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Constitution Act 1902 No 32

An Act to consolidate the Acts relating to the Constitution.
Part 1 Preliminary
1   Name of Act and division
This Act may be cited as the Constitution Act 1902, and is divided into Parts and Divisions, as follows:
PART 1.—Preliminaryss. 1–4.
PART 2.—Powers of the Legislaturess. 5–9.
PART 3.—The Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly
DIVISION 1.—General Provisionsss. 10–15.
DIVISION 2.—Special Provisions relating to the Legislative Councilss. 16–22J.
DIVISION 3.—Special Provisions relating to the Legislative Assemblyss. 23–33.
PART 4.—Executive Councillors’ Functionsss. 35–38.
PART 4A.—Parliamentary Secretariesss. 38B–38E.
PART 5.—The Consolidated Revenue Fundss. 39–46.
PART 6.—Appointment of officerss. 47.
s 1: Am 1975 No 67, sec 7 (a); 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (1).
2   Repeals and savings
(1)  The Acts mentioned in the First Schedule are, to the extent therein expressed, hereby repealed.
(2)  All persons appointed under the Acts hereby repealed, and holding office at the time of the passing of this Act, shall be deemed to have been appointed hereunder.
(3)  All standing rules and orders made under the authority of the Acts hereby repealed, and being in force at the commencement of this Act, shall be deemed to have been made under the authority of this Act.
3   Definitions
In this Act, unless the context or subject-matter otherwise indicates or requires:
Periodic Council election means an election held after the date of assent to the 1978 reconstitution Act for the return of 15 Members of the Legislative Council.
The Legislature means His Majesty the King, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly.
s 3: Am 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (2).
4   Application of Act
For the purposes of this Act, the boundaries of New South Wales shall comprise all that portion of Australia lying between the one hundred and twenty-ninth and one hundred and fifty-fourth degrees of east longitude, reckoning from the meridian of Greenwich and northward of the fortieth degree of south latitude, including all the islands adjacent in the Pacific Ocean within the latitude aforesaid, and also including Lord Howe Island, save and except the territories comprised within the boundaries of South Australia, Victoria, and Queensland, as at present established.
Part 2 Powers of the Legislature
5   General legislative powers
The Legislature shall, subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, have power to make laws for the peace, welfare, and good government of New South Wales in all cases whatsoever:
Provided that all Bills for appropriating any part of the public revenue, or for imposing any new rate, tax or impost, shall originate in the Legislative Assembly.
5A   Disagreement between the two Houses—appropriation for annual services
(1)  If the Legislative Assembly passes any Bill appropriating revenue or moneys for the ordinary annual services of the Government and the Legislative Council rejects or fails to pass it or returns the Bill to the Legislative Assembly with a message suggesting any amendment to which the Legislative Assembly does not agree, the Legislative Assembly may direct that the Bill with or without any amendment suggested by the Legislative Council, be presented to the Governor for the signification of His Majesty’s pleasure thereon, and shall become an Act of the Legislature upon the Royal Assent being signified thereto, notwithstanding that the Legislative Council has not consented to the Bill.
(2)  The Legislative Council shall be taken to have failed to pass any such Bill, if the Bill is not returned to the Legislative Assembly within one month after its transmission to the Legislative Council and the Session continues during such period.
(3)  If a Bill which appropriates revenue or moneys for the ordinary annual services of the Government becomes an Act under the provisions of this section, any provision in such Act dealing with any matter other than such appropriation shall be of no effect.
s 5A: Ins 1933 No 2, sec 5 (2).
5B   Disagreements—referendum
(1)  If the Legislative Assembly passes any Bill other than a Bill to which section 5A applies, and the Legislative Council rejects or fails to pass it or passes it with any amendment to which the Legislative Assembly does not agree, and if after an interval of three months the Legislative Assembly in the same Session or in the next Session again passes the Bill with or without any amendment which has been made or agreed to by the Legislative Council, and the Legislative Council rejects or fails to pass it or passes it with any amendment to which the Legislative Assembly does not agree, and if after a free conference between managers there is not agreement between the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly, the Governor may convene a joint sitting of the Members of the Legislative Council and the Members of the Legislative Assembly.
The Members present at the joint sitting may deliberate upon the Bill as last proposed by the Legislative Assembly and upon any amendments made by the Legislative Council with which the Legislative Assembly does not agree.
No vote shall be taken at the joint sitting.
(2)  After the joint sitting and either after any further communication with the Legislative Council in order to bring about agreement, if possible, between the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly, or without any such communication the Legislative Assembly may by resolution direct that the Bill as last proposed by the Legislative Assembly and either with or without any amendment subsequently agreed to by the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly, shall, at any time during the life of the Parliament or at the next general election of Members of the Legislative Assembly, be submitted by way of referendum to the electors qualified to vote for the election of Members of the Legislative Assembly.
The referendum shall be held and conducted, if the Constitution Further Amendment (Referendum) Act 1930 or any other Act relating to the manner in which the referendum shall be held and conducted is in force, in accordance with that Act or with any other such Act, but if that Act is not in force and no such other Act is in force the law for the time being in force relating to the holding and conduct of a general election of Members of the Legislative Assembly shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to and in respect of the holding and conduct of the referendum, with such modifications, omissions, and additions as the Governor may by notification published in the Gazette declare to be necessary or convenient for the purposes of such application.
(3)  If at the referendum a majority of the electors voting approve the Bill it shall be presented to the Governor for the signification of His Majesty’s pleasure thereon and become an Act of the Legislature upon the Royal Assent being signified thereto, notwithstanding that the Legislative Council has not consented to the Bill.
(4)  For the purposes of this section the Legislative Council shall be taken to have failed to pass a Bill if the Bill is not returned to the Legislative Assembly within two months after its transmission to the Legislative Council and the Session continues during such period.
(5)  This section shall extend to any Bill whether it is a Bill to which section 7A applies or not.
And in the application of this section to a Bill to which section 7A applies:
(a)  the submission of the Bill to the electors by way of referendum in accordance with this section shall be a sufficient compliance with the provisions of section 7A which require the Bill to be submitted to the electors,
(b)  the referendum under this section shall, notwithstanding anything contained in section 7A, be held upon a day which shall be appointed by the Governor, and
(c)  the day so appointed shall, notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (2), be a day during the life of the Parliament and not sooner than two months after the Legislative Assembly has passed a resolution in accordance with that subsection for the purposes of such referendum.
(6)  A joint sitting of the Members of the Legislative Council and the Members of the Legislative Assembly for the purposes of this section may be convened by the Governor by message to both Houses of the Parliament.
At such joint sitting the President of the Legislative Council or in his absence the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly shall preside, and until standing rules and orders governing the procedure at joint sittings have been passed by both Houses and approved by the Governor, the Standing Rules and Orders of the Legislative Council shall so far as practicable apply.
s 5B: Ins 1933 No 2, sec 5 (2). Am 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (3).
5C   Words of enactment
(1)  Where a Bill is presented to the Governor for the signification of His Majesty’s pleasure in accordance with section 5A, the words of enactment shall be as follows:
BE it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, in accordance with the provisions of section 5A of the Constitution Act 1902, as amended by subsequent Acts, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
Any alteration of a Bill necessary to give effect to this subsection shall not be deemed to be an amendment of the Bill.
(2)  Where a Bill is presented to the Governor for the signification of His Majesty’s pleasure in accordance with section 5B, the words of enactment shall be as follows:
BE it enacted by the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, with the approval of the electors, in accordance with the provisions of section 5B of the Constitution Act 1902, as amended by subsequent Acts, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
Any alteration of a Bill necessary to give effect to this subsection shall not be deemed to be an amendment of the Bill.
s 5C: Ins 1933 No 2, sec 5 (2).
