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Workers Compensation (Weekly Payments Indexation) Order 2013

I, the Minister for Finance and Services, in pursuance of section 82A (4) of the Workers Compensation Act 1987, make the following Order.
Dated, this 22nd day of March 2013.

GREG PEARCE, MLCMinister for Finance and Services
2   Commencement
This Order commences on the day on which it is published on the NSW legislation website.
3   Definition
(1)  In this Order:
(2)  Notes included in this Order do not form part of this Order.
4   Variation of weekly payments
For the purposes of section 82A (4) of the Act, the number that equates to the factor   for the purposes of the variation of a weekly payment on the review date specified in Column 1 of the Table to this clause is the number specified in Column 2 of that Table opposite that date.
Column 1
Column 2
Review date
Number equating to factor  
1 April 2013
The number equating to the factor   has been rounded to 4 decimal places.