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Crimes (Local Courts Appeal and Review) Act 2001 No 120

An Act to restate the law with respect to appeals and other forms of review in relation to criminal proceedings in Local Courts and other courts of comparable jurisdiction; and for other purposes.
Part 1 Preliminary
1   Name of Act
This Act is the Crimes (Local Courts Appeal and Review) Act 2001.
2   Commencement
This Act commences on a day or days to be appointed by proclamation.
3   Definitions
(1)  In this Act:
appeal court means the court to which an appeal or application for leave to appeal may be made under Part 3, 4 or 5.
appellant, in relation to proceedings on an application for leave to appeal, includes the applicant in those proceedings.
defendant, in relation to proceedings from which an appeal or application for leave to appeal is made, means the person against whom those proceedings have been taken.
environmental offence means an offence for which summary proceedings may be taken before the Land and Environment Court, whether or not summary proceedings for such an offence may also be taken before any other court, and includes any offence arising under the environment protection legislation within the meaning of the Protection of the Environment Administration Act 1991.
exercise a function includes perform a duty.
fresh evidence, in relation to appeal proceedings, means evidence in addition to or in substitution for the evidence given in the proceedings from which the appeal proceedings have arisen.
function includes a power, authority or duty.
Local Court includes:
(a)  a Children’s Court constituted under the Children’s Court Act 1987, and
(b)  a Warden’s Court constituted under the Mining Act 1992, and
(c)  a Licensing Court constituted under the Liquor Act 1982, and
(d)  any court that is constituted by a Magistrate and that exercises criminal jurisdiction, and
(e)  any Magistrate or court that exercises any function or jurisdiction under Chapter 3 (Part 3 excepted), Chapter 4 (Part 5 excepted) or Chapter 5 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986.
original Local Court, in relation to proceedings under this Act, means the Local Court that made or imposed the conviction, sentence or order from which those proceedings arise.
prosecutor, in relation to proceedings from which an appeal or application for leave to appeal is made, means the person responsible for the conduct of the prosecution in those proceedings.
public authority means:
(a)  the Crown, or
(b)  an authority within the meaning of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983, or
(c)  an officer or employee of such an authority acting in the course of his or her employment.
sentence means:
(a)  any order made by a Local Court in respect of a person as a consequence of its having convicted the person of an offence, including:
(i)  any sentence of imprisonment (including any sentence of imprisonment the subject of a periodic detention order or home detention order), and
(ii)  any community service order, good behaviour bond or fine, and
(iii)  any order suspending execution of a sentence of imprisonment under section 12 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999, and
(iiia)  any non-association order or place restriction order under section 17A of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999, and
(iv)  any direction for compensation under section 71 or 77B of the Victims Support and Rehabilitation Act 1996, and
(v)  any order or direction with respect to restitution, compensation, forfeiture, destruction, disqualification or loss or suspension of a licence or privilege, or
(b)  any order made by a Local Court in respect of a person under section 10 or 11 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 on finding the person guilty of an offence, or
(c)  any order for restitution made by a Local Court in respect of a person under section 43 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986, or
(d)  any order for costs made by a Magistrate against a person in connection with committal proceedings taken against the person, or
(e)  any order for costs made by a Local Court against a person in connection with summary proceedings taken against the person.
(2)  In the case of an application or appeal in relation to a decision of the Children’s Court under Part 3 of the Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987:
(a)  a reference in this Act to a conviction includes a reference to a finding of guilt under that Act, and
(b)  a reference in this Act to a sentence includes a reference to an order made on the finding of guilt under that Act.
(3)  In this Act, a reference to varying a sentence includes:
(a)  a reference to varying the severity of the sentence, and
(b)  a reference to setting aside the sentence and imposing some other sentence of a more or less severe nature.
(4)  Notes included in the text of this Act do not form part of this Act.
s 3: Am 2002 No 100, Sch 4.1; 2003 No 27, Sch 5; 2003 No 71, Sch 1 [1].
Part 2 Local Court review of Local Court decisions
4   Applications to Local Court
(1)  An application for annulment of a conviction or sentence made or imposed by a Local Court may be made to the same Local Court:
(a)  by the defendant, or
(b)  by the prosecutor,
but may be made by the defendant only if the defendant was not in appearance before the Local Court when the conviction or sentence was made or imposed.
(2)  An application under this section must be made:
(a)  within 2 years after the relevant conviction or sentence is made or imposed, or
(b)  if an application has been made to the Minister under section 5 within that 2-year period, within 2 years after the application under section 5 has been disposed of under this Part.
(3)  Except by leave of the Local Court, a person may not make more than one application under this section in relation to the same matter.
(4)  An application must be in writing, and must be lodged with a registrar of a Local Court.
(5)  If an application is lodged with a registrar of a Local Court other than the original Local Court, the registrar with whom the application is lodged must forward the application to the registrar of the original Local Court.
5   Applications to Minister
(1)  An application for annulment of a conviction or sentence made or imposed by a Local Court may be made to the Minister by any person.
(1A)  An application under this section may be made at any time after the relevant conviction or sentence is made or imposed.
(2)  If satisfied that a question or doubt exists:
(a)  as to the defendant’s guilt, or
(b)  as to the defendant’s liability for a penalty,
the Minister may refer the application to the original Local Court.
s 5: Am 2003 No 40, Sch 1.9 [1].
6   Notice of applications
(1)  As soon as practicable after receiving an application for annulment, the registrar of the original Local Court must notify the applicant and other interested parties of the date, time and place fixed for dealing with the application.
(2)  A Local Court may deal with an application for annulment, despite any omission or error in the notice or despite the notice having not been served on an interested party, if it is satisfied that the party:
(a)  is aware of the date, time and place fixed for dealing with the application and has not been prejudiced as a consequence of the notice having not been served, or
(b)  is avoiding service of the notice or cannot, after reasonable search and inquiry, be found.
7   Procedure for dealing with applications
(1)  A Local Court may deal with an application for annulment in the presence or absence of the parties and in open court or in private.
(2)  A Local Court dealing with an application for annulment may stay the execution of the sentence concerned subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit.
(3)  The rules of court made under the Local Courts Act 1982 may make provision for or with respect to procedure and evidence for the purposes of the hearing of applications for annulment.
8   Circumstances in which applications to be granted
(1)  A Local Court must grant an application for annulment made by the prosecutor if it is satisfied that, having regard to the circumstances of the case, there is just cause for doing so.
(2)  A Local Court must grant an application for annulment made by the defendant if it is satisfied:
(a)  that the defendant was not aware of the original Local Court proceedings until after the proceedings were completed, or
(b)  that the defendant was otherwise hindered by accident, illness, misadventure or other cause from taking action in relation to the original Local Court proceedings, or
(c)  that, having regard to the circumstances of the case, it is in the interests of justice to do so.