6   Power to alter system of representation
The Legislature may by any Act alter the number and extent of the electorates or Electoral Districts represented in the Legislative Assembly, and establish new electorates or districts, and alter the apportionment of representatives to be chosen by the said electorates or districts, and alter the number of representatives in the said Assembly, and may alter and regulate the appointment of returning officers, and make new provisions for the issuing and return of writs for the election of Members to serve in the said Assembly, and the time and place of holding such elections.
7   Power to alter constitution of Legislative Council
The Legislature may, by any Act, alter the laws in force for the time being under this Act or otherwise concerning the Legislative Council.
s 7: Am 1978 No 46, sec 2; 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (4) (a).
7A   Special provision as to referendum
(1)  The Legislative Council shall not be abolished or dissolved, nor shall:
(a)  its powers be altered,
(b)  section 11A, Division 2 of Part 3 (sections 22G, 22H, 22I and 22J excepted), the Fifth or Sixth Schedule or this section be expressly or impliedly repealed or amended, or
(c)  any provision with respect to the persons capable of being elected or of sitting and voting as Members of either House of Parliament be enacted unless it applies in the same way to the persons capable of being elected or of sitting and voting as Members of the other House of Parliament,
except in the manner provided by this section.
(2)  A Bill for any purpose within subsection (1) shall not be presented to the Governor for His Majesty’s assent until the Bill has been approved by the electors in accordance with this section.
(3)  On a day not sooner than two months after the passage of the Bill through both Houses of the Legislature the Bill shall be submitted to the electors qualified to vote for the election of members of the Legislative Assembly.
Such day shall be appointed by the Legislature.
(4)  When the Bill is submitted to the electors the vote shall be taken in such manner as the Legislature prescribes.
(5)  If a majority of the electors voting approve the Bill, it shall be presented to the Governor for His Majesty’s assent.
(6)  The provisions of this section do not apply to:
(a)  a Bill for the repeal, the amendment from time to time or the re-enactment from time to time with or without modifications of:
(i)  any of the provisions of section 13 (2), 14, 15 or 38A, or
(ii)  any provision for the time being in force so far as it relates to the subject-matter dealt with in any of the provisions referred to in subparagraph (i),
(b)  a provision of a Bill, being a provision which would, upon its coming into operation, be a law referred to in section 22A (5), or
(c)  a provision of a Bill, being a provision with respect to the capacity of a person who holds or accepts an office of profit under the Crown specified in the Bill to be elected or to sit and vote as a Member of either House of Parliament.
(7)    (Repealed)
(8)  In this section a reference to the Legislative Council shall be construed as a reference to the Legislative Council as reconstituted from time to time in accordance with this Act.
s 7A: Ins 1929 No 28, sec 2. Am 1933 No 2, secs 3 (2), 5 (4); 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (5) (a), (c)–(e).
8   Crown lands
The Legislature may make laws regulating the sale, letting, disposal and occupation of the waste lands of the Crown in New South Wales.
9   Shipping dues
It shall not be lawful for the Legislature to enforce any dues or charges upon shipping contrary to or at variance with any treaty concluded by His Majesty with any Foreign Power.
Part 3 The Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly
Division 1 General provisions
10   Powers of Governor
The Governor may fix the time and place for holding every Session of the Legislative Council and Assembly, and may change or vary such time or place as he may judge advisable and most consistent with general convenience and the public welfare, giving sufficient notice thereof. He may also prorogue the Legislative Council and Assembly, and dissolve the said Assembly by proclamation or otherwise whenever he deems it expedient.
11   One session of Parliament to be held in each year
There shall be a Session of the Legislative Council and Assembly once at least in every year, so that a period of twelve months shall not intervene between the last sitting of the Legislative Council and Assembly in one Session and the first sitting of the Legislative Council and Assembly in the next Session.
11A   Elections to be held pursuant to writs
Every general election of Members of the Legislative Assembly and every periodic Council election shall be held pursuant to writs issued by the Governor.
s 11A: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (6).
12   No Member to sit or vote until he has taken the oath of allegiance
No Member either of the Legislative Council or of the Legislative Assembly shall be permitted to sit or vote therein until he has taken and subscribed before the Governor, or before some person authorised by the Governor to administer the same, the oath of allegiance in the form prescribed by the Oaths Act 1900. And whensoever the demise of His present Majesty (whom may God long preserve) or of any of His Successors to the Crown of the United Kingdom shall be notified by the Governor to the said Council and Assembly respectively, the Members of the said Council and Assembly shall, before they are permitted to sit and vote therein, take and subscribe the like oath of allegiance to the Successor for the time being to the said Crown:
Provided that every person authorised by law to make an affirmation instead of taking an oath may make such affirmation in every case in which an oath is hereinbefore required to be taken.
In this section the word demise shall include abdication.
s 12: Am 1936 No 55, sec 2 (b).
13   Disqualifications
(1)  Any person who directly, or indirectly, himself, or by any person whatsoever in trust for him or for his use or benefit or on his account, undertakes, executes, holds, or enjoys in the whole or in part any contract or agreement for or on account of the Public Service of New South Wales shall be incapable of being elected or of sitting or voting as a Member of the Legislative Council or Legislative Assembly during the time he executes, holds or enjoys any such contract or any part or share thereof or any benefit or emolument arising from the same.
(2)  If any person being a Member of such Council or Assembly enters into any such contract or agreement, or, having entered into it, continues to hold it, his seat shall be declared by the said Legislative Council or Legislative Assembly, as the case may require, to be vacant, and thereupon the same shall become and be vacant accordingly.
(3)  Provided that nothing in subsection (1) or (2) contained shall extend to any contract or agreement made, entered into, or accepted by any incorporated company, or any trading company consisting of more than twenty persons, where such contract or agreement is made, entered into, or accepted, for the general benefit of such incorporated or trading company.
(4)  It is hereby declared that nothing in subsection (1) or (2) extends to:
(a)  a contract or agreement for or in respect of a loan to the Treasurer or to a body authorised to borrow by Act of Parliament,
(b)  a contract or agreement the benefit or burden of which or any interest in which devolves upon a person:
(i)  as beneficiary under a will or as a person entitled to share in the estate of an intestate—until he has been in possession of the benefit, burden or interest, as the case may be, for one year from the date of commencement of the Constitution (Amendment) Act 1962 or from the date of the devolution, whichever is the later date,
(ii)  as executor, administrator or trustee—until he has been in possession of the benefit, burden or interest, as the case may be, for three years from the date of commencement of the Constitution (Amendment) Act 1962 or from the date of the devolution, whichever is the later date,
(c)  a compromise or settlement in respect of compensation or other money payable by Her Majesty or a statutory body representing Her Majesty,
(d)  a lease, licence for occupation, sale, purchase or exchange of land, or a contract or agreement for such a lease, sale, purchase or exchange or for the occupation of land or for an easement; or a gift or an agreement for a gift by any person of land to or for Her Majesty or a statutory body representing Her Majesty,
(e)  a contract or agreement for the supply or provision by or to or for Her Majesty or a statutory body representing Her Majesty of goods, wares or merchandise or services (including the provision of insurance or indemnity) where the goods, wares or merchandise or services (including the provision of insurance or indemnity) are supplied or provided on the like terms as those on which they are ordinarily supplied or provided to members of the public,
(f)  a loan by Her Majesty or a statutory body representing Her Majesty to any person upon the security of a mortgage, bill of sale, lien or other security upon and subject to the like terms as those ordinarily imposed by Her Majesty or the statutory body on loans made to members of the public.
Notice of any such compromise or settlement as is referred to in paragraph (c) that takes place after the commencement of the Constitution (Amendment) Act 1962 shall be published in the Gazette within two months from the date of the compromise or settlement, as the case may be.
