Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Act 1992 No 39

Effective date Publication date Amendments included Notes
15 August 2024 15 August 2024 2024 No 49
30 October 2023 30 October 2023 2023 No 35
29 November 2021 29 November 2021 2021 No 32
22 January 2021 22 January 2021 2020 No 30
05 December 2019 05 December 2019 2019 No 14
14 January 2018 14 January 2018 2017 No 63
15 December 2017 15 December 2017 2017 No 65
08 June 2017 08 June 2017 2017 No 22
01 March 2016 01 March 2016 2014 No 46
15 January 2016 15 January 2016 2015 No 58
08 January 2016 08 January 2016 2015 No 58
01 September 2015 01 September 2015 2015 No 19
09 June 2015 09 June 2015 2015 No 8
04 June 2015 04 June 2015 2015 No 5
01 January 2015 01 January 2015 2014 No 74
04 January 2013 04 January 2013 2012 No 95
01 July 2012 01 July 2012 2012 No 43
01 November 2011 01 November 2011 2011 No 41
25 February 2011 25 February 2011 2006 No 105
07 January 2011 07 January 2011 2010 No 119
01 October 2010 01 October 2010 2010 No 61
09 July 2010 09 July 2010 2010 No 59
01 July 2010 01 July 2010 2009 No 54
06 July 2009 06 July 2009 2007 No 94
01 January 2009 01 January 2009 2008 No 98
14 November 2008 14 November 2008 2008 (SI 507)
08 August 2008 08 August 2008 2006 No 104
27 June 2008 27 June 2008 2008 (SI 236)
04 July 2007 04 July 2007 2007 No 27
30 October 2006 30 October 2006 2006 No 84
17 March 2006 17 March 2006 2006 No 2
07 October 2005 07 October 2005 2005 No 17
16 July 2004 16 July 2004 2004 No 54
01 July 2004 01 July 2004 2003 No 99
2004 No 40
01 January 2004 01 January 2004 2003 No 96
01 January 2003 01 January 2003 2002 No 122
14 December 2001 14 December 2001 2001 No 112
14 September 2001 14 September 2001 2001 (SI 734)
17 July 2001 17 July 2001 2001 No 56
01 January 2001 01 January 2001 2000 No 92
2000 No 109

Amendments made to this Act prior to 1.4.2005 by regulations under sec 11 are listed only in the Table of amendments.

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Act 1992 No 39

Assented to 19.05.1992.

Previously Government Pricing Tribunal Act 1992.

Date of commencement, 1.7.1992, sec 2 and GG No 75 of 26.6.1992, p 4273.

Water Management Amendment (Central Coast Council) Act 2024 No 49

Assented to 15.08.2024.

Date of commencement, assent, sec 2.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2023 No 35

Assented to 30.10.2023.

Date of commencement of Sch 4, assent, sec 2(c).

Customer Service Legislation Amendment Act 2021 No 32

Assented to 29.11.2021.

Date of commencement of Sch 1.6, assent, sec 2(1).

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 No 30

Assented to 27.10.2020.

Date of commencement of amendments made by Sch 4, 22.1.2021, sec 2(4).

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2019 No 14

Assented to 21.11.2019.

Date of commencement of Sch 1.12, 14 days after assent, sec 2(1).

Local Government Amendment (Regional Joint Organisations) Act 2017 No 65

Assented to 30.11.2017.

Date of commencement, 15.12.2017, sec 2 and 2017 (730) LW 15.12.2017.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2017 No 63

Assented to 23.11.2017.

Date of commencement of Sch 4.25, 14.1.2018, sec 2 (3).

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2017 No 22

Assented to 01.06.2017.

Date of commencement of Sch 5, 7 days after assent, sec 2 (1).

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2015 No 58

Assented to 24.11.2015.

Date of commencement of Sch 1, 8.1.2016, sec 2 (1).

Date of commencement of Sch 3, 15.1.2016, sec 2 (3).

