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Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998

Part 1 Preliminary
1   What is this plan called?
This plan is called Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998.
2   What are the objectives of this plan?
The objectives of this plan are the following:
(a)  to provide an easily understood planning document based on clear objectives which meet community expectations,
(b)  to provide housing opportunities appropriate to environmental constraints while maintaining the existing residential amenity,
(c)  to provide business opportunities for a range of uses, including residential, which encourage local employment and economic growth,
(d)  to provide for a range of recreational and sporting opportunities to meet the needs of residents of and visitors to Mosman,
(e)  to identify land required for community purposes to allow for the improvement of the range of services provided,
(f)  to enhance and protect the scenic amenity of Sydney and Middle Harbours,
(g)  to retain views to and from water and foreshore reserves from and to public areas and streets and residential allotments,
(h)  to protect and conserve the natural and built heritage of Mosman,
(i)  to manage change in a way that ensures an ecologically and economically sustainable urban environment in which the needs and aspirations of the community are recognised,
(j)  to limit potential for additional traffic on the road system and to reduce car dependence through development that supports public transport, cycling and walking,
(k)  to minimise the level of, with the aim of eliminating, pollution of all types, including air, land, water, visual and noise pollution, which may result from development allowed by this plan,
(l)  to protect, conserve and enhance the landform and vegetation, especially foreshores or bushland, in order to maintain the landscape amenity of Mosman,
(m)  to provide for the social, recreational and support needs of people with disabilities and the needs of their carers,
(n)  to ensure that the housing needs of senior residents and residents with disabilities are met with appropriate housing options,
(o)  to minimise and manage all waste generated in Mosman in accordance with the principles of ecologically sustainable development,
(p)  to have regard to principles of ecologically sustainable development in assessing development applications.
3   Where does this plan apply?
(1)  This plan applies to all land in Mosman as shown on the zoning map.
(2)  However, this plan does not apply to certain land at Middle Head and Georges Heights, shown as “Deferred Matter” on the zoning map, except for the provisions of Part 9 (Heritage conservation) and Schedules 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the extent that Part 9 applies to those Schedules.
cll 3: Am 23.2.2001.
4   How does this plan affect other environmental planning instruments?
All local environmental plans applying to Mosman that were in force immediately before the commencement of this plan are repealed, except to the extent they apply to any land shown as “Deferred Matter” on the zoning map.
5   How are terms defined in this plan?
(1)  Definitions of terms used in this plan are contained in Schedule 1.
(2)  Notes in this plan and the list of contents do not form part of this plan.
cll 5: Am 23.2.2001.
6   Which model provisions does this plan adopt?
This plan adopts clauses 12, 19, 21, 22 and 31 of, and Schedule 1 to, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Model Provisions 1980.
7   Who is the consent authority for this plan?
The Council is the consent authority for the purposes of this plan.
8   What special provisions apply to the temporary use of land?
Regardless of any other provision of this plan, the Council may grant consent to any development, other than designated development, being carried out for a maximum period of 28 days, whether consecutive or non-consecutive, in any one year.
9   How are trees preserved?
(1)  The Council, may, by resolution, make, revoke or amend a tree preservation order.
(2)  A tree preservation order may prohibit the ringbarking, cutting down, topping, lopping, pruning, removal, injury or wilful destruction of any tree except with the consent of the Council.
(3)  A tree preservation order and any revocation or amendment of such an order, does not have effect until it has been published in a newspaper circulating in the area of the Council.
(4)  A person must not contravene a tree preservation order.
(5)  The tree preservation order applying to the land to which this plan applies immediately before the commencement of this plan is taken to be a tree preservation order made and published in accordance with this clause.
10   What savings provisions apply in this plan?
(1)  Nothing in this plan restricts or prohibits, or enables the Council to restrict or prohibit:
(a)  the carrying out of development described in Schedule 1 to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Model Provisions 1980, or
(b)  the use of existing buildings of the Crown by the Crown, or
(c)  home occupations carried on in dwelling houses.
(2)  Despite their repeal by clause 4 of this plan, local environmental plans applying to Mosman that were in force immediately before the commencement of this plan continue to apply, as so in force, to development applications that were made but had not been finally determined before that commencement.
10A   What is exempt and complying development?
(1)  Development of minimal environmental impact listed as exempt development in Mosman Development Control Plan—Exempt and Complying Development as adopted by the Council on 31 August 1999 and amended on 12 February 2002 and 3 September 2002 is exempt development, despite any other provision of this plan.
(2)  Development listed as complying development in Mosman Development Control Plan—Exempt and Complying Development as adopted by the Council on 31 August 1999 and amended on 12 February 2002 and 3 September 2002 is complying development if:
(a)  it is local development of a kind that can be carried out with consent on the land on which it is proposed, and
(b)  it is not an existing use, as defined in section 106 of the Act.
(3)  Development is exempt or complying development only if it complies with the standards and other requirements applied to the development by Mosman Development Control Plan—Exempt and Complying Development as adopted by the Council on 31 August 1999 and amended on 12 February 2002 and 3 September 2002.
(4)  A complying development certificate issued for any complying development is subject to the conditions for the development specified in Mosman Development Control Plan—Exempt and Complying Development adopted by the Council, as in force when the certificate is issued.
cl 10A: Ins 5.11.1999. Am 19.7.2002; 11.10.2002.
10B   What general provisions apply to advertisements?
Despite any other provision of this plan, development may be carried out with consent on any land for the purpose of an advertisement if the Council is satisfied that:
(a)  the advertisement only indicates the purpose for which the premises or site on which the advertisement is located is used, and
(b)  the advertisement will not interfere with the amenity of the area.
cl 10B: Ins 5.11.1999.
Part 2 Residential zones
11   What residential zones apply in this plan?
(1)  The following residential zones apply as identified on the zoning map:
2 (a1) Residential
2 (a2) Residential
2 (a3) Residential
2 (b) Residential
2 (c) Residential
2 (d) Residential
2 (e) Residential
(2)  The following development control tables outline the objectives of residential zones and specify what development may be carried out without development consent, or only with development consent, and what development is prohibited, in each residential zone.
Development control table
2 (a1) Residential, 2 (a2) Residential and 2 (a3) Residential Zones
1   Objectives of zones
  Retain the single dwelling character of the environmentally sensitive residential areas of Mosman
  Maintain the general dominance of landscape over built form, particularly on harbour foreshores
  Maintain the existing subdivision pattern
  Ensure that sites are of sufficient size to provide for buildings, vehicular and pedestrian access, landscaping and retention of natural topographical features
  Ensure that development is of a height and scale which complements existing buildings and streetscapes
  Allow for some non-residential uses that would not adversely affect the living environment of the area
  Encourage residential development which has regard to local amenity and, in particular, public and private views
2   Development allowed without development consent
Exempt development
3   Development allowed only with development consent
Development for the purpose of:
bed and breakfast establishments
child care centres (allowed in the 2 (a3) Residential zone only)
dwelling houses
home businesses
open space
places of public worship
semi-detached dwellings
utility installations (other than gas holders or generating works)
4   Development which is prohibited
Development not included in item 2 or 3
Development control table
2 (b) Residential, 2 (c) Residential, 2 (d) Residential and 2 (e) Residential Zones
1   Objectives of zones
  Ensure a variety of housing types in Mosman
  Maintain and enhance landscaping as a major element in the residential environment
  Provide for housing which is compatible with surrounding development in terms of bulk, height and scale
  Allow for some non-residential uses that would not adversely affect the living environment of the area
  Provide for some flexibility in development standards in the 2 (e) Residential zone to provide more housing opportunities
  Ensure that development includes adaptable and accessible housing
  Encourage residential development which has regard to local amenity and, in particular, public and private views
  Maintain the natural character of the harbour foreshore by ensuring that landscape dominates over built form
2   Development allowed without development consent
Exempt development
3   Development allowed only with development consent
Development for the purpose of:
bed and breakfast establishments
boarding houses
child care centres
dwelling houses
educational establishments
home businesses
multiple dwellings
open space
places of public worship
semi-detached dwellings
utility installations (other than gas holders or generating works)
4   Development which is prohibited
Development not included in item 2 or 3
cl 11, table: Am 5.11.1999; 24.10.2003.
12   What controls apply to subdivision in residential zones?
(1)  The objectives of this clause are:
(a)  to retain the pattern of subdivision in residential areas while allowing infill development of smaller lots in some localities, and
(b)  to ensure lots have a minimum size which would be sufficient to provide useable area for building and landscaping, and
(c)  to require larger lots along the foreshore or where the topography or other natural features of a site limit its subdivision potential, and
(d)  to provide small lot subdivision in some zones as an alternative to redevelopment for the purpose of multiple dwellings to ensure the retention of the existing dwelling stock and the amenity of the area.
(2)  A lot resulting from a subdivision of land in a residential zone for the purpose of dwellings and a lot on which a dwelling house or semi-detached dwelling is erected in a residential zone must comply with the requirements of the Table to this subclause.
Minimum lot size
2 (a1) Residential
700 m2
2 (a2) Residential
930 m2
2 (a3) Residential
450 m2 (except for erection of a semi-detached dwelling)
230 m2 for erection of a semi-detached dwelling
2 (b), 2 (c), 2 (d), 2 (e) Residential
300 m2 for erection of a dwelling house or semi-detached dwelling
700 m2 for erection of all other residential buildings
(3)  For the purpose of subdivision access handles shall not be included in the calculation of site area.
(4)  An allotment created by a subdivision pursuant to Part 3 of State Environmental Planning Policy No 25—Residential Allotment Sizes and Dual Occupancy Subdivision or clause 14C of Mosman Local Environmental Plan No 1 must not be further subdivided to create a separate land title for a dwelling.
13   Height limits in residential zones
(1)  The objectives of this clause are:
(a)  to protect public and private views, and
(b)  to minimise the visual impact of buildings when viewed from the harbour and surrounding foreshores, and
(c)  to ensure buildings resulting from new development are compatible with existing buildings in terms of height and pitched roof form, and
(d)  to minimise the effects of bulk and scale of buildings arising from new development in existing residential areas.
(2)  A building must comply with the requirements of the Table to this subclause.
Maximum building height
Maximum wall height
2 (a1), 2 (a2), 2 (a3), 2 (b), 2 (c), 2 (d) Residential
8.5 metres
7.2 metres
2 (e) Residential
11 metres
(3)  A maximum of two storeys applies to all residential zones except the 2 (e) Residential zone. However, the Council may allow an additional storey:
(a)  in attic roof space of existing and new buildings, or
(b)  in the existing basement of existing buildings,
provided that in either case they do not add to bulk or building height.
cl 13: Am 28.9.2001.
14   Floorspace ratios in residential zones
(1)  The objectives of this clause are:
(a)  to control the scale of development so that it is compatible with housing characteristics of the locality, and
(b)  to limit excavation of sites and retain natural ground levels for the purpose of landscaping and containing urban run-off, and
(c)  to minimise the effects of bulk and scale of new development.
(2)  A building must not exceed the floorspace ratio indicated in the Table to this subclause.
Maximum floorspace ratio
2 (a1), 2 (a2), 2 (a3) Residential
0.5:1 for that part of the site area ≤ 700 m2 and 0.4:1 for that part of the site area > 700 m2
2 (b) Residential
2 (c) Residential
2 (d) Residential
2 (e) Residential
(3)  Despite subclause (2), the Council may consent to development that results in a higher floorspace ratio for buildings on land zoned 2 (e) Residential than the maximum allowed by that subclause if:
(a)  lot consolidation has resulted in a site area greater than or equal to 2000 m2, and
(b)  access other than from Spit or Military Roads can be provided to the site, and
(c)  the Council is satisfied that the extra floorspace resulting will not have a detrimental impact on the amenity of the neighbourhood.
cl 14: Am 5.3.2004.
15   Landscaped area requirements in residential zones
(1)  The objectives of this clause are:
(a)  to maintain and enhance the landscape and townscape character of Mosman’s residential areas by requiring landscaping of sites in conjunction with other development, and
(b)  to maintain a general dominance of landscape over buildings, particularly on harbour foreshores and in the 2 (a1) and 2 (a2) Residential zones, and
(c)  to maintain and enhance significant vegetation, especially mature trees, and
(d)  to maintain natural ground levels, especially near boundaries, and to limit excavation of sites, and
(e)  to ensure there is adequate and useable ground level open space for recreation, landscaping and containing urban run-off.
(2)  The Council may refuse development consent to development involving the erection of a building in a residential zone unless at least the minimum landscaped area as specified in the Table to this subclause is provided.
Development resulting in one dwelling per lot or a non-residential building
Site Area
Minimum landscaped area as a percentage of gross floor area
< 500 m2
500 m2 or more
(Site area in square metres × 0.125)%
Development resulting in more than one dwelling per lot
Minimum percentage of site to be landscaped area
2 (b) Residential
2 (c) Residential
2 (d) Residential
2 (e) Residential
cl 15, table: Am 5.11.1999.
Part 3 Business zones
16   What business zones apply in this plan?
(1)  The following business zones apply as identified on the zoning map:
3 (a1) Spit Junction Town Centre
3 (a2) Cremorne Business
3 (a3) Mosman Junction Town Centre
3 (b) Commercial/Residential
3 (c) Local Business
3 (d) The Spit Waterside Business
(2)  The following development control tables outline the objectives of business zones and specify what development may be carried out without development consent, or only with development consent, and what development is prohibited, in each business zone.
