Water Management (General) Regulation 2018 No 480

Effective date Publication date Amendments included Notes
20 September 2024 20 September 2024 2024 (SI 488)
15 August 2024 15 August 2024 2024 No 49
02 August 2024 02 August 2024 2024 (SI 332)
28 June 2024 28 June 2024 2024 (SI 264)
21 June 2024 21 June 2024 2024 (SI 223)
01 March 2024 01 March 2024 2021 No 26
2024 (SI 24)
08 December 2023 08 December 2023 2023 (SI 653)
14 July 2023 14 July 2023 2023 No 7
23 June 2023 23 June 2023 2023 (SI 323)
01 June 2023 01 June 2023 2018 (SI 480)
02 March 2023 02 March 2023 2023 (SI 108)
2023 (SI 109)
10 February 2023 10 February 2023 2023 (SI 41)
03 February 2023 03 February 2023 2023 (SI 34)
16 December 2022 16 December 2022 2022 (SI 819)
21 September 2022 21 September 2022 2022 (SI 341)
12 August 2022 12 August 2022 2022 (SI 454)
01 July 2022 01 July 2022 2022 (SI 341)
2022 (SI 342)
29 April 2022 29 April 2022 2022 (SI 172)
01 April 2022 01 April 2022 2022 (SI 126)
24 February 2022 24 February 2022 2021 (SI 775)
14 February 2022 14 February 2022 2021 (SI 775)
10 December 2021 10 December 2021 2021 (SI 746)
03 December 2021 03 December 2021 2021 (SI 738)
01 October 2021 01 October 2021 2021 (SI 576)
25 June 2021 25 June 2021 2021 (SI 330)
11 June 2021 11 June 2021 2021 (SI 281)
06 May 2021 06 May 2021 2021 (SI 196)
2021 (SI 197)
30 April 2021 30 April 2021 2021 (SI 196)
2021 (SI 197)
25 March 2021 25 March 2021 2021 No 5
01 March 2021 01 March 2021 2021 (SI 91)
26 February 2021 26 February 2021 2021 (SI 81)
22 January 2021 22 January 2021 2020 No 30
18 December 2020 18 December 2020 2020 (SI 752)
19 November 2020 19 November 2020 2020 (SI 673)
22 September 2020 22 September 2020 2020 (SI 35)
11 September 2020 11 September 2020 2020 (SI 542)
01 July 2020 01 July 2020 2020 (SI 370)
01 May 2020 01 May 2020 2020 (SI 181)
07 February 2020 07 February 2020 2020 (SI 35)
17 January 2020 17 January 2020 2020 (SI 10)
06 December 2019 06 December 2019 2019 (SI 591)
2019 (SI 592)
05 December 2019 05 December 2019 2019 No 14
22 November 2019 22 November 2019 2019 (SI 557)
02 August 2019 02 August 2019 2019 (SI 367)
07 June 2019 07 June 2019 2019 (SI 233)
15 February 2019 15 February 2019 2019 (SI 81)
07 December 2018 07 December 2018 2018 (SI 708)
01 December 2018 01 December 2018 2018 (SI 693)
24 August 2018 24 August 2018

Water Management (General) Regulation 2018 (SI 480)

notfd 24.08.2018.

Date of commencement, 24.8.2018, cl 2.

Amended by this Regulation, cll 23A(7) and 39C(7).

Water Management (General) Amendment (Miscellaneous) Regulation 2024 (SI 488)

notfd 20.09.2024.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management Amendment (Central Coast Council) Act 2024 No 49

Assented to 15.08.2024.

Date of commencement, assent, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Specific Purpose Access Licences) Regulation 2024 (SI 332)

notfd 02.08.2024.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Access Licence) Regulation 2024 (SI 264)

notfd 28.06.2024.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Water Supply Authorities) Regulation 2024 (SI 223)

notfd 21.06.2024.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Joint Private Works) Regulation 2024 (SI 24)

notfd 09.02.2024.

Date of commencement,1.3.2024, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Floodplain Harvesting Access Licences) Regulation (No 2) 2023 (SI 653)

notfd 08.12.2023.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023 No 7

Assented to 03.07.2023.

