Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 No 596
Table of versions
Original legislation
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (EPI 596)
notfd gaz 16.10.1998 Gazette No 148 p 8300
Amended in Gazettes No 178 of 24.12.1998, pp 10266, 10267, No 10 of 22.1.1999, p 214, No 56 of 7.5.1999, p 3118, No 111 of 24.9.1999, p 9194, No 139 of 10.12.1999, p 11839 and No 144 of 24.12.1999, p 12457.
Amending legislation
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2022 No 26
Assented to 16.06.2022.
Date of commencement, assent, sec 2.
State Environmental Planning Policy Amendment (Miscellaneous) 2022 (EPI 72)
notfd 04.03.2022.
Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.
State Environmental Planning Policy Amendment (Miscellaneous) 2021 (EPI 716)
notfd 26.11.2021.
Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.
State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) Amendment (Short-term Rental Accommodation) 2021 (EPI 175)
notfd 09.04.2021.
Date of commencement, 1.11.2021, cl 2.
Amending legislation
State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) Amendment (Short-term Rental Accommodation) Amendment 2021 (EPI 414)
notfd 28.07.2021.
Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.
State Environmental Planning Policy Amendment (Arts and Cultural Activity) 2020 (EPI 724)
notfd 11.12.2020.
Date of commencement, 11.12.2020, cl 2 and 2020 (713) LW 11.12.2020.
State Environmental Planning Policy Amendment (Repeal of Operational SEPPs) 2019 (EPI 659)
notfd 20.12.2019.
Date of commencement, 1.2.2020, cl 2.
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 48) (2011 EPI 583)
notfd 11.11.2011.
Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.
State Environmental Planning Policy (Repeal of Concurrence and Referral Provisions) 2008 (EPI 571)
notfd gaz 12.12.2008 GG No 157 p 11946
Date of commencement, 15.12.2008, cl 3.
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 47) (2008 EPI 122)
notfd gaz 02.05.2008 GG No 48 p 2994
Date of commencement, on gazettal.
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2007 No 82
Assented to 07.12.2007.
Date of commencement of Sch 2.14, assent, sec 2 (2).
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 38) (2007 EPI 332)
notfd gaz 13.07.2007 GG No 90 p 4504
Date of commencement, on gazettal.
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 45) (2007 EPI 328)
notfd gaz 06.07.2007 GG No 87 p 4409
Date of commencement, on gazettal.
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 43) (2006 EPI 552)
notfd gaz 01.09.2006 GG No 111 p 7823
Date of commencement, on gazettal.
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 40) (2005 EPI 435)
notfd gaz 12.08.2005 GG No 102 p 4390
Date of commencement, on gazettal.
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 42) (2005 EPI 257)
notfd gaz 17.06.2005 GG No 73 p 2483
Date of commencement, on gazettal.
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 35)
notfd gaz 12.09.2003 GG No 138 p 9309
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 31)
notfd gaz 05.09.2003 GG No 137 p 9171
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 26)
notfd gaz 06.06.2003 GG No 95 p 5070
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 28)
notfd gaz 06.12.2002 GG No 246 p 10484
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 30)
notfd gaz 22.11.2002 GG No 225 p 9921
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 5)
notfd gaz 23.08.2002 GG No 133 p 6491
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 25)
notfd gaz 28.03.2002 GG No 67 p 2105
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 23)
notfd gaz 01.02.2002 GG No 34 p 675
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 18)
notfd gaz 01.02.2002 GG No 34 p 673
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 22)
notfd gaz 12.10.2001 GG No 156 p 8565
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 19)
notfd gaz 27.07.2001 GG No 117 p 5714
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 20)
notfd gaz 08.06.2001 GG No 95 p 3583
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 21)
notfd gaz 12.04.2001 GG No 67 p 1898
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 14)
notfd gaz 16.03.2001 GG No 54 p 1370
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 10)
notfd gaz 23.06.2000 GG No 73 p 5177
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998 (Amendment No 7)
notfd gaz 23.06.2000 GG No 73 p 5176
History notes
This is a consolidated list of all history notes for this title. View the history notes inline to see the point-in-time history of provisions for a particular historical version by clicking the Turn history notes on button.