(5)  In this section, statutory body representing Her Majesty includes any statutory body that is part of, or that exercises any function that is a function of, the Public Service of New South Wales.
s 13: Am 1933 No 2, sec 4 (4); 1962 No 39, sec 2 (a).
13A   Further disqualifications
If a Member of either House of Parliament:
(a)  fails for one whole Session of the Legislative Council and Assembly to give his attendance in the House of which he is a Member, unless excused in that behalf by the permission of that House entered upon its journals,
(b)  takes any oath or makes any declaration or acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience or adherence to any foreign prince or power or does or concurs in or adopts any act whereby he may become a subject or citizen of any foreign state or power or become entitled to the rights, privileges or immunities of a subject of any foreign state or power,
(c)  becomes bankrupt or takes the benefit of any law for the relief of bankrupt or insolvent debtors,
(d)  becomes a public defaulter, or
(e)  is attainted of treason or convicted of felony or any infamous crime,
his seat as a Member of that House shall thereby become vacant.
ss 13A–13D: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (7).
13B   Office of profit or pension from Crown
(1)  A person:
(a)  holding an office of profit under the Crown, or
(b)  having a pension from the Crown during pleasure or for a term of years,
shall not be capable of being elected or of sitting or voting as a Member of either House of Parliament.
(2)  If a Member of either House of Parliament accepts any office of profit under the Crown or pension from the Crown during pleasure or for a term of years, his seat as a Member of that House shall thereby become vacant.
(3)  Notwithstanding subsection (1) or (2):
(a)  a person:
(i)  in receipt only of pay, half-pay or a pension by virtue of service in any of Her Majesty’s defence forces or who accepts any office of profit in any of Her Majesty’s defence forces, or
(ii)  who holds or accepts any of the offices enumerated in the Second Schedule or any office of profit under the Crown created by an Act as an office of the Executive Government,
shall be capable of being elected and of sitting and voting as a Member of either House of Parliament,
(b)  a person who holds or accepts the office of Vice-President of the Executive Council shall be capable of being elected and of sitting and voting as a Member of the Legislative Council, and
(c)  a person who holds or accepts the office of Parliamentary Secretary shall be capable of being elected and of sitting and voting as a Member of the Legislative Assembly.
ss 13A–13D: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (7).
13C   Member of one House ineligible for other
A Member of either House of Parliament shall not be capable of being elected or of sitting or voting as a Member of the other House.
ss 13A–13D: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (7).
13D   Abatement of salary of Members receiving pension or superannuation as public servants
A Member of either House of Parliament in receipt of any allowance or pension granted under any Act authorising the grant of superannuation allowances or pensions to officers in the Public Service shall be entitled to the salary authorised by the Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal Act 1975, subject to its abatement by the amount he receives or is entitled to as that allowance or pension.
ss 13A–13D: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (7).
14   Summons or election of disqualified persons
(1)  If any person by this Act disabled or declared to be incapable to sit or vote in the Legislative Council or Legislative Assembly is, nevertheless, elected and returned as a Member to serve in the said Council or the said Assembly, such election and return shall be declared by the said Council and Assembly, as the case may require, to be void, and thereupon the same shall become and be void to all intents and purposes whatsoever.
(2)  If any person under any of the disqualifications mentioned in section 13 presumes, whilst so disqualified, to sit or vote as a Member of the said Council or Assembly, such person shall forfeit the sum of one thousand dollars to be recovered by any person who sues for the same in the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
s 14: Am 1933 No 2, sec 4 (5); 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (8).
15   Standing Rules and Orders to be laid before Governor
(1)  The Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly shall, as there may be occasion, prepare and adopt respectively Standing Rules and Orders regulating:
(a)  the orderly conduct of such Council and Assembly respectively, and
(b)  the manner in which such Council and Assembly shall be presided over in case of the absence of the President or the Speaker, and
(c)  the mode in which such Council and Assembly shall confer, correspond, and communicate with each other relative to Votes or Bills passed by, or pending in, such Council and Assembly respectively, and
(d)  the manner in which Notices of Bills, Resolutions and other business intended to be submitted to such Council and Assembly respectively at any Session thereof may be published for general information, and
(e)  the proper passing, entitling, and numbering of the Bills to be introduced into and passed by the said Council and Assembly, and
(f)  the proper presentation of the same to the Governor for His Majesty’s Assent.
(2)  Such Rules and Orders shall by such Council and Assembly respectively be laid before the Governor, and being by him approved shall become binding and of force.
Division 2 Special provisions relating to the Legislative Council
pt 3, div 2: Subst 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
16   Interpretation
In this Division:
continuing Member of the Legislative Council means any person whose name is specified in the Fifth Schedule and who is a Member of the Legislative Council immediately before the first appointed day.
elected Member of the Legislative Council means a Member of the Legislative Council elected at a periodic Council election or a person elected under section 22C or 22D.
first appointed day means the day upon which the writ for the first periodic Council election is returnable.
group means a group constituted in accordance with clause 3 of the Sixth Schedule.
second appointed day means the day upon which the writ for the second periodic Council election is returnable.
third appointed day means the day upon which the writ for the third periodic Council election is returnable.
s 16: Am 1926 No 1, sec 2. Rep 1933 No 2, sec 4 (2). Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
17   First reconstitution of the Legislative Council
(1)  On the first appointed day the Members of the Legislative Council (not being the continuing Members of the Legislative Council) shall cease to be Members of the Legislative Council.
(2)  On the first appointed day the Legislative Council shall be reconstituted and shall, on and from the first appointed day and until the second appointed day, consist of 43 members.
s 17: Rep 1933 No 2, sec 4 (2). Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
17A–17H   (Repealed)
ss 17A–17E: Ins 1933 No 2, sec 3 (1). Rep 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
s 17F: Ins 1933 No 2, sec 4 (3). Rep 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
s 17G: Ins 1948 No 34, sec 2. Am 1951 No 63, sec 2 (a); 1956 No 22, sec 2 (1); 1963 No 36, sec 2 (a); 1966 No 29, sec 2 (a); 1969 No 41, sec 2 (a); 1971 No 52, sec 2 (a); 1974 No 7, sec 3 (a); 1975 No 2, sec 3 (a). Rep 1975 No 25, sec 15 (2) (a).
s 17H: Ins 1948 No 34, sec 2. Am 1966 No 29, sec 2 (b); 1968 No 60, sec 2 (a). Rep 1975 No 25, sec 15 (2) (a).
18   Members of the Legislative Council as first reconstituted
The Members of the Legislative Council as reconstituted pursuant to section 17 (2) shall, subject to sections 22B, 22C and 22D and to clauses 4 and 5 of Schedule 4 to the 1978 reconstitution Act, consist of:
(a)  the continuing Members of the Legislative Council, and
(b)  15 Members elected at the first periodic Council election.
s 18: Subst 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
19   Second reconstitution of the Legislative Council
On the second appointed day the Legislative Council shall be reconstituted and shall, on and from the second appointed day and until the third appointed day, consist of 44 Members.
s 19: Am 1962 No 39, sec 2 (b). Subst 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
20   Members of the Legislative Council as secondly reconstituted
The Members of the Legislative Council as reconstituted pursuant to section 19 shall, subject to sections 22B, 22C and 22D and to clauses 4 and 5 of Schedule 4 to the 1978 reconstitution Act, consist of:
(a)  the continuing Members of the Legislative Council whose names are specified in Part 1 of the Fifth Schedule,
(b)  the 15 Members elected at the first periodic Council election, and
(c)  15 Members elected at the second periodic Council election.
s 20: Subst 1933 No 2, sec 4 (6); 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
21   Final reconstitution of the Legislative Council
On the third appointed day the Legislative Council shall be reconstituted and on and from that day shall, subject to sections 22B, 22C and 22D, consist of 45 Members elected, whether on, before or afer that day, at periodic Council elections.
s 21: Subst 1933 No 2, sec 4 (7); 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
22   Eligibility to vote at periodic Council elections
The persons who would, if a periodic Council election were a general election of Members of the Legislative Assembly, be entitled to vote at that general election, and only those persons, shall be entitled to vote at that periodic Council election.
s 22: Am 1933 No 2, sec 4 (8). Subst 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
22A   Conduct of periodic Council elections
(1)  Periodic Council elections shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Sixth Schedule.