Date of commencement, 14.7.2023, sec 2.

The amendment made by Sch 2.51 to Part 2, cl 23A was without effect as the provision to be amended was repealed by Water Management (General) Amendment (Temporary Offence Exemptions) Regulation 2023 (109).

Water Management (General) Amendment (Access Licence Exemption) Regulation 2023 (SI 323)

notfd 23.06.2023.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Temporary Offence Exemptions) Regulation 2023 (SI 109)

notfd 02.03.2023.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Specific Purpose Access Licences) Regulation 2023 (SI 108)

notfd 02.03.2023.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment Regulation 2023 (SI 41)

notfd 10.02.2023.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Floodplain Harvesting Access Licences) Regulation 2023 (SI 34)

notfd 03.02.2023.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment Regulation (No 3) 2022 (SI 819)

notfd 16.12.2022.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment Regulation 2022 (SI 454)

notfd 12.08.2022.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment Regulation (No 2) 2022 (SI 342)

notfd 01.07.2022.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Floodplain Harvesting Access Licences) Regulation 2022 (SI 341)

Disallowed LC, 21.9.2022.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Lake Albert Filling) Regulation 2022 (SI 172)

notfd 29.04.2022.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Specific Purpose Access Licences) Regulation 2022 (SI 126)

notfd 01.04.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment Regulation 2021 (SI 775)

Disallowed LC, 24.2.2022.

Date of commencement, 14.2.2022, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Advertising Requirements and Compliance Audits) Regulation 2021 (SI 746)

notfd 10.12.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Metering Equipment) Regulation 2021 (SI 738)

notfd 03.12.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Access Licence) Regulation 2021 (SI 576)

notfd 01.10.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, sec 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Exemption) Regulation 2021 (SI 330)

notfd 25.06.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Water Supply Authorities) Regulation 2021 (SI 281)

notfd 11.06.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Floodplain Harvesting Measurement) Regulation 2021 (SI 198)

Disallowed LC, 6.5.2021.

The Regulation was not commenced and was disallowed in the Legislative Council on 6.5.2021..

Water Management (General) Amendment (Floodplain Harvesting Access Licences) Regulation 2021 (SI 197)

Disallowed LC, 6.5.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Exemption for Rainfall Run-off Collection) Regulation 2021 (SI 196)

Disallowed LC, 6.5.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Industry Competition Amendment Act 2021 No 26

Assented to 01.11.2021.

Date of commencement of Sch 2.16, 1.3.2024, sec 2 and 2024 (43) LW 1.3.2024.

COVID-19 Recovery Act 2021 No 5

Assented to 25.03.2021.

Date of commencement of Sch 1.32, assent, sec 2(1).

Water Management (General) Amendment (Miscellaneous) Regulation 2021 (SI 91)

notfd 01.03.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Emergency Works Exemption) Regulation 2021 (SI 81)

notfd 26.02.2021.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Macquarie Valley Floodplain) Regulation 2020 (SI 752)

notfd 18.12.2020.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (COVID-19) Regulation 2020 (SI 673)

notfd 19.11.2020.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2020 No 30

Assented to 27.10.2020.

Date of commencement of amendments made by Sch 4, 22.1.2021, sec 2(4).

Water Management (General) Amendment (Lower Namoi and Border Rivers Floodplains) Regulation 2020 (SI 542)

notfd 11.09.2020.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Metering Equipment) Regulation 2020 (SI 370)

notfd 01.07.2020.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Access Licence) Regulation (No 2) 2020 (SI 181)

notfd 01.05.2020.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Exemptions for Floodplain Harvesting) Regulation 2020 (SI 35)

Disallowed LC, 22.9.2020.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Access Licence) Regulation 2020 (SI 10)

notfd 17.01.2020.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Groundwater Exemptions) Regulation 2019 (SI 592)

notfd 06.12.2019.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Access Licence) Regulation 2019 (SI 591)

notfd 06.12.2019.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Metering) Regulation 2019 (SI 557)

notfd 22.11.2019.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2019 No 14

Assented to 21.11.2019.

