Sporting Venues Authorities Regulation 2019

Part 1 Preliminary
1   Name of Regulation
This Regulation is the Sporting Venues Authorities Regulation 2019.
2   Commencement
This Regulation commences on the day on which it is published on the NSW legislation website.
This Regulation repeals and replaces the Sporting Venues Authorities Regulation 2014, which would otherwise be repealed on 1 September 2019 by section 10 (2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989.
3   Definitions
(1)  In this Regulation—
authorised officer, in relation to a provision of this Regulation, means a person authorised by Venues NSW for the purpose of that provision.
Club card means either of the following—
(a)  a Regular Member’s Club card,
(b)  a Double Gold Member’s Club card.
Double Gold Member means a person who holds Double Gold Membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground.
Gold Member means a person who holds Gold Membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground.
Guest card means any of the following—
(a)  a Regular Member’s Guest card,
(b)  a Double Gold Member’s Guest card,
(c)  a Life Member’s Guest card.
Honorary Member means a person who holds Honorary Membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground.
Junior Gold Member means a person who holds Junior Gold Membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground.
Junior Regular Member means a person who holds Junior Regular Membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground.
Life Member means a person who holds Life Membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground.
liquor has the same meaning as in the Liquor Act 2007.
membership card means a membership card issued by Venues NSW.
membership year means a period of 12 months commencing on 1 October.
Platinum Member means a person who holds Platinum Membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground.
Platinum Membership card—see clause 50(3).
Regular Member means a person who holds Regular Membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground.
SCG Member means any of the following—
(a)  a Regular Member,
(b)  an SCG XI Member,
(c)  an SCG Playing Member,
(d)  a Gold Member,
(e)  a Double Gold Member,
(f)  a Platinum Member,
(g)  a Junior Regular Member,
(h)  a Junior Gold Member,
(i)  an Honorary Member,
(j)  a Life Member.
SCG Playing Member means a person who holds SCG Playing Membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground.
SCG XI Member means a person who holds SCG XI Membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground.
ticket of admission means any of the following—
(a)  a ticket of admission issued by Venues NSW,
(b)  a Guest card issued by Venues NSW,
(c)  a Club card issued by Venues NSW.
The Act and the Interpretation Act 1987 contain definitions and other provisions that affect the interpretation and application of this Regulation.
(2)  Notes included in this Regulation do not form part of this Regulation.
Part 2 Entry to, and removal of persons from, sporting venues
3A   Operation of Part excludes scheduled lands
This Part does not apply to the scheduled lands.
Parts 4–10 provide for the rules and prohibitions on entry relating to the scheduled lands.
4   Conditions of entry and use of sporting venues
(1)  A sporting venues authority may, by notice in writing, impose conditions on persons entering or using land, or a facility on land, vested in or managed by the sporting venues authority.
(2)  The notice must be—
(a)  displayed in, or at the boundary or entrance to, the land or facility to which the conditions relate, or
(b)  given to persons entering or using the land or facility.
(3)  Without limiting subclause (1), the conditions may deal with the following—
(a)  designating points of entry to the land or facility,
(b)  closing the land or facility to the public,
(c)  reserving the land or facility for a particular use or for the use of particular persons or bodies or a particular sector of the public,
(d)  imposing fees and charges on persons entering or using the land or facility,
(e)  regulating or prohibiting the use of, or the carrying out of activities (including driving vehicles) in respect of, the land or facility.
5   Removal of persons from sporting venues
(1)  A ranger or police officer may give a direction to a person to leave land, or a facility on land, vested in or managed by a sporting venues authority (a direction to leave) if, in the opinion of the ranger or police officer, the person is—
(a)  trespassing, or
(b)  committing an offence, or
(c)  contravening a condition of entry or use, or
(c1)  contravening the Act or this Regulation, or
(d)  causing a nuisance or inconvenience to another person in the sporting venue.
(2)  A person who fails to comply with a direction to leave given in accordance with this clause is guilty of an offence.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(3)  A person is not guilty of an offence under subclause (2) unless it is established that the ranger or police officer warned the person that failure to comply with the direction to leave was an offence.
(4)  A person who fails to comply with a direction to leave may be removed from the land or facility by a ranger or police officer.
(4A)  Venues NSW or a ranger may call in the aid of a police officer for the removal of a person from land, or a facility on land, vested in or managed by a sporting venues authority.
(5)  Reasonable force may be used to effect the person’s removal.
(6)  A person who has been given a direction to leave, or who has been removed from the land or facility under subclause (4), must not re-enter the land or facility for a period of 48 hours after the direction was given or after the removal, whichever is later.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
6   Sporting venues authorities may ban persons for specified period
(1)  A sporting venues authority may, by notice in writing given to a person, ban the person from entering land, or a facility on land, vested in or managed by the authority.
(2)  The notice must specify the period of the ban, which must not exceed 12 months.
(3)  A sporting venues authority may only ban a person under this clause if the person—
(a)  has been removed, under clause 5 (4), from land or a facility vested in or managed by the authority, or
(b)  has been convicted of an offence under clause 5 (2) or (6) in relation to land or a facility vested in or managed by the authority, or
(c)  has committed an offence under another law in relation to land or a facility vested in or managed by the authority, or
(d)  is subject to a ban, under the Sporting Venues (Invasions) Act 2003, from a designated sporting venue within the meaning of that Act.
(4)  A person who is banned under this clause from entering land or a facility must not enter the land or facility concerned during the period of the ban.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
7, 8   (Repealed)
Part 3 Advisory committees
9   Advisory committees
(1)  For the purposes of 21C(5)(d) of the Act, a member of an advisory committee may be appointed for a maximum term of 3 years and may be re-appointed, but only if the member’s total term of office will not exceed 6 years.
(2)  This clause does not apply to a member who is appointed to a membership advisory committee under section 21E(3)(a) of the Act.
Part 4 Entry to scheduled lands
10   References to the scheduled lands
In this Part, a reference to the scheduled lands includes a reference to—
(a)  the whole of the scheduled lands, and
(b)  a part of the scheduled lands, and
(c)  a grandstand or building on the scheduled lands.
11   Venues NSW may determine entrance charges
(1)  Venues NSW may determine entrance charges for admission to the scheduled lands.
