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Technical Education Trust Funds (Institute) By-law 1985

In pursuance of the Technical Education Trust Funds Act 1967, the Statutory Trustees of the several Funds hereinafter specified hereby make the By-law set forth hereunder and certify that they have had regard to the intentions of the respective donors of those Funds, as expressed by the respective trust instruments relating to those Funds.
1   Name of By-law
This By-law may be cited as the Technical Education Trust Funds (Institute) By-law 1985.
2   Repeals
The By-laws made in pursuance of the Act and published in Gazette No 58 of 16 May 1969 are repealed in so far as they relate to the following funds:
(a)  the Archibald Howie Memorial Prize Fund,
(b)  the William Edmund Kemp Memorial Scholarship Fund,
(c)  the Robert K Murphy Research Fund.
3   Definitions
In this By-law, except in so far as the context or subject-matter otherwise indicates or requires:
the Institute means The New South Wales Institute of Technology.
4   Archibald Howie Memorial Prize Fund
(1)  This clause relates to the Archibald Howie Memorial Prize Fund.
(2)  The Archibald Howie Memorial Prize may be awarded to a student at the Institute on completion by the student of the Building Degree Course.
(3)  The recipient, pursuant to subclause (2), of the Archibald Howie Memorial Prize shall be the student who, in the opinion of the Statutory Trustees of the Fund, obtains the best results in the final stage of the course.
5   William Edmund Kemp Memorial Scholarship Fund
(1)  This clause relates to the William Edmund Kemp Memorial Scholarship Fund.
(2)  The Kemp Memorial Medal and Prize may be awarded to a student at the Institute on completion by the student of Stage III of the Architecture Degree Course.
(3)  The recipient of the Kemp Memorial Medal and Prize shall be the student who passes all subjects of Stage III of the course in the one year and who, in the opinion of the Statutory Trustees of the Fund, obtains the best results in that stage.
6   Robert K Murphy Research Fund
(1)  This clause relates to the Robert K Murphy Research Fund.
(2)  The Robert K Murphy Scholarship may be awarded, upon such terms and conditions as the Statutory Trustees of the Fund may determine, for research, investigation or advanced study at the Institute, in a branch of science determined by the Trustees.
(3)  A prize may be awarded to a student at the Institute in the Chemistry Degree Course.
(4)  The recipient of the prize referred to in subclause (3) shall be the student in a stage of the course determined by the Statutory Trustees of the Fund, being the student who, in the opinion of the Trustees, submits the best original thesis on a subject determined by the Trustees.
(5)  A prize may be awarded to a student at the Institute on completion by the student of an intermediate stage or, at the discretion of the Statutory Trustees of the Fund, the final stage of the Chemistry Degree Course.
(6)  The recipient of the prize referred to in subclause (5) shall be the student who, in the opinion of the Statutory Trustees of the Fund, obtains the best results in a subject or stage determined by the Trustees.
(7)  A donation may be made to the Institute for the purchase of reference or other books of a scientific or technical nature for inclusion within the library of the School of Chemical and Earth Sciences or, where no such library is established, in the library of the Institute.
(8)  More than one award may be made in any one year pursuant to this clause.