Purchasing print-on-demand copies of NSW legislation

This website enables you to shop online to purchase professionally printed copies of NSW legislation from LitSupport (TIMG), the preferred supplier of hard copy NSW legislation.

To streamline orders for printed legislation, you can link directly from this website to the dedicated LitSupport (TIMG) online ordering system for NSW legislation.

Delivery van icons—ordering in force and repealed titles

All versions of in force and repealed legislation on this website have an associated delivery van icon located on the blue task bar on each status information page.

By clicking on a delivery van icon you’ll be redirected to the LitSupport (TIMG) website where you can place an order for the legislation you’re viewing and set up an account if you wish. The system recognises which legislation you want to order and automatically adds it to your shopping cart, making the ordering process very straightforward. The cost, which is based directly on the page count, will also be calculated.

You’ll be able to choose the format for your printed copy—A4 or B5 size, hole-punched or not. (Holes can be punched in a configuration that fits the binders formerly produced for storing hard copies of NSW legislation or to fit an A4 two-ring binder.) 

All titles are printed in black and white unless the title contains coloured graphics (e.g. road signs or maps)—these titles will be automatically printed in colour at a slightly higher cost per page.

Printed copies are posted to your nominated address or, in the Sydney CBD, they will be delivered by courier free of charge.


Although the New South Wales legislation website does not yet have online purchasing functionality for Bills and as made Acts and Statutory Instruments, copies can be printed on request—contact the LitSupport (TIMG) service desk directly to enquire (email NSWLegislation@timg.com or phone 02 9210 5920).

Last updated 30 August 2020 at 14:32