Development control table
3 (a1) Spit Junction Town Centre Zone
3 (a2) Cremorne Business Zone
3 (a3) Mosman Junction Town Centre Zone
1   Objectives of zone
  Encourage office development in order to increase employment opportunities on public transport routes
  Allow a diverse range of retail, commercial and entertainment opportunities as part of Cremorne Junction Centre
  Maintain shopfronts at street level with a predominance of retail use in the centre
  Allow a range of retail, business and entertainment opportunities which meet the needs and expectations of the local community and enhance the viability and vitality of the centre
  Encourage residential development as part of the use of sites within the zone
  Maintain and enhance the heritage streetscape
  Encourage redevelopment for business purposes on sites outside the heritage conservation area
  Improve, by civic design and landscape proposals, the amenity of this business zone
  Maintain Military Road streetscape by allowing buildings of two storeys in height
  Improve pedestrian and functional links between Bridgepoint and businesses on Spit and Military Roads
  Ensure that development has regard to the relevant objectives and controls in the adjoining North Sydney area
  Allow residential development as part of the use of sites at Mosman Junction
  Encourage residential development as part of the use of sites at Spit Junction
  Allow a range of light industrial type uses which meet the needs of the local community and would not adversely affect the amenity of the area
  Encourage reinstatement of facades on altered buildings to match height and features of the heritage conservation area
  Buildings to be of a height, bulk and form that is compatible and complementary to the existing streetscape
  Allow a limited range of light industrial type uses which meet the needs of the local community and would not adversely affect the amenity of the area
  Allow a limited range of light industrial type uses which meet the needs of the local community and would not adversely affect the amenity of the area
2   Development allowed without development consent
Exempt development
3   Development allowed only with development consent
Development for the purpose of:
boarding houses
car repair stations
carparking facilities
child care centres
commercial premises
community centres
dwelling houses
educational establishments
home businesses
light industries in Schedule 8
motor showrooms
multiple dwellings
open space
places of assembly
places of public worship
public utility undertakings
recreation facilities
semi-detached buildings
service stations
utility installations
4   Development which is prohibited
Development not included in item 2 or 3
Development control table
3 (b) Commercial/Residential Zone
1   Objectives of zone
  Encourage redevelopment for mixed residential/business uses which do not include shops
  Ensure that the retail strip along Military Road is not extended
  Ensure a reasonable level of residential amenity within sites in terms of noise, air quality and outdoor landscaped open space
2   Development allowed without development consent
Exempt development
3   Development allowed only with development consent
Development for the purpose of:
boarding houses
child care centres
commercial premises
community centres
dwelling houses
educational establishments
home businesses
multiple dwellings
open space
places of assembly
places of public worship
public utility undertakings
recreation facilities
semi-detached dwellings
utility installations
4   Development which is prohibited
Development not included in item 2 or 3
Development control table
3 (c) Local Business Zone
1   Objectives of zone
  Allow business and services which primarily meet the day to day needs of the local community
  Allow residential development as part of the use of sites in local business areas
  Maintain shop uses on street level
  Minimise the effect of business development on adjacent residential areas, having regard to the carparking capacity of the roads in those areas
  Allow buildings of two storeys in height
2   Development allowed without development consent
Exempt development
3   Development allowed only with development consent
Development for the purpose of:
boarding houses
child care centres
commercial premises
community centres
dwelling houses
educational establishments
home businesses
light industries in Schedule 8
multiple dwellings
open space
places of assembly
places of public worship
public utility undertakings
recreation facilities
semi-detached dwellings
service stations
utility installations
4   Development which is prohibited
Development not included in item 2 or 3
Development control table
3 (d) The Spit Waterside Business Zone
1   Objectives of zone
  Maintain The Spit as a prime recreational boating resource and working marine area with associated commercial activities
  Allow development which is unlikely to generate additional traffic and demand for additional parking
  Maintain and improve the scenic quality of The Spit by ensuring the external appearance of buildings is of suitable materials and colours and of a height and scale which is unlikely to affect the environment adversely
2   Development allowed without development consent
Exempt development
3   Development allowed only with development consent
Development for the purpose of:
boating industry facilities
carparking facilities
coastal patrol administration and operations
marine sales and service centres
open space
utility installations (other than gas holders or generating works)
water based clubs and activities
4   Development which is prohibited
Development not included in item 2 or 3
cl 16, table: Am 5.11.1999.
17   Floorspace ratios in business zones
(1)  The objective of this clause is to control the bulk and site coverage of buildings so that buildings resulting from new development are compatible with existing buildings.
(2)  Floorspace ratios in business zones must not exceed the floorspace ratios in the Table to this subclause.
Maximum floorspace ratio
3 (a1) Spit Junction Town Centre
3 (a2) Cremorne Business
3 (a3) Mosman Junction Town Centre
3 (b) Commercial/Residential
3 (c) Local Business
3 (d) The Spit Waterside Business
18   Height limits in business zones
(1)  The objectives of this clause are:
(a)  to ensure that buildings resulting from new development are compatible with existing buildings in terms of height and roof form to produce a cohesive streetscape, and
(b)  to provide opportunities for higher buildings in suitable locations to achieve the Council’s residential strategy and provide employment opportunities.
(2)  Generally, building heights in business zones are to complement the heights of adjacent buildings, except in the following zones:
(a)  the 3 (b) Commercial/Residential zone, in which a building may be up to 12 metres high, regardless of the height of the adjacent buildings, and
(b)  the 3 (d) The Spit Waterside Business zone, in which a building may be up to 8 metres high, regardless of the height of the adjacent buildings.
(3)  Buildings within the 3 (a3) Mosman Junction Town Centre zone are generally to be no higher than two storeys on the Military Road and Middle Head Road frontages.
19   What restrictions apply to drive-in take-away food shops?
The Council must not consent to development for the purpose of a drive-in take-away food shop on land within any business zone if the land concerned has frontage to:
(a)  that part of Spit Road between The Spit and Military Road, or
(b)  Military Road.
20   Brothels
(1)  When assessing an application for consent to the use of premises for the purpose of a brothel, the Council must consider the following:
(a)  the distance between the premises and any place of worship, school, community facility, hospital or medical centre or any place in the vicinity of the premises regularly frequented by children for any reason,
(b)  whether the operation of the brothel could cause a disturbance in the neighbourhood, taking into account the location of any other brothels operating in the neighbourhood,
(c)  whether sufficient off-street parking will be provided,
(d)  whether the brothel will be accessed by a separate entrance,
(e)  whether the operation of the brothel would interfere with the amenity of the neighbourhood because of its size, operating hours, traffic generation, lighting or noise or the number of its employees and clients,
(f)  whether the operations of the brothel will utilise circulation areas common to any other use of the premises.
(2)  Development for the purpose of a brothel is prohibited on land to which this plan applies if the brothel is located at ground level within a business zone.
(3)  Development for the purpose of a brothel is prohibited on land to which this plan applies in any part of premises on an allotment within a business zone if any part of the allotment is used for residential purposes.
Part 4 Community uses zone
21   What community uses zone applies in this plan?
(1)  The following community uses zone applies as identified on the zoning map:
5 (a) Community Uses
(2)  The following development control table outlines the objectives of the community uses zone and specifies what development may be carried out without development consent, or only with development consent, and what development is prohibited, in the zone.
Development control table
5 (a) Community Uses Zone
1   Objectives of zone
  Identify land for the provision of community services and facilities
  Allow land to be used for a limited range of community uses in addition to the specific land use for which it is zoned
  Contribute to the scenic quality of Mosman and the harbour
2   Development allowed without development consent
Exempt development
Structures solely for the purposes of exhibition, conservation and care of animals on land zoned Community Uses 5 (a)—Zoo
3   Development allowed only with development consent
Development for the purpose of:
the particular land use indicated on the zoning map
child care centres
open space
recycling drop-off centres
utility installations
(other than gas holders or generating works)
4   Development which is prohibited
Development not included in item 2 or 3
cl 21, table: Am 5.11.1999; 24.10.2003.
22   Can schools be developed for community uses?
The Council may grant development consent for the community use of the facilities and sites of schools, colleges or other educational establishments and for the commercial operation of these facilities and sites.
22A   Queenwood Sites, Balmoral
(1)  This clause applies to land situated in the Mosman area, known as:
Nos 47, 49 and 51 Mandolong Road and No 21 Hunter Road, Mosman, being Lot 1 DP 71569 and Lots 48, 49, 52 and 53 DP 6314, lots 48, 52 and 53 being shown coloured yellow on the map marked “Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 5) (Map A)”,
No 44 Mandolong Road, being Lots 1, 2, and 3 DP 307922 and Lots 6A and 6B DP 307704,
Lots A, B, C, and D DP 349211, being land bounded by Raglan Street, The Esplanade and Esther Road, shown coloured yellow on the map marked “Mosman Local Environmental Plan (Amendment No 5) (Map B)”.
(2)  The Council shall not grant consent to development on land referred to in subclause (1) unless it is generally satisfied that the proposed development will meet the following objectives for that land:
(a)  to ensure that any new buildings are of a height, bulk and scale which complements existing buildings and streetscapes within the neighbourhood,
(b)  to maintain the amenity of the neighbourhood in terms of solar access, privacy and noise,
(c)  to ensure that development does not significantly obstruct views from surrounding properties and public places and where possible to enhance existing views,
(d)  to encourage a high quality design for the school use within a residential setting,
(e)  to provide adequate off-street car parking to meet existing and future demand generated by use of the land as a school,
(f)  to ensure adequate outdoor areas and separation between buildings on the land in order to provide an appropriate scale of development,
(g)  to ensure consideration has been given to the Queenwood Development Control Plan (as adopted by the Council on 28 March 2000).
(3)  When considering an application for development for consent to carry out a community use, or for the purpose of a commercial operation of facilities and sites, on land referred to in subclause (1), the Council must have regard to the following:
(a)  evidence of specific locational need,
(b)  satisfactory access (including promotion and use of means other than the private car) and parking arrangements,
(c)  the capacity of the locality or neighbourhood to absorb the proposed activity,
(d)  any likely adverse impacts on residential amenity.
cl 22A: Ins 14.7.2000.
Part 5 Open space zones
23   What open space zones apply in this plan?
(1)  The following open space zones apply as identified on the zoning map:
6 (a) Public Recreation
6 (b) Private Recreation
(2)  The following development control tables outline the objectives of open space zones and specify what development may be carried out without development consent, or only with development consent, and what development is prohibited, in each zone.
Development control table
6 (a) Public Recreation Zone
1   Objectives of zone
  Provide a viable open space system which supports a diversity of leisure and educational opportunities
  Maintain and provide open space links to a diversity of public and private spaces and facilities as an integral part of the open space system
  Ensure that open space is managed on a sustainable basis including the maintenance of ecological processes, genetic diversity and geo-diversity
  Ensure conservation and proper management of cultural values within the open space system
  Ensure that open space contributes to the aesthetic quality, experience and image of the community
2   Development allowed without development consent
Development for the purpose of park furniture (including seats, bins, picnic tables and similar items) and lighting (other than lighting to be used in connection with active recreation, such as sporting activities, or active recreation facilities)
Exempt development
Works for the purpose of gardening, landscaping and bushfire hazard reduction
3   Development allowed only with development consent
Development for the purpose of:
beach and foreshore protection works
buildings associated with landscaping, gardening or bushfire hazard reduction and vehicular access to those buildings
carparking ancillary to another permissible use
child care centres
recreation areas
recreation facilities
recreation, sporting and cultural activities
utility installations
4   Development which is prohibited
Development on reserved or dedicated Crown land that does not comply with the public purpose notified under the Crown Lands Act 1989 or does not comply with acceptable uses identified in an adopted Plan of Management for the reserve, under the Crown Lands Act 1989
Other development not included in item 2 or 3
Development control table
6 (b) Private Recreation Zone
1   Objectives of zone
  Identify private land which is set aside for recreational purposes
2   Development allowed without development consent
Development for the purpose of landscaping and gardening
Exempt development
3   Development allowed only with development consent
Development for the purpose of:
carparking ancillary to another permissible use
recreation areas
recreation facilities
utility installations
4   Development which is prohibited
Development not included in item 2 or 3
cl 23, table: Am 5.11.1999.
24   What special considerations apply to development in open space zones?
In determining development applications relating to land in open space zones, the Council must consider the following:
(a)  the need for the proposed development, and
(b)  the impact of the proposed development on the existing or likely future use of the land, and
(c)  the need to retain the land for its existing or likely future use.
Part 6 Environment protection zone
25   What environment protection zone applies in this plan?
(1)  The following environment protection zone applies as identified on the zoning map:
7 (a) Environment Protection (Bushland)
(2)  The following development control table outlines the objectives of the environment protection zone and specifies what development may be carried out without development consent, or only with development consent, and what development is prohibited, in the zone.
Development control table
7 (a) Environment Protection (Bushland) Zone
1   Objectives of zone
  Retain and manage bushland areas for their scenic and environmental values
  Conserve native plant and animal species through the maintenance of suitable habitats
  Contribute to the scenic quality of Mosman and the harbour
2   Development allowed without development consent
Development for the purpose of bushland regeneration or bushfire hazard reduction
Drainage works that are:
(a)  carried out by or on behalf of the Council and involve the maintenance of existing drainage lines, or
(b)  carried out by or on behalf of the Council and involve the installation of pollution control devices on so much of the land within the zone as is coloured brown and diagonally hatched on the map marked “Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 8)
3   Development allowed only with development consent
Drainage works (other than drainage works referred to in item 2)
Works to enable pedestrian access to facilitate recreational use of the bushland
4   Development which is prohibited
Development not included in item 2 or 3
cl 25, table: Am 22.2.2002.
Part 7 National parks zones
26   What national parks zones apply in this plan?
(1)  The following national parks zones apply as identified on the zoning map:
8 (a) National Parks
8 (b) National Parks (Proposed)
(2)  The following development control tables outline the objectives of the national parks zones and specify what development may be carried out without development consent, or only with development consent, and what development is prohibited, in each zone.
