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Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998 No 163

An Act to make provision with respect to forestry operations and the national park estate following regional resource and conservation assessments; to transfer certain State forest and other Crown lands to the national park estate or Aboriginal ownership; to provide for Ministerial agreements and a system of integrated approvals for future forestry operations; to amend the Forestry Act 1916, the Timber Industry (Interim Protection) Act 1992 and certain other Acts; and for other purposes.
Part 1 Preliminary
1   Name of Act
This Act is the Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998.
2   Commencement
(1)  This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation, except as provided by this section.
(2)  The following provisions commence on the date of assent to this Act:
(a)  section 44 and Schedule 9,
(b)  section 48 and Schedule 13.
(3)  Parts 1 and 2 and Schedules 1–7 commence on 1 January 1999.
3   Definitions
In this Act:
Crown-timber lands has the same meaning as in the Forestry Act 1916.
forest agreement means a forest agreement referred to in Part 3 that is in force.
forestry operations means:
(a)  logging operations, namely, the cutting and removal of timber from land for the purpose of timber production, or
(b)  forest products operations, namely, the harvesting of products of trees, shrubs and other vegetation (other than timber) that are of economic value, or
(c)  on-going forest management operations, namely, activities relating to the management of land for timber production such as thinning, bush fire hazard reduction, bee-keeping, grazing and other silvicultural activities, or
(d)  ancillary road construction, namely, the provision of roads and fire trails, and the maintenance of existing railways, to enable or assist in the above operations.
integrated forestry operations approval means an approval referred to in Part 4 that is in force.
national park estate means:
(a)  land declared as a wilderness area under the Wilderness Act 1987 or the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, or
(b)  land reserved or dedicated under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, or
(c)  land dedicated or set apart as a flora reserve under the Forestry Act 1916, or
(d)  land dedicated or reserved for a similar public purpose under the Crown Lands Act 1989.
State forest means land dedicated under the Forestry Act 1916 (or under the former Forestry Act 1909) as a State forest, being a dedication that is in force.
s 3: Am 2003 No 102, Sch 2.4 [1].
4   Notes
Notes included in this Act are explanatory notes and do not form part of this Act.
Part 2 Land transfers to national park estate and Aboriginal ownership
5   Revocation of dedication of certain lands as State forest and of reservation of associated flora reserves
(1)  The dedication as State forest of the following lands is revoked:
(a)  lands described in Schedule 1,
(b)  lands described in Schedule 4,
(c)  lands described in Schedule 5,
(d)  lands described in Part 1 of Schedule 6.
(2)  Any notices under section 25A of the Forestry Act 1916 that set apart, as flora reserves, areas of State forests whose dedication is revoked by subsection (1) are also revoked by this Act, but only to the extent to which they relate to flora reserves or parts of flora reserves situated within the lands referred to in that subsection.
(3)  Any notifications under section 19A of the Forestry Act 1916 that declare, as national forests, areas of State forests whose dedication is revoked by subsection (1) are also revoked by this Act, but only to the extent to which they relate to national forests or parts of national forests situated within the lands referred to in that subsection.
6   Reservation or dedication of former State forest as national park, nature reserve or historic site
The lands described in Schedule 1 are reserved or dedicated under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 as, or as part of, the following (as indicated in that Schedule):
(a)  national parks,
(b)  nature reserves,
(c)  historic sites.
7   Reservation or dedication of Crown lands as national park or nature reserve
The lands described in Schedule 2 are reserved or dedicated under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 as, or as part of, the following (as indicated in that Schedule):
(a)  national parks,
(b)  nature reserves.
8   Setting apart of areas in State forest as flora reserves
The lands described in Schedule 3 that are within State forests are set apart as, or as part of, flora reserves under the Forestry Act 1916 (as indicated in that Schedule).
9   Dedication as Crown reserves under Crown Lands Act 1989 of certain former State forests
(1)  The lands described in Schedule 4 are taken to be lands dedicated under the Crown Lands Act 1989 for the purposes of public recreation, conservation and mineral and petroleum exploration.
(2)  The Crown Lands Act 1989 applies to and in respect of the lands described in Schedule 4, except as provided by this Act.
(3)  A reserve trust is established under the name of the National Parks and Wildlife Reserve Trust. The reserve trust is appointed as trustee of the reserve consisting of all the land described in Schedule 4.
(4)  The Director-General of National Parks and Wildlife is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve trust.
(5)  Nothing in this section prevents any land to which this section applies from being reserved, dedicated or acquired under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
10   Vesting in NPW Minister of certain former State forests subject to existing leases
(1)  The lands described in Schedule 5 vest in the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from:
(a)  all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements, and
(b)  any dedication, reservation, Crown grant or vesting to which the lands were subject, and any such dedication, reservation, grant or vesting is revoked by the operation of this section.
(2)  Despite subsection (1), the lands described in Schedule 5 are not freed and discharged from any perpetual lease, special lease or term lease within the meaning of the Crown Lands (Continued Tenures) Act 1989 to which the lands were subject immediately before their vesting under this section.
11   Adjustment of description of land transferred to national park estate
(1)  The description of any land in Schedules 1–5 may be adjusted in accordance with this section.
(2)  A description of land may be adjusted from time to time:
(a)  to provide a more detailed description of the boundaries of the land that are shown on a map by heavy black edging, or
(b)  to alter the boundaries of the land for the purposes of the effective management of national park estate land and State forest land, including adjustments to enable boundaries to follow distinctive land features, to provide access to land, to correct any inaccuracy in relation to land tenure included in the land description or to rationalise the boundaries of similar areas of land, or
(c)  to include, remove or change a description of any easement or restriction to which the land is subject.
(3)  An adjustment of the description of land may include an alteration with respect to whether land is added to (or created as a new) national park, nature reserve or flora reserve, or with respect to the name of any new national park, nature reserve or flora reserve.
(4)  An adjustment of the description of land is to be made by the Director-General of National Parks and Wildlife by a notice published on the NSW legislation website that amends Schedules 1–5. Any such notice may only be published with the approval of the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and the Minister administering the Forestry Act 1916.
(5)  The Director-General of National Parks and Wildlife is required to certify in any such notice that the adjustments effected by the notice will not result in any significant reduction in the size or value of national park estate land or State forest land.
(6)  An adjustment of the description of land may only be made before 28 February 1999.
(7)  If any of the land described in Schedules 1–5 on the commencement of those Schedules is not included in the adjusted description of the land, the land that is not so included is taken never to have been subject to or affected by this Part or the relevant Schedule.
(8)  If land included in the adjusted description of the land includes any land not described in Schedules 1–5 on the commencement of those Schedules, the land concerned is taken to have been subject to this Part and the relevant Schedule on the commencement of this Part.
s 11: Am 2009 No 56, Sch 4.22.
12   Transfer of former State forest and Crown lands to ownership of Local Aboriginal Land Councils
(1)  The lands described in Schedule 6 are to be transferred to the relevant Local Aboriginal Land Council (as indicated in that Schedule) by the Crown Lands Minister in accordance with Division 2 of Part 6 of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983. For that purpose, the Crown Lands Minister is taken to have granted a claim under that Division for the lands (whether or not the lands are claimable Crown lands or any claim has in fact been made).
(2)  The lands are to be transferred as soon as practicable after the commencement of this Part.
(3)  The Crown Lands Minister may, in connection with the transfer of any such land, do any one or more of the following:
(a)  cause the land to be surveyed and adjust the boundaries of the land described in Schedule 6 in accordance with the survey for the purpose of the transfer of the land,
(b)  exclude from the transfer:
(i)  an area within the East Boyd State Forest of approximately 20 hectares for purposes of, or associated with, a wharf, or
(ii)  any other part of the land that is subject to an existing interest immediately before the transfer,
(c)  make the transfer subject to any such existing interest,
(d)  make the transfer subject to any condition relating to the use of the land for a government purpose, whether by way of the creation of an easement, covenant, lease or other interest in or affecting the land.
(4)  In this section, Crown Lands Minister has the same meaning it has in section 36 of the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983.
13   Land transfers—ancillary and special provisions
Schedule 7 has effect.
Part 3 Forest agreements
14   Making of agreements
(1)  Forest agreements may be made under this Part with respect to particular regions of the State.
(2)  The parties to a forest agreement are to be the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment and the Minister for Primary Industries.
(3)    (Repealed)
(4)  The relevant Ministers are required to make forest agreements in respect of the Eden region, the Lower North East region and the Upper North East region within 120 days after the commencement of this section or as soon as possible thereafter.
s 14: Am 2005 No 56, Sch 12.2 [1]; 2008 No 62, Sch 1.10 [1].
15   Requirement for NRC forest assessment before agreement made
(1)  A forest agreement may only be made in respect of a region that has been the subject of a regional forest assessment carried out by or on behalf of the Natural Resources Commission.
(2)  Any such assessment is to include an assessment of the following (in the particular areas of the region that the Commission considers appropriate):
(a)  environment and heritage values (including indigenous heritage),
(b)  economic and social values,
(c)  ecologically sustainable forest management,
(d)  timber resources.
(3)  For the purposes of this Act, the relevant regional forest assessment comprises any such assessment for the agreement concerned, together with any environmental impact statements obtained by the Forestry Commission or other determining authority under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, or related environmental studies, that the parties to the agreement consider relevant.
(4)  For the purpose of making forest agreements with respect to the Eden region, the Lower North East region and the Upper North East region, assessments:
(a)  that are in existence on the commencement of this section, and
(b)  that the parties to any such forest agreement consider relevant,
are taken to satisfy the requirements of this section with respect to the relevant forestry assessment for that region and no further assessments are required under this section in connection with that forest agreement.
s 15: Am 2003 No 102, Sch 2.4 [2].
16   Contents of agreement
(1)  A forest agreement must:
(a)  describe the region of the State to which it applies, and
(b)  list the documents containing information about the relevant regional forest assessment.
(2)  A forest agreement must contain (but is not limited to) the following provisions with respect to land in the region:
(a)  provisions that promote ecologically sustainable forest management,
(b)  provisions with respect to sustainable timber supply from forestry operations covered by the agreement,
(c)  provisions with respect to community consultation on forestry operations and other matters covered by the agreement,
(d)  provisions with respect to arrangements made or to be made relating to native title rights and interests or Aboriginal land claims,
(e)  other provisions that the relevant Ministers consider appropriate and that are not inconsistent with this Act or any other Act or law relating to matters within their respective Ministerial portfolios.
(3)  A forest agreement is to refer to any integrated forestry operations approval for the region that has been granted or proposed to be granted at the time the agreement is made.
17   Public consultation on making agreement
(1)  The Ministers who are to be parties to a proposed forest agreement are required to ensure that the public is given an opportunity to participate in connection with the making of the forest agreement.
(2)  The public participation is to include:
(a)  giving notice of the making of the proposed agreement (including notice of the place at which and times during which the proposed agreement will be available for public inspection) in a newspaper circulating throughout the State and also in a newspaper circulating in the region concerned, and
(b)  making the proposed agreement available for public inspection, at the place and during the times specified in the notice, for at least 28 days after the notice is given in both of those newspapers, and
(c)  inviting representations in connection with the proposed agreement within the time specified in the notice, and
(d)  consideration of any such representation before the agreement is made.
(3)  This section does not apply to the making of forest agreements with respect to the Eden region, the Lower North East region and the Upper North East region (other than the making of a forest agreement for any such region to replace any earlier such agreement).
18   Amendment or termination of agreement
A forest agreement may be amended or terminated at any time jointly by the parties to the agreement.
19   Public consultation on amendment or revocation of agreement
(1)  The Ministers who are parties to a forest agreement are required to ensure that the public is given an opportunity to participate in connection with any amendment or revocation of the forest agreement.
(2)  The public participation under this section is to include:
(a)  giving notice of the proposed amendment or revocation (including notice of the place at which and times during which any proposed amendment will be available for public inspection) in a newspaper circulating throughout the State and also in a newspaper circulating in the region concerned, and
(b)  making any proposed amendment available for public inspection, at the place and during the times specified in the notice, for at least 28 days after the notice is given in both of those newspapers, and
(c)  inviting representations in connection with the proposed amendment or revocation within the time specified in the notice, and
(d)  consideration of any such representation before the agreement is amended or revoked.
s 19: Am 1999 No 31, Sch 2.16.
20   Review of agreements and related integrated forestry operations approvals
(1)  The Ministers who are parties to a forest agreement are required to jointly review the agreement and any integrated forestry operations approval for the region.
(2)  A review is to be undertaken for the purposes only of assessing:
(a)  the implementation of the provisions of the agreement, and
(b)  whether integrated forestry operations approvals are effective in achieving the purpose of those approvals.
(3)  A review is to be undertaken by those Ministers every 5 years after the agreement is made.
(4)  Those Ministers are to ensure that the public is given an opportunity to participate in the review. The public participation is to include:
(a)  giving at least 6 months’ notice of the review (including the proposed terms of reference of the review) in a newspaper circulating throughout the State and also in a newspaper circulating in the region concerned, and
(b)  inviting representations in connection with the proposed terms of reference within the time specified in the notice, and the consideration of any such representations before the terms of reference are settled, and
(c)  giving notice of whether any changes are proposed to the forest agreement or to the integrated forestry operations approval (including notice of the place at which and times during which any proposed changes will be available for public inspection) in a newspaper circulating throughout the State and also in a newspaper circulating in the region concerned, and
(d)  making any proposed changes available for public inspection, at the place and during the times specified in the notice, for at least 28 days after the notice is given in both of those newspapers, and
(e)  inviting representations in connection with any proposed changes within the time specified in the notice, and
(f)  consideration of any such representation before a decision is made on the outcome of the review and any changes are made.
(5)  The Ministers are to cause a report on the outcome of each review to be tabled in each House of Parliament within 12 months after the end of the relevant 5-year period.
(6)  Despite section 18, a forest agreement may not be amended as a result of a review under this section until the report on the outcome of the review has been tabled under subsection (5).
(7)  A provision of any other Act for the review by a government agency or other body of a licence to which Division 3 of Part 4 applies has no effect with respect to the terms of a relevant licence set out in an integrated forestry operations approval.
(8)  This section does not apply in respect of any integrated forestry operations approval prepared for the Community Conservation Area as defined by the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005.
s 20: Am 2005 No 56, Sch 12.2 [2].
21   Annual Parliamentary reports and tabling of documents by Minister
(1)  The Minister is to prepare an annual report on each forest agreement, including with respect to:
(a)  ecologically sustainable forest management in the region, and
(b)  compliance with any integrated forestry operations approval for the region.
(2)  Each such report is to be tabled in each House of Parliament as soon as practicable after it is prepared. The report may be combined with any other report required to be tabled under this Act or any other annual report of the Department of Environment and Climate Change.
(3)  The Minister must cause a copy of the following to be furnished to the Presiding Officer of each House of Parliament within 7 days after the relevant matter arises:
(a)  each forest agreement made under this Act, and any amendment or termination of a forest agreement (together with a statement of the reasons for the amendment or termination),
(b)  each integrated forestry operations approval granted under this Act, and any amendment, suspension or revocation of an integrated forestry operations approval (together with a statement of the reasons for the amendment, suspension or revocation).
(4)  A copy of any document furnished to the Presiding Officer under subsection (3) is to be laid before that House within 15 sitting days of that House after it is received by the Presiding Officer.
(5)  The Presiding Officer of a House of Parliament is to make a document furnished to the Presiding Officer under subsection (3) public as soon as practicable after receiving the document if it has not been sooner laid before that House, whether or not the House is in session.
(6)  If such a document is made public by the Presiding Officer of a House of Parliament before it is laid before that House, it attracts the same privileges and immunities as if it had been laid before that House.
(7)  In this section, Presiding Officer means the President of the Legislative Council or the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly. However:
(a)  if there is a vacancy in the office of President, the reference to the President is a reference to the Clerk of the Legislative Council, or
(b)  if there is a vacancy in the officer of Speaker, the reference to the Speaker is a reference to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
s 21: Am 2005 No 98, Sch 2.26 [1] [2]; 2008 No 62, Sch 1.10 [2].