(2)  A writ for the first periodic Council election shall not be issued until after the issue of the writs for the general election of Members of the Legislative Assembly held next after the date of assent to the 1978 reconstitution Act and, when issued, shall name as the day for the taking of the poll the same day as the day for the taking of the poll at that general election.
(3)  A writ for a periodic Council election, other than the first such election, shall not be issued until after the issue of the writs for the general election of Members of the Legislative Assembly held next after the immediately preceding periodic Council election and, when issued, shall name as the day for the taking of the poll the same day as the day for the taking of the poll at that general election.
(4)  A reference in subsection (2) or (3) to a writ does not include a reference to a writ issued by reason of the failure of an election, including a failure of an election by reason of its being declared void in accordance with law.
(5)  Subsection (1) does not limit the power of the Legislature to make laws (being laws that do not expressly or impliedly repeal or amend any of the provisions of the Sixth Schedule and are not inconsistent with any of those provisions) for or with respect to the conduct of periodic Council elections.
ss 22A–22J: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
22B   Term of service of Member of Legislative Council
(1)  A Member of the Legislative Council shall cease to be a Member of the Legislative Council:
(a)  on the day of his death,
(b)  on the day on which his seat as such a Member becomes vacant, otherwise than by reason of paragraph (c), or
(c)  on the day on which his term of service as a Member expires under subsection (2), (3) or (4),
whichever first occurs.
(2)  Subject to subsection (4), the term of service of an elected Member of the Legislative Council shall expire on the day of the termination, either by dissolution or expiry, of the Legislative Assembly next preceding the third general election of Members of the Legislative Assembly to be held after his election as such a Member.
(3)  The term of service of a continuing Member of the Legislative Council:
(a)  whose name is specified in Part 1 of the Fifth Schedule shall expire on the day of the termination, either by dissolution or expiry, of the Legislative Assembly next preceding the third appointed day, or
(b)  whose name is specified in Part 2 of the Fifth Schedule shall expire on the day of the termination, either by dissolution or expiry, of the Legislative Assembly next preceding the second appointed day.
(4)  The term of service of a Member of the Legislative Council elected to fill the seat of another Member which has become vacant otherwise than by reason of subsection (1) (c) shall expire on the day on which that other Member’s seat would have become vacant by reason of subsection (1) (c).
ss 22A–22J: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
22C   Filling of casual vacancies in seats of elected Members of the Legislative Council from same group
(1)  Whenever a vacancy occurs in the seat of an elected Member of the Legislative Council otherwise than by reason of section 22B (1) (c) and there is any person:
(a)  who was included in a group in which:
(i)  where that member was elected at a periodic Council election, that Member was included for the purpose of that periodic Council election, or
(ii)  where that Member was elected under this section or section 22D, the predecessor (whether immediate, intermediate or ultimate) of that Member was included for the purpose of the periodic Council election at which that predecessor was elected, and
(b)  who is not a Member of the Legislative Council,
the Governor shall, in respect of each such vacancy, cause to be published in the Gazette a notification:
(c)  notifying the occurrence of the vacancy,
(d)  inviting persons eligible under subsection (2) to apply in writing to the Governor to be declared to be elected to fill the vacant seat, and
(e)  specifying the time within which any such application must be lodged with the Governor.
(2)  A person is eligible to make an application referred to in subsection (1) (d) if:
(a)  he was included in the group referred to in subsection (1) (a),
(b)  when he makes the application he is not a Member of the Legislative Council,
(c)  were he a Member of the Legislative Council, he would not be disqualified from sitting or voting as such a Member, and
(d)  he lodges that application with the Governor before the time specified pursuant to subsection (1) (e) in the notification under subsection (1),
but is not eligible to make such an application if he was included in the group referred to in subsection (1) (a) and he has, since he was so included, been a Member of the Legislative Council.
(3)  The time to be specified, pursuant to subsection (1) (e), in a notification under subsection (1) shall be a time that is not less than 2 days after the date of publication of the notification in the Gazette.
(4)  As soon as practicable after the time specified pursuant to subsection (1) (e) in a notification under subsection (1), the Governor shall, from among the applicants, if any, eligible, as referred to in subsection (2), to make applications, declare to be elected to fill the vacant seat the applicant, if any, who was highest in the order, referred to in clause 3 of the Sixth Schedule, in which those applicants were included in the group referred to in subsection (1) (a).
(5)  This section does not apply to or in respect of a vacancy that occurs by reason that a periodic Council election is declared void in accordance with law.
ss 22A–22J: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
22D   Filling of casual vacancies in seats of elected Members of Legislative Council by joint sitting of both Houses
(1)  Whenever:
(a)  a vacancy occurs in the seat of an elected Member of the Legislative Council otherwise than by reason of section 22B (1) (c) and that vacancy is not filled under section 22C, or
(b)  a vacancy occurs in the seat of an elected Member of the Legislative Council by reason of section 22B (1) (c) and that vacancy is not filled by reason that insufficient Members of the Legislative Council are elected at the periodic Council election next following the occurrence of the vacancy,
the Governor, by message to both Houses of Parliament, shall convene a joint sitting of the Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Members of the Legislative Council to be held at a place and time specified in the message for the purpose of the election of a person to fill the vacant seat.
(2)  A person may not be nominated at any such joint sitting for election to fill a vacant seat of an elected Member of the Legislative Council if he is not eligible to be so nominated under subsection (3) or, if applicable, subsection (4).
(3)  A person is not eligible to be so nominated if, were he a Member of the Legislative Council, he would be disqualified from sitting or voting as such a Member.
(4)  Where:
(a)  a Member of the Legislative Council was elected at a periodic Council election and was, at the time of his election, publicly recognised by a particular political party as being an endorsed candidate of that party and publicly represented himself to be such a candidate, and
(b)  the vacancy (not being a vacancy referred to in subsection (1) (b)) to be filled is in the seat of that Member or of the successor (whether immediate, intermediate or ultimate) elected under this section or section 22C of that Member,
a person is not eligible to be so nominated unless he is a member of that party, except where there is no member of that party available to be so nominated.
(5)  This section does not apply to or in respect of a vacancy that occurs by reason that a periodic Council election is declared void in accordance with law.
ss 22A–22J: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
22E   Members elected at joint sittings of both Houses of Parliament
(1)  The oath or affirmation required to be taken and subscribed or made by a Member of the Legislative Council under section 12 shall not be taken or made by a person elected at a joint sitting to fill a vacancy referred to in section 22D (1) (a) until the expiration of 2 days after his election.
(2)  If, before a person elected at a joint sitting to fill a vacancy referred to in section 22D (1) (a) takes and subscribes the oath or makes the affirmation required to be taken and subscribed or made under section 12, he ceases to be a member of the political party membership of which was necessary under section 22D (4) for him to be eligible to be nominated for that election, he shall be deemed not to have been elected at that joint sitting and the vacant seat of the Member which he was elected to fill shall, when he so ceases to be a member of that party, again be vacant.
