 Lynwood Avenue | Lot 1, DP 330537 | Local | I315 |
Killara | “The Tudors”, dwelling house | 29 Lynwood Avenue | Lots 2 and 3, DP 12794 | Local | I316 |
Killara | “Karingal”, dwelling house | 30 Lynwood Avenue | Lot 2, DP 330537 | Local | I317 |
Killara | “Morningside”, dwelling house | 1 Maples Avenue | Lot 7, DP 17751 | Local | I319 |
Killara | Dorchester Flats | 1 Marian Street | Part of Lots 30 and 31, DP 3263 | Local | I320 |
Killara | Newsagent, chemist | 11–15 Marian Street | Lot 3, DP 170701 | Local | I328 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 24 Marian Street | Lot 7, DP 14824 | Local | I321 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 27 Marian Street | Lot D, DP 358013 | Local | I322 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 29 Marian Street | Lot F, DP 358013 | Local | I323 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 33 Marian Street | Lot 39, DP 3263; Lot C, DP 328483 | Local | I325 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 39 Marian Street | Lot 1, DP 656075 | Local | I327 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 2 Maytone Avenue | Lot 90, DP 17647 | Local | I329 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 3 Maytone Avenue | Lot 1, DP 586413 | Local | I330 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 4 Maytone Avenue | Lot 89, DP 17647 | Local | I331 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 6 Maytone Avenue | Lot 88, DP 17647 | Local | I332 |
Killara | “Arthur Kennedy House”, dwelling house | 8 Maytone Avenue | Lot 87, DP 17647 | Local | I333 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 5 Mildura Street | Lot 3, DP 233230 | Local | I334 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 12 Montah Avenue | Lot 1, DP 815173 | Local | I335 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 19 Montah Avenue | Lot A, DP 319751 | Local | I336 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 24 Montah Avenue | Lots 532 and 820, DP 752031 | Local | I337 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 43 Norfolk Street | Lot B, DP 341339 | Local | I338 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 8 Nyora Street | Lot A, DP 392546 | Local | I339 |
Killara | “The Oaks”, dwelling house | 517 Pacific Highway | Lot B, DP 364354 | Local | I340 |
Killara | Killara Golf Course Clubhouse including putting green, fairway and garden within the curtilage of the Clubhouse | 556 Pacific Highway | Part Lot 2, DP 535219 | Local | I341 |
Killara | Dormie House | 558 Pacific Highway | Lots A and B, DP 329128 | Local | I342 |
Killara | Greengate Hotel | 655A Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 1127395 | Local | I344 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 3 Powell Street | Lot B, DP 342787 | Local | I345 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 4 Powell Street | Lot 1, DP 922931 | Local | I346 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 5 Powell Street | Lot B, DP 332610 | Local | I347 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 7 Powell Street | Lot A, DP 344915 | Local | I348 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 10 Powell Street | Lot 1, DP 927779 | Local | I349 |
Killara | “Woodfield”, dwelling house | 23 Powell Street | Lot 1, DP 778037 | Local | I350 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 24 Powell Street | Lot 2, DP 847660 | Local | I351 |
Killara | “Currawinya”, dwelling house | 27 Powell Street | Lot X, DP 418682 | Local | I352 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 40 Powell Street | Lot 1, DP 708839 | Local | I353 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 42 Powell Street | Lot 1, DP 67465 | Local | I354 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 46 Powell Street | Lot B, DP 350085 | Local | I355 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 21 Redgum Avenue | Lot 2, DP 13576 | Local | I356 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 23 Redgum Avenue | Lot C, DP 332616 | Local | I357 |
Killara | “Lynton Manor”, dwelling house | 27 Rosebery Road | Lot 1, DP 233695 | Local | I358 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 38 Rosebery Road | Lot 5, Section 6, DP 4064 | Local | I359 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 50 Rosebery Road | Lot 2, DP 570500 | Local | I360 |
Killara | “Rosedene”, dwelling house | 66 Rosebery Road | Lot C, DP 301167 | Local | I361 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 2 Spencer Road | Lot D, DP 333743 | Local | I362 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 12 Spencer Road | Lot 2, DP 614441 | Local | I363 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 59 Spencer Road | Lot 42, DP 6050 | Local | I364 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 1 Springdale Road | Lots A and B, DP 328781 | Local | I365 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 4 Springdale Road | Lot 4, DP 583088 | Local | I366 |
Killara | “Eastment House”, dwelling house and interior | 6 Springdale Road | Lot 1, DP 505522 | Local | I1112 |
Killara | “Chartwell”, dwelling house | 7 Springdale Road | Lot B, DP 335517 | Local | I367 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 8 Springdale Road | Lot A, DP 359137 | Local | I368 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 15 Springdale Road | Lot 6, DP 662356 | Local | I369 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 16 Springdale Road | Lot A, DP 354697 | Local | I370 |
Killara | “Deepdene”, dwelling house | 17 Springdale Road | Lot A, DP 343026; Lot 7, DP 4524 | Local | I371 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 18 Springdale Road | Lot 7, DP 663510 | Local | I372 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 24 Springdale Road | Lot 1, DP 926778 | Local | I373 |
Killara | “Yilleen”, dwelling house | 28 Springdale Road | Lot 10, DP 664674 | Local | I374 |
Killara | “Holland House”, dwelling house | 30 Springdale Road | Lot 1, DP 312698 | Local | I375 |
Killara | “Yoorooga”, dwelling house | 45 Springdale Road | Lot 1, DP 201178 | Local | I376 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 48 Springdale Road | Lot B, DP 394266 | Local | I377 |
Killara | “Lange”, dwelling house | 49 Springdale Road | Lots 1 and 2, DP 978592 | Local | I378 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 56 Springdale Road | Lot 1, DP 849136 | Local | I379 |
Killara | “Fairlands”, dwelling house | 65 Springdale Road | Lot A, DP 401076 | Local | I380 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 66 Springdale Road | Lot 31, DP 568074 | Local | I381 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 2 Stanhope Road | Lots A and B, DP 339143 | Local | I382 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 3 Stanhope Road | Lot 1, DP 923933 | Local | I383 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 4 Stanhope Road | Lot A, DP 334780 | Local | I384 |
Killara | “Rydal Mount”, dwelling house | 5 Stanhope Road | Lot 1, DP 302127 | Local | I385 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 6 Stanhope Road | Lot B, DP 336488 | Local | I386 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 7 Stanhope Road | Lot 2, DP 302127 | Local | I387 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 12 Stanhope Road | Lot C, DP 326483 | Local | I388 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 18 Stanhope Road | Lot C, DP 325918 | Local | I389 |
Killara | “Delville”, dwelling house | 21 Stanhope Road | Lot A, DP 373231 | Local | I390 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 23 Stanhope Road | Lot 426, DP 664889 | Local | I391 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 25 Stanhope Road | Lot 1, DP 332902 | Local | I392 |
Killara | “Mooralbeck”, dwelling house | 29 Stanhope Road | Lot 1, DP 662493 | Local | I393 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 39 Stanhope Road | Lot 1, DP 551876 | Local | I394 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 44 Stanhope Road | Lot 8, DP 4524 | Local | I395 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 47 Stanhope Road | Lot 2, DP 556482 | Local | I396 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 50 Stanhope Road | Lot B, DP 329085 | Local | I397 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 66 Stanhope Road | Lot A, DP 343523 | Local | I398 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 43A Stanhope Road | Lot A, DP 392132 | Local | I399 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 53A Stanhope Road | Lot 2, DP 314857 | Local | I400 |
Killara | Swain Gardens | 77–77A Stanhope Road | Lot A, DP 386850; Lot 12, DP 601545 | Local | I1103 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 19 Warwick Street | Lots 10, 11 and 12, DP 10906 | Local | I402 |
Killara | “Ballernoo”, dwelling house | 26 Wattle Street | Lot 1, DP 539742 | Local | I403 |