9   Procedure after decision on application
(1)  A Local Court must notify each of the interested parties of its decision as to an application for annulment.
(2)  If its decision is to annul the relevant conviction or sentence, the Local Court:
(a)  must deal with the original matter afresh (either immediately or at a later date), and
(b)  unless it does so immediately, must notify each of the interested parties of the date, time and place fixed for dealing with the original matter.
(3)  The Local Court is to deal with the original matter as if no conviction or sentence had been previously made or imposed.
(4)  The original matter need not be dealt with by the Magistrate who ordered the annulment of the conviction or sentence, but may be dealt with by any Magistrate, including the Magistrate by whom the matter was dealt with in the original Local Court proceedings.
(5)  In this section, original matter, in relation to a conviction or sentence that has been annulled, means the matter the subject of the proceedings from which the conviction or sentence arose.
10   Effect of annulment of conviction or sentence
(1)  On being annulled, a conviction or sentence ceases to have effect and any enforcement action previously taken is to be reversed.
(2)  The annulment of a conviction for an offence that has been heard together with another offence for which a conviction has been made does not prejudice the conviction for the other offence.
(3)  If a fine is annulled, any amount paid towards the fine is repayable to the person by whom it was paid.
(4)  The Consolidated Fund is appropriated to the extent necessary to give effect to subsection (3).
Part 3 Appeals from Local Court to District Court
Division 1 Appeals by defendants
Subdivision 1 Making of appeals
11   Appeals as of right
(1)  Any person who has been convicted or sentenced by a Local Court may appeal to the District Court against the conviction or sentence.
(1A)  Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of a conviction if the person was convicted in the person’s absence or following the person’s plea of guilty.
(2)  An appeal must be made:
(a)  within 28 days after sentence is imposed, or
(b)  if an application for annulment of the conviction or sentence has been made under Part 2 within that 28-day period, within 28 days after the Part 2 application is disposed of under that Part,
but (in the case of an appeal against a conviction) may not be made before sentence is imposed.
s 11: Am 2003 No 82, Sch 1.11 [1].
11A   Appeals as of right against Local Court’s refusal of application for annulment of conviction or sentence
(1)  Any defendant whose application under section 4 for annulment of a conviction or sentence has been refused by the Local Court may appeal to the District Court against the refusal.
(2)  An appeal under this section must be made within 28 days after the Local Court notifies the defendant of its refusal of the application.
(3)  Not more than one appeal may be made under this section in respect of any particular conviction or sentence.
s 11A: Ins 2004 No 68, Sch 3 [1].
12   Appeals requiring leave
(1)  Any person who has been convicted by a Local Court in the person’s absence or following the person’s plea of guilty may appeal to the District Court against the conviction, but only by leave of the District Court.
(2)  An application for leave to appeal may not be made in relation to a conviction in respect of which the defendant:
(a)  is entitled to make an application under section 4 but has not done so, or
(b)  has made an application under section 4 but the application has not been disposed of under Part 2.
(3)  An application for leave to appeal must be made:
(a)  within 28 days after (but not before) the sentence imposed after the relevant conviction is made, or
(b)  if an application for annulment of the conviction has been made under Part 2 within that 28-day period, within 28 days after the Part 2 application is disposed of under that Part.
13   Late applications for leave to appeal
(1)  An appeal to the District Court may be made:
(a)  by any person by whom an appeal could be made under section 11, but for section 11 (2), and
(a1)  by any defendant by whom an appeal could be made under section 11A, but for section 11A (2), and
(b)  by any person by whom an application for leave to appeal could be made under section 12, but for section 12 (3),
but only by leave of the District Court.
(2)  An application for leave to appeal must be made within 3 months after the relevant conviction or sentence is made or imposed, or the relevant application under section 4 is refused, as the case may require.
s 13: Am 2004 No 68, Sch 3 [2] [3].
14   Lodgment of appeals and applications for leave to appeal
(1)  An appeal under section 11 or 11A is to be made by lodging a written notice of appeal with:
(a)  the registrar of any Local Court, or
(b)  the person in charge of the place where the appellant is in custody.
(2)  A notice of appeal must state the general grounds of appeal.
(3)  An application for leave to appeal under section 12 or 13 is to be made by lodging a written application for leave to appeal, together with a written notice of appeal, with:
(a)  the registrar of any Local Court, or
(b)  the person in charge of the place where the appellant is in custody.
(4)  An application for leave to appeal must state the general grounds of the application and, in the case of an application under section 13, must state the reasons why an appeal or application for leave to appeal was not made within the time allowed by section 11, 11A or 12, as the case may be.
(5)  On the granting of leave to appeal, an appeal is taken to have been made in accordance with the written notice of appeal referred to in subsection (3).
s 14: Am 2004 No 68, Sch 3 [4] [5].
15   Documents to be forwarded to prosecutor and relevant court registrars
(1)  The person with whom a notice of appeal or application for leave to appeal is lodged must immediately forward a copy of it to:
(a)  the prosecutor in the original Local Court proceedings, and
(b)  the registrar of the original Local Court, if the person is not that registrar, and
(c)  the Director of Public Prosecutions.
(2)  As soon as practicable after receiving a notice of appeal or application for leave to appeal, the registrar of the original Local Court must send the relevant papers (including a copy of any relevant order or conviction made by the Local Court) to a registrar of the District Court.
Subdivision 2 Determination of appeals
16   Determination of applications for leave to appeal
(1)  The District Court may determine an application for leave to appeal by dismissing the application or by granting leave to appeal.
(2)  Leave to appeal must not be granted in relation to an application under section 13 unless the District Court is satisfied that it is in the interests of justice that leave be granted.
(3)  If the District Court dismisses an application for leave to appeal, it may make such order as to the costs to be paid by the appellant as it thinks just.
(4)  If the District Court grants leave to appeal, it may proceed to hear the appeal immediately or it may adjourn the appeal proceedings.
16A   Determination of appeals against Local Court’s refusal of application for annulment of conviction or sentence
(1)  The District Court may determine an application under section 11A by dismissing the application or by granting it.
(2)  Pending the determination of the application, the District Court may stay the execution of the sentence concerned subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit.
(3)  If the District Court grants the application, the District Court must remit the matter to the Local Court.
(4)  The Local Court is to deal under section 9 with any matter remitted to it under this section as if the application under section 4 in respect of the matter had been granted by the Local Court.
s 16A: Ins 2004 No 68, Sch 3 [6].
17   Appeals against sentence to be by way of rehearing of evidence
An appeal against sentence is to be by way of a rehearing of the evidence given in the original Local Court proceedings, although fresh evidence may be given in the appeal proceedings.
18   Appeals against conviction to be by way of rehearing on the transcripts of evidence
(1)  An appeal against conviction is to be by way of rehearing on the basis of certified transcripts of evidence given in the original Local Court proceedings, except as provided by section 19.