(3)  More than one vacancy may be filled at the one joint sitting.
ss 22A–22J: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
22F   Suspension of Legislative Council business for general election of the Legislative Assembly
The Legislative Council shall not be competent to dispatch any business during the period commencing on the day of the termination, either by dissolution or expiry, of any Legislative Assembly and ending on the day fixed for the return of the writ for the periodic Council election held next after that termination.
ss 22A–22J: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
22G   President
(1)  A person shall be chosen to be the President of the Legislative Council:
(a)  before the Legislative Council proceeds to the dispatch of any other business after the first appointed day, and
(b)  whenever the office of President of the Legislative Council becomes vacant.
(2)  The person so chosen shall cease to hold office as President of the Legislative Council:
(a)  if he ceases to be a Member of the Legislative Council,
(b)  if he is removed from that office by a vote of the Legislative Council, or
(c)  if he resigns his office by writing under his hand addressed to the Governor.
(3)  The President shall preside at all meetings of the Legislative Council except as may be provided by the Standing Rules and Orders of the Legislative Council.
(4)  The President or other Member presiding may take part in any debate or discussion which may arise in the Legislative Council.
(5)  Subject to subsection (3), during the absence from New South Wales of the President, the Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Council shall act in his place and shall, for all purposes, whether of this Act or otherwise, have and may exercise and perform all the powers, authorities, duties and functions of the President.
(6)  Whenever a vacancy occurs in the seat of a Member of the Legislative Council otherwise than by reason of section 22B (1) (c), the President may notify the Governor of the vacancy.
ss 22A–22J: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
22H   Quorum
The presence of at least 12 Members of the Legislative Council, in addition to the President or other Member presiding, shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the dispatch of business.
ss 22A–22J: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
22I   Determination of questions
All questions arising in the Legislative Council shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the Members present other than the President or other Member presiding and when the votes are equal the President or other Member presiding shall have a casting vote.
ss 22A–22J: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
22J   Resignation of seats in the Legislative Council
Any Member of the Legislative Council may, by writing under his hand, addressed to the Governor, resign his seat therein, and upon the receipt of the resignation by the Governor, the seat of that Member shall become vacant.
ss 22A–22J: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (9).
Division 3 Special provisions relating to the Legislative Assembly
23   Convocation of Assembly
The Governor may, as occasion requires, in the name of His Majesty, by instrument under the Great Seal, summon and call together a Legislative Assembly.
24   Duration of Assembly
Every such Legislative Assembly shall exist and continue for three years from the day of the return of the writs for choosing the same and no longer, subject nevertheless to be sooner prorogued or dissolved by the Governor.
24A   Special provision as to referendum
(1)  A Bill containing any provision to extend the time during which any such Legislative Assembly shall exist and continue beyond three years from the day of the return of the writs for choosing the same shall not be presented to the Governor for His Majesty’s assent until the Bill has been approved by the electors in accordance with this section.
(2)  On a day not sooner than two months after the passage of the Bill through both Houses of the Legislature the Bill shall be submitted to the electors qualified to vote for the election of Members of the Legislative Assembly.
Such day shall be appointed by the Governor under and in accordance with the Constitution Further Amendment (Referendum) Act 1930 and any Act amending or replacing that Act.
(3)  When the Bill is submitted to the electors the vote shall be taken under and in accordance with the Constitution Further Amendment (Referendum) Act 1930 and any Act amending or replacing that Act.
(4)  If a majority of the electors voting approve the Bill, it shall be presented to the Governor for His Majesty’s assent.
(5)  The provisions of this section shall extend to any Bill for the repeal or amendment of this section.
(6)  Nothing contained in this section affects the operation of section 5B of this Act and a Bill to which this section would otherwise apply which has been submitted to the electors under and in accordance with section 5B of this Act and has been approved by a majority of the electors voting may be presented to the Governor for His Majesty’s assent as if this section had not been enacted.
s 24A: Ins 1950 No 33, sec 2.
25–29   (Repealed)
s 25: Rep 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (10).
s 26: Am 1975 No 67, sec 7 (b). Rep 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (11).
s 27: Am 1906 No 41, sec 60; 1912 No 41, sec 187; 1975 No 67, sec 7 (c). Rep 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (12).
s 28: Am 1906 No 41, sec 61; 1912 No 19, sec 2; 1912 No 41, sec 188; 1920 No 20, sec 2; 1922 No 2, sec 2; 1925 No 6, sec 2; 1930 No 8, sec 2; 1932 No 48, sec 3; 1938 No 18, sec 2; 1947 No 28, sec 2 (1); 1951 No 63, sec 2 (b); 1956 No 22, sec 3 (a); 1959 No 36, sec 2 (a); 1963 No 36, sec 2 (b); 1966 No 29, sec 2 (c); 1969 No 41, sec 2 (b); 1971 No 52, sec 2 (b); 1974 No 7, sec 3 (b); 1975 No 2, sec 3 (b). Rep 1975 No 25, sec 15 (2) (a).
s 28A: Ins 1956 No 22, sec 3 (b). Am 1971 No 52, sec 2 (c). Rep 1975 No 25, sec 15 (2) (a).
s 29: Am 1956 No 22, sec 3 (c); 1966 No 29, sec 2 (d); 1968 No 60, sec 2 (b); 1975 No 25, sec 15 (2) (b)–(e); 1975 No 67, sec 7 (d). Rep 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (13).
30   Assembly may proceed to business although writs not exceeding five shall not have been returned
Upon any general election the Legislative Assembly shall be competent to proceed to the despatch of business at the time appointed by the Governor for that purpose notwithstanding that any of the writs of election (not exceeding five) have not been returned, or that in any of the electoral districts the electors have failed to elect a Member to serve in the said Assembly.
31   Election of the Speaker
(1)  The Members of the Legislative Assembly shall upon the first assembling after every general election proceed forthwith to elect one of their number to be Speaker; and in case of his death, resignation, or removal by a vote of the said Legislative Assembly, the said Members shall forthwith proceed to elect another of such Members to be such Speaker.
(2)  The Speaker so elected shall preside at all meetings of the said Legislative Assembly except as may be provided by the Standing Rules and Orders herein authorised to be made.
s 31: Am 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (14).
31A   Absence of Speaker from New South Wales
(1)  During the absence from New South Wales of the Speaker the Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly shall act in his place, and for all purposes, whether of this Act or otherwise, shall have and may exercise and perform all the powers, authorities, duties and functions of the Speaker.
(2)  Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) the Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly, while acting in the place of the Speaker under that subsection, shall be deemed to be the Speaker for the purposes of section 71 of the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912–1935.
s 31A: Ins 1936 No 1, sec 2.
32   Quorum division casting vote
(1)  The presence of at least twenty Members of the Legislative Assembly, exclusive of the Speaker, shall be necessary to constitute a meeting of the said Assembly for the despatch of business.
(2)  All questions (except as herein is excepted) which arise in the said Assembly shall be decided by the majority of votes of the Members present other than the Speaker, and when the votes are equal the Speaker shall have the casting vote.
33   Resignation of seats in the Assembly
Any Member of the Legislative Assembly may, by writing under his hand, addressed to the Speaker, resign his seat therein, and upon the receipt of such resignation by the Speaker, the seat of such Member shall become vacant.
34   (Repealed)
s 34: Rep 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (15).
Part 4 Executive Councillors’ functions
35   Definitions
In this Part:
Executive Councillor means any member of the Executive Council appointed and sworn in as such member and being also a Minister of the Crown, but does not include the Governor or officer administering the government of the State.
Functions include powers, authorities and duties.
Unavailable, in relation to an Executive Councillor, means unavailable by reason of the Executive Councillor’s absence or disability or for any other reason.
s 35: Am 1975 No 67, sec 4 (a).