Killara | “Ballernoo”, dwelling house | 26A Wattle Street | Lot 2, DP 539742 | Local | I404 |
Killara | Killara Railway Station Group | Werona Avenue | Part of Lot 10, DP 1169339 | Local | I1106 |
Killara | “Woodlands”, dwelling house | 1 Werona Avenue | Lot 11, DP 1101477 | State | I405 |
Killara | “Maple House”, dwelling house | 25 Werona Avenue | Lot 30, DP 1071484 | Local | I406 |
Killara | Killara Post Office | 23A Werona Avenue | Lot 9, DP 1012535 | Local | I407 |
Killara | Dwelling house | 25A Werona Avenue | Lot 31, DP 1071484 | Local | I408 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 46 Archbold Road | Lot 40, DP 6678 | Local | I409 |
Lindfield | “Lyncroft”, dwelling house | 4 Averil Place | Lot 4, DP 236336 | Local | I410 |
Lindfield | “Audley”, dwelling house | 17 Bayswater Road | Lot C, DP 344475 | Local | I411 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 14 Beaconsfield Parade | Lot 1, DP 168629 | Local | I412 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 31 Beaconsfield Parade | Lot B, DP 324025 | Local | I413 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 28 Bent Street | Lot 17, DP 10189 | Local | I416 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 11 Blenheim Road | Lot 142, DP 6608 | Local | I33 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 12 Blenheim Road | Lot A, DP 369207 | Local | I34 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 15 Blenheim Road | Lot 143, DP 6608 | Local | I35 |
Lindfield | “Lochinvar”, dwelling house | 19 Blenheim Road | Lot 145, DP 6608 | Local | I36 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 26 Chelmsford Avenue | Lot 7, DP 6678 | Local | I419 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 25 Cocupara Avenue | Lot 59, DP 28888 | Local | I420 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 12 Dangar Street | Lot 1, DP 525627 | Local | I421 |
Lindfield | UTS Ku-ring-gai Campus main building, including the gymnasium and footbridge | 100 Eton Road | Lot 2, DP 1151638 | Local | I422 |
Lindfield | Frances Street Bungalow Group | 1 Frances Street | Lot 1, DP 7723 | Local | I423 |
Lindfield | Frances Street Bungalow Group | 2 Frances Street | Lot 12A, DP 307998 | Local | I424 |
Lindfield | Frances Street Bungalow Group | 3 Frances Street | Lot 2, DP 7723 | Local | I425 |
Lindfield | Frances Street Bungalow Group | 4 Frances Street | Lot 11, DP 7723 | Local | I426 |
Lindfield | Frances Street Bungalow Group | 5 Frances Street | Lot 3, DP 7723; Lot 1, DP 1069076 | Local | I427 |
Lindfield | Frances Street Bungalow Group | 6 Frances Street | Lot 10, DP 7723 | Local | I428 |
Lindfield | Frances Street Bungalow Group | 7 Frances Street | Lot 4, DP 957045 | Local | I429 |
Lindfield | Frances Street Bungalow Group | 8 Frances Street | Lot 9, DP 7723 | Local | I430 |
Lindfield | Frances Street Bungalow Group | 9 Frances Street | Lot 5, DP 7723 | Local | I431 |
Lindfield | Frances Street Bungalow Group | 10 Frances Street | Lot 8, DP 7723 | Local | I432 |
Lindfield | Frances Street Bungalow Group | 12 Frances Street | Lot 7, DP 7723 | Local | I433 |
Lindfield | Frances Street Bungalow Group | 14 Frances Street | Lot 6, DP 7723 | Local | I434 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 21 Frances Street | Lot 1, DP 17918 | Local | I435 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 24 Gladstone Parade | Lot 1, DP 220242 | Local | I436 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 1 Grosvenor Road | Lot 2, DP 215626 | Local | I437 |
Lindfield | “Longview”, dwelling house | 2 Grosvenor Road | Lot A, DP 343071 | Local | I37 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 3 Grosvenor Road | Lot 1, DP 214630 | Local | I438 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 7 Grosvenor Road | Lot 4, DP 215625 | Local | I439 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 9 Grosvenor Road | Lot D, DP 364265 | Local | I440 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 11 Grosvenor Road | Lot C, DP 364265 | Local | I441 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 15 Grosvenor Road | Lot B, DP 363054 | Local | I442 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 1 Highfield Road | Lot 1, DP 619255 | Local | I38 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 6 Highfield Road | Lot 51, DP 133309 | Local | I39 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 47 Highfield Road | Lot 11, DP 1138930 | Local | I443 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 22 Kenilworth Road | Lot 78, DP 6608 | Local | I40 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 6 Lightcliff Avenue | Lot 3, DP 1061877 | Local | I445 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 8 Lightcliff Avenue | Lot 4, DP 655054 | Local | I446 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 12 Lightcliff Avenue | Lot 6, DP 8597 | Local | I447 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 14 Lightcliff Avenue | Lot 7, DP 8597 | Local | I448 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 19 Lightcliff Avenue | Lot 9, DP 8597; Lot B, DP 356699 | Local | I449 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 3 Lindel Place | Lot 4, DP 233274 | Local | I450 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 4 Lindel Place | Lot 31, DP 554288 | Local | I451 |
Lindfield | Lindfield Railway Station Group | Lindfield Avenue | Part of Lot 1, DP 1131000 | Local | I1109 |
Lindfield | Commercial block | 1–21 Lindfield Avenue | Lots 1–7, DP 17409 and Lot 1, DP 1264670 | Local | I41 |
Lindfield | “Laurabada”, dwelling house | 9 Middle Harbour Road | Lot 6, DP 4665 | Local | I42 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 31 Middle Harbour Road | Lot 3, DP 186607 | Local | I43 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 32A Middle Harbour Road | Lot 4, DP 17373 | Local | I453 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 34 Middle Harbour Road | Lot 5, DP 17373 | Local | I452 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 9 Nelson Road | Lot 1, DP 525755 | Local | I454 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 15 Nelson Road | Lot A, DP 359051 | Local | I455 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 31 Nelson Road | Lots 4 and 5, DP 5168 | Local | I457 |
Lindfield | Federation bungalow | 33 Nelson Road | Lot 6, DP 5168 | Local | I458 |
Lindfield | “Fieldhead”, dwelling house | 42 Nelson Road | Lot 156, DP 6608 | Local | I44 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 43 Nelson Road | Lots 11 and 12, DP 1012827 | Local | I459 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 44 Nelson Road | Lot 155, DP 6608 | Local | I45 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 50 Nelson Road | Lot 152, DP 6608 | Local | I46 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 1 Ortona Road | Lot B, DP 343102 | Local | I460 |
Lindfield | “Heilbron”, dwelling house | 2 Ortona Road | Lot A, DP 334595 | Local | I461 |
Lindfield | “Rathlyn”, dwelling house | 5 Ortona Road | Lot 1, DP 334136 | Local | I462 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 270 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 874953 | Local | I47 |
Lindfield | Commercial building—Churchers Restaurant | 386–390 Pacific Highway | Lot 12, DP 629035 | Local | I48 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 27 Polding Road | Lot A, DP 343615 | Local | I465 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 7 Provincial Road | Lot 1, DP 923281 | Local | I467 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 78 Provincial Road | Lot 57, DP 660952 | Local | I468 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 88 Provincial Road | Lot A, DP 360537 | Local | I469 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 114A Provincial Road | Lot 30, DP 15246; Lot 1, DP 329638 | Local | I470 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 19 Russell Avenue | Lot 20, DP 4215 | Local | I49 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 22 Russell Avenue | Lot B, DP 360135 | Local | I50 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 6 Treatts Road | Lot 7, DP 4145 | Local | I472 |
Lindfield | “Mignon”, dwelling house | 8 Treatts Road | Lot A, DP 302180 | Local | I473 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 23 Treatts Road | Lot 1, DP 456178 | Local | I51 |
Lindfield | “Northhaven” (formerly Rosebank), dwelling house | 26 Treatts Road | Lot B, DP 82429 | Local | I474 |
Lindfield | “Treetops”, dwelling house | 42 Treatts Road | Lot A, DP 329281; Lot B, DP 359487 | Local | I475 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 45 Treatts Road | Lot 148, DP 6608 | Local | I52 |
Lindfield | “Coromandel”, dwelling house | 47 Treatts Road | Lot 149, DP 6608 | Local | I53 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 50 Treatts Road | Lot A, DP 318483 | Local | I476 |
