Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 No 460

Effective date Publication date Amendments included Notes
02 September 2024 02 September 2024 2021 (SI 460)
02 August 2024 02 August 2024 2024 (SI 327)
01 July 2024 01 July 2024 2023 (SI 643)
2024 (SI 119)
01 March 2024 01 March 2024 2024 (SI 46)
15 December 2023 15 December 2023 2023 (SI 677)
30 October 2023 30 October 2023 2023 No 35
30 June 2023 30 June 2023 2021 (SI 460)
01 July 2023 01 July 2023 2023 (SI 49)
02 March 2023 02 March 2023 2023 (SI 101)
16 December 2022 16 December 2022 2022 (SI 800)
26 August 2022 26 August 2022 2022 (SI 497)
01 July 2022 01 July 2022 2021 (SI 460)
2022 (SI 90)
30 June 2022 30 June 2022 2022 (SI 320)
10 June 2022 10 June 2022 2022 (SI 279)
13 May 2022 13 May 2022 2022 (SI 212)
04 February 2022 04 February 2022 2022 (SI 27)
26 November 2021 26 November 2021 2021 (SI 693)
12 November 2021 12 November 2021 2021 (SI 661)
22 October 2021 22 October 2021 2021 (SI 617)
15 October 2021 15 October 2021 2021 (SI 603)
2021 (SI 604)
20 August 2021 20 August 2021

Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (SI 460)

(460). LW 20.8.2021.

Date of commencement, 1.9.2021, sec 2.

Amended by this Regulation, secs 237(3), 321(3) and Sch 9A, sec 12(2).

Local Government (General) Amendment (Elections) Regulation 2024 (SI 327)

notfd 02.08.2024.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (Rates) Regulation 2024 (SI 119)

notfd 12.04.2024.

Date of commencement, 1.7.2024, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (City of Hawkesbury) Regulation 2024 (SI 46)

notfd 01.03.2024.

Date of commencement, 1.3.2024, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (Tendering) Regulation (No 2) 2023 (SI 677)

notfd 15.12.2023.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (Audit, Risk and Improvement Committees) Regulation 2023 (SI 643)

notfd 01.12.2023.

Date of commencement, 1.7.2024, sec 2.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2023 No 35

Assented to 30.10.2023.

Date of commencement of Sch 4, assent, sec 2(c).

Local Government (General) Amendment (Tendering) Regulation 2023 (SI 101)

notfd 02.03.2023.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (Minimum Amounts of Rate) Regulation 2023 (SI 49)

notfd 17.02.2023.

Date of commencement, 1.7.2023, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment Regulation (No 2) 2022 (SI 800)

notfd 16.12.2022.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

The amendment made by Sch 1[30], to the extent that it amends section 178[1A], was without effect as the provision being amended was amended by Sch 1[2]..

Local Government Amendment Regulation 2022 (SI 497)

notfd 26.08.2022.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (Elections) Regulation 2022 (SI 320)

notfd 30.06.2022.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment Regulation 2022 (SI 279)

notfd 10.06.2022.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (Temporary Emergency Accommodation) Regulation 2022 (SI 212)

notfd 13.05.2022.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (Minimum Amounts of Rate) Regulation 2022 (SI 90)

notfd 18.03.2022.

Date of commencement, 1.7.2022, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (By-Elections during COVID-19 Pandemic) Regulation 2022 (SI 27)

notfd 04.02.2022.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (Annual Reports) Regulation 2021 (SI 693)

notfd 26.11.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (Model Code of Meeting Practice) Regulation 2021 (SI 661)

notfd 12.11.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (Elections) Regulation 2021 (SI 617)

notfd 22.10.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (Rates) Regulation 2021 (SI 604)

notfd 15.10.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Local Government (General) Amendment (Miscellaneous) Regulation 2021 (SI 603)

notfd 15.10.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

This is a consolidated list of all history notes for this title. View the history notes inline to see the point-in-time history of provisions for a particular historical version by clicking the Turn history notes on button.

Sec 48

Am 2024 (46), Sch 1[1].

Sec 112

Am 2023 No 35, Sch 4.26.

Sec 115

Ins 2022 (212), Sch 1.

Sec 124

Ins 2021 (604), sec 3.

Sec 126

Am 2022 (90), sec 3. Subst 2023 (49), sec 3. Am 2024 (119), Sch 1.

Sec 140

Ins 2024 (46), Sch 1[2].

Sec 164

Am 2022 (800), Sch 1[1]–[3]; 2023 (677), Sch 1[1].