36   Authority for Executive Councillor to act for and on behalf of another Executive Councillor
(1)  The Governor may, from time to time, authorise an Executive Councillor to act for and on behalf of another Executive Councillor for any period specified or described by the Governor.
(2)  Where an Executive Councillor is authorised under this section to act for and on behalf of another Executive Councillor, any function appertaining or annexed to the office of that other Executive Councillor may, while the authority remains in force, be exercised or performed from time to time by the Executive Councillor so authorised instead of by that other Executive Councillor.
(3)  An authority under this section may be revoked by the Governor.
(4)  An Executive Councillor may be authorised under this section by reference to his name or by reference to the title of the office which he holds as Executive Councillor.
(5)  Notice of an authority under this section, or the revocation of such an authority, may be published in the Gazette at any time, and, where such a notice is so published, judicial notice shall be taken of the notice and of the authority or revocation, as the case may be.
(6)  Every authority under this section shall be recorded by the officer in charge of the records of the Executive Council.
s 36: Subst 1975 No 67, sec 4 (b).
37   Unavailability of Executive Councillor
An Executive Councillor may exercise or perform for and on behalf of another Executive Councillor a function appertaining or annexed to the office of that other Executive Councillor if the firstmentioned Executive Councillor is satisfied that that other Executive Councillor is unavailable and that any Executive Councillor authorised under section 36 to exercise or perform that function is unavailable.
s 37: Subst 1975 No 67, sec 4 (b).
37A   Provisions ancillary to sections 36 and 37
(1)  Sections 36 and 37 apply to the functions appertaining or annexed to the office of an Executive Councillor, whether those functions are conferred or imposed by the terms (express or implied) of an Act or instrument under an Act, or by or under any other law, or by official or other custom, but do not apply to the functions appertaining or annexed to that office by virtue of an authority under section 36.
(2)  Any act, matter or thing done or omitted by an Executive Councillor while acting for or on behalf of another Executive Councillor:
(a)  under an authority under section 36, or
(b)  under the authority of section 37,
shall be as valid and effectual and shall have the same consequences as if the act, matter or thing had been done or omitted by that other Executive Councillor.
(3)  In all proceedings and before all persons acting judicially, it shall be presumed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that an Executive Councillor who purports to act for or on behalf of another Executive Councillor was authorised by or under section 36 or 37 so to act.
s 37A: Ins 1975 No 67, sec 4 (b).
38   Limitation as to exercise of Attorney-General’s functions
(1)  Nothing in section 36, 37 or 37A authorises an Executive Councillor to exercise any function that is by an Act or any other law annexed or incident to the office of the Attorney-General.
(2)  Where a function is annexed or incident to the office of the Attorney-General by reason only of the fact that the Attorney-General administers an Act or part of an Act, subsection (1) does not apply in relation to that function unless the administration of that Act or part is expressly vested in the Attorney-General by any Act.
s 38: Subst 1975 No 67, sec 4 (b).
38A   Powers of Ministers to speak in Legislative Council
(1)  Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, any executive councillor who is a Member of the Legislative Assembly may at any time, with the consent of the Legislative Council, sit in the Legislative Council for the purpose only of explaining the provisions of any Bill relating to or connected with any department administered by him, and may take part in any debate or discussion in the Legislative Council on such Bill, but he shall not vote in the Legislative Council.
(2)  It shall not be lawful at any one time for more than one executive councillor under the authority of this section to sit in the Legislative Council.
s 38A: Ins 1933 No 2, sec 5 (3).
Part 4A Parliamentary Secretaries
pt 4A (ss 38B–38E): Ins 1975 No 67, sec 7 (e).
38B   Appointment of Parliamentary Secretaries
(1)  The Premier may, from time to time, appoint a Member or Members of the Legislative Assembly to hold office as Parliamentary Secretary.
(2)  Section 47 does not apply to or in respect of the office of Parliamentary Secretary.
pt 4A (ss 38B–38E): Ins 1975 No 67, sec 7 (e).
38C   Functions of Parliamentary Secretary
(1)  A Parliamentary Secretary shall have and may perform such functions as the Premier may, from time to time, determine in respect of him.
(2)  Nothing in this section authorises a Parliamentary Secretary to perform any functions that may, by the terms (express or implied) of an Act or instrument under an Act, or by or under any other law, only be performed by some other person.
pt 4A (ss 38B–38E): Ins 1975 No 67, sec 7 (e).
38D   How Parliamentary Secretary ceases to hold office
(1)  A person holding office as Parliamentary Secretary ceases to hold that office:
(a)  if he dies,
(b)  if the person by whom he was appointed as such ceases to be Premier,
(c)  if he resigns his office as such by writing under his hand addressed to the Premier,
(d)  if he is removed from office as such by the Premier,
(e)  if his seat as a Member of the Legislative Assembly becomes vacant, otherwise than by reason of the fact that the Legislative Assembly has been dissolved or has expired by the effluxion of time, or
(f)  upon the day appointed for the taking of the poll for the general election next following his appointment to hold that office.
(2)  The Premier may, for any cause which appears to him to be sufficient, remove any person from office as Parliamentary Secretary.
pt 4A (ss 38B–38E): Ins 1975 No 67, sec 7 (e).
38E   Restrictions relating to Parliamentary Secretaries
(1)  A person shall not be appointed to hold office as Parliamentary Secretary if he is a Minister of the Crown or a member of the Executive Council.
(2)  A person shall not be appointed as a Minister of the Crown or a member of the Executive Council if he is a Parliamentary Secretary.
pt 4A (ss 38B–38E): Ins 1975 No 67, sec 7 (e).
Part 5 The Consolidated Revenue Fund
39   Consolidated Revenue Fund
All taxes, imposts, rates, and duties, and all territorial, casual, and other revenues of the Crown (including royalties), from whatever source arising within New South Wales, and over which the Legislature has power of appropriation, shall form one Consolidated Revenue Fund, to be appropriated for the Public Service of New South Wales, in the manner and subject to the charges hereinafter mentioned.
40   Expenses of collection
The Consolidated Revenue Fund shall be permanently charged with all the costs, charges, and expenses incident to the collection, management, and receipt thereof; such costs, charges, and expenses being subject nevertheless to be reviewed and audited in such manner as may be directed by any Act.
41   Civil List payable to His Majesty
(1)  There shall be payable in every year to His Majesty, his heirs and successors, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, the several sums not exceeding in the whole the sum of twenty-two thousand three hundred and forty-five pounds for defraying the expense of the several services and purposes named in the Third and Fourth Schedules.
(2)  The Colonial Treasurer shall issue the said several sums in discharge of such warrants as shall be from time to time directed under the hand of the Governor, and the said Treasurer shall account to His Majesty for the same through the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty’s Treasury in such manner and form as His Majesty shall be graciously pleased to direct.
(3)  Provided that for such time as there exist ministers of religion whose claims to stipends or allowances payable out of the sum set apart by Schedule C to the Constitution Act were preserved by the Grants for Public Worship Prohibition Act of 1862, and who are under the said Act legally entitled for the time being to claim stipends or allowances from the public funds, there shall be payable in every year to His Majesty, his heirs and successors, out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, in addition to the sums aforesaid, such sum as may be necessary to meet the payments of such stipends or allowances, and all payments out of such sum shall be made and accounted for in manner last aforesaid.
s 41: Am 1908 No 2, sec 2 (1); 1920 No 20, sec 3; 1922 No 2, sec 3; 1925 No 6, sec 3 (a); 1929 No 12, sec 3 (a); 1930 No 8, sec 3 (a); 1932 No 48, sec 4 (a); 1938 No 18, sec 3 (a).
