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Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005 No 56

An Act to establish and provide for the management of the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area; to amend certain Acts; and for other purposes.
Part 1 Preliminary
2   Commencement
(1)  This Act commences on 1 December 2005, except as provided by subsection (2).
(2)  The following provisions of this Act commence, or are taken to have commenced, on 1 July 2005:
(a)  Part 1, Division 1 of Part 3, Part 5 and Schedule 10,
(b)  Schedule 12 (except Schedule 12.4).
3   Objects of Act
The objects of this Act are:
(a)  to reserve forested land in the Brigalow and Nandewar area to create a Community Conservation Area that provides for permanent conservation of land, protection of areas of natural and cultural heritage significance to Aboriginal people and sustainable forestry, mining and other appropriate uses, and
(b)  to give local communities a strong involvement in the management of that land.
4   Definitions
(1)  In this Act:
Advisory Committee means a Community Conservation Advisory Committee established under Division 2 of Part 3.
commencement of this Act means 1 December 2005.
Community Conservation Area means the area of the State described in the map at the end of this section.
Community Conservation Area Agreement means an agreement in force under Part 4.
Community Conservation Council means the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Council established under Division 1 of Part 3.
Crown land has the same meaning as in the Crown Lands Act 1989.
State forest means land dedicated under the Forestry Act 1916 (or under the former Forestry Act 1909) as State forest, being a dedication that is in force.
Zone 1 of the Community Conservation Area means the land described or referred to in Schedule 1—Conservation and Recreation Zone.
Zone 2 of the Community Conservation Area means the land described or referred to in Schedule 2—Conservation and Aboriginal Culture Zone.
Zone 3 of the Community Conservation Area means the land described or referred to in Schedule 3—Conservation, Recreation and Mineral Extraction Zone.
Zone 4 of the Community Conservation Area means the land described or referred to in Schedule 4—Forestry, Recreation and Mineral Extraction Zone.
(2)  Notes included in this Act do not form part of this Act.
Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area
Part 2 The Community Conservation Area
Division 1 Zone 1—Conservation and recreation
5   Reservation of former State forests as national park
The lands described in Part 1 of Schedule 1 are reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 as national park.
6   Reservation of Crown land as national park
The lands described in Part 2 of Schedule 1 are reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 as national park.
7   Reservation of NPW Minister land as national park
The lands described in Part 3 of Schedule 1 are reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 as national park.
Division 2 Zone 2—Conservation and Aboriginal culture
8   Reservation of former State forest as Aboriginal area
The lands described in Part 1 of Schedule 2 are reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 as Aboriginal area.
Division 3 Zone 3—Conservation, recreation and mineral extraction
9   Reservation of former State forest as state conservation area
(1)  The lands described in Part 1 of Schedule 3 are reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 as state conservation area.
10   Reservation of Crown land as state conservation area
The lands described in Part 2 of Schedule 3 are reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 as state conservation area.
Division 4 Zone 4—Forestry, recreation and mineral extraction
11   State forests in Zone 4
Schedule 4 describes land within areas of State forests that is within Zone 4.
Division 5 Vesting in NPW Minister and other reservations
12   Vesting in NPW Minister of certain former State forests
(1)  The lands described in Schedule 5 vest in the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of that Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from:
(a)  all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements, and
(b)  any dedication, reservation, Crown grant or vesting to which the lands were subject, and any such dedication, reservation, grant or vesting is revoked.
(2)  Despite subsection (1), lands described in Schedule 5 are not freed and discharged from any perpetual lease, special lease or term lease within the meaning of the Crown Lands (Continued Tenures) Act 1989 (or from rights or interests arising under an incomplete purchase within the meaning of that Act) to which the lands were subject immediately before their vesting under this section.
(3)  Divisions 1–3 do not apply to land described in Part 1 of Schedules 1–3 (or in Schedule 6) that is also described in Schedule 5.
13   Reservation of former State forests as part of existing national parks
The lands described in Schedule 6 are reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 as part of national parks (as indicated in that Schedule).
14   Reservation of Crown land as part of existing national parks or nature reserves
The lands described in Schedule 7 are reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 as part of national parks or nature reserves (as indicated in that Schedule).
15   Reservation of NPW Minister land as part of existing or new national park or nature reserve
The lands described in Schedule 8 are reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 as, or as part of, national parks or nature reserves (as indicated in that Schedule).
Division 6 General
16   Future additions to zones of Community Conservation Area
(1)  The Governor may, by proclamation published on the NSW legislation website, amend Schedule 1, 2, 3 or 4 to add descriptions of land in the Community Conservation Area to:
(a)  Part 4 of Schedule 1, or
(b)  Part 2 of Schedule 2, or
(c)  Part 3 of Schedule 3, or
(d)  Schedule 4.
(2)  Land may only be added to Schedule 1, 2 or 3 if:
(a)  it is the whole or any part of land reserved under Part 4 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, or
(b)  it is land vested in Her Majesty, or the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 on behalf of the Crown, for the purposes of Part 11 of that Act.
(3)  Land may only be added to Schedule 4 if it is the whole or any part of State forest.
(4)  Land (or part of land) described in Schedule 3 may be omitted from Schedule 3 by a proclamation under this section that adds that land (or part) to Part 4 of Schedule 1 following its reservation as national park under section 47MA of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
s 16: Am 2009 No 56, Sch 4.7 [1].
17   Land ceasing to be in zone of Community Conservation Area
(1)  Land in Zone 1, 2 or 3 ceases to be in that zone if its reservation as national park, Aboriginal area or state conservation area is revoked by or under an Act of Parliament. This subsection is subject to section 16 (4).
(2)  Land in Zone 4 ceases to be in that zone if it ceases to be State forest.
18   Community Conservation Area not to be declared wilderness areas
Land in Zone 1, 2, 3 or 4 is not eligible to be identified or proposed for identification, or declared, as a wilderness area under the Wilderness Act 1987 or the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
19   Zone 1, 2 or 3 land not eligible for nomination as Schedule 14 land under NPW Act
Land in Zone 1, 2 or 3 is not eligible to be proposed under section 71AS of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 for listing in Schedule 14 to that Act.
20   Revocation of State forests (and any flora reserves, national forests or special management zones)
(1)  The dedication as State forest of the following lands is revoked:
(a)  lands described in Part 1 of Schedule 1,
(b)  lands described in Part 1 of Schedule 2,
(c)  lands described in Part 1 of Schedule 3,
(d)  lands described in Schedule 5,
(e)  lands described in Schedule 6.
(2)  Any notices under section 25A of the Forestry Act 1916 that set apart, as flora reserves, areas of State forests whose dedication is revoked by subsection (1) are also revoked, but only to the extent to which they relate to flora reserves or parts of flora reserves situated within the lands referred to in that subsection.
(3)  Any notices under section 21A of the Forestry Act 1916 that declare, as special management zones, areas of State forests whose dedication is revoked by subsection (1) are also revoked by this Act, but only to the extent to which they relate to special management zones or parts of special management zones situated within the lands referred to in that subsection.
(4)  Any notifications under section 19A of the Forestry Act 1916 that declare, as national forests, areas of State forests whose dedication is revoked by subsection (1) are also revoked by this Act, but only to the extent to which they relate to national forests or parts of national forests situated within the lands referred to in that subsection.
21   Revocation of timber reserves
Any timber reserves (within the meaning of the Forestry Act 1916) with respect to land described in Part 2 of Schedule 1, Part 2 of Schedule 3 or Schedule 7 are revoked by this Act, but only to the extent to which they relate to timber reserves or parts of timber reserves situated within that land.
22   Adjustment of description of transferred land
(1)  The description of any land described in the following Schedules (a relevant Schedule) may be adjusted in accordance with this section:
(a)  Parts 1–3 of Schedule 1,
(b)  Part 1 of Schedule 2,
(c)  Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 3,
(d)  Schedules 4–8.
(2)  A description of land may be adjusted from time to time:
(a)  to alter the boundaries of the land for the purposes of the effective management of the land, including adjustments to enable boundaries to follow distinctive land features, to provide access to land or to rationalise the boundaries of similar areas of land, or
(b)  to adjust the boundary of any land adjoining a public road, including adjustments to enable the boundary to follow the formed path of the road or to provide an appropriate set back from the carriageway of the road, or
(c)  to include, remove or change a description of any easement or restriction to which the land is subject, or
(d)  to provide a more detailed description of the boundaries of the land.
(3)  An adjustment of the description of land is to be made by the Director-General of the Department of Environment and Conservation by a notice published on the NSW legislation website that amends a relevant Schedule.
(4)  A notice under this section may only be published with the approval of:
(a)  the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, and
(b)  the Minister administering the Forestry Act 1916, and
(c)  to the extent that the notice applies to any Crown land reserved for use as a road—the Minister administering the Crown Lands Act 1989, and
(d)  to the extent that the notice applies to a classified road—the Minister administering the provisions of the Roads Act 1993 relating to classified roads.
(5)  The Director-General of the Department of Environment and Conservation is required to certify in any notice under this section that the adjustments effected by the notice will not result in any significant reduction in the size or value of the land reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 or as State forest.
(6)  An adjustment of the description of land may only be made before:
(a)  31 December 2005, except as provided by paragraph (b), or
(b)  31 December 2011, in the case of an adjustment of the description of the boundary of land adjoining a public road.
(7)  If any of the land described in a relevant Schedule on the commencement of this Act is not included in the adjusted description of the land, the land that is not so included is taken never to have been subject to or affected by the provisions of this Act applying to land described in the relevant Schedule.
(8)  If land included in the adjusted description of the land includes any land not described in a relevant Schedule on the commencement of this Act, the land concerned is taken to have been subject, on and from the commencement of this Act, to the provisions of this Act applying to land described in the relevant Schedule.