Development control table
8 (a) National Parks Zone
1   Objectives of zone
  Identify land dedicated or reserved as a national park under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974
  Conserve areas of natural ecological, scenic, educational, scientific, cultural or historical importance
2   Development allowed without development consent
Any development authorised by or under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and any development incidental or ancillary to that development
3   Development allowed only with development consent
4   Development which is prohibited
Development not included in item 2
Development control table
8 (b) National Parks (Proposed) Zone
1   Objectives of zone
  Identify land which is to be reserved or dedicated under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974
  Protect the values of that land for the use for which it is proposed to be so reserved or dedicated
2   Development allowed without development consent
3   Development allowed only with development consent
Any development authorised by or under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and development incidental or ancillary to that development
4   Development which is prohibited
Development not included in item 3
(3)  Before determining an application for consent required by this clause, the Council must refer the application to the Director-General of National Parks and Wildlife and consider any advice of the Director-General received within 28 working days after the referral.
Part 8 Environmental controls
27   Foreshore scenic protection area
(1)  The objectives of establishing a foreshore scenic protection area are:
(a)  to recognise, protect and enhance the natural, visual, environmental and heritage qualities of Mosman, and
(b)  to co-ordinate planning controls with Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 23—Sydney and Middle Harbours and ensure its objectives are met.
(2)  The Council must not consent to the alteration or erection of a building on land in the foreshore scenic protection area unless it has made an assessment, having regard to the objectives of Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 23—Sydney and Middle Harbours, of the impact of the proposed development on the natural environment, the visual environment and the environmental heritage of Mosman.
(3)  If, after having made the assessment, the Council considers that the proposed development impacts adversely on the natural environment, the visual environment or the environmental heritage of Mosman, the Council may refuse to consent to the proposed development.
(4)  This clause does not affect any requirement of Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 23—Sydney and Middle Harbours.
28   Foreshore building line
(1)  The objectives of this clause are:
(a)  to protect the natural landform and landscape of the foreshore, and
(b)  to contribute to a bushland and wildlife corridor around the foreshore of Mosman, and
(c)  to control pollution by limiting stormwater run-off directly into waterways by retaining and protecting vegetation along the foreshore, and
(d)  to protect the visual amenity of the foreshore, and
(e)  to protect dwellings from potential rising sea levels resulting from global warming, and
(f)  to minimise the visual scale and bulk of development when viewed from the water, and
(g)  to protect the public views and the visual amenity of the foreshore when viewed from the water by ensuring that native vegetation growth (trees, shrubs and groundcover species) along the foreshore is protected and enhanced, and
(h)  to ensure that foreshore areas that are developed provide adequate areas for protecting and enhancing local native vegetation growth (trees, shrubs and groundcover species). This native vegetation growth should protect adjacent waterways from runoff and contribute to a habitat corridor (including by providing shelter and organic matter) for both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
(2)  Except as provided by subclause (3), the Council must not consent to the erection of a building or the carrying out of a work on land between the foreshore building line and adjacent tidal waters.
(3)  The Council may consent to:
(a)  the erection of single storey boatsheds, wharves or jetties, or
(b)  the erection of a structure or the carrying out of a work, at or below the surface of the ground,
between a foreshore building line and adjacent tidal waters, but only if it has considered the probable aesthetic appearance of the proposed structure, or the result of the carrying out of the work, in relation to the foreshore.
cl 28: Am 24.10.2003.
29   Contaminated sites
(1)  The objective of this clause is to require the remediation of contaminated sites to make them safe before development takes place on the sites.
(2)  In determining whether to grant development consent in respect of land that is contaminated, the Council must consider:
(a)  the need for testing and remediation and validation plans to make the land suitable for the proposed use, and
(b)  the effect of proposed remediation on adjoining land, and
(c)  the need to restrict the range of land uses allowable if the land is assessed as being suitable for a limited number of land uses only.
(3)  Nothing in this clause affects the application of State Environmental Planning Policy No 55—Remediation of Land to land to which this plan applies.
30   Natural watercourses
(1)  The objective of this clause is to protect natural watercourses and their role in disposing of stormwater and controlling pollution and sedimentation, and to facilitate continuing biodiversity in a freshwater environment.
(2)  In assessing an application for development consent relating to land in the vicinity of a natural watercourse, the Council must consider:
(a)  whether the proposed development would affect the water quality or obstruct the natural waterflow, and
(b)  the likelihood of increased run-off from the proposed development leading to degradation or erosion of the natural watercourse, and
(c)  whether flora and fauna habitats would be affected by the proposed development.
31   Excavation
(1)  The objective of this clause is to control soil erosion, sedimentation, tree loss and drainage impacts associated with land form modification.
(2)  The consent of the Council is required to carry out works or any other development on land which has the effect of materially altering the shape or natural form of the land.
31A   Acid sulfate soils
(1)  The objectives of this clause are:
(a)  to minimize disturbance to acid sulfate soils in Mosman so as to avoid any potential environmental hazard, and
(b)  to require development consent for works that would disturb soils or ground water levels in localities identified as having acid sulfate soils, and
(c)  to require the special assessment of certain development of land identified as being subject to risks associated with the disturbance of acid sulfate soils.
(2)  A person must not, without the consent of the Council, carry out the following works on or under land identified on the foreshore protection map:
(a)  as being within an acid sulfate soil area—works beyond 1 metre below the existing ground surface or involving the disturbance of more than 1 tonne of soil (such as occurs in carrying out the construction or maintenance of drains, dredging, the construction of artificial waterbodies including detention basins, the construction of underground structures including basement carparks, the construction of foundations or flood mitigation works) or both, or
(b)  as being within a buffer area—works involving excavation below 1m AHD, or
(c)  in relation to any land identified on the foreshore protection map—works that are likely to lower the ground water table, regardless of how much soil is to be disturbed.
(3)  Despite subclause (2), development consent is not required for the carrying out of such works if:
(a)  a copy of a preliminary assessment of the proposed works undertaken in accordance with the Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines has been given to the Council, and
(b)  the Council has provided written advice to the person proposing to carry out the works confirming that the results of the preliminary assessment indicate that the proposed works need not be carried out pursuant to an acid sulfate soils management plan prepared in accordance with the Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines.
(4)  The Council must not grant a consent required by this clause unless the Council has considered:
(a)  the adequacy of an acid sulfate soils management plan prepared for the proposed development in accordance with the Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines, and
(b)  the likelihood of the proposed development resulting in the discharge of acid water, and
(c)  any comments received from the Department of Land and Water Conservation within 40 days of the Council having sent that Department a copy of the development application and of the related acid sulfate soils management plan.
(5)  This clause requires consent for development to be carried out by a public authority, despite clause 10 (1) (a). However, despite subclause (2) of this clause, consent is not required for a public authority to carry out development for the purposes of:
(a)  emergency work, or
(b)  routine maintenance, or
(c)  minor excavation work.
(6)  Despite subclause (2), the following development may be carried out by the Council without development consent:
(a)  the installation of stormwater quality improvement devices and drainage works, and
(b)  any work ancillary to that development, such as the construction of accessways, the provision of power, water and sewerage supplies, and landscape works.
(7)  If the Council carries out work referred to in subclause (6) and is reasonably likely to encounter acid sulfate soils in carrying out that work, the Council:
(a)  must conduct a preliminary assessment of the proposed works in accordance with the Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines so as to minimise the actual or potential impact to the environment arising from the disturbance of the soils, and
(b)  must implement reasonable measures to minimise that impact.
cll 31A: Ins 19.7.2002.
31B   Wetlands
(1)  The objectives of this clause are:
(a)  to protect Mosman’s wetlands from inappropriate development by preventing or regulating, or preventing and regulating, development that has the potential to fragment, pollute, disturb or diminish the value of the wetlands, and
(b)  to protect, restore and maintain ecological processes, natural systems and biodiversity within the wetlands, and
(c)  to improve, maintain and restore the quality of water within the wetlands and water entering the wetlands so as to ensure that wetland values and natural ecological functions are not diminished.
(2)  This clause applies to land within the Mosman local government area identified as “Wetlands” or “Wetlands buffer” on the map marked “Wetlands” drawn by SPH in May 2001.
(3)  The Council must not consent to the carrying out of works on land to which this clause applies that have the potential to fragment, pollute, disturb or diminish wetland values, unless the Council:
(a)  has made an assessment of the predicted environmental impacts of the proposed works and proposed measures for mitigation, and
(b)  has considered the relevant objectives and requirements of:
(ii)  any relevant policies and guidelines published from time to time by NSW Fisheries.
(4)  If, after making an assessment, the Council considers the proposed development will have either a direct or indirect adverse impact on land to which this clause applies identified as wetland areas or wetland buffer areas, the Council may refuse to consent to the proposed development.
(5)  Despite subclauses (3) and (4), the following development may be carried out by the Council without development consent:
(a)  the installation of stormwater quality improvement devices and drainage works, or
(b)  any work ancillary to that development, such as the carrying out of minor excavation work, the construction of accessways, the provision of power, water and sewerage supplies, and landscape works.
(6)  If the Council plans to carry out work referred to in subclause (5), the Council:
(a)  must have regard to the predicted environmental impact of the work on land to which this clause applies identified as wetland areas, and
(b)  must implement reasonable measures for mitigation of that impact, such as suitable erosion and sediment controls.
(7)  The requirements imposed by this clause apply to development to be carried out by a public authority, despite clause 10 (1) (a). However, the requirements do not apply to a public authority carrying out development for the purposes of:
(a)  emergency work, or
(b)  routine maintenance, or
(c)  minor excavation work.
cll 31B: Ins 19.7.2002.
Part 9 Heritage conservation
pt 9: Subst 23.2.2001.
32   Heritage conservation objectives
The objectives of this Part are:
(a)  to conserve the environmental heritage and cultural significance of the local government area of Mosman, and
(b)  to ensure that any development does not adversely affect the heritage significance of heritage items and heritage conservation areas and their settings, and
(c)  to ensure that archaeological sites and places of Aboriginal significance are conserved, and
(d)  to maintain traditional streetscapes in areas where older style houses predominate, and
(e)  to encourage an appreciation of the heritage of the local government area of Mosman.
cl 32: Subst 23.2.2001.
33   Protection of heritage items and heritage conservation areas
(1)  The following development requires the Council’s consent:
(a)  demolishing or moving a heritage item or a building, work, relic or place within a heritage conservation area,
(b)  altering a heritage item or a building, work, relic or place within a heritage conservation area by making structural or non-structural changes to its exterior including to the detail, fabric, finish or appearance,
(c)  moving a relic, or excavating land for the purpose of discovering, exposing or moving a relic,
(d)  erecting a building on, or subdividing, land on which a heritage item is located or which is within a heritage conservation area.
(2)  The Council’s consent is not required if:
(a)  the Council is of the opinion that the proposed development is of a minor nature or consists of maintenance of an item or of a building, work, relic or place within a heritage conservation area, and
(b)  the Council is satisfied that the proposed development would not adversely affect the significance of the heritage item or heritage conservation area and, in the case of external alterations, would only have a minor visual impact when viewed from the street or any other public place and, in the case of maintenance work, is necessary for the ongoing protective care of the heritage item or the building, work or relic within the heritage conservation area.
(3)  When determining a development application required by this clause, the Council:
(a)  must take into consideration the extent to which the carrying out of the proposed development would affect the heritage significance of the heritage item or heritage conservation area, and
(b)  must not grant consent until it has considered a statement of heritage impact that identifies and assesses the impact of the proposal on the heritage significance of the item and its setting, or on the heritage conservation area, and
(c)  may decline to grant consent to the application until it has considered a heritage assessment to enable the Council to fully assess the levels of heritage significance of the item and its setting, or of the heritage conservation area, and
(d)  must not grant consent to development involving heritage items classified in Schedule 2 as being of State significance unless it has considered a conservation plan which sets out management constraints for development or unless it is of the opinion that the proposed development is of a minor nature.
cl 33: Subst 23.2.2001. Am 28.9.2001.
34   Notice to Heritage Council
Any application for demolition of a heritage item classified in Schedule 2 as being of State significance must be notified to the Heritage Council and any comments received within 28 days after the notice is sent must be taken into account in the determination of the application.
cll 34–38: Subst 23.2.2001.
35   Development of known or potential archaeological sites
(1)  The Council may consent to the carrying out of development on an archaeological site that has Aboriginal heritage significance (such as a site that is the location of an Aboriginal place or a relic, within the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974) or a potential archaeological site that is reasonably likely to have Aboriginal heritage significance, only if:
(a)  it has considered an assessment of how the proposed development would affect the conservation of the site and any relic known or reasonably likely to be located at the site prepared in accordance with any guidelines for the time being notified to it by the Director-General of National Parks and Wildlife, and
(b)  it has notified that Director-General of its intention to do so and taken into consideration any comments received from that Director-General within 28 days after the notice was sent.
(2)  The Council may consent to the carrying out of development on an archaeological site that has non-Aboriginal heritage significance or a potential archaeological site that is reasonably likely to have non-Aboriginal heritage significance only if:
(a)  it has considered an assessment of how the proposed development would affect the conservation of the site and any relic known or reasonably likely to be located at the site prepared in accordance with any guidelines for the time being notified to it by the Heritage Council, and
(b)  it has notified the Heritage Council of its intention to do so and taken into consideration any comments received from the Heritage Council within 28 days after the notice was sent.
(3)  Subclause (2) does not apply if the proposed development does not involve disturbance of anything below ground level and the Council is of the opinion that the heritage significance of things at or above ground level would not be adversely affected by the proposed development.
cll 34–38: Subst 23.2.2001.
