(1) In this Act:administrator—see section 9.
Appeal Panel of the Tribunal means:
(a) in relation to an external appeal—an Appeal Panel of the Tribunal constituted in accordance with section 22, or
(b) in relation to an internal appeal—an Appeal Panel of the Tribunal constituted in accordance with section 24.
application—see section 142.
assessor means an assessor of the Tribunal appointed under this Act.
decision—see section 6.
decision-maker, in relation to an external appeal, means the person or body that made the decision that is the subject of the appeal.
Deputy President means a Deputy President of the Tribunal.
Division of the Tribunal means a Division of the Tribunal specified in Schedule 1.
Division member, in relation to a Division of the Tribunal, means a member who is assigned to that Division.
Divisional Head of a Division means the member who is appointed under section 16 as the Divisional Head of that Division, or who is taken to be so appointed by Schedule 5.
enactment—see section 5.
exercise a function includes perform a duty.
external appeal means an appeal referred to in Part 1A of Chapter 7.
function includes a power, authority or duty.
interested person means a person who is entitled under an enactment to make an application to the Tribunal for an original decision or a review of a reviewable decision (as the case may be).
internal appeal means an appeal made under Part 1 of Chapter 7 against a decision of the Tribunal.
internal review means an internal review conducted under section 53.
judicial member of the Tribunal means the President, a Deputy President or a non-presidential judicial member.
judicial officer means:
(b) a Judge of the District Court, or
(c) a Judicial Member of the Industrial Relations Commission, or
(d) a Judge of the Land and Environment Court, or
(e) a Judge of the Supreme Court.
lodge a document includes file a document.
member of the Tribunal means the President, a Deputy President, a non-presidential judicial member or a non-judicial member.
non-judicial member of the Tribunal means a member other than the President, a Deputy President or a non-presidential judicial member.
original decision—see section 7.
parties to proceedings—see section 67.
President means the President of the Tribunal.
presidential judicial member of the Tribunal means the President or a Deputy President.
Registrar means the Registrar of the Tribunal.
relevant Divisional Head, in relation to any proceedings before the Tribunal, means the Divisional Head of the Division of the Tribunal to which the function of determining the proceedings is allocated.
reviewable decision—see section 8.
Rule Committee means the Rule Committee of the Tribunal established by section 92.
rules of the Tribunal or rules means rules made by the Rule Committee.
Tribunal means the Administrative Decisions Tribunal of New South Wales established by this Act.
s 4: Am 1997 No 141, Sch 1.1 [1]; 1998 No 156, Sch 1 [1] [2]; 2002 No 119, Sch 3 [1]–[3].