(9)  The Director-General of the Department of Environment and Conservation may, in a notice published under this section for the purpose of adjusting the boundary of land adjoining a public road, declare that:
(a)  any such land (described in the notice) is part of the public road and, accordingly, is vested in the roads authority for that public road under the Roads Act 1993 or is Crown land, or
(b)  any such land (described in the notice) ceases to be part of that public road and, accordingly, is divested from the relevant roads authority or the Crown and becomes part of the land subject to the provisions of this Act applying to land described in the relevant Schedule in which the land is included.
A declaration under this subsection has effect according to its tenor, despite anything to the contrary in the Roads Act 1993.
(9A)  This section extends to land included in Schedule 1, 2 or 3 by the National Park Estate (South-Western Cypress Reservations) Act 2010. For that purpose, an adjustment may be made under this section at any time before 1 January 2014.
(10)  In this section:
classified road and public road have the same meanings as in the Roads Act 1993.
land adjoining a public road includes land in the vicinity of a public road.
s 22: Am 2009 No 56, Sch 4.7 [2]; 2010 No 112, Sch 7 [1].
22A   Review of classification as Zone 3
(1)  This section applies to land within Zone 3 of the Community Conservation Area that was reserved by the National Park Estate (South-Western Cypress Reservations) Act 2010.
(2)  The Director-General of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water and the Director-General of the Department of Industry and Investment are required to conduct a joint review, before 1 January 2012, of the status of the land to which this section applies.
(3)  The review is to determine which areas of the land should remain as Zone 3 and which areas of the land should be reserved as Zone 1, having regard to evidence of the mineral values of the land. The determination (and the reasons for the determination) are required to be publicly notified by those Directors-General.
(4)  On 1 January 2012, the land to which this section applies (other than any land which it is determined under subsection (3) should remain as Zone 3) is taken to be reserved as Zone 1 under this Act (and the reservation of the land as Zone 3 is revoked).
(5)  A determination under this section may apply to part only of a particular description of land within Zone 3.
(6)  The Director-General of the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water may, by notice published on the NSW legislation website, amend Schedules 1 and 3 to give effect to subsection (4) and to make any necessary consequential changes.
s 22A: Ins 2010 No 112, Sch 7 [2].
23   Land transfers—ancillary and special provisions
Schedule 9 has effect.
Part 3 Community Conservation Council and Advisory Committees
Division 1 Community Conservation Council
24   Establishment of Council
(1)  There is established by this section the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Council.
(2)  The Community Conservation Council is, in the exercise of its functions, subject to the control and direction of the Premier.
25   Membership and procedure of Council
(1)  The Community Conservation Council consists of:
(a)  the Director-General of the Premier’s Department, who is to be the Chairperson of the Council, and
(b)  the Director-General of the Department of Environment and Conservation, and
(c)  the Director-General of the Department of Primary Industries, and
(d)  the Director-General of the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources.
(2)  Schedule 10 has effect with respect to the members and procedure of the Community Conservation Council.
26   Functions of Council
(1)  The Community Conservation Council has such functions as are conferred or imposed on it by or under this or any other Act.
(2)  In particular, the Community Conservation Council has the following functions:
(a)  to develop a Community Conservation Area Agreement under Part 4,
(b)  to implement, or co-ordinate the implementation of, and monitor the achievements of, government policy objectives in respect of the Community Conservation Area.
(3)  The Community Conservation Council may, for the purpose of exercising its functions, arrange for the use of the services of any staff (by secondment or otherwise) or facilities of any government department or public or local authority.
(4)  The Community Conservation Council may delegate the exercise of any of its functions (other than this power of delegation) to any person.
Division 2 Community Conservation Advisory Committees
27   Establishment of Advisory Committees
There is established by this section the following Community Conservation Advisory Committees:
(a)  the Border Rivers/Gwydir Community Conservation Advisory Committee (constituted in respect of that part of the Community Conservation Area shown on the map at the end of section 4), and
(b)  the Namoi Community Conservation Advisory Committee (constituted in respect of that part of the Community Conservation Area shown on that map), and
(c)  the Central West Community Conservation Advisory Committee (constituted in respect of that part of the Community Conservation Area shown on that map).
28   Membership and procedure of Advisory Committees
(1)  An Advisory Committee consists of 15 members appointed by the relevant Ministers.
(2)  Of those members:
(a)  one is to be the chair of the local board constituted under the Local Land Services Act 2013 within the relevant area for which the Committee is constituted, and
(b)  one member is to represent the interests of local government, and
(c)  one member is to represent the interests of the forestry industry, and
(d)  one member is to represent the interests of the mining industry, and
(e)  one member is to represent the interests of the apiary industry, and
(f)  one member is to represent the interests of local farmers, and
(g)  one member is to represent the interests of local recreational users, and
(h)  two members are to represent the interests of Aboriginal people, and
(i)  two members are to have relevant scientific expertise, and
(j)  three members are to represent the interests of local environmental groups, and
(k)  one member is to be a member of the National Park and Wildlife Regional Advisory Committee constituted under section 24 (2) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 in relation to the Community Conservation Area.
(3)  One of the members of an Advisory Committee is, by the instrument of the member’s appointment to the Committee or by a subsequent instrument, to be appointed by the relevant Ministers as Chairperson of the Committee.
(4)  Schedule 11 has effect with respect to the members and procedure of an Advisory Committee.
(5)  For the purposes of this Division and Schedule 11, the relevant Ministers are the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and the Minister administering the Forestry Act 1916.
(6)  For the purposes of subsection (2) (a), if parts of two or more regions are located in the relevant area for which the Committee is constituted, the chair of the local board for the region that has the greater part in the relevant area is to be the member of the Committee.
(7)  A member of the Committee who held office under subsection (2) (a) immediately before its substitution by the Local Land Services Act 2013 ceases to hold office on that substitution. Any such member is not entitled to any remuneration or compensation because of that loss of office, but is eligible (if otherwise qualified) to be appointed as a member of the Committee under that paragraph as substituted.
s 28: Am 2013 No 51, Sch 7.6 [1] [2].
29   Functions of Advisory Committee
(1)  A Community Conservation Advisory Committee has the function of advising the Community Conservation Council on the provisions of the Community Conservation Area Agreement applicable to the relevant area for which the Committee is constituted.
(2)  An Advisory Committee has such other advisory functions with respect to the Community Conservation Area as the relevant Ministers determine.
Part 4 Community Conservation Area Agreement
30   Purpose of Agreement
The purpose of a Community Conservation Area Agreement is to provide a co-ordinated framework for the management of all the land in Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4 in consultation with the community of the Brigalow and Nandewar area.
31   Development of Agreement
(1)  The Community Conservation Council is to develop the Community Conservation Area Agreement in consultation with the Advisory Committees.
(2)  Before the Agreement is made, the Council is to arrange for the draft Agreement to be publicly exhibited and is to call for public submissions on the draft Agreement within the period notified by the Council.
32   Approval of Agreement
(1)  The Community Conservation Area Agreement (or any amendment or replacement Agreement) does not have effect until it is approved by the relevant Ministers.
(2)  For the purposes of this Part, the relevant Ministers are:
(a)  the Minister for the Environment, and
(b)  the Minister for Primary Industries, and
(c)  the Minister for Natural Resources.
33   Content of Agreement
(1)  The Community Conservation Area Agreement may contain:
(a)  principles for the management of the land in Zones 1, 2 and 3 by the persons responsible for the management of the land under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, and
(b)  the integrated forestry operations approval under the Forestry Act 2012 for the carrying out of forestry operations on land in Zone 4.
(2)  The principles for the management of land in Zones 1, 2 and 3 are to be developed in accordance with any guidelines provided to the Community Conservation Council by the relevant Ministers and are not to be inconsistent with Division 2 of Part 4 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
s 33: Am 2012 No 96, Sch 4.1 [1].
34   Management of Zones in accordance with Agreement
(1)  A plan of management in relation to land in Zone 1, 2 or 3 is to be prepared having regard to the principles for the management of that land in the Community Conservation Area Agreement and after consultation with the relevant Advisory Committee.
(2)  The integrated forestry operations approval contained in the Community Conservation Area Agreement applies to land in Zone 4.
(3)  In this section:
integrated forestry operations approval has the same meaning as it has in the Forestry Act 2012.
plan of management has the same meaning as it has in Part 5 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
s 34: Am 2012 No 96, Sch 4.1 [2].
35   Review of Agreement
(1)  The Community Conservation Council is to review the Community Conservation Area Agreement every 7 years in consultation with the Advisory Committees.
(2)  The Council may develop amendments or a replacement Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Part relating to the development of the initial Agreement.
Part 5 Miscellaneous
36   Act to bind Crown
This Act binds the Crown in right of New South Wales and, in so far as the legislative power of the Parliament of New South Wales permits, the Crown in all its other capacities.
37   Indigenous land use agreements
(1)  The Community Conservation Council and a Community Conservation Advisory Committee must, in exercising their functions, have regard to the relevant provisions of any indigenous land use agreement under the Native Title Act 1993 of the Commonwealth that relate to the Community Conservation Area.
(2)  This section extends to functions relating to the development of the Community Conservation Area Agreement.
38   Regulations
(1)  The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for or with respect to any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to be prescribed or that is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act.
(2)  The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act.
(3)  Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from 1 July 2005 or a later date.
(4)  To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that is earlier than the date of its publication in the Gazette, the provision does not operate so as:
(a)  to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person existing before the date of its publication, or
(b)  to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the date of its publication.
39   (Repealed)
s 39: Rep 2006 No 58, Sch 4.
40   Review of Act
(1)  The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether the policy objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act remain appropriate for securing those objectives.