(2)  Fresh evidence may be given, but only by leave of the District Court which may be granted only if the Court is satisfied that it is in the interests of justice that the fresh evidence be given.
(3)  The parties to an appeal are each entitled to be provided with one free copy of the certified transcripts of evidence relevant to the appeal and, if fresh evidence is given, one free copy of the transcript of the fresh evidence.
19   Circumstances in which evidence to be given in person
(1)  The District Court may direct a person to attend and give evidence in proceedings on an appeal against conviction if it is satisfied:
(a)  in the case of an appeal that relates to an offence involving violence against that person, that there are special reasons why, in the interests of justice, the person should attend and give evidence, or
(b)  in any other case, that there are substantial reasons why, in the interests of justice, the person should attend and give evidence.
(2)  An application for such a direction may be made by a party to the proceedings in relation to a particular person only if notice of the party’s intention to make such an application has been served on each other party to the proceedings within such period as the District Court may direct.
(3)  If an application for such a direction is refused, the District Court must give reasons for the refusal.
(4)  A direction may be withdrawn only on the application, or with the consent, of the appellant.
(5)  The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the determination of special or substantial reasons for the purposes of subsection (1).
(6)  Without limiting subsection (5), in determining whether special or substantial reasons exist, the District Court must have regard to whether or not the appellant was legally represented for the whole or any part of the original Local Court proceedings.
20   Determination of appeals
(1)  The District Court may determine an appeal against conviction:
(a)  by setting aside the conviction, or
(b)  by dismissing the appeal.
(2)  The District Court may determine an appeal against sentence:
(a)  by setting aside the sentence, or
(b)  by varying the sentence, or
(c)  by dismissing the appeal.
21   Notice of dismissal of appeal or application for leave to appeal
(1)  If an appeal or application for leave to appeal is dismissed because of the appellant’s failure to appear, the registrar of the District Court for the proclaimed place (within the meaning of the District Court Act 1973) at which the appeal or application is dismissed must cause notice of that fact to be served on the appellant.
(2)  Such a notice must state the following:
(a)  that the District Court has dismissed the appeal or application,
(b)  that the appellant is entitled to apply for the setting aside of the order by which the order dismissing the appeal or application was made,
(c)  that any such application must be made within 12 months after the date on which the order dismissing the appeal or application was made.
22   Revocation of orders dismissing appeals and applications for leave to appeal
(1)  An application may be made to the District Court for the setting aside of an order under section 21 that has dismissed an appeal or application for leave to appeal because of the appellant’s failure to appear (a dismissal order).
(2)  An application under this section must be made within 12 months after the date on which the dismissal order is made.
(3)  After hearing such an application, the District Court may set aside the dismissal order, either unconditionally or subject to conditions, if it is satisfied:
(a)  that the appellant has shown sufficient cause for the failure to appear, and
(b)  that it is in the interests of justice that the appeal or application be heard.
(4)  Section 60 applies to any sentence in respect of which a dismissal order is set aside.
(5)  No action lies against any person for anything done or omitted to be done by the person in good faith, and without notice of the setting aside of a dismissal order, for the purpose of enforcing the conviction or sentence the subject of the appeal to which the order relates.
Division 2 Appeals by prosecutors
Subdivision 1 Making of appeals
23   Appeals as of right
(1)  The Director of Public Prosecutions may appeal to the District Court against a sentence imposed on a person by a Local Court in any of the following proceedings:
(a)  proceedings for any indictable offence that has been dealt with summarily,
(b)  proceedings for any prescribed summary offence (within the meaning of the Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1986),
(c)  proceedings for any summary offence that has been prosecuted by or on behalf of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
(2)  The prosecutor may appeal to the District Court against:
(a)  any order for costs made by a Magistrate against the prosecutor in respect of committal proceedings taken by the prosecutor, or
(b)  any order for costs made by a Local Court against the prosecutor in respect of summary proceedings taken by the prosecutor.
(3)  An appeal must be made within 28 days after the relevant sentence is imposed.
(4)  Despite subsection (3), an appeal may be lodged more than 28 days after the relevant sentence is imposed if:
(a)  the sentence has been reduced on the defendant’s undertaking to assist law enforcement authorities (as referred to in section 23 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999), and
(b)  the defendant has failed, whether wholly or partly, to fulfil the undertaking.
24   Lodgment of appeals
(1)  An appeal under section 23 is to be made by lodging a written notice of appeal with the registrar of any Local Court.
(2)  A notice of appeal must state the general grounds of appeal.
25   Documents to be forwarded to defendant and relevant court registrars
(1)  The person with whom a notice of appeal is lodged must immediately forward a copy of it to:
(a)  the defendant in the original Local Court proceedings, and
(b)  the registrar of the original Local Court, if the person is not that registrar.
(2)  As soon as practicable after receiving a notice of appeal, the registrar of the original Local Court must send the relevant papers (including a copy of any relevant order or conviction made by the Local Court) to a registrar of the District Court.
Subdivision 2 Determination of appeals
26   Appeals against sentence to be by way of rehearing of evidence
(1)  An appeal against sentence is to be by way of a rehearing of the evidence given in the original Local Court proceedings, although fresh evidence may be given in the appeal proceedings, but only by leave of the District Court.
(2)  Leave to give fresh evidence may be granted to the Director of Public Prosecutions only in exceptional circumstances.
27   Determination of appeals
(1)  The District Court may determine an appeal against sentence:
(a)  by setting aside the sentence, or
(b)  by varying the sentence, or
(c)  by dismissing the appeal.
(2)  The District Court may determine an appeal against an order referred to in section 23 (2):
(a)  by setting aside the order and making such other order as it thinks just, or
(b)  by dismissing the appeal.
Division 3 Miscellaneous
28   Miscellaneous powers
(1)  Without limiting its other powers, the District Court may do any one or more of the following:
(a)  it may specify the proclaimed place (within the meaning of the District Court Act 1973) at which the hearing of an appeal or application for leave to appeal is to be heard or continued,
(b)  it may specify the sitting at which the hearing of an appeal or application for leave to appeal is to be heard or continued,
(c)  it may adjourn the hearing of an appeal or application for leave to appeal.
(2)  In determining an appeal, the District Court may exercise any function that the original Local Court could have exercised in the original Local Court proceedings.
(3)  Subject to section 70, the District Court may make such order as to the costs to be paid by either party (including the Crown) as it thinks just.
29   Limits on appeals
(1)  No appeal may be made to the District Court under this Part against a decision of a Local Court:
(a)  in relation to an environmental offence against which an appeal may be made under Part 4, or
(b)  that is or has previously been the subject of an appeal or application for leave to appeal to the District Court under this Part, or
(c)  that is or has previously been the subject of an appeal or application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court under Part 5.