22   Public notice and public availability of agreements, assessment documents, approvals and reports
(1)  The Minister must cause public notice to be given of the following in a newspaper circulating throughout the State and also in a newspaper circulating in the area concerned:
(a)  the making of a forest agreement made under this Act, and any amendment or termination of a forest agreement,
(b)  the granting of an integrated forestry operations approval under this Act, and any amendment, suspension or revocation of an integrated forestry operations approval.
Any such notice is to state the place at which copies of the relevant documents will be available for public inspection.
(2)  Copies of the following documents are to be available for public inspection at the head office and the appropriate regional office of the Department of Environment and Climate Change (as determined by the head of the Department), and at such other offices or places as the head of the Department directs:
(a)  each forest agreement made under this Act, and any amendment or termination of a forest agreement (together with a statement of the reasons for the amendment or termination),
(b)  each integrated forestry operations approval granted under this Act, and any amendment, suspension or revocation of an integrated forestry operations approval (together with a statement of the reasons for the amendment, suspension or revocation),
(c)  the terms of reference of each 5-yearly review of a forest agreement,
(d)  the last annual report on, and the report on the last 5-yearly review of, each forest agreement that are tabled in Parliament.
(3)  A person may take copies of any such documents on payment of a charge determined by the head of the Department of Environment and Climate Change to cover the actual cost of the copying.
(4)  Any such document need only be available for public inspection during ordinary office hours.
(5)  An obligation under subsection (1) or (2) is to be complied with within 7 days after the relevant matter arises.
(6)  Copies of documents required to be made available under subsection (2) must also be made available, as soon as practicable, on the Internet by means of the website of the Department of Environment and Climate Change.
s 22: Am 2005 No 98, Sch 2.26 [1] [2]; 2008 No 62, Sch 1.10 [2] [3].
23   Committees of advice—forest landscape management
(1)  The Minister may establish committees to provide advice to the Minister on the management of land in any region covered by a forest agreement.
(2)  In particular, the Minister may establish any such committee with representatives of other specialist committees or bodies to co-ordinate advice over the range of land management issues in the region.
(3)  The constitution and procedure of any such committee is to be determined by the Minister.
s 23: Am 2008 No 62, Sch 1.10 [4].
Part 4 Integrated forestry operations approvals
Division 1 Preliminary
24   Forestry operations to which Part applies
(1)  This Part applies to forestry operations in State forests or other Crown-timber lands.
(2)  This Part does not apply to forestry operations:
(a)  on any part of the national park estate, or
(b)  on plantations within the meaning of the Plantations and Reafforestation Act 1999, or
(c)  on any land for the purposes of clearing natural forest to establish such a plantation or for agricultural or other non-forestry uses.
s 24: Am 1999 No 97, Sch 2.4 [1] [2].
25   Purpose of integrated forestry operations approvals
The purpose of this Part is to provide a framework for forestry operations to which this Part applies:
(a)  that is established in connection with a forest agreement made after forest assessments conducted by or on behalf of the Natural Resources Commission and other environmental studies, and
(b)  that integrates the regulatory regimes for environmental planning and assessment, for the protection of the environment and for threatened species conservation.
s 25: Am 2003 No 102, Sch 2.4 [3].
Division 2 Approvals generally
26   Granting of approvals
(1)  Approval for the carrying out of forestry operations to which this Part applies may be granted under this Part. Such an approval is called an integrated forestry operations approval.
(2)  This Act does not prevent or affect the carrying out of forestry operations authorised by the Forestry Act 1916 or any other Act or law. However, the carrying out of forestry operations to which an integrated forestry operations approval applies is subject to the terms of the approval.
Forestry operations the subject of an approval are excluded from environmental assessment and approval under Part 4 or 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979—see section 36.
27   Approvals to be granted jointly by relevant Ministers
(1)  An integrated forestry operations approval may only be granted jointly by the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment and the Minister for Primary Industries.
(2)  An integrated forestry operations approval is to be in writing signed by those Ministers.
s 27: Am 2005 No 56, Sch 12.2 [3]; 2008 No 62, Sch 1.10 [5].
28   Forest agreement prerequisite for approval
(1)  An integrated forestry operations approval may only be granted for the whole or any part of the area covered by a forest agreement.
(2)  The integrated forestry operations approval for an area is revoked if the forest agreement for the area is terminated.
(3)  This section does not apply in respect of the Community Conservation Area as defined by the Brigalow and Nandewar Community Conservation Area Act 2005.
s 28: Am 2005 No 56, Sch 12.2 [4].
29   Terms of approval
(1)  An integrated forestry operations approval is to describe the forestry operations covered by the approval, including a description of the area of the State to which it applies.
(2)  The approval must set out conditions subject to which forestry operations covered by the approval are to be carried out.
(3)  The approval may contain the terms of any relevant licences that are taken to be granted by the approval for forestry operations covered by the approval, as referred to in Division 3.
30   Duration of approval
(1)  An integrated forestry operations approval has effect for the period (not exceeding 20 years) specified in it, unless sooner revoked.
(2)  A further approval or approvals may be granted after the expiry of an earlier approval, subject to subsection (1).
31   Revocation, suspension or amendment of approval
(1)  An integrated forestry operations approval may be amended, suspended or revoked at any time jointly by the Ministers authorised to grant the approval.
(2)  An amendment of the approval extends to an amendment of the terms of any relevant licences provided by the approval.
(3)  A suspension of the approval may extend to all or any of the forestry operations covered by the approval.
See section 20 for review of approvals every 5 years and for reports on approvals.
32   Civil enforcement of certain conditions of approval
(1)  In this section:
breach includes a threatened or apprehended breach.
conditions means any conditions subject to which forestry operations covered by an integrated forestry operations approval may be carried out (other than the terms of a relevant licence set out in the approval).
relevant Minister, in relation to an integrated forestry operations approval, means a Minister who is a party to the approval (other than the Minister administering the Forestry Act 1916).
Section 35 makes provision with respect to the enforcement of the terms of a relevant licence.
(2)  A relevant Minister may bring proceedings in the Land and Environment Court for an order to remedy or restrain a breach of the conditions of an integrated forestry operations approval.
(3)  Any such proceedings may be brought whether or not any right of the relevant Minister or the State has been or may be infringed by or as a result of the breach.
(4)  If the Land and Environment Court is satisfied that a breach has been committed or that a breach will, unless restrained by order of the Court, be committed, it may make such orders as it thinks fit to remedy or restrain the breach.
(5)  Without limiting the powers of the Court under this section, an order under this section may suspend an approval with respect to the forestry operations concerned in the breach.
Division 3 Terms of relevant licences under integrated approval
33   Licences to which Division applies
(1)  This Division applies to any of the following licences for forestry operations covered by an integrated forestry operations approval:
(a)  a licence under the Pollution Control Act 1970 or, after the repeal of that Act, under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997, or
(b)  a licence under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, or
(c)  a licence under Part 7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994.
(2)  Any such licence is referred to in this Division as a relevant licence.
(3)  The Act under which such a licence is granted is referred to in this Division as the relevant Act.
34   Approval may set out terms of relevant licence
(1)  An integrated forestry operations approval may set out the terms of any relevant licence. If the approval does so, any person carrying out forestry operations covered by the approval is taken to hold a licence in those terms under the relevant Act.
(2)  Any such licence has effect, for all purposes, as a licence granted under the relevant Act.
(3)  The Ministers granting the approval may rely on the information in the relevant regional forest assessment for the purpose of determining the terms of any relevant licence. In particular, a species impact statement or other separate environmental assessment is not required to be obtained for that purpose.
(4)  The terms of any relevant licence need not extend to all forestry operations covered by the approval.
(5)  Any licence previously granted under the relevant Act ceases to have effect to the extent that it deals with forestry operations covered by the approval and the terms of a relevant licence set out in the approval.
(6)  This section does not prevent the grant of a relevant licence under a relevant Act if it does not deal with forestry operations covered by the terms of a relevant licence set out in an integrated forestry operations approval.
35   Enforcement of relevant licence
(1)  The terms of a relevant licence set out in an integrated forestry operations approval are to be enforced (subject to this Act) in the same way as any other licence under the relevant Act. However, the terms of a relevant licence set out in an integrated forestry operations approval cannot be varied, and the licence cannot be revoked, under the relevant Act.
A contravention of the terms of a relevant licence makes the person carrying out the forestry operations liable for offences for which the licence provides a defence (eg damage to critical habitat of threatened species under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974; offence of polluting waters under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997).
(2)  The government agency responsible for the enforcement of a relevant licence must notify the Ministers who granted the approval of any contravention (of which it becomes aware) of the terms of the licence by the persons carrying out forestry operations covered by the approval.
Section 31 provides that the Ministers may amend, suspend or revoke an approval at any time.
Division 4 Application of other legislation
(1)  Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 does not apply in respect of the carrying out of, or the granting of approval in relation to, forestry operations during any period that an integrated forestry operations approval applies to those operations. That Part does not apply to the granting or amendment of any such approval or to the making or amendment of a forest agreement.
(2)  An environmental planning instrument under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 cannot prohibit, require development consent for or otherwise restrict forestry operations during any period that an integrated forestry operations approval applies to those operations.
(2A)  Forestry operations cannot be declared to be a project under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 during any period that an integrated forestry operations approval applies to those operations.
(3)  An order under Division 2A of Part 6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 does not have effect to the extent that it prevents or interferes with the carrying out of forestry operations authorised by an integrated forestry operations approval.
(4)  Any approval of forestry operations that is in force under Division 4 of Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 has no effect during any period that Part 5 of that Act does not apply to the forestry operations. Any development consent for forestry operations that is in force under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 has no effect during any period that development consent under Part 4 of that Act is not required for the forestry operations.
(5)  Subsection (2) applies to an environmental planning instrument made before or after the commencement of this section.
s 36: Am 2005 No 43, Sch 7.5.
(1)  Part 6A (Stop work orders and interim protection orders) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 does not apply to the carrying out of forestry operations during any period that an integrated forestry operations approval applies to those operations.
(2)  However, subsection (1) does not prevent the making of an order for the purpose of protecting any Aboriginal relic or place.
(3)  Division 1 of Part 7 (Stop work orders) of the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 does not apply to the carrying out of forestry operations during any period that an integrated forestry operations approval applies to those operations.
38   Application of Local Government Act orders
An order under section 124 of the Local Government Act 1993 does not have effect to the extent that it prevents or interferes with the carrying out of forestry operations authorised by an integrated forestry operations approval.
39   Application of wilderness legislation
An area in which forestry operations authorised by an integrated forestry operations approval may be carried out cannot be proposed or identified as, or declared to be, a wilderness area under the Wilderness Act 1987 or the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
40   Application of statutory provisions relating to proceedings by third parties
(1)  This section applies to the following statutory provisions:
(a)  section 25 of the Environmental Offences and Penalties Act 1989, or, after the repeal of that Act, section 252 or 253 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997,
(b)  a provision of an Act that gives any person a right to institute proceedings in a court to remedy or restrain a breach (or a threatened or apprehended breach) of the Act or an instrument made under the Act, whether or not any right of the person has been or may be infringed by or as a consequence of that breach,
(c)  section 13 (2A) of the Environmental Offences and Penalties Act 1989 or, after the repeal of that Act, section 219 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.
(2)  Proceedings may not be brought under a statutory provision to which this section applies if the breach (or threatened or apprehended breach) to which the proceedings relate is as follows:
(a)  a breach of this Act (including a breach of any forest agreement),
(b)  a breach of an integrated forestry operations approval (including a breach of the terms of any licence provided by the approval),
(c)  a breach of an Act or law that arises because any defence provided by any such licence is not available as a result of a breach of the licence,
(d)  a breach of the Act that includes the statutory provision (including a breach of an instrument made under that Act) if the breach relates to forestry operations to which an integrated forestry operations approval applies.
(3)  This section does not apply to any proceedings brought by:
(a)  a Minister, or
(b)  the Environment Protection Authority or a member of the staff of the Authority, or
(c)  in the case of the provision of an Act referred to in subsection (1) (b)—a government agency or any government official engaged in the execution or administration of the Act.
Part 5 Miscellaneous
41   Act to bind Crown
This Act binds the Crown in right of New South Wales and, in so far as the legislative power of the Parliament of New South Wales permits, the Crown in all its other capacities.
42   Regulations
The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for or with respect to any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to be prescribed or that is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act.
43–47   (Repealed)
ss 43–47: Rep 2003 No 82, Sch 3.
48   Savings, transitional and other provisions
Schedule 13 has effect.
49   Review of Act
(1)  The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether the policy objectives of this Act remain valid and whether the terms of this Act remain appropriate for securing those objectives.
(2)  The review is to be undertaken as soon as possible after the period of 5 years from the date of assent to this Act.
(3)  A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period of 5 years.
