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Public Holidays Order 2011

1   Name of Order
This Order is the Public Holidays Order 2011.
2   Commencement
This Order commences on the day on which it is published on the NSW legislation website.
3   Public holidays for whole State (section 5 (1))
Each of the following days is declared to be a public holiday for the whole State:
25 December 2011
4   Public holidays for a specified part of the State (section 5 (1) and (2))
A day or part-day specified in Column 2 is declared to be a public holiday for the part of the State specified in Column 1:
Column 1
Column 2
Lismore City Council area
Half-day from 12 midday on 22 September 2011
cl 4: Ins 2011 (106), cl 3.