(2)  Subsection (1) (c) does not prevent a person who has made an appeal or application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court under Part 5 from making an appeal or application for leave to appeal to the District Court under this Part if:
(a)  the Supreme Court has remitted the matter on appeal to a Local Court for redetermination, and the Local Court has redetermined the matter, or
(b)  the Supreme Court has refused leave to appeal in relation to an appeal made on a ground of mixed law and fact.
(3)  No application to set aside or vary any conviction or sentence of a Local Court that could be the subject of an appeal under this Part may be made to the District Court (whether in its civil or criminal jurisdiction) except by way of an appeal under this Part.
30   Rules of court
Rules of court may be made under the District Court Act 1973 with respect to the jurisdiction conferred by this Part on the District Court.
Part 4 Appeals from Local Court to Land and Environment Court
Division 1 Appeals by defendants
Subdivision 1 Making of appeals
31   Appeals as of right
(1)  Any person who has been convicted or sentenced by a Local Court with respect to an environmental offence may appeal to the Land and Environment Court against the conviction or sentence.
(1A)  Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of a conviction if the person was convicted in the person’s absence or following the person’s plea of guilty.
(2)  An appeal must be made:
(a)  within 28 days after sentence is imposed, or
(b)  if an application for annulment of the conviction or sentence has been made under Part 2 within that 28-day period, within 28 days after the Part 2 application is disposed of under that Part,
but (in the case of an appeal against conviction) may not be made before sentence is imposed.
s 31: Am 2003 No 82, Sch 1.11 [2].
32   Appeals requiring leave
(1)  Any person who has been convicted by a Local Court, in the person’s absence or following the person’s plea of guilty, with respect to an environmental offence may appeal to the Land and Environment Court against the conviction, but only on a ground that involves a question of law alone, and only by leave of the Land and Environment Court.
(2)  Any person against whom:
(a)  an order has been made by a Magistrate in relation to the person in any committal proceedings with respect to an environmental offence, or
(b)  an interlocutory order has been made by a Local Court in relation to the person in summary proceedings with respect to an environmental offence,
may appeal to the Land and Environment Court against the order, but only on a ground that involves a question of law alone, and only by leave of the Land and Environment Court.
(3)  An application for leave to appeal under subsection (1) may not be made in relation to a conviction in respect of which the defendant:
(a)  is entitled to make an application under section 4 but has not done so, or
(b)  has made an application under section 4 but the application has not been disposed of under Part 2.
(4)  An application for leave to appeal must be made:
(a)  in the case of a conviction referred to in subsection (1):
(i)  within 28 days after sentence is imposed, or
(ii)  if an application for annulment of the conviction has been made under Part 2 within that 28-day period, within 28 days after the Part 2 application is disposed of under that Part,
but may not be made before sentence is imposed, or
(b)  in the case of an order referred to in subsection (2), within 28 days after the relevant order is made.
33   Late applications for leave to appeal
(1)  An appeal to the Land and Environment Court may be made:
(a)  by any person by whom an appeal could be made under section 31, but for section 31 (2), and
(b)  by any person by whom an application for leave to appeal could be made under section 32, but for section 32 (4),
but only by leave of the Land and Environment Court.
(2)  An application for leave to appeal must be made within 3 months after the relevant conviction, sentence or order is made or imposed.
34   Lodgment of appeals and applications for leave to appeal
(1)  An appeal under section 31 is to be made by lodging a written notice of appeal with:
(a)  the registrar of any Local Court, or
(b)  the person in charge of the place where the appellant is in custody.
(2)  A notice of appeal must state the general grounds of appeal.
(3)  An application for leave to appeal under section 32 or 33 is to be made by lodging a written application for leave to appeal, together with a written notice of appeal, with:
(a)  the registrar of any Local Court, or
(b)  the person in charge of the place where the appellant is in custody.
(4)  An application for leave to appeal must state the general grounds of the application and, in the case of an application under section 33, must state the reasons why an appeal or an application for leave to appeal was not made within the time allowed by section 31 or 32, as the case may be.
(5)  On the granting of leave to appeal, an appeal is taken to have been made in accordance with the written notice of appeal referred to in subsection (3).
35   Documents to be forwarded to prosecutor and relevant court registrars
(1)  The person with whom a notice of appeal or application for leave to appeal is lodged must immediately forward a copy of it to:
(a)  the prosecutor in the original Local Court proceedings, and
(b)  the registrar of the original Local Court, if the person is not that registrar, and
(c)  the Director of Public Prosecutions.
(2)  As soon as practicable after receiving a notice of appeal or application for leave to appeal, the registrar of the original Local Court must send the relevant papers (including a copy of any relevant order or conviction made by the Local Court) to the registrar of the Land and Environment Court.
Subdivision 2 Determination of appeals
36   Determination of applications for leave to appeal
(1)  The Land and Environment Court may determine an application for leave to appeal by dismissing the application or by granting leave to appeal.
(2)  Leave to appeal must not be granted in relation to an application under section 33 unless the Land and Environment Court is satisfied that it is in the interests of justice that leave be granted.
(3)  If the Land and Environment Court dismisses an application for leave to appeal, it may make such order as to the costs to be paid by the appellant as it thinks just.
(4)  If the Land and Environment Court grants leave to appeal, it may proceed to hear the appeal immediately or it may adjourn the appeal proceedings.
37   Appeals to be by way of rehearing on the transcripts of evidence
(1)  An appeal is to be dealt with by way of rehearing on the basis of certified transcripts of evidence given in the original Local Court proceedings, except as provided by section 38.
(2)  Fresh evidence may be given, but only by leave of the Land and Environment Court which may be granted only if the Court is satisfied that it is in the interests of justice that the fresh evidence be given.
(3)  The parties to an appeal are each entitled to be provided with one free copy of the certified transcripts of evidence relevant to the appeal and, if fresh evidence is given, one free copy of the transcript of the fresh evidence.
38   Circumstances in which evidence to be given in person
(1)  The Land and Environment Court may direct a person to attend and give evidence in proceedings on an appeal against conviction if it is satisfied that there are substantial reasons why, in the interests of justice, the person should attend and give evidence.
(2)  An application for such a direction may be made by a party to the proceedings in relation to a particular person only if notice of the party’s intention to make such an application has been served on each other party to the proceedings within such period as the Land and Environment Court may direct.
(3)  If an application for such a direction is refused, the Land and Environment Court must give reasons for the refusal.
(4)  A direction may be withdrawn only on the application, or with the consent, of the appellant.
(5)  The regulations may make provision for or with respect to the determination of substantial reasons under subsection (1).
(6)  Without limiting subsection (5), in determining whether substantial reasons exist, the Land and Environment Court must have regard to whether or not the appellant was legally represented for the whole or any part of the original Local Court proceedings.
39   Determination of appeals
(1)  The Land and Environment Court may determine an appeal against conviction:
(a)  by setting aside the conviction, or
(b)  by dismissing the appeal.
