The website is in the process of being updated with a high volume of consolidations that commenced on 1 July. We appreciate your patience while we work through them.

Matched titles

Showing all in force or repealed versions of this title.

Title No Year First Valid Date Last Valid Date
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 24-11-2005 30-11-2005
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 06-07-2009 02-11-2009
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 25-06-2008 30-06-2009
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 15-01-2016 26-06-2017
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 07-07-2017 26-10-2020
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 27-10-2020 10-12-2020
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 01-12-2005 24-06-2008
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 03-11-2009 08-07-2010
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 09-07-2010 05-07-2012
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 27-06-2017 30-06-2017
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 06-07-2012 31-12-2013
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 01-01-2014 14-01-2016
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 07-07-2003 09-12-2004
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 10-12-2004 23-11-2005
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 01-07-2017 06-07-2017
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 01-07-2009 05-07-2009
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 01-07-2024
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 19-01-2001 06-07-2003
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 11-12-2020 31-12-2022
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 01-01-2023 12-01-2023
Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 123 1986 13-01-2023 30-06-2024