Date of commencement of Sch 2.23, 14 days after assent, sec 2(1).

Water Management (General) Amendment (Exemption) Regulation 2019 (SI 367)

notfd 02.08.2019.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Upper Namoi Floodplain) Regulation 2019 (SI 233)

notfd 07.06.2019.

Date of commencement, 7.6.2019, cl 2.

The Regulation (statutory rule) specified 31 May 2019 as the date of commencement. Pursuant to section 39 (2A) of the Interpretation Act 1987, the Regulation is not invalid merely because the Regulation was published on the NSW legislation website after the day on which one or more of its provisions is or are expressed to commence but provides, in that case, for that or those provisions to commence on the day on which it is published on the NSW legislation website, instead of on the earlier day..

Water Management (General) Amendment (Snowy 2.0) Regulation 2019 (SI 81)

notfd 15.02.2019.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Advertising) Regulation 2018 (SI 708)

notfd 07.12.2018.

Date of commencement, on publication on LW, cl 2.

Water Management (General) Amendment (Metering) Regulation 2018 (SI 693)

notfd 30.11.2018.

Date of commencement, 1.12.2018, cl 2.

This is a consolidated list of all history notes for this title. View the history notes inline to see the point-in-time history of provisions for a particular historical version by clicking the Turn history notes on button.

Cl 3

Am 2018 (693), Sch 1 [1]; 2020 (370), Sch 1[1]; 2021 (81), Sch 1[1]; 2024 (24), Sch 1[1] [2].

Cl 3A

Ins 2021 (81), Sch 1[2].

Cl 4

Am 2019 (591), cl 3(1); 2020 (10), Sch 1[1]; 2020 (181), cl 3(1); 2021 (576), sec 3(1).

Cl 5

Am 2019 (591), cl 3(2); 2020 (10), Sch 1[2]; 2020 (181), cl 3(2); 2021 (576), sec 3(2).

Cl 6

Am 2019 (591), cl 3(3); 2020 (10), Sch 1[3] [4]; 2020 (181), cl 3(3) (4).

Cl 9

Am 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Cl 10

Am 2019 (81), cl 3 (1); 2019 (591), cl 3(4); 2020 (10), Sch 1[5]; 2020 (181), cl 3(5); 2021 (576), sec 3(3); 2022 (126), Sch 1[1]; 2022 (172), sec 3(1); 2023 (108), sec 3(1) (2); 2024 (264), Sch 1; 2024 (332), Sch 1[1].

Cl 12

Am 2018 (693), Sch 1 [2].

Cl 19

Am 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Part 2, Div 1A

Ins 2024 (488), Sch 1[2].

Cl 20

Rep 2024 (488), Sch 1[1]. Ins 2024 (488), Sch 1[2].

Cl 20A

Ins 2024 (488), Sch 1[2].

Cl 21

Am 2019 (592), Sch 1[1]; 2021 (81), Sch 1[3].

Cl 23A

Ins 2023 (109), Sch 1[1]. Rep 2018 (480), cl 23A(7).

Part 2A

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1.

Part 2A, Div 1

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1(disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1.

Cl 23A

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1(disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1.

Cl 23B

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1(disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1.

Part 2A, Div 2

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1.

Cl 23C

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1.

Cl 23D

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1. Am 2023 (653), Sch 1[1] [2].

Cl 23E

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1. Am 2023 (653), Sch 1[3] [4].

Cl 23F

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1. Subst 2023 (653), Sch 1[5].

Part 2A, Div 3

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1.

Cl 23G

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1. Subst 2023 (653), Sch 1[6].

Cl 23H

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1.

Cl 23I

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1.

Cl 23J

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1.

Part 2A, Div 4

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1.

Cl 23K

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1. Am 2023 (653), Sch 1[7].

Cl 23L

Ins 2021 (197), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (341), Sch 1 (disallowed, Legislative Council, 21.9.2022); 2023 (34), Sch 1.

Cl 25

Am 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Cl 26

Am 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5]; 2018 (708), cl 3; 2021 (746), Sch 1[1].