(2)  The Land and Environment Court may determine an appeal against sentence:
(a)  by setting aside the sentence, or
(b)  by varying the sentence, or
(c)  by dismissing the appeal.
(3)  The Land and Environment Court may determine an appeal against an order referred to in section 32 (2) (a) or (b):
(a)  by setting aside the order and making such other order as it thinks just, or
(b)  by dismissing the appeal.
40   Notice of dismissal of appeal or application for leave to appeal
(1)  If an appeal or application for leave to appeal is dismissed because of the appellant’s failure to appear, the registrar of the Land and Environment Court must cause notice of that fact to be served on the appellant.
(2)  Such a notice must state the following:
(a)  that the Land and Environment Court has dismissed the appeal or application,
(b)  that the appellant is entitled to apply for the setting aside of the order by which the order dismissing the appeal or application was made,
(c)  that such an application must be made within 12 months after the date on which the order dismissing the appeal or application was made.
41   Revocation of orders dismissing appeals and applications for leave to appeal
(1)  An application may be made to the Land and Environment Court for the setting aside of an order under section 40 that has dismissed an appeal or application for leave to appeal because of the appellant’s failure to appear (a dismissal order).
(2)  An application under this section must be made within 12 months after the date on which the dismissal order is made.
(3)  After hearing such an application, the Land and Environment Court may set aside the dismissal order, either unconditionally or subject to conditions, if it is satisfied:
(a)  that the appellant has shown sufficient cause for the failure to appear, and
(b)  that it is in the interests of justice that the appeal or application be heard.
(4)  Section 60 applies to any sentence in respect of which a dismissal order is set aside.
(5)  No action lies against any person for anything done or omitted to be done by the person in good faith, and without notice of the setting aside of a dismissal order, for the purpose of enforcing the conviction or sentence the subject of the appeal to which the order relates.
Division 2 Appeals by prosecutors
Subdivision 1 Making of appeals
42   Appeals as of right
(1)  The Director of Public Prosecutions may appeal to the Land and Environment Court against a sentence imposed on a person by a Local Court in relation to an environmental offence for which proceedings have been prosecuted by or on behalf of a public authority (other than the Environment Protection Authority).
(2)  The Environment Protection Authority may appeal to the Land and Environment Court against a sentence imposed on a person by a Local Court in relation to an environmental offence for which proceedings have been prosecuted by or on behalf of the Environment Protection Authority.
(3)  An appeal must be made within 28 days after the relevant sentence is imposed.
(4)  Despite subsection (3), an appeal may be lodged more than 28 days after the relevant sentence is imposed if:
(a)  the sentence has been reduced on the defendant’s undertaking to assist law enforcement authorities (as referred to in section 23 of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999), and
(b)  the defendant has failed, whether wholly or partly, to fulfil the undertaking.
43   Appeals requiring leave
(1)  The Director of Public Prosecutions may appeal to the Land and Environment Court against:
(a)  an order that has been made by a Magistrate in relation to a person in any committal proceedings with respect to an environmental offence, or
(b)  an interlocutory order that has been made by a Local Court in relation to a person in summary proceedings with respect to an environmental offence,
being an offence for which proceedings have been prosecuted by or on behalf of a public authority (other than the Environment Protection Authority), but only on a ground that involves a question of law alone, and only by leave of the Land and Environment Court.
(1A)  The Environment Protection Authority may appeal to the Land and Environment Court against:
(a)  an order that has been made by a Magistrate in relation to a person in any committal proceedings with respect to an environmental offence, or
(b)  an interlocutory order that has been made by a Local Court in relation to a person in summary proceedings with respect to an environmental offence,
being an offence for which proceedings have been prosecuted by or on behalf of the Environment Protection Authority, but only on a ground that involves a question of law alone, and only by leave of the Land and Environment Court.
(2)  An application for leave to appeal must be made within 28 days after the relevant order is made.
s 43: Am 2003 No 40, Sch 1.9 [2] [3].
44   Lodgment of appeals and applications for leave to appeal
(1)  An appeal under section 42 is to be made by lodging a written notice of appeal with the registrar of any Local Court.
(2)  A notice of appeal must state the general grounds of appeal.
(3)  An application for leave to appeal under section 43 is to be made by lodging a written application for leave to appeal, together with a written notice of appeal, with the registrar of any Local Court.
(4)  An application for leave to appeal must state the general grounds of the application.
45   Documents to be forwarded to defendant and relevant court registrars
(1)  The person with whom a notice of appeal or application for leave to appeal is lodged must immediately forward a copy of it to:
(a)  the defendant in the original Local Court proceedings, and
(b)  the registrar of the original Local Court, if the person is not that registrar.
(2)  As soon as practicable after receiving a notice of appeal or application for leave to appeal, the registrar of the original Local Court must send the relevant papers (including a copy of any relevant order or conviction made by the Local Court) to the registrar of the Land and Environment Court.
Subdivision 2 Determination of appeals
46   Determination of applications for leave to appeal
(1)  The Land and Environment Court may determine an application for leave to appeal by dismissing the application or by granting leave to appeal.
(2)  If the Land and Environment Court dismisses an application for leave to appeal, it may make such order as to the costs to be paid by the Director of Public Prosecutions as it thinks just.
(3)  If the Land and Environment Court grants leave to appeal, it may proceed to hear the appeal immediately or it may adjourn the appeal proceedings.
47   Appeals against sentence to be by way of rehearing of evidence
(1)  An appeal is to be dealt with by way of a rehearing of the evidence given in the original Local Court proceedings, although fresh evidence may be given in the appeal proceedings, but only by leave of the Land and Environment Court.
(2)  Leave to give fresh evidence may be granted to the Director of Public Prosecutions or Environment Protection Authority only in exceptional circumstances.
48   Determination of appeals
(1)  The Land and Environment Court may determine an appeal against sentence:
(a)  by setting aside the sentence, or
(b)  by varying the sentence, or
(c)  by dismissing the appeal.
(2)  The Land and Environment Court may determine an appeal against an order referred to in section 43 (1) (a) or (b) or (1A) (a) or (b):
(a)  by setting aside the order and making such other order as it thinks just, or
(b)  by dismissing the appeal.
s 48: Am 2003 No 40, Sch 1.9 [4].
Division 3 Miscellaneous
49   Miscellaneous powers
(1)  Without limiting its other powers, the Land and Environment Court may do any one or more of the following:
(a)  it may specify the sitting at which the hearing of an appeal or application for leave to appeal is to be heard or continued,
(b)  it may adjourn the hearing of an appeal or application for leave to appeal.
(2)  In determining an appeal, the Land and Environment Court may exercise any function that the original Local Court could have exercised in the original Local Court proceedings.