Schedule 1 State forest reserved as national park or historic site or dedicated as nature reserve
(Sections 5 and 6)
Part 1 Eden Region
1   Addition to Wadbilliga National Park: Murrabrine State Forest No 947
An area of about 6 735 hectares, being the balance of Murrabrine State Forest No 947, dedicated 4 November 1955, and the balance of No 1 Extension thereto, dedicated 14 September 1979, and being the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1289 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
2   Addition to Biamanga National Park: Part Murrah State Forest No 140
An area of about 6 185 hectares, being the part of Murrah State Forest No 140, dedicated 4 November 1914, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1274 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 2 (17 November 1922)
No 3 (27 January 1956)
No 4 (6 November 1981)
3   Additions to South East Forest National Park
(1) Part Yurammie State Forest No 133 An area of about 2 195 hectares, being the balance of Yurammie State Forest No 133, dedicated 4 November 1914, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1275 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (11 May 1923)
No 2 (23 April 1926)
No 3 (10 May 1968)
No 4 (9 July 1971)
No 5 (4 February 1977)
No 7 (31 March 1978)
No 8 (3 August 1979)
(2) Part Yurammie State Forest No 133 An area of about 915 hectares, being the whole or the part of the extensions to Yurammie State Forest No 133 listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1275 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 4 (9 July 1971)
No 9 (2 June 1989)
No 11 (6 October 1989)
(3) Part Tantawangalo State Forest No 134 An area of about 4 020 hectares, being the whole or the part of the extensions to Tantawangalo State Forest No 134 listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1276 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (31 August 1928)
No 3 (23 April 1971)
No 5 (2 March 1973)
No 14 (10 February 1995)
(4) Part Nullica State Forest No 545 An area of about 800 hectares, being the parts of Nullica State Forest No 545, No 4 Extension dedicated 7 December 1973, and the part of Nullica State Forest No 545, No 11 Extension dedicated 6 May 1977, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1278 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(5) Part Nalbaugh State Forest No 129 An area of about 295 hectares, being the part of Nalbaugh State Forest No 129, No 4 Extension dedicated 26 March 1971, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1279 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(6) Part Coolangubra State Forest No 547 An area of about 122 hectares, being the part of Coolangubra State Forest No 547, No 3 Extension, dedicated 23 June 1972, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1277 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(7) Part Coolangubra State Forest No 547 An area of about 16 hectares, being the part of Coolangubra State Forest No 547, No 3 Extension, dedicated 23 June 1972 within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1279 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(8) Part Coolangubra State Forest No 547 An area of about 5 415 hectares, being the whole or the part of the extensions to Coolangubra State Forest No 547 listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets), within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1279 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 3 (23 June 1972)
No 6 (31 October 1975)
No 11 (28 January 1983)
No 14 (16 October 1992)
(9) Part Bondi State Forest No 128 An area of about 2 155 hectares, being the part of Bondi State Forest No 128 No 15 Extension, dedicated 27 August 1971, and the part of Bondi State Forest No 128 No 20 Extension, dedicated 14 April 1978, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1280 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(10) Part Bondi State Forest No 128 An area of about 26 hectares, being the part of Bondi State Forest No 128 No 15 Extension, dedicated 27 August 1971, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1280 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(11) Part Bondi State Forest No 128 An area of about 275 hectares, being the part of Bondi State Forest No 128 No 15 Extension, dedicated 27 August 1971, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1281 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(12) Part Yambulla State Forest No 126 An area of about 1 895 hectares, being the part of Yambulla State Forest No 126, No 1 Extension, dedicated 7 May 1971 and the part of Yambulla State Forest No 126, No 5 Extension, dedicated 8 October 1993, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1280 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(13) Part Nungatta State Forest No 131 An area of about 8 hectares, being the part of Nungatta State Forest No 131, dedicated 4 November 1914, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1280 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(14) Part Nungatta State Forest No 131 An area of about 41 hectares, being the part of Nungatta State Forest No 131, No 1 Extension dedicated 19 June 1953, within the land shown by broken horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1280 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
4   Additions to Mount Imlay National Park
(1) Part Towamba State Forest No 908 An area of about 375 hectares, being the part of Towamba State Forest No 908, dedicated 17 February 1950, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1282 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (9 July 1971)
No 2 (8 September 1978)
(2) Part Yambulla State Forest No 126 An area of about 188 hectares, being the parts (two) of Yambulla State Forest No 126, No 1 Extension, dedicated 7 May 1971, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1282 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(3) Part East Boyd State Forest No 127 An area of about 265 hectares, being the part of East Boyd State Forest No 127, dedicated 4 November 1914, and the part of No 5 Extension thereto, dedicated 4 June 1971, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1282 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(4) Part East Boyd State Forest No 127 An area of about 186 hectares, being the part of East Boyd State Forest No 127, No 5 Extension, dedicated 4 June 1971, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1282 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
5   Addition to Ben Boyd National Park: Part East Boyd State Forest No 127
An area of about 110 hectares, being the part of East Boyd State Forest No 127, dedicated 4 November 1914, and the balance of No 1 Extension thereto, dedicated 1 August 1924, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1290 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
6   Addition to Davidson Whaling Station Historic Site: Part East Boyd State Forest No 127
An area of about 20 hectares, being the part of East Boyd State Forest No 127, dedicated 4 November 1914, and the whole of No 2 Extension thereto, dedicated 10 May 1929, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1283 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
Part 2 Lower North East Region
7   Baalijin Nature Reserve
(1) Part Oakes State Forest No 609 An area of about 1200 hectares, being the part of Oakes State Forest No 609, dedicated 9 November 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Dudley and Oakes, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1341 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 2 (10 October 1930)
No 3 (7 August 1931)
No 9 (11 April 1969)
No 10 (18 April 1975)
This is part area “Z” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Diehappy State Forest No 823 An area of about 11 hectares, being the part of Diehappy State Forest No 823, named by Government Gazette notification on 10 January 1930, and dedicated as Scotchman State Forest No 486 No 3 Extension on 28 June 1929, in the Parishes of Dudley and Oakes, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1341 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “AA” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Roses Creek State Forest No 829 An area of about 0.2 hectares, being the part of Roses Creek State Forest No 829, dedicated 10 October 1930, in the Parish of Dudley, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1341 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “Z” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
8   Back River Nature Reserve: Part Hanging Rock State Forest No 671
An area of about 735 hectares, being the part of Hanging Rock State Forest No 671, No 1 Extension dedicated 20 December 1918, in the Parish of Vant, County of Hawes, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1330 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “A” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
9   Bago Bluff National Park
(1) Part Lorne State Forest No 58 An area of about 1130 hectares, being the part of Lorne State Forest No 58, dedicated 21 January 1914, in the Parishes of Lorne and Ralfe, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1314 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “B” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Lorne State Forest No 58 An area of about 3 hectares, being the parts of Lorne State Forest No 58, dedicated 21 January 1914, in the Parish of Ralfe, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1314 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “C” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Broken Bago State Forest No 184 An area of about 2890 hectares, being the part of Broken Bago State Forest No 184, dedicated 25 November 1914, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Koree and Ralfe, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1314 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 2 (24 September 1920)
No 4 (13 May 1921)
No 5 (18 November 1921)
No 14 (25 July 1958)
No 18 (18 July 1980)
This is part area “C” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
10   Bagul Waajaarr Nature Reserve: Part Muldiva State Forest No 1049
An area of about 520 hectares, being the part of Muldiva State Forest No 1049, dedicated 12 June 1987, within portion 66, Parish of Bostobrick, County of Fitzroy, and Muldiva State Forest No 1049 No 1 Extension dedicated 10 June 1988, in the Parishes of Bostobrick and Meldrum Downs, County of Fitzroy.
This is area “FF” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
11   Barakee National Park: Part Giro State Forest No 286
An area of about 3230 hectares, being Giro State Forest No 286, Nos 2 and 14 Extensions dedicated 12 November 1954 and 13 February 1987 respectively, in the Parish of Cooplacurripa, County of Hawes.
This is area “D” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
12   Additions to Barrington Tops National Park
(1) Part Stewarts Brook State Forest No 276 An area of about 3590 hectares, being the balance of Stewarts Brook State Forest No 276, dedicated 8 December 1916, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Bronte, Oldcastle and Prospero, County of Durham, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1336 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (10 January 1936)
No 2 (20 March 1953)
No 3 (19 June 1953)
No 4 (28 June 1963)
No 8 (11 October 1991)
This is area “E” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Chichester State Forest No 292 An area of about 185 hectares, being the part of Chichester State Forest No 292, dedicated 19 January 1917, in the Parish of Allyn, County of Durham, and No 3 Extension thereto, dedicated 6 August 1954, in the Parish of Underbank, County of Gloucester, within the lands shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1334 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “F” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Chichester State Forest No 292 An area of about 1150 hectares, being the part of Chichester State Forest No 292, dedicated 19 January 1917, in the Parishes of Alfred and Wangat, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1334 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “F” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(4) Part Barrington Tops State Forest No 977 An area of about 3530 hectares, being the balance of Barrington Tops State Forest No 977, dedicated 21 October 1960, in the Parishes of Beean Beean and Wawgan, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1332 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “G” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(5) Part Barrington Tops State Forest No 977 An area of about 2980 hectares, being the part of Barrington Tops State Forest No 977, No 4 Extension dedicated 18 January 1974, in the Parish of Milli, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1332 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “G” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
13   Big Nellie National Park: Part Lansdowne State Forest No 291
An area of about 1840 hectares, being the part of Lansdowne State Forest No 291, dedicated 20 December 1918, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Comboyne, Lansdowne and Yarratt, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F1331 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 4 (18 April 1947)
No 7 (13 January 1961)
No 8 (15 August 1986)
This is area “J” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
14   Bindarri National Park
(1) Part Tuckers Nob State Forest No 612 An area of about 750 hectares, being the part of Tuckers Nob State Forest No 612, dedicated 7 December 1917, and the part of No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 19 October 1984, in the Parishes of Timboon and Bonville, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1344 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “OOOO” and “QQQQ” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Never Never State Forest No 613 An area of about 51 hectares, being the part of Never Never State Forest No 613, dedicated 7 December 1917, in the Parish of Timboon, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1344 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “PPPP” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
15   Biriwal Bulga National Park: Part Bulga State Forest No 285
An area of about 4690 hectares, being the whole or the part of the Extensions to Bulga State Forest No 285 listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Debenham, Ellenborough and Myall, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1337 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 9 (4 February 1966)
No 10 (26 January 1968)
No 16 (10 May 1974)
This is area “M” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
16   Bollanolla Nature Reserve: Part Viewmont State Forest No 1035
An area of about 650 hectares, being the part of Viewmont State Forest No 1035, dedicated 12 October 1984, in the Parishes of Missabotti and Valley Valley, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1346 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “RRRR” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
17   Booroolong Nature Reserve: Boorolong State Forest No 313
An area of about 865 hectares, being Boorolong State Forest No 313, dedicated 29 December 1916, in the Parish of Boorolong, County of Sandon.
This is area “L” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
18   Bretti Nature Reserve: Part Giro State Forest No 286
An area of about 1530 hectares, being the whole or the part of Giro State Forest No 286, Nos 4 and 15 Extensions, dedicated 22 October 1971 and 1 March 1996 respectively, in the Parish of Mackay, County of Hawes, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1369 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “OO” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
19   Carrai National Park
(1) Part Cochrane State Forest No 701 An area of about 1100 hectares, being the part of Cochrane State Forest No 701, Nos 1 and 2 Extensions, dedicated 18 April 1969 and 13 July 1973 respectively, in the Parish of Kunderang, County of Vernon, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1349 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “O” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Carrai State Forest No 909 An area of about 6620 hectares, being the part of Carrai State Forest No 909, dedicated 14 October 1949, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Fitzroy and Kunderang, County of Vernon, and Parishes of Vernon and Warne, County of Dudley, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1349 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (28 April 1950)
No 2 (9 September 1955)
No 3 (18 April 1969)
No 4 (15 July 1983)
No 6 (3 March 1989)
No 7 (2 September 1994)
This is area “P” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
20   Cascade National Park: Part Wild Cattle Creek State Forest No 488
An area of about 3620 hectares, being the part of Wild Cattle Creek State Forest No 488, dedicated 15 June 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Allan, Leigh, Stewart and Ucombe, County of Fitzroy, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1342 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (17 December 1920)
No 2 (6 February 1925)
No 5 (26 April 1935)
No 6 (27 September 1935)
No 11 (14 April 1939)
No 13 (13 February 1942)
No 16 (19 November 1976)
No 18 (3 June 1983)
This is part area “Q” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
21   The Castles Nature Reserve: Part Carrai State Forest No 909
An area of about 2720 hectares, being the whole or the part of the Extensions to Carrai State Forest No 909, listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Clarke and Vernon, County of Dudley, and Parish of Fitzroy, County of Vernon, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1340 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (28 April 1950)
No 2 (9 September 1955)
No 6 (3 March 1989)
This is part area “DDDDD” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
22   Addition to Cathedral Rocks National Park: Part Yooroonah State Forest No 1040
An area of about 2000 hectares, being Yooroonah State Forest No 1040, Nos 2 and 3 Extensions dedicated 2 February 1990 and 21 September 1990 respectively, in the Parishes of Rigney and Snowy, County of Clarke, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1335 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “R” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
23   Cockspur Nature Reserve: Cockspur State Forest No 902
An area of about 1530 hectares, being Cockspur State Forest No 902, dedicated 14 October 1949 in the Parish of Mummel, County of Hawes, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1313 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “T” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
24   Cooperabung Creek Nature Reserve: Part Ballengarra State Forest No 474
An area of about 325 hectares, being the part of Ballengarra State Forest No 474, dedicated 15 June 1917, in the Parish of Prospect, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1320 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “U” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
25   Cottan-Bimbang National Park
(1) Part Bulga State Forest No 285 An area of about 215 hectares, being the part of Bulga State Forest No 285, No 9 Extension dedicated 4 February 1966, and No 17 Extension thereto dedicated 28 December 1973, in the Parish of Kokomerican, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1338 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “GG” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Enfield State Forest No 337 An area of about 5000 hectares, being the part of Enfield State Forest No 337, dedicated 25 January 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Murray, Rushbrook and White, County of Hawes, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1338 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 3 (22 August 1930)
No 5 (21 March 1952)
No 6 (23 November 1956)
No 7 (22 January 1971)
No 12 (21 September 1984)
This is area “HH” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Mount Seaview State Forest No 877 An area of about 96 hectares, being the balance of Mount Seaview State Forest No 877, dedicated 20 November 1942, in the Parish of Hastings, County of Hawes, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1338 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “JJ” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(4) Part Doyles River State Forest No 911 An area of about 21550 hectares, being the part of Doyles River State Forest No 911, dedicated 11 November 1949, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto dedicated 25 June 1971 and 10 September 1971 respectively, in the Parishes of Hastings, Naylor, Rushbrook and Tobin, County of Hawes, and Parishes of Debenham and Graeme, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1338 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “KK” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
26   Addition to Crowdy Bay National Park: Part Johns River State Forest No 804
An area of about 295 hectares, being the part of Johns River State Forest No 804, dedicated 29 October 1926, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Camden Haven and Stewart, County of Macquarie, within the lands shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1333 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (12 October 1951)
No 2 (22 December 1967)
No 4 (15 August 1986)
This is area “W” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
27   Cunnawarra National Park
(1) Part Lower Creek State Forest No 161 An area of about 1910 hectares, being the part of Lower Creek State Forest No 161, dedicated 24 June 1914, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto dedicated 17 October 1924 and 23 January 1976 respectively, in the Parish of Mowle, County of Clarke, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1347 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “X” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Styx River State Forest No 339 An area of about 13620 hectares, being the part of Styx River State Forest No 339, dedicated 2 March 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Big Hill, Cunnawarra, George, Styx and Tiara, County of Clarke, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1347 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (12 December 1924)
No 2 (31 May 1940)
No 3 (22 January 1971)
This is area “Y” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Styx River State Forest No 339 An area of about 221 hectares, being the part of Styx River State Forest No 339, No 3 Extension dedicated 22 January 1971, in the Parish of Mowle, County of Clarke, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1347 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “X” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
28   Additions to Dorrigo National Park
(1) Part Never Never State Forest No 613 An area of about 2470 hectares, being the part of Never Never State Forest No 613, dedicated 7 December 1917, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto dedicated 18 April 1947 and 12 October 1984, in the Parish of Never Never, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1344 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “DD” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Killungoondie State Forest No 849 An area of about 208 hectares, being the balance of Killungoondie State Forest No 849, dedicated 21 December 1934, in the Parish of Stewart, County of Fitzroy, within the land shown by broken horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1342 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “EE” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
29   Dulcie Nature Reserve: Mitchells Island State Forest No 179
An area of about 62 hectares, being the balance of Mitchells Island State Forest No 179, dedicated 25 November 1914, and No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 15 August 1986, in the Parish of Oxley, County of Macquarie.
This is area “LL” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
30   Duval Nature Reserve: Duval State Forest No 329
An area of about 166 hectares, being the balance of Duval State Forest No 329, No 1 Extension dedicated 20 April 1928, in the Parish of Duval, County of Sandon.
This is area “MM” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
31   Eastwood Nature Reserve: Eastwood State Forest No 548
An area of about 218 hectares, being the balance of Eastwood State Forest No 548, dedicated 14 September 1917, in the Parish of Armidale, County of Sandon.
This is area “NN” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
32   Ganay Nature Reserve: Part Gladstone State Forest No 163
An area of about 355 hectares, being the part of Gladstone State Forest No 163, dedicated 1 July 1914, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Belmore, Gladstone, Missabotti and North Creek, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1346 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 4 (7 October 1921)
No 6 (8 February 1929)
No 20 (12 October 1984)
This is area “UU” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
33   Ghin-doo-ee National Park: Part Myall River State Forest No 294
An area of about 3650 hectares, being the whole or the part of the extensions to Myall River State Forest No 294 listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Euther and Myall, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1321 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 3 (30 October 1942)
No 4 (14 October 1949)
No 5 (18 October 1963)
No 7 (15 February 1985)
This is part area “CCC” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
34   The Glen Nature Reserve: Craven State Forest No 523
An area of about 2750 hectares, being the balance of Craven State Forest No 523, dedicated 20 July 1917, and No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 8 May 1953, in the Parish of Avon, County of Gloucester.
This is area “V” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
35   Goonook Nature Reserve: Part Yarratt State Forest No 654
An area of about 930 hectares, being Yarratt State Forest No 654, dedicated 10 May 1918, and the part of No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 5 November 1920, in the Parishes of Dawson and Yarratt, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1331 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “PP” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
36   Hell Hole Nature Reserve: Part Riamukka State Forest No 992
An area of about 1250 hectares, being the part of Riamukka State Forest No 992, dedicated 5 December 1969, and the part of No 3 Extension thereto dedicated 25 January 1974, in the Parishes of Mukki and Uriamukki, County of Hawes, and Parishes of Fletcher and Salway, County of Vernon, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1380 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “QQ” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
37   Hillgrove Nature Reserve: Hillgrove Creek State Forest No 328
An area of about 100 hectares, being Hillgrove Creek State Forest No 328, dedicated 19 January 1917, in the Parish of Gara, County of Sandon.