36   Original estate roads
Consent must not be granted for development that consists of or involves the realignment of an original estate road or historic road alignment described in Schedule 4 unless the consent authority has made an assessment of the effect of the realignment on the heritage significance of the road and its alignment.
cll 34–38: Subst 23.2.2001.
37   Development in the vicinity of heritage items
(1)  The Council, when determining an application for consent to carry out development on land in the vicinity of a heritage item, must consider:
(a)  the likely effect of the proposed development on the heritage significance, curtilage and setting of the item, and
(b)  the impact of the proposed development on any significant views to or from the heritage item.
(2)  The Council may decline to grant the application until it has considered a statement of heritage impact to assist it to assess the impact of the proposed development on the heritage item.
cll 34–38: Subst 23.2.2001.
38   Conservation incentives
(1)  The Council may consent to the use, for any purpose, of a building that is a heritage item or of the land on which any such building is erected (including its conversion to multiple dwellings), even though the use would otherwise be prohibited by this plan, if it is satisfied that:
(a)  the proposed use would not adversely affect the heritage significance of the item or heritage conservation area, and
(b)  the conservation of the building depends on the granting of the consent, and
(c)  the amenity of the locality would not be adversely affected by the proposed use of the building or land.
(2)  When considering an application for consent to erect a building on land on which a heritage item is located, the Council may, for the purpose of determining:
(a)  the floorspace ratio, and
(b)  the number of parking spaces to be provided on the site,
exclude the floorspace of the building from its calculation of the floorspace of the buildings erected on the land, but only if it is satisfied that:
(c)  the exclusion would not result in development that would adversely affect the heritage significance of the heritage item, and
(d)  the conservation of the heritage item depends upon the exclusion.
cll 34–38: Subst 23.2.2001.
38A   Significant interiors
(1)  This clause applies to any interior features described in Schedule 4A of heritage items classified in Schedule 2 as being of State significance.
(2)  The Council must not grant consent for any alteration of a heritage item of State significance that makes structural changes to the interior of the item, unless it is satisfied that the significance of any interior feature to which this clause applies will not be adversely affected by the alteration.
cll 38A: Ins 23.2.2001.
38B   Taronga Zoo
Nothing in this Part requires development consent for the carrying out of works within Taronga Zoo, unless the works specifically affect an individual heritage item that is listed in Schedule 2.
cll 38B: Ins 23.2.2001.
Part 10 Miscellaneous
39   What public land is classified or reclassified as operational land?
The public land referred to in Schedule 5 is classified, or reclassified, as operational land for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1993.
40   Exceptions
(1)  Nothing in this plan prevents a person, with the consent of the Council, from carrying out, on land specified in Schedule 6, the development specified in that Schedule in relation to that land, subject to such conditions (if any) as are so specified.
(2)  Subclause (1) does not affect the application, to or in respect of development to which that subclause applies, of such of the provisions of this plan as are not inconsistent with that subclause or with a consent granted by the Council in respect of the development.
(3)  Regardless of the other provisions of this plan, the land specified in Schedule 7 is subject to the prohibitions or restrictions specified in that Schedule in relation to that land.
Schedule 1 Definitions
(Clause 5)
acid sulfate soils means actual acid sulfate soils and potential acid sulfate soils, as defined in the Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines.
Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines means the Acid Sulfate Soils Assessment Guidelines published by the NSW Acid Sulfate Soils Management Advisory Committee and adopted for the time being by the Director-General.
actual acid sulfate soils means soils:
(a)  containing highly acidic soil horizons or layers resulting from the aeration of soil materials that are rich in iron sulfides, and
(b)  the soil material of which has a pH of 4 or less when measured in dry season conditions.
advertisement means the display of symbols, messages or other devices for promotional purposes or for conveying information, instructions, directions or the like, whether or not the display includes the erection of a structure or the carrying out of a work.
amusement centre means a building or place used for the purpose of providing entertainment by means of video machines, pinball machines, pool tables and the like.
archaeological site means a site described in Schedule 3 and identified on the heritage conservation map.
bed and breakfast establishment means a dwelling house that:
(a)  provides temporary overnight accommodation for travellers, and
(b)  offers at least breakfast for guests, and
(c)  does not utilise more than three bedrooms for guest accommodation, and
(d)  does not contain facilities in rooms for the preparation of meals by guests, and
(e)  is not used for the permanent or long-term accommodation of any persons other than those, and the family of those, who operate and manage the facility and who normally reside in the dwelling.
boarding house means a building or place:
(a)  where accommodation, meals and laundry facilities are provided, for payment, to the residents of the building or place, and
(b)  which is not licensed to sell liquor under the Liquor Act 1982.
boating industry facilities means buildings, structures or facilities used primarily for the construction, maintenance, repair, sale or hire of boats or other vessels, but does not include a marina.
boat shed means a single storey building or other structure that is used solely for the storage and routine maintenance of a boat or boats and that has a direct connection with the waterway.
brothel means premises used for the purposes of prostitution, that is, the engaging in sexual activity by persons for payment. Premises may constitute a brothel even though used by only one prostitute for the purposes of prostitution.
building height means the greatest distance measured vertically from any point on the roof of a building (excluding chimneys, vents, lift towers and other service installations) to the ground level as it was on 22 January 1982.
bushfire hazard reduction means the reduction or modification (by burning, mechanical or manual means) of material that constitutes a bushfire hazard.
carparking facility means a building or place used for parking vehicles, and any manoeuvring space and access to it, whether operated for gain or not.
car repair station means a building or place used for the purpose of carrying out repairs to motor vehicles.
child care centre means a building or place used for the purpose of supervising or caring for children which:
(a)  caters for six or more children under 6 years of age, whether or not those children are related to the owner or operator of the building or place, and
(b)  may include an educational function, and
(c)  may operate for the purpose of gain,
but does not include a building or place providing residential care for those children.
club means a building or place used by persons associated, or by a body incorporated, for social, literary, political, sporting, athletic or other lawful purposes and which is, or is intended to be, registered under the Registered Clubs Act 1976.
commercial premises means a building or place used as an office or for other business or commercial purposes, but does not include a building or place elsewhere specifically defined in this Schedule or a building or place used for a purpose specifically defined elsewhere in this Schedule.
community centre means a building or place owned or occupied by the Council where public services and amenities are provided, and includes public libraries, public halls, exhibition spaces, public buildings, places of public worship, health and welfare services, rest rooms, meeting rooms, club rooms, indoor recreation facilities, occasional child-minding services, restaurants, housing for elderly persons, and carparking, shops and commercial premises where provided in relation to that building or place.
community land means land classified as community land within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993.
conservation plan means a document establishing the heritage significance of a heritage item or a heritage conservation area and identifying conservation policies and management mechanisms that are appropriate to enable that significance to be retained.
Council means Mosman Municipal Council.
demolish a heritage item or a building, work, relic or place within a heritage conservation area means wholly or partly destroy or dismantle the heritage item or building, work, relic, or place.
demolition means the total or partial destruction, dismantling or removal of a building and includes decontamination or rehabilitation of a site.
destruction of a tree means any activity leading to the death, disfigurement or mutilation of the tree.
dormer window means a window in the roof plane which measures no more than 25% of the width of the roof in that plane.
dwelling means a room or suite of rooms occupied or used or so constructed or adapted as to be capable of being occupied or used as a separate domicile.
dwelling house means a building which contains one, but not more than one, dwelling on its own allotment.
educational establishment means a building used as a school, college, technical college, academy, lecture hall, gallery or museum, but does not include a building used wholly or principally as an institution or child care centre.
emergency work means the repair or replacement of any part of existing public works due to damage by natural disaster, accident, vandalism or malfunction, and includes work reasonably necessary to prevent or limit any further damage or malfunction.
floorspace ratio means the ratio of the gross floor area of a building to the area of the site on which the building is or is proposed to be erected.
foreshore building line is the line shown as the foreshore building line on the foreshore protection map.
foreshore protection map means the map marked “Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 9)—Foreshore Protection Map”, as amended by the maps, or sheets of maps, marked as follows:
Editorial note—
The amending maps are not necessarily listed in the order of gazettal. Information about the order of gazettal can be determined by referring to the Historical notes at the end of the plan.
Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 12)—Foreshore Building Line
foreshore scenic protection area means that area indicated by red cross-hatching on the foreshore protection map.
gross floor area means the sum of the areas of each floor of a building where the area of each floor is taken to be the area within the outer face of the external enclosing walls as measured at a height of 1400 millimetres above each floor, excluding:
(a)  the floor area of lift towers and motor rooms, and
(b)  where a dwelling house or a semi-detached dwelling is the only dwelling on the allotment, garage floor area not exceeding that of two standard garages (for a dwelling house) or that of one standard garage (for a semi-detached dwelling), and
(c)  where paragraph (b) does not apply, the floor area of any parking needed to meet any requirement of the Council, and
(d)  space for the loading and unloading of goods to meet the requirements of the Council.
For the purposes of this definition, a standard garage has a floor area of 18 square metres, which is taken to be a development standard to which State Environmental Planning Policy No 1—Development Standards may apply.
heritage assessment means an assessment (prepared in accordance with the provisions of the publication Heritage Assessments published by the Heritage Council and the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning) of the level of heritage significance of a heritage item and its setting and any heritage conservation area, and may or may not include a management strategy for the ongoing conservation of the item or area.
heritage conservation area means land (including buildings, works, relics, trees and places situated on or within the land) shown edged heavy blue on the heritage conservation map and listed in Schedule 2A.
heritage conservation map means the map marked “Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 1)—Heritage Conservation”, as amended by the maps, or sheets of maps, marked as follows:
Editorial note—
The amending maps are not necessarily listed in the order of gazettal. Information about the order of gazettal can be determined by referring to the Historical notes at the end of the plan.
Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 11)—Sheet 2
Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 14)
Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 19)
heritage item means a building, work, relic, tree or place described in Schedule 2 and identified on the heritage conservation map.
heritage significance means historic, scientific, cultural, social, archaeological, architectural, natural or aesthetic significance.
home business means a business or a professional practice carried out, or partially carried out, in a dwelling house or within an allotment which contains a dwelling house, but only if:
(a)  the business or practice is undertaken by the permanent residents, and
(b)  not more than two non-residents are employed at any time by the business or practice, and
(c)  the business or practice does not interfere with the amenity of adjoining properties or the locality by reason of the emission of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, waste water, waste products, grit or oil, or otherwise, and
(d)  the business or practice does not involve the display of goods, whether in a window or otherwise, and
(e)  the business or practice does not involve the exhibition of any notice, advertisement or sign (other than a notice, advertisement or sign exhibited on the dwelling house to indicate the name and occupation of the resident), and
(f)  the business or practice does not involve the sale of items (whether goods or materials) or the exposure or offer for sale of items, by retail, and
(g)  the business or practice is not carried on in a brothel.
home occupation means an occupation carried on in a dwelling house by the permanent residents of the dwelling house which does not involve:
(a)  prostitution, or
(b)  the registration of the building under the Factories, Shops and Industries Act 1962, or
(c)  the employment of persons other than those residents, or
(d)  interference with the amenity of the neighbourhood by reason of the emission of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, waste water, waste products, grit or oil, or otherwise, or
(e)  the display of goods, whether in a window or otherwise, or
(f)  the exhibition of any notice, advertisement or sign (other than a notice, advertisement or sign exhibited on the dwelling house to indicate the name and occupation of the resident), or
(g)  the sale of items (whether goods or materials) or the exposure or offer for sale of items, by retail.
hospital means a building or place used for providing professional health care services (such as preventative or convalescent care, diagnosis, medical or surgical treatment, care for people with developmental disabilities, psychiatric care or counselling and services provided by health care professionals) to people admitted as in-patients (whether or not out-patients are also cared for or treated there), and includes:
(a)  ancillary facilities for the accommodation of nurses or other health care workers, ancillary shops or refreshment rooms and ancillary accommodation for persons receiving health care or for their visitors, and
(b)  facilities situated in the building or at the place and used for educational or research purposes, whether or not they are used only by hospital staff or health care workers, and whether or not any such use is a commercial use.
hotel means premises for the lawful operation of which a hotelier’s licence is required under the Liquor Act 1982.
kiosk means a building or place in a recreation area used for the sale of take-away food and beverages.
landscaped area means any open or vacant area within a site, being an area designed, constructed or adapted for outdoor living or outdoor recreation that is suitable for vegetation and able to sustain vegetation growth, but does not include driveways, parking areas, drying yards or other service areas, swimming pools, tennis courts, undercroft areas, balconies, rooftop gardens, terraces, decks, verandahs and the like.
light industry means an industry, not being an offensive or hazardous industry, in which the processes carried on, the transportation involved or the machinery or materials used do not interfere with the amenity of the neighbourhood by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, waste water, waste products, grit or oil, or otherwise.
local significance means, in relation to a place, building, work, relic, moveable object or precinct, the significance to an area in relation to the historical, scientific, cultural, social, archaeological, architectural, natural or aesthetic value of the item.
lopping means cutting between branch unions or at internodes on young trees.
maintenance means the ongoing protective care of a heritage item or a building, work, relic or place within a heritage conservation area, but does not include alterations, the painting of face brickwork or stone or the introduction of new materials or technology.
map means a map kept at the office of the Council.
marina means a permanent boat storage facility with fewer than 30 berths located on the waterway with support facilities on an adjoining area of land or the waterway, and includes any single mooring or multiple mooring managed in association with the facility and in its vicinity.
marine sales and service centre means a building or place used or intended for use for any one or more of the following purposes:
(a)  the sale by retail of marine craft, equipment and accessories or the hiring of marine craft, equipment or accessories,
(b)  the repair and maintenance of marine craft, equipment and accessories.
minor excavation work means new work carried out by a public authority that does not disturb soil more than one metre below the existing ground level, such as the provision of surface irrigation for landscaping.