(2)  Venues NSW may—
(a)  set aside a part of a grandstand on the scheduled lands for reserved seats, and
(b)  determine an additional entrance charge for those seats.
12   Entry to scheduled lands
(1)  A person must not enter the scheduled lands unless the person—
(a)  has paid the entrance charge determined by Venues NSW, if any, or
(b)  is in lawful possession of a current membership card authorising entry, or
(c)  is in lawful possession of a ticket of admission authorising entry, or
(d)  has the approval of Venues NSW to do so.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(2)  Venues NSW may determine conditions of entry to the scheduled lands and is to exhibit those conditions—
(a)  on signs at or near the entrance to those lands, and
(b)  in a prominent place on Venues NSW’s website.
(3)  A person must not breach the conditions of entry.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
13   Persons may be refused entry
(1)  A person may be refused entry to the scheduled lands by—
(a)  Venues NSW, or
(b)  an authorised officer, or
(c)  a police officer.
(2)  A person must not enter or remain on the scheduled lands after having been refused entry under this clause.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
14   Venues NSW may determine that scheduled lands closed to public
(1)  Venues NSW may determine that the scheduled lands are closed to the public.
(2)  If Venues NSW makes a determination, a person must not enter the scheduled lands except with the approval of Venues NSW or an authorised officer.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
15   Entry to Members’ Reserve
(1)  A person must not enter the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground or of the Sydney Football Stadium unless the person—
(a)  is in lawful possession of a current membership card or ticket of admission that authorises entry to the relevant Members’ Reserve and produces the card or ticket for inspection on demand made by a member of Venues NSW or an authorised officer, or
(b)  has the approval of Venues NSW to do so.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(2)  A person whose membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground has been suspended or cancelled by Venues NSW must not enter the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground or of the Sydney Football Stadium unless—
(a)  the period of suspension has ended, or
(b)  the person has been reinstated as an SCG Member.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
Part 5 Possession and consumption of liquor on scheduled lands
16   Prohibition on bringing in liquor
(1)  A person must not bring or attempt to bring liquor onto the scheduled lands without the approval of Venues NSW.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(2)  A person who contravenes subclause (1) may be—
(a)  required to dispose of the liquor in a manner approved by Venues NSW, or
(b)  required to surrender the liquor to Venues NSW or an authorised officer for disposal, or
(c)  refused entry to, or removed from, the scheduled lands.
(3)  This clause does not apply to a person who is authorised by Venues NSW to sell liquor on the scheduled lands.
17   Prohibition on consumption of liquor unlawfully brought in
A person must not, while on the scheduled lands, consume liquor brought onto those lands in contravention of clause 16(1).
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
18   Prohibition on consumption of liquor in certain areas
A person must not consume liquor on the scheduled lands, except in a part of the scheduled lands that is designated, by signs erected by Venues NSW, as a part in which the consumption of liquor is permitted.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
Part 6 Prohibited behaviour on scheduled lands
19   Protection of natural features
(1)  A person must not do any of the following on the scheduled lands, except with the approval of Venues NSW or an authorised officer—
(a)  damage lawns, playing fields or greens,
(b)  damage, pick or remove trees, shrubs, ferns, creepers, vines, palms, plants, flowers, herbage, lawn, turf, grass or other vegetative cover,
(c)  affix posters on trees,
(d)  climb trees,
(e)  remove or disturb rocks, stones, soil, sand or similar substances,
(f)  light fires.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(2)  A person does not commit an offence under subclause (1)(a) if the damage was caused during, and as a normal incident of, a sporting event or training for a sporting event.
20   Protection of structures
(1)  A person must not do the following on the scheduled lands, except with the approval of Venues NSW or an authorised officer—
(a)  climb on buildings,
(b)  affix posters on buildings, fences, seats, tables, enclosures or other structures,
(c)  climb or jump over fences, seats, tables, enclosures or other structures.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(2)  A person must not break, damage, deface, obliterate or cover structures, machinery, equipment, signs, descriptive plates or labels on the scheduled lands.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
21   Prohibition on bringing in animals
(1)  A person must not have custody or control of an animal on the scheduled lands unless—
(a)  the animal is to be or is being exhibited in a show or display, or
(b)  the animal is an assistance animal that is in a harness, or
(c)  the person has the approval of Venues NSW or an authorised officer.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(2)  A person must not ride an animal on the scheduled lands contrary to a sign erected by Venues NSW that regulates the movement of animals.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(3)  In this clause, assistance animal has the same meaning as in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 of the Commonwealth.
22   Prohibition on littering
A person must not leave rubbish or litter on the scheduled lands, except in a bin or other receptacle provided for that purpose.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
23   Prohibition on possessing glass in certain areas
A person must not possess a glass bottle or other glass container in the scheduled lands, except in a part of the scheduled lands that is designated, by signs erected by Venues NSW, as a part in which possessing a glass bottle or other glass container is permitted.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
24   Prohibition on throwing or projecting certain objects
A person must not throw or project stones or other missiles on the scheduled lands, except—
(a)  while participating in a side show or ring display authorised by Venues NSW, or
(b)  as a normal incident of a sporting event or training for a sporting event.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
25   Prohibition on smoking
A person must not smoke in the scheduled lands, except in a part of the scheduled lands that is designated, by signs erected by Venues NSW, as a part in which smoking is permitted.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
26   Offensive and indecent conduct
A person must not do any of the following on the scheduled lands—
(a)  use indecent, obscene, insulting or threatening language,
(b)  use indecent, obscene, insulting or threatening terms in correspondence, telephone calls, emails, text messages or social media content directed to an employee of Venues NSW,
(c)  behave in an offensive or indecent manner,
(d)  by disorderly conduct, cause serious alarm or affront to a person,
(e)  hinder or interfere with the proper progress or conduct of a cricket or football match or other match, game, sport or event,
(f)  attempt to hinder or interfere with the proper progress or conduct of a cricket or football match or other match, game, sport or event.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
27   Prohibition on commercial and other activities
A person must not do any of the following on the scheduled lands, except with the approval of Venues NSW or an authorised officer—
(a)  make an address,
(b)  conduct or hold a meeting, match, musical performance or amusement,
(c)  sell, offer for sale or distribute a service, article or thing,
(d)  have or operate television, cinematographic or photographic equipment for commercial purposes,
(e)  distribute bills or posters.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
28   Directions relating to booths, bars, stalls and stands
A person who rents or has a booth, bar, stall or stand on the scheduled lands must comply with reasonable directions of Venues NSW or an authorised officer in relation to the booth, bar, stall or stand.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
29   Camping or residing
A person must not camp or permanently reside on the scheduled lands, except with the approval of Venues NSW or an authorised officer.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
30   Discharging fireworks
A person must not discharge fireworks or light flares on the scheduled lands, except with the approval of Venues NSW or an authorised officer.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
31   Erecting structures
A person must not erect a house, booth, bar, shed, stall or other structure on the scheduled lands, except with the approval of Venues NSW or an authorised officer.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
32   Obstruction of employees or contractor
A person must not obstruct an employee of, or contractor to, Venues NSW in the performance of the employee’s or contractor’s work on the scheduled lands.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
Part 7 Entry and use of vehicles on scheduled lands
33   Entrance charges for vehicles
(1)  Venues NSW may determine entrance charges for the admission of vehicles to the scheduled lands or a part of the scheduled lands.