This is area “RR” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
38   Jaaningga Nature Reserve: Part Newry State Forest No 487
An area of about 975 hectares, being the part of Newry State Forest No 487, dedicated 22 June 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Gladstone and Newry, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1346 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (6 December 1918)
No 3 (14 June 1929)
No 5 (4 November 1938)
No 6 (15 March 1940)
No 9 (1 March 1957)
No 12 (19 October 1984)
This is area “S” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
39   Junuy Juluum National Park: Bielsdown State Forest No 490
An area of about 945 hectares, being the balance of Bielsdown State Forest No 490, dedicated 22 June 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parish of Leigh, County of Fitzroy, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1342 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (1 August 1941)
No 2 (21 August 1970)
No 3 (15 March 1974)
This is area “H” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
40   Juugawaarri Nature Reserve
(1) Part Gladstone State Forest No 163 An area of about 19 hectares, being the whole or the part of Gladstone State Forest No 163, Nos 6 and 7 Extensions, dedicated 8 February 1929 and 14 July 1949 respectively, in the Parish of North Creek, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1343 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “DDDD” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Irishman State Forest No 616 An area of about 2130 hectares, being the part of Irishman State Forest No 616, dedicated 11 January 1918, and the part of No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 7 August 1931, in the Parishes of Belmore, Merrylegai and North Creek, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1343 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “EEEE” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
41   Karuah Nature Reserve
(1) Part Karuah State Forest No 114 An area of about 2300 hectares, being the part of Karuah State Forest No 114, dedicated 25 March 1914, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Karuah and Tarean, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1328 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (11 April 1924)
No 2 (15 September 1939)
No 3 (31 May 1940)
No 5 (20 July 1962)
This is part area “SS” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Karuah State Forest No 114 An area of about 123 hectares, being Karuah State Forest No 114, No 4 Extension dedicated 12 January 1951, in the Parish of Karuah, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1328 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “SS” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Wallaroo State Forest No 781 An area of about 320 hectares, being the whole or the part of Wallaroo State Forest No 781, Nos 2 and 6 Extensions dedicated 10 November 1944 and 15 July 1960 respectively, in the Parish of Tarean, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F1328 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “TT” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(4) Part Medowie State Forest No 780 An area of about 15 hectares, being the parts of Medowie State Forest No 780, No 8 Extension dedicated 8 January 1971, in the Parish of Sutton, County of Gloucester, within the lands shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1328 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “TT” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
42   Addition to Khappinghat Nature Reserve: Part Kiwarrak State Forest No 298
An area of about 3070 hectares, being the whole or the part of the extensions to Kiwarrak State Forest No 298 listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Beryan and Bohnock, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1312 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (27 June 1919)
No 4 (28 October 1949)
No 6 (4 July 1952)
No 8 (16 December 1960)
No 9 (9 June 1961)
No 10 (25 August 1961)
No 11 (13 July 1962)
No 12 (13 July 1962)
No 13 (7 February 1964)
No 15 (27 June 1975)
No 16 (27 June 1975)
This is area “VV” and part area “LLLL” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
43   Killabakh Nature Reserve: Marsh State Forest No 893
An area of about 2540 hectares, being Marsh State Forest No 893, dedicated 18 April 1947, and Nos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Extensions thereto dedicated 23 November 1956, 26 July 1957, 21 July 1961, 18 May 1962, 23 February 1962, 8 June 1962, 27 December 1974 and 15 August 1986 respectively, in the Parishes of Comboyne, Kerewong and Marsh, County of Macquarie.
This is area “WW” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
44   Killarney Nature Reserve: Part Fosterton State Forest No 46
An area of about 435 hectares, being the part of Fosterton State Forest No 46, dedicated 21 January 1914, in the Parish of Fosterton, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1310 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “XXXX” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
45   Kumbatine National Park
(1) Part Kalateenee State Forest No 31 An area of about 134 hectares, being the part of Kalateenee State Forest No 31, dedicated 10 December 1913, and the part of No 5 Extension thereto dedicated 12 September 1969, in the Parish of Kalateenee, County of Dudley, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1316 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “XX” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Maria River State Forest No 469 An area of about 1070 hectares, being the part of Maria River State Forest No 469, dedicated 1 June 1917, and the whole or the part of Nos 2 and 7 Extensions thereto dedicated 7 April 1961 and 15 August 1986, in the Parish of Kalateenee, County of Dudley, and Parish of Lincoln, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1316 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “YY” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Ballengarra State Forest No 474 An area of about 7540 hectares, being the part of Ballengarra State Forest No 474, dedicated 15 June 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Ballengarra and Tinebank, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagrams catalogued Misc. F 1320 and Misc. F 1316 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on these diagrams.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (30 April 1920)
No 2 (1 August 1924)
No 3 (4 September 1925)
No 5 (10 November 1939)
No 6 (24 June 1949)
No 8 (5 January 1962)
No 9 (22 June 1962)
No 10 (21 February 1964)
No 12 (26 March 1965)
This is area “ZZ” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(4) Part Yessabah State Forest No 602 An area of about 3510 hectares, being the part of Yessabah State Forest No 602, dedicated 9 November 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Bandi Bandi, Boonanghi and Wittitrin, County of Dudley, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1320 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (30 October 1942)
No 3 (16 February 1968)
No 9 (14 September 1984)
This is area “AAA” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(5) Part Kippara State Forest No 641 An area of about 775 hectares, being the part of Kippara State Forest No 641, dedicated 10 May 1918, and the part No 1 Extension thereto, dedicated 11 February 1921, in the Parish of Kippara, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1320 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “BBB” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
46   Lower Hunter National Park
(1) Part Cessnock State Forest No 874 An area of about 1130 hectares, being the part of Cessnock State Forest No 874, dedicated 27 March 1942, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Allandale, Cessnock and Heddon, County of Northumberland, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1307 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (8 October 1943)
No 3 (14 October 1949)
No 4 (4 May 1951)
No 5 (16 November 1951)
No 6 (26 August 1955)
No 7 (6 June 1958)
No 8 (20 November 1959
No 9 (24 July 1970)
No 10 (21 May 1976)
This is area “DDD” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Aberdare State Forest No 981 An area of about 1010 hectares, being the part of Aberdare State Forest No 981, dedicated 29 November 1963, and the part of No 2 Extension thereto dedicated 14 May 1971, in the Parishes of Cessnock and Stanford, County of Northumberland within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1306 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “EEE” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
47   Maria National Park: Part Maria River State Forest No 469
An area of about 1890 hectares, being the part of Maria River State Forest No 469, dedicated 1 June 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Beranghi, Palmerston and Lincoln, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1316 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (23 April 1937)
No 3 (18 May 1973)
No 4 (29 June 1973)
No 5 (15 March 1974)
No 6 (29 July 1983)
This is area “FFF” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
48   Monkerai Nature Reserve: Dungog State Forest No 898
An area of about 865 hectares, being Dungog State Forest No 898, dedicated 18 April 1947, and No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 13 November 1970, in the Parish of Trevor, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1310 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “HHH” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
49   Addition to Mount Royal National Park: Mount Royal State Forest No 297
An area of about 1390 hectares, being the balance of Mount Royal State Forest No 297, dedicated 19 January 1917, and the balance of No 2 Extension thereto dedicated 14 December 1956, in the Parish of Mount Royal, County of Durham.
This is area “III” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
50   Mummel Gulf National Park
(1) Part Enfield State Forest No 337 An area of about 8550 hectares, being the part of Enfield State Forest No 337, dedicated 25 January 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parish of Enfield, County of Vernon, and Parishes of Brock, Hawes and White, County of Hawes, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1365 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (10 June 1921)
No 2 (9 April 1926)
No 4 (17 February 1950)
No 9 (25 January 1974)
This is area “JJJ” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Riamukka State Forest No 992 An area of about 3670 hectares, being the whole or the part of Riamukka State Forest No 992, Nos 3 and 11 Extensions dedicated 25 January 1974 and 10 March 1989 respectively, in the Parish of Shelving, County of Vernon, and Parishes of Brock and Uriamukki, County of Hawes, within the lands shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1365 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “KKK” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
51   Additions to Myall Lakes National Park
(1) Renwick State Forest No 47 An area of about 1430 hectares, being Renwick State Forest No 47, dedicated 21 January 1914, in the Parish of Nerong, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1308 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “OOO” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Nerong State Forest No 49 An area of about 5840 hectares, being the part of Nerong State Forest No 49, dedicated 21 January 1914, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Nerong and Viney Creek, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1308 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (22 July 1938)
No 2 (25 August 1939)
No 3 (5 September 1941)
No 4 (4 July 1958)
No 5 (26 October 1962)
No 6 (24 December 1964)
No 7 (1 April 1966)
No 8 (29 July 1966)
No 9 (9 May 1969)
No 10 (9 July 1971)
No 11 (5 September 1975)
No 12 (19 November 1976)
This is area “PPP” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Myall River State Forest No 294 An area of about 2040 hectares, being the part of Myall River State Forest No 294, dedicated 19 January 1917, in the Parish of Willabah, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1308 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “QQQ” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(4) Part Wang Wauk State Forest No 295 An area of about 305 hectares, being the part of Wang Wauk State Forest No 295, dedicated 19 January 1917, in the Parish of Booloombayt, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1309 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “RRR” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(5) Part Bulahdelah State Forest No 296 An area of about 2780 hectares, being the part of Bulahdelah State Forest No 296, dedicated 29 December 1916, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Booloombayt, Bulahdelah and Topi Topi, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1309 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (5 November 1920)
No 3 (6 September 1929)
No 5 (14 July 1939)
No 7 (22 May 1942)
No 22 (29 June 1973)
No 24 (1 December 1978)
This is area “SSS” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
52   Additions to New England National Park
(1) Part Nulla-Five Day State Forest No 601 An area of about 520 hectares, being the part of Nulla-Five Day State Forest No 601, No 8 Extension dedicated 8 October 1971, in the Parish of Raleigh, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1322 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “XXX” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Andersons State Forest No 485 An area of about 440 hectares, being the balance of Andersons State Forest No 485, dedicated 22 June 1917, and Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto dedicated 25 November 1927 and 22 July 1960 respectively, in the Parishes of Bellbrook and Uralgurra, County of Dudley, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1345 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “UUU” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Mistake State Forest No 525 An area of about 380 hectares, being the part of Mistake State Forest No 525, No 7 Extension dedicated 8 October 1971, in the Parish of Herborn, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1322 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “VVV” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(4) Part Pee Dee State Forest No 600 An area of about 760 hectares, being the balance of Pee Dee State Forest No 600, dedicated 9 November 1917, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto dedicated 20 January 1928 and 6 July 1979 respectively, in the Parishes of Nulla Nulla and Stuart, County of Dudley, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1345 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “WWW” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(5) Part Nulla-Five Day State Forest No 601 An area of about 8930 hectares, being the part of Nulla-Five Day State Forest No 601, dedicated 9 November 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Bellbrook, Gordon, Loftus, Stuart and Wolseley, County of Dudley, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1345 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (2 August 1929)
No 2 (5 August 1938)
No 5 (13 September 1957)
No 7 (10 July 1964)
No 8 (8 October 1971)
No 9 (29 March 1974)
No 11 (4 March 1977)
This is part area “XXX” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(6) Part Oakes State Forest No 609 An area of about 4060 hectares, being the part of Oakes State Forest No 609, dedicated 9 November 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Herborn, Merrylegai, Oakes and Raleigh, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1322 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (10 January 1930)
No 4 (30 October 1942)
No 5 (29 August 1952)
No 8 (25 August 1961)
This is area “YYY” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(7) Part Thumb Creek State Forest No 655 An area of about 128 hectares, being the parts of Thumb Creek State Forest No 655, dedicated 14 June 1918, in the Parishes Herborn and of Medlow, County of Raleigh, within the lands shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1345 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “ZZZ” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
53   Ngambaa Nature Reserve
(1) Part Collombatti State Forest No 465 An area of about 605 hectares, being the parts of Collombatti State Forest No 465, dedicated 22 June 1917, in the Parishes of Collombatti and Hickey, County of Dudley, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1339 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “LLL” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Tamban State Forest No 526 An area of about 430 hectares, being the part of Tamban State Forest No 526, dedicated 27 July 1917, in the Parish of Unkya, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1339 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “MMM” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Ingalba State Forest No 527 An area of about 9520 hectares, being the part of Ingalba State Forest No 527, dedicated 27 July 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Allgomera, Denison, Ingalba and Unkya, County of Raleigh, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1339 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (12 August 1921)
No 2 (25 May 1923)
No 3 (1 August 1924)
No 4 (29 October 1926)
No 5 (26 June 1936)
This is area “NNN” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
54   Addition to Oxley Wild Rivers National Park: Part Carrai State Forest No 909
An area of about 166 hectares, being the whole or the part of the extensions to Carrai State Forest No 909, listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parish of Vernon, County of Dudley, and Parish of Fitzroy, County of Vernon, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1340 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 2 (9 September 1955)
No 6 (3 March 1989)
No 7 (2 September 1994)
This is part area “DDDDD” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
55   Queens Lake Nature Reserve
(1) Part Burrawan State Forest No 181 An area of about 310 hectares, being the part of Burrawan State Forest No 181, dedicated 25 November 1914, in the Parish of Queens Lake, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1314 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “BBBB” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Queens Lake State Forest No 475 An area of about 595 hectares, being the part of Queens Lake State Forest No 475, dedicated 8 June 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parish of Queens Lake, County of Macquarie, within the lands shown by broken horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1314 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (3 December 1920)
No 2 (28 February 1930)
No 4 (9 February 1968)
No 5 (15 August 1986)
This is area “CCCC” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
56   Rawdon Creek Nature Reserve: Part Cairncross State Forest No 183
An area of about 560 hectares, being the part of Cairncross State Forest No 183, dedicated 25 November 1914, and the part of No 4, Extension thereto dedicated 22 May 1942, in the Parish of Cairncross, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1315 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “N” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
57   Running Creek Nature Reserve: Part Avon River State Forest No 293
An area of about 910 hectares, being the part of Avon River State Forest No 293, dedicated 29 December 1916, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Berrico, Faulkland and Verulam, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1311 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (3 May 1918)
No 2 (16 December 1927)
No 3 (18 June 1937)
No 5 (4 February 1966)
No 6 (10 February 1967)
This is area “I” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
58   Skillion Nature Reserve
(1) Part Collombatti State Forest No 465 An area of about 229 hectares, being Collombatti State Forest No 465, Nos 6 and 7 Extensions, dedicated 28 June 1968 and 5 December 1969 respectively, in the Parish of Burragong, County of Dudley, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1317 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “GGGG” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Old Station State Forest No 468 An area of about 265 hectares, being the part of Old Station State Forest No 468, dedicated 1 June 1917, in the Parish of Yarrabandini, County of Dudley, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1317 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “HHHH” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Mount Skillion State Forest No 637 An area of about 197 hectares, being the balance of Mount Skillion State Forest No 637, dedicated 10 May 1918, and No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 16 June 1961, in the Parish of Yarravel, County of Dudley, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1317 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “IIII” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
59   Stony Creek National Park
(1) Part Nowendoc State Forest No 310 An area of about 5610 hectares, being the part of Nowendoc State Forest No 310, dedicated 29 December 1916, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Mukki, Nowendoc and Togalo, County of Hawes, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1364 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 2 (22 March 1974)
No 3 (10 May 1974)
No 4 (21 November 1975)
No 6 (24 December 1982)
No 7 (11 March 1983)
No 8 (16 September 1983)
This is area “JJJJ” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Tuggolo State Forest No 312 An area of about 3210 hectares, being the whole or the part of the Extensions to Tuggolo State Forest No 312, listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Coolcumba and Myall, County of Hawes, within the lands shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F1364 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (17 February 1950)
No 4 (6 August 1971)
No 5 (13 October 1972)
No 8 (15 August 1975)
No 11 (10 September 1976)
No 12 (18 March 1983)
No 13 (18 May 1984)
This is area “KKKK” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
60   Talawahl Nature Reserve: Part Kiwarrak State Forest No 298
An area of about 3150 hectares, being the parts of Kiwarrak State Forest No 298, dedicated 19 January 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Beryan, Bohnock, Kundibakh, Talawahl and Tinonee, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1312 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (27 June 1919)
No 2 (12 March 1920)
No 19 (21 May 1993)
This is part area “LLLL” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
61   Tapin Tops National Park
(1) Part Bulga State Forest No 285 An area of about 6040 hectares, being the part of Bulga State Forest No 285, dedicated 8 December 1916, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Barnard, Bobin and Bulga, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1313 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 3 (28 July 1922)
No 6 (6 November 1953)
No 7 (13 January 1961)
No 8 (19 April 1962)
No 9 (4 February 1966)
No 11 (11 April 1969)
This is area “BB” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Dingo State Forest No 779 An area of about 4840 hectares, being the part of Dingo State Forest No 779, dedicated 26 May 1922, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Bobin and Rowley, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1313 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (20 April 1923)
No 3 (28 March 1952)
No 5 (9 July 1965)
This is part area “CC” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Knorrit State Forest No 767 An area of 96 hectares being the part of Knorrit State Forest No 767, No 11 Extension dedicated 1 September 1989, in the Parish of Knorrit County of Macquarie, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1313 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “CC” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
62   Tomalla Nature Reserve: Part Tomalla State Forest No 744
An area of about 605 hectares, being the part of Tomalla State Forest No 744, dedicated 30 April 1920, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parish of Parkes, County of Hawes, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1330 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (8 October 1920)
No 2 (27 April 1956)
No 3 (11 June 1971)
This is area “MMMM” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
63   Tuggolo Creek Nature Reserve: Part Tuggolo State Forest No 312
An area of about 645 hectares, being the part of Tuggolo State Forest No 312, dedicated 29 December 1916, and the part of No 10 Extension thereto dedicated 12 March 1976, in the Parish of Parkes, County of Hawes, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F1364 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “NNNN” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
64   Wallamba Nature Reserve
(1) Wallamba State Forest No 50 An area of about 635 hectares, being Wallamba State Forest No 50, dedicated 21 January 1914, in the Parish of Coolongolook, County of Gloucester.