motel means premises used for the temporary or short-term accommodation of travellers, but (in a development control table) does not include premises elsewhere defined in this Schedule.
motor showroom means a building or place used for the display or sale of motor vehicles, caravans or boats, whether or not accessories are also sold or displayed at the building or place.
multiple dwellings means two or more dwellings, whether attached or not.
operational land means land classified as operational land within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993.
original estate road means a road described in Schedule 4.
place of assembly means a public hall, theatre, cinema, music hall, concert hall, dance hall, open air theatre, drive-in theatre, music bowl or any other building of a like character used as such, whether used for the purpose of gain or not, but does not include a place of public worship or an educational establishment.
place of public worship means a building or place used for the purpose of religious worship by a congregation or religious group, whether or not the building or place is also used for counselling, social events, instruction or religious training.
potential acid sulfate soils means soils:
(a)  that are waterlogged and contain iron sulfides or sulfidic material that has not been exposed to air and oxidised, and
(b)  that have a pH of 4 or more, and
(c)  that will become severely acidic when exposed to air and oxidised.
potential archaeological site means a site known to the consent authority to have archaeological potential.
prune means the following activities as specified in Australian Standard AS 4373–1996, “Pruning of Amenity Trees:
(a)  crown maintenance pruning involving:
(i)  general pruning,
(ii)  thinning,
(iii)  deadwooding,
(iv)  selective pruning,
(v)  formative pruning,
(b)  crown modification pruning involving:
(i)  reduction pruning,
(ii)  crown lifting,
(iii)  pollarding,
(iv)  remedial pruning,
(v)  line clearance.
recreation area means:
(a)  a children’s playground,
(b)  an area used for sporting activities or sporting facilities,
(c)  an area used by the Council to provide recreational facilities for the physical, cultural or intellectual welfare of the community, and
(d)  an area used by a body of persons associated for the purposes of the physical, cultural or intellectual welfare of the community to provide recreational facilities for those purposes,
but does not include a racecourse or a showground.
recreation facility means a building or place used for indoor or outdoor sporting, recreational or leisure activities, whether or not operated for the purpose of gain, but (in a development control table) does not include a building or place elsewhere defined in this Schedule.
recycling drop-off centre means a building or place used for collecting and temporarily storing second-hand or scrap materials for the purpose of their transfer for recycling.
relic means any deposit, object or material evidence (which may include human remains) relating to:
(a)  the use or settlement of Mosman, not being Aboriginal habitation, which is more than 50 years old, or
(b)  Aboriginal habitation of Mosman whether before or after its occupation by persons of non-Aboriginal extraction.
removal of a tree means to cut down, take away or transplant a tree from its place of origin.
restaurant means a building or place, the principal purpose of which is the provision of food to people for consumption on the premises.
routine maintenance means the periodic inspection, cleaning, repair and replacement of existing public works, but does not include work that would result in an increase in the design capacity of any part of the works or necessitate the deepening of any existing works below the existing ground level.
semi-detached dwelling means a dwelling on its own allotment which is attached to not more than one other dwelling.
service station means a building or place used for the fuelling of motor vehicles involving the sale by retail of petrol, oil and other petroleum products whether or not the building or place is also used for any one or more of the following purposes:
(a)  the sale by retail of spare parts and accessories for motor vehicles,
(b)  washing and greasing of motor vehicles,
(c)  installation of accessories,
(d)  repairing and servicing of motor vehicles involving the use of hand tools (other than repairing and servicing which involves top overhaul of motors, body building, panel beating, spray painting, or suspension, transmission or chassis restoration).
shop means a building or place used for the purpose of selling items (whether goods or materials), whether by retail or auction, or for hiring or displaying them for the purpose of selling or hiring them.
State significance means, in relation to a place, building, work, relic, moveable object or precinct, the significance to the State in relation to the historical, scientific, cultural, social, archaeological, architectural, natural or aesthetic value of the item.
statement of heritage impact means a statement (prepared in accordance with the provisions of the publication Statement of Heritage Impact published by the Heritage Council and the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning) which assesses the impact of proposed development on the heritage significance of a heritage item and its setting and any heritage conservation areas within which it is situated, and outlines measures proposed to minimise any identified impact.
storey means:
(a)  the space between two floors,
(b)  the space between any floor and its ceiling or roof above, and
(c)  building foundation areas, garages, workshops, storerooms and the like, where the height between existing ground level and the top of the floor above is 1.5 metres or more.
A storey which exceeds 4.5 metres in height is counted as two storeys.
stormwater quality improvement device means a device designed to capture pollutants.
streetscape means (for the purposes of Schedule 2) the road reserve, including street trees, and any footpath.
topping of a tree means cutting away part or all of the tree canopy leaving a trunk and stubbed main branches.
tree means a live perennial plant with at least one self-supporting woody or fibrous stem, being any species, type or description of tree within the local government area of Mosman whether indigenous, exotic or introduced which:
(a)  is 5 metres or more in height, or
(b)  in the case of heritage conservation areas is 2 metres or more in height, or
(c)  has a girth diameter of greater than 350 millimetres measured 1 metre above ground level,
but does not include Privet, Oleander, Prunus, Umbrella trees, Cotoneaster, Hibiscus, Rubber trees, all Citrus trees, Mulberry trees, Paw paw, Loquat, Wild olive and Camphor laurels that are less than 15 metres tall unless listed on the Council’s Significant Tree Register.
utility installation means a building or work used for a public utility undertaking, but does not include a building used wholly or principally for administration or as business premises, or a showroom, workshop or depot.
vegetation means trees, shrubs and understorey plants.
wall height means the vertical distance between the top of the eaves at the wall line (excluding dormer windows that are no more than 25% of the width of the roof plane and gable ends), parapet or flat roof (not including a chimney) whichever is the highest, and the existing ground level (at 22 January 1982) immediately below that point.
water table means the level below which the ground is saturated.
zoning map means the map marked “Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998—Zone Index”, as amended by the maps, or sheets of maps, marked as follows:
Editorial note—
The amending maps are not necessarily listed in the order of gazettal. Information about the order of gazettal can be determined by referring to the Historical notes at the end of the plan.
Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 3)
Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 4)
Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 5)—Queenwood Sites
Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 6)—Wolger Road
Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 7)
Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 8)
Mosman Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 11)—Sheet 1
sch 1: Am 5.11.1999; 25.2.2000; 14.7.2000; 3.11.2000; 23.2.2001; 18.5.2001; 28.9.2001; 22.2.2002; 19.7.2002; 27.9.2002; 24.1.2003; 24.10.2003; 14.11.2003.
Schedule 2 Heritage items
(Clauses 33 and 34 and Schedule 1)
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Column 5
Street No
Property description
Name of item
Level of significance
Alexander Avenue
Lot 11 DP 609320
Electrical Substation No 206
Alexander Avenue
Lot 10 DP 876965
Mosman Private Hospital
Almora Street, corner Redan Lane (also known as Upper Almora Street)
Lot 1 DP 455991
Lot 2 DP 455991
Lot 1 Sec B DP 2420
Archer Street and Keston Avenue
Road Reserve
Archer Street/Keston Avenue Divided road and steps
Avenue Road and Park Avenue
Part Reid Park Lot 7078 DP 93732
Lot 1 DP 172712
Mosman Bay Aqueduct/Footbridge
Avenue Road, Centenary Drive, Harnett Avenue and Park Avenue
Reid Park
Avenue Road
Lot C DP 396388 Lot 2 DP 852696
Mosman Wharf
Avenue Road
Around head of Mosman Bay
Mosman Bay Seawall
Avenue Road
SP 34299 SP 46000 SP 32177
‘Monterey’, Flats
Avenue Road
Lot 1 DP 929358
‘The Barn’, Scout Hall
Avenue Road
13, 15 & 17
Lot 11 DP 816398 Lot 1 DP 579508 Lot 31 Sec 1 DP 3025
Group of 3 houses
Avenue Road
Lot 2 DP 739916
‘Avenue Cottage’, stone cottage, now offices
Avenue Road
67 & 67A
SP 11064 Lot A DP 155250
Group of 2 blocks of flats
Avenue Road
SP 1332
Avenue Road
SP 47862
House at front of block
Avenue Road
Lot A DP 337398
‘Hillcrest’, House
Avenue Road
SP 31737
Pair of shops with dwellings above
Avenue Road
131, 133 & 135
Lot C DP 444898 Lot B DP 444898 Lot A DP 444898
Group of 3 shops
Avenue Road, corner Shadforth Street
SP 3986
‘Casa Blanca’, Flats
Avenue Road, corner Shadforth Street
Lot B DP 346287 SP 20663
‘Pinegrove’, Flats
Avenue Road
SP 13111
Awaba Street
Road Reserve
Awaba Street, Divided road
Awaba Street
Lot 1 DP 983765
Awaba Street, corner Congewoi Road
Lot 1 DP 184409
Electrical Substation No 372
Badham Avenue and Mosman Street
Road Reserve
Badham Street/Mosman Street, Divided road
Ballantyne Street
Road Reserve
Street trees
Ballantyne Street
Lot B DP 338771
‘Buona’, Flats
Balmoral Avenue
Road Reserve
Balmoral Avenue, Divided road
Balmoral Avenue
Lot A DP 406997
Bapaume Road and Mitchell Road
Bapaume Road/Mitchell Road Steps
Bapaume Road, corner Amiens Avenue
SP 2569
Bay Street
Road Reserve
Bay Street, Divided road and Steps
Bay Street
Lot 2 DP 807131
Bayview Avenue/Gordon Street
Road Reserve
Bayview Avenue/Gordon Street, Divided road
Beaconsfield Road and Coronation Avenue
Bungaree Lane Steps
Beauty Point Road and Bay Street
Road Reserve
Beauty Point Road/Bay Street, Divided road
Beauty Point Road
Road Reserve
Beauty Point Road, Divided road
Beauty Point Road and Delecta Avenue
Lot 111 DP 10912
Hughes Steps
Beauty Point Foreshore Reserve
Lot 7070 DP 752067
Beauty Point Foreshore Reserve
Belmont Road
SP 45890
‘Windsor’ Flats
Belmont Road
Lot 8 DP 3440
Lot 9 DP 3440
Scots Kirk Group
Belmont Road (also known as 26A Gouldsbury Street)
Lot 12 DP 1008638