Lindfield | “Brenchley”, dwelling house | 56 Treatts Road | Lot 1, DP 330347 | Local | I477 |
Lindfield | St Alban’s Anglican Church | 1–5 Tryon Road | Lot 1, DP 501299 | Local | I55 |
Lindfield | Lindfield Uniting Church | 33 Tryon Road | Lot 1, DP 724802 | State | I54 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 49 Tryon Road | Lot 1, DP 579689 | Local | I478 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 1 Valley Road | Lot A, DP 344051 | Local | I479 |
Lindfield | “Hazeldean”, dwelling house | 3 Valley Road | Lot F, DP 408161 | Local | I480 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 6 Valley Road | Lot 37, DP 3210; Lot 138, DP 456173 | Local | I481 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 4 Waimea Road | Lot 23, DP 667016 | Local | I482 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 6 Waimea Road | Part of Lot B, DP 332267 | Local | I483 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 17 Waimea Road | Lot 11, DP 5653 | Local | I56 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 23 Waimea Road | Lot 7, DP 1047288; Lots 2 and 3, DP 1046586 | Local | I485 |
Lindfield | “The Glen”, dwelling house | 2 Westbourne Road | Lot 1, DP 955268 | Local | I57 |
Lindfield | Dwelling house | 25 Westbourne Road | Lot 21, DP 13028; Lot B, DP 378817 | Local | I487 |
North Turramurra | Dwelling house | 36 Banks Avenue | Lot 5, DP 1061616 | Local | I488 |
North Turramurra | “Brooklyn”, dwelling house | 183–185 Bobbin Head Road | Lot 12, DP 827972 | Local | I492 |
North Turramurra | “Lynesta”, dwelling house | 397 Bobbin Head Road | Lot 11, DP 1632893 | Local | I489 |
North Turramurra | “Huon Park House” | 402 Bobbin Head Road | Lot 8, DP 23868 | Local | I490 |
North Turramurra | “Flowton” Lady Davidson Hospital Administration Block | 434 Bobbin Head Road | Lot 211, DP 1012228 | Local | I491 |
North Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 16 Daly Avenue | Lot 8, Section 38, DP 758792; Lot 860, DP 40406 | Local | I493 |
North Wahroonga | “Taree”, dwelling house | 93 Grosvenor Street | Lot 1, DP 504381 | Local | I494 |
North Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 102 Grosvenor Street | Lot 12, DP 1128746 | Local | I495 |
North Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 1 Lister Street | Lots 2 and 3, DP 415936 | Local | I496 |
North Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 7 Wyeena Close | Lot 11, DP 858535 | Local | I497 |
Pymble | “Claverton”, dwelling house | 3–5 Alma Street | Lots 2 and 3, DP 331914 | Local | I59 |
Pymble | “Athol”, dwelling house | 19 Alma Street | Lot 2, DP 19151 | Local | I58 |
Pymble | “Glengarriff”, dwelling house | 12 Anatol Place | Lot 11, DP 228739 | Local | I498 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 6 Arden Road | Lot 1, DP 15541 | Local | I499 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 11 Arilla Road | Lot 12, DP 15541 | Local | I500 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 1 Avon Road | Part of Lot 5, DP 1226345 | Local | I1098 |
Pymble | “Macquarie Cottage”, dwelling house | 11 Avon Road | Lot 1, DP 502794 | Local | I501 |
Pymble | “Caprera Cottage”, dwelling house | 19 Avon Road | Lot 1, DP 927721 | Local | I502 |
Pymble | Avondale Golf Club House | 40 Avon Road | Lot 4, DP 789892 | Local | I503 |
Pymble | “Hillcrest”, dwelling house | 57 Avon Road | Lot 3, DP 500320 | Local | I504 |
Pymble | “Bagot House”, dwelling house | 26 Bannockburn Road | Lot 13, DP 20409 | Local | I506 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 36 Bannockburn Road | Lot 3, DP 623240 | Local | I508 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 6 Beechworth Road | Lot 2, DP 403072 | Local | I1099 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 9 Beechworth Road | Lot 4, DP 501584 | Local | I510 |
Pymble | “Coombe Cottage”, dwelling house | 41 Beechworth Road | Lot 3, DP 11232 | Local | I512 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 11 Bobbin Head Road | Lot 52, DP 748209 | Local | I513 |
Pymble | “Heatherbrae”, dwelling house | 12 Bobbin Head Road | Lot 1, DP 200728 | Local | I514 |
Pymble | “Hiawatha”, dwelling house | 25 Bobbin Head Road | Lot 1, DP 221542 | Local | I518 |
Pymble | “Tecumseh”, dwelling house | 29 Bobbin Head Road | Lot 1, DP 878372 | Local | I520 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 1 Boolarong Road | Lot 2, DP 204366 | Local | I523 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 8 Boolarong Road | Lot 22, Section 5, DP 13451 | Local | I524 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 11 Boolarong Road | Lot 10, DP 662370 | Local | I525 |
Pymble | “Artair”, dwelling house | 12 Boolarong Road | Lot 20, Section 5, DP 13451 | Local | I526 |
Pymble | “Wentworth Cottage”, dwelling house | 17 Boolarong Road | Lots 6, 7, 12 and 13, Section 4, DP 13451 | Local | I527 |
Pymble | “Dinton”, dwelling house | 22 Bungalow Avenue | Lot 201, DP 1013674 | Local | I528 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 10–12 Carinya Road | Lot 5, Section 4, DP 13451; Lot 4, DP 13451 | Local | I529 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 10 Church Street | Lots 1 and 2, DP 569775 | Local | I530 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 19 Church Street | Lot 1, DP 340850 | Local | I531 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 21 Church Street | Lot 14, DP 655436 | Local | I532 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 23 Church Street | Lot C, DP 416850 | Local | I533 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 25–27 Church Street | Lot 1, DP 1078504 | Local | I536 |
Pymble | “Kiewa”, dwelling house | 29 Church Street | Lot C, DP 342616 | Local | I534 |
Pymble | “Hoffbank”, dwelling house | 33 Church Street | Lot 1, DP 1002734 | Local | I535 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 1 Clydesdale Place | Lot 1, DP 30236 | Local | I60 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 3 Courallie Avenue | Lot G, DP 391490 | Local | I537 |
Pymble | “Cruachan” dwelling house | 7 Fairway Avenue | Lot 2, DP 1175928 | Local | I538 |
Pymble | “Hampton”, dwelling house | 9 Fairway Avenue | Lot A, DP 357648 | Local | I539 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 4 Fern Street | Lot 1, DP 116108 | Local | I540 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 6 Fern Street | Lot 8, DP 804754 | Local | I541 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 8 Fern Street | Lot 9, DP 804754 | Local | I542 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 28 Fern Street | Part of Lot 3, DP 16267 | Local | I543 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 9 Graham Avenue | Lot 2, DP 230079 | Local | I61 |
Pymble | Pymble Railway Station Group | Grandview Street | Part of Lot 2073, DP 1132828 | Local | I1110 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 27 Grandview Street | Lot 2, DP 942249 | Local | I545 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 29 Grandview Street | Lot 1, DP 942249 | Local | I546 |
Pymble | “Ku-ring-gai”, dwelling house | 35 Grandview Street | Lot 101, DP 224414 | Local | I62 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 39 Grandview Street | Lot 2, DP 166813 | Local | I63 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 41 Grandview Street | Lot B, DP 330285 | Local | I64 |
Pymble | “Dahinda”, dwelling house | 43 Grandview Street | Lot A, DP 316227 | Local | I65 |
Pymble | “Willendon”, dwelling house | 45 Grandview Street | Lot B, DP 354830 | Local | I66 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 3 Hope Street | Lot 1, DP 524904 | Local | I548 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 22 Hope Street | Lot 4, DP 27015 | Local | I549 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 7 Kimbarra Road | Lot B, DP 340841 | Local | I550 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 12 Kimbarra Road | Lot 27, DP 15544 | Local | I552 |
Pymble | “Alister Brae”, dwelling house | 24 King Edward Street | Lot Y, DP 397284 | Local | I67 |
Pymble | “Batonga”, dwelling house | 31 King Edward Street | Lot A, DP 326255 | Local | I554 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 1A Korangi Road | Lot 4, DP 609930 | Local | I555 |
Pymble | “Yarrawonga”, dwelling house | 32 Kulgoa Road | Lot 3, DP 232312 | Local | I556 |
Pymble | Former “Lanosa” stables | 11 Kywong Avenue | Part of Lot 10, DP 855982 | Local | I553 |
Pymble | Uniting Church | 1 Livingstone Avenue | Lot 100, DP 1003889 | Local | I68 |