(2)  A person must not enter the scheduled lands as the driver or controller of a vehicle unless the person has paid the entrance charge payable for admission of the vehicle.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
34   Admission of vehicles
(1)  Venues NSW may determine terms or conditions for the admission of vehicles, and the drivers and controllers of vehicles, to all or part of the scheduled lands.
(2)  A person must not drive or control a vehicle on the scheduled lands in breach of the terms or conditions.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
35   Driving, riding or parking of vehicles
A person must not drive, ride, park or act contrary to signs erected by Venues NSW that regulate the parking, traffic flow and movement of vehicles on the scheduled lands.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
Part 8 Removal and banning of persons from scheduled lands
36   Removal of other persons from scheduled lands
(1)  The following persons may be removed from the scheduled lands, or a part of the scheduled lands, by a member of Venues NSW, a ranger or a police officer—
(a)  a person who contravenes a provision of this Regulation,
(b)  a person who trespasses on those lands,
(c)  a person who causes inconvenience to another person on those lands.
(2)  Reasonable force may be used to effect the removal.
37   Venues NSW may ban certain persons for specified period
(1)  Venues NSW may ban a person who contravenes a provision of this Regulation from entering the scheduled lands for a period, not exceeding 24 months, determined by Venues NSW.
(2)  Venues NSW may ban a person from entering the scheduled lands during a period in which the person—
(a)  is banned, under the Sporting Venues (Invasions) Act 2003, from a designated sporting venue within the meaning of that Act, or
(b)  is banned, under the Sydney Olympic Park Authority Regulation 2018, from entering a sportsground within the meaning of that Regulation.
(3)  A person who is banned under this clause from entering the scheduled lands must not be admitted to the scheduled lands during the period of the ban.
(4)  A person who is banned under this clause from entering the scheduled lands must not enter the scheduled lands during the period of the ban.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
Part 9 Powers of officials in relation to scheduled lands
38   Unauthorised possession of membership card or ticket of admission
A person who is in possession of a membership card or ticket of admission to which the person is not entitled must, on demand made by Venues NSW or a ranger, surrender the card or ticket to Venues NSW or the ranger.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
39   Membership cards and tickets to be produced for inspection
(1)  An authorised ticket inspector may demand that a person in the scheduled lands produce for inspection—
(a)  a current membership card entitling the person to be within the scheduled lands, or
(b)  a ticket of admission entitling the person to be within the scheduled lands.
(2)  A person must comply with a demand made under subclause (1).
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(3)  The person may be ordered to leave the scheduled lands or part of the scheduled lands if the person—
(a)  does not produce the membership card or ticket of admission, or
(b)  does not satisfy the authorised ticket inspector that the membership card or ticket of admission has been lost, or
(c)  produces a membership card or ticket of admission that does not entitle the person to be within the part of the scheduled lands in which the demand was made.
(4)  A person must comply with an order to leave.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(5)  A person is not guilty of an offence under subclause (4) unless it is established that the authorised ticket inspector warned the person that the contravention concerned is an offence.
(6)  An authorised ticket inspector or a police officer may remove a person who fails to comply with an order made under subclause (3) from the scheduled lands or part of those lands.
(7)  Reasonable force may be used to effect a removal under subclause (6).
(8)  An SCG Member must comply with a reasonable request made by an authorised ticket inspector for the purpose of establishing the identity of the holder of a membership card.
(9)  In this clause—
authorised ticket inspector means any of the following—
(a)  a member of Venues NSW,
(b)  a ranger.
40   Requirement to obey directions of rangers and others
(1)  A person must not, while on the scheduled lands, fail to comply with a reasonable request or direction made or given by any of the following persons for the purpose of securing the good order, management and enjoyment of the scheduled lands—
(a)  a member of Venues NSW,
(b)  a ranger,
(c)  a police officer.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(2)  A person is not guilty of an offence under subclause (1) unless it is established that the member of Venues NSW, ranger or police officer warned the person that the contravention concerned is an offence.
41   Requirement to give name and address
(1)  A member of Venues NSW, a ranger or a police officer who suspects on reasonable grounds that a person on the scheduled lands has committed an offence under this Regulation may require the person to state the person’s full name and residential address.
(2)  A person must not—
(a)  fail without reasonable cause to comply with the requirement, or
(b)  in purported compliance with the requirement, supply information that the person knows to be false or misleading in a material particular.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
(3)  A person is not guilty of an offence under subclause (2) unless it is established that the member of Venues NSW, ranger or police officer warned the person that the contravention concerned is an offence.
42   Obstruction of person with official functions
A person on the scheduled lands must not obstruct or hinder another person in the exercise of the other person’s functions under the Act or this Regulation.
Maximum penalty—10 penalty units.
Part 10 Membership of Sydney Cricket Ground
Division 1 Admission to membership
43   Classes of membership
(1)  There are to be the following classes of membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground—
(a)  Regular Membership,
(b)  SCG XI Membership,
(c)  SCG Playing Membership,
(d)  Gold Membership,
(e)  Double Gold Membership,
(f)  Platinum Membership,
(g)  Junior Regular Membership,
(h)  Junior Gold Membership,
(i)  Honorary Membership,
(j)  Life Membership.
(2)  A person may not hold more than one class of membership at a time.
SCG Members may apply to transfer from one class of membership to another—see clause 66.