Mosman Bowling Club
Belmont Road
Lot 1 Sec A DP 4252 Lot 2
Sec A DP 4252 Lot 1 DP 134181
Mosman Uniting Church and Hall
Belmont Road (rear of/also known as 339 Military Road)
Lot 1 DP 749496
‘Alma’, Former house, now offices
Bickell Road
Road Reserve
Bickell Road, Steep Divided road
Bickell Road (corner Ryrie Street, also known as 1 Ryrie Street)
Lots 1 & 2 DP 7961
Bickell Road, corner Bullecourt Avenue
Lot 7 DP 393876 Lot 8 DP 393876 Lot 12 DP 393876
‘Bolwarra’, House
Bickell Road
Lot A DP 408882
Bloxome Lane
Bloxome Lane Steps
Bond Street
33 & 35
Lot 32 DP 553801 Lot 31 DP 553801
Pair of attached houses
Boyle/Lower Boyle Street
Boyle/Lower Boyle Street, Divided road
Boyle Street
Lot 16 Sec E DP 2638
Boyle Street, corner Spofforth Street
Lot 2 Sec A DP 2365 Lot 3 Sec A DP 2365
‘Montylene’, House
Boyle Street
Road Reserve
Boyle Street Steps
Bradleys Head Road
Road reserve between Union Street and Whiting Beach Road
Street trees
Bradleys Head Road, Taronga Zoo
Lot 22 DP 843294
Upper Entrance Gate Lower Entrance Gate Elephant House Aviary Floral Clock
Bradleys Head Road
Lot 22 DP 843294 Taronga Zoo Carpark
Taronga Bus Shelter and Office
Bradleys Head Road
SP 556
House, divided into 4 flats
Bradleys Head Road
Lot 1 DP 926002
‘Rana’, House
Bradleys Head Road
12 & 16
Lot 1 DP 550330 Lot A DP 407352
Pair of houses
Bradleys Head Road
Lot 2 DP 214598
Bradleys Head Road
Lot 1 DP 901105
‘Leesthorpe’, House
Bradleys Head Road, corner Thompson Street
Lot 1 DP 614540
‘Lochwinnock’, House
Bradleys Head Road
Lot B DP 415734
Bradleys Head Road
DP 921008 DP 938207
Bradleys Head Road, corner Union Street
Pt 1 DP 3715 Pt 2 DP 3715
‘Strathairlie’, House
Bradleys Head Road
Lot 4 DP 456195
‘Gooyang’, House
Bradleys Head Road
Lot A DP 957002
‘Nagoya Castle’, House
Bradleys Head Road
Lot B DP 957002
‘Westmeath’, House
Bradleys Head Road, corner Ellamatta Avenue
Pt 1 DP 3479
Presbytery (Blessed Sacrament Church)
Bradleys Head Road
Lot 36 DP 3627 Lot 37 DP 3627
Blessed Sacrament Church
Bradleys Head Road, corner Effingham Street
Lot 10 DP 875220
‘Trelawney’, House
Bradleys Head Road
Lot 1 DP 781262
Mosman Police Station
Bray Street
Road Reserve
Bray Street, Divided road
Bray Street
Lot 31 DP 3985
‘Bray Cottage’, House
Brierley Street
Lot 2 DP 213091
Cartref Park
Brierley Street, corner Cartref Lane
Lot 1 DP 213091
‘Cartref’, House
Brierley Street
Lot 39 Sec C DP 2509 Lot 40 Sec C DP 2509
‘Hawlock’, House and garden
Brierley Street
SP 62759
‘Brierwood’, Flats
Buena Vista Avenue
Lot 1 DP 956163
Buena Vista Avenue
Lot C DP 922541
‘Urunga’, House
Buena Vista Avenue
Lot 2 DP 314165
Buena Vista Avenue
Lot 1 DP 135538
‘Curraweena’, House
Buena Vista Avenue
Lot 2 DP 181356
‘Kew Place’, House
Buena Vista Avenue
12 & 14
Lot 2 DP 187227 Lot 1 DP 187227
Pair of houses ‘Airlie’ (No 12)
Bullecourt Avenue
Road Reserve
Bullecourt Avenue, Divided road
Bullecourt Avenue
Lot B DP 408882
Burran Avenue
Road Reserve
Burran Avenue, Divided road
Burrawong Avenue and Clifton Street
Road Reserve
Burrawong Avenue/Clifton Street, Divided road
Burrawong Avenue and Illuka Road
Burrawong Avenue/Illuka Road Steps
Burrawong Avenue
Lot 9 Sec 4 DP 2395
Burrawong Avenue
Lot 6 Sec 5 DP 6294
Cabban Street
Cabban Street, Divided road
Cabramatta Road
39 & 41
Lot 17 Sec 3 DP 2311 Lot 16 Sec 3 DP 2311
Group of 2 Houses ‘Feldwick’ (No 39)
Calypso Avenue
Road Reserve
Calypso Avenue, Divided road
Calypso Avenue, corner Magic Grove
Lot B DP 381265
Calypso Avenue
Lot 2 DP 363188
Electrical Substation No 794
Cardinal Street
13 & 15
Lot 1 DP 115784 SP 21691
Group of 2 houses
Carrington Avenue/Inkerman Street
Quakers Hat Baths Remnant
Carrington Avenue/Inkerman Street
Carrington Avenue/Quakers Hat Bay Steps
Carrington Avenue
Lot B DP 329365
Centenary Drive (off Harnett Avenue)
Between Harnett Park and Mosman Marina
Mosman Rowing Club
Central Avenue
SP 10936
Central Avenue
13 & 15
Lots 10 & 11 DP 4000
Group of 2 houses
Chowder Bay Road
Lot 2 DP 831153
Army Maritime School
Chowder Bay Road
Lot 2 DP 831153
Naval Caretakers Quarters
Chowder Bay Road
Lot 2 DP 831153
Original Naval Fuel Storage Tanks
Clanalpine Street
Road Reserve
Clanalpine Street, Divided road
Clanalpine Street
Lot 6 DP 60889
Clanalpine Street
Lot 24 DP 738552
Clanalpine Street
Lot 1 DP 972665 Lot 4 DP 455961
House, in the form of a terrace pair
Clanalpine Street
Lot 1 DP 38132
Clifton Gardens Reserve, Morella Road
Clifton Gardens Reserve
Clifton Gardens Reserve, Morella Road
Chowder Bay
Wharf and Pool in Clifton Gardens Reserve
Clifton Gardens Reserve, Morella Road
Sewage Pumping Station No 54
Congewoi Lane/Macpherson Street
Congewoi Lane Steps
Cowles Road (corner Wolger Road, also Ballantyne Street)
Memory Park
Cowles Road (Military Road to Belmont Road)
Road Reserve
Street trees
Cowles Road, corner Glover Street
Lot B DP 382320
‘Rivergaro’, House
Cowles Road, corner Belmont Road (also known as 40 Belmont Road)
Lot 1 DP 310154
‘Waveney’, House
Cowles Road
42, 44 & 46
Lot C DP 915583 Lot B DP 915583 Lot A DP 915583
Group of 3 houses
Cowles Road (also known as 89B Cowles Road)
Lot 4 DP 536939
‘The Whitehouse’, former house now offices
The Crescent
Lot 46 Sec 1 DP 3513 Pt Lot 45 Sec 1 DP 3513
‘Omaha’, house
Cross Street
Lot 875 DP 752067 Lot 7062 DP 752067
Rawson Park
Cross Street, Rawson Park
The Grandstand
Cross Street, Rawson Park
The Keith Anderson Memorial
Cross Street, Rawson Park
The Scotland Australia Cairn
Cross Street
Road Reserve
Street trees
Cross Street
Lot 1 DP 962910
‘Glasslyn’, house
Crux Lane
Crux Lane
Cyprian Street
Cyprian Street Steep, divided road
Dalton Road
Road Reserve
Road pavement— Dalton Road
Dalton Road
Lot 12 DP 605556
‘Killarney’, former House, now part of retirement village
Dalton Road
Lot 9 DP 5745
‘Clementine’, House
Dalton Road
Lot 1 DP 505766
‘Coromandel’, House
Dalton Road, corner Cowles Road
Lot 30 DP 5745
David Street
Road Reserve
Stone kerb
Dugald Road
Dugald Road, Divided road
Effingham Street
Lot 1 DP 131592
Effingham Street
Lot 1 DP 901619
Elfrida Street/Sirius Cove Road
Elfrida Street Steps
Ellamatta Avenue
1, 3 & 5
Lot 111 DP 884230 Lot 1 DP 927200 Lot 1 DP 931380
Group of 3 houses
Erith Street
Lot 5 DP 4103
‘Aotea Roa’, House
The Esplanade
Balmoral Beach, including Edwards Beach
The Esplanade
Balmoral Beach Baths
The Esplanade
Balmoral Beach Promenade
The Esplanade
Balmoral Boatshed—site only
The Esplanade
Bathers Pavilion
The Esplanade
Balmoral Baths Pavilion
The Esplanade
Lot 7125 DP 1006491
Bus Terminus Office and Shelter
The Esplanade
Clem Morath Pool
The Esplanade
Edwards Beach Shark Net
The Esplanade
Bounded by Hunter Road, The Esplanade, Almora Street and Park Lane
Hunter Park, Western Section
The Esplanade
Balmoral Beach Rotunda
The Esplanade
Rocky Point Footbridge and Park Walkway
The Esplanade
Sewage Pumping Stations Nos 69 & 70
Fairfax Road and Burran Avenue
Fairfax Road/Burran Avenue Steps
Gladstone Avenue, corner Keston Avenue
SP 11102
‘Astor’ Flats
Glencarron Avenue
Lot 2 DP 858379
‘Iorana’ House
Glover Street
Lot 12 Sec 2 DP 2311
Glover Street
82 & 84
Lot 1 DP 926574 Lot 2 DP 926574
Pair of houses
Glover Street
SP 16064
Glover Street
88–90, & 92–94
Lot B DP 394431 Lot A DP 394431 Lot A DP 387796 Lot B DP 387796
2 pairs of semi-detached houses
Gordon Street
5, 7, 9, 11, 13 & 15
Lot D DP 442432 Lot C DP 442432 Lot B DP 442432 Lot A DP 442432 Lot 4 DP 550493 Lot 3 DP 550493
Group of 3 pairs of semi detached houses
Gordon Street
Lot 2 Sec A DP 1398
Gouldsbury Street
Lot 11 DP 1008638
Mosman Primary School
Gouldsbury Street
20, 22, 24, 26 & 28
Lot A DP 444702 Lot B DP 444702 Lot 3 DP 504882 Lot 4 DP 504882 Lot 1 DP 618222
Group of 5 houses
Gouldsbury Street
Lot 8 Sec 4 DP 3513 Lot 9 Sec 4 DP 3513
The Manse (Scots Kirk)
Gouldsbury Street
34, 36, 38 & 40
Lot 7 Sec 4 DP 3513 Lot 1 DP 523340 Lot 2 DP 523340 Lot 5 Sec 4 DP 3513
Group of 4 houses
The Grove
Lot 2 DP 329738
Hale Road
Lot 2 Sec 2 DP 3308
‘The Cottage’, Arts Education Centre
Hale Road
12A & 14
Lot 3 DP 831351 Lot 1 DP 831351
‘Oreel’ (14) House with stone fence and garden Stone fence (12A)
Hamlet Lane
Hamlet Lane
Hampden Street
Hampden Street, Divided road
Hampden Street and Warringah Road
Hampden Street/Warringah Road Steps
Harbour Street
6 & 6A
Lot 1 DP 200884 Lot 2 DP 200884
Semi-detached houses
Harnett Avenue
Off Harnett Park
Mosman Amateur Sailing Club
Harston Avenue
Harston Avenue Steps and landscaping
Heydon Street
Heydon Street, Divided road
Holt Avenue
Holt Avenue, Divided road
Holt Avenue
Holt Avenue, Street trees
Hopetoun Avenue
Road Reserve
Hopetoun Avenue, Divided road
Hopetoun Avenue
Lot 10 DP 3793
Hopetoun Avenue
Lot B DP 316976
Illawarra Street
Illawarra Street Steps and unformed road
Illawarra Street
Lot B DP 411026
Illawarra Street
Lot 2 DP 220603
Illuka Road
Road Reserve
Illuka Road, Divided road
Illuka Road and Burrawong Avenue
Illuka Road, Steps to Sydney Harbour National Park Walk
Illuka Road
Illuka Road Street Works
Illuka Road, corner Morella Road
Pt Lots 19–23
Sec 1 DP 2395
‘The Manor’, House
James King Lane
James King Lane
Kahibah Road and Coronation Avenue
Kahibah Road/Coronation Avenue Steps
Kallaroo Street and Sirius Cove Road
Kallaroo Street Steps
Kardinia Road and Illuka Road
Mary Margaret Lane Steps
Kardinia Road
Lot 20 Sec 3 DP 6294 Lot 21 Sec 3 DP 6294
‘Aneesha’, House
Kardinia Road
Lot 17 Sec 2 DP 2395
Kardinia Road
Lot 11 Sec 3 DP 2395
Kardinia Road, corner Burrawong Avenue
SP 2494 SP 42391 SP 45267
‘Clifton Manor’, House, divided into 3 flats and front gates
Keston Avenue
Lot 1 DP 798679
‘Kiama’, House
Keston Avenue
23–25 & 27–29
Lot 241 DP 619608 Lot 242 DP 619608 Lot B DP 439739 Lot A DP 439739
Group of 2 pairs of semi-detached houses
Killarney Street
Unformed Road Reserve
Killarney Street Steps
Killarney Street, corner Bullecourt Avenue
Lot 18 DP 10956 Lot 2 DP 584593
Kiora Avenue
Road Reserve
Kiora Avenue, Divided road
Kirkoswald Avenue
Road Reserve
Kirkoswald Avenue, Divided road
Kirkoswald Avenue
Lot B DP 376697
‘Kirkoswald House’, House
Koowong Avenue
Lot 15 DP 22694
Kurrawong Lane
Road Reserve
Kurrawong Lane
Lang Street
Road Reserve
Lang Street, Divided road
Lavoni Street
Lot 26 DP 6648
Lavoni Street
Lot 32 DP 6648
Lennox Street
Road Reserve
Lennox Street, Divided road
McLeod Street
Road Reserve
McLeod Street,
Steep divided road
McLeod Street
McLeod Street Steps
Major Street
Road Reserve
Major Street, Divided road
Mandolong Road/Arbutus Street
Mandolong Road/Arbutus Street Steps
Mandolong Road
Lot 12 DP 4022
Mandolong Road
Lot 1 DP 724864
Mandolong Road
Lot 2 DP 85137
Mandolong Road
Lot 56 DP 6314
House and plantings
Mandolong Road
67 & 69
SP 12572
Pair of Flat buildings
Medusa Street
Lot 1 DP 172131
Melrose Street
Lot A2 DP 430090
Electricity Substation No 149
Middle Head Road
Lot 2 DP 604478
AUS AID Training Centre
Middle Head Road
Defence Housing
Middle Head Road and Suakin Drive
Lot 2 DP 831153
Georges Heights Military Barracks Complex
Middle Head Road
Lot 2 DP 831153
Group of Navy Cottages
Middle Head Road
Lot 2 DP 831153
HMAS Penguin Naval Base
Middle Head Road (off Markham Close)
Lot 1 DP 233157
Mosman Scout and Guides Hall
Middle Head Road
Lot 2 DP 604478
10 Terminal Regiment HQ
Middle Head Road
Lot A DP 110449
House and grounds
Middle Head Road
Lot 1 DP 102385
House and grounds
Middle Head Road
Lot 1 DP 541752
House and garden
Middle Head Road
Lot 1 DP 4289
‘Fawley’, House
Middle Head Road, corner Effingham Street
Lot 1 DP 901586
House and grounds
Middle Head Road
