New South Wales Government
Official notification of the making of statutory instruments and other legislative events
Week beginning 19 September 2011
(Last updated
1 NSW statutory instruments published on the NSW legislation website
Proclamations commencing Acts
Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal Amendment Act 2008 No 51 (2011-499) — published LW 23 September 2011
Regulations and other statutory instruments
Energy and Utilities Administration Amendment (Minimum Energy Performance Standards) Regulation 2011 (2011-500) — published LW 23 September 2011
Environmental Planning Instruments
Blacktown Local Environmental Plan 1988 (Amendment No 230) (2011-501) — published LW 23 September 2011
Coonamble Local Environmental Plan 2011 (2011-506) — published LW 23 September 2011
Gundagai Local Environmental Plan 2011 (2011-507) — published LW 23 September 2011
Maitland Local Environmental Plan 1993 (Amendment No 112) (2011-502) — published LW 23 September 2011
Maitland Local Environmental Plan 1993 (Amendment No 113) (2011-503) — published LW 23 September 2011
Port Stephens Local Environmental Plan 2000 (Amendment No 35) (2011-504) — published LW 23 September 2011
Shoalhaven Local Environmental Plan 1985 (Amendment No 240) (2011-505) — published LW 23 September 2011
Urana Local Environmental Plan 2011 (2011-508) — published LW 23 September 2011
For maps to EPIs that adopt or follow the standard instrument, see the relevant principal instrument in Browse In Force or Search In Force on NSW Legislation.
2 NSW miscellaneous statutory instruments published in the Gazette
For other government instruments and notices see the Gazette.
3 Legislative events relating to NSW
Consultation or Exposure Bills
NilBills introduced etc
NilBills revised following amendment in Committee
NilBills passed by both Houses of Parliament
NilActs assented to
Appropriation Act 2011 No 42 — Assented to 20 September 2011
Duties Amendment (First Home—New Home) Act 2011 No 43 — Assented to 20 September 2011
Business Names (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2011 No 44 — Assented to 20 September 2011
Identification Legislation Amendment Act 2011 No 45 — Assented to 20 September 2011
Veterinary Practice Amendment (Interstate Veterinary Practitioners) Act 2011 No 46 — Assented to 20 September 2011
For the full text of Bills, and details on the passage of Bills, see the Bills tab on the NSW Parliament website.