(3)  Venues NSW may set a maximum number of SCG Members for each class of membership.
44   Admission to membership
(1)  Venues NSW may admit any person or organisation, including a body corporate or partnership, as an SCG Member.
(2)  Venues NSW may require that, before being admitted to a particular class of membership, a person or organisation is to be nominated as an SCG Member by 2 SCG Members who are not Honorary Members.
(3)  A person or organisation admitted as an SCG Member is, on payment of the entrance fees or other fees required under this Regulation, entitled to be issued with a membership card.
Clause 74 provides that Venues NSW may determine fees payable in respect of each class of membership.
Division 2 Entitlements of SCG Members
45   Regular Membership
(1)  A Regular Member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to Regular Membership—
(a)  under this Regulation, or
(b)  as determined by Venues NSW.
(2)  A Regular Member is entitled to be admitted to—
(a)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, and
(b)  other parts of the scheduled lands determined by Venues NSW.
(3)  A Regular Member is entitled, on payment of the fee determined by Venues NSW, to be issued with—
(a)  1 Regular Member’s Guest card, and
(b)  2 Regular Member’s Club cards.
(4)  A Regular Member who was admitted to membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground before 1 October 1932 is entitled, on payment of the fee determined by Venues NSW, to be issued with—
(a)  2 Regular Member’s Guest cards, and
(b)  2 Regular Member’s Club cards.
46   SCG XI Membership
(1)  An SCG XI Member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to SCG XI Membership—
(a)  under this Regulation, or
(b)  as determined by Venues NSW.
(2)  An SCG XI Member must be a registered member of the Sydney Cricket Club.
47   SCG Playing Membership
An SCG Playing Member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to SCG Playing Membership—
(a)  under this Regulation, or
(b)  as determined by Venues NSW.
48   Gold Membership
(1)  A Gold Member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to Gold Membership—
(a)  under this Regulation, or
(b)  as determined by Venues NSW.
(2)  A Gold Member is entitled to be admitted to—
(a)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, and
(b)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Football Stadium, and
(c)  other parts of the scheduled lands determined by Venues NSW.
(3)  A Gold Member who has transferred to Gold Membership from Regular Membership does not keep any of the privileges of Regular Membership, but is entitled, on payment of the fee determined by Venues NSW, to be issued with—
(a)  1 Regular Member’s Guest card, and
(b)  2 Regular Member’s Club cards.
49   Double Gold Membership
A Double Gold Member—
(a)  has the same entitlements as a Gold Member, and
(b)  in addition to those entitlements, is entitled to be issued with 1 Double Gold Member’s Guest card and 2 Double Gold Member’s Club cards.
50   Platinum Membership
(1)  A Platinum Member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to Platinum Membership—
(a)  under this Regulation, or
(b)  as determined by Venues NSW.
(2)  A Platinum Member is entitled to be admitted to—
(a)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, and
(b)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Football Stadium, and
(c)  other parts of the scheduled lands determined by Venues NSW.
(3)  A Platinum Member is entitled, on payment of the fee determined by Venues NSW, to be issued with 4, 5 or 6 membership cards (Platinum Membership cards).
(4)  A person who, with the authority of a Platinum Member, holds one of the Platinum Member’s Platinum Membership cards is entitled to be admitted to—
(a)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, and
(b)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Football Stadium, and
(c)  other parts of the scheduled lands determined by Venues NSW.
(5)  A Platinum Member is entitled, with the written approval of Venues NSW, to assign the Platinum Member’s Platinum Membership as follows—
(a)  if the Platinum Member is an individual—to a person whom Venues NSW accepts as having a close relationship with the Member,
(b)  if the Platinum Member is an organisation—to another person or organisation.
(6)  For an assignment of membership under subclause (5), Venues NSW may—
(a)  require an administration fee, as determined by Venues NSW, to be paid, and
(b)  impose other terms and conditions.
51   Junior Regular Membership
(1)  A person over the age of 10 years but under the age of 18 years may be admitted to Junior Regular Membership by Venues NSW.
(2)  A Junior Regular Member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to Junior Regular Membership—
(a)  under this Regulation, or
(b)  as determined by Venues NSW.
(3)  A Junior Regular Member is entitled to be admitted to the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground.
(4)  A Junior Regular Member is not entitled to be issued with Guest or Club cards.
(5)  An application for Junior Regular Membership must be accompanied by proof to the satisfaction of Venues NSW that the applicant is over the age of 10 years and under the age of 18 years.
(6)  A Junior Regular Member, on attaining the age of 18 years—
(a)  is entitled to become a Regular Member, and
(b)  may apply for Gold or Double Gold Membership.
(7)  Venues NSW may grant an application under subclause (6) on payment of—
(a)  a fee representing the difference between the entrance fee payable by a Junior Regular Member and that payable by a Regular, Gold or Double Gold Member, and
(b)  the appropriate annual subscription fee payable by a Regular, Gold or Double Gold Member.
52   Junior Gold Membership
(1)  A person over the age of 5 years and under the age of 18 years may be admitted to Junior Gold Membership by Venues NSW.
(2)  A Junior Gold Member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to Junior Gold Membership—
(a)  under this Regulation, or
(b)  as determined by Venues NSW.
(3)  A Junior Gold Member is entitled to be admitted to—
(a)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, and
(b)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Football Stadium, and
(c)  other parts of the scheduled lands determined by Venues NSW.
(4)  A Junior Gold Member is not entitled to be issued with Guest or Club cards.
(5)  An application for Junior Gold Membership must be accompanied by proof to the satisfaction of Venues NSW that the applicant is over the age of 5 years and under the age of 18 years.
(6)  A Junior Gold Member, on attaining the age of 18 years—
(a)  is entitled to become a Regular Member, and
(b)  may apply for Gold or Double Gold Membership.
(7)  An applicant under subclause (6)(b) is entitled, on payment of the fee determined by Venues NSW, to be admitted to the class of membership applied for.
53   Honorary Membership
(1)  Venues NSW may admit to Honorary Membership, for a period not exceeding 12 months, the following persons—
(a)  a person holding an official position,
(b)  a distinguished person,
(c)  a person to whom Venues NSW considers it appropriate to admit to Honorary Membership.
(2)  An Honorary Member is not required to pay an entrance fee or annual subscription fee.