Cl 27

Am 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Cl 29

Am 2021 (775), Sch 1[2] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[1]..

Cl 34

Am 2021 (81), Sch 1[4].

Cl 39

Am 2021 (81), Sch 1[5] [6].

Cl 39AA

Ins 2020 (35), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 22.9.2020).

Cl 39A

Ins 2019 (367), Sch 1.

Cl 39B

Ins 2021 (196), Sch 1[1] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (775), Sch 1[3] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[2].

Cl 39C

Ins 2023 (109), Sch 1[2]. Rep 2018 (480), cl 39C(7).

Cl 42A

Ins 2021 (81), Sch 1[7].

Cl 43

Am 2021 No 26, Sch 2.16.

Cll 52, 54

Am 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Part 5

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 1

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 55

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 56

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 3, heading

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 57

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 58

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 59

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 4, heading

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 60

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 61

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 62

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 63

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 64

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 5, heading

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 65

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 2

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 66

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3]. Am 2024 (488), Sch 1[3] [4].

Part 5, Div 6, heading

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 6, Subdivision 1, heading

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 67

Subst 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 68

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 6, Subdivision 2

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 69

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 70

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 71

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 7

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 72

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 73

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 74

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 8

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 75

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 76

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 77

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 78

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 9

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 79

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 80

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 10

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 81

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 82

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 83

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 84

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 11

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 85

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 86

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 87

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 88

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 89

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 90

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 91

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 5, Div 12

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 92

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 93

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 94

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 95

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 6

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 6, Div 1

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 96

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 6, Div 2

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 97

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 98

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 99

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 100

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 7

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 7, Div 1

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 101

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 102

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 103

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 104

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 105

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 106

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 107

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 7, Div 2

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 108

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 109

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 110

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 111

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Part 7, Div 3

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 112

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[3].

Cl 116

Am 2018 (693), Sch 1 [3].

Cl 117

Rep 2024 No 49, Sch 1[1].

Cl 121A

Ins 2021 (281), Sch 1[1].

Cl 121B

Ins 2021 (281), Sch 1[1]. Subst 2024 (223), Sch 1.

Cl 122

Am 2024 No 49, Sch 1[2].

Cl 123

Am 2024 No 49, Sch 1[3] [4].

Cl 142

Subst 2024 No 49, Sch 1[5].

Cl 143

Am 2024 No 49, Sch 1[6] [7].

Cl 190

Am 2024 No 49, Sch 1[8].

Cll 197–199

Rep 2021 (281), Sch 1[2].

Part 9, Div 8, Subdiv 5

Rep 2024 No 49, Sch 1[9].

Cl 223

Rep 2024 No 49, Sch 1[9].

Part 10, Div 1

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4].

Cl 228

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4]. Am 2020 (370), Sch 1[2]; 2021 (775), Sch 1[4] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[3].

Part 10, Div 2

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4].

Cl 229

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4].

Cl 230

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4]. Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[1]–[12]; 2019 (592), Sch 1[2]; 2020 (370), Sch 1[3]–[5]; 2021 (738), sec 3(1) (2); 2022 (819), Sch 1[1] [2].

Cl 231

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4]. Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[1] [13]–[16]; 2019 (592), Sch 1[3]; 2020 (10), Sch 1[6]; 2022 (454), sec 3(1).

Cl 232

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4]. Subst 2019 (557), Sch 1[17].

Cl 233

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4]. Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[18].

Cl 234

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4].

Part 10, Div 3

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4].

Cl 235

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4].

Cl 236

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4]. Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[19]; 2020 (370), Sch 1[6]; 2021 (775), Sch 1[5] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[4] [5].

Cl 237

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4]. Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[20]–[23]; 2020 (370), Sch 1[7].

Cl 238

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4]. Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[24] [25]; 2019 (592), Sch 1[4].

Part 10, Div 3A

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Part 10, Div 3A, Subdiv 1

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238AA

Ins 2022 (819), Sch 1[3].

Cl 238A

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238B

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238C

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238D

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Part 10, Div 3A, Subdiv 2

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238E

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238F

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6]. Am 2022 (819), Sch 1[4]–[6].