(3)  In determining an appeal against an order referred to in section 43 (1) (a) or (b) or (1A) (a) or (b), the Land and Environment Court has the same jurisdiction as the Supreme Court with respect to such an appeal.
(4)  Subject to section 70, the Land and Environment Court may make such order as to the costs to be paid by either party (including the Crown) as it thinks just.
s 49: Am 2003 No 40, Sch 1.9 [5].
50   Limits on appeals
(1)  No appeal may be made to the Land and Environment Court under this Part against a decision of a Local Court:
(a)  that is or has previously been the subject of an appeal or application for leave to appeal to the Land and Environment Court under this Part, or
(b)  that is or has previously been the subject of an appeal or application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court under Part 5.
(2)  Subsection (1) (b) does not prevent a person who has made an appeal or application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court under Part 5 from making an appeal or application for leave to appeal to the Land and Environment Court under this Part if:
(a)  the Supreme Court has remitted the matter on appeal to a Local Court for redetermination, and the Local Court has redetermined the matter, or
(b)  the Supreme Court has refused leave to appeal in relation to:
(i)  an appeal made on a ground of mixed law and fact, or
(ii)  an appeal with respect to an environmental offence.
(3)  No application to set aside or vary any conviction or sentence of a Local Court that could be the subject of an appeal under this Part may be made to the Land and Environment Court (whether in its civil or criminal jurisdiction) except by way of an appeal under this Part.
51   Rules of court
Rules of court may be made under the Land and Environment Court Act 1979 with respect to the jurisdiction conferred by this Part on the Land and Environment Court.
Part 5 Appeals from Local Court to Supreme Court
Division 1 Appeals by defendants
Subdivision 1 Making of appeals
52   Appeals as of right
(1)  Any person who has been convicted or sentenced by a Local Court, otherwise than with respect to an environmental offence, may appeal to the Supreme Court against the conviction or sentence, but only on a ground that involves a question of law alone.
(2)  An appeal must be made within such period after the date of the conviction or sentence as may be prescribed by rules of court.
53   Appeals requiring leave
(1)  Any person who has been convicted or sentenced by a Local Court, otherwise than with respect to an environmental offence, may appeal to the Supreme Court against the conviction or sentence on a ground that involves:
(a)  a question of fact, or
(b)  a question of mixed law and fact,
but only by leave of the Supreme Court.
(2)  Any person who has been convicted or sentenced by a Local Court with respect to an environmental offence, may appeal to the Supreme Court against the conviction or sentence, but only on a ground that involves a question of law alone, and only by leave of the Supreme Court.
(3)  Any person against whom:
(a)  an order has been made by a Magistrate in relation to the person in any committal proceedings, or
(b)  an interlocutory order has been made by a Local Court in relation to the person in summary proceedings,
may appeal to the Supreme Court against the order, but only on a ground that involves a question of law alone, and only by leave of the Supreme Court.
(4)  An application for leave to appeal must be made within such period after the date of the conviction, sentence or order as may be prescribed by rules of court.
Subdivision 2 Determination of appeals
54   Determination of applications for leave to appeal
(1)  The Supreme Court may determine an application for leave to appeal by dismissing the application or by granting leave to appeal.
(2)  Leave to appeal must not be granted in relation to an application with respect to an environmental offence unless the Supreme Court is satisfied that the appeal is likely to require the resolution of a matter relating to constitutional law or a matter of general application.
(3)  If the Supreme Court dismisses an application for leave to appeal, it may make such order as to the costs to be paid by the appellant as it thinks just.
(4)  If the Supreme Court grants leave to appeal, it may proceed to hear the appeal immediately or it may adjourn the appeal proceedings.
55   Determination of appeals
(1)  The Supreme Court may determine an appeal against conviction:
(a)  by setting aside the conviction, or
(b)  by setting aside the conviction and remitting the matter to the original Local Court for redetermination in accordance with the Supreme Court’s directions, or
(c)  by dismissing the appeal.
(2)  The Supreme Court may determine an appeal against sentence:
(a)  by setting aside the sentence, or
(b)  by varying the sentence, or
(c)  by setting aside the sentence and remitting the matter to the original Local Court for redetermination, in relation to sentence, in accordance with the Supreme Court’s directions, or
(d)  by dismissing the appeal.
(3)  The Supreme Court may determine an appeal against an order referred to in section 53 (3) (a) or (b):
(a)  by setting aside the order and making such other order as it thinks just, or
(b)  by dismissing the appeal.
Division 2 Appeals by prosecutors
Subdivision 1 Making of appeals
56   Appeals as of right
(1)  The prosecutor may appeal to the Supreme Court against:
(a)  a sentence imposed by a Local Court in any summary proceedings, or
(b)  an order made by a Local Court that stays any summary proceedings for the prosecution of an offence, or
(c)  an order made by a Local Court dismissing a matter the subject of any summary proceedings, or
(d)  an order for costs made by a Magistrate against the prosecutor in any committal proceedings, or
(e)  an order for costs made by a Local Court against the prosecutor in any summary proceedings,
other than an order or sentence with respect to an environmental offence, but only on a ground that involves a question of law alone.
(2)  An appeal must be made within such period after the date of the sentence or order as may be prescribed by rules of court.
57   Appeals requiring leave
(1)  The prosecutor may appeal to the Supreme Court against:
(a)  a sentence imposed by a Local Court with respect to an environmental offence, or
(b)  an order that has been made by a Magistrate in relation to a person in any committal proceedings, or
(c)  an interlocutory order that has been made by a Local Court in relation to a person in summary proceedings,
but only on a ground that involves a question of law alone, and only by leave of the Supreme Court.
(2)  An application for leave to appeal must be made within such period after the date of the sentence or order as may be prescribed by rules of court.
Subdivision 2 Determination of appeals
58   Determination of applications for leave to appeal
(1)  The Supreme Court may determine an application for leave to appeal by dismissing the application or by granting leave to appeal.
(2)  Leave to appeal must not be granted in relation to an application with respect to an environmental offence unless the Supreme Court is satisfied that the appeal is likely to require the resolution of a matter relating to constitutional law or a matter of general application.
(3)  If the Supreme Court dismisses an application for leave to appeal, it may make such order as to the costs to be paid by the prosecutor as it thinks just.
(4)  If the Supreme Court grants leave to appeal, it may proceed to hear the appeal immediately or it may adjourn the appeal proceedings.
59   Determination of appeals
(1)  The Supreme Court may determine an appeal against sentence:
(a)  by setting aside the sentence, or
(b)  by varying the sentence, or
(c)  by dismissing the appeal.
(2)  The Supreme Court may determine an appeal against an order referred to in section 56 (1) (b), (c) or (d) or 57 (1) (b) or (c):
(a)  by setting aside the order and making such other order as it thinks just, or
(b)  by dismissing the appeal.