(3)  Venues NSW may renew any Honorary Membership for a further period not exceeding 12 months.
(4)  An Honorary Member is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to Honorary Membership—
(a)  under this Regulation, or
(b)  as determined by Venues NSW.
54   Life Membership
(1)  Venues NSW may, but is not obliged to, admit to Life Membership a person nominated in accordance with this clause.
(2)  A person or State sporting body may, on or before 1 July in any year, nominate for Life Membership a person who meets the criteria set out in subclause (3), including a person who has previously been nominated but has not been admitted to Life Membership.
(3)  Nominees must be persons who—
(a)  are Australian citizens, and
(b)  are of good standing in the community, and
(c)  have contributed substantially to the development or operation of the scheduled lands or have, whether individually or as part of a team, either—
(i)  represented the State during their sporting career in a sport that is staged regularly on the scheduled lands and achieved success, at the highest level of available competition, in that sport, or
(ii)  attained an outstanding achievement in a sport, having regard to the level of international competition involved and the person’s overall standing in the sport concerned, and
(d)  for a person referred to in paragraph (c)(i) or (ii)—have retired from elite competition or attained the outstanding achievement at least 2 years before the date of nomination.
(4)  Venues NSW may request a relevant State sporting body to do either or both of the following—
(a)  indicate whether or not the body endorses the nomination of a nominee,
(b)  for 2 or more nominees from the same area of sport—indicate the body’s order of preference of nominees.
(5)  A Life Member—
(a)  becomes a Life Member at the commencement of the membership year immediately following the person’s nomination, and
(b)  is entitled to the privileges for the time being attached to Life Membership—
(i)  under this Regulation, or
(ii)  as determined by Venues NSW.
(6)  A Life Member is entitled to be admitted to—
(a)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, and
(b)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Football Stadium, and
(c)  other parts of the scheduled lands determined by Venues NSW.
(7)  A Life Member is entitled to 1 Life Member’s Guest card.
55   Guest cards
(1)  Venues NSW may issue Guest cards to any of the following—
(a)  Regular Members,
(b)  Gold Members who have transferred from Regular Membership,
(c)  Double Gold Members,
(d)  Life Members.
(2)  A Regular Member’s Guest card entitles the holder, on production of the card, to admission to—
(a)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, and
(b)  other parts of the scheduled lands determined by Venues NSW.
(3)  A Double Gold Member’s Guest card entitles the holder, on production of the card, to admission to—
(a)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, and
(b)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Football Stadium, and
(c)  other parts of the scheduled lands determined by Venues NSW.
(4)  A Life Member’s Guest card entitles the holder, on production of the card, to admission to—
(a)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground, and
(b)  the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Football Stadium, and
(c)  other parts of the scheduled lands determined by Venues NSW.
(5)  A holder of a Guest card is entitled to admission under this clause if the holder has been nominated to Venues NSW as the signatory for the card by the Member to whom the card was issued or transferred in accordance with this Part.
(6)  A holder of a Guest card who has not been nominated under subclause (5) is entitled to admission under this clause, but must, unless Venues NSW otherwise approves, be accompanied by the Member to whom the card was issued or transferred in accordance with this Part on days designated by Venues NSW as major match days.
56   Club cards
(1)  Venues NSW may issue Club cards to Regular Members, Gold Members who have transferred from Regular Membership and Double Gold Members.
(2)  A Regular Member’s Club card entitles the holder, on production of the card, to admission to—
(a)  the parts of the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground determined by Venues NSW, and
(b)  other parts of the scheduled lands determined by Venues NSW.
(3)  A Double Gold Member’s Club card entitles the holder, on production of the card, to admission to—
(a)  the parts of the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground determined by Venues NSW, and
(b)  the parts of the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Football Stadium determined by Venues NSW, and
(c)  other parts of the scheduled lands determined by Venues NSW.
(4)  The holder of a Club card is entitled to admission under this clause only on days designated by Venues NSW as minor match days and must, unless Venues NSW otherwise approves, be accompanied by the Member to whom the card was issued or transferred in accordance with this Part.
57   Limitation on entitlements
Despite any other provision of this Part, a person is not, because of being an SCG Member or the holder of a Guest or Club card, entitled to be admitted to the scheduled lands during the staging of—
(a)  a non-sporting event, or
(b)  a sporting event other than football or cricket, or
(c)  a football or cricket event of major international significance that is not staged regularly on the scheduled lands.
Division 3 Parts of grounds available to SCG Members
58   Parts of grounds available to SCG Members
(1)  A person is not, because of being an SCG Member or the holder of a Guest card or Club card, entitled to enter a part of the scheduled lands set aside or reserved for other persons.
(2)  Venues NSW may from time to time vary the boundaries of the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground and the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Football Stadium.
59   Entry to Members’ Pavilion
(1)  A person under the age of 18 years must not, except with the approval of Venues NSW, enter that part of the Members’ Reserve of the Sydney Cricket Ground known as the Members’ Pavilion.
(2)  To avoid doubt, the application of this clause extends to persons who are Junior Gold Members, Junior Regular Members or Platinum Members.
Division 4 Membership cards
60   Lost membership cards, Guest cards or Club cards
(1)  An SCG Member who loses a membership card, Guest card or Club card may apply in writing to Venues NSW for a replacement card.
(2)  The application must be accompanied by a statutory declaration explaining how the card was lost.
(3)  Venues NSW may, on receipt of the application and on payment of the fee, if any, determined by Venues NSW to be payable for the replacement of a card, issue a replacement card to the SCG Member.
61   Use of membership cards by persons who are not SCG Members
(1)  If proof is given to the satisfaction of Venues NSW that a person who is an SCG Member has allowed the person’s membership card to be used by another person for the purpose of obtaining admission to the scheduled lands—
(a)  the person forfeits all claims and rights to the card and ceases to be an SCG Member, and
(b)  Venues NSW is to ensure that the person’s name is removed from the roll of SCG Members, and
(c)  if the membership card is in the possession of Venues NSW—Venues NSW may keep the card.
(2)  Venues NSW may reissue the membership card and reinstate the membership of a person who has ceased to be an SCG Member under subclause (1) on the terms and conditions determined by Venues NSW.
(3)  This clause does not apply to Platinum Members.
