(1) In this Act:audio link means facilities (including telephone) that enable audio communication between persons at different places.
audio visual link means facilities (including closed-circuit television) that enable audio and visual communication between persons at different places.
Chief Executive Officer, Corrections Health Service means the person for the time being holding office or acting as the Chief Executive Officer of the Corrections Health Service.
Commissioner means the Commissioner of Corrective Services.
means any service or activity approved by the Minister, and includes participation in personal development, educational or other programs.
convicted inmate means a person referred to in section 4 (1) (a), (b) or (c).
correctional centre means:
(a) any premises declared to be a correctional centre by a proclamation in force under section 225, and
(b) any police station or court cell complex in which an offender is held in custody in accordance with this or any other Act,
but in Part 2 does not include a periodic detention centre, except to the extent provided by the regulations referred to in section 98.
correctional complex means any premises declared to be a correctional complex by virtue of a proclamation in force under section 224.
correctional officer means a person who is employed within the Department as a correctional officer, as referred to in section 231.
Corrections Health Service means the Corrections Health Service specified in Schedule 2 to the
Health Services Act 1997 and constituted as a statutory health corporation by that Act.
court means:
(a) the Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeal, the Land and Environment Court, the Industrial Relations Commission, the District Court or a Local Court, or
(b) any other court that, or person who, exercises criminal jurisdiction,
but, subject to the
Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987, does not include the Children’s Court or any other court that, or person who, exercises the jurisdiction of the Children’s Court.
Department means the Department of Corrective Services.
detention period means a period that occurs during the term of an offender’s sentence, being a period that, subject to any order under section 85:
(a) in the case of the first such period:(i) begins at 8.30 am on the day specified in that regard in the relevant periodic detention order, and
(ii) ends at 4.30 pm on the day following the day so specified, and
(b) in the case of each subsequent such period:(i) begins each week at 7.00 pm on the day of the week specified in that regard in the relevant periodic detention order, and
(ii) ends at 4.30 pm on the second day following the day so specified,
but does not include any such period that includes the whole or any part of Christmas Day, Good Friday or Easter Sunday.
drug means:
(b) any other substance declared by the regulations to be a drug for the purposes of this Act.
exercise a function includes perform a duty.
full-time detention means detention in a correctional centre, other than periodic detention within the meaning of Part 3.
function includes a power, authority or duty.
governor means:
(a) in relation to a correctional centre, the governor of the correctional centre, or
(b) in relation to a periodic detention centre, the governor of the correctional centre who is responsible for the periodic detention centre by virtue of a proclamation referred to in section 226 (3),
and includes any person who is for the time being in charge of the correctional centre or periodic detention centre, as the case may be.
inmate means a person to whom Part 2 applies.
Inspector-General means the Inspector-General appointed under Part 10.
interstate leave permit means a permit referred to in section 29.
judicially qualified person means:
(a) any Judge or retired Judge of a New South Wales court or the Federal Court, or
(b) any Magistrate or retired Magistrate, or
(c) any person qualified to be appointed as a Judge of a New South Wales court.
law enforcement agency means any of the following:
(a) the Police Service, or the police force of another State or a Territory,
(b) the New South Wales Crime Commission,
(c) the Australian Federal Police,
(d) the Australian Crime Commission,
(e) the Director of Public Prosecutions of New South Wales, of another State or a Territory or of the Commonwealth,
(f) the Police Integrity Commission,
(g) the Independent Commission Against Corruption,
(h) the Department of Juvenile Justice,
(i) a person or body prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this definition.
local leave order means an order referred to in section 25.
local leave permit means a permit referred to in section 26.
managed correctional centre means a correctional centre that is for the time being managed under a management agreement.
management agreement means an agreement referred to in section 238.
management company means a corporation with which the Commissioner has entered into a management agreement under which the corporation manages one or more correctional centres.
medical officer, in relation to a correctional centre, means a medical officer appointed for the correctional centre as referred to in section 236C.
offender, where occurring elsewhere than in Part 3, 4 or 5, means a person who is subject to a sentence of imprisonment, and includes an inmate within the meaning of Part 2 and an offender within the meaning of Part 3 or 4.
offender submission means a submission made to the Review Council or the Parole Board, for the purposes of this Act, by an inmate of a correctional centre.
Official Visitor means an Official Visitor appointed under section 228.
Parole Board means the Parole Board constituted by section 183.
parole order means an order in force under:
(a) section 138, 141, 149, 150, 154A, 159 or 160 of this Act, or
periodic detention, in relation to an offender, means detention in prison for such number of detention periods as there are in the term of the offender’s sentence.
periodic detention centre means any correctional centre declared to be a periodic detention centre by a proclamation in force under section 226.
probation and parole officer means a person who is employed within the Department as a probation and parole officer, as referred to in section 231.
Review Council means the Serious Offenders Review Council constituted by section 195.
sentence means a sentence of imprisonment.
sentencing court, in relation to an offender undergoing a penalty imposed by a court, means the court by which the penalty was imposed.
serious offender means:
(a) an offender who is serving a sentence for life, or
(c) an offender who is serving a sentence (or one of a series of sentences of imprisonment) where the term of the sentence (or the combined terms of all of the sentences in the series) is such that the offender will not become eligible for release from custody, including release on parole, until he or she has spent at least 12 years in custody, or
(d) an offender who is for the time being required to be managed as a serious offender in accordance with a decision of the sentencing court, the Parole Board or the Commissioner, or
(e) an offender who has been convicted of murder and who is subject to a sentence in respect of the conviction, or
(f) an offender who belongs to a class of persons prescribed by the regulations to be serious offenders for the purposes of this definition.
submanagement agreement means an agreement referred to in section 239.
submanagement company means a corporation with which a management company has entered into a submanagement agreement under which the corporation manages one or more correctional centres on behalf of the management company.
transitional centre means premises managed or approved by the Commissioner for the purpose of accommodating certain inmates prior to their release from custody.
victim of a serious offender means a person whose name is recorded in the Victims Register as a victim of that offender.
Victims Register means the register kept under section 256 of the names of victims of offenders who have requested that they be given notice of the possible parole of the offender concerned.
victim submission means a submission made to the Review Council or the Parole Board, for the purposes of this Act, by a victim of a serious offender.
Visiting Magistrate means a Visiting Magistrate appointed under section 227.
s 3: Am 2000 No 110, Sch 1 [1] [2]; 2001 No 29, Sch 2 [1]; 2001 No 83, Sch 1 [1]; 2001 No 121, Sch 2.73 [1]; 2002 No 74, Sch 1 [1]; 2002 No 79, Sch 1 [1]; 2003 No 13, Sch 1.5.