(1) In this Act:Advisory Council means the Lifetime Care and Support Advisory Council of New South Wales constituted by this Act.
attendant care services means services that aim to provide assistance to people with everyday tasks, and includes (for example) personal assistance, nursing, home maintenance and domestic services.
Authority means the Lifetime Care and Support Authority of New South Wales constituted by this Act.
Fund means the Lifetime Care and Support Authority Fund established by this Act.
LTCS Guidelines means guidelines issued by the Authority under section 58, as in force from time to time.
motor accident injury means injury caused by a motor accident.
Section 4 provides for the motor accident injuries to which this Act applies.
participant in the Scheme means a person accepted as provided by this Act as a participant in the Scheme (either as a lifetime participant or as an interim participant).
the Scheme means the scheme provided for by this Act for the lifetime care and support of persons injured in motor accidents.
treatment and care needs—see section 6.
treatment and care needs assessment means an assessment under Part 4 of the treatment and care needs of a participant in respect of the participant’s motor accident injury.