Pymble | “Jesmond Dene”, dwelling house | 56 Livingstone Avenue | Lot 15, DP 603889 | Local | I559 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 66 Livingstone Avenue | Lot 1, DP 1009908 | Local | I561 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 75 Livingstone Avenue | Lot 8, DP 285294 | Local | I562 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 75A Livingstone Avenue | Lot 1, DP 285294 | Local | I566 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 78 Livingstone Avenue | Lot 1, DP 25970 | Local | I563 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 80 Livingstone Avenue | Lot 1, DP 202787 | Local | I564 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 104 Livingstone Avenue | Lot E, DP 386858 | Local | I565 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 6 Lonsdale Avenue | Lot 3, DP 8602 | Local | I567 |
Pymble | “Tiverton”, dwelling house | 29 Macquarie Road | Lot 2, DP 565415 | Local | I568 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 26A Merrivale Road | Lots 1 and 2, DP 577743 | Local | I573 |
Pymble | “Pentecost”, dwelling house | 57 Merrivale Road | Lot 2, DP 252197 | Local | I571 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 89 Merrivale Road | Lot 7, DP 25070 | Local | I572 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 6 Mona Vale Road | Part of Lot D, DP 393040 | Local | I574 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 18 Mona Vale Road | Lot 1, DP 562608 | Local | I575 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 20 Mona Vale Road | Lot 2, DP 562608 | Local | I576 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 24 Mona Vale Road | Lot 1, DP 501839 | Local | I577 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 38 Mona Vale Road | Lot 3, DP 651394 | Local | I578 |
Pymble | Pymble Chapel church, including interior, Sunday School, sandstone street walling and garden setting | 55A Mona Vale Road | Part of Lot A, DP 350784 | Local | I590 |
Pymble | “Strathwood”, dwelling house | 59 Mona Vale Road | Lot 1, DP 136926 | Local | I558 |
Pymble | “Lanosa”, dwelling house | 62–64 Mona Vale Road | Lot 2, DP 573946; Lot 11, DP 855982 | Local | I579 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 67 Mona Vale Road | Lot 1, DP 415650 | Local | I580 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 71 Mona Vale Road | Lot 50, DP 793254 | Local | I581 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 97 Mona Vale Road | Lot 1, DP 659034 | Local | I582 |
Pymble | “Stapleton”, dwelling house | 98 Mona Vale Road | Part of Lot 8, DP 28176 | Local | I583 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 101 Mona Vale Road | Lot 1, DP 525703 | Local | I584 |
Pymble | Pymble Soldiers Memorial Park | 105 Mona Vale Road | Lot 2 and part of Lot 3, DP 34134 | Local | I586 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 132 Mona Vale Road | Part of Lot 11, Section 1, DP 13451; Part of Lot B, DP 377750 | Local | I587 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 136 Mona Vale Road | Part of Lots 8 and 9, Section 1, DP 13451 and Part of Lot A, DP 377750 | Local | I588 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 142 Mona Vale Road | Part of Lots 6 and 7, Section 1, DP 13451 | Local | I589 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 1A Narelle Avenue | Lot 1, DP 659119 | Local | I592 |
Pymble | “Narrelle”, weatherboard cottage | 3–5 Narelle Avenue | Lot 1, DP 213552 | Local | I591 |
Pymble | 3M Building (former) | 950 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 718718 | Local | I593 |
Pymble | Substation | 982–984 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 119476; Lot 1, DP 441760 | State | I598 |
Pymble | Former police station | 1116 Pacific Highway | Lot 20, DP 1263818 | Local | I69 |
Pymble | Pymble Hotel | 1134 Pacific Highway | Lot 8, DP 83967 | Local | I70 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 1161 Pacific Highway | Lot B, DP 332669 | Local | I595 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 1163 Pacific Highway | Lot A, DP 332669 | Local | I596 |
Pymble | “Grandview”, dwelling house | 1178 Pacific Highway | Lot 101, DP 1075407 | Local | I71 |
Pymble | Ku-ring-gai Town Hall | 1186 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 86583 | Local | I72 |
Pymble | “Mountview”, dwelling house | 1228 Pacific Highway | Part of Lot 2, DP 363599 | Local | I597 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 4A Park Crescent | Lots 21 and 22, DP 7427 | Local | I78 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 22 Park Crescent | Lot 2, DP 540017 | Local | I75 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 24 Park Crescent | Lot A, DP 330653 | Local | I76 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 36 Park Crescent | Lot B, DP 329979 | Local | I77 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 41 Pentecost Avenue | Lot 26, Section 6, DP 13451 | Local | I603 |
Pymble | “Greenways”, dwelling house | 45 Pentecost Avenue | Lot 124, DP 538815 | Local | I605 |
Pymble | “Wananderry”, dwelling house | 56 Pentecost Avenue | Lot 1, DP 565705 | Local | I606 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 68 Pentecost Avenue | Lot A, DP 103589 | Local | I608 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 73 Pentecost Avenue | Lot A, DP 394175 | Local | I610 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 75 Pentecost Avenue | Lot 9, Section 6, DP 13451 | Local | I611 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 77 Pentecost Avenue | Lot 8, Section 6, DP 13451 | Local | I612 |
Pymble | “Moodani”, dwelling house | 81 Pentecost Avenue | Lot 3, DP 501439 | Local | I613 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 89 Pentecost Avenue | Lot 2, Section 6, DP 13451 | Local | I615 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 91 Pentecost Avenue | Lot 1, Section 6, DP 13451 | Local | I616 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 7 Pymble Avenue | Lot 9, DP 5448 | Local | I79 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 14 Pymble Avenue | Lot 401, DP 853076 | Local | I80 |
Pymble | “Elderslie”, dwelling house | 41 Pymble Avenue | Lot 1, DP 205781 | Local | I618 |
Pymble | “Cotswolds”, dwelling house | 51 Pymble Avenue | Lot D, DP 352082 | Local | I619 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 59 Pymble Avenue | Lot 1, DP 223332 | Local | I620 |
Pymble | “Hilltop”, dwelling house | 61 Pymble Avenue | Lot X, DP 374824 | Local | I621 |
Pymble | “Montrose”, dwelling house | 77B Pymble Avenue | Lot 1, DP 545170 | Local | I622 |
Pymble | “The Maples”, dwelling house | 5 Station Street | Lot 10, DP 3519 | Local | I81 |
Pymble | “Chescombe”, dwelling house | 11 Station Street | Lot C, DP 331992 | Local | I624 |
Pymble | “Llanberri”, dwelling house | 13 Station Street | Lot D, DP 331992 | Local | I625 |
Pymble | “Shadowood”, dwelling house | 17 Station Street | Lot B, DP 325560 | Local | I626 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 19 Station Street | Lot A, DP 325560 | Local | I627 |
Pymble | “Yolande”, dwelling house | 21 Station Street | Lot 8, DP 8522 | Local | I628 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 3 Taunton Street | Lot 4, DP 234731 | Local | I82 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 5 Taunton Street | Lot C, DP 17424 | Local | I83 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 7 Taunton Street | Lot 1, DP 1022801 | Local | I84 |
Pymble | St. Swithun’s Anglican Church | 2A Telegraph Road | Lot 1, DP 970316 | Local | I654 |
Pymble | Sydney Water Reservoir—Pymble | 2C Telegraph Road | Lots 1 and 2, DP 7321; Lots 1–4, DP 744950; Lot 2, DP 621763 | Local | I655 |
Pymble | “Merrivale”, dwelling house | 4 Telegraph Road | Lot 9, DP 667507 | Local | I635 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 15 Telegraph Road | Lot A, DP 355133 | Local | I85 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 17 Telegraph Road | Lot 2, DP 226026 | Local | I86 |
Pymble | “Elouera”, house | 21 Telegraph Road | Lot A, DP 340653 | Local | I87 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 24 Telegraph Road | Lot 1, DP 933810; Lot 24, DP 7993 | Local | I636 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 26 Telegraph Road | Lot 1, DP 784571 | Local | I637 |
Pymble | “Eric Pratten House” (aka “Coppins”), dwelling house | 29 Telegraph Road | Lots 1 and 3, DP 1205319 | State | I88 |
Pymble | “Sandon”, dwelling house | 31 Telegraph Road | Lot A, DP 335419 | Local | I639 |
Pymble | “Carinya”, dwelling house | 37 Telegraph Road | Lots 1 and 2, DP 205401 | Local | I640 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 38 Telegraph Road | Lot B, DP 401077 | Local | I641 |
Pymble | “Claremont”, dwelling house | 40 Telegraph Road | Lot 1, DP 2968 | Local | I642 |
Pymble | “Belle Maison”, dwelling house | 42 Telegraph Road | Lot 2, DP 2968 | Local | I643 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 43 Telegraph Road | Lot 10, DP 8522 | Local | I644 |
Pymble | “Sackville”, dwelling house | 49 Telegraph Road | Lot 13, DP 8522; Lot A, DP 337947 | Local | I645 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 51 Telegraph Road | Lot 1, DP 331267 | Local | I646 |