State Insurance and Care Governance Act 2015 No 19

Assented to 21.08.2015.

Date of commencement of Sch 15.8, 1.9.2015, sec 2 and 2015 (524) LW 28.8.2015.

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Amendment (Accredited State Water Regulator) Act 2015 No 8

Assented to 09.06.2015.

Date of commencement, assent, sec 2.

Electricity Network Assets (Authorised Transactions) Act 2015 No 5

Assented to 04.06.2015.

Date of commencement of Sch 8, assent, sec 2 (1).

Water NSW Act 2014 No 74

Assented to 11.11.2014.

Date of commencement, 1.1.2015, sec 2 and 2014 (839) LW 19.12.2014.

Passenger Transport Act 2014 No 46

Assented to 17.09.2014.

Date of commencement of Sch 4.5, 1.3.2016, sec 2 and 2016 (93) LW 26.2.2016.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2012 No 95

Assented to 21.11.2012.

Date of commencement of Sch 2, 4.1.2013, sec 2 (1).

Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment (Procurement of Goods and Services) Act 2012 No 43

Assented to 22.06.2012.

Date of commencement, 1.7.2012, sec 2 and 2012 (306) LW 29.6.2012.

Transport Legislation Amendment Act 2011 No 41

Assented to 13.09.2011.

Date of commencement of Sch 5.11, 1.11.2011, sec 2 and 2011 (559) LW 28.10.2011.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2010 No 119

Assented to 29.11.2010.

Date of commencement of Sch 1.18, 7.1.2011, sec 2 (2).

Commercial Arbitration Act 2010 No 61

Assented to 28.06.2010.

Date of commencement, 1.10.2010, sec 1B and 2010 (541) LW 24.9.2010.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2010 No 59

Assented to 28.06.2010.

Date of commencement of Sch 2.44, 9.7.2010, sec 2 (2).

Government Information (Public Access) (Consequential Amendments and Repeal) Act 2009 No 54

Assented to 26.06.2009.

Date of commencement, 1.7.2010, sec 2 and 2010 (248) LW 18.6.2010.

Transport Administration Amendment (Rail and Ferry Transport Authorities) Act 2008 No 98

Assented to 03.12.2008.

Date of commencement, 1.1.2009, sec 2 and GG No 158 of 19.12.2008, p 12314.

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Amendment (Country Energy) Regulation 2008 (SI 507)

notfd gaz 14.11.2008 GG No 147 p 10937

Date of commencement, on gazettal.

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal Amendment (Hunter Water) Regulation 2008 (SI 236)

notfd gaz 27.06.2008 GG No 76 p 6076

Date of commencement, on gazettal.

Miscellaneous Acts (Local Court) Amendment Act 2007 No 94

Assented to 13.12.2007.

Date of commencement of Sch 4, 6.7.2009, sec 2 and 2009 (314) LW 3.7.2009.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2007 No 27

Assented to 04.07.2007.

Date of commencement of Sch 2, assent, sec 2 (2).

Central Coast Water Corporation Act 2006 No 105

Assented to 27.11.2006.

Date of commencement of Sch 7.1, 25.2.2011, sec 2 (1) and 2011 (86) LW 25.2.2011.

Water Industry Competition Act 2006 No 104

Assented to 27.11.2006.

Date of commencement, 8.8.2008, sec 2 and GG No 95 of 8.8.2008, p 7438.

Ports Corporatisation and Waterways Management Amendment Act 2006 No 84

Assented to 30.10.2006.

Date of commencement, assent, sec 2.

Public Sector Employment Legislation Amendment Act 2006 No 2

Assented to 13.03.2006.

Date of commencement, 17.3.2006, sec 2 and GG No 35 of 17.3.2006, p 1378.

Electricity Supply Amendment Act 2005 No 17

Assented to 18.05.2005.

Date of commencement, 7.10.2005, sec 2 and GG No 122 of 7.10.2005, p 8168.

Passenger Transport Amendment (Bus Reform) Act 2004 No 54

Assented to 06.07.2004.

