(1) In this Act, except in so far as the context or subject-matter otherwise indicates or requires:area means New South Wales or an area of or locality in New South Wales.
authorised agent means a person appointed under section 50.
authorised buyer means a person appointed under section 51.
authorised person means a person appointed under section 136 for the purposes of the provision in which the expression occurs.
authority means a board or a committee.
board means a board constituted under this Act.
committee means a committee constituted under this Act.
commodity means a primary product, or a variety, grade or class of a primary product, declared to be a commodity by a proclamation in force under Part 2 or 4.
Department means the Department of Agriculture.
Director-General means the Director-General of the Department.
futures contract means a product futures contract, a currency futures contract or a financial futures contract.
futures market means a market, exchange or other place at which futures contracts are regularly made or traded.
management audit means a management audit under Part 7.
marketing includes buying, selling, financing, collecting, cleaning, grading, packing, treating, carrying, storing, warehousing, rehandling, distributing (by wholesale or retail), delivering and promoting.
marketing board means a board constituted under this Act.
marketing committee means a committee constituted under this Act.
marketing order means a marketing order under Part 5.
primary product includes:
(a) any grain, cereal, fruit (fresh, dried or canned), vegetable, livestock, meat, hay, chaff, poultry (live or dead), honey, beeswax or other product of agriculture, grazing, poultry-farming or bee-keeping in New South Wales, and
(b) any dairy produce (including butter and cheese) and any other article prepared directly from the produce of agriculture, grazing, poultry-farming or bee-keeping in New South Wales,
but does not include wool, fresh milk, eggs or any coarse grain, oilseed or other primary product to which the
Grain Marketing Act 1991 for the time being applies.
proclamation means a proclamation published in the Gazette.
producer, in relation to a primary product, means a person by whom or on whose behalf any of the product is actually grown or produced for sale, and, where any of the product is grown or produced pursuant to any written share-farming agreement or written partnership agreement, includes the parties to the agreement, but does not include a person engaged as an employee on wages or salary or piece-work rates.
product includes article and thing.
regulation means a regulation made under this Act.
sell means sell by wholesale or by retail, whether by cash, on terms or otherwise, and includes barter, exchange, supply for profit, offer for sale, receive for sale, have in possession for sale, expose for sale, send, forward or deliver for sale and cause, suffer or allow to be sold, offered or exposed for sale.
s 4: Am 1989 No 89, Sch 1; 1991 No 15, Sch 4; 1997 No 124, Sch 1 [1]; 1998 No 45, Sch 3.4 [1]; 2000 No 53, Sch 2.12 [1]; 2001 No 34, Sch 2.34 [1].