Pymble | “Eastbourne”, dwelling house | 52 Telegraph Road | Lot 1, DP 302126 | Local | I647 |
Pymble | “Redriff”, dwelling house | 53 Telegraph Road | Lot 2, DP 331267 | Local | I648 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 63 Telegraph Road | Lot 1, DP 219661 | Local | I649 |
Pymble | “Ballinlough”, dwelling house | 66 Telegraph Road | Lot 13, DP 15644 | Local | I650 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 67 Telegraph Road | Lot B, DP 377019 | Local | I651 |
Pymble | “St Cloud”, dwelling house | 77 Telegraph Road | Lot A, DP 323007 | Local | I652 |
Pymble | “Juniper Green”, dwelling house | 88 Telegraph Road | Part of Lot 3, DP 229040; Part of Lot 7, DP 552415 | Local | I653 |
Pymble | “Robin Hill”, dwelling house | 1 Vista Street | Lot 3, DP 800479 | Local | I656 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 2 Wellesley Road | Lot A, DP 329301 | Local | I89 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 3 Wellesley Road | Lot A, DP 357031 | Local | I657 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 7 Wellesley Road | Lot A, DP 365984 | Local | I658 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 26 Wellesley Road | Lot 1, DP 203589 | Local | I659 |
Pymble | Dwelling house | 27 Woodlands Avenue | Lot 2, DP 232312 | Local | I660 |
Roseville | “Sirocco”, dwelling house | 33 Abingdon Road | Lot 18, DP 13028; Lot 2, DP 338644 | Local | I661 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 3 Addison Avenue | Lot 27, DP 6341 | Local | I662 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 6 Addison Avenue | Lot 6, DP 6341; Lot 1, DP 121689 | Local | I663 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 33 Addison Avenue | Lot 39, DP 7517 | Local | I664 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 15 Alexander Parade | Lot 17, DP 9613 | Local | I90 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 33 Amarna Parade | Lot 80, DP 11994 | Local | I666 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 17 Archbold Road | Lot 61, DP 6341 | Local | I667 |
Roseville | “Rochester”, dwelling house | 3 Bancroft Avenue | Lot 2, DP 114228 | Local | I91 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 6 Bancroft Avenue | Lot 10, DP 1046912 | Local | I92 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 8 Bancroft Avenue | Lot 1, DP 662342 | Local | I93 |
Roseville | “Leightonlyn”, dwelling house | 9 Bancroft Avenue | Lot 7, DP 5035 | Local | I94 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 10 Bancroft Avenue | Lot 2, DP 132799 | Local | I95 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 19 Bancroft Avenue | Lot 11, DP 5035 | Local | I96 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 24 Bancroft Avenue | Lot 1, DP 544047 | Local | I97 |
Roseville | “Westover”, dwelling house | 26 Bancroft Avenue | Lot B, DP 407900 | Local | I98 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 28 Bancroft Avenue | Lot C, DP 407900 | Local | I99 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 59 Bancroft Avenue | Lot 1, DP 1099727 | Local | I668 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 9 Belgium Avenue | Lot 53, DP 7872 | Local | I669 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 15 Belgium Avenue | Lot 51, DP 7872; Lot 1, DP 314995 | Local | I670 |
Roseville | “Ku-ring-gai Court”, residential flat building | 3 Boundary Street | Lot 10, DP 1151068 | Local | I100 |
Roseville | “Clermiston”, dwelling house | 79 Boundary Street | Part of Lot A, DP 414205 | Local | I671 |
Roseville | “Gooyong”, dwelling house | 10 Clanville Road | Lot D, DP 331294 | Local | I101 |
Roseville | “Luton”, dwelling house | 14 Clanville Road | Lot E, DP 416239 | Local | I102 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 31 Clanville Road | Lot 5, DP 4771 | Local | I672 |
Roseville | “Bryn-Mawr”, dwelling house | 81 Clanville Road | Lots 23, 24 and 28, DP 9475 | Local | I673 |
Roseville | The Firs Estate Cottage | 60A Clanville Road | Lots 1–5 and 7–11, DP 9475; Lots 8–14 and 25–31 and 43–49, DP 10038; Lot 2, DP 132908; Lot 6, DP 667676; Lot 1, DP 166600 | Local | I674 |
Roseville | “Taylor”, dwelling house | 15 Clermiston Avenue | Lot 17, DP 6535 | Local | I675 |
Roseville | “Chilcote”, dwelling house | 17 Clermiston Avenue | Lot 18, DP 6535 | Local | I676 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 7 Dudley Avenue | Lot 46, DP 5313 | Local | I677 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 8 Dudley Avenue | Lot 1, DP 302112 | Local | I678 |
Roseville | “Ambleside”, dwelling house and original interior | 24 Dudley Avenue | Lot 1, DP 209190 | Local | I685 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 48 Duntroon Avenue | Lot 62, DP 7517; Lot A, DP 340378 | Local | I679 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 54 Duntroon Avenue | Lot 65, DP 7517; Lot C, DP 340378 | Local | I680 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 44 Earl Street | Lot 104, DP 11994 | Local | I681 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 48 Earl Street | Lot 102, DP 11994 | Local | I682 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 18 Gerald Avenue | Lot 9, DP 5313 | Local | I683 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 12 Glen Road | Lot 1, DP 330460 | Local | I684 |
Roseville | Roseville Station Group | Hill Street | Part of Lot 260, DP 1189542 | Local | I1108 |
Roseville | “Beresford”, dwelling house | 1 Hill Street | Lot 3, DP 1046141 | Local | I103 |
Roseville | Former Westpac Bank building | 65 Hill Street | Lot B, DP 333949 | Local | I104 |
Roseville | “Doralyn”, dwelling house | 16 Kelburn Road | Lot 8, DP 5653 | Local | I105 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 1 Longford Street | Lot 98, DP 13028 | Local | I687 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 19 Lord Street | Lot A, DP 318963 | Local | I106 |
Roseville | St Luke’s Hall | 28 Lord Street | Lot 2, DP 507702; Lot 21, Section B, DP 3277; Lot 1, DP 1111339 | Local | I689 |
Roseville | “Killiecrankie”, dwelling house | 1 Maclaurin Parade | Lot 1, DP 339732 | Local | I107 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 9 Oliver Road | Lot 9, DP 7872 | Local | I108 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 35 Oliver Road | Lot 60, DP 662410 | Local | I691 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 37 Oliver Road | Lot 59, DP 7872 | Local | I692 |
Roseville | Former Commonwealth Bank building | 83 Pacific Highway | Lot 2, DP 1096041 | Local | I109 |
Roseville | Former station master’s residence | 89 Pacific Highway | Lot 2, DP 808504 | Local | I110 |
Roseville | Roseville Cinema | 112–116 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 566196 | Local | I111 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 10 Roseville Avenue | Lot 7, DP 3277 | Local | I112 |
Roseville | “Lawarra”, dwelling house | 12 Roseville Avenue | Lot 8, DP 3277 | Local | I113 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 16 Roseville Avenue | Lot 2, DP 1046734 | Local | I114 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 22 Roseville Avenue | Lot C, DP 417928 | Local | I695 |
Roseville | Roseville Scout Group Hall | 29 Roseville Avenue | Lot 63, DP 667814 | Local | I115 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 31 Roseville Avenue | Lot 1, DP 507702 | Local | I697 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 32 Roseville Avenue | Lot 19, Section A, DP 3277 | Local | I698 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 40 Roseville Avenue | Lots 2 and 3, DP 1067237 | Local | I699 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 45 Roseville Avenue | Lot 55, Section B, DP 3277 | Local | I700 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 47 Roseville Avenue | Lot 1, DP 502712 | Local | I701 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 1 Roslyn Avenue | Lot 1, DP 948635 | Local | I702 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 2 Roslyn Avenue | Lot 1, DP 222886 | Local | I703 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 3 Roslyn Avenue | Lot 9, DP 1047030 | Local | I704 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 4 Roslyn Avenue | Lot 2, DP 1047030 | Local | I705 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 5 Roslyn Avenue | Lots 7 and 8, DP 1047030 | Local | I706 |
Roseville | “Cerne Abbas”, dwelling house | 6 Roslyn Avenue | Lot 3, DP 1047030 | Local | I707 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 8 Roslyn Avenue | Lot 5, DP 1047030 | Local | I708 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 6 Shirley Road | Lot 1, DP 974014 | Local | I116 |
Roseville | “Rose Haven”, dwelling house | 12 Shirley Road | Lot 18, DP 940618 | Local | I117 |
Roseville | “Netherwood”, dwelling house | 16 Shirley Road | Lot 1, DP 925709 | Local | I118 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 33 Shirley Road | Lot B, DP 925232 | Local | I119 |