Date of commencement, 16.7.2004, sec 2 and GG No 120 of 16.7.2004, p 5877.

State Water Corporation Act 2004 No 40

Assented to 30.06.2004.

Date of commencement of Sch 3.7, 1.7.2004, sec 2 and GG No 110 of 1.7.2004, p 4983.

Transport Administration Amendment (Sydney Ferries) Act 2003 No 99

Assented to 10.12.2003.

Date of commencement, 1.7.2004, sec 2 and GG No 104 of 25.6.2004, p 4387.

Transport Administration Amendment (Rail Agencies) Act 2003 No 96

Assented to 10.12.2003.

Date of commencement of Sch 3, 1.1.2004, sec 2 and GG No 197 of 19.12.2003, p 11271.

Electricity Supply Amendment (Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction) Act 2002 No 122

Assented to 16.12.2002.

Date of commencement, 1.1.2003, sec 2 and GG No 263 of 20.12.2002, p 10744.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2001 No 112

Assented to 14.12.2001.

Date of commencement of Sch 1.16, assent, sec 2 (2).

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2001 No 56

Assented to 17.07.2001.

Date of commencement of Sch 2.23, assent, sec 2 (2).

Electricity Supply Amendment Act 2000 No 109

Assented to 20.12.2000.

Date of commencement of Sch 2.3, 1.1.2001, sec 2 and GG No 168 of 22.12.2000, p 13461.

Water Management Act 2000 No 92

Assented to 08.12.2000.

Date of commencement of Sch 8.13, 1.1.2001, sec 2 and GG No 168 of 22.12.2000, p 13471.

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2000 No 60

Assented to 05.07.2000.

Date of commencement of Sch 1, 1.11.2000, sec 2 and GG No 141 of 27.10.2000, p 11289.

Date of commencement of Schs 2 and 3, 17.7.2000, sec 2 and GG No 88 of 14.7.2000, p 6231.

Crimes Legislation Amendment (Sentencing) Act 1999 No 94

Assented to 08.12.1999.

Date of commencement of sec 7 and Sch 5, 1.1.2000, sec 2 (1) and GG No 144 of 24.12.1999, p 12184.

Water Legislation Amendment (Drinking Water and Corporate Structure) Act 1998 No 145

Assented to 08.12.1998.

Date of commencement, 1.1.1999, sec 2 and GG No 176 of 18.12.1998, p 9726.

Energy Services Corporations Amendment (TransGrid Corporatisation) Act 1998 No 68

Assented to 02.07.1998.

Date of commencement of Sch 2.6, 14.12.1998, sec 2 and GG No 171 of 11.12.1998, p 9459 (Sch 2.6 [1] was without effect as the amendment was superseded by Sch 1.6 [2] to the National Electricity (New South Wales) Act 1997 No 20).

National Electricity (New South Wales) Act 1997 No 20

Assented to 23.06.1997.

Date of commencement of Sch 1.6 [1], 14.8.1998, sec 2 and GG No 120 of 14.8.1998, p 6027.

Date of commencement of Sch 1.6 [2]–[4], 13.12.1998, sec 2 and GG No 171 of 11.12.1998, p 9462.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1996 No 30

Assented to 21.06.1996.

Date of commencement of Sch 2, assent, sec 2 (1).

Government Pricing Tribunal Amendment Act 1995 No 97

Assented to 21.12.1995.

Date of commencement, 19.1.1996, sec 2 and GG No 5 of 19.1.1996, p 163.

Energy Services Corporations Act 1995 No 95

Assented to 21.12.1995.

Date of commencement of Sch 4.14 (except so much of Sch 4.14 [1] as inserts references to First State Power and Macquarie Generation into Sch 1), 1.3.1996, sec 2 and GG No 26 of 1.3.1996, p 832.

So much of Sch 4.14 [1] as inserts references to First State Power and Macquarie Generation into Sch 1 was not commenced and was repealed by the Energy Services Corporations Amendment (TransGrid Corporatisation) Act 1998 No 68.