Cl 2 |
Am 6.6.2003; 2007 (332), Sch 1 [1]; 2020 (724), Sch 2[2]. |
Cl 5 |
Am 2007 (332), Sch 1 [2]. |
Cl 6A |
Ins 28.3.2002. |
Cl 7A |
Ins 24.12.1999. Am 28.3.2002. Subst 2006 (552), Sch 2 [1]. Am 2007 (328), Sch 1.2 [1] [2]. |
Cl 7B |
Ins 24.12.1999. Am 28.3.2002. Rep 2006 (552), Sch 2 [1]. |
Cl 9 |
Rep 28.3.2002. |
Cl 11 |
Am 7.5.1999; 22.11.2002; 6.6.2003; 12.9.2003; 2005 (435), Sch 1 [1]; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [2]. |
Cl 12 |
Am 1.2.2002. |
Cl 13 |
Am 6.6.2003; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [3]. |
Cl 14 |
Am 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [4]. |
Cl 15 |
Am 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [5]. |
Cl 16 |
Am 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003. |
Cl 18 |
Am 1.2.2002. |
Cl 19 |
Am 24.12.1999; 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [6]. |
Cl 20 |
Am 24.12.1999; 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [7] [8]. |
Cl 21 |
Am 24.12.1999; 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [9]. |
Cl 22 |
Am 24.12.1999; 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003. |
Cl 22A |
Ins 1.2.2002. |
Cl 25 |
Am 12.9.2003; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [10]; 2022 No 26, Sch 2.25. |
Cl 26 |
Am 1.2.2002. |
Cll 27, 28 |
Am 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003. |
Cl 29 |
Am 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [11]. |
Cl 33 |
Am 6.6.2003. |
Cll 34, 35 |
Am 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003. |
Cl 37 |
Am 6.6.2003. |
Cl 40 |
Am 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003. |
Cl 40A |
Ins 12.10.2001. |
Cl 41 |
Rep 28.3.2002. |
Cll 42–45 |
Am 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003. |
Cl 46 |
Am 6.6.2003. |
Cll 48, 49 |
Am 28.3.2002; 6.6.2003. |
Part 11 |
Subst 24.12.1999. |
Cl 50 |
Subst 24.12.1999. Am 1.2.2002. Rep 28.3.2002. |
Cl 51 |
Subst 24.12.1999; 28.3.2002. Am 2022 (72), Sch 1.43[1]. |
Cll 52–55 |
Subst 24.12.1999. |
Part 12 |
Subst 2007 (332), Sch 1 [3]. |
Cl 56 |
Am 6.6.2003. Subst 2007 (332), Sch 1 [3]. Am 2008 (571), Sch 3.149 [1]–[5]. |
Cl 57 |
Am 28.3.2002; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [12]. Subst 2007 (332), Sch 1 [3]. |
Cl 58 |
Rep 2007 (332), Sch 1 [3]. |
Cl 59 |
Rep 28.3.2002. |
Cll 60, 61 |
Rep 2007 (332), Sch 1 [3]. |
Cl 62 |
Subst 24.12.1999. Rep 2007 (332), Sch 1 [3]. |
Cl 62A |
Ins 24.12.1999. Rep 2007 (332), Sch 1 [3]. |
Cl 63 |
Rep 2007 (332), Sch 1 [3]. |
Cl 66 |
Am 6.6.2003. |
Cl 68A |
Ins 23.8.2002. Rep 2008 (571), Sch 3.149 [6]. |
Cl 73 |
Am 1.2.2002; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [13]. |
Cl 74 |
Am 2008 (571), Sch 3.149 [7]. |
Cl 75 |
Rep 28.3.2002. |
Cl 76 |
Subst 6.6.2003. |
Cl 77 |
Subst 6.6.2003. Am 2022 (72), Sch 1.43[2]. |
Cl 78 |
Subst 6.6.2003. |
Cl 79 |
Subst 6.6.2003. |
Cl 81 |
Subst 24.12.1999. Rep 2021 (716), Sch 1.20[1]. |
Cl 81A |
Ins 6.12.2002. Am 2006 (552), Sch 2 [14] [15]. |
Cl 81B |
Ins 2019 (659), Sch 1.22. |
Cll 81C, 81D |
Ins 2019 (659), Sch 2.22. |
Cl 81E |
Ins 2020 (724), Sch 3. |
Cl 82 |
Subst 8.6.2001. |
Cl 82, table |
Am 7.5.1999. Rep 8.6.2001. |
Cl 83 |
Ins 8.6.2001. Am 2011 (583), Sch 1 [1]. |
Sch 1 |
Am 24.12.1998; 22.1.1999; 7.5.1999; 24.9.1999; 10.12.1999; 24.12.1999; 23.6.2000; 16.3.2001; 12.4.2001; 27.7.2001; 12.10.2001; 1.2.2002; 28.3.2002; 23.8.2002; 22.11.2002; 6.6.2003; 5.9.2003; 12.9.2003; 2005 (257), cl 4; 2005 (435), Sch 1 [2]; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [16]–[19]; 2007 (332), Sch 1 [4] [5]; 2007 No 82, Sch 2.14; 2008 (122), cl 4; 2011 (583), Sch 1 [2]; 2021 (175), Sch 2.10; 2021 (716), Sch 1.20[2]; 2022 (72), Sch 1.43[3]. |
Sch 3 |
Am 1.2.2002. |
Sch 4 |
Subst 2007 (332), Sch 1 [6]. |
Sch 5 |
Ins 8.6.2001. |
Sch 6 |
Ins 8.6.2001. Am 27.7.2001; 12.10.2001; 22.11.2002; 2006 (552), Sch 2 [20]; 2011 (583), Sch 1 [3]–[5]. |
Queanbeyan Local Environmental Plan 1998
Publication: 16 October 1998 | ![]() |