Division 5 Transfer of membership on death of SCG Member
62   Transfer of Regular Membership to spouse or de facto partner on death of Regular Member
(1)  The spouse or de facto partner of a person who was, immediately before the person’s death, a Regular Member may apply to Venues NSW to be admitted as a Regular Member.
(2)  The application is to be in writing and must be made within 12 months after the death of the Regular Member.
(3)  Venues NSW may grant the application and may waive the payment of the entrance fee.
63   Entitlement to Gold Membership, Double Gold Membership or Junior Gold Membership on death of certain SCG Members
(1)  This clause applies to a deceased Member, being a person who was, immediately before the person’s death, a Gold Member, Double Gold Member or Junior Gold Member and was not admitted to that class of membership by way of—
(a)  an entitlement under this clause, or
(b)  a transfer under clause 67.
(2)  If the deceased Member left a will and did not hold Guest cards or Club cards, the person entitled to be admitted to Gold Membership, Double Gold Membership or Junior Gold Membership, in accordance with the class of membership held by the deceased Member, is—
(a)  the person specifically nominated in the will as being entitled to the membership, or
(b)  if there is a single beneficiary under the will and paragraph (a) does not apply—the beneficiary, or
(c)  if there are 2 or more beneficiaries under the will and paragraph (a) does not apply—the beneficiary nominated by the deceased Member’s legal personal representative.
(3)  If the deceased Member left a will and held Guest cards or Club cards, whether as a Gold Member who transferred from Regular Membership or as a Double Gold Member, the following applies—
(a)  if the will specifically nominates a person as being entitled to the membership, that person is entitled to—
(i)  in accordance with the class of membership held by the deceased Member, be admitted to Gold Membership as if the person were a former Regular Member or to Double Gold Membership, and
(ii)  a transfer of the deceased Member’s cards,
(b)  if the will specifically nominates one person as being entitled to the membership and another person as being entitled to the Guest and Club cards—both persons are entitled to be admitted to Gold Membership, but not as if they were former Regular Members,
(c)  if there is a single beneficiary under the will and paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply, the beneficiary is entitled to—
(i)  in accordance with the class of membership held by the deceased Member, be admitted to Gold Membership as if the beneficiary were a former Regular Member or to Double Gold Membership, and
(ii)  a transfer of the deceased Member’s cards,
(d)  if there are 2 or more beneficiaries under the will and paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply, the deceased Member’s legal personal representative may nominate—
(i)  one beneficiary, who is entitled to—
(A)  in accordance with the class of membership held by the deceased Member, be admitted to Gold Membership as if the beneficiary were a former Regular Member or to Double Gold Membership, and
(B)  a transfer of the deceased Member’s cards,
(ii)  2 beneficiaries, both of whom are entitled to be admitted to Gold Membership as if the beneficiaries were former Regular Members.
(4)  If the deceased Member did not leave a will and had a spouse or de facto partner, the spouse or de facto partner is entitled to—
(a)  in accordance with the class of membership held by the deceased Member, be admitted to Gold Membership, Gold Membership as if the spouse or de facto partner were a former Regular Member, Double Gold Membership or Junior Gold Membership, and
(b)  a transfer of the deceased Member’s cards.
(5)  If the deceased Member did not leave a will and did not have a spouse or de facto partner, the deceased Member’s SCG membership expires.
(6)  A person above the age of 18 years who would otherwise be entitled under this clause to be admitted to Junior Gold Membership is entitled, instead, to be admitted to Gold Membership, but not as if the person was a former Regular Member.
64   Entitlement to Platinum Membership on death of Platinum Member
(1)  If a Platinum Member dies, the following persons are entitled to be admitted to Platinum Membership in place of the deceased Platinum Member—
(a)  if a person is specifically nominated in the will as being entitled to the membership—that person,
(b)  if there is a single beneficiary under the will and paragraph (a) does not apply—that beneficiary,
(c)  if there are 2 or more beneficiaries under the will and paragraph (a) does not apply—the beneficiary nominated by the deceased Platinum Member’s legal personal representative,
(d)  if there is no will—the spouse or de facto partner, if any, of the deceased Platinum Member.
(2)  If the deceased Platinum Member did not leave a will and did not have a spouse or de facto partner, the deceased Platinum Member’s SCG membership expires.
65   Application for admission to membership or transfer of cards on death of certain SCG Members
(1)  A person claiming an entitlement to membership under clause 63 or 64 must lodge a claim in writing with Venues NSW within 12 months after the death of the SCG Member concerned.
(2)  Venues NSW must, on receipt of the claim and on production of the evidence of entitlement that Venues NSW may require—
(a)  admit the claimant to the relevant class of membership, and
(b)  transfer to the claimant the cards to which the claimant is entitled.
(3)  However, Venues NSW may postpone the transfer of any Guest cards or Club cards to which the claimant is entitled until the claimant attains the age of 18 years.
(4)  A person who is admitted to membership, whether with or without a transfer of Guest or Club cards, under this clause is not required to pay—
(a)  an entrance fee for that membership or those cards, or
(b)  an annual subscription fee for a membership year, if the annual subscription fee for that membership year was paid by the deceased SCG Member.
Division 6 Other transfers of membership
66   Transfer between classes of membership
(1)  An SCG Member may apply in writing to Venues NSW before 1 October in any year for a transfer from one class of membership to another.
Applications to transfer from Junior Regular Membership and Junior Gold Membership to other classes of membership are dealt with in clauses 51 and 52.
(2)  The application must be accompanied by the annual subscription fee and entrance fee, if any, payable for the class of membership to which the SCG Member seeks to be transferred.
(3)  Venues NSW may, against the entrance fee paid for the class of membership to which the SCG Member seeks to be transferred, credit the amount of the entrance fee paid for the class of membership from which the SCG Member seeks to be transferred.
(4)  Venues NSW may grant or refuse the application.
67   Transfer of Gold, Double Gold or Junior Gold Membership to family
(1)  A Gold Member, Double Gold Member or Junior Gold Member (a relevant Member) may apply in writing to Venues NSW to transfer the relevant Member’s membership to a person whom Venues NSW accepts as having a close relationship with the relevant Member.
(2)  Venues NSW may grant or refuse the application.
(3)  If the application is granted, the transfer does not take effect until the administration fee determined by Venues NSW for the relevant category of transfer is paid.
(4)  If the application is granted, an application by the relevant Member under clause 80 is taken to have been withdrawn.