Electricity Legislation Amendment Act 1995 No 18

Assented to 19.06.1995.

Date of commencement of Sch 5, 30.6.1995, sec 2 and GG No 79 of 30.6.1995, p 3434.

Ports Corporatisation and Waterways Management Act 1995 No 13

Assented to 15.06.1995.

Date of commencement, 1.7.1995, sec 2 and GG No 79 of 30.6.1995, p 3435.

Water Board (Corporatisation) Act 1994 No 88

Assented to 12.12.1994.

Date of commencement of Sch 6, 1.1.1995, sec 2 and GG No 170 of 16.12.1994, p 7400.

Electricity Transmission Authority Act 1994 No 64

Assented to 23.11.1994.

Date of commencement, 1.2.1995, sec 2 and GG No 10 of 1.2.1995, p 573.

Electricity (Amendment) Act 1993 No 24

Assented to 08.06.1993.

Date of commencement, 1.7.1993, sec 2 and GG No 70 of 30.6.1993, p 3327.

Declarations of government monopoly services under section 4

Title/services declared


Water supply, sewerage and drainage services supplied by the Water Board, Hunter Water Corporation and Gosford and Wyong Councils

GG No 105 of 24.8.1992, p 6430—repealed by GG No 18 of 14.2.1997, p 558

Government Pricing Tribunal (Electricity Services) Order 1992, No 2

GG No 146 of 18.12.1992, p 8893

Government Pricing Tribunal (Passenger Transport Services) Order 1992, No 3

GG No 146 of 18.12.1992, p 8893—repealed by GG No 38 of 27.2.1998, p 1015

Government Pricing Tribunal (Valuer-General’s Services) Order 1993

GG No 89 of 13.8.1993, p 4571

Government Pricing Tribunal (Electricity Services) Order 1993

GG No 124 of 12.11.1993, p 6795

Government Pricing Tribunal (Council Services) Order 1994

GG No 99 of 29.7.1994, p 3965

Government Pricing Tribunal (Waste Disposal Service) Order 1995

GG No 60 of 19.5.1995, p 2466

Government Pricing Tribunal (Water Supply Services) Order 1995

GG No 60 of 19.5.1995, p 2467—repealed by GG No 137 of 5.9.2003, p 9142

Government Pricing Tribunal (Water Services) Order 1995

GG No 122 of 6.10.1995, p 7115—repealed by GG No 144 of 10.9.2004, p 7519

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (Water, Sewerage and Drainage Services) Order 1997

GG No 18 of 14.2.1997, p 558

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (Passenger Transport Services) Order 1998

GG No 38 of 27.2.1998, p 1015—amended by GG No 50 of 6.4.2010, p 1837

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (Water Supply Services) Order 1999

GG No 95 of 20.8.1999, p 6136—repealed by GG No 22 of 11.2.2000, p 816

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (Water Supply Services) Order 2000

GG No 22 of 11.2.2000, p 816

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (Water Services) Order 2004

GG No 144 of 10.9.2004, p 7519

Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (Country Energy) Order 2008

GG No 147 of 14.11.2008, p 10950

This is a consolidated list of all history notes for this title. View the history notes inline to see the point-in-time history of provisions for a particular historical version by clicking the Turn history notes on button.

Long title

Subst 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (1).

Sec 1

Subst 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (2).

Sec 3

Am 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (3) (4); 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [1] [2]; 2006 No 105, Sch 7.1 [1] [2]; 2007 No 27, Sch 2.27.

Sec 4

Am 1995 No 13, Sch 4; 2000 No 92, Sch 8.13 [1]; 2001 No 112, Sch 1.16; 2004 No 40, Sch 3.7 [1]; 2006 No 84, Sch 2.5 [1]; 2010 No 59, Sch 2.44; 2014 No 74, Sch 3.13 [1].

Part 2, heading

Subst 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (5).