Roseville | “Lynwood”, dwelling house | 63 Shirley Road | Lots E and F, DP 391438 | Local | I709 |
Roseville | “Colmar”, dwelling house | 5 The Grove | Lot 19, DP 7872 | Local | I120 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 11 The Grove | Lot 16, DP 7872 | Local | I121 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 14 The Grove | Lot 2, DP 667635 | Local | I122 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 16 The Grove | Lot A, DP 329635 | Local | I123 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 17 The Grove | Lot 1, DP 615588 | Local | I124 |
Roseville | Residential flat building | 21 The Grove | Lot B, DP 319235 | Local | I125 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 18 Trafalgar Avenue | Lot 3, DP 1047218 | Local | I126 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 26 Trafalgar Avenue | Lot 11, DP 1047288 | Local | I711 |
Roseville | “Walthamstow”, dwelling house | 16 Victoria Street | Lot 12, DP 659015 | Local | I127 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 49 Victoria Street | Lot 12, DP 786859 | Local | I713 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 50 Victoria Street | Lot 4, DP 6642 | Local | I714 |
Roseville | Dwelling house | 52 Victoria Street | Lot 5, DP 6642 | Local | I715 |
Roseville Chase | Victor A. Edwards Tennis School | 80 Duntroon Avenue | Lot 1, DP 788424 | Local | I716 |
Roseville Chase | Echo Point Park | 17 Normac Street | Lots 94, 95, 96, 97 98 and 139, DP 13450; Lot 7035, DP 1058600 | Local | I1098 |
Roseville Chase | “Cromla”, dwelling house | 11 The Kingsway | Lot C, DP 397145 | Local | I717 |
St Ives | “Chester”, dwelling house | 4 Collins Road | Lot 4, DP 21372 | Local | I128 |
St Ives | Dwelling house | 15 Collins Road | Part of Lot 12, DP 25195 | Local | I720 |
St Ives | Dwelling house | 73 Collins Road | Lot 5, DP 30034 | Local | I721 |
St Ives | Dwelling house | 5 Derby Street | Lot 8, DP 31747 | Local | I722 |
St Ives | Dwelling house | 107 Hunter Avenue | Lot 14, Section 58, DP 758377 | Local | I724 |
St Ives | Dwelling house | 89 Killeaton Street | Lot D, DP 417494 | Local | I129 |
St Ives | “Greenwood”, Victorian cottage | 121 Mona Vale Road | Lot 5, DP 656362 | Local | I725 |
St Ives | St Ives Public School—former St Ives Public School buildings | 207 Mona Vale Road | Lot 1, DP 816806 | Local | I130 |
St Ives | Uniting Church Hall Former Presbyterian Church | 276 Mona Vale Road | Lot 78, DP 615352 | Local | I726 |
St Ives | “Hillcrest”, dwelling house | 330 Mona Vale Road | Lot 102, DP 870458 | Local | I727 |
St Ives | Dwelling house | 9 Porters Lane | Lot 3, DP 441438 | Local | I131 |
St Ives | Pettit & Sevitt Group Project Homes | 15A Richmond Avenue | Lot 11, DP 220538 | Local | I734 |
St Ives | Pettit & Sevitt Group Project Homes | 17 Richmond Avenue | Lot 10, DP 220538 | Local | I728 |
St Ives | Pettit & Sevitt Group Project Homes | 19 Richmond Avenue | Lot 9, DP 220538 | Local | I729 |
St Ives | Pettit & Sevitt Group Project Homes | 21 Richmond Avenue | Lot 8, DP 220538 | Local | I730 |
St Ives | Dwelling house | 23 Richmond Avenue | Lot 7, DP 220538 | Local | I731 |
St Ives | Pettit & Sevitt Group Project Homes | 25 Richmond Avenue | Lot 6, DP 220538 | Local | I732 |
St Ives | Dwelling house | 29 Richmond Avenue | Lot 4, DP 220538 | Local | I733 |
St Ives | Dwelling house | 2 Staddon Close | Lot 10, DP 222659 | Local | I735 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 27 Torokina Avenue | Lot 16, DP 238226 | Local | I736 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 30 Torokina Avenue | Lot 1, DP 238226 | Local | I737 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 31 Torokina Avenue | Lot 15, DP 238226 | Local | I738 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 32 Torokina Avenue | Lot 2, DP 238226 | Local | I739 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 33 Torokina Avenue | Lot 14, DP 238226 | Local | I740 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 34 Torokina Avenue | Lot 3, DP 238226 | Local | I741 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 35 Torokina Avenue | Lot 13, DP 238226 | Local | I742 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 36 Torokina Avenue | Lot 4, DP 238226 | Local | I743 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 37 Torokina Avenue | Lot 12, DP 238226 | Local | I744 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 38 Torokina Avenue | Lot 5, DP 238226 | Local | I745 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 39 Torokina Avenue | Lot 11, DP 238226 | Local | I746 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 40 Torokina Avenue | Lot 6, DP 238226 | Local | I747 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 42 Torokina Avenue | Lot 7, DP 238226 | Local | I748 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 44 Torokina Avenue | Lot 8, DP 238226 | Local | I749 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 46 Torokina Avenue | Lot 9, DP 238226 | Local | I750 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 48 Torokina Avenue | Lot 1, DP 258672 | Local | I751 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 52 Torokina Avenue | Lot 2, DP 258672 | Local | I752 |
St Ives | Torokina Avenue Estate | 54 Torokina Avenue | Lot 3, DP 258672 | Local | I753 |
St Ives | “The Sherington House”, dwelling house | 2 Wirra Close | Lot 2, DP 543666 | Local | I755 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 17 Ancona Road | Lot 134, DP 623002 | Local | I756 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 10 Avoca Road | Lot 2, DP 15480 | Local | I757 |
Turramurra | “Donidore”, dwelling house | 72 Bobbin Head Road | Lot 5, DP 11500 | Local | I760 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 90 Bobbin Head Road | Lot 1, DP 1027707 | Local | I761 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 2 Boomerang Street | Lot 4, DP 544775 | Local | I762 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 5 Boomerang Street | Lots 3 and 4, DP 12595 | Local | I1097 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 8 Boomerang Street | Lot X, DP 400377 | Local | I763 |
Turramurra | “Ingleholme”, dwelling house and garage | 17 Boomerang Street | Lot 1, DP 259871 | State | I764 |
Turramurra | Residential flat building | 2–4 Boyd Street | Lot 2, DP 596228 | Local | I132 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 3 Catalpa Crescent | Lot 3, DP 316672 | Local | I766 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 37 Duff Street | Lot Y, DP 380944 | Local | I767 |
Turramurra | St Margaret’s Church | 17A Eastern Road | Lot 1, DP 830432 | Local | I137 |
Turramurra | “The Manse”, dwelling house | 34 Eastern Road | Lot 1, DP 2511 | Local | I133 |
Turramurra | “Copperlings”, dwelling house | 42 Eastern Road | Lot 2, DP 524162 | Local | I134 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 43 Eastern Road | Lot 37, DP 6494 | Local | I135 |
Turramurra | “Perdita”, dwelling house | 46 Eastern Road | Lot 2, DP 542219 | Local | I136 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 63 Eastern Road | Lot 1, DP 38982 | Local | I768 |
Turramurra | “Cotham Brae”, dwelling house | 127 Eastern Road | Lot A, DP 361588 | Local | I769 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 27 Glendale Road | Lot 4, DP 528204 | Local | I770 |
Turramurra | “Apple Tree Cottage”, dwelling house | 3A Handley Avenue | Lot 1, DP 121938 | Local | I771 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 58 Holmes Street | Lot 1, DP 229779 | Local | I772 |
Turramurra | “Bellwood”, dwelling house | 12 King Street | Lot 2, DP 1215322 | Local | I138 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 8 Kissing Point Road | Lot 1, DP 743998 | Local | I139 |
Turramurra | “Leppington”, dwelling house | 9 Kissing Point Road | Lot 6, DP 502315 | Local | I140 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 11 Kissing Point Road | Lot 1, DP 321558 | Local | I141 |
Turramurra | “The Chalet”, dwelling house | 15 Kissing Point Road | Lot 1, DP 506800 | Local | I142 |
Turramurra | “Bellaire”, dwelling house | 28 Kissing Point Road | Lot 1, DP 547559 | Local | I774 |
Turramurra | “Bapaume”, dwelling house | 51 Kissing Point Road | Lot 2, DP 900882 | Local | I775 |
Turramurra | “Rudyard”, dwelling house | 53 Kissing Point Road | Lot 19, DP 206712 | Local | I776 |
Turramurra | “Kurrawah”, dwelling house | 54 Kissing Point Road | Lot 5, DP 240087 | Local | I779 |
Turramurra | “Ingalara”, dwelling house | 62 Kissing Point Road | Lot A, DP 326323; Lot C, DP 388233 | Local | I778 |
Turramurra | Wandandian Boarding House (former) | 173B Kissing Point Road | Lot 2, DP 211654 | Local | I780 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 1 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 4, DP 1005220 | Local | I143 |