(2)  The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period of 5 years from the date of assent to this Act.
(3)  A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period of 5 years.
Schedule 1 Zone 1—Conservation and recreation
(Sections 5, 6, 7 and 16)
Zone 1 of the Community Conservation Area comprises the land described or referred to in the following Parts of this Schedule:
Part 1 State forest reserved as national park
1   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Breelong
(1) Z1-14: Breelong State Forest An area of about 1,152 hectares, being the whole or a part of BREELONG State Forest No 429 and being the land designated as Z1-14 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00307 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2) Z1-15: Eura State Forest An area of about 2,266 hectares, being the whole or a part of EURA State Forest No 430 and being the land designated as Z1-15 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00307 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(3) Z1-17: Lincoln State Forest An area of about 3,433 hectares, being the whole or a part of LINCOLN State Forest No 437 and being the land designated as Z1-17 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00307 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
2   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Bullala
Z1-11: Bullala State Forest
An area of about 2,516 hectares, being the whole or a part of BULLALA State Forest No 406 and being the land designated as Z1-11 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00280 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
3   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Burral Yurrul
Z1-01: Bunal State Forest
An area of about 1,037 hectares, being the whole or a part of BUNAL State Forest No 151 and being the land designated as Z1-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
4   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Couradda
Z1-02: Couradda State Forest
An area of about 362 hectares, being the whole or a part of COURADDA State Forest No 159 and being the land designated as Z1-02 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00284 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
5   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Dowe
Z1-20: Dowe State Forest
An area of about 381 hectares, being the whole or a part of DOWE State Forest No 597 and being the land designated as Z1-20 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00298 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
6   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Drillwarrina
Z1-39: Drillwarrina State Forest
An area of about 1,077 hectares, being the whole or a part of DRILLWARRINA State Forest No 676 and being the land designated as Z1-39 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00307 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
7   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Dthinna Dthinnawan
Z1-34: Bebo State Forest
An area of about 20,357 hectares, being the whole or a part of BEBO State Forest No 418 and being the land designated as Z1-34 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00277 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
8   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Garrawilla
Z1-32: Garrawilla State Forest
An area of about 937 hectares, being the whole or a part of GARRAWILLA State Forest No 884 and being the land designated as Z1-32 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00295 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
9   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Goonoo
Z1-16: Goonoo State Forest
An area of about 9,090 hectares, being the whole or a part of GOONOO State Forest No 436 and being the land designated as Z1-16 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00308 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
10   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Gunyerwarildi
Z1-23: Gunyerwarildi State Forest
An area of about 316 hectares, being the whole or a part of GUNYERWARILDI State Forest No 705 and being the land designated as Z1-23 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00280 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
11   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Gwydir River
Z1-18: Mehi State Forest
An area of about 2,257 hectares, being the whole or a part of MEHI State Forest No 478 and being the land designated as Z1-18 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
12   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Kwiambal
Z1-09: Arthurs Seat State Forest
An area of about 796 hectares, being the whole or a part of ARTHURS SEAT State Forest No 334 and being the land designated as Z1-09 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00279 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
13   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Moema
Z1-10: Moema State Forest
An area of about 2,028 hectares, being the whole or a part of MOEMA State Forest No 551 and being the land designated as Z1-10 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00284 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
14   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Mogriguy
Z1-31: Mogriguy State Forest
An area of about 399 hectares, being the whole or a part of MOGRIGUY State Forest No 875 and being the land designated as Z1-31 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00309 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
15   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Nullamanna
Z1-08: Nullamanna State Forest
An area of about 296 hectares, being the whole or a part of NULLAMANNA State Forest No 332 and being the land designated as Z1-08 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00279 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
16   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Pilliga
(1) Z1-26: Cubbo State Forest An area of about 691 hectares, being the whole or a part of CUBBO State Forest No 811 and being the land designated as Z1-26 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2) Z1-04: Etoo State Forest An area of about 2,094 hectares, being the whole or a part of ETOO State Forest No 269 and being the land designated as Z1-04 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(3) Z1-03: Pilliga East State Forest An area of about 2,496 hectares, being the whole or a part of PILLIGA EAST State Forest No 266 and being the land designated as Z1-03 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
(4) Z1-27: Quegobla State Forest An area of about 5,839 hectares, being the whole or a part of QUEGOBLA State Forest No 813 and being the land designated as Z1-27 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
17   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Pilliga West
Z1-22: Pilliga West State Forest
An area of about 7,927 hectares, being the whole or a part of PILLIGA WEST State Forest No 267 and being the land designated as Z1-22 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00287 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
18   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Somerton
Z1-19: Somerton State Forest
An area of about 759 hectares, being the whole or a part of SOMERTON State Forest No 515 and being the land designated as Z1-19 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00299 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
19   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Timallallie
(1) Z1-21: Baradine State Forest An area of about 69 hectares, being the whole or a part of BARADINE State Forest No 672 and being the land designated as Z1-21 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2) Z1-40: Coomore Creek State Forest An area of about 3 hectares, being the whole or a part of COOMORE CREEK State Forest No 735 and being the land designated as Z1-40 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(3) Z1-30: Denobollie State Forest An area of about 6,159 hectares, being the whole or a part of DENOBOLLIE State Forest No 854 and being the land designated as Z1-30 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(4) Z1-29: Orr State Forest An area of about 4,564 hectares, being the whole or a part of ORR State Forest No 844 and being the land designated as Z1-29 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(5) Z1-41: Pilliga East State Forest An area of about 1,044 hectares, being the whole or a part of PILLIGA EAST State Forest No 266 and being the land designated as Z1-41 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
(6) Z1-28: Timmallallie State Forest An area of about 17,370 hectares, being the whole or a part of TIMMALLALLIE State Forest No 819 and being the land designated as Z1-28 on the diagrams catalogued MISC R 00290 and MISC R 00291 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
(7) Z1-07: Wittenbra State Forest An area of about 7,074 hectares, being the whole or a part of WITTENBRA State Forest No 274 and being the land designated as Z1-07 on the diagrams catalogued MISC R 00290 and MISC R 00291 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
(8) Z1-06: Yearinan State Forest An area of about 3,112 hectares, being the whole or a part of YEARINAN State Forest No 273 and being the land designated as Z1-06 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00291 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
20   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Tinkrameanah
Z1-33: Tinkrameanah State Forest
An area of about 969 hectares, being the whole or a part of TINKRAMEANAH State Forest No 915 and being the land designated as Z1-33 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00296 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
21   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Warialda
Z1-12: Warialda State Forest
An area of about 1,603 hectares, being the whole or a part of WARIALDA State Forest No 417 and being the land designated as Z1-12 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00281 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
22   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Yarragin
Z1-05: Yarrigan State Forest
An area of about 3,201 hectares, being the whole or a part of YARRIGAN State Forest No 272 and being the land designated as Z1-05 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00291 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
23   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Yarrobil
Z1-24: Yarrobil State Forest
An area of about 1,322 hectares, being the whole or a part of YARROBIL State Forest No 78 and being the land designated as Z1-24 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00311 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
Part 2 Crown land reserved as national park
24   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Barayamal
An area of about 179 hectares, being the land designated as Z1-36 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00282 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
25   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Crawney Pass
An area of about 250 hectares, being the land designated as Z1-35 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00302 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
26   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Horton Falls
An area of about 260 hectares, being the land designated as Z1-37 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00285 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
27   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Murrurundi Pass
An area of about 215 hectares, being the land designated as Z1-38 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00302 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
Part 3 NPW Minister land reserved as national park
28   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Dthinna Dthinnawan
An area of about 5,402 hectares, being the land designated as Z1-25 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00277 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
Part 4 Future additions to Zone 1
29   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Yarrobil
An area of about 524.3 hectares, being Lot 4, DP 1112933, Lot 34, DP 754329 and Lot 148, DP 750780 in the local government areas of Warrumbungle and Mid-Western Regional, Parishes of Tuckland and Yarrobil, Counties of Lincoln and Bligh.
30   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Dthinna Dthinnawan
An area of about 2,044 hectares, being Lots 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12, DP 750084 in the local government area of Inverell, Parish of Cox, County of Arrawatta.
31   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Gwydir River
An area of about 1,126 hectares, being Lot 5, DP 754837 and Lot 101, DP 1115339 in the local government area of Gwydir, Parishes of Furber and Munro, County of Murchison.
32   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Pilliga West
An area of about 113.2 hectares, being Lot 8, DP 750321 in the local government area of Walgett, Parishes of Yarren and Gwabegar, County of Baradine.
33   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Gwydir River
An area of about 985.8 hectares, being Lots 43 and 44, DP 754836 in the local government area of Gwydir, Parish of Evans, County of Murchison.
34   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Bullala
(1)  An area of about 108.7 hectares, being Lot 79, DP 751093 in the local government area of Gwydir, Parish of Bullala, County of Burnett.
(2)  An area of about 3,276 hectares, being Lots 4, 57, 70, 71 and 76–78, DP 751093, Lot 39, DP 808249 and Lots 45 and 46, DP 751132 in the local government area of Gwydir, Parishes of Bullala and Strathmore, County Burnett.