This is area “SSSS” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Coolongolook State Forest No 51 An area of about 525 hectares, being the balance of Coolongolook State Forest No 51, dedicated 21 January 1914, in the Parish of Coolongolook, County of Gloucester.
This is area “TTTT” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
65   Wallaroo Nature Reserve: Part Wallaroo State Forest No 781
An area of about 2780 hectares, being the part of Wallaroo State Forest No 781, dedicated 25 August 1922, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parish of Wilmot, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1329 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 3 (14 October 1949)
No 9 (12 October 1962)
No 10 (21 November 1969)
No 12 (4 September 1987)
This is area “UUUU” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
66   Wallingat National Park
(1) Part Wallingat State Forest No 48 An area of about 5140 hectares, being the part of Wallingat State Forest No 48, dedicated 21 January 1914, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Forster and Wallingat, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1379 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (12 December 1941)
No 3 (12 October 1951)
No 5 (8 September 1961)
No 6 (14 January 1966)
No 7 (12 October 1962)
No 9 (15 March 1968)
This is area “VVVV” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Bachelor State Forest No 689 An area of about 1300 hectares, being the part of Bachelor State Forest No 689, dedicated 8 November 1918, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Bachelor and Topi Topi, County of Gloucester, within the lands shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1379 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 2 (29 July 1921)
No 5 (28 February 1930)
No 7 (11 October 1963)
No 9 (10 July 1964)
No 10 (30 June 1967)
No 11 (22 March 1968)
No 13 (12 September 1975)
No 14 (19 November 1976)
This is area “WWWW” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
67   Watagans National Park
(1) Part Watagan State Forest No 123 An area of about 5490 hectares, being the part of Watagan State Forest No 123, dedicated 27 May 1914, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto, dedicated 2 March 1945 and dedicated 18 July 1952, respectively, in the Parishes of Congewai, Dora and Quorrobolong, County of Northumberland, within land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1327 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part areas “YYYY” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Heaton State Forest No 122 An area of about 1 hectare, being the parts of Heaton State Forest No 122, dedicated 27 May 1914, and the parts of No 1 Extension thereto, dedicated 16 July 1943, in the Parish of Mulbring, County of Northumberland, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1327 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part areas “YYYY” and ZZZZ on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Olney State Forest No 124 An area of about 2260 hectares, being the part of Olney State Forest No 124 dedicated 15 July 1914, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 11 Extensions thereto, dedicated 29 August 1919 and 18 November 1955, respectively, in the Parishes of Coorumbung and Dora, County of Northumberland, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1327 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “ZZZZ” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
68   Addition to Werrikimbe National Park: Part Mount Boss State Forest No 910
An area of about 3950 hectares, being the part of Mount Boss State Forest No 910, dedicated 11 November 1949, and the parts of No 14 Extension thereto, dedicated 11 June 1982 in the Parishes of Moorabark, Morton and Vernon, County of Macquarie and the Parish of Dudley, County of Dudley, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1318 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “AAAAA” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
69   Additions to Willi Willi National Park
(1) Part Yessabah State Forest No 602 An area of about 2380 hectares, being the whole or the part of Yessabah State Forest No 602, Nos 5 and 7 Extensions dedicated 20 December 1974 and 1 October 1982 respectively, in the Parish of Bandi Bandi, County of Dudley, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1318 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “BBBBB” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Kippara State Forest No 641 An area of about 815 hectares, being the part of Kippara State Forest No 641, dedicated 10 May 1918, and the part of No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 11 February 1921, in the Parish of Kippara, County of Macquarie, within the lands shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1318 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “CCCCC” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Mount Boss State Forest No 910 An area of about 5660 hectares, being the part of Mount Boss State Forest No 910, dedicated 11 November 1949, and No 10 Extension thereto dedicated 24 August 1973, in the Parishes of Bellangry, Kippara and Morton, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1318 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “EEEEE” on the Lower North East Region (
70   Addition to Yarravel Nature Reserve: Part Skillion Flat State Forest No 466
An area of about 275 hectares, being Skillion Flat State Forest No 466, dedicated 1 June 1917, and the part of No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 23 February 1923, in the Parish of Yarravel, County of Dudley, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1317 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “FFFFF” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
71   Yoorigan National Park: Part Middle Brother State Forest No 284
An area of about 1830 hectares, being the part of Middle Brother State Forest No 284, dedicated 22 December 1916, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Johns River and Lorne, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1333 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (17 June 1921)
No 2 (10 November 1933)
No 3 (22 October 1937)
No 5 (28 July 1961)
No 6 (12 October 1962)
No 8 (15 August 1986)
This is area “GGG” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
Part 3 Upper North East Region
72   Addition to Bald Rock National Park: Jenner State Forest No 1016
An area of about 1035 hectares, being Jenner State Forest No 1016, dedicated 4 December 1981, in the Parishes of Carroll and Corry, County of Buller, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1297 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “A” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
73   Addition to Banyabba Nature Reserve: Part Mount Marsh State Forest No 770
An area of about 1850 hectares, being the balance of Mount Marsh State Forest No 770, dedicated 2 September 1921, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 5 Extensions thereto dedicated 30 October 1942 and 19 October 1979, respectively, in the Parishes of Coaldale, Marsh and Neville, Counties of Clarence, Richmond and Drake, respectively, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1373 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “B” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
74   Barool National Park
(1) Part Mount Mitchell State Forest No 308 An area of about 4 hectares, being the parts of Mount Mitchell State Forest No 308, dedicated 2 March 1917, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 3 Extensions thereto, dedicated 2 November 1923 and 8 January 1932, respectively in the Parishes of Diehard and Robertson, County of Gough, within the lands shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1302 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “Q” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Gibraltar Range State Forest No 996 An area of about 11210 hectares, being the part of Gibraltar Range State Forest No 352, dedicated 2 March 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Cooraldooral and Rodgers, County of Drake, and the Parish of Robertson, County of Gough, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1302 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 2 (3 July 1953)
No 3 (23 February 1968)
No 4 (18 April 1975)
This is area “R” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
75   Basket Swamp National Park: Part Boonoo State Forest No 119
An area of about 2820 hectares, being the part of Boonoo State Forest No 119, dedicated 24 June 1914, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parish of Boonoo Boonoo, County of Buller and the Parishes of Barney Downs and Timbarra, County of Clive, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1348 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (28 February 1930)
No 2 (12 January 1973)
No 5 (21 August 1987)
No 6 (6 November 1987)
This is area “C” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
76   Bindarri National Park: Part Orara West State Forest No 535
An area of about 4520 hectares, being the part of Orara West State Forest No 535, dedicated 3 August 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Comlaroi, Ucombe and Wongawanga, County of Fitzroy, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagrams catalogued Misc. F 1324 and Misc. F 1344 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on these diagrams.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (8 October 1920)
No 2 (2 August 1929)
No 3 (22 December 1933)
No 4 (14 July 1939)
No 5 (26 January 1940)
No 6 (18 April 1941)
No 7 (24 June 1949)
No 8 (25 September 1964)
No 11 (8 September 1967)
No 12 (4 December 1970)
No 14 (18 October 1974)
No 16 (19 October 1984)
This is area “SSS” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
77   Additions to Boonoo Boonoo National Park: Part Boorook State Forest No 841
An area of about 1660 hectares, being the part of Boorook State Forest No 841, dedicated 18 November 1932, and No 3 Extension thereto dedicated 4 October 1985, in the Parishes of Colongon and Gilgurry, County of Buller, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1297 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “D” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
78   Buchanan National Park: Buchanan State Forest No 325
An area of about 940 hectares, being the balance of Buchanan State Forest No 325, dedicated 16 February 1917, and No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 6 July 1990, in the Parish of New Valley, County of Hardinge.
This is area “E” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
79   Additions to Bundjalung National Park
(1) Part Devils Pulpit State Forest No 16 An area of about 905 hectares, being the part of Devils Pulpit State Forest No 16, dedicated 3 December 1913, and the part of No 3 Extension thereto dedicated 22 March 1968, in the Parish of Tabbimoble, County of Richmond, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1296 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “F” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Mororo State Forest No 833 An area of about 1260 hectares, being the balance of Mororo State Forest No 833, dedicated 5 December 1930, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parish of Woombah, County of Clarence, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1356 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (14 October 1949)
No 2 (1 August 1958)
No 3 (12 September 1958)
No 4 (27 June 1975)
No 5 (26 February 1982)
This is area “G” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
80   Bungabbee Nature Reserve: Part Bungabbee State Forest No 171
An area of about 169 hectares, being the part of Bungabbee State Forest No 171, dedicated 16 September 1914, in the Parish of Bungabbee, County of Rous, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1291 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “H” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
81   Bungawalbin National Park: Part Bungawalbin State Forest No 152
An area of about 3730 hectares, being the part of Bungawalbin State Forest No 152, dedicated 24 June 1914, and the whole of No 2 Extension thereto dedicated 6 September 1991, in the Parishes of Ellangowan and Darke, County of Richmond, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1295 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “I” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
82   Burnt-Down Scrub Nature Reserve: Part Washpool State Forest No 355
An area of about 364 hectares, being Washpool State Forest No 355, No 5 Extension dedicated 26 September 1986, in the Parish of Carnham, County of Drake, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1384 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “J” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
83   Butterleaf National Park: Part Butterleaf State Forest No 307
An area of about 3000 hectares, being the part of Butterleaf State Forest No 307, dedicated 12 January 1917, and No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 1 September 1989, in the Parishes of Butterleaf, Eastern Water and Garrett, County of Clive, and the Parish of Scott, County of Gough, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1300 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “K” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
84   Byrnes Scrub Nature Reserve: Part Kangaroo River State Forest No 21
An area of about 705 hectares, being the part of Kangaroo River State Forest No 21, dedicated 17 December 1913, in the Parish of Towallum, County of Fitzroy, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1360 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “L” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
85   Capoompeta National Park: Part Forest Land State Forest No 529
An area of about 3900 hectares, being the part of Forest Land State Forest No 529, dedicated 27 July 1917, and the part of No 4 Extension thereto dedicated 23 January 1987, in the Parishes of Booroo, Capoompeta and Morven, County of Clive, and the Parish of Parkes, County of Gough, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1381 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “M” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
86   Captains Creek Nature Reserve: Part Beaury State Forest No 2
An area of about 2290 hectares, being the part of Beaury State Forest No 2, dedicated 26 March 1913, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto dedicated 16 July 1913 and 18 March 1927, respectively, in the Parish of Mandle, County of Buller, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1362 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “N” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
87   Addition to Chaelundi National Park: Part Boundary Creek State Forest No 627
An area of about 65 hectares, being the part of Boundary Creek State Forest No 627, dedicated 18 January 1918, in the Parish of Alder, County of Gresham, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1323 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “O” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
88   Additions to Dorrigo National Park
(1) Part Never Never State Forest No 613 An area of about 8 hectares, being the parts of Never Never State Forest No 613, dedicated 7 December 1917, in the Parish of Never Never, County of Raleigh, within the lands shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1342 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “S” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Brooklana State Forest No 850 An area of about 1300 hectares, being the balance of Brooklana State Forest No 850, dedicated 21 December 1934, and No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 18 April 1947, in the Parish of Stewart, County of Fitzroy, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1342 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “T” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
89   Additions to Gibraltar Range National Park
(1) Cangai State Forest No 354 An area of about 3580 hectares, being the balance of Cangai State Forest No 354, dedicated 2 March 1917, in the Parishes of Cangai, Dandahra and Puhoi, County of Drake, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1304 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “U” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Gibraltar Range State Forest No 352 An area of about 3 hectares, being the part of Gibraltar Range State Forest No 352, No 3 Extension dedicated 23 February 1968, in the Parish of Puhoi, County of Drake, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1304 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “U” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
90   Goonengerry National Park: Goonengerry State Forest No 1044
An area of about 440 hectares, being Goonengerry State Forest No 1044, dedicated 6 December 1985, in the Parish of Jasper, County of Rous, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1370 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “V” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
91   Additions to Guy Fawkes River National Park
(1) Part Brother State Forest No 311 An area of about 505 hectares, being the part of Brother State Forest No 311, dedicated 5 January 1917, in the Parish of The Brothers, County of Gough, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1301 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “W” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Oakwood State Forest No 555 An area of about 340 hectares, being the parts of Oakwood State Forest No 555, dedicated 12 October 1917, and the part No 4 Extension thereto dedicated 12 August 1983, in the Parish of Oakwood, County of Gresham, within the lands shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1301 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “X” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Oakwood State Forest No 555 An area of about 2160 hectares, being the part of Oakwood State Forest No 555, dedicated 12 October 1917, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 6 Extensions thereto dedicated 30 April 1920 and 20 October 1989 respectively, in the Parishes of Sara and Willy, County of Gresham, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1366 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “X” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(4) Part Chaelundi State Forest No 996 An area of about 34 hectares, being the parts of Chaelundi State Forest No 996, dedicated 14 September 1973, in the Parishes of Chaelundi and Grafton, County of Gresham, within the lands shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F1319 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “Y” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
92   Hogarth Range Nature Reserve: Part Royal Camp State Forest No 794
An area of about 675 hectares, being Royal Camp State Forest No 794, No 3 Extension dedicated 24 July 1987, in the Parish of Mongogarie, County of Richmond, within the land shown by broken horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1294 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “Z” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
93   Koreelah National Park: Part Koreelah State Forest No 1
An area of about 5270 hectares, being the part of Koreelah State Forest No 1, dedicated 26 March 1913, in the Parishes of Acacia, Gore and Koreelah, County of Buller, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F1363 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “AA” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
94   Mallanganee National Park
(1) Part Cherry Tree State Forest No 168 An area of about 475 hectares, being the part of Cherry Tree State Forest No 168, dedicated 16 September 1914, in the Parish of Mongogarie, County of Richmond, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1294 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “BB” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Cherry Tree North State Forest No 350 An area of about 495 hectares, being the balance of Cherry Tree North State Forest No 350, dedicated 23 February 1917, and No 1 Extension thereto, dedicated 18 May 1990, in the Parish of Mummulgun, County of Rous, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1294 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “CC” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Cherry Tree West State Forest No 351 An area of about 174 hectares, being the part of Cherry Tree West State Forest No 351, dedicated 9 March 1917, and the part of No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 5 May 1922, in the Parish of Sandilands, County of Drake, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1294 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “DD” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
95   Additions to Mann River Nature Reserve
(1) Part Mount Mitchell State Forest No 308 An area of about 765 hectares, being the parts of Mount Mitchell State Forest No 308, dedicated 2 March 1917, in the Parish of Diehard, County of Gough, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagrams catalogued Misc. F 1302 and Misc. F 1303 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on these diagrams.
