Coal Acquisition Legislation Repeal Act 2007 No 62

An Act to amend, and eventually repeal, the Coal Acquisition Act 1981, the Coal Ownership (Restitution) Act 1990 and certain other legislation relating to the acquisition and restitution of rights with respect to coal, and to make consequential amendments to certain other legislation.
1   Name of Act
This Act is the Coal Acquisition Legislation Repeal Act 2007.
2   Commencement
(1)  This Act commences on the date of assent, except as provided by subsection (2).
(2)  Section 4 and Schedule 2 commence on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.
(3)  Different days may be appointed for the commencement of a single provision of section 4 or Schedule 2 for the purpose of commencing the repeals or amendments effected by the provision on different days.
3   (Repealed)
s 3: Rep 2008 No 62, Sch 4.
4   Repeal of other Acts and instruments
The following Acts and instruments are repealed:
5   Repeal of this Act
(1)  This Act is repealed on the day following the day on which all of the provisions of this Act have commenced.
(2)  The repeal of this Act does not, because of the operation of section 30 of the Interpretation Act 1987, affect any amendment made by this Act.
Schedules 1, 2 (Repealed)
sch 1: Rep 2008 No 62, Sch 4.
sch 2: Rep 2008 No 62, Sch 4.