35   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Breelong
An area of about 118.7 hectares, being Lot 7301, DP1150099 in the local government area of Gilgandra, Parishes of Breelong and Boyben, County of Gowen.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
36   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Crooked Creek
An area of about 735.7 hectares, being Lot 61, DP750075 in the local government area of Inverell, Parish of Bowman, County of Arrawatta.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
37   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Hobden Hill
An area of about 830.4 hectares, being Lots 60 and 66, DP752187 in the local government area of Tamworth Regional, Parish of Hobden, County of Darling.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
38   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Rocky Glen
An area of about 483.3 hectares, being Lot 41, DP43504 in the local government area of Warrumbungle, Parish of Borah, County of White.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
39   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Sappa Bulga
An area of about 120.9 hectares, being Lot 104, DP753233 in the local government area of Dubbo, Parish of Dubbo, County of Gordon.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
40   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Serpentine Ridge
An area of about 354.4 hectares, being Lot 7004, DP96122, Lot 7012, DP96119 and Lot 104, DP40594 in the local government area of Gwydir, Parishes of Dinoga, Gouron and Hall, County of Murchison.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
41   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Wallabadah
An area of about 5.82 hectares, being Lot 7007, DP1024634, Lot 7006, DP1024632, Lot 355, DP751031 and Lot 371, DP44237 in the local government area of Liverpool Plains, Parish of Wallabadah, County of Buckland.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
42   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Watsons Creek
An area of about 334.8 hectares, being Lot 7016, DP1086543, Lot 7001, DP1086544, Lot 7002, DP1084855 and Lot 138, DP753839 in the local government area of Tamworth Regional, Parish of Haning, County of Inglis.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
43   Community Conservation Area Zone 1 Gwydir River
An area of about 296.46 hectares, being Lot 2, DP 1156301 in the local government area of Gwydir, Parish of Evans, County of Murchison.
sch 1: Am 2005 (885), Sch 1 [1]; 2009 (36), Sch 1 [1]; 2010 (101), Sch 1 [1]; 2010 No 112, Sch 7 [3]; 2010 (768), Sch 1 [1]; 2012 (50), cl 3 (1).
Schedule 2 Zone 2—Conservation and Aboriginal culture
(Sections 8 and 16)
Zone 2 of the Community Conservation Area comprises the land described or referred to in the following Parts of this Schedule:
Part 1 State forest reserved as Aboriginal area
1   Community Conservation Area Zone 2 Dandry Gorge
Z2-11: Timmallallie State Forest
An area of about 382 hectares, being the whole or a part of TIMMALLALLIE State Forest No 819 and being the land designated as Z2-11 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00291 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
2   Community Conservation Area Zone 2 Deriah
Z2-10: Deriah State Forest
An area of about 2,240 hectares, being the whole or a part of DERIAH State Forest No 407 and being the land designated as Z2-10 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00285 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
3   Community Conservation Area Zone 2 Kelvin
Z2-09: Kelvin State Forest
An area of about 2,267 hectares, being the whole or a part of KELVIN State Forest No 848 and being the land designated as Z2-09 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00298 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
4   Community Conservation Area Zone 2 Pilliga East
Z2-02: Pilliga East State Forest
An area of about 1,347 hectares, being the whole or a part of PILLIGA EAST State Forest No 266 and being the land designated as Z2-02 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00294 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
5   Community Conservation Area Zone 2 Terry Hie Hie
(1) Z2-01: Berrygill State Forest An area of about 2,724 hectares, being the whole or a part of BERRYGILL State Forest No 150 and being the land designated as Z2-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00284 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2) Z2-06: Campbell State Forest An area of about 461 hectares, being the whole or a part of CAMPBELL State Forest No 518 and being the land designated as Z2-06 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00284 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(3) Z2-04: Courallie State Forest An area of about 2,786 hectares, being the whole or a part of COURALLIE State Forest No 414 and being the land designated as Z2-04 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00284 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(4) Z2-08: Irrigappa State Forest An area of about 896 hectares, being the whole or a part of IRRIGAPPA State Forest No 710 and being the land designated as Z2-08 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00284 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(5) Z2-03: Mission State Forest An area of about 1,270 hectares, being the whole or a part of MISSION State Forest No 412 and being the land designated as Z2-03 on the diagrams catalogued MISC R 00281 and MISC R 00284 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
(6) Z2-07: Montrose State Forest An area of about 1,503 hectares, being the whole or a part of MONTROSE State Forest No 552 and being the land designated as Z2-07 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00284 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(7) Z2-05: Terry Hie Hie State Forest An area of about 5,742 hectares, being the whole or a part of TERRY HIE HIE State Forest No 421 and being the land designated as Z2-05 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00281 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
Part 2 Future additions to Zone 2
6   Community Conservation Area Zone 2 Boonalla
An area of about 43.31 hectares, being Lot 7005, DP92924 in the local government area of Gunnedah, Parish of Yarrari, County of Nandewar.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
sch 2: Am 2005 (885), Sch 1 [2]; 2010 No 112, Sch 7 [4].
Schedule 3 Zone 3—Conservation, recreation and mineral extraction
(Sections 9, 10 and 16)
Zone 3 of the Community Conservation Area comprises the land described or referred to in the following Parts of this Schedule:
Part 1 State forest reserved as state conservation area
1   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Beni
Z3-11: Beni State Forest
An area of about 1,849 hectares, being the whole or a part of BENI State Forest No 435 and being the land designated as Z3-11 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00310 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
2   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Biddon
Z3-13: Biddon State Forest
An area of about 3,352 hectares, being the whole or a part of BIDDON State Forest No 449 and being the land designated as Z3-13 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00306 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
3   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Bingara
Z3-22: Bingara State Forest
An area of about 526 hectares, being the whole or a part of BINGARA State Forest No 859 and being the land designated as Z3-22 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
4   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Bobbiwaa
Z3-08: Bobbiwaa State Forest
An area of about 2,688 hectares, being the whole or a part of BOBBIWAA State Forest No 416 and being the land designated as Z3-08 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00285 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
5   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Bullawa Creek
Z3-25: Bullawa Creek State Forest
An area of about 99 hectares, being the whole or a part of BULLAWA CREEK State Forest No 980 and being the land designated as Z3-25 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00285 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
6   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Durridgere
(1) Z3-24: Curryall State Forest An area of about 973 hectares, being the whole or a part of CURRYALL State Forest No 946 and being the land designated as Z3-24 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2) Z3-23: Durridgere State Forest An area of about 3,443 hectares, being the whole or a part of DURRIDGERE State Forest No 882 and being the land designated as Z3-23 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(3) Z3-04: Turill State Forest An area of about 1,047 hectares, being the whole or a part of TURILL State Forest No 203 and being the land designated as Z3-04 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
7   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Goodiman
Z3-14: Goodiman State Forest
An area of about 569 hectares, being the whole or a part of GOODIMAN State Forest No 458 and being the land designated as Z3-14 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00311 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
8   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Goonoo
Z3-12: Goonoo State Forest
An area of about 53,752 hectares, being the whole or a part of GOONOO State Forest No 436 and being the land designated as Z3-12 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00308 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
9   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Gwydir River
(1) Z3-07: Murchison State Forest An area of about 1,551 hectares, being the whole or a part of MURCHISON State Forest No 317 and being the land designated as Z3-07 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2) Z3-16: Sepoy State Forest An area of about 1,056 hectares, being the whole or a part of SEPOY State Forest No 733 and being the land designated as Z3-16 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
10   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Killarney
Z3-02: Killarney State Forest
An area of about 1,858 hectares, being the whole or a part of KILLARNEY State Forest No 195 and being the land designated as Z3-02 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00285 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
11   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Leard
Z3-10: Leard State Forest
An area of about 1,176 hectares, being the whole or a part of LEARD State Forest No 420 and being the land designated as Z3-10 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00297 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
12   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Merriwindi
Z3-20: Merriwindi State Forest
An area of about 1,730 hectares, being the whole or a part of MERRIWINDI State Forest No 839 and being the land designated as Z3-20 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
13   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Pilliga East
(1) Z3-28: Pilliga East State Forest An area of about 23,047 hectares, being the whole or a part of PILLIGA EAST State Forest No 266 and being the land designated as Z3-28 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00294 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
(2) Z3-21: Ruttley State Forest An area of about 613 hectares, being the whole or a part of RUTTLEY State Forest No 852 and being the land designated as Z3-21 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00294 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(3) Z3-19: Yaminba State Forest An area of about 1,009 hectares, being the whole or a part of YAMINBA State Forest No 821 and being the land designated as Z3-19 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
14   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Pilliga
(1) Z3-18: Cubbo State Forest An area of about 5,118 hectares, being the whole or a part of CUBBO State Forest No 811 and being the land designated as Z3-18 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2) Z3-17: Euligal State Forest An area of about 734 hectares, being the whole or a part of EULIGAL State Forest No 810 and being the land designated as Z3-17 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(3) Z3-05: Pilliga East State Forest An area of about 27,534 hectares, being the whole or a part of PILLIGA EAST State Forest No 266 and being the land designated as Z3-05 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
15   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Pilliga West
Z3-06: Pilliga West State Forest
An area of about 34,415 hectares, being the whole or a part of PILLIGA WEST State Forest No 267 and being the land designated as Z3-06 on the diagrams catalogued MISC R 00287 and MISC R 00288 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
16   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Trinkey
Z3-01: Trinkey State Forest
An area of about 10,229 hectares, being the whole or a part of TRINKEY State Forest No 177 and being the land designated as Z3-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00296 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
17   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Warialda
(1) Z3-15: Stonehenge State Forest An area of about 527 hectares, being the whole or a part of STONEHENGE State Forest No 617 and being the land designated as Z3-15 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00281 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2) Z3-09: Warialda State Forest An area of about 2,386 hectares, being the whole or a part of WARIALDA State Forest No 417 and being the land designated as Z3-09 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00281 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
18   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Wondoba
Z3-03: Wondoba State Forest
An area of about 1,663 hectares, being the whole or a part of WONDOBA State Forest No 196 and being the land designated as Z3-03 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00299 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
Part 2 Crown lands reserved as State conservation area
19   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Bingara
An area of about 1,453 hectares, being the land designated as Z3-27 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
20   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Goonoowigal
An area of about 1,055 hectares, being the land designated as Z3-26 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00282 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
Part 3 Future additions to Zone 3
21   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Pilliga West
An area of about 1,655 hectares, being Lot 1, DP 750281, Lots 7 and 20, DP 750315 and Lot 137, DP 721754 in the local government area of Narrabri, County of Baradine, Parishes of Wangan and Gwabegar.