Cl 238G

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Part 10, Div 3A, Subdiv 3

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238H

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238I

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Part 10, Div 3B

Ins 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238J

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); ; 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Part 10, Div 3B

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022).

Cl 238K

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238L

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Part 10, Div 3C

Ins 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238M

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Part 10, Div 3C

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022).

Cl 238N

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238O

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238P

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238Q

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238R

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238S

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Part 10, Div 3D

Ins 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238T

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Part 10, Div 3D

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022).

Cl 238U

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6].

Cl 238V

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[6]. Subst 2022 (819), Sch 1[7].

Cl 238W

Ins 2021 (775), Sch 1[6] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022).

Part 10, Div 4

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4].

Cll 239, 240

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4].

Cl 241

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4]. Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[26].

Cl 242

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4].

Cl 243

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4]. Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[27].

Part 10, Div 5

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4].

Cl 244

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4]. Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[28]–[32]; 2020 (370), Sch 1[8]; 2021 (91), Sch 1[1]; 2022 (819), Sch 1[1] [2]; 2023 No 7, Sch 3.29.

Cl 244A

Ins 2019 (557), Sch 1[33]. Am 2020 (370), Sch 1[9]; 2021 (91), Sch 1[2] [3]; 2022 (819), Sch 1[1] [2]; 2023 No 7, Sch 3.29.

Cll 245–247

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [4].

Part 11 (previously Part 10)

Renumbered 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Cl 248 (previously cl 228)

Renumbered 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Sec 248A

Ins 2022 (454), sec 3(2).

Cl 249

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [6].

Cl 250

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [6]. Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[34]–[38]; 2020 (370), Sch 1[10] [11]; 2022 (819), Sch 1[1] [2].

Cl 251 (previously cl 229)

Renumbered 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Cl 252 (previously cl 230)

Renumbered 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5]. Am 2019 (233), Sch 1 [1]; 2020 (542), Sch 1[1]; 2020 (752), Sch 1[1]; 2023 (653), Sch 1[8].

Cl 253 (previously cl 231)

Renumbered 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Cl 254 (previously cl 232)

Renumbered 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Cl 255 (previously cl 233)

Renumbered 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Cl 256 (previously cl 234)

Renumbered 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Cl 257 (previously cl 235)

Renumbered 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5]. Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[4].

Cl 258 (previously cl 236)

Renumbered 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Cl 258A

Ins 2021 (746), Sch 1[2].

Cl 259 (previously cl 237)

Renumbered 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5].

Cl 260

Ins 2020 (673), cl 3. Rep 2021 No 5, Sch 1.32.

Sch 3

Am 2019 (81), cl 3 (2); 2022 (126), Sch 1[2] [3]; 2022 (172), sec 3(2); 2024 (332), Sch 1[2].

Sch 4

Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[39]; 2019 No 14, Sch 2.23; 2019 (592), Sch 1[5]–[7]; 2020 (35), Sch 1[2] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 22.9.2020); 2020 No 30, Sch 4.117[1] [2]; 2021 (81), Sch 1[8]; 2021 (196), Sch 1[2] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 6.5.2021); 2021 (330), cl 3; 2021 (775), Sch 1[7] (disallowed, Legislative Council, 24.2.2022); 2022 (342), Sch 1[7]; 2023 (41), sec 3; 2023 (323), sec 3.

Sch 5

Rep 2024 (24), Sch 1[5].

Sch 6

Am 2018 (693), Sch 1 [5]; 2019 (233), Sch 1 [2]; 2020 (542), Sch 1[2]; 2020 (752), Sch 1[2].

Sch 7

Am 2018 (693), Sch 1 [7]; 2024 (24), Sch 1[6]; 2024 (488), Sch 1[5].

Sch 8

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [8]. Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[40]–[47]; 2020 (370), Sch 1[12].

Sch 9

Ins 2018 (693), Sch 1 [8]. Am 2019 (557), Sch 1[48].

Sch 10

Ins 2024 (24), Sch 1[7].

Sch 11

Ins 2024 (488), Sch 1[6].

Water Management (General) Regulation 2018

Publication: 24 August 2018 PDF icon 2018 (SI 480)