Sec 5

Am 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (6); 1996 No 30, Sch 2; 1997 No 20, Sch 1.6 [1]; 2006 No 2, Sch 4.28 [1]; 2015 No 58, Sch 3.47 [1].

Sec 6

Subst 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (7).

Sec 7

Am 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [3].

Sec 8

Rep 2006 No 2, Sch 4.28 [2]. Ins 2015 No 58, Sch 3.47 [2].

Sec 9

Subst 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (8). Am 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [4]; 2002 No 122, Sch 2.2 [1].

Sec 10

Am 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [5] [6]; 2015 No 5, Sch 8.15.

Part 3, heading

Subst 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (9); 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [7].

Part 3, Div 1, heading

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [8]. Am 2000 No 109, Sch 2.3 [1]; 2017 No 63, Sch 4.25 [1].

Sec 11

Am 1994 No 88, Sch 6 (1); 2000 No 109, Sch 2.3 [2]; 2001 No 56, Sch 2.23 [1] [2]; 2004 No 54, Sch 2.1 [1]; 2017 No 22, Sch 5, cl 1.

Sec 12

Am 1994 No 88, Sch 6 (2).

Part 3, Div 2, heading

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [9].

Sec 12A

Ins 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (10). Am 2000 No 60, Sch 2.1 [1].

Part 3, Div 2A (sec 12AA)

Ins 2015 No 19, Sch 15.8.

Part 3, Div 3, heading

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [10].

Secs 12B–12E

Ins 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (10).

Part 3, Div 4, heading

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [11].

Sec 13

Am 1994 No 88, Sch 6 (3); 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (11) (12); 2019 No 14, Sch 1.12[1].

Part 3, Div 5, heading

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [12]. Am 2000 No 109, Sch 2.3 [3]; 2017 No 63, Sch 4.25 [2].

Sec 13A

Ins 1994 No 88, Sch 6 (4). Subst 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [13].

Sec 14A

Ins 1994 No 88, Sch 6 (5). Am 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (13)–(15); 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [14].

Sec 14B

Ins 2000 No 109, Sch 2.3 [4]. Rep 2017 No 63, Sch 4.25 [3].

Sec 15

Am 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (16)–(18); 2000 No 109, Sch 2.3 [5]; 2015 No 58, Sch 1.8; 2017 No 22, Sch 5, cl 1.

Sec 16

Am 1994 No 88, Sch 6 (6).

Sec 16A

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [15]. Am 2010 No 119, Sch 1.18.

Sec 17

Am 1994 No 88, Sch 6 (7); 2000 No 109, Sch 2.3 [6]; 2017 No 63, Sch 4.25 [4].

Sec 18

Am 1994 No 88, Sch 6 (8); 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (19).

Part 3, Div 6, heading

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [16].

Sec 19

Am 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [17]; 2019 No 14, Sch 1.12[2].

Part 3, Div 7, heading

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [18].

Sec 19A

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [19].

Sec 21

Am 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (20); 2019 No 14, Sch 1.12[3].

Sec 22

Am 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (21).

Sec 22A

Ins 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (22). Am 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [20] [21]; 2009 No 54, Sch 2.26 [1].

Sec 23

Am 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [22].

Sec 24

Renumbered as sec 25A, 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [23].

Part 3A (secs 24AA–24AD)

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [24].

Part 3B (secs 24AE–24AL)

Ins 2015 No 8, Sch 1 [1].

Part 4, heading

Rep 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [18].

Part 4A, heading

Ins 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (23). Am 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [25].

Part 4A

Ins 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (23).

Sec 24A

Ins 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (23). Am 2010 No 61, Sch 2.9 [1].

Secs 24B–24E

Ins 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (23).

Part 4B, Div 1

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 1.1 [1].

Sec 24F

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 1.1 [1]. Am 2004 No 40, Sch 3.7 [2]; 2006 No 104, Sch 3.5 [1]; 2006 No 105, Sch 7.1 [3]; 2014 No 74, Sch 3.13 [2]; 2024 No 49, Sch 3[1].