Turramurra | “Mildura”, dwelling house | 8 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 1, DP 541876 | Local | I144 |
Turramurra | “Shalimar”, dwelling house | 12 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 1, DP 918766 | Local | I145 |
Turramurra | “Wychwood”, dwelling house | 17 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 12, DP 237894 | Local | I146 |
Turramurra | “Trelawney”, dwelling house | 25 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot B, DP 330931 | Local | I781 |
Turramurra | “Shalimar”, dwelling house | 26 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 2, DP 86919 | Local | I147 |
Turramurra | “Boongala”, dwelling house | 28 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 2, DP 228879 | Local | I148 |
Turramurra | “Creighton” Federation, dwelling house | 31 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot X, DP 445198 | Local | I782 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 32 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot B, DP 445910 | Local | I149 |
Turramurra | “Ypriana” (aka “Newstead”), dwelling house | 34 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot A, DP 445910 | Local | I150 |
Turramurra | “Illanscourt”, Federation villa | 37 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 11, DP 554116 | Local | I783 |
Turramurra | “Cossington”, dwelling house | 43–47 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot A, DP 339780 | State | I792 |
Turramurra | Residential flat building | 44 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 5A, DP 414191 | Local | I151 |
Turramurra | “Highfield”, dwelling house | 51 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 1, DP 546002 | Local | I784 |
Turramurra | “Erahor”, dwelling house | 54 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 1, DP 1135065 | Local | I152 |
Turramurra | “Bellhaven”, dwelling house | 55 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot A, DP 337898 | Local | I785 |
Turramurra | “The Terricks”, dwelling house | 60 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 12, DP 713685 | Local | I153 |
Turramurra | “Cheppywood”, dwelling house | 61 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 5, DP 229032 | Local | I786 |
Turramurra | “Egelabra”, dwelling house | 70 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 2, DP 525928 | Local | I787 |
Turramurra | “The Grange”, dwelling house | 73 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 1, DP 314324 | Local | I788 |
Turramurra | “Chasecote”, dwelling house | 75 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 3, DP 229032 | Local | I789 |
Turramurra | “Talagow”, dwelling house | 77 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 5, DP 531770 | Local | I790 |
Turramurra | “Moppety”, dwelling house | 91 Ku-Ring-Gai Avenue | Lot 11, DP 592590 | Local | I791 |
Turramurra | “Wilson House”, dwelling house | 7 McRae Place | Lot 17, DP 30833 | Local | I793 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 2 Nulla Nulla Street | Lot 1, DP 956335 | Local | I170 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 1187 Pacific Highway | Lot 3, DP 233452 | Local | I794 |
Turramurra | Masonic Temple | 1247 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 303959 | Local | I154 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 1284 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 135666 | Local | I796 |
Turramurra | Brampton House | 1312 Pacific Highway | Lot 1, DP 518080 | Local | I797 |
Turramurra | “Hillview” | 1334 Pacific Highway | Lot 7, DP 214733 | Local | I155 |
Turramurra | Hillview Garages | 1340 Pacific Highway | Lot 6, DP 26828 | Local | I156 |
Turramurra | Former Commonwealth Bank building | 1356 Pacific Highway | Lot 5, DP 132873 | Local | I157 |
Turramurra | Commercial buildings | 1358 and 1360 Pacific Highway | Lots A and B, DP 445374; Lot 8, DP 237813 | Local | I158 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 1428 Pacific Highway | Lot 2, DP 308421 | Local | I159 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 1458 Pacific Highway | Lot A, DP 374006 | Local | I160 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 111 Pentecost Avenue | Lot 25, DP 8242 | Local | I798 |
Turramurra | Rohini House gates | Railway lands | Part Lot 1, DP 1129573 | Local | I161 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 8 Ray Street | Lot 4, DP 11752 | Local | I162 |
Turramurra | Turramurra Station Group | Rohini Street | Part of Lot 1, DP 1129573 | Local | I1111 |
Turramurra | “Palmer House”, dwelling house | 28 Trentino Road | Lot A, DP 398362 | Local | I799 |
Turramurra | Uniting Church | 10 Turramurra Avenue | Lot 1, DP 834582 | Local | I163 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 40 Turramurra Avenue | Lot C, DP 348843 | Local | I164 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 60 Warragal Road | Lot 1, DP 417845 | Local | I800 |
Turramurra | “Warro”, dwelling house | 5 Warrangi Street | Lot 2, DP 980163 | Local | I801 |
Turramurra | “Cudworth”, dwelling house | 7 Warrangi Street | Lot 1, DP 980163 | Local | I802 |
Turramurra | “Bettwys-y-Coed”, dwelling house | 20 Warrangi Street | Lot 4, DP 14862 | Local | I804 |
Turramurra | “Bentry”, dwelling house | 35 Warrangi Street | Lot 1, DP 808288 | Local | I806 |
Turramurra | “Harpenden”, dwelling house | 37 Warrangi Street | Lot B, DP 328926 | Local | I807 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 39 Warrangi Street | Lot 2, DP 535093 | Local | I808 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 41 Warrangi Street | Lot 4, DP 582864 | Local | I809 |
Turramurra | “Lawn Hill”, dwelling house | 45 Warrangi Street | Lot 1, DP 1126936 | Local | I810 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 47 Warrangi Street | Lot 21, DP 705567 | Local | I811 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 3 Womerah Street | Lot 6, DP 31561 | Local | I814 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 5 Womerah Street | Lot 4, DP 31561 | Local | I815 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 23 Womerah Street | Lot 1, DP 557054 | Local | I816 |
Turramurra | “Koromiko”, dwelling house | 27 Womerah Street | Lot 1, DP 507520 | Local | I817 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 29 Womerah Street | Lot A, DP 401188 | Local | I818 |
Turramurra | Dwelling house | 12 Wonga Wonga Street | Lot 2, DP 1135065 | Local | I165 |
Wahroonga | “Ocaloma”, dwelling house | 18 Ada Avenue | Lot 2, DP 538577 | Local | I819 |
Wahroonga | “Oakhill” dwelling house | 19 Ada Avenue | Lot 22, DP 583164 | Local | I820 |
Wahroonga | “Pevensey”, dwelling house | 21 Ada Avenue | Lot 40, DP 650969 | Local | I821 |
Wahroonga | “Patlin”, dwelling house | 25 Ada Avenue | Lot 1, DP 571321 | Local | I822 |
Wahroonga | “Carinya”, dwelling house | 29 Ada Avenue | Lot 7, DP 285554 | Local | I823 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 30 Ada Avenue | Part of Lot A, DP 322459 | Local | I824 |
Wahroonga | “Ewan House” (formerly Innisfail) Lodge, Lanterned Pavillion | 1–3 Billyard Avenue | Lot 272, DP 608835 | Local | I831 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 12 Billyard Avenue | Lot 5, DP 653796 | Local | I825 |
Wahroonga | “Berith Park”, dwelling house | 19 Billyard Avenue | Lot 2, DP 1063255 | Local | I826 |
Wahroonga | “Amberleigh Manor”, dwelling house | 30 Billyard Avenue | Lot 1, DP 538356 | Local | I827 |
Wahroonga | “Kiriwan”, dwelling house | 34 Billyard Avenue | Lot 1, DP 334223 | Local | I828 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 65 Billyard Avenue | DP 972204 | Local | I830 |
Wahroonga | Stables/Outbuilding (formerly part of Leicester) | 33 Boundary Road | Lot 9, DP 30361 | Local | I832 |
Wahroonga | Meeting house for the Society of Friends (Quakers) | 59 Boundary Road | Lot 2, DP 553465 | Local | I834 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 62 Boundary Road | Lot C, DP 371361 | Local | I835 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 96 Boundary Road | Lot B, DP 410922 | Local | I836 |
Wahroonga | “Yarrowbrae”, dwelling house | 3 Braeside Street | Lot C, DP 404737 | Local | I837 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 9 Braeside Street | Lot 1, DP 726101 | Local | I839 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 12 Braeside Street | Lot 4, DP 545994 | Local | I840 |
Wahroonga | “Yarranbah”, dwelling house | 17 Braeside Street | Lot B, DP 329505 | Local | I841 |
Wahroonga | “Sarsfield”, dwelling house | 26 Braeside Street | Lot 2, DP 725191 | Local | I842 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 31 Braeside Street | Lot 25, DP 668837 | Local | I843 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 34 Braeside Street | Lot A, DP 378429 | Local | I844 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 38 Braeside Street | Lot 2, DP 601202 | Local | I845 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 50 Braeside Street | Lot 13, DP 568583 | Local | I847 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 62 Braeside Street | Lot 2, DP 30507 | Local | I848 |