Division 7 Suspension or cancellation of membership
68   Application of Division
This Division has effect despite another provision of this Regulation.
69   SCG Member’s Guests
(1)  In this Division—
relevant regulation means, in relation to an allegation made under this Division—
(a)  this Regulation, as in force from time to time, or
(b)  another Regulation made under the Act, as in force from time to time, or
(c)  if the contravention is alleged to have occurred before the commencement of the Sporting Venues Authorities Amendment (Venues NSW) Act 2020—a provision of the Sydney Cricket and Sydney Football Stadium By-law 2014 as in force immediately before its repeal by that Act.
SCG Member’s Guest means—
(a)  a person who holds a Guest card with the authority of the SCG Member to whom the card was issued, or
(b)  a person who holds a Platinum Member’s membership card with the authority of the Platinum Member.
(2)  For the purposes of this Division, an allegation against an SCG Member’s Guest is taken to be an allegation against the SCG Member on whose authority the Guest card or membership card was held.
70   Making of allegations of misbehaviour against SCG Member or SCG Member’s Guest
A person may make an allegation to Venues NSW that an SCG Member or an SCG Member’s Guest has—
(a)  contravened a provision of a relevant regulation, or
(b)  persistently contravened the provisions of relevant regulations, or
(c)  engaged in serious misconduct on the scheduled lands.
71   Allegations of contravention of this or another Regulation
(1)  If Venues NSW considers that an allegation is about the matters in clause 70(a), Venues NSW must deal with the allegation in accordance with this clause.
(2)  Venues NSW may—
(a)  dismiss the allegation, or
(b)  decide to suspend the membership of the SCG Member for a period not exceeding 12 months.
(3)  If Venues NSW decides to suspend the SCG Member’s membership—
(a)  Venues NSW is to give the SCG Member written notice of its decision as soon as is practicable after making its decision, and
(b)  the SCG Member may lodge a written appeal against the decision within 7 days of the date on which notice of the decision was given.
(4)  Venues NSW is to hear an appeal within 7 days after the appeal is lodged.
(5)  Venues NSW may determine the manner in which an appeal is to be heard.
(6)  A decision of Venues NSW to suspend an SCG Member’s membership under this clause takes effect on—
(a)  if the SCG Member does not lodge an appeal—the day that is 7 days after the SCG Member receives notice of the decision, or
(b)  if the SCG Member lodges an appeal and the appeal is not successful—the later of the following—
(i)  the day on which the SCG Member receives written notice of the outcome of the appeal,
(ii)  the day specified in the notice.
72   Allegations of persistent contravention or serious misconduct
(1)  If Venues NSW considers that an allegation is about the matters in clause 70(b) or (c), Venues NSW must deal with the allegation in accordance with this clause.
(2)  However, an allegation that an SCG Member or an SCG Member’s Guest has contravened section 4 of the Sporting Venues (Invasions) Act 2003 on the scheduled lands is taken to be an allegation of engaging in serious misconduct on the scheduled lands and must be dealt with in accordance with this clause.
(3)  Venues NSW may—
(a)  dismiss the allegation, or
(b)  decide that the allegation is to be heard and determined by a Disciplinary Committee of Venues NSW consisting of at least 3, but not more than 5, Venues NSW members.
(4)  If Venues NSW decides that the allegation is to be heard and determined by a Disciplinary Committee—
(a)  Venues NSW is to give the SCG Member written notice of the allegation at least 14 days before the date set for the meeting to hear and determine the matter, and
(b)  the SCG Member is to be given the opportunity to make submissions at the meeting.
(5)  The Disciplinary Committee may, if it finds the allegation to be proved—
(a)  suspend the SCG Member’s membership for a period not exceeding 12 months, or
(b)  cancel the SCG Member’s membership.
(6)  A decision of the Disciplinary Committee to suspend or cancel an SCG Member’s membership takes effect on the later of the following—
(a)  the day on which the SCG Member receives written notice of the decision,
(b)  the day specified in the notification.
73   Effect of suspension or cancellation
(1)  If a person’s membership is suspended under this Division—
(a)  the person ceases to be an SCG Member for the duration of the suspension, and
(b)  the requirement to pay the annual subscription fee or other fee that is otherwise payable as an SCG Member continues to apply for the suspension period.
(2)  If a person’s membership is cancelled under this Division—
(a)  Venues NSW is to ensure that the person’s name is removed from the roll of SCG Members, and
(b)  the person is not to be reinstated as an SCG Member except by resolution of Venues NSW and on the terms and conditions determined by Venues NSW.
(3)  If a person’s Gold, Double Gold or Junior Gold Membership is cancelled under this Division, Venues NSW is to refund to the person the proportion of the entrance fee paid for the relevant membership that Venues NSW determines.
Division 8 Membership fees
74   Fees determined by Venues NSW
(1)  Venues NSW may determine the entrance fees, annual subscription fees or other fees payable for each class of membership.
(2)  Venues NSW is to ensure that a list of those fees is published from time to time and made available to SCG Members.
75   New SCG Members to pay fees within certain period
(1)  A new SCG Member must pay the applicable entrance fee and annual subscription fee within 14 days after admission to membership, or the admission is void.
(2)  Subclause (1) does not apply if the delay in payment of the fee is justified to the satisfaction of Venues NSW.
76   Payment of annual subscription fee
(1)  The annual subscription fee for each membership year for each class of membership is payable in advance on or before 1 October.
(2)  An SCG Member is not entitled to exercise the privileges of membership during a membership year unless the SCG Member has paid the annual subscription fee for the relevant year.
(3)  Gold Membership, Double Gold Membership, Junior Gold Membership and Platinum Membership lapse if the relevant annual subscription fee has not been paid before 30 November in the membership year that commences 3 years after the payment became due.
(4)  A membership not referred to in subclause (3) lapses if the relevant annual subscription fee has not been paid before 30 November in the membership year that commences when the payment became due, unless an application for deferral of membership is pending or has been granted under this Part.
(5)  If an SCG Member’s membership has lapsed through non-payment of the annual subscription fee, Venues NSW may, if satisfied the delay in payment was justified, restore the SCG Member to membership on the conditions determined by Venues NSW.
(6)  In this clause—
annual subscription fee includes a fee required by clause 79(1).