Sec 167

Am 2022 (800), Sch 1[4]–[9].

Sec 168

Am 2022 (800), Sch 1[4] [5] [8] [10]–[15].

Sec 169

Am 2022 (800), Sch 1[4] [5] [12] [14] [16]–[18].

Sec 170

Am 2022 (800), Sch 1[5] [19]–[21]; 2023 (677), Sch 1[2].

Sec 170A

Ins 2022 (279), sec 3.

Sec 172

Am 2022 (800), Sch 1[5].

Part 7, Div 3, heading

Subst 2022 (800), Sch 1[22].

Sec 173

Am 2022 (800), Sch [23]–[27]; 2023 (677), Sch 1[3].

Sec 174

Subst 2022 (800), Sch [28].

Sec 175

Subst 2022 (800), Sch [28]. Am 2023 (101), sec 3(1).

Sec 176

Am 2022 (800), Sch [23] [29] [30].

Sec 177

Am 2022 (800), Sch 1[30]–[32]; 2023 (677), Sch 1[4].

Sec 178

Am 2022 (800), Sch 1[2]; 2022 (800), Sch 1[4] [23] [30] [33]–[36]; 2023 (677), Sch 1[5] [6].

Sec 179

Am 2022 (800), Sch [23] [30] [37]–[39].

Sec 216

Am 2021 (603), Sch 1[1].

Part 9, Div 6A

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216A

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216B

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216C

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216D

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216E

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216F

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216G

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216H

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216I

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216J

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216K

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216L

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216M

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216N

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216O

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216P

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216Q

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216R

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216S

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216T

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 216U

Ins 2023 (643), Sch 1.

Sec 217

Am 2021 (693), sec 3(1) (2).

Sec 232

Subst 2021 (661), sec 3(1).

Sec 237

Am 2021 (661), sec 3(2)–(4). Rep 2021 (460) sec 237(3).

Sec 275

Am 2021 (617), Sch 1[1]; 2024 (327), Sch 1[1].

Sec 281

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[2].

Sec 289

Am 2021 (617), Sch 1[2] [3].

Sec 313

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[3].

Sec 314

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[4].

Sec 314A

Ins 2021 (617), Sch 1[4].

Sec 316

Am 2021 (617), Sch 1[5].

Sec 317

Am 2021 (617), Sch 1[6]; 2024 (327), Sch 1[5]–[7].

Sec 318

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[8] [9].

Sec 321

Am 2021 (460), sec 321(3); 2021 (617), Sch 1[7]; 2024 (327), Sch 1[10].

Sec 324

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[11].

Sec 326

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[12].

Sec 333C

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[13] [14].

Sec 333M

Ins 2022 (27), sec 3. Am 2022 (320), sec 3(1); 2024 (327), Sch 1[15]–[18].

Sec 337A

Am 2021 (617), Sch 1[8] [9].

Sec 344A

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[19].

Sec 344B

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[20] [21].

Sec 344C

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[22].

Sec 344F

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[23].

Sec 344G

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[24]–[29].

Sec 347

Subst 2024 (327), Sch 1[30].

Sec 348A

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[31]–[33].

Sec 356G

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[34] [35].

Sec 356GAA

Ins 2024 (327), Sch 1[36].

Sec 356SA

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[37] [38].

Sec 356TA

Am 2021 (617), Sch 1[10].

Sec 356TB

Am 2021 (617), Sch 1[11].

Sec 360

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[39].

Sec 361

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[40].

Sec 365

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[41] [42].

Sec 365A

Ins 2024 (327), Sch 1[43].

Sec 383

Am 2021 (617), Sch 1[12].

Sec 383A

Am 2021 (617), Sch 1[13].

Sec 388A

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[44] [45].

Sec 413

Am 2021 (603), Sch 1[2] [3].

Part 14, heading

Am 2023 (101), sec 3(2).

Sec 415

Am 2022 (497), sec 3.

Sec 416

Am 2023 (101), sec 3(3).

Sch 4

Am 2022 (800), Sch 1[40].

Sch 9

Am 2022 (800), Sch 1[41].

Sch 9A

Am 2021 (460), Sch 9A, sec 12(2); 2022 (320), sec 3(2).

Sch 11

Am 2021 (603), Sch 1[4].

Sch 12

Am 2024 (327), Sch 1[46].

Local Government (General) Regulation 2021

Publication: 20 August 2021 PDF icon 2021 (SI 460)