Division 3 Miscellaneous
60   Limits on appeals
A person may not appeal to the Supreme Court under this Part against a decision of a Local Court:
(a)  that is or has previously been the subject of an appeal or application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court under this Part, or
(b)  that is or has previously been the subject of an appeal or application for leave to appeal to the Court of Criminal Appeal under the Criminal Appeal Act 1912.
61   Rules of court
Rules of court may be made under the Supreme Court Act 1970 with respect to the jurisdiction conferred by this Part on the Supreme Court.
Part 6 Provisions common to all appeals
62   Effect of defect in notice of appeal or application for leave to appeal
(1)  A notice of appeal or application for leave to appeal is not invalid merely because of a defect, whether of substance or form, in the notice or application.
(2)  An appeal court hearing an appeal or application for leave to appeal may amend any such notice or application if it is satisfied that the notice or application is capable of amendment and ought to be amended.
(3)  Such an amendment may be made subject to such conditions as to adjournment as the appeal court thinks just.
(4)  An appeal court may dispose of an appeal or application for leave to appeal, despite the relevant notice or application having not been served on an interested party, if it is satisfied that the party:
(a)  is aware of the date, time and place fixed for dealing with the appeal or application and has not been prejudiced as a consequence of the notice or application having not been served, or
(b)  is avoiding service of the notice or application, or
(c)  cannot, after reasonable search and inquiry, be found.
63   Stay of execution of sentence pending determination of appeal
(1)  This section applies to:
(a)  any sentence, and
(b)  any penalty, restitution, compensation, forfeiture, destruction, disqualification or loss or suspension of a licence or privilege that arises under an Act as a consequence of a conviction,
in respect of which an appeal or application for leave to appeal is made under this Act.
(2)  The execution of any such sentence, and the operation of any such penalty, restitution, compensation, forfeiture, destruction, disqualification or loss or suspension of a licence or privilege, is stayed:
(a)  except as provided by paragraphs (b) and (c), when notice of appeal is duly lodged, or
(b)  in the case of an appellant whose appeal is the subject of an application for leave, when leave to appeal is granted, or
(c)  in the case of an appellant who is in custody when the appeal is made or leave to appeal is granted, when the appellant enters into a bail undertaking, or when bail is dispensed with, under the Bail Act 1978.
(3)  Subject to any order of the appeal court, a stay of execution continues in force until the appeal is finally determined.
(4)  Such an order is to be made only if the appeal court is satisfied, in proceedings on an application by the prosecutor, that the appellant has unduly delayed the appeal proceedings.
(5)  In this section, a reference to an appellant who is in custody includes a reference to a person who is the subject of a periodic detention order or home detention order within the meaning of the Crimes (Administration of Sentences) Act 1999.
64   Extension of appeal proceedings to other convictions and sentences
If an appeal or application for leave to appeal has been duly made in respect of one conviction or sentence (the primary conviction or sentence), an appeal court may hear and determine an appeal or application for leave to appeal in respect of any other conviction or sentence made or imposed on the same day, and in respect of the same person, as the primary conviction or sentence, and may do so even though an appeal or application for leave to appeal has not been duly made in respect of the other conviction or sentence.
65   Appeal not to succeed on narrow technical grounds
(1)  A conviction, order or sentence is not to be set aside on an appeal merely because of:
(a)  an omission or mistake in the form of the conviction or order, or
(b)  an error in law in the order or sentence,
if it appears to the appeal court that there were sufficient grounds before the Local Court to have authorised a conviction, order or sentence free from the omission, mistake or error.
(2)  In such a case, the appeal court:
(a)  may amend the conviction, order or sentence and determine the appeal as if the omission, mistake or error did not exist, or
(b)  may remit the matter to the Local Court to make the conviction or order, or impose the sentence, authorised by law and to amend the conviction, order or sentence accordingly.
66   Unavailability of original Magistrate
If an appeal court remits a matter to a Local Court and the Magistrate who made the original conviction or order or imposed the original sentence:
(a)  has ceased to hold office as a Magistrate, or
(b)  is for any other reason unable to continue to hear and determine the matter,
the matter is to be dealt with by another Magistrate nominated by the Chief Magistrate.
67   Withdrawal of appeals and applications
(1)  An appeal or application for leave to appeal may at any stage be withdrawn by the appellant, but only by leave of the appeal court.
(2)  In granting leave for an appeal or application for leave to appeal to be withdrawn, the appeal court may make such orders as are necessary to place the appellant as nearly as practicable in the same position as if the appeal or application had not been made.
(3)  Any order made by the appeal court in respect of an appeal or application for leave to appeal that is withdrawn is taken to have been made by the Local Court.
68   Court may confirm or vary conviction or sentence with effect from earlier day
(1)  An appeal court may order that a conviction or sentence confirmed or varied by it on appeal, or any part of it:
(a)  is to take effect (as confirmed or varied) on and from a day specified in the order, or
(b)  in the case of a sentence that has been served in part, is to recommence (as confirmed or varied) on and from a day specified in the order,
being the day on which the order is made or an earlier day.
(1A)  An appeal court may, for the purposes of making an order under subsection (1) in relation to a sentence that consists of, or includes, a disqualification from holding a driver licence (within the meaning of the Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act 1998), take into account:
(a)  any period during which the defendant’s driver licence was suspended under section 34 of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999, and
(b)  any other periods after committing the offence to which the sentence relates during which the defendant held, or did not hold, a driver licence that would have permitted the defendant to drive a motor vehicle.
Section 34 of the Road Transport (General) Act 1999 enables a police officer to suspend, by written notice, a person’s driver licence within 48 hours after the person is charged with certain offences involving alcohol or drug use under the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999. The suspension has effect until the charge is heard and determined by a court. Also, section 63 of this Act provides for the stay of the execution of a sentence pending determination of appeal under this Act.
(2)  The order has effect despite any stay of execution that has been in force in respect of the sentence appealed against.
s 68: Am 2003 No 71, Sch 1 [2].
69   Effect on good behaviour bonds of confirmation of sentence
If an appeal court confirms a sentence on appeal, any good behaviour bond that the appellant entered into as a consequence of the original sentence continues to have effect according to its terms, except to the extent to which the appeal court otherwise directs and despite any stay of execution that has been in force in respect of the sentence.
70   Limit on costs awarded against public prosecutor
(1)  Costs are not to be awarded in favour of an appellant whose conviction is set aside unless the appeal court is satisfied:
(a)  that the investigation into the alleged offence was conducted in an unreasonable or improper manner, or
(b)  that the proceedings in the Local Court were initiated without reasonable cause or in bad faith, or were conducted by the prosecutor in an improper manner, or
(c)  that the prosecutor unreasonably failed to investigate (or to investigate properly) any relevant matter:
(i)  that the prosecutor was or ought reasonably to have been aware of, and
(ii)  that suggested that the appellant might not be guilty or that, for any other reason, the proceedings should not have been brought, or
(d)  that, because of other exceptional circumstances relating to the conduct of the proceedings by the prosecutor, it is just and reasonable to award costs in favour of the appellant.