22   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Durridgere
An area of about 181 hectares, being:
(a)  Lot 171, DP 728768, and
(b)  Lots 23 and 24, DP 750769 (excluding roads), and
(c)  land bounded by Lot 89, DP 750748, end of road, Lot 171, DP 728768, end of road, Lot 107, DP 750748, Crown road east of Lot 153, DP 750748, Lot 146, DP 750748 and Lot 145, DP 750748,
in the local government areas of Upper Hunter and Mid-Western Regional, Parishes of Curryall and Tomimbil and County of Bligh.
23   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Pilliga West
(1)  An area of about 19.83 hectares, being Lot 86, DP 750315 in the local government area of Narrabri, Parish of Gwabegar, County of Baradine.
(2)  An area of about 805 hectares, being Lot 4, DP 750281 and Lot 28, DP 727829 in the local government area of Narrabri, Parishes of Quegobla and Gwabegar, County of Baradine.
24   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Pilliga East
An area of about 41.64 hectares, being Lot 1, DP 757111 and that part of the bed of Yambina Creek separating Lot 1, DP 757111 from Pilliga East Community Conservation Area Zone 3 in the local government area of Narrabri, Parish of Mallallee, County of White.
25   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Durridgere
An area of about 494 hectares in the local government areas of Mid-Western Regional and Upper Hunter, Parish of Tomimbil, County of Bligh, being Lots 68 and 69, DP 750769, Lots 5 and 13, DP 256129, Lots 94 and 96, DP 750769 and the area bounded by Lot 96, DP 750769, Lot 3, DP 256129 (Summerhill Road) and Durridgere Community Conservation Area Zone 3.
26   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Gwydir River
(1)  An area of about 1,048 hectares, being Lots l and 18, DP 754829 in the local government area of Gwydir, Parish of Dingo, County of Murchison.
(2)  An area of about 9 hectares, being that part of the bed of Horse Stealers Gully that is adjacent to Lot 18, DP 754829 in the local government area of Gwydir, Parish of Dingo, County of Murchison.
27   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Cobbora
An area of about 2,261 hectares, being Lot 2, DP 1156769 in the local government area of Warrumbungle, Parish of Boston, County of Lincoln. That area does not include the land shown by hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc R 00197 in the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water.
28   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Adelyne
An area of about 147.7 hectares, being Lot 4, DP754326 in the local government area of Warrumbungle Shire, Parish of Taylor, County of Lincoln.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
29   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Bingara
An area of about 14.72 hectares, being Lot 116, DP754851 in the local government area of Gwydir, Parish of Molroy, County of Murchison.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
30   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Durridgere
An area of about 34.2 hectares, being Lot 7, DP750748 in the local government area of Mid-Western Regional, Parish of Curryall, County of Bligh.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
31   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Goonoo
An area of about 770 hectares, being Lot 10, DP721223, Lot 7300, DP1138674, Lot 37, DP705202 in the local government area of Warrumbungle Shire, Parishes of Mirrie and Boston, County of Lincoln.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
32   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Tingha Plateau
An area of about 3,414 hectares, being the land designated as 1156-01 on the diagram catalogued Misc R00238 (Edition 1) in the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram, in the local government area of Inverell, Parishes of Clive, Clare, Herbert, Swinton and Boston, Counties of Hardinge and Gough.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
33   Community Conservation Area Zone 3 Woodsreef
An area of about 330.6 hectares, being Lot 7004, DP1056211, Lot 7021, DP1093675, Lot 6, DP44162 and that part of Lot 110, DP41641, north of Woodsreef Road, in the local government area of Tamworth Regional, Parish of Woodsreef, County of Darling.
This reservation is restricted to a depth of 100 metres below the surface of the land.
sch 3: Am 2005 (885), Sch 1 [3]; 2009 (36), Sch 1 [2]; 2010 (101), Sch 1 [2]; 2010 No 112, Sch 7 [5]; 2010 (768), Sch 1 [2] [3]; 2012 (50), cl 3 (2).
Schedule 4 Zone 4—Forestry, recreation and mineral extraction
(Sections 11 and 16)
Zone 4 of the Community Conservation Area comprises the following land within that area that is State forest.
1   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Attunga
Z4-31: Attunga State Forest
An area of about 861 hectares, being the whole or a part of ATTUNGA State Forest No 724 and being the land designated as Z4-31 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00301 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
2   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Baby
Z4-44: Baby State Forest
An area of about 255 hectares, being the whole or a part of BABY State Forest No 846 and being the land designated as Z4-44 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00292 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
3   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Balladoran
Z4-28: Balladoran State Forest
An area of about 330 hectares, being the whole or a part of BALLADORAN State Forest No 677 and being the land designated as Z4-28 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00307 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
4   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Baradine
Z4-27: Baradine State Forest
An area of about 9,907 hectares, being the whole or a part of BARADINE State Forest No 672 and being the land designated as Z4-27 on the diagrams catalogued MISC R 00290 and MISC R 00291 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
5   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Bebo
Z4-15: Bebo State Forest
An area of about 2,263 hectares, being the whole or a part of BEBO State Forest No 418 and being the land designated as Z4-15 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00277 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
6   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Benbraggie
Z4-05: Benbraggie State Forest
An area of about 846 hectares, being the whole or a part of BENBRAGGIE State Forest No 1068 and being the land designated as Z4-05 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
7   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Bibblewindi
Z4-29: Bibblewindi State Forest
An area of about 7,409 hectares, being the whole or a part of BIBBLEWINDI State Forest No 712 and being the land designated as Z4-29 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00293 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
8   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Bingara
Z4-48: Bingara State Forest
An area of about 2,111 hectares, being the whole or a part of BINGARA State Forest No 859 and being the land designated as Z4-48 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
9   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Black Jack
Z4-36: Black Jack State Forest
An area of about 197 hectares, being the whole or a part of BLACK JACK State Forest No 789 and being the land designated as Z4-36 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00299 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
10   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Boyben
Z4-03: Boyben State Forest
An area of about 2,576 hectares, being the whole or a part of BOYBEN State Forest No 1042 and being the land designated as Z4-03 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00307 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
11   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Breeza
Z4-07: Breeza State Forest
An area of about 1,364 hectares, being the whole or a part of BREEZA State Forest No 110 and being the land designated as Z4-07 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00299 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
12   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Clive
Z4-35: Clive State Forest
An area of about 610 hectares, being the whole or a part of CLIVE State Forest No 782 and being the land designated as Z4-35 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00282 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
13   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Coomore Creek
Z4-33: Coomore Creek State Forest
An area of about 4,207 hectares, being the whole or a part of COOMORE CREEK State Forest No 735 and being the land designated as Z4-33 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
14   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Culgoora
Z4-13: Culgoora State Forest
An area of about 1,302 hectares, being the whole or a part of CULGOORA State Forest No 411 and being the land designated as Z4-13 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00286 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
15   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Cumbil
Z4-40: Cumbil State Forest
An area of about 7,666 hectares, being the whole or a part of CUMBIL State Forest No 812 and being the land designated as Z4-40 on the diagrams catalogued MISC R 00289 and MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
16   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Curban
Z4-49: Curban State Forest
An area of about 202 hectares, being the whole or a part of CURBAN State Forest No 867 and being the land designated as Z4-49 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00306 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
17   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Daffeys Creek
Z4-04: Daffeys Creek State Forest
An area of about 1,081 hectares, being the whole or a part of DAFFEYS CREEK State Forest No 1057 and being the land designated as Z4-04 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
18   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Denobollie
Z4-58: Denobollie State Forest
An area of about 322 hectares, being the whole or a part of DENOBOLLIE State Forest No 854 and being the land designated as Z4-58 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
19   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Dilly
Z4-02: Dilly State Forest
An area of about 67 hectares, being the whole or a part of DILLY State Forest No 1017 and being the land designated as Z4-02 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00306 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
20   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Dinawirindi
Z4-51: Dinawirindi State Forest
An area of about 139 hectares, being the whole or a part of DINAWIRINDI State Forest No 960 and being the land designated as Z4-51 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00301 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
21   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Doona
Z4-20: Doona State Forest
An area of about 1,323 hectares, being the whole or a part of DOONA State Forest No 512 and being the land designated as Z4-20 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00300 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
22   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Dubbo
Z4-38: Dubbo State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of DUBBO State Forest No 807 and being the land designated as Z4-38 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00310 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
23   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Etoo
Z4-54: Etoo State Forest
An area of about 2,957 hectares, being the whole or a part of ETOO State Forest No 269 and being the land designated as Z4-54 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
24   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Euligal
Z4-12: Euligal State Forest
An area of about 10,440 hectares, being the whole or a part of EULIGAL State Forest No 810 and being the land designated as Z4-12 on the diagrams catalogued MISC R 00289 and MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
25   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Eumungerie
Z4-52: Eumungerie State Forest
An area of about 136 hectares, being the whole or a part of EUMUNGERIE State Forest No 971 and being the land designated as Z4-52 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00309 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
26   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Goran
Z4-21: Goran State Forest
An area of about 499 hectares, being the whole or a part of GORAN State Forest No 513 and being the land designated as Z4-21 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00299 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
27   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Horseshoe Bend
Z4-42: Horseshoe Bend State Forest
An area of about 103 hectares, being the whole or a part of HORSESHOE BEND State Forest No 1051 and being the land designated as Z4-42 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00281 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
28   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Jacks Creek
Z4-10: Jacks Creek State Forest
An area of about 10,045 hectares, being the whole or a part of JACKS CREEK State Forest No 270 and being the land designated as Z4-10 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00293 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
29   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Janewindi
Z4-34: Janewindi State Forest
An area of about 499 hectares, being the whole or a part of JANEWINDI State Forest No 776 and being the land designated as Z4-34 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00286 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
30   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Kerringle
Z4-24: Kerringle State Forest
An area of about 6,676 hectares, being the whole or a part of KERRINGLE State Forest No 595 and being the land designated as Z4-24 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00294 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
31   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Leard
Z4-17: Leard State Forest
An area of about 7,472 hectares, being the whole or a part of LEARD State Forest No 420 and being the land designated as Z4-17 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00297 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