This is area “EE” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Brother State Forest No 311 An area of about 128 hectares, being Brother State Forest No 311, No 2 Extension dedicated 11 February 1921, in the Parish of The Brothers, County of Gough.
This is area “FF” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
96   Maryland National Park: Maryland State Forest No 740
An area of about 890 hectares, being the whole of Maryland State Forest No 740, dedicated 19 March 1920, in the Parish of Marsh, County of Buller.
This is area “GG” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
97   Mebbin National Park: Mebbin State Forest No 626
An area of about 3800 hectares, being the balance of Mebbin State Forest No 626, dedicated 21 December 1917, and the balance of Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto, dedicated 30 April 1920 and 5 November 1920 respectively, in the Parishes of Kunghur and Tyalgum, County of Rous.
This is area “HH” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
98   Mooball National Park: Mooball State Forest No 342
An area of about 1160 hectares, being the balance of Mooball State Forest No 342, dedicated 2 February 1917, and Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4 Extensions thereto, dedicated 22 December 1967, 18 July 1975, 5 November 1982 and 24 June 1988 respectively, in the Parishes of Condong and Mooball, County of Rous.
This is area “II” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
99   Mount Clunie National Park
(1) Part Koreelah State Forest No 1 An area of about 1280 hectares, being the part of Koreelah State Forest No 1, dedicated 26 March 1913, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto, dedicated 29 December 1916 and 24 September 1926 respectively, in the Parish of Koreelah, County of Buller, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1363 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “KK” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Bald Knob State Forest No 120 An area of about 2 hectares, being the part of Bald Knob State Forest No 120, dedicated 24 June 1914, in the Parish of Woodenbong, County of Buller, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1363 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “KK” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Donaldson State Forest No 121 An area of about 144 hectares, being the part of Donaldson State Forest No 121, dedicated 24 June 1914, in the Parish of Woodenbong, County of Buller, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1363 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “KK” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
100   Additions to Mount Hyland Nature Reserve
(1) Part Marengo State Forest No 318 An area of about 635 hectares, being the whole or the part of Marengo State Forest No 318, Nos 1 and 2 Extensions dedicated 5 December 1930 and 17 June 1938 respectively, in the Parishes of Grafton and Stanley, County of Gresham, and Parish of Blicks, County of Fitzroy, within the lands shown by diagonal and vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1359, in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “LL” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Hyland State Forest No 659 An area of about 248 hectares, being the whole or the part of Hyland State Forest No 659, Nos 1 and 3 Extensions dedicated 9 January 1942 and 22 February 1985 respectively, in the Parish of Blicks, County of Fitzroy, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1359 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “MM” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
101   Additions to Mount Jerusalem National Park
(1) Burringbar State Forest No 4 An area of about 79 hectares, being the balance of Burringbar State Forest No 4, dedicated 3 December 1913, in the Parish of Mooball, County of Rous.
This is area “NN” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Nullum State Forest No 356 An area of about 4100 hectares, being the balance of Nullum State Forest No 356, dedicated 9 March 1917, the balance of Nos 2 and 3 Extensions thereto dedicated 11 October 1963 and 12 May 1967 respectively, and Nullum State Forest No 356 Nos 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 Extensions dedicated 10 January 1930, 6 August 1971, 12 January 1973, 5 September 1975, 28 February 1986 and 23 May 1986 respectively, in the Parishes of Mullumbimby, Nullum and Toolond, County of Rous.
This is area “OO” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
102   Additions to Mount Neville Nature Reserve
(1) Part Mount Belmore State Forest No 361 An area of about 575 hectares, being the part of Mount Belmore State Forest No 361, No 12 Extension dedicated 15 March 1985, in the Parish of Dobie, County of Richmond, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1372 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “PP” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Mount Marsh State Forest No 770 An area of about 2580 hectares, being the part of Mount Marsh State Forest No 770, No 4 Extension dedicated 5 September 1975, in the Parish of Marsh, County of Richmond, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1372 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “QQ” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
103   Mount Nothofagus National Park: Part Donaldson State Forest No 121
An area of about 2180 hectares, being the part of Donaldson State Forest No 121, dedicated 24 June 1914, in the Parishes of Donaldson and Woodenbong, County of Buller, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1292 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “RR” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
104   Mount Pikapene National Park: Part Mount Pikapene State Forest No 170
An area of about 2630 hectares, being the part of Mount Pikapene State Forest No 170, dedicated 16 September 1914, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto dedicated 2 September 1921 and 6 August 1976 respectively, in the Parish of Coongbar, County of Drake, and Parishes of Busby and Wyon, County of Richmond, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1357 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “SS” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
105   Mucklewee Mountain Nature Reserve: Part Bungabbee State Forest No 171
An area of about 355 hectares, being the part of Bungabbee State Forest No 171, dedicated 16 September 1914, and the part No 2 Extension thereto dedicated 8 July 1994, in the Parish of Bungabbee, County of Rous, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1291 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “TT” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
106   Additions to Nightcap National Park
(1) Part Whian Whian East State Forest No 3 An area of about 385 hectares, being the parts of Whian Whian East State Forest No 3, dedicated 3 December 1913, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto, both dedicated 26 October 1917, in the Parish of Whian Whian, County of Rous, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1370 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “VV” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Whian Whian State Forest No 173 An area of about 2750 hectares, being the part of Whian Whian State Forest No 173, dedicated 28 October 1914, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parish of Whian Whian, County of Rous, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1370 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
East Extension (16 February 1917)
No 2 (18 March 1927)
No 4 (1 July 1932)
No 5 (14 October 1938)
No 6 (5 August 1955)
No 7 (15 January 1971)
No 8 (27 June 1975)
No 11 (17 February 1978)
No 12 (14 July 1978)
No 13 (2 August 1985)
No 14 (28 June 1991)
No 15 (11 September 1992)
This is area “WW” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
107   Additions to Nymboi-Binderay National Park
(1) Part Clouds Creek State Forest No 111 An area of about 4700 hectares, being the parts of Clouds Creek State Forest No 111, dedicated 25 March 1914, in the Parishes of Jardine and Wiriri, County of Fitzroy, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1371 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “YY” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Wild Cattle Creek State Forest No 488 An area of about 1960 hectares, being the part of Wild Cattle Creek State Forest No 488, No 3 Extension dedicated 7 January 1927, in the Parishes of Allan and Bobo, County of Fitzroy, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1371 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “ZZ” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map and includes “AAAA” on the Lower North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Moonpar State Forest No 489 An area of about 1600 hectares, being the parts of Moonpar State Forest No 489, dedicated 8 June 1917, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto dedicated 14 January 1921 and 14 October 1949 respectively, in the Parish of Moonpar, County of Fitzroy, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1371 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “AAA” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
108   Additions to Nymboida National Park
(1) Part Ramornie State Forest No 660 An area of about 485 hectares, being the part of Ramornie State Forest No 660, No 1 Extension dedicated 19 October 1923, in the Parish of Jackadgery, County of Gresham, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1358 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “BBB” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Dalmorton State Forest No 814 An area of about 183 hectares, being the part of Dalmorton State Forest No 814, No 4 Extension dedicated 11 March 1977, in the Parish of Wellington, County of Gresham, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1302 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “CCC” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
109   Ramornie National Park: Part Ramornie State Forest No 660
An area of about 3160 hectares, being the part of Ramornie State Forest No 660, dedicated 31 October 1919, and the part of No 3 Extension thereto dedicated 1 October 1982, in the Parishes of Ross and Turville, County of Fitzroy, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1358 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “EEE” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
110   Additions to Richmond Range National Park
(1) Part Richmond Range State Forest No 610 An area of about 680 hectares, being the part of Richmond Range State Forest No 610, dedicated 22 March 1918, in the Parishes of Black Camp and Sandilands, County of Drake, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1294 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “FFF” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Richmond Range State Forest No 610 An area of about 6490 hectares, being the part of Richmond Range State Forest No 610, dedicated 22 March 1918, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 11 Extensions thereto dedicated 30 July 1920 and 5 February 1988 respectively, in the Parishes of Buller, Burgess, Peacock and Robertson, County of Buller, and Parishes of Babyil and Toonumbar, County of Rous, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagrams catalogued Misc. F 1293 and Misc. F 1353 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on these diagrams.
This is southern part of area “RRR” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
111   Addition to Sherwood Nature Reserve: Part Conglomerate State Forest No 349
An area of about 2280 hectares, being the parts of Conglomerate State Forest No 349, dedicated 25 January 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Orara, Sherwood and Waihou, County of Fitzroy, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1351 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (13 May 1921)
No 11 (14 August 1970)
No 13 (27 May 1977)
No 15 (18 March 1983)
This is area “GGG” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
112   Single National Park: Single State Forest No 324
An area of about 2280 hectares, being the balance of Single State Forest No 324, dedicated 16 February 1917, and No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 10 April 1987, in the Parishes of Clerk and Single, County of Hardinge
This is area “HHH” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
113   Tabbimoble Swamp Nature Reserve: Part Doubleduke State Forest No 15
An area of about 1070 hectares, being Doubleduke State Forest No 15, No 14 Extension dedicated 7 March 1986, in the Parishes of Doubleduke, Esk and Evans, County of Richmond, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1383 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “LLL” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
114   Addition to Tooloom National Park: Part Beaury State Forest No 2
An area of about 400 hectares, being the part of Beaury State Forest No 2, dedicated 26 March 1913, in the Parishes of Beaury, Kangaroo and Mandle, County of Buller, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1362 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “MMM” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
115   Additions to Toonumbar National Park
(1) Part Toonumbar State Forest No 343 An area of about 5330 hectares, being the part of Toonumbar State Forest No 343, dedicated 2 February 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Roseberry, Sherwood and Toonumbar, County of Rous, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1293 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (18 November 1921)
No 5 (14 October 1949)
No 7 (18 September 1981)
This is area “NNN” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Yabbra State Forest No 394 An area of about 990 hectares, being the part of Yabbra State Forest No 394 dedicated 13 April 1917, in the Parishes of Boomi, Burgess and Mearimb, County of Buller, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1305 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “OOO” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Unumgar State Forest No 540 An area of about 755 hectares, being the parts of Unumgar State Forest No 540 dedicated 10 August 1917, in the Parish of Sherwood, County of Rous, within the lands shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1305, and by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1293, in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on these diagrams.
This is area “PPP” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(4) Part Edinburgh Castle State Forest No 541 An area of about 1540 hectares, being the part of Edinburgh Castle State Forest No 541 dedicated 19 October 1917, in the Parish of Boomi, County of Buller, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1305 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “QQQ” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(5) Part Richmond Range State Forest No 610 An area of about 545 hectares, being the part of Richmond Range State Forest No 610 dedicated 22 March 1918, in the Parishes of Boomi and Burgess, County of Buller, within the land shown by broken horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1305 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “RRR” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
116   Ulidarra National Park: Part Orara East State Forest No 536
An area of about 680 hectares, being the part of Orara East State Forest No 536, dedicated 3 August 1917, in the Parish of Moonee, County of Fitzroy, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1324 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “DDD” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
117   Waragai Creek Nature Reserve: Part Southgate State Forest No 757
An area of about 186 hectares, being the whole or the part of Southgate State Forest No 757, Nos 1 and 2 Extensions dedicated 8 October 1943 and 25 August 1989 respectively, in the Parish of Southgate, County of Clarence, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1361 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “TTT” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
118   Warra National Park: Part Warra State Forest No 335
An area of about 1920 hectares, being Warra State Forest No 335 dedicated 2 February 1917, and Nos 1 and 2 Extensions thereto dedicated 6 February 1920 and 21 December 1973 respectively, in the Parish of Worra, County of Gresham, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1382 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “UUU” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
119   Additions to Washpool National Park
(1) Part Spirabo State Forest No 321 An area of about 1640 hectares, being the parts of Spirabo State Forest No 321, dedicated 6 December 1918, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parish of Morven, County of Clive, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1298 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (6 August 1920)
No 2 (1 February 1924)
No 3 (20 June 1924)
This is area “III” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Forest Land State Forest No 529 An area of about 2890 hectares, being the parts of Forest Land State Forest No 529 dedicated 27 July 1917, and the whole or the part of Nos 1 and 3 Extensions thereto dedicated 21 August 1925 and 13 December 1985 respectively, in the Parishes of Booroo, Forest Land, Goolamanger, Jondol and Morven, County of Clive, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1298 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “JJJ” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Little Spirabo State Forest No 695 An area of about 9 hectares, being the balance of Little Spirabo State Forest No 695, dedicated 6 December 1918, and the balance of No 1 Extension thereto dedicated 18 January 1924, in the Parishes of Farnell and Morven, County of Clive, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1298 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “KKK” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(4) Part Spirabo State Forest No 321 An area of about 138 hectares, being the part of Spirabo State Forest No 321, dedicated 6 December 1918, and the part of No 4 Extension thereto dedicated 5 June 1925, in the Parishes of Bajimba, Moogem and Morven, County of Clive, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1298 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “VVV” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(5) Part Moogem State Forest No 614 An area of about 56 hectares, being the whole or the part of Moogem State Forest No 614, Nos 1 and 4 Extensions, dedicated 24 March 1921 and 16 March 1928 respectively, in the Parish of Binny, County of Clive, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1299 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “WWW” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(6) Part Curramore State Forest No 763 An area of about 810 hectares, being the balance of Curramore State Forest No 763, dedicated 24 March 1921, and the balance of Nos 3 and 4 Extensions thereto dedicated 25 February 1983 and 18 May 1984 respectively, in the Parishes of Butterleaf and Farnell, County of Clive, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1299 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “XXX” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
120   Woodford Island Nature Reserve
(1) Woodford South State Forest No 603 An area of about 260 hectares, being Woodford South State Forest No 603, dedicated 16 November 1917, in the Parish of Woodford, County of Clarence, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1361 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “YYY” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Woodford North State Forest No 604 An area of about 114 hectares, being the part Woodford North State Forest No 604, dedicated 16 November 1917, in the Parish of Woodford, County of Clarence, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1361 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “ZZZ” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
121   Yabbra National Park: Part Yabbra State Forest No 394
An area of about 8890 hectares, being the part of Yabbra State Forest No 394, dedicated 13 April 1917, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Claribell, Mearimb, Pocupar and Tooloom, County of Buller, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1355 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 3 (22 May 1970)
No 4 (15 February 1974)
No 5 (7 February 1975)
No 7 (4 December 1981)
No 9 (12 November 1982)
No 11 (23 September 1983)
No 13 (16 January 1987)
No 14 (16 July 1993)
This is area “AAAA” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
122   Additions to Yuraygir National Park
(1) Part Candole State Forest No 24 An area of about 2270 hectares, being the part of Candole State Forest No 24, dedicated 10 December 1913, in the Parishes of Canoulam, Coldstream and Tyndale, County of Clarence, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1354 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “BBBB” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(2) Part Barcoongere State Forest No 826 An area of about 1800 hectares, being the parts of Barcoongere State Forest No 826, dedicated 5 September 1930, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Red Rock and Wooli Wooli, County of Clarence, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1352 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 3 (18 April 1947)
No 4 (2 December 1949)
No 5 (22 April 1955)
This is area “CCCC” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
(3) Part Newfoundland State Forest No 827 An area of about 2700 hectares, being the part of Newfoundland State Forest No 827, dedicated 5 September 1930, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Dundoo, Red Rock, Scope and Wooli Wooli, County of Clarence, within the lands shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1352 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 3 (5 November 1943)
No 6 (26 July 1946)
No 11 (13 February 1981)
No 12 (6 April 1984)
This is area “DDDD” on the Upper North East Region (National Park Additions) map.
Part 4
sch 1: Am GG No 25 of 26.2.1999, p 1421; 2001 No 56, Sch 3.1 [1]–[48].