Wahroonga | “Eversley”, dwelling house | 86 Braeside Street | Lot 311, DP 567568 | Local | I853 |
Wahroonga | “Pitlochry”, dwelling house | 90 Braeside Street | Lot 103, DP 740791 | Local | I854 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 6 Burns Road | Lot 3, DP 598420 | Local | I856 |
Wahroonga | “Meryon”, dwelling house | 7 Burns Road | Lot 1, DP 503695 | Local | I857 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 11 Burns Road | Lot 108, DP 2666 | Local | I858 |
Wahroonga | “Hazeldean”, dwelling house | 14 Burns Road | Lot A, DP 404334 | Local | I859 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 17 Burns Road | Lot 1, DP 532923 | Local | I861 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 25 Burns Road | Lot 1, DP 933504 and Lot 1, DP 725121 | Local | I862 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 34 Burns Road | Lot A, DP 330353 | Local | I863 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 36 Burns Road | Lot A1, DP 414045 | Local | I864 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 36B Burns Road | Lot A2, DP 414045 | Local | I876 |
Wahroonga | “Craignairn” dwelling house | 37 Burns Road | Lot 151, DP 1060782 | Local | I865 |
Wahroonga | “Farleigh” dwelling house | 38 Burns Road | Lot 50, DP 1164909 | Local | I866 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 39 Burns Road | Lot 1, DP 215253 | Local | I867 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 41 Burns Road | Lot 22, DP 873414 | Local | I869 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 44 Burns Road | Lot 1, DP 217491 | Local | I870 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 47 Burns Road | Lot 4, Section 1, DP 2914 and Lot 1, DP 726102 | Local | I871 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 53 Burns Road | Lot 101, DP 853309 | Local | I872 |
Wahroonga | St Edmunds School | 60 Burns Road | Lots 1 and 6, DP 19875 | Local | I873 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 70 Burns Road | Lots 8, 9 and 10, DP 19201 | Local | I874 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 104 Burns Road | Lot 1, DP 528451 | Local | I875 |
Wahroonga | “Ashby”, dwelling house | 5 Cleveland Street | Lot 2, DP 514595 | Local | I877 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 10 Cleveland Street | Lot 41, DP 525209 | Local | I878 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 23 Cleveland Street | Lot 1, DP 715429; Lot B, DP 341153; Lot 1, DP 726090 | Local | I880 |
Wahroonga | St Andrews Church | 25B Cleveland Street | Lot A, DP 339202 | Local | I886 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 26 Cleveland Street | Lot 1, DP 29871 | Local | I881 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 29 Cleveland Street | Lot Y, DP 410144 | Local | I882 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 31 Cleveland Street | Lot 153, DP 1060782 | Local | I883 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 33 Cleveland Street | Lot 152, DP 1060782 | Local | I884 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 36 Cleveland Street | Lot 2, DP 500205 | Local | I885 |
Wahroonga | “Rose House”, dwelling house | 67 Clissold Road | Lot 40, DP 1133324 | Local | I887 |
Wahroonga | “Rose Seidler House”, dwelling house | 69 Clissold Road | Lot A, DP 372495 | State | I888 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 75–75A Clissold Road | Lots 3 and 4, DP 852424 | Local | I889 |
Wahroonga | Wahroonga Park | 51 Coonanbarra Road | Lot 1–13, Section 2, DP 6297; Lots 1–5 and 7, Section 3, DP 6297; Part of Lot 6, Section 3, DP 6297; Lots 8,9,11 and 21–23, DP 976471; Lot 1, DP 660899; Lot 1, DP 170208; 2 Drainage Reserves between Lots 12 and 22, DP 976471; Lots 5 and 6, Section 3, DP 6297 | Local | I1104 |
Wahroonga | St John’s Uniting Church, Hall and Manse | 61 Coonanbarra Road | Lot 1, DP 177977; Lot B, DP 366178 | State | I890 |
Wahroonga | “Coonanbarra Shops” | 62–66 Coonanbarra Road | Lot A, DP 401141 | Local | I903 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 63–65 Coonanbarra Road | Lot 1, DP 933174 | Local | I904 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 67 Coonanbarra Road | Lot 11, DP 838776 | Local | I891 |
Wahroonga | Shops | 68 Coonanbarra Road | Lots 77 and 78, DP 2666 | Local | I892 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 71 Coonanbarra Road | Lots B and C, DP 346562 | Local | I893 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 81A Coonanbarra Road | Lot 1, DP 543378 | Local | I905 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 83 Coonanbarra Road | Lot 11, DP 610470 | Local | I894 |
Wahroonga | Timber Cottages Group | 99 Coonanbarra Road | Lot B, DP 434642 | Local | I895 |
Wahroonga | Timber Cottages Group | 120 Coonanbarra Road | Lot A, DP 321310 | Local | I897 |
Wahroonga | Timber Cottages Group | 122 Coonanbarra Road | Lot 1, DP 966050 | Local | I898 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 125 Coonanbarra Road | Lot A, DP 300056 | Local | I899 |
Wahroonga | Timber Cottages Group | 126 Coonanbarra Road | Lot 1, DP 365320 | Local | I900 |
Wahroonga | Timber Cottages Group | 128 Coonanbarra Road | Lot 8, DP 263707 | Local | I901 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 12 Cooper Crescent | Lot 2, DP 1045435 | Local | I906 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 20 Cyrus Avenue | Lot 12, DP 9146 | Local | I907 |
Wahroonga | “Chiddington”, dwelling house | 155 Eastern Road | Lot 4, DP 516043 | Local | I908 |
Wahroonga | “Wendover”, dwelling house | 158 Eastern Road | Lots 11 and 12, DP 576352 | Local | I909 |
Wahroonga | “Laverty House”, dwelling house | 207 Eastern Road | Lot B, DP 414327 | Local | I1113 |
Wahroonga | “Purulia”, dwelling house | 16 Fox Valley Road | Lot 1, DP 564313 | State | I912 |
Wahroonga | Mahratta | 25 Fox Valley Road | Lot 1, DP 62488 | State | I913 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 30 Fox Valley Road | Lot D, DP 371510 | Local | I914 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 33 Fox Valley Road | Lot 1, DP 516382 | Local | I915 |
Wahroonga | “Rothiemore”, dwelling house | 35 Fox Valley Road | Lot 2, DP 322390 | Local | I916 |
Wahroonga | “Aleuria”, dwelling house | 38 Fox Valley Road | Lot 2, DP 11827 | Local | I917 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 40 Fox Valley Road | Lots 31 and 32, DP 561970 | Local | I918 |
Wahroonga | “Somerset”, dwelling house | 47 Fox Valley Road | Lot A, DP 342137 | Local | I919 |
Wahroonga | “West Tarring”, dwelling house | 49 Fox Valley Road | Lot 2, DP 521799 | Local | I920 |
Wahroonga | “Rarawai”, dwelling house | 51 Fox Valley Road | Lot 2, DP 219209 | Local | I921 |
Wahroonga | “Malnic House”, dwelling house | 58 Fox Valley Road | Lot B, DP 369198 | Local | I922 |
Wahroonga | “Grey Gunya”, dwelling house | 62 Fox Valley Road | Lot 3, DP 815929 | Local | I923 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 88 Fox Valley Road | Lot 15, DP 568694 | Local | I924 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 97 Fox Valley Road | Lot 5, DP 14225 | Local | I926 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 118 Fox Valley Road | Lots 3 and 3A, DP 22059 | Local | I927 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 145 Fox Valley Road | Lot 2, DP 410875 | Local | I928 |
Wahroonga | Seventh-Day Adventist administrative building, including interiors and front garden setting | 148 Fox Valley Road | Part of Lot 621, DP 1128314 | I929 | |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 3 Gilda Avenue | Lot 6, DP 6557 | Local | I930 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 18 Gilda Avenue | Lot 1, DP 222052 | Local | I931 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 1 Glenwood Close | Lot 2, DP 270618 | Local | I932 |
Wahroonga | “Edelstein”, dwelling house | 7 Grosvenor Street | Lot D, DP 330058 | Local | I933 |
Wahroonga | “The Grange”, dwelling house | 15 Grosvenor Street | Lot 3, DP 103114 | Local | I934 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 16 Grosvenor Street | Lot 1, DP 539971 | Local | I935 |
Wahroonga | “Nirvana”, dwelling house | 18 Grosvenor Street | Lot 1, DP 972890; Lot 1, DP 1100118 | Local | I936 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 28 Grosvenor Street | Lot B, DP 368669 | Local | I937 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 31 Grosvenor Street | Lot 7, DP 16515 | Local | I938 |
Wahroonga | Dwelling house | 32 Grosvenor Street | Lot B, DP 363651 | Local | I939 |
Wahroonga | “Grosvenor Cottage”, dwelling house | 81 Grosvenor Street | Lot 10, DP 788934 | Local | I940 |
Wahroonga | “Leicester”, dwelling house | 82 Grosvenor Street | Lot 3, DP 30361 |