- Does not include amendments by
Nurses Amendment Act 2003 No 45 (not commenced — Sch 2.11 to commence on the commencement of Sch 1 [196] to the Nurses Amendment Act 2003, or on the commencement of Div 4 of Part 5 of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002, whichever is the later)
Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No 2) 2003 No 82 (not commenced — Sch 1.21 [1] and [2] to commence on the commencement of Sch 1 [41] to the Nurses Amendment Act 2003; Sch 1.21 [3] to commence on the commencement of Sch 1 [73] to the Nurses Amendment Act 2003)
Health Legislation Amendment Act 2004 No 37 (not commenced)