32   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Merriwindi
Z4-39: Merriwindi State Forest
An area of about 4,879 hectares, being the whole or a part of MERRIWINDI State Forest No 839 and being the land designated as Z4-39 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
33   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Minnon
Z4-56: Minnon State Forest
An area of about 2,412 hectares, being the whole or a part of MINNON State Forest No 809 and being the land designated as Z4-56 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
34   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Orr
Z4-43: Orr State Forest
An area of about 2,184 hectares, being the whole or a part of ORR State Forest No 844 and being the land designated as Z4-43 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
35   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Parkhurst
Z4-53: Parkhurst State Forest
An area of about 582 hectares, being the whole or a part of PARKHURST State Forest No 991 and being the land designated as Z4-53 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
36   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Pilliga East
Z4-08: Pilliga East State Forest
An area of about 131,899 hectares, being the whole or a part of PILLIGA EAST State Forest No 266 and being the land designated as Z4-08 on the diagrams catalogued MISC R 00289, MISC R 00290, MISC R 00293 and MISC R 00294 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
37   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Pilliga West
Z4-09: Pilliga West State Forest
An area of about 31,764 hectares, being the whole or a part of PILLIGA WEST State Forest No 267 and being the land designated as Z4-09 on the diagrams catalogued MISC R 00287 and MISC R 00288 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
38   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Pine Ridge
Z4-47: Pine Ridge State Forest
An area of about 352 hectares, being the whole or a part of PINE RIDGE State Forest No 858 and being the land designated as Z4-47 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00300 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
39   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Quegobla
Z4-41: Quegobla State Forest
An area of about 628 hectares, being the whole or a part of QUEGOBLA State Forest No 813 and being the land designated as Z4-41 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
40   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Severn
Z4-01: Severn State Forest
An area of about 3,244 hectares, being the whole or a part of SEVERN State Forest No 1002 and being the land designated as Z4-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
41   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Spring Ridge
Z4-25: Spring Ridge State Forest
An area of about 1,004 hectares, being the whole or a part of SPRING RIDGE State Forest No 596 and being the land designated as Z4-25 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00300 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
42   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Strathmore
Z4-22: Strathmore State Forest
An area of about 390 hectares, being the whole or a part of STRATHMORE State Forest No 516 and being the land designated as Z4-22 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00280 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
43   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Stuart
Z4-26: Stuart State Forest
An area of about 118 hectares, being the whole or a part of STUART State Forest No 636 and being the land designated as Z4-26 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00280 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
44   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Timmallallie
Z4-57: Timmallallie State Forest
An area of about 57 hectares, being the whole or a part of TIMMALLALLIE State Forest No 819 and being the land designated as Z4-57 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
45   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Vickery
Z4-23: Vickery State Forest
An area of about 1,942 hectares, being the whole or a part of VICKERY State Forest No 550 and being the land designated as Z4-23 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00298 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
46   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Warialda
Z4-14: Warialda State Forest
An area of about 203 hectares, being the whole or a part of WARIALDA State Forest No 417 and being the land designated as Z4-14 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00281 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
47   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Waubebunga
Z4-50: Waubebunga State Forest
An area of about 103 hectares, being the whole or a part of WAUBEBUNGA State Forest No 944 and being the land designated as Z4-50 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00287 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
48   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Wittenbra
Z4-55: Wittenbra State Forest
An area of about 5,594 hectares, being the whole or a part of WITTENBRA State Forest No 274 and being the land designated as Z4-55 on the diagrams catalogued MISC R 00290 and MISC R 00291 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
49   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Yalcogrin
Z4-19: Yalcogrin State Forest
An area of about 930 hectares, being the whole or a part of YALCOGRIN State Forest No 450 and being the land designated as Z4-19 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00306 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
50   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Yarindury
Z4-30: Yarindury State Forest
An area of about 1,471 hectares, being the whole or a part of YARINDURY State Forest No 713 and being the land designated as Z4-30 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00311 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
51   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Yearinan
Z4-11: Yearinan State Forest
An area of about 21 hectares, being the whole or a part of YEARINAN State Forest No 273 and being the land designated as Z4-11 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00291 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
52   Community Conservation Area Zone 4 Yetman
Z4-37: Yetman State Forest
An area of about 469 hectares, being the whole or a part of YETMAN State Forest No 802 and being the land designated as Z4-37 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00277 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
53–55   (Repealed)
sch 4: Am 2005 (885), Sch 1 [4].
Schedule 5 State forest vested in NPW Minister
(Section 12)
1   V-01: Bebo State Forest
An area of about 155 hectares, being the whole or a part of BEBO State Forest No 418 and being the land designated as V-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00277 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
2   V-25: Bebo State Forest
An area of about 395 hectares, being the whole or a part of BEBO State Forest No 418 and being the land designated as V-25 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00277 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
3   V-24: Biddon State Forest
An area of about 334 hectares, being the whole or a part of BIDDON State Forest No 449 and being the land designated as V-24 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00306 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
4   V-51: Biddon State Forest
An area of about 1 hectare, being the whole or a part of BIDDON State Forest No 449 and being the land designated as V-51 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00306 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
5   V-52: Biddon State Forest
An area of about 1 hectare, being the whole or a part of BIDDON State Forest No 449 and being the land designated as V-52 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00306 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
6   V-08: Bingara State Forest
An area of about 496 hectares, being the whole or a part of BINGARA State Forest No 859 and being the land designated as V-08 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
7   V-53: Bingara State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of BINGARA State Forest No 859 and being the land designated as V-53 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
8   V-26: Bullala State Forest
An area of about 109 hectares, being the whole or a part of BULLALA State Forest No 406 and being the land designated as V-26 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00280 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
9   V-23: Cobbora State Forest
An area of about 3,724 hectares, being the whole or a part of COBBORA State Forest No 1028 and being the land designated as V-23 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00308 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
10   V-16: Curryall State Forest
An area of about 149 hectares, being the whole or a part of CURRYALL State Forest No 946 and being the land designated as V-16 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
11   V-28: Curryall State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of CURRYALL State Forest No 946 and being the land designated as V-28 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
12   V-44: Denobollie State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of DENOBOLLIE State Forest No 854 and being the land designated as V-44 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00290 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
13   V-17: Durridgere State Forest
An area of about 246 hectares, being the whole or a part of DURRIDGERE State Forest No 882 and being the land designated as V-17 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
14   V-18: Durridgere State Forest
An area of about 194 hectares, being the whole or a part of DURRIDGERE State Forest No 882 and being the land designated as V-18 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
15   V-19: Durridgere State Forest
An area of about 82 hectares, being the whole or a part of DURRIDGERE State Forest No 882 and being the land designated as V-19 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
16   V-27: Durridgere State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of DURRIDGERE State Forest No 882 and being the land designated as V-27 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
17   V-48: Garrawilla State Forest
An area of about 1 hectare, being the whole or a part of GARRAWILLA State Forest No 884 and being the land designated as V-48 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00295 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
18   V-49: Garrawilla State Forest
An area of about 1 hectare, being the whole or a part of GARRAWILLA State Forest No 884 and being the land designated as V-49 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00295 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
19   V-50: Garrawilla State Forest
An area of about 1 hectare, being the whole or a part of GARRAWILLA State Forest No 884 and being the land designated as V-50 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00295 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
20   V-47: Goodiman State Forest
An area of about 1 hectare, being the whole or a part of GOODIMAN State Forest No 458 and being the land designated as V-47 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00311 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
21   V-42: Goonoo State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of GOONOO State Forest No 436 and being the land designated as V-42 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00308 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
22   V-43: Goonoo State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of GOONOO State Forest No 436 and being the land designated as V-43 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00308 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
23   V-58: Lincoln State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of LINCOLN State Forest No 437 and being the land designated as V-58 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00307 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
24   V-04: Mehi State Forest
An area of about 548 hectares, being the whole or a part of MEHI State Forest No 478 and being the land designated as V-04 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
25   V-05: Mehi State Forest
An area of about 478 hectares, being the whole or a part of MEHI State Forest No 478 and being the land designated as V-05 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
26   V-20: Munmurra State Forest
An area of about 105 hectares, being the whole or a part of MUNMURRA State Forest No 1014 and being the land designated as V-20 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
27   V-21: Munmurra State Forest
An area of about 204 hectares, being the whole or a part of MUNMURRA State Forest No 1014 and being the land designated as V-21 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
28   V-09: Munro State Forest
An area of about 2,025 hectares, being the whole or a part of MUNRO State Forest No 1004 and being the land designated as V-09 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
29   V-10: Munro State Forest
An area of about 1,210 hectares, being the whole or a part of MUNRO State Forest No 1004 and being the land designated as V-10 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
30   V-31: Murchison State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of MURCHISON State Forest No 317 and being the land designated as V-31 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
31   V-45: Pilliga East State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of PILLIGA EAST State Forest No 266 and being the land designated as V-45 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
32   V-12: Pilliga West State Forest
An area of about 1,730 hectares, being the whole or a part of PILLIGA WEST State Forest No 267 and being the land designated as V-12 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00287 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
33   V-56: Pilliga West State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of PILLIGA WEST State Forest No 267 and being the land designated as V-56 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00287 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on those diagrams.