Schedule 2 Crown lands reserved as national park or dedicated as nature reserve
(Section 7)
Part 1 Eden Region
1   Additions to Coolumbooka Nature Reserve
All that piece or parcel of land containing an area of about 38 hectares, situated in the Local Government Area of Bombala, Parish of Coolumbooka, County of Wellesley being the area bounded by Lots 9 and 159, DP 756827, end of road, Lot 73, DP 756827, the left bank of Coolumbooka River, the land Resumed for Closer Settlement and notified in the Government Gazette of 4th June 1948, Lot 182, DP 704202, the land Resumed for Closer Settlement notified in the Government Gazette of 4th June 1948 and the left bank of Coolumbooka River.
All that piece or parcel of land containing an area of about 61 hectares, situated in the Local Government Area of Bombala, Parish of Maharatta, County of Wellesley, being the area bounded by Lots 151 and 152, DP 756842, end of road, Lot 76, DP 756827, Lot 69, DP 756842, right bank of Warburton Creek, Lot 187, DP 756842, end of road, and Lot 128, DP 756842.
2   Addition to Biamanga National Park
All that piece or parcel of land containing an area of 32.37 hectares, situated in the Local Government Area of Bega Valley, Parish of Cadjangarry, County of Dampier, being Lot 155, DP 752136.
3   Additions to Mimosa Rocks National Park
All that piece or parcel of land containing an area of about 25 hectares, situated in the Local Government Area of Bega Valley, Parish of Tanja, County of Dampier, being Lot 139, DP 752158 and Crown road separating Lot 139 from Mimosa Rocks National Park; exclusive of Public Road.
All that piece or parcel of land containing an area of about 26.86 hectares, situated in the Local Government Area of Bega Valley, Parish of Bega, County of Auckland, being Lot 303, DP 821463, and the area bounded by Tanja State Forest, Lot 302 DP 821463, R 82753 for Public Recreation notified 12/08/1960 and the mean high water mark of the Bega River; exclusive of the area separating Lot 225 from Lot 226 DP 750190.
4   Addition to Bournda National Park
All that piece or parcel of land containing an area of 185.12 hectares, situated in the Local Government Area of Bega Valley, Parish of Wallagoot, County of Auckland, being Lot 249 DP 44314, Lots 191 DP 750236, Lots 1 & 2 DP 722361 and part Lot 239 DP 750236 south of Lot 108 DP 750236 and Lots 3 & 4 DP 722361 and the easterly prolongation of the southern boundary of Lots 3 & 4 DP 722361 and Crown road separation Lot 239 from Bournda National Park.
5   Addition to Bournda Nature Reserve
All that piece and parcel of land containing an area of about 31 hectares in the Local Government Area of Bega Valley, Parish of Bournda, County of Auckland, being the area bounded by the Princes Highway, Lot 94, DP 750194, Bournda Nature Reserve and Lot 39, DP 750194.
6   Additions to South East Forest National Park
All that piece or parcel of land containing an area of 119.9 hectares, situated in the Local Government Area of Bega Valley, Parish of Wyndham, County of Auckland, being Lot 273 DP 750240; the area bounded by Lot 320, end of road, Lots 338, 99 & 98 DP 750240, the easterly prolongation of the southern boundary of Lot 98, Lot 273 and the westerly prolongation of the southern boundary of Lot 273 DP 750240 and the right bank of Myrtle Creek; and the area bounded by Lot 270, end of road, Lots 60 & 59, end of road, Lot 320 DP 750240 and the right bank of Myrtle Creek.
All that piece or parcel of land containing an area of 109.36 hectares, situated in the Local Government Area of Bega Valley, Parish of Burragate, County of Auckland, being lot 59 DP 750200, and the area bounded by the western boundary of lot 59 and left bank of Towamba River.
All that piece or parcel of land containing an area of about 82 hectares, situated in the Local Government Area of Bombala, Parish of Nalbaugh, County of Auckland, being lots 66 & 67 DP 750221; inclusive of reserved roads.
sch 2: Am 2001 No 56, Sch 3.1 [49].
Schedule 3 Parts of State forests set apart as flora reserves under Forestry Act 1916
(Section 8)
Part 1 Eden Region
1   Addition to Maxwells Flora Reserve No 116 (No 1 Extension)
An area of about 138 hectares, being the part of Nadgee State Forest No 125, dedicated 4 November 1914, within the land shown by cross hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc F 1288 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales.
2   Letts Mountain Flora Reserve No 167
An area of about 910 hectares, being the part of Yambulla State Forest No 126, No 1 Extension, dedicated 7 May 1971, within the land shown by broken diagonal hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc F 1288 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales.
3   Mount Poole Flora Reserve No 168
An area of about 940 hectares, being the part of Yambulla State Forest No 126, dedicated 4 November 1914, and the part of No 1 Extension thereto, dedicated 7 May 1971, within the land shown by vertical hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc F 1288 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales.
4   Sidlings Swamp Flora Reserve No 169
An area of about 1248 hectares, being the part of Timbillica State Forest No 768, No 1 Extension, dedicated 1 October 1971, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1288 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales; EXCLUSIVE OF that part of Timbillica State Forest aforesaid within the Right of Carriage Way “variable width and 10 wide” delineated on DP 847330.
5   Narrabarba Hill Flora Reserve No 170
An area of about 125 hectares, being the part of East Boyd State Forest No 127, dedicated 4 November 1914, and the part of Nadgee State Forest No 125, No 3 Extension, dedicated 21 July 1972, within the land shown by shading on diagram catalogued Misc F 1288 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales.
6   Wallagaraugh Flora Reserve No 171
An area of about 3080 hectares, being the part of Yambulla State Forest No 126, Nos 1 and 3 Extensions, dedicated 7 May 1971 and 13 November 1987, respectively, the part of Nadgee State Forest No 125, Nos 1 and 2 Extensions, dedicated 28 September 1917 and 5 May 1922, respectively, the part of Timbillica State Forest No 768, and the part of No 1 Extension thereto, dedicated 5 May 1922 and 1 October 1971, respectively, the part of East Boyd State Forest No 127, No 5 Extension, dedicated 4 June 1971, and the part of Nungatta State Forest No 131, No 1 Extension, dedicated 19 June 1953, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1288 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales.
Part 2 Lower North East Region
7   Frenchs Creek Flora Reserve No 172
An area of about 845 hectares, being the part of Bulga State Forest No 285, No 9 Extension, dedicated 4 February 1966, in the Parishes of Kokomerican and Myall, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1375 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “A” on the Lower North East Region (Flora Reserve Additions) map.
8   Mount Allyn Flora Reserve No 173
An area of about 2480 hectares, being the part of Chichester State Forest No 292, dedicated 19 January 1917, the part of No 4 Extension thereto dedicated 21 October 1960, and the part of Masseys Creek State Forest No 886, No 3 Extension dedicated 23 September 1966, in the Parishes of Allyn and Boonabilla, County of Durham, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1374 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “B” on the Lower North East Region (Flora Reserve Additions) map.
9   Big Run Creek Flora Reserve No 174
An area of about 115 hectares, being the part of Dingo State Forest No 779, Nos 1 and 4 Extensions, dedicated 20 April 1923 and 13 January 1961 respectively, in the Parish of Bobin, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1376 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “C” on the Lower North East Region (Flora Reserve Additions) map.
10   Daisy Patch Flora Reserve No 76, No 1 Extension
An area of about 630 hectares, being the part of Enfield State Forest No 337, dedicated 25 January 1917, and the part of No 9 Extension thereto dedicated 25 January 1974, in the Parish of White, County of Hawes, within the lands shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1377 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “D” on the Lower North East Region (Flora Reserve Additions) map.
11   Mount Pipanpinga Flora Reserve No 175
An area of about 430 hectares, being the part of Knorrit State Forest No 767, dedicated 15 July 1921, in the Parish of Knorrit, County of Macquarie, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1376 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “E” on the Lower North East Region (Flora Reserve Additions) map.
Part 3 Upper North East Region
12   Table Creek Flora Reserve No 177
An area of about 105 hectares, being the part of Grange State Forest No 771, dedicated 2 September 1921, and the part of No 1 Extension thereto, dedicated 26 May 1922, in the Parishes of Grange and Newbold, County of Gresham, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1378 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “C” on the Upper North East Region (Flora Reserve Additions) map.
Part 4
sch 3: Am GG No 25 of 26.2.1999, p 1421; 2001 No 56, Sch 3.1 [50]–[52].
Schedule 4 State forests dedicated as Crown reserves under Crown Lands Act 1989
(Section 9)
Part 1 Eden Region
1   Part Yurammie State Forest No 133
An area of about 221 hectares, being the whole or the part of the extensions to Yurammie State Forest No 133 listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1287 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 4 (9 July 1971)
No 9 (2 June 1989)
No 10 (6 October 1989)
Part 2 Lower North East Region
2   Polblue Crown Reserve
(1) Part Stewarts Brook Tops State Forest No 276 An area of about 5210 hectares, being the whole or the part of the Extensions to Stewarts Brook State Forest No 276 listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Bronte and Prospero, County of Durham, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1350 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 4 (28 June 1963)
No 5 (16 June 1967)
No 6 (12 January 1968)
This is part area “A” on the Lower North East Region (Crown Reserve Additions) map.
(2) Part Barrington Tops State Forest No 977 An area of about 2600 hectares, being the part of Barrington Tops State Forest No 977, No 4 Extension dedicated 18 January 1974, in the Parish of Tomalla, County of Hawes, and Parishes of Milli and Womboin, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1350 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is part area “A” on the Lower North East Region (Crown Reserve Additions) map.
3   Bradley Crown Reserve: Part Barrington Tops State Forest No 977
An area of about 445 hectares, being the part of Barrington Tops State Forest No 977, No 4 Extension, dedicated 18 January 1974, in the Parish of Milli, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1326 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is the western part of area “B” on the Lower North East Region (Crown Reserve Additions) map.
4   Teagan Crown Reserve: Part Barrington Tops State Forest No 977
An area of about 191 hectares, being the part of Barrington Tops State Forest No 977, No 10 Extension, dedicated 27 September 1985, in the Parish of Kornga, County of Gloucester, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1326 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is the eastern part of area “B” on the Lower North East Region (Crown Reserve Additions) map.
Part 3 Upper North East Region
5   Bundjalung Crown Reserve
(1) Part Devils Pulpit State Forest No 16 An area of about 2020 hectares, being the part of Devils Pulpit State Forest No 16, dedicated 3 December 1913, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Gibberagee and Tabbimoble, County of Richmond, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1325 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (14 September 1923)
No 2 (26 January 1940)
No 3 (22 March 1968)
This is area “B” on the Upper North East Region (Crown Reserve Additions) map.
(2) Part Gibberagee State Forest No 19 An area of about 670 hectares, being the part of Gibberagee State Forest No 19, No 2 Extension dedicated 20 September 1940, in the Parish of Gibberaggee, County of Richmond, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1325 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
This is area “C” on the Upper North East Region (Crown Reserve Additions) map.
(3) Part Doubleduke State Forest No 15 An area of about 2180 hectares, being the whole or the part of the extensions to Doubleduke State Forest No 15 listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Doubleduke and Gibberagee, County of Richmond, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1325 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 1 (29 July 1921)
No 6 (20 September 1940)
No 7 (12 December 1941)
No 8 (12 February 1943)
This is area “A” on the Upper North East Region (Crown Reserve Additions) map.
6   Corymbia Crown Reserve: Part Fortis Creek State Forest No 172
An area of about 495 hectares, being Fortis Creek State Forest No 172, No 5 Extension, dedicated 1 December 1989.
This is area “D” on the Upper North East Region (Crown Reserve Additions) map.
7   Banyabba Crown Reserve: Part Banyabba State Forest No 737
An area of about 3070 hectares, being the part of Banyabba State Forest No 737, named by Government Gazette notification on 6 June 1924, and dedicated as Saltwater Creek State Forest No 737 on 9 January 1920, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parish of Banyabba, County of Clarence and the Parish of Camira, County of Richmond, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1367 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 2 (11 May 1923)
No 3 (13 June 1924)
No 4 (24 December 1930)
No 8 (18 April 1952)
No 11 (22 February 1985)
This is area “E” on the Upper North East Region (Crown Reserve Additions) map.
8   Yuraygir Crown Reserve: Part Newfoundland State Forest No 827
An area of about 3150 hectares, being the part of Newfoundland State Forest No 827, dedicated 5 September 1930, and the whole or the part of the extensions to that State forest listed hereunder (with their dedication dates shown in brackets) in the Parishes of Calamia and Dundoo, County of Clarence, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc. F 1368 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales, subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
The Extensions are:
No 3 (5 November 1943)
No 4 (9 June 1944)
No 5 (15 December 1944)
No 7 (14 December 1951)
No 9 (23 September 1966)
This is area “F” on the Upper North East Region (Crown Reserve Additions) map.
Part 4
sch 4: Am GG No 25 of 26.2.1999, p 1421; 2001 No 56, Sch 3.1 [53]–[57].
Schedule 5 State forests vested in NPW Minister subject to leasehold interests
(Sections 5 and 10)
Part 1 Part Yambulla State Forest No 126
An area of about 448.3 hectares in the Bega Valley Shire Council Area, Parish of Nungatta, County of Auckland, being the whole of Yambulla State Forest No 126, No 2 Extension, dedicated 12 July 1974, and being also the land within portions 48, 111 and 116 delineated on plans catalogued 960, 3445 and 3620–2098 respectively, in the Department of Land and Water Conservation, Sydney, INCLUSIVE OF the former reserved roads 20.115 metres wide within the above described portions and the former boundary road 20.115 metres wide separating portion 48 from portion 111.
Part 2 Part Tantawangalo State Forest No 134
An area of about 196.2 hectares in the Bega Valley Shire Council Area, Parish of Wyndham, County of Auckland, being the whole of Tantawangalo State Forest No 134, No 10 Extension, dedicated 12 February 1982, and being also the land within portions 87, 88, 240 and 254 delineated on plans catalogued 2167, 2168, 2685 and 2853–2098 respectively, in the Department of Land and Water Conservation, Sydney, INCLUSIVE OF the former reserved roads 20.115 metres wide within the above described portions and the former boundary road 20.115 metres wide separating portion 254 from portion 50.
Part 3 Part Tantawangalo State Forest No 134
An area of about 56.05 hectares in the Bega Valley Shire Council Area, Parish of Wyndham, County of Auckland, being the whole of Tantawangalo State Forest No 134, No 6 Extension, dedicated 8 November 1974, and being also the land within portions 245 and 246 delineated on plan catalogued 2699–2098 in the Department of Land and Water Conservation, Sydney.
Part 4 Part Tantawangalo State Forest No 134
An area of about 79.72 hectares in the Bega Valley Shire Council Area, Parish of Yuglamah, County of Auckland, being the whole of Tantawangalo State Forest No 134, No 8 Extension, dedicated 26 January 1979, and being also the land within portion 236 delineated on plan catalogued 3727–2098 in the Department of Land and Water Conservation, Sydney, EXCLUSIVE OF the reserved road 20.115 metres wide traversing that portion.
Part 5 Part Nullica State Forest No 545
An area of about 449.6 hectares in the Bega Valley Shire Council Area, Parish of Burragate, County of Auckland, being the part of Nullica State Forest No 545, No 11 Extension, dedicated 6 May 1977, within portion 56 delineated on plan catalogued 3702–2098 in the Department of Land and Water Conservation, Sydney.
Part 6 Part Bondi State Forest No 128
An area of about 304 hectares in the Bega Valley Shire Council Area, Parishes of Genoa and Nungatta, County of Auckland, being the part of Bondi State Forest No 128, No 20 Extension, dedicated 14 April 1978, within portions 58, 60 and 64, Parish of Genoa, and portions 8 and 117, Parish of Nungatta, delineated on plans catalogued 3584, 3651, 3815, 3443 and 3652–2098 respectively, in the Department of Land and Water Conservation, Sydney, INCLUSIVE OF the former reserved roads 20.115 metres wide within the above described portions.