42   Civil List to be accompanied by surrender of all revenues of the Crown
The said several sums mentioned in the said Schedules shall be accepted and taken by His Majesty, his heirs and successors, by way of civil list, instead of all territorial, casual, and other revenues of the Crown (including all royalties), from whatever source arising, within New South Wales, and to the disposal of which the Crown may be entitled either absolutely or conditionally or otherwise howsoever.
43   Pensions to Judges
(1)  Not more than four thousand five hundred and fifty pounds in each year shall be payable for pensions to the judges of the Supreme Court out of the sum set apart in the Fourth Schedule.
(2)  Not more than three thousand five hundred pounds in each year shall be payable out of the said sum for pensions to superannuated officers, and the amount of such pensions shall be according to the several scales and rates fixed by the Imperial Act four and five William the Fourth, chapter twenty-four:
Provided that the said sum of three thousand five hundred pounds shall in each year be paid to the Civil Service Superannuation Account, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Act 1884, and that a list of all pensions granted under this Act and of the persons to whom the same have been granted shall be laid in every year before both Houses of the Legislature.
44   Issue of public revenue
No part of His Majesty’s revenue in New South Wales arising from any of the sources aforesaid shall be issued, or shall be made issuable, except in pursuance of warrants under the hand of the Governor directed to the Colonial Treasurer.
45   Appropriation of consolidated revenue
After and subject to the payments to be made under the provisions hereinbefore contained, all the Consolidated Revenue Fund hereinbefore mentioned shall be subject to be appropriated to such specific purposes as may be prescribed by any Act in that behalf.
46   Money Bills to be recommended by Governor
It shall not be lawful for the Legislative Assembly to originate or pass any vote, resolution, or Bill for the appropriation of any part of the said Consolidated Revenue Fund, or of any other tax or impost to any purpose which has not been first recommended by a message of the Governor to the said Assembly during the Session in which such vote, resolution, or Bill shall be passed.
Part 6 Appointment of officers
47   Appointment of officers
Subject to the provisions of the Public Service Act 1902 and of all other enactments relating to the appointment of officers and being in force at the passing of this Act, the appointment of all public offices under the Government, whether such offices are salaried or not, shall be vested in the Governor with the advice of the Executive Council, with the exception of the appointments of the officers liable to retire from office on political grounds as hereinbefore mentioned, which appointments shall be vested in the Governor alone:
Provided that this enactment shall not extend to minor appointments which by any Act or by order of the Governor and Executive Council are vested in heads of departments or other officers or persons.
First Schedule
Reference to Act
Title or short title
Extent of repeal
17 Vic No 41
The Constitution Act.
The unrepealed portion.
20 Vic No 18
An Act to grant to Her Majesty certain sums in addition to the present Civil List for the adequate remuneration of the Colonial Treasurer.
The whole.
37 Vic No 7
An Act to limit the duration of Parliaments to three years.
The whole.
44 Vic No 6
Executive Councillors (Functions Substitution) Act.
The whole.
47 Vic No 5
The whole.
53 Vic No 12
Parliamentary Representatives’ Allowance Act.
The whole.
54 Vic No 1
The whole.
Act No 40, 1901
Section 2, subsection (4).
Second Schedule
The Premier.
The Attorney-General.
Seventeen other Ministers of the Crown being members of the Executive Council.
Second Sch: Am 1908 No 2, sec 4; 1920 No 20, sec 4. Subst 1947 No 28, sec 2 (3) (a); 1951 No 63, sec 2 (c). Am 1968 No 60, sec 2 (c); 1976 No 48, sec 3.
Third Schedule
(Section 41)
To be placed at the disposal of His Majesty for the Salary of the Governor if His Majesty sees fit, otherwise to revert to the Consolidated Revenue Fund
One Chief Justice
Two Puisne Judges
Governor’s Private Secretary
Third Sch: Am 1908 No 2, sec 2 (2); 1920 No 20, sec 5; 1922 No 2, sec 4; 1925 No 6, sec 3 (b) (c); 1929 No 12, sec 3 (b); 1930 No 8, sec 3 (b) (c); 1932 No 48, sec 4 (b) (c); 1938 No 18, sec 3 (b).
Fourth Schedule
(Sections 41, 43)
Pensions to Judges on their ceasing to hold office (Any unclaimed portion of this amount to revert to the Consolidated Revenue Fund)
Pensions to Officers of Government not liable on political grounds to retire or be released from office according to the scales and rates fixed by the Superannuation Act of the Imperial Parliament 4 and 5 W IV c 24 (This amount to be paid in each year to the Civil Service Superannuation Account, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Act 1884)
Fifth Schedule Continuing Members of the Legislative Council
(Sections 16, 20 (a), 22B)
Part 1 Long term Members
BALDWIN, Peter Jeremy.
BURTON, Donald Ross.
DARLING, Fergus John.
DUCKER, John Patrick.
DUNCAN, Frederick Norman.
HOLT, Walter John.
JOHNSON, John Richard.
KENNEDY, James William.
KITE, Delcia Ivy.
MORRIS, John Joseph.
ORR, Nathaniel Montgomery.
SANDWITH, William John.
SOLOMONS, Louis Adrian.
TURNER, Roy Frederick.
Part 2 Short term Members
ANDERSON, Kathleen Harris.
BRYON-FAES, Roger August Alfred Faes, de.
FREEMAN, Derek David.
FRENCH, Henry Bernard.
FULLER, John Bryan Munro.
HALLAM, Jack Rowland.
LANDA, David Paul.
LLOYD, Florence Violet.
McMAHON, Peter.
McPHERSON, Herbert John.
MELVILLE, Robert Gavin.
PICKERING, Edward Phillip.
WILLIS, Max Frederick.
Fifth Sch: Ins 1956 No 22, sec 3 (d). Am GG No 54 of 8.5.1959, p 1438; 1959 No 36, sec 2 (b); GG No 29 of 30.3.1962, p 844; GG No 35 of 13.4.1962, p 1018. Subst 1963 No 36, sec 2 (c); 1966 No 29, sec 2 (e). Am GG No 26 of 28.2.1968, p 797; 1969 No 41, sec 2 (c); GG No 23 of 3.3.1971, p 635; 1971 No 52, sec 2 (d); GG No 147 of 30.11.1973, p 5098; 1974 No 7, sec 3 (c); 1975 No 2, sec 3 (c). Rep 1975 No 25, sec 15 (2) (a). Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (16).
Sixth Schedule Conduct of Legislative Council elections
(Sections 16, 22A)
Part 1 System of election
At a periodic Council election, the whole of the State of New South Wales shall be a single electoral district for the return of 15 Members of the Legislative Council.
(1)  At a poll for a periodic Council election, a voter shall be required to record his vote for 10 candidates and no more but shall be permitted to record his vote for as many more candidates as he pleases, so as to indicate in such manner as may be provided by law the candidates for whom he votes and the order of his preferences for them.
(2)  Notwithstanding subclause (1) of this clause, a ballot-paper on which the voter has recorded not less than 10 votes is not informal by reason only that:
(a)  the same preference (other than his first preference) has been recorded on the ballot-paper for more than 1 candidate, but the ballot-paper shall be treated as if those preferences and any subsequent preferences had not been recorded on the ballot-paper, or
(b)  there is a break in the order of his preferences, but the ballot-paper shall be treated as if any subsequent preference had not been recorded on the ballot-paper.
For the purpose of a periodic Council election, 2 or more candidates may, in the manner provided by law, be included in a group in such order as may be determined by them.
Part 2 Counting of votes at elections
(1)  In this Part of this Schedule:
continuing candidate means a candidate not already elected or not excluded from the count.
Council returning officer means the person for the time being appointed by law to conduct periodic Council elections.