34   V-11: Plagyan State Forest
An area of about 448 hectares, being the whole or a part of PLAGYAN State Forest No 409 and being the land designated as V-11 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00297 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
35   V-35: Quegobla State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of QUEGOBLA State Forest No 813 and being the land designated as V-35 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
36   V-37: Quegobla State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of QUEGOBLA State Forest No 813 and being the land designated as V-37 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
37   V-57: Quegobla State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of QUEGOBLA State Forest No 813 and being the land designated as V-57 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00289 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
38   V-32: Sepoy State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of SEPOY State Forest No 733 and being the land designated as V-32 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
39   V-46: Sepoy State Forest
An area of about 25 hectares, being the whole or a part of SEPOY State Forest No 733 and being the land designated as V-46 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00283 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
40   V-02: Severn State Forest
An area of about 522 hectares, being the whole or a part of SEVERN State Forest No 1002 and being the land designated as V-02 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
41   V-03: Severn State Forest
An area of about 268 hectares, being the whole or a part of SEVERN State Forest No 1002 and being the land designated as V-03 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
42   V-06: Severn State Forest
An area of about 625 hectares, being the whole or a part of SEVERN State Forest No 1002 and being the land designated as V-06 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
43   V-07: Severn State Forest
An area of about 436 hectares, being the whole or a part of SEVERN State Forest No 1002 and being the land designated as V-07 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
44   V-33: Somerton State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of SOMERTON State Forest No 515 and being the land designated as V-33 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00299 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
45   V-59: Terry Hie Hie State Forest
An area of about 30 hectares, being the whole or a part of TERRY HIE HIE State Forest No 421 and being the land designated as V-59 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00281 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
46   V-60: Terry Hie Hie State Forest
An area of about 90 hectares, being the whole or a part of TERRY HIE HIE State Forest No 421 and being the land designated as V-60 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00281 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
47   V-34: Trinkey State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of TRINKEY State Forest No 177 and being the land designated as V-34 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00296 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
48   V-29: Turill State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of TURILL State Forest No 203 and being the land designated as V-29 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
49   V-38: Turill State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of TURILL State Forest No 203 and being the land designated as V-38 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
50   V-36: Warialda State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of WARIALDA State Forest No 417 and being the land designated as V-36 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00281 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
51   V-14: Warung State Forest
An area of about 994 hectares, being the whole or a part of WARUNG State Forest No 457 and being the land designated as V-14 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00303 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
52   V-15: Warung State Forest
An area of about 1,653 hectares, being the whole or a part of WARUNG State Forest No 457 and being the land designated as V-15 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00303 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
53   V-30: Wondoba State Forest
An area of about 6 hectares, being the whole or a part of WONDOBA State Forest No 196 and being the land designated as V-30 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00299 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
54   V-13: Yaminba State Forest
An area of about 835 hectares, being the whole or a part of YAMINBA State Forest No 821 and being the land designated as V-13 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00291 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
55   V-54: Yarrigan State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of YARRIGAN State Forest No 272 and being the land designated as V-54 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00291 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
56   V-55: Yarrigan State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of YARRIGAN State Forest No 272 and being the land designated as V-55 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00291 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
57   V-22: Yarrobil State Forest
An area of about 457 hectares, being the whole or a part of YARROBIL State Forest No 78 and being the land designated as V-22 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00311 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
58   V-39: Yarrobil State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of YARROBIL State Forest No 78 and being the land designated as V-39 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00311 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
59   V-40: Yarrobil State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of YARROBIL State Forest No 78 and being the land designated as V-40 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00311 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
60   V-41: Yarrobil State Forest
An area of about 2 hectares, being the whole or a part of YARROBIL State Forest No 78 and being the land designated as V-41 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00311 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
sch 5: Am 2005 (885), Sch 1 [5].
Schedule 6 State forests added to existing national parks
(Section 13)
1   Addition to Coolah Tops National Park
An area of about 116 hectares, being the whole or a part of WARUNG State Forest No 457 and being the land designated as 88-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00303 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
2   Addition to Goulburn River National Park
An area of about 1,009 hectares, being the whole or a part of MUNMURRA State Forest No 1014 and being the land designated as 60-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00305 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
3   Addition to Kwiambal National Park
An area of about 2,250 hectares, being the whole or a part of SEVERN State Forest No 1002 and being the land designated as 156-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
4   Additions to Mount Kaputar National Park
(1)  An area of about 4,157 hectares, being the whole or a part of PLAGYAN State Forest No 409 and being the land designated as 38-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00297 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2)  An area of about 1,588 hectares, being the whole or a part of RUSDEN State Forest No 410 and being the land designated as 38-02 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00285 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
sch 6: Am 2005 (885), Sch 1 [6].
Schedule 7 Crown lands added to existing national parks and nature reserves
(Section 14)
Part 1 Additions to national parks
1   Mount Kaputar National Park
(1)  An area of about 713 hectares, being the land designated as 38-03 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00285 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2)  An area of about 1,890 hectares, being the land designated as 38-04 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00297 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(3)  An area of about 240 hectares, being the land designated as 38-05 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00285 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
Part 2 Additions to nature reserves
2   Pilliga Nature Reserve
An area of about 340 hectares, being the land designated as 464-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00291 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
3   Weetalibah Nature Reserve
(1)  An area of about 1,203 hectares, being the land designated as 489-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00304 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2)  An area of about 330 hectares, being the land designated as 489-02 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00304 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
sch 7: Am 2005 (885), Sch 1 [7].
Schedule 8 NPW Minister land reserved as national park or nature reserve
(Section 15)
1   Dthinna Dthinnawan Nature Reserve
An area of about 1,491 hectares, being the land designated as 919-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00277 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
2   Additions to Kwiambal National Park
(1)  An area of about 857 hectares, being the land designated as 156-02 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2)  An area of about 987 hectares, being the land designated as 156-03 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(3)  An area of about 691 hectares, being the land designated as 156-04 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(4)  An area of about 446 hectares, being the land designated as 156-05 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
3   Additions to Mount Kaputar National Park
(1)  An area of about 3,586 hectares, being the land designated as 38-06 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00285 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2)  An area of about 297 hectares, being the land designated as 38-07 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00285 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(3)  An area of about 491 hectares, being the land designated as 38-08 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00284 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
4   Taringa Nature Reserve
An area of about 1,342 hectares, being the land designated as 914-01 on the diagram catalogued MISC R 00278 Edition 2 in the Department of Environment and Conservation, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
sch 8: Am 2005 (885), Sch 1 [8].
Schedule 9 Land transfers—ancillary and special provisions
(Section 23)
1   Exclusion of freehold and certain leasehold interests
(1)  The following land is not reserved by this Act:
(a)  land that a person holds for an estate in fee simple, other than land that immediately before the commencement of this Act was vested in Her Majesty, or the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 on behalf of the Crown, for the purposes of Part 11 of that Act,
(b)  land that a person holds under a perpetual lease, a special lease or a term lease within the meaning of the Crown Lands (Continued Tenures) Act 1989,
(c)  land that is comprised in an incomplete purchase within the meaning of the Crown Lands (Continued Tenures) Act 1989.
(2)  This clause has effect despite any other provision of this Act.
(3)  This clause applies in relation to land described in Part 4 of Schedule 1, Part 2 of Schedule 2 and Part 3 of Schedule 4 as if a reference in this clause to the commencement of this Act were a reference to the making of a proclamation under section 16.
2   Application of Act
(1)  This Act has effect despite the provisions of the Forestry Act 1916 and, in particular, despite any different procedure under that Act for the revocation of State forests, flora reserves, special management zones, national forests or timber reserves.
(2)  This Act has effect despite the provisions of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and, in particular, despite any different procedure for reserving, or for vesting, land under that Act.
3   Reservation of lands as national parks, Aboriginal areas, state conservation areas or nature reserves
(1)  The lands reserved as, or as parts of, national parks, Aboriginal areas, state conservation areas or nature reserves by this Act are, for the purposes of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, taken to have been so reserved by notice published under Division 1 of Part 4 of that Act.
(2)  A reference in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 to the publication of a notice under Division 1 of Part 4 of that Act is, in relation to a reservation of any of the lands that is effected by this Act, taken to be a reference to:
(a)  the enactment of this Act, or
(b)  in the case of land reserved by the making of a proclamation under section 16—the making of that proclamation.
(3)  A name assigned to any national park, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or nature reserve by this Act is taken to have been assigned to that land by notice published under Division 1 of Part 4 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
(4)  Section 35 (including section 35 as applied by section 58) and section 47D of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 do not apply to a reservation of land as, or as part of, a national park, state conservation area or nature reserve that is effected by this Act.
4   Existing leases under Forestry Act 1916 affecting lands reserved as national parks, Aboriginal areas, state conservation areas or nature reserves
Section 42 (2) (including section 42 (2) as applied by sections 47K and 64) and section 55 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 apply to and in respect of a lease under the Forestry Act 1916, being a lease:
(a)  affecting any of the lands described in Schedule 1, 2, 3 or 6 that are reserved as, or as parts of, national parks, Aboriginal areas, state conservation areas or nature reserves by this Act, and
(b)  current and in force immediately before the commencement of this Act,
in the same way as those sections apply to a licence or permit under the Forestry Act 1916.