43, 45, 47 & 49
Lot E DP 12576 Lot D DP 12576 Lot C DP 12576 Lot B DP 12576
Group of 4 houses
Middle Head Road, corner King Max Street
Pt Y DP 919045
House and ground
Middle Head Road
54, 56, 58 & 60
Lot A DP 438858 Lot B DP 438858 Lot C DP 438858 Lot D DP 438858
Terrace group of 4 dwellings
Middle Head Road
115 & 117
Lot B DP 107003 Lot A DP 107003
Semi-detached houses
Middle Head Road
SP 61182
2-storey facade of 6 shops
Military Road, corner Macpherson Street
Lot 21 DP 666687
Commercial building (former bank)
Military Road, corner Cardinal Street
Lot 1 DP 845743
Sacred Heart Church
Military Road
Lot 211 DP 813624 Lot 212 DP 813624 Lot 13 DP 600250 Lot 14 DP 600250 Lot 5 DP 219883 Lot 61 DP 599894 Lot B DP 440424
8 shops with dwellings above
Military Road, (incl Nos 29–31 The Crescent)
Lot 8 Sec 1 DP 3513 Lot 9 Sec 1 DP 3513 Lot 47 Sec 1 DP 3513 Lot 48 Sec 1 DP 3513
Christian Science Reading Room, Sunday School and Third Church of Christ Scientist
Military Road
Lot 1 DP 739374
‘Boronia’, former house, now restaurant
Military Road, corner Gouldsbury Street
Lot 1 DP 725831
‘Rothesay’, Cafe/shops
Military Road
Lot 1 DP 4022 Lot 1 DP 172814
Former Anzac Memorial Hall
Military Road, corner Beach Lane
SP 53477
House and commercial use
Military Road
Bounded by Military Road, Avenue Road, Gladstone Street and Belmont Road
Mosman High School, group of 2 buildings
Military Road, South corner of Avenue Road
SP 32927
Suite of shops with upstairs dwellings
Military Road
Lot 1 DP 595187 Lot 2 DP 550906 Lot 15 DP 630129 Lot 11 DP 534751 Lot 12 DP 534751 Lot 13 DP 595486 Lot 2 DP 585273 Lot 2 DP 582922
Group of 8 shops with dwellings above
Military Road
Lot 35 DP 224749 Lot 34 DP 224749 Lot 1 DP 514928 Lot 2 DP 514928
‘The Strand’ Shops and upstairs dwellings
Military Road
SP 57270
Shop with dwelling
Milner Street
Milner Street, Divided road
Milner Street
Lot 27 DP 1571
Milton Avenue
5, 7, 9 & 11
Lot 1 DP 921673 Lot 1 DP 971770 Lot 25 DP 3627 Lot 26 DP 456192 Lot B DP 349400 Lot A DP 349400
Group of 4 houses
Mistral Avenue
Lot A DP 956310
Mistral Avenue, corner Magic Grove (also known as 8 Magic Grove)
Lot 4 DP 611597 Lot 1 DP 556986
Morella Road
Road Reserve
Morella Road, Divided road
Morella Road
Sarahs Walk Steps
Morella Road
Steps to Clifton Gardens Reserve
Morella Road (south)
Beside No 1 Morella Road
Morella Road (south) Steps to Clifton Gardens
Morella Road
Lot 3 DP 8543
House and garden
Morella Road
Lot 12 DP 9674
Morella Road
Lot 1 DP 302384
Morella Road and David Street
18 (Morella Road) and 2–12 (David Street)
Lots 333–37 Sec 3 DP 6294, lot 1 DP 304682, lot 39 DP 651524, and lots 40–42 Sec 3 DP 6294
Stone walling to front boundary, historic associations with 6 David Street
Morella Road
Lot 2 DP 583753
‘Cara Mia’, House
Morella Road
Lot 3 DP 583799
‘Vino del Mar’, House
Moruben Road
Road Reserve
Moruben Road, Divided road
Moruben Road, corner Mandolong Road
Lot 1 DP 540317 Lot 2 DP 45675
‘Tower House’, House and stone fence
Moruben Road
Lot B DP 311227
Moruben Road, corner Awaba Road
Lot 23 DP 4021 Lot 24 DP 4021
‘Cora Lynn’, House
Mosman Street
Road Reserve
Mosman Street, Divided road
Mosman Street/Mosman Wharf
Mosman Street Steps to Mosman Wharf
Mosman Street
Walkway to No 13 Mosman Street
Mosman Street
9 & 13
SP 5539 Lot 1 DP 900128
House on No 13, Stone front walls to Nos 9 & 13
Mosman Street
Lot 3 DP 977101
Mosman Street
37 & 39
Lot 2 DP 61223 Lot 1 DP 61223
Terrace-type pair of houses
Moss Lane (off Pearl Bay Avenue)
Road Reserve
Moss Lane
Musgrave Street
Road Reserve
Musgrave Street, Divided road
Musgrave Street/Raglan Street
Herron Walk Steps
Musgrave Street/Raglan Street, unformed part of McLeod Street
McLeod Street, Unformed road section
Musgrave Street
9A, 9B & 11
Lot 2 DP 534080 Lot 1 DP 534080 Lot 1 DP 926798
Group of 2 houses (3 dwellings)
Musgrave Street
Lot B DP 327998
‘Rutledge Lodge’, House
Musgrave Street
Lot 3A DP 449492
Musgrave Street
Lot 2 DP 32915
Historic site
Musgrave Street
Lot A DP 313281
Musgrave Street
Lot 1 DP 326448 (between 52A & 54)
Electricity Substation No 380 and front fence
Muston Street
2 & 4–6
Lot 2 DP 3396 SP 5085
Front fence (stone wall)
Muston Street, corner Almora Street
Lot 21 DP 3953
Muston Street
Lot 29 DP 3953
Muston Street
Lot 111 DP 774079
Myahgah Road, Civic Square
Closed portion of Myahgah Road, outside Mosman Council offices
Leahy Memorial
Myahgah Road, Civic Square
Closed portion of Myahgah Road
The Antico Fountain
Myahgah Road, corner Short Street
Lot 13 DP 2717 Lot 14 DP 2717
Mosman Community Centre
Myahgah Road and The Crescent
Lot 1 DP 919853
Mosman Park— oval and park
Myahgah Road, corner The Crescent
War Memorial and Steps
New Lane
Road Reserve
New Lane
Noble Street (Rear 84 Avenue Road)
Lot 1 DP 115997
Electrical Substation No 207
Nock Lane
Road Reserve
Nock Lane
Orlando Avenue
South end Orlando Avenue
McCauley Outlook— Unformed road
Orlando Avenue
Lot 28 Sec A DP 2365
‘Talarah’, House
Orlando Avenue
Lot D DP 409287 Lot E DP 409287
Oswald Street/Park Avenue
From Oswald/Reginald Streets through to Park Avenue
Oswald Street/Park Avenue Steps
Oswald Street
Lot 26 Sec C DP 2509
House and garden
Ourimbah Road, corner Heydon Street
Lot 67 DP 3994 Lot 68 DP 3994
St Luke’s Anglican Church Group
Ourimbah Road, corner Brady Street
Lot 1 DP 225539 Lot 2 DP 225539 Lot 91 DP 877997 Lot 92 DP 877997 Lot 81 DP 586004 Lot 82 DP 586004 Lot 12 DP 584804 Lot 11 DP 584804 Lot A DP 393858 Lot B DP 393858 Lot A DP 447934 Lot B DP 447934 Lot 1 DP 576982 Lot 2 DP 576982
Group of 7 pairs of semi-detached cottages
Ourimbah Road, corner Rosebery Street
SP 12208
Shops and Flats
Park Avenue
Road Reserve
Park Avenue, Divided road
Park Avenue/Avenue Road
Park Avenue/Avenue Road Steps
Park Avenue
SP 8031
Parriwi Park
Lot 263 DP 752067
Parriwi Park
Parriwi Road/Kiora Avenue
Between 17 & 19 Parriwi Road (through to Kiora Avenue)
Barney Kearns Steps
Parriwi Road
Burkes Steps
Parriwi Road
Bus shelter
Parriwi Road
Middle Harbour Sewerage Syphon
Parriwi Road
Lot 3 DP 17697 Lot 4 DP 17697
House and Garden
Parriwi Road
53B & 53
Lot 1 DP 800420 Lot 2 DP 800420
Rosherville Lighthouse
Pearl Bay Avenue/Delecta Avenue (Marsala Street)
Pearl Bay Avenue/Delecta Avenue (Marsala Street) Steps
Pearl Bay, Middle Harbour
Houseboat No 3
Pearl Bay Avenue
Lot 26 DP 8492
Pearl Bay Avenue, corner Moss Lane
Lot 29 DP 8492
‘Atherton’, House
Pretoria Avenue
Pretoria Avenue Steps
Prince Albert Street
Road Reserve
Prince Albert Street, Divided road
Prince Albert Street
Lot 2 DP 601067
Prince Albert Street
5 & 7
Lot 1 DP 601067 Lot 1 DP 902590
Pair of houses
Prince Albert Street
Lot 1 DP 932354
‘Candida’, House
Prince Albert Street
Lot A DP 389110
‘Ardagh’, House
Prince Albert Street
21 & 23
Lot 1 DP 901720 Lot D DP 435443
Pair of houses
Prince Albert Street
Lot 11 DP 8397
‘Araluen Heights’, House
Prince Albert Street
Lot 2 DP 105546
Prince Albert Street, corner Union Street
Lot 1 DP 983943
Prince Albert Street
Lot 1 DP 900685
‘Ravenstan’, House
Prince Albert Street
SP 14335
‘Alameda’ Flats
Prince Albert Street, corner Queen Street
Lot 2 DP 208058
Prince Albert Street
Lot 11 DP 455964 Lot 12 DP 976424
Prince Albert Street, corner Raglan Street
SP 22664
Group of shops with dwellings above
Prince Lane
Road Reserve
Prince Lane
Prince Street
Lot 1 DP 590014
Prince Street
46, 48 & 50
Lot 1 DP 100298 Lot 1 DP 922508 Lot 1 DP 925077
Group of 3 houses
Prince Street
SP 9101
‘Clumba Court’, Flats
Pulpit Lane
Pulpit Lane Steps to Beauty Point Foreshores Walk
Punch Street
Lot 1 DP 918187
‘Hendon’, House
Quakers Road
Quakers Road steps
Queen Street, corner Milton Avenue
Lot 5–8 DP 3627 Lot 1 DP 212571 Lot 1 DP 205962
Blessed Sacrament School
Queen Street
Lot 1 DP 791997
Queenwood School for Girls
Queen Street, corner Clanalpine Street
Lot 1 DP 981534
Group of 5 dwellings
18–20, 22–24
Lot 4 DP 522939 Lot 3 DP 522939 Lot 2 DP 504566 Lot 1 DP 504566
Raglan Street
Road Reserve
Raglan Street, Divided road
Raglan Street/Botanic Road
O’Neil Walk
Raglan Street
Raglan Street Steps and Pedestrian Walkway
Raglan Street
SP 45081
‘The Castle’, Flats
Raglan Street
5, 7, 9 & 11
Lot 1 DP 104765
Lot 1 DP 540158
Lot 2 DP 540158
Lot 1 DP 922602
Group of 4 houses
Raglan Street
SP 1450
Raglan Street
Lot Y DP 420568
‘Ythanbank’, House (formerly known as ‘Boxmoor Flats’)
Raglan Street
Lot 1 DP 919852
‘Bareena’, House
Raglan Street
Lot 1 DP 919407
‘Abington’, House
Raglan Street
Lot B DP 386795
Raglan Street
Lot 4 Sec A DP 975490
Raglan Street
Lot 1 DP 372612
60A, 60C
Lot 2 DP 372612 SP 4485
Group of 4 blocks of flats
Lot 3 DP 372612
Raglan Street, corner Mosman Street
Lot 1 DP 115014
Raglan Street
81 & 83
Lot 1 DP 741186 Lot 1 DP 197870
Pair of houses
Raglan Street, corner Queen Street
SP 42325
House (divided into 2 dwellings)
Raglan Street, corner Queen Street
Lot 2 DP 214008
Raglan Street
Lot 1 DP 917951
‘Jesmond’, House
Raglan Street
SP 16281
House, divided into 4 flats
Raglan Street
Lot 1 DP 78583
Raglan Street, corner Canrobert Street
St Clement’s Anglican Church and Rectory
Raglan Street, corner Muston Street
SP 16768
Raglan Street
156 & 158
Lot 1 DP 101878 Lot 23 DP 928094
Group of 2 houses
Raglan Street
Lots 1, 8 & 9, DP 285582
‘Tregoyd’, House and garden
Raglan Street
Lot 1 DP 970473
Raglan Street, corner Redan Street
200 (also known as 200A)
Lot 1 DP 917840
‘Boondabah’, House
Raglan Street
Lot B DP 322321
Raglan Street
Lot 1 DP 925220
Raglan Street
Rangers Avenue
Road Reserve
Rangers Avenue, Divided road
Rangers Avenue
Stone culvert
Rangers Avenue
Lot 2 DP 527924
Rangers Avenue
Lot 1 DP 315777 (Between 59 Spofforth Street & 101 Rangers Avenue)
Electrical Substation No 208
Redan Street
Road Reserve
Redan Street, Divided road
Redan Street
5 & 7
SP 31955 SP 14519
Group of 2 blocks of flats
Redan Street
9, 11 & 11A
Lot 4 DP 8684 Lot 5 DP 8684 Lot 6 DP 8684
Group of 3 houses
Redan Street
Lot 1 DP 455989 DP 913559
Redan Street
Lot 1 DP 115715
Redan Street
Lot 21 DP 1350 Lot 22 DP 1350
Redan Street, corner Balmoral Avenue
Lot 11 DP 4251
Redan Street
Lot B DP 438077 Lot A DP 438077
Pair of semi-detached houses
Redan Street
Lot 1 DP 321248 (Fronting 37 Redan Street)
Electrical Substation No 205
Reginald Street
Lot 2 DP 511641 Lot 1 DP 511641
Pair of semi-detached houses
Rose Crescent
Road Reserve
Rose Crescent, Divided road
Rosebery Street
Road Reserve
Rosebery Street, Divided road
Rosherville Reserve
Rosherville Reserve
Royalist Road
Road Reserve
Royalist Road, Divided road
Ruby Street
Road Reserve
Ruby Street, Divided road
Ruby Street
Lot A DP 378291
Ryan Avenue/Balmoral Avenue
Ryan Avenue Steps
St Elmo Street
Lot 1 DP 934578 and Lot 20 DP 3828
Sadlier Walk (between Awaba Street and Dalton Road)
Sadlier Walk Pedestrian Way
Shadforth Street
11 & 13
Lot A DP 436554 Lot B DP 436554
Pair of houses
Shadforth Street, corner Crux Street
Lot 56 DP 34076
Shadforth Street
Lot 1 DP 198499
‘Winter-garden’, House
Shadforth Street
36–38 & 40–42
Lot 1 DP 785875 Lot 1 DP 641761 Lot 1 DP 589154 Lot 2 DP 589154
Group of 2 semi-detached pairs
Shadforth Street
Lot 3A DP 378615
‘Motfield’, House
Shadforth Street
70 & 72
Lot B DP 158943 Lot A DP 158943
House, divided into 2 occupancies
Shadforth Street
Mosman Church of England Preparatory School Group
Shadforth Street
Lot 11 DP 76778 Lot 12 DP 974982
Pair of houses
Shadforth Street
Lot 12 DP 806116 Lot 11 DP 806116
Semi-detached pair of houses
Shadforth Street, corner Hamlet Lane
Lot 1 DP 539812