(2)  This section does not apply to the awarding of costs against a respondent acting in a private capacity.
(3)  For the purposes of subsection (2), an officer of an approved charitable organisation (within the meaning of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979) is taken not to be acting in a private capacity if the officer acts as the respondent in any appeal arising from proceedings under that Act.
71   Variation of sentences of Local Court
(1)  An appeal court may not vary a sentence so that the sentence as varied could not have been imposed by the original Local Court.
(2)  An appeal court may not make an order or impose a sentence that could not have been made or imposed by the original Local Court.
(3)  Any sentence varied or imposed by an appeal court, and any order made by an appeal court under this Act, has the same effect and may be enforced in the same manner as if it were made by the original Local Court.
72   Orders for costs
An appeal court that orders an appellant or respondent to pay costs:
(a)  must direct that the costs be paid to the registrar of the original Local Court, and
(b)  must state a time within which the costs or other amount must be paid.
73   Evidence of setting aside of conviction or sentence
(1)  If a conviction or sentence is set aside on an appeal, the registrar of the appeal court must cause a memorandum to that effect to be endorsed on the conviction or on the order by which the sentence was imposed.
(2)  A copy of the memorandum is sufficient evidence that the conviction or sentence has been set aside.
Part 7 Miscellaneous
74   Applications and appeals in relation to children
(1)  An application or appeal in respect of a child may be made under this Act either by the child or, on behalf of the child:
(a)  by the child’s legal representative, or
(b)  except as provided by paragraph (c), by a person having parental responsibility for the child, or
(c)  if the Director-General of the Department of Community Services or a designated agency has the care responsibility for the child, by the Director-General.
(2)  In subsection (1), care responsibility, designated agency and parental responsibility have the same meanings as they have in the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.
75   Prerogative of mercy preserved
Nothing in this Act limits or affects in any manner the prerogative of mercy.
76   Attorney General may exercise functions of Director of Public Prosecutions
(1)  Any function that by or under this Act is conferred or imposed on the Director of Public Prosecutions may, at any time and in any case, be exercised by the Attorney General, and may be so exercised even if the same or a similar function has already been exercised in the same case by the Director of Public Prosecutions.
(2)  Any function exercised by the Attorney General pursuant to this section is taken to have been exercised by the Director of Public Prosecutions.
77   Act not to apply to Magistrate’s ministerial functions
This Act does not apply to or in respect of a Magistrate’s exercise of ministerial functions, except to the extent to which this Act expressly so provides.
78   Bail Act 1978 to prevail
The Bail Act 1978 prevails to the extent of any inconsistency between that Act and this Act.
79   Regulations
(1)  The Governor may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for or with respect to any matter that by this Act is required or permitted to be prescribed or that is necessary or convenient for carrying out or giving effect to this Act.
(2)  To the extent to which any other Act so provides, the regulations may modify the operation of this Act for the purposes of its application to matters arising under that other Act.
80   Savings, transitional and other provisions
Schedule 1 has effect.
81   Review of Act
(1)  The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether the policy objectives of the Act remain valid and whether the terms of the Act remain appropriate for securing those objectives.
(2)  The review is to be undertaken as soon as practicable after the period of 5 years from the date of assent to this Act.
(3)  A report on the outcome of the review is to be tabled in each House of Parliament within 12 months after the end of the period of 5 years.
Schedule 1 Savings, transitional and other provisions
(Section 80)
Part 1 Preliminary
1   Savings and transitional regulations
(1)  The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of the following Acts:
this Act
Courts Legislation Amendment Act 2003, but only in relation to the amendments made to this Act
Courts Legislation Amendment Act 2004, but only in relation to the amendments made to this Act
(2)  Such a provision may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from the date of assent to the Act concerned or a later day.
(3)  To the extent to which such a provision takes effect from a date that is earlier than the date of its publication in the Gazette, the provision does not operate so as:
(a)  to affect, in a manner prejudicial to any person (other than the State or an authority of the State), the rights of that person existing before the date of that publication, or
(b)  to impose liabilities on any person (other than the State or an authority of the State) in respect of anything done or omitted to be done before the date of that publication.
Part 2 Provisions consequent on enactment of this Act
Division 1 General
2   Definition
In this Part:
appointed day means:
(a)  in relation to a provision of the Justices Act 1902 that has been repealed, the day on which the repeal commences, or
(b)  in relation to a provision of this Act, the day on which the provision commences.
3   Applications and referrals under Part 4A of Justices Act 1902
Part 4A of the Justices Act 1902 continues to apply to and in respect of any application or reference under that Part that had not been finally dealt with before the appointed day as if that Act had not been repealed.
4   Appeals and applications under Part 5 of Justices Act 1902
Part 5 of the Justices Act 1902 continues to apply to and in respect of any appeal or application under that Part that had not been finally dealt with before the appointed day as if that Act had not been repealed.
5   Appeals and applications under Part 5A of Justices Act 1902
Part 5A of the Justices Act 1902 continues to apply to and in respect of any appeal or application under that Part that had not been finally dealt with before the appointed day as if that Act had not been repealed.
6   Appeals and applications under Part 5B of Justices Act 1902
Part 5B of the Justices Act 1902 continues to apply to and in respect of any appeal or application under that Part that had not been finally dealt with before the appointed day as if that Act had not been repealed.
7   Construction of certain references
Subject to this Schedule and the regulations, in any Act or instrument:
(a)  a reference to a provision of the Justices Act 1902 for which there is a corresponding provision in this Act extends to the corresponding provision of this Act, and
(b)  a reference to any act, matter or thing referred to in a provision of the Justices Act 1902 for which there is a corresponding provision in this Act extends to the corresponding act, matter or thing referred to in the corresponding provision of this Act.
Part 3 Provisions consequent on enactment of Courts Legislation Amendment Act 2003
8   Application of amendment to section 68
The amendment made to section 68 by Schedule 1 [2] to the Courts Legislation Amendment Act 2003 extends to appeals that were commenced before the commencement of the amendment but not finally determined before that commencement.
Part 4 Provision consequent on enactment of Courts Legislation Amendment Act 2004
9   Appeal against refusal of application under section 4
Sections 11A and 16A, as inserted by the Courts Legislation Amendment Act 2004, and sections 13 and 14 as amended by that Act, extend to apply to and in respect of an application under section 4 that was refused by the Local Court before the commencement of Schedule 3 to that Act, unless, on that commencement, an appeal against the relevant conviction or sentence is pending in the District Court or has been dealt with by that Court.
sch 1: Am 2003 No 71, Sch 1 [3] [4]; 2004 No 68, Sch 3 [7] [8].