Schedule 6 State forests and Crown lands to be transferred to Aboriginal ownership
(Sections 5 and 12)
Part 1 State forest land to be transferred to Local Aboriginal Land Councils
1   Eden Local Aboriginal Land Council
(1) Wonboyn area: Part East Boyd State Forest No 127 An area of about 281 hectares being the part of East Boyd State Forest No 127, dedicated 4 November 1914, within the land shown by vertical hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1286 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(2) Wonboyn area: Part Nadgee State Forest No 125 An area of about 42 hectares being the part of Nadgee State Forest No 125, No 3 Extension, dedicated 21 July 1972, within the land shown by horizontal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1286 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(3) Kiah area: Part Nullica State Forest No 545 An area of about 310 hectares being the part of Nullica State Forest No 545, No 4 Extension, dedicated 7 December 1973, within the land shown by diagonal hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1286 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
(4) Fisheries Beach area: Part East Boyd State Forest No 127 An area of about 206 hectares being the part of East Boyd State Forest No 127, dedicated 4 November 1914 and the part of Nos 3 and 6 Extensions thereto, dedicated 13 April 1934 and 3 February 1978 respectively, within the land shown by cross hatching on diagram catalogued Misc F 1286 in the Forestry Commission of New South Wales. Subject to any variations or exceptions noted on that diagram.
Part 2 Crown land to be transferred to Local Aboriginal Land Councils
2   Bega Local Aboriginal Land Council
(1) Little Brown Mountain All that piece and parcel of land containing an area of about 88 hectares in the Bega Valley Council Area, Parish of Ooranook, County of Auckland, being the area bounded by Lots 117, 136, 53, 116, end of road, Lot 101, end of road, Lot 122, DP 750226 and the right bank of Brown Mountain Creek.
(2) Merimbula—block 1 All that piece and parcel of land containing an area of about 239 hectares in the Bega Valley Council Area, Parish of Pambula, County of Auckland, being the area bounded by Lot 441, DP 45826, Lot 447, DP 720013, Lot 2, DP 825855, Lot 19, DP 255438, Merimbula Drive (formerly known as Princes Highway), Lot 389, DP 750227, Merimbula Drive, Lot 3, DP 620570, Lot 42, DP 818930, Merimbula Drive, Lot 20, DP 806314, Lots 137 and 138, DP 41818, Parish Boundary, part of the land held under Department of Land and Water Conservation licence (the generally southwestern, western, southern and generally eastern boundaries of PO 1977/18 Bega), Parish Boundary, and The Sapphire Coast Drive; excluding Lot 1, DP 790075, the easements shown in DP 790075, a proposed easement for water supply pipeline affecting the areas of land held under Department of Land and Water Conservation licence (PO 1974/5 Bega), and a proposed easement for transmission line for an existing electricity transmission line in the same vicinity.
(3) Merimbula—block 2 All that piece and parcel of land containing an area of about 65 hectares in the Bega Valley Council Area, Parish of Pambula, County of Auckland, being the area bounded by Lot 188, DP 750227, end of road, mean high water mark of Merimbula Lake, mean high water mark and left bank of Boggy Creek, Princes Highway, the easterly prolongation of the northern boundary of Lot 11, DP 810369, part of the western boundary of R 63021 for Suburban Settlement, notified by Government Gazette on 6 November 1931, and Merimbula Drive (formerly known as Princes Highway); excluding the easements shown in DP 622983 and DP 646285.
sch 6: Am 2001 No 56, Sch 3.1 [58]–[62].
Schedule 7 Land transfers—ancillary and special provisions
(Section 13)
1   Exclusion of freehold and certain leasehold interests
(1)  Land that a person holds:
(a)  for an estate in fee simple, or
(b)  under a perpetual lease, a special lease or a term lease within the meaning of the Crown Lands (Continued Tenures) Act 1989,
is not reserved or dedicated by the operation of Part 2 of this Act.
(2)  This clause has effect despite any other provision of Part 2 of this Act.
2   Application of Part 2
(1)  Part 2 of this Act has effect despite the provisions of the Forestry Act 1916 and, in particular, despite any different procedure for the revocation of State forests, flora reserves or national forests under that Act or the setting apart of flora reserves under that Act.
(2)  Part 2 of this Act has effect despite the provisions of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and, in particular, despite any different procedure for reserving or dedicating, or for vesting, land under that Act.
(3)  Part 2 of this Act has effect despite the provisions of the Crown Lands Act 1989 and, in particular, despite any different procedure for dedicating land under that Act.
3   Reservation of lands as national parks or historic sites
(1)  The lands reserved as national parks or historic sites by this Act are, for the purposes of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, taken to have been so reserved by proclamation made under section 33 (2) of that Act. A name assigned to any such national park or historic site by this Act is taken to have been assigned to that park or site by a proclamation referred to in section 36 (a) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
(2)  The lands reserved as parts of national parks or historic sites by this Act are, for the purposes of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, taken to have been so reserved by proclamation made under section 33 (3) of that Act.
(3)  A reference in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 to the publication of a proclamation under section 33 (2) or (3) of that Act is, in relation to a reservation effected by this Act, taken to be a reference to the enactment of this Act.
(4)  Section 35 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 does not apply to a reservation of land as, or as part of, a national park or historic site that is effected by this Act.
4   Dedication of lands as nature reserve
(1)  The lands dedicated as a nature reserve by this Act are, for the purposes of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, taken to have been so dedicated by proclamation made under section 49 (1) of that Act. A name assigned to any such nature reserve by this Act is taken to have been assigned to that reserve by a proclamation referred to in section 51 (a) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
(2)  The lands dedicated as part of a nature reserve by this Act are, for the purposes of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, taken to have been so dedicated by proclamation made under section 49 (2) of that Act.
(3)  A reference in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, being a reference to, or a reference to be construed as a reference to, the publication of a proclamation under section 49 (1) or (2) of that Act is, in relation to a dedication referred to in Part 2 of this Act, taken to be a reference to the enactment of this Act.
(4)  Section 35 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, as applied to nature reserves by section 58 (b) of that Act, does not apply to a dedication of land as, or as part of, a nature reserve that is effected by this Act.
5   Existing leases under Forestry Act 1916
Section 42 (2) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 applies to and in respect of a lease under the Forestry Act 1916, being a lease:
(a)  affecting any of the lands described in Schedule 1, and
(b)  current and in force immediately before the commencement of Part 2 of this Act,
in the same way as it applies to a licence or permit under the Forestry Act 1916, affecting lands within a national park.
6   Administration of existing leases and similar interests
(1)  In this clause, existing interest means a lease, licence, permit, authority, authorisation or occupancy current and in force immediately before the commencement of Part 2 of this Act.
(2)  The administration of matters relating to existing interests:
(a)  to the extent that those interests affect any of the lands described in Schedule 1 or 2, or
(b)  to the extent that those interests affect any of the lands described in Schedule 5 and are preserved by the operation of section 10,
is vested in the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
(3)  For the purposes of subclause (2), the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 has:
(a)  in respect of existing interests under the Forestry Act 1916—the powers of the Minister administering that Act and of the Forestry Commission, and
(b)  in respect of existing interests under the Crown Lands Act 1989—the powers of the Minister administering that Act, and
(c)  in respect of existing interests under the Crown Lands (Continued Tenures) Act 1989—the powers of the Minister administering that Act.
(4)  The amendments made to subclause (3) by the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment Act 2001 are taken to have had effect on and from the commencement of that subclause and anything done on or after that commencement under that subclause that could have been validly done under that subclause as so amended is taken to have been validly done.
7   Special provision as to access roads within national parks etc
(1)  In this clause:
access roads means the roads, tracks, trails and other means of access referred to in subclause (2) (a)–(c).
NPW Minister means the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974.
private land holding means land held:
(a)  by an owner within the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, or
(b)  as a holding within the meaning of the Crown Lands Act 1989.
(2)  This clause applies to and in respect of the following roads, tracks, trails and other means of access situated within the lands referred to in Schedule 1 or 2 immediately before the commencement of Part 2 of this Act:
(a)  roads of access within the meaning of section 33A of the Forestry Act 1916,
(b)  roads used, immediately before the commencement of Part 2, for access to private land holdings within those lands,
(c)  roads through those lands to State forests or private land holdings that adjoin or are in the vicinity of the lands.
(3)  The access roads to which this clause applies are not, on the commencement of Part 2 of this Act, reserved as, or as part of, a national park or historic site or dedicated as or as part of a nature reserve by the operation of Part 2 but vest in the NPW Minister on behalf of the Crown for the purposes of Part 11 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 for an estate in fee simple, freed and discharged from:
(a)  all trusts, obligations, estates, interests, rights of way or other easements, and
(b)  any dedication, reservation, Crown grant or vesting to which the lands were subject, and any such dedication, reservation, grant or vesting is revoked by the operation of this clause.
(4)  The access roads may continue, subject to this clause, to be used for the purposes for which they were used immediately before the commencement of Part 2 of this Act.
(5)  Within 12 months after the commencement of Part 2 of this Act (or within such further period as the NPW Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, notify before the expiration of that period) the NPW Minister must, by one or more orders published in the Gazette, declare which of the access roads to which this clause applies:
(a)  are excluded from reservation as part of a national park or historic site or dedication as part of a nature reserve, or
(b)  are not so excluded and are reserved as part of the national park or historic site or dedicated as part of the nature reserve in which they are situated.
An order under this subclause may be published only with the concurrence of the Minister administering the Forestry Act 1916.
(6)  On the publication of an order under subclause (5):
(a)  the access roads that are referred to in the order as excluded from reservation as part of a national park or historic site or dedication as part of a nature reserve remain vested in the NPW Minister for the purposes of Part 11 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and may, subject to this clause, continue to be used for the purposes for which they were used immediately before the commencement of Part 2 of this Act, and
(b)  the access roads that are not so excluded are reserved as part of the national park or historic site or dedicated as part of the nature reserve within which they are situated.
(7)  Nothing in this clause affects the exercise of any power, authority, duty or function by the NPW Minister or any other person under and in accordance with the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 in relation to any access road to which this clause applies.
(8)  While a private land holding is in private ownership, nothing in this clause authorises the NPW Minister to close any access road that comprises the only practical means of access to the land holding.
(9)  This clause has effect despite the provisions of the Forestry Act 1916.
8   Status of land vested in NPW Minister
(1)  Any land that is vested by this Act in the Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 for the purposes of Part 11 of that Act is taken to have been acquired by that Minister under that Part, and may be dealt with by that Minister as if it had been so acquired.
(2)  Any such land is, to the extent that it relates to land subject to a lease preserved by the operation of section 10, taken to be Crown lands reserved from sale for the purpose of any application by the holder of the lease to purchase the land comprised in the lease.
9   Setting apart of flora reserves
The lands set apart as, or as part of, a flora reserve under this Act are, for the purposes of the Forestry Act 1916, taken to have been set apart by notice under section 25A of that Act. A name assigned to any such flora reserve by this Act is taken to have been assigned to that flora reserve by a notice under that section.
10   Dedication of reserves under Crown Lands Act 1989
(1)  The reserve trust established by section 9, and appointed as trustee under section 9, is taken to have been established and named, and appointed as trustee, under section 92 of the Crown Lands Act 1989.
(2)  The appointment by section 9 of the Director-General of National Parks and Wildlife to manage the affairs of the reserve trust is taken to have been made under section 95 of the Crown Lands Act 1989.
(3)  The following provisions apply to access roads referred to in clause 7 (2) (a)–(c) within the lands referred to in Schedule 4 immediately before the commencement of Part 2 of this Act:
(a)  the access roads may continue, subject to this clause and the Crown Lands Act 1989, to be used for the purposes for which they were used immediately before the commencement of Part 2 of this Act,
(b)  the reserve trust may not close any such access road while it comprises the only practical means of access to a land holding in private ownership (within the meaning of clause 7),
(c)  the reserve trust may, in accordance with the Crown Lands Act 1989, grant any right over, or interest in, the land for the purpose of its continued use as an access road.
11   Saving in relation to revocations
A revocation effected by Part 2 of this Act does not affect anything done or omitted to be done before the commencement of that Part.
sch 7: Am 2001 No 130, Sch 6.1 [1]–[3].
schs 8–12: Rep 2003 No 82, Sch 3.
Schedules 8–12 (Repealed)
Schedule 13 Savings, transitional and other provisions
(Section 48)
1   Regulations
(1)  The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of the following Acts:
this Act
(2)  Any such provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from the date of assent to the Act concerned or a later date.
(3)  To the extent to which any such provision takes effect from a date that is earlier than the date of its publication in the Gazette, the provision does not operate so as:
(a)  to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person existing before the date of its publication, or
(b)  to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the date of its publication.
2   Transitional provision pending repeal of Clean Waters Act 1970 and other separate environment protection Acts
For the purposes of section 40, the Acts to be repealed by the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 are taken to be a single Act.
3   Listing of Biamanga National Park in Schedule 14 to NPW Act
The inclusion of Biamanga National Park in Schedule 14 to the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 by this Act is taken to have been made in accordance with procedures provided in Division 7 of Part 4A of that Act.
4   Special provision for interim approval of forestry operations in certain compartments of State forests in Eden Management Area
(1)  In this clause, the relevant Ministerial approval is the approval for forestry operations in the Eden Management Area granted on 14 December 1995 (as modified) by the Minister administering the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 under Division 4 of Part 5 of that Act.
(2)  The relevant Ministerial approval is taken (despite anything to the contrary in the approval) to grant approval for forestry operations in accordance with the conditions specified in the approval, in the compartments and part compartments of State forest specified in the Table to this clause, shown by hatching on the diagram catalogued Misc F 1285 and presented to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly (by or on behalf of the Member of the Assembly who introduced the Bill for this Act) when the Bill was introduced into the Assembly.
(3)  This clause ceases to apply when the Timber Industry (Interim Protection) Act 1992 expires or the area concerned becomes land to which an integrated forestry operations approval under this Act applies, whichever first occurs.
State Forest
Bondi State Forest No 128
Cathcart State Forest No 607
1360, 1361, 1376, 1377
Coolangubra State Forest No 547
1343, 1344, 1352
East Boyd State Forest No 127
2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 34, 43, 44, 46, 48, 172, 173, 177, 178, 179, 180, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 203, 206, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219
Glenbog State Forest No 149
2311, 2314, 2329, 2330, 2331, 2333, 2335, 2336, 2337, 2338, 2339, 2340, 2349, 2350, 2351, 2352, 2353, 2354, 2357, 2360, 2361, 2362, 2363, 2375, 2376, 2377
Gnupa State Forest No 132
728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733
Mumbulla State Forest No 605
2135, 2162
Murrah State Forest No 140
2044, 2045, 2050, 2056, 2057
Nadgee State Forest No 125
54, 62, 103, 124, 144, 147, 148, 158, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165
Nalbaugh State Forest No 129
1300, 1302, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1309, 1401
Nullica State Forest No 545
601, 602, 605, 619, 620, 621, 622, 625, 626, 632, 647, 650, 651, 652, 653, 655, 661, 665, 666, 674, 700, 701, 703, 711, 713, 720, 721, 722, 723, 728, 729, 730, 734, 735
Nungatta State Forest No 131
384, 390
Tantawangalo State Forest No 134
2377, 2403, 2404, 2409, 2425, 2426, 2428, 2429
Timbillica State Forest No 768
206, 218, 219, 222, 240, Part 246, 247, 248, 249, Part 252, 254, 255
Towamba State Forest No 908
496, 497, 499, 525, 595
Yambulla State Forest No 126
Part 169, 170, 171, 257, 258, 259, 273, 274, 275, 285, 287, 288, 289, 291, 292, 293, 299, 300, 302, 303, 304, 306, 310, 311, 313, 315, 316, 317, 323, 343, Part 346, Part 348, Part 349, Part 353, Part 354, 384, Part 416, Part 438, 444, 466, 450, 488, 489, 490, Part 491, 499, 501, 502, 520, 524, 525, 526, 528, 543, 544, 545, 548, 549, 551, 553, 558, 560, Part 566, 568, 569, Part 570, Part 572, Part 575, Part 576, Part 581, Part 582, 586, Part 587
Yurammie State Forest No 133
Part 968