‘Hamlet House’, House
Silex Road
SP 13603
Silex Road
Lot A DP 367843
Sirius Cove Road, at Sirius Avenue
Footbridge over Sirius Cove Road
Sirius Cove Road
Sirius Cove Seawall
Sirius Cove Road
Lot 1 DP 86329 Lot 2 DP 86329
Sirius Park
(Between Sirius Cove Road and Curlew Camp Road)
Divided road through Sirius Park
Spencer Road
Road Reserve
Divided road and Street Trees
Spencer Road
Lot 1 DP 945643
Spit Road/Parriwi Road
(Between 191 and 193 Spit Road, 30 & 32 Parriwi Road)
Quarry Steps
Spit Road
Spit Bridge
Spit Road
Lot 29 DP 3994
Mosman Masonic Centre
Spit Road
SP 30300
‘Jerpoint’, Flats
Spit Road (Rear—on Punch Lane)
Lot 2 DP 229664
Electrical Substation No 204
Spit Road, corner Ourimbah Road
Former House, now flats
Spit Road
Lot 1 DP 436033
‘Phillip Morton Place’, Flats
Spit Road
Lot 121 DP 875504
Spit Road, corner Central Avenue
Pt Lots 1–3 DP 4000
St Therese Parish House for Beauty Pt Catholic Church
Spit Road
Lot 1 DP 430423
Spofforth Street
SP 11907
Spofforth Street
Lot 2 Sec B DP 2365
Group of Shops
Spofforth Street, corner Reginald Street
SP 30507
Spofforth Street
Spofforth Street
45, 45A, 47 & 47A
Lot A DP 421219 Lot B DP 421219 Lot C DP 421219 Lot D DP 421219
Stanley Avenue
Lot B1 DP 341868
‘Merriwa’, House divided into 3 flats
Stanton Road
Balmoral Lookout
Stanton Road/The Grove
Stanton Road/The Grove Steps
Stanton Road
Lot 1 DP 552645
Superba Parade
Road Reserve
Superba Parade, Divided road and Steps
Sverge Street
Sverge Street Steps
Sydney Harbour National Park, Bradleys Head Road
Ashton Park
Sydney Harbour National Park, Bradleys Head Road
Athol Gardens Dance Hall and Wharf Remains
Sydney Harbour National Park Bradleys Head Road,
Bradleys Head Fortification Complexes (2), Ashton Park
Sydney Harbour National Park, Bradleys Head Road
Bradleys Head Lighthouse, Bradleys Head
Sydney Harbour National Park, Bradleys Head Road
Sandstone Pillar, Bradleys Head
Sydney Harbour National Park, Chowder Bay Road
Lot 1 DP 604478
Georges Head Fortifications Complex
Sydney Harbour National Park, Chowder Bay Road
Obelisk Point Fortifications Complex
Sydney Harbour National Park, Chowder Bay Road
Pair of Navigational Obelisks
Sydney Harbour National Park, Chowder Bay Road
Rock Casemate
Sydney Harbour National Park, Chowder Bay Road
Semi-Underground Armoured Casemate Battery
Sydney Harbour National Park, Old Fort Road
Middle Head Fort Complex
Thompson Street
Thompson Street, corner Silex Road
Lot 2 DP 324874
‘Rothesay’, House
Thompson Street, corner St Elmo Street (also known as 4 St Elmo)
Lot 2 DP 962380
House, divided into 2 occupancies
Tivoli Street
Lot 1 DP 946855
‘Corrielyn’, House
Tivoli Street
Lot 2 DP 316033 Lot 1 DP 316033
Semi-detached pair
Tivoli Street
Lot B DP 390148
Upper Avenue Road
Road Reserve
Upper Avenue Road, Divided road
Upper Avenue Road/Crux Street (unformed)
Road Reserve
Upper Avenue Road/Crux Street (unformed), unformed Road
Upper Fairfax Road
Road Reserve
Upper Fairfax Road, Divided road
Upper Spit Road/Parriwi Road
Upper Spit Road/Parriwi Road Steps
Upper Spit Road
Lot A DP 339624
Upper Spit Road, Mosman
Lot 100 DP 583214 Lot 101 DP 583214
‘Easterly’, House
Upper Spit Road, Mosman
Lot 1 DP 216853
‘Sessiagh’, House
Vista Street
Lot 11 DP 701088
Former Electricity Substation
Warringah Lane
Road Reserve
Warringah Lane
Warringah Road
Road Reserve
Warringah Road, Divided road
Water Lane
Water Lane Pathway
Whiting Beach Road, corner Prince Albert Street
Lot 6 DP 8400
Wolger Road
Lot B DP 331985
Wolseley Road
Road Reserve
Wolseley Road, Divided road
Wolseley Road
Lot G DP 918077
‘Yattendon’, House
Wudgong Walk
Wudgong Walk Pathway
Wunda Road
Road Reserve
Wunda Road, Divided road
Wunda Road
Lot 1 DP 934781
Wyargine Street/The Esplanade
Wyargine Street/The Esplanade Steps
Wyargine Street
SP 4856
‘Stancliff’, Flats
Wyong Road
Wyong Road, Divided road
Wyong Road/Shellbank Avenue
Wyong Road—Steps to Shellbank Avenue
Wyong Road
Lot 5 DP 16492 Lot 6 DP 16492 Lot 7 DP 16492 Lot 8 DP 16492
‘Shellbank’, House
sch 2: Subst 23.2.2001. Am 28.9.2001; 27.9.2002; 14.11.2003.
Schedule 2A Heritage conservation areas
(Schedule 1)
The extent of all heritage conservation areas can be seen on the Heritage Conservation Map.
Name of Heritage Conservation Area
Bradleys Head Road Conservation Area
The Crescent Conservation Area
Holt Estate Conservation Area
Keston Avenue Conservation Area
Killarney Estate Conservation Area
Lang Street Conservation Area
Military Road Conservation Area
Orlando Conservation Area
Raglan Street Conservation Area
Shadforth Street Conservation Area
Upper Avenue Road Conservation Area
sch 2A: Ins 23.2.2001.
Schedule 3 Archaeological sites
(Schedule 1)
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Column 4
Column 5
Street No
Property description
Name of item
Level of significance
Avenue Road
Road Reserve at end of Avenue Road
Former Tram Terminus, including enclosing sandstone walls
Avenue Road
Excavated indentation on eastern side of Avenue Road
Former Stone Quarry
Athol Wharf Road
Road reserve adjacent to Taronga Zoo Ferry Wharf
Former Athol Wharf Tram Terminus, including escarpment and retaining walls
Athol Wharf Road
Taronga Zoo Ferry Wharf
Site of first wharf serving Taronga Zoo
Centenary Drive, Mosman Bay
Sandstone seawall around Quarry Point between Mosman Rowers Club and Mosman Amateur Sailing Club
Former Quarry Wharf
The Esplanade
From end Mulbring Street to Plunkett Road through public reserve
Abandoned tramway cutting
Harnett Avenue and Royalist Road
Steep escarpment between Harnett Avenue and Royalist Road from end of Calliope Street to waterfront
Site of former Harnett’s Quarry
Sydney Harbour National Park
National park at Middle Head, Georges Heights, Taylors Head and Bradleys Head
Sydney Harbour National Park
Middle Head Road HMAS Penguin Naval Depot
Ventilation stack and former original septic tank, now a swimming pool
Musgrave Street
At end of Musgrave Street
Site of original 1870s Musgrave Street wharf
Parriwi Road
Remains of Grant’s Wharf
Pearl Bay Avenue
Site of former Pearl Bay Pleasure Grounds
Public land
Aboriginal sites listed in Mosman Municipality Study of Aboriginal Sites 1991, available at the office of the Council
Sirius Cove Road
Bushland between Little Sirius Cove and Whiting Beach
Sites of Curlew and Mia Mia Camps
Spit Road
Site of former Explosives Wharf
Spit Road
Remains of former bridge and seawall
Upper Spit Road
Parriwi Park, end of Upper Spit Road
Site of former road to the Spit
sch 3: Subst 23.2.2001.
Schedule 4 Original estate roads
(Clause 36)
Road Reserve
Estate or other description
Avenue Road
Mosman Bay Township
Bradleys Head Road
Mosman Bay Township
Cross Street
Silex Estate
Crux Street
Mosman Bay Township
Fairfax Road
Park Gate Estate
Government Road
Park Gate Estate
Grecia Lane (M6)
Park Gate Estate
Hamlet Lane (M58)
Mosman Bay Township
King Max Street
Silex Estate
Lane M1 (Bay Street to Water Street)
Park Gate Estate
Lane M3 (Ida Avenue to Pearl Bay Avenue)
Park Gate Estate
Barney Kearns Steps (Parriwi Road to Kiora Avenue)
Park Gate Estate
Lane M50
Silex Estate
Marsala Street
Park Gate Estate
Military Road (from Spofforth Street to Middle Head Road)
Historic Road Alignment
Mitchell Road
Park Gate Estate
Prince Albert Street
Silex Estate
Quakers Road
Park Gate Estate
Queen Street
Silex Estate
Raglan Street
Mosman Bay Township
Rosherville Road
Park Gate Estate
Shadforth Street
Mosman Bay Township
Spit and Parriwi Roads (from Spit Junction to James Street)
Historic Road Alignment
Union Street
Silex Estate
Upper Fairfax Road
Park Gate Estate
Water Lane (M53)
Silex Estate
Schedule 4A Significant interiors (heritage items of State significance only)
(Clause 38A)
sch 4A: Ins 23.2.2001.
Schedule 5 Classification and reclassification of public land
(Clause 39)
Schedule 6 Exceptions
(Clause 40 (1))
748–752 Military Road
(Lot 921 DP 807617)
Development for the purpose of professional health services (including preventative care, diagnosis, medical or surgical treatment or counselling), if:
(a)  the gross floor area of the premises does not exceed 430 square metres, and
(b)  the height of the building does not exceed 12.6 metres, and
(c)  the landscaped area is not less than 484 square metres.
Balmoral Bathers Pavilion,
4 The Esplanade
Development for the purpose of a restaurant.
Balmoral Baths Pavilion,
2A The Esplanade
Development for the purpose of a restaurant.
744 Military Road
(Lot 10, DP 771687)
Development for the purpose of commercial premises or a shop, if:
(a)  the commercial premises or shop occupies an area not greater than 86 square metres, is confined to the ground floor of the building and occupies the part of the building having direct pedestrian access to Military Road, and
(b)  the remainder of the building is to be used solely for the purpose of a single dwelling, and
(c)  the original fabric of the building is conserved, and
(d)  the residential amenity and character of the garden setting of the building is retained.
The section of Stanton Road, Mosman, fronting 22B Burran Avenue, Mosman (Lot 5, DP 539344).
Development for the purpose of vehicular access to 22B Burran Avenue, Mosman.
Mosman Bowling Club (Lot 12 in DP 1008638, 15 Belmont Road)
Development for the purpose of a bowling club and ancillary uses
Unformed section of Amaroo Crescent, Mosman, zoned 7 (a) Environment Protection (Bushland), fronting 3 Windward Avenue, Mosman (Part Lot 1, DP 12611), as shown on Engineering Drawing titled “Proposed property access and turning path”, Drawing Number C01 Issue 02, prepared by Jeff Moulsdale & Associates and dated November 2002, approved by the Council on 12 November 2002 and deposited in the office of the Council.
Development for the purpose of vehicular access to the rear of 3 Windward Avenue, Mosman
647 and 653 Military Road (Lot 15, DP 663532 and Lot 16, Section 1, DP 3513)
Development for the purposes of commercial premises or a shop (other than a shop used principally for the preparation and sale of food by retail), if:
(a)  development for such a purpose is carried out on the ground floor only, and
(b)  the maximum floorspace ratio for that part of the development as is development for such a purpose does not exceed 0.3:1, and
(c)  the maximum floorspace ratio of all development on the site does not exceed 1:1, and
(d)  the facade elements and landscaped setting of the building at No 653 Military Road are maintained and integrated into the development, and
(e)  the residential and commercial development of Nos 647 and 653 Military Road is undertaken concurrently, and
(f)  any existing use rights enjoyed by No 653 Military Road are surrendered pursuant to a condition of the Council’s consent to the development.
Despite paragraph (c) of this item, additional floorspace may be created in the roof space of a building with a pitched roof, but not so as to increase the floorspace ratio of the building beyond 1.3:1 or to add to the height or bulk of the building.
sch 6: Am 22.2.2002; 24.1.2003; 31.1.2003; 2005 (161), Sch 1.
Schedule 7 Exceptions
(Clause 40 (3))
Prohibition or restriction
20 Clifford Street
(Lot 1, DP 848673)
Shops, restaurants, service stations and motor showrooms are prohibited.
Schedule 8 Light industries
(Clause 16)
Dry cleaning
Shoe repairers
Jewellery manufacturing
Furniture manufacturing
Any other light industrial uses compatible with the business centres that would not adversely affect the amenity of the locality.