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Jurisdiction of Courts (Foreign Land) Act 1989 No 190

An Act to remove the limitation on the jurisdiction of the courts of the State with respect to land situated outside the State.
1   Name of Act
This Act may be cited as the Jurisdiction of Courts (Foreign Land) Act 1989.
2   Commencement
This Act commences on a day to be appointed by proclamation.
3   Jurisdiction with respect to foreign land (the Mozambique rule abolished)
The jurisdiction of any court is not excluded or limited merely because the proceedings relate to or may otherwise concern land or immovable property situated outside New South Wales.
4   Court may decline jurisdiction with respect to foreign land
A court is not required to exercise jurisdiction under this Act if the court considers that it is not the appropriate court to hear the proceedings.
5   Application of Act
This Act applies whether the cause of action concerned arose before, or arises after, the commencement of this Act.