(2)  In relation to any stage of the scrutiny, a reference in this Part of this Schedule to the surplus votes of an elected candidate is a reference to the number at that stage by which the elected candidate’s votes exceed the quota, reduced by the excess, if any, of the number at that stage of the elected candidate’s votes on which a next available preference for a continuing candidate is not indicated over the quota.
The method of counting the votes to ascertain the result of a periodic Council election shall be as provided in this Part of this Schedule.
At the close of the poll the Council returning officer shall ascertain the total number of first preference votes recorded for each candidate on all ballot-papers not rejected by him as informal and the total of all such votes.
The Council returning officer shall then determine a quota by dividing the total number of first preference votes for all candidates by 16 and by increasing the quotient so obtained (disregarding any remainder) by 1.
Any candidate who has received a number of first preference votes equal to or greater than the quota so determined shall be elected.
Where the number of first preference votes received by a candidate is equal to the quota, the whole of the ballot-papers containing those votes shall be set aside as finally dealt with.
Unless all vacancies have been filled, the surplus votes of each elected candidate shall be transferred to the continuing candidates, in proportion to the voters’ preferences, as follows:
(a)  The Council returning officer shall divide the number of the elected candidate’s surplus votes by the number of first preference votes (excluding any first preference votes indicated on ballot-papers which do not bear a next available preference for a continuing candidate) received by him and the resulting fraction shall, for the purposes of this clause, be the transfer value of that candidate’s surplus votes.
(b)  The Council returning officer shall take all of the ballot-papers of the elected candidate on which a next available preference is indicated for a continuing candidate and arrange them in separate parcels for the continuing candidates according to the next available preference indicated on them.
(c)  The Council returning officer shall ascertain, from the parcel referred to in paragraph (b) in respect of each continuing candidate, the total number of ballot-papers of the elected candidate which bear the next available preference for that continuing candidate and shall, by multiplying that total by the transfer value of the elected candidate’s surplus votes, determine the number of votes to be transferred from the elected candidate to each continuing candidate.
(d)  If, as a result of the multiplication, any fraction results, so many of those fractions, taken in the order of their magnitude, beginning with the largest, as are necessary to ensure that the number of votes transferred equals the number of the elected candidate’s surplus votes shall be reckoned as of the value of unity and the remaining fractions shall be ignored.
(e)  The Council returning officer shall then determine the number of ballot-papers to be transferred from the elected candidate to each continuing candidate.
(f)  The Council returning officer shall then, in respect of each continuing candidate, forthwith take at random, from the parcel referred to in paragraph (b) containing the ballot-papers of the elected candidate which bear the next available preference for that continuing candidate, the number of ballot-papers determined under paragraph (e) and transfer those ballot-papers to the continuing candidate.
(g)  The ballot-papers containing the first preference votes of the elected candidate which have not been transferred (that is, the ballot-papers containing the number of votes equal to the quota) shall be set aside as finally dealt with.
(1)  When the surplus votes of all elected candidates have been transferred to the continuing candidates as provided by clause 10, any continuing candidate who has received a number of votes equal to or greater than the quota shall be elected.
(2)  Unless all the vacancies have been filled, the surplus votes of the elected candidate shall be transferred to the continuing candidates in accordance with the provisions of clause 10, but, in the application of those provisions, only those ballot-papers which have been transferred to the elected candidate from a candidate previously elected shall be taken into consideration.
(1)  If, as a result of the transfer of the surplus votes of a candidate elected in pursuance of clause 11 or elected at a later stage of the scrutiny, a continuing candidate has received a number of votes equal to or greater than the quota, he shall be elected.
(2)  Unless all the vacancies have been filled, the surplus votes of the elected candidate shall be transferred to the continuing candidates in accordance with the provisions of clause 10, but, in the application of those provisions, only those ballot-papers which have been transferred to the elected candidate from the candidate or candidates elected at the last preceding count shall be taken into consideration.
The ballot-papers containing the first preference votes of a candidate who has been elected in pursuance of the provisions of clause 11 or 12, together with the ballot-papers transferred to him from a candidate previously elected or excluded which have not been further transferred, shall be set aside as finally dealt with.
(1)  If, after the transfer of the surplus votes of the elected candidates, no candidate has, or less than the number of candidates required to be elected have, received a number of votes equal to the quota, the candidate who has the fewest votes shall be excluded and the whole of his ballot-papers shall be transferred to the continuing candidates next in order of the voters’ available preferences.
(2)  If thereupon, or as the result of the exclusion of a candidate at any subsequent stage of the scrutiny, a continuing candidate has received a number of votes equal to or greater than the quota, he shall be elected.
(3)  Unless all the vacancies have then been filled, the surplus votes of the elected candidate shall be transferred to the continuing candidates in accordance with the provisions of clause 10, but, in the application of those provisions, only those ballot-papers which have been transferred to the elected candidate from the candidate last excluded shall be taken into consideration.
(4)  The ballot-papers containing the first preference votes of the elected candidate, together with the ballot-papers transferred to him from a candidate previously elected or excluded which have not been further transferred, shall be set aside as finally dealt with.
(5)  If no continuing candidate has then received a number of votes equal to the quota, the process of excluding the candidate with the fewest votes and the transferring of ballot-papers containing those votes to the continuing candidates shall be repeated until a continuing candidate has received a number of votes equal to the quota or, in respect of the last vacancy, a majority of the votes remaining in the count, but the process of excluding candidates shall not be repeated after the number of continuing candidates is equal to the number of unfilled vacancies.
(6)  A ballot-paper that under this clause is, pursuant to the exclusion of a candidate, required to be transferred to a continuing candidate shall be set aside as finally dealt with if it does not indicate a next available preference for a continuing candidate.
After all the candidates who have received a number of votes equal to the quota are elected:
(a)  where there is 1 remaining unfilled vacancy—the candidate who has received a majority of the votes remaining in the count, or
(b)  where the number of continuing candidates is equal to the number of remaining unfilled vacancies—those candidates,
shall be elected.
Where, on the count of the first preference votes, or at the same time at any subsequent stage of the scrutiny, 2 or more candidates are elected by reason of their having received a number of votes equal to or greater than the quota, any transfer of the surplus votes of those candidates shall be carried out in the order, first of the candidate with the largest surplus, second of the candidate with the next largest surplus and so on.
(1)  Notwithstanding anything contained in this Part of this Schedule, a transfer of the surplus votes of an elected candidate shall be deferred (but without affecting the order of that transfer) so long as the total number of those surplus votes and any other surplus votes not transferred is less than the difference between the total votes of the 2 continuing candidates with the fewest votes.
(2)  In any such case, unless all vacancies have been filled, the candidate with the fewest votes shall be first excluded and the ballot-papers containing his votes shall be transferred to the continuing candidates as provided in clause 14 (1).
(1)  If, on any count, 2 or more candidates have an equal number of votes, and 1 of them has to be excluded, the candidate whose name is on the slip drawn in accordance with subclause (4) of this clause shall be excluded.
(2)  If, at the time of their election, 2 or more candidates have an equal number of votes that is more than the quota, the candidate whose name is on the slip drawn in accordance with subclause (4) of this clause shall, for the purposes of clause 16, be deemed to have had the larger or largest surplus.
(3)  If, on the final count for filling the last vacancy, 2 candidates have an equal number of votes, 1 candidate shall be excluded in accordance with subclause (1) of this clause and the other shall be elected.
(4)  For the purposes of subclauses (1) and (2) of this clause, the names of the candidates who have an equal number of votes having been written on similar slips of paper by the Council returning officer and the slips having been folded by him so as to prevent the description being seen and having been mixed, 1 of those slips shall be drawn at random by him.
Sixth Sch: Ins 1978 No 75, Sch 1 (16).