Sec 24FA

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 1.1 [1]. Am 2005 No 17, Sch 2.

Sec 24FB

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 1.1 [1].

Part 4B, Div 2

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 1.1 [1].

Sec 24FC

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 1.1 [1]. Am 2004 No 40, Sch 3.7 [3]; 2006 No 104, Sch 3.5 [2]; 2006 No 105, Sch 7.1 [4]; 2014 No 74, Sch 3.13 [3]; 2024 No 49, Sch 3[1].

Secs 24FD–24FF

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 1.1 [1].

Part 4C

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 2.1 [2].

Part 4C, Div 1

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 2.1 [2].

Sec 24G

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 2.1 [2]. Am 2012 No 43, Sch 3.3; 2015 No 58, Sch 3.47 [3].

Sec 24GA

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 2.1 [2]. Am 2017 No 65, Sch 2.14.

Part 4C, Divs 2, 3 (secs 24GB–24GL)

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 2.1 [2].

Sec 25A (previously sec 24)

Renumbered 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [23]. Am 2009 No 54, Sch 2.26 [2]–[6]; 2015 No 58, Sch 3.47 [4]; 2023 No 35, Sch 4.19.

Sec 26

Subst 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [26].

Sec 28

Am 2007 No 94, Sch 4.

Sec 29

Am 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (24).

Sec 30

Subst 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (25).

Sec 30A

Ins 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (25).

Sec 31

Ins 1994 No 88, Sch 6 (9). Am 2010 No 61, Sch 2.9 [2].

Sec 32

Ins 2021 No 32, Sch 1.6.

Sch 1

Am 1993 No 24, Sch 3; 1994 No 64, Sch 3; 1994 No 88, Sch 6 (10); 1995 No 13, Sch 4; 1995 No 18, Sch 5; 1995 No 95, Sch 4; GG No 67 of 7.6.1996, p 2917; 1997 No 20, Sch 1.6 [2]; 1998 No 145, Sch 5.9 [1] [2]; 2000 No 92, Sch 8.13 [2] [3]; GG No 138 of 14.9.2001, p 7718; 2003 No 96, Sch 3.7; 2003 No 99, Sch 2.3; 2004 No 40, Sch 3.7 [4]; 2004 No 54, Sch 2.1 [2]; 2006 No 84, Sch 2.5 [2]; 2006 No 105, Sch 7.1 [5]; 2008 (236), Sch 1; 2008 (507), Sch 1; 2008 No 98, Sch 4.2; 2011 No 41, Sch 5.11; 2012 No 95, Sch 2.17; 2014 No 46, Sch 4.5; 2014 No 74, Sch 3.13 [4]; 2015 No 8, Sch 1 [2]; 2015 No 58, Sch 3.47 [5]; 2020 No 30, Sch 4.30; 2024 No 49, Sch 3[2].

Sch 2

Am 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (26)–(32); 1996 No 30, Sch 2; 1999 No 94, sec 7 (2) and Sch 5, Part 2; 2015 No 58, Sch 3.47 [6] [7].

Sch 3A

Ins 2000 No 60, Sch 1.1 [2]. Am 2015 No 58, Sch 3.47 [8] [9].

Sch 4

Subst 1995 No 97, Sch 1 (33). Am 1996 No 30, Sch 2; 1997 No 20, Sch 1.6 [3] [4]; 1998 No 68, Sch 2.6 [2]; 2000 No 60, Sch 3.1 [27] [28]; 2001 No 56, Sch 2.23 [3]; 2002 No 122, Sch 2.2 [2]; 2004 No 54, Sch 2.1 [3]; 2024 No 49, Sch 3[3] [4].

Government Pricing Tribunal Bill 1992

More information on the passage of this Bill through Parliament, including links to the second reading speech and Legislation Review Committee report, is available via the Bills tab on the Parliament website.

Assent: 19 May 1992 PDF icon 1992 No 39