5   Access roads within national parks, Aboriginal areas, state conservation areas or nature reserves
(1)  In this clause:
access roads means the roads, tracks, trails and other means of access referred to in subclause (2) (a)–(c).
private land holding means land held:
(a)  by an owner within the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, or
(b)  as a holding within the meaning of the Crown Lands Act 1989.
(2)  This clause applies to and in respect of the following access roads situated within the lands described in Schedule 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 or 8 immediately before the commencement of this Act:
(a)  roads of access within the meaning of section 33A of the Forestry Act 1916,
(b)  roads, tracks, trails and other means of access used for access to private land holdings within those lands immediately before the commencement of this Act,
(c)  roads, tracks, trails and other means of access through those lands to State forests or private land holdings that adjoin or are in the vicinity of the lands.
(3)  The access roads to which this clause applies are not, on the commencement of this Act, reserved as, or as part of, a national park, Aboriginal area or state conservation area by this Act but vest in the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of that Act for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from:
(a)  all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements, and
(b)  any dedication, reservation, Crown grant or vesting to which the lands were subject, and any such dedication, reservation, grant or vesting is revoked.
(4)  The access roads may continue, subject to this clause, to be used for the purposes for which they were used immediately before the commencement of this Act.
(5)  Within 6 years of the commencement of this Act, the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 must, by one or more orders published in the Gazette, declare which of the access roads:
(a)  are excluded from reservation as part of a national park, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or nature reserve, or
(b)  are not so excluded and are reserved as part of the national park, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or nature reserve in which they are situated.
An order under this subclause may be published only with the concurrence of the Minister administering the Forestry Act 1916.
(6)  On the publication of an order under subclause (5):
(a)  the access roads that are referred to in the order as excluded from reservation as part of a national park, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or nature reserve remain vested in the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 for the purposes of Part 11 of that Act and may, subject to this clause, continue to be used for the purposes for which they were used immediately before the commencement of this Act, and
(b)  the access roads that are not so excluded are reserved as part of the national park, Aboriginal area, state conservation area or nature reserve within which they are situated.
(7)  Nothing in this clause affects the exercise of any power, authority, duty or function by the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 or any other person under and in accordance with that Act in relation to any access road to which this clause applies.
(8)  While a private land holding is in private ownership, nothing in this clause authorises the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 to close any access road that comprises the only practical means of access to the land holding.
(9)  This clause has effect despite the provisions of the Forestry Act 1916.
(10)  This clause applies in relation to access roads within lands described in Part 4 of Schedule 1, Part 2 of Schedule 2 and Part 3 of Schedule 4 as if a reference in this clause to the commencement of this Act were a reference to the making of a proclamation under section 16.
6   Status of land vested in NPW Minister
(1)  Any land that is vested by this Act in the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 for the purposes of Part 11 of that Act is taken to have been acquired by that Minister under that Part, and may be dealt with by that Minister as if it had been so acquired.
(2)  Any such land is, to the extent that it relates to land subject to a lease preserved by section 12, taken to be Crown land reserved from sale for the purpose of any application by the holder of the lease to purchase the land comprised in the lease.
7   Provisions relating to activities carried out on land vested in NPW Minister
(1)  This clause applies to and in respect of land vested in the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 for the purposes of Part 11 of that Act by this Act.
(2)  For the avoidance of doubt, the purposes for which the powers of the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 under section 149 of that Act may be exercised in respect of land to which this clause applies include enabling an activity to continue to be carried out that was carried out on the land before it was so vested.
(3)  The Director-General of the Department of Environment and Conservation may authorise the use of relevant access roads for the purpose of enabling any lawful activity to be carried out on the land to which this clause applies.
(4)  In this clause, relevant access roads means roads, tracks, trails and other means of access through any land reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 to land to which this clause applies.
8   Administration of perpetual leases affecting land vested in NPW Minister
(1)  The administration of matters relating to perpetual leases (within the meaning of the Crown Lands (Continued Tenures) Act 1989) affecting any of the lands described in Schedule 5 and preserved by section 12, is vested in the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
(2)  For the purposes of subclause (1), the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 has the powers of the Minister administering the Crown Lands (Continued Tenures) Act 1989.
9   Saving in relation to revocations
A revocation effected by this Act does not affect anything done or omitted to be done before the revocation takes effect.
sch 9: Am 2005 No 98, Sch 2.7.
Schedule 10 Provisions relating to members and procedure of Council
(Section 25)
1   Definitions
In this Schedule:
Council means the Community Conservation Council.
member means a member of the Council.
2   Nominees of members
(1)  The Director-General of the Premier’s Department may nominate an officer of the Premier’s Department to act in the Director-General’s place at any meeting of the Council.
(2)  The Director-General of the Department of Environment and Conservation may nominate an officer of the Department to act in the Director-General’s place at any meeting of the Council.
(3)  The Director-General of the Department of Primary Industries may nominate an officer of the Department to act in the Director-General’s place at any meeting of the Council.
(4)  The Director-General of the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources may nominate an officer of the Department to act in the Director-General’s place at any meeting of the Council.
(5)  A nominee appointed under this section by a Director-General has, while acting in the place of the Director-General at a meeting, the functions of the Director-General, and is taken to be the Director-General, for the purposes of that meeting.
3   General procedure for calling and holding meetings of Council
The procedure for the calling and holding of meetings of the Council is to be determined by the Council, subject to any directions of the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and the Minister administering the Forestry Act 1916.
4   Quorum
The quorum for a meeting of the Council is 3 members (including the Director-Generals of the Department of Environment and Conservation and the Department of Primary Industries).
5   Presiding member
(1)  The Chairperson of the Council (or, in the absence of the Chairperson, the member chosen by the members present) is to preside at a meeting of the Council.
(2)  The presiding member has a deliberative vote. In the event of an equality of votes, the presiding member (if the Chairperson of the Council) has a second or casting vote.
6   Voting
A decision supported by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the Council at which a quorum is present is the decision of the Council.
7   Transaction of business outside meetings or by telephone
(1)  The Council may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business by the circulation of papers among all the members of the Council for the time being, and a resolution in writing approved in writing by a majority of those members is taken to be a decision of the Council.
(2)  The Council may, if it thinks fit, transact any of its business at a meeting at which members (or some members) participate by telephone, closed-circuit television or other means, but only if any member who speaks on a matter before the meeting can be heard by the other members.
(3)  For the purposes of:
(a)  the approval of a resolution under subclause (1), or
(b)  a meeting held in accordance with subclause (2),
the Chairperson and each member have the same voting rights as they have at an ordinary meeting of the Council.
(4)  A resolution approved under subclause (1) is, subject to the regulations, to be recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the Council.
(5)  Papers may be circulated among the members for the purposes of subclause (1) by facsimile or other transmission of the information in the papers concerned.
Schedule 11 Provisions relating to members and procedure of Advisory Committees
(Section 28)
1   Definitions
In this Schedule:
advisory committee means a Community Conservation Advisory Committee established under Division 2 of Part 3.
member means a member of an Advisory Committee.
2   Terms of office
Subject to this Schedule, a member holds office for the term specified in his or her instrument of appointment (not exceeding 5 years) but is eligible (if otherwise qualified) for re-appointment.
3   Allowances for members
A member is entitled to be paid such allowances as the relevant Ministers from time to time determine in respect of the member.
4   Vacancy in office of member
(1)  The office of a member of an advisory committee becomes vacant if the member:
(a)  dies, or
(b)  completes a term of office and is not re-appointed, or
(c)  resigns the office by instrument in writing addressed to the relevant Ministers, or
(d)  is removed from office by the relevant Ministers under this clause, or
(e)  is absent from 3 consecutive meetings of the advisory committee of which reasonable notice has been given to the member personally or in the ordinary course of post, except on leave granted by the relevant Ministers or Community Conservation Council or unless, before the expiration of 4 weeks after the last of those meetings, the member is excused by the committee for having been absent from those meetings, or
(f)  becomes bankrupt, applies to take the benefit of any law for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors, compounds with his or her creditors or makes an assignment of his or her remuneration for their benefit, or
(g)  becomes a mentally incapacitated person.
(2)  The relevant Ministers may remove a member from office at any time.
5   Filling of vacancy in office of member
If the office of a member becomes vacant, the relevant Ministers are to appoint a person to fill the office in accordance with this Act.
6   General procedure for calling and holding meetings of advisory committee
The procedure for the calling and holding of meetings of an advisory committee is to be determined by the relevant Ministers.
7   Quorum
The quorum for a meeting of an advisory committee consists of 8 members.
8   Disclosure of pecuniary interests
(1)  A member of an advisory committee:
(a)  who has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter being considered or about to be considered at a meeting of the advisory committee, and
(b)  whose interest appears to raise a conflict with the proper performance of the member’s duties in relation to the consideration of the matter,
must, as soon as possible after the relevant facts have come to the member’s knowledge, disclose the nature of the interest to the chairperson of the advisory committee.
(2)  A disclosure by a member at a meeting of an advisory committee that the member:
(a)  is a member, or is in the employment, of a specified company or other body, or
(b)  is a partner, or is in the employment, of a specified person, or
(c)  has some other specified interest relating to a specified company or other body or to a specified person,
is a sufficient disclosure of the nature of the interest in any matter relating to that company or other body or to that person that may arise after the date of the disclosure and that is required to be disclosed under this clause.
(3)  After a member has disclosed the nature of an interest in any matter, the member must not, unless the chairperson otherwise determines:
(a)  be present during any deliberation of an advisory committee with respect to the matter, or
(b)  take part in any decision of the advisory committee with respect to the matter.
(4)  A contravention of this clause does not invalidate any decision of an advisory committee.
Schedule 12 (Repealed)
sch 12: Rep 2006 No 58, Sch 4.