77   Absentee list
(1)  An SCG Member, other than a Platinum Member, who is or will be absent from New South Wales for the whole of a membership year may, on application in writing to Venues NSW, be placed on a list called the “Absentee List” for a period not exceeding 3 years.
(2)  While the SCG Member is absent and remains on the Absentee List, the SCG Member is exempt from payment of an annual subscription fee.
(3)  The SCG Member must, within 1 month after returning to New South Wales, pay the annual subscription fee for the current year, otherwise the SCG Member’s membership lapses.
78   Application for deferral of membership
(1)  A person who holds Regular Membership, Gold Membership or Double Gold Membership may apply to Venues NSW, on the grounds of the person’s financial hardship or medical condition, for deferral of the person’s membership for a period of 1 membership year.
(2)  The application—
(a)  must be made in writing no later than 30 November in the membership year to which it relates, and
(b)  must specify the grounds on which it is made.
(3)  Venues NSW is to grant an application made under this clause if satisfied that the circumstances of the case warrant the deferral.
(4)  A person may make more than one application.
(5)  However, Venues NSW must not grant an application for deferral for a fourth consecutive membership year.
(6)  A person whose membership is deferred is not entitled to any of the privileges of membership during the period of the deferral.
79   Deferral of membership—fees
(1)  If an SCG Member’s application for deferral of membership is granted, the SCG Member is to pay a fee equivalent to 40% of the annual subscription fee that would have been payable by the Member had the application been refused.
(2)  Venues NSW may vary the percentage specified in subclause (1) for a particular membership year.
(3)  If an SCG Member’s application for deferral of membership is refused, the SCG Member is to pay the SCG Member’s annual subscription fee.
(4)  A fee payable under this clause is to be paid within 30 days after the date on which Venues NSW notifies the SCG Member in writing of the outcome of the application for deferral of membership, otherwise the SCG Member’s membership lapses.
Division 9 General
80   Surrender of Gold Membership, Double Gold Membership or Junior Gold Membership
(1)  A Gold Member, Double Gold Member or Junior Gold Member (a relevant Member) may apply in writing to Venues NSW for the acceptance by Venues NSW of a surrender of any or all of the following—
(a)  the membership held by the relevant Member,
(b)  Guest cards held by the relevant Member,
(c)  Club cards held by the relevant Member.
(2)  Venues NSW may accept the surrender, or may decline to do so.
(3)  If Venues NSW accepts the surrender, Venues NSW may credit to the relevant Member the sum that Venues NSW determines to be appropriate for the surrender.
(4)  The sum credited may be substantially different from—
(a)  the entrance fee paid for the membership or the cards, or
(b)  the entrance fee payable at the time of the surrender for similar memberships or cards.
(5)  Venues NSW must pay to the relevant Member the sum credited less any amount owing to Venues NSW by the relevant Member.
(6)  An SCG Member whose membership has lapsed under Division 8 and has not been restored may not surrender that membership and is not entitled to credit for it.
81   Reciprocal arrangements
Venues NSW may enter into reciprocal arrangements with clubs, associations, grounds or other bodies, whether within Australia or elsewhere, under which—
(a)  SCG Members may be provided with membership or entry privileges in relation to the relevant club, association, ground or other body, and
(b)  members of the relevant club, association, ground or other body may be provided with membership or entry privileges in relation to the Sydney Cricket Ground.
82   Venues NSW may vary or waive membership requirements
Venues NSW may vary or waive the membership requirements or fees payable for membership generally, or for a particular class of membership, if the variation or waiver appears to Venues NSW to be appropriate in the circumstances.
Part 11 Miscellaneous
83   Giving of documents
(1)  A document that is authorised or required by this Regulation to be given to any person may be given by any of the following methods—
(a)  by personal delivery to the person,
(b)  by post to the address specified by the person for the giving of documents of that kind,
(c)  in the case of a person who has not specified such an address—by post to the residential or business address of the person last known to the person giving the document,
(d)  by email to an email address specified by the person for the giving of documents of that kind.
(2)  Nothing in this clause affects the operation of any provision of a law or of the rules of a court authorising a document to be given to a person by any other method.
84   Repeal and savings
(1)  The Sporting Venues Authorities Regulation 2014 is repealed.
(2)  Any act, matter or thing that, immediately before the repeal of the Sporting Venues Authorities Regulation 2014, had effect under that Regulation continues to have effect under this Regulation.
Schedule 1 Penalty notice offences
Application of Schedule
(1)  For the purposes of section 38 of the Act—
(a)  each offence created by a provision specified in this Schedule is an offence for which a penalty notice may be issued, and
(b)  the amount payable for the penalty notice is the amount specified opposite the provision.
(2)  If the provision is qualified by words that restrict its operation to limited kinds of offences or to offences committed in limited circumstances, the penalty notice may be issued only for—
(a)  that limited kind of offence, or
(b)  an offence committed in those limited circumstances.
Column 1
Column 2
Offences under this Regulation
Clause 5(6)
Clause 12(1)
Clause 12(3)
Clause 13(2)
Clause 14(2)
Clause 15(1)
Clause 15(2)
Clause 16(1)
Clause 17
Clause 18
Clause 19(1)(a)
Clause 19(1)(b)
Clause 19(1)(c)
Clause 19(1)(d)
Clause 19(1)(e)
Clause 19(1)(f)
Clause 20 (1)(a)
Clause 20(1)(b)
Clause 20(1)(c)
Clause 20(2)
Clause 21(1)
Clause 21(2)
Clause 22
Clause 23
Clause 24
Clause 25
Clause 26(e)
Clause 27(a)
Clause 27(b)
Clause 27(c)
Clause 27(d)
Clause 28—other than in respect of a contravention of a verbal direction
Clause 29
Clause 30
Clause 31
Clause 33(2)
Clause 34(2)
Clause 35—drive or ride a vehicle contrary to a sign erected by Venues NSW that regulates the traffic flow and movement of vehicles on the scheduled lands
Clause 35—act, other than by driving, riding or parking a vehicle, contrary to a sign erected by Venues NSW that regulates the traffic flow and movement of vehicles on the scheduled lands
Clause 35—park a vehicle contrary to a sign erected by Venues NSW that regulates the parking of vehicles on the scheduled lands
Clause 37(4)
Clause 38
Clause 39(4)
Clause 40(1)